Author Topic: Christmas 2019 Contest!  (Read 2204 times)

Offline Raffa

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Christmas 2019 Contest!
« on: December 14, 2019, 10:03:09 PM »
Hello, everyone! I think it's about time we've had our Christmas themed... thing for this year. I don't really have a good track record with events, since they either stall or die an unfortunate death, so I've decided to do a little different this year. That's right, we're going to have a...


That's right! And everyone's the winner! Except for the 1st place who'll be a super duper big winner and will receive an additional reward!

So, here are the rules:
Write a Christmas poem, song, carol or story. It can be a parody as well, so you don't have to start from scratch. If you want to write a DoJ-themed Twelve Days of Christmas, feel free to do so!
It has to be DoJ-related in some way. Characters, events, DoJ memes, whatever floats your boat.
If you want to go for the main prize, the contest will last until 25th of December. However, I will accept late submissions until 31st. Regardless of when you'll post your Christmas thing, from 25th onward you'll get 1 character point and a free Santa hat to put on a character of your choice. If you post on or before 25th, you'll be eligible for the secret prize!

Let the Christmas Battle Royale... begin!

Oh! I almost forgot! You can post as many submissions as you want, but you'll only be eligible for 1 point and your first submission will be considered for the secret prize.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2019, 10:12:17 PM by Raffa »
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

Offline Youkai

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Re: Christmas 2019 Contest!
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2019, 10:30:38 PM »
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through Auralis,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a demon;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that Santa Vee soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds;
While visions of redheads danced in their heads;
And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow,
Gave a lustre of midday to objects below,
When what to my wondering eyes did appear,
But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny rein-deer,
With a little old driver so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment she must be Santa Vee.
More rapid than eagles her coursers they came,
And she whistled, and shouted, and called them by name:
"Now, Dawn! now, Eleanor! now Hisako and Katja!
On, Yasu! on, Sarabi! on, Nathaniel and Desdemona!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"

As leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky;
So up to the housetop the coursers they flew
With the sleigh full of toys, and Santa Vee too—
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney Santa Vee came with a bound.
She was dressed all in fur, from her head to her foot,
And her clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
A bundle of toys she had flung on her back,
And she looked like a pedler just opening her pack.
Her eyes—how they twinkled! her dimples, how merry!
Her cheeks were like roses, her nose like a cherry!
Her droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the toy beard on her chin was as white as the snow;
The stump of a pipe she held tight in her teeth,
And the smoke, it encircled her head like a wreath;
She had a broad face and a little round belly
That shook when she laughed, like a bowl full of jelly.
She was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw her, in spite of myself;
A wink of her eye and a twist of her head
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
She spoke not a word, but went straight to her work,
And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk,
And laying her finger aside of her nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney she rose;
She sprang to her sleigh, to her team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard her exclaim, ere she drove out of sight—
“Happy Christmas to all of Auralis, and to all a good night!”

Offline DaBomb

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Re: Christmas 2019 Contest!
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2019, 06:53:07 PM »
Earth is Invaded
Demons pour in from the hells
How will we survive

Humans must evolve
To face the unholy
And to reclaim home

Snow falls to the ground
Wish to be home by christmas
Who will you stand for

Offline Waterfly

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Re: Christmas 2019 Contest!
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2019, 09:48:01 PM »
You better watch out.
You better run or hide.
Better get moving .
I will tell you why.
Ayahuitl'eztli is coming to town.

She has made a list,
and  checked it twice.
She's going to taste all the food,
or else there will be a fight.
Ayahuitl'eztli is coming to town.

She sees when you are cooking.
She knows when you are eating.
She knows if you didn't leave her some.
So do so for your own sake!

You better watch out!
You better run or hide.
Better get moving, I have told you why!
Ayahuitl'eztli is coming to town.
Ayahuitl'eztli is coming to town.

Offline Shadow72

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Re: Christmas 2019 Contest!
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2019, 11:58:07 PM »
'Jolly old Dr Young
Lean your ear towards her way!
Don't tell a single soul what she'll say;
Christmas Eve will be coming soon;
A good girl she will make of you!

When the clock is striking twelve,
When she tells you how your training went,
Down the rabbit hole you'll go.
Facing an unseen foe.

