Author Topic: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2022 Beach Episode: The Mysterious Island  (Read 16633 times)

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Yasu Shibuya
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Molly Wood

"You use two hands to wield a large one huh? Bet you really enjoy having that much control don't you?" Yasu's teasing side came out as she struck, a shit eating grin plastered itself on her face as she stared at Molly. Still, she got the answer she was looking for, the woman was a Chained Cross Paladin. Yasu allowed Molly to escape the conversation though, as this wasn't a time to relax and joke around, even if Yasu slipped up and did so temporarily. "I don't really know you guys all that well, but I know you know your stuff when it comes to demons. As for me, I'm... a Grandmaster of the Eternal Dragon Clan, I've been around Auralis for a little while now. I wouldn't worry about our armor situations, I think everyone has the same handicap." Yasu decided there was no harm in telling one of the Cross who she was. She let Molly chew on that information as she turned on her heel and started to move inland...

"I don't know, it's best to assume that if they can kidnap me from the village or you from Auralis they can hit anywhere, I haven't see any obvious demons yet, but they can look like humans so you never know. I know that some corrupted people are here though, I could feel some corruption coming from the beach which is why I don't want to be near it." Yasu admitted as she surveyed the area around them, she didn't notice anything strange yet, but getting away from the main beach at least made the weather feel nicer. They were approaching more plant life and there was a river running inland too, making it feel refreshing. Yasu smiled as she saw a path that they could follow up ahead. "There we go..."

"You're worried about succubi?" Yasu looked at Molly with a raised eyebrow. "A simple lesson from someone that uses some of their tactics, focus on the battle instead of their body or their voice, that's how they get you. They want you to focus on their attractive qualities so you get lost in them and lose your will to fight. Of course, the more experienced succubi are much harder to resist. Some can just purr in your ear and make you melt like this..." Yasu whispered with a sultry tone in Molly's ear, wanting to see the woman sigh in contentment before she pulled back. Although it would be nice to hear that sexy voice more often while she was on this vacation, maybe Molly could make up more excuses to hear it? Yasu pulled away from Molly and continued onward. "We should get moving, lets follow this path."

Molly Wood
Tagging: Yasu Shibuya

Molly looked slightly flustered at the teasing back from Yasu, and the shit eating grin on her face as she responded. She would try to fire back a tease of her own, except for the fact that she was having similar thoughts to the ninja. Something was up, and whilst she was usually quite jokey to relieve tension. Now did not seem the time. Yasu's face becoming more serious as well let the paladin know she was on the same wavelength as the other woman. Nodding slightly as Yasu went back to business mode. Listening to her explanation carefully, wanting to get an idea of a different perspective. Glancing over down towards the beach. Narrowing her piercing gaze. Looking more professional herself as she scanned over the area. Humming as she could pick up at least two traces of corruption coming from down towards the water. "Yea, it's troubling to be here, not only on a personal level, but managing to pull this off without us knowing anything or being able to respond to..." She jumped slightly and looked back towards Yasu with wide eyes. "Oh gosh Grandmaster?! I'm so sorry! er is there... I mean do I need to? Er... er.. what's the protocol?" She carried on mumbling to herself. "Is there protocol, should I have bowed..."

Yasu was already on her way inland, seemingly, hopefully not bothered by the little crisis Molly was having on if she had been too casual. She quickly followed after. "Yea it's definitely worrying if they can kidnap you er.. Grandmaster?" She watched Yasu carefully, trying to see how she reacted to her title in case she was using it right, or if Yasu looked annoyed by it. Thankfully she had been given another out by Yasu. "Yea same, I think maybe, at least two individuals? Best to avoid it until we know what we're dealing with." She fell into trot behind Yasu as she kept going. Enjoying the little breeze that was passing through her long hair. Letting it tingle on her neck as she glanced around herself. Was she surveying the area with professional interest? Yes. But she also hadn't gotten to be on a private island before. Seeing the path slightly after Yasu had.

"Hmm? Oh I mean I've not run into one before... I'm a bit more on display here then I'm used to, and I'm, well ki-" She stopped when she say that Yasu was following up on her initial comment. Listening intently. She had a Grandmaster giving her advice, she wanted to listen. Nodding along. It made sense. If you got lost in their qualities and lost to pleasure you wouldn't wat to fight any mo--! She jumped slightly as Yasu went from normal conversation to sultry whisper in her ear. Squeaking as the voice caressed her ear and neck. Squirming slightly as it felt like something was shooting down her flanks. Molly was left slightly flustered with a red face as Yasu pulled away again. Carrying on as if it was nothing. Panting slightly she quickly ran back after the ninja. Trotting after Yasu. "Y-yea, this um path yes!" She was speaking quickly, still breathing slightly fast. "B-but yea sorry. Not ran into a succubus yet... or um.. I mean was gonna say I've not had a boy-... or a gir-..." She decided to move on from this, scurrying in front of Yasu now and making her way along the path. Gripping the batons so tight her knuckles turned white.

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Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

Fae looked genuinely upset that she couldn't understand Shoolurel. Pouting slightly as she returned to shore. Humming a little tune to herself as Elune cleared up what she was asking. What she was after. She felt the throbbing pulse between her legs. Trying to reward the idea of going along with the idea. Of being somewhere, alone, secluded with the human.  The human who was currently circling around Fae. Trying to show off all of her curves. She was very, very forward with it. And after having drunk more, Fae could feel the pull to a greater extent. The promised reward was so much more tantalising. But to have a human she just met run off with her? That wasn't like. Cute at all! Not straight away! Love was the most powerful forve in the world! And Fae hadn't felt any from either of them!

"A beach concert could be super cute!" She smiled wide, pulling a cutesy pose with a little peace sign.

She looked back towards the bar humming slightly. "And an ice cream sundae sounds positively Fin-Tastic!" Fae knew of them at least. Even if she hadn't actually gotten to try one yet! So she should do! Why not whilst she was a tourist!

She looked back towards the others again. Seeing some hushed conversation coming from the others. As well as the... well whoever she was that had been trying to greet her earlier with something glowing. Briefly Fae wondered what they were talking about. Maybe they'd join in if there was singing.

They could do karaoke!
Spoiler for Hidden:

Mysterious Island- Beach
Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

Shoolurel tilted her head quizzically at the greeting from the pink mermaid.  "I Shoolurel," she annunciated in the local dialect before asking Fae with eager curiosity, "Aupni ki Hydrus taykeh eshootsen... na?"  When the mermaid didn't seem to understand her, she tried more hesitantly, "Aupni... eckti shaul bikti na?"  Teal eyes gazed down at the waves in disappointment as she muttered in a sarcastic, incredulous tone to herself,  "Shawtaee?"

With a sigh, she thrust her left hand into her chest as Fae moved back towards Elune.  The 'skin' wasn't torn; it merely seemed to ripple briefly from where her arm entered.  The surface dipped inward where her arm stuck out of her chest but seemed to press flush against the appendage, keeping in anything that might be inside her body.  A distant gaze came over her face as she focused and her arm rummaged around inside her chest.  Shortly, a smile came to her lips as her arm seemed to flex, and she withdrew a deep blue, watery sphere that was slightly larger than her fist.  Runes drifted across the surface of the orb while her torso seemed none the worse for wear.

Fingers on both her hands turned and pressed against the orb, oblivious to the other woman approaching.  As Anna spoke, Shoolurel spared a distracted, slightly annoyed glance at her before returning her attention to the orb.  More words she didn't understand.  She continued to press runes on the sphere until an ethereal and melodic voice suddenly came forth from the orb, "Anewbahd maud shawkoon.  Translation mode enabled."

Reaching her arm straight out towards the nearest beings (Anna and Tsuifan), the water elemental said, "Anooguha kawrae cot'tuh bowloon."  The orb chimed in shortly thereafter, "Please, speak."  The language they were speaking sounded a bit like Demonic so hopefully it was translating things into words they understood.  With the program running, Shoolurel finally had time to notice the oddly shaped red cleaning cloths and the smooth white drapery with orange stripes being presented to her.  As Tsuifan spoke, she took the the red scraps of cloth and considered them, glancing toward the hut.  'Am I expected to clean that structure with these bits of cloth?'

The elemental's extended arm bent to bring the sphere closer to her as her teal eyes glanced at the orb.  Runes floated up and did their best to translate Tsuifan's words.  Shoolurel's cheeks flushed as she read the script before replying in her native tongue with the orb responding, "Okay!  I like the horns too!  Glad someone else appreciates them~!"  Since Anna and Tsuifan seemed busy, she gazed at the red cloth in her hand dubiously.  Why should she be scrubbing someone's weird hovel anyway?
Spoiler for Hidden:

Elune Farah and Anna Cochran
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

Elune patiently waited for Fae to return, smiling from ear to ear until she came back to her side, once she did she further elaborated on what she meant. "Sleeping with each other, silly. I know a place we can have some privacy..." Elune said with a sultry smile and licked her lips for emphasis, the pleasant throbbing between Fae's legs seemed to encourage her to go along with that idea. Especially since she had taken her fair amount of cocktail. "I can sing a bit though if that's really what you want, a beach concert might be nice." Elune giggled with an upbeat skip in her step, she circled around Fae which gave the musical woman a good view of all of Elune's curves. "The bar? It's that way, I'd try more than the cocktails though. An Ice Cream Sundae hits the spot, if you know what that is, I know you're a demon so..." Elune pointed at a large drink stand a short walk away...

Anna realized that there was a language barrier between her and Shoolurel after a moment, she paused for a moment to let Shoolurel fix that problem, and then when she seemed to get the wrong impression based on her expression Anna smiled and attempted to help her. "You seem confused, you're supposed to wear them, it's a swimsuit. I don't expect you to clean anything, nobody needs to work on the island, just relax and enjoy yourself. if you don't like that swimsuit I have plenty more I can give you that I have spare. We store some for new arrivals." Anna let Shoolurel soak that in for a moment before turning to Tsuifan, who seemed to be frantic!

"A villain?" Anna tilted her head as she considered Tsuifan's words "There aren't any villains on the island, everyone is allowed some rest and relaxation once in a while, everyone on the island is here because they've been chosen to be here and deserve to enjoy themselves." Anna said with a strangely spacey tone and happy smile, it was the unmistakable tone of someone that had been programmed to think that way, but would anyone pay attention to that? It probably wasn't important, Shoolurel and Tsuifan should just enjoy their vacation. "I haven't left this place for days, it's wonderful here. Beached at the beach? Just have fun, go swim, go make a sand castle, drink something cool, play some volleyball, as long as you're indulging in everything the island has to offer you're doing fine..."

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

Tsuifan missed the whole arm-reaching-into-her-chest moment. So she had to assume that the suddenly appearing orb came from somewhere else (when in fact, it came from the very last place Tsuifan would've guessed). The orb held by Ms. Pasties didn't look like it was mechanical, from what Tsuifan could see. But from the way it functioned, it had to be some kind of automatic translator. Ms. Pasties spoke to it in a language Tsuifan couldn't recognize, until it responded with the message of a well-recieved compliment. A response which did raise the edges of Tsuifan's lips, though it also raised about a hundred new questions. All of which Tsuifan temporarily set aside. Since she still had a dire emergency to share!

Despite the (admittedly fast-fading) direness of her tone, the lifeguard wasn't concerned at all by Tsuifan's warning. "Look, I'm sure its been peaceful. Its a really nice beach. I'm just saying you should maybe stay on the lookout out for....waitwaitwait. What do you mean, you've been here for days? Are they making you work consecutive all-nighters? " Seeming very concerned about that, Tsuifan instinctively raised a hand towards Anna's forehead. Pausing midair to ask "May I...?" Before checking that forehead for a fever. She does look a little spaced out. She must be so tired! And here Tsuifan thought she was winking earlier. It must've been a struggle for her to keep even one eye open! "...You're right, um. What was your name? Its gonna be a peacful day at the beach. Absolutely, 100% peaceful. So you'd better relax and get some rest. You've earned it...and if you need any help negotiating for better hours, I'm your girl." Tsuifan knew a thing or two about dealing with scumbag bosses. She gave a confident thumbs up, along with very intentional wink towards Anna.

This poor woman needed rest. It was up to Tsuifan, then, to maintian justice on the beach! Alright! I'll start with whoever looks most suspicious! Between the nearly nude woman staring at her bikini like it was an impossible riddle, the red-eyed possible demon fetching drinks, and the pink-skinned shapeshiter who was staring starry-eyed in Tsuifan's direction....well, at least she had no shortage of curious characters to investigate.

I wonder if mer-girl's a fan of mine? It wasn't like Fae was actually staring at Tsuifan specifically, much less staring with the eyes of a starstruck fan. She was more generally excited for a karaoke-based plan coming together, while also happening to be looking at everyone. Still, Tsuifan saw that potential fanhood as a possible in. And she was hanging with Doc Aut's goons. If anyone might know where he's hiding, it's her.

Jumping on her hunch, Tsuifan also jumped on over to the bar. Which would give Shoolurel plenty of time to dress up, assuming she could make sense of the bikini's perplexing riddle.

To break the ice with her pink-skinned presumed fan, Tsuifan greeted her while making the trademark double-P heart sign with her hands (a sign that any fan of Tsui-pan's Pandamonium Hour, the international hit children's program, would surely recognize). Pulling the hand sign right up to her chest as she slightly bowed her head. Tsuifan then waited a few seconds to see if the gesture would be returned, before steaming forward regardless. "I noticed you were staring at me earlier...thought I'd come up and say hi. Since you seemed like you might have something to say?" Smooth Operator Tsuifan was back in action, with her comforting smile and winning style. She was much more in her element, dealing with a fan who wasn't being overly aggressive or flirtatious with her. This one had a nice, friendly energy...even if she was also maybe the strangest-looking person Tsuifan had ever seen. "I should warn you not to hang out with those gray guys...they might seem like lovable idiots, but their inventor's a real wacko." After glancing around cautiously, Tsuifan pulled in closer to whisper her next bit of advice. "I hear there's lots of demons with red eyes, careful around that blonde."
« Last Edit: May 13, 2023, 08:02:17 PM by madman32 »

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Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Vee and Maria Grace

"I'm Homura." The assistant said to Maria with a strange calmness as she took a seat, her behavior wasn't typical of the woman that Vee knew, but maybe that was because she was exhausted from looking around for help the entire time? However, Maria's forwardness jolted Homura out of her relaxed state a bit. Although, despite Homura's best efforts, she did shudder and coo a little under Maria's touch, although she kept those reactions reserved. That, along with Vee's words, made Homura sit upright and shake it off. "Hey, we can't just relax here all day, we need to find a way out of here. And Maria, as nice as that is, we shouldn't just sit here." Gently, Homura pulled Maria's hands off of her...

Then the blonde stood up in front of both heroines and started giving a lecture, something Vee was very familiar with by now. "Okay, sorry, break over. Splitting up is a bad idea, we were already split up before I got here and I found nobody else to help. In fact I found the opposite, I found some demons at the other beach and more inland. Sure, if we split off into three separate parties we could get more ground covered, but we could also bring danger to ourselves. Instead we should move as a unit, and I think the first thing we should do get away from the beach and go somewhere more inland and see what we can find. It's far too easy to relax here, plus someone just tried to compel me, I heard a voice that wasn't mine in my head." Homura stressed to them, adding the last part to hopefully get Maria to take this seriously, she didn't expect Vee would need any further motivating after hearing that.

Mysterious Island
Tag: Beach Event

”Uhh… thanks.” replied Vee to Maria’s compliment, not even mentioning the fact that she wasn’t the one who picked this bikini. She decided to ignore the magical girl’s mental comment about what she wanted to do to the swimsuit-clad telepath, even if the heroin was both flattered and slightly embarrassed by the other girl’s sentiment. ”Great…” She sighed heavily and folded her arms over her chest as she looked around the beach, searching for… what, exactly? Despite the mysterious circumstances on how they got here, it looked perfectly normal and innocuous.

But before she had the opportunity to investigate further and scan the minds of others, they were approached by Homura who then decided to lie down on the towel. Maria didn’t waste any time, either. Vee easily picked up the lewd thoughts in the magical girl’s head as she wrapped her arms around the blonde’s torso and stared blatantly at her heavy breasts.

”I’m not much for waiting.” Vee replied to Maria’s question about their next course of action and, despite their situation, actually snickered at the magical girl’s comment about “Big Bad Vee”. ”Well, all the more reason to poke around. Apparently I have a reputation to uphold…” She jabbed back in a playful tone, her mood somewhat improved by the current company.

She then turned towards Homura and listened to her assistant’s suggestions. When the blonde mentioned an unknown voice in her head speaking to her, the telepath raised her hands in a defensive gesture. ”Wasn’t me this time, I swear.” There might’ve been one… maybe two incidents when Vee tried to subtly nudge Homura’s mind to leave her alone when the secretary was hounding her over some missing paperwork. The attempts were unsuccessful, but that didn’t stop the telepath from trying to get away from her responsibilities every once in a while. ”Well, you’re right. We shouldn’t wander too far away from each other. Although I think we should look around the beach first to see if there are more people from the Institute who are in the same situation. They could help us. Maria, what do you think?” She asked the magical girl…

Maria Grace, The Financial Enthusiast

Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag:Vee the Mental Monstrosity, Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord.

" Don't mention it. " She claimed in reply, smiling gently too Vee. Then she smirked a little bit. " Or maybe I should thank you instead, Vee? " She asked with a tilt of her head. " Its not every day that I get to see you dressed up for me. " She let it hang there, as her mind went to simpler times. How they fought together. And chatted a bit after the fact. ' Come think of it. I wanted to hang out more back then, but she left nearly instantly when the battle was done. Oh well. ' She mused, letting herself sigh wistfully. Their time alone was interrupted, alas.

" Careful. if you coo like that I might get ideas. " She joked with a lazy smile. Not really resisting when the girl jolted upwards, gaining a more work-oriented disposition. " Of course not. That would be a waste. We could cuddle, kiss, sunbath and even go for a swim! " She claimed petulantly, taking a glance at Vee. ' She doesn't seem surprised with the more taskforce-y response from the secretrey. Good. ' She would stand as well. She pouted at Homura, before turning her focus to Vee. " I see. Well, I can't leave you be now, can I? " She offered her own lot of support. Being the kind senior she was. ' And I'm burning that cute giggle to memory, V~ ' She thought.

For starters, she embraced the secretrey from the back. Letting her soothingly cool touch engulf her. " You must have been worred sick. " She claimed. " Just stick to us and everything will be just peachy, 'kay? " She claimed, somehow mixing a lazy drawl with a caring undertone only a older sibling could muster. Her attention turning once more back to the V. " I mean, why not confer with the demons. It isn't widely known, but they have their own internal factions and power battles. We very well might be looking at one of the royals trying to get the upper hand on the other or just turned them into their chamber maid or butler. " She let the wisdom of internal demon politics shine thourgh.

" This time? " She asked with a raised eyebrow, questioning the two about the (obvious) meaning behind her bosses words. " Of course, whilst this does provide us with more potential temporary allies, it is also a risk. Unless we take it, going inland is our only option. " She stressed. " Any Institude staff lost on the beach will either make their way there as well, making inlands a good rally point or be captured by the dangers of the beach. Whatever they may be. In such a case, ending this quickly with their boss is paramount " She gave her reasoning.

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Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Merine and Desdemona

Nathaniel's retainer held a neutral expression as Desdemona and Merine had their exchanges, she didn't see the need in interrupting or interjecting right now since Desdemona seemed in a good mood and she wasn't being addressed. If Desdemona bothered to take a drink from the coconut that Merine had offered her she'd feel a warm contentment spread along her body, making her feel comfortable and happy. Much like Merine though, she could resist this, it was a weaker compulsion. "Astrid is fine, Merine. I'm sure you'll have fun serving Desdemona, I've heard it can bee deeply rewarding if you get in her good graces." Astrid said with a knowing smile, as if she knew what those good graces were, although it was impossible to tell...

"Of course, you merely wanted to take a vacation, my apologies." Astrid nodded to Desdemona when she made her correction, taking the hint that Desdemona didn't want any hint of weakness being spouted around. "Naturally, Lady Desdemona." Astrid listened to Desdemona's request for them to guess where they were, which Astrid had a good idea of, but more importantly she listened to Merine's statement of a compulsion and raised an eyebrow. "I haven't done anything, what kind of suggestion was it? If you remember what it was trying to suggest them you can narrow down where it came from." Astrid's eyes shifted around them cautiously after that though, trying to spot anyone hidden.

"As for your question... I think it's much more simple than anything mystical, I think we're on an island, stuck here until we find a way out. That has to be the only reason we've all wearing swimsuits." Astrid crossed her arms. Shortly after two illusions of herself formed at her sides and started to walk around the perimeter of their location. They started to search the area if Merine or Desdemona bothered to watch them.

Location: The Beach that makes you Horny (probably)
Tag: Astrid and Merine

Yes, she was very merciful wasn't she? Desdemona had to agree with Merine's assessment of her. It was a weakness really, her niceness. It meant people could get away with things they really shouldn't, but alas, her niceness was just one of her few failings that she would just have to put up with. Ah Merine, good, that was her name, Desdemona had hoped she wouldn't have to make one up or just call her 'girl' all day or something. Merine needed some education to be a proper servant though, how lucky she was to have someone as tolerant and understanding as Desdemona to teach her. "You can call me 'My Princess' as my proper title " Desdemona suggested, feeling so nice that she decided not to flog Merine for not getting it right the first time.

Then Merine asked her if she had caused this event herself, which really did start to tempt the Princess into bringing flogging back on the table, but no... no she had to retain face for the moment. "Hohohohohohoho! No of course not! Any event I perpetrated would be much more elaborate than this! I simply... allowed it to happen yes" Desdemona said, someone acquiring a paper fan from no where as she laughed. Oh god, Astrid at least understood the situation! Now, to plan her next move. Obviously, having sex with Astrid was a must. And then she would have to think of the perfect time to rub it in Nathaniel's face! Maybe at the family diner next week? Oh wait they should probably escape the island first, yes that seemed more important.

Des took a sip of the coconut milk, though obviously it had no effect on her, she was far too mighty and Royal to be affected by such common things. Sure she was feeling comfortable and happy, that was normal! It was perfectly normal! She was on a nice beach surrounded by a pair of attractive slaves! Who wouldn't feel comfortable and happy in such circumstances? I ought to have you flogged just for suggesting the idea that the coconut milk could be affecting her.

"I expect the reason is just perverted writers" Des offered to the question from Astrid as to why they were all wearing swimsuits. Des thought Merine's suggestions were good ones but Astrid was also right in that it could be more mundane. They would just have to go look about... and since Des had already claimed she'd figured everything out...

"Right! Only one for it, since you're both not intelligent or Royal enough to have figured everything out already, you shall just have to investigate. I will accompany and observe you to see how the common folk go about doing things. I know I know. It is a great honour. It needs not be said I know my Royal Majesty can overwhelm your simple common minds. Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho" Des fanned herself again, good... now she could watch these two figure everything out without having to admit she was even more lost than they were! "Well? Carry on then!"

Merine The Titleless
Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag: Desdemona the Desdemonious!Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord

" Thank you, ... Astrid. " She finished shyly, a little blush creeping on her face. She .... a lowly Succubi U graduate with dreams of grandure had the right to call a high class demon by her name. Who would have thought! Still, she glanced between the demonesses before tilting her head in just the right, cute, manner. " Isn't serving The Princess already a great honor and privillage? " She asked, making her tone sound honest and earnest. She doubted she could fool Astrid, but Desdemona loved to have her own horn blown. Or so she appeared to be, at least. Still, it was cute in its own way. " Of course, My Princess. " She corrected simply, retaining her submissive posture.

She blinked as Desdemona refuted a point .... Merine hadn't even made. Still, she felt that bringing it up would be in bad taste to her own skins survival. She was getting shivers throughout the conversation, damn it! " Apologies, My Princess. " She claimed with sincerity in her voice. Better take fault for the preceived lesser evil. " Just a general sense of enjoying the bounties of the island. Fruits and beauties alike. " She explained, having corrected the behavior of a mean Eternal Dragon Sluts behavior with the same principle a while back. Maybe she should give her another visit after this adventure. She wants to see her beg her 'student' for release once more....

" My princess is truly impressive. " She claimed with awe in her voice as Desdemona made her claim. Her eyes sparkling in admiration. Faking it, true, but if The Princess liked it, who was she to deny it. Caughing into her hand, her cheeks flushing such a cute color, she spoke to Astrid. " Lady Astrid, I'm new fresh from the academy. I fear that I do not have a lot of experience. Especially in these high-stakes matters. May I follow your lead? " She asked, knowing that besides the bedroom acts and similarily-oriented magics, she was dangerously lacking in other apartments. Her fist clenched as she fought with her own nervousness.

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Charlotte Parker
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Alice Charming

As Alice drank, a phantom tongue would brush against her petals and numb her brain the more she drank, encouraging her to keep indulging in all the island had to offer. By the time she was finished not only was she tipsy but her pussy was pleasantly wet and her brain felt delightfully soft, but that wasn't anything to worry about, she was enjoying her vacation and enjoying herself, that was perfectly normal. Alice could resist this if she wished, but she might find it difficult after downing that entire drink. Even if she didn't resist, Alice would've been able to recover and shrug off the compulsion and the drink. But the woman she was about to meet wasn't about to give her that chance. Especially since she could read Alice's mind like an open book and saw how vulnerable it was, the pigtailed vixen walked over to Alice and introduced herself.

"Hello there, I'm Charlotte, what's your name? And how are you doing? You look a little tipsy, want some help?" The telepath had a thin smile on her face, sure Charlotte had been kidnapped like some of the others on the island but she didn't seem to mind, a vacation was something she deserved, she'd find out who brought her here later and take care of that in time, but for now she found some prey to play with.

Alice Charming
Location: Mysterious Island
Tagging: Everyone that wants to participate!

Alice felt very good and slightly lustful which was something she had not really felt in a long time. Properly just the nice beach and delicious drink. Everything was just so nice there was no reason to try and think clearly just enjoying her mood and good vibes. She looked around to see if she could find her carry satchel but she didn’t seem to have it with her. Her speaker was in that and she felt a slight annoyance of not being able to use it.

She quickly forgot about her satchel when a cute girl approached her. Alice just stood there thinking “Cute” and as the girl started to talk to Alice, Alice was slightly surpirced she was being talked to. She wasn’t often talking with people and even more rarely talking about how she was. “Hi…..i’m…i’m Alice" Alice said in a slightly unsure tone just to check taht she was really talking to her. ”i’m doing just fine hehe" she slightly giggled clearly just being happy and not really thinking about anything. Alice liked strangers when she was drunk. They were friends she had not met yet. Not that alice really had any friends outside a person that seemed to have slipped her mind. ”And nuu nu no need help” she giggled again while sitting herself down on the sand ”I didn’t even drink that much. Wasn’t even alcohol properly. It doesn't count if it’s less than one hour after the first drink" Alice rambled on trying more to convince herself that she was in control. Not that she was fighting for it anyways. People usually stopped her from drinking if she was too drunk so she tried to pretend to pretend to not be drunk. She was horrible at it as always

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Eleanor Lagan
Tag: Anyone interested. Maybe Vee?

Her desk chair wasn’t this soft… Eleanor’s eyes slowly blinked open, splayed out on the warm sand. She wasn’t used to feeling so… rested. Usually falling asleep was just a physical limitation to study, not an actual repose. That was confusing enough, but things only got stranger as she took in her surroundings. As someone who spent very little time caring for her body, Eleanor was not happy to see herself dressed in a skimpy bikini. She was pallid, and a little too thin to be healthy. Showing this much skin was... not exactly comfortable, to say nothing of sunburn.

Just that was enough to get her skin itching: anxiety quickly banished the warm glow of restful sleep. She pinched herself to try and wake up—to no avail. And as that happened, she finally noticed… This was a public beach. Other people were all around, shouting, laughing, showing off their bodies…

Her hands trembled a little, instinctively grasping for the neural inhibitor… not there. Just her luck, of course. It’s okay. It’s okay. I’ve had… I’ve had much worse nightmares. Just… breathe. She crossed her arms, hugging herself tightly. Deprived of her normal coping mechanism, she tried to control her breath, keeping down panic. Whatever was happening here couldn’t be solved by having a meltdown. She needed to… to solve the issue, figure out what happened, and get back home. Or at least somewhere where she couldn’t be looked at. So, she scanned the area, eyes still darting around like trapped prey. Perhaps to find someone she recognized, or some hint of what had brought her here… or at least someone with a spare t-shirt.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2022, 07:58:43 AM by MonsieurChuchote »

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Molly Wood
Tagging: Yasu Shibuya

Molly looked slightly flustered at the teasing back from Yasu, and the shit eating grin on her face as she responded. She would try to fire back a tease of her own, except for the fact that she was having similar thoughts to the ninja. Something was up, and whilst she was usually quite jokey to relieve tension. Now did not seem the time. Yasu's face becoming more serious as well let the paladin know she was on the same wavelength as the other woman. Nodding slightly as Yasu went back to business mode. Listening to her explanation carefully, wanting to get an idea of a different perspective. Glancing over down towards the beach. Narrowing her piercing gaze. Looking more professional herself as she scanned over the area. Humming as she could pick up at least two traces of corruption coming from down towards the water. "Yea, it's troubling to be here, not only on a personal level, but managing to pull this off without us knowing anything or being able to respond to..." She jumped slightly and looked back towards Yasu with wide eyes. "Oh gosh Grandmaster?! I'm so sorry! er is there... I mean do I need to? Er... er.. what's the protocol?" She carried on mumbling to herself. "Is there protocol, should I have bowed..."

Yasu was already on her way inland, seemingly, hopefully not bothered by the little crisis Molly was having on if she had been too casual. She quickly followed after. "Yea it's definitely worrying if they can kidnap you er.. Grandmaster?" She watched Yasu carefully, trying to see how she reacted to her title in case she was using it right, or if Yasu looked annoyed by it. Thankfully she had been given another out by Yasu. "Yea same, I think maybe, at least two individuals? Best to avoid it until we know what we're dealing with." She fell into trot behind Yasu as she kept going. Enjoying the little breeze that was passing through her long hair. Letting it tingle on her neck as she glanced around herself. Was she surveying the area with professional interest? Yes. But she also hadn't gotten to be on a private island before. Seeing the path slightly after Yasu had.

"Hmm? Oh I mean I've not run into one before... I'm a bit more on display here then I'm used to, and I'm, well ki-" She stopped when she say that Yasu was following up on her initial comment. Listening intently. She had a Grandmaster giving her advice, she wanted to listen. Nodding along. It made sense. If you got lost in their qualities and lost to pleasure you wouldn't wat to fight any mo--! She jumped slightly as Yasu went from normal conversation to sultry whisper in her ear. Squeaking as the voice caressed her ear and neck. Squirming slightly as it felt like something was shooting down her flanks. Molly was left slightly flustered with a red face as Yasu pulled away again. Carrying on as if it was nothing. Panting slightly she quickly ran back after the ninja. Trotting after Yasu. "Y-yea, this um path yes!" She was speaking quickly, still breathing slightly fast. "B-but yea sorry. Not ran into a succubus yet... or um.. I mean was gonna say I've not had a boy-... or a gir-..." She decided to move on from this, scurrying in front of Yasu now and making her way along the path. Gripping the batons so tight her knuckles turned white.

Yasu Shibuya
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Molly Wood

"I didn't think you'd get that flustered, I was just testing your susceptibility to being seduced by mere words, also you don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend? That's a shame, but since you're a Paladin I'm sure you'll find someone. " Yasu smiled a little, but decided to stop teasing the poor Paladin for now, they were partners, and getting distracted by sex was probably not a good idea. "Also since you mentioned it earlier, you don't need to call me Grandmaster, in fact if we have any demons here it's probably best if you don't. Just referring to me as Yasu is fine." Yasu said casually as she nodded to her statement on going forward on the path. However, if they looked to the left as they followed it, the path would split in two. They could keep going forward...

Or take a detour into a hut that looked like a beach bar, there were some people hanging out there, lounging outside in beach chairs taking in some sun. "I'm not sure about that place, but maybe some people are hanging out there? We could go inside if you want, as long as we don't separate from each other." There was a slight grimace in Yasu's posture, but she tried to hide it, she was letting Molly decide on this. Yasu's instincts were telling her to go inside and see what was going on, but she also was worried it might be a trap to get them distracted. She had no idea how this island or the kidnapper that put them here worked...

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Alice Charming
Location: Mysterious Island
Tagging: Everyone that wants to participate!

Alice felt very good and slightly lustful which was something she had not really felt in a long time. Properly just the nice beach and delicious drink. Everything was just so nice there was no reason to try and think clearly just enjoying her mood and good vibes. She looked around to see if she could find her carry satchel but she didn’t seem to have it with her. Her speaker was in that and she felt a slight annoyance of not being able to use it.

She quickly forgot about her satchel when a cute girl approached her. Alice just stood there thinking “Cute” and as the girl started to talk to Alice, Alice was slightly surpirced she was being talked to. She wasn’t often talking with people and even more rarely talking about how she was. “Hi…..i’m…i’m Alice" Alice said in a slightly unsure tone just to check taht she was really talking to her. ”i’m doing just fine hehe" she slightly giggled clearly just being happy and not really thinking about anything. Alice liked strangers when she was drunk. They were friends she had not met yet. Not that alice really had any friends outside a person that seemed to have slipped her mind. ”And nuu nu no need help” she giggled again while sitting herself down on the sand ”I didn’t even drink that much. Wasn’t even alcohol properly. It doesn't count if it’s less than one hour after the first drink" Alice rambled on trying more to convince herself that she was in control. Not that she was fighting for it anyways. People usually stopped her from drinking if she was too drunk so she tried to pretend to pretend to not be drunk. She was horrible at it as always

Charlotte Parker
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Alice Charming

"I dunno, I think you've had a lot to drink. Rest for a while, relax, keep your mind at ease. It's important to keep a clear head when you're taken in so much alcohol." Charlotte said, mixing in compulsions with her words to get Alice's mind on the right track, Charlotte would use her powers fully once she saw signs of the woman succumbing to her compulsions and her drunkenness. Alice's mind was so foggy and unfocused and her pussy was so slick and wet, letting that alcohol go to her head was the right decision, she was enjoying her vacation and that was perfectly fine. She could relax with Charlotte and fool around a bit, her pussy thrummed pleasantly at that idea. "I can go get you another drink if you really want it, but maybe you should take it easy, lay on your back, stretch out and soak in the sun a little." Charlotte said, seeing if Alice followed her suggestions...

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Mysterious Island
Tag: Beach Event

”Uhh… thanks.” replied Vee to Maria’s compliment, not even mentioning the fact that she wasn’t the one who picked this bikini. She decided to ignore the magical girl’s mental comment about what she wanted to do to the swimsuit-clad telepath, even if the heroin was both flattered and slightly embarrassed by the other girl’s sentiment. ”Great…” She sighed heavily and folded her arms over her chest as she looked around the beach, searching for… what, exactly? Despite the mysterious circumstances on how they got here, it looked perfectly normal and innocuous.

But before she had the opportunity to investigate further and scan the minds of others, they were approached by Homura who then decided to lie down on the towel. Maria didn’t waste any time, either. Vee easily picked up the lewd thoughts in the magical girl’s head as she wrapped her arms around the blonde’s torso and stared blatantly at her heavy breasts.

”I’m not much for waiting.” Vee replied to Maria’s question about their next course of action and, despite their situation, actually snickered at the magical girl’s comment about “Big Bad Vee”. ”Well, all the more reason to poke around. Apparently I have a reputation to uphold…” She jabbed back in a playful tone, her mood somewhat improved by the current company.

She then turned towards Homura and listened to her assistant’s suggestions. When the blonde mentioned an unknown voice in her head speaking to her, the telepath raised her hands in a defensive gesture. ”Wasn’t me this time, I swear.” There might’ve been one… maybe two incidents when Vee tried to subtly nudge Homura’s mind to leave her alone when the secretary was hounding her over some missing paperwork. The attempts were unsuccessful, but that didn’t stop the telepath from trying to get away from her responsibilities every once in a while. ”Well, you’re right. We shouldn’t wander too far away from each other. Although I think we should look around the beach first to see if there are more people from the Institute who are in the same situation. They could help us. Maria, what do you think?” She asked the magical girl…

Maria Grace, The Financial Enthusiast

Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag:Vee the Mental Monstrosity, Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord.

" Don't mention it. " She claimed in reply, smiling gently too Vee. Then she smirked a little bit. " Or maybe I should thank you instead, Vee? " She asked with a tilt of her head. " Its not every day that I get to see you dressed up for me. " She let it hang there, as her mind went to simpler times. How they fought together. And chatted a bit after the fact. ' Come think of it. I wanted to hang out more back then, but she left nearly instantly when the battle was done. Oh well. ' She mused, letting herself sigh wistfully. Their time alone was interrupted, alas.

" Careful. if you coo like that I might get ideas. " She joked with a lazy smile. Not really resisting when the girl jolted upwards, gaining a more work-oriented disposition. " Of course not. That would be a waste. We could cuddle, kiss, sunbath and even go for a swim! " She claimed petulantly, taking a glance at Vee. ' She doesn't seem surprised with the more taskforce-y response from the secretrey. Good. ' She would stand as well. She pouted at Homura, before turning her focus to Vee. " I see. Well, I can't leave you be now, can I? " She offered her own lot of support. Being the kind senior she was. ' And I'm burning that cute giggle to memory, V~ ' She thought.

For starters, she embraced the secretrey from the back. Letting her soothingly cool touch engulf her. " You must have been worred sick. " She claimed. " Just stick to us and everything will be just peachy, 'kay? " She claimed, somehow mixing a lazy drawl with a caring undertone only a older sibling could muster. Her attention turning once more back to the V. " I mean, why not confer with the demons. It isn't widely known, but they have their own internal factions and power battles. We very well might be looking at one of the royals trying to get the upper hand on the other or just turned them into their chamber maid or butler. " She let the wisdom of internal demon politics shine thourgh.

" This time? " She asked with a raised eyebrow, questioning the two about the (obvious) meaning behind her bosses words. " Of course, whilst this does provide us with more potential temporary allies, it is also a risk. Unless we take it, going inland is our only option. " She stressed. " Any Institude staff lost on the beach will either make their way there as well, making inlands a good rally point or be captured by the dangers of the beach. Whatever they may be. In such a case, ending this quickly with their boss is paramount " She gave her reasoning.

Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Vee and Maria Grace

Maria's choice of words would stir something from within her body as she finished speaking to Homura. Maria would feel a buzz along her pussy and a warm tingle in her brain at mentioning kissing, sunbathing, and going for a swim. They were all delightful things to do on the island, she should indulge in them and enjoy everything the island had to offer. The compulsion was weak for now, but for Maria it felt nice to just enjoy the sensation. Regardless if she submitted or not, the feeling would fade away after a few seconds.

Vee would also feel something tug at her mind as soon as she mentioned exploring the beach. She really should spend time enjoying all the women and their bodies, exploring the beach and seeing what it had to offer was such a good idea. Even if her true objective was to find help, she could sneak a few peeks here and there It was just as weak as the one that Maria experienced, but a pleasant calm would try and settle over Vee's mind all the same if she allowed it to, and then fade away after that.

Homura for her part didn't seem to suffer from any side effects and kept the conversation going as if nothing had happened to them. "I know it wasn't, your compulsions are far more powerful than what I just got." Homura looked around to see if there was a source for the compulsions, but scowled when she didn't find any. "That's really odd..." Homura muttered to herself, now completely alert with that no nonsense look on her features that Vee was used to. Homura blinked and sighed a little at Maria's touch despite herself, but took a step back to regain her bearings, despite her serious attitude Homura's body was fun to play with and she did make some interesting noises at times, but she didn't seem in the mood for playing. "Yes, I was worried. Anyway we need to focus, we can't fool around, I think that's what our manipulator wants. The compulsion I felt was trying to encourage me to relax and enjoy myself on the beach so I could forget all my stresses."

"Okay, how about we investigate the beach a bit, but start making our way inland as we do, that'll cover both bases, we can intercept some people heading that way if we're lucky and might find some people just waking up on the island along the beach. And I think Maria is right, if we run into demons on the island they may be in the same boat as us, we can at least try and see what's going on with them too." Homura tried to play both sides with Maria and Vee, it was more work, but it'd probably give them more chances to find allies. Just how Homura liked to operate, do as much work as possible at once.

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Location: The Beach that makes you Horny (probably)
Tag: Astrid and Merine

Yes, she was very merciful wasn't she? Desdemona had to agree with Merine's assessment of her. It was a weakness really, her niceness. It meant people could get away with things they really shouldn't, but alas, her niceness was just one of her few failings that she would just have to put up with. Ah Merine, good, that was her name, Desdemona had hoped she wouldn't have to make one up or just call her 'girl' all day or something. Merine needed some education to be a proper servant though, how lucky she was to have someone as tolerant and understanding as Desdemona to teach her. "You can call me 'My Princess' as my proper title " Desdemona suggested, feeling so nice that she decided not to flog Merine for not getting it right the first time.

Then Merine asked her if she had caused this event herself, which really did start to tempt the Princess into bringing flogging back on the table, but no... no she had to retain face for the moment. "Hohohohohohoho! No of course not! Any event I perpetrated would be much more elaborate than this! I simply... allowed it to happen yes" Desdemona said, someone acquiring a paper fan from no where as she laughed. Oh god, Astrid at least understood the situation! Now, to plan her next move. Obviously, having sex with Astrid was a must. And then she would have to think of the perfect time to rub it in Nathaniel's face! Maybe at the family diner next week? Oh wait they should probably escape the island first, yes that seemed more important.

Des took a sip of the coconut milk, though obviously it had no effect on her, she was far too mighty and Royal to be affected by such common things. Sure she was feeling comfortable and happy, that was normal! It was perfectly normal! She was on a nice beach surrounded by a pair of attractive slaves! Who wouldn't feel comfortable and happy in such circumstances? I ought to have you flogged just for suggesting the idea that the coconut milk could be affecting her.

"I expect the reason is just perverted writers" Des offered to the question from Astrid as to why they were all wearing swimsuits. Des thought Merine's suggestions were good ones but Astrid was also right in that it could be more mundane. They would just have to go look about... and since Des had already claimed she'd figured everything out...

"Right! Only one for it, since you're both not intelligent or Royal enough to have figured everything out already, you shall just have to investigate. I will accompany and observe you to see how the common folk go about doing things. I know I know. It is a great honour. It needs not be said I know my Royal Majesty can overwhelm your simple common minds. Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho" Des fanned herself again, good... now she could watch these two figure everything out without having to admit she was even more lost than they were! "Well? Carry on then!"

Merine The Titleless
Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag: Desdemona the Desdemonious!Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord

" Thank you, ... Astrid. " She finished shyly, a little blush creeping on her face. She .... a lowly Succubi U graduate with dreams of grandure had the right to call a high class demon by her name. Who would have thought! Still, she glanced between the demonesses before tilting her head in just the right, cute, manner. " Isn't serving The Princess already a great honor and privillage? " She asked, making her tone sound honest and earnest. She doubted she could fool Astrid, but Desdemona loved to have her own horn blown. Or so she appeared to be, at least. Still, it was cute in its own way. " Of course, My Princess. " She corrected simply, retaining her submissive posture.

She blinked as Desdemona refuted a point .... Merine hadn't even made. Still, she felt that bringing it up would be in bad taste to her own skins survival. She was getting shivers throughout the conversation, damn it! " Apologies, My Princess. " She claimed with sincerity in her voice. Better take fault for the preceived lesser evil. " Just a general sense of enjoying the bounties of the island. Fruits and beauties alike. " She explained, having corrected the behavior of a mean Eternal Dragon Sluts behavior with the same principle a while back. Maybe she should give her another visit after this adventure. She wants to see her beg her 'student' for release once more....

" My princess is truly impressive. " She claimed with awe in her voice as Desdemona made her claim. Her eyes sparkling in admiration. Faking it, true, but if The Princess liked it, who was she to deny it. Caughing into her hand, her cheeks flushing such a cute color, she spoke to Astrid. " Lady Astrid, I'm new fresh from the academy. I fear that I do not have a lot of experience. Especially in these high-stakes matters. May I follow your lead? " She asked, knowing that besides the bedroom acts and similarily-oriented magics, she was dangerously lacking in other apartments. Her fist clenched as she fought with her own nervousness.

Astrid and Her Two Illusions
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Merine and Desdemona

Yes, Desdemona should have sex with Astrid, not just that, but Merine as well. That was a nice slutty thought that'd swim through Desdemona's mind. She deserved that, she was a princess on a vacation. She just had to find a way to indulge and do that. A pleasant tingle would run through her mind as she let her mind wander to that thought. It was slightly stronger than the other compulsion, but still something Desdemona could shrug off if she wanted, but even if she allowed it to find purchase in her brain, it'd fade away quickly.

Merine would feel something similar tingle at her brain. At the mention of enjoying the bounties of the island and enjoying the fruits and beauties, a slight thrumming would tingle in her pussy and a warm pleasurable sensation would swim through her mind. It was, much like Desdemona's compulsion, slightly stronger than the last one that Merine warded off, but it felt so pleasant to indulge in. The feeling would fade in a few moments though regardless of whether or not she allowed herself to enjoy it.

Astrid's illusions all spawned with different swimsuits adorning their figure, this confused Astrid for a moment but she just sighed and decided to go along with it. "I think we'll cover more ground if I let the illusions wander along the rest of the island, maybe they'll find some people to talk to." Both of the illusions that had been snooping around the area just nodded to the original and scattered. One went off to the left, another went off to the right to cover different ends of the island. Hopefully that'd bear fruit and the three could get some help. After that was done, Astrid turned to Merine. For the most part Astrid let Merine speak to Desdemona and handle that until now. "I think that is wise, I've been through difficult situations like this before before, when the Overlord took over I went into hiding with Desdemona, Nathaniel, and Decarlo. It was very dangerous time."

Astrid would take the lead and walk forward, the women wouldn't have to move very far to find something unique, there was a cave entrance to their right with some people's voices coming from it. Or at least, it sounded like it...

"Do we want to go in, or keep going?" Astrid pointed out the path that went further inland, she was happy to let Desdemona call the shots if she wished though. Since Nathaniel wasn't here, Desdemona was basically in charge of her right now.

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Eleanor Lagan
Tag: Anyone interested. Maybe Vee?

Her desk chair wasn’t this soft… Eleanor’s eyes slowly blinked open, splayed out on the warm sand. She wasn’t used to feeling so… rested. Usually falling asleep was just a physical limitation to study, not an actual repose. That was confusing enough, but things only got stranger as she took in her surroundings. As someone who spent very little time caring for her body, Eleanor was not happy to see herself dressed in a skimpy bikini. She was pallid, and a little too thin to be healthy. Showing this much skin was... not exactly comfortable, to say nothing of sunburn.

Just that was enough to get her skin itching: anxiety quickly banished the warm glow of restful sleep. She pinched herself to try and wake up—to no avail. And as that happened, she finally noticed… This was a public beach. Other people were all around, shouting, laughing, showing off their bodies…

Her hands trembled a little, instinctively grasping for the neural inhibitor… not there. Just her luck, of course. It’s okay. It’s okay. I’ve had… I’ve had much worse nightmares. Just… breathe. She crossed her arms, hugging herself tightly. Deprived of her normal coping mechanism, she tried to control her breath, keeping down panic. Whatever was happening here couldn’t be solved by having a meltdown. She needed to… to solve the issue, figure out what happened, and get back home. Or at least somewhere where she couldn’t be looked at. So, she scanned the area, eyes still darting around like trapped prey. Perhaps to find someone she recognized, or some hint of what had brought her here… or at least someone with a spare t-shirt.

Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Eleanor Lagan

"You just woke up here too huh?" A blue haired woman would speak from behind Eleanor, the woman kept her distance though as to not spook Eleanor even further. The woman was sipping on a drink and was holding a spare towel, much like Eleanor the woman was dressed in a swimsuit. "Don't worry, you're not alone in that regard. A lot of people have been waking up on the beach and suddenly appearing from what I've observed. I think we all have a mutual kidnapper, I remember someone whispering in my ear before I woke up here. You remember anything like that? I'm Aislinn by the way, rude of me to speak without introducing myself I suppose." Aislinn kept herself level, she made no quick movements as she already noticed that Eleanor was on edge.

"If you want...we can team up and find a way off this rock. I'm not a fan of being on this island either, even if the drinks are nice." Aislinn offered, seeing if Eleanor would take it.

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Maria Grace, The Financial Enthusiast

Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag:Vee the Mental Monstrosity, Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord.

" Don't mention it. " She claimed in reply, smiling gently too Vee. Then she smirked a little bit. " Or maybe I should thank you instead, Vee? " She asked with a tilt of her head. " Its not every day that I get to see you dressed up for me. " She let it hang there, as her mind went to simpler times. How they fought together. And chatted a bit after the fact. ' Come think of it. I wanted to hang out more back then, but she left nearly instantly when the battle was done. Oh well. ' She mused, letting herself sigh wistfully. Their time alone was interrupted, alas.

" Careful. if you coo like that I might get ideas. " She joked with a lazy smile. Not really resisting when the girl jolted upwards, gaining a more work-oriented disposition. " Of course not. That would be a waste. We could cuddle, kiss, sunbath and even go for a swim! " She claimed petulantly, taking a glance at Vee. ' She doesn't seem surprised with the more taskforce-y response from the secretrey. Good. ' She would stand as well. She pouted at Homura, before turning her focus to Vee. " I see. Well, I can't leave you be now, can I? " She offered her own lot of support. Being the kind senior she was. ' And I'm burning that cute giggle to memory, V~ ' She thought.

For starters, she embraced the secretrey from the back. Letting her soothingly cool touch engulf her. " You must have been worred sick. " She claimed. " Just stick to us and everything will be just peachy, 'kay? " She claimed, somehow mixing a lazy drawl with a caring undertone only a older sibling could muster. Her attention turning once more back to the V. " I mean, why not confer with the demons. It isn't widely known, but they have their own internal factions and power battles. We very well might be looking at one of the royals trying to get the upper hand on the other or just turned them into their chamber maid or butler. " She let the wisdom of internal demon politics shine thourgh.

" This time? " She asked with a raised eyebrow, questioning the two about the (obvious) meaning behind her bosses words. " Of course, whilst this does provide us with more potential temporary allies, it is also a risk. Unless we take it, going inland is our only option. " She stressed. " Any Institude staff lost on the beach will either make their way there as well, making inlands a good rally point or be captured by the dangers of the beach. Whatever they may be. In such a case, ending this quickly with their boss is paramount " She gave her reasoning.

Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Vee and Maria Grace

Maria's choice of words would stir something from within her body as she finished speaking to Homura. Maria would feel a buzz along her pussy and a warm tingle in her brain at mentioning kissing, sunbathing, and going for a swim. They were all delightful things to do on the island, she should indulge in them and enjoy everything the island had to offer. The compulsion was weak for now, but for Maria it felt nice to just enjoy the sensation. Regardless if she submitted or not, the feeling would fade away after a few seconds.

Vee would also feel something tug at her mind as soon as she mentioned exploring the beach. She really should spend time enjoying all the women and their bodies, exploring the beach and seeing what it had to offer was such a good idea. Even if her true objective was to find help, she could sneak a few peeks here and there It was just as weak as the one that Maria experienced, but a pleasant calm would try and settle over Vee's mind all the same if she allowed it to, and then fade away after that.

Homura for her part didn't seem to suffer from any side effects and kept the conversation going as if nothing had happened to them. "I know it wasn't, your compulsions are far more powerful than what I just got." Homura looked around to see if there was a source for the compulsions, but scowled when she didn't find any. "That's really odd..." Homura muttered to herself, now completely alert with that no nonsense look on her features that Vee was used to. Homura blinked and sighed a little at Maria's touch despite herself, but took a step back to regain her bearings, despite her serious attitude Homura's body was fun to play with and she did make some interesting noises at times, but she didn't seem in the mood for playing. "Yes, I was worried. Anyway we need to focus, we can't fool around, I think that's what our manipulator wants. The compulsion I felt was trying to encourage me to relax and enjoy myself on the beach so I could forget all my stresses."

"Okay, how about we investigate the beach a bit, but start making our way inland as we do, that'll cover both bases, we can intercept some people heading that way if we're lucky and might find some people just waking up on the island along the beach. And I think Maria is right, if we run into demons on the island they may be in the same boat as us, we can at least try and see what's going on with them too." Homura tried to play both sides with Maria and Vee, it was more work, but it'd probably give them more chances to find allies. Just how Homura liked to operate, do as much work as possible at once.

Mysterious Island
Tag: Beach Event

”Well, it’s not every day when I get kidnapped from my Institute, stuffed into a bikini, and dropped off at a mysterious beach.” Vee quipped in response to Maria’s comment with a non-committal shrug and then crossed her arms when the magical girl suggested that they should just hang around at the beach and do all the… normal beach stuff. ”Maria… I don’t think now’s the best time for that…” The telepath pointed out but, the more she thought about it, the more she found the idea appealing. Today was quite lovely and the beach seemed wonderful. And, besides, there was plenty of eye candy to go around. Without realizing she was doing it, the telepath stole a few lingering glances in Maria’s and Homura’s general directions.

She could feel her stress slowly melting away before it was replaced by a sense of pleasant calmness. The heroine hesitated as she was suddenly plagued by indecisiveness. She looked at Maria, then she looked at the beach, and then she looked further inland. But it was the beach that was calling out to her, tempting her to walk out into the sun, explore, and ogle all the beautiful women.

Then Homura spoke, breaking Vee out of her brief daze. The heroine blinked a few times and briefly rubbed her temple as she tried to make sense of what just happened. ”I think… I dunno, I just… I just thought that exploring the beach was the best idea and then I…” The telepath murmured out loud. ”Hmm… I think… I think that Maria might be right. Maybe we shouldn’t stay around for too long. Well… shall we, then?” Vee turned towards Maria and shot her a small smile as she pointed towards the tree-line leading them further inland.
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

Offline MonsieurChuchote

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Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Eleanor Lagan

"You just woke up here too huh?" A blue haired woman would speak from behind Eleanor, the woman kept her distance though as to not spook Eleanor even further. The woman was sipping on a drink and was holding a spare towel, much like Eleanor the woman was dressed in a swimsuit. "Don't worry, you're not alone in that regard. A lot of people have been waking up on the beach and suddenly appearing from what I've observed. I think we all have a mutual kidnapper, I remember someone whispering in my ear before I woke up here. You remember anything like that? I'm Aislinn by the way, rude of me to speak without introducing myself I suppose." Aislinn kept herself level, she made no quick movements as she already noticed that Eleanor was on edge.

"If you want...we can team up and find a way off this rock. I'm not a fan of being on this island either, even if the drinks are nice." Aislinn offered, seeing if Eleanor would take it.

Eleanor Lagan
Tag: Aislinn (Youkai)

“Gyah!” Eleanor let out a terrified squeal, leaping in the air and spinning to face the voice. The sounds and the motions seemed a little… off for a human; it wouldn’t take a genius to deduce some sort of demonic touch on the girl. Aislinn could see a moment of panic like a cornered animal in the girl’s eyes, and for a moment it looked like she might bolt, or scream, or something even more desperate and stupid. As the woman kept her distance and spoke neutrally, though, a little reason returned to the poor thing’s expression.

Eleanor furrowed her brow, thinking back to what had happened before just now. It was just… study, study, study, lights out. “Y-yeah… something like that.” In truth, she hadn’t heard a single word before she passed out. Then again, she wouldn’t hear a SWAT team breaking down her door when she was working, so she decided to trust her compatriot’s account. “I-it’s fuzzy.” She clarified nervously after an awkward pause, as if that would make her non-answer more believable.

“I… sure.” Eleanor accepted hesitantly, but willingly. At the least, sticking close would let interested eyes focus on Aislinn rather than Eleanor. The decision to drink in a situation like this was baffling, to say the least, but she could overlook that since this new acquaintance wasn’t too forward. She kept her distance and didn't assume too much. Not the hallmarks of someone trying to seduce or hypnotize… But though it escaped Eleanor in the moment, gaining someone’s trust in an unfamiliar, scary situation might prove much more powerful, with a little finesse.

And… there was one very valuable resource Aislinn had. Something Eleanor couldn’t ignore. Her subconscious screamed to claim her lifeline immediately, by force, by conquest of weaker minds; she closed her eyes and tried to restrain herself. She did mostly succeed, and the question came out only with the everyday compulsion any demon’s speech carried.

“Could I borrow that towel?”
« Last Edit: July 11, 2022, 08:03:55 AM by MonsieurChuchote »

Offline Sashanna

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Spoiler for Tsuifan Hurin:
Spoiler for Fae:
Spoiler for Elune/Anna:

Elune Farah and Anna Cochran
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

Elune patiently waited for Fae to return, smiling from ear to ear until she came back to her side, once she did she further elaborated on what she meant. "Sleeping with each other, silly. I know a place we can have some privacy..." Elune said with a sultry smile and licked her lips for emphasis, the pleasant throbbing between Fae's legs seemed to encourage her to go along with that idea. Especially since she had taken her fair amount of cocktail. "I can sing a bit though if that's really what you want, a beach concert might be nice." Elune giggled with an upbeat skip in her step, she circled around Fae which gave the musical woman a good view of all of Elune's curves. "The bar? It's that way, I'd try more than the cocktails though. An Ice Cream Sundae hits the spot, if you know what that is, I know you're a demon so..." Elune pointed at a large drink stand a short walk away...

Anna realized that there was a language barrier between her and Shoolurel after a moment, she paused for a moment to let Shoolurel fix that problem, and then when she seemed to get the wrong impression based on her expression Anna smiled and attempted to help her. "You seem confused, you're supposed to wear them, it's a swimsuit. I don't expect you to clean anything, nobody needs to work on the island, just relax and enjoy yourself. if you don't like that swimsuit I have plenty more I can give you that I have spare. We store some for new arrivals." Anna let Shoolurel soak that in for a moment before turning to Tsuifan, who seemed to be frantic!

"A villain?" Anna tilted her head as she considered Tsuifan's words "There aren't any villains on the island, everyone is allowed some rest and relaxation once in a while, everyone on the island is here because they've been chosen to be here and deserve to enjoy themselves." Anna said with a strangely spacey tone and happy smile, it was the unmistakable tone of someone that had been programmed to think that way, but would anyone pay attention to that? It probably wasn't important, Shoolurel and Tsuifan should just enjoy their vacation. "I haven't left this place for days, it's wonderful here. Beached at the beach? Just have fun, go swim, go make a sand castle, drink something cool, play some volleyball, as long as you're indulging in everything the island has to offer you're doing fine..."

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

Fae looked genuinely upset that she couldn't understand Shoolurel. Pouting slightly as she returned to shore. Humming a little tune to herself as Elune cleared up what she was asking. What she was after. She felt the throbbing pulse between her legs. Trying to reward the idea of going along with the idea. Of being somewhere, alone, secluded with the human.  The human who was currently circling around Fae. Trying to show off all of her curves. She was very, very forward with it. And after having drunk more, Fae could feel the pull to a greater extent. The promised reward was so much more tantalising. But to have a human she just met run off with her? That wasn't like. Cute at all! Not straight away! Love was the most powerful forve in the world! And Fae hadn't felt any from either of them!

"A beach concert could be super cute!" She smiled wide, pulling a cutesy pose with a little peace sign.

She looked back towards the bar humming slightly. "And an ice cream sundae sounds positively Fin-Tastic!" Fae knew of them at least. Even if she hadn't actually gotten to try one yet! So she should do! Why not whilst she was a tourist!

She looked back towards the others again. Seeing some hushed conversation coming from the others. As well as the... well whoever she was that had been trying to greet her earlier with something glowing. Briefly Fae wondered what they were talking about. Maybe they'd join in if there was singing.

They could do karaoke!

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

Tsuifan missed the whole arm-reaching-into-her-chest moment. So she had to assume that the suddenly appearing orb came from somewhere else (when in fact, it came from the very last place Tsuifan would've guessed). The orb held by Ms. Pasties didn't look like it was mechanical, from what Tsuifan could see. But from the way it functioned, it had to be some kind of automatic translator. Ms. Pasties spoke to it in a language Tsuifan couldn't recognize, until it responded with the message of a well-recieved compliment. A response which did raise the edges of Tsuifan's lips, though it also raised about a hundred new questions. All of which Tsuifan temporarily set aside. Since she still had a dire emergency to share!

Despite the (admittedly fast-fading) direness of her tone, the lifeguard wasn't concerned at all by Tsuifan's warning. "Look, I'm sure its been peaceful. Its a really nice beach. I'm just saying you should maybe stay on the lookout out for....waitwaitwait. What do you mean, you've been here for days? Are they making you work consecutive all-nighters? " Seeming very concerned about that, Tsuifan instinctively raised a hand towards Anna's forehead. Pausing midair to ask "May I...?" Before checking that forehead for a fever. She does look a little spaced out. She must be so tired! And here Tsuifan thought she was winking earlier. It must've been a struggle for her to keep even one eye open! "...You're right, um. What was your name? Its gonna be a peacful day at the beach. Absolutely, 100% peaceful. So you'd better relax and get some rest. You've earned it...and if you need any help negotiating for better hours, I'm your girl." Tsuifan knew a thing or two about dealing with scumbag bosses. She gave a confident thumbs up, along with very intentional wink towards Anna.

This poor woman needed rest. It was up to Tsuifan, then, to maintian justice on the beach! Alright! I'll start with whoever looks most suspicious! Between the nearly nude woman staring at her bikini like it was an impossible riddle, the red-eyed possible demon fetching drinks, and the pink-skinned shapeshiter who was staring starry-eyed in Tsuifan's direction....well, at least she had no shortage of curious characters to investigate.

I wonder if mer-girl's a fan of mine? It wasn't like Fae was actually staring at Tsuifan specifically, much less staring with the eyes of a starstruck fan. She was more generally excited for a karaoke-based plan coming together, while also happening to be looking at everyone. Still, Tsuifan saw that potential fanhood as a possible in. And she was hanging with Doc Aut's goons. If anyone might know where he's hiding, it's her.

Jumping on her hunch, Tsuifan also jumped on over to the bar. Which would give Shoolurel plenty of time to dress up, assuming she could make sense of the bikini's perplexing riddle.

To break the ice with her pink-skinned presumed fan, Tsuifan greeted her while making the trademark double-P heart sign with her hands (a sign that any fan of Tsui-pan's Pandamonium Hour, the international hit children's program, would surely recognize). Pulling the hand sign right up to her chest as she slightly bowed her head. Tsuifan then waited a few seconds to see if the gesture would be returned, before steaming forward regardless. "I noticed you were staring at me earlier...thought I'd come up and say hi. Since you seemed like you might have something to say?" Smooth Operator Tsuifan was back in action, with her comforting smile and winning style. She was much more in her element, dealing with a fan who wasn't being overly aggressive or flirtatious with her. This one had a nice, friendly energy...even if she was also maybe the strangest-looking person Tsuifan had ever seen. "I should warn you not to hang out with those gray guys...they might seem like lovable idiots, but their inventor's a real wacko." After glancing around cautiously, Tsuifan pulled in closer to whisper her next bit of advice. "I hear there's lots of demons with red eyes, careful around that blonde."

Mysterious Island- Beach
Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

Shoolurel wanted to try speaking with Fae more.  Even if she wasn't a water elemental, she seemed to have a similar water affinity... unless the creature was adaptable to all elements?  Hmm....  but she had little time to think on that before others came up to her and spoke with those confusing words.  Even when she got her transdimensional assistant to translate for her, some of the messages still didn't seem to properly translate.

"Pourhitan?"  "Wear?"  "Bwauna?" "Jewelry?"  The energetic, lilting voice of the elemental mingled with the more melodic and feminine voice of her orb.   'Are these exotic materials for display?  If not, why wouldn't they expect me to exude my outer coating?'  She glanced down at her body, the act reminding her that this place seemed to be preventing her from producing her normal 'clothes'.

'I guess I should put on this jewelry if it will make the locals happy.'  She tried to tie the bikini bottom around her neck while considering where the top was supposed to go.  Looking around, she realized that the shape looked sort of like the shape of the black and white outer coating on the chest of the girl that liked her horns.  These scraps of cloth were supposed to wrap over her chest?  Did they provide that much protection?

With the bikini bottom haphazardly tied around her neck, she wrapped the bikini top around her torso, but she couldn't get it to stay on.  Trying to mimic Tsuifan's top, she pulled parts of the bikini top behind her neck, but it was impossible to see what she was doing and the bikini bottoms were just getting in the way.  The small patches of red didn't seem to want to stay over her breasts as she struggled with the clothing either.  She was not used to something this complicated!  The loose knot of her impromptu bikini necklace loosened and fell from around her neck and onto the sand as she continued to struggle with the awkward foreign wrapping.

« Last Edit: July 08, 2022, 04:21:29 AM by Sashanna »

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Spoiler for Hidden:

Yasu Shibuya
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Molly Wood

"I didn't think you'd get that flustered, I was just testing your susceptibility to being seduced by mere words, also you don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend? That's a shame, but since you're a Paladin I'm sure you'll find someone. " Yasu smiled a little, but decided to stop teasing the poor Paladin for now, they were partners, and getting distracted by sex was probably not a good idea. "Also since you mentioned it earlier, you don't need to call me Grandmaster, in fact if we have any demons here it's probably best if you don't. Just referring to me as Yasu is fine." Yasu said casually as she nodded to her statement on going forward on the path. However, if they looked to the left as they followed it, the path would split in two. They could keep going forward...

Or take a detour into a hut that looked like a beach bar, there were some people hanging out there, lounging outside in beach chairs taking in some sun. "I'm not sure about that place, but maybe some people are hanging out there? We could go inside if you want, as long as we don't separate from each other." There was a slight grimace in Yasu's posture, but she tried to hide it, she was letting Molly decide on this. Yasu's instincts were telling her to go inside and see what was going on, but she also was worried it might be a trap to get them distracted. She had no idea how this island or the kidnapper that put them here worked...

Molly Wood
Tagging: Yasu Shibuya

She tried to fight the flustered feeling from Yasu's words. Slightly worried she wasn't giving off a professional appearance. Honestly she was normally better then this... well slightly better at least. Being kidnapped and forced into a bikini was throwing her off ok! Still, the ninja Grandmaster was good. The charisma that seemed to come so naturally to her was reassuring. And she was mixing enough light hearted comments in to help shatter the ice between the two. Whilst also keeping a steady stream of information sharing. She nodded her head slightly. "Alright, just Yasu it is!" It did roll off the tongue easier, and she was right. Best not to advertise that she was that high up in the EDC.

As they got to the split in the path, she looked down towards the bar. Casting her eyes over them, before looking back towards her companion. "I think we should check it out?" She paused for a moment, looking back from Yasu to the people outside. "Or at least the outside, we might not have to go in" she felt her own wave of uneasiness travel through her legs. "Or  we might not want to. In case it's something designed to ensnare and keep us here" She shifted her weight slightly, feeling the sun beating down on her from in between palm trees. "But if we ignored it and there was another Cross, or Ninja or Defender there..." She trailed off. She didn't want to potentially leave a comrade there. "... of course there's a chance there might be an enemy there. But if we can stay outside, at least as much as we can, and stick together we should have options?" It wasn't a great plan. But there was just so much they didn't know about this island.

Offline Sashanna

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Spoiler for Vayelia Fells:

Vayelia Fells
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Morgan Garcia

"Sounds similar to what happened to me, this isn't my normal clothing of choice either." Save being fucked unconscious in a Dominion Base, Vayelia remembered everything that Morgan was talking about, except she never did make out what the whispers had said due to her weakened mental state. "Nobody else came by? There are a ton of people on the beach, I guess they got tired of dumping people on the sand and wanted to spread out some of their victims. I saw some people that were probably kidnapped like us." Vayelia stopped, turned, and raised her eyebrow at Morgan's statement. She must not have been here very long, but at least she could keep the woman informed so that they could work together to get off of this place.

"There are beaches surrounding us and from one of them I can see Auralis, we're just further inland, and I doubt we're going to be suffering as far as drinks and shelter, I've been watching people restocking drinks and food and building shelter for further guests. I think whoever our kidnapper is, has powerful friends and plans on us staying here a long time." Vayelia debated going to one of the beaches, or going further inland. "We can go to one of the beaches or go further into the island itself, take your pick, you seem to know your survival tips..."

Morgan Garcia
Palm Tree Grove
Tagging: Vayelia Fells

"Nobody else came by?

Morgan shook her head at the question.  She'd just got here!  Or at least, she had just regained awareness.  Since she sat with food in hand in a tree at the time of her awakening, it was difficult to know how long she had been on the island unaware.  '¡Dios mío!  ¿Cuantos días?  ¿Cuantos meses?  How long had they been there already, fed and kept docile?'  The Doc shook her head at the terrifying thoughts.  They just had to figure their way out of this situation and back to her research.  Escaping was more than important for her personally.  It was for the betterment of humanity!

She gazed at the other woman and thought about what she had said... and then thought some more as things didn't seem to add up.  This woman said she hadn't met anyone else other than her.  She merely thought there were people on the other end of the island... but she'd been watching people restocking drinks and food and building shelter and was surprised Morgan hadn't seen anyone yet.  'Maybe she just meant she hadn't met anyone not under this mysterious person's thrall other than me? But she mentioned seeing 'some people that were probably kidnapped like us...'  Best to remain cautious around her.'

If these beaches truly had more people, and they were all under some sort of enchantment, then it might be safer inland despite the dangers of getting lost in the jungle.  And this person who happened to find her might lead her into a trap either way.  'Keep you enemies closer.'  Morgan smiled uneasily and offered her hand to the other woman, "If so many people are being placed on the beach with food and shelter there, perhaps the only way to stop this... situation is further inland.  I'm Morgan Garcia, by the way."

Offline Shadow72

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Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Vee and Maria Grace

Maria's choice of words would stir something from within her body as she finished speaking to Homura. Maria would feel a buzz along her pussy and a warm tingle in her brain at mentioning kissing, sunbathing, and going for a swim. They were all delightful things to do on the island, she should indulge in them and enjoy everything the island had to offer. The compulsion was weak for now, but for Maria it felt nice to just enjoy the sensation. Regardless if she submitted or not, the feeling would fade away after a few seconds.

Vee would also feel something tug at her mind as soon as she mentioned exploring the beach. She really should spend time enjoying all the women and their bodies, exploring the beach and seeing what it had to offer was such a good idea. Even if her true objective was to find help, she could sneak a few peeks here and there It was just as weak as the one that Maria experienced, but a pleasant calm would try and settle over Vee's mind all the same if she allowed it to, and then fade away after that.

Homura for her part didn't seem to suffer from any side effects and kept the conversation going as if nothing had happened to them. "I know it wasn't, your compulsions are far more powerful than what I just got." Homura looked around to see if there was a source for the compulsions, but scowled when she didn't find any. "That's really odd..." Homura muttered to herself, now completely alert with that no nonsense look on her features that Vee was used to. Homura blinked and sighed a little at Maria's touch despite herself, but took a step back to regain her bearings, despite her serious attitude Homura's body was fun to play with and she did make some interesting noises at times, but she didn't seem in the mood for playing. "Yes, I was worried. Anyway we need to focus, we can't fool around, I think that's what our manipulator wants. The compulsion I felt was trying to encourage me to relax and enjoy myself on the beach so I could forget all my stresses."

"Okay, how about we investigate the beach a bit, but start making our way inland as we do, that'll cover both bases, we can intercept some people heading that way if we're lucky and might find some people just waking up on the island along the beach. And I think Maria is right, if we run into demons on the island they may be in the same boat as us, we can at least try and see what's going on with them too." Homura tried to play both sides with Maria and Vee, it was more work, but it'd probably give them more chances to find allies. Just how Homura liked to operate, do as much work as possible at once.

Mysterious Island
Tag: Beach Event

”Well, it’s not every day when I get kidnapped from my Institute, stuffed into a bikini, and dropped off at a mysterious beach.” Vee quipped in response to Maria’s comment with a non-committal shrug and then crossed her arms when the magical girl suggested that they should just hang around at the beach and do all the… normal beach stuff. ”Maria… I don’t think now’s the best time for that…” The telepath pointed out but, the more she thought about it, the more she found the idea appealing. Today was quite lovely and the beach seemed wonderful. And, besides, there was plenty of eye candy to go around. Without realizing she was doing it, the telepath stole a few lingering glances in Maria’s and Homura’s general directions.

She could feel her stress slowly melting away before it was replaced by a sense of pleasant calmness. The heroine hesitated as she was suddenly plagued by indecisiveness. She looked at Maria, then she looked at the beach, and then she looked further inland. But it was the beach that was calling out to her, tempting her to walk out into the sun, explore, and ogle all the beautiful women.

Then Homura spoke, breaking Vee out of her brief daze. The heroine blinked a few times and briefly rubbed her temple as she tried to make sense of what just happened. ”I think… I dunno, I just… I just thought that exploring the beach was the best idea and then I…” The telepath murmured out loud. ”Hmm… I think… I think that Maria might be right. Maybe we shouldn’t stay around for too long. Well… shall we, then?” Vee turned towards Maria and shot her a small smile as she pointed towards the tree-line leading them further inland.

Maria Grace, The Financial Enthusiast

Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag:Vee the Mental Monstrosity, Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord.

She shuddered a little bit. The compulsion washing over her. But she had studied under Tepala. Such a week compulsion was easy to spot. Especially in the way she had learned to know herself. Surprisingly, powers that toy with the senses tend to make the user suffer disassociation, which needs a quick handling. Or so her former tormentor claimed. " Careful girls. " She stated. " Start thinking and saying what could be done, that is fun, here and the island seems to automatically compulse you towards it. As far as I can tell, at the very least. " She claimed with a shake of her head. ' Well, at least something came out of my tenure at Dis. ' She thought to herself self-depricatingly.

" Oh, your the boogeyman on the other side, Vee. " She assured the girl with a smirk. " As I said, I'll be there every step of the way. " She claimed. " Are you stressed out usually? " She asked the secreter with a cute tilt of the head. " Surely Vee is an angel to look after? " She added innocently, a leading question. Although, on the inside ... well... ' Common spill the beans~ " She was fishing for more information. Not that she can be faulted for that now, can she? " Can't say I expected you of all people to try and compulse others V. You've changed a bit, haven't you? " She asked softly, looking at the resident telepath.

" I think that settles it then, doesn't it? " She asked the duo with a pleased clap of her hands. " Let's slowly cricle inwards. " She explained. " You're more recognizable V, so please take the front. Your telepathy will give you good forewarning if we are nearing someone or something. " She instructed. " Homura, I don't think you're cleared for combat. Correct me if I am wrong. Regardless, do take the middle. Your role will be support where you can. The position will also ensure your protection." She the pointed at herself. " As for me-self, I'll take the rear. Keep our backs clear from an would be ambushers and deploying a defensive field if needs arrise. " She explained her idea for their formation.

" Opinions? " She asked.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2022, 09:12:19 PM by Youkai »

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Merine The Titleless
Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag: Desdemona the Desdemonious!Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord

" Thank you, ... Astrid. " She finished shyly, a little blush creeping on her face. She .... a lowly Succubi U graduate with dreams of grandure had the right to call a high class demon by her name. Who would have thought! Still, she glanced between the demonesses before tilting her head in just the right, cute, manner. " Isn't serving The Princess already a great honor and privillage? " She asked, making her tone sound honest and earnest. She doubted she could fool Astrid, but Desdemona loved to have her own horn blown. Or so she appeared to be, at least. Still, it was cute in its own way. " Of course, My Princess. " She corrected simply, retaining her submissive posture.

She blinked as Desdemona refuted a point .... Merine hadn't even made. Still, she felt that bringing it up would be in bad taste to her own skins survival. She was getting shivers throughout the conversation, damn it! " Apologies, My Princess. " She claimed with sincerity in her voice. Better take fault for the preceived lesser evil. " Just a general sense of enjoying the bounties of the island. Fruits and beauties alike. " She explained, having corrected the behavior of a mean Eternal Dragon Sluts behavior with the same principle a while back. Maybe she should give her another visit after this adventure. She wants to see her beg her 'student' for release once more....

" My princess is truly impressive. " She claimed with awe in her voice as Desdemona made her claim. Her eyes sparkling in admiration. Faking it, true, but if The Princess liked it, who was she to deny it. Caughing into her hand, her cheeks flushing such a cute color, she spoke to Astrid. " Lady Astrid, I'm new fresh from the academy. I fear that I do not have a lot of experience. Especially in these high-stakes matters. May I follow your lead? " She asked, knowing that besides the bedroom acts and similarily-oriented magics, she was dangerously lacking in other apartments. Her fist clenched as she fought with her own nervousness.

Astrid and Her Two Illusions
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Merine and Desdemona

Yes, Desdemona should have sex with Astrid, not just that, but Merine as well. That was a nice slutty thought that'd swim through Desdemona's mind. She deserved that, she was a princess on a vacation. She just had to find a way to indulge and do that. A pleasant tingle would run through her mind as she let her mind wander to that thought. It was slightly stronger than the other compulsion, but still something Desdemona could shrug off if she wanted, but even if she allowed it to find purchase in her brain, it'd fade away quickly.

Merine would feel something similar tingle at her brain. At the mention of enjoying the bounties of the island and enjoying the fruits and beauties, a slight thrumming would tingle in her pussy and a warm pleasurable sensation would swim through her mind. It was, much like Desdemona's compulsion, slightly stronger than the last one that Merine warded off, but it felt so pleasant to indulge in. The feeling would fade in a few moments though regardless of whether or not she allowed herself to enjoy it.

Astrid's illusions all spawned with different swimsuits adorning their figure, this confused Astrid for a moment but she just sighed and decided to go along with it. "I think we'll cover more ground if I let the illusions wander along the rest of the island, maybe they'll find some people to talk to." Both of the illusions that had been snooping around the area just nodded to the original and scattered. One went off to the left, another went off to the right to cover different ends of the island. Hopefully that'd bear fruit and the three could get some help. After that was done, Astrid turned to Merine. For the most part Astrid let Merine speak to Desdemona and handle that until now. "I think that is wise, I've been through difficult situations like this before before, when the Overlord took over I went into hiding with Desdemona, Nathaniel, and Decarlo. It was very dangerous time."

Astrid would take the lead and walk forward, the women wouldn't have to move very far to find something unique, there was a cave entrance to their right with some people's voices coming from it. Or at least, it sounded like it...

"Do we want to go in, or keep going?" Astrid pointed out the path that went further inland, she was happy to let Desdemona call the shots if she wished though. Since Nathaniel wasn't here, Desdemona was basically in charge of her right now.

Location: The Beach that makes you Horny (probably)
Tag: Astrid and Merine

While concerned over if she would get away with pretending she was totally in control the entire time, Desdemona was very pleased with how loyal and admiring that Merine was being over her. She was surely a top notch servant. In fact, Desdemona was thinking of acquiring her in the main RP as well! That was probably a ways off though, so for now she would reward her by actually giving her a title!.. Unfortunately, she knew very little about her currently. So she'd go with the most obvious feature she could. "Merine! From now on, you shall be known as Merine of the Frilly Crimson Bikini" Desdemona suddenly declared out of nowhere for seemingly no reason.

Random 4th wall breaking things aside, Astrid led them to a cave entrance and... Wait what did she say??? "Hohohohohoho! You're so funny Astrid" Desdemona said, panicking. "But let's not misinform the power dear, no matter how funny it might be. We did not go into hiding. We led a lengthy and involved active resistance movement against the Overlord resulting in it's eventual defeat and the liberation of our father. Isn't that right. Astrid" Desdemona said, glaring daggers at Astrid and daring her to try spreading her malicious slander... that happened to be true, again!

Okay so, that aside, back to the cave. Desdemona peered down into the cave. "Well caves often are used as pathways across the realms are they not. I think we should go look and see where it goes" Desdemona said for a moment... then quickly started fanning herself again "Hoohohoho! Of course I know what's down there! But I'm very interested to see both your reactions to finding out... So come alone! Lead the way Astrid. Merine of the Frilly Crimson Bikini, you can guard our rear" Desdemona said, bravely volunteering herself for the surely most dangerous job of... making up the middle of the three of them.

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Eleanor Lagan
Tag: Aislinn (Youkai)

“Gyah!” Eleanor let out a terrified squeal, leaping in the air and spinning to face the voice. The sounds and the motions seemed a little… off for a human; it wouldn’t take a genius to deduce some sort of demonic touch on the girl. Aislinn could see a moment of panic like a cornered animal in the girl’s eyes, and for a moment it looked like she might bolt, or scream, or something even more desperate and stupid. As the woman kept her distance and spoke neutrally, though, a little reason returned to the poor thing’s expression.

Eleanor furrowed her brow, thinking back to what had happened before just now. It was just… study, study, study, lights out. “Y-yeah… something like that.” In truth, she hadn’t heard a single word before she passed out. Then again, she wouldn’t hear a SWAT team breaking down her door when she was working, so she decided to trust her compatriot’s account. “I-it’s fuzzy.” She clarified nervously after an awkward pause, as if that would make her non-answer more believable.

“I… sure.” Eleanor accepted hesitantly, but willingly. At the least, sticking close would let interested eyes focus on Aislinn rather than Eleanor. The decision to drink in a situation like this was baffling, to say the least, but she could overlook that since this new acquaintance wasn’t too forward. She kept her distance and didn't assume too much. Not the hallmarks of someone trying to seduce or hypnotize… But though it escaped Eleanor in the moment, gaining someone’s trust in an unfamiliar, scary situation might prove much more powerful, with a little finesse.

And… there was one very valuable resource Aislinn had. Something Eleanor couldn’t ignore. Her subconscious screamed to claim her lifeline immediately, by force, by conquest of weaker minds; she closed her eyes and tried to restrain herself. She did mostly succeed, and the question came out only with the everyday compulsion any demon’s speech carried.

“Could I borrow that towel?”

Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Eleanor Lagan

Aislinn raised her eyebrow at the compulsion and demonic taint she felt from Eleanor, she obviously resisted the compulsion, but not without great difficultly. The woman in front of her was deceptively powerful despite the simple compulsion. "This? Sure, I only had it on me in case I wanted to take a swim. Aislinn tossed the towel over to Eleanor lightly, careful not to make any sudden movement since she noted that the woman was skittish right now, she didn't close the distance either until Eleanor herself did. "I suggest we get away from the beach and go towards the middle of the island for now. I think the smarter people will gather there to figure out what's going on instead of getting distracted by the each. Plus there are less prying eyes further inland. Also I really don't like what's going over on the beach I was at." Aislinn then realized she'd probably have to explain that and took a deep breath as she looked away from Eleanor for a moment. "There is a lifeguard there that is acting really strange and a blonde woman who tried to coerce me into sex, they said they've been here for a few days too. I'm a bit wary of them. They've probably been manipulated by our kidnapper more than we have based on how they're acting." Aislinn warned, letting Eleanor soak in anything.

"Although if you have another idea I'd love to hear it, I'm sure other people are waking up on the beach and maybe we'll get lucky..." Aislinn crossed her arms under her breasts and let Eleanor make her observations...

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Morgan Garcia
Palm Tree Grove
Tagging: Vayelia Fells

"Nobody else came by?

Morgan shook her head at the question.  She'd just got here!  Or at least, she had just regained awareness.  Since she sat with food in hand in a tree at the time of her awakening, it was difficult to know how long she had been on the island unaware.  '¡Dios mío!  ¿Cuantos días?  ¿Cuantos meses?  How long had they been there already, fed and kept docile?'  The Doc shook her head at the terrifying thoughts.  They just had to figure their way out of this situation and back to her research.  Escaping was more than important for her personally.  It was for the betterment of humanity!

She gazed at the other woman and thought about what she had said... and then thought some more as things didn't seem to add up.  This woman said she hadn't met anyone else other than her.  She merely thought there were people on the other end of the island... but she'd been watching people restocking drinks and food and building shelter and was surprised Morgan hadn't seen anyone yet.  'Maybe she just meant she hadn't met anyone not under this mysterious person's thrall other than me? But she mentioned seeing 'some people that were probably kidnapped like us...'  Best to remain cautious around her.'

If these beaches truly had more people, and they were all under some sort of enchantment, then it might be safer inland despite the dangers of getting lost in the jungle.  And this person who happened to find her might lead her into a trap either way.  'Keep you enemies closer.'  Morgan smiled uneasily and offered her hand to the other woman, "If so many people are being placed on the beach with food and shelter there, perhaps the only way to stop this... situation is further inland.  I'm Morgan Garcia, by the way."

Vayelia Fells
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Morgan Garcia

"I'm Vayelia Fells." Vayelia took Morgan's hand and helped her door from her perch, she hoped that the woman knew nothing about her Dominion ties, because she just wanted to get off the island and get back to the base before Rhys tried to hunt her down and do something worse to her. Then again, being able to think clearly was a bonus itself. As cautious as Morgan was being, Vayelia was in a similar boat, but at least she seemed to find someone that was friendly? "I think you're right, also I think we should stay away from anyone that's been here for a few days, if people are being manipulated the longer they've been here it's more likely that they've been compromised. Although, I don't know how our kidnappers work. They let us keep our weapons..." Vayelia pointed at the sword at her side.

"I'll let you lead the way. That way if you spot anything you can warn me ahead of time, plus I really just don't want to walk into a trap at this point, who knows what's out here." If Vayelia was truly taking Morgan into a trap, she just gave up her advantage by letting Morgan dictate where they went. If Morgan peered out ahead carefully, she'd notice something glowing in the distance...

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Spoiler for Fae Dallam:

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

Fae looked genuinely upset that she couldn't understand Shoolurel. Pouting slightly as she returned to shore. Humming a little tune to herself as Elune cleared up what she was asking. What she was after. She felt the throbbing pulse between her legs. Trying to reward the idea of going along with the idea. Of being somewhere, alone, secluded with the human.  The human who was currently circling around Fae. Trying to show off all of her curves. She was very, very forward with it. And after having drunk more, Fae could feel the pull to a greater extent. The promised reward was so much more tantalising. But to have a human she just met run off with her? That wasn't like. Cute at all! Not straight away! Love was the most powerful forve in the world! And Fae hadn't felt any from either of them!

"A beach concert could be super cute!" She smiled wide, pulling a cutesy pose with a little peace sign.

She looked back towards the bar humming slightly. "And an ice cream sundae sounds positively Fin-Tastic!" Fae knew of them at least. Even if she hadn't actually gotten to try one yet! So she should do! Why not whilst she was a tourist!

She looked back towards the others again. Seeing some hushed conversation coming from the others. As well as the... well whoever she was that had been trying to greet her earlier with something glowing. Briefly Fae wondered what they were talking about. Maybe they'd join in if there was singing.

They could do karaoke!
Spoiler for Tsuifan Hurin:

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

Tsuifan missed the whole arm-reaching-into-her-chest moment. So she had to assume that the suddenly appearing orb came from somewhere else (when in fact, it came from the very last place Tsuifan would've guessed). The orb held by Ms. Pasties didn't look like it was mechanical, from what Tsuifan could see. But from the way it functioned, it had to be some kind of automatic translator. Ms. Pasties spoke to it in a language Tsuifan couldn't recognize, until it responded with the message of a well-recieved compliment. A response which did raise the edges of Tsuifan's lips, though it also raised about a hundred new questions. All of which Tsuifan temporarily set aside. Since she still had a dire emergency to share!

Despite the (admittedly fast-fading) direness of her tone, the lifeguard wasn't concerned at all by Tsuifan's warning. "Look, I'm sure its been peaceful. Its a really nice beach. I'm just saying you should maybe stay on the lookout out for....waitwaitwait. What do you mean, you've been here for days? Are they making you work consecutive all-nighters? " Seeming very concerned about that, Tsuifan instinctively raised a hand towards Anna's forehead. Pausing midair to ask "May I...?" Before checking that forehead for a fever. She does look a little spaced out. She must be so tired! And here Tsuifan thought she was winking earlier. It must've been a struggle for her to keep even one eye open! "...You're right, um. What was your name? Its gonna be a peacful day at the beach. Absolutely, 100% peaceful. So you'd better relax and get some rest. You've earned it...and if you need any help negotiating for better hours, I'm your girl." Tsuifan knew a thing or two about dealing with scumbag bosses. She gave a confident thumbs up, along with very intentional wink towards Anna.

This poor woman needed rest. It was up to Tsuifan, then, to maintian justice on the beach! Alright! I'll start with whoever looks most suspicious! Between the nearly nude woman staring at her bikini like it was an impossible riddle, the red-eyed possible demon fetching drinks, and the pink-skinned shapeshiter who was staring starry-eyed in Tsuifan's direction....well, at least she had no shortage of curious characters to investigate.

I wonder if mer-girl's a fan of mine? It wasn't like Fae was actually staring at Tsuifan specifically, much less staring with the eyes of a starstruck fan. She was more generally excited for a karaoke-based plan coming together, while also happening to be looking at everyone. Still, Tsuifan saw that potential fanhood as a possible in. And she was hanging with Doc Aut's goons. If anyone might know where he's hiding, it's her.

Jumping on her hunch, Tsuifan also jumped on over to the bar. Which would give Shoolurel plenty of time to dress up, assuming she could make sense of the bikini's perplexing riddle.

To break the ice with her pink-skinned presumed fan, Tsuifan greeted her while making the trademark double-P heart sign with her hands (a sign that any fan of Tsui-pan's Pandamonium Hour, the international hit children's program, would surely recognize). Pulling the hand sign right up to her chest as she slightly bowed her head. Tsuifan then waited a few seconds to see if the gesture would be returned, before steaming forward regardless. "I noticed you were staring at me earlier...thought I'd come up and say hi. Since you seemed like you might have something to say?" Smooth Operator Tsuifan was back in action, with her comforting smile and winning style. She was much more in her element, dealing with a fan who wasn't being overly aggressive or flirtatious with her. This one had a nice, friendly energy...even if she was also maybe the strangest-looking person Tsuifan had ever seen. "I should warn you not to hang out with those gray guys...they might seem like lovable idiots, but their inventor's a real wacko." After glancing around cautiously, Tsuifan pulled in closer to whisper her next bit of advice. "I hear there's lots of demons with red eyes, careful around that blonde."
Spoiler for Shoolurel:

Mysterious Island- Beach
Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

Shoolurel wanted to try speaking with Fae more.  Even if she wasn't a water elemental, she seemed to have a similar water affinity... unless the creature was adaptable to all elements?  Hmm....  but she had little time to think on that before others came up to her and spoke with those confusing words.  Even when she got her transdimensional assistant to translate for her, some of the messages still didn't seem to properly translate.

"Pourhitan?"  "Wear?"  "Bwauna?" "Jewelry?"  The energetic, lilting voice of the elemental mingled with the more melodic and feminine voice of her orb.   'Are these exotic materials for display?  If not, why wouldn't they expect me to exude my outer coating?'  She glanced down at her body, the act reminding her that this place seemed to be preventing her from producing her normal 'clothes'.

'I guess I should put on this jewelry if it will make the locals happy.'  She tried to tie the bikini bottom around her neck while considering where the top was supposed to go.  Looking around, she realized that the shape looked sort of like the shape of the black and white outer coating on the chest of the girl that liked her horns.  These scraps of cloth were supposed to wrap over her chest?  Did they provide that much protection?

With the bikini bottom haphazardly tied around her neck, she wrapped the bikini top around her torso, but she could get it to stay on.  Trying to mimic Tsuifan's top, she pulled parts of the bikini top behind her neck, but it was impossible to see what she was doing and the bikini bottoms were just getting in the way.  The small patches of red didn't seem to want to stay over her breasts as she struggled with the clothing either.  She was not used to something this complicated!  The loose knot of her impromptu bikini necklace loosened and fell from around her neck and onto the sand as she continued to struggle with the awkward foreign wrapping.

Elune Farah and Anna Cochran
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

"Hold that thought, I'll get you one fast!" Elune smiled and jumped off the ground, flying over to the stand and getting just what Fae wanted, she flew back in a minute and handed the woman a Ice Cream Sundae! "Enjoy! You really should just enjoy the beach, it's nice here and everyone is so much fun! No stress here at all!" Elune said with a giggle, she watched Fae to see if she'd try the sundae immediately, but otherwise she pranced around invitingly showing off her curves and beauty with a grin on her face. "That sounds like it'd be a lot of fun really, I really would love to try and sing, you want to go ask if they'd join in on the fun? That lifeguard probably won't, she has a job to do, but the other two? I bet they'll have some fun." She stared at the other two...

Anna in the meantime had to contend with Shoolurel and Tsuifan while maintaining a hawk like eye on the beach to make sure everything was kosher. "No, I sleep at night, I'm okay. Also, I'm Anna. I guess if you really insist on checking on me though go ahead. And yeah, wearing it on your body like jewelry is a way to put it. But mostly you should cover your breasts and private areas. Everything else you can show off. If you want help putting it on I can help you." Anna said cheerfully, then stayed still for Tsuifan to do her inspection, the woman's temperature was normal and she didn't seem to be in poor health, but that spacy look in her eyes had to mean something, so detective Tsuifan would have to go on the case! "Okay okay, I see you're struggling, let me help you. I got it don't worry. Once this is on you we should catch up to your friend." Anna walked up to Shoolurel and started to help her put the outfit on, she was much more used to things like this than Shoolurel so assuming that the other woman didn't struggle too much, Anna would get Shoolurel into her outfit easily!

Elune would smile happily at Tsuifan coming up to them, while she wasn't going to get Fae all to herself easily now, she was more than happy to have multiple people to oogle and play with if she was lucky. "Hello! I'm Elune, and yeah I think Fae here wants us all to sing together, it'd be fun!" She unfortunately didn't hear what Tsuifan said to Fae about red eyes though, she just seemed giddy and happy to go along with whatever they were doing.

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Molly Wood
Tagging: Yasu Shibuya

She tried to fight the flustered feeling from Yasu's words. Slightly worried she wasn't giving off a professional appearance. Honestly she was normally better then this... well slightly better at least. Being kidnapped and forced into a bikini was throwing her off ok! Still, the ninja Grandmaster was good. The charisma that seemed to come so naturally to her was reassuring. And she was mixing enough light hearted comments in to help shatter the ice between the two. Whilst also keeping a steady stream of information sharing. She nodded her head slightly. "Alright, just Yasu it is!" It did roll off the tongue easier, and she was right. Best not to advertise that she was that high up in the EDC.

As they got to the split in the path, she looked down towards the bar. Casting her eyes over them, before looking back towards her companion. "I think we should check it out?" She paused for a moment, looking back from Yasu to the people outside. "Or at least the outside, we might not have to go in" she felt her own wave of uneasiness travel through her legs. "Or  we might not want to. In case it's something designed to ensnare and keep us here" She shifted her weight slightly, feeling the sun beating down on her from in between palm trees. "But if we ignored it and there was another Cross, or Ninja or Defender there..." She trailed off. She didn't want to potentially leave a comrade there. "... of course there's a chance there might be an enemy there. But if we can stay outside, at least as much as we can, and stick together we should have options?" It wasn't a great plan. But there was just so much they didn't know about this island.

Yasu Shibuya
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Molly Wood

Yasu turned her head to think about Molly's suggestion as she mulled over their options, going inside definitely had it's risks as they'd could locked inside and have to fight out and then if they angered everyone they'd have a lot of problems, but as Molly said there could be a potential ally hanging out here that they could talk to. Staying on the outside for now probably was the wisest choice unless an opportunity arose, she could see Molly's logic here. "You look like you need to cool off, let's at least hang out in the shade if we're going to stay outside and see what the people say. Let's see what the people have to say before we decide on moving on or going inside. Let's sit, we can observe first and make a move based on that." Yasu said, not missing a beat, she started walking over to the bar and took a seat at one of the empty tables and looked out at the group gathered, nodding towards the empty seat for Molly to sit with her. Luckily there was shade, but Yasu was careful not to drink anything, even the water offered to them. She didn't trust this island.

"If you see anything or anyone that your recognize we should talk to them immediately, otherwise we should take in our surroundings." As they peered out at the group gathered on the outside there would be someone that Molly might recognize among the group, she looked lost and confused, but her large sword hanging on her back was unmistakable and her white hair was impossible to miss, she was heading inside, so if Molly wanted to stop her she had to act quickly.

It was Taegan, a fellow paladin from the Cross, she was talking to the bouncer that was guarding the entrance and he was moving aside to let her pass, Molly had to act quickly because Yasu had no idea who it was and was ignoring her out of ignorance. Yasu was looking around for other people she might recognize...

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Mysterious Island
Tag: Beach Event

”Well, it’s not every day when I get kidnapped from my Institute, stuffed into a bikini, and dropped off at a mysterious beach.” Vee quipped in response to Maria’s comment with a non-committal shrug and then crossed her arms when the magical girl suggested that they should just hang around at the beach and do all the… normal beach stuff. ”Maria… I don’t think now’s the best time for that…” The telepath pointed out but, the more she thought about it, the more she found the idea appealing. Today was quite lovely and the beach seemed wonderful. And, besides, there was plenty of eye candy to go around. Without realizing she was doing it, the telepath stole a few lingering glances in Maria’s and Homura’s general directions.

She could feel her stress slowly melting away before it was replaced by a sense of pleasant calmness. The heroine hesitated as she was suddenly plagued by indecisiveness. She looked at Maria, then she looked at the beach, and then she looked further inland. But it was the beach that was calling out to her, tempting her to walk out into the sun, explore, and ogle all the beautiful women.

Then Homura spoke, breaking Vee out of her brief daze. The heroine blinked a few times and briefly rubbed her temple as she tried to make sense of what just happened. ”I think… I dunno, I just… I just thought that exploring the beach was the best idea and then I…” The telepath murmured out loud. ”Hmm… I think… I think that Maria might be right. Maybe we shouldn’t stay around for too long. Well… shall we, then?” Vee turned towards Maria and shot her a small smile as she pointed towards the tree-line leading them further inland.

Maria Grace, The Financial Enthusiast

Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag:Vee the Mental Monstrosity, Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord.

She shuddered a little bit. The compulsion washing over her. But she had studied under Tepala. Such a week compulsion was easy to spot. Especially in the way she had learned to know herself. Surprisingly, powers that toy with the senses tend to make the user suffer disassociation, which needs a quick handling. Or so her former tormentor claimed. " Careful girls. " She stated. " Start thinking and saying what could be done, that is fun, here and the island seems to automatically compulse you towards it. As far as I can tell, at the very least. " She claimed with a shake of her head. ' Well, at least something came out of my tenure at Dis. ' She thought to herself self-depricatingly.

" Oh, your the boogeyman on the other side, Vee. " She assured the girl with a smirk. " As I said, I'll be there every step of the way. " She claimed. " Are you stressed out usually? " She asked the secreter with a cute tilt of the head. " Surely Vee is an angel to look after? " She added innocently, a leading question. Although, on the inside ... well... ' Common spill the beans~ " She was fishing for more information. Not that she can be faulted for that now, can she? " Can't say I expected you of all people to try and compulse others V. You've changed a bit, haven't you? " She asked softly, looking at the resident telepath.

" I think that settles it then, doesn't it? " She asked the duo with a pleased clap of her hands. " Let's slowly cricle inwards. " She explained. " You're more recognizable V, so please take the front. Your telepathy will give you good forewarning if we are nearing someone or something. " She instructed. " Homura, I don't think you're cleared for combat. Correct me if I am wrong. Regardless, do take the middle. Your role will be support where you can. The position will also ensure your protection." She the pointed at herself. " As for me-self, I'll take the rear. Keep our backs clear from an would be ambushers and deploying a defensive field if needs arrise. " She explained her idea for their formation.

" Opinions? " She asked.

Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Vee and Maria Grace

Homura didn't notice the struggle that Vee was having with oogling the eye candy in front of her. Homura was more focused on planning their next move than paying attention to where Vee's eyes were going. That left Vee to handle the compulsion on her own. Right before snapping out of her daze, Vee would feel another wave of calmness hit her. She could enjoy being a little voyeur here and there, nobody would notice if she let her gaze linger on the bodies of the beach goers, it was nice to let her mind wander off and enjoy what the beach had to offer. All the curves of the women and muscles of the men, the comforting heat of the beach, and the coolness of the air blowing in from the water made it so easy to let her stress melt away. In the meantime, Homura responded to Maria.

"The compulsion I had was weak, but it was deceptive, we should be on guard. I think whoever is trying to compel us is trying to test our wills or slowly erode away our defenses, that's why it's so weak." Homura nodded, then looked at Vee who seemed to echo the same thing as Maria, she seemed a bit shakier than usual though which Homura quickly picked up on, although she didn't make a big deal about it because she didn't want to draw attention to the group. "We better be careful about what we think about or speak about, it seems the beach likes certain topics more than others if your statements are anything to go by. We need to gather as much information as we can." Homura nodded.

"I'm fine, thanks, I do a ton of paperwork and then I do other's work as well. I pull a lot of overtime. I don't find it exhausting though, I find it to be necessary." Homura said with a serious expression, she had plenty of time to relax. Such as when they got off this damn island that was worrying her so much, then the mention of Vee came up and the blonde looked at Vee, then at Maria, then spoke again. Vee already admitted aloud that she manipulated Homura at times, but the blonde decided to throw the telepath a bone this time, mainly because she was in no mood to scold Vee for being lazy, and also she was focused on getting off the island. "Looking after the Director is part of my job, that's why I was assigned to her." Homura didn't elaborate further for Maria, but did offer a stray thought to Vee. Trying to cover for you, she's trying to be sneaky and get details.

Homura didn't have much to add to Maria's statements, and agreed with most of what she was saying. "I don't know how much help I'll be, but I will take the middle, I know some tricks but I'm not equipped to fight anyone like you two. This sounds fine, we should get moving as soon as possible. Lead the way Vee." Homura said with a small smile, hopefully they'd get somewhere. Before they moved too far, there were some notable people out on the beach that might stand out...

Another blonde was wandering the beach, looking around cautiously, and notably if Vee tried to read her mind she'd be able to tell that the woman was either not actually there, or an illusion.

A pinkette was currently having a tan, but one peek at her thoughts would reveal she was a partially corrupted magical girl named Juliette...

And lastly there was a young man with white hair, also looking around the beach suspiciously, peeking at his thoughts would be slightly harder than Juliette's but if Vee bothered she'd be able to tell his name was Naoki and he was from the EDC.

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Maria Grace, The Financial Enthusiast

Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag:Vee the Mental Monstrosity, Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord.

She shuddered a little bit. The compulsion washing over her. But she had studied under Tepala. Such a week compulsion was easy to spot. Especially in the way she had learned to know herself. Surprisingly, powers that toy with the senses tend to make the user suffer disassociation, which needs a quick handling. Or so her former tormentor claimed. " Careful girls. " She stated. " Start thinking and saying what could be done, that is fun, here and the island seems to automatically compulse you towards it. As far as I can tell, at the very least. " She claimed with a shake of her head. ' Well, at least something came out of my tenure at Dis. ' She thought to herself self-depricatingly.

" Oh, your the boogeyman on the other side, Vee. " She assured the girl with a smirk. " As I said, I'll be there every step of the way. " She claimed. " Are you stressed out usually? " She asked the secreter with a cute tilt of the head. " Surely Vee is an angel to look after? " She added innocently, a leading question. Although, on the inside ... well... ' Common spill the beans~ " She was fishing for more information. Not that she can be faulted for that now, can she? " Can't say I expected you of all people to try and compulse others V. You've changed a bit, haven't you? " She asked softly, looking at the resident telepath.

" I think that settles it then, doesn't it? " She asked the duo with a pleased clap of her hands. " Let's slowly cricle inwards. " She explained. " You're more recognizable V, so please take the front. Your telepathy will give you good forewarning if we are nearing someone or something. " She instructed. " Homura, I don't think you're cleared for combat. Correct me if I am wrong. Regardless, do take the middle. Your role will be support where you can. The position will also ensure your protection." She the pointed at herself. " As for me-self, I'll take the rear. Keep our backs clear from an would be ambushers and deploying a defensive field if needs arrise. " She explained her idea for their formation.

" Opinions? " She asked.

Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Vee and Maria Grace

Homura didn't notice the struggle that Vee was having with oogling the eye candy in front of her. Homura was more focused on planning their next move than paying attention to where Vee's eyes were going. That left Vee to handle the compulsion on her own. Right before snapping out of her daze, Vee would feel another wave of calmness hit her. She could enjoy being a little voyeur here and there, nobody would notice if she let her gaze linger on the bodies of the beach goers, it was nice to let her mind wander off and enjoy what the beach had to offer. All the curves of the women and muscles of the men, the comforting heat of the beach, and the coolness of the air blowing in from the water made it so easy to let her stress melt away. In the meantime, Homura responded to Maria.

"The compulsion I had was weak, but it was deceptive, we should be on guard. I think whoever is trying to compel us is trying to test our wills or slowly erode away our defenses, that's why it's so weak." Homura nodded, then looked at Vee who seemed to echo the same thing as Maria, she seemed a bit shakier than usual though which Homura quickly picked up on, although she didn't make a big deal about it because she didn't want to draw attention to the group. "We better be careful about what we think about or speak about, it seems the beach likes certain topics more than others if your statements are anything to go by. We need to gather as much information as we can." Homura nodded.

"I'm fine, thanks, I do a ton of paperwork and then I do other's work as well. I pull a lot of overtime. I don't find it exhausting though, I find it to be necessary." Homura said with a serious expression, she had plenty of time to relax. Such as when they got off this damn island that was worrying her so much, then the mention of Vee came up and the blonde looked at Vee, then at Maria, then spoke again. Vee already admitted aloud that she manipulated Homura at times, but the blonde decided to throw the telepath a bone this time, mainly because she was in no mood to scold Vee for being lazy, and also she was focused on getting off the island. "Looking after the Director is part of my job, that's why I was assigned to her." Homura didn't elaborate further for Maria, but did offer a stray thought to Vee. Trying to cover for you, she's trying to be sneaky and get details.

Homura didn't have much to add to Maria's statements, and agreed with most of what she was saying. "I don't know how much help I'll be, but I will take the middle, I know some tricks but I'm not equipped to fight anyone like you two. This sounds fine, we should get moving as soon as possible. Lead the way Vee." Homura said with a small smile, hopefully they'd get somewhere. Before they moved too far, there were some notable people out on the beach that might stand out...

Another blonde was wandering the beach, looking around cautiously, and notably if Vee tried to read her mind she'd be able to tell that the woman was either not actually there, or an illusion.

A pinkette was currently having a tan, but one peek at her thoughts would reveal she was a partially corrupted magical girl named Juliette...

And lastly there was a young man with white hair, also looking around the beach suspiciously, peeking at his thoughts would be slightly harder than Juliette's but if Vee bothered she'd be able to tell his name was Naoki and he was from the EDC.

Mysterious Island
Tag: Beach Event

Thanks to Homura’s and Maria’s vigilance, Vee managed to resist the next set of compulsions that tried to influence her thoughts. The urge to glance over at her companions’ bodies was there, but the telepath managed to suppress her desires and smother the foreign thoughts thanks to her own strength of will. After taking a deep breath, she focused on the conversation instead, if to avoid thinking about the pleasures that the beach had to offer.

”So, just stay on your guard and don’t get distracted by stuff…” The telepath murmured with a soured expression, more than a little annoyed that she was the one who dipped her toes into the latest trap and was now suffering the consequences. ”Just keep thinking about the way outta here and we should be fine… I think.” If whoever was controlling the beach could manipulate the thoughts of those in the vicinity, that could be a lot more difficult than said. Alas, they really didn’t have any better options other than try to remain focused. The telepath looked around, expecting another mental assault to come from anywhere….

”Well, maybe a little…” Vee admitted sheepishly to Maria’s comment. ”It’s just a harmless little prank… nothing serious. A little something to help me avoid filling out boring forms.” The telepath said with a small smile before she realized that following that line of thought was probably dangerous. Laziness could inspire the presence as the beach to exploit that angle and tempt her with compulsions telling her to lie down and rest…

”Good plan. I’ll make sure to keep my mind open to make sure no one sneaks up on you, either.” She reassured the magical girl before she took point.

Walking around the beach revealed that there were a lot more people than they initially thought. Not just the Defenders, either, but magical girls, demons, and even some ninjas, too. Curious… Vee mused to herself as her eyes scanned both familiar and unfamiliar faces around the beach. No sign of the perpetrators, though, at least for now. They slowly circled around, moving in deeper into the island…

”That girl over there…?” She pointed at the blonde with her chin. ”Illusion… I think. I can’t really put a pin on her thoughts… I think we should avoid attracting her attention, just in case…” The telepath informed her companions as they continued their trek. Another girl, Juliette, didn’t seem phased by her surroundings and seemed to accept the beach’s influence almost without question. She was sunbathing with a smile on her face, not a single care in the world.

The young man after her, seemed to be looking around for something or someone. A quick peek into his thoughts revealed his name and told her that he wasn’t all that thrilled to be here, either.

”Uh-huh… I think he’s lost, too. What do you say? Should we tell him to tag along? Strength in numbers, and all that…?” Asked Vee and glanced over her shoulder to check how the other two were doing..
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

Offline MonsieurChuchote

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Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Eleanor Lagan

Aislinn raised her eyebrow at the compulsion and demonic taint she felt from Eleanor, she obviously resisted the compulsion, but not without great difficultly. The woman in front of her was deceptively powerful despite the simple compulsion. "This? Sure, I only had it on me in case I wanted to take a swim. Aislinn tossed the towel over to Eleanor lightly, careful not to make any sudden movement since she noted that the woman was skittish right now, she didn't close the distance either until Eleanor herself did. "I suggest we get away from the beach and go towards the middle of the island for now. I think the smarter people will gather there to figure out what's going on instead of getting distracted by the each. Plus there are less prying eyes further inland. Also I really don't like what's going over on the beach I was at." Aislinn then realized she'd probably have to explain that and took a deep breath as she looked away from Eleanor for a moment. "There is a lifeguard there that is acting really strange and a blonde woman who tried to coerce me into sex, they said they've been here for a few days too. I'm a bit wary of them. They've probably been manipulated by our kidnapper more than we have based on how they're acting." Aislinn warned, letting Eleanor soak in anything.

"Although if you have another idea I'd love to hear it, I'm sure other people are waking up on the beach and maybe we'll get lucky..." Aislinn crossed her arms under her breasts and let Eleanor make her observations...

Eleanor Lagan
Tag: Aislinn (Youkai)

Eleanor reached out desperately and snatched the towel with both hands. Fumbling hands tried to tie it around her waist as quickly as possible, to at least cover up a little. Though still uncomfortable in her state of undress, Eleanor’s relief at at least covering her chest and hips was visible, almost palpable. There was still nervousness there, Aislinn could tell, but there wasn’t that cornered-animal look anymore that could boil over into something unpredictable and dangerous… especially when this strange, anxious girl (who still hadn’t introduced herself) demonstrated that power by accident.

With a little more composure, Eleanor looked around, sighting any magic or supernatural effects… including peeking at Aislinn. Or gawking, really. What sort of aura did she have? And were there any magical compulsions affecting her? Of course, hypnotic and subliminal detection weren't so easy, and there were always subtler ways of casting that could be hard to detect... especially if Eleanor herself was under some spell. She cast a nervous glance down at the towel too, hoping she hadn’t just put on some enchanted item.

Eleanor grimaced momentarily as Aislinn mentioned someone trying to coerce her into sex; that was one of the reasons she lived like such a hermit in modern Auralis. It wasn’t thrilling to be thrust into the same mysterious, potentially mind-melting place as a crew of nymphomaniacs… She swallowed, eyes darting across the beach to try and sight any people acting strangely.  “I—yes, we should get out of here as soon as possible...” Eleanor adjusted the towel, self-conscious at Aislinn’s emphasis of her breasts, and hugged herself with her shoulders hunched as she started on ahead in the indicated direction. Her nervous walk was brisk, unlike the confident sashay that the beach may have preferred from its victims...

Offline pyro32

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Chloe Von, Experiment XII (Pyro)
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Anyone

Chloe stood at the waterside staring out and sinking into the slushy sand while the waves washed around her bare feet cooling her heated skin that was now glazed with sweat, the formerly captured Heroine looked out enviously at the various people playing in the water while struggling in futility against the restraints of her jacket. “Aww man, what I wouldn’t give to be able to swim out there with the others...” Chloe whispered quietly to herself, lowering her head upon the gleam of the beautiful clear water before turning around and strolling away.

The Heroine would then settle under a nearby umbrella that had been set up by someone. ‘Err, I hope I can get someone to put some sunscreen on my legs…’ Chloe mused, looking around nervously. “It was lucky that somebody left this umbrella out, but I hope they aren't too mad about me borrowing it…” Chloe continued quietly, before closing her eyes and hoping that someone would dare come and approach despite her unusual attire as she stretched out her legs beneath the umbrella with her arms still bound under her heaving bosom.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2022, 12:36:58 PM by pyro32 »

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Spoiler for Tsuifan Hurin:

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

Tsuifan missed the whole arm-reaching-into-her-chest moment. So she had to assume that the suddenly appearing orb came from somewhere else (when in fact, it came from the very last place Tsuifan would've guessed). The orb held by Ms. Pasties didn't look like it was mechanical, from what Tsuifan could see. But from the way it functioned, it had to be some kind of automatic translator. Ms. Pasties spoke to it in a language Tsuifan couldn't recