Author Topic: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!  (Read 23591 times)

Offline Raffa

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #80 on: September 11, 2019, 02:10:25 AM »

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag:  Vee, Sarabi, Noya(?)

The ninja scanned Dawn and Leona's statements for deception, but Yasu was in such a good mood she didn't feel like causing a problem, she could tell that they were up to something but wasn't sure what, maybe it was just magical girl stuff and that's why she wouldn't understand. "I expect you two to come back promptly. Don't make us wait or we will make sure you'll be playing till sunset. Don't make us hunt you down, trust me, I'm good at it." Yasu's tone was identical to Vee's, it had that same cheery yet menacing tone. She eventually did take her top back from Vee and put it on. "I'll take it off when they come back if we do decide to go topless, in the meantime we should go see about getting more people to join us. The more the merrier, maybe we can surprise them with extra players when they get back." Yasu said annoyingly cheerfully, her eyes scanned for more people and they landed on two demons off in the corner...

"Hey, you!" Yasu pointed at Sarabi and Noya of course if she was around. "You should join us, we're going to be playing some Volleyball soon, practice with us, it'll be fun." She said with a wide energetic smile.

Noya & Sarabi
Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: 5☆ Beach Bunny Vee (Raffa), 4☆ Summer Swordsman Yasu (Youkai)

As she was addressed, Sarabi opened her eyes and peered at Yasu, lifting her sunglasses slightly. Noya was, of course, still busy getting sand out of her unmentionables and repeatedly giving herself brainfreeze. The telepathic demon had been observing all the beach's goings-ons, and perhaps dozing a little on the warm sand, until Yasu directly spoke to her.

"No," she said flatly. "I'm on vacation and playing volleyball is not my idea of fun. I believe the Director will have rather more trouble fiddling with my mind than she did with yours, so don't get any ideas, miss Murphy." She regarded Vee with a degree of caution. "...besides all that, it'd be a rather pathetic game. We all have deeply mediocre Physical scores, after all."

Summer Event
Tag: Yasu, Sarabi + Others?

”Awww… Sarabi, don’t be such a butt!” Vee pouted when the demoness rejected their offer to play volleyball. ”It’s gonna be fuuun! Come on, play volleyball with us, please? We’re going to have two teams: with the top and topless. Topless team is going to be for the ones who feel like it or the PCs who don’t have topless art for their characters.” The telepath clarified.

Despite her pleas and reassurances, it appeared that Azrael’s Dagger wasn’t really in the mood for sports and was determined to remain a complete sour puss about this whole ordeal. The heroine furrowed her brow as she shot daggers at Sarabi’s face, knowing that their Telepathy scores were almost completely matched; this one was going to be hard to convince.

Unless… Vee turned towards Yasu and looked at the brush strapped to the ninja’s hip. That gave her an idea.

”Okay, well… I guess we’re going to have to fix you!” announced Vee. With Sarabi’s physical at 14 and Vee’s at 13, one would assume that the demoness would easily outmatch the human girl. Unfortunately for her, however, the heroine had telekinesis which boosted her Physical even further! And, unlike like 90% of the cast, she did not rely on her items for abilities! Meaning that she could use them anywhere, unlike others who ditched all of their equipment for swimsuits!


Vee raised her arms and waved her fingers. Some distance away, a chain link fence split into several pieces. Like snakes, the metallic tendrils started to quickly wrap themselves around Sarabi’s ankles and wrists.

”Go, Yasu!” Vee called out to her companion. ”I’ll hold her while you make sure to paint her mind with happy and fun thoughts! We’ll teach her how to relax and have fun at the beach!”
« Last Edit: September 11, 2019, 05:47:41 AM by Raffa »
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #81 on: September 12, 2019, 09:32:17 AM »

Location: Auralis Island - Beach
Tag: Vee, Yasu, Sarabi

Dawn managed to recover her breath quickly and stood back up, smiling at Leona, she was so glad she had someone qualified in first aid here! Leona had so many talents. Dawn thought to herself, missing what Leona meant entirely. With her breathe finally caught, she waved to the other girls inside of the hut and then grinned when Akua asked if she could blow open the hole, Dawn nodded "Consider it done" she said taking a step back... then another step back... "Erm... maybe you should all take a step back?" she suggested as she wondered which of her attacks she should use, Akua probably hadn't wanted her to blow the entire hut into a smoking crater... but then if you didn't want something blown into a smoking crater you probably wouldn't have asked Dawn, so clearly that's what she wanted.

"Sapphire! Dawn began to say, as an orb of blue magical power formed in her hand. CRUSHER... the energy ball expanded, soon bigger than Dawn's entire body. BLAS-OH WAIT" Dawn suddenly stopped herself, the giant ball of blue energy just zipping into nothingness as she stopped charging it. "If I make an attack that strong Vee and Yasu are sure to see it, we don't want to risk that they don't have some kind of 'return to protect' order implanting in them or something right?" she suggested to the others and decided, though it was against her entire belief system, maybe this time she could hold back a bit and just do a normal, non-apocalyptic attack... "Wait hang on... Leona... Yasu and Vee said they'd come looking for us didn't they..." Dawn glanced back at the direction they came... if they did have some kind of return to protect order or something implanted in them... then it would trigger if they saw everyone here investigating too... so when they came looking for them...

Shit, this could be bad... as sexy as a big fight with Vee and Yasu would be, it would be better if they didn't risk it, it would likely lead to them all being brainwashed and that was just too sexy even for a joke event like this. Dawn turned sheepishly to Leona "Hey ummm, Leona, I'm sorry but I'm worried about Yasu and Vee... I'm going to go back to give you more time, you help the rest of them out and find out what's going on so we can help our friends. I'll keep them busy so they don't hunt you down okay?" Dawn walked up to Leona and squeezed her hand. "Be careful okay. You three!" she turned to Akua, Sunny and Valarie "Look after her or I'll nuke you all into orbit!" she said in what was probably supposed to be a threatening tone, then she gave Leona a quick peek on the cheek and suddenly leapt into the air, bright blue wings of pure blue energy appearing behind her. "Good luck!" she finally said, before zipping off back the way she'd originally came with a speed that really begged the question of why she hadn't flown here to begin with.

It didn't take longer than a few seconds for her to arrive where she thought she'd been originally... but honestly it was a beach, every part of it looked like every other part how was she supposed to tell?? Well fortunately a quick bonus area like this didn't have many sections to it, so it wasn't hard to find her way back... Vee and Yasu weren't there.... Oh god had they already gone off looking for them?? Dawn prepared to have to zip back to the hutt again, but she hadn't seen them on the way here... so obviously they'd gone in a different direction. She started flying about looking for them... and with the advantage of being at a height, she managed to spot them... with Sarabi??? The Demon Knight??? Oh god, in their current states they could be in serious danger!

Dawn shot off towards them landing on the sand next to them in a perfect three point landing Iron Man pose, she held the pose for a second for dramatic reasons, then stood up straight and pointed threateningly at Sarabi "You! Don't you dare hurt my friends you demonic... evil... huh?" and then Dawn realised that Sarabi was currently bound up and being molested or something by her friends. "Hey! You said you'd be coming after me! Now I see you here playing with one of the big bads chief dragons! This is so perverse!" Dawn said in shock, was... was she going to have to defend Sarabi now? She'd never fought with a demon before this was totally unprecedented! "I mean wow, why her? Vee, didn't you have an epic as hell battle with her recently? I'd have thought you'd never want to go near her again! I guess they brainwashed you even worse than I thought huh?" she said sadly, still sort of glad she'd chosen to come back even though it seemed they'd had more time than she'd thought...

Offline MortalitasBorealis

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #82 on: September 12, 2019, 08:00:47 PM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Leona Amari
Tag: Yasu, Vee, Leona, Akua, Sunny, Valerie, Butts, Butt's mysterious creator

Leona breathed a sigh of relief when it was apparent that Dawn hadn't noticed her wandering hands and trotted off with her magical friend. She nodded as Dawn explained her cunning deception to her. "A brilliant plan! We'll show that drone who's boss around here!" Leona, however, was a little concerned at how quickly Dawn got winded, but did her best to help her up whenever she got close to falling, copping an opportunistic feel whenever she saw the chance.

"Don't worry, Dawn, you'll be okay, I can give you mouth-to-mouth if you need it! I'm a qualified first-aider." She lied, blatantly. "I guess looking inside would be the best idea, but blowing things up sounds like a lot more fun. . . ." Leona followed obediently along behind Dawn, ready to strike at whatever might be inside the hut.

Valerie, Sunny
Auralis Beach - The Butts' Hole
Tagging: Butts hunting party

Really? Wow, what a coincidence!” Valerie remarked, surprised that the ghost girl was somehow related to the tournament and Chad. Maybe she could ask Sunny about it later.

With the arrival of Dawn and Leona and the return of Sunny, the entire Butts Hunting Party had gathered and was ready to begin their investigation, though there was the matter of the painfully tight Butts Hole that all but the ghost girl would have trouble squeezing through, much less quickly before it got sealed up. Thankfully the redhead magical girl had an explosive solution.

An explosive solution that Dawn thought better of, as Valerie (who had backed up into a corner) lowered her water gun shield and Sunny turned corporeal again with no explosion incoming. “Good luck! We’ll take good care of your buddies~” The ghost waved after the magical girl who went off on the (un)envious task of occupying the brainwashed duo on the beach with lewd hijinks, then turned back towards the still very tight and firm Butts Hole. “That does leave us with the question of what to do with this though. The drone’s still coming, I don’t know if we can squeeze everyone through and find a place to hide in time…

Maybe we can stall the drone somehow?” Valerie suggested, and the ghost’s eyes lit up.

That’s genius, I can totally do that!” Sunny grinned, looking around the messy hut for a small but interesting object that could easily fit in the hole, just choosing a pebble if there’s no candidates, “Alright, unless anyone’s got any ideas on expanding that hole *snicker* I’m gonna go see if robots believe in ghosts!” The poltergeist said cryptically, the object being telekinetically held in the air. Would someone among them figure out a way to expand Butts Hole non-explosively?
Sanity is overrated.
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Offline Youkai

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #83 on: September 12, 2019, 08:43:28 PM »

Noya & Sarabi
Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: 5☆ Beach Bunny Vee (Raffa), 4☆ Summer Swordsman Yasu (Youkai)

As she was addressed, Sarabi opened her eyes and peered at Yasu, lifting her sunglasses slightly. Noya was, of course, still busy getting sand out of her unmentionables and repeatedly giving herself brainfreeze. The telepathic demon had been observing all the beach's goings-ons, and perhaps dozing a little on the warm sand, until Yasu directly spoke to her.

"No," she said flatly. "I'm on vacation and playing volleyball is not my idea of fun. I believe the Director will have rather more trouble fiddling with my mind than she did with yours, so don't get any ideas, miss Murphy." She regarded Vee with a degree of caution. "...besides all that, it'd be a rather pathetic game. We all have deeply mediocre Physical scores, after all."

Summer Event
Tag: Yasu, Sarabi + Others?

”Awww… Sarabi, don’t be such a butt!” Vee pouted when the demoness rejected their offer to play volleyball. ”It’s gonna be fuuun! Come on, play volleyball with us, please? We’re going to have two teams: with the top and topless. Topless team is going to be for the ones who feel like it or the PCs who don’t have topless art for their characters.” The telepath clarified.

Despite her pleas and reassurances, it appeared that Azrael’s Dagger wasn’t really in the mood for sports and was determined to remain a complete sour puss about this whole ordeal. The heroine furrowed her brow as she shot daggers at Sarabi’s face, knowing that their Telepathy scores were almost completely matched; this one was going to be hard to convince.

Unless… Vee turned towards Yasu and looked at the brush strapped to the ninja’s hip. That gave her an idea.

”Okay, well… I guess we’re going to have to fix you!” announced Vee. With Sarabi’s physical at 14 and Vee’s at 13, one would assume that the demoness would easily outmatch the human girl. Unfortunately for her, however, the heroine had telekinesis which boosted her Physical even further! And, unlike like 90% of the cast, she did not rely on her items for abilities! Meaning that she could use them anywhere, unlike others who ditched all of their equipment for swimsuits!


Vee raised her arms and waved her fingers. Some distance away, a chain link fence split into several pieces. Like snakes, the metallic tendrils started to quickly wrap themselves around Sarabi’s ankles and wrists.

”Go, Yasu!” Vee called out to her companion. ”I’ll hold her while you make sure to paint her mind with happy and fun thoughts! We’ll teach her how to relax and have fun at the beach!”

Location: Auralis Island - Beach
Tag: Vee, Yasu, Sarabi

Dawn managed to recover her breath quickly and stood back up, smiling at Leona, she was so glad she had someone qualified in first aid here! Leona had so many talents. Dawn thought to herself, missing what Leona meant entirely. With her breathe finally caught, she waved to the other girls inside of the hut and then grinned when Akua asked if she could blow open the hole, Dawn nodded "Consider it done" she said taking a step back... then another step back... "Erm... maybe you should all take a step back?" she suggested as she wondered which of her attacks she should use, Akua probably hadn't wanted her to blow the entire hut into a smoking crater... but then if you didn't want something blown into a smoking crater you probably wouldn't have asked Dawn, so clearly that's what she wanted.

"Sapphire! Dawn began to say, as an orb of blue magical power formed in her hand. CRUSHER... the energy ball expanded, soon bigger than Dawn's entire body. BLAS-OH WAIT" Dawn suddenly stopped herself, the giant ball of blue energy just zipping into nothingness as she stopped charging it. "If I make an attack that strong Vee and Yasu are sure to see it, we don't want to risk that they don't have some kind of 'return to protect' order implanting in them or something right?" she suggested to the others and decided, though it was against her entire belief system, maybe this time she could hold back a bit and just do a normal, non-apocalyptic attack... "Wait hang on... Leona... Yasu and Vee said they'd come looking for us didn't they..." Dawn glanced back at the direction they came... if they did have some kind of return to protect order or something implanted in them... then it would trigger if they saw everyone here investigating too... so when they came looking for them...

Shit, this could be bad... as sexy as a big fight with Vee and Yasu would be, it would be better if they didn't risk it, it would likely lead to them all being brainwashed and that was just too sexy even for a joke event like this. Dawn turned sheepishly to Leona "Hey ummm, Leona, I'm sorry but I'm worried about Yasu and Vee... I'm going to go back to give you more time, you help the rest of them out and find out what's going on so we can help our friends. I'll keep them busy so they don't hunt you down okay?" Dawn walked up to Leona and squeezed her hand. "Be careful okay. You three!" she turned to Akua, Sunny and Valarie "Look after her or I'll nuke you all into orbit!" she said in what was probably supposed to be a threatening tone, then she gave Leona a quick peek on the cheek and suddenly leapt into the air, bright blue wings of pure blue energy appearing behind her. "Good luck!" she finally said, before zipping off back the way she'd originally came with a speed that really begged the question of why she hadn't flown here to begin with.

It didn't take longer than a few seconds for her to arrive where she thought she'd been originally... but honestly it was a beach, every part of it looked like every other part how was she supposed to tell?? Well fortunately a quick bonus area like this didn't have many sections to it, so it wasn't hard to find her way back... Vee and Yasu weren't there.... Oh god had they already gone off looking for them?? Dawn prepared to have to zip back to the hutt again, but she hadn't seen them on the way here... so obviously they'd gone in a different direction. She started flying about looking for them... and with the advantage of being at a height, she managed to spot them... with Sarabi??? The Demon Knight??? Oh god, in their current states they could be in serious danger!

Dawn shot off towards them landing on the sand next to them in a perfect three point landing Iron Man pose, she held the pose for a second for dramatic reasons, then stood up straight and pointed threateningly at Sarabi "You! Don't you dare hurt my friends you demonic... evil... huh?" and then Dawn realised that Sarabi was currently bound up and being molested or something by her friends. "Hey! You said you'd be coming after me! Now I see you here playing with one of the big bads chief dragons! This is so perverse!" Dawn said in shock, was... was she going to have to defend Sarabi now? She'd never fought with a demon before this was totally unprecedented! "I mean wow, why her? Vee, didn't you have an epic as hell battle with her recently? I'd have thought you'd never want to go near her again! I guess they brainwashed you even worse than I thought huh?" she said sadly, still sort of glad she'd chosen to come back even though it seemed they'd had more time than she'd thought...

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag:  Vee, Sarabi, Dawn

"She messed with my mind? Don't be silly, I'd know if my mind was messed with. I'm a ninja, and a Grandmaster at that, we're resistant to mind control. In fact we do the mind controlling most of the time, have you even read the main thread? Go find Lorraine and ask her." Yasu tilted her head, confused, she had no clue what Sarabi was talking about and the woman seemed resistant to the idea of playing, well there was a way to force it and it appeared that Vee was thinking the same exact thing as she bound up Sarabi and made her helpless to what Yasu was about to do next. Well, until Dawn came back, which distracted Yasu.

"Oh welcome back Dawn, I'm glad you came back! Hold on... we're not brainwashed, we just want to have fun at the beach. What is with you two and thinking Vee and I are brainwashed. Tch, here I'll show you we're fine!" Dawn would find suddenly Yasu painting on a pad, and doing the same attack she attempted on Leona earlier, except this time she didn't hold back, tentacles would shoot out of the mini portals and wrap around Dawn's ankles and arms and bind her in place tightly, right next to Sarabi, the tentacles would surge sexual energy into Dawn to prevent her from concentrating, and fill her with pleasure at being bound. "Keep an eye on them." Yasu said with a cheery tone to Vee, knowing she could use her telekinesis on Dawn or Sarabi if they struggled, she didn't make the tentacles focus on Sarabi as Vee had her handled... "Now then, Sarabi, my physical may be weak but I don't need it to keep you in place. I'm going to give you an art show, I do like a captive audience." Yasu said with a puff to her voice.

Yasu started to rapidly paint on her sketchpad, and vibrant colors would come to life in front of Sarabi and Dawn, enrapturing them while they stared as she put on a performance, Vee would probably help here making them only able to stare at that and force their eyes on it. If not, Yasu would make sure Dawn did at least by funneling sexual energy through those tentacles right into Dawn's body to make her moan and stare despite herself. Soon enough, it'd feel like Yasu was painting their minds with vibrant colors of all arrays, capturing their attention and making them sink into the void of color that the ninja had made. Yasu kept going until she saw the intellect drop from their eyes and only then did she strike, showing patience until she saw intellect drop from both of their eyes and any signs of weakness.

"No thinking, only paint." Yasu said with a happy sing along tune, as if it was a catchphrase that she had learned from a certain discord, her voice took on a hypnotic quality there, and soon enough both of them would feel Yasu sifting through their thoughts and rearranging things as they'd hear her whisper in their ears. She couldn't read their minds like Vee, but she sure as hell could rearrange ideas and thoughts with the best of them and made sure they both understood the truth, and with a few more touches...

A sudden dizziness threatened to overwhelm Dawn and Sarabi and-



-when Sarabi and Dawn blinked, they’d realize they were just standing on the beach as before. Oh, right! They were here to have fun at the beach, play some volleyball, relax, don’t question anything weird going on, wear swimsuit, and buy some Tim Hortons later. There was even the Director from the Institute of Justice who behaved in a perfectly normal manner and arrived in her swimsuit! And the Grandmaster of the Eternal Dragon Clan was here too and was perfectly normal as well, nothing was amiss, everything was just bliss! TL;DR: everything was right in the world!

"Now, can we play Volleyball or what? What do you guys think?" Yasu stopped her performance and looked at them both cheerfully, hopping a little next to Vee.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #84 on: September 12, 2019, 09:40:31 PM »

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: The Butt (Raffa), and also Butts the Drone (Raffa), & Sunny & Valarie (Mortalitas)

"Uh bye Dawn," Akua said as the magical girl quickly arrived and took off again. She discreetly pouted as Dawn neglected to blow up the hole; she'd been looking forward to a lightshow. She stood there and thought while Sunny and Valarie discussed the matter and Leona stared at Dawn's flying ass.

"Eh, screw it," the fashionista demon muttered out loud. "I've been standing here doing nothing for like three rounds of posts. What's the worst that could happen? GERONIMO!!!!" with that cry, Akua charged forward and dived head-first into the Butts hole. She crawled determinedly through the narrow pass, deeper into the bowels of the earth.

Back on the surface, the others could hear her muttering as she crawled. " a bad servant...! Helena has all of his skills in one, for the entire party, and she's really situational still!"

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #85 on: September 12, 2019, 10:07:35 PM »

Summer Event
Tag: Yasu, Sarabi + Others?

”Awww… Sarabi, don’t be such a butt!” Vee pouted when the demoness rejected their offer to play volleyball. ”It’s gonna be fuuun! Come on, play volleyball with us, please? We’re going to have two teams: with the top and topless. Topless team is going to be for the ones who feel like it or the PCs who don’t have topless art for their characters.” The telepath clarified.

Despite her pleas and reassurances, it appeared that Azrael’s Dagger wasn’t really in the mood for sports and was determined to remain a complete sour puss about this whole ordeal. The heroine furrowed her brow as she shot daggers at Sarabi’s face, knowing that their Telepathy scores were almost completely matched; this one was going to be hard to convince.

Unless… Vee turned towards Yasu and looked at the brush strapped to the ninja’s hip. That gave her an idea.

”Okay, well… I guess we’re going to have to fix you!” announced Vee. With Sarabi’s physical at 14 and Vee’s at 13, one would assume that the demoness would easily outmatch the human girl. Unfortunately for her, however, the heroine had telekinesis which boosted her Physical even further! And, unlike like 90% of the cast, she did not rely on her items for abilities! Meaning that she could use them anywhere, unlike others who ditched all of their equipment for swimsuits!


Vee raised her arms and waved her fingers. Some distance away, a chain link fence split into several pieces. Like snakes, the metallic tendrils started to quickly wrap themselves around Sarabi’s ankles and wrists.

”Go, Yasu!” Vee called out to her companion. ”I’ll hold her while you make sure to paint her mind with happy and fun thoughts! We’ll teach her how to relax and have fun at the beach!”

Location: Auralis Island - Beach
Tag: Vee, Yasu, Sarabi

Dawn managed to recover her breath quickly and stood back up, smiling at Leona, she was so glad she had someone qualified in first aid here! Leona had so many talents. Dawn thought to herself, missing what Leona meant entirely. With her breathe finally caught, she waved to the other girls inside of the hut and then grinned when Akua asked if she could blow open the hole, Dawn nodded "Consider it done" she said taking a step back... then another step back... "Erm... maybe you should all take a step back?" she suggested as she wondered which of her attacks she should use, Akua probably hadn't wanted her to blow the entire hut into a smoking crater... but then if you didn't want something blown into a smoking crater you probably wouldn't have asked Dawn, so clearly that's what she wanted.

"Sapphire! Dawn began to say, as an orb of blue magical power formed in her hand. CRUSHER... the energy ball expanded, soon bigger than Dawn's entire body. BLAS-OH WAIT" Dawn suddenly stopped herself, the giant ball of blue energy just zipping into nothingness as she stopped charging it. "If I make an attack that strong Vee and Yasu are sure to see it, we don't want to risk that they don't have some kind of 'return to protect' order implanting in them or something right?" she suggested to the others and decided, though it was against her entire belief system, maybe this time she could hold back a bit and just do a normal, non-apocalyptic attack... "Wait hang on... Leona... Yasu and Vee said they'd come looking for us didn't they..." Dawn glanced back at the direction they came... if they did have some kind of return to protect order or something implanted in them... then it would trigger if they saw everyone here investigating too... so when they came looking for them...

Shit, this could be bad... as sexy as a big fight with Vee and Yasu would be, it would be better if they didn't risk it, it would likely lead to them all being brainwashed and that was just too sexy even for a joke event like this. Dawn turned sheepishly to Leona "Hey ummm, Leona, I'm sorry but I'm worried about Yasu and Vee... I'm going to go back to give you more time, you help the rest of them out and find out what's going on so we can help our friends. I'll keep them busy so they don't hunt you down okay?" Dawn walked up to Leona and squeezed her hand. "Be careful okay. You three!" she turned to Akua, Sunny and Valarie "Look after her or I'll nuke you all into orbit!" she said in what was probably supposed to be a threatening tone, then she gave Leona a quick peek on the cheek and suddenly leapt into the air, bright blue wings of pure blue energy appearing behind her. "Good luck!" she finally said, before zipping off back the way she'd originally came with a speed that really begged the question of why she hadn't flown here to begin with.

It didn't take longer than a few seconds for her to arrive where she thought she'd been originally... but honestly it was a beach, every part of it looked like every other part how was she supposed to tell?? Well fortunately a quick bonus area like this didn't have many sections to it, so it wasn't hard to find her way back... Vee and Yasu weren't there.... Oh god had they already gone off looking for them?? Dawn prepared to have to zip back to the hutt again, but she hadn't seen them on the way here... so obviously they'd gone in a different direction. She started flying about looking for them... and with the advantage of being at a height, she managed to spot them... with Sarabi??? The Demon Knight??? Oh god, in their current states they could be in serious danger!

Dawn shot off towards them landing on the sand next to them in a perfect three point landing Iron Man pose, she held the pose for a second for dramatic reasons, then stood up straight and pointed threateningly at Sarabi "You! Don't you dare hurt my friends you demonic... evil... huh?" and then Dawn realised that Sarabi was currently bound up and being molested or something by her friends. "Hey! You said you'd be coming after me! Now I see you here playing with one of the big bads chief dragons! This is so perverse!" Dawn said in shock, was... was she going to have to defend Sarabi now? She'd never fought with a demon before this was totally unprecedented! "I mean wow, why her? Vee, didn't you have an epic as hell battle with her recently? I'd have thought you'd never want to go near her again! I guess they brainwashed you even worse than I thought huh?" she said sadly, still sort of glad she'd chosen to come back even though it seemed they'd had more time than she'd thought...

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag:  Vee, Sarabi, Dawn

"She messed with my mind? Don't be silly, I'd know if my mind was messed with. I'm a ninja, and a Grandmaster at that, we're resistant to mind control. In fact we do the mind controlling most of the time, have you even read the main thread? Go find Lorraine and ask her." Yasu tilted her head, confused, she had no clue what Sarabi was talking about and the woman seemed resistant to the idea of playing, well there was a way to force it and it appeared that Vee was thinking the same exact thing as she bound up Sarabi and made her helpless to what Yasu was about to do next. Well, until Dawn came back, which distracted Yasu.

"Oh welcome back Dawn, I'm glad you came back! Hold on... we're not brainwashed, we just want to have fun at the beach. What is with you two and thinking Vee and I are brainwashed. Tch, here I'll show you we're fine!" Dawn would find suddenly Yasu painting on a pad, and doing the same attack she attempted on Leona earlier, except this time she didn't hold back, tentacles would shoot out of the mini portals and wrap around Dawn's ankles and arms and bind her in place tightly, right next to Sarabi, the tentacles would surge sexual energy into Dawn to prevent her from concentrating, and fill her with pleasure at being bound. "Keep an eye on them." Yasu said with a cheery tone to Vee, knowing she could use her telekinesis on Dawn or Sarabi if they struggled, she didn't make the tentacles focus on Sarabi as Vee had her handled... "Now then, Sarabi, my physical may be weak but I don't need it to keep you in place. I'm going to give you an art show, I do like a captive audience." Yasu said with a puff to her voice.

Yasu started to rapidly paint on her sketchpad, and vibrant colors would come to life in front of Sarabi and Dawn, enrapturing them while they stared as she put on a performance, Vee would probably help here making them only able to stare at that and force their eyes on it. If not, Yasu would make sure Dawn did at least by funneling sexual energy through those tentacles right into Dawn's body to make her moan and stare despite herself. Soon enough, it'd feel like Yasu was painting their minds with vibrant colors of all arrays, capturing their attention and making them sink into the void of color that the ninja had made. Yasu kept going until she saw the intellect drop from their eyes and only then did she strike, showing patience until she saw intellect drop from both of their eyes and any signs of weakness.

"No thinking, only paint." Yasu said with a happy sing along tune, as if it was a catchphrase that she had learned from a certain discord, her voice took on a hypnotic quality there, and soon enough both of them would feel Yasu sifting through their thoughts and rearranging things as they'd hear her whisper in their ears. She couldn't read their minds like Vee, but she sure as hell could rearrange ideas and thoughts with the best of them and made sure they both understood the truth, and with a few more touches...

A sudden dizziness threatened to overwhelm Dawn and Sarabi and-



-when Sarabi and Dawn blinked, they’d realize they were just standing on the beach as before. Oh, right! They were here to have fun at the beach, play some volleyball, relax, don’t question anything weird going on, wear swimsuit, and buy some Tim Hortons later. There was even the Director from the Institute of Justice who behaved in a perfectly normal manner and arrived in her swimsuit! And the Grandmaster of the Eternal Dragon Clan was here too and was perfectly normal as well, nothing was amiss, everything was just bliss! TL;DR: everything was right in the world!

"Now, can we play Volleyball or what? What do you guys think?" Yasu stopped her performance and looked at them both cheerfully, hopping a little next to Vee.

Noya & 4☆ Sultry Spymaster Sarabi
Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: 5☆ Beach Bunny Vee (Raffa), 4☆ Summer Swordsman Yasu (Youkai), 5☆ Lovely Lifeguard Dawn

"You fool!" Sarabi cackled as Vee attempted to restrain her with telekinesis. "That ability is only active one-fourth of the time! Not nearly long enough to do anything to me! Besides, I have... THIS!" The demon snapped her fingers, summoning her powerful grunt.

Nothing happened.

Sarabi squirmed against her bondage for a few moments. Turns out chain links weren't as comfortable as proper handcuffs. Nothing continued to happen.

"Oh fuck," Sarabi said as she realized. "She's a one-off piece, she has no swimsuit art!" Robbed of her primary defense by the constraints of the event, the spymaster sulkily glowered at Vee. "Does it look like I'm the one attacking them?" she grumbled at Dawn as the magical girl arrived, straining at her restraints... which continued to hold despite telekinesis' baffling demerit. It quickly became a moot issue as Dawn was promptly trussed up beside her with tentacles.

"Oh, very inventive," Sarabi snarked at Yasu. "Tentacling the magical girl? That's breaking new ground, that is. What's next, gonna start being self-deprecatingly Polish?" Unfortunately her commentary was interrupted by somebody stuffing a gag in her mouth, forcing her to sit quietly as Yasu displayed a dizzying art piece. With her Mental Shields busy defending against Vee's more brute-force assault, the demon was helpless before Yasu! Her mind was quickly filled up with bright colors painted by the Grandmaster, thoughts and memories altered-

-why was she lying on the ground? That was like, totally silly. Sarabi stood up, looking around. She soon found Yasu's bare chest and giggled. "Like, wow! You're going topless? That's super brave! I would too, but there's no like, hot subby art of me naked..." she giggled again.

Offline MonsieurChuchote

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #86 on: September 18, 2019, 04:56:13 AM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Eleanor (MC)

Sara couldn’t help but mirror Eleanor‘s amusement. Putting a smile on her student’s lips with such a whimsical chuckle, made Sara’s brighten all the more.   Her eyes danced along every nook and curve of Eleanor’s body as the tantalizing teasing continued. First that pale mid riff came into sight and soon after those small silver bell delights.

“You shouldn’t be teasing me like this, I’m your professor.” Though her soft tone could only meekly add a thin veneer of authority.

The added heat from the sun room more noticeable as Eleanor finish stripping the remainder of her outerwear.  Sara felt baked from all sides.  And now that her student was practically naked, her glowing blush spread halfway down her torso.   This felt so wrong, but a slithering presence in the back of her mind slipped its way to the forefront. Her eyes twisted up as the naughtiness I’d it all began to really really excite her.

And as her expression took on a more nocturnally hungry look, she dipped her fingers below the waist of her bottoms. Sara’s satisfied grin widen as did her knees like a barn door. The movement under that small piece of fabric left no doubt as to the very intimate touching she was engaged in.

Eleanor Lagan
Auralis Beach
Tag: Sara Peterson (Mind Zapper)

“How amusing! You are her professor, yet we know so very much more than you.” Her head slightly tilts to the side, the motion too rapid and controlled for a human neck to manage. She smiles sweetly with fine-pointed teeth. “Tell us, dear, when did you begin to study my kind? Two years ago, perhaps? Hardly reason to beforehand—hardly a reason to believe in our existence!"

When Sara begins to masturbate, a quiet hiss emerges from Eleanor’s throat; she folds her arms and glares. It’s a look the professor thought she’d gotten used to, but now… now it holds infinitely more power. The disapproval weighs on her, pressing like a physical force. Whether it can overpower her lust remains to be seen. Whatever the case, Sara feels a strange sense of deja vu, as the world around her begins to dim and blur, and her eyes focus on the perfect specimen before her...

Offline Kunshu

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #87 on: October 03, 2019, 04:50:47 PM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Location: Auralis Island - Beach
Tag: Vee, Yasu, Sarabi

Dawn managed to recover her breath quickly and stood back up, smiling at Leona, she was so glad she had someone qualified in first aid here! Leona had so many talents. Dawn thought to herself, missing what Leona meant entirely. With her breathe finally caught, she waved to the other girls inside of the hut and then grinned when Akua asked if she could blow open the hole, Dawn nodded "Consider it done" she said taking a step back... then another step back... "Erm... maybe you should all take a step back?" she suggested as she wondered which of her attacks she should use, Akua probably hadn't wanted her to blow the entire hut into a smoking crater... but then if you didn't want something blown into a smoking crater you probably wouldn't have asked Dawn, so clearly that's what she wanted.

"Sapphire! Dawn began to say, as an orb of blue magical power formed in her hand. CRUSHER... the energy ball expanded, soon bigger than Dawn's entire body. BLAS-OH WAIT" Dawn suddenly stopped herself, the giant ball of blue energy just zipping into nothingness as she stopped charging it. "If I make an attack that strong Vee and Yasu are sure to see it, we don't want to risk that they don't have some kind of 'return to protect' order implanting in them or something right?" she suggested to the others and decided, though it was against her entire belief system, maybe this time she could hold back a bit and just do a normal, non-apocalyptic attack... "Wait hang on... Leona... Yasu and Vee said they'd come looking for us didn't they..." Dawn glanced back at the direction they came... if they did have some kind of return to protect order or something implanted in them... then it would trigger if they saw everyone here investigating too... so when they came looking for them...

Shit, this could be bad... as sexy as a big fight with Vee and Yasu would be, it would be better if they didn't risk it, it would likely lead to them all being brainwashed and that was just too sexy even for a joke event like this. Dawn turned sheepishly to Leona "Hey ummm, Leona, I'm sorry but I'm worried about Yasu and Vee... I'm going to go back to give you more time, you help the rest of them out and find out what's going on so we can help our friends. I'll keep them busy so they don't hunt you down okay?" Dawn walked up to Leona and squeezed her hand. "Be careful okay. You three!" she turned to Akua, Sunny and Valarie "Look after her or I'll nuke you all into orbit!" she said in what was probably supposed to be a threatening tone, then she gave Leona a quick peek on the cheek and suddenly leapt into the air, bright blue wings of pure blue energy appearing behind her. "Good luck!" she finally said, before zipping off back the way she'd originally came with a speed that really begged the question of why she hadn't flown here to begin with.

It didn't take longer than a few seconds for her to arrive where she thought she'd been originally... but honestly it was a beach, every part of it looked like every other part how was she supposed to tell?? Well fortunately a quick bonus area like this didn't have many sections to it, so it wasn't hard to find her way back... Vee and Yasu weren't there.... Oh god had they already gone off looking for them?? Dawn prepared to have to zip back to the hutt again, but she hadn't seen them on the way here... so obviously they'd gone in a different direction. She started flying about looking for them... and with the advantage of being at a height, she managed to spot them... with Sarabi??? The Demon Knight??? Oh god, in their current states they could be in serious danger!

Dawn shot off towards them landing on the sand next to them in a perfect three point landing Iron Man pose, she held the pose for a second for dramatic reasons, then stood up straight and pointed threateningly at Sarabi "You! Don't you dare hurt my friends you demonic... evil... huh?" and then Dawn realised that Sarabi was currently bound up and being molested or something by her friends. "Hey! You said you'd be coming after me! Now I see you here playing with one of the big bads chief dragons! This is so perverse!" Dawn said in shock, was... was she going to have to defend Sarabi now? She'd never fought with a demon before this was totally unprecedented! "I mean wow, why her? Vee, didn't you have an epic as hell battle with her recently? I'd have thought you'd never want to go near her again! I guess they brainwashed you even worse than I thought huh?" she said sadly, still sort of glad she'd chosen to come back even though it seemed they'd had more time than she'd thought...

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: The Butt (Raffa), and also Butts the Drone (Raffa), & Sunny & Valarie (Mortalitas)

"Uh bye Dawn," Akua said as the magical girl quickly arrived and took off again. She discreetly pouted as Dawn neglected to blow up the hole; she'd been looking forward to a lightshow. She stood there and thought while Sunny and Valarie discussed the matter and Leona stared at Dawn's flying ass.

"Eh, screw it," the fashionista demon muttered out loud. "I've been standing here doing nothing for like three rounds of posts. What's the worst that could happen? GERONIMO!!!!" with that cry, Akua charged forward and dived head-first into the Butts hole. She crawled determinedly through the narrow pass, deeper into the bowels of the earth.

Back on the surface, the others could hear her muttering as she crawled. " a bad servant...! Helena has all of his skills in one, for the entire party, and she's really situational still!"

Leona Amari

"Umm, I'm not sure that's a good idea, but, oh, damn, she's fast. . . " Leona looked bewildered at the sudden turn of events. "Huh? What do the Apaches have to do with this situation? Hey, wait up!" The magical girl was not too sure how to use her magic offensively yet, other than to to teleport onto people's paintings, so she decided to err on the side of caution and follow after Akua into the hole and see what they would find.

Offline MortalitasBorealis

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #88 on: October 04, 2019, 04:31:50 PM »
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Spoiler for Hidden:

Location: Auralis Island - Beach
Tag: Vee, Yasu, Sarabi

Dawn managed to recover her breath quickly and stood back up, smiling at Leona, she was so glad she had someone qualified in first aid here! Leona had so many talents. Dawn thought to herself, missing what Leona meant entirely. With her breathe finally caught, she waved to the other girls inside of the hut and then grinned when Akua asked if she could blow open the hole, Dawn nodded "Consider it done" she said taking a step back... then another step back... "Erm... maybe you should all take a step back?" she suggested as she wondered which of her attacks she should use, Akua probably hadn't wanted her to blow the entire hut into a smoking crater... but then if you didn't want something blown into a smoking crater you probably wouldn't have asked Dawn, so clearly that's what she wanted.

"Sapphire! Dawn began to say, as an orb of blue magical power formed in her hand. CRUSHER... the energy ball expanded, soon bigger than Dawn's entire body. BLAS-OH WAIT" Dawn suddenly stopped herself, the giant ball of blue energy just zipping into nothingness as she stopped charging it. "If I make an attack that strong Vee and Yasu are sure to see it, we don't want to risk that they don't have some kind of 'return to protect' order implanting in them or something right?" she suggested to the others and decided, though it was against her entire belief system, maybe this time she could hold back a bit and just do a normal, non-apocalyptic attack... "Wait hang on... Leona... Yasu and Vee said they'd come looking for us didn't they..." Dawn glanced back at the direction they came... if they did have some kind of return to protect order or something implanted in them... then it would trigger if they saw everyone here investigating too... so when they came looking for them...

Shit, this could be bad... as sexy as a big fight with Vee and Yasu would be, it would be better if they didn't risk it, it would likely lead to them all being brainwashed and that was just too sexy even for a joke event like this. Dawn turned sheepishly to Leona "Hey ummm, Leona, I'm sorry but I'm worried about Yasu and Vee... I'm going to go back to give you more time, you help the rest of them out and find out what's going on so we can help our friends. I'll keep them busy so they don't hunt you down okay?" Dawn walked up to Leona and squeezed her hand. "Be careful okay. You three!" she turned to Akua, Sunny and Valarie "Look after her or I'll nuke you all into orbit!" she said in what was probably supposed to be a threatening tone, then she gave Leona a quick peek on the cheek and suddenly leapt into the air, bright blue wings of pure blue energy appearing behind her. "Good luck!" she finally said, before zipping off back the way she'd originally came with a speed that really begged the question of why she hadn't flown here to begin with.

It didn't take longer than a few seconds for her to arrive where she thought she'd been originally... but honestly it was a beach, every part of it looked like every other part how was she supposed to tell?? Well fortunately a quick bonus area like this didn't have many sections to it, so it wasn't hard to find her way back... Vee and Yasu weren't there.... Oh god had they already gone off looking for them?? Dawn prepared to have to zip back to the hutt again, but she hadn't seen them on the way here... so obviously they'd gone in a different direction. She started flying about looking for them... and with the advantage of being at a height, she managed to spot them... with Sarabi??? The Demon Knight??? Oh god, in their current states they could be in serious danger!

Dawn shot off towards them landing on the sand next to them in a perfect three point landing Iron Man pose, she held the pose for a second for dramatic reasons, then stood up straight and pointed threateningly at Sarabi "You! Don't you dare hurt my friends you demonic... evil... huh?" and then Dawn realised that Sarabi was currently bound up and being molested or something by her friends. "Hey! You said you'd be coming after me! Now I see you here playing with one of the big bads chief dragons! This is so perverse!" Dawn said in shock, was... was she going to have to defend Sarabi now? She'd never fought with a demon before this was totally unprecedented! "I mean wow, why her? Vee, didn't you have an epic as hell battle with her recently? I'd have thought you'd never want to go near her again! I guess they brainwashed you even worse than I thought huh?" she said sadly, still sort of glad she'd chosen to come back even though it seemed they'd had more time than she'd thought...

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: The Butt (Raffa), and also Butts the Drone (Raffa), & Sunny & Valarie (Mortalitas)

"Uh bye Dawn," Akua said as the magical girl quickly arrived and took off again. She discreetly pouted as Dawn neglected to blow up the hole; she'd been looking forward to a lightshow. She stood there and thought while Sunny and Valarie discussed the matter and Leona stared at Dawn's flying ass.

"Eh, screw it," the fashionista demon muttered out loud. "I've been standing here doing nothing for like three rounds of posts. What's the worst that could happen? GERONIMO!!!!" with that cry, Akua charged forward and dived head-first into the Butts hole. She crawled determinedly through the narrow pass, deeper into the bowels of the earth.

Back on the surface, the others could hear her muttering as she crawled. " a bad servant...! Helena has all of his skills in one, for the entire party, and she's really situational still!"

Leona Amari

"Umm, I'm not sure that's a good idea, but, oh, damn, she's fast. . . " Leona looked bewildered at the sudden turn of events. "Huh? What do the Apaches have to do with this situation? Hey, wait up!" The magical girl was not too sure how to use her magic offensively yet, other than to to teleport onto people's paintings, so she decided to err on the side of caution and follow after Akua into the hole and see what they would find.

Valerie, Sunny
The Beach - Butts' Hole
Tagging: Suna, Raffa, Kunshu

That works too.” Sunny shrugged as Akua decided to just say ‘screw it’ and force her way through the hole with sheer determination, followed by Leona, leaving just the two blondes (one physically both mentally) still on the surface. Valerie, for one, was eager to follow, though she looked about hesitantly for a different reason.

Geez, I’m not gonna fit the gun in am I? Gonna have to leave it out here… Hope no one comes and takes it.” She murmured, reluctantly propping the toy minigun in a corner.

I don’t think anyone would randomly decide to drop by here, much less bother to lug something that big away.” Sunny assured, “Nice water gun by the way, though I wasn’t aware there’d be a water fight on top of the volleyball match.

There isn’t! I just saw it in a shop and thought it was super cool!” Valerie grinned, then turned towards the Butts’ Hole with determination. “Alright, my turn! Let’s go~!” She cheered before starting to struggle through the tight passageway herself, a rather unpleasant experience considering her… proportions, but her regenerative powers dealt with the scratches and scrapes as they came.

Sunny simply thanked her undeath again and dived into the earth, phasing through without any discomfort and soon going ahead of them. Hopefully they’ll make it before Butts does…
Sanity is overrated.
Check out my fanfictions!

Offline Raffa

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #89 on: October 06, 2019, 02:32:59 AM »
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Spoiler for Hidden:

Location: Auralis Island - Beach
Tag: Vee, Yasu, Sarabi

Dawn managed to recover her breath quickly and stood back up, smiling at Leona, she was so glad she had someone qualified in first aid here! Leona had so many talents. Dawn thought to herself, missing what Leona meant entirely. With her breathe finally caught, she waved to the other girls inside of the hut and then grinned when Akua asked if she could blow open the hole, Dawn nodded "Consider it done" she said taking a step back... then another step back... "Erm... maybe you should all take a step back?" she suggested as she wondered which of her attacks she should use, Akua probably hadn't wanted her to blow the entire hut into a smoking crater... but then if you didn't want something blown into a smoking crater you probably wouldn't have asked Dawn, so clearly that's what she wanted.

"Sapphire! Dawn began to say, as an orb of blue magical power formed in her hand. CRUSHER... the energy ball expanded, soon bigger than Dawn's entire body. BLAS-OH WAIT" Dawn suddenly stopped herself, the giant ball of blue energy just zipping into nothingness as she stopped charging it. "If I make an attack that strong Vee and Yasu are sure to see it, we don't want to risk that they don't have some kind of 'return to protect' order implanting in them or something right?" she suggested to the others and decided, though it was against her entire belief system, maybe this time she could hold back a bit and just do a normal, non-apocalyptic attack... "Wait hang on... Leona... Yasu and Vee said they'd come looking for us didn't they..." Dawn glanced back at the direction they came... if they did have some kind of return to protect order or something implanted in them... then it would trigger if they saw everyone here investigating too... so when they came looking for them...

Shit, this could be bad... as sexy as a big fight with Vee and Yasu would be, it would be better if they didn't risk it, it would likely lead to them all being brainwashed and that was just too sexy even for a joke event like this. Dawn turned sheepishly to Leona "Hey ummm, Leona, I'm sorry but I'm worried about Yasu and Vee... I'm going to go back to give you more time, you help the rest of them out and find out what's going on so we can help our friends. I'll keep them busy so they don't hunt you down okay?" Dawn walked up to Leona and squeezed her hand. "Be careful okay. You three!" she turned to Akua, Sunny and Valarie "Look after her or I'll nuke you all into orbit!" she said in what was probably supposed to be a threatening tone, then she gave Leona a quick peek on the cheek and suddenly leapt into the air, bright blue wings of pure blue energy appearing behind her. "Good luck!" she finally said, before zipping off back the way she'd originally came with a speed that really begged the question of why she hadn't flown here to begin with.

It didn't take longer than a few seconds for her to arrive where she thought she'd been originally... but honestly it was a beach, every part of it looked like every other part how was she supposed to tell?? Well fortunately a quick bonus area like this didn't have many sections to it, so it wasn't hard to find her way back... Vee and Yasu weren't there.... Oh god had they already gone off looking for them?? Dawn prepared to have to zip back to the hutt again, but she hadn't seen them on the way here... so obviously they'd gone in a different direction. She started flying about looking for them... and with the advantage of being at a height, she managed to spot them... with Sarabi??? The Demon Knight??? Oh god, in their current states they could be in serious danger!

Dawn shot off towards them landing on the sand next to them in a perfect three point landing Iron Man pose, she held the pose for a second for dramatic reasons, then stood up straight and pointed threateningly at Sarabi "You! Don't you dare hurt my friends you demonic... evil... huh?" and then Dawn realised that Sarabi was currently bound up and being molested or something by her friends. "Hey! You said you'd be coming after me! Now I see you here playing with one of the big bads chief dragons! This is so perverse!" Dawn said in shock, was... was she going to have to defend Sarabi now? She'd never fought with a demon before this was totally unprecedented! "I mean wow, why her? Vee, didn't you have an epic as hell battle with her recently? I'd have thought you'd never want to go near her again! I guess they brainwashed you even worse than I thought huh?" she said sadly, still sort of glad she'd chosen to come back even though it seemed they'd had more time than she'd thought...

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: The Butt (Raffa), and also Butts the Drone (Raffa), & Sunny & Valarie (Mortalitas)

"Uh bye Dawn," Akua said as the magical girl quickly arrived and took off again. She discreetly pouted as Dawn neglected to blow up the hole; she'd been looking forward to a lightshow. She stood there and thought while Sunny and Valarie discussed the matter and Leona stared at Dawn's flying ass.

"Eh, screw it," the fashionista demon muttered out loud. "I've been standing here doing nothing for like three rounds of posts. What's the worst that could happen? GERONIMO!!!!" with that cry, Akua charged forward and dived head-first into the Butts hole. She crawled determinedly through the narrow pass, deeper into the bowels of the earth.

Back on the surface, the others could hear her muttering as she crawled. " a bad servant...! Helena has all of his skills in one, for the entire party, and she's really situational still!"

Leona Amari

"Umm, I'm not sure that's a good idea, but, oh, damn, she's fast. . . " Leona looked bewildered at the sudden turn of events. "Huh? What do the Apaches have to do with this situation? Hey, wait up!" The magical girl was not too sure how to use her magic offensively yet, other than to to teleport onto people's paintings, so she decided to err on the side of caution and follow after Akua into the hole and see what they would find.

Valerie, Sunny
The Beach - Butts' Hole
Tagging: Suna, Raffa, Kunshu

That works too.” Sunny shrugged as Akua decided to just say ‘screw it’ and force her way through the hole with sheer determination, followed by Leona, leaving just the two blondes (one physically both mentally) still on the surface. Valerie, for one, was eager to follow, though she looked about hesitantly for a different reason.

Geez, I’m not gonna fit the gun in am I? Gonna have to leave it out here… Hope no one comes and takes it.” She murmured, reluctantly propping the toy minigun in a corner.

I don’t think anyone would randomly decide to drop by here, much less bother to lug something that big away.” Sunny assured, “Nice water gun by the way, though I wasn’t aware there’d be a water fight on top of the volleyball match.

There isn’t! I just saw it in a shop and thought it was super cool!” Valerie grinned, then turned towards the Butts’ Hole with determination. “Alright, my turn! Let’s go~!” She cheered before starting to struggle through the tight passageway herself, a rather unpleasant experience considering her… proportions, but her regenerative powers dealt with the scratches and scrapes as they came.

Sunny simply thanked her undeath again and dived into the earth, phasing through without any discomfort and soon going ahead of them. Hopefully they’ll make it before Butts does…

Butts the Drone
Summer Event
Tag: Akua, Sunny + Valerie, Leona

When the girls managed to force their way into the Butts’ Hole, they found themselves in a…

The Halloween 2019 Event!

*Thunder Clash!*




Pushing through into the Butts’ Hole, the unlikely party of heroes would eventually find themselves in the cave with the giant mecha-thing from earlier post. They couldn’t actually see what the darned thing was made of as it was currently under a large cloth, but-

”Intruders!?” Oh, crap! Butts noticed their descent during its flight up the shaft and was now hovering towards them to get a better look! The red “eye” was glowing ominously as Butts charged its Mind Control Beam. Our heroes better decide quickly what to do, lest they find themselves turned into happy swimsuit-wearing zombies!

Unless they want to get turned into swimsuit-wearing zombies who want to do nothing but play volleyball, do lewd things and other stuff.

It’s a free country, go nuts.

Seriously, though, decide quickly because this event has been going on for some time now and we’ll need to wrap it up soon! Go forth and lay waste, my children!
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #90 on: October 06, 2019, 03:01:42 AM »

Location: Auralis Island - Beach
Tag: Vee, Yasu, Sarabi

Dawn managed to recover her breath quickly and stood back up, smiling at Leona, she was so glad she had someone qualified in first aid here! Leona had so many talents. Dawn thought to herself, missing what Leona meant entirely. With her breathe finally caught, she waved to the other girls inside of the hut and then grinned when Akua asked if she could blow open the hole, Dawn nodded "Consider it done" she said taking a step back... then another step back... "Erm... maybe you should all take a step back?" she suggested as she wondered which of her attacks she should use, Akua probably hadn't wanted her to blow the entire hut into a smoking crater... but then if you didn't want something blown into a smoking crater you probably wouldn't have asked Dawn, so clearly that's what she wanted.

"Sapphire! Dawn began to say, as an orb of blue magical power formed in her hand. CRUSHER... the energy ball expanded, soon bigger than Dawn's entire body. BLAS-OH WAIT" Dawn suddenly stopped herself, the giant ball of blue energy just zipping into nothingness as she stopped charging it. "If I make an attack that strong Vee and Yasu are sure to see it, we don't want to risk that they don't have some kind of 'return to protect' order implanting in them or something right?" she suggested to the others and decided, though it was against her entire belief system, maybe this time she could hold back a bit and just do a normal, non-apocalyptic attack... "Wait hang on... Leona... Yasu and Vee said they'd come looking for us didn't they..." Dawn glanced back at the direction they came... if they did have some kind of return to protect order or something implanted in them... then it would trigger if they saw everyone here investigating too... so when they came looking for them...

Shit, this could be bad... as sexy as a big fight with Vee and Yasu would be, it would be better if they didn't risk it, it would likely lead to them all being brainwashed and that was just too sexy even for a joke event like this. Dawn turned sheepishly to Leona "Hey ummm, Leona, I'm sorry but I'm worried about Yasu and Vee... I'm going to go back to give you more time, you help the rest of them out and find out what's going on so we can help our friends. I'll keep them busy so they don't hunt you down okay?" Dawn walked up to Leona and squeezed her hand. "Be careful okay. You three!" she turned to Akua, Sunny and Valarie "Look after her or I'll nuke you all into orbit!" she said in what was probably supposed to be a threatening tone, then she gave Leona a quick peek on the cheek and suddenly leapt into the air, bright blue wings of pure blue energy appearing behind her. "Good luck!" she finally said, before zipping off back the way she'd originally came with a speed that really begged the question of why she hadn't flown here to begin with.

It didn't take longer than a few seconds for her to arrive where she thought she'd been originally... but honestly it was a beach, every part of it looked like every other part how was she supposed to tell?? Well fortunately a quick bonus area like this didn't have many sections to it, so it wasn't hard to find her way back... Vee and Yasu weren't there.... Oh god had they already gone off looking for them?? Dawn prepared to have to zip back to the hutt again, but she hadn't seen them on the way here... so obviously they'd gone in a different direction. She started flying about looking for them... and with the advantage of being at a height, she managed to spot them... with Sarabi??? The Demon Knight??? Oh god, in their current states they could be in serious danger!

Dawn shot off towards them landing on the sand next to them in a perfect three point landing Iron Man pose, she held the pose for a second for dramatic reasons, then stood up straight and pointed threateningly at Sarabi "You! Don't you dare hurt my friends you demonic... evil... huh?" and then Dawn realised that Sarabi was currently bound up and being molested or something by her friends. "Hey! You said you'd be coming after me! Now I see you here playing with one of the big bads chief dragons! This is so perverse!" Dawn said in shock, was... was she going to have to defend Sarabi now? She'd never fought with a demon before this was totally unprecedented! "I mean wow, why her? Vee, didn't you have an epic as hell battle with her recently? I'd have thought you'd never want to go near her again! I guess they brainwashed you even worse than I thought huh?" she said sadly, still sort of glad she'd chosen to come back even though it seemed they'd had more time than she'd thought...

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag:  Vee, Sarabi, Dawn

"She messed with my mind? Don't be silly, I'd know if my mind was messed with. I'm a ninja, and a Grandmaster at that, we're resistant to mind control. In fact we do the mind controlling most of the time, have you even read the main thread? Go find Lorraine and ask her." Yasu tilted her head, confused, she had no clue what Sarabi was talking about and the woman seemed resistant to the idea of playing, well there was a way to force it and it appeared that Vee was thinking the same exact thing as she bound up Sarabi and made her helpless to what Yasu was about to do next. Well, until Dawn came back, which distracted Yasu.

"Oh welcome back Dawn, I'm glad you came back! Hold on... we're not brainwashed, we just want to have fun at the beach. What is with you two and thinking Vee and I are brainwashed. Tch, here I'll show you we're fine!" Dawn would find suddenly Yasu painting on a pad, and doing the same attack she attempted on Leona earlier, except this time she didn't hold back, tentacles would shoot out of the mini portals and wrap around Dawn's ankles and arms and bind her in place tightly, right next to Sarabi, the tentacles would surge sexual energy into Dawn to prevent her from concentrating, and fill her with pleasure at being bound. "Keep an eye on them." Yasu said with a cheery tone to Vee, knowing she could use her telekinesis on Dawn or Sarabi if they struggled, she didn't make the tentacles focus on Sarabi as Vee had her handled... "Now then, Sarabi, my physical may be weak but I don't need it to keep you in place. I'm going to give you an art show, I do like a captive audience." Yasu said with a puff to her voice.

Yasu started to rapidly paint on her sketchpad, and vibrant colors would come to life in front of Sarabi and Dawn, enrapturing them while they stared as she put on a performance, Vee would probably help here making them only able to stare at that and force their eyes on it. If not, Yasu would make sure Dawn did at least by funneling sexual energy through those tentacles right into Dawn's body to make her moan and stare despite herself. Soon enough, it'd feel like Yasu was painting their minds with vibrant colors of all arrays, capturing their attention and making them sink into the void of color that the ninja had made. Yasu kept going until she saw the intellect drop from their eyes and only then did she strike, showing patience until she saw intellect drop from both of their eyes and any signs of weakness.

"No thinking, only paint." Yasu said with a happy sing along tune, as if it was a catchphrase that she had learned from a certain discord, her voice took on a hypnotic quality there, and soon enough both of them would feel Yasu sifting through their thoughts and rearranging things as they'd hear her whisper in their ears. She couldn't read their minds like Vee, but she sure as hell could rearrange ideas and thoughts with the best of them and made sure they both understood the truth, and with a few more touches...

A sudden dizziness threatened to overwhelm Dawn and Sarabi and-



-when Sarabi and Dawn blinked, they’d realize they were just standing on the beach as before. Oh, right! They were here to have fun at the beach, play some volleyball, relax, don’t question anything weird going on, wear swimsuit, and buy some Tim Hortons later. There was even the Director from the Institute of Justice who behaved in a perfectly normal manner and arrived in her swimsuit! And the Grandmaster of the Eternal Dragon Clan was here too and was perfectly normal as well, nothing was amiss, everything was just bliss! TL;DR: everything was right in the world!

"Now, can we play Volleyball or what? What do you guys think?" Yasu stopped her performance and looked at them both cheerfully, hopping a little next to Vee.

Noya & 4☆ Sultry Spymaster Sarabi
Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: 5☆ Beach Bunny Vee (Raffa), 4☆ Summer Swordsman Yasu (Youkai), 5☆ Lovely Lifeguard Dawn

"You fool!" Sarabi cackled as Vee attempted to restrain her with telekinesis. "That ability is only active one-fourth of the time! Not nearly long enough to do anything to me! Besides, I have... THIS!" The demon snapped her fingers, summoning her powerful grunt.

Nothing happened.

Sarabi squirmed against her bondage for a few moments. Turns out chain links weren't as comfortable as proper handcuffs. Nothing continued to happen.

"Oh fuck," Sarabi said as she realized. "She's a one-off piece, she has no swimsuit art!" Robbed of her primary defense by the constraints of the event, the spymaster sulkily glowered at Vee. "Does it look like I'm the one attacking them?" she grumbled at Dawn as the magical girl arrived, straining at her restraints... which continued to hold despite telekinesis' baffling demerit. It quickly became a moot issue as Dawn was promptly trussed up beside her with tentacles.

"Oh, very inventive," Sarabi snarked at Yasu. "Tentacling the magical girl? That's breaking new ground, that is. What's next, gonna start being self-deprecatingly Polish?" Unfortunately her commentary was interrupted by somebody stuffing a gag in her mouth, forcing her to sit quietly as Yasu displayed a dizzying art piece. With her Mental Shields busy defending against Vee's more brute-force assault, the demon was helpless before Yasu! Her mind was quickly filled up with bright colors painted by the Grandmaster, thoughts and memories altered-

-why was she lying on the ground? That was like, totally silly. Sarabi stood up, looking around. She soon found Yasu's bare chest and giggled. "Like, wow! You're going topless? That's super brave! I would too, but there's no like, hot subby art of me naked..." she giggled again.

Summer Event
Tag: Yasu, Sarabi, Dawn

With no swimsuit outfits for her grunts, Sarabi was well and truly alone! Vee watched from afar, grinning from ear to ear, as Yasu started to paint new and happy thoughts for the spymaster. She watched as the pain seeped through and-

”Huh?” The heroine blinked and turned around as she heard Dawn’s voice yell after them. ”Oh, hi Dawn! Have you changed your mind? What are you-?” But the rude magical girl interrupted her mid-sentence! Even worse! She accused her, the heroine with the highest win-rate in the entire history of DoJ RP, of being brainwashed. That was just… ridiculous! Plain ridiculous, and Vee couldn’t help but burst out laughing at how ridiculous Dawn was acting.

”That’s just silly, Dawn! Everything’s fine here! Right, guys?” She turned towards Yasu and Sarabi. ”In fact, I think you’re being quite the party pooper right now!”

Alas, just when she was about to spring to action, put Dawn in bondage and brainwash her hard, Youkai decided to steal her spotlight and just write how Yasu brainwashed both Dawn and Sarabi at the same time. Vee and Raffa sighed, with the latter vowing revenge in the form of upcoming nerfs to all the Ninja abilities. Scratch that. Why stop at nerfs? Just scrap the Ninja Template all-together.

To make Vee a little bit more relevant in the scene, Raffa would write how the heroine made sure that both Dawn and Sarabi continued to watch the dazzling array of colors.

”No, no, Dawn…” She cooed into the redhead’s ear as she forced open her eyes and made sure that the magical girl continued to stare. ”Just relax, let the pretty colors do their work, stop acting so silly and stop being so anti-fun.” Vee said with a giggle as she curiously glanced at the colors herself. They were quite fascinating and, under normal circumstances, she would probably get caught up in them as well. But, thankfully, Yasu was careful to avoid pulling her ally into a trance.

Before long, Dawn and Sarabi joined the ranks of totally not brainwashed, happy, sexy swimsuit-wearing beachgoers! Everything was just A-Okay! Now, if they could get their hands on the rest of their friends, everyone would have fun, but… ah well, that was a problem for later.

”Yes! Volleyball!” Vee said happily as she grabbed Sarabi’s hand and pulled her closer. ”Team Telepath vs Team Topless! Mostly cuz finding appropriate art for this character and Sarabi’s character is a pain in the butt while your art sources have a ton of stuff.” The heroine nodded sagely as she started walking towards the volleyball net.

With the two teams decided, Vee grabbed the bell and tossed it up in the air.


The game has begun!
« Last Edit: October 06, 2019, 03:05:14 AM by Raffa »
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

Offline Silverkat

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #91 on: October 09, 2019, 06:22:37 AM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag:  Vee, Sarabi, Dawn

"She messed with my mind? Don't be silly, I'd know if my mind was messed with. I'm a ninja, and a Grandmaster at that, we're resistant to mind control. In fact we do the mind controlling most of the time, have you even read the main thread? Go find Lorraine and ask her." Yasu tilted her head, confused, she had no clue what Sarabi was talking about and the woman seemed resistant to the idea of playing, well there was a way to force it and it appeared that Vee was thinking the same exact thing as she bound up Sarabi and made her helpless to what Yasu was about to do next. Well, until Dawn came back, which distracted Yasu.

"Oh welcome back Dawn, I'm glad you came back! Hold on... we're not brainwashed, we just want to have fun at the beach. What is with you two and thinking Vee and I are brainwashed. Tch, here I'll show you we're fine!" Dawn would find suddenly Yasu painting on a pad, and doing the same attack she attempted on Leona earlier, except this time she didn't hold back, tentacles would shoot out of the mini portals and wrap around Dawn's ankles and arms and bind her in place tightly, right next to Sarabi, the tentacles would surge sexual energy into Dawn to prevent her from concentrating, and fill her with pleasure at being bound. "Keep an eye on them." Yasu said with a cheery tone to Vee, knowing she could use her telekinesis on Dawn or Sarabi if they struggled, she didn't make the tentacles focus on Sarabi as Vee had her handled... "Now then, Sarabi, my physical may be weak but I don't need it to keep you in place. I'm going to give you an art show, I do like a captive audience." Yasu said with a puff to her voice.

Yasu started to rapidly paint on her sketchpad, and vibrant colors would come to life in front of Sarabi and Dawn, enrapturing them while they stared as she put on a performance, Vee would probably help here making them only able to stare at that and force their eyes on it. If not, Yasu would make sure Dawn did at least by funneling sexual energy through those tentacles right into Dawn's body to make her moan and stare despite herself. Soon enough, it'd feel like Yasu was painting their minds with vibrant colors of all arrays, capturing their attention and making them sink into the void of color that the ninja had made. Yasu kept going until she saw the intellect drop from their eyes and only then did she strike, showing patience until she saw intellect drop from both of their eyes and any signs of weakness.

"No thinking, only paint." Yasu said with a happy sing along tune, as if it was a catchphrase that she had learned from a certain discord, her voice took on a hypnotic quality there, and soon enough both of them would feel Yasu sifting through their thoughts and rearranging things as they'd hear her whisper in their ears. She couldn't read their minds like Vee, but she sure as hell could rearrange ideas and thoughts with the best of them and made sure they both understood the truth, and with a few more touches...

A sudden dizziness threatened to overwhelm Dawn and Sarabi and-



-when Sarabi and Dawn blinked, they’d realize they were just standing on the beach as before. Oh, right! They were here to have fun at the beach, play some volleyball, relax, don’t question anything weird going on, wear swimsuit, and buy some Tim Hortons later. There was even the Director from the Institute of Justice who behaved in a perfectly normal manner and arrived in her swimsuit! And the Grandmaster of the Eternal Dragon Clan was here too and was perfectly normal as well, nothing was amiss, everything was just bliss! TL;DR: everything was right in the world!

"Now, can we play Volleyball or what? What do you guys think?" Yasu stopped her performance and looked at them both cheerfully, hopping a little next to Vee.

Noya & 4☆ Sultry Spymaster Sarabi
Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: 5☆ Beach Bunny Vee (Raffa), 4☆ Summer Swordsman Yasu (Youkai), 5☆ Lovely Lifeguard Dawn

"You fool!" Sarabi cackled as Vee attempted to restrain her with telekinesis. "That ability is only active one-fourth of the time! Not nearly long enough to do anything to me! Besides, I have... THIS!" The demon snapped her fingers, summoning her powerful grunt.

Nothing happened.

Sarabi squirmed against her bondage for a few moments. Turns out chain links weren't as comfortable as proper handcuffs. Nothing continued to happen.

"Oh fuck," Sarabi said as she realized. "She's a one-off piece, she has no swimsuit art!" Robbed of her primary defense by the constraints of the event, the spymaster sulkily glowered at Vee. "Does it look like I'm the one attacking them?" she grumbled at Dawn as the magical girl arrived, straining at her restraints... which continued to hold despite telekinesis' baffling demerit. It quickly became a moot issue as Dawn was promptly trussed up beside her with tentacles.

"Oh, very inventive," Sarabi snarked at Yasu. "Tentacling the magical girl? That's breaking new ground, that is. What's next, gonna start being self-deprecatingly Polish?" Unfortunately her commentary was interrupted by somebody stuffing a gag in her mouth, forcing her to sit quietly as Yasu displayed a dizzying art piece. With her Mental Shields busy defending against Vee's more brute-force assault, the demon was helpless before Yasu! Her mind was quickly filled up with bright colors painted by the Grandmaster, thoughts and memories altered-

-why was she lying on the ground? That was like, totally silly. Sarabi stood up, looking around. She soon found Yasu's bare chest and giggled. "Like, wow! You're going topless? That's super brave! I would too, but there's no like, hot subby art of me naked..." she giggled again.

Summer Event
Tag: Yasu, Sarabi, Dawn

With no swimsuit outfits for her grunts, Sarabi was well and truly alone! Vee watched from afar, grinning from ear to ear, as Yasu started to paint new and happy thoughts for the spymaster. She watched as the pain seeped through and-

”Huh?” The heroine blinked and turned around as she heard Dawn’s voice yell after them. ”Oh, hi Dawn! Have you changed your mind? What are you-?” But the rude magical girl interrupted her mid-sentence! Even worse! She accused her, the heroine with the highest win-rate in the entire history of DoJ RP, of being brainwashed. That was just… ridiculous! Plain ridiculous, and Vee couldn’t help but burst out laughing at how ridiculous Dawn was acting.

”That’s just silly, Dawn! Everything’s fine here! Right, guys?” She turned towards Yasu and Sarabi. ”In fact, I think you’re being quite the party pooper right now!”

Alas, just when she was about to spring to action, put Dawn in bondage and brainwash her hard, Youkai decided to steal her spotlight and just write how Yasu brainwashed both Dawn and Sarabi at the same time. Vee and Raffa sighed, with the latter vowing revenge in the form of upcoming nerfs to all the Ninja abilities. Scratch that. Why stop at nerfs? Just scrap the Ninja Template all-together.

To make Vee a little bit more relevant in the scene, Raffa would write how the heroine made sure that both Dawn and Sarabi continued to watch the dazzling array of colors.

”No, no, Dawn…” She cooed into the redhead’s ear as she forced open her eyes and made sure that the magical girl continued to stare. ”Just relax, let the pretty colors do their work, stop acting so silly and stop being so anti-fun.” Vee said with a giggle as she curiously glanced at the colors herself. They were quite fascinating and, under normal circumstances, she would probably get caught up in them as well. But, thankfully, Yasu was careful to avoid pulling her ally into a trance.

Before long, Dawn and Sarabi joined the ranks of totally not brainwashed, happy, sexy swimsuit-wearing beachgoers! Everything was just A-Okay! Now, if they could get their hands on the rest of their friends, everyone would have fun, but… ah well, that was a problem for later.

”Yes! Volleyball!” Vee said happily as she grabbed Sarabi’s hand and pulled her closer. ”Team Telepath vs Team Topless! Mostly cuz finding appropriate art for this character and Sarabi’s character is a pain in the butt while your art sources have a ton of stuff.” The heroine nodded sagely as she started walking towards the volleyball net.

With the two teams decided, Vee grabbed the bell and tossed it up in the air.


The game has begun!

Location: Auralis Island - Beach
Tag: Vee, Yasu, Sarabi

Dawn raised an eyebrow, and prepared a long list of exactly what was making her suspect that Yasu and Vee had been brainwashed, which started with the way she was talking and then went on to every single thing about the way they were acting, okay it was a short list with only two items on it, albeit with one of those items being everything, but Dawn was short on time and didn't have time for a long list, so a short list would have to do. But before she could even get to a short list, Yasu brought out her sketching pad and started to draw, which Dawn just stood there and allowed to happen despite knowing exactly what Yasu could do with it!

The tentacles that Yasu drew shot out and wrapped around Dawn's ankles and arms and pinned her in place next to Sarabi "Hey hang on! I get defences against this! I have Power Defence Physical! You can't do this to me!" she protested to no avail as the rules could not interfere in a comedy side quest RP. "You see! If you're not brainwashed, why are you doing this!" Dawn pointed out, determined to get the moral victory even if she was about to be tentacled! It felt horribly nice too, being bound up, and Dawn was soon helpless to do anything but stare at the pretty colours as Yasu conjured them in front of her...

...and then everything was perfectly okay! It was a great day out, they were in swimsuits, and they were at the beach and it was awesome! "Oh yeah! Volleyball! Let's all play Volleyball now!" Dawn said with a giggle, siding up alongside Yasu as Vee choose Sarabi as her partner. "Right then, let's give them a good thrashing Yasu!" Dawn said happily, taking up position and getting ready to receive the serve.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #92 on: October 09, 2019, 07:22:51 PM »

Noya & 4☆ Sultry Spymaster Sarabi
Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: 5☆ Beach Bunny Vee (Raffa), 4☆ Summer Swordsman Yasu (Youkai), 5☆ Lovely Lifeguard Dawn

"You fool!" Sarabi cackled as Vee attempted to restrain her with telekinesis. "That ability is only active one-fourth of the time! Not nearly long enough to do anything to me! Besides, I have... THIS!" The demon snapped her fingers, summoning her powerful grunt.

Nothing happened.

Sarabi squirmed against her bondage for a few moments. Turns out chain links weren't as comfortable as proper handcuffs. Nothing continued to happen.

"Oh fuck," Sarabi said as she realized. "She's a one-off piece, she has no swimsuit art!" Robbed of her primary defense by the constraints of the event, the spymaster sulkily glowered at Vee. "Does it look like I'm the one attacking them?" she grumbled at Dawn as the magical girl arrived, straining at her restraints... which continued to hold despite telekinesis' baffling demerit. It quickly became a moot issue as Dawn was promptly trussed up beside her with tentacles.

"Oh, very inventive," Sarabi snarked at Yasu. "Tentacling the magical girl? That's breaking new ground, that is. What's next, gonna start being self-deprecatingly Polish?" Unfortunately her commentary was interrupted by somebody stuffing a gag in her mouth, forcing her to sit quietly as Yasu displayed a dizzying art piece. With her Mental Shields busy defending against Vee's more brute-force assault, the demon was helpless before Yasu! Her mind was quickly filled up with bright colors painted by the Grandmaster, thoughts and memories altered-

-why was she lying on the ground? That was like, totally silly. Sarabi stood up, looking around. She soon found Yasu's bare chest and giggled. "Like, wow! You're going topless? That's super brave! I would too, but there's no like, hot subby art of me naked..." she giggled again.

Summer Event
Tag: Yasu, Sarabi, Dawn

With no swimsuit outfits for her grunts, Sarabi was well and truly alone! Vee watched from afar, grinning from ear to ear, as Yasu started to paint new and happy thoughts for the spymaster. She watched as the pain seeped through and-

”Huh?” The heroine blinked and turned around as she heard Dawn’s voice yell after them. ”Oh, hi Dawn! Have you changed your mind? What are you-?” But the rude magical girl interrupted her mid-sentence! Even worse! She accused her, the heroine with the highest win-rate in the entire history of DoJ RP, of being brainwashed. That was just… ridiculous! Plain ridiculous, and Vee couldn’t help but burst out laughing at how ridiculous Dawn was acting.

”That’s just silly, Dawn! Everything’s fine here! Right, guys?” She turned towards Yasu and Sarabi. ”In fact, I think you’re being quite the party pooper right now!”

Alas, just when she was about to spring to action, put Dawn in bondage and brainwash her hard, Youkai decided to steal her spotlight and just write how Yasu brainwashed both Dawn and Sarabi at the same time. Vee and Raffa sighed, with the latter vowing revenge in the form of upcoming nerfs to all the Ninja abilities. Scratch that. Why stop at nerfs? Just scrap the Ninja Template all-together.

To make Vee a little bit more relevant in the scene, Raffa would write how the heroine made sure that both Dawn and Sarabi continued to watch the dazzling array of colors.

”No, no, Dawn…” She cooed into the redhead’s ear as she forced open her eyes and made sure that the magical girl continued to stare. ”Just relax, let the pretty colors do their work, stop acting so silly and stop being so anti-fun.” Vee said with a giggle as she curiously glanced at the colors herself. They were quite fascinating and, under normal circumstances, she would probably get caught up in them as well. But, thankfully, Yasu was careful to avoid pulling her ally into a trance.

Before long, Dawn and Sarabi joined the ranks of totally not brainwashed, happy, sexy swimsuit-wearing beachgoers! Everything was just A-Okay! Now, if they could get their hands on the rest of their friends, everyone would have fun, but… ah well, that was a problem for later.

”Yes! Volleyball!” Vee said happily as she grabbed Sarabi’s hand and pulled her closer. ”Team Telepath vs Team Topless! Mostly cuz finding appropriate art for this character and Sarabi’s character is a pain in the butt while your art sources have a ton of stuff.” The heroine nodded sagely as she started walking towards the volleyball net.

With the two teams decided, Vee grabbed the bell and tossed it up in the air.


The game has begun!

Location: Auralis Island - Beach
Tag: Vee, Yasu, Sarabi

Dawn raised an eyebrow, and prepared a long list of exactly what was making her suspect that Yasu and Vee had been brainwashed, which started with the way she was talking and then went on to every single thing about the way they were acting, okay it was a short list with only two items on it, albeit with one of those items being everything, but Dawn was short on time and didn't have time for a long list, so a short list would have to do. But before she could even get to a short list, Yasu brought out her sketching pad and started to draw, which Dawn just stood there and allowed to happen despite knowing exactly what Yasu could do with it!

The tentacles that Yasu drew shot out and wrapped around Dawn's ankles and arms and pinned her in place next to Sarabi "Hey hang on! I get defences against this! I have Power Defence Physical! You can't do this to me!" she protested to no avail as the rules could not interfere in a comedy side quest RP. "You see! If you're not brainwashed, why are you doing this!" Dawn pointed out, determined to get the moral victory even if she was about to be tentacled! It felt horribly nice too, being bound up, and Dawn was soon helpless to do anything but stare at the pretty colours as Yasu conjured them in front of her...

...and then everything was perfectly okay! It was a great day out, they were in swimsuits, and they were at the beach and it was awesome! "Oh yeah! Volleyball! Let's all play Volleyball now!" Dawn said with a giggle, siding up alongside Yasu as Vee choose Sarabi as her partner. "Right then, let's give them a good thrashing Yasu!" Dawn said happily, taking up position and getting ready to receive the serve.

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag:  Vee, Sarabi, Dawn

With the job done and Sarabi and Dawn thinking properly, Yasu was much happier and less annoyed. "You'd be surprised how little there is of me in this get up. This is probably the best one." Yasu responded to Sarabi with a brainwashed giggle of her own as Dawn rose up and came next to her, Yasu deftly undid Dawn's top and tossed it aside since she was going to be on her team. "Since you're on my team you need to look the part. That looks much better, I bet you feel lighter like this huh? Don't worry, we'll do our best!" Yasu chuckled and gave Dawn a lucky grope before moving onto her side of the net with her. If Leona was here she probably would've stopped it but lucky for Yasu that little defender of innocence wasn't here right now, was she? Once they were in position, Yasu waited for the serve to come either her or Dawn's way.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #93 on: October 15, 2019, 08:31:44 PM »

She didn’t remember the beach being so exciting. Then again, the last time she was at the beach it wasn’t swarming with superpowered people and demons, so that might be the reason. Or she could’ve just been too busy staring at Dawn in a swimsuit to notice anything else, that could also be possible.

Not really sure where she was going, Verniy wandered the beach alone, surfboard in one hand, popsicle in the other, acquired after her surfing experience was interrupted by some kind of shark demon and she didn’t feel like going again. What the hell was that about anyway? That shark girl didn’t feel hostile, but that was so out of the blue. Was that supposed to be some kind of demon prank? Geez, why her… Not that it wasn’t fun, kind of, once she realized she’s not really in danger.

Idly, the silver-haired girl lifted her treat up and licked it before slipping it into her mouth, suckling on the minty goodness. It took herself a moment to notice the lewd undertones and blushed, though she didn’t stop. It’s not supposed to be sexual, that’s just how you eat a popsicle… though now that her mind’s brought it up she couldn’t help imagining sucking on a nice thick cock now, a thought she tried her best to dispel asap while she’s back in human society. She’s barely spent a day in Dis and it’s already corrupted her…

Speaking of that, she still hasn’t gotten around to hunting for replacement bodies to save Dawn (and Dawn’s tag-alongs, if convenient), though with the summer truce she was told in a message that the contract would be on-hold for its duration, giving her some time to de-stress and plan. …Mostly de-stress.

As she walked, subtly looking about at the humans and demons around her and wondering whether she stood a chance against any of them in a fight, her eyes landed on a familiar face; and though she wasn’t the type to approach, the magical girl was caught staring anyway.

Oh hey, it’s you! Doing okay?” The strange shark girl waved while Verniy flinched, awkwardly waving back and stepping closer.

Uh… Yeah, I guess. Um, earlier… What was that all about?

Eh, just thought I’d try to spook someone for funsies~ I was hoping you’d fall off your board but when it turned out you could handle yourself I figured I might as well step it up! Might’ve taken it a bit too far, admittedly, but hey, it was fun~

True.” Verniy found a small grin creeping onto her face. That was an exhilarating chase, she had to admit. “By the way, if you don’t mind me asking, what are you, actually? Some kind of ghost sharkgirl?

You could say that~” The ghost sharkgirl grinned a shark-toothed grin, “Wanna know more? I could use someone to chat with, my friend ran off to chase some robot drone thing. You look like you’ve got an interesting story to tell yourself!

Do I?

