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Past Events / Re: DoJ Halloween Event 2023
« Last post by Silverkat on October 11, 2023, 11:30:50 PM »

The Wicked Witch of Auralis
Some terrifying Cursed Location of Horror and Evil!
Tag: The horrifying Pestilent Mummy, the Terrifying Elder Evil Vampire, and the Accursed Winged Witch who Brings Only Horror!

Not all of the Taxis' heading towards Auralis docks that night were filled with the innocent! One taxi in particular was filled by a spooky scary witch! Who knew what dastardly acts of wicked witchy evil lurked in the mind of the evil witch as she, seemingly innocently but I promise you actually fully malevolently, stared out of the window as the taxi sped it's evil cursed passage through the city. "Huh... I didn't even know Auralis had a forest" thought the witch as she no doubt plotted her evil witchy revenge upon the taxi-driver for taking her on this circuitous route.

Though as the witch could teleport quite why she was taking a taxi in the first was a mystery, no doubt a spooky and malevolent mystery!

The taxi pulled up to the docks and the Witch was revealed to the world as she got out of the taxi, briefly leaving her hat on the rear seat before quickly retrieving it, an act that was no doubt just the first of many curses that would be lain upon, Kathy looked at the taxi driver's ID quickly, Ian and his cursed taxi forever more! The second part of the curse was giving a 20% tip and wishing him a good evening. But in a foul cursed way!!!

The rest of the journey went much the same as the evil Witch did stand on the bow of the... okay I'll be generous, 'ferry' and passed through... the... sea forest?? Kathy looked out at the dark spooky trees but was honestly too confused to really be scared, how shallow was the water? Were those mangrove trees? How did any of this ma- um... Wooooo! Wooooo! The Witch did pass through the spooky forest! Though spooky as the forest was, it could not compare to the spookiness of the Witch herself! Nay! For naught could compare to that, she thought to herself jovi-I mean evilly as the island that was her destination came into view an-

"Ah fuck this" Kathy thought as she suddenly summoned her swo-Witch's Wand out and cut a por- Cast a Portal Spell in the air in front of her and just teleported to the front door, skipping the final dark haunted forest completely in a way that only a truly evil witch could achieve! She arrived at the other end right in front of the front door to the House on the Hill and knocked on the door... only to be greeted by the horrifying visage of a flesh rotting pulsating Mummy! "Die Monster!" shouted the Witch as she drew her Suspiciously Sword Shaped Witch's Wand again and pointed it at the horrifying terrible mummy "You don't belong in this world!" she cried again as she readied herself for combat!

"Oh, hello Director!" The Witch continued, her foul evil words no doubt containing a thousand curses! "I hope I'm not too late!" The Witch exclaimed, her words so terrible that no human mind could even process what they had heard! The Witch entered the house, confident in her safety now that the Mummy had been cursed into obedience! The inside of the house was lovingly arranged, with lots of treats and snack- Oh I mean, truly! The inside of this accursed home was a horror to match it's terrifying owner! But lo, the Witch was not afraid! For she knew that even in this festering cove of horror she was still truly the most horrifying thing around!
Past Events / Re: DoJ Halloween Event 2023
« Last post by rogue-rider on October 11, 2023, 11:22:44 PM »

The green haired woman lounged back on one of the seats in the boat. Reaching down to straighten out the black and purple dress, and then adjust the little hat clipped onto her hair. She'd made sure to dress up particularly witchy, to appease any and all other witches. For that was what she totally was. Sneezing slightly in the cold sea air, and feeling her wings lightly shudder. A couple of yellow and black feathers moving out of place, which she reached out to straighten back into place. Grumbling under her breath. Really, what was the point of being a witch (with wings no less) if she couldn't fly anywhere? No where in Auralis had sold a broom. And despite her best efforts. And the oars in the ferry stubbornly refused to listen to her commands. What was she doing wrong there? To make things worse, the taxi ride to get to the ferry had been long, cramped and expensive, but somehow proportional to the amount of wealth you had easily accessible at the time... Well whatever. It was done now. And she still had her floating pumpkin familiar. Which meant she still had snacks. And the ferry was paid for, and taking the long scenic route. Through a forest that... really seemed to be existing despite the obvious circumstances. The sights of so many trees reassured her greatly, even if the boat was rocking in the waves with far too much turbulence. It also served as a fine distraction, and without realising it she found herself back on land again. Taking the map out, that she'd also stashed away in her pumpkin, and taking the opportunity to move under her own power for a change. Stretching her legs out as she disappeared along the trail. Into yet another spooky forest. Truly spoiling her with walks in the wood at this point.

With nothing else of note whilst en route to the house. She shortly found herself in front of a large set of doors. The size of them only beaten by the large feeling of dread that oozed out from behind them. Which was completely undone, by the novelty doorbell. The witch, for again that was what she totally was, reached out and pressed it sharply. Listening to the little jingle, which was promptly accompanied by a more percussive beat of feet. She smiled, and looked suitably frightened by the woman who had invited them all here. The dommey mommy... cute... terrifying mummy. She reached out, taking the cold hand, gripping back just as lightly and moving into the house proper. "Thank you, sorry about my timing. I wasn't expected to take so long to get here. But a witch... precisely when she means to... and so on." She waved her hand dismissively, before offering the mummy a pick from the floating pumpkin candy bowl that was hovering just behind her. Making her way over to the odd set of offerings left out on tables. Somehow, entire planets had been collected, and condensed down into little prisons of plastic and aluminium.

As she did so, she met another woman, who was already perusing the offerings. And with a shake of her wings, she offered a greeting to her as well.
Past Events / Re: DoJ Halloween Event 2023
« Last post by Youkai on October 10, 2023, 07:32:28 PM »
A woman in one of these taxis heading for the Auralis City Port was practically oozing at the seams with joy and mischief. She had checked her makeup several times, bared her fangs to make sure they were as pointy as ever, and had probably no idea what she was in for when she got her invitation. Especially when the host in question, Vee, was making it clear that this was going to be a big party. Said woman's joy quickly dropped as she looked at the bill though, she groaned and paid it with nary a delay and started to ponder on what other expenses she'd have to deal with. Luckily the ferry itself was paid for by Vee so the woman let out a sigh of relief and waited till she was invited onboard to step onto the ferry. She clung her cloak to her tight to hide her features and made sure to stick to the shadows. The woman enjoyed the 'tour' of the forest during the ferry ride, staring out from a distance wondering what was out there and what secrets it'd hold. By the time the woman snapped out of her wonderous daze she found herself on the island and looked at the map, turning back to see if the ferry was still there only to see it was gone without a trace.

With those perilous steps done, the woman would follow the directions on the map silently cursing at herself for wearing sandals and kept her head low. The thunder made the woman jump back slightly and look up, although she quickly shook her head and recovered quickly enough. As she got closer the woman could hear the sounds of music and felt herself become more upbeat again. Although there was still that odd sense of dread and worry that hung over her. Sticking to the shadows once again, the woman would approach the front door and take note of the doorbell and doorknob. She smile and shook her head before ringing the bell, the noise not startling her this time. And in the meantime the woman silently waited for someone to answer it. The person she expected to open it was there, a fellow creature of the night.

At first, the woman didn't budge from her spot, although she did shake hands once the mummy's hand crossed the threshold to the outside. For some reason the woman's spine shivered as she remembered what was behind her, but once the invitation was given the woman finally stirred. "Thank you for inviting me, gracious host." The woman would say with an elegant dialect, although there was a hint of a giggle somewhere in that voice as she flashed a fang at the woman with a grin. In any case, a guest had arrived and she eyed the food beyond the mummy with a sudden hunger, her stomach rumbled. "I think I'll have a bite, if you don't mind." The mummy would soon realize a vampire had entered as she teased biting the mummy's neck only for it to be a feint as she moved towards the food...
Past Events / DoJ Halloween Event 2023
« Last post by Raffa on October 10, 2023, 07:13:32 AM »
The Return of the Raffa DoJ Halloween Event – Part 2:
The Reckoning

It was a dark and stormy night. And it was raining. Our guests arrived at the abandoned spooky mansion on the hill by a cliff by the seaside on a lone peninsula on an island off the coast of Auralis City at around 1:30 PM, per the invitation. It was a lovely early October afternoon, and the sun was high in the sky with no clouds in sight. A perfect time to host a Halloween party for friends, enemies, and everyone in between! A perfect time… for a murder. Of the mind. For there was no actual murder committed during the Halloween Party at the famed Halloween Manor on the hill by a cliff by the seaside on a lone peninsula on an island off the coast of Auralis City. Not in the literal meaning of the word, at least. For the Manor was a place of a devilish conspiracy hatched by the most Machiavellian schemers to bring four to six guests under their influence through the power of insidious mind control! What happened on that day was a mystery until now…

You took a taxi ride first. It was necessary to get to the Auralis City Port first, after all, to find a ferry to the island. The taxi driver took you on a meandering route through the terrifyingly spooky forest of Auralis City, racking up your bill to astronomical proportions and leaving you virtually penniless by the time you arrived at the edge of dark, cold, calm sea. The ferry – a dinghy, really – was easy to find and the passage to the island was already paid by the mysterious host, Vee, which enabled you to board and set for the island immediately. It was a long sail across the waves, for the ferryman took you on a long and meandering route through the terrifyingly spooky sea forest that, by all conventions, had no right to exist at all, much less even be there. You arrived at the island in a daze for your mind reeled from the eldritch mystery of the sea forest. By the time you stepped onto the dock, the boat was nowhere to be seen and you were left alone at the shore of the island off the coast of Auralis City.

With no other choice, you followed the host’s map that she gave you prior to your arrival and set off in the search of the house on the hill by the cliff by the seaside on a lone peninsula on an island off the coast of Auralis City, completely unaware that the ferryman had just finished docking his boat on the pier around the corner and conspired to retrieve an accursed automobile meant to drive you to the house  before they realized that you disappeared without a trace!

The walk, like everything else on your journey thus far, was long and fraught with perils. As you walked up the meandering beaten dirt path through the terrifyingly spooky island forest of the island off the coast of Auralis City, you saw the glimpse of the house on the hill by a cliff by the seaside on a lone peninsula on an island off the coast of Auralis City up ahead. A thunder cracked violently as you neared the entrance. You could hear the waves lapping against the rock, the wind howling around your face, your heart beating inside your chest, and a party music coming from the inside. With an overwhelming sense of dread looming over you, you reached for the novelty doorbell shaped like a doorknob resembling a dog holding a bone. Ring-a-ding-ding! The bell went twice and the sound of footsteps could be heard shambling towards the black oaken doors. The doorknob turned slowly, and the doors opened with a creak resembling the sound of a dying gull. The creature on the other side wasn’t a thing from this world. Its skin was pale and smooth, its hair was brown and went down it its waist, its purple eyes seemed to shine as they gazed through you. For what opened the door wasn’t a human woman. Nah, it was a monster. A thing straight out of legends.

A mummy. A terrifying mummy was standing in the doorway. Its wrappings being the only things holding its shambling humanoid shape together. The thing from not of this world looked at you and its lips curled up to form a toothy grin showcasing a set of healthy, straight teeth. A sound came from its vile throat resembling human speech but with a tinge of hoarseness.

”Hi!” The creature greeted you in a matter peculiar only to whatever queer plane of existence it originated from. The blood-chilling mummy extended its hand in the form of a greeting. Its hand was as cold as a human palm offered in a gesture of friendship and its grip was only as delicate as its pale, skinny fingers allowed. As the creatures willed one of its limbs to move back to invite you in, it gestured to you to come inside the manor. Then, as you stood on the precipice of destiny with the horrors of the mansion in front of you and the mundane affairs of the real world behind your back, the creature declared its invitation. ”Come inside! The others are already here!” The mummy announced, its intents dubious. As you peered over the mummy’s short stature, you would see a bowl made of clear glass filled with rectangular clumps resembling amalgams of cocoa, milk, and sugar wrapped in papers in the shades of the colors that were not of this world. With markings on them representing the words that were familiar to you, such as Snickers and Mars, but remained meaningless as you tried to wrack your brain around the context. From the living room came a smell that could only be described as cooked cured pork carcass shaped into small cylindrical objects and sliced into small pieces that were then arranged into thoughtless patterns upon the bed of mozzarella, dough, and unidentified red substance that was neither liquid nor solid but somehow both at the same time…   
Announcements / Re: How to see posts by members?
« Last post by TeraS on September 23, 2023, 02:43:26 AM »
Hypme, can you see the boards?

If not, there is a black bar at the top of the page, to the right it says Unread Posts.

There is a little + beside that. Please click it and you should be able to see all of the posts rather thean just the unread ones you haven't looked at.

Please let me know?

Announcements / How to see posts by members?
« Last post by hypme on September 23, 2023, 02:11:35 AM »
Please excuse my not knowing:
How can I see members' posts?
Very often I get the message:
<<This section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to>>

Is there something I have to do to have access?

Much kindly
Announcements / Re: Registration and Password Problems and Issues
« Last post by TeraS on August 18, 2023, 02:30:21 AM »
Please check for a PM!

Announcements / Re: Registration and Password Problems and Issues
« Last post by gabngar on August 17, 2023, 11:22:40 AM »
I'm having the same problem, not being able to get into the archive gallery
Announcements / Re: Please report all new forum issues here
« Last post by TeraS on August 12, 2023, 10:51:18 PM »
Looks like a influx of visits from a certain country that shall remain unnamed which is trying to scrape the Collective…

Announcements / Re: Please report all new forum issues here
« Last post by Mugen Kagemaru on August 12, 2023, 01:41:12 AM »
Been seeing Error 504's while trying to load the site.
Figured this issue was known since it's been a few days, but I don't see any word about it.
Hoping it gets resolved quickly.
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