Your heart will be set!
Your thoughts will go blank,
Your mind will be spent.

All the pleasures you will find,
Staring at Dr Young's behind!
All the training sessions filled,
All the lessons learned,
on how to be a good girl!

Your heart will be set!
Your thoughts will go blank,
Your mind will be spent.

You will strive to do your best,
on Dr Young's behest!
Your mind nice and filled,
the resistance distilled!

Your heart will be set!
Your thoughts will go blank,
Your mind will be spent.

A good girl you will be;
For Young, fighting villainy!
As for me, my little brain,
isn't that bright.
Choose for me, good doctor,
what you think is right!

Based on: Jolly Old Saint Nicholas

Offline Suna

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Re: Christmas 2019 Contest!
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2019, 01:47:05 AM »
#general - talk about whatever unless it belongs somewhere else!
50+ previous messages...
Stitch Witch Today at 12:30 PM
Hi everyone! Merry Christmas!

Irida Today at 12:30 PM
What is Christmas?

Sexy Santa Today at 12:30 PM

Merciless Today at 12:30 PM
It's stupid.

DancerGirl69 Today at 12:31 PM
Christmas is a human holiday. It has Christian roots but has become really commercialized and kinda universal. The spirit of it is a time in the winter for friends and family to come together and enjoy each-other's presence.

Irida Today at 12:31 PM
I see.
I predate Christianity, so...

BloomingFlower Today at 12:31 PM
These days, Christmas is largely an excuse to exchange presents and drink eggnog.

Wintry Today at 12:31 PM
It's a wonderful time of year.

Irida Today at 12:31 PM
We are all friends. Should we exchange presents?

Sexy Santa Today at 12:31 PM
We're not that close, geez.

BloomingFlower Today at 12:31 PM
Generally presents are reserved for family, lovers, or very close friends.
Kofi's rude but right.

Irida Today at 12:31 PM
I see. But I may wish you all a Merry Christmas?

BloomingFlower Today at 12:31 PM
Sure :)
Merry Christmas everyone.

Wintry Today at 12:32 PM
And a happy New Year.

Merciless Today at 12:32 PM
You can't say that anymore, it's gotta be 'Happy Holidays'.

Irida Today at 12:32 PM

BloomingFlower Today at 12:32 PM
She's just stirring shit, ignore her.

--DEAIBIT has joined the chat!

DEAIBIT Today at 12:36 PM
Hihi! Merry Christmas everyone!

StitchWitch Today at 12:36 PM
That's sure a name...

DEAIBIT Today at 12:36 PM
Oh sorry. One sec.

Sakura Today at 12:36 PM

StitchWitch Today at 12:36 PM

DancerGirl69 Today at 12:36 PM
Hi! Merry Christmas too!

Wintry Today at 12:36 PM
Somebody from the old country?

Sakura Today at 12:36 PM
Sorry, but I'm American. Ish.

BloomingFlower Today at 12:37 PM
Not many American demons.

Sakura Today at 12:37 PM

StitchWitch Today at 12:37 PM
Well, whatever. What's everyone up to today? Not working I hope!

BloomingFlower Today at 12:37 PM
Making sure Santa Claus doesn't get mugged by a Defender again.

BustyBlonde Today at 12:38 PM
Work party. Kill me.

Sexy Santa Today at 12:38 PM
Wait what @BloomingFlower

BloomingFlower Today at 12:38 PM
Don't ask... it's a stupid story.

Sakura Today at 12:38 PM
Hehe. Not much different for me today. But I'm interested!

Wintry Today at 12:39 PM
You cannot tease us like that, Flower.

BustyBlonde Today at 12:39 PM
It sounds funny, at least.

Sakura Today at 12:39 PM
...Wait. Santa is real?

Stitch Witch Today at 12:40 PM
Why wouldn't he be?

Sakura Today at 12:40 PM
I feel part of my worldview is crumbling.
And it's awesome!

Deep within Dominion HQ, buried many meters beneath Auralis Airport, there was a room. Much of it was freezing cold, chilled by liquid nitrogen. The pillars of electronic equipment dotting the room were blazing hot, despite the constant airflow.

