Author Topic: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018  (Read 14089 times)

Offline Raffa

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Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« on: December 05, 2018, 11:19:50 PM »
Institute of Justice
Tag: Narration (Poke me when you want to have your cameo.)

It was night time. Mostly everyone at the Institute was already asleep. The hallway lights were dimmed, and the building was silent as the Defenders slept peacefully through the night.

The doors to the director’s bedroom opened quietly.

A head poked out. It looked to the left, then looked to the right, and then the doors closed again. Someone shuffled their feet behind door and grunted as if lifting something heavy. Then, the doors opened once again, revealing…

… none other than Victoria “Vee” Murphy, wearing a Santa outfit and carrying a large bag that was slung over her shoulders. She looked up and down the corridor once more, ensuring that the coast was clear, and then fished a loooooong list out of her pocket.

”Ohhh… boy…” She groaned as she looked at thousands upon thousands of names etched on the piece of paper. Ever since she accidentally knocked out the real Santa Claus, she had to perform his duties every year. However, what the jolly St. Nick didn’t tell her that, along with her new responsibilities as Auralis’ Santa, there was also the “uniform”. In truth, she didn’t particularly mind being forcible transformed into a Santa outfit every year. Although, the skirt was a little bit on the shorter side but, provided she didn’t do any handstands or fancy acrobatics, she’d be fine.

”Hmm…” Santa Vee quietly hummed to herself as she went down the list, committing the names to the memory. On her way to the roof, she passed a security guard patrolling the hallway, but he didn’t even look her way. That was the second part of her agreement with the original Santa. In addition to the outfit, she was also granted abilities to help her perform her task even better. And such, the man was unable to see the director of the Institute parading in the Christmas-themed outfit right in front of his eyes, even if he tried.

Upon reaching the roof, her face was immediately hit with freezing cold air, but the cold didn’t bother her at all this time of the year. With a smile, she noticed that Santa’s backup sleigh was already waiting for her. It was decidedly smaller, intended for only one person, and wasn’t nearly as magnificent as the one she… ekhm… “borrowed” two years prior.

”Hello there.” She patted the one and only reindeer pulling the sleigh. ”We’ve got a long night ahead of us!” said Santa Vee as she climbed inside the sleigh and dumped the bag on the back.

”Let’s go!” Santa Vee said enthusiastically as she grabbed onto the reigns. However, the reindeer refused to budge. With a sigh, the girl shook her head. ”You’re really going to make me do this again?”

The animal looked back at her and gave her a slight nod.

Santa Vee sighed heavily.

”Ho… Ho… Ho…” She said but, even then, the reindeer remained still. ”Oh, come on! I said it! Just like last year! Fine, I’ll do it again. HO HO WHOAAAAAAAAA~~~!” Santa Vee screamed out in fear as the sleigh unexpectedly took flight, shooting up into the air at hundreds of miles per hour…
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

Offline Youkai

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2018, 02:00:46 AM »

Skies above Auralis
Tag: Narration (Same deal as Santa Vee. Poke me if you want your cameo/point)

High above Auralis was a sight to behold if you were naughty and didn't go to sleep on Christmas Eve. Some Reindeer were pulling a sleigh across the quiet night, there was no jolly white bearded man piloting this sleigh, oh no. Instead a blonde youthful looking woman, dressed in black and red, was flying across Auralis City on the starry sky with a large sack over her shoulder. It was Santa's wife, Mrs. Claus, that was taking the mantle this year after asking her husband, well begging really, to do so. There was nobody else in the sky, at least that's what she thought, just she was to make her first stop she was caught off guard by a sleigh moving at insane speeds right past her face. She was not intimidated, even though this was her first time actually being out instead of her husband, she had heard enough stories from her husband to not let this phase her.

It was curious, oh so very curious and fortunate. The woman thought, now if her husband was right this could be Santa Vee. She recalled Santa Vee and her Husband making some sort of deal but she didn't trust it. Surely after a year the woman would have a better handle over her sleigh, well she had to think of the 'children' so it was her responsibility, especially on this day, to stop anyone that'd ruin the spirit of Christmas and make a mockery of it and try to pollute it for their own personal gain. Hell she remembered that one year where some idiot tried to transform all of her husband's toys into fetish clothing. Mrs. Claus had to work overtime that year, she was furious...

Anyway, Mrs. Claus needed a closer look. If this was someone pretending to be Santa other than who she thought it was they'd be suffering from some severe repercussions. She turned her sleigh around, and gave a quick shout towards the speeding sleigh. "The sky is reserved for Santa Claus, this isn't a time to be fooling around. Even a demon should take it easy during this time of year. Don't make me put you on my naughty list, I'm already going to be late stopping you, we have a decent list this year." Her voice carried over the wind, almost like magic. With a flick of her wrist, her sleigh turned around to chase after the other Santa. Like Santa Vee's sleigh, her own was being led by one reindeer as well...

Mrs. Claus sighed. "And if you're Victoria Murphy, I especially need to talk to you. My husband has a message for you, you'll want to hear it." This time, her voice was even louder, carrying over the wind and into the other rider's ears even with her speed. She chased after the other sleigh, noting it had real reindeer leading it along, being around them since they were babies she knew a real one when she saw it. Also the fact that Mrs. Claus could see Santa Vee at all, would probably be a surprise. After all, she was supposed to be unseen and unheard to most people...
« Last Edit: December 07, 2018, 12:49:02 AM by Youkai »

Offline Raffa

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2018, 02:22:10 AM »

Santa Vee
Institute of Justice
Tag: Mrs. Claus

”Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God!” Santa Vee was muttering in fear, holding on to her dear life as the sleigh continued to zoom across the sky. Third time she assumed the mantle of Santa Claus, and she still couldn’t get used to flying in his sleigh. ”I hope you know where you’re go-OoooooaAAAAAAAAAAAA-oing!” She screamed out as the reindeer made a sudden unexpected dip.

With her heart all the way up in her throat, Santa Vee adjusted her Santa Hat and looked at the reindeer with an indignant expression. Now, she wasn’t an expert on animals, but she could’ve sworn that the animal was grinning mischievously.

”Not funny!” She yelled at it. Once the speed and altitude stabilized, the Santa Telepath let out a sigh of relief and pulled out the list from her pocket. ”Now, we’re going to go visit this-“ Santa Vee narrowed her eyes, trying to pronounce the name when suddenly she heard the voice all around her.

”What the… stop! You hear me?! Stop!” She commanded the reindeer and, for the first time ever, it obeyed her command. ”Wait… ‘husband’??” Santa Vee exclaimed in surprise as she turned around, only then noticing the second sleigh in the sky.

”Umm… Ho Ho HO?” Santa Vee waved nervously at the blonde haired woman, desperately trying to avoid looking down as they were quite high above ground.

Very high above the ground…
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

Offline Youkai

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2018, 03:07:54 AM »

Mrs. Claus
Skies above Auralis
Tag: Santa Vee

"...You need to work on that." Mrs. Claus, despite herself, started to laugh at Santa Vee's delivery. "Ho Ho Ho." She said quietly, it wasn't the same as her beloved, she probably needed more practice too. "Never mind, even after being around him long I can't really replicate it either." She pondered on it briefly, she looked rather young to be Santa's wife. But Santa Vee didn't know she could shapeshift. The topic of the reindeer was next, however.

"Sigh, I thought after a year you'd be used to this. Did you accomplish your goal last year?" Mrs. Claus rolled her eyes, she couldn't believe it. Still, Santa Vee was the only other person that had been given these powers so a learning curve was to be expected. "I won't judge you too harshly. But do you not know the technique to control your Reindeer? You need to give them treats so they are happy and more willing to obey you. Did you forget to give yours one?" She had one in hand and tossed it to her reindeer. The reindeer munched on it quietly as they talked. If Santa Vee used telepathy to read her mind, she would find that this woman wasn't lying to her.

Mrs. Claus straightened up, lounging in her sleigh. "Depending on how you take this, this is either good news or bad news for you. My husband, Santa Claus or St. Nick as you know him, said this will probably be your last Christmas as Santa. He said I could take over and that you could retire, I even have the same list you probably do." Sure enough, Mrs. Claus brought out a list and held it out, letting it unravel and drop down to the full length. Thousands of names, Santa Vee could tell they were the exact same individuals as the ones that Santa Vee had on her list. Once Santa Vee got a good look, the list folded back up magically back into her hand. "I assume there is no problem with this? Then again... I'm new at this giving toys thing, I mostly make them, so maybe I could use your help tonight."

She tapped a finger to her chin, giving Santa Vee time to process her situation.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2018, 12:48:00 AM by Youkai »

Offline Raffa

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2018, 12:48:27 AM »

Santa Vee
Institute of Justice
Tag: Mrs. Claus

”Ho HoHO?” Santa Vee tried again when Mrs. Claus corrected her; although her second attempt wasn’t any better than the first. ”Well, it’s not like I practice it in front of the mirror for a few weeks before I have to take this job!” She replied, folding her arms across her chest.

”It was a little rough, but I made it with two minutes to spare.” She replied proudly, failing to mention the fact she bumped into almost every single building with her sleigh last year. However, what Mrs. Claus said next caught her by surprise. ”Wait. Snacks.” She turned towards the reindeer. ”And you knew about this?” She asked the animal and, once it nodded back, the Santa Telepath let out a heavy sigh and then turned back towards the blonde. ”Well, your husband didn’t exactly leave me with a detailed instruction book or anything.”

When Mrs. Claus announced that she was going to be her replacement, Santa Vee leaned back in her sleigh, feeling relief. She didn’t really want this job, but it was a necessary function to her to fulfill once a year given Santa Claus’ absence.

”Oh, thank goodness. That’s a load off my mind. At least I won’t have to wear this ridiculous skirt anymore.” said Santa Vee as she tugged the skirt down, trying to cover her knees. ”But, all right. If you need help, I’ll do it this one last time. I suppose it’d be fair if we split the list, don’t you think? I’ll take odds and you can take evens.” Santa Vee suggested.
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

Offline Youkai

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2018, 11:40:25 PM »

Mrs. Claus
Skies above Auralis
Tag: Santa Vee

"Keep practicing, we have all night." Mrs. Claus quipped, she tried not to laugh at how worked up Santa Vee was getting over something so simple. "I honestly think its just his natural talent, even as his wife I cannot tell you how to replicate it. It's okay though, the children won't notice the difference much, that's part of the magic of Christmas."

Mrs. Claus tilted her head, instruction booklet on Christmas? Well, Santa Vee was not wrong. "I apologize, he was in a hurry. Probably because he didn't want to get knocked out again. Plus it does come naturally, gift giving is a common thing for most people, even if they are naughty. Most people have a spark of kindness in them." She narrowed her eyes briefly at her first statement, although the slight smile hinted that Mrs. Claus was teasing Santa Vee, mostly.

"You do realize the size of the skirt doesn't matter. Nobody else can see us up here, and down there most people are sleeping." She watched Santa Vee tug at her skirt and sighed. Was Santa Vee really this silly about skirts? She was a girl, surely she knew how they worked right? If you kept tugging at one side, the other side got a little uneven and then one side would be more exposed. She refrained from mentioning that though. "That sounds fair, I appreciate your assistance, I was afraid that you'd want to be so free of the burden that you'd leave it all to a rookie. I wonder how many people left milk and cookies for us..." She looked a little embarrassed, saying that much to Santa Vee.

Offline Raffa

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2018, 01:18:30 AM »

Santa Vee
Institute of Justice
Tag: Mrs. Claus

Santa Vee looked at Mrs. Claus with indignation when the blonde-haired woman reminded her of the incident two years ago.

”It was an accident!” said Santa Vee for a hundredth time by now. ”It was dark! He was on the roof of the Institute! He startled me!” The girl defended herself, knowing fully that she would never live the incident down.

”It’s… well, it’s a matter of principle. Plus, it’s very windy…” Santa Vee replied, leaving the skirt alone again, hoping that she wouldn’t have any wardrobe-associated accidents once she goes back to the ground. ”I’m all about pants and jeans and… did you say cookies?” Santa Vee perked suddenly. In all the rush, she’d completely forgotten about milk and cookies. She was just Santa’s replacement, and thus lacked experience. Last year, she barely managed to complete her task, and she gave it her all, going non-stop for practically the whole night. But today, now that she was effectively doing only half the work… well, she figured she could indulge herself.

