Author Topic: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2022 Beach Episode: The Mysterious Island  (Read 16603 times)

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Spoiler for Fae:
Spoiler for Shoolurel:

Mysterious Island- Beach
Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

Fae's peppy excited voice was loud enough for some of her words to be caught by the orb floating beside the elemental.  Shoolurel was rather distracted by Anna and getting tied into her new strange clothes, but she did glance at the orb from time to time and the phrase '...back near the water again.'  caught her eyes as the translated phrase floated up for her to see.

Responding to Anna's last words, she said, "Ahmi corba."  "I will."  At least as long as she was unable to generate her protective coating, she'd happily accept any protection these bits of cloth could provide.  Turning her attention to the others, she noted just how friendly everyone seemed.  The blonde girl was waving her over and the other two were approaching with no malice in their expressions.  In fact, the pink mermaid-like girl looked especially friendly... and not just because her aquatic look gave a favorable initial impression.  Shoolurel waved back at Elune and the others with a kindly smile of her own as she approached.

Fae's barrage of questions caught her off guard, and her eyes widened as she started to read all the new text.  As she absorbed the gist of the questions and Fae's attitude though, her grin widened and she began to giggle.  It took a few seconds to reign in her laughter, "Ahmi dookitoo."  "I'm sorry."  As she continued, her words blended in under the voice of her translator, sounding like accompanying music to her 'voice'.  "I'm Shoolurel.  Nice to meet you too.  In a strange land like this, I am happy to meet another person who is more accustomed to living in the water.  I think I'm as comfortable as I can be here when I don't know where here is and can't even generate my outer covering."  She pouted and poked at her left breast with her left index finger.

"Ahmi bowlte chatsi..." "I mean... these artificial coverings don't seem to protect much.  I was exploring the Demon Realms, but..." Her attention moved away from the swimsuit and back to Fae, though her eyes seemed distant, "..something happened.  I can't remember what besides suddenly feeling sleepy and then waking up here."  Focus and her friendly smile returned as she changed the subject, "Being in the water is a comfort in this strange, unexpected place, but a friendly face is even more welcome." 

The elemental tilted her head in curiosity before adding, "Aupni Tempest taykeh na."  "You are not from the Tempest.  Even if you had trouble with my accent, you would have understood some of my words earlier.  Where do your kind come from?"  Her eyes slowly scanned over the pink body with interest as she took in the details of her aquatic companion.
Spoiler for For Elune:

Elune Farah
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

The sundae definitely hit the spot, and it wasn't just Fae's taste buds that continued to get a burst of joy. This compulsion was stronger than the others thanks to the erosion from accepting the other compulsions without question. In fact, thanks to the continued compulsions that Fae had been subjected to, she might find it easier to fall into a nice happy daze and go along with whatever the others wanted to do on the beach, she was enjoying herself so much and there was no reason to stop the fun. Yes, going along with everything and being a happy agreeable demon felt really nice today, there was no reason to kill her mood. She might be able to shrug it off, but it was harder to do than the others up to this point.

"Hey, you wanted a sundae! I just was trying to help." Elune pouted, but her spirits didn't seem to waver one bit, she just giggled and laughed at Fae's words. "Yeah it's been really fun here, I know we have to leave eventually but it's so fun being here." The magical girl said with a giggle as she hummed to herself and tilted her head from side to side, she didn't have a care in the world it seemed, most of the conversation seemed to be on idols which was out of Elune's knowledge base. "Idols sound cute, you both are cute anyway. Don't idols sing a long and dance a lot? I can see that both of you have a lot of energy so I can believe that."

Then Tsuifan took an interest in her which surprised the blonde, maybe she could get two of them and have some fun? "I'm... okay I think? I know I've been corrupted but I've had a lot of fun recently, I even too my pet on a walk on a leash recently! And no, I was an adult when I was corrupted, I remember how it happened but I'd rather not get into that, this is a vacation, we should enjoy ourselves!" She wasn't going to mention that pet was a corrupted heroine of course. She didn't know what Tsuifan was talking about with the cats and the mayor being a demon, but it sounded funny, so she laughed a bit.

In the meantime, as Tsuifan's mind went to cutting loose, another compulsion would try to worm into her head. Cutting loose on the beach and enjoying her time here was such a fun idea, whether it was singing, dancing, sunbathing, swimming, it didn't matter as long as she enjoyed her vacation and continued to enjoy everything that the island had to offer. Maybe not the food though, as she had been warned about that, but all that other stuff sounded really fun. "Oh I haven't sung much at all, I'd probably be bad at it, but that's okay!"

Then Shoolurel came over, at first Elune was confused and tilted her head as she didn't understand the woman, but then the translator did it's work and she could understand the cutie. "Hello Shoolurel, I'm Elune! Also we're on Earth, I don't know where you're from but here there are all sorts of beings that visit. I don't remember what this island is called, but hey, it's fun!" Although the woman seemed mostly focused on Fae, so she remained polite for now and just smiled energetically, trying to keep up the good vibes.

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

As the compulsions wormed their way into Fae's mind she could feel them getting stronger. Or perhaps it was more that her defences were being worn down. Either way, there was a growing distrust of Elune building up, and she hadn't had a great deal of trust in her to begin with. "MmHmm! Sing and dance a lot! It's the best way to spread my love to all of my fans around the world!" She giggled. "So no standing around! An Idol is a star who can move any and everyone with the power of her music!" She gave a thumbs up of her own back to Tsuifan, before moving over to the elemental.

Fae paused slightly as she saw the eyes of the elemental widen. Realising that she had been rattling off her questions quite quickly. Smiling as she started to get answers to them. "Generate your outer covering? She sounded quizzical, but really. After being around Auralis for some time, and Dis for far longer. It was probably not the strangest ability, or way of wording things that she'd have run into. "Yea, as cute as they are, they don't really offer much in the way of protection! It's more for decency. Can't have any slip ups when performing or anything!" Fae nodded to herself. She didn't have to worry as much when in her mermaid form, but any idol had to be aware that you couldn't just be flashing the goods when on stage. "You were in the Demon Realms?" Fae hummed out softly, to herself more then anything. Perfectly happy to wait for Shoolurel to expand on her thoughts. Fae smiled wider as she mentioned her being a friendly face, before she carried on, asking about where she was from. "Oh! Thank you! It's great to see another being of the water. Usually it's all city everywhere. Well you've seen it I guess." She paused for a moment before carrying on. "But I was in Auralis, on Earth. At a radio station before everything went fuzzy and I woke up here!"

She blinked rapidly a few times. She didn't really have much of a reference for the tempest. "Oh! I'm sorry! I'm from Akusuka! From Kura Kura Stre-" She was cut off as Tsuifan and Elune made their way over. Though the random part of the demon realms Fae had spawned in, probably wouldn't have meant much to Shoolurel anyway. Still, between Shoolurel and Tsuifan, she was having a fun time! They were so nice! She turned to look between the elemental and the others approaching. It was good to know they were on earth, as Elune introduced herself. But not knowing the island specifically was troubling. "Yup, this is Elune! She's a corrupted magical girl! And this!" She gestured excitedly to Tsuifan. "Is Tsuifan! She's really helpful! We were thinking of maybe singing some karaoke together!" She paused and looked between the group, gaze lingering on Shoolurel longer. "I mean if you'd like that of course! If not we can do something else!" She gasped loud and looked more inland. "Maybe we should go exploring? See what or who else we can find!"

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

So an "idol" was like a pop star. A musician who focused on their image as much as their music. That wasn't such a bad goal, especially for someone who seemed as passionate about entertaining as Fae. Elune claimed not to be much of a singer, but Tsuifan assured her "As long as you put your heart into it, anyone can sing!" Which she truly believed, even if not everyone could sing well. And while Elune's "corruption" seemed like too touchy a subject to get into, Tsuifan certainly wasn't going to let that other comment pass. "What kind of pet do you have? I love animals!" She certainly did, almost as much as she loved being on vacation. "Do you have any pictures you could show me?" Elune could swear those decorative panda ears were actually wiggling with curiosity.

Once again when meeting up with Shoolurel and Fae, Elune was introduced as "corrupted." As if that word had some particular meaning Tsuifan wasn't aware of. Oh well, I'll just go with it. It would be rude to pry. And while Tsuifan hadn't exactly volunteered herself for karaoke just yet, she smiled and let that one go too. Fae was so adorably bouncy and happy about it, she could hardly do anything to rain on that parade. "What's your name?" Tsuifan instead asked Shoolurel. "I don't realy know how 'helpful' I've been, but I guess I try to look out for anyone in trouble." Still Tsuifan was grinning ear to ear, clearly quite proud of that compliment. "Anyway. That's a really nice orb you have there! Where did you get it from?" It was a roundabout way to ask where Shoolurel herself was from, too.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2023, 08:04:14 PM by madman32 »

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Spoiler for Vayelia Fells:

Vayelia Fells
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Morgan Garcia

"I think... we shouldn't rule out magic, but that's not my forte. All signs point to corruption in my experience, but that doesn't mean magic couldn't be a factor here. We'll learn more by triggering the others I think. My weapon should be able to handle corruptive effects, but if it's arcane I have no idea how it'll react. So far it seems alright. I think as long as we move forward immediately after triggering them we should get where we need to go." Vayelia said to Morgan's assessments. As Vayelia moved to the next trap, again throwing her sword at the trigger spot. This time something different happened...

A sudden burst of magic shot out at Vayelia from behind from a purple flower behind them and Vayelia didn't see it coming. Morgan would have to move to stop it from attacking her, at the same time vines were now shooting out at Vayelia, and not the sword. It seems that the traps had a mind of their own and were adapting to their method of triggering. Either way Morgan didn't have the time to worry about that, she had to save her new ally or it was likely that she was going to be changed by whatever the magic was and whatever the vines did to her. There was also a third attack, a burst of pollen was launched at Morgan herself...

Morgan Garcia

Beach Event - Into the Jungle
Tagging: Vayelia Fells

Morgan let Vayelia's greater knowledge prevail.  She expected there might be a vertical attack, like launched thorns, or another attack that could accidentally put them in the danger range despite their caution.  Thus, she stayed alert as the new trap was triggered.  What she hadn't expected was a direct attack adapted to their methods.  The attack would have been quick either way, but it shaved off precious fractions of seconds of time to react.

'Mierda!' Morgan cursed internally as she lunged forward, dodging the burst of pollen launched at her and tackling her companion out of the way of the magic and hopefully the vines.  She rolled as they hit the ground, her arms clutching Vayelia tightly.  Did the Doc get hit by any of the magic aimed at the other girl?  She didn't think so, but she was more focused on getting themselves out of the way of the vines and hopefully not triggering the third trap to self-assess quite yet.

'Of course this would happen!' she let out a frustrated growl as she released Vayelia and spun into a crouch that placed the Doc between her companion and those grasping vines.  She didn't know their range if they couldn't find their quarry directly below them and was hoping she'd have enough time to dodge if she had to.  Having to spin to face them like that had wasted precious time if the two hadn't managed to roll out of range.

There were too many of them to try to attack one or two.  She'd simply get entangled by the rest.  Vayelia would have to do her best to stay out of their way on her own if it came to that.  Morgan wasn't a hero, but she would rather have someone around to help her escape this place.  She had no idea how incapacitated the girl would have been if whatever that stuff was had hit her.

Spoiler for Skill/Luck Check:
How skillfully did Morgan managed to dodge the magic burst at Vayelia, the vines, the third trap, etc?  (Higher roll=More skill):
9 out of 10

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Spoiler for Hidden:

Chloe Von, Experiment XII (Pyro)
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Caitlyn (Youkai)

The Captive Heroine obediently spread her legs allowing Caitlyn to see the sheen of the love juices coating her inner thigh, her body perfectly relaxed despite keeping her butt lifted while Caitlyn applied the cool sunscreen lotion to her backside. “Mmm, that feels so good!” Chloe moaned softly, unable to sense the hesitation in Caitlyn’s touch; her years of programming just making it so easy for the veteran Dominion Agent…

“What am I thinking?” Chloe repeated rhetorically, speaking in a slow and seductive voice. The sensation of Caitlyn’s hands and the cold lotion bringing out goose-bumps upon her skin. “Mmm, that feels amazing!” Chloe moaned softly, now lowering her backside whilst arching her back to grant Caitlyn access to the small amount of flesh above her bosom after she’d wiggled her arms free of her constraints. “I’m thinking how you’ve done something incredible for me and how I’ve done nothing for you…”

“Unfortunately…” Chloe added. “I don’t have anything to give you…" she declared. "So, I guess I'm free to make it up to you another way, and it’s time for some good ol’ sex on the beach!” Chloe declared, rolling over onto her back and giving Caitlyn a clear look at her misty eyes. “Anyways, it’s your vacation too, right?” Chloe teased, licking her lips seductively. “You need to cum and enjoy it as well!” Chloe barked, hoping Caitlyn would understand the invitation with the enticing motions of her tongue.

Caitlyn Labelle
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Chloe

Caitlyn looked over Chloe as she rolled on her back and basically offered herself to the Dominion Agent, she was incredibly suspicious of what was going on now and hesitated even more. What would happen if she engaged in this? Well, there was one way to find out, she wasn't going to offer herself willingly to Chloe though. She was going to test her theory by using Chloe as a guinea pig. "Sex on the beach huh? Don't mind if I do, but you're far more worked up than me so it's only fair that I finish you off before I let you return the favor. That's fair right? After all I wouldn't want to leave you so heated and horny." Caitlyn licked her lips, although she was going to be cautious about this, she didn't want to fall into some trap here by letting Chloe play with her. It was obvious that some other force had a hold of Chloe now with her misty eyes looking up at her.

Without another warning, the woman leaned down and captured Chloe's lips in a searing kiss, and her fingers dipped into Chloe's pussy, expertly tweaking it with the skill that a thorough lover would give. Chloe would feel wave after wave of contentment slam against her brain at this point, encouraging her to remain passive, accept this, and enjoy her sex. She was a sexy beach toy now and it was best to just give up and stop using her head. Lay on her back, accept the kiss enjoy with, spread her legs wider to give more access, and empty her mind of all other distractions. This was a nice vacation for her to indulge in. No more thoughts, only sex on the beach, no more worries, only enjoying her vacation, no more resistance, just accepting that she belonged her. And most of all, she needed to help others engage in fun beach activities like this...

"Enjoy yourself..." Caitlyn said as she released the kiss and pushed her fingers in deeper. The dominion agent watched Chloe's eyes to see if they became more misty and vacant, she also tried to keep herself alert in case something tried to influence her too...

Chloe Von, Experiment XII (Pyro)
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Caitlyn (Youkai)

Chloe chuckled like a schoolgirl after hearing Caitlyn mention ‘Sex on the beach’ too, she knew she’d been the one to bring it up; it was just sort of funny being on the other end and hearing the other woman say it. The Captive Heroine reluctantly nodded along with Caitlyn’s statement clearly a little disappointed that she would have to wait to make it up to Caitlyn but that disappointment quickly passed when Caitlyn leaned forward, and their lips locked. The Heroine could feel the searing heat in Caitlyn’s lips; her years of Dominion conditioning swiftly activating and making sure she returned to her passive state while spreading her legs and permitting Caitlyn greater access to her honeypot.

“Oh god, that feels so good!” Chloe howled, shifting her body upward to match pace with Caitlyn’s fingers. “Right there!” Chloe declared pleadingly. As Caitlyn’s finger slid expertly over her g-spot with precision and the practiced skill of a thorough lover. The Heroine’s mind slipping further and further away with each passing moment whilst her eyes grew more and more misty in her erotically induced tranced state. It wasn’t long after the kiss ended that Chloe howled in orgasm exploding lewdly over Caitlyn’s fingers, her body still quivering sexually with her love juices flowing like a stream and continuing to coat Caitlyn’s fingers until the other woman withdrew them.

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Chloe Von, Experiment XII (Pyro)
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Caitlyn (Youkai)

Chloe chuckled like a schoolgirl after hearing Caitlyn mention ‘Sex on the beach’ too, she knew she’d been the one to bring it up; it was just sort of funny being on the other end and hearing the other woman say it. The Captive Heroine reluctantly nodded along with Caitlyn’s statement clearly a little disappointed that she would have to wait to make it up to Caitlyn but that disappointment quickly passed when Caitlyn leaned forward, and their lips locked. The Heroine could feel the searing heat in Caitlyn’s lips; her years of Dominion conditioning swiftly activating and making sure she returned to her passive state while spreading her legs and permitting Caitlyn greater access to her honeypot.

“Oh god, that feels so good!” Chloe howled, shifting her body upward to match pace with Caitlyn’s fingers. “Right there!” Chloe declared pleadingly. As Caitlyn’s finger slid expertly over her g-spot with precision and the practiced skill of a thorough lover. The Heroine’s mind slipping further and further away with each passing moment whilst her eyes grew more and more misty in her erotically induced tranced state. It wasn’t long after the kiss ended that Chloe howled in orgasm exploding lewdly over Caitlyn’s fingers, her body still quivering sexually with her love juices flowing like a stream and continuing to coat Caitlyn’s fingers until the other woman withdrew them.

Caitlyn Labelle
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Chloe

That felt so much better, all her inhibitions and resistance drained out of her brain and out of her pussy, now she could enjoy her vacation without any thought or worry. Others needed to feel this good too, she'd make sure to share this experience with others and keep them on the island at all costs, everyone deserved to enjoy themselves and stay on the island. Chloe was a good girl, and good girls took a break and forgot all their stresses and worries while they were on vacation. It was a time to relax, cum, and enjoy everything the island had to offer. There was no reason to stress or worry about the little stuff. After that last thought pushed into the woman's mind, she started come out of her trance and come back to alertness. However her mindset had changed, she just needed to enjoy the island and have fun. Whether that was sex, having a drink, or sunbathing, it didn't matter really...

Caitlyn smiled down at Chloe as she saw the misty eyed trance start to fade away, Caitlyn was smart enough to realize that Chloe was being influenced by something else but she couldn't be sure what. She continued to tweak at Chloe's clit for a little bit before retreating and licking her lips clean before she asked the obvious question. "You alright? You looked like you were deep in thought, I hope that took some edge off." Caitlyn started to get up though, neglecting her own needs as she was suspicious enough to not cross that line.

She never felt better... but the dominion agent needed to experience this too... A voice in the back of Chloe's head compelled her, it was probably her own thoughts, nothing to worry about.

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Morgan Garcia

Beach Event - Into the Jungle
Tagging: Vayelia Fells

Morgan let Vayelia's greater knowledge prevail.  She expected there might be a vertical attack, like launched thorns, or another attack that could accidentally put them in the danger range despite their caution.  Thus, she stayed alert as the new trap was triggered.  What she hadn't expected was a direct attack adapted to their methods.  The attack would have been quick either way, but it shaved off precious fractions of seconds of time to react.

'Mierda!' Morgan cursed internally as she lunged forward, dodging the burst of pollen launched at her and tackling her companion out of the way of the magic and hopefully the vines.  She rolled as they hit the ground, her arms clutching Vayelia tightly.  Did the Doc get hit by any of the magic aimed at the other girl?  She didn't think so, but she was more focused on getting themselves out of the way of the vines and hopefully not triggering the third trap to self-assess quite yet.

'Of course this would happen!' she let out a frustrated growl as she released Vayelia and spun into a crouch that placed the Doc between her companion and those grasping vines.  She didn't know their range if they couldn't find their quarry directly below them and was hoping she'd have enough time to dodge if she had to.  Having to spin to face them like that had wasted precious time if the two hadn't managed to roll out of range.

There were too many of them to try to attack one or two.  She'd simply get entangled by the rest.  Vayelia would have to do her best to stay out of their way on her own if it came to that.  Morgan wasn't a hero, but she would rather have someone around to help her escape this place.  She had no idea how incapacitated the girl would have been if whatever that stuff was had hit her.

Spoiler for Skill/Luck Check:
How skillfully did Morgan managed to dodge the magic burst at Vayelia, the vines, the third trap, etc?  (Higher roll=More skill):
9 out of 10

Vayelia Fells
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Morgan Garcia

Everything moved rapidly for Vayelia, she was not expecting the traps to adapt or seem so alive so she was thankful that Morgan was quick to the punch, she managed to get Vayelia out of the way and avoid all of the chaos around her. Luckily, thanks to Morgan, Vayelia got back on her feet and summoned her sword again, slicing at the vines and stopping them in place. After that though, everything went silent. It was as if the island itself was trying to attack and stop them, but for now they were safe again. "I have a theory, hold on. Thank you for saving me, I wasn't expecting that. I think that rules out that these were made by someone, unless they're a highly skilled mage that's adept at manipulating plant life, or a plant demon." Vayelia sighed and plopped onto the ground to rest...

"Grab the flower and yank it out of the ground, trust me." Vayelia said as she composed herself and stood up, she was hoping that Morgan would do just that. "I think... the flower is the source of this. I think it's protecting itself, but there doesn't look to be anything between us and it now. But in order to see if I'm right, we need to inspect it."

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Spoiler for Hidden:

Yasu Shibuya Taegan Griffin
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Molly Wood

"That sounds good, hopefully we can find out more about the island split off, but we should meet here again soon, I'd say about an hour so we aren't separated for too long. We don't have watches or clocks unfortunately so just use your best judgement." Taegan said sharply, nodding to Yasu and Molly and then thinking about the plan some more, decided to head off in her own direction. Maybe she'd meet up with someone that could help, but either way she'd keep her word and come back whether she ended up empty handed or not. Soon enough, the white-haired paladin would disappear from Molly's sight and leave the woman alone with the Grandmaster. Yasu started to head off in the opposite direction, beckoning Molly to follow her. "We have an hour, so let's make it count." They'd travel a bit and not see a soul yet, but in the meantime the compulsions didn't relent on Molly's head.

Yes, Molly could make this count, she had the Grandmaster all to herself now with nobody watching. Her embarrassment would be minimal, and she could finally tend to that thrumming between her legs that was aching for someone more experienced to take the wheel for her. Watching that swaying ass in front of her made her feel so horny and happy, getting laid on the beach would feel wonderful especially if it was with a knockout like Yasu. It was here that Yasu turned to look at Molly and narrowed her eyes, she approached the paladin and placed her hand on her forehead.

"You alright? You look heated, if you want to rest we can do that, we've been on the move for a while. While we're alone I want to say I liked Taegan, she seemed cautious." Yes, rest, sleep with Yasu, take advantage of the situation. Lean in for a kiss and pin her to the ground, she was stronger than the Grandmaster, she could-

"Don't resist..." Yasu suddenly pushed in for a kiss, that'd melt Molly's inhibitions if their lips met, and that honeyed voice wormed into her ears. That voice could silence minds with it's seductive whisper, could Molly snap out of it and realize the danger or would she sink to the ground and enjoy what came next?

Molly Wood
Tagging: Yasu Shibuya

Molly smiled and nodded at Taegan, glad the other paladin agreed with her plan. Waving slightly as she turned to head off by her own. "Good luck Taegan! See you soon!" Molly kept watching, until the white haired paladin left her line of sight, then turning around to Yasu, following after her as she beckoned her over. "Sure, hopefully we can really make this count!" Molly shuddered. A chill moving up her spine as she looked over at Yasu. The more experienced woman, the grandmaster. More like a Grand Mistress! amirite?! She tried to shake her head. Focus on the path, look around, see if there was anyone else around. Y'know there's not though, if there was Yasu would have noticed, she's so strong, so much more experienced. She shook her head again, punching herself in the thigh a couple of times to try and refocus her thoughts. She needed to focus, to prove herself to Yasu! She couldn't be lusting after her like a school girl with a cru- woulda been much nicer slapping Yasu's divine, swaying ass, rather then your own thigh Molly...

She cursed her inner monolog. Instead looking back at Yasu's ass body, how inspiring and commanding she was. How confident and graceful. Actually scratch that, instead of slapping yourself on her, she should be spankin- Molly shook her head more fervently this time. Squeaking as Yasu seemed to notice. Approaching her again. Her cheeks must have been as bright red as they felt and Molly tried to raise her hands up. "N-no I'm ok, I can still go on! We don't know how safe we are here after all!" She tried to smile reassuringly, or maybe disarmingly. But the nerves would have washed across her face. She tried to fight off the voice in the back of her head. She couldn't just push the Grandmaster down! And kiss her! She wouldn't! She probably had someone back home, another ninja probably, she couldn't ju-

"Don't Resist..."

Molly had barely enough time to register that Yasu had said something, before Yasu pushed forwards. Their lips meeting and she let out a little squeal. Turning into a soft, happy sigh as she felt the warmth of the ninja's body pressing up against hers. Mind going numb, silencing and it was just about all she could do to try and kiss the ninja back. Eyes fluttering closed. Hands, still held up placatingly in front of her, frozen in place as the more in experienced woman found her body awash with tingly, happy sparks. It took her a few moments, before her eyes widened, and she stumbled back, landing on her ass with a squeak. Sinking onto the sands slightly.

"Y-y-yasu! W-what are you doing?! We... we need to be strong! We need to find out what's happening to us on this island!"

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Molly Wood
Tagging: Yasu Shibuya

Molly smiled and nodded at Taegan, glad the other paladin agreed with her plan. Waving slightly as she turned to head off by her own. "Good luck Taegan! See you soon!" Molly kept watching, until the white haired paladin left her line of sight, then turning around to Yasu, following after her as she beckoned her over. "Sure, hopefully we can really make this count!" Molly shuddered. A chill moving up her spine as she looked over at Yasu. The more experienced woman, the grandmaster. More like a Grand Mistress! amirite?! She tried to shake her head. Focus on the path, look around, see if there was anyone else around. Y'know there's not though, if there was Yasu would have noticed, she's so strong, so much more experienced. She shook her head again, punching herself in the thigh a couple of times to try and refocus her thoughts. She needed to focus, to prove herself to Yasu! She couldn't be lusting after her like a school girl with a cru- woulda been much nicer slapping Yasu's divine, swaying ass, rather then your own thigh Molly...

She cursed her inner monolog. Instead looking back at Yasu's ass body, how inspiring and commanding she was. How confident and graceful. Actually scratch that, instead of slapping yourself on her, she should be spankin- Molly shook her head more fervently this time. Squeaking as Yasu seemed to notice. Approaching her again. Her cheeks must have been as bright red as they felt and Molly tried to raise her hands up. "N-no I'm ok, I can still go on! We don't know how safe we are here after all!" She tried to smile reassuringly, or maybe disarmingly. But the nerves would have washed across her face. She tried to fight off the voice in the back of her head. She couldn't just push the Grandmaster down! And kiss her! She wouldn't! She probably had someone back home, another ninja probably, she couldn't ju-

"Don't Resist..."

Molly had barely enough time to register that Yasu had said something, before Yasu pushed forwards. Their lips meeting and she let out a little squeal. Turning into a soft, happy sigh as she felt the warmth of the ninja's body pressing up against hers. Mind going numb, silencing and it was just about all she could do to try and kiss the ninja back. Eyes fluttering closed. Hands, still held up placatingly in front of her, frozen in place as the more in experienced woman found her body awash with tingly, happy sparks. It took her a few moments, before her eyes widened, and she stumbled back, landing on her ass with a squeak. Sinking onto the sands slightly.

"Y-y-yasu! W-what are you doing?! We... we need to be strong! We need to find out what's happening to us on this island!"

Yasu Shibuya
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Molly Wood

Yasu kiss was mind numbing and exquisite to sink into, but Molly decided to resist and back away after a few moments which made Yasu frown as Molly stumbled to the ground. Why was she resisting so much? She was getting what she wanted, alone time with Yasu, she could just sink into the compulsions and enjoy her time on the beach. Nobody was stopping them, it was just the two of them alone and she wouldn't have to explain herself to anyone. Really, she should just sink, enjoy the attractive company, and enjoy everything the island had to offer. Yasu in the meantime stumbled and her eyes went unfocused after Molly's plea. The painter clutched her head and Molly could tell now that the influence of the island was affecting her and Yasu was indeed trying to fight against it.

"Molly... get away from me... I don't know what I'll do." Yasu said desperately, as her hand twitched, reaching for her brush, and then suddenly the Grandmaster dropped to the ground on a knee, clutching her head with one hand and panting, her brush ignored for now. Vee manipulating her thoughts with her telepathy was one thing, and eventually that wore her down in their battle and would've had some side effects if the telepath didn't help stop them. These were similar but the power of these compulsions seemed to keep scaling as more suggestions were absorbed without her knowing. Yasu suddenly froze and closed her eyes, then purged some thoughts out of her mind, anything related to doing something to Molly.

"Okay... I'm good I think. I guess... a lot slipped through. Look, review your thoughts, I didn't even notice that anything had changed with me." Yasu said, turning away from Molly with a blush and trying to sift through her thoughts for anything else that she considered foreign. Yasu closed her eyes and tried to concentrate, Molly could react or ask something if she wished, but the woman seemed to be deep in thought trying to sift through everything in her head. That kiss was so nice, maybe she could set Yasu back on the right path and get back to enjoying each other, it was more fun when Yasu was playing with her.

Offline Sashanna

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Spoiler for Tsuifan Hurin:
Spoiler for Fae:
Spoiler for Elune:

Elune Farah
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

The sundae definitely hit the spot, and it wasn't just Fae's taste buds that continued to get a burst of joy. This compulsion was stronger than the others thanks to the erosion from accepting the other compulsions without question. In fact, thanks to the continued compulsions that Fae had been subjected to, she might find it easier to fall into a nice happy daze and go along with whatever the others wanted to do on the beach, she was enjoying herself so much and there was no reason to stop the fun. Yes, going along with everything and being a happy agreeable demon felt really nice today, there was no reason to kill her mood. She might be able to shrug it off, but it was harder to do than the others up to this point.

"Hey, you wanted a sundae! I just was trying to help." Elune pouted, but her spirits didn't seem to waver one bit, she just giggled and laughed at Fae's words. "Yeah it's been really fun here, I know we have to leave eventually but it's so fun being here." The magical girl said with a giggle as she hummed to herself and tilted her head from side to side, she didn't have a care in the world it seemed, most of the conversation seemed to be on idols which was out of Elune's knowledge base. "Idols sound cute, you both are cute anyway. Don't idols sing a long and dance a lot? I can see that both of you have a lot of energy so I can believe that."

Then Tsuifan took an interest in her which surprised the blonde, maybe she could get two of them and have some fun? "I'm... okay I think? I know I've been corrupted but I've had a lot of fun recently, I even too my pet on a walk on a leash recently! And no, I was an adult when I was corrupted, I remember how it happened but I'd rather not get into that, this is a vacation, we should enjoy ourselves!" She wasn't going to mention that pet was a corrupted heroine of course. She didn't know what Tsuifan was talking about with the cats and the mayor being a demon, but it sounded funny, so she laughed a bit.

In the meantime, as Tsuifan's mind went to cutting loose, another compulsion would try to worm into her head. Cutting loose on the beach and enjoying her time here was such a fun idea, whether it was singing, dancing, sunbathing, swimming, it didn't matter as long as she enjoyed her vacation and continued to enjoy everything that the island had to offer. Maybe not the food though, as she had been warned about that, but all that other stuff sounded really fun. "Oh I haven't sung much at all, I'd probably be bad at it, but that's okay!"

Then Shoolurel came over, at first Elune was confused and tilted her head as she didn't understand the woman, but then the translator did it's work and she could understand the cutie. "Hello Shoolurel, I'm Elune! Also we're on Earth, I don't know where you're from but here there are all sorts of beings that visit. I don't remember what this island is called, but hey, it's fun!" Although the woman seemed mostly focused on Fae, so she remained polite for now and just smiled energetically, trying to keep up the good vibes.

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

As the compulsions wormed their way into Fae's mind she could feel them getting stronger. Or perhaps it was more that her defences were being worn down. Either way, there was a growing distrust of Elune building up, and she hadn't had a great deal of trust in her to begin with. "MmHmm! Sing and dance a lot! It's the best way to spread my love to all of my fans around the world!" She giggled. "So no standing around! An Idol is a star who can move any and everyone with the power of her music!" She gave a thumbs up of her own back to Tsuifan, before moving over to the elemental.

Fae paused slightly as she saw the eyes of the elemental widen. Realising that she had been rattling off her questions quite quickly. Smiling as she started to get answers to them. "Generate your outer covering? She sounded quizzical, but really. After being around Auralis for some time, and Dis for far longer. It was probably not the strangest ability, or way of wording things that she'd have run into. "Yea, as cute as they are, they don't really offer much in the way of protection! It's more for decency. Can't have any slip ups when performing or anything!" Fae nodded to herself. She didn't have to worry as much when in her mermaid form, but any idol had to be aware that you couldn't just be flashing the goods when on stage. "You were in the Demon Realms?" Fae hummed out softly, to herself more then anything. Perfectly happy to wait for Shoolurel to expand on her thoughts. Fae smiled wider as she mentioned her being a friendly face, before she carried on, asking about where she was from. "Oh! Thank you! It's great to see another being of the water. Usually it's all city everywhere. Well you've seen it I guess." She paused for a moment before carrying on. "But I was in Auralis, on Earth. At a radio station before everything went fuzzy and I woke up here!"

She blinked rapidly a few times. She didn't really have much of a reference for the tempest. "Oh! I'm sorry! I'm from Akusuka! From Kura Kura Stre-" She was cut off as Tsuifan and Elune made their way over. Though the random part of the demon realms Fae had spawned in, probably wouldn't have meant much to Shoolurel anyway. Still, between Shoolurel and Tsuifan, she was having a fun time! They were so nice! She turned to look between the elemental and the others approaching. It was good to know they were on earth, as Elune introduced herself. But not knowing the island specifically was troubling. "Yup, this is Elune! She's a corrupted magical girl! And this!" She gestured excitedly to Tsuifan. "Is Tsuifan! She's really helpful! We were thinking of maybe singing some karaoke together!" She paused and looked between the group, gaze lingering on Shoolurel longer. "I mean if you'd like that of course! If not we can do something else!" She gasped loud and looked more inland. "Maybe we should go exploring? See what or who else we can find!"

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

So an "idol" was like a pop star. A musician who focused on their image as much as their music. That wasn't such a bad goal, especially for someone who seemed as passionate about entertaining as Fae. Elune claimed not to be much of a singer, but Tsuifan assured her "As long as you put your heart into it, anyone can sing!" Which she truly believed, even if not everyone could sing well. And while Elune's "corruption" seemed like too touchy a subject to get into, Tsuifan certainly wasn't going to let that other comment pass. "What kind of pet do you have? I love animals!" She certainly did, almost as much as she loved being on vacation. "Do you have any pictures you could show me?" Elune could swear those decorative panda ears were actually wiggling with curiosity.

Once again when meeting up with Shoolurel and Fae, Elune was introduced as "corrupted." As if that word had some particular meaning Tsuifan wasn't aware of. Oh well, I'll just go with it. It would be rude to pry. And while Tsuifan hadn't exactly volunteered herself for karaoke just yet, she smiled and let that one go too. Fae was so adorably bouncy and happy about it, she could hardly do anything to rain on that parade. "What's your name?" Tsuifan instead asked Shoolurel. "I don't realy know how 'helpful' I've been, but I guess I try to look out for anyone in trouble." Still Tsuifan was grinning ear to ear, clearly quite proud of that compliment. "Anyway. That's a really nice orb you have there! Where did you get it from?" It was a roundabout way to ask where Shoolurel herself was from, too.

Mysterious Island - Beach
Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

Shoolurel nodded thoughtfully to Fae's mention of 'slip ups' while 'performing'.  Even with the translator, she had little clue what the pink girl meant.  'What would the decorative cloth do to prevent whatever mistakes she was concerned about?'  The elemental's smile broadened when Fae shared her sentiment on seeing a fellow aquatic sentient in this strange situation though.  "Akusuka?"  "Akusuka?"  Shoolurel tilted her head at the name.  She hadn't heard of it, but she would try to remember it.  It would be interesting to discover what Fae's aquatic home realm looked like.  Still, she'd rather spend longer exploring the Demon Realms first... 

Before she could ask anything more, the other two nearby began speaking too!  Shoolurel looked between her orb and all the people talking to her now.  Strange runes floated prettily within and around its surface as people spoke.  The elemental seemed to divide her attention between the others with their expressions and intonations and her floating sphere with its presumably written translations.

"Shoogetcha!  Ami Shoolurel!" "Greetings!  I'm Shoolurel!" the elemental greeted Elune and Tsuifan enthusiastically after they had been introduced.  "Pleased to meet you," she added with a half bow.  'Earth.... Earth.  Where have I heard that name before?'  Both Elune and Fae mentioned it.  It seemed like a name she'd heard in one of her classes. 

Addressing her transdimensional assistant, she asked, "Earth mannikey?" "What does 'Earth' mean?" ....  With an open palm, Shoolurel placed the tips of her pressed together fingers against her lowered forehead and briefly closed her eyes in frustration at herself before summoning the orb closer.  Pressing a few runes floating through the orb, she then repeated, "Earth mannikey?" The mature and melodic voice spoke again but in the elemental's tongue,  "Annurbar mohabishell eckti grow'hoe."  The information put a thoughtful expression on the girl's face as she looked off in the distance. 'The Barren Realm.... That came up in my Demon history course.  The Realm devoid of unique energies of its own was an ancient battlefield between the early Demons and Satania's former brethren.  That -does- explain why there is so little ambient energy, but what purpose would there be in bringing anyone -here-?'  Her lips turned to an awkward frown.  Giving a slow nod, she pressed a couple more symbols on the floating device and pushed it away.

When Tsuifan asked about the orb, Shoolurel twisted a finger towards the panda girl and the orb floating in its icy bowl came between them as if attached by an invisible rod.  "Ay?  Ahmi kaiyeck dashook kuhray aeteer malleek." "This?  I have owned it for decades.  Transdimensional assistants are still available in any market in Hydrus.  You could buy one the next time you visit the city if you like it.  It is very useful."  She tapped a few symbols and brought up a video of a brightly-colored feathery fish-thing that was burbling in a soft rumble while it nuzzled a green and tan skinned man with fins on his head and arms.  The video played for a few seconds as she spoke, before she closed the feed.  "It can provide information and translations on the go from data compiled by elementals throughout the realms, play videos and provide music and lectures as long as you are in or near a Realm."  Connections in the Void apparently got very spotty, but you could still play some games and use a calculator and basic mapping abilities without it.

She actually tended to take her transdimensional assistant for granted back home, but Shoolurel truly appreciated its utility outside of Hydrus.  Turning her attention back to Fae, she considered the options laid out before her.  With a finger absently twirling in her pink hair, she voiced in a disappointed tone, "Ahmi tomar shattay gon dyteh chai..." "I want to sing with you..." She'd never been asked to join in something like this.  If only they weren't all lost... "...but we probably should find out what brought us here and why first?"  Hopefully they wouldn't hate her for not agreeing to join in on the fun.  She didn't wish to be ridiculed, feared, and/or ignored in another place.  These weren't Demons; so, she wasn't sure how they might react at all.

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Spoiler for Hidden:

Yasu Shibuya
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Molly Wood

Yasu kiss was mind numbing and exquisite to sink into, but Molly decided to resist and back away after a few moments which made Yasu frown as Molly stumbled to the ground. Why was she resisting so much? She was getting what she wanted, alone time with Yasu, she could just sink into the compulsions and enjoy her time on the beach. Nobody was stopping them, it was just the two of them alone and she wouldn't have to explain herself to anyone. Really, she should just sink, enjoy the attractive company, and enjoy everything the island had to offer. Yasu in the meantime stumbled and her eyes went unfocused after Molly's plea. The painter clutched her head and Molly could tell now that the influence of the island was affecting her and Yasu was indeed trying to fight against it.

"Molly... get away from me... I don't know what I'll do." Yasu said desperately, as her hand twitched, reaching for her brush, and then suddenly the Grandmaster dropped to the ground on a knee, clutching her head with one hand and panting, her brush ignored for now. Vee manipulating her thoughts with her telepathy was one thing, and eventually that wore her down in their battle and would've had some side effects if the telepath didn't help stop them. These were similar but the power of these compulsions seemed to keep scaling as more suggestions were absorbed without her knowing. Yasu suddenly froze and closed her eyes, then purged some thoughts out of her mind, anything related to doing something to Molly.

"Okay... I'm good I think. I guess... a lot slipped through. Look, review your thoughts, I didn't even notice that anything had changed with me." Yasu said, turning away from Molly with a blush and trying to sift through her thoughts for anything else that she considered foreign. Yasu closed her eyes and tried to concentrate, Molly could react or ask something if she wished, but the woman seemed to be deep in thought trying to sift through everything in her head. That kiss was so nice, maybe she could set Yasu back on the right path and get back to enjoying each other, it was more fun when Yasu was playing with her.

Molly Wood
Tagging: Yasu Shibuya

A pang of guilt tugged at Molly's heart as she looked up, seeing the frown on Yasu's face. Had she done wrong? It had been so sudden, caught her off guard! Wasn't it what she wanted? To knock boots with the grand master, to have her do, all the things she'd dreamed about having done to her?! Or at least some of them maybe. She really was very attractive. She shook her head furiously for a couple of seconds. Now was not the time. Seeing the other woman stumble and look pained helped focus her thoughts. Whilst the tug of how fun it would be to let Yasu do things to her, seeing the other woman sounding so desperate shocked her back into control. Eyes widening, almost moving forwards as Yasu dropped down onto one knee, before fully recognising what it was Yasu had requested of her. Freezing up herself, clenching her eyes and rubbing at her temples as she slowly made her way back onto her feet. Trying to purge any and all dirty thoughts from her mind.

She kept her yes closed, even as Yasu recovered. Giving her the advice to look through her thoughts. Doing so, massaging her head more. Feeling the unbidden thought about how fun it was when Yasu was playing with her. Molly blushed and let out a little gasp. Well it was true, she did enjoy Yasu's playful teases. Or had been doing so, but was it right? Was it something Yasu actually wanted to be doing? The unease helped combat the compulsions in her head. Giving her a focal point for the moment. The paladin managing to throw back the compulsions trying to intrude on her thought patterns for the moment. "I think we had... best be careful!" Molly slowly opened her eyes, looking over towards Yasu carefully for a moment, before deciding it might be best if she didn't look at the breathing piece of art in front of her... fuck could she ask Yasu to paint her? Molly pinched the bridge of her nose. "Are you ok? We'd be best off finding out and stopping what ever is causing these compulsions sooner rather then later." Putting actions to words, and not wanting to risk finding herself lusting after Yasu again if she left it too long, Molly started moving back along the path. Slightly more unsteady this time, compared to how she had been earlier.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2022, 04:22:05 PM by rogue-rider »

Offline Sashanna

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Spoiler for Vayelia Fells:

Vayelia Fells
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Morgan Garcia

Everything moved rapidly for Vayelia, she was not expecting the traps to adapt or seem so alive so she was thankful that Morgan was quick to the punch, she managed to get Vayelia out of the way and avoid all of the chaos around her. Luckily, thanks to Morgan, Vayelia got back on her feet and summoned her sword again, slicing at the vines and stopping them in place. After that though, everything went silent. It was as if the island itself was trying to attack and stop them, but for now they were safe again. "I have a theory, hold on. Thank you for saving me, I wasn't expecting that. I think that rules out that these were made by someone, unless they're a highly skilled mage that's adept at manipulating plant life, or a plant demon." Vayelia sighed and plopped onto the ground to rest...

"Grab the flower and yank it out of the ground, trust me." Vayelia said as she composed herself and stood up, she was hoping that Morgan would do just that. "I think... the flower is the source of this. I think it's protecting itself, but there doesn't look to be anything between us and it now. But in order to see if I'm right, we need to inspect it."

Morgan Garcia

Beach Event - Into the Jungle
Tagging: Vayelia Fells

The Doc was preparing to once again lunge out of the way of the still active vines from her crouched stance when Vayelia deftly handled them.  There was a tense moment where she waited for signs of another attack, but the jungle was silent and still, eerily so.  Her muscles relaxed as the immediate danger seemed to pass.  Listening to Vayelia she responded honestly, "Errr, you're welcome.  I just figured having someone else around of sound mind would be wise right now."

'Trust her after what just happened?  Is that wise?  We just trusted her and look what almost happened to us!  No!  That wasn't her fault!  Who could have predicted the trap adapting?  And, and she was just as in danger as us!  She even protected us!'  Morgan took a deep calming breath.  'Vayelia is more confident than she was before about this.  But this place is strange.  Let's do as she says, but be alert for the unexpected.'

Not wanting any more dangers to awaken, the morphed girl quickly knelt before the flower and wrapped both hands around its base.  If she didn't have to immediately dodge, she would try to yank it out with wise use of her strength and leverage.  If that failed, she'd release her left hand from around the stem to drag the sharp nail of her left index finger across the base and hopefully sever the flower from the land.

Offline Youkai

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Molly Wood
Tagging: Yasu Shibuya

A pang of guilt tugged at Molly's heart as she looked up, seeing the frown on Yasu's face. Had she done wrong? It had been so sudden, caught her off guard! Wasn't it what she wanted? To knock boots with the grand master, to have her do, all the things she'd dreamed about having done to her?! Or at least some of them maybe. She really was very attractive. She shook her head furiously for a couple of seconds. Now was not the time. Seeing the other woman stumble and look pained helped focus her thoughts. Whilst the tug of how fun it would be to let Yasu do things to her, seeing the other woman sounding so desperate shocked her back into control. Eyes widening, almost moving forwards as Yasu dropped down onto one knee, before fully recognising what it was Yasu had requested of her. Freezing up herself, clenching her eyes and rubbing at her temples as she slowly made her way back onto her feet. Trying to purge any and all dirty thoughts from her mind.

She kept her yes closed, even as Yasu recovered. Giving her the advice to look through her thoughts. Doing so, massaging her head more. Feeling the unbidden thought about how fun it was when Yasu was playing with her. Molly blushed and let out a little gasp. Well it was true, she did enjoy Yasu's playful teases. Or had been doing so, but was it right? Was it something Yasu actually wanted to be doing? The unease helped combat the compulsions in her head. Giving her a focal point for the moment. The paladin managing to throw back the compulsions trying to intrude on her thought patterns for the moment. "I think we had... best be careful!" Molly slowly opened her eyes, looking over towards Yasu carefully for a moment, before deciding it might be best if she didn't look at the breathing piece of art in front of her... fuck could she ask Yasu to paint her? Molly pinched the bridge of her nose. "Are you ok? We'd be best off finding out and stopping what ever is causing these compulsions sooner rather then later." Putting actions to words, and not wanting to risk finding herself lusting after Yasu again if she left it too long, Molly started moving back along the path. Slightly more unsteady this time, compared to how she had been earlier.

Yasu Shibuya
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Molly Wood

"A moment, just stay there for a moment and don't move." Yasu said with a quiet voice, her eyes remained closed as she refused to budge. Yasu was mulling over her current mindset and thoughts, chewing and twisting on every word to find more compulsions or something that wasn't quite right. Sure, she was sexually active and had no problem sleeping around but she usually didn't throw caution to the wind in a situation like this. They had to find a way off the island, not fuck each other, that was the obvious one. With a grimace she purged it out of her head and moved onto the next thought, and then the next, and slowly she opened her eyes and stood up again. By the time Yasu walked up to Molly again, the woman had a unmistakable scowl and a firey look in her eyes.

"I'm fine, if you can't purge foreign thoughts then just try and focus on not having sex or having fun on the island. This is a prison, not a playground. The person or thing influencing us doesn't want us to leave and wants us to waste time doing 'fun' activities and forgetting about how they're trapped, after reviewing my thoughts I can make that determination. Yasu walked past Molly to try and lead the way again, proving that she had no interest in engaging in sex with her. That was a shame though, she would've had a lot of fun with the Grandmaster, they could just forget about everything and enjoy their vacation, all she had to do was pin Yasu to the ground and have her way. Yasu's head shot towards Molly, as if she had felt something push at her head at the same time. It flicked back forward and she pointed out something in the distance.

"There, if nothing else it gives us a place to stall for time, just try and keep your thoughts clear. Don't do anything stupid, like me." Yasu pointed out a ruined canopy in the distance, plus she saw a strange golden glow in the background too that was drawing her attention. Yasu continued mentally chiding herself for being careless and going with the flow...

Offline Youkai

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Morgan Garcia

Beach Event - Into the Jungle
Tagging: Vayelia Fells

The Doc was preparing to once again lunge out of the way of the still active vines from her crouched stance when Vayelia deftly handled them.  There was a tense moment where she waited for signs of another attack, but the jungle was silent and still, eerily so.  Her muscles relaxed as the immediate danger seemed to pass.  Listening to Vayelia she responded honestly, "Errr, you're welcome.  I just figured having someone else around of sound mind would be wise right now."

'Trust her after what just happened?  Is that wise?  We just trusted her and look what almost happened to us!  No!  That wasn't her fault!  Who could have predicted the trap adapting?  And, and she was just as in danger as us!  She even protected us!'  Morgan took a deep calming breath.  'Vayelia is more confident than she was before about this.  But this place is strange.  Let's do as she says, but be alert for the unexpected.'

Not wanting any more dangers to awaken, the morphed girl quickly knelt before the flower and wrapped both hands around its base.  If she didn't have to immediately dodge, she would try to yank it out with wise use of her strength and leverage.  If that failed, she'd release her left hand from around the stem to drag the sharp nail of her left index finger across the base and hopefully sever the flower from the land.

Vayelia Fells
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Morgan Garcia

As soon as Morgan pulled at the flower, vines sprouted out, but Vayelia jumped in front to protect her and slashed at them before they could use any of that pollen, with the time she bought Morgan she was able to pull the flower out of the land and as soon as she did everything around them went silent. The vines stopped in their tracks and became lifeless, some of the other flowers around them lost life, and it felt like the entire section of the island they were in had just grown silent. "That's weird... the air was heavy before, now it feels normal." Vayelia seemed to relax her guard and sighed, falling to the ground onto her ass in exasperation. She needed a breather after that one, whatever they had done put a stop to everything at least. "I think I was right, that was the source of power for these traps and probably something else too, whoever put the flower there didn't want it pulled out. Whoever we're dealing with is much better at manipulating magic and corruption than anyone I know." Vayelia didn't know the specifics but could at least say that with absolute certainty...

Inspecting the flower would reveal it's golden glow continuing to shimmer and catch the eye. It wasn't hypnotic by any means, but it did hold some sort of power as Morgan could feel a strong energy running through it, even with her inexperience she knew something was special about it, she could destroy it if she wished, which was probably the wisest thing to do right now. Either way, Vayelia needed a break before they continued...

? ? ? has lost some power...

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Spoiler for Fae:

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

As the compulsions wormed their way into Fae's mind she could feel them getting stronger. Or perhaps it was more that her defences were being worn down. Either way, there was a growing distrust of Elune building up, and she hadn't had a great deal of trust in her to begin with. "MmHmm! Sing and dance a lot! It's the best way to spread my love to all of my fans around the world!" She giggled. "So no standing around! An Idol is a star who can move any and everyone with the power of her music!" She gave a thumbs up of her own back to Tsuifan, before moving over to the elemental.