A classical red stocking was draped along the floor, its hem attached to the base of one of the computer pillars by a mass of masking tape. The tape had turned into a half-molten lump of melty plastic by the extreme heat, but the effort was made. Even if it couldn't be placed higher than a Roomba could reach.

On Christmas Eve, a young girl waited, hope in her heart, which strictly speaking did not exist. But it still held hope. Hope for magic. Hope for a Christmas miracle. A Roomba idled in the corner, a plate of cookies balanced on its back. It was all ready.

And she remembered to turn off the anti-air defenses before it got too late.

Offline Raffa

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Re: Christmas 2019 Contest!
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2019, 03:57:52 AM »
Azrael is Red,
Dawn is Blue.
It's Christmas time,
I wanna point, too.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2019, 04:00:03 AM by Raffa »
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

Offline pyro32

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Re: Christmas 2019 Contest!
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2019, 04:06:23 AM »
Roses are Red,
Dawn's underwear is Blue,
Vee, she's gone missing!
The Heroine NEED YOU!

Offline MonsieurChuchote

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Re: Christmas 2019 Contest!
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2019, 01:28:15 AM »

This day a year ago, she was rolling in the snow
With a younger wizard in the highland yard
Christmas break, a time for touching home
The heart of all she'd known
And leaving was so hard

Realms and realms away
Now she's working Christmas Day
Not a human here who remembered what it was
She hopes the girls are fine all on their own
She's spending Christmas Eve alone
First Christmas away from home

She's sitting at her work-station
Translating the strange
Four more pages forms a decent spell, and a rune
Looks like the Holt library after all
In a crowded reading hall
That echoes like a tomb

On the path to PhD
Feels like no worse place to be
Tonight there’ll be no reading with her Dad
And if she cries because it's Christmas Day
She hopes that it won't show
First Christmas away from home

In the common room they've got the metal tree
And it feels so and cold and lifeless
Not like it ought to be
And the lit-up trancing Santa Claus on top
It's not that same old silver star
You once made for your own
First Christmas away from home
« Last Edit: December 21, 2019, 01:39:08 AM by MonsieurChuchote »

Offline MortalitasBorealis

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Re: Christmas 2019 Contest!
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2019, 09:00:01 AM »

It was that time of year again. Festive cheer filled the normally wartorn Auralis, as defenders and invaders alike took a few days off from their usual battles to enjoy just a moment of solace.

That evening, a certain magical girl put on her boots and adjusted her santa hat, opening her backpack to make sure she hadn’t forgotten any of the presents. From upstairs descended her older sister, dressed to go out, who looked in surprise at the younger sibling at the door.

What the- Verniy? Where are you going?

To a party, same as you, duh.

Party? Whose party? Wait, you mean those weirdos from last year? Guy with the giant rein-dick? I thought you didn’t know those guys?

Nah, he probably got someone else this year. I’m just gonna go visit some extended family, that’s all.

WHAT extended family??

That’s for me to know.” Verniy said nonchalantly, gently grasping the locket around her neck before leaving the house, leaving a flabbergasted sister behind. The older Sokolov stared at the closed door for a moment longer, then sighed and shook her head, the faint curve of a smile on her face as she prepared her own departure. She had no idea what the girl’s been up to, and honestly she didn’t care that much, but if the runt’s not moping alone at home again then that can only be a good thing.


Amidst the snow covered silence of a graveyard somewhere, a lone figure sat before two gravestones, two bundles of flowers laid out before them. It wasn’t often she found herself alone nowadays, with how many thralls she had around her usually, but she had let her retinue go off to celebrate on their own this Christmas Eve; Sunny had gone off to meet with some girl she met during the Summer, and everyone else sans Lavinia had made plans with, of all people, the selfsame defender that had foiled their takeover attempt of the Auralis Island resort. She couldn’t help but wonder sometimes if she let her minions have just a bit too much free will… No, it’s fine the way it is. Life’s more interesting this way, no? Or unlife, as it is. They’re still loyal at the end of the day, and that was all she needed guaranteed.

The crunching of snow behind her drew her attention, but she wasn’t alarmed. “Back this year again, Sam?