”Right then! I suppose I’ll see you after we’re done.” We’ll remain in touch in the meantime. She added telepathically as she grabbed onto her reigns. ”All right, then! Let’s go! Ho-Ho HO!”
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

Offline MonsieurChuchote

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2018, 03:17:00 AM »

Eleanor Lagan
Eleanor's Apartment
Tag: One Santa or another

Eleanor Lagan. A young woman, living alone. Leans a bit more to Naughty than Nice, but Santa’s written “Extenuating circumstances” in big, red, unhelpful letters. Her flat doesn’t have a chimney, and even as the night deepens there’s still a flickering yellow light on inside.


Eleanor is up late, as she often is. Twelve hours straight of hitting her head against a wall in her research. Fucking impossible… How is anyone supposed to translate weird dialects of Aramaic this way? This could’ve been solved in an instant if the linguistics professor wasn’t such a bitch...
Well, okay, to be fair, I may have called her a close-minded imbecile... and tried to steal a book from her office...

At least she remembered to tear herself away to eat this time. It was not a pretty week when she forgot that. I ought to have an “it has been x days since I neglected my health in pursuit of knowledge” counter…

So. Get some food, get some sleep, come at it with a less frustrated brain tomorrow? Probably be a good idea to add “go outside, talk to people, get some exercise” in there, but there are only so many allowances a girl can make. She chews absently at a bowl full of the cheapest glop that can physiologically sustain human existence (she remembered to heat it this time, at least), turning possibilities over in her mind before trying to shut them down and relax. Eventually she gives up and calibrates the device on her wrist to help. Overactive mind quelled, she just looks out the window as the snow falls on the city, remembering going out with Father in the snow years ago... She can almost hear his laugh on the howling wind tonight...

Offline MortalitasBorealis

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2018, 06:36:50 AM »

Tagging: Raffa, Santa Vee

Along the snowy Christmas streets of Auralis City, a white-haired girl shambled without a hint of festive spirit, heading home after another day of training with her new powers in the outskirts of the city. Honestly she forgot that today was Christmas until she saw all the other celebrating people, but it didn’t matter to her. Over the years, only one thing about Christmas interested her, and it was the chance to celebrate it with her best and only friend. Said friend no longer being around, Christmas had reverted to little more than a holiday period where she could sit around and be unproductive… though she couldn’t even have that, no day could be spent not honing her skills, every bit counts before she sets off into the demonrealms. If anything, the festive mood in the air only made her more miserable today, bringing back memories of previous Christmases spent with Dawn, enough that she decided to call it quits early and just go home.

Hey, you! Kid with the white hair! You’re a magical girl, aren’t you?

Suddenly the voice of a man sounded from behind her, and Verniy stopped. Being called a kid for her stature was annoying, but what scared her was the fact this guy knew what she was even while untransformed. Who was he? Some pestering hero trying to get friendly with a new face? A demon who thinks he found a mark? Either way she’s not in the mood.

Keeping herself calm, Verniy turned around… “No, I-“ …and froze, staring.

You can’t fool me, kid, I can sense it. So, why the long face on such a happy day?

I… uhh…” The girl could barely speak, the thing that she was observing was simply too much to comprehend.

See? You can’t even remember it! That means it’s nothing to worry about!

Verniy found herself nodding unblinkingly, unable to tear her eyes off the horror.

Now, why don’t you come join me and my girls for the day? I’ve been looking for a fifth and you look just right. Let’s put a smile on that face!
Yeah, join us!” “Party!” “Come on, it’ll be fun~

The other girls chimed in, and Verniy automatically nodded again. Her head is getting woozy…

That’s the spirit! Now get over here, let’s get you dressed up.


Quite a few hours later, late into the night, Verniy was finally home, wondering what the fuck just happened. Her head was still swimming, from the hypnotic lights or from all the alcohol she couldn’t tell anymore. Either way she could barely remember a thing, and the only hints she had were the santa dress she now found herself in, the box of vodka on the table, her drunkenness, and… a photo.

Spoiler for Hidden:

Who was that man? She had no idea. Who were those girls? She had no idea. Did she sign away her soul at some point? She had no friggin’ idea, but she’s pretty sure she’s still a virgin so there’s that. She got the feeling she had fun though, so whatever she was doing, it was probably better than moping around the house all day. Even her sister and parents weren’t home, though that’s typical at this point.

Verniy took another swig of her vodka. Maybe she should drink more, this doesn’t feel bad. If only she had someone to share a drink with now…
« Last Edit: December 08, 2018, 06:38:32 AM by MortalitasBorealis »
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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2018, 08:52:26 AM »

Auralis remembered that previous year.
The Santa girl's ride. Her terrible deer!

How they crashed all about, through windows and walls.
Throwing trinkets in chimneys, giving fu**s not at all!

"Well, not this year," swore Haki Satomi.
"'We're bringing you down, you damned Santa phony!
Get the IOJ, DRU, heroes in fleets! That bitch shot my rent up, Fu** her christmas treats!"

Sadly, it seemed that her plea wasn't heard. A mass hunt for santa seemed a bit too absurd...

"We can spare you one guy, but he's a little bit odd." said the IOJ's rep, a person named Rob.

"Let me guess," sighed Satomi. "That Dick Gundam guy?"

"No ma'am," answered Rob. "It's Wagnum, P.I."

(Part 2 coming soon, stay merry and tuned!)

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2018, 01:48:49 PM »

A Santa's sled
Tag: One Santa or another

Tough this troubling Christmas time, even a Santa would be surprised to find. A spider demon sitting in their sled, norming on the treats for their reindeer best.

Strangely enough, less naughty than nice, the demon was entitled to a Christmas treat before sunrise.

Holding out a stocking made from silk, it waited patiently for a treat for it to fill.

Offline Youkai

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2018, 09:56:25 PM »

Eleanor Lagan
Eleanor's Apartment
Tag: One Santa or another

Eleanor Lagan. A young woman, living alone. Leans a bit more to Naughty than Nice, but Santa’s written “Extenuating circumstances” in big, red, unhelpful letters. Her flat doesn’t have a chimney, and even as the night deepens there’s still a flickering yellow light on inside.


Eleanor is up late, as she often is. Twelve hours straight of hitting her head against a wall in her research. Fucking impossible… How is anyone supposed to translate weird dialects of Aramaic this way? This could’ve been solved in an instant if the linguistics professor wasn’t such a bitch...
Well, okay, to be fair, I may have called her a close-minded imbecile... and tried to steal a book from her office...

At least she remembered to tear herself away to eat this time. It was not a pretty week when she forgot that. I ought to have an “it has been x days since I neglected my health in pursuit of knowledge” counter…

So. Get some food, get some sleep, come at it with a less frustrated brain tomorrow? Probably be a good idea to add “go outside, talk to people, get some exercise” in there, but there are only so many allowances a girl can make. She chews absently at a bowl full of the cheapest glop that can physiologically sustain human existence (she remembered to heat it this time, at least), turning possibilities over in her mind before trying to shut them down and relax. Eventually she gives up and calibrates the device on her wrist to help. Overactive mind quelled, she just looks out the window as the snow falls on the city, remembering going out with Father in the snow years ago... She can almost hear his laugh on the howling wind tonight...

Eleanor's Apartment
Tag: Eleanor

The voice on the wind was not the Santa that Eleanor was used to this time, but it could be heard all the same. "Ho Ho Ho!" Mrs. Claus made her first stop of the night at Eleanor's apartment, sure enough her sleigh would land just outside of the apartment, unseen to the naked eye. However thanks to Eleanor's mental abilities she can faintly sense the presence of someone nearby, even if she can't see them. If she squinted her eyes, she could see the snow outlining the invisible sleigh and its reindeer. Her gifts allowed her to sense the presence of something, and Mrs. Claus was well aware of the circumstances that plagued the woman that lived at this dwelling. The woman sighed, she might as well reveal herself. Eleanor was awake as was apparent.

She might startle the poor woman, but it was better than unlocking the door with magic and bringing in the cold air on the snowy night. Eleanor would blink and suddenly would be met by Mrs. Claus. She'd be waving at her with a large sack over her shoulder inside her apartment. If Eleanor looked outside she'd see a real Reindeer and the sleigh as well. She decided to reveal herself the woman, dropping her magic guard. "Ho. Ho. Ho. Merry Christmas! You are Eleanor Lagan correct? You've been a strange one this year, I've been told. I have a note here actually, you have extenuating circumstances..."

How the woman got in, was anyone's guess. But it must be magic, Mrs. Claus would reach into her sack and smile at the woman. This would give Eleanor a moment to take it in. "I am Mrs. Claus, the one you know as Santa doesn't come to this city anymore. So I decided to take over this year for my beloved, I assume that you had a different Santa last year yes? She and I are working together now." She explained quickly. As she did she took out two presents, both of equal size and smiled. "I think these two will solve the issue..." She said to herself, she placed them under Eleanor's tree, if she had one, or on a seat/couch if there was none. She then turned to Eleanor again, seeing if she'd say anything.

Or think she was delirious from lack of sleep, or dreaming.

MonsieurChuchote has been granted 1 Ability Point to use on one of their characters
« Last Edit: December 09, 2018, 09:58:11 PM by Youkai »

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2018, 11:15:25 PM »

Jane Serpis
Her Humble Abode
Tag: A Santa

" Jingle bells, jingle bells~ " A soft voice sung through the apartment. The apartment itself filled to the brim with dusty tomes and glasses with grey-ish earth and strange plants. Jane had ventured a small expedition into the forest near Dis to collect samples. The sheer number of properties the plants had was amazing, yet alone the fact that some had the ability to manipulate corruptive/demonic energy/Energy X as they saw fit. Truly, the number of wonders the demons brough with themselves should have been equal to the number of tragedies.

" Batman smells, the Joker got away~ " The song continued as a lone figure started organizing the tomes. A small pile to the side the ones she had already read through. Most of it was nothing but Erotica, a interesting read non-the-less, but a few among them were gems on demonic society and abilities as a whole. In fact, one of the more pleasent things, besides the casual sex, about attending the Succubus U (even if she was in a disguise) was getting to learn all about different kind of demons, their reputations and innate abilities. And trying to emulate them of course.

" The batmobile lost is wheels~ " But that was for a different time. Now, she had to make some room to play with plants. Ohhh, what kind of effects could they have? Could they instill desires, fear, feed of emotions? So many fun options! She let the six tomes in her hands float into a overlpacked bookshelf, the thing straining  under the tomes mass, as she eyed the still large mess. " I have a long way to go. " A look at the clock showed it being near midnight. Sighing, she prepared herself for another long night as she made her way to the nearest group of scattered books.

Her and her hoarding habits.

Offline MonsieurChuchote

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2018, 03:22:44 AM »

Eleanor Lagan
Eleanor's Apartment
Tag: One Santa or another

Eleanor Lagan. A young woman, living alone. Leans a bit more to Naughty than Nice, but Santa’s written “Extenuating circumstances” in big, red, unhelpful letters. Her flat doesn’t have a chimney, and even as the night deepens there’s still a flickering yellow light on inside.


Eleanor is up late, as she often is. Twelve hours straight of hitting her head against a wall in her research. Fucking impossible… How is anyone supposed to translate weird dialects of Aramaic this way? This could’ve been solved in an instant if the linguistics professor wasn’t such a bitch...
Well, okay, to be fair, I may have called her a close-minded imbecile... and tried to steal a book from her office...

At least she remembered to tear herself away to eat this time. It was not a pretty week when she forgot that. I ought to have an “it has been x days since I neglected my health in pursuit of knowledge” counter…

So. Get some food, get some sleep, come at it with a less frustrated brain tomorrow? Probably be a good idea to add “go outside, talk to people, get some exercise” in there, but there are only so many allowances a girl can make. She chews absently at a bowl full of the cheapest glop that can physiologically sustain human existence (she remembered to heat it this time, at least), turning possibilities over in her mind before trying to shut them down and relax. Eventually she gives up and calibrates the device on her wrist to help. Overactive mind quelled, she just looks out the window as the snow falls on the city, remembering going out with Father in the snow years ago... She can almost hear his laugh on the howling wind tonight...

