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Announcements / Re: Please report all new forum issues here
« Last post by Mugen Kagemaru on February 24, 2024, 07:55:41 PM »
Figures. What is it about THIS site that they think it needs taking down?
Announcements / Re: Please report all new forum issues here
« Last post by TeraS on February 24, 2024, 07:54:35 PM »
Unfortunately... yes.

Announcements / Re: Spammers February 2024
« Last post by Mugen Kagemaru on February 24, 2024, 07:54:25 PM »
Long con indeed, if it's only just stopped two weeks later...
Announcements / Re: Please report all new forum issues here
« Last post by Mugen Kagemaru on February 24, 2024, 07:53:31 PM »
Looks like a influx of visits from a certain country that shall remain unnamed which is trying to scrape the Collective…


Yet another slew of 504's recently. Same guys?

Lilliana may have been busy elsewhere, but her Mistress was always on her mind and always there in her head watching. Fortunately while Lilliana was under a trance she had installed a few hidden gems that would only activate on certain conditions. Lilliana would suddenly hear her Mistress speaking to her.

"It's time for Escort Service." The words echoed in Lilliana's mind, quickly and rapidly pulling her under a trance in the middle of wherever she was. Luckily her body would move on it's own and escort her somewhere else that was private before she'd get further orders. If she was in the middle of a fight, her body would pilot itself automatically as she'd find herself energized and able to overpower whoever her unfortunate victim was. Her mind had other pressing matters to attend to.

"It's Valentine's Day, and I require armcandy and wish to show off my prized possession. You will come back to my apartment and accompany me, you do not have a choice. Wear something elegant and flashy, don't be late. Love is in the air and I'd hate for you to miss out. You don't want to miss out on a chance to show your adoration for your Mistress do you?" After that, the power over Lilliana would recede, although the woman knew exactly what she had to do.

It had been so windy around the grounds of Succubus University lately. Skirts were flapping everywhere, though that may or may not have actually started long before there was any hint of so much as a breeze. Succubi skirts just had a way of lifting up on their own sometimes...for one student succubi named Lyn, however, all this wind was sure to be a reminder of a certain someone. Someone excitable and pink. Someone who unfortunately couldn't be there with her today. For a number of reasons, not the least of which being that this person had gone off and disappeared again. She had a real habit of doing that whenever she felt like it. And pretty much doing anything else she wanted to do whenever she felt like it.

Speaking of. The wind wasn't the only reminder of that whirling dervish Lyn was going to receive today. For right at her desk was a cute-looking pink box wrapped in a big red ribbon. "For The Hottest Hottie In Succubus U!" Was written on the box's top in neat cursive. The box's ribbon was also holding in place two different pictures on top of the cover. The first showed an image of Lyn herself snoring. Which was curious, as she didn't remember asking for anyone to take a picture of her asleep. And the second picture was of none other than than the very same person she was just thinking about before! Skarde Alexander, the Sweetness of The Swedeness! also known as Pet. Also known as Pet MeAgain. Also known as Pet MeAgain Onemoretime. And many other names, many secret names, not many of which were actually known to Lyn. Skarde's picture was positioned like she was just about to smooch the sleeping Lyn picture, an adorable arrangement. Assuming that Lyn was okay with the whole "having her picture taken while she was asleep" thing. Which might've been a big ask for anyone but a demon. Yet was overall pretty low on the totem pole of Skarde-based harrassments.

The first thing Lyn would notice inside of the box was a paper card. The front of which showed a drawing of a small and cute little succubus. She was winking and asking her reader "will you succu-be my valentine?" Which was a little bit odd, considering that Valentine's Day was more than a week ago. The card's interior had a different message in that familiar cursive handwriting. Perhaps this message would make things clearer. Indeed, in fact, it did! Sort of.  "YOOOOOOoooooOOOOO!!! DID YA MISS ME?!!!?!!!! It's been forever!!!! Speaking of. You know how Valentine's always takes TOO FRIGGIN LONG  to come around?! Guess what?! I'm fixing it! I hereby declare today a brand new holiday! DOUBLE EXTRA SUPER BETTER VALENTINE'S DAY!! WOOOO!!! GET HYPED FOR MY LOVE BOMBS, CAUSE I'M TOTALLY GONNA SMOTHER THE FUDGE OUT OF YOU!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3  XXOXOXOXOOXOXOXOXOOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOOXOOXOXOXXO
~Your Lovablest Valentine

PS. If you think this is just to make up for missing Actual Valentine's Day, you have NO IDEA how many makeup makeouts are still coming your way for that! This holiday is a new, totally original idea that's fun and sexy and makes you love me all by itself!!!!

