Author Topic: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!  (Read 23580 times)

Offline Raffa

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Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« on: August 11, 2019, 01:55:43 AM »

Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Everyone who wants to attend!

With the demonic invasion underway, the heroes and their allies worked tirelessly to protect Auralis City from the forces of corruption. Alas, the constant fighting against the seemingly endless hordes of demons left many Defenders tired and stressed. The scorching heat of the summer wasn’t helping the situation, either. Considering that plenty of heroes were wearing material akin to latex, they were pretty much trapped in their own personal microwaves whenever they transformed. With the end of the war nowhere in sight, the morale started to crumble as they lacked the much-needed rest and reprieve from the ungodly heat. Just when one might’ve started to think it would be the unbearable heat that would be the final nail in the heroes’ coffin, an unthinkable thing happened.

The demons called for a truce!

Turns out, while the humans of Auralis were suffering, the demons didn’t fare any better. Accustomed to the Demonrealms’ climate, they were simply unprepared for the “Evil Yellow Thing In The Sky” that seemed intent on setting the entire Earth on fire out of sheer spite. And so, a brief two month truce was signed between the Invaders and Defenders of Auralis, putting both the Invasion and DRU’s counteroffensive on hold.

No longer worried about the need to defend the city, the Defenders finally got their vacation, and many of them chose Auralis Island as the place where they could relax and unwind. Alas, even in the time of peace, there was a time for mischief. Despite the truce, there were a few demons who wanted to take advantage of the situation. Attracted by the sight of exposed flesh on the beach of the Auralis Island, the few demons saw an opportunity for swift conquest and easy slaves.

To stop the situation from getting out of control, the official liaisons from representing both sides came to an agreement stating that the differences between humans and demons would be solved in a civilized way: A Beach Volleyball Tournament!

The Summer Event Begins!
« Last Edit: August 11, 2019, 01:57:17 AM by Raffa »
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

Offline Youkai

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2019, 03:34:22 AM »

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Everyone

"How many do you think will arrive, Dawn? You still look cute, by the way." Yasu turned to her companion while she was lounging in a beach chair, with proper shade she stretched out and let out a sigh. A two month truce was just what everyone needed, for demons and humans alike, but there was a tournament to be won so it was not all fun and games right now. Actually it was a game, now that she thought about it. She managed to convince Sayako and Kohana to give her some of her spare weapons which now laid beside her beach chair, she didn't dare ask for Sayako for her two most treasured blades however. She wasn't expecting the demons to go back on their word this early in the truce. Still, there were some idiots that were trying, they'd probably try to take an innocent soul like Dawn. They'd regret it if they tried...

Speaking of her partner, Yasu had forced Dawn to come. She had been resistant to just come out to the beach, but once the ninja put on some charm and reminded her that this Volleyball Tournament would be how the war was decided the Magical Girl was more than happy to come to save the city. Putting her in her current swimsuit however was an entirely different story, that took some skilled lying. "Oh, regulations said that you had to wear a swimsuit. So I picked one out for you! It'll make you look good too!" She said something like that. And of course, Yasu somehow had Dawn's measurements down pretty well, of course the magical girl couldn't stop blushing while putting it on, as it showed off her figure more than she was used to, but the ninja was quite amused by it and hid that from her.

"Hmmm, that could make a decent drawing." Yasu hummed to herself and started to draw a picture with a spare sketchpad she brought with her, mainly of the ocean, it looked so peaceful and serene from her point of view. "I'm sure others will be arriving shortly, especially your friend, what was her name? Vee?" Yasu had never met her but Dawn did talk about her a bit, Yasu just never had the time to meet her. While waiting for an answer her pen gently glided against the paper as her mind went into a sort of meditative state, she was concentrating.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2019, 07:08:32 AM »

Wendy Pinkerton
Tag: anyone/everyone

Target, lock. The bikinis have landed. Operation: Purelove, start!

After wiping the drool from her mouth, Wendy lowered her binoculars and grinned devilishly. The game was afoot...and look at all those feet! Huhuhuuu~ <3

With so many scantily-clad beauties and their feet as her guidepost, Wendy commenced with her greatest plan ever. Beach-stalking! Such a time-saver it was going to be, at the beach she could see countless girls in their underwear without even having to follow them home! Of course, Wendy would only be satisfied with an all too up-close inspection of each and every one...but she had her ways of accomplishing that without raising suspicion.

With her ability to fade from sight and walk without a sound, no one would be able to spot her! It was the perfect crime, not that stalking should be considered a crime in Wendy's least not honest stalking, anyway. Wendy would never use stalking to hurt anyone! Not like some other so-called 'stalkers'...all she wanted to do was get close to people, smell them, appreciate their bodies...nothing creepy!

At any rate, as she invisibly approached the beach, she felt fairly certain this was the best idea she ever had. Of coure, in all her excitement, Wendy wasn't even thinking about the trail of footprints she was leaving in the sand...

Offline Suna

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2019, 08:40:22 PM »
Summertime Shenanigans
Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: ?

With abruptness that might alarm those nearby, a demonic portal formed in the middle of the Beach. A dark, gaping hole in the fabric of reality, surrounding a vision of a place Not Here. Through it, two people stepped, the end of their conversation audible to those about.

"I certainly do not appreciate you volunteering my territory for this stupid event-"

"Oh, be quiet, Noya. It's not like you were doing anything productive with the place anyway."

"You DARE tell me to be quie- come back here, you wench!" Noya fumed as Sarabi simply walked away from her. Fingers curling and uncurling into tight fists, the blonde breathed heavily for a few moments before turning and stalking away, looking for somebody else to torment.

Sarabi, for her part, made for a conveniently placed umbrella and laid down on the cool sand beneath it, hands folded behind her head. She was one of those demons who didn't tan, but rather burned. Indeed, just from a few moments under the beating summer sun, patches of her skin were turning pale red for a moment before healing rapidly. But just because she wasn't out in the light didn't mean she couldn't have some fun. Sarabi's mind cast about, awareness spreading throughout the beach...

On the other side of the beach, a shadow was cast over Yasu's work as somebody drew close to the ninja and her redhead friend. The newcomer loomed ominously for a moment... then her head tilted to the side and her ears twitched.

"Are you drawing? At the beach? That's kinda silly! People go to the beach to swim and play around right? There aren't really any beaches in Dis... Oh, maybe there's stuff you can only draw at the beach? I want to try!" Without waiting for a response to the flow of words, the newcomer plopped herself down on the sand next to Yasu, on the other side from Dawn, finally letting the two get a good look at her.

Offline Silverkat

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2019, 02:08:39 AM »

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Everyone

"How many do you think will arrive, Dawn? You still look cute, by the way." Yasu turned to her companion while she was lounging in a beach chair, with proper shade she stretched out and let out a sigh. A two month truce was just what everyone needed, for demons and humans alike, but there was a tournament to be won so it was not all fun and games right now. Actually it was a game, now that she thought about it. She managed to convince Sayako and Kohana to give her some of her spare weapons which now laid beside her beach chair, she didn't dare ask for Sayako for her two most treasured blades however. She wasn't expecting the demons to go back on their word this early in the truce. Still, there were some idiots that were trying, they'd probably try to take an innocent soul like Dawn. They'd regret it if they tried...

Speaking of her partner, Yasu had forced Dawn to come. She had been resistant to just come out to the beach, but once the ninja put on some charm and reminded her that this Volleyball Tournament would be how the war was decided the Magical Girl was more than happy to come to save the city. Putting her in her current swimsuit however was an entirely different story, that took some skilled lying. "Oh, regulations said that you had to wear a swimsuit. So I picked one out for you! It'll make you look good too!" She said something like that. And of course, Yasu somehow had Dawn's measurements down pretty well, of course the magical girl couldn't stop blushing while putting it on, as it showed off her figure more than she was used to, but the ninja was quite amused by it and hid that from her.

"Hmmm, that could make a decent drawing." Yasu hummed to herself and started to draw a picture with a spare sketchpad she brought with her, mainly of the ocean, it looked so peaceful and serene from her point of view. "I'm sure others will be arriving shortly, especially your friend, what was her name? Vee?" Yasu had never met her but Dawn did talk about her a bit, Yasu just never had the time to meet her. While waiting for an answer her pen gently glided against the paper as her mind went into a sort of meditative state, she was concentrating.

Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Yasu, Akua, Everyone

Dawn didn't really hear the compliment at first, she was too busy looking around the beach, looking for anyone that would staring at her, because if she found anyone who was, she would take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It was the only to be sure that anyone who had seen her in a bikini did not live to tell about it. "St... stop it I do not!" she protested, being called cute finally reaching her. She couldn't believe she had agreed to this, a volleyball contest to determine the fate of the city seemed fine, she guessed, her magic didn't kill anyway so she wouldn't have to hold back during it, but why did she have to wear a bikini?

She hadn't believed Yasu at first when she told her the rules, but she'd looked it up and yeah, apparently volleyball had regulations over how much skin you were allowed to cover to play! So perverted! But there was nothing she could do about it, and Yasu was nice enough to have bought her a bikini, so there was that. "Hmm? Oh yeah, Vee will probably be here, she wouldn't miss something as important as this, or to miss the chance to see so many of her own girls in bikini's I'd guess" Dawn said, sitting down on the sand next to Yasu. The ocean did look good, it was a bright sunny day, so the ocean was a beautiful deep blue colour, it looked so nice, and blue was Dawn's favourite colour.

Dawn looked up as another girl suddenly came over and spoke to them. "Huh? No, people come to the beach to relax in the sun mostly" Dawn said, mentally adjusting the spell she was using to stop the sun from burning/tanning her, so it blocked a little more heat. "And she just likes to draw" Dawn added, as the girl sat down next to them.

Offline Youkai

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2019, 09:09:35 PM »
Summertime Shenanigans
Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: ?

With abruptness that might alarm those nearby, a demonic portal formed in the middle of the Beach. A dark, gaping hole in the fabric of reality, surrounding a vision of a place Not Here. Through it, two people stepped, the end of their conversation audible to those about.

"I certainly do not appreciate you volunteering my territory for this stupid event-"

"Oh, be quiet, Noya. It's not like you were doing anything productive with the place anyway."

"You DARE tell me to be quie- come back here, you wench!" Noya fumed as Sarabi simply walked away from her. Fingers curling and uncurling into tight fists, the blonde breathed heavily for a few moments before turning and stalking away, looking for somebody else to torment.

Sarabi, for her part, made for a conveniently placed umbrella and laid down on the cool sand beneath it, hands folded behind her head. She was one of those demons who didn't tan, but rather burned. Indeed, just from a few moments under the beating summer sun, patches of her skin were turning pale red for a moment before healing rapidly. But just because she wasn't out in the light didn't mean she couldn't have some fun. Sarabi's mind cast about, awareness spreading throughout the beach...

On the other side of the beach, a shadow was cast over Yasu's work as somebody drew close to the ninja and her redhead friend. The newcomer loomed ominously for a moment... then her head tilted to the side and her ears twitched.

"Are you drawing? At the beach? That's kinda silly! People go to the beach to swim and play around right? There aren't really any beaches in Dis... Oh, maybe there's stuff you can only draw at the beach? I want to try!" Without waiting for a response to the flow of words, the newcomer plopped herself down on the sand next to Yasu, on the other side from Dawn, finally letting the two get a good look at her.

Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Yasu, Akua, Everyone

Dawn didn't really hear the compliment at first, she was too busy looking around the beach, looking for anyone that would staring at her, because if she found anyone who was, she would take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It was the only to be sure that anyone who had seen her in a bikini did not live to tell about it. "St... stop it I do not!" she protested, being called cute finally reaching her. She couldn't believe she had agreed to this, a volleyball contest to determine the fate of the city seemed fine, she guessed, her magic didn't kill anyway so she wouldn't have to hold back during it, but why did she have to wear a bikini?

She hadn't believed Yasu at first when she told her the rules, but she'd looked it up and yeah, apparently volleyball had regulations over how much skin you were allowed to cover to play! So perverted! But there was nothing she could do about it, and Yasu was nice enough to have bought her a bikini, so there was that. "Hmm? Oh yeah, Vee will probably be here, she wouldn't miss something as important as this, or to miss the chance to see so many of her own girls in bikini's I'd guess" Dawn said, sitting down on the sand next to Yasu. The ocean did look good, it was a bright sunny day, so the ocean was a beautiful deep blue colour, it looked so nice, and blue was Dawn's favourite colour.

Dawn looked up as another girl suddenly came over and spoke to them. "Huh? No, people come to the beach to relax in the sun mostly" Dawn said, mentally adjusting the spell she was using to stop the sun from burning/tanning her, so it blocked a little more heat. "And she just likes to draw" Dawn added, as the girl sat down next to them.

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua Everyone

"Strange how you don't think you're cute, I think most people would agree with me Dawn." Yasu stuck her tongue out as she listened to Dawn talk about Vee."Is she really as provocative as you say? Did she do worse than steal your first kiss?" Yasu probably shouldn't have said that, she'd pay for it later probably as she went back to drawing.

Until she got stopped. "Hmm...?" Yasu's attention was taken from her musings by the shadow that suddenly loomed over her work. Least it was a cute demon with some twitchy ears. "Right, you guys don't exactly know what goes on at a beach do you? Some people swim, some people just get a tan, others like lounging around to do other activities in my case, or even having a drink to cool off. There are many things you can do at a beach. You might see people make sand castles as well, its not just swimming and playing around." Yasu tossed the woman a drawing pen and a few sheets of paper. "Feel free to try if you wish, there are plenty of subjects out here." Yasu casually grinned, her thoughts were a bit more scandalous than perhaps most humans here. Yasu finished drawing something though, and it came to life off of the sheets. A few bubbles came off her paper, and popped one by one lightly in front of both Dawn and Akua.

"Of course in my case, my drawings come to life. It's something that I've only witnessed my family having though." After the last bubble popped, Yasu went back to drawing and found a different subject to focus on.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2019, 10:03:05 PM »

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat)

Akua's fuzzy ears twitched as she listened to Yasu and Dawn explain how people acted at the beach. She ran her hands through the sand in front of her, feeling the grains run through her fingers and stick to the spaces between. "I see, I see!" she said. She shook her head as Yasu offered her pen and paper- she quickly produced her own sketchbook and an old-fashioned quill from... somewhere on her person. Even the ninja couldn't quite figure out where Akua had managed to hide that.

"Oooooooh! Cool!" the demon exclaimed as Yasu's painting came to life, bubbles floating up and popping before her eyes. "Is that magic? I can't do that!" Even as she looked to Yasu and Dawn, her quill was moving, sketching out a rough scene. In a few moments it became recognizable as a quick depiction of the two girls sitting with her- Akua was actually quite a passable artist. Details came to life as the quill flew, somehow never running out of ink.

"What are your names? I'm Akua!" the demon cheerfully said. "I run a couple shops in Dis and downtown Auralis! What do you guys do?"

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2019, 11:25:13 PM »

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua Everyone

"Strange how you don't think you're cute, I think most people would agree with me Dawn." Yasu stuck her tongue out as she listened to Dawn talk about Vee."Is she really as provocative as you say? Did she do worse than steal your first kiss?" Yasu probably shouldn't have said that, she'd pay for it later probably as she went back to drawing.

Until she got stopped. "Hmm...?" Yasu's attention was taken from her musings by the shadow that suddenly loomed over her work. Least it was a cute demon with some twitchy ears. "Right, you guys don't exactly know what goes on at a beach do you? Some people swim, some people just get a tan, others like lounging around to do other activities in my case, or even having a drink to cool off. There are many things you can do at a beach. You might see people make sand castles as well, its not just swimming and playing around." Yasu tossed the woman a drawing pen and a few sheets of paper. "Feel free to try if you wish, there are plenty of subjects out here." Yasu casually grinned, her thoughts were a bit more scandalous than perhaps most humans here. Yasu finished drawing something though, and it came to life off of the sheets. A few bubbles came off her paper, and popped one by one lightly in front of both Dawn and Akua.

"Of course in my case, my drawings come to life. It's something that I've only witnessed my family having though." After the last bubble popped, Yasu went back to drawing and found a different subject to focus on.

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat)

Akua's fuzzy ears twitched as she listened to Yasu and Dawn explain how people acted at the beach. She ran her hands through the sand in front of her, feeling the grains run through her fingers and stick to the spaces between. "I see, I see!" she said. She shook her head as Yasu offered her pen and paper- she quickly produced her own sketchbook and an old-fashioned quill from... somewhere on her person. Even the ninja couldn't quite figure out where Akua had managed to hide that.

"Oooooooh! Cool!" the demon exclaimed as Yasu's painting came to life, bubbles floating up and popping before her eyes. "Is that magic? I can't do that!" Even as she looked to Yasu and Dawn, her quill was moving, sketching out a rough scene. In a few moments it became recognizable as a quick depiction of the two girls sitting with her- Akua was actually quite a passable artist. Details came to life as the quill flew, somehow never running out of ink.

"What are your names? I'm Akua!" the demon cheerfully said. "I run a couple shops in Dis and downtown Auralis! What do you guys do?"

Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Yasu, Akua, Everyone

Dawn just blushed and looked away as Yasu once again called her cute, and was glad when Yasu quickly changed the subject to Vee. "Well, she's a good person, but she's definitely into girls strongly enough that she'd never miss something like this" Dawn started, then she turned brighter red when Yasu brought up The Incident again. "I still haven't forgiven you for that!! Keep that up and I'll blast you too! And she did something very nearly as bad. But don't worry you're still at the top of the perversion chain!!" she ranted a bit, before quickly calming down when Yasu drew a magic picture.

"Wow! That's really impressive magic Yasu!" Dawn said excitedly, her face now beaming with pride in her friends abilities. "Oh hello Akua." Dawn said to the girl cheerfully "I'm Dawn! I'm a student" since the girl was from Dis, Dawn decided to leave out the other thing she did!

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2019, 11:38:21 PM »

Sara Peterson
Tagging: Open

Soothing rays and a lite ocean breeze caressed the relaxing Captain’s back.  The smell of salt and mischief in the air hadn’t stirred Sara from her insouciance.  Reclined on her belly with a lazy foot dangling a flipflop above, she cooed with a drawn-out sigh.  No privileged brats to teach, no demons to sour such a tranquil day, the DRU officers hummed quietly to herself.

Oh but that annoying sun’s heat only strengthened against her back; likely to burn if she didn’t get sunscreen on it sooner rather than later.

Reluctantly, Sara curled up upon her elbows and searched the vicinity for someone that might render their services to apply some cool balm upon her back and legs.  Someone with a gentle touch so she might continue her lazy interloping before any of the activities began in earnest.  Perhaps if she offered to share some of her liquid refreshments in her cooler she brought.

“Pardon me.  Would one of you mind putting some sunscreen on my back?  It’s awfully hot and I tend to burn easily.  I’ve brought plenty of ice cold beverages if anyone is interested in one.”
Click a link!

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2019, 09:34:47 PM »

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat)

Akua's fuzzy ears twitched as she listened to Yasu and Dawn explain how people acted at the beach. She ran her hands through the sand in front of her, feeling the grains run through her fingers and stick to the spaces between. "I see, I see!" she said. She shook her head as Yasu offered her pen and paper- she quickly produced her own sketchbook and an old-fashioned quill from... somewhere on her person. Even the ninja couldn't quite figure out where Akua had managed to hide that.

"Oooooooh! Cool!" the demon exclaimed as Yasu's painting came to life, bubbles floating up and popping before her eyes. "Is that magic? I can't do that!" Even as she looked to Yasu and Dawn, her quill was moving, sketching out a rough scene. In a few moments it became recognizable as a quick depiction of the two girls sitting with her- Akua was actually quite a passable artist. Details came to life as the quill flew, somehow never running out of ink.

"What are your names? I'm Akua!" the demon cheerfully said. "I run a couple shops in Dis and downtown Auralis! What do you guys do?"

Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Yasu, Akua, Everyone

Dawn just blushed and looked away as Yasu once again called her cute, and was glad when Yasu quickly changed the subject to Vee. "Well, she's a good person, but she's definitely into girls strongly enough that she'd never miss something like this" Dawn started, then she turned brighter red when Yasu brought up The Incident again. "I still haven't forgiven you for that!! Keep that up and I'll blast you too! And she did something very nearly as bad. But don't worry you're still at the top of the perversion chain!!" she ranted a bit, before quickly calming down when Yasu drew a magic picture.

"Wow! That's really impressive magic Yasu!" Dawn said excitedly, her face now beaming with pride in her friends abilities. "Oh hello Akua." Dawn said to the girl cheerfully "I'm Dawn! I'm a student" since the girl was from Dis, Dawn decided to leave out the other thing she did!

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua Everyone

I guess sometimes even I can't see where things are hiding. Yasu took back her spare pen and paper and observed Akua draw. And yep, there it was, Dawn confirmed that Yasu was still at the top of the chain. "Good, I wouldn't have it any other way. Just make sure nobody gets beyond what I do, okay?" Yasu said with a sultry tone before finally relenting on teasing Dawn and focusing on Akua. Her eyes went wide in wonder as she watched Akua draw a pretty good picture of the two of them without even looking at it. "You're not half bad, I'm impressed Akua. I didn't expect to find another artistic soul here." Yasu said with genuine surprise. "Yes, I suppose you could call it magic, it's something I've been able to do since I was little, art just literally comes to life."

"Yasu Shibuya, travelling artist, I put on shows for entertainment, although I haven't had much time to do that lately. I'll probably have to put that on hold for quite a while, then again with this truce going on I suppose I could take some time out to do some." Yasu said casually without revealing too much more. "I'm not from around here, Auralis is still rather new to me, perhaps even more so than you, since you have a shop in Auralis already. I could tell you were stylish but I would never have guessed you run a shop."

Offline Raffa

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2019, 10:43:06 PM »

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat)

Akua's fuzzy ears twitched as she listened to Yasu and Dawn explain how people acted at the beach. She ran her hands through the sand in front of her, feeling the grains run through her fingers and stick to the spaces between. "I see, I see!" she said. She shook her head as Yasu offered her pen and paper- she quickly produced her own sketchbook and an old-fashioned quill from... somewhere on her person. Even the ninja couldn't quite figure out where Akua had managed to hide that.

"Oooooooh! Cool!" the demon exclaimed as Yasu's painting came to life, bubbles floating up and popping before her eyes. "Is that magic? I can't do that!" Even as she looked to Yasu and Dawn, her quill was moving, sketching out a rough scene. In a few moments it became recognizable as a quick depiction of the two girls sitting with her- Akua was actually quite a passable artist. Details came to life as the quill flew, somehow never running out of ink.

"What are your names? I'm Akua!" the demon cheerfully said. "I run a couple shops in Dis and downtown Auralis! What do you guys do?"

Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Yasu, Akua, Everyone

Dawn just blushed and looked away as Yasu once again called her cute, and was glad when Yasu quickly changed the subject to Vee. "Well, she's a good person, but she's definitely into girls strongly enough that she'd never miss something like this" Dawn started, then she turned brighter red when Yasu brought up The Incident again. "I still haven't forgiven you for that!! Keep that up and I'll blast you too! And she did something very nearly as bad. But don't worry you're still at the top of the perversion chain!!" she ranted a bit, before quickly calming down when Yasu drew a magic picture.

"Wow! That's really impressive magic Yasu!" Dawn said excitedly, her face now beaming with pride in her friends abilities. "Oh hello Akua." Dawn said to the girl cheerfully "I'm Dawn! I'm a student" since the girl was from Dis, Dawn decided to leave out the other thing she did!

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua Everyone

I guess sometimes even I can't see where things are hiding. Yasu took back her spare pen and paper and observed Akua draw. And yep, there it was, Dawn confirmed that Yasu was still at the top of the chain. "Good, I wouldn't have it any other way. Just make sure nobody gets beyond what I do, okay?" Yasu said with a sultry tone before finally relenting on teasing Dawn and focusing on Akua. Her eyes went wide in wonder as she watched Akua draw a pretty good picture of the two of them without even looking at it. "You're not half bad, I'm impressed Akua. I didn't expect to find another artistic soul here." Yasu said with genuine surprise. "Yes, I suppose you could call it magic, it's something I've been able to do since I was little, art just literally comes to life."

"Yasu Shibuya, travelling artist, I put on shows for entertainment, although I haven't had much time to do that lately. I'll probably have to put that on hold for quite a while, then again with this truce going on I suppose I could take some time out to do some." Yasu said casually without revealing too much more. "I'm not from around here, Auralis is still rather new to me, perhaps even more so than you, since you have a shop in Auralis already. I could tell you were stylish but I would never have guessed you run a shop."

Summer Event
Tag: Eleanor + Dawn and Others + Open

”Stop complaining.” Vee cut off Eleanor before the white-haired girl could finish her sentence. ”You’re getting out of that stuffy apartment, it’ll be good for you.” She said to her in a tone that similar to a mother trying discipline an unruly child. As soon as the Great Summer Truce was signed, Vee decided to stop by Eleanor’s apartment and drag Eleanor out of her hidey hole. Soon, however, she realized that getting the girl outside to socialize and catch some sun was like trying to give cat a bath. Then there was another problem: Eleanor didn’t have a swimsuit. Which prompted Vee to take the girl to a clothing store and that was entirely differently issue altogether resulting in great deal of frustration and headaches since the human-demon hybrid proved to be incredibly uncooperative.

Vee looked down at her watch and sighed; they were now running late. The heroine clutched the umbrella she was carrying and turned her head to look at Eleanor, who was walking a few steps behind her. She offered the girl to stand in the shadow of her umbrella to shelter her pale skin from the sunrays, but it appeared that the girl was hellbent on trying to make things as difficult for her as possible. They’ve already arrived at the Auralis Island and the sun was an absolute murder. A few moments of carelessness and a sunburn was guaranteed.

”Come on.” The heroine grabbed Eleanor’s hand and pulled her closer to hide underneath the umbrella. ”You’re going to burn the back of your neck. I told you to bring a hat and sunglasses!” She scolded her, wondering just when exactly did she became Eleanor’s official babysitter. Oh, well… can’t be helped, I guess. Vee thought to herself and looked forward. Their destination was finally in sight.

Once Eleanor and Vee arrived at the beach, Dawn felt a slight tingle in her breasts. Some sort of in-built defensive mechanism that warned the magical girl that there was a pervert nearby who might take advantage of her for the third time and grope her modest assets. 

”Now, where are they…?” Vee looked around the beach. There was already a crowd gathering and finding Dawn’s thoughts in that sea of bodies could indeed prove challenging. Now, if there was only a way to contact the magical girl…
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2019, 11:11:18 PM »

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat)

Akua's drawing quickly progressed, a sketch of the two girls she was sitting next to. It was surprisingly detailed for how fast she was drawing, but... most of the details were in Yasu and Dawn's swimsuits. Those were practically hyper-realistic, while the environment around them and their faces were much rougher and sketchier. The demon seemed to have a very... limited area of interest or skill.

"A wandering artist? You can survive like that nowadays?" Akua looked at Yasu, mouth agape. She really wore her emotions on her sleeve, or rather her face. Why would somebody put their emotions on their sleeve? "That's really cool! And a student, huh? What do you study?" the demon was earnest and curious.

"The shop isn't really a big deal..." Akua reached up to rub her head, cheeks flushing. Her quill continued to move without her holding it. "I just make clothes for people, is all." The demon's sketch finally finished with the bathing suits, shifting her attention to other things around them. Her ears twitched as she saw Yasu's collection of blades. "Hey why do you have all those swords?" she asked immediately.

Offline Suna

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2019, 11:22:34 PM »

Noya & Sarabi
Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Vee (Raffa)

As Vee looked around and cast her thoughts out in search of Dawn, somebody else found her. "Hello, Director." Sarabi's amused voice sounded in Vee's head. "Come to enjoy the truce? I should warn you... oh, too late. Have fun."

The crowd split before Vee, a blonde stomping towards her through a sea of people parted like something out of a religious book. Noya glared at the Director furiously. "You're the Director, right? Put up your fuckin' dukes! This is MY!!! beach!" the spawn of Loathel raised her fists as if she was truly intent on fistfighting the Director here and now.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2019, 12:08:57 AM »

Sara Peterson
Tag: Noya & Open

No shiny knights came to Sara’s rescue, her back feeling the merciless rays of the sun beating down on her un-lotioned flesh.  She sighed, inwardly condemning herself for obviously not being pretty enough to garner attention from someone.

Half naked and I can’t even get a rub down?  No more crispy treats for me…

A wave of motion caught the DRU soldier’s attention.  She rolled half over in time to see the crowd part for a livid blond spouting off about wanting to fight someone in the middle of the truce!  This looked to be interesting.  But then she heard Noya declare the beach belonged to her.  That’s who’s made this a closed beach!

Grabbing a cold can of beer, Sara bolted towards the action.  She dashed right in-between the two potential combatants.  Hip cocked, breasts threatening to bounce out from under their covering, Sara flashed Noya a come hither look while offering her a the cold drink.

“So… I’ve been eager to speak with the owner of this beach,” she slyly expressed hoping her gesture might stir things in a more hospitable direction
Click a link!

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2019, 01:49:38 AM »

Tag: Open

   “Ugh, why is it SOO Damn Hot!!” Kara complained loudly to herself, as she strolled down the wooden steps leading onto the glorious beach sands. The Swords-woman then brought her arm upward and swept it across her head as she wiped away various beads of sweat from her forehead using her forearm. Kara's mind still lingered with the Fortune Teller's predictions but for now she needed some fun.. and she was certain she'd be having some, while she looked out at the various different scantly clad beauties who'd already arrived it tight swimsuit bikini's and although she was impressed she couldn't help but glance down at her own school swimsuit disappointingly.

   'Ugh, of course I was going to be the only one...' she mused, before lifting her eyes to the gleam of the ocean waves in front of her dark black eyes. Kara then burst forth into a run as she sprinted out towards the sea her light footsteps pitter-pattering through the sand before she reached the reassuring cold water of the sea...

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2019, 02:37:43 AM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Summer Event
Tag: Eleanor + Dawn and Others + Open

”Stop complaining.” Vee cut off Eleanor before the white-haired girl could finish her sentence. ”You’re getting out of that stuffy apartment, it’ll be good for you.” She said to her in a tone that similar to a mother trying discipline an unruly child. As soon as the Great Summer Truce was signed, Vee decided to stop by Eleanor’s apartment and drag Eleanor out of her hidey hole. Soon, however, she realized that getting the girl outside to socialize and catch some sun was like trying to give cat a bath. Then there was another problem: Eleanor didn’t have a swimsuit. Which prompted Vee to take the girl to a clothing store and that was entirely differently issue altogether resulting in great deal of frustration and headaches since the human-demon hybrid proved to be incredibly uncooperative.

Vee looked down at her watch and sighed; they were now running late. The heroine clutched the umbrella she was carrying and turned her head to look at Eleanor, who was walking a few steps behind her. She offered the girl to stand in the shadow of her umbrella to shelter her pale skin from the sunrays, but it appeared that the girl was hellbent on trying to make things as difficult for her as possible. They’ve already arrived at the Auralis Island and the sun was an absolute murder. A few moments of carelessness and a sunburn was guaranteed.

”Come on.” The heroine grabbed Eleanor’s hand and pulled her closer to hide underneath the umbrella. ”You’re going to burn the back of your neck. I told you to bring a hat and sunglasses!” She scolded her, wondering just when exactly did she became Eleanor’s official babysitter. Oh, well… can’t be helped, I guess. Vee thought to herself and looked forward. Their destination was finally in sight.

Once Eleanor and Vee arrived at the beach, Dawn felt a slight tingle in her breasts. Some sort of in-built defensive mechanism that warned the magical girl that there was a pervert nearby who might take advantage of her for the third time and grope her modest assets. 

”Now, where are they…?” Vee looked around the beach. There was already a crowd gathering and finding Dawn’s thoughts in that sea of bodies could indeed prove challenging. Now, if there was only a way to contact the magical girl…

Noya & Sarabi
Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Vee (Raffa)

As Vee looked around and cast her thoughts out in search of Dawn, somebody else found her. "Hello, Director." Sarabi's amused voice sounded in Vee's head. "Come to enjoy the truce? I should warn you... oh, too late. Have fun."

The crowd split before Vee, a blonde stomping towards her through a sea of people parted like something out of a religious book. Noya glared at the Director furiously. "You're the Director, right? Put up your fuckin' dukes! This is MY!!! beach!" the spawn of Loathel raised her fists as if she was truly intent on fistfighting the Director here and now.

Sara Peterson
Tag: Noya & Open

No shiny knights came to Sara’s rescue, her back feeling the merciless rays of the sun beating down on her un-lotioned flesh.  She sighed, inwardly condemning herself for obviously not being pretty enough to garner attention from someone.

Half naked and I can’t even get a rub down?  No more crispy treats for me…

A wave of motion caught the DRU soldier’s attention.  She rolled half over in time to see the crowd part for a livid blond spouting off about wanting to fight someone in the middle of the truce!  This looked to be interesting.  But then she heard Noya declare the beach belonged to her.  That’s who’s made this a closed beach!

Grabbing a cold can of beer, Sara bolted towards the action.  She dashed right in-between the two potential combatants.  Hip cocked, breasts threatening to bounce out from under their covering, Sara flashed Noya a come hither look while offering her a the cold drink.

“So… I’ve been eager to speak with the owner of this beach,” she slyly expressed hoping her gesture might stir things in a more hospitable direction

Eleanor Lagan
Auralis Beach
Tag: Vee (Raffa), Sara Peterson (Mind Zapper), Noya sort of (Suna)

“Murphy, how exactly is this going to be good for me?”  Pale, pasty skin and bone-white hair. She blends in well with the white sand beach, were it not for the dark t-shirt and beach bag stuffed full of books. Eleanor lags behind the heroine, eyes squinting in the sun. “I can’t believe you talked me into coming here... Was this a test to see if I can resist telepathic suggestion?”

Underneath the t-shirt and shorts is the bikini Vee picked out for her, mostly so they could finally leave the store. There was, apparently, not a single one-piece in Auralis. “I was actually hoping to find out if I can burn. The whole demonically durable sometimes-chitin thing, you know.” She grumbles as Vee yanks her under the umbrella. She follows close, trying to shrink into the much shorter woman’s shadow.

Her eyes scan the beach. “What am I supposed to do here? There are all these… people.” She sweeps her arm and wrinkles her nose in distaste. Almost as if the motion summoned adversity, someone came barreling through the crowd to challenge Vee. Her grimace turns into a snarl—she starts to step out in front of the heroine, before reminding herself that Murphy was, in fact, stupidly powerful. This demoness, who seemed vaguely familiar but didn’t immediately ring any bells, could hardly be a match for the heroine who defeated the Overlord.

As she tries to calm herself and not intervene, a certain redhead steps in. ...Dr. Peterson. Was that a hint of an echo in her voice…? Certainly, there was a blush in her cheeks...

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #16 on: August 16, 2019, 10:25:31 PM »

Summer Event
Tag: Eleanor, Noya, Sarabi (Cameo), Dawn and Others + Open

Vee sighed and rolled her eyes at Eleanor’s antics. That girl, I swear to God… She thought to herself as she continued pulling the white-haired girl behind her.

”You’re not supposed to do anything. Just… relax, unwind, do whatever you want.” The telepath looked back at her companion. ”Maybe meet some people. And I know you’re thinking about running! So, don’t do that and… hmm… tell you what, I’ll buy you an ice cream, how does that sound?” asked Vee, fully embracing her role as Eleanor’s babysitter.

As she was on the prowl for a cold treat, she heard a familiar voice in her head. Instinctively, the telepath recoiled but then calmed down when she recognized that the voice belonged to someone who brought her to a brink of defeat and then tripped on her shoelaces before she could finish her off.

Hi, Sarabi. Vee communicated back, putting a friendly note in her message. Wait, wha-*beep* The person you’re trying to contact is currently unavailable. Would you like to leave a message? The heroine sighed and hung up, just in time as the demon Sarabi warned her about had suddenly appeared right in front of her.

”Yup.” Vee replied nonchalantly, pulling Eleanor behind her back to keep her protected. ”Hi… uhh…” She blinked in surprise as Noya raised her fists and looked at her with fury in her eyes.

”Hmm…” The heroine looked at Noya, then at her fists, then at Noya, then at her firsts, and then reached into her bag. She fished through its contents for a few seconds until she fished out a Frozen Lemonade, now available at Tim HortonsTM, in a reusable cup and offered it to the demoness. ”Truce?”
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #17 on: August 16, 2019, 11:49:18 PM »

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua Everyone

I guess sometimes even I can't see where things are hiding. Yasu took back her spare pen and paper and observed Akua draw. And yep, there it was, Dawn confirmed that Yasu was still at the top of the chain. "Good, I wouldn't have it any other way. Just make sure nobody gets beyond what I do, okay?" Yasu said with a sultry tone before finally relenting on teasing Dawn and focusing on Akua. Her eyes went wide in wonder as she watched Akua draw a pretty good picture of the two of them without even looking at it. "You're not half bad, I'm impressed Akua. I didn't expect to find another artistic soul here." Yasu said with genuine surprise. "Yes, I suppose you could call it magic, it's something I've been able to do since I was little, art just literally comes to life."

"Yasu Shibuya, travelling artist, I put on shows for entertainment, although I haven't had much time to do that lately. I'll probably have to put that on hold for quite a while, then again with this truce going on I suppose I could take some time out to do some." Yasu said casually without revealing too much more. "I'm not from around here, Auralis is still rather new to me, perhaps even more so than you, since you have a shop in Auralis already. I could tell you were stylish but I would never have guessed you run a shop."

Summer Event
Tag: Eleanor + Dawn and Others + Open

”Stop complaining.” Vee cut off Eleanor before the white-haired girl could finish her sentence. ”You’re getting out of that stuffy apartment, it’ll be good for you.” She said to her in a tone that similar to a mother trying discipline an unruly child. As soon as the Great Summer Truce was signed, Vee decided to stop by Eleanor’s apartment and drag Eleanor out of her hidey hole. Soon, however, she realized that getting the girl outside to socialize and catch some sun was like trying to give cat a bath. Then there was another problem: Eleanor didn’t have a swimsuit. Which prompted Vee to take the girl to a clothing store and that was entirely differently issue altogether resulting in great deal of frustration and headaches since the human-demon hybrid proved to be incredibly uncooperative.

Vee looked down at her watch and sighed; they were now running late. The heroine clutched the umbrella she was carrying and turned her head to look at Eleanor, who was walking a few steps behind her. She offered the girl to stand in the shadow of her umbrella to shelter her pale skin from the sunrays, but it appeared that the girl was hellbent on trying to make things as difficult for her as possible. They’ve already arrived at the Auralis Island and the sun was an absolute murder. A few moments of carelessness and a sunburn was guaranteed.

”Come on.” The heroine grabbed Eleanor’s hand and pulled her closer to hide underneath the umbrella. ”You’re going to burn the back of your neck. I told you to bring a hat and sunglasses!” She scolded her, wondering just when exactly did she became Eleanor’s official babysitter. Oh, well… can’t be helped, I guess. Vee thought to herself and looked forward. Their destination was finally in sight.

Once Eleanor and Vee arrived at the beach, Dawn felt a slight tingle in her breasts. Some sort of in-built defensive mechanism that warned the magical girl that there was a pervert nearby who might take advantage of her for the third time and grope her modest assets. 

”Now, where are they…?” Vee looked around the beach. There was already a crowd gathering and finding Dawn’s thoughts in that sea of bodies could indeed prove challenging. Now, if there was only a way to contact the magical girl…

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat)

Akua's drawing quickly progressed, a sketch of the two girls she was sitting next to. It was surprisingly detailed for how fast she was drawing, but... most of the details were in Yasu and Dawn's swimsuits. Those were practically hyper-realistic, while the environment around them and their faces were much rougher and sketchier. The demon seemed to have a very... limited area of interest or skill.

"A wandering artist? You can survive like that nowadays?" Akua looked at Yasu, mouth agape. She really wore her emotions on her sleeve, or rather her face. Why would somebody put their emotions on their sleeve? "That's really cool! And a student, huh? What do you study?" the demon was earnest and curious.

"The shop isn't really a big deal..." Akua reached up to rub her head, cheeks flushing. Her quill continued to move without her holding it. "I just make clothes for people, is all." The demon's sketch finally finished with the bathing suits, shifting her attention to other things around them. Her ears twitched as she saw Yasu's collection of blades. "Hey why do you have all those swords?" she asked immediately.

Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Yasu, Akua, Vee's group

"As if anyone else would be so perverted!" Dawn said in a huff, no one in her life had ever stolen a kiss from her before Yasu, and she doubted anyone else ever would. So the ninja leader had little reason to worry on that score. "So I'm sure your record is perfectly safe!" she added, quickly calming down again though to address Akua. "Oh, I'm studying medicine" Dawn answered cheerfully, though quickly getting a guilty look when she realised that with all her superheroing lately she had fallen way behind on her studies. "It's um... it's pretty hard" she said, laying back on the sand, maybe 'failing medicine' would be a better thing to say rather than studying it.

Then suddenly Dawn sat bolt upright out of nowhere. "My Vee Senses are tingling" Dawn said to Yasu, as she detected the pervert levels on the beech suddenly double. She stood up and looked around, and quickly located Vee... not... wearing... a bikini... "Oh my god you lied to me!" she said to Yasu angrily "You said everyone had to wear a bikini!" she said, going red from embarrassment, before sighing and calming down. Seeing Vee again, she jumped up and down and waved her hands in the air "YooHoo! Vee! Over here! Come meet my friends!" she shouted out, and then decided to make extra sure Vee saw her, she conjured a ball of blue-green magic in her hand. "Turquoise signal Flare!" she said the name that she just this second made up as she hurled the ball into the ball and it exploded out like a firework writing 'Vee! Over here!!!' in bright blue-green writing for a few seconds...

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2019, 12:12:32 AM »

Noya & Sarabi
Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Vee (Raffa)

"Harrumph! Pathetic human, offering tribute at the first bit of intimidation!" Noya looked down on Vee like the telepath was a bug. In a flash of movement she snatched the Frozen Lemonade, now available at Tim Hortons™, out of Vee's hand, the gust blowing Vee's hair back. She seized a straw from a passing child and jammed it forcefully into the cup. She sucked on the straw, cheeks bowing inward with the angry motion. She stalked aside, then glared at Vee. "I accept your pathetic tribute, human. Get out of my sight and cause no trouble!" She waved magnanimously for Vee and Eleanor to pass, then turned to Sara.

"...who the hell're you 'pposed to be?" she mumbled around the straw.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #19 on: August 17, 2019, 03:46:04 AM »

Lady Elmadia
Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu, Dawn, Vee

Hmmm, this "truce" is a good opportunity to see humans up close in their natural habitat without raising suspicion. Elmadia was sat a fair distance away from the people that had gathered, with a pair of opera glasses so that she could spy on them more effectively. She brought her gaze to the scrawny ninja that she had seen previously in Dis, curious to find out what exactly made everyone think she was so special.

She's still not doing anything remotely impressive, now, that redhead in the cute bikini shows some magical talent, at least, not much of a physique though, and I wonder who this "Vee" that she's attempting to summon might be, sounds like the name of a demon. Had Elmadia truly wanted to remain hidden, she would have taken her elemental form, she was more curious to see if the girl would notice and react in some way. Of course, the telepath would likely be able to pick out her thoughts as well, the mind of an Air Elemental would have its own unique. . . taste about it.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #20 on: August 17, 2019, 04:30:55 AM »

Summer Event
Tag: Eleanor + Dawn and Others + Open

”Stop complaining.” Vee cut off Eleanor before the white-haired girl could finish her sentence. ”You’re getting out of that stuffy apartment, it’ll be good for you.” She said to her in a tone that similar to a mother trying discipline an unruly child. As soon as the Great Summer Truce was signed, Vee decided to stop by Eleanor’s apartment and drag Eleanor out of her hidey hole. Soon, however, she realized that getting the girl outside to socialize and catch some sun was like trying to give cat a bath. Then there was another problem: Eleanor didn’t have a swimsuit. Which prompted Vee to take the girl to a clothing store and that was entirely differently issue altogether resulting in great deal of frustration and headaches since the human-demon hybrid proved to be incredibly uncooperative.

Vee looked down at her watch and sighed; they were now running late. The heroine clutched the umbrella she was carrying and turned her head to look at Eleanor, who was walking a few steps behind her. She offered the girl to stand in the shadow of her umbrella to shelter her pale skin from the sunrays, but it appeared that the girl was hellbent on trying to make things as difficult for her as possible. They’ve already arrived at the Auralis Island and the sun was an absolute murder. A few moments of carelessness and a sunburn was guaranteed.

”Come on.” The heroine grabbed Eleanor’s hand and pulled her closer to hide underneath the umbrella. ”You’re going to burn the back of your neck. I told you to bring a hat and sunglasses!” She scolded her, wondering just when exactly did she became Eleanor’s official babysitter. Oh, well… can’t be helped, I guess. Vee thought to herself and looked forward. Their destination was finally in sight.

Once Eleanor and Vee arrived at the beach, Dawn felt a slight tingle in her breasts. Some sort of in-built defensive mechanism that warned the magical girl that there was a pervert nearby who might take advantage of her for the third time and grope her modest assets. 

”Now, where are they…?” Vee looked around the beach. There was already a crowd gathering and finding Dawn’s thoughts in that sea of bodies could indeed prove challenging. Now, if there was only a way to contact the magical girl…

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat)

Akua's drawing quickly progressed, a sketch of the two girls she was sitting next to. It was surprisingly detailed for how fast she was drawing, but... most of the details were in Yasu and Dawn's swimsuits. Those were practically hyper-realistic, while the environment around them and their faces were much rougher and sketchier. The demon seemed to have a very... limited area of interest or skill.

"A wandering artist? You can survive like that nowadays?" Akua looked at Yasu, mouth agape. She really wore her emotions on her sleeve, or rather her face. Why would somebody put their emotions on their sleeve? "That's really cool! And a student, huh? What do you study?" the demon was earnest and curious.

"The shop isn't really a big deal..." Akua reached up to rub her head, cheeks flushing. Her quill continued to move without her holding it. "I just make clothes for people, is all." The demon's sketch finally finished with the bathing suits, shifting her attention to other things around them. Her ears twitched as she saw Yasu's collection of blades. "Hey why do you have all those swords?" she asked immediately.

Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Yasu, Akua, Vee's group

"As if anyone else would be so perverted!" Dawn said in a huff, no one in her life had ever stolen a kiss from her before Yasu, and she doubted anyone else ever would. So the ninja leader had little reason to worry on that score. "So I'm sure your record is perfectly safe!" she added, quickly calming down again though to address Akua. "Oh, I'm studying medicine" Dawn answered cheerfully, though quickly getting a guilty look when she realised that with all her superheroing lately she had fallen way behind on her studies. "It's um... it's pretty hard" she said, laying back on the sand, maybe 'failing medicine' would be a better thing to say rather than studying it.

Then suddenly Dawn sat bolt upright out of nowhere. "My Vee Senses are tingling" Dawn said to Yasu, as she detected the pervert levels on the beech suddenly double. She stood up and looked around, and quickly located Vee... not... wearing... a bikini... "Oh my god you lied to me!" she said to Yasu angrily "You said everyone had to wear a bikini!" she said, going red from embarrassment, before sighing and calming down. Seeing Vee again, she jumped up and down and waved her hands in the air "YooHoo! Vee! Over here! Come meet my friends!" she shouted out, and then decided to make extra sure Vee saw her, she conjured a ball of blue-green magic in her hand. "Turquoise signal Flare!" she said the name that she just this second made up as she hurled the ball into the ball and it exploded out like a firework writing 'Vee! Over here!!!' in bright blue-green writing for a few seconds...

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Elmadia, Everyone else

"You can make a lot of money if you're good at it." Yasu scribbled down another picture, this one of the beach around them and showed it to Akua, the waves she drew on the page would move fluidly as if they were water before with a wave of her hand the drawing faded away and the sheet became blank. "Also being able to make your creations come to life isn't exactly a common skill among humanity." Yasu watched Akua's drawing with a critical eye, constantly judging it as a force of habit. "It is good to focus on one area at once, but make sure that the others don't fall behind. Otherwise the full picture will look unbalanced." She said gently, as if in a teaching role. Akua thought didn't really need much teaching, she was definitely good, and if this was an art class then Akua would definitely be beyond passable.

"Clothes for people? So you compete with The Golden Thread I take it?" Yasu said with a smile, indicating she had been there in Dis. After that though, Yasu's Danger Senses were tingling as Dawn started to get angry! "You caught me, I just wanted to see you in a cute swimsuit. Please... just, calm down okay? I thought it'd be fun." Yasu slowly backed away, worried Dawn might explode the very earth she was sitting on and leave Akua and her in a crater. Thankfully, it seemed she calmed down. "For protection, there were demons that didn't want to follow the pact we made, so they're just here as a precaution. They're not actually mine, they're... from two friends of mine back home." Yasu explained the swords and let Dawn do her signal flare, looking up at it and knowing that she'd have to pay attention because others would be coming over. She closed her sketch book, and waited to see what came of Dawn doing her light show.

Out of the corner of her eye though, Yasu spotted Elmadia. What's she doing here? Does she think nobody will notice her? Does that mean Nathaniel is here too? Or did she come alone because she was bored? She didn't say anything and turned her head back towards where Dawn was shouting.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #21 on: August 18, 2019, 08:27:52 PM »

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

"Oh! Yeah I'm more used to sketching for work..." Akua shuffled around as Yasu critiqued her work a little. Then Yasu said something and Akua's head slowly turned, nose turning upwards to look down on the ninja with a sneer.

"The Golden Thread are two-bit hacks who wouldn't know how to sew a petticoat," she said haughtily. Her ears lay flat against her hair. "Their products are frail, ill-fitting, and barely keep up with the times. They're far too reliant on magic instead of actual skill and craftsmanship! They-" Akua shoved a hand in her mouth and angrily gnashed at her fingers for a few moments. Then she abruptly calmed and sat back normally. "Sorry, force of habit." she said cheerfully. "What were we talking about? Oh, um, calm down miss Dawn!" she looked past Yasu to the redhead who'd apparently had a prank pulled on her. "You do look really cute in that swimsuit!" the demon chimed in as Yasu apologized.

"Who's Vee? A friend of yours?" she asked both Yasu and Dawn after the magical girl launched her flare.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #22 on: August 19, 2019, 03:40:36 AM »
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Noya & Sarabi
Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Vee (Raffa)

"Harrumph! Pathetic human, offering tribute at the first bit of intimidation!" Noya looked down on Vee like the telepath was a bug. In a flash of movement she snatched the Frozen Lemonade, now available at Tim Hortons™, out of Vee's hand, the gust blowing Vee's hair back. She seized a straw from a passing child and jammed it forcefully into the cup. She sucked on the straw, cheeks bowing inward with the angry motion. She stalked aside, then glared at Vee. "I accept your pathetic tribute, human. Get out of my sight and cause no trouble!" She waved magnanimously for Vee and Eleanor to pass, then turned to Sara.

"...who the hell're you 'pposed to be?" she mumbled around the straw.

Tag: Noya (Suna) Eleanor (Chucho)

Such assured confidence the off duty professor possessed standing boldly n front of the beach owner.  She had practiced this speech in her head if she ever got the chance for months now.  And just her luck, the devil dropped right into her lap.  Madly wild eyed, Sara stuck out her chest and put a hand on her hip.  The. Hammer. Was. Coming. Down!

"Dr. Peterson?"

Sara coughed on her breath, covering her mouth... and wishing the rest of her body was covered.  The blush on her cheeks ran down to the top of her chest, a blotchy embarrassed mess.  She straightened up awkwardly looking over her shoulder like a kid caught stealing another cookie.

"Hey..."  Her hand poked out from behind her side in a half hearted wave.  "... Eleanor.  Fancy running into you... here... at the beach... "  Clearly the professor felt self-conscious being this naked in front of one of her students... and it only seemed more intense seeing that it was Eleanor.  The engorged state of her nipples, Sara felt for sure they stabbed through her top for everyone to see her shame.  Still her eyes couldn't help but track that pale student with her tasty little titties cupped ever so tightly in that bathing suit of her.  Even after she passed by, Sara shifted her weight to look past Noya to follow Eleanor's figure a bit further. 

Suddenly she realized the impatient demoness was staring right at her.  "Oh, yeah... you're still here?  Huh... Right.  Your beach.  See I take issue with that.  No one should be able to own the beach, especially when us 9 to 5ers now have to drive an hour further just to get a bit of fun wave time."

She paused scolding herself for botching the script.  "If you reopen it, you'll get to see more of me... wearing virtually nothing at all."

Stupid stupid stupid... might as well as said I'll sleep with you if you reopen the beach...
« Last Edit: August 19, 2019, 03:44:32 AM by Mind Zapper »
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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #23 on: August 19, 2019, 04:00:30 AM »

Noya & Sarabi
Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Vee (Raffa)

Noya sucked insolently at the lemonade Vee had bribed her with, glaring at Sara as she did. She didn't seem taken in by the redhead's display of her assets, or really to care about Sara at all. She just sucked on the straw and glared.

"Yeah I don't care," the spawn of Loathel finally mumbled around the straw as Sara made her case. "I've seen better than your cowtits anyway. Go hang out with Spooky McPaleBitch and don't bother me or I'll boot you into the ocean to meet your manatee kin."

With that elegant(?) refusal, Noya turned around and stalked away. She made it three steps before her hands flew to clutch at her skull. "Ffffthuck! Brainfreeze!" she cried.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2019, 04:22:36 AM »
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Noya & Sarabi
Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Vee (Raffa)

Noya sucked insolently at the lemonade Vee had bribed her with, glaring at Sara as she did. She didn't seem taken in by the redhead's display of her assets, or really to care about Sara at all. She just sucked on the straw and glared.

"Yeah I don't care," the spawn of Loathel finally mumbled around the straw as Sara made her case. "I've seen better than your cowtits anyway. Go hang out with Spooky McPaleBitch and don't bother me or I'll boot you into the ocean to meet your manatee kin."

With that elegant(?) refusal, Noya turned around and stalked away. She made it three steps before her hands flew to clutch at her skull. "Ffffthuck! Brainfreeze!" she cried.

A gaping jaw hung open at listening to Noya's stinging rebuff!  Sara stared daggers into the demoness's retreating figure as she replayed those barbs in her head.

Cowtits? Cowtit!... COWTITS!!!... What, you hear my southern daw and assuming I'm some country bumpkin?  I mean sure I milked Pappy's cows every morning growing up, but still she doesn't know that...

Slowly the embarrassment morphed into indignation.  Hands curling into sharpened fists, eyebrows straightening into a razor's edge, Sara bent down and scooped up a hand full of heated sand and marched right up behind Noya.  A sudden stretch at the back of her bottoms halted her progress as her crack peeked out from her waistline.  Quickly filled up with burning sand dumped into her drawers.  The recoil snap of her bottoms punctuated Sara's proud point!

"Cowtits?  Turn around so I can milk your utters dry... you... you... blond beach rat!"
« Last Edit: August 19, 2019, 04:24:56 AM by Mind Zapper »
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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #25 on: August 20, 2019, 12:02:25 AM »

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu

"Dawn! Hey, Dawn! I was looking for you!" There was a loud "BAM" and Leona appeared in the midst of Yasu, Dawn, and Akua. "I was looking everywhere for you and I almost didn't recognise you in that adorable swimsuit but then I saw your message for Vee and I knew it was you and I had to come over as quickly as possible Isn't it great being on the beach together and getting to hang out with everyone and getting the sun and relaxing together yay for being together! Oh, who are your friends?" The magical girl talked a mile a minute, a drink, dangerously close to being tipped over, in her hand as she gesticulated wildly. The excitement was palpable, and it was likely obvious to everyone, except Dawn, that Leona was massively infatuated with the chaste Magical girl.

The newcomer squatted down beside Dawn and took a deep breath. "I can't remember the last time I went to the beach it's so cool and pleasant and awesome and there's so many people it's super exciting! I heard there was going to be volleyball or something right? There was something about demons too but I didn't really pay attention to any of that after I saw 'BEACH' oh my god it's great it's like a mini-vacation from all the craziness that's been happening, yay!"

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #26 on: August 20, 2019, 08:04:52 PM »
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Summer Event
Tag: Eleanor, Noya, Sarabi (Cameo), Dawn and Others + Open

Vee sighed and rolled her eyes at Eleanor’s antics. That girl, I swear to God… She thought to herself as she continued pulling the white-haired girl behind her.

”You’re not supposed to do anything. Just… relax, unwind, do whatever you want.” The telepath looked back at her companion. ”Maybe meet some people. And I know you’re thinking about running! So, don’t do that and… hmm… tell you what, I’ll buy you an ice cream, how does that sound?” asked Vee, fully embracing her role as Eleanor’s babysitter.

As she was on the prowl for a cold treat, she heard a familiar voice in her head. Instinctively, the telepath recoiled but then calmed down when she recognized that the voice belonged to someone who brought her to a brink of defeat and then tripped on her shoelaces before she could finish her off.

Hi, Sarabi. Vee communicated back, putting a friendly note in her message. Wait, wha-*beep* The person you’re trying to contact is currently unavailable. Would you like to leave a message? The heroine sighed and hung up, just in time as the demon Sarabi warned her about had suddenly appeared right in front of her.

”Yup.” Vee replied nonchalantly, pulling Eleanor behind her back to keep her protected. ”Hi… uhh…” She blinked in surprise as Noya raised her fists and looked at her with fury in her eyes.

”Hmm…” The heroine looked at Noya, then at her fists, then at Noya, then at her firsts, and then reached into her bag. She fished through its contents for a few seconds until she fished out a Frozen Lemonade, now available at Tim HortonsTM, in a reusable cup and offered it to the demoness. ”Truce?”
Spoiler for Hidden:

Noya & Sarabi
Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Vee (Raffa)

Noya sucked insolently at the lemonade Vee had bribed her with, glaring at Sara as she did. She didn't seem taken in by the redhead's display of her assets, or really to care about Sara at all. She just sucked on the straw and glared.

"Yeah I don't care," the spawn of Loathel finally mumbled around the straw as Sara made her case. "I've seen better than your cowtits anyway. Go hang out with Spooky McPaleBitch and don't bother me or I'll boot you into the ocean to meet your manatee kin."

With that elegant(?) refusal, Noya turned around and stalked away. She made it three steps before her hands flew to clutch at her skull. "Ffffthuck! Brainfreeze!" she cried.

A gaping jaw hung open at listening to Noya's stinging rebuff!  Sara stared daggers into the demoness's retreating figure as she replayed those barbs in her head.

Cowtits? Cowtit!... COWTITS!!!... What, you hear my southern daw and assuming I'm some country bumpkin?  I mean sure I milked Pappy's cows every morning growing up, but still she doesn't know that...

Slowly the embarrassment morphed into indignation.  Hands curling into sharpened fists, eyebrows straightening into a razor's edge, Sara bent down and scooped up a hand full of heated sand and marched right up behind Noya.  A sudden stretch at the back of her bottoms halted her progress as her crack peeked out from her waistline.  Quickly filled up with burning sand dumped into her drawers.  The recoil snap of her bottoms punctuated Sara's proud point!

"Cowtits?  Turn around so I can milk your utters dry... you... you... blond beach rat!"

Eleanor Lagan
Auralis Beach
Tag: Vee (Raffa), Sara Peterson (Mind Zapper), Noya (Suna)

“I don’t like sweets, Murphy.” She grumbles, keeping in line behind Vee.

Eleanor is staring back at Sara—but unlike most, her eyes keep more to the professor’s face. So much delicious shame! If only she knew how much she’d shown… Oh, there were games to play with those memories. The student passes by in Vee’s tow, extending a finger to beckon her pet closer… just as she turns her attention back to the self-declared owner of the beach. Prudence is about to overcome temptation, but then the the soldier dumps sand in the demoness’s suit.

“Excuse us, Murphy, we have a situation to defuse.” “Excuse us, Murphy. Our delight awaits.” Somehow, both phrases are communicated in a single sentence—one weary and contemptuous, the other silken and eerie. It’s capped off by a growl or a giggle, respectively. Thinking too hard about how exactly provokes a headache.

There’s a sudden hiss between Sara and Noya. “This sorry thing has forgotten her lessons.” Nails—or something like nails—dig into the redhead’s scalp. Before she can object, echoes wind into her ear: “Follow me, little serf...”

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #27 on: August 20, 2019, 08:49:58 PM »

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Sara (MZ), Eleanor (MC)

Silence roiled out across the beach, broken only by the slap of elastic as the waist of Noya's beach bottoms snapped back into place. Slowly, the blonde turned, an undescribable expression on her face.

Well partly it was indescribable because she was still drinking her Frozen Lemonade, now available at Tim Hortons™, despite the cruel scourge of brain freeze. She took a moment to nestle the cup between her breasts with poise that would cause countless internet memes in days to come. Her hand dropped to the sword hanging from her waist.

Faster than sight, the gleaming metal point was poking at the base of Sara's throat. "Why shouldn't I end you?" Noya said. Or rather mumbled around the straw, while shifting awkwardly due to sand in her bathing suit. Both of those factors took some of the menace out of the situation, as did Eleanor jerking the redhead back with nails digging into scalp. Noya took a half-step forward, keeping her blade dangerously close to Sara, glaring at the interloper.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #28 on: August 21, 2019, 04:43:40 AM »

Auralis Island - Beach
Tag: Open

Life isn’t easy for a demonic slave, even one with a relatively laissez-faire mistress and… well, not technically being alive. Commands were absolute, labour was paid in lodgings and nothing more, you couldn’t leave the house except for work or errand, and vacation days are non-existent… at least, normally.

With the announced summer truce though, the undead thralls under Agnes’ service finally got a chance to take a break. Having convinced her own Master to go on a trip and experience something other than lazing about in the mansion for once, the lesser undead got the whole house to themselves for the duration, and the lich's own personal retinue was even allowed to visit Auralis on their own, Agnes herself taking a leave of absence to parts unknown, claiming that it was personal.

So it was that a certain blonde spirit found herself back on Auralis Island, this time able to relax on the beach without having to take over any resorts. Though Lily, Melanie and Alyx had decided to spend the day at the amusement park (and Lavinia, being the workaholic she is, remained at home to pick up the slack from the resting undead), Sunny wasn’t here alone, she just wasn’t sure where Harukaze was. The younger ghost was planning some sort of mischief before disappearing off somewhere. She could sense she was nearby though, so she’s sure she’s alright.

Sighing contentedly, Sunny continued to bathe in the warmth of the sun, not even needing any sunblock as ghosts can’t get sunburnt, obviously. Unfortunately that also meant she couldn’t get a tan, but it’s not like that’s what she was here for anyway. All she wanted was a nice, relaxing day at the beach… and a beach hunk or two that’d be drawn in by her bikini-clad figure and be tempted into having a good time at the resort. Cute beach babes were just fine too, of course, and there’s evidently quite a lot of them here already.

There was also the volleyball tournament, which she would’ve loved to participate in, but Agnes forbid any one of them from entering. After the repeated losses the lich’s confidence in both herself and her lackeys had taken a pretty big hit… Hopefully this summer vacation would rejuvenate her spirits a bit, wherever she went.
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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #29 on: August 23, 2019, 02:06:59 AM »
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Spoiler for Hidden:

Summer Event
Tag: Eleanor, Noya, Sarabi (Cameo), Dawn and Others + Open

Vee sighed and rolled her eyes at Eleanor’s antics. That girl, I swear to God… She thought to herself as she continued pulling the white-haired girl behind her.

”You’re not supposed to do anything. Just… relax, unwind, do whatever you want.” The telepath looked back at her companion. ”Maybe meet some people. And I know you’re thinking about running! So, don’t do that and… hmm… tell you what, I’ll buy you an ice cream, how does that sound?” asked Vee, fully embracing her role as Eleanor’s babysitter.

As she was on the prowl for a cold treat, she heard a familiar voice in her head. Instinctively, the telepath recoiled but then calmed down when she recognized that the voice belonged to someone who brought her to a brink of defeat and then tripped on her shoelaces before she could finish her off.

Hi, Sarabi. Vee communicated back, putting a friendly note in her message. Wait, wha-*beep* The person you’re trying to contact is currently unavailable. Would you like to leave a message? The heroine sighed and hung up, just in time as the demon Sarabi warned her about had suddenly appeared right in front of her.

”Yup.” Vee replied nonchalantly, pulling Eleanor behind her back to keep her protected. ”Hi… uhh…” She blinked in surprise as Noya raised her fists and looked at her with fury in her eyes.

”Hmm…” The heroine looked at Noya, then at her fists, then at Noya, then at her firsts, and then reached into her bag. She fished through its contents for a few seconds until she fished out a Frozen Lemonade, now available at Tim HortonsTM, in a reusable cup and offered it to the demoness. ”Truce?”
Spoiler for Hidden:

Noya & Sarabi
Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Vee (Raffa)

Noya sucked insolently at the lemonade Vee had bribed her with, glaring at Sara as she did. She didn't seem taken in by the redhead's display of her assets, or really to care about Sara at all. She just sucked on the straw and glared.

"Yeah I don't care," the spawn of Loathel finally mumbled around the straw as Sara made her case. "I've seen better than your cowtits anyway. Go hang out with Spooky McPaleBitch and don't bother me or I'll boot you into the ocean to meet your manatee kin."

With that elegant(?) refusal, Noya turned around and stalked away. She made it three steps before her hands flew to clutch at her skull. "Ffffthuck! Brainfreeze!" she cried.

A gaping jaw hung open at listening to Noya's stinging rebuff!  Sara stared daggers into the demoness's retreating figure as she replayed those barbs in her head.

Cowtits? Cowtit!... COWTITS!!!... What, you hear my southern daw and assuming I'm some country bumpkin?  I mean sure I milked Pappy's cows every morning growing up, but still she doesn't know that...

Slowly the embarrassment morphed into indignation.  Hands curling into sharpened fists, eyebrows straightening into a razor's edge, Sara bent down and scooped up a hand full of heated sand and marched right up behind Noya.  A sudden stretch at the back of her bottoms halted her progress as her crack peeked out from her waistline.  Quickly filled up with burning sand dumped into her drawers.  The recoil snap of her bottoms punctuated Sara's proud point!

"Cowtits?  Turn around so I can milk your utters dry... you... you... blond beach rat!"

Eleanor Lagan
Auralis Beach
Tag: Vee (Raffa), Sara Peterson (Mind Zapper), Noya (Suna)

“I don’t like sweets, Murphy.” She grumbles, keeping in line behind Vee.

Eleanor is staring back at Sara—but unlike most, her eyes keep more to the professor’s face. So much delicious shame! If only she knew how much she’d shown… Oh, there were games to play with those memories. The student passes by in Vee’s tow, extending a finger to beckon her pet closer… just as she turns her attention back to the self-declared owner of the beach. Prudence is about to overcome temptation, but then the the soldier dumps sand in the demoness’s suit.

“Excuse us, Murphy, we have a situation to defuse.” “Excuse us, Murphy. Our delight awaits.” Somehow, both phrases are communicated in a single sentence—one weary and contemptuous, the other silken and eerie. It’s capped off by a growl or a giggle, respectively. Thinking too hard about how exactly provokes a headache.

There’s a sudden hiss between Sara and Noya. “This sorry thing has forgotten her lessons.” Nails—or something like nails—dig into the redhead’s scalp. Before she can object, echoes wind into her ear: “Follow me, little serf...”

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Sara (MZ), Eleanor (MC)

Silence roiled out across the beach, broken only by the slap of elastic as the waist of Noya's beach bottoms snapped back into place. Slowly, the blonde turned, an undescribable expression on her face.

Well partly it was indescribable because she was still drinking her Frozen Lemonade, now available at Tim Hortons™, despite the cruel scourge of brain freeze. She took a moment to nestle the cup between her breasts with poise that would cause countless internet memes in days to come. Her hand dropped to the sword hanging from her waist.

Faster than sight, the gleaming metal point was poking at the base of Sara's throat. "Why shouldn't I end you?" Noya said. Or rather mumbled around the straw, while shifting awkwardly due to sand in her bathing suit. Both of those factors took some of the menace out of the situation, as did Eleanor jerking the redhead back with nails digging into scalp. Noya took a half-step forward, keeping her blade dangerously close to Sara, glaring at the interloper.

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Noya (Suna), Eleanor (MC)

Noya turned around slowly.  Sara’s satisfied grin matched the demoness’s pace in widening.  Carrot top verses blond, trashy blond at that.  They glared at one another eye to eye, well, maybe eye to eye if Noya had a step stool to boost her up to Sara’s height.  Noya would more naturally have a better view of Sara’s top shelf.  Quite magnificent orbs that defied gravity with only a tiny piece of fabric magically supporting the entire load. 

Watching Noya park her Frozen Lemonade, now available at Tim Hortons™, between her milk jugs certainly made Sara cock an eyebrow.  Suddenly a blade hovered at her throat, though the bust beach goer didn’t flinch.  She dismissively shook her head at Noya’s Challenge.

“Oh droopy tits, there is NO end to me.”  Her hand suddenly jumped up and pinched the end of the blade, holding it unmovable no matter how hard Noya tried to do so.  The uncomfortable distance between the two split with a hiss.  Sara felt Eleanor’s nails dig into her scalp, but barely took a half step back.  Her face sharpened in mean determination, though that edge was easily spoiled by her instant blush returning hearing the unsociable student’s voice.  It had to be her.  No, it wasn’t right the way she was feeling toward the white haired post grad.  She was her student no less!  I’m not moving...   

“Follow me, little serf.”

In an almost sing-song voice, “Got to go!” Sara’s face brightened into a cheesy expression as her mind clicked and shifted into a sudden mindset to follow her post grad around.  “Have fun getting the sand out of your crack.”  She hollered behind herself as Eleanor drug her away.

“That Frozen Lemonade looked so good, need to get me one of those...”

The rebuffed professor’s voice wined much like most of her undergrads.  “Why did you pull me away Eleanor?  I was about to put her face into the sand.”
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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #30 on: August 23, 2019, 02:39:36 AM »

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Leona + Others?

Vee sighed. ”Well-“ She never managed to finish her sentence when Eleanor suddenly turned her attention towards Sara and Noya. ”Okay, just play nice. Make sure not to get lost.” The heroine said to the white-haired girl. With a worried expression, she watched as Eleanor and her two new friends started engaging in totally innocent summer activities. She wanted to call out to her to remember about her 8 PM curfew, but… no, she had to stay strong and let Eleanor grow up; she couldn’t act like an overprotective guardian at all time.

Now, where is…

Vee! Over here!!!

”… okay then.” She said to herself and covered her eyes to shield them from the immensely bright light. By then, however, it was too late. Wherever she looked, she had “Vee! Over here!!!” burned into her retinas forever. A shame, a true shame. Alas, Vee knew the risks as she was well aware of the fact that the phrase “collateral damage” did not exist in Dawn’s vocabulary.

After making sure her bag was properly closed, Vee walked up to Dawn and her scantily clad friends who gathered all around her.

”Hi.” She waved at the magical girl and her friends. ”Sorry, I’m la-“

”Error! Error! Non-compliance detected!” A mechanical voice suddenly roared next to them as Beach Watcher Drone 9000 flew up to the telepath.

A red diode was flashing brightly as it flew around the director, blaring an alarm so loud that everyone around could hear. ”Victoria Murphy. Swimsuit not detected! Non-compliance!”

”What…?” Vee blinked in surprise and looked down at her outfit. ”But… I… I’m wearing beach clothes! I have a miniskirt and I’m showing off my midriff and everything!” She protested, but the Beach Watcher Drone 9000 was having none of that.

"Non-compliance will not be tolerated!" The drone blared angrily. Just when Vee was about to protest, its visor turned bright pink and then shot out a beam that hit the telepath directly in the face which made her recoil. As the onlookers stared, they'd see that the heroine's face turned blank as she looked at the drone, slack-jawed. "Resisting party will now comply with beach regulations and go change into swimsuit immediately!" The drone decreed and then flew away.

Vee nodded back and, without saying anything, turned around and started mechanically walking towards the changing rooms to carry out the order. Now, the question was, how would the other beach goers react?
« Last Edit: August 23, 2019, 02:48:25 AM by Raffa »
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #31 on: August 24, 2019, 06:43:15 AM »

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Elmadia, Everyone else

"You can make a lot of money if you're good at it." Yasu scribbled down another picture, this one of the beach around them and showed it to Akua, the waves she drew on the page would move fluidly as if they were water before with a wave of her hand the drawing faded away and the sheet became blank. "Also being able to make your creations come to life isn't exactly a common skill among humanity." Yasu watched Akua's drawing with a critical eye, constantly judging it as a force of habit. "It is good to focus on one area at once, but make sure that the others don't fall behind. Otherwise the full picture will look unbalanced." She said gently, as if in a teaching role. Akua thought didn't really need much teaching, she was definitely good, and if this was an art class then Akua would definitely be beyond passable.

"Clothes for people? So you compete with The Golden Thread I take it?" Yasu said with a smile, indicating she had been there in Dis. After that though, Yasu's Danger Senses were tingling as Dawn started to get angry! "You caught me, I just wanted to see you in a cute swimsuit. Please... just, calm down okay? I thought it'd be fun." Yasu slowly backed away, worried Dawn might explode the very earth she was sitting on and leave Akua and her in a crater. Thankfully, it seemed she calmed down. "For protection, there were demons that didn't want to follow the pact we made, so they're just here as a precaution. They're not actually mine, they're... from two friends of mine back home." Yasu explained the swords and let Dawn do her signal flare, looking up at it and knowing that she'd have to pay attention because others would be coming over. She closed her sketch book, and waited to see what came of Dawn doing her light show.

Out of the corner of her eye though, Yasu spotted Elmadia. What's she doing here? Does she think nobody will notice her? Does that mean Nathaniel is here too? Or did she come alone because she was bored? She didn't say anything and turned her head back towards where Dawn was shouting.

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

"Oh! Yeah I'm more used to sketching for work..." Akua shuffled around as Yasu critiqued her work a little. Then Yasu said something and Akua's head slowly turned, nose turning upwards to look down on the ninja with a sneer.

"The Golden Thread are two-bit hacks who wouldn't know how to sew a petticoat," she said haughtily. Her ears lay flat against her hair. "Their products are frail, ill-fitting, and barely keep up with the times. They're far too reliant on magic instead of actual skill and craftsmanship! They-" Akua shoved a hand in her mouth and angrily gnashed at her fingers for a few moments. Then she abruptly calmed and sat back normally. "Sorry, force of habit." she said cheerfully. "What were we talking about? Oh, um, calm down miss Dawn!" she looked past Yasu to the redhead who'd apparently had a prank pulled on her. "You do look really cute in that swimsuit!" the demon chimed in as Yasu apologized.

"Who's Vee? A friend of yours?" she asked both Yasu and Dawn after the magical girl launched her flare.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu

"Dawn! Hey, Dawn! I was looking for you!" There was a loud "BAM" and Leona appeared in the midst of Yasu, Dawn, and Akua. "I was looking everywhere for you and I almost didn't recognise you in that adorable swimsuit but then I saw your message for Vee and I knew it was you and I had to come over as quickly as possible Isn't it great being on the beach together and getting to hang out with everyone and getting the sun and relaxing together yay for being together! Oh, who are your friends?" The magical girl talked a mile a minute, a drink, dangerously close to being tipped over, in her hand as she gesticulated wildly. The excitement was palpable, and it was likely obvious to everyone, except Dawn, that Leona was massively infatuated with the chaste Magical girl.

The newcomer squatted down beside Dawn and took a deep breath. "I can't remember the last time I went to the beach it's so cool and pleasant and awesome and there's so many people it's super exciting! I heard there was going to be volleyball or something right? There was something about demons too but I didn't really pay attention to any of that after I saw 'BEACH' oh my god it's great it's like a mini-vacation from all the craziness that's been happening, yay!"

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Leona + Others?

Vee sighed. ”Well-“ She never managed to finish her sentence when Eleanor suddenly turned her attention towards Sara and Noya. ”Okay, just play nice. Make sure not to get lost.” The heroine said to the white-haired girl. With a worried expression, she watched as Eleanor and her two new friends started engaging in totally innocent summer activities. She wanted to call out to her to remember about her 8 PM curfew, but… no, she had to stay strong and let Eleanor grow up; she couldn’t act like an overprotective guardian at all time.

Now, where is…

Vee! Over here!!!

”… okay then.” She said to herself and covered her eyes to shield them from the immensely bright light. By then, however, it was too late. Wherever she looked, she had “Vee! Over here!!!” burned into her retinas forever. A shame, a true shame. Alas, Vee knew the risks as she was well aware of the fact that the phrase “collateral damage” did not exist in Dawn’s vocabulary.

After making sure her bag was properly closed, Vee walked up to Dawn and her scantily clad friends who gathered all around her.

”Hi.” She waved at the magical girl and her friends. ”Sorry, I’m la-“

”Error! Error! Non-compliance detected!” A mechanical voice suddenly roared next to them as Beach Watcher Drone 9000 flew up to the telepath.

A red diode was flashing brightly as it flew around the director, blaring an alarm so loud that everyone around could hear. ”Victoria Murphy. Swimsuit not detected! Non-compliance!”

”What…?” Vee blinked in surprise and looked down at her outfit. ”But… I… I’m wearing beach clothes! I have a miniskirt and I’m showing off my midriff and everything!” She protested, but the Beach Watcher Drone 9000 was having none of that.

"Non-compliance will not be tolerated!" The drone blared angrily. Just when Vee was about to protest, its visor turned bright pink and then shot out a beam that hit the telepath directly in the face which made her recoil. As the onlookers stared, they'd see that the heroine's face turned blank as she looked at the drone, slack-jawed. "Resisting party will now comply with beach regulations and go change into swimsuit immediately!" The drone decreed and then flew away.

Vee nodded back and, without saying anything, turned around and started mechanically walking towards the changing rooms to carry out the order. Now, the question was, how would the other beach goers react?

Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Yasu, Akua, Vee, Leona

Yasu's blatant admission of her perversion took Dawn a bit by surprise... did... did she really look cute in this bikini? Dawn blushed again and just stammered "We... well I'll let you off this once. But don't do anything like this again!" she insisted, looking at the swords that Yasu had brought with her... did she even know how to use those? Dawn had never seen her use anything but her paintings in battle. But then she was Grandmaster of the ninjas, you probably needed to be good at everything to be that, so obviously she did, it was a bit pointless though. "I don't know why you're worried about that, it's the summer special quest event, the demons aren't going to attack us" she said, though then she thought for a moment... "...though I suppose they could use a giant mechanical boar..."

Akua saying that she looked cute too made Dawn blush even more, so she focused on what she said about this Golden Thread place instead, it sounded like it was a clothing store or something. "Oh you bought some really bad clothing from them in the past?" Dawn asked, she didn't see what the problem was with relying on magic herself, she'd been doing basically everything with magic since she first learned how, but if it lead to low quality products because their magic wasn't good enough then she understood. And then she asked about Vee. "Oh yeah! She's really cool! She's super strong, and smart and awesome and she basically leads humanity against the demonic hordes!.. Erm... no offence" Dawn had to catch herself at the end, she'd never really gotten to converse with a demon before.

Maybe she had sensed the teleport coming in, or maybe it was because it was a summer event and wacky stuff was expected, but Dawn didn't seem too surprised when Leona bampfed right into middle of the three of them... but then her cool looking composure was shattered when she also commented on how Dawn looked in the bikini, but she hardly had time to react to that with how hyper Leona was being. "Oh hey Leona! It's good to see you out and about!" Dawn said cheerfully, trying to keep up with her fellow magical girl. "Erm yeah, it's great to get some time off at the beach. Oh! This is Akua, and this is Yasu, she's Grandmaster of those ninja's I told you about" Dawn said, rather proudly.

Dawn sat back down when Leona sat besides her, confident her light display would attract Vee over to them, once again, she had to strain to keep up with Leona. "Yeah it's pretty cool to get to mingle with the enemy faction like this! And oh yes! The volleyball! I'm really looking forward to that! I was up late last night reading the rules and practising with my magic for it! Oh the demons? They're here too but it's all neutral here so there's no fighting... other than the volleyball anyway." Dawn explained as hurriedly as she could to keep up with her as they sat in the sand, "Oh, yes here you go, take this Leona" Dawn said, giving Leona a small chilled can of Tim Horton's, the drink all beach goers love to enjoy at the beach, for quick satisfaction, buy a Tim Horton's, when Vee arrived.

"Ah hi Vee!" Dawn said, and was about to introduce Akua and Yasu to her when... a weird little floating drone thingy floated over and went up to Vee. "Wha... wait? We do have to wear swimsuits?? Oh um... Sorry Yasu" Dawn said sheepishly as it turned out her friend wasn't a colossal pervert after all. "Oh come on Vee! That outfit isn't a swimsuit at all!" Dawn had to agree with the droneobot on this one... and after how Vee had been to Dawn before, she was enjoying watching her squirm just a little bit!..

Right up until things looked dangerous, Dawn thought the probe was about to attack and so leapt to her feet to intervene... but the beam was too fast and struck Vee and... seemed to put her into some kind of trance. "Hey! Don't you do that to my friend!" Dawn cried out as the probe flew off, but she hesitated from shooting it out of the air when she saw Vee start to march off. "Hey! Hey! Wait! Vee! Can you hear me? Can you fight it off?" Dawn asked as she ran in front of Vee and tried to hold her still...
« Last Edit: August 24, 2019, 07:39:54 AM by Silverkat »

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #32 on: August 24, 2019, 08:19:12 PM »

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

"Oh! Yeah I'm more used to sketching for work..." Akua shuffled around as Yasu critiqued her work a little. Then Yasu said something and Akua's head slowly turned, nose turning upwards to look down on the ninja with a sneer.

"The Golden Thread are two-bit hacks who wouldn't know how to sew a petticoat," she said haughtily. Her ears lay flat against her hair. "Their products are frail, ill-fitting, and barely keep up with the times. They're far too reliant on magic instead of actual skill and craftsmanship! They-" Akua shoved a hand in her mouth and angrily gnashed at her fingers for a few moments. Then she abruptly calmed and sat back normally. "Sorry, force of habit." she said cheerfully. "What were we talking about? Oh, um, calm down miss Dawn!" she looked past Yasu to the redhead who'd apparently had a prank pulled on her. "You do look really cute in that swimsuit!" the demon chimed in as Yasu apologized.

"Who's Vee? A friend of yours?" she asked both Yasu and Dawn after the magical girl launched her flare.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu

"Dawn! Hey, Dawn! I was looking for you!" There was a loud "BAM" and Leona appeared in the midst of Yasu, Dawn, and Akua. "I was looking everywhere for you and I almost didn't recognise you in that adorable swimsuit but then I saw your message for Vee and I knew it was you and I had to come over as quickly as possible Isn't it great being on the beach together and getting to hang out with everyone and getting the sun and relaxing together yay for being together! Oh, who are your friends?" The magical girl talked a mile a minute, a drink, dangerously close to being tipped over, in her hand as she gesticulated wildly. The excitement was palpable, and it was likely obvious to everyone, except Dawn, that Leona was massively infatuated with the chaste Magical girl.

The newcomer squatted down beside Dawn and took a deep breath. "I can't remember the last time I went to the beach it's so cool and pleasant and awesome and there's so many people it's super exciting! I heard there was going to be volleyball or something right? There was something about demons too but I didn't really pay attention to any of that after I saw 'BEACH' oh my god it's great it's like a mini-vacation from all the craziness that's been happening, yay!"

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Leona + Others?

Vee sighed. ”Well-“ She never managed to finish her sentence when Eleanor suddenly turned her attention towards Sara and Noya. ”Okay, just play nice. Make sure not to get lost.” The heroine said to the white-haired girl. With a worried expression, she watched as Eleanor and her two new friends started engaging in totally innocent summer activities. She wanted to call out to her to remember about her 8 PM curfew, but… no, she had to stay strong and let Eleanor grow up; she couldn’t act like an overprotective guardian at all time.

Now, where is…

Vee! Over here!!!

”… okay then.” She said to herself and covered her eyes to shield them from the immensely bright light. By then, however, it was too late. Wherever she looked, she had “Vee! Over here!!!” burned into her retinas forever. A shame, a true shame. Alas, Vee knew the risks as she was well aware of the fact that the phrase “collateral damage” did not exist in Dawn’s vocabulary.

After making sure her bag was properly closed, Vee walked up to Dawn and her scantily clad friends who gathered all around her.

”Hi.” She waved at the magical girl and her friends. ”Sorry, I’m la-“

”Error! Error! Non-compliance detected!” A mechanical voice suddenly roared next to them as Beach Watcher Drone 9000 flew up to the telepath.

A red diode was flashing brightly as it flew around the director, blaring an alarm so loud that everyone around could hear. ”Victoria Murphy. Swimsuit not detected! Non-compliance!”

”What…?” Vee blinked in surprise and looked down at her outfit. ”But… I… I’m wearing beach clothes! I have a miniskirt and I’m showing off my midriff and everything!” She protested, but the Beach Watcher Drone 9000 was having none of that.

"Non-compliance will not be tolerated!" The drone blared angrily. Just when Vee was about to protest, its visor turned bright pink and then shot out a beam that hit the telepath directly in the face which made her recoil. As the onlookers stared, they'd see that the heroine's face turned blank as she looked at the drone, slack-jawed. "Resisting party will now comply with beach regulations and go change into swimsuit immediately!" The drone decreed and then flew away.

Vee nodded back and, without saying anything, turned around and started mechanically walking towards the changing rooms to carry out the order. Now, the question was, how would the other beach goers react?

Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Yasu, Akua, Vee, Leona

Yasu's blatant admission of her perversion took Dawn a bit by surprise... did... did she really look cute in this bikini? Dawn blushed again and just stammered "We... well I'll let you off this once. But don't do anything like this again!" she insisted, looking at the swords that Yasu had brought with her... did she even know how to use those? Dawn had never seen her use anything but her paintings in battle. But then she was Grandmaster of the ninjas, you probably needed to be good at everything to be that, so obviously she did, it was a bit pointless though. "I don't know why you're worried about that, it's the summer special quest event, the demons aren't going to attack us" she said, though then she thought for a moment... "...though I suppose they could use a giant mechanical boar..."

Akua saying that she looked cute too made Dawn blush even more, so she focused on what she said about this Golden Thread place instead, it sounded like it was a clothing store or something. "Oh you bought some really bad clothing from them in the past?" Dawn asked, she didn't see what the problem was with relying on magic herself, she'd been doing basically everything with magic since she first learned how, but if it lead to low quality products because their magic wasn't good enough then she understood. And then she asked about Vee. "Oh yeah! She's really cool! She's super strong, and smart and awesome and she basically leads humanity against the demonic hordes!.. Erm... no offence" Dawn had to catch herself at the end, she'd never really gotten to converse with a demon before.

Maybe she had sensed the teleport coming in, or maybe it was because it was a summer event and wacky stuff was expected, but Dawn didn't seem too surprised when Leona bampfed right into middle of the three of them... but then her cool looking composure was shattered when she also commented on how Dawn looked in the bikini, but she hardly had time to react to that with how hyper Leona was being. "Oh hey Leona! It's good to see you out and about!" Dawn said cheerfully, trying to keep up with her fellow magical girl. "Erm yeah, it's great to get some time off at the beach. Oh! This is Akua, and this is Yasu, she's Grandmaster of those ninja's I told you about" Dawn said, rather proudly.

Dawn sat back down when Leona sat besides her, confident her light display would attract Vee over to them, once again, she had to strain to keep up with Leona. "Yeah it's pretty cool to get to mingle with the enemy faction like this! And oh yes! The volleyball! I'm really looking forward to that! I was up late last night reading the rules and practising with my magic for it! Oh the demons? They're here too but it's all neutral here so there's no fighting... other than the volleyball anyway." Dawn explained as hurriedly as she could to keep up with her as they sat in the sand, "Oh, yes here you go, take this Leona" Dawn said, giving Leona a small chilled can of Tim Horton's, the drink all beach goers love to enjoy at the beach, for quick satisfaction, buy a Tim Horton's, when Vee arrived.

"Ah hi Vee!" Dawn said, and was about to introduce Akua and Yasu to her when... a weird little floating drone thingy floated over and went up to Vee. "Wha... wait? We do have to wear swimsuits?? Oh um... Sorry Yasu" Dawn said sheepishly as it turned out her friend wasn't a colossal pervert after all. "Oh come on Vee! That outfit isn't a swimsuit at all!" Dawn had to agree with the droneobot on this one... and after how Vee had been to Dawn before, she was enjoying watching her squirm just a little bit!..

Right up until things looked dangerous, Dawn thought the probe was about to attack and so leapt to her feet to intervene... but the beam was too fast and struck Vee and... seemed to put her into some kind of trance. "Hey! Don't you do that to my friend!" Dawn cried out as the probe flew off, but she hesitated from shooting it out of the air when she saw Vee start to march off. "Hey! Hey! Wait! Vee! Can you hear me? Can you fight it off?" Dawn asked as she ran in front of Vee and tried to hold her still...

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Leona, Vee, Everyone else?

Note to self, don't mention Golden Thread again. Yasu took in Akua's tirade with a bit of a grin, she didn't mention that she shopped there, she might get the ire of Akua if that happened. Dawn's tirade might have gotten explosive, but it seemed the powerful magical girl forgave her and she got to sigh in relief. "This isn't a gacha game, Dawn. Don't be silly, we might fight a giant bull summoned by a tsundere goddess instead." Clearly that was more believable, she let Dawn ask Akua about Golden Thread, but didn't say anything more, she really did not want to draw the ire of both Akua and Dawn at once for different reasons. Her explanation about Vee was quite complimentary, she privately wondered if Dawn sang other people's praises like this when they weren't around, but she imagined that she called Yasu a pervert to everyone.

And then a new challenger appeared, and said new challenger teleported right on top of a stack of paintings that Yasu had drawn, ripping them to shreds from the impact. Something snapped inside of the painter, and broke in half soon after. Her eyes narrowed as she faced Leona, dangerous mettle coming across her expression. Dawn had never seen Yasu angry before, so this would be a new experience, and a scary one.

"You... destroyed... my paintings..." Yasu's anger was boiling, she started to paint with a special looking brush on a blank page and Leona could see portals opening beyond Yasu and something starting to come out of them as if threatening punishment, but Dawn's excitement and happiness managed to quell her anger, so Leona wouldn't find out what exactly Yasu was going to do. "Hmph. Watch where you step next time. You're lucky those were recreational and not my prized ones and that you are Dawn's friend. If not for that, then nothing would save you..." Yasu blinked and the danger senses that Leona might have felt were now gone, for now, but a dangerous and sinister smile was on her lips instead. Shortly after that warning Yasu sat down with a scowl and the portals disappeared. "Hello Leona..." She turned away from Leona after that, saddened by the loss of her art and her tone a bit solemn. The woman was clearly into Dawn, bordering on obsessed, so she let them be. Maybe Yasu was slightly jealous as well. No, that couldn't be, that was silly...

Yasu listened to Leona and Dawn chat it up, they were clearly good friends, which made that weird feeling in her head get worse. She needed to relax, meditate, calm her senses, there was no need to get all wound up over an accident. No no no, Yasu took a deep breath to apologize and turned to Leona to say it "I'm sorr-" but then Vee showed up apparently, as Dawn got excited. "Hello, Vee." was all Yasu got to say before a drone suddenly came over and started spouting off nonsense, it looked like swimwear was the requirement here, or at least someone thought so. She didn't actually know it was and because of this, Dawn apologized. "See, I knew it, you should trust me more often." Yasu said lying through her teeth, she didn't know a damn thing. But yeah, Dawn and the drone were right, that was not a swimsuit.

What happened next though was a problem, Vee got hit with a beam from the drone and suddenly went slack which was the tell tale signs of mind control, and Yasu was going to stop it but it flew out of her range. So much for a vacation, they had to solve this. Yasu suddenly seemed to switch gears. "I think we have a mystery to solve. Dawn, let her go, she might lead us to more evidence. We're just going to follow her, we don't want everyone to know the Director has been compromised. In this state, I don't know if our culprit expects us to follow. And if they can compromise her, they can compromise any one of us so we don't want to do anything rash. We'll make sure no more harm comes to her by following her. Maybe it'll wear off after she puts on the swimsuit, if not, I could try to reverse it myself..." Yasu's cheerful and playful demeanor was now gone, she was more business like, a form that Dawn had not seen for a while other than the few times they teamed up. She was calm despite the situation, she had been around mind control many many times due to her time in the village, this wasn't exactly a new thing to her. Yasu stood up to follow Vee, just to see what was inside the changing rooms. Did she even bring a change of clothes?

Yasu looked to Akua suddenly. "Can you make her swimwear? On the spot? It actually might be wise to see if there is anything further they might do to her in the stalls and I don't think she brought anything with her." She asked out of curiosity, it might make this easier to solve. All the sudden she was more take charge than she intended to be.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #33 on: August 25, 2019, 02:05:43 AM »

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

Akua blinked as somebody suddenly popped into existence on top of Yasu's paintings, breaking them and prompting the brunette to get very obviously angry. Akua just tilted her head at the newcomer, who seemed more concerned with Dawn than either of her companions anyway. Then Dawn asked if she'd bought bad clothes from the Golden Thread.

"Only the basest of buffoons would patronize that den of incompetence," Akua hissed. "They-" she stuffed her hand in her mouth and gnashed angrily again. While she was so occupied, Vee arrived, and Dawn casually mentioned that the newcomer was Director, and that Yasu was the ninja's Grandmaster. With her hand in her mouth, Akua mumbled incoherently but with obvious surprise, glancing between Yasu and Vee- who promptly got told off by a floating drone for not wearing a swimsuit.

Finally extracting her fingers from her mouth, Akua waved her quill in Vee's direction, the Director's clothes were pulling apart into long threads even before Yasu asked if she could make a swimsuit on the spot. Vee's top broke down first, a sheet of cloth wrapping around her torso like a towel to give her some dignity while the rest of her clothes were pulled to pieces. In a few moments Akua crafted a bikini from the cloth Vee had been wearing, and floated the surplus material back towards the demon where it... vanished somewhere. That was probably fine, right?

Her job done (and Vee's clothes stolen), Akua glanced between Yasu, Vee, and Dawn. "So, uh. You two are kinda important? How about you, Dawn? Are you the Grand Poobah of Magical Girls?" the demon was slightly hurt that Yasu had left out her status, and it leaked into her voice. "Also what was up with that drone thing?" Akua looked upwards, seeking the drone. If it was still nearby, she'd throw a net at it, propelling the fabric through the sky to drag down the machine.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #34 on: August 25, 2019, 09:22:57 AM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Sara (MZ), Eleanor (MC)

Silence roiled out across the beach, broken only by the slap of elastic as the waist of Noya's beach bottoms snapped back into place. Slowly, the blonde turned, an undescribable expression on her face.

Well partly it was indescribable because she was still drinking her Frozen Lemonade, now available at Tim Hortons™, despite the cruel scourge of brain freeze. She took a moment to nestle the cup between her breasts with poise that would cause countless internet memes in days to come. Her hand dropped to the sword hanging from her waist.

Faster than sight, the gleaming metal point was poking at the base of Sara's throat. "Why shouldn't I end you?" Noya said. Or rather mumbled around the straw, while shifting awkwardly due to sand in her bathing suit. Both of those factors took some of the menace out of the situation, as did Eleanor jerking the redhead back with nails digging into scalp. Noya took a half-step forward, keeping her blade dangerously close to Sara, glaring at the interloper.

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Noya (Suna), Eleanor (MC)

Noya turned around slowly.  Sara’s satisfied grin matched the demoness’s pace in widening.  Carrot top verses blond, trashy blond at that.  They glared at one another eye to eye, well, maybe eye to eye if Noya had a step stool to boost her up to Sara’s height.  Noya would more naturally have a better view of Sara’s top shelf.  Quite magnificent orbs that defied gravity with only a tiny piece of fabric magically supporting the entire load. 

Watching Noya park her Frozen Lemonade, now available at Tim Hortons™, between her milk jugs certainly made Sara cock an eyebrow.  Suddenly a blade hovered at her throat, though the bust beach goer didn’t flinch.  She dismissively shook her head at Noya’s Challenge.

“Oh droopy tits, there is NO end to me.”  Her hand suddenly jumped up and pinched the end of the blade, holding it unmovable no matter how hard Noya tried to do so.  The uncomfortable distance between the two split with a hiss.  Sara felt Eleanor’s nails dig into her scalp, but barely took a half step back.  Her face sharpened in mean determination, though that edge was easily spoiled by her instant blush returning hearing the unsociable student’s voice.  It had to be her.  No, it wasn’t right the way she was feeling toward the white haired post grad.  She was her student no less!  I’m not moving...   

“Follow me, little serf.”

In an almost sing-song voice, “Got to go!” Sara’s face brightened into a cheesy expression as her mind clicked and shifted into a sudden mindset to follow her post grad around.  “Have fun getting the sand out of your crack.”  She hollered behind herself as Eleanor drug her away.

“That Frozen Lemonade looked so good, need to get me one of those...”

The rebuffed professor’s voice wined much like most of her undergrads.  “Why did you pull me away Eleanor?  I was about to put her face into the sand.”

Eleanor Lagan
Auralis Beach
Tag: Sara Peterson (Mind Zapper), Noya (Suna)

A sword pointed at her toy’s throat was a little further than Eleanor was expecting this to go. This calls for a more… diplomatic approach. With her well-honed people skills. “Best to keep still, serf. Wouldn’t want our favorite toy broken so soon.”

“Why shouldn’t you end her? Because she’s mine, my dear.”
She says, as if that was an incontrovertible arguement. Which it is, to Sara: the words worm into her ears, her mind. A hot cheek presses against hers in condescending affection. “Unruly little morsel she may be, but therein lies her charm.” Fingers curl around Sara’s neck, shielding her from the swordpoint—then she’s shoved behind her student, onto her back, by neck and hair. From the back, Eleanor looks taller than usual, for some reason... “She’s happy to apologize, of course. Perhaps you’d like her to lick every grain of sand from your delightful frilled suit?”

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #35 on: August 25, 2019, 07:45:45 PM »

Auralis Island - Beach
Tag: Open

Life isn’t easy for a demonic slave, even one with a relatively laissez-faire mistress and… well, not technically being alive. Commands were absolute, labour was paid in lodgings and nothing more, you couldn’t leave the house except for work or errand, and vacation days are non-existent… at least, normally.

With the announced summer truce though, the undead thralls under Agnes’ service finally got a chance to take a break. Having convinced her own Master to go on a trip and experience something other than lazing about in the mansion for once, the lesser undead got the whole house to themselves for the duration, and the lich's own personal retinue was even allowed to visit Auralis on their own, Agnes herself taking a leave of absence to parts unknown, claiming that it was personal.

So it was that a certain blonde spirit found herself back on Auralis Island, this time able to relax on the beach without having to take over any resorts. Though Lily, Melanie and Alyx had decided to spend the day at the amusement park (and Lavinia, being the workaholic she is, remained at home to pick up the slack from the resting undead), Sunny wasn’t here alone, she just wasn’t sure where Harukaze was. The younger ghost was planning some sort of mischief before disappearing off somewhere. She could sense she was nearby though, so she’s sure she’s alright.

Sighing contentedly, Sunny continued to bathe in the warmth of the sun, not even needing any sunblock as ghosts can’t get sunburnt, obviously. Unfortunately that also meant she couldn’t get a tan, but it’s not like that’s what she was here for anyway. All she wanted was a nice, relaxing day at the beach… and a beach hunk or two that’d be drawn in by her bikini-clad figure and be tempted into having a good time at the resort. Cute beach babes were just fine too, of course, and there’s evidently quite a lot of them here already.

There was also the volleyball tournament, which she would’ve loved to participate in, but Agnes forbid any one of them from entering. After the repeated losses the lich’s confidence in both herself and her lackeys had taken a pretty big hit… Hopefully this summer vacation would rejuvenate her spirits a bit, wherever she went.

Auralis Island - Beach
Tag: Open

Of course, with a beach filled with vacationing heroes and demons in equal measure, excitement was bound to happen. While she lounged on her beach towel and enjoyed the warmth of sunlight, showing off her figure all the while and drawing in curious and hungry gazes from the occasional passersby (though no more than that), the blonde spirit watched the other beachgoers, the altercation between the current owner of the beach and several cute heroines, the blinding flare calling out to someone with a fancy name, then… what the heck?

Like the audio version of the signal flare, there was no ignoring the sheer volume of the drone’s alert, and as if the existence of a dress code enforcing robot wasn’t weird enough, it proceeded to beam the poor brunette in the face and immediately entranced her. Sitting up in both curiosity and concern, Sunny could only watch as the hypnotized brunette started to wander off towards the changing rooms until her friends caught up with her.

Well that took a turn for the creepy real fast.” A girl’s voice suddenly spoke up behind the ghost, and turning around to look revealed a tall and busty silver-haired girl, her bikini undone as if snapped apart and draping conveniently over her massive mammaries. There was also the equally impressively sized plastic minigun she was holding in one hand like it weighed nothing, and though she had a free hand, she held her chocomint popsicle with her hair instead, the prehensile strands forming a tendril to hold the stick.

…Yeah, that was pretty weird, huh.” Sunny remarked after taking a moment to really take in the sight of this strange (but totally hot) individual, “I wasn’t even aware there was an enforced dress code. Who d’you think made it, the Auralis defender folks or a demon?

I dunno, that doesn’t look very demon-y to me.” The silver-haired girl shrugged, having little idea what was really going on. It’s not like she’s a member of the Institute herself or really followed what they were doing (even though it’s her job to be keeping tabs of the situation in Auralis), all she heard was that there’s a truce and a beach party and that’s all she needed to know! “It blurted out that girl’s name, didn’t it? That means it has a record of Auralis citizens, right? Probably Institue-made then- wait, isn’t Victoria Murphy the director of the Institute?” She mused out loud, not noticing the rather intelligent deduction she had just made which she never would’ve reached before her encounter with a certain shapeshifter had enhanced her brainpower.

Maybe? I think I heard that name before somewhere but I can’t remember where.” The ghost responded, not the kind to pay attention to details like the name of the leader of Auralis’ institute of defenders and the one that laid the Overlord low, “Speaking of names, you can call me Sunny! You?

Oh, I’m Valerie, nice to meet you!” The silver-haired girl grinned, setting down her minigun. “Mind if I sit down?

Not at all~
« Last Edit: August 25, 2019, 08:31:46 PM by MortalitasBorealis »
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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #36 on: August 26, 2019, 08:22:32 PM »

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Sara (MZ) & Eleanor (MC)

"Harrumph," Noya grumbled around the straw in her mouth as Tall, Light, and Dishevelled stepped in and tossed Cowtits behind her protectively. "Keep a tighter leash on your pets," she said. "In her case, literally, at least until you housebreak her." She twirled her sword a little, needlessly, as she returned it to its sheath.

"Not in the mood," she said bluntly to Eleanor's offer. "Almost like some unruly bitch dumped sand near my privates," she glowered over Eleanor's shoulder for a moment, then shifted uncomfortably. A deeply annoyed expression spread across her face- no wait that was just ordinary resting bitch face. With another "Harrumph!" Noya turned and stepped through a demonic portal, intent on cleaning herself up before the sand got everywhere... but she would return! Soon!

In his bedroom, Azrael was roused from his slumber by a high-pitched cry of "FUCK! BRAINFREEZE! AGAIN!" from somewhere in the Palace.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2019, 08:26:37 PM by Suna »

Offline Kunshu

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #37 on: August 26, 2019, 11:13:29 PM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

"Oh! Yeah I'm more used to sketching for work..." Akua shuffled around as Yasu critiqued her work a little. Then Yasu said something and Akua's head slowly turned, nose turning upwards to look down on the ninja with a sneer.

"The Golden Thread are two-bit hacks who wouldn't know how to sew a petticoat," she said haughtily. Her ears lay flat against her hair. "Their products are frail, ill-fitting, and barely keep up with the times. They're far too reliant on magic instead of actual skill and craftsmanship! They-" Akua shoved a hand in her mouth and angrily gnashed at her fingers for a few moments. Then she abruptly calmed and sat back normally. "Sorry, force of habit." she said cheerfully. "What were we talking about? Oh, um, calm down miss Dawn!" she looked past Yasu to the redhead who'd apparently had a prank pulled on her. "You do look really cute in that swimsuit!" the demon chimed in as Yasu apologized.

"Who's Vee? A friend of yours?" she asked both Yasu and Dawn after the magical girl launched her flare.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu

"Dawn! Hey, Dawn! I was looking for you!" There was a loud "BAM" and Leona appeared in the midst of Yasu, Dawn, and Akua. "I was looking everywhere for you and I almost didn't recognise you in that adorable swimsuit but then I saw your message for Vee and I knew it was you and I had to come over as quickly as possible Isn't it great being on the beach together and getting to hang out with everyone and getting the sun and relaxing together yay for being together! Oh, who are your friends?" The magical girl talked a mile a minute, a drink, dangerously close to being tipped over, in her hand as she gesticulated wildly. The excitement was palpable, and it was likely obvious to everyone, except Dawn, that Leona was massively infatuated with the chaste Magical girl.

The newcomer squatted down beside Dawn and took a deep breath. "I can't remember the last time I went to the beach it's so cool and pleasant and awesome and there's so many people it's super exciting! I heard there was going to be volleyball or something right? There was something about demons too but I didn't really pay attention to any of that after I saw 'BEACH' oh my god it's great it's like a mini-vacation from all the craziness that's been happening, yay!"

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Leona + Others?

Vee sighed. ”Well-“ She never managed to finish her sentence when Eleanor suddenly turned her attention towards Sara and Noya. ”Okay, just play nice. Make sure not to get lost.” The heroine said to the white-haired girl. With a worried expression, she watched as Eleanor and her two new friends started engaging in totally innocent summer activities. She wanted to call out to her to remember about her 8 PM curfew, but… no, she had to stay strong and let Eleanor grow up; she couldn’t act like an overprotective guardian at all time.

Now, where is…

Vee! Over here!!!

”… okay then.” She said to herself and covered her eyes to shield them from the immensely bright light. By then, however, it was too late. Wherever she looked, she had “Vee! Over here!!!” burned into her retinas forever. A shame, a true shame. Alas, Vee knew the risks as she was well aware of the fact that the phrase “collateral damage” did not exist in Dawn’s vocabulary.

After making sure her bag was properly closed, Vee walked up to Dawn and her scantily clad friends who gathered all around her.

”Hi.” She waved at the magical girl and her friends. ”Sorry, I’m la-“

”Error! Error! Non-compliance detected!” A mechanical voice suddenly roared next to them as Beach Watcher Drone 9000 flew up to the telepath.

A red diode was flashing brightly as it flew around the director, blaring an alarm so loud that everyone around could hear. ”Victoria Murphy. Swimsuit not detected! Non-compliance!”

”What…?” Vee blinked in surprise and looked down at her outfit. ”But… I… I’m wearing beach clothes! I have a miniskirt and I’m showing off my midriff and everything!” She protested, but the Beach Watcher Drone 9000 was having none of that.

"Non-compliance will not be tolerated!" The drone blared angrily. Just when Vee was about to protest, its visor turned bright pink and then shot out a beam that hit the telepath directly in the face which made her recoil. As the onlookers stared, they'd see that the heroine's face turned blank as she looked at the drone, slack-jawed. "Resisting party will now comply with beach regulations and go change into swimsuit immediately!" The drone decreed and then flew away.

Vee nodded back and, without saying anything, turned around and started mechanically walking towards the changing rooms to carry out the order. Now, the question was, how would the other beach goers react?

Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Yasu, Akua, Vee, Leona

Yasu's blatant admission of her perversion took Dawn a bit by surprise... did... did she really look cute in this bikini? Dawn blushed again and just stammered "We... well I'll let you off this once. But don't do anything like this again!" she insisted, looking at the swords that Yasu had brought with her... did she even know how to use those? Dawn had never seen her use anything but her paintings in battle. But then she was Grandmaster of the ninjas, you probably needed to be good at everything to be that, so obviously she did, it was a bit pointless though. "I don't know why you're worried about that, it's the summer special quest event, the demons aren't going to attack us" she said, though then she thought for a moment... "...though I suppose they could use a giant mechanical boar..."

Akua saying that she looked cute too made Dawn blush even more, so she focused on what she said about this Golden Thread place instead, it sounded like it was a clothing store or something. "Oh you bought some really bad clothing from them in the past?" Dawn asked, she didn't see what the problem was with relying on magic herself, she'd been doing basically everything with magic since she first learned how, but if it lead to low quality products because their magic wasn't good enough then she understood. And then she asked about Vee. "Oh yeah! She's really cool! She's super strong, and smart and awesome and she basically leads humanity against the demonic hordes!.. Erm... no offence" Dawn had to catch herself at the end, she'd never really gotten to converse with a demon before.

Maybe she had sensed the teleport coming in, or maybe it was because it was a summer event and wacky stuff was expected, but Dawn didn't seem too surprised when Leona bampfed right into middle of the three of them... but then her cool looking composure was shattered when she also commented on how Dawn looked in the bikini, but she hardly had time to react to that with how hyper Leona was being. "Oh hey Leona! It's good to see you out and about!" Dawn said cheerfully, trying to keep up with her fellow magical girl. "Erm yeah, it's great to get some time off at the beach. Oh! This is Akua, and this is Yasu, she's Grandmaster of those ninja's I told you about" Dawn said, rather proudly.

Dawn sat back down when Leona sat besides her, confident her light display would attract Vee over to them, once again, she had to strain to keep up with Leona. "Yeah it's pretty cool to get to mingle with the enemy faction like this! And oh yes! The volleyball! I'm really looking forward to that! I was up late last night reading the rules and practising with my magic for it! Oh the demons? They're here too but it's all neutral here so there's no fighting... other than the volleyball anyway." Dawn explained as hurriedly as she could to keep up with her as they sat in the sand, "Oh, yes here you go, take this Leona" Dawn said, giving Leona a small chilled can of Tim Horton's, the drink all beach goers love to enjoy at the beach, for quick satisfaction, buy a Tim Horton's, when Vee arrived.

"Ah hi Vee!" Dawn said, and was about to introduce Akua and Yasu to her when... a weird little floating drone thingy floated over and went up to Vee. "Wha... wait? We do have to wear swimsuits?? Oh um... Sorry Yasu" Dawn said sheepishly as it turned out her friend wasn't a colossal pervert after all. "Oh come on Vee! That outfit isn't a swimsuit at all!" Dawn had to agree with the droneobot on this one... and after how Vee had been to Dawn before, she was enjoying watching her squirm just a little bit!..

Right up until things looked dangerous, Dawn thought the probe was about to attack and so leapt to her feet to intervene... but the beam was too fast and struck Vee and... seemed to put her into some kind of trance. "Hey! Don't you do that to my friend!" Dawn cried out as the probe flew off, but she hesitated from shooting it out of the air when she saw Vee start to march off. "Hey! Hey! Wait! Vee! Can you hear me? Can you fight it off?" Dawn asked as she ran in front of Vee and tried to hold her still...

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Leona, Vee, Everyone else?

Note to self, don't mention Golden Thread again. Yasu took in Akua's tirade with a bit of a grin, she didn't mention that she shopped there, she might get the ire of Akua if that happened. Dawn's tirade might have gotten explosive, but it seemed the powerful magical girl forgave her and she got to sigh in relief. "This isn't a gacha game, Dawn. Don't be silly, we might fight a giant bull summoned by a tsundere goddess instead." Clearly that was more believable, she let Dawn ask Akua about Golden Thread, but didn't say anything more, she really did not want to draw the ire of both Akua and Dawn at once for different reasons. Her explanation about Vee was quite complimentary, she privately wondered if Dawn sang other people's praises like this when they weren't around, but she imagined that she called Yasu a pervert to everyone.

And then a new challenger appeared, and said new challenger teleported right on top of a stack of paintings that Yasu had drawn, ripping them to shreds from the impact. Something snapped inside of the painter, and broke in half soon after. Her eyes narrowed as she faced Leona, dangerous mettle coming across her expression. Dawn had never seen Yasu angry before, so this would be a new experience, and a scary one.

"You... destroyed... my paintings..." Yasu's anger was boiling, she started to paint with a special looking brush on a blank page and Leona could see portals opening beyond Yasu and something starting to come out of them as if threatening punishment, but Dawn's excitement and happiness managed to quell her anger, so Leona wouldn't find out what exactly Yasu was going to do. "Hmph. Watch where you step next time. You're lucky those were recreational and not my prized ones and that you are Dawn's friend. If not for that, then nothing would save you..." Yasu blinked and the danger senses that Leona might have felt were now gone, for now, but a dangerous and sinister smile was on her lips instead. Shortly after that warning Yasu sat down with a scowl and the portals disappeared. "Hello Leona..." She turned away from Leona after that, saddened by the loss of her art and her tone a bit solemn. The woman was clearly into Dawn, bordering on obsessed, so she let them be. Maybe Yasu was slightly jealous as well. No, that couldn't be, that was silly...

Yasu listened to Leona and Dawn chat it up, they were clearly good friends, which made that weird feeling in her head get worse. She needed to relax, meditate, calm her senses, there was no need to get all wound up over an accident. No no no, Yasu took a deep breath to apologize and turned to Leona to say it "I'm sorr-" but then Vee showed up apparently, as Dawn got excited. "Hello, Vee." was all Yasu got to say before a drone suddenly came over and started spouting off nonsense, it looked like swimwear was the requirement here, or at least someone thought so. She didn't actually know it was and because of this, Dawn apologized. "See, I knew it, you should trust me more often." Yasu said lying through her teeth, she didn't know a damn thing. But yeah, Dawn and the drone were right, that was not a swimsuit.

What happened next though was a problem, Vee got hit with a beam from the drone and suddenly went slack which was the tell tale signs of mind control, and Yasu was going to stop it but it flew out of her range. So much for a vacation, they had to solve this. Yasu suddenly seemed to switch gears. "I think we have a mystery to solve. Dawn, let her go, she might lead us to more evidence. We're just going to follow her, we don't want everyone to know the Director has been compromised. In this state, I don't know if our culprit expects us to follow. And if they can compromise her, they can compromise any one of us so we don't want to do anything rash. We'll make sure no more harm comes to her by following her. Maybe it'll wear off after she puts on the swimsuit, if not, I could try to reverse it myself..." Yasu's cheerful and playful demeanor was now gone, she was more business like, a form that Dawn had not seen for a while other than the few times they teamed up. She was calm despite the situation, she had been around mind control many many times due to her time in the village, this wasn't exactly a new thing to her. Yasu stood up to follow Vee, just to see what was inside the changing rooms. Did she even bring a change of clothes?

Yasu looked to Akua suddenly. "Can you make her swimwear? On the spot? It actually might be wise to see if there is anything further they might do to her in the stalls and I don't think she brought anything with her." She asked out of curiosity, it might make this easier to solve. All the sudden she was more take charge than she intended to be.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Vee

Leona had been so excited to be near Dawn that she hadn't realised she was on top of some paintings, and one of them was certainly not yet dry. "Agh! My feet are sticky, wait, who put these paintings on the ground!?" The magical girl felt the hair on her neck prick and turned to see Yasu with her mysterious portals. "Waaaaitm a minute! You're that pervert ninja that Dawn told me about! You're a grandmaster? Is creeping on cute, innocent, adorable girls like Dawn one of the requirements for being a ninja?" Leona tried to interpose herself between Dawn and Yasu protectively, but then Vee appeared!

"Vee! You came! You should apprehend this miscreant before she does something to Dawn! You can't have a perv runnning around the beach without proper supervision, it's dangerous!" Leona was going to continue her breathless rant until the drone showed up and zapped Vee. "Eh!? What the hell's going on now? Who brought a mind-controlling drone to the beach?" The magical girl moved over to the drone and poked it in the eye(?) while Akua changed Vee's clothes into something more beach-appropriate. "You let Vee go this instant, you weird robot thing!"

Offline Kunshu

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #38 on: August 26, 2019, 11:22:09 PM »

Lady Elmadia
Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu, Dawn, Vee, Akua, Drone, Leona

Huh, this is certainly interesting, I wonder if this is part of some kind of human mating performance? Elmadia watched as the various humans interacted in even more bizarre ways. Teleporting, magical flares, portals: it certainly seemed like a lot of fun. I wonder if any of them will notice me watching them? I should've brought something to record this with. Oh wait, I know magic, duh. The elemental mutterred something under her breath, and her opera glasses began to record the scene in front of her.

Then, the drone appeared. That certainly doesn't seem to be part of the planned activities. Maybe I should do something? No, interfering would go against the ethical code of a naturalist.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #39 on: August 26, 2019, 11:48:38 PM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

"Oh! Yeah I'm more used to sketching for work..." Akua shuffled around as Yasu critiqued her work a little. Then Yasu said something and Akua's head slowly turned, nose turning upwards to look down on the ninja with a sneer.

"The Golden Thread are two-bit hacks who wouldn't know how to sew a petticoat," she said haughtily. Her ears lay flat against her hair. "Their products are frail, ill-fitting, and barely keep up with the times. They're far too reliant on magic instead of actual skill and craftsmanship! They-" Akua shoved a hand in her mouth and angrily gnashed at her fingers for a few moments. Then she abruptly calmed and sat back normally. "Sorry, force of habit." she said cheerfully. "What were we talking about? Oh, um, calm down miss Dawn!" she looked past Yasu to the redhead who'd apparently had a prank pulled on her. "You do look really cute in that swimsuit!" the demon chimed in as Yasu apologized.

"Who's Vee? A friend of yours?" she asked both Yasu and Dawn after the magical girl launched her flare.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu

"Dawn! Hey, Dawn! I was looking for you!" There was a loud "BAM" and Leona appeared in the midst of Yasu, Dawn, and Akua. "I was looking everywhere for you and I almost didn't recognise you in that adorable swimsuit but then I saw your message for Vee and I knew it was you and I had to come over as quickly as possible Isn't it great being on the beach together and getting to hang out with everyone and getting the sun and relaxing together yay for being together! Oh, who are your friends?" The magical girl talked a mile a minute, a drink, dangerously close to being tipped over, in her hand as she gesticulated wildly. The excitement was palpable, and it was likely obvious to everyone, except Dawn, that Leona was massively infatuated with the chaste Magical girl.

The newcomer squatted down beside Dawn and took a deep breath. "I can't remember the last time I went to the beach it's so cool and pleasant and awesome and there's so many people it's super exciting! I heard there was going to be volleyball or something right? There was something about demons too but I didn't really pay attention to any of that after I saw 'BEACH' oh my god it's great it's like a mini-vacation from all the craziness that's been happening, yay!"

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Leona + Others?

Vee sighed. ”Well-“ She never managed to finish her sentence when Eleanor suddenly turned her attention towards Sara and Noya. ”Okay, just play nice. Make sure not to get lost.” The heroine said to the white-haired girl. With a worried expression, she watched as Eleanor and her two new friends started engaging in totally innocent summer activities. She wanted to call out to her to remember about her 8 PM curfew, but… no, she had to stay strong and let Eleanor grow up; she couldn’t act like an overprotective guardian at all time.

Now, where is…

Vee! Over here!!!

”… okay then.” She said to herself and covered her eyes to shield them from the immensely bright light. By then, however, it was too late. Wherever she looked, she had “Vee! Over here!!!” burned into her retinas forever. A shame, a true shame. Alas, Vee knew the risks as she was well aware of the fact that the phrase “collateral damage” did not exist in Dawn’s vocabulary.

After making sure her bag was properly closed, Vee walked up to Dawn and her scantily clad friends who gathered all around her.

”Hi.” She waved at the magical girl and her friends. ”Sorry, I’m la-“

”Error! Error! Non-compliance detected!” A mechanical voice suddenly roared next to them as Beach Watcher Drone 9000 flew up to the telepath.

A red diode was flashing brightly as it flew around the director, blaring an alarm so loud that everyone around could hear. ”Victoria Murphy. Swimsuit not detected! Non-compliance!”

”What…?” Vee blinked in surprise and looked down at her outfit. ”But… I… I’m wearing beach clothes! I have a miniskirt and I’m showing off my midriff and everything!” She protested, but the Beach Watcher Drone 9000 was having none of that.

"Non-compliance will not be tolerated!" The drone blared angrily. Just when Vee was about to protest, its visor turned bright pink and then shot out a beam that hit the telepath directly in the face which made her recoil. As the onlookers stared, they'd see that the heroine's face turned blank as she looked at the drone, slack-jawed. "Resisting party will now comply with beach regulations and go change into swimsuit immediately!" The drone decreed and then flew away.

Vee nodded back and, without saying anything, turned around and started mechanically walking towards the changing rooms to carry out the order. Now, the question was, how would the other beach goers react?

Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Yasu, Akua, Vee, Leona

Yasu's blatant admission of her perversion took Dawn a bit by surprise... did... did she really look cute in this bikini? Dawn blushed again and just stammered "We... well I'll let you off this once. But don't do anything like this again!" she insisted, looking at the swords that Yasu had brought with her... did she even know how to use those? Dawn had never seen her use anything but her paintings in battle. But then she was Grandmaster of the ninjas, you probably needed to be good at everything to be that, so obviously she did, it was a bit pointless though. "I don't know why you're worried about that, it's the summer special quest event, the demons aren't going to attack us" she said, though then she thought for a moment... "...though I suppose they could use a giant mechanical boar..."

Akua saying that she looked cute too made Dawn blush even more, so she focused on what she said about this Golden Thread place instead, it sounded like it was a clothing store or something. "Oh you bought some really bad clothing from them in the past?" Dawn asked, she didn't see what the problem was with relying on magic herself, she'd been doing basically everything with magic since she first learned how, but if it lead to low quality products because their magic wasn't good enough then she understood. And then she asked about Vee. "Oh yeah! She's really cool! She's super strong, and smart and awesome and she basically leads humanity against the demonic hordes!.. Erm... no offence" Dawn had to catch herself at the end, she'd never really gotten to converse with a demon before.

Maybe she had sensed the teleport coming in, or maybe it was because it was a summer event and wacky stuff was expected, but Dawn didn't seem too surprised when Leona bampfed right into middle of the three of them... but then her cool looking composure was shattered when she also commented on how Dawn looked in the bikini, but she hardly had time to react to that with how hyper Leona was being. "Oh hey Leona! It's good to see you out and about!" Dawn said cheerfully, trying to keep up with her fellow magical girl. "Erm yeah, it's great to get some time off at the beach. Oh! This is Akua, and this is Yasu, she's Grandmaster of those ninja's I told you about" Dawn said, rather proudly.

Dawn sat back down when Leona sat besides her, confident her light display would attract Vee over to them, once again, she had to strain to keep up with Leona. "Yeah it's pretty cool to get to mingle with the enemy faction like this! And oh yes! The volleyball! I'm really looking forward to that! I was up late last night reading the rules and practising with my magic for it! Oh the demons? They're here too but it's all neutral here so there's no fighting... other than the volleyball anyway." Dawn explained as hurriedly as she could to keep up with her as they sat in the sand, "Oh, yes here you go, take this Leona" Dawn said, giving Leona a small chilled can of Tim Horton's, the drink all beach goers love to enjoy at the beach, for quick satisfaction, buy a Tim Horton's, when Vee arrived.

"Ah hi Vee!" Dawn said, and was about to introduce Akua and Yasu to her when... a weird little floating drone thingy floated over and went up to Vee. "Wha... wait? We do have to wear swimsuits?? Oh um... Sorry Yasu" Dawn said sheepishly as it turned out her friend wasn't a colossal pervert after all. "Oh come on Vee! That outfit isn't a swimsuit at all!" Dawn had to agree with the droneobot on this one... and after how Vee had been to Dawn before, she was enjoying watching her squirm just a little bit!..

Right up until things looked dangerous, Dawn thought the probe was about to attack and so leapt to her feet to intervene... but the beam was too fast and struck Vee and... seemed to put her into some kind of trance. "Hey! Don't you do that to my friend!" Dawn cried out as the probe flew off, but she hesitated from shooting it out of the air when she saw Vee start to march off. "Hey! Hey! Wait! Vee! Can you hear me? Can you fight it off?" Dawn asked as she ran in front of Vee and tried to hold her still...

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Leona, Vee, Everyone else?

Note to self, don't mention Golden Thread again. Yasu took in Akua's tirade with a bit of a grin, she didn't mention that she shopped there, she might get the ire of Akua if that happened. Dawn's tirade might have gotten explosive, but it seemed the powerful magical girl forgave her and she got to sigh in relief. "This isn't a gacha game, Dawn. Don't be silly, we might fight a giant bull summoned by a tsundere goddess instead." Clearly that was more believable, she let Dawn ask Akua about Golden Thread, but didn't say anything more, she really did not want to draw the ire of both Akua and Dawn at once for different reasons. Her explanation about Vee was quite complimentary, she privately wondered if Dawn sang other people's praises like this when they weren't around, but she imagined that she called Yasu a pervert to everyone.

And then a new challenger appeared, and said new challenger teleported right on top of a stack of paintings that Yasu had drawn, ripping them to shreds from the impact. Something snapped inside of the painter, and broke in half soon after. Her eyes narrowed as she faced Leona, dangerous mettle coming across her expression. Dawn had never seen Yasu angry before, so this would be a new experience, and a scary one.

"You... destroyed... my paintings..." Yasu's anger was boiling, she started to paint with a special looking brush on a blank page and Leona could see portals opening beyond Yasu and something starting to come out of them as if threatening punishment, but Dawn's excitement and happiness managed to quell her anger, so Leona wouldn't find out what exactly Yasu was going to do. "Hmph. Watch where you step next time. You're lucky those were recreational and not my prized ones and that you are Dawn's friend. If not for that, then nothing would save you..." Yasu blinked and the danger senses that Leona might have felt were now gone, for now, but a dangerous and sinister smile was on her lips instead. Shortly after that warning Yasu sat down with a scowl and the portals disappeared. "Hello Leona..." She turned away from Leona after that, saddened by the loss of her art and her tone a bit solemn. The woman was clearly into Dawn, bordering on obsessed, so she let them be. Maybe Yasu was slightly jealous as well. No, that couldn't be, that was silly...

Yasu listened to Leona and Dawn chat it up, they were clearly good friends, which made that weird feeling in her head get worse. She needed to relax, meditate, calm her senses, there was no need to get all wound up over an accident. No no no, Yasu took a deep breath to apologize and turned to Leona to say it "I'm sorr-" but then Vee showed up apparently, as Dawn got excited. "Hello, Vee." was all Yasu got to say before a drone suddenly came over and started spouting off nonsense, it looked like swimwear was the requirement here, or at least someone thought so. She didn't actually know it was and because of this, Dawn apologized. "See, I knew it, you should trust me more often." Yasu said lying through her teeth, she didn't know a damn thing. But yeah, Dawn and the drone were right, that was not a swimsuit.

What happened next though was a problem, Vee got hit with a beam from the drone and suddenly went slack which was the tell tale signs of mind control, and Yasu was going to stop it but it flew out of her range. So much for a vacation, they had to solve this. Yasu suddenly seemed to switch gears. "I think we have a mystery to solve. Dawn, let her go, she might lead us to more evidence. We're just going to follow her, we don't want everyone to know the Director has been compromised. In this state, I don't know if our culprit expects us to follow. And if they can compromise her, they can compromise any one of us so we don't want to do anything rash. We'll make sure no more harm comes to her by following her. Maybe it'll wear off after she puts on the swimsuit, if not, I could try to reverse it myself..." Yasu's cheerful and playful demeanor was now gone, she was more business like, a form that Dawn had not seen for a while other than the few times they teamed up. She was calm despite the situation, she had been around mind control many many times due to her time in the village, this wasn't exactly a new thing to her. Yasu stood up to follow Vee, just to see what was inside the changing rooms. Did she even bring a change of clothes?

Yasu looked to Akua suddenly. "Can you make her swimwear? On the spot? It actually might be wise to see if there is anything further they might do to her in the stalls and I don't think she brought anything with her." She asked out of curiosity, it might make this easier to solve. All the sudden she was more take charge than she intended to be.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Vee

Leona had been so excited to be near Dawn that she hadn't realised she was on top of some paintings, and one of them was certainly not yet dry. "Agh! My feet are sticky, wait, who put these paintings on the ground!?" The magical girl felt the hair on her neck prick and turned to see Yasu with her mysterious portals. "Waaaaitm a minute! You're that pervert ninja that Dawn told me about! You're a grandmaster? Is creeping on cute, innocent, adorable girls like Dawn one of the requirements for being a ninja?" Leona tried to interpose herself between Dawn and Yasu protectively, but then Vee appeared!

"Vee! You came! You should apprehend this miscreant before she does something to Dawn! You can't have a perv runnning around the beach without proper supervision, it's dangerous!" Leona was going to continue her breathless rant until the drone showed up and zapped Vee. "Eh!? What the hell's going on now? Who brought a mind-controlling drone to the beach?" The magical girl moved over to the drone and poked it in the eye(?) while Akua changed Vee's clothes into something more beach-appropriate. "You let Vee go this instant, you weird robot thing!"

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Leona + Others?

With a blank look on her face, Vee tried to force her way past Dawn, all the while muttering to herself: ”Need to change. Need a swimsuit.” In a monotone voice. However, as soon as Dawn called her out by her name, the telepath paused and her eyes focused on the magical girl’s face for a moment.

Yes! It appeared that, due to the power of friendship, Dawn’s heartfelt plea managed to break through Vee’s brainwashing and free the telepath from the drone’s insidious mind control-

”Vee’s brain is currently unavailable. Would you like to leave a message?” The heroine asked in the same monotone voice as before as she put her hands on the redhead’s shoulders and tried shoving her aside.

Even when Akua managed to immobilize the entranced heroine, Vee’s programming forced the brunette to struggle against the towel wrapped around her body. She had to reach the changing rooms and change, no matter the cost. The heroine didn’t even react as Akua’s magic started pulling her clothes apart. However, as soon as the demoness crafted a swimsuit top for the heroine, something “clicked” inside of her brain as she stopped struggling and waited for Akua to complete the set. Once her swimsuit was complete and the towel was pulled away, Vee blinked several times until the fog that engulfed her eyes dissipated completely.

”Oh, hi everyone!” Vee said with an unusual amount of enthusiasm and energy. She flashed them all a beaming smile and picked up a volleyball that she dropped… wait, when did she drop it? Ah, it didn’t matter anyway. ”Good to get out of the Institute every once in a while and put a swimsuit, don’t you think?” She giggled and looked down at her swimsuit, completely nonplussed by her sudden change of attire.

The drone turned out to be quite elusive as it easily managed to fly out of the way of Akua's net. It flew around in circle a little bit until it finally settled down a few feet above ground. It didn’t react to Leona’s prodding, either, and simply moved to the side a little bit to continue watching the scene through its eye. What was the dastardly thing up to now?

”So! Are you guys ready for a perfectly normal fun time at the beach, and play some volleyball?” The heroine asked cheerfully as she held up the ball. ”Come on! We need to win the Tournament and everything!”

At the same time, the drone’s eye blinked in affirmation as it examined Vee’s sudden change of character, turned around, and started flying towards the other end of the beach…
« Last Edit: August 27, 2019, 12:08:32 AM by Raffa »
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.


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