I could say the same for you, Agnes.” The young woman answered, gingerly sitting down beside the lich. “How’s unlife been treating you?

Same as always. You? Have the joints started hurting yet?

What are you talking about? Look, I’m still as spry and pretty as I was at 21, you old corpse~” Sam joked with a chuckle, pouring the pale girl a cup of hot chocolate from her thermos. The young lady didn’t need any herself; she was just an aetheric body double sent by the real, older her, afterall. “But really, I’ve been quite fine. It’s been quite the year, watching little Lizzie grow up. She’s learned to talk now, you know!

That so? Congratulations.

Wish you could meet her, Agnes, you’re the only one in our old group who hasn’t!

I’d just be a bad influence. Next thing you know she’s going to be reviving dead puppies.” The lich remarked, getting a chuckle out of both of them before she handed over a small plushie of a cartoonish bedsheet ghost with a santa hat and a small felt gift box sewn on. “This is for her though. It’s the ghost of Christmas presents. You can thank Lily for it.

Oh it’s wonderful! Do tell her thank you for this, Lizzie will love it! Speaking of, how have Lily and the others been doing? I hope you’ve been treating them well.

Well enough to give them the day off. They repaid me by going out on a date with the enemy. One of which ruined our plans once no less, and they’re going entirely on their own free will too! Bunch of traitors…” The lich complained to her old classmate’s mirthful merriment.

Oh really? Do tell!” The young woman urged her on, and the two old classmates continued on through the night. The lich may have cast her human life into the past long ago, and she didn’t regret doing so… but it was nice to reconnect once in a while nonetheless.


Wakey wakey, sleepy head.

Nghh… Mmm…?

Hearing an extremely familiar voice, the blonde cyborg opened her eyes and looked around. Where… Where was she? She couldn’t remember what had happened, but she definately wasn’t in this cozy living room filled with festive decorations and a toasty fireplace. She was resting her head on someone too, that someone holding her close with an arm around her shoulder…

Sophia turned to look, and found herself looking up at a face that she hadn’t seen in a very long time.

R-ROSEY?!” The cyborg’s eyes went wide and she recoiled in shock, the hand letting her go. “Wha- How-

Shh, settle down.” The ravenette’s soft voice soothed her in ways she hadn’t felt since that fateful day years ago, “You’re just having a dream, sort of. It’s complicated, but let’s just say I managed to make a few arrangements for a little Christmas miracle.

You… You did all this for me?

It wasn’t easy, but I couldn’t have done it without that little vessel you made for me, so don’t give me all the credit.” The vision of Rosabeth winked, beckoning the girl back over. “Now c’mere, we’ve only got one night you know. At least give me a hug!

And a hug the ravenette got, as Sophia practically pounced on the girl, tears welling up in her eyes as she held her lost love tight. The ghost smiled warmly and embraced her back, gently petting the sad puppy, and silently wondered just why the hell she decided to do this.

Sighing, Elisa took another sip of Ventonnas Wine. She had gotten the partly demonic drink just for a change of pace, but whatever was in there it must’ve been enough to get even an android like her tipsy for her to make a decision like that. She glanced over at the sleeping commando beside her, whom she had hacked into just to construct a happy dream for her and even play the role of Rosabeth herself using memories she dug up. Why did she go to the trouble of doing this for the annoying little psycho-puppy? She couldn’t answer that herself.

The android checked the time. It should be past closing hours at the bar right now, but that redhead succubus bartender didn’t look like she was in a hurry to shoo them out, leisurely cleaning up after the day while festive jazz music played in the background. Well, it suits them just fine.

...Merry Christmas… Ro-Ro…

Elisa glanced towards her companion once more, at the moisture glistening at the corner of the girl’s eyes.

...Mery Christmas, Sophie.


Remind me why we spent our budget on buying presents for the neighborhood?

It’s good PR, of course! We’re trying to get everyone to like us, remember?

I already brainwashed them to like us! And besides, they won’t even know they’re from us!

Oh shut up and let me have this! I know you had fun picking out the gifts!

Alright, fair.

Under the moonlit night of Christmas, two pale figures stood atop the suburban homes of the residential district, one possessing a monstrous tail and holding onto a big bag of presents, the other without, instead picking through the contents of the bag for the right gift for the home beneath them.

