Author Topic: What are the Collective Forum Boards?  (Read 53542 times)

Offline TeraS

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What are the Collective Forum Boards?
« on: May 29, 2014, 02:15:10 AM »
The Collective holds many different Forums and here is a short explanation of each:

  • Announcements - News and Information about the Collective
  • Link Central - A collection of links which are of interest to the MC community.
  • Roleplay - The Collective has a very active role play community and there are several games going on at any time. You are welcome to read them, and there is always room for another player. Please read the RP rules before jumping in as some RPs have specific requirements.
  • Picture Post - Some image creators post that they uploaded something to the Collective Gallery here. It is also a place for discussion about images posted in the Galleries, New and Old.
  • General Chat - The MC community has many various likes, thoughts, and ideas which are shared in this board. Topics have been on just about anything you can imagine and probably things you've never thought of.
  • Erotic Fiction - Share erotic fiction of all kinds that you have written. The general rules of the Collective still apply, but otherwise really almost anything you care to share can be here!
  • Polls - Sometimes polls are created and you can vote on them, or just say what you think about them.
  • Requests and Challenges - So you've looked through the Galleries and darn if that one actress or porn star you'd like to see mind controlled isn't there. Perhaps you have an image of them that might fit what you'd like to see, but your manipping talents can't make it happen. You can post a request in this board and see if one of the manip artists here and make it happen!
  • Tutorials - Photoshop giving you a headache? GIMP being aggravating? Can't quite get that whitewashed look right in that image of a thrall you are making? You'll find help in this board or you can ask a question and someone will know the answer!
  • MC Game Zone - Many authors of mind control games have shared their works here on the Collective. In this forum you'll find a huge number of games, many RAGS based. Game hints, development, discussion and more can be found here. The Collective is also the home of the Games Collective which provides a hosting service for game authors. If you need hosting, please contact Tera and something can be arranged.
  • Off Topic Chat - A place for all of those things that interest you that you'd like to share or comment on, but that aren't MC related. Yes, believe it or not, that does happen!
« Last Edit: February 04, 2015, 07:25:00 AM by TeraS »
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