Eleanor's Apartment
Tag: Eleanor

The voice on the wind was not the Santa that Eleanor was used to this time, but it could be heard all the same. "Ho Ho Ho!" Mrs. Claus made her first stop of the night at Eleanor's apartment, sure enough her sleigh would land just outside of the apartment, unseen to the naked eye. However thanks to Eleanor's mental abilities she can faintly sense the presence of someone nearby, even if she can't see them. If she squinted her eyes, she could see the snow outlining the invisible sleigh and its reindeer. Her gifts allowed her to sense the presence of something, and Mrs. Claus was well aware of the circumstances that plagued the woman that lived at this dwelling. The woman sighed, she might as well reveal herself. Eleanor was awake as was apparent.

She might startle the poor woman, but it was better than unlocking the door with magic and bringing in the cold air on the snowy night. Eleanor would blink and suddenly would be met by Mrs. Claus. She'd be waving at her with a large sack over her shoulder inside her apartment. If Eleanor looked outside she'd see a real Reindeer and the sleigh as well. She decided to reveal herself the woman, dropping her magic guard. "Ho. Ho. Ho. Merry Christmas! You are Eleanor Lagan correct? You've been a strange one this year, I've been told. I have a note here actually, you have extenuating circumstances..."

How the woman got in, was anyone's guess. But it must be magic, Mrs. Claus would reach into her sack and smile at the woman. This would give Eleanor a moment to take it in. "I am Mrs. Claus, the one you know as Santa doesn't come to this city anymore. So I decided to take over this year for my beloved, I assume that you had a different Santa last year yes? She and I are working together now." She explained quickly. As she did she took out two presents, both of equal size and smiled. "I think these two will solve the issue..." She said to herself, she placed them under Eleanor's tree, if she had one, or on a seat/couch if there was none. She then turned to Eleanor again, seeing if she'd say anything.

Or think she was delirious from lack of sleep, or dreaming.

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Eleanor Lagan
Eleanor's Apartment
Tag: Mrs. Claus (Youkai)

“Huh? What the hell is…?” One hand clenches around a silvery… something as the girl whips around to face the intruder. Quick study of the aura—not corrupted, but suffused with some kind of magical energy. Kind of like the stuff that gods get from bel…ief... “Oh. Oh, I’m dense. Or completely fried. One of those, definitely.”

Her voice is slow, monotone, and very tired. Movements are stiff and lethargic, but also have a weirdly... serpentine? quality to them. Like if a snake slept funny and got a sore neck. “I shouldn’t be surprised. If demons and mages are real, why not Santa? Or female Santa? Because god knows we can’t have anything not be sexy in this city.” This is a deeply, deeply bitter woman, but the acerbic comment seems aimed more generally than at Santa in particular.

She snorts. "Extenuating circumstances? Yeah, I guess that's one way to put it." There is no tree. No festive lights, no decorations. Just a messy, bare-bones apartment stuffed to the gills with books and papers. Almost like this woman had no idea today was Christmas.

A long, deep sigh. “My father must be rolling in his grave to see my manners. So… thank you, Mrs. Claus... I have lentils and rice and cheap hard cider. Not exactly the traditional sacrifices, but I figure I ought to offer...”

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2018, 10:59:52 PM »

Eleanor Lagan
Eleanor's Apartment
Tag: Mrs. Claus (Youkai)

“Huh? What the hell is…?” One hand clenches around a silvery… something as the girl whips around to face the intruder. Quick study of the aura—not corrupted, but suffused with some kind of magical energy. Kind of like the stuff that gods get from bel…ief... “Oh. Oh, I’m dense. Or completely fried. One of those, definitely.”

Her voice is slow, monotone, and very tired. Movements are stiff and lethargic, but also have a weirdly... serpentine? quality to them. Like if a snake slept funny and got a sore neck. “I shouldn’t be surprised. If demons and mages are real, why not Santa? Or female Santa? Because god knows we can’t have anything not be sexy in this city.” This is a deeply, deeply bitter woman, but the acerbic comment seems aimed more generally than at Santa in particular.

She snorts. "Extenuating circumstances? Yeah, I guess that's one way to put it." There is no tree. No festive lights, no decorations. Just a messy, bare-bones apartment stuffed to the gills with books and papers. Almost like this woman had no idea today was Christmas.

A long, deep sigh. “My father must be rolling in his grave to see my manners. So… thank you, Mrs. Claus... I have lentils and rice and cheap hard cider. Not exactly the traditional sacrifices, but I figure I ought to offer...”

Eleanor's Apartment
Tag: Eleanor

"No, my husband is very much male." Mrs. Claus said, still sporting a smile. This one was troubled, she was certain of that. The two gifts she had given Eleanor should suffice though. "I only look this way because this is how people in Auralis think of me at this moment. The same applies to St. Nick, people's beliefs can shape how we are seen. I'm much too old to look this young, but here we are." She hinted that she could shapeshift, but perhaps it was based on what people thought of Santa at the time and less that she could control it.

"I don't need a tribute. But I appreciate the gesture." Mrs. Claus took a sip of the cider and then put it down, she briefly enjoyed the taste but decided to leave it for Eleanor. "What I actually want from you is a bit of self reflection. Happier times will help with your current bitterness, remember there are those that watch over you and want you to succeed including myself. Your father looked after you unlike any demon we've ever seen and that should be commended for his restraint and raising of you. I do hope that you find success in the next year."

She winked. "Sorry, it's just we watch over billions of people, and we know your story. It is a sad one, but not one without hope. Don't turn into Scrooge, I'll be watching you closely." Mrs. Claus moved up to Eleanor and poked her nose lightly, that jolly smile never wavered. However, Eleanor would feel something in her mind change, she'd feel like she could solve her problem she was dealing with earlier now. "This should help you get some rest. I know you've been struggling all night, Merry Christmas." Mrs. Claus had blessed Eleanor temporarily, which would help her mind clear up. With another blink, Eleanor would find herself alone in her house, but she'd hear Mrs. Claus voice still as she left. "Its a shame I can't stay longer, I have other people to see, and its a short night..."

The presence of Mrs. Claus and her Reindeer were gone, but she left Eleanor with a blessed mind for the night and two presents. Just what was inside? Well, that was for Eleanor to find out.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2018, 11:00:39 PM »

Jane Serpis
Her Humble Abode
Tag: A Santa

" Jingle bells, jingle bells~ " A soft voice sung through the apartment. The apartment itself filled to the brim with dusty tomes and glasses with grey-ish earth and strange plants. Jane had ventured a small expedition into the forest near Dis to collect samples. The sheer number of properties the plants had was amazing, yet alone the fact that some had the ability to manipulate corruptive/demonic energy/Energy X as they saw fit. Truly, the number of wonders the demons brough with themselves should have been equal to the number of tragedies.

" Batman smells, the Joker got away~ " The song continued as a lone figure started organizing the tomes. A small pile to the side the ones she had already read through. Most of it was nothing but Erotica, a interesting read non-the-less, but a few among them were gems on demonic society and abilities as a whole. In fact, one of the more pleasent things, besides the casual sex, about attending the Succubus U (even if she was in a disguise) was getting to learn all about different kind of demons, their reputations and innate abilities. And trying to emulate them of course.

" The batmobile lost is wheels~ " But that was for a different time. Now, she had to make some room to play with plants. Ohhh, what kind of effects could they have? Could they instill desires, fear, feed of emotions? So many fun options! She let the six tomes in her hands float into a overlpacked bookshelf, the thing straining  under the tomes mass, as she eyed the still large mess. " I have a long way to go. " A look at the clock showed it being near midnight. Sighing, she prepared herself for another long night as she made her way to the nearest group of scattered books.

Her and her hoarding habits.

Jane's Humble Abode
Tag: Jane

Ah this one, this one was more cut and dry than Eleanor, who she hoped was pleased with her gifts. Jane, a woman who had been overweight and turned into a gorgeous and sexy dominating woman. Definitely on the naughty list, but that didn't mean Santa didn't visit or give a present. Instead it just changed how Mrs. Claus would deal with this one. Once again, sneaking up on this one was pretty hard due to her mental abilities and also because she was much more wide awake than Eleanor was. While Jane was looking through the tomes, she'd be met by her new visitor, with a sack over her shoulder and this time a neutral expression at Jane.

Mrs. Claus didn't interrupt Jane getting tomes, she waited till the woman turned around. "Jane Serpis, you're on my naughty list it appears. I didn't think I'd get to one of that list so soon. Merry Christmas!" Mrs. Claus produced one present this time, it was a bigger one than either of the ones Eleanor got though, and a bit heavier. Needless to say it had one of Jane's favorite things, a book. The question was what book was inside of it. "Well, I shall give you the standard coal affair as well." She snapped her fingers and a lump of coal would appear near one of the tombs on the book shelf. "If I may recommend, you could use your powers to help the other humans with the demonic threat, but I suppose it is your prerogative." She sighed a bit at the dust on some of the tomes.

She let Jane address her much like Eleanor she gave her a moment to give an offering or say something.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2018, 01:20:18 PM »

Jane's Humble Abode
Tag: Jane

Ah this one, this one was more cut and dry than Eleanor, who she hoped was pleased with her gifts. Jane, a woman who had been overweight and turned into a gorgeous and sexy dominating woman. Definitely on the naughty list, but that didn't mean Santa didn't visit or give a present. Instead it just changed how Mrs. Claus would deal with this one. Once again, sneaking up on this one was pretty hard due to her mental abilities and also because she was much more wide awake than Eleanor was. While Jane was looking through the tomes, she'd be met by her new visitor, with a sack over her shoulder and this time a neutral expression at Jane.

Mrs. Claus didn't interrupt Jane getting tomes, she waited till the woman turned around. "Jane Serpis, you're on my naughty list it appears. I didn't think I'd get to one of that list so soon. Merry Christmas!" Mrs. Claus produced one present this time, it was a bigger one than either of the ones Eleanor got though, and a bit heavier. Needless to say it had one of Jane's favorite things, a book. The question was what book was inside of it. "Well, I shall give you the standard coal affair as well." She snapped her fingers and a lump of coal would appear near one of the tombs on the book shelf. "If I may recommend, you could use your powers to help the other humans with the demonic threat, but I suppose it is your prerogative." She sighed a bit at the dust on some of the tomes.

She let Jane address her much like Eleanor she gave her a moment to give an offering or say something.

Shadow72 has been granted 1 Ability Point to use on one of their characters

Jane Serpis
Her Humble Abode
Tag: A Santa

" Merry Christmas to you too Mrs. Clause. I don't know your first name nor do I know if it would be appropriate to call you that infromally. We are not friends after all. Although, I have to wonder, since when do the ones on the naughty list get presents? " She gave her a searching smirk as she worked her way on clearing the place up. " You'll have to forgive me for the mess, it is hard to keep track of time sometimes. " She allowed herself a chuckle. " Thank you on both accounts, though the coal is inconviniently placed. It will spare me some bucks on a experiment either way. " She chuckled. " And for this as well. Had I known you were giving me one, I would have returned the favor. " She accepted the gift.

With a hand gesture, she lead the female Santa to the kitchen. " I hope your husband is doing alright after last years incident. " She continued, acting if what she was saying was common knowledge. " You are right, I could. But look at this from my angle. I suddenly get a bunch of powers that resemble demonic powers to a 'c'. Even their ability to test reality. The creative bunch named it 'corrupt'. Original, no? But how do they work? What are the downsides? Would you apply the 'possible' cure for caner to someone before extensive testing? " She refuted, as if it wasn't the first time she had such an argument. " And then there is the point of 'Who do I help? Do they deserve to be saved?' Cliche, but they are a fact that needs to be addressed. " They finally arrived.

Walking to the fridge, she continued. " Besides, I am helping them in my own way. The war will end sooner or later. And when it does, people on both sides will do what they always do in the end. The one option that was available before the war but no-one wanted to take it. Or only one side took it. " She allowed a lull in the conversation as she opened the fridge, taking out a plate with gingerbread man. " They will sit down and talk. " She set the plate on the side of the table, pulling the chair out for the woman. " Do you prefer hot milk or cold? " She asked with a small smile.

" Even in the event that they fail to negotiate as intelligent beings, I'm doing my part as well. It's not, however, to go to the first demon controlled location and start a brawl. With the arrival of demons, so did new fauna, flora, germs, decieses, culture, knowledge and much more come with them. By cataloging everything they have and running safe and objective experiments, I theorize that human technology will make a 20 years leap forward at least. Desieses without a cure could finally be solved. Human life-expectancy and their general day-to-day living conditions could improve substantially. " She waited for a moment, her own expression turning neutral as she placed Mrs. Claus' preferred milk next to the plate. " So, I would say that I have given good thought to exactly what I'm doing. Once I'm sure my theories are safe and human-proof, they will be published. " Tilting her head to the side, she looked Santa in the eye. " I hope that you take no offense to this, but as someone who lives in this war-zone actively, I think I have a better grasp of the situation than you. "

There was a moment of silence before she gestured towards the gingerbread man and milk. " Please, dig in. They are home made. " She claimed. " Mind if I ask you something? " She asked as she leaned in, her expression more curious then before. Her thirst for knowledge showing.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2018, 08:49:34 PM »

Jane Serpis
Her Humble Abode
Tag: A Santa

" Merry Christmas to you too Mrs. Clause. I don't know your first name nor do I know if it would be appropriate to call you that infromally. We are not friends after all. Although, I have to wonder, since when do the ones on the naughty list get presents? " She gave her a searching smirk as she worked her way on clearing the place up. " You'll have to forgive me for the mess, it is hard to keep track of time sometimes. " She allowed herself a chuckle. " Thank you on both accounts, though the coal is inconviniently placed. It will spare me some bucks on a experiment either way. " She chuckled. " And for this as well. Had I known you were giving me one, I would have returned the favor. " She accepted the gift.

With a hand gesture, she lead the female Santa to the kitchen. " I hope your husband is doing alright after last years incident. " She continued, acting if what she was saying was common knowledge. " You are right, I could. But look at this from my angle. I suddenly get a bunch of powers that resemble demonic powers to a 'c'. Even their ability to test reality. The creative bunch named it 'corrupt'. Original, no? But how do they work? What are the downsides? Would you apply the 'possible' cure for caner to someone before extensive testing? " She refuted, as if it wasn't the first time she had such an argument. " And then there is the point of 'Who do I help? Do they deserve to be saved?' Cliche, but they are a fact that needs to be addressed. " They finally arrived.

Walking to the fridge, she continued. " Besides, I am helping them in my own way. The war will end sooner or later. And when it does, people on both sides will do what they always do in the end. The one option that was available before the war but no-one wanted to take it. Or only one side took it. " She allowed a lull in the conversation as she opened the fridge, taking out a plate with gingerbread man. " They will sit down and talk. " She set the plate on the side of the table, pulling the chair out for the woman. " Do you prefer hot milk or cold? " She asked with a small smile.

" Even in the event that they fail to negotiate as intelligent beings, I'm doing my part as well. It's not, however, to go to the first demon controlled location and start a brawl. With the arrival of demons, so did new fauna, flora, germs, decieses, culture, knowledge and much more come with them. By cataloging everything they have and running safe and objective experiments, I theorize that human technology will make a 20 years leap forward at least. Desieses without a cure could finally be solved. Human life-expectancy and their general day-to-day living conditions could improve substantially. " She waited for a moment, her own expression turning neutral as she placed Mrs. Claus' preferred milk next to the plate. " So, I would say that I have given good thought to exactly what I'm doing. Once I'm sure my theories are safe and human-proof, they will be published. " Tilting her head to the side, she looked Santa in the eye. " I hope that you take no offense to this, but as someone who lives in this war-zone actively, I think I have a better grasp of the situation than you. "

There was a moment of silence before she gestured towards the gingerbread man and milk. " Please, dig in. They are home made. " She claimed. " Mind if I ask you something? " She asked as she leaned in, her expression more curious then before. Her thirst for knowledge showing.

Jane's Humble Abode
Tag: Jane

"Everyone has the potential to find their inner nice. Even a demon can be on the nice list, I actually have one such demon on my list." Mrs. Claus said as a matter of fact. "Some people just make their motions through the days, some forget its Christmas, but the spirit is always there so here I am. We'll see if you enjoy the book, maybe it'll help you sway away from getting more coal." Mrs. Claus shook her politely head at the gift offer, she didn't accept gifts and nor did her Husband. They were in the giving department.

"He's leaving things to me and another person we bestowed the gifts of Santa's power to." Apparently word had spread, but it didn't seem to be bothering her that much. The person who did it, Vee, did it on accident during a very stressful time in her life. As for her argument, Mrs Claus had a response as she started looking around the place. "There are those that also dabble in demonic power like you and can still find good uses of it. Some demons give the heroines a taste of their power and the heroines find a way to use it for good instead of falling into demonic vices. There are the Eternal Dragon Clan, of course, that use it for good too at times, other times they fall to their lusts, the point is there is a foundation and examples of demonic power not causing someone to fall. If you find a good use for it, it can be a benefit instead of a curse."

She let Jane get the last few words in, Mrs. Claus said what she needed to. She had no opinion really on the war, other than she hoped it would be resolved sooner or later. "Cold milk, if you please." She said, finally smiling. And then Jane continued to rattle off her reasoning, but the woman was wrong about one thing. Santa always traveled around the world and had a more intimate knowledge of the demons than Jane did. "Perhaps, I will not deny that borrowing the demons customs and knowledge could improve humans, however it could also corrupt them into the very thing that they're fighting against. Do not underestimate my knowledge, I am watching at all times, everyone in the world, with my husband 365 days a year, 7 days a week. You should know the saying, Santa is always watching. I know just as much as you do, as of course, both my husband and I have watched you. You do have one thing I do not have though, experience facing them. I just watch from afar, so I will give you that." Mrs. Claus said this nicely though, she did not take offense, she just cleared up a misconception.

Once the gingerbread man and milk was set in front of her. Mrs. Claus took a seat and started to eat. "No, not at all, although my stay will be short. I have others to get to. It's a short night and I have a long list, even if its cut in half." She said as she took a sip of the milk.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #18 on: December 11, 2018, 11:17:32 PM »

Jane's Humble Abode
Tag: Jane

"Everyone has the potential to find their inner nice. Even a demon can be on the nice list, I actually have one such demon on my list." Mrs. Claus said as a matter of fact. "Some people just make their motions through the days, some forget its Christmas, but the spirit is always there so here I am. We'll see if you enjoy the book, maybe it'll help you sway away from getting more coal." Mrs. Claus shook her politely head at the gift offer, she didn't accept gifts and nor did her Husband. They were in the giving department.

"He's leaving things to me and another person we bestowed the gifts of Santa's power to." Apparently word had spread, but it didn't seem to be bothering her that much. The person who did it, Vee, did it on accident during a very stressful time in her life. As for her argument, Mrs Claus had a response as she started looking around the place. "There are those that also dabble in demonic power like you and can still find good uses of it. Some demons give the heroines a taste of their power and the heroines find a way to use it for good instead of falling into demonic vices. There are the Eternal Dragon Clan, of course, that use it for good too at times, other times they fall to their lusts, the point is there is a foundation and examples of demonic power not causing someone to fall. If you find a good use for it, it can be a benefit instead of a curse."

She let Jane get the last few words in, Mrs. Claus said what she needed to. She had no opinion really on the war, other than she hoped it would be resolved sooner or later. "Cold milk, if you please." She said, finally smiling. And then Jane continued to rattle off her reasoning, but the woman was wrong about one thing. Santa always traveled around the world and had a more intimate knowledge of the demons than Jane did. "Perhaps, I will not deny that borrowing the demons customs and knowledge could improve humans, however it could also corrupt them into the very thing that they're fighting against. Do not underestimate my knowledge, I am watching at all times, everyone in the world, with my husband 365 days a year, 7 days a week. You should know the saying, Santa is always watching. I know just as much as you do, as of course, both my husband and I have watched you. You do have one thing I do not have though, experience facing them. I just watch from afar, so I will give you that." Mrs. Claus said this nicely though, she did not take offense, she just cleared up a misconception.

Once the gingerbread man and milk was set in front of her. Mrs. Claus took a seat and started to eat. "No, not at all, although my stay will be short. I have others to get to. It's a short night and I have a long list, even if its cut in half." She said as she took a sip of the milk.

Jane Serpis
Her Humble Abode
Tag: A Santa

" Hmmm. My inner nice ,eh? Wonder if any part of bitter old me has the capacity to be nice for the sake of being nice. " She chuckled. " No spoilers please. I rather would like to dive into mysterious content on my own. Well, with books at least. " Taking a beer from the fridge, she popped it open. " I would offer you some too, but you are on working hours. As for me being nice, I would say that you shouldn't hold your breath on that, but everything changes with the passage of time. Who knows, my power may corrupt me by the end or uplift me. Time will tell, I suppose. " She chuckled, not seeming to mind either end.

" I see. I'll trust him on selecting someone pure of heart. It would be a darn shame if even Christmas got corrupted in this war. The one of the few shards of the old me still existing.... " She gained a melachonical expression as her eyes grew hazy, seeming to be lost in her world once more. Ss Santa continued to speak, she'd find Jane listening once more. " I know. The problem isn't in me hating my powers. I love them. They are mine. However, between the fear of loosing oneself and stagnating due to a lack of risk-taking, one is hard pressed to do anything. As they say, absolute power corrupts absolutely. I'd rather take my time before I do something that will make me resent myself. " She gave a somewhat bitter smile.

" Trust me, if I was given a chance to not be involved in this war at all, I would take it each time without regret. " She allowed the conversation to lull before continuing. " As for the second point, I completely agree. That is why careful testing of each and every aspect is needed. The less variables are present, the less will people be able to misuse it. Sad as it may be, humanity has shown a penchant of taking beautiful thinks and turning them into a twisted mockery of what it was supposed to be. The ideal communism, wireless electricity, nuclear energy. " She let out a tired sigh.

Her response was but a simple nod as she sipped her bear. " My question is a relatively simple one. Well, on the surface anyway. I wanted to ask, does it ever grow tiresome? Living with no end in sight, seeing the world change but you remaining yourself, stagnant? " She asked, her eyes showing worry.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #19 on: December 12, 2018, 11:46:04 PM »

Name:Makiko Yamada
Location: Makiko's Flat
Tag: Raffa/Youkai

A quiet night, Makiko was home alone clicking through the various forums. She sighed wistfully there was some place she'd rather be right now, but it was going to be one of those evenings of quite worship alone as Naneka was busy. A new thread caught her attention; Naneka Hideyoshi christmas set release. Several furious clicks and 3 orders later and the white haired pervert was ready to start expouting just how christmasy it felt now that she'd seen the greatest model ever in her Sexy Santa outfit.

"I wonder if she'd model it for me later...." she wistfully sighed before continuing her forum trawling.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2018, 12:20:21 AM by Slixer »

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #20 on: December 13, 2018, 12:15:08 AM »

Azrael, The Demon King
Dis - The Palace - The Parlor
Tag: The Santas I guess?

Azrael sat in front of the fireplace in his comfortable easy-chair, a cup of chamomile tea sitting neatly on a saucer atop the end table to his right. His reading glasses were resting slightly down on his nose as he read from an unlabeled book. Azrael didn't fully understand the significance the humans put on this time of year in Auralis City, but he had certainly noticed that there was a bit more hustle and bustle to the metropolis of late. Decorations, lights, large facades of old fat men in red suits. He took a moment to thank Satania that he was never going to become an old man in a red suit. I suppose that's technically not an inaccurate way to describe me though... Azrael mused to himself as he continued to read.

"I'm glad The Palace is quiet tonight. I've barely made a dent in my reading list lately. Maybe sending Dis to Auralis wasn't as good an idea as I originally thought. I made my workload so much bigger by doing that." Azrael wasn't one to question his own decisions often, but tonight was a time for meditation and careful reflection on one's self, even for a Demon King. It was on nights like these when Azrael felt most at peace. Nights when he was not being assaulted with military crises, or being harassed by his children, nights where Azrael could sit in the parlor of the castle and drink a calming tea and read a wonderful book. It reminded him of the times before this conflict, before The Overlord, before the sibling quarrel that had taken so much from him. It brought him back to that golden time after The Estrangement, when his mother was alive, Dis was rising, and his family was close at hand.