Right, this is the Smiths’, so that’d be the teddy.” Rei Whitley checked her list and retrieved an adorable teddy bear from the bag, looking doubtfully at the blindfold and ball gag over the otherwise innocent toy, wrapped almost suggestively with ribbons. That’s the compromise she had to make to convince Sparkripper to let her fulfil her fantasy of playing Santa like this; the demon got to pick the toys, and where a demon got involved, the corruption of innocence was bound to follow. “I feel like I’ve seen this done in an anime before.

Does it matter? Just get in there, we don’t got all night!” The tailed demon rushed her tailless counterpart along, and Whitley rolled her eyes and climbed down the chimney. It’s a good thing they figured out how to change their body double’s form, because she was not going to fit down any chimneys with that massive tail of hers. Silent as a mouse, the demoness placed the teddy beneath the Christmas tree, helped herself to a cookie from the plate, and climbed back out the way she came, dusting the soot off.

Alright, another house down. Next should be the Robinsons, which would be… the body pillow.

That weeb’s gonna have some explaining to do in the morning!” Sparkripper cackled as she moved on to the next house, Whitley following behind with an exasperated shake of her head. It’s going to be one hell of a morning alright…


It was, indeed, a chaotic morning.


IT WASN’T ME! YOU CAN’T PROVE ANYTHING!” The cat-eared nun yelled even as she grinned, racing through the halls of the church with half a dozen people on her tail. Why would the others accuse her of such a thing? Just because someone went and swapped out several gifts in the secret santa pile with naughty toys and contraband doesn’t mean it had to be her! How rude!

Who else could it have been? Come on, just confess and we’ll go easy on you! Where are the real gifts?!

Alright, alright, fine! The ‘Snap my Choker’ shirt and the Fifty Shades was mine! That’s it! You sure you didn’t just mix up your manga with one of your hentais? You looked like you recognized it!” The trickster nun sneered back at the now blushing Inquisitor and his fellows who were now looking at him questioningly.

Y-You-! When I get my hands on you I swear-

Yeah good luck with that! Myahaha~!” Heather laughed, keeping a steady distance between herself and her pursuers, until a giant purple dildo the size of a baseball bat swung from around the corner and smacked her in the face. Clotheslined, the catgirl meowed in surprise and fell over with a thud, groaning on the ground as she looked up at the bemused instructor standing over her.

Thanks for the thoughtful present, Heather. As you can see, it’s already coming in handy.

You’re… welcome… blegh.” The catgirl grinned cheekily before feigning death, the world still spinning around her from the concussion.

Worth it.
Sanity is overrated.
Check out my fanfictions!

Offline Silverkat

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Re: Christmas 2019 Contest!
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2019, 01:21:11 PM »
Kohana wants a lot for Christmas
But there's just one thing she needs
She doesn't care about the presents
Underneath Akari's tree
She just wants her all her own
More than she could ever know
Make her wish come true oh
All she wants for Christmas, Is Yasu.

Offline madman32

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Re: Christmas 2019 Contest!
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2019, 05:29:36 PM »

God dangit Rob!
You were sleeping on the job!
Thanks to you a sexy santa demon's
Claimed the park with elven mobs.

God dangit Rob! Who let you work for IOJ?
Wanna be a hero, but you ate a gyro,
missed your second alam today.

You must've known someone high-up
to ever stay employed.
For no one else, no dispatcher,
could their duty so fully avoid!

Rob, Rob Robowitz!
Took a fifth break for a piss.
And then wouldn't you know, there's a demon snow,
making everyone fuck and kiss!

As some would wonder "where are they?"
The heroes, DOJ.
Their foes should thank their unwitting friend,
whose love life is DOA!

God Dangit Rob!
You're the worst, you lazy clod!
Another call of distress, its a dominion test,
Yet all you hear is your casts of pod.

Offline Raffa

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Re: Christmas 2019 Contest!
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2019, 11:07:46 PM »
And the winner of the secret prize is Mortalitas! :D

Everyone who posted also get 1 character point to spend however they wish!

For people who haven't posted, you have until 31st to do so! It can be as little as "Gib me point, plz!" if you so desire. :P 
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.


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