Author Topic: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018  (Read 14077 times)

Offline Raffa

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #40 on: December 23, 2018, 03:51:49 PM »

Santa Vee
Tag: Ayahuitl'eztli (Watefly)

”Ugh… next time, let’s land on the ground…” said Santa Vee as she got back to the rooftop. Humming quietly under her breath, she took out the list out of her pocket and crossed out Verniy’s name. ”Okay! That’s one! Let’s move on to-huh?” She tilted her head as she realized there was something off. Slowly, she walked around the sleigh, until…

A Santa's sled
Tag: One Santa or another

Tough this troubling Christmas time, even a Santa would be surprised to find. A spider demon sitting in their sled, norming on the treats for their reindeer best.

Strangely enough, less naughty than nice, the demon was entitled to a Christmas treat before sunrise.

Holding out a stocking made from silk, it waited patiently for a treat for it to fill.

”WHAT IS THAT?!” Santa Vee screamed out as she noticed the spider demon sitting in her sled, happily chewing on some snacks-Wait, I had snacks?-without a single care in the world. How the hell didn’t I notice her sooner!? Santa Vee scolded herself as she carefully approached Ayahuitl’eztli; a name she found out after a quick scan of the demoness’ surface thoughts.

”Errr… Hello?” She greeted the demon, eyeing her cautiously. ”Um, I mean: Ho hoooHO! How did you get here!?”
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

Offline Waterfly

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #41 on: December 23, 2018, 05:39:50 PM »

A Santa's sled
Tag: Santa Vee

unfazed by her scream the demon still beamed, hoping to learn the meaning Christmas in turn.

So When Santa Vee, peeked into the demon's sticky mind. Not only a name would she find, but lines of lines of little Christmassy spiders there in lies. With little Christmas hats and tiny silken socks, that they were all  happily holding up. Hoping them all to be full rather than not.     

At the Santa's request the demon simply pointed down at the sled, smiling and unhelpfully said. ''On that''

Offline Raffa

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #42 on: December 24, 2018, 12:57:37 AM »

Santa Vee
Tag: Ayahuitl'eztli (Watefly)

Santa Vee’s eyes followed Ayahuitl’eztil’s finger to where the demoness was pointing. ”Yeah, I got that. I meant: how did not notice you until now!?” she asked and then turned towards the reindeer. ”Did you know about this?”

The reindeer’s unhelpful lack of response made Santa Vee sigh and bury her head in her hands.

”Well, at least you don’t seem to want to fight me…” She murmured as she looked up to glance at the spider demon’s face. ”In fact what do you… exactly… want…?” Her voice trailed off as she focused and started reading through Ayahuitl’eztli’s mind. With all the demon-fighting experience, she fully expected to see some kind of long and really elaborate plot to lull her into a false sense of security and strike when she’d least expect it. However, what she saw had shocked her.

”Huh…” Santa Vee looked curiously at the demoness. ”So, you’re just here to… wow, I didn’t expect for demons to be interested in that kind of stuff…” Rubbing her chin contemplatively, Santa Vee fished out the list out of her pocket and started quickly going down the list of names.

Much to her surprise, Ayahuitl’eztli’s name was on the list; even though she could’ve sworn it wasn’t there the last time she checked. In disbelief, she looked between the list and the demon, then back to the list, until she eventually shrugged, and focused on the demoness.

”Well then…” A warm smile appeared on Santa Vee’s face. ”It appears you're in luck! You somehow made it to the Nice List. Good job!" She congratulated her, shacking the sack slightly, making the items inside rattle slightly. "SO! What can this Santa do for you this Christmas?"
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

Offline Waterfly

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #43 on: December 24, 2018, 03:01:09 AM »

A Santa's sled
Tag: Santa Vee

Once more holding out her stock, the demoness said most likely to Santa's shock. ''All the Christmas food, along with the Christmas treats i have yet to try 'n eat.''
« Last Edit: December 27, 2018, 10:22:21 PM by Waterfly »

Offline Raffa

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #44 on: December 28, 2018, 09:47:44 PM »

Santa Vee
Tag: Ayahuitl'eztli (Watefly)

Santa Vee looked at the stock the demoness was holding in her hand.
”Oh.” She said as the tension visibly left her shoulders. ”Wasn’t my first guess… but it’s easy enough.” The girl replied with a nod as she set the sack down on the ground and dived inside to retrieve the food for the hungry spider demoness.

For the next few seconds, all Ayahuitl’eztli could see was Santa Vee’s lower half wiggling slightly as the brunette searched for the snacks. Soon, however, she could pick up a faint smell of freshly baked cookies and various other pastries, and that’s when Santa Vee re-emerged, her arms practically filled to the brim with various snacks and sweets.

”H Ho-“ The so far perfect “Ho Ho Ho” was unexpectedly interrupted by a brief coughing fit. ”Dammit… Anyway! Merry Christmas, Ayahui-… Ayahuitel… Merry Christmas, miss!” She announced with a smile as she started filling in the demoness’ stock

”Well then! That’s all the treats I had on me. Hmm… I should probably be off now…” She said as she started climbing inside the sleigh.

Waterfly gains one Character Point!
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

Offline Raffa

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #45 on: January 01, 2019, 11:13:17 PM »
(OOC: Either santa can answer this one, not necessarily in rhyme. Though rhyme is encouraged! Also, let's say this is before the "has to bark every sentence" change...) (edit - Santa Vee has agreed :p)

Oscar Wagnum did sit on his rooftop perch.
Sulking, couldn't this job come with better perks?

Still, he looked to the skies with binocular vision.
...Dame was right! startled Wagnum, with old-timey derision.

Indeed, a strange woman was sleighing through skies.
So onto the chase was Wagnum, P.I.!

He hopped and he flopped through the city's rooftops.
Shortened of breath, he thought why won't she stop?

Until long at last Wagnum caught up with the ride.
The rider was out, so in wait he did hide.

From inside the sleigh he would crouch and he'd peek.
His tail sticking out, he was not the best sneak.

Tapped on the shoulder, in a panic he'd jump!
"Dingle Felsber?" SHE KNOWS?! his heart rapidly sunk.

"N-Never heard of him!" The man once named Dingle did lie.
"And you're under arrest, for suspicion of crimes!"

Santa Vee
Tag: Oscar Wagnum (madman32)

”Right, are there any other passengers I should know about?” Santa Vee asked the reindeer after they took flight, but the nefarious animal didn’t answer her either because there weren’t or just to spite his temporary boss. The next few deliveries were (thankfully) rather uneventful and, like a proper Santa, she managed to avoid detection. A few hours later, she was already done with more than half the people on her list.

”Ha!” Santa Vee smiled triumphantly as she crossed out yet another name from her list. ”We’re doing a lot better than last year-

”-I should team up with Mrs. Santa more often, I guess.
With her at my side, this event isn’t in such a mess.”

That’s when she froze and realized that it was just like the last time!
With the look of terror on her face she realized this post’s prose turned into rhyme!

”Why is this happening again? What’s causing this!?”
Santa Vee exclaimed, looking for anything amiss.
That’s when she sensed, someone looking from below.
And she saw a giant dog with the fur as white as snow.

So it must be he, the source of my woes!
He’s the one who prevents me speaking in prose!
Well, I’ll go pay him a visit and, in a minute or two,
He’ll either stop or a battle will ensue!

With the plan in her head, she landed sleigh,
Then she walked a few feet, just to get out of the way.
From the shadows, she curiously waited for the dog’s plan,
Only to realize it wasn’t a dog, but a man!

Unwilling to keep up with charade, she decided to act,
And tapped his shoulder, before he could even react.
”Crimes?” Santa Vee asked, confused,
”And tell me: of what am I being accused?”

And that’s when the girl sighed with frustration,
Quite tired of all this forced rhyming and recitation.
”I’m just a Santa, on my way to spread joy.
And I know you’re behind this, so stop playing coy!”

« Last Edit: January 01, 2019, 11:17:50 PM by Raffa »
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

Offline madman32

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #46 on: January 05, 2019, 08:53:14 PM »

His narrative skewed, Oscar sniffled. "Atchoo!"
Did she say his old name, or was he mad with dog flu?

"Invasion of homes, some properties damaged...
You ran into buildings. And this stand full of cabbage!"

Showing her pictures, he glared for a bit.
"What do you think I'm behind, Ms. Saint Nick?"

Sniffing the air, he would notice in time...
A whiff of stale bread. And an odor of rhyme.

"Son of a bitch, he must be in town!"
Wagnum slapped his own forehead, with deepening frown.

"It's Biscuits Meniscus, here to ruin christmas!
He's the only old man with a profile that fits this..."

Wagnum pondered a moment, how could he explain?
Thinking he couldn't, he simply refrained.

Rather, he followed the breadcrumbs away.
"Over here!" he did shout back to Vee's trusty sleigh.

And there he was, Bicuits, so mirthful with glee!
Stuffing moldy old bread down another chimney.

"Run me out of business, will you?!" He did moan.
"The only gift you're getting this year's my scones!"

"Drop the bread, old man Biscuits!" said Wagnum, P.I.
To Vee shouting "this here's our baron of rhyme!"

What a turn of events, now what would Vee do?
A christmas team-up? Or waste time and stew?

Racked now with nerves, Biscuits tugged on his hat.
"This doesn't seem fair... I don't even have stats!"

Offline Raffa

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #47 on: January 05, 2019, 11:37:20 PM »

Santa Vee
Tag: Oscar Wagnum (madman32

”Well, that’s not my…” Santa Vee stammered in protest,
She had enough troubles on her head, between demons, her job and Santa’s quest.

She didn’t some weird half-man, half-dog who thought himself a cop.
That does it! She thought. It’s time for all of this to stop!

”Listen here, Mr. Dogman, sir!” She said to his face,
”The people of Auralis need Santa, so against time I must race!

So please just give me a warning instead, or a note or such,
I promise on my hero license: I’ll try not to speed… much.”

But she was totally unprepared for the events that came next,
And watched the events unfold, feeling most perplexed.

”What are you?! A demon? Or a corrupted mage?”
She asked, all of this rhyming only fueling her rage.

Santa Vee turned to the doggo. ”Mr. Dogman, sir, I propose a truce!”
”Let’s set aside our differences and lay rest to this abuse!”

”And should you forget about this and let me go free…
I’ll add you to the Nice List and give you a gift… or maybe even three.”
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

Offline Valentine

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #48 on: January 06, 2019, 01:43:09 AM »

Auralis Grand Mall
Tag: Ava

This was a unique stop, Ava wasn't home for the Christmas holiday like most people on her list. Instead she was wandering the mall, alone in her thoughts. The poor dear was clearly depressed and looking for an outlet of joy. Yes, this one needed a different sort of attention. Mrs. Claus would enter the mall, invisible to everyone and would position herself in an empty seat that was normally reserved for the people that dressed and acted like Santa during this time of the year. But she was the real thing, just hiding in secret. She'd materialize when she was sure that nobody was looking, sitting on the chair with a sack next to her, even if someone opened it without her approval all they'd find in there was an assortment of toys. It took Santa's magic to truly pull anything of worth out of there.

She spoke up, her voice filled with joy as she aimed her gaze at Ava. "What has you down this year, young one? Is it the argument you had with your brother? You should know a family always loves each other..." Mrs. Claus winked at Ava, patting her lap. "Come sit on my lap, tell me what ails you. I've heard and seen a lot of stories in my lifetime, you wouldn't mind sharing one more right?" The fact she already knew what Ava was going through was probably a dead giveaway on who she was.

Valentine has been granted 1 Ability Point to use on one of their characters

Name: Ava Von Nox
Location: The Auralis Grand Mall
Tagging: Mrs. Claus (Youkai)

Ava had remained lost in her thoughts until the strange Santa impersonator spoke to her directly. She hadn't noticed this one being around prior during her wanderings through the mall but, the deeply specific nature of what the Santa asked her gave Ava a chill down her back. She knew, the issues that plagued Ava this year, somehow she did.

“I... Okay...” Ava wanted to leave to just flee in from the gaze of a being capable of knowing such personal things about her but, the sweet nature of the woman before her gave no ill intent to Ava's mind.

She stepped close and gently sat herself down upon the lap of Ms. Claus. Ava's face tinged with red due slightly from embarrassment. She tried to recall the last time she had done something like this, and the image of her youthful yet happy self, with her family years ago returned to the forefront of her mind. She coughed a few times into her sleeve before speaking quietly.

“You're not what I expected in... well... The Ms. Claus, Your much more attractive in person than the movies and all give you credit for.” Ava said with a smile, she had to be up front with that first because otherwise, she'd die from embarrassment if she found herself ogling the beautiful woman whose lap she now sat upon.

“I don't know what else to tell you though, My brother and I, we disagreed on how things should be done. He went to serve with some organization wanting to fight the things that threaten the city. I just wanted to protect ourselves and live a normal life... now look at me, alone on Christmas, without anyone to celebrate or do anything with. Its lonely and depressing and yeah...” Ava said gently rubbing her arm still nervous to be in such a situation.
Spoiler for Random Quote:

Jedi - *hand wave* You will lay down your weapons and surrender.

BH - "So.. Has that actually worked on anyone?"

Jedi - *tries mind trick again* You will lay down your weapons and surrender...

BH - *waves his hand like he's trying the mind trick* You... will realize you're an idiot.

Offline madman32

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #49 on: January 06, 2019, 07:27:36 AM »

Santa Vee
Tag: Oscar Wagnum (madman32

”Well, that’s not my…” Santa Vee stammered in protest,
She had enough troubles on her head, between demons, her job and Santa’s quest.

She didn’t some weird half-man, half-dog who thought himself a cop.
That does it! She thought. It’s time for all of this to stop!

”Listen here, Mr. Dogman, sir!” She said to his face,
”The people of Auralis need Santa, so against time I must race!

So please just give me a warning instead, or a note or such,
I promise on my hero license: I’ll try not to speed… much.”

But she was totally unprepared for the events that came next,
And watched the events unfold, feeling most perplexed.

”What are you?! A demon? Or a corrupted mage?”
She asked, all of this rhyming only fueling her rage.

Santa Vee turned to the doggo. ”Mr. Dogman, sir, I propose a truce!”
”Let’s set aside our differences and lay rest to this abuse!”

”And should you forget about this and let me go free…
I’ll add you to the Nice List and give you a gift… or maybe even three.”

Nodding consent, Oscar then cracked his knuckles.
"This day full of rhyme's gone on long enough, Chuckles!"

With a boom and a biff, ooh, that last punch looked stiff!
Oscar and Vee did the baker in quick!

Dusting his paws, Oscar then looked to Vee.
"Not bad for a dame... watch your ass and go free.

Oh, but this old coot? Biscuits? He's been tweakin' our speech.
I couldn't say how, but there's a limited reach.

A few miles out, or the north pole'll do...
Frankly, my dear, I'll leave it to you."

He tossed hogtied Biscuits inside of her ride.
I could call this one in... but I do hate that guy.

Offline Raffa

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #50 on: January 06, 2019, 03:56:46 PM »

Santa Vee
Tag: Oscar Wagnum (madman32

”That was the weirdest thing that happened to me today…”
And the rhyming was still going on, much to her dismay!

She had to get out of her fast before she’d lose her mind,
”Let me look into my sack and see what I can find!”

”Ho, how… how…” Santa Vee tried again and failed,
But before anyone could comment, the embarrassed girl bailed.

Leaving Wagnum P.I., the best detective in town, alone on the roof,
Santa Vee departed, before he could utter his trademark ‘woof!’.

”I am so sick of this thing! I just want to be done with-“

”-this rhyming stuff!” Santa Vee complained, only then realizing that something had suddenly changed. The girl looked around suspiciously, and then leaned forward and whispered quietly under her breath. ”Orange?”

Nothing. Not a rhyme sight. She was free!

”All right! Let’s see who’s next!” She said with a smile as she retrieved the list and looked at the next name, only for her smile to disappear as quickly as it appeared. ”Oh, no…”

Madman32 gains 1 character point to be used on any one of his chracters!
« Last Edit: January 06, 2019, 04:00:29 PM by Raffa »
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #51 on: January 08, 2019, 01:59:51 AM »

Name:Daniel Smith
Location: The mall

Part of being a self taught male mage in the female dominated magical world is engaging in research that heads nowhere. Sadly for Daniel, despite reading several books on the magic of Christmas, he was no closer to attaining any further magical power. Frustrated and angry, he was taking a short trip to the mall in order to calm down. He could not help but be greatly surprised by the sight of Mrs. Claus. She was the splitting image of the spirit he summoned and bound. Caution and curiosity warred within him, but the outcome was never in doubt. You didn't learn magic without a tutor by playing it safe, after all. Still, approaching overtly at the moment was foolish. It would be far better to just observe from a distance for now.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2019, 02:15:35 AM by Ninja »

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #52 on: January 08, 2019, 11:02:15 PM »

Name: Ava Von Nox
Location: The Auralis Grand Mall
Tagging: Mrs. Claus (Youkai)

Ava had remained lost in her thoughts until the strange Santa impersonator spoke to her directly. She hadn't noticed this one being around prior during her wanderings through the mall but, the deeply specific nature of what the Santa asked her gave Ava a chill down her back. She knew, the issues that plagued Ava this year, somehow she did.

“I... Okay...” Ava wanted to leave to just flee in from the gaze of a being capable of knowing such personal things about her but, the sweet nature of the woman before her gave no ill intent to Ava's mind.

She stepped close and gently sat herself down upon the lap of Ms. Claus. Ava's face tinged with red due slightly from embarrassment. She tried to recall the last time she had done something like this, and the image of her youthful yet happy self, with her family years ago returned to the forefront of her mind. She coughed a few times into her sleeve before speaking quietly.

“You're not what I expected in... well... The Ms. Claus, Your much more attractive in person than the movies and all give you credit for.” Ava said with a smile, she had to be up front with that first because otherwise, she'd die from embarrassment if she found herself ogling the beautiful woman whose lap she now sat upon.