"No sense in dwelling in the past, Azrael. No sense at all." His words didn't carry much conviction, and he had only said them in a vain attempt to convince himself of its truth. He failed to do so. It really was a night of reflection so it seemed. There were few better places to do it than in front of a welcoming fire, and few better drinks to do it with than his chamomile tea. He gave a sad smile as he took as sip from his tea, and returned to his book.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #21 on: December 13, 2018, 02:14:36 AM »

Eleanor's Apartment
Tag: Eleanor

"No, my husband is very much male." Mrs. Claus said, still sporting a smile. This one was troubled, she was certain of that. The two gifts she had given Eleanor should suffice though. "I only look this way because this is how people in Auralis think of me at this moment. The same applies to St. Nick, people's beliefs can shape how we are seen. I'm much too old to look this young, but here we are." She hinted that she could shapeshift, but perhaps it was based on what people thought of Santa at the time and less that she could control it.

"I don't need a tribute. But I appreciate the gesture." Mrs. Claus took a sip of the cider and then put it down, she briefly enjoyed the taste but decided to leave it for Eleanor. "What I actually want from you is a bit of self reflection. Happier times will help with your current bitterness, remember there are those that watch over you and want you to succeed including myself. Your father looked after you unlike any demon we've ever seen and that should be commended for his restraint and raising of you. I do hope that you find success in the next year."

She winked. "Sorry, it's just we watch over billions of people, and we know your story. It is a sad one, but not one without hope. Don't turn into Scrooge, I'll be watching you closely." Mrs. Claus moved up to Eleanor and poked her nose lightly, that jolly smile never wavered. However, Eleanor would feel something in her mind change, she'd feel like she could solve her problem she was dealing with earlier now. "This should help you get some rest. I know you've been struggling all night, Merry Christmas." Mrs. Claus had blessed Eleanor temporarily, which would help her mind clear up. With another blink, Eleanor would find herself alone in her house, but she'd hear Mrs. Claus voice still as she left. "Its a shame I can't stay longer, I have other people to see, and its a short night..."

The presence of Mrs. Claus and her Reindeer were gone, but she left Eleanor with a blessed mind for the night and two presents. Just what was inside? Well, that was for Eleanor to find out.

Eleanor Lagan
Eleanor's Apartment
Tag: Mrs. Claus (Youkai)

The food’s gone by the time they wrap up the conversation. Eleanor has become an adept speed-eater—it’s just a distraction, anyway. Enough nutrients to maintain life consumed, and back to work. She started right after papa died and… never stopped. If you’re thinking about research and learning, if you never take a break, you don’t have time to feel pain or grief, right?

It… would be difficult to enjoy the taste of that cider, honestly. It really is cheap. Tastes like someone dissolved a green apple Jolly Rancher in rubbing alcohol and then diluted it with agricultural runoff.

“Right… Merry Christmas...” Eleanor replies with a yawn that lasts quite a bit longer than intended. When she opens her eyes, Mrs. Claus is gone.
Without the immediate presence (hallucinated or otherwise) of another being, the night catches up to her. In undoing the knots of her mind, the blessing manifests itself as walking dazedly to a notebook, scrawling and circling a few large symbols, and just barely making it to bed before passing out.

The next morning, there’d be no evidence of Mrs. Claus’s presence save those two little packages. One, a copy of that book she’d try to steal from that linguistic professor’s office; and two… the photo album she’d thrown away years ago. Never thought she’d see this again after that stupid night… she’d regretted it the moment it left her fingers. It’s open to a fat glossy polaroid of father lifting her to put the carrot in a snowman’s nose. She can remember perfectly the grumpy passerby he dominated into taking that picture.

I... think I should take a walk. A holiday might do me good.

Eleanor never really celebrated Christmas. But in some small way, Christmas had celebrated her.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2018, 02:17:35 AM by MonsieurChuchote »

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #22 on: December 14, 2018, 11:07:36 AM »

Name: Ava Von Nox
Location: The Auralis Grand Mall
Tagging: Mrs. Claus (Youkai)

Ava let out a weak sigh, as she quietly smoked her cigarette. Her heart was heavy, it was Christmas time, the snows had settled over most of Auralis not locked in some temporal nonsense, and most of the city was abuzz with activity. This should have made Ava happy, proof that others could look past everything like she did and just for once hopefully celebrate a holiday in peace. However, two years of accidental mishaps that defied the basics of reality and the fact her Brother had been silent towards her ever since their final argument, left a sour taste in the holiday cheer.

She wondered why she was still here at the mall, she had hoped to see the cheer in others and that such cheer would rub off on her. However, that wasn't the case. She still remained quite grumpy with her brother missing and the knowledge that the peace she was seeing wouldn't last long, no matter how much she prayed and hoped it would. She tosses her cigarette upon the ground and stamps it out into the snow pile as part of habit before moving into the Mall once more.

She would travel the areas of the mall quietly, occasionally going into shops and window shopping for something that might interest her. She just needed something, anything really that would stoke the fires of her joy but, nothing seemed to. She was trapped now in the holiday slump, which she internally feared she may never really escape. Damn it Loki, just message me or something. She thought to herself as she lets out another sigh.

Would anyone come to the rescue of the poor mortal girl, too depressed and in turmoil to really feel the Christmas cheer? Or is she doomed to forever be a depressed little snowflake? Find out next time on dragon ball z!
Spoiler for Random Quote:

Jedi - *hand wave* You will lay down your weapons and surrender.

BH - "So.. Has that actually worked on anyone?"

Jedi - *tries mind trick again* You will lay down your weapons and surrender...

BH - *waves his hand like he's trying the mind trick* You... will realize you're an idiot.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #23 on: December 14, 2018, 07:25:30 PM »

Tagging: Raffa, Santa Vee

Along the snowy Christmas streets of Auralis City, a white-haired girl shambled without a hint of festive spirit, heading home after another day of training with her new powers in the outskirts of the city. Honestly she forgot that today was Christmas until she saw all the other celebrating people, but it didn’t matter to her. Over the years, only one thing about Christmas interested her, and it was the chance to celebrate it with her best and only friend. Said friend no longer being around, Christmas had reverted to little more than a holiday period where she could sit around and be unproductive… though she couldn’t even have that, no day could be spent not honing her skills, every bit counts before she sets off into the demonrealms. If anything, the festive mood in the air only made her more miserable today, bringing back memories of previous Christmases spent with Dawn, enough that she decided to call it quits early and just go home.

Hey, you! Kid with the white hair! You’re a magical girl, aren’t you?

Suddenly the voice of a man sounded from behind her, and Verniy stopped. Being called a kid for her stature was annoying, but what scared her was the fact this guy knew what she was even while untransformed. Who was he? Some pestering hero trying to get friendly with a new face? A demon who thinks he found a mark? Either way she’s not in the mood.

Keeping herself calm, Verniy turned around… “No, I-“ …and froze, staring.

You can’t fool me, kid, I can sense it. So, why the long face on such a happy day?

I… uhh…” The girl could barely speak, the thing that she was observing was simply too much to comprehend.

See? You can’t even remember it! That means it’s nothing to worry about!

Verniy found herself nodding unblinkingly, unable to tear her eyes off the horror.

Now, why don’t you come join me and my girls for the day? I’ve been looking for a fifth and you look just right. Let’s put a smile on that face!
Yeah, join us!” “Party!” “Come on, it’ll be fun~

The other girls chimed in, and Verniy automatically nodded again. Her head is getting woozy…

That’s the spirit! Now get over here, let’s get you dressed up.


Quite a few hours later, late into the night, Verniy was finally home, wondering what the fuck just happened. Her head was still swimming, from the hypnotic lights or from all the alcohol she couldn’t tell anymore. Either way she could barely remember a thing, and the only hints she had were the santa dress she now found herself in, the box of vodka on the table, her drunkenness, and… a photo.

Spoiler for Hidden:

Who was that man? She had no idea. Who were those girls? She had no idea. Did she sign away her soul at some point? She had no friggin’ idea, but she’s pretty sure she’s still a virgin so there’s that. She got the feeling she had fun though, so whatever she was doing, it was probably better than moping around the house all day. Even her sister and parents weren’t home, though that’s typical at this point.

Verniy took another swig of her vodka. Maybe she should drink more, this doesn’t feel bad. If only she had someone to share a drink with now…

Santa Vee
Tag: Verniy Sokolov

”Hmm…” Santa Vee pursed her lips as she read the first name on her list. ”Verni… Verny…” She looked at the name from several angles, trying to figure out the correct pronunciation. ”Miss Sokolov!” But ultimately gave up…

”You’ve heard that?” She looked at the reindeer. ”Miss Sokolov. First name starting with a “V”. Do you know where tha-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!” A loud scream pierced the night as the reindeer nosedived towards the ground.

As soon as they landed on the roof, Santa Vee grabbed the sack and quickly jumped out of the sleigh before the nefarious reindeer got any more ideas. Now was the time to go down the chimney, leave the gifts, and then depart before anyone knew she was there. Easy! Except… now that she had the chance to look around, she discovered there was no chimney in sight which meant…

Santa Vee sighed.

… which meant she would have to sneak in through the window. Santa Vee sighed again; sneaking through windows was the absolute worst. Gritting her teeth, the girl adjusted the sack on her shoulder and walked up to the edge of the rooftop. Carefully, she peeked down and slowly, very slowly, lowered her leg to stand on the windowsill.

”So far so good…” She mumbled under her breath as she lowered her leg and… suddenly lost her footing ”Uh-oh…” Was the only thing she managed to say before she started falling.

Santa Vee screamed as she fell. Thankfully, the building wasn't too tall and her fall was softened considerably by the bushes below.

Groaning in pain, Santa Vee managed to untangle herself from the branches, pick up her sack and walk up to the main door. She spent a few seconds brushing off the dirt and leaves off her coat and, after she made sure she looked at least somewhat presentable, she rang the doorbell and waited for the girl to answer...
« Last Edit: December 15, 2018, 11:00:14 AM by Raffa »
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #24 on: December 15, 2018, 09:28:50 PM »

Santa Vee
Tag: Verniy Sokolov

”Hmm…” Santa Vee pursed her lips as she read the first name on her list. ”Verni… Verny…” She looked at the name from several angles, trying to figure out the correct pronunciation. ”Miss Sokolov!” But ultimately gave up…

”You’ve heard that?” She looked at the reindeer. ”Miss Sokolov. First name starting with a “V”. Do you know where tha-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!” A loud scream pierced the night as the reindeer nosedived towards the ground.

As soon as they landed on the roof, Santa Vee grabbed the sack and quickly jumped out of the sleigh before the nefarious reindeer got any more ideas. Now was the time to go down the chimney, leave the gifts, and then depart before anyone knew she was there. Easy! Except… now that she had the chance to look around, she discovered there was no chimney in sight which meant…

Santa Vee sighed.

… which meant she would have to sneak in through the window. Santa Vee sighed again; sneaking through windows was the absolute worst. Gritting her teeth, the girl adjusted the sack on her shoulder and walked up to the edge of the rooftop. Carefully, she peeked down and slowly, very slowly, lowered her leg to stand on the windowsill.

”So far so good…” She mumbled under her breath as she lowered her leg and… suddenly lost her footing ”Uh-oh…” Was the only thing she managed to say before she started falling.

Santa Vee screamed as she fell. Thankfully, the building wasn't too tall and her fall was softened considerably by the bushes below.

Groaning in pain, Santa Vee managed to untangle herself from the branches, pick up her sack and walk up to the main door. She spent a few seconds brushing off the dirt and leaves off her coat and, after she made sure she looked at least somewhat presentable, she rang the doorbell and waited for the girl to answer...

Tagging: Raffa, Santa Vee

Letting herself space out while she downed more and more alcohol, Verniy was about to pass out before a noise from above delayed that eventuality. The girl blinked and looked up at the ceiling. She swore she heard something just now, but at the same time she’s not sure what it was. Maybe she’s started hallucinating…

…Yeah no, she’s pretty sure she didn’t hallucinate the sound of someone screaming as they fell off the roof and hit the shrubbery. Why was someone on the roof? A burglar? On this day of all days? Seriously, first she gets kidnapped into being some demon’s harem for the day, and now there’s a burglar? All right after she lost Dawn? How cursed is this Christmas? Anger burned through the haze of drunkenness as she picked up a bottle and headed for the window closest to where she heard the crash, fully intent on using it if this was what she thought it was, only for the doorbell to shake her out of her fury. A burglar wouldn’t go ring the doorbell after a failed attempt, would they? Unless she’s just gonna get mugged now.

A regular person would probably be calling the cops by now, but Verniy wasn’t a regular person. She was a magical girl, drunk, and not the image of mental health; thus instead she cautiously walked up to the front door, vodka bottle hidden behind her back in case she found herself at gun or knifepoint, forgets that the peephole exists, and just opens the door.

Vee would be greeted with the sight of a bewildered young woman in a santa outfit of her own, disheveled and drunk, yet with a distinct lack of party behind her. One might even think the poor soul’s been spending the entire day drinking her sorrows away alone at home.

Verniy, in turn, examined the santa cosplayer in front of her. She felt like she’s seen the girl somewhere before, but she couldn’t tell where. Maybe it’s on a wanted poster for an escaped inmate from a mental institution, considering this girl apparently was trying to play santa for real, must’ve been looking for a different way in after not finding a chimney. How did she get on the roof without her noticing anyway? You know what, though? She’s gonna humor this girl. Burglar, asylum escapee, Christmas-themed serial killer, it didn’t matter, she’s gonna see what this girl wants and maybe even invite her in for a drink. She got hypnotized off the streets by some dude with a giant demonic reindick and ended up getting home safe and sound anyway, this day can’t get much weirder than that.

Thus, the white-haired girl simply stared at Vee and waited for her to talk first.
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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #25 on: December 15, 2018, 09:29:25 PM »

Jane Serpis
Her Humble Abode
Tag: A Santa

" Hmmm. My inner nice ,eh? Wonder if any part of bitter old me has the capacity to be nice for the sake of being nice. " She chuckled. " No spoilers please. I rather would like to dive into mysterious content on my own. Well, with books at least. " Taking a beer from the fridge, she popped it open. " I would offer you some too, but you are on working hours. As for me being nice, I would say that you shouldn't hold your breath on that, but everything changes with the passage of time. Who knows, my power may corrupt me by the end or uplift me. Time will tell, I suppose. " She chuckled, not seeming to mind either end.

" I see. I'll trust him on selecting someone pure of heart. It would be a darn shame if even Christmas got corrupted in this war. The one of the few shards of the old me still existing.... " She gained a melachonical expression as her eyes grew hazy, seeming to be lost in her world once more. Ss Santa continued to speak, she'd find Jane listening once more. " I know. The problem isn't in me hating my powers. I love them. They are mine. However, between the fear of loosing oneself and stagnating due to a lack of risk-taking, one is hard pressed to do anything. As they say, absolute power corrupts absolutely. I'd rather take my time before I do something that will make me resent myself. " She gave a somewhat bitter smile.

" Trust me, if I was given a chance to not be involved in this war at all, I would take it each time without regret. " She allowed the conversation to lull before continuing. " As for the second point, I completely agree. That is why careful testing of each and every aspect is needed. The less variables are present, the less will people be able to misuse it. Sad as it may be, humanity has shown a penchant of taking beautiful thinks and turning them into a twisted mockery of what it was supposed to be. The ideal communism, wireless electricity, nuclear energy. " She let out a tired sigh.

Her response was but a simple nod as she sipped her bear. " My question is a relatively simple one. Well, on the surface anyway. I wanted to ask, does it ever grow tiresome? Living with no end in sight, seeing the world change but you remaining yourself, stagnant? " She asked, her eyes showing worry.

Jane's Humble Abode
Tag: Jane

Jane's question was one that was fun to answer, she had been asked this before in her long long life, but it seemed Jane thought that it bothered her. "No, because no matter how long I live, I get to see new faces and experiences every year. My life doesn't grow stagnant as a result, and I can travel across the world once a year to see all the new changes from now on. Think about it, I did not leave my husband's workshop until tonight, that alone is new. I live through the beliefs and lives of the people in the world, as I said earlier, I watch everyone. That means I see all your new experiences as well." She smiled and finished her little meal. "Even if I myself stay the same, the wonder of the world is what keeps me going. I'm happy to live out the rest of my life bringing joy to children, and people like yourself, every year. Also, I have to make new toys every year, do you know how riveting that is? If you worry about my mental health, it's been the same for a long long time. That doesn't mean I'm stagnant, I see new things every year, and that excites me even if its not my own experience, I get to share it with all of you. And why would I need to change? What I do brings happiness to the world, and that's always good." Something probably mundane to Jane seemed to bring excitement to Mrs. Claus.

"Anyway, I must be off, Christmas will not wait for me and I have other people to deliver to. I must say your cooking of Gingerbread men is pretty good." Mrs. Claus would say, although Jane would have but a moment to say something else if she wished, but with a snap of her finger, Mrs. Claus would be off to visit someone else! The night wouldn't wait for her, and she had a list to get to.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #26 on: December 15, 2018, 09:29:37 PM »

Name:Makiko Yamada
Location: Makiko's Flat
Tag: Raffa/Youkai

A quiet night, Makiko was home alone clicking through the various forums. She sighed wistfully there was some place she'd rather be right now, but it was going to be one of those evenings of quite worship alone as Naneka was busy. A new thread caught her attention; Naneka Hideyoshi christmas set release. Several furious clicks and 3 orders later and the white haired pervert was ready to start expouting just how christmasy it felt now that she'd seen the greatest model ever in her Sexy Santa outfit.

"I wonder if she'd model it for me later...." she wistfully sighed before continuing her forum trawling.

Makiko's Flat
Tag: Makiko

But why model Santa, when you could be the real thing? Mrs. Claus would come up on the next person on her list, Makiko Yamada. She was on the nice list, even if she had perverted thoughts and ideas from time to time. The woman was a fighter against the demonic forces even if she had fallen victim to the seductive practices of her idol Naneka. Anyway, Mrs. Claus would come a halt at the door and sing at the door. "Ho. Ho. Ho." She said joyously, as she magically opened the door with a flick of her wrist. Again, no chimney, that was becoming a theme, but it was okay. Makiko was wide awake, she knew that much, as she'd probably be amazed to see a sexy woman in a santa outfit just walking into her house.

"Makiko Yamada right? I got a present for you." She smiled and held out a present for her, while locking the door behind her as she entered. She waited for Makiko to come over and talk to her before saying anything else...

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #27 on: December 15, 2018, 09:30:00 PM »

Name: Ava Von Nox
Location: The Auralis Grand Mall
Tagging: Mrs. Claus (Youkai)

Ava let out a weak sigh, as she quietly smoked her cigarette. Her heart was heavy, it was Christmas time, the snows had settled over most of Auralis not locked in some temporal nonsense, and most of the city was abuzz with activity. This should have made Ava happy, proof that others could look past everything like she did and just for once hopefully celebrate a holiday in peace. However, two years of accidental mishaps that defied the basics of reality and the fact her Brother had been silent towards her ever since their final argument, left a sour taste in the holiday cheer.

She wondered why she was still here at the mall, she had hoped to see the cheer in others and that such cheer would rub off on her. However, that wasn't the case. She still remained quite grumpy with her brother missing and the knowledge that the peace she was seeing wouldn't last long, no matter how much she prayed and hoped it would. She tosses her cigarette upon the ground and stamps it out into the snow pile as part of habit before moving into the Mall once more.

She would travel the areas of the mall quietly, occasionally going into shops and window shopping for something that might interest her. She just needed something, anything really that would stoke the fires of her joy but, nothing seemed to. She was trapped now in the holiday slump, which she internally feared she may never really escape. Damn it Loki, just message me or something. She thought to herself as she lets out another sigh.

Would anyone come to the rescue of the poor mortal girl, too depressed and in turmoil to really feel the Christmas cheer? Or is she doomed to forever be a depressed little snowflake? Find out next time on dragon ball z!

Auralis Grand Mall
Tag: Ava

This was a unique stop, Ava wasn't home for the Christmas holiday like most people on her list. Instead she was wandering the mall, alone in her thoughts. The poor dear was clearly depressed and looking for an outlet of joy. Yes, this one needed a different sort of attention. Mrs. Claus would enter the mall, invisible to everyone and would position herself in an empty seat that was normally reserved for the people that dressed and acted like Santa during this time of the year. But she was the real thing, just hiding in secret. She'd materialize when she was sure that nobody was looking, sitting on the chair with a sack next to her, even if someone opened it without her approval all they'd find in there was an assortment of toys. It took Santa's magic to truly pull anything of worth out of there.

She spoke up, her voice filled with joy as she aimed her gaze at Ava. "What has you down this year, young one? Is it the argument you had with your brother? You should know a family always loves each other..." Mrs. Claus winked at Ava, patting her lap. "Come sit on my lap, tell me what ails you. I've heard and seen a lot of stories in my lifetime, you wouldn't mind sharing one more right?" The fact she already knew what Ava was going through was probably a dead giveaway on who she was.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #28 on: December 15, 2018, 09:54:16 PM »

Makiko's Flat
Tag: Makiko

But why model Santa, when you could be the real thing? Mrs. Claus would come up on the next person on her list, Makiko Yamada. She was on the nice list, even if she had perverted thoughts and ideas from time to time. The woman was a fighter against the demonic forces even if she had fallen victim to the seductive practices of her idol Naneka. Anyway, Mrs. Claus would come a halt at the door and sing at the door. "Ho. Ho. Ho." She said joyously, as she magically opened the door with a flick of her wrist. Again, no chimney, that was becoming a theme, but it was okay. Makiko was wide awake, she knew that much, as she'd probably be amazed to see a sexy woman in a santa outfit just walking into her house.

"Makiko Yamada right? I got a present for you." She smiled and held out a present for her, while locking the door behind her as she entered. She waited for Makiko to come over and talk to her before saying anything else...

Slixer has been granted 1 Ability Point to use on one of their characters

Name:Makiko Yamada
Location: Makiko's Flat
Tag: Youkai

Pushing off from her Computer Makiko looked... mostly dumbfounded why a strange Santa was stood in her Living room holding... a present for her.

"You're not Naneka.... And you aren't Deena either." She said as if that was the only thing on her mind as she glanced over the strange visitors attire, it was pretty well made after all, nice flow, a gap just wide enough between the dress ending and the Thigh boots beginning to leave a tantalizing hint of nylon for the viewer. The black was making her look a tad more gothy though which seemed at odds with the festive cheer.

"Ah yeah... look it's very sweet of you to try and surprise me now that I've started posting my own albums on the net but I don't really need a fan and I was kinda hoping you where one of my girlfriends so I'm going to have to ask you to leave." she tried to not sound dismissive but really she had been hoping for a surprise or the very least Deena to be over so they could cum themselves into exhaustion since Naneka wasn't around to command them.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #29 on: December 15, 2018, 10:20:35 PM »

Jane's Humble Abode
Tag: Jane

Jane's question was one that was fun to answer, she had been asked this before in her long long life, but it seemed Jane thought that it bothered her. "No, because no matter how long I live, I get to see new faces and experiences every year. My life doesn't grow stagnant as a result, and I can travel across the world once a year to see all the new changes from now on. Think about it, I did not leave my husband's workshop until tonight, that alone is new. I live through the beliefs and lives of the people in the world, as I said earlier, I watch everyone. That means I see all your new experiences as well." She smiled and finished her little meal. "Even if I myself stay the same, the wonder of the world is what keeps me going. I'm happy to live out the rest of my life bringing joy to children, and people like yourself, every year. Also, I have to make new toys every year, do you know how riveting that is? If you worry about my mental health, it's been the same for a long long time. That doesn't mean I'm stagnant, I see new things every year, and that excites me even if its not my own experience, I get to share it with all of you. And why would I need to change? What I do brings happiness to the world, and that's always good." Something probably mundane to Jane seemed to bring excitement to Mrs. Claus.

"Anyway, I must be off, Christmas will not wait for me and I have other people to deliver to. I must say your cooking of Gingerbread men is pretty good." Mrs. Claus would say, although Jane would have but a moment to say something else if she wished, but with a snap of her finger, Mrs. Claus would be off to visit someone else! The night wouldn't wait for her, and she had a list to get to.

Jane Serpis
Her Humble Abode
Tag: A Santa

" Thank you. Till we meet again. " She claimed, whatever had her worried seemingly elated. For the time being again. She chuckled before shaking her head. Add a plate and bear can to the list of her chores.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #30 on: December 16, 2018, 08:38:22 PM »

Name:Makiko Yamada
Location: Makiko's Flat
Tag: Youkai

Pushing off from her Computer Makiko looked... mostly dumbfounded why a strange Santa was stood in her Living room holding... a present for her.

"You're not Naneka.... And you aren't Deena either." She said as if that was the only thing on her mind as she glanced over the strange visitors attire, it was pretty well made after all, nice flow, a gap just wide enough between the dress ending and the Thigh boots beginning to leave a tantalizing hint of nylon for the viewer. The black was making her look a tad more gothy though which seemed at odds with the festive cheer.

"Ah yeah... look it's very sweet of you to try and surprise me now that I've started posting my own albums on the net but I don't really need a fan and I was kinda hoping you where one of my girlfriends so I'm going to have to ask you to leave." she tried to not sound dismissive but really she had been hoping for a surprise or the very least Deena to be over so they could cum themselves into exhaustion since Naneka wasn't around to command them.

Makiko's Flat
Tag: Makiko

Mrs. Claus rolled her eyes. "I see that Naneka has brainwashed you and the poor Deeds girl pretty strongly. Either way, you still have good in you." Wait, how would she know that? Was she watching them? That was probably silly. Mrs. Claus snapped her fingers and another present spawned. So now Makiko would have two presents to deal with, Mrs. Claus would set them down on her couch and smile. "Brainwashed or not, these are suitable, do try and take care of the demons as you see fit. Your cosplay club might be needed in the future. And I assure you, I'm the real Mrs. Claus. My husband is the real St. Nick. I'm no fan girl."

With that statement done, Makiko would find her fridge raided of a glass of milk and a cookie. They were finished in a flash and by the time Makiko might get a hint of what was going on, Mrs. Claus was gone leaving the woman with her two presents.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2018, 09:24:02 PM by Youkai »

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #31 on: December 17, 2018, 01:53:30 AM »
(OOC: Either santa can answer this one, not necessarily in rhyme. Though rhyme is encouraged! Also, let's say this is before the "has to bark every sentence" change...) (edit - Santa Vee has agreed :p)

Oscar Wagnum did sit on his rooftop perch.
Sulking, couldn't this job come with better perks?

Still, he looked to the skies with binocular vision.
...Dame was right! startled Wagnum, with old-timey derision.

Indeed, a strange woman was sleighing through skies.
So onto the chase was Wagnum, P.I.!

He hopped and he flopped through the city's rooftops.
Shortened of breath, he thought why won't she stop?

Until long at last Wagnum caught up with the ride.
The rider was out, so in wait he did hide.

From inside the sleigh he would crouch and he'd peek.
His tail sticking out, he was not the best sneak.

Tapped on the shoulder, in a panic he'd jump!
"Dingle Felsber?" SHE KNOWS?! his heart rapidly sunk.

"N-Never heard of him!" The man once named Dingle did lie.
"And you're under arrest, for suspicion of crimes!"
« Last Edit: December 17, 2018, 01:59:57 AM by madman32 »

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #32 on: December 21, 2018, 04:22:46 PM »

Tagging: Raffa, Santa Vee

Letting herself space out while she downed more and more alcohol, Verniy was about to pass out before a noise from above delayed that eventuality. The girl blinked and looked up at the ceiling. She swore she heard something just now, but at the same time she’s not sure what it was. Maybe she’s started hallucinating…

…Yeah no, she’s pretty sure she didn’t hallucinate the sound of someone screaming as they fell off the roof and hit the shrubbery. Why was someone on the roof? A burglar? On this day of all days? Seriously, first she gets kidnapped into being some demon’s harem for the day, and now there’s a burglar? All right after she lost Dawn? How cursed is this Christmas? Anger burned through the haze of drunkenness as she picked up a bottle and headed for the window closest to where she heard the crash, fully intent on using it if this was what she thought it was, only for the doorbell to shake her out of her fury. A burglar wouldn’t go ring the doorbell after a failed attempt, would they? Unless she’s just gonna get mugged now.

A regular person would probably be calling the cops by now, but Verniy wasn’t a regular person. She was a magical girl, drunk, and not the image of mental health; thus instead she cautiously walked up to the front door, vodka bottle hidden behind her back in case she found herself at gun or knifepoint, forgets that the peephole exists, and just opens the door.

Vee would be greeted with the sight of a bewildered young woman in a santa outfit of her own, disheveled and drunk, yet with a distinct lack of party behind her. One might even think the poor soul’s been spending the entire day drinking her sorrows away alone at home.

Verniy, in turn, examined the santa cosplayer in front of her. She felt like she’s seen the girl somewhere before, but she couldn’t tell where. Maybe it’s on a wanted poster for an escaped inmate from a mental institution, considering this girl apparently was trying to play santa for real, must’ve been looking for a different way in after not finding a chimney. How did she get on the roof without her noticing anyway? You know what, though? She’s gonna humor this girl. Burglar, asylum escapee, Christmas-themed serial killer, it didn’t matter, she’s gonna see what this girl wants and maybe even invite her in for a drink. She got hypnotized off the streets by some dude with a giant demonic reindick and ended up getting home safe and sound anyway, this day can’t get much weirder than that.

Thus, the white-haired girl simply stared at Vee and waited for her to talk first.

Santa Vee
Tag: Verniy Sokolov

Santa Vee was in the middle of pulling out a small twig entangled in her hair as the doors to the house opened, revealing a white-haired girl.

”Uhh… HO ho HO!” said Santa Vee, completely offkey, as she announced her arrival. ”Merry Christmas! You’re… Vern… Verrn… Verniyyy Sokolov, yes?” The girl asked her, only then realizing that the white-haired girl was blushing slightly. Her eyes were unfocused, and she was swaying slightly. Santa Vee sighed. She saw her dad plenty enough to know that the girl was-

”You’re drunk, aren’t you?” She asked, looking at Verniy sympathetically, ready to catch the young woman should she lose her balance. Even though one of the perks of being Santa was that, thanks to her powers, she didn’t have to worry too much about time, she was still nonetheless concerned she could end up holding up the girl’s hair over the toilet seat if she’ll keep up the drinking. 

”Anyway, may I come in?” Santa Vee asked and, upon being granted permission, she’d step inside Verniy’s home and close the door behind her. She then threw her sack onto the ground and fished out a long piece of paper from her pocket. Humming under her breath, Santa Vee moved her finger down a long list of names until she finally found Verniy. ”Right. Miss Sokolov. It says you were… mostly nice, which is good! Keep it up! There were some hiccups around March and April, I see, but then you really redeemed yourself in August and October. Kudos to you for that! Anyway, my boss says that it is enough to qualify you to receive a gift this year!” She said, flashing her a cheerful smile.

”So! What would you like to get from Santa this year, little girl?”
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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #33 on: December 21, 2018, 05:56:45 PM »

Santa Vee
Tag: Verniy Sokolov

Santa Vee was in the middle of pulling out a small twig entangled in her hair as the doors to the house opened, revealing a white-haired girl.

”Uhh… HO ho HO!” said Santa Vee, completely offkey, as she announced her arrival. ”Merry Christmas! You’re… Vern… Verrn… Verniyyy Sokolov, yes?” The girl asked her, only then realizing that the white-haired girl was blushing slightly. Her eyes were unfocused, and she was swaying slightly. Santa Vee sighed. She saw her dad plenty enough to know that the girl was-

”You’re drunk, aren’t you?” She asked, looking at Verniy sympathetically, ready to catch the young woman should she lose her balance. Even though one of the perks of being Santa was that, thanks to her powers, she didn’t have to worry too much about time, she was still nonetheless concerned she could end up holding up the girl’s hair over the toilet seat if she’ll keep up the drinking. 

”Anyway, may I come in?” Santa Vee asked and, upon being granted permission, she’d step inside Verniy’s home and close the door behind her. She then threw her sack onto the ground and fished out a long piece of paper from her pocket. Humming under her breath, Santa Vee moved her finger down a long list of names until she finally found Verniy. ”Right. Miss Sokolov. It says you were… mostly nice, which is good! Keep it up! There were some hiccups around March and April, I see, but then you really redeemed yourself in August and October. Kudos to you for that! Anyway, my boss says that it is enough to qualify you to receive a gift this year!” She said, flashing her a cheerful smile.

”So! What would you like to get from Santa this year, little girl?”

Tagging: Raffa, Santa Vee

Verniy stared at the santa-wannabe, bemused but intrigued. “…Yes. I am.” The drunken girl said as she posed and performed the most unenthusiastic JoJo reference ever. This girl should probably work on that santa laugh of hers, she also thought to herself. “Also yes.” She answered when asked if she was drunk, and shrugged when Vee asked to come in, moving aside to let her enter. “Sure, why not, come on in. Want a drink? No milk and cookies here, but I’ve got a whoooole crate’a vodka from… somewhere, you can take a bottle if ya want.” The half-Russian offered, as she closed the door once Vee was in. At least her speech didn’t sound too slurred from drunkenness so it’s unlikely there’ll be any vomiting going on.

Taking a swig from the bottle that she may or may not have been planning to use on Vee’s head if she turned out to have been a burglar, Verniy shuffled back over to her seat and watched the girl work. She squinted while the santa-wannabe apparently gave her a report on how much of a good girl she’s been over the year. She didn’t even remember anything noteworthy during those months that might coincide with what the brunette was talking about, but that might’ve just been the alcohol. Or, y’know, delusional santa girl making stuff up. She had to applaud the girl for paying attention to detail in her act though.

And then Vee went and asked her what she wanted for a present. Verniy blinked. She was genuinely expecting the brunette to pull out a toy robot or teddy bear or something and call it a gift. Wouldn’t Santa KNOW what she wanted? Though she supposed she hasn’t been sending any letters to the North Pole. So, what does she actually want for Christmas?

…Dawn Valentine. Magical girl, lives next door, or at least she did until her recent forced relocation to Hell. Dis. The demonrealms, the bad place. I want her back, safe and sound. All dressed up for the festivities too, if it’s not too much trouble.

That was Verniy’s request, and though she looked like she wasn’t expecting anything (because she wasn’t), her tone was dead serious. What’s the harm in asking, afterall? Best case, a miracle happens and she actually gets her beloved back, just like that; and if the ‘Santa’s little helper’ said she couldn’t, then she’ll just ask for a warship model or something.
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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #34 on: December 22, 2018, 04:52:56 PM »

Santa Vee
Tag: Verniy Sokolov

”I’m fine, thank you.” Santa Vee shook her head, politely declining Verniy’s offer. ”Should you really keep drinking, though?” She asked, concerned about the girl’s well-being.

Verniy’s request caught Santa Vee off guard. There was a long pause as she looked between Verniy’s face, the list, and the sack in her hand.

”Ummmmmmmmmmm…” Santa Vee looked away awkwardly, unsure how to reply to Verniy’s request. ”W-well…” She peeked inside the sack. Oh, she had plenty of things in there: toys, plushies, games and sweets. However, missing Magical Girl wasn’t one of those things; even Santa’s powers weren’t limitless. Eventually, Santa Vee sighed and, completely resigned, said: ”If you don’t mind, I’ll have that drink now…”

Once she’d have the drink in her hand, Santa Vee would take a small sip and then turn towards the white-haired girl. ”Well, the thing about it…” A bead of sweat rolled down the side of her head as she looked nervously at Verniy, trying to break the bad news as delicately as possible. ”I can’t really do that… It’s kind of… well, it’s kind of against the rules, you know? Santa can’t interfere like that. I was kinda, sorta hoping you’d ask for a giant teddy bear or something. I have, like-“ She peeked inside the bag again. ”I have a lot of those… Uhh… can I interest you in something else?”
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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #35 on: December 22, 2018, 05:33:43 PM »

Santa Vee
Tag: Verniy Sokolov

”I’m fine, thank you.” Santa Vee shook her head, politely declining Verniy’s offer. ”Should you really keep drinking, though?” She asked, concerned about the girl’s well-being.

Verniy’s request caught Santa Vee off guard. There was a long pause as she looked between Verniy’s face, the list, and the sack in her hand.

”Ummmmmmmmmmm…” Santa Vee looked away awkwardly, unsure how to reply to Verniy’s request. ”W-well…” She peeked inside the sack. Oh, she had plenty of things in there: toys, plushies, games and sweets. However, missing Magical Girl wasn’t one of those things; even Santa’s powers weren’t limitless. Eventually, Santa Vee sighed and, completely resigned, said: ”If you don’t mind, I’ll have that drink now…”

Once she’d have the drink in her hand, Santa Vee would take a small sip and then turn towards the white-haired girl. ”Well, the thing about it…” A bead of sweat rolled down the side of her head as she looked nervously at Verniy, trying to break the bad news as delicately as possible. ”I can’t really do that… It’s kind of… well, it’s kind of against the rules, you know? Santa can’t interfere like that. I was kinda, sorta hoping you’d ask for a giant teddy bear or something. I have, like-“ She peeked inside the bag again. ”I have a lot of those… Uhh… can I interest you in something else?”

Tagging: Raffa, Santa Vee

The santa girl’s response was pretty much what she expected it would be. By all means she should be disappointed and upset, yet Verniy found herself kind of amused instead. Just the way the girl reacted, that awkwardness, it was just chucklesome to her inebriated mind.

Taking one of the bottles of vodka out of her crate and handing it over to Vee (quality stuff, would warm her right up), Verniy continued to watch while the brunette tried to explain the situation to her. If it was any relief, the silver-haired girl had a little smirk on her face, a drunken giggle and a shake of her head when Vee was done. She took another swig and sighed. “Yeah, I thought as much. It’s okay, ya don’t gotta be sorry about it or anything. I guess it wouldn’t mean anything if I didn’t do it myself. Disgraceful, even. No, this is how it’s meant to be.” She leaned back a little and stared up at the ceiling with a faraway look.

Anyway, kidnapped magical girls aside then… You got any model warships in there? One of a destroyer if I get to pick and choose. There’s one that shares my name, y’know? Verniy, or at least that’s how it’s pronounced. It’s Russian, see, means ‘Faithful’. The ship also had a nickname, the Phoenix, because she survived longer than everyone else. You’d think that’s a good thing, but… I dunno if she’d agree if she could talk.” The strange girl downed the rest of her bottle and brought her head back down from the clouds. “Eh, enough with the trivia, I’m sure you got more deliveries tonight. So, got any destroyer models?
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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #36 on: December 22, 2018, 06:05:09 PM »

Santa Vee
Tag: Verniy Sokolov

With her throat burning slightly from the alcohol, Santa Vee pulled the bottle back to look at the alcohol content and-”Yikes… strong stuff.” She then raised her head to look at the magical girl. ”How many of those did you have thus far?” asked Santa Vee, taking another small sip before setting the bottle aside; she still had a job to do, after all, and being drunk in a flying sleigh didn’t sound particularly appealing.

”Now THAT!” Santa Vee raised her finger, flashing Verniy a triumphant smile. ”That I can do! Hang on a sec…” She said as she set the sack on the ground.

”One model destroyer coming up!” Santa Vee said as she started rummaging inside the sack. ”Hmm… now where did I…? No… that’s not it… Nope. No… Nope. Nuh-uh… Hmph…” She muttered under her breath as she practically climbed inside, searching for the ship. For a minute or two, Verniy could only see Santa Vee’s lower half wiggling around slightly as the brunette rummaged through the sack's content, searching for the gift.

”A-ha!” Santa Vee exclaimed triumphantly as she finally emerged from the bag, holding the box containing the model. ”One Verniy-class destroyer!” She said, handing the model over to Verniy.

”Merry Christmas!” She said with a wide smile. ”Anything else you’d like?”

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #37 on: December 22, 2018, 06:48:25 PM »

Santa Vee
Tag: Verniy Sokolov

With her throat burning slightly from the alcohol, Santa Vee pulled the bottle back to look at the alcohol content and-”Yikes… strong stuff.” She then raised her head to look at the magical girl. ”How many of those did you have thus far?” asked Santa Vee, taking another small sip before setting the bottle aside; she still had a job to do, after all, and being drunk in a flying sleigh didn’t sound particularly appealing.

”Now THAT!” Santa Vee raised her finger, flashing Verniy a triumphant smile. ”That I can do! Hang on a sec…” She said as she set the sack on the ground.

”One model destroyer coming up!” Santa Vee said as she started rummaging inside the sack. ”Hmm… now where did I…? No… that’s not it… Nope. No… Nope. Nuh-uh… Hmph…” She muttered under her breath as she practically climbed inside, searching for the ship. For a minute or two, Verniy could only see Santa Vee’s lower half wiggling around slightly as the brunette rummaged through the sack's content, searching for the gift.

”A-ha!” Santa Vee exclaimed triumphantly as she finally emerged from the bag, holding the box containing the model. ”One Verniy-class destroyer!” She said, handing the model over to Verniy.

”Merry Christmas!” She said with a wide smile. ”Anything else you’d like?”

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Tagging: Raffa, Santa Vee

Verniy stopped in the middle of lifting her bottle for a drink and stared at it. “…This is my second since coming home, but I dunno, actually. Like, I have had the strangest day today, I got abducted by… I’m pretty sure he was a demon, who was collecting magical girls or something and he had a reindeer suit on, with this huge reindeer head over his dick and it had glowing red hypnotic eyes and… Well I got caught off guard and I don’t know what he did to me or where he took me, but next thing I knew it was half the day later, I’m home safe and not raped, surprisingly, and I got a free crate of vodka to start my journey into alcoholism and a free santa dress and a commemorative photo and everything. And I came back drunk so I was already drinking before this. …I should probably stop before I get poisoned. I’m still finishing this one though.

She was actually somewhat surprised when it turns out the santa girl actually did have a model warship, watching and raising an eyebrow as the girl practically dove into the bag herself to search for it. So the bag might be magic and this girl might be for real afterall. Or close enough to it. When Vee emerged once more, Verniy’s eyes went wide as she stared at the box. Huh, it’s even specifically that destroyer. “…Wow, thanks.” She said in mild awe, accepting the gift and examining it. “I mean, technically it’s an Akatsuki-class, it was Japanese until they handed it over to Russians who renamed and remodeled it, but yeah. Merry Christmas to you too.” Verniy smiled, and this time it was a much warmer one.

Anything else I’d like?” Verniy blinked, unsure how to respond. She already got a gift, she’s not about to ask for another, but if santa’s little helper is offering then she felt like she should ask for something. Something less material.

…I’d ask you to stick around and keep me company for a little while longer, but I know you’re a busy girl, so… How about a hug? I’ve missed those.” The silver-haired girl got out of her seat, spreading her arms wide in welcome. When she looks back on this later she’s going to huddle up into a ball of embarrassment for literally asking a stranger for a hug, but the alcohol told her that tonight was not a night for such restraints. This could be the last hug that could come close to genuinely affectionate she’s ever gonna get, what’s the harm in asking?
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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #38 on: December 22, 2018, 07:13:11 PM »

Santa Vee
Tag: Verniy Sokolov

There was another long pause as Santa Vee stared at Verniy, unsure how to respond to the girl’s story. She was about to go full Defender-mode, but then she quickly reminded herself that her Santa job this year wasn’t done yet, and there were still plenty of people left to visit.

”…Yikes.” She said eventually. ”That’s, uh…” Santa Vee scratched the back of her head, looking around the room. ”That’s pretty rough, sorry to hear that.” It was a rather bland, neutral statement, but nothing else came to her mind. However, as the drunk girl accepted the gift, Santa Vee’s humor improved slightly as she saw a glint of joy in Verniy’s eyes.

”Oh.” Santa Vee’s shoulders sagged slightly when Verniy pointed out her error. ”Well, I don’t know much about ships. I just play the role of a Santa for one day every year because one time I-IIIIIIII don’t think that’s really necessary for you to know, just enjoy your gift!” She said quickly, flashing the girl a disarming smile. Bleh! Put a little alcohol in me and I become a tattletale. Santa Vee thought to herself, glancing quickly at her watch.

”Oh?” Santa Vee raised her head, looking at Verniy with a surprised expression. However, the surprised look was quickly replaced with a smile as she gave the magical girl a quick nod. ”I have time. Besides, Santa’s job is to spread joy and all that. One hug, coming right up!” She said with a laugh as she walked up to the magical girl. Without hesitation, Santa Vee wrapped her arms around Verniy and pulled the girl in close for a hug.

She held the hug for a few seconds, giving the magical girl a reassuring pat on the back; judging by the turmoil going on in her head, she was sorely in need of one.

”Well, I better get going now.” said Santa Vee, pulling back from the hug. She grabbed the sack and flung it over her shoulder. ”There are still plenty of people to visit! In the meantime… have a Merry Christmas! hoHO    ho!” And, like that, she was gone.
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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #39 on: December 22, 2018, 08:00:57 PM »

Santa Vee
Tag: Verniy Sokolov

There was another long pause as Santa Vee stared at Verniy, unsure how to respond to the girl’s story. She was about to go full Defender-mode, but then she quickly reminded herself that her Santa job this year wasn’t done yet, and there were still plenty of people left to visit.

”…Yikes.” She said eventually. ”That’s, uh…” Santa Vee scratched the back of her head, looking around the room. ”That’s pretty rough, sorry to hear that.” It was a rather bland, neutral statement, but nothing else came to her mind. However, as the drunk girl accepted the gift, Santa Vee’s humor improved slightly as she saw a glint of joy in Verniy’s eyes.

”Oh.” Santa Vee’s shoulders sagged slightly when Verniy pointed out her error. ”Well, I don’t know much about ships. I just play the role of a Santa for one day every year because one time I-IIIIIIII don’t think that’s really necessary for you to know, just enjoy your gift!” She said quickly, flashing the girl a disarming smile. Bleh! Put a little alcohol in me and I become a tattletale. Santa Vee thought to herself, glancing quickly at her watch.

”Oh?” Santa Vee raised her head, looking at Verniy with a surprised expression. However, the surprised look was quickly replaced with a smile as she gave the magical girl a quick nod. ”I have time. Besides, Santa’s job is to spread joy and all that. One hug, coming right up!” She said with a laugh as she walked up to the magical girl. Without hesitation, Santa Vee wrapped her arms around Verniy and pulled the girl in close for a hug.

She held the hug for a few seconds, giving the magical girl a reassuring pat on the back; judging by the turmoil going on in her head, she was sorely in need of one.

”Well, I better get going now.” said Santa Vee, pulling back from the hug. She grabbed the sack and flung it over her shoulder. ”There are still plenty of people to visit! In the meantime… have a Merry Christmas! hoHO    ho!” And, like that, she was gone.

Tagging: Raffa, Santa Vee

Verniy simply shrugged to Vee’s remark about her day’s ordeals. “Eh, as far as demonic abductions go it could’ve gone a lot worse. I don’t remember it, but I’m pretty sure I had a blast, at least compared to moping at home all alone all day. …I dunno if the others got home safe though. You’re santa’s helper though, you’d probably see them tonight if they’re fine. Picture’s over there if you’re interested.” She pushed the framed photo on the table closer to the santa girl.

Vee’s little slip-up made the girl raise an eyebrow pretty far, an amused little smirk on her face. She didn’t prod Vee on the story though, fortunately.

As Vee accepted Verniy’s request and embraced her, the silver-haired girl wrapped her arms around Santa’s substitute as well, loosely at first, then surprisingly tightly, clinging on as if desperate for a bit of support. She hadn’t had a hug in… well, not since Dawn was taken. And she doesn’t know when she’ll get another one.

She’s going to miss this.

Her grip did loosen though, and Verniy stepped back as Vee did, smiling at the Santa girl, a glistening in her eyes. “Thanks for that, and the model, and just sticking around listening to me ramble. I don’t even know your name, and I doubt you’d tell me if I asked, but… you’re a living Christmas miracle to me, and I just want you to know that. Merry Christmas.

And just like that, the strange Santa girl was gone, as if she’d never been there, leaving only a model warship, one less bottle in the crate, and a very happy drunk. Even still, Verniy took it in stride, simply returning to her chair and staring at the model’s box fondly. Really, she couldn’t even tell if anything that happened today was real. For all she knows she could wake up tomorrow and find that Christmas was still a month away or half a year ago, the day has just been too bizarre, and uncharacteristically lucky for her. Nonetheless, she’s going to try her best to remember this dream, if that’s what it is. She’ll write it down, she’ll actually go and order a Verniy warship model…

…and when she rescues Dawn from the demonrealms, she’s going to tell her all about it.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2018, 09:49:55 PM by Youkai »
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