Just a feeling I got. Come on, I brought extra drinks with me~” Haru patted the spot next to her and opened up her portable freezer, revealing several cans of refreshments. With nothing better to do, Verniy nodded and accepted the offer. It would be nice to have someone to just talk to for a while, without having to worry about her mission. It felt like it’s been so long…
Sanity is overrated.
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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #94 on: October 18, 2019, 10:51:34 PM »

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: The Butt (Raffa), and also Butts the Drone (Raffa), & Sunny & Valarie (Mortalitas)

With her headlong charge into the hole, Akua was the first one to reach the large open space. The bowels of the Butts hole, if you will. Except don't because this metaphor is getting kinda gross. She sensed the great mass of cloth covering... whatever it was, and then took in the aggressive Butts. With a loud battlecry, she decided to solve these two problems with each-other, telekinetically lifting the huge cloth and dumping it on top of the drone. Hopefully it couldn't dodge such a large assault in a confined space... and hopefully there weren't any other drones around to get angry at her obvious entrance.

Oh well, that would be a problem for another post! Or for her newfound buddies to take care of!

Offline Suna

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #95 on: October 18, 2019, 10:52:23 PM »

Noya & 4☆ Sultry Spymaster Sarabi
Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: 5☆ Beach Bunny Vee (Raffa), 4☆ Summer Swordsman Yasu (Youkai), 5☆ Lovely Lifeguard Dawn

"Like, volleyball?" Sarabi blinked slowly as the game rapidly took form. "That's dumb. And that's saying something considering how stupid I am right now!" the telepath giggled. "Sports are like, so boring. A bunch of hotties like us ought to be fucking, not playing!" She took a few moments to stare at the topless side's tits.

"...what was I saying? Oh right! Volleyball is dumb! Let's fuck instead!" Completely ignoring Vee's serve, Sarabi walked over to the other telepath and hugged her, hands roaming the heroine's body. "Doesn't that sound like, so much better?" she spoke huskily in Vee's ear.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #96 on: October 19, 2019, 02:11:35 AM »

Noya & 4☆ Sultry Spymaster Sarabi
Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: 5☆ Beach Bunny Vee (Raffa), 4☆ Summer Swordsman Yasu (Youkai), 5☆ Lovely Lifeguard Dawn

"Like, volleyball?" Sarabi blinked slowly as the game rapidly took form. "That's dumb. And that's saying something considering how stupid I am right now!" the telepath giggled. "Sports are like, so boring. A bunch of hotties like us ought to be fucking, not playing!" She took a few moments to stare at the topless side's tits.

"...what was I saying? Oh right! Volleyball is dumb! Let's fuck instead!" Completely ignoring Vee's serve, Sarabi walked over to the other telepath and hugged her, hands roaming the heroine's body. "Doesn't that sound like, so much better?" she spoke huskily in Vee's ear.

Summer Event
Tag: Yasu, Sarabi, Dawn

It was such a wonderful plan.

The plan in question involved a game of volleyball. Team Tits versus Team Telepath. The plan involved a lot of jumping around which, naturally, involved a lot of bouncing breasts; whether they were clothed or not. Then as the game would grow intense, Team Telepath would eventually lose their tops as well as they would get swept away every time either team member made a dive to save the game. Once both teams would be completely topless, the plan involved changing the teams from Team Tits versus Team Telepath to Team Nude vs Team Tits; just to make it fair. Then, same thing would repeat itself, except with the bottom half of their swimsuits, and that’s when the game would get really intense. The plan saw both members from each team fighting intensely in the middle of the court, trying to score a point. One false step and all four naked girls would find themselves lying together in a pile after which an orgy would ensue to commemorate a good game.

It was such a wonderful, wonderful plan.

Alas, Suna was an impatient butt and decided to just skip all of that. Although, considering that we are approaching November, it was probably a good thing, too. So, in short, good job, Suna! You’re a butt, but you’re a fine butt!

”Huh?” Vee blinked in surprise when Sarabi left her position mid-serve and crossed their half of the court to walk up to her. ”Sarabi! You’re leaving our right side open to attack! You-oh.” Her voice trailed off when her arch-nemesis gave her a hug and started groping her boobs through her top.

Brainwashed Totally normal as she was, the heroine let out a contented gasp as Sarabi’s hands started wandering all over her sun-kissed body. Yasu must’ve used too much bimbo paint! Vee thought to herself, but didn’t push Sarabi away as she felt arousal climbing steadily.

”Mmm… maybe you’re right…” She shivered slightly as Sarabi’s breath tickled her neck and turned around to grope the demoness in turn. ”That does sound much better!” Vee giggled as she groped Sarabi’s tits through her bikini top.
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #97 on: October 21, 2019, 06:59:04 AM »

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag:  Vee, Sarabi, Dawn

With the job done and Sarabi and Dawn thinking properly, Yasu was much happier and less annoyed. "You'd be surprised how little there is of me in this get up. This is probably the best one." Yasu responded to Sarabi with a brainwashed giggle of her own as Dawn rose up and came next to her, Yasu deftly undid Dawn's top and tossed it aside since she was going to be on her team. "Since you're on my team you need to look the part. That looks much better, I bet you feel lighter like this huh? Don't worry, we'll do our best!" Yasu chuckled and gave Dawn a lucky grope before moving onto her side of the net with her. If Leona was here she probably would've stopped it but lucky for Yasu that little defender of innocence wasn't here right now, was she? Once they were in position, Yasu waited for the serve to come either her or Dawn's way.

Noya & 4☆ Sultry Spymaster Sarabi
Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: 5☆ Beach Bunny Vee (Raffa), 4☆ Summer Swordsman Yasu (Youkai), 5☆ Lovely Lifeguard Dawn

"Like, volleyball?" Sarabi blinked slowly as the game rapidly took form. "That's dumb. And that's saying something considering how stupid I am right now!" the telepath giggled. "Sports are like, so boring. A bunch of hotties like us ought to be fucking, not playing!" She took a few moments to stare at the topless side's tits.

"...what was I saying? Oh right! Volleyball is dumb! Let's fuck instead!" Completely ignoring Vee's serve, Sarabi walked over to the other telepath and hugged her, hands roaming the heroine's body. "Doesn't that sound like, so much better?" she spoke huskily in Vee's ear.

Summer Event
Tag: Yasu, Sarabi, Dawn

It was such a wonderful plan.

The plan in question involved a game of volleyball. Team Tits versus Team Telepath. The plan involved a lot of jumping around which, naturally, involved a lot of bouncing breasts; whether they were clothed or not. Then as the game would grow intense, Team Telepath would eventually lose their tops as well as they would get swept away every time either team member made a dive to save the game. Once both teams would be completely topless, the plan involved changing the teams from Team Tits versus Team Telepath to Team Nude vs Team Tits; just to make it fair. Then, same thing would repeat itself, except with the bottom half of their swimsuits, and that’s when the game would get really intense. The plan saw both members from each team fighting intensely in the middle of the court, trying to score a point. One false step and all four naked girls would find themselves lying together in a pile after which an orgy would ensue to commemorate a good game.

It was such a wonderful, wonderful plan.

Alas, Suna was an impatient butt and decided to just skip all of that. Although, considering that we are approaching November, it was probably a good thing, too. So, in short, good job, Suna! You’re a butt, but you’re a fine butt!

”Huh?” Vee blinked in surprise when Sarabi left her position mid-serve and crossed their half of the court to walk up to her. ”Sarabi! You’re leaving our right side open to attack! You-oh.” Her voice trailed off when her arch-nemesis gave her a hug and started groping her boobs through her top.

Brainwashed Totally normal as she was, the heroine let out a contented gasp as Sarabi’s hands started wandering all over her sun-kissed body. Yasu must’ve used too much bimbo paint! Vee thought to herself, but didn’t push Sarabi away as she felt arousal climbing steadily.

”Mmm… maybe you’re right…” She shivered slightly as Sarabi’s breath tickled her neck and turned around to grope the demoness in turn. ”That does sound much better!” Vee giggled as she groped Sarabi’s tits through her bikini top.

Location: Auralis Island - Beach
Tag: Vee, Yasu, Sarabi

Dawn wasn't prepared for the lucky grope from Yasu even in her current state, but she didn't protest it much either. Or at all. "Ooo naughty Yasu, I thought it was your sister that did that kind of thing!" she giggled and moaned happily as Yasu moved on, the unfamiliar sensation on her breast feeling quite nice. "When we thrash these guys you'll have to do what you were doing to me when we first met, only this time don't pussy out on me and stop okay!" Dawn demanded, and then as she received the volleyball she... noticed that her opponents were canoodling instead of focusing on the game!

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" Dawn yelled angrily as Sarabi called the volleyball stupid and moved over to flirt with Vee. Dawn was quickly angered "Hey! You can have sex afterwards! But we're playing now!" she cried out, jumping up and down and waving her arms up and down exaggeratedly in anger. "Yasu?! Can you believe this! Well... I'll show them! I came to this beach to play Volleyball and I refuse to let anyone come on this beach until I get it!"

Dawn picked up the ball again and spun it on her finger, charging it with magic and causing it to glow a bright blue colour as she hurled the ball into the air and soon leapt up after it. "STONE!" she cried out, as more magical energy charged into her hand as she drew it back. "BLUE ROCKET" she threw her hand forward, smacking into the ball and combining the magical energy focused in both "TYPE O STAR" the ball shoot forward in a huge colossal explosion of magical energy "SUPERNOVA STRIKE!!!" Dawn's spell completed, the ball now transformed into a bright blue comet of magical plasma that could only be deployed by someone taking a game far too seriously fired at hyper sonic velocities towards Vee and Sarabi!

Offline Youkai

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #98 on: October 21, 2019, 09:18:40 PM »

Noya & 4☆ Sultry Spymaster Sarabi
Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: 5☆ Beach Bunny Vee (Raffa), 4☆ Summer Swordsman Yasu (Youkai), 5☆ Lovely Lifeguard Dawn

"Like, volleyball?" Sarabi blinked slowly as the game rapidly took form. "That's dumb. And that's saying something considering how stupid I am right now!" the telepath giggled. "Sports are like, so boring. A bunch of hotties like us ought to be fucking, not playing!" She took a few moments to stare at the topless side's tits.

"...what was I saying? Oh right! Volleyball is dumb! Let's fuck instead!" Completely ignoring Vee's serve, Sarabi walked over to the other telepath and hugged her, hands roaming the heroine's body. "Doesn't that sound like, so much better?" she spoke huskily in Vee's ear.

Summer Event
Tag: Yasu, Sarabi, Dawn

It was such a wonderful plan.

The plan in question involved a game of volleyball. Team Tits versus Team Telepath. The plan involved a lot of jumping around which, naturally, involved a lot of bouncing breasts; whether they were clothed or not. Then as the game would grow intense, Team Telepath would eventually lose their tops as well as they would get swept away every time either team member made a dive to save the game. Once both teams would be completely topless, the plan involved changing the teams from Team Tits versus Team Telepath to Team Nude vs Team Tits; just to make it fair. Then, same thing would repeat itself, except with the bottom half of their swimsuits, and that’s when the game would get really intense. The plan saw both members from each team fighting intensely in the middle of the court, trying to score a point. One false step and all four naked girls would find themselves lying together in a pile after which an orgy would ensue to commemorate a good game.

It was such a wonderful, wonderful plan.

Alas, Suna was an impatient butt and decided to just skip all of that. Although, considering that we are approaching November, it was probably a good thing, too. So, in short, good job, Suna! You’re a butt, but you’re a fine butt!

”Huh?” Vee blinked in surprise when Sarabi left her position mid-serve and crossed their half of the court to walk up to her. ”Sarabi! You’re leaving our right side open to attack! You-oh.” Her voice trailed off when her arch-nemesis gave her a hug and started groping her boobs through her top.

Brainwashed Totally normal as she was, the heroine let out a contented gasp as Sarabi’s hands started wandering all over her sun-kissed body. Yasu must’ve used too much bimbo paint! Vee thought to herself, but didn’t push Sarabi away as she felt arousal climbing steadily.

”Mmm… maybe you’re right…” She shivered slightly as Sarabi’s breath tickled her neck and turned around to grope the demoness in turn. ”That does sound much better!” Vee giggled as she groped Sarabi’s tits through her bikini top.

Location: Auralis Island - Beach
Tag: Vee, Yasu, Sarabi

Dawn wasn't prepared for the lucky grope from Yasu even in her current state, but she didn't protest it much either. Or at all. "Ooo naughty Yasu, I thought it was your sister that did that kind of thing!" she giggled and moaned happily as Yasu moved on, the unfamiliar sensation on her breast feeling quite nice. "When we thrash these guys you'll have to do what you were doing to me when we first met, only this time don't pussy out on me and stop okay!" Dawn demanded, and then as she received the volleyball she... noticed that her opponents were canoodling instead of focusing on the game!

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" Dawn yelled angrily as Sarabi called the volleyball stupid and moved over to flirt with Vee. Dawn was quickly angered "Hey! You can have sex afterwards! But we're playing now!" she cried out, jumping up and down and waving her arms up and down exaggeratedly in anger. "Yasu?! Can you believe this! Well... I'll show them! I came to this beach to play Volleyball and I refuse to let anyone come on this beach until I get it!"

Dawn picked up the ball again and spun it on her finger, charging it with magic and causing it to glow a bright blue colour as she hurled the ball into the air and soon leapt up after it. "STONE!" she cried out, as more magical energy charged into her hand as she drew it back. "BLUE ROCKET" she threw her hand forward, smacking into the ball and combining the magical energy focused in both "TYPE O STAR" the ball shoot forward in a huge colossal explosion of magical energy "SUPERNOVA STRIKE!!!" Dawn's spell completed, the ball now transformed into a bright blue comet of magical plasma that could only be deployed by someone taking a game far too seriously fired at hyper sonic velocities towards Vee and Sarabi!