Fae paused slightly as she saw the eyes of the elemental widen. Realising that she had been rattling off her questions quite quickly. Smiling as she started to get answers to them. "Generate your outer covering? She sounded quizzical, but really. After being around Auralis for some time, and Dis for far longer. It was probably not the strangest ability, or way of wording things that she'd have run into. "Yea, as cute as they are, they don't really offer much in the way of protection! It's more for decency. Can't have any slip ups when performing or anything!" Fae nodded to herself. She didn't have to worry as much when in her mermaid form, but any idol had to be aware that you couldn't just be flashing the goods when on stage. "You were in the Demon Realms?" Fae hummed out softly, to herself more then anything. Perfectly happy to wait for Shoolurel to expand on her thoughts. Fae smiled wider as she mentioned her being a friendly face, before she carried on, asking about where she was from. "Oh! Thank you! It's great to see another being of the water. Usually it's all city everywhere. Well you've seen it I guess." She paused for a moment before carrying on. "But I was in Auralis, on Earth. At a radio station before everything went fuzzy and I woke up here!"

She blinked rapidly a few times. She didn't really have much of a reference for the tempest. "Oh! I'm sorry! I'm from Akusuka! From Kura Kura Stre-" She was cut off as Tsuifan and Elune made their way over. Though the random part of the demon realms Fae had spawned in, probably wouldn't have meant much to Shoolurel anyway. Still, between Shoolurel and Tsuifan, she was having a fun time! They were so nice! She turned to look between the elemental and the others approaching. It was good to know they were on earth, as Elune introduced herself. But not knowing the island specifically was troubling. "Yup, this is Elune! She's a corrupted magical girl! And this!" She gestured excitedly to Tsuifan. "Is Tsuifan! She's really helpful! We were thinking of maybe singing some karaoke together!" She paused and looked between the group, gaze lingering on Shoolurel longer. "I mean if you'd like that of course! If not we can do something else!" She gasped loud and looked more inland. "Maybe we should go exploring? See what or who else we can find!"
Spoiler for Tsuifan Hurin:

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

So an "idol" was like a pop star. A musician who focused on their image as much as their music. That wasn't such a bad goal, especially for someone who seemed as passionate about entertaining as Fae. Elune claimed not to be much of a singer, but Tsuifan assured her "As long as you put your heart into it, anyone can sing!" Which she truly believed, even if not everyone could sing well. And while Elune's "corruption" seemed like too touchy a subject to get into, Tsuifan certainly wasn't going to let that other comment pass. "What kind of pet do you have? I love animals!" She certainly did, almost as much as she loved being on vacation. "Do you have any pictures you could show me?" Elune could swear those decorative panda ears were actually wiggling with curiosity.

Once again when meeting up with Shoolurel and Fae, Elune was introduced as "corrupted." As if that word had some particular meaning Tsuifan wasn't aware of. Oh well, I'll just go with it. It would be rude to pry. And while Tsuifan hadn't exactly volunteered herself for karaoke just yet, she smiled and let that one go too. Fae was so adorably bouncy and happy about it, she could hardly do anything to rain on that parade. "What's your name?" Tsuifan instead asked Shoolurel. "I don't realy know how 'helpful' I've been, but I guess I try to look out for anyone in trouble." Still Tsuifan was grinning ear to ear, clearly quite proud of that compliment. "Anyway. That's a really nice orb you have there! Where did you get it from?" It was a roundabout way to ask where Shoolurel herself was from, too.
Spoiler for Shoolurel:

Mysterious Island - Beach
Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

Shoolurel nodded thoughtfully to Fae's mention of 'slip ups' while 'performing'.  Even with the translator, she had little clue what the pink girl meant.  'What would the decorative cloth do to prevent whatever mistakes she was concerned about?'  The elemental's smile broadened when Fae shared her sentiment on seeing a fellow aquatic sentient in this strange situation though.  "Akusuka?"  "Akusuka?"  Shoolurel tilted her head at the name.  She hadn't heard of it, but she would try to remember it.  It would be interesting to discover what Fae's aquatic home realm looked like.  Still, she'd rather spend longer exploring the Demon Realms first... 

Before she could ask anything more, the other two nearby began speaking too!  Shoolurel looked between her orb and all the people talking to her now.  Strange runes floated prettily within and around its surface as people spoke.  The elemental seemed to divide her attention between the others with their expressions and intonations and her floating sphere with its presumably written translations.

"Shoogetcha!  Ami Shoolurel!" "Greetings!  I'm Shoolurel!" the elemental greeted Elune and Tsuifan enthusiastically after they had been introduced.  "Pleased to meet you," she added with a half bow.  'Earth.... Earth.  Where have I heard that name before?'  Both Elune and Fae mentioned it.  It seemed like a name she'd heard in one of her classes. 

Addressing her transdimensional assistant, she asked, "Earth mannikey?" "What does 'Earth' mean?" ....  With an open palm, Shoolurel placed the tips of her pressed together fingers against her lowered forehead and briefly closed her eyes in frustration at herself before summoning the orb closer.  Pressing a few runes floating through the orb, she then repeated, "Earth mannikey?" The mature and melodic voice spoke again but in the elemental's tongue,  "Annurbar mohabishell eckti grow'hoe."  The information put a thoughtful expression on the girl's face as she looked off in the distance. 'The Barren Realm.... That came up in my Demon history course.  The Realm devoid of unique energies of its own was an ancient battlefield between the early Demons and Satania's former brethren.  That -does- explain why there is so little ambient energy, but what purpose would there be in bringing anyone -here-?'  Her lips turned to an awkward frown.  Giving a slow nod, she pressed a couple more symbols on the floating device and pushed it away.

When Tsuifan asked about the orb, Shoolurel twisted a finger towards the panda girl and the orb floating in its icy bowl came between them as if attached by an invisible rod.  "Ay?  Ahmi kaiyeck dashook kuhray aeteer malleek." "This?  I have owned it for decades.  Transdimensional assistants are still available in any market in Hydrus.  You could buy one the next time you visit the city if you like it.  It is very useful."  She tapped a few symbols and brought up a video of a brightly-colored feathery fish-thing that was burbling in a soft rumble while it nuzzled a green and tan skinned man with fins on his head and arms.  The video played for a few seconds as she spoke, before she closed the feed.  "It can provide information and translations on the go from data compiled by elementals throughout the realms, play videos and provide music and lectures as long as you are in or near a Realm."  Connections in the Void apparently got very spotty, but you could still play some games and use a calculator and basic mapping abilities without it.

She actually tended to take her transdimensional assistant for granted back home, but Shoolurel truly appreciated its utility outside of Hydrus.  Turning her attention back to Fae, she considered the options laid out before her.  With a finger absently twirling in her pink hair, she voiced in a disappointed tone, "Ahmi tomar shattay gon dyteh chai..." "I want to sing with you..." She'd never been asked to join in something like this.  If only they weren't all lost... "...but we probably should find out what brought us here and why first?"  Hopefully they wouldn't hate her for not agreeing to join in on the fun.  She didn't wish to be ridiculed, feared, and/or ignored in another place.  These weren't Demons; so, she wasn't sure how they might react at all.

Elune Farah
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

"I'm glad you think I can sing, but I'm not so sure. And I didn't bring pictures with me, I'm sorry. They're back at home, but I'm not too worried about it since I have my deer in a safe place, I'm happy to enjoy my vacation here. Isn't it nice?" Elune beamed at the gathered group with a grin on her face, but mostly at Tsuifan since she seemed to actually be curious about her. Sure enough, Elune tilted her head as she thought those ears had a mind of their own, she just giggled happily. Really she was just thrilled to be on the beach with such sexy friends, all it'd take is a matter of time and they'd be just like her! She focused on Shoolurel after that along with the other two girls, and this one didn't seem to be a demon or a human, that was exciting!

"Earth means the planet we're on, or in your case probably the realm, I don't know the realms that well, I've only ever been to Dis and Earth anyway. And I think we're being brought here because someone thinks we deserve a vacation! And I agree with them! Their voice was so nice to listen to as well. Oooh that translator sounds fun, but I have no clue how to get to Hydrus, so you'll have to explain that to me!" Elune blatantly admitted to being influenced by that voice, probably giving Fae, Tsuifan, and Shoolurel pause if they were paying attention. Or Elune was probably just messing around, they could relax and enjoy their time together on the beach, what was the harm in having some fun?

Elune's good mood seemed to sour really fast though, she really wanted to sing and have fun, but instead Shoolurel was mentioning investigating the island?! No, no no no no no! "Why? We can just sit here and have fun, we don't need to investigate anything, we can have fun here! Why question it? Come on let's sing!" She practically pleaded as she beamed at Fae and Tsuifan practically giving away that she was influenced in some capacity, instantly ready to put a stop to any investigation...

Offline rogue-rider

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Spoiler for Hidden:

Yasu Shibuya
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Molly Wood

"A moment, just stay there for a moment and don't move." Yasu said with a quiet voice, her eyes remained closed as she refused to budge. Yasu was mulling over her current mindset and thoughts, chewing and twisting on every word to find more compulsions or something that wasn't quite right. Sure, she was sexually active and had no problem sleeping around but she usually didn't throw caution to the wind in a situation like this. They had to find a way off the island, not fuck each other, that was the obvious one. With a grimace she purged it out of her head and moved onto the next thought, and then the next, and slowly she opened her eyes and stood up again. By the time Yasu walked up to Molly again, the woman had a unmistakable scowl and a firey look in her eyes.

"I'm fine, if you can't purge foreign thoughts then just try and focus on not having sex or having fun on the island. This is a prison, not a playground. The person or thing influencing us doesn't want us to leave and wants us to waste time doing 'fun' activities and forgetting about how they're trapped, after reviewing my thoughts I can make that determination. Yasu walked past Molly to try and lead the way again, proving that she had no interest in engaging in sex with her. That was a shame though, she would've had a lot of fun with the Grandmaster, they could just forget about everything and enjoy their vacation, all she had to do was pin Yasu to the ground and have her way. Yasu's head shot towards Molly, as if she had felt something push at her head at the same time. It flicked back forward and she pointed out something in the distance.

"There, if nothing else it gives us a place to stall for time, just try and keep your thoughts clear. Don't do anything stupid, like me." Yasu pointed out a ruined canopy in the distance, plus she saw a strange golden glow in the background too that was drawing her attention. Yasu continued mentally chiding herself for being careless and going with the flow...

Molly Wood
Tagging: Yasu Shibuya

Molly waited patiently for Yasu, trying to focus her own thoughts. She wasn't exactly experienced in the horizontal tango, having dirty thoughts for sure, Yasu was undeniably attractive, but these thoughts were oddly specific and detailed. More then Molly would be able to come up with by herself, at the very least whilst dealing with the heat of the island. She jumped slightly as she saw the scowl on Yasu's face, but it soon became obvious that it wasn't directed at her. Nodding her head at the advice. "Good point, even without the bars and walls, a prison is a prison. She followed after Yasu, happy to let the grandmaster lead the way, least for the moment. A ninja's senses were probably far in excess of her own after all, so it made sense for her to take point, the scout's position. She felt the faint tugging at her mind again, telling her to pin Yasu down to the ground and simply have her way with her.

Molly struck at her leg with one of the batons. The sharp *thwack* and sting of pain helped her drive the impure thoughts from her head. Focussing again, glancing up and seeing that Yasu was looking toward her. A fair assumption that whatever it was that was trying to keep them here, had sent another pulse at Yasu too. She smiled slightly at the other woman. "Sure thing, but y'know." Molly's smile grew, turning from a smile to a little grin. "That timing, it was almost like it was getting defensive with us." Molly hoped she was right and wasn't reading too much into it. Perhaps it was just wishful thinking that it was trying pulses again because they'd resisted too much, and were heading someone they shouldn't, somewhere they could counter it.

Even if they weren't, the thought process helped to increase her morale, steel her mind. She wanted to get back at whatever or whoever had kidnapped them, was keeping them here, was trying to make them...

Her eyes flicked over to the canopy, and more interestingly the golden glow. Molly's speed increasing, moving with purpose now towards the glow. Carefully of course, she didn't want to risk anything else. But there was definitely extra motivation for her to get there, and see what the glow promised.

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Spoiler for Tsuifan Hurin:

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

So an "idol" was like a pop star. A musician who focused on their image as much as their music. That wasn't such a bad goal, especially for someone who seemed as passionate about entertaining as Fae. Elune claimed not to be much of a singer, but Tsuifan assured her "As long as you put your heart into it, anyone can sing!" Which she truly believed, even if not everyone could sing well. And while Elune's "corruption" seemed like too touchy a subject to get into, Tsuifan certainly wasn't going to let that other comment pass. "What kind of pet do you have? I love animals!" She certainly did, almost as much as she loved being on vacation. "Do you have any pictures you could show me?" Elune could swear those decorative panda ears were actually wiggling with curiosity.

Once again when meeting up with Shoolurel and Fae, Elune was introduced as "corrupted." As if that word had some particular meaning Tsuifan wasn't aware of. Oh well, I'll just go with it. It would be rude to pry. And while Tsuifan hadn't exactly volunteered herself for karaoke just yet, she smiled and let that one go too. Fae was so adorably bouncy and happy about it, she could hardly do anything to rain on that parade. "What's your name?" Tsuifan instead asked Shoolurel. "I don't realy know how 'helpful' I've been, but I guess I try to look out for anyone in trouble." Still Tsuifan was grinning ear to ear, clearly quite proud of that compliment. "Anyway. That's a really nice orb you have there! Where did you get it from?" It was a roundabout way to ask where Shoolurel herself was from, too.
Spoiler for Shoolurel:

Mysterious Island - Beach
Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

Shoolurel nodded thoughtfully to Fae's mention of 'slip ups' while 'performing'.  Even with the translator, she had little clue what the pink girl meant.  'What would the decorative cloth do to prevent whatever mistakes she was concerned about?'  The elemental's smile broadened when Fae shared her sentiment on seeing a fellow aquatic sentient in this strange situation though.  "Akusuka?"  "Akusuka?"  Shoolurel tilted her head at the name.  She hadn't heard of it, but she would try to remember it.  It would be interesting to discover what Fae's aquatic home realm looked like.  Still, she'd rather spend longer exploring the Demon Realms first... 

Before she could ask anything more, the other two nearby began speaking too!  Shoolurel looked between her orb and all the people talking to her now.  Strange runes floated prettily within and around its surface as people spoke.  The elemental seemed to divide her attention between the others with their expressions and intonations and her floating sphere with its presumably written translations.

"Shoogetcha!  Ami Shoolurel!" "Greetings!  I'm Shoolurel!" the elemental greeted Elune and Tsuifan enthusiastically after they had been introduced.  "Pleased to meet you," she added with a half bow.  'Earth.... Earth.  Where have I heard that name before?'  Both Elune and Fae mentioned it.  It seemed like a name she'd heard in one of her classes. 

Addressing her transdimensional assistant, she asked, "Earth mannikey?" "What does 'Earth' mean?" ....  With an open palm, Shoolurel placed the tips of her pressed together fingers against her lowered forehead and briefly closed her eyes in frustration at herself before summoning the orb closer.  Pressing a few runes floating through the orb, she then repeated, "Earth mannikey?" The mature and melodic voice spoke again but in the elemental's tongue,  "Annurbar mohabishell eckti grow'hoe."  The information put a thoughtful expression on the girl's face as she looked off in the distance. 'The Barren Realm.... That came up in my Demon history course.  The Realm devoid of unique energies of its own was an ancient battlefield between the early Demons and Satania's former brethren.  That -does- explain why there is so little ambient energy, but what purpose would there be in bringing anyone -here-?'  Her lips turned to an awkward frown.  Giving a slow nod, she pressed a couple more symbols on the floating device and pushed it away.

When Tsuifan asked about the orb, Shoolurel twisted a finger towards the panda girl and the orb floating in its icy bowl came between them as if attached by an invisible rod.  "Ay?  Ahmi kaiyeck dashook kuhray aeteer malleek." "This?  I have owned it for decades.  Transdimensional assistants are still available in any market in Hydrus.  You could buy one the next time you visit the city if you like it.  It is very useful."  She tapped a few symbols and brought up a video of a brightly-colored feathery fish-thing that was burbling in a soft rumble while it nuzzled a green and tan skinned man with fins on his head and arms.  The video played for a few seconds as she spoke, before she closed the feed.  "It can provide information and translations on the go from data compiled by elementals throughout the realms, play videos and provide music and lectures as long as you are in or near a Realm."  Connections in the Void apparently got very spotty, but you could still play some games and use a calculator and basic mapping abilities without it.

She actually tended to take her transdimensional assistant for granted back home, but Shoolurel truly appreciated its utility outside of Hydrus.  Turning her attention back to Fae, she considered the options laid out before her.  With a finger absently twirling in her pink hair, she voiced in a disappointed tone, "Ahmi tomar shattay gon dyteh chai..." "I want to sing with you..." She'd never been asked to join in something like this.  If only they weren't all lost... "...but we probably should find out what brought us here and why first?"  Hopefully they wouldn't hate her for not agreeing to join in on the fun.  She didn't wish to be ridiculed, feared, and/or ignored in another place.  These weren't Demons; so, she wasn't sure how they might react at all.
Spoiler for for Elune:

Elune Farah
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

"I'm glad you think I can sing, but I'm not so sure. And I didn't bring pictures with me, I'm sorry. They're back at home, but I'm not too worried about it since I have my deer in a safe place, I'm happy to enjoy my vacation here. Isn't it nice?" Elune beamed at the gathered group with a grin on her face, but mostly at Tsuifan since she seemed to actually be curious about her. Sure enough, Elune tilted her head as she thought those ears had a mind of their own, she just giggled happily. Really she was just thrilled to be on the beach with such sexy friends, all it'd take is a matter of time and they'd be just like her! She focused on Shoolurel after that along with the other two girls, and this one didn't seem to be a demon or a human, that was exciting!

"Earth means the planet we're on, or in your case probably the realm, I don't know the realms that well, I've only ever been to Dis and Earth anyway. And I think we're being brought here because someone thinks we deserve a vacation! And I agree with them! Their voice was so nice to listen to as well. Oooh that translator sounds fun, but I have no clue how to get to Hydrus, so you'll have to explain that to me!" Elune blatantly admitted to being influenced by that voice, probably giving Fae, Tsuifan, and Shoolurel pause if they were paying attention. Or Elune was probably just messing around, they could relax and enjoy their time together on the beach, what was the harm in having some fun?

Elune's good mood seemed to sour really fast though, she really wanted to sing and have fun, but instead Shoolurel was mentioning investigating the island?! No, no no no no no! "Why? We can just sit here and have fun, we don't need to investigate anything, we can have fun here! Why question it? Come on let's sing!" She practically pleaded as she beamed at Fae and Tsuifan practically giving away that she was influenced in some capacity, instantly ready to put a stop to any investigation...

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

Fae watched Elune with her cutesy smile on the same, but internally she drawing on what she knew of the woman. A corrupted human... with a pet. She had a fair idea what that meant, but looking at how pure Tsuifan was, she didn't want to bring it up. That innocence was super cute, she made a note to try and keep in contact with the other, non corrupted human. Determined to make her into one of her own Tsui-Fans. She didn't trust this corrupted human as far as she could, actually that was probably a bad choice of words. Fae was pretty sure she could throw Elune a reasonable distance. Especially whilst in her true form. Which was questionable in it's own right, she wasn't used to being able to maintain it for this long on Earth so easily.

Her misgivings about Elune were offset by Shoolurel. She didn't know any elementals! She'd have to try and spend more time with her as well, especially given Dis's crippling lack of fun water features to explore. The fact that the elemental was apparently an explorer just enamoured her more to Fae. The demon in question was looking very curiously at the orb, listening intently to Shoolurel's explanation. Making it a personal note to find one of her own. The demon's attention flicked up and looked over at Elune, her cutesy smile growing. And here Fae thought Elune would agree to anything they suggested, but no. She'd swapped from trying to drag her away, to wanting to sing with them here. But the idea of exploring the island? That was what crossed the line for her. Fae smiled wide and turned to look at the elemental, clapping her hands together. "That's a super great idea! We should totally go explore the island" She gestured around herself at the beach. "Besides, acoustics here aren't great, now that there's four of us we should go somewhere better suited!"

A lie, Fae was happy to sing anywhere, and she was obviously used to singing near beaches or around water, but the demoness wanted to see what buttons she could press on the human. As well as being curious about the island herself and why and how she had ended up here. She looked over at Tsuifan. "Don't you think? We should look around! We might even find some cute animals!" She smiled wide and giggled. "I hope we see some parrots!" She turned her attention back to Shoolurel. "So off we go then! Do you wanna lead the way? Since you're used to exploring?" Fae turned to start walking, glancing over at Tsuifan. "Or would you like to? It would be helpful! And we can check to see if anyone else needs our help!"

Putting actions to her words, Fae didn't fully wait before starting to walk off inland. Humming slightly to herself. "One, two, three let's go! ~" There was a slight spring in her step as she almost moved to some rhythm only she could hear. "Shout out to the other side of the sea! Let's ex-plore the land! ~"
« Last Edit: August 26, 2022, 11:23:31 AM by rogue-rider »

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Spoiler for Fae:
Spoiler for Shoolurel:

Mysterious Island - Beach
Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

Shoolurel nodded thoughtfully to Fae's mention of 'slip ups' while 'performing'.  Even with the translator, she had little clue what the pink girl meant.  'What would the decorative cloth do to prevent whatever mistakes she was concerned about?'  The elemental's smile broadened when Fae shared her sentiment on seeing a fellow aquatic sentient in this strange situation though.  "Akusuka?"  "Akusuka?"  Shoolurel tilted her head at the name.  She hadn't heard of it, but she would try to remember it.  It would be interesting to discover what Fae's aquatic home realm looked like.  Still, she'd rather spend longer exploring the Demon Realms first... 

Before she could ask anything more, the other two nearby began speaking too!  Shoolurel looked between her orb and all the people talking to her now.  Strange runes floated prettily within and around its surface as people spoke.  The elemental seemed to divide her attention between the others with their expressions and intonations and her floating sphere with its presumably written translations.

"Shoogetcha!  Ami Shoolurel!" "Greetings!  I'm Shoolurel!" the elemental greeted Elune and Tsuifan enthusiastically after they had been introduced.  "Pleased to meet you," she added with a half bow.  'Earth.... Earth.  Where have I heard that name before?'  Both Elune and Fae mentioned it.  It seemed like a name she'd heard in one of her classes. 

Addressing her transdimensional assistant, she asked, "Earth mannikey?" "What does 'Earth' mean?" ....  With an open palm, Shoolurel placed the tips of her pressed together fingers against her lowered forehead and briefly closed her eyes in frustration at herself before summoning the orb closer.  Pressing a few runes floating through the orb, she then repeated, "Earth mannikey?" The mature and melodic voice spoke again but in the elemental's tongue,  "Annurbar mohabishell eckti grow'hoe."  The information put a thoughtful expression on the girl's face as she looked off in the distance. 'The Barren Realm.... That came up in my Demon history course.  The Realm devoid of unique energies of its own was an ancient battlefield between the early Demons and Satania's former brethren.  That -does- explain why there is so little ambient energy, but what purpose would there be in bringing anyone -here-?'  Her lips turned to an awkward frown.  Giving a slow nod, she pressed a couple more symbols on the floating device and pushed it away.

When Tsuifan asked about the orb, Shoolurel twisted a finger towards the panda girl and the orb floating in its icy bowl came between them as if attached by an invisible rod.  "Ay?  Ahmi kaiyeck dashook kuhray aeteer malleek." "This?  I have owned it for decades.  Transdimensional assistants are still available in any market in Hydrus.  You could buy one the next time you visit the city if you like it.  It is very useful."  She tapped a few symbols and brought up a video of a brightly-colored feathery fish-thing that was burbling in a soft rumble while it nuzzled a green and tan skinned man with fins on his head and arms.  The video played for a few seconds as she spoke, before she closed the feed.  "It can provide information and translations on the go from data compiled by elementals throughout the realms, play videos and provide music and lectures as long as you are in or near a Realm."  Connections in the Void apparently got very spotty, but you could still play some games and use a calculator and basic mapping abilities without it.

She actually tended to take her transdimensional assistant for granted back home, but Shoolurel truly appreciated its utility outside of Hydrus.  Turning her attention back to Fae, she considered the options laid out before her.  With a finger absently twirling in her pink hair, she voiced in a disappointed tone, "Ahmi tomar shattay gon dyteh chai..." "I want to sing with you..." She'd never been asked to join in something like this.  If only they weren't all lost... "...but we probably should find out what brought us here and why first?"  Hopefully they wouldn't hate her for not agreeing to join in on the fun.  She didn't wish to be ridiculed, feared, and/or ignored in another place.  These weren't Demons; so, she wasn't sure how they might react at all.
Spoiler for for Elune:

Elune Farah
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

"I'm glad you think I can sing, but I'm not so sure. And I didn't bring pictures with me, I'm sorry. They're back at home, but I'm not too worried about it since I have my deer in a safe place, I'm happy to enjoy my vacation here. Isn't it nice?" Elune beamed at the gathered group with a grin on her face, but mostly at Tsuifan since she seemed to actually be curious about her. Sure enough, Elune tilted her head as she thought those ears had a mind of their own, she just giggled happily. Really she was just thrilled to be on the beach with such sexy friends, all it'd take is a matter of time and they'd be just like her! She focused on Shoolurel after that along with the other two girls, and this one didn't seem to be a demon or a human, that was exciting!

"Earth means the planet we're on, or in your case probably the realm, I don't know the realms that well, I've only ever been to Dis and Earth anyway. And I think we're being brought here because someone thinks we deserve a vacation! And I agree with them! Their voice was so nice to listen to as well. Oooh that translator sounds fun, but I have no clue how to get to Hydrus, so you'll have to explain that to me!" Elune blatantly admitted to being influenced by that voice, probably giving Fae, Tsuifan, and Shoolurel pause if they were paying attention. Or Elune was probably just messing around, they could relax and enjoy their time together on the beach, what was the harm in having some fun?

Elune's good mood seemed to sour really fast though, she really wanted to sing and have fun, but instead Shoolurel was mentioning investigating the island?! No, no no no no no! "Why? We can just sit here and have fun, we don't need to investigate anything, we can have fun here! Why question it? Come on let's sing!" She practically pleaded as she beamed at Fae and Tsuifan practically giving away that she was influenced in some capacity, instantly ready to put a stop to any investigation...

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

Fae watched Elune with her cutesy smile on the same, but internally she drawing on what she knew of the woman. A corrupted human... with a pet. She had a fair idea what that meant, but looking at how pure Tsuifan was, she didn't want to bring it up. That innocence was super cute, she made a note to try and keep in contact with the other, non corrupted human. Determined to make her into one of her own Tsui-Fans. She didn't trust this corrupted human as far as she could, actually that was probably a bad choice of words. Fae was pretty sure she could throw Elune a reasonable distance. Especially whilst in her true form. Which was questionable in it's own right, she wasn't used to being able to maintain it for this long on Earth so easily.

Her misgivings about Elune were offset by Shoolurel. She didn't know any elementals! She'd have to try and spend more time with her as well, especially given Dis's crippling lack of fun water features to explore. The fact that the elemental was apparently an explorer just enamoured her more to Fae. The demon in question was looking very curiously at the orb, listening intently to Shoolurel's explanation. Making it a personal note to find one of her own. The demon's attention flicked up and looked over at Elune, her cutesy smile growing. And here Fae thought Elune would agree to anything they suggested, but no. She'd swapped from trying to drag her away, to wanting to sing with them here. But the idea of exploring the island? That was what crossed the line for her. Fae smiled wide and turned to look at the elemental, clapping her hands together. "That's a super great idea! We should totally go explore the island" She gestured around herself at the beach. "Besides, acoustics here aren't great, now that there's four of us we should go somewhere better suited!"

A lie, Fae was happy to sing anywhere, and she was obviously used to singing near beaches or around water, but the demoness wanted to see what buttons she could press on the human. As well as being curious about the island herself and why and how she had ended up here. She looked over at Tsuifan. "Don't you think? We should look around! We might even find some cute animals!" She smiled wide and giggled. "I hope we see some parrots!" She turned her attention back to Shoolurel. "So off we go then! Do you wanna lead the way? Since you're used to exploring?" Fae turned to start walking, glancing over at Tsuifan. "Or would you like to? It would be helpful! And we can check to see if anyone else needs our help!"

Putting actions to her words, Fae didn't fully wait before starting to walk off inland. Humming slightly to herself. "One, two, three let's go! ~" There was a slight spring in her step as she almost moved to some rhythm only she could hear. "Shout out to the other side of the sea! Let's ex-plore the land! ~"

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

"Shoolurel? That's a fun name! Just like the ol' one-two-three!"  Tsuifan did a couple performative jabs. And indeed, a distinct "shh-shhll" sound came from her fists ripping swiftly through the air. Followed by a loud and rumbling  "RRRHHELLLLL!" After Tsuifan finished the combination with a powerful uppercut. An uppercut with enough force to shake the ground, not to mention blow several feet of sand into the air! Tsuifan turned back while smiling as though it were the most natural thing in the world. "Man, I love that sound! Heh, heh!"

While not quite so quick to make a mess of their environment, the other three were getting very worked up in their own way. Shoolurel was struggling with her orb to figure out the meaning of "Earth," so Elune chimed in cheerfully to help. Prompting Tsuifan to nod along knowingly. "Yeah, the Earth is pretty much like...uhh....did you say 'realm'....?" Shoolurel and even Fae seemed to perfectly understand Elune, while Tsuifan was left completely in the dark by their whole conversation. Though Tsuifan's eyes certainly lit up with the translator orb's little holographic show. "Holy cow! Does this thing get cable, too?!" She poked a curious finger through the holographic display of a cutely colored fish, chuckling as her finger went right through it. "Man, what I would've given to have this when I was a kid! You must be the life of the party, right, Shoolurel?" A hearty back-slap signalled Tsuifan's equally hearty approval.

"Elemental" must have been another word for magical girls from Shoolurel's home. Her "realm," in other words. As seemed to be a normal turn of phrase in Auralis. It seems like there's a lot of magical girls gathered on the beach here. I wonder if that means anything. Tsuifan pondered to herself, giving Shoolurel a little more time to explain more about the "realm" of Hydrus (since Elune was also curious about its location).

They were learning so much and getting along splendidly, it seemed like. But when it came to exploring the beach, Elune was very much against it. "Easy there, easy! I mean, you don't have to come with us if you're scared. Or pretend that you suddenly want to sing...but I think Shoolurel's right. We really do need to get to the bottom of this, Elune.'re saying you heard a voice when you were brought here? What did it tell you? Is that why you're so nervous about leaving this place?" Truthfully, Tsuifan wanted to keep everyone together. But Anna seemed like a very competent, if overworked lifeguard. She'd be able to protect Elune, most likely...and Elune was surely a competent magical girl, too. "We'll be back soon, I promise." Tsuifan still promised, comfortingly squeezing Elune's hand.

Fae was still so sweetly excited to look around, and honestly, so was Tsuifan. She hummed along to Fae's merry melody, despite never having heard it before. "Let's ex-plore the laaaand!" Tsuifan even echoed on cue, raising an arm and leg to march along. Before realizing that she still had so many questions unanswered, including how Fae wound up as their leader immediately after she asked who among the rest of them would lead. "Fae! Hold on! We've gotta figure out which way we're going first!" Ever a helpful protector to those in need (as well as a woman with some common sense), Tsuifan dashed right over to catch up.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2023, 08:04:42 PM by madman32 »

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Chloe Von, Experiment XII (Pyro)
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Caitlyn (Youkai)

Chloe chuckled like a schoolgirl after hearing Caitlyn mention ‘Sex on the beach’ too, she knew she’d been the one to bring it up; it was just sort of funny being on the other end and hearing the other woman say it. The Captive Heroine reluctantly nodded along with Caitlyn’s statement clearly a little disappointed that she would have to wait to make it up to Caitlyn but that disappointment quickly passed when Caitlyn leaned forward, and their lips locked. The Heroine could feel the searing heat in Caitlyn’s lips; her years of Dominion conditioning swiftly activating and making sure she returned to her passive state while spreading her legs and permitting Caitlyn greater access to her honeypot.

“Oh god, that feels so good!” Chloe howled, shifting her body upward to match pace with Caitlyn’s fingers. “Right there!” Chloe declared pleadingly. As Caitlyn’s finger slid expertly over her g-spot with precision and the practiced skill of a thorough lover. The Heroine’s mind slipping further and further away with each passing moment whilst her eyes grew more and more misty in her erotically induced tranced state. It wasn’t long after the kiss ended that Chloe howled in orgasm exploding lewdly over Caitlyn’s fingers, her body still quivering sexually with her love juices flowing like a stream and continuing to coat Caitlyn’s fingers until the other woman withdrew them.

Caitlyn Labelle
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Chloe

That felt so much better, all her inhibitions and resistance drained out of her brain and out of her pussy, now she could enjoy her vacation without any thought or worry. Others needed to feel this good too, she'd make sure to share this experience with others and keep them on the island at all costs, everyone deserved to enjoy themselves and stay on the island. Chloe was a good girl, and good girls took a break and forgot all their stresses and worries while they were on vacation. It was a time to relax, cum, and enjoy everything the island had to offer. There was no reason to stress or worry about the little stuff. After that last thought pushed into the woman's mind, she started come out of her trance and come back to alertness. However her mindset had changed, she just needed to enjoy the island and have fun. Whether that was sex, having a drink, or sunbathing, it didn't matter really...

Caitlyn smiled down at Chloe as she saw the misty eyed trance start to fade away, Caitlyn was smart enough to realize that Chloe was being influenced by something else but she couldn't be sure what. She continued to tweak at Chloe's clit for a little bit before retreating and licking her lips clean before she asked the obvious question. "You alright? You looked like you were deep in thought, I hope that took some edge off." Caitlyn started to get up though, neglecting her own needs as she was suspicious enough to not cross that line.

She never felt better... but the dominion agent needed to experience this too... A voice in the back of Chloe's head compelled her, it was probably her own thoughts, nothing to worry about.

Chloe Von, Experiment XII (Pyro)
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Caitlyn (Youkai)

Chloe nodded in response to Caitlyn’s question, a bit surprised when the stranger got up neglecting her own needs. ‘Eh, I thought the two of us were going to take turns?’ Chloe thought, noticing the woman in her white swimsuit seemed to slowly be withdrawing away from her after having just bought her such pleasure with her fingers. ‘Well, I guess I’ll have to incentivise her…’ Chloe concluded smiling devilishly.

   “Eh? And where do you think you’re going?” Chloe questioned the Dominion Agent cheekily. “You go and bring me such pleasure and just go running off? No, no. Come lay down with me on the beach and get yourself something to drink!” Chloe declared smiling up at the Dominion agent still basking in her afterglow. ‘Now how am I going to tempt her?’ Chloe wondered, pondering how best to ensure that Caitlyn too came to enjoy her vacation.

Offline Youkai

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Chloe Von, Experiment XII (Pyro)
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Caitlyn (Youkai)

Chloe nodded in response to Caitlyn’s question, a bit surprised when the stranger got up neglecting her own needs. ‘Eh, I thought the two of us were going to take turns?’ Chloe thought, noticing the woman in her white swimsuit seemed to slowly be withdrawing away from her after having just bought her such pleasure with her fingers. ‘Well, I guess I’ll have to incentivise her…’ Chloe concluded smiling devilishly.

   “Eh? And where do you think you’re going?” Chloe questioned the Dominion Agent cheekily. “You go and bring me such pleasure and just go running off? No, no. Come lay down with me on the beach and get yourself something to drink!” Chloe declared smiling up at the Dominion agent still basking in her afterglow. ‘Now how am I going to tempt her?’ Chloe wondered, pondering how best to ensure that Caitlyn too came to enjoy her vacation.

Caitlyn Labelle
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Chloe

"Hmm? Well I'm done, I gave you what you wanted." Caitlyn said with a wink, having no intention of getting caught with her pants down after what she saw with Chloe, hell while she was doing it she swore she heard voices digging at her skull. "I think I'll be on my way now, but you can play with someone else if you like, see ya. Maybe I'll pick up a drink while I go check on other people." Caitlyn's delicious ass started to walk away from Chloe, denying her the satisfaction of making the blonde cum like she had. Her words weren't convincing enough yet...

So she just had to get physical, she had to tackle Caitlyn to the ground and pin her down and play with her body. Get her horny and unfocused and then whisper in her ear, encourage her to enjoy herself and enjoy everything the beach had to offer. She needed to make sure she didn't get away with her own body. Caitlyn couldn't resist if Chloe got physical and played with her... Caitlyn wasn't that far away, she only just now turned her back and started walking...

Offline Sashanna

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Spoiler for for Elune:

Elune Farah
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

"I'm glad you think I can sing, but I'm not so sure. And I didn't bring pictures with me, I'm sorry. They're back at home, but I'm not too worried about it since I have my deer in a safe place, I'm happy to enjoy my vacation here. Isn't it nice?" Elune beamed at the gathered group with a grin on her face, but mostly at Tsuifan since she seemed to actually be curious about her. Sure enough, Elune tilted her head as she thought those ears had a mind of their own, she just giggled happily. Really she was just thrilled to be on the beach with such sexy friends, all it'd take is a matter of time and they'd be just like her! She focused on Shoolurel after that along with the other two girls, and this one didn't seem to be a demon or a human, that was exciting!

"Earth means the planet we're on, or in your case probably the realm, I don't know the realms that well, I've only ever been to Dis and Earth anyway. And I think we're being brought here because someone thinks we deserve a vacation! And I agree with them! Their voice was so nice to listen to as well. Oooh that translator sounds fun, but I have no clue how to get to Hydrus, so you'll have to explain that to me!" Elune blatantly admitted to being influenced by that voice, probably giving Fae, Tsuifan, and Shoolurel pause if they were paying attention. Or Elune was probably just messing around, they could relax and enjoy their time together on the beach, what was the harm in having some fun?

Elune's good mood seemed to sour really fast though, she really wanted to sing and have fun, but instead Shoolurel was mentioning investigating the island?! No, no no no no no! "Why? We can just sit here and have fun, we don't need to investigate anything, we can have fun here! Why question it? Come on let's sing!" She practically pleaded as she beamed at Fae and Tsuifan practically giving away that she was influenced in some capacity, instantly ready to put a stop to any investigation...
Spoiler for Fae:

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

Fae watched Elune with her cutesy smile on the same, but internally she drawing on what she knew of the woman. A corrupted human... with a pet. She had a fair idea what that meant, but looking at how pure Tsuifan was, she didn't want to bring it up. That innocence was super cute, she made a note to try and keep in contact with the other, non corrupted human. Determined to make her into one of her own Tsui-Fans. She didn't trust this corrupted human as far as she could, actually that was probably a bad choice of words. Fae was pretty sure she could throw Elune a reasonable distance. Especially whilst in her true form. Which was questionable in it's own right, she wasn't used to being able to maintain it for this long on Earth so easily.

Her misgivings about Elune were offset by Shoolurel. She didn't know any elementals! She'd have to try and spend more time with her as well, especially given Dis's crippling lack of fun water features to explore. The fact that the elemental was apparently an explorer just enamoured her more to Fae. The demon in question was looking very curiously at the orb, listening intently to Shoolurel's explanation. Making it a personal note to find one of her own. The demon's attention flicked up and looked over at Elune, her cutesy smile growing. And here Fae thought Elune would agree to anything they suggested, but no. She'd swapped from trying to drag her away, to wanting to sing with them here. But the idea of exploring the island? That was what crossed the line for her. Fae smiled wide and turned to look at the elemental, clapping her hands together. "That's a super great idea! We should totally go explore the island" She gestured around herself at the beach. "Besides, acoustics here aren't great, now that there's four of us we should go somewhere better suited!"

A lie, Fae was happy to sing anywhere, and she was obviously used to singing near beaches or around water, but the demoness wanted to see what buttons she could press on the human. As well as being curious about the island herself and why and how she had ended up here. She looked over at Tsuifan. "Don't you think? We should look around! We might even find some cute animals!" She smiled wide and giggled. "I hope we see some parrots!" She turned her attention back to Shoolurel. "So off we go then! Do you wanna lead the way? Since you're used to exploring?" Fae turned to start walking, glancing over at Tsuifan. "Or would you like to? It would be helpful! And we can check to see if anyone else needs our help!"

Putting actions to her words, Fae didn't fully wait before starting to walk off inland. Humming slightly to herself. "One, two, three let's go! ~" There was a slight spring in her step as she almost moved to some rhythm only she could hear. "Shout out to the other side of the sea! Let's ex-plore the land! ~"
Spoiler for Tsuifan Hurin:

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

"Shoolurel? That's a fun name! Just like the ol' one-two-three!"  Tsuifan did a couple performative jabs. And indeed, a distinct "shh-shhll" sound came from her fists ripping swiftly through the air. Followed by a loud and rumbling  "RRRHHELLLLL!" After Tsuifan finished the combination with a powerful uppercut. An uppercut with enough force to shake the ground, not to mention blow several feet of sand into the air! Tsuifan turned back while smiling as though it were the most natural thing in the world. "Man, I love that sound! Heh, heh!"

While not quite so quick to make a mess of their environment, the other three were getting very worked up in their own way. Shoolurel was struggling with her orb to figure out the meaning of "Earth," so Elune chimed in cheerfully to help. Prompting Tsuifan to nod along knowingly. "Yeah, the Earth is pretty much like...uhh....did you say 'realm'....?" Shoolurel and even Fae seemed to perfectly understand Elune, while Tsuifan was left completely in the dark by their whole conversation. Though Tsuifan's eyes certainly lit up with the translator orb's little holographic show. "Holy cow! Does this thing get cable, too?!" She poked a curious finger through the holographic display of a cutely colored fish, chuckling as her finger went right through it. "Man, what I would've given to have this when I was a kid! You must be the life of the party, right, Shoolurel?" A hearty back-slap signalled Tsuifan's equally hearty approval.

"Elemental" must have been another word for magical girls from Shoolurel's home. Her "realm," in other words. As seemed to be a normal turn of phrase in Auralis. It seems like there's a lot of magical girls gathered on the beach here. I wonder if that means anything. Tsuifan pondered to herself, giving Shoolurel a little more time to explain more about the "realm" of Hydrus (since Elune was also curious about its location).

They were learning so much and getting along splendidly, it seemed like. But when it came to exploring the beach, Elune was very much against it. "Easy there, easy! I mean, you don't have to come with us if you're scared. Or pretend that you suddenly want to sing...but I think Shoolurel's right. We really do need to get to the bottom of this, Elune.'re saying you heard a voice when you were brought here? What did it tell you? Is that why you're so nervous about leaving this place?" Truthfully, Tsuifan wanted to keep everyone together. But Anna seemed like a very competent, if overworked lifeguard. She'd be able to protect Elune, most likely...and Elune was surely a competent magical girl, too. "We'll be back soon, I promise." Tsuifan still promised, comfortingly squeezing Elune's hand.

Fae was still so sweetly excited to look around, and honestly, so was Tsuifan. She hummed along to Fae's merry melody, despite never having heard it before. "Let's ex-plore the laaaand!" Tsuifan even echoed on cue, raising an arm and leg to march along. Before realizing that she still had so many questions unanswered, including how Fae wound up as their leader immediately after she asked who among the rest of them would lead. "Fae! Hold on! We've gotta figure out which way we're going first!" Ever a helpful protector to those in need (as well as a woman with some common sense), Tsuifan dashed right over to catch up.

Mysterious Island - Beach
Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

Shoolurel's eyes widened at the physical display of Tsuifan.  'Does this person not know her own strength?' she thought.  Upon looking at Tsuifan, it seemed the girl wasn't surprised or upset that she'd just sent a large mass of sand flying into the air.  When the panda girl stuck a hand through the holovid, it shimmered where the hand was within it, but was otherwise undisrupted.  The elemental was being watchful of Tsuifan after that careless physical display but was distracted by the 'subtitles' in her orb as the the girl spoke.  Because of this, she didn't noticed the 'friendly' slap on her back in time to do more than tense before Tsuifan's hand forced its way 'inside' her.  Shoolurel shuddered and grimaced in revulsion as she quickly pulled away.  It was disturbing to be suddenly penetrated by a sentient being without permission.

The extreme discomfort was enough to keep Shoolurel from thinking too deeply about the 'voice' that Elune mentioned, but when Elune objected so vehemently to learning and exploration, the elemental couldn't help but be taken aback. 

"...we don't need to investigate anything... Why question it?'

It hurt that Elune so strongly disapproved of the idea, but Shoolurel was always curious and liked to learn.   This situation seemed mysterious and potentially dangerous.  'How could someone -not- be curious and so unconcerned about being plucked from where they had been and placed here with no clear explanation of motive or information about the permanency of the situation?' the elemental thought uncomfortably.  Still, Fae had made the suggestion to explore and both Fae and Tsuifan seemed okay with the idea.

"Ahmi shantae chai ateuh nearuhpode cheenuh." Shoolurel began in an apologetic tone as she tried to explain to Elune, "I want to know if it is safe.  I want to know who brought us and why.  I am curious.  I am sorry to disappoint you.  I am curious about singing later too."  She tried to reassure the corrupted magical girl before turning to her other new companions.

Shoolurel wanted to reply to Fae, but the girl started walking away even before she'd finished asking her questions!  The poor elemental was still rapidly scanning the words in her orb as the Tsuifan began to dash off after her.  Since they had no idea where the person who brought them here was, any place further inland seemed fine; so, Shoolurel hurried behind them with small ripples running over her body caused by the force of her rapid movement.  The floating orb trailed behind as Fae led the way.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2022, 05:25:21 AM by Sashanna »

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Spoiler for Vayelia Fells:

Vayelia Fells
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Morgan Garcia

As soon as Morgan pulled at the flower, vines sprouted out, but Vayelia jumped in front to protect her and slashed at them before they could use any of that pollen, with the time she bought Morgan she was able to pull the flower out of the land and as soon as she did everything around them went silent. The vines stopped in their tracks and became lifeless, some of the other flowers around them lost life, and it felt like the entire section of the island they were in had just grown silent. "That's weird... the air was heavy before, now it feels normal." Vayelia seemed to relax her guard and sighed, falling to the ground onto her ass in exasperation. She needed a breather after that one, whatever they had done put a stop to everything at least. "I think I was right, that was the source of power for these traps and probably something else too, whoever put the flower there didn't want it pulled out. Whoever we're dealing with is much better at manipulating magic and corruption than anyone I know." Vayelia didn't know the specifics but could at least say that with absolute certainty...

Inspecting the flower would reveal it's golden glow continuing to shimmer and catch the eye. It wasn't hypnotic by any means, but it did hold some sort of power as Morgan could feel a strong energy running through it, even with her inexperience she knew something was special about it, she could destroy it if she wished, which was probably the wisest thing to do right now. Either way, Vayelia needed a break before they continued...

? ? ? has lost some power...

Morgan Garcia

Beach Event - Into the Jungle
Tagging: Vayelia Fells

Morgan remained tense in the eerie silence for several long seconds before finally releasing the tension in her form and gazing at the bloom she'd just plucked from the ground.  If it had transformed humans or humanoid creatures, she would have never even considered destroying it unless there seemed no other option.  But this thing was dangerous and likely wouldn't contribute to her research.  Still... she tore the flower in half, then plucked a couple of the intact petals and placed them against her breast beneath her clothes.  'There are some people more directly researching Corruption that -might- have a interest in these if they retain any of the energy of the bloom.' she thought.  She wasn't too concerned if the petals didn't retain the energy and didn't think the petals would be nearly as dangerous as the full bloom if they did.  She didn't have anything to burn or dissolve the rest; so, she simply tore up the flower a couple more times before showing it to Vayelia.

"I'm glad that seems to have worked.  You think this is good enough to prevent it from being used again?"  With the adrenaline rush wearing off, she also was ready to linger and take a few minutes to collect herself before they enacted any more plans.  Still, she couldn't help but think about what might come next.  Slowly her gruffer, transformed voice considered aloud, "Regardless of the danger, we probably should find others who don't want to be here if this person is as powerful as you think.  I'm not sure the two of us alone can take on the creator when something that didn't seem to be directly controlled by them ended up being so adaptive and dangerous."

Offline pyro32

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Chloe Von, Experiment XII (Pyro)
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Caitlyn (Youkai)

Chloe nodded in response to Caitlyn’s question, a bit surprised when the stranger got up neglecting her own needs. ‘Eh, I thought the two of us were going to take turns?’ Chloe thought, noticing the woman in her white swimsuit seemed to slowly be withdrawing away from her after having just bought her such pleasure with her fingers. ‘Well, I guess I’ll have to incentivise her…’ Chloe concluded smiling devilishly.

   “Eh? And where do you think you’re going?” Chloe questioned the Dominion Agent cheekily. “You go and bring me such pleasure and just go running off? No, no. Come lay down with me on the beach and get yourself something to drink!” Chloe declared smiling up at the Dominion agent still basking in her afterglow. ‘Now how am I going to tempt her?’ Chloe wondered, pondering how best to ensure that Caitlyn too came to enjoy her vacation.

Caitlyn Labelle
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Chloe

"Hmm? Well I'm done, I gave you what you wanted." Caitlyn said with a wink, having no intention of getting caught with her pants down after what she saw with Chloe, hell while she was doing it she swore she heard voices digging at her skull. "I think I'll be on my way now, but you can play with someone else if you like, see ya. Maybe I'll pick up a drink while I go check on other people." Caitlyn's delicious ass started to walk away from Chloe, denying her the satisfaction of making the blonde cum like she had. Her words weren't convincing enough yet...

So she just had to get physical, she had to tackle Caitlyn to the ground and pin her down and play with her body. Get her horny and unfocused and then whisper in her ear, encourage her to enjoy herself and enjoy everything the beach had to offer. She needed to make sure she didn't get away with her own body. Caitlyn couldn't resist if Chloe got physical and played with her... Caitlyn wasn't that far away, she only just now turned her back and started walking...

Chloe Von, Experiment XII (Pyro)
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Caitlyn (Youkai)

Chloe’s cheeks flushed red sheepishly at the Dominion agent’s flirty wink; she hadn’t expected Caitlyn to be quite that open, the Heroine more than a little stunned to see the blonde be quite that brazen with her words. The Heroine coughed awkwardly trying to hide her embarrassment for her new friend when Caitlyn turned away from her and begun walking away while shaking her delectable backside. ‘Eh? She doesn’t want to…?’ Chloe repeated, not used to being denied and certainly not used to being denied the opportunity to bring others pleasure. 

‘Wow, that kind of just makes me want her even more!’ Chloe mused, clambering back onto her feet shakily, and running after the Dominion woman and trying to tackle her to the ground. If she was successful Chloe would begin grinding her hips up and down upon Caitlyn’s backside coating her swimsuit in the Heroine’s love juices.

“Are you sure?” Chloe teased, whispering seductively into the blonde’s ears. “I beat I could make you feel so good! And we could have so much fun on the beach enjoying our vacations together…” Chloe continued whispering sweet nothings into Caitlyn’s ear. “Say...” Chloe questioned, letting her words linger upon her hopefully pinned 'new' friend. “Do you want to hear about what those Dominion bitches did to me when they captured me?” Chloe asked playfully, having never really been willing to share the story among the Institute. “I bet it would explain so much… and also tell you why I’m dressed like this on such a wonderful relaxing vacation day!”


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