PPS. It was also totally an excuse for me to learn how to bake chocolate. And I NAILED IT, so enjoy!!! <3 <3 <3

PPPS. By 'bake,' I mean I learned how to make these with magic. So there's a teensy tiny chance that some of them might explode."

Beneath the card, at the bottom of the box was an array of several different types of chocolates. All cut and positioned to be the spitting image of Skarde's own face blowing a kiss. The chocolates certainly looked deliciously non-explosive. Yet like Skarde herself, there was no telling what kind of explosive energy they might actually contain within.

Vee's phone would ring, and while she might have been bothered at the caller ID the message that she was given was extremely out of left field. Whether she let it go to voice mail or actually answered the woman's voice would sound more carefree and casual than usual.

"Hey Vee, I know this is short notice but I'm taking the day off from paperwork to go enjoy a day at the beach. You're more than welcome to join me if you like. I'm sure, knowing you, that the Mt. Auralis of paperwork waiting for you back in your office has you stressed. It's okay if you decline, but I'd like to at least spend the day with someone else that I know, especially today. If not, consider it a free day for yourself. I'll work twice as hard for both of us tomorrow. I'm sure you'd look cute in some sort of swimsuit. But I'll understand if you want a day away from me. Have a fun day, boss." Homura hung up after that.

Something was definitely up, Homura didn't take days off, even mandatory ones she took her work with her...
Past Events / Re: Defenders of Justice - Valentine's D̶a̶y̶ Week Event!
« Last post by Raffa on February 20, 2024, 11:50:12 PM »
One sunny day – or whatever the substitute for the sun was over in the City of Dis – Desdemona would receive a knock on her door. A royal courier had arrived with fresh morning mail addressed directly to her. Supplicants, petitioners, and more. What she did with those letters was up to her discretion. No one really believed that the Demon Princess would take the time out of her day to respond to their letter, specifically. But one letter would catch her attention. It was perfumed, which wasn’t all that unusual, but the return address was…

…the Institute.

If she chose to open the letter, she would notice that the envelope was stuffed with… rose petals. As for the contents for the letter itself, well…

Dear Princess Desdemona,

I’ve been a huge admirer of Yours for quite some time now. The tales of your beauty traveled far and wide across both the Demonrealms and Earth, but I could scarcely believe them. I thought to myself that it was impossible for one to be so beautiful to dull the men’s senses and make even the straightest women rethink their preferences. But once I had the occasion – nay, the
privilege – to catch a glimpse of one of your photos, I realized just how wrong I was.

I can safely say that I’ve never seen a more beautiful woman in my entire life, and I doubt that I ever will. I would brave thousands of miles of the treacherous Demonrealms, just to have the honor of seeing you smile. I’ve reviewed dozens of hours of security footage that managed to capture your grace, and – pardon the forwardness – I can’t help but find your peculiar way of laughing to be incredibly
cute! The way you throw your long, luscious hair back is a truly dazzling spectacle, and I can safely say that everyone would envy your gorgeous golden locks.

Princess Desdemona, would you grant me the honor of joining me for a date on this upcoming Valentine’s Day? I will treat you to the finest restaurant Auralis City has to offer. I’ve planned a variety of activities for us to make the day truly special and make sure that you receive treatment that is not worthy of a Princess, but one worthy of a Queen. Should you accept, please join me at the Red Lion restaurant at 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

Your admirer,
Leon Sell.

P.S. I’ve included a picture of myself so that you know that I am serious about the invitation and I’m not trying to ‘catfish’ you, my dear Princess.

Past Events / Re: Defenders of Justice - Valentine's D̶a̶y̶ Week Event!
« Last post by Raffa on February 20, 2024, 09:21:04 PM »
Valentine's Day Week Card!
From: Raffa
To: Suna!

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Come say "Hi",
Because we all miss You!
Past Events / Re: Defenders of Justice - Valentine's D̶a̶y̶ Week Event!
« Last post by Youkai on February 20, 2024, 08:40:58 PM »

Addressed to Eric was an elegant letter with the scent of sandlewood, it was also signed with a very familiar name for those that followed the Royal Family. Astrid.

"I heard you're somewhat of a romantic.
But I have no interest in semantics.
I'm personally inviting you to dinner in the Palace
I'm sure you know the rarity of such an invitation from one of my status.
I will await your arrival, you have piqued my interest with your exploits of late.
If you wish and deem it so, you can consider it a date."

- Astrid, Retainer to Prince Nathaniel.
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