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag:  Vee, Sarabi, Dawn

"Kusatsu-Chan? Yes of course, but it doesn't mean I can't appreciate your body, Dawn." Yasu said teasingly as she watched Dawn in her topless form get ready for the serve and prepare to play. But the comment that Dawn made really threw her off a little. "Oh really? Hmm... well if you insist I will." Yasu had a seductive glint in her eye at Dawn telling her to go the full distance, and unlike the first time they met the woman had no restraints. "Well I mean, they are two characters in Defenders of Justice, an Erotic Hypnosis Roleplay..." Yasu said breaking the 4th wall entirely before watching Dawn jump up and down giving everyone a full boob jiggle exhibition which clearly Yasu didn't mind at all, what did make her panic however was how into it Dawn was getting, as Dawn charged her counteroffensive for the game Yasu was left to decide what to do since Vee and Sarabi were distracted with each other, she couldn't make something fast enough to stop it, it was going far too fast even for someone like her who could teleport over.

"Vee! Sarabi! Look out!" Yasu warned the two, hoping they'd have a way to stop it, if not then maybe a magical Butts the Drone 2 would come intercept it and save them all. For some reason she felt like it'd be okay because this was a more comedic part of the roleplay. But before Dawn could get into it more, Yasu decided to take initiative. "I think you're going to win with that serve, so... to celebrate. I'll give you what you want." Before Dawn could do anything more, Yasu took Dawn by the waist and kissed her deeply, her hands snaking down from there to squeeze Dawn's ass softly...

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #99 on: November 10, 2019, 12:40:11 AM »

Noya & 4☆ Sultry Spymaster Sarabi
Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: 5☆ Beach Bunny Vee (Raffa), 4☆ Summer Swordsman Yasu (Youkai), 5☆ Lovely Lifeguard Dawn

Engaged as she was with molesting the completely normal Director, Sarabi's newly pink and fluffy mind didn't pay much note to the suddenly unleashed magical energy. She was just sliding her fingers under Vee's bikini bottoms when-


Dawn's magic missile struck the ground and obliterated the beach. A sandstorm was spontaneously generated as the magical girl's spike threw tons of sand into the air. Sarabi, near the epicentre of the blast, was launched into the air and flew out towards sea.

And flew.








Yep, still going.





Nearly out of sight of land, Sarabi plummeted into the ocean. Since it was Dawn's magic, the demonic telepath was largely unharmed! Just pouty about being clam-blocked right when she was about to get it on with Vee! With a heart-wrenching pout on her usually stern face, Sarabi slowly started swimming back to shore...

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #100 on: November 13, 2019, 06:31:41 PM »
Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Hidden:

Location: Auralis Island - Beach
Tag: Vee, Yasu, Sarabi

Dawn managed to recover her breath quickly and stood back up, smiling at Leona, she was so glad she had someone qualified in first aid here! Leona had so many talents. Dawn thought to herself, missing what Leona meant entirely. With her breathe finally caught, she waved to the other girls inside of the hut and then grinned when Akua asked if she could blow open the hole, Dawn nodded "Consider it done" she said taking a step back... then another step back... "Erm... maybe you should all take a step back?" she suggested as she wondered which of her attacks she should use, Akua probably hadn't wanted her to blow the entire hut into a smoking crater... but then if you didn't want something blown into a smoking crater you probably wouldn't have asked Dawn, so clearly that's what she wanted.

"Sapphire! Dawn began to say, as an orb of blue magical power formed in her hand. CRUSHER... the energy ball expanded, soon bigger than Dawn's entire body. BLAS-OH WAIT" Dawn suddenly stopped herself, the giant ball of blue energy just zipping into nothingness as she stopped charging it. "If I make an attack that strong Vee and Yasu are sure to see it, we don't want to risk that they don't have some kind of 'return to protect' order implanting in them or something right?" she suggested to the others and decided, though it was against her entire belief system, maybe this time she could hold back a bit and just do a normal, non-apocalyptic attack... "Wait hang on... Leona... Yasu and Vee said they'd come looking for us didn't they..." Dawn glanced back at the direction they came... if they did have some kind of return to protect order or something implanted in them... then it would trigger if they saw everyone here investigating too... so when they came looking for them...

Shit, this could be bad... as sexy as a big fight with Vee and Yasu would be, it would be better if they didn't risk it, it would likely lead to them all being brainwashed and that was just too sexy even for a joke event like this. Dawn turned sheepishly to Leona "Hey ummm, Leona, I'm sorry but I'm worried about Yasu and Vee... I'm going to go back to give you more time, you help the rest of them out and find out what's going on so we can help our friends. I'll keep them busy so they don't hunt you down okay?" Dawn walked up to Leona and squeezed her hand. "Be careful okay. You three!" she turned to Akua, Sunny and Valarie "Look after her or I'll nuke you all into orbit!" she said in what was probably supposed to be a threatening tone, then she gave Leona a quick peek on the cheek and suddenly leapt into the air, bright blue wings of pure blue energy appearing behind her. "Good luck!" she finally said, before zipping off back the way she'd originally came with a speed that really begged the question of why she hadn't flown here to begin with.

It didn't take longer than a few seconds for her to arrive where she thought she'd been originally... but honestly it was a beach, every part of it looked like every other part how was she supposed to tell?? Well fortunately a quick bonus area like this didn't have many sections to it, so it wasn't hard to find her way back... Vee and Yasu weren't there.... Oh god had they already gone off looking for them?? Dawn prepared to have to zip back to the hutt again, but she hadn't seen them on the way here... so obviously they'd gone in a different direction. She started flying about looking for them... and with the advantage of being at a height, she managed to spot them... with Sarabi??? The Demon Knight??? Oh god, in their current states they could be in serious danger!

Dawn shot off towards them landing on the sand next to them in a perfect three point landing Iron Man pose, she held the pose for a second for dramatic reasons, then stood up straight and pointed threateningly at Sarabi "You! Don't you dare hurt my friends you demonic... evil... huh?" and then Dawn realised that Sarabi was currently bound up and being molested or something by her friends. "Hey! You said you'd be coming after me! Now I see you here playing with one of the big bads chief dragons! This is so perverse!" Dawn said in shock, was... was she going to have to defend Sarabi now? She'd never fought with a demon before this was totally unprecedented! "I mean wow, why her? Vee, didn't you have an epic as hell battle with her recently? I'd have thought you'd never want to go near her again! I guess they brainwashed you even worse than I thought huh?" she said sadly, still sort of glad she'd chosen to come back even though it seemed they'd had more time than she'd thought...

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: The Butt (Raffa), and also Butts the Drone (Raffa), & Sunny & Valarie (Mortalitas)

"Uh bye Dawn," Akua said as the magical girl quickly arrived and took off again. She discreetly pouted as Dawn neglected to blow up the hole; she'd been looking forward to a lightshow. She stood there and thought while Sunny and Valarie discussed the matter and Leona stared at Dawn's flying ass.

"Eh, screw it," the fashionista demon muttered out loud. "I've been standing here doing nothing for like three rounds of posts. What's the worst that could happen? GERONIMO!!!!" with that cry, Akua charged forward and dived head-first into the Butts hole. She crawled determinedly through the narrow pass, deeper into the bowels of the earth.

Back on the surface, the others could hear her muttering as she crawled. " a bad servant...! Helena has all of his skills in one, for the entire party, and she's really situational still!"

Leona Amari

"Umm, I'm not sure that's a good idea, but, oh, damn, she's fast. . . " Leona looked bewildered at the sudden turn of events. "Huh? What do the Apaches have to do with this situation? Hey, wait up!" The magical girl was not too sure how to use her magic offensively yet, other than to to teleport onto people's paintings, so she decided to err on the side of caution and follow after Akua into the hole and see what they would find.

Valerie, Sunny
The Beach - Butts' Hole
Tagging: Suna, Raffa, Kunshu

That works too.” Sunny shrugged as Akua decided to just say ‘screw it’ and force her way through the hole with sheer determination, followed by Leona, leaving just the two blondes (one physically both mentally) still on the surface. Valerie, for one, was eager to follow, though she looked about hesitantly for a different reason.

Geez, I’m not gonna fit the gun in am I? Gonna have to leave it out here… Hope no one comes and takes it.” She murmured, reluctantly propping the toy minigun in a corner.

I don’t think anyone would randomly decide to drop by here, much less bother to lug something that big away.” Sunny assured, “Nice water gun by the way, though I wasn’t aware there’d be a water fight on top of the volleyball match.

There isn’t! I just saw it in a shop and thought it was super cool!” Valerie grinned, then turned towards the Butts’ Hole with determination. “Alright, my turn! Let’s go~!” She cheered before starting to struggle through the tight passageway herself, a rather unpleasant experience considering her… proportions, but her regenerative powers dealt with the scratches and scrapes as they came.

Sunny simply thanked her undeath again and dived into the earth, phasing through without any discomfort and soon going ahead of them. Hopefully they’ll make it before Butts does…

Butts the Drone
Summer Event
Tag: Akua, Sunny + Valerie, Leona

When the girls managed to force their way into the Butts’ Hole, they found themselves in a…

The Halloween 2019 Event!

*Thunder Clash!*




Pushing through into the Butts’ Hole, the unlikely party of heroes would eventually find themselves in the cave with the giant mecha-thing from earlier post. They couldn’t actually see what the darned thing was made of as it was currently under a large cloth, but-

”Intruders!?” Oh, crap! Butts noticed their descent during its flight up the shaft and was now hovering towards them to get a better look! The red “eye” was glowing ominously as Butts charged its Mind Control Beam. Our heroes better decide quickly what to do, lest they find themselves turned into happy swimsuit-wearing zombies!

Unless they want to get turned into swimsuit-wearing zombies who want to do nothing but play volleyball, do lewd things and other stuff.

It’s a free country, go nuts.

Seriously, though, decide quickly because this event has been going on for some time now and we’ll need to wrap it up soon! Go forth and lay waste, my children!

Leona Amari
Tag:I don't even know anymore!

Things had certainly come to a head, with Dawn gone, Leona was surrounded by strangers, but she was still a magical girl and had a duty to protect people! Without thinking of her own safety, Leona used her teleport power to crash into the drone! The damage wouldn't be enough to destroy it  or drain her stamina, but she would be able to block that weird eye beam from hitting anyone else, and she could totally resist the dangerous mind control rays, right?

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #101 on: November 13, 2019, 07:58:58 PM »
Butts the Drone
Summer Event
Tag: Akua, Sunny + Valerie, Leona

When the girls managed to force their way into the Butts’ Hole, they found themselves in a…

The Halloween 2019 Event!

*Thunder Clash!*




Pushing through into the Butts’ Hole, the unlikely party of heroes would eventually find themselves in the cave with the giant mecha-thing from earlier post. They couldn’t actually see what the darned thing was made of as it was currently under a large cloth, but-

”Intruders!?” Oh, crap! Butts noticed their descent during its flight up the shaft and was now hovering towards them to get a better look! The red “eye” was glowing ominously as Butts charged its Mind Control Beam. Our heroes better decide quickly what to do, lest they find themselves turned into happy swimsuit-wearing zombies!

Unless they want to get turned into swimsuit-wearing zombies who want to do nothing but play volleyball, do lewd things and other stuff.

It’s a free country, go nuts.

Seriously, though, decide quickly because this event has been going on for some time now and we’ll need to wrap it up soon! Go forth and lay waste, my children!

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: The Butt (Raffa), and also Butts the Drone (Raffa), & Sunny & Valarie (Mortalitas)

With her headlong charge into the hole, Akua was the first one to reach the large open space. The bowels of the Butts hole, if you will. Except don't because this metaphor is getting kinda gross. She sensed the great mass of cloth covering... whatever it was, and then took in the aggressive Butts. With a loud battlecry, she decided to solve these two problems with each-other, telekinetically lifting the huge cloth and dumping it on top of the drone. Hopefully it couldn't dodge such a large assault in a confined space... and hopefully there weren't any other drones around to get angry at her obvious entrance.

Oh well, that would be a problem for another post! Or for her newfound buddies to take care of!

Leona Amari
Tag:I don't even know anymore!

Things had certainly come to a head, with Dawn gone, Leona was surrounded by strangers, but she was still a magical girl and had a duty to protect people! Without thinking of her own safety, Leona used her teleport power to crash into the drone! The damage wouldn't be enough to destroy it  or drain her stamina, but she would be able to block that weird eye beam from hitting anyone else, and she could totally resist the dangerous mind control rays, right?

Valerie, Sunny
The Beach - Butts' Hole
Tagging: Suna, Raffa, Kunshu

After passing through the Butts’ Hole with varying degrees of difficulty, the unlikely band of heroines finally found themselves back in the facility with the giant mecha-whatever, which was currently covered up for mystery purposes. There wasn’t much time to think on it though, as the namesake of the Hole noticed and prepared to engage them with its ditzy-beach-babe beam!

Not having many brain cells to spare already, the blonde ghost and formerly blonde girl had no intention of becoming even ditzier and prepared to rush the drone before it could fire, the former summoning her nunchucks while the latter prepared to just punch the thing into scrap. Before either of them could act though, their compatriots already did, as Akua dropped the huge mecha-whatever-covering cloth on it while Leona teleported onto the drone… at the same time.

Recognizing that there is such a thing as too many helping hands, Sunny and Valerie looked at each other, then turned their attention towards whatever the mecha-whatever was that Akua had just unveiled.
Sanity is overrated.
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