“I don't know what else to tell you though, My brother and I, we disagreed on how things should be done. He went to serve with some organization wanting to fight the things that threaten the city. I just wanted to protect ourselves and live a normal life... now look at me, alone on Christmas, without anyone to celebrate or do anything with. Its lonely and depressing and yeah...” Ava said gently rubbing her arm still nervous to be in such a situation.

Auralis Grand Mall
Tag: Ava

"I get that a lot, the state of Auralis changes how I look. I could shape shift to my true form if you're intimidated." Mrs. Claus continued to smile innocently enough, the compliments on her appearance were nice enough but she was a taken woman. "You may feel alone, but nobody is truly alone during the holidays. I'm sure your brother, Loki was it? I'm sure he's still thinking about you. He's trying to protect you and the rest of the people of this city in his own way. That does not mean he doesn't love you anymore, maybe he doesn't have the opportunity to live a normal life right now. But did you think that maybe he's sacrificing himself so that you can have one instead? That's a real winner of a brother you have there."

Mrs. Claus snapped her fingers and a blue aura surrounded Ava briefly, before disappearing. "Try contacting him now, or wait. I promise you that you'll hear from him pretty soon. However before you do, I have a present for you." Mrs. Claus summoned a present from her sack, her cheer smile never wavered. She had blessed Ava with good luck with her little spectacle earlier. She handed it over to Ava. "Go ahead and open it, I think you'll find it'll help your spirits. Remember, you are never alone, no matter how far apart you are or how many arguments you have, family always has family on their mind. I'm sure he's forgiven you already."

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #53 on: January 09, 2019, 07:26:34 PM »

Azrael, The Demon King
Dis - The Palace - The Parlor
Tag: The Santas I guess?

Azrael sat in front of the fireplace in his comfortable easy-chair, a cup of chamomile tea sitting neatly on a saucer atop the end table to his right. His reading glasses were resting slightly down on his nose as he read from an unlabeled book. Azrael didn't fully understand the significance the humans put on this time of year in Auralis City, but he had certainly noticed that there was a bit more hustle and bustle to the metropolis of late. Decorations, lights, large facades of old fat men in red suits. He took a moment to thank Satania that he was never going to become an old man in a red suit. I suppose that's technically not an inaccurate way to describe me though... Azrael mused to himself as he continued to read.

"I'm glad The Palace is quiet tonight. I've barely made a dent in my reading list lately. Maybe sending Dis to Auralis wasn't as good an idea as I originally thought. I made my workload so much bigger by doing that." Azrael wasn't one to question his own decisions often, but tonight was a time for meditation and careful reflection on one's self, even for a Demon King. It was on nights like these when Azrael felt most at peace. Nights when he was not being assaulted with military crises, or being harassed by his children, nights where Azrael could sit in the parlor of the castle and drink a calming tea and read a wonderful book. It reminded him of the times before this conflict, before The Overlord, before the sibling quarrel that had taken so much from him. It brought him back to that golden time after The Estrangement, when his mother was alive, Dis was rising, and his family was close at hand.

"No sense in dwelling in the past, Azrael. No sense at all." His words didn't carry much conviction, and he had only said them in a vain attempt to convince himself of its truth. He failed to do so. It really was a night of reflection so it seemed. There were few better places to do it than in front of a welcoming fire, and few better drinks to do it with than his chamomile tea. He gave a sad smile as he took as sip from his tea, and returned to his book.

Santa Vee
Tag: Azrael

”This has got to be some kind of mistake…” Santa Vee kept telling herself as the reindeer pulled the sleigh towards Dis. The spires of the Demon Palace were growing larger every passing second, filling her heart with dread.

Once they landed on the palace’s roof, Santa Vee remained seated inside the sleigh. The reindeer turned its head to look back at her, but the girl merely shook her head. ”I don’t wanna!” She complained, only enraging the animal, causing it to shake the entire sleigh violently. ”Okay, okay! Fine!” She sighed.

”All right, a quick in and out, and then we’re out of here…” The telepath said before grabbing her sack and climbing out of the sleigh.

Slowly, very slowly, the girl approached the chimney, noticing that there was smoke coming out of it. Oh, come on, at this time? She sighed and then concentrated. Using that trick Santa had taught her before she took on this job, she sent a gust of magical wind down the chimney, putting the fire out, cleaning out the soot to avoid dirtying her outfit, and clearing out the smoke.

Santa Vee looked down, took a deep breath, and then started sliding down the chimney, until she found herself in a cozy room. She immediately picked up an herbal scent of tea, and there was still that lingering smoky smell from the fireplace.

And right there in a large armchair, sat the Demon King, calmly reading a book.

There was a long pause as the two sworn enemies had finally met face-to-face.

”Ho ho ho?”
« Last Edit: January 09, 2019, 07:31:25 PM by Raffa »
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #54 on: January 10, 2019, 02:28:50 AM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Santa Vee
Tag: Azrael

”This has got to be some kind of mistake…” Santa Vee kept telling herself as the reindeer pulled the sleigh towards Dis. The spires of the Demon Palace were growing larger every passing second, filling her heart with dread.

Once they landed on the palace’s roof, Santa Vee remained seated inside the sleigh. The reindeer turned its head to look back at her, but the girl merely shook her head. ”I don’t wanna!” She complained, only enraging the animal, causing it to shake the entire sleigh violently. ”Okay, okay! Fine!” She sighed.

”All right, a quick in and out, and then we’re out of here…” The telepath said before grabbing her sack and climbing out of the sleigh.

Slowly, very slowly, the girl approached the chimney, noticing that there was smoke coming out of it. Oh, come on, at this time? She sighed and then concentrated. Using that trick Santa had taught her before she took on this job, she sent a gust of magical wind down the chimney, putting the fire out, cleaning out the soot to avoid dirtying her outfit, and clearing out the smoke.

Santa Vee looked down, took a deep breath, and then started sliding down the chimney, until she found herself in a cozy room. She immediately picked up an herbal scent of tea, and there was still that lingering smoky smell from the fireplace.

And right there in a large armchair, sat the Demon King, calmly reading a book.

There was a long pause as the two sworn enemies had finally met face-to-face.

”Ho ho ho?”

Azrael, The Demon King
Dis - The Palace - The Parlor
Tag: Santa Vee

Azrael heard the rustling from the fireplace and looked up from his book with some alarm. He place his cup of tea back on the saucer and put his book down next to it. He stared intently at the fireplace until a form began to be visible, as someone he never thought he'd see within the walls of his home came tumbling out of the chimney and into the parlor. Azrael blinked once, then again. He couldn't help but begin to laugh then, a deep chuckle that could almost be jovial if it came from someone else's lips.

"Well, well, well... Victoria Murphy. We meet a-" Azrael stopped himself mid-thought as he looked the girl in front of him over once more. Something wasn't quite right with the picture before him. It wasn't simply that this felt all too easy, or that Vee hardly looked prepared to face him. No, it was simply much simpler than that, but it was something that was seemingly quintessential to the image of Victoria Murphy. "What are you wearing?"

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #55 on: January 10, 2019, 11:56:22 PM »

Santa Vee
Tag: Azrael (TooSpooky)

”A Santa outfit...” Vee replied with a deadpan expression, stating it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. With a grunt, the girl pulled herself up and brushed off some of the dust and soot off her outfit. Once she readjusted her skirt, making sure she wasn’t showing too much to the Demon King, the telepath stood up straight and looked up at Azrael.

”Well, I suppose we both knew this was inevitable.” She stated plainly, cracking her neck and stretching slightly as she carefully eyed the much, much taller demon. ”You’ve invaded Auralis City. You’ve endangered the lives of countless civilians. Your minions have enslaved many innocent people.”

”Yeah, this couldn’t end in any other way…” Santa Vee said slowly, taking one step towards the towering man. Her face was unreadable, although her eyes were filled with righteous anger and determination.

Santa Vee took a deep breath and shook her head.

”Are you ready?”

She waited briefly for him to answer.

”Merry Christmas...” Faster than he could react, Sana Vee suddenly pulled out a medium-sized rectangular box, and offered it to the Demon King.
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #56 on: January 12, 2019, 04:00:49 AM »

T'was the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a single stiring, not even a mouse. And it was driving Dawn mad. How long had been sitting here, in the dark, perfectly still and quiet, waiting to surprise Santa with her secret surprise gifts of various cakes and chocolates. Many many chocolates... A cross shaped anime sign appeared on her cheek in annoyance as she sat in waiting, Santa wasn't supposed to take this long to arrive, she thought to herself in anger, blaming Santa for this even though it was totally Silverkat's fault.

And when I said, not stiring, I was telling a bit of a lie. Dawn wasn't quite sitting still, but slowly helping herself to some of the various cakes and chocolates that she had supplied for Santa, well um... you can't exactly expect a girl to just sit there and not tough this stuff right? You should have shown up earlier if you wanted to prevent that! Dawn angrily looked at the clock again. "If Santa doesn't arrive soon, I shall have to eat all of this stuff myself!" she said in happ-I mean despair. Yes. Despair is what I meant.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #57 on: January 14, 2019, 11:57:58 PM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Santa Vee
Tag: Azrael (TooSpooky)

”A Santa outfit...” Vee replied with a deadpan expression, stating it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. With a grunt, the girl pulled herself up and brushed off some of the dust and soot off her outfit. Once she readjusted her skirt, making sure she wasn’t showing too much to the Demon King, the telepath stood up straight and looked up at Azrael.

”Well, I suppose we both knew this was inevitable.” She stated plainly, cracking her neck and stretching slightly as she carefully eyed the much, much taller demon. ”You’ve invaded Auralis City. You’ve endangered the lives of countless civilians. Your minions have enslaved many innocent people.”

”Yeah, this couldn’t end in any other way…” Santa Vee said slowly, taking one step towards the towering man. Her face was unreadable, although her eyes were filled with righteous anger and determination.

Santa Vee took a deep breath and shook her head.

”Are you ready?”

She waited briefly for him to answer.

”Merry Christmas...” Faster than he could react, Sana Vee suddenly pulled out a medium-sized rectangular box, and offered it to the Demon King.

Azrael, The Demon King
Dis - The Palace - The Parlor
Tag: Santa Vee

"I... Don't know what that is." Azrael's expression remained confused as Vee told him what she was wearing. It did bear similarities to the jolly looking old man in a red suit he'd been informed of in Auralis city, so perhaps that was this mysterious "Santa" she mentioned. Azrael smiled as cracked her neck and began to speak. He remained nonchalant in his posture, though Vee could sense his mind closing itself off to her as she spoke of his crimes against humanity.

He stared into those determined eyes, reflecting that very same fire and passion right back at the young woman in front of him. He began to gather energy in his left arm behind his back, as she began to approach him. He had been waiting to face this girl, but he never thought she'd be delivered to him on such a silver platter. He prepared himself as she came closer and closer, ready to strike out.

"Are you?" Azrael asked simply, not stating what he felt was obvious. He was The Demon King, of course he was ready. Or, at least, he'd thought he'd been. He had not mentally prepared for what she did next, and as the box was presented to him, his eyes grew wide with shock as the energy he'd been gathering dissipated and he gave the girl in front of him a strange look.

"..." Azrael opened his mouth, then closed it again, at a loss for words for the first time in a very long time. He slowly took the box from Vee, never taking his eyes off of the girl. He turned it about, examined it, looked it over for anything out of the ordinary, before he looked back to Vee.

"I uh, I didn't get you anything. Sorry."

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #58 on: January 18, 2019, 05:46:17 PM »

Santa Vee
Tag: Azrael (TooSpooky)

”What? Did you expect anything else?” Asked Santa Vee, looking at the Demon King’s battle stance with genuine confusion.

”Err… no problem?” The girl replied, looking awkwardly around the room. ”I mean, you didn’t have to. It’s kind of my job this time of the year. You see, two years ago, I accidentally knocked Santa out on the roof of the Institute and since then, I kinda have to play the role of a Santa Claus aaaaand you don’t really know what any of the means, do you?” Santa Vee sighed and shook her head slightly. Thankfully, she was mostly done here and explaining her role wasn’t exactly in her job contract.

”Well? Are you going to open your gift?” asked Santa Vee. Then, remembering his hesitance from earlier, she quickly added: ”Don’t worry, it’s not like it’s booby trapped or anything like that…”

There was a brief pause.

”I think…” The girl scratched her chin, eyeing the package suspiciously. ”I mean, I’m not in charge of making this stuff, so…” She moved around the room so that there was a chair between her and the package. ”… just… go ahead, then.”

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You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #59 on: February 01, 2019, 02:52:04 AM »

T'was the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a single stiring, not even a mouse. And it was driving Dawn mad. How long had been sitting here, in the dark, perfectly still and quiet, waiting to surprise Santa with her secret surprise gifts of various cakes and chocolates. Many many chocolates... A cross shaped anime sign appeared on her cheek in annoyance as she sat in waiting, Santa wasn't supposed to take this long to arrive, she thought to herself in anger, blaming Santa for this even though it was totally Silverkat's fault.

And when I said, not stiring, I was telling a bit of a lie. Dawn wasn't quite sitting still, but slowly helping herself to some of the various cakes and chocolates that she had supplied for Santa, well um... you can't exactly expect a girl to just sit there and not tough this stuff right? You should have shown up earlier if you wanted to prevent that! Dawn angrily looked at the clock again. "If Santa doesn't arrive soon, I shall have to eat all of this stuff myself!" she said in happ-I mean despair. Yes. Despair is what I meant.

Santa Vee

”Let’s never speak of this again.” Mortified Santa Vee said to the reindeer as they left an undisclosed location and started heading back to the city. Oh, sure, she’s seen plenty of things during her career as a heroine and even more during her part-time Santa job, but she wasn’t ready for that creep. Shuddering in disgust, Santa Vee pushed the unpleasant memories away and crossed out yet another name off her list.

Humming to herself, she ran her finger down the list. She was almost done! She had maybe a handful of names left and-”Oh… huh…” Santa Vee blinked in surprise when she noticed a familiar name on the list. She wasn’t shocked to see that particular name, but she was nonetheless surprised she was going to be the one to pay them a visit. ”Well, you know the way! Go!”

Tag: Dawn (SIlverKat)

Yikes, she was… yeah, she was definitely running late. But it wasn’t her fault! There were many other places she had to visit along the way and it’s not her fault that the limited-edition honeycomb latte was going away on the next day! Sure, the queue was murder and ate most of her time, but she was Santa Vee! She still had some time! She just… uh… she just had to make sure that the next few visits were on the shorter side, that’s all!

Holding the bag over her shoulder and coffee in her free hand, she hopped down the chimney. Emerging from the fireplace, she cleared her throat and announced-

”HO HO H-what exactly are you wearing?” Santa Vee asked, running a perfectly good “Ho Ho Ho”.
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #60 on: February 12, 2019, 12:30:47 PM »

Santa Vee

”Let’s never speak of this again.” Mortified Santa Vee said to the reindeer as they left an undisclosed location and started heading back to the city. Oh, sure, she’s seen plenty of things during her career as a heroine and even more during her part-time Santa job, but she wasn’t ready for that creep. Shuddering in disgust, Santa Vee pushed the unpleasant memories away and crossed out yet another name off her list.

Humming to herself, she ran her finger down the list. She was almost done! She had maybe a handful of names left and-”Oh… huh…” Santa Vee blinked in surprise when she noticed a familiar name on the list. She wasn’t shocked to see that particular name, but she was nonetheless surprised she was going to be the one to pay them a visit. ”Well, you know the way! Go!”

Tag: Dawn (SIlverKat)

Yikes, she was… yeah, she was definitely running late. But it wasn’t her fault! There were many other places she had to visit along the way and it’s not her fault that the limited-edition honeycomb latte was going away on the next day! Sure, the queue was murder and ate most of her time, but she was Santa Vee! She still had some time! She just… uh… she just had to make sure that the next few visits were on the shorter side, that’s all!

Holding the bag over her shoulder and coffee in her free hand, she hopped down the chimney. Emerging from the fireplace, she cleared her throat and announced-

”HO HO H-what exactly are you wearing?” Santa Vee asked, running a perfectly good “Ho Ho Ho”.

Dawn looked up at the clock, yep. This was it. It was time. Time to eat this stuff herself! And so she would have had Santa not stepped right through the door... fireplace right there and then. Dawn looked up at her with a mixture of shock and alarm. First of all, Santa was a woman? Was this the Nasuverse or something? Second of all, this was clearly Vee, presumably possessed by Santa. And third of all. "What exactly are you wearing?" asked Dawn at exactly the same time that Vee asked the same thing.

"What am I wearing? Oh! I'm just dressed all festive!" she jumped up and twirled "I am Christmas Dawn! A legally distinct character from regular Dawn. You can check out my changed character sheet and everything" Christmas Dawn said proudly, showing off her changed staff which was a broomstick instead of a staff and that... didn't really have anything to do with Christmas? No, it wasn't a broomstick, it was a candy cane, a giant candy cane that shoot Christmas light coloured beams of death. "Why are you dressed as Santa? Have you brought me presents!"

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #61 on: February 12, 2019, 02:54:11 PM »

Santa Vee
Tag: Dawn (Silverkat)

”A… Santa outfit?” Santa Vee replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world and the fact that one of the more renowned heroines was casually wearing a Santa outfit the most normal thing in the world.

”Shhh! Shhh! Shh!” She quickly hushed the festive magical girl. ”No breaking the fourth wall, you’ll break the whole purpose of this event…” She whispered and looked nervously around the room.

”Why, yes!” Santa Vee pushed her chest forward proudly! Only to readjust her outfit once more as she felt her skirt hike up once again. It was frustrating but, at the very least, she took solace in knowing this was the last time she had to wear this outfit! ”Well, then!” She put the sack down on the ground. ”What would you like for Christmas this year, little girl?”

As soon as she said that, she realized just how… wrong that sounded, given the context of the RP she was in but, hey, it was in the contract, so what was a Santa to do?
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #62 on: February 12, 2019, 10:51:52 PM »

Santa Vee
Tag: Dawn (Silverkat)

”A… Santa outfit?” Santa Vee replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world and the fact that one of the more renowned heroines was casually wearing a Santa outfit the most normal thing in the world.

”Shhh! Shhh! Shh!” She quickly hushed the festive magical girl. ”No breaking the fourth wall, you’ll break the whole purpose of this event…” She whispered and looked nervously around the room.

”Why, yes!” Santa Vee pushed her chest forward proudly! Only to readjust her outfit once more as she felt her skirt hike up once again. It was frustrating but, at the very least, she took solace in knowing this was the last time she had to wear this outfit! ”Well, then!” She put the sack down on the ground. ”What would you like for Christmas this year, little girl?”

As soon as she said that, she realized just how… wrong that sounded, given the context of the RP she was in but, hey, it was in the contract, so what was a Santa to do?

Christmas Dawn's face dropped into a disappointed scowl. "Wha? But Youkai assured me this would be a light hearted event where it didn- Oh never mind" she shook her head, everyone was so so serious these days. But she really didn't understand how Vee could be so serious when dressed in that outfit! Especially with how in-decent it was! It seemed to ride up and threaten to expose her good stuff seemingly at will. She couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Vee's... phrasing of that sentence there.

"I... I'm not sure yoWait I do get presents! Yay! Best santa ever!" Dawn cheered excitedly, and wondered what kind of present she could ask for. Maybe she could ask for a new special attack? Let's see... Damaging x3, Aura x6, Burning obviously to fit with her theme, Disrupting definitely, no one ever used that for some reason. Drain Body, Energy, Mind and Soul. Penetrating 2, oh wait it's Christmas, Penetrating 3. Faster Recharging. Yes yes, that sounded perfectly balanced. Now what to call it... let's see, Dawn took a moment to open up the wikipedia page on 'Blue'... Ultramarine! Yes that sounded nice... Let's see... she would call it Ultramarine Flare Strike.

"Oh Santa Vee! On this snowy Christmas night. Won't you grant me Ultramarine Flare Strike tonight?"

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #63 on: February 12, 2019, 11:55:31 PM »

Santa Vee
Tag: Christmas Dawn (Silverkat)

Santa Vee gave Christmas Dawn a look that could only be described as “If you keep making those fourth wall breaking jokes, I’ll kick your butt so hard, you’ll end up in RP Archive, little lady!”. Say what you wanted about Vee. Despite her calm and stoic demeanor, the telepath sure had access to some very specific facial expressions.

”Uhhh…” Santa Vee nervously looked away. Ultra… what? Flare… wait, did she strike of pike? She thought to herself. ”Well, uh, I’ll do my best, Christmas Dawn!” She flashed Dawn a nervous smile, trying to hide just how much she didn’t know about that franchise, before she started digging through the bag’s contents.

At first, Santa Vee shoved her entire arm into the bag but, after failing to find Christmas Dawn’s present, she opened the bag wider and practically dived inside until only her legs were sticking out. Through the material of the bag, Christmas Dawn could occasionally hear Santa Vee mumbling to herself.

”Darn…. -ike… where…. Aha!... Nope…. Nope…. Nope… hmm…” Santa Vee wriggled her way deeper into the bag until only her ankles were poking out.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Christmas Dawn heard Santa Vee let out a triumphant cry.

”Ha-ha! Found it!”

The bag then wiggled.

Then it wiggled some more.

”Uh-oh…” She could hear a note of embarrassment in Santa Vee’s voice. ”Uhh… little help? I… I think I’m stuck.”

« Last Edit: February 12, 2019, 11:58:12 PM by Raffa »
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #64 on: February 13, 2019, 12:05:33 AM »

Santa Vee
Tag: Christmas Dawn (Silverkat)

Santa Vee gave Christmas Dawn a look that could only be described as “If you keep making those fourth wall breaking jokes, I’ll kick your butt so hard, you’ll end up in RP Archive, little lady!”. Say what you wanted about Vee. Despite her calm and stoic demeanor, the telepath sure had access to some very specific facial expressions.

”Uhhh…” Santa Vee nervously looked away. Ultra… what? Flare… wait, did she strike of pike? She thought to herself. ”Well, uh, I’ll do my best, Christmas Dawn!” She flashed Dawn a nervous smile, trying to hide just how much she didn’t know about that franchise, before she started digging through the bag’s contents.

At first, Santa Vee shoved her entire arm into the bag but, after failing to find Christmas Dawn’s present, she opened the bag wider and practically dived inside until only her legs were sticking out. Through the material of the bag, Christmas Dawn could occasionally hear Santa Vee mumbling to herself.

”Darn…. -ike… where…. Aha!... Nope…. Nope…. Nope… hmm…” Santa Vee wriggled her way deeper into the bag until only her ankles were poking out.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Christmas Dawn heard Santa Vee let out a triumphant cry.

”Ha-ha! Found it!”

The bag then wiggled.

Then it wiggled some more.

”Uh-oh…” She could hear a note of embarrassment in Santa Vee’s voice. ”Uhh… little help? I… I think I’m stuck.”

Dawn responded with a look that... well actually she didn't respond to that at all as even Christmas Dawn didn't have telepathy and really it was quite impossible to get all that rather specific information from a single. Maybe a "Bitch, please" or something but not all of that, and hang on, didn't Santa Vee break the forth wall with that threat? Santa Vee, thy name is hypocrisy!

Errr well anyway, Dawn smiled brightly as Santa Vee said she'd do her best. "Really? Oh yay! Thank you!" she cheered happily, finally no longer would she be super vulnerable to multiple opponents! She stayed still smiling sweetly as Santa Vee reached into the bag... then climbed into the bag... then disappeared quite worryingly into the bag. "Um... are... are you okay in there?" she called out, and then Vee confirmed that she was stuck and needed help...

This was a bit of a conundrum, as Dawn knew of only one way to help with things. "Ah I see! No problem" She said as she brought out her staff and set it up for Maximum Full Power Destruction. "This will hurt just a bit okay?.. SAPPHIRE... CRUSHER... BLASTER!!!!!"

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #65 on: February 13, 2019, 12:17:08 AM »

Santa Vee
Tag: Christmas Dawn (Silverkat)

”What?” The bag wiggled slightly. ”I can’t hear you!” Christmas Dawn could see Santa Vee’s feet kicking helplessly against the air as the telepath tried to wiggle her way out.

”What? Wait, what is happening?” Santa Vee shouted from the inside as she could see a faint blue glow through the bag’s material. Huh, that attack looked oddly familiar. Oh, yeah, now that she thought about it, she saw a familiar attack on Page 111. The very same one that-”Oh, no… Wuh-wait, wait, wait!”

But it was too late as she could hear Christmas Dawn scream out:


After the smoke cleared, Christmas Dawn could see Santa Vee lying haphazardly on the ground in a compromising position. Her face was covered in soot, her outfit was outright ruined and the box she was desperately clutching against her chest looked like it went through absolute hell.

”… thank you…” Santa Vee mumbled out as she pulled herself back onto her feet. She shook her head, stuck a finger in one of her ears and started saying ”Mawp… mawp…” repeatedly until the ringing had subsided.

”Well… at least this was my last delivery…” The girl mumbled to herself after she assessed the damage. ”In any case… thank you. And Merry Christmas, Christmas Dawn!”

With a genuinely happy smile, Santa Vee walked up to Dawn and handed her a box. As soon as Christmas Dawn opened it, she saw…

Spoiler for Hidden:

”It’s Ultramarines Flare Strike!” Santa Vee announced triumphantly.

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You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #66 on: February 13, 2019, 01:09:49 AM »

Santa Vee
Tag: Christmas Dawn (Silverkat)

”What?” The bag wiggled slightly. ”I can’t hear you!” Christmas Dawn could see Santa Vee’s feet kicking helplessly against the air as the telepath tried to wiggle her way out.

”What? Wait, what is happening?” Santa Vee shouted from the inside as she could see a faint blue glow through the bag’s material. Huh, that attack looked oddly familiar. Oh, yeah, now that she thought about it, she saw a familiar attack on Page 111. The very same one that-”Oh, no… Wuh-wait, wait, wait!”

But it was too late as she could hear Christmas Dawn scream out:


After the smoke cleared, Christmas Dawn could see Santa Vee lying haphazardly on the ground in a compromising position. Her face was covered in soot, her outfit was outright ruined and the box she was desperately clutching against her chest looked like it went through absolute hell.

”… thank you…” Santa Vee mumbled out as she pulled herself back onto her feet. She shook her head, stuck a finger in one of her ears and started saying ”Mawp… mawp…” repeatedly until the ringing had subsided.

”Well… at least this was my last delivery…” The girl mumbled to herself after she assessed the damage. ”In any case… thank you. And Merry Christmas, Christmas Dawn!”

With a genuinely happy smile, Santa Vee walked up to Dawn and handed her a box. As soon as Christmas Dawn opened it, she saw…

Spoiler for Hidden:

”It’s Ultramarines Flare Strike!” Santa Vee announced triumphantly.

Silverkat gains 1 character point on any of her characters

Ah yes, the ultimate technique for getting a santa girl out of a bag... and also for slaying demons. Banishing character flaws. Rescuing cats from trees. Solving mazes in quick time. Internet shortages and bad weather. Truly, there was nothing that Shooting Madly with a Giant Magical Laser Beam could not solve. Though ah... admittedly Vee looked a little worse for wear after the Giant Magical Laser Beam had done it's job... but she was out of the bag, so the job was solved! Another victory for Giant Magical Laser Beams over common sense.

"Erm... you're okay right? You're okay" Dawn said, a little concerned but knowing that her magic couldn't kill if she didn't want it too made her confident Vee was okay. And she had a present! Dawn brightened up again when she saw it. "Oh oh oh! Thank you thank you thank you! Merry Christmas Santa Vee!" she said excitedly. Already imagining what she was going to do with this new super ultimate attack. Oh! The first thing she was going to do was walk right up to Kolat and blast him right in his smug duplicate and illusion spamming face!

Then she saw that she had been given a board game or something. "Bwa?" Dawn in confusion as she took the board game or something from Santa Vee... Ultramarine Flare Strike? No no no. This wasn't Ultramarine Flare Strike! Ultramarine Flare Strike was a perfectly balanced super attack that guaranteed her victory over anyone especially Kolat because it was so balanced! This was like a board game or something. Then she saw the colour of the figures on the cover and understood. "Ack! Not what I meant!!" she cried out before collapsing backwards comically.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #67 on: February 24, 2019, 09:11:53 PM »

Tagging: Daniel Smith

With Ava taken care of, Mrs. Claus had only one more person on her list, and he just happened to be watching what she had done with Ava. Santa would wait for Ava to depart with a smile on her face and then addressed the elephant in the room. Daniel was definitely on the naughty list, he tried to corrupt heroines and enslave them, much like a lot of demons on this list. "Were you looking to take over the mall this time? Was the museum too boring for you?" Mrs. Claus said in monotone, she walked up to him, even if he was hidden she knew where he was at all times. That was the magic of Santa after all. "Why don't you come out, Daniel, and get your present, you're the last on my list this year."

She held out a present, naughty or nice everyone got one.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #68 on: February 25, 2019, 12:13:08 AM »

Name:Daniel Smith
Location: The mall

"What, I can't go shopping?" Daniel snarked while accepting the gift.

Just because he had traded his humanity for power and sought to lewdly brainwash and corrupt heroines, people assumed the worst about him. Really, it was downright unfair. All he wanted was to be a male mage in a female dominated field.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - The Great Christmas Adventure of 2018
« Reply #69 on: February 25, 2019, 12:29:20 AM »

Name:Daniel Smith
Location: The mall

"What, I can't go shopping?" Daniel snarked while accepting the gift.

Just because he had traded his humanity for power and sought to lewdly brainwash and corrupt heroines, people assumed the worst about him. Really, it was downright unfair. All he wanted was to be a male mage in a female dominated field.

Tagging: Daniel Smith

"Depends, are you shopping for women or are you shopping for a solution?" Mrs. Claus said with a smile. "I think you'll find the gift useful, go ahead and open it." Mrs. Claus would wait for Daniel to do so and then erase the final name off her list, she could tell that Vee had finished up as well. "Well, that's the last one. And the night is nearly over, do not dally too long. Sorry that you didn't get to dominate me, but rules are rules for this event." Mrs. Claus would say as she snapped her fingers and vanished, until next Christmas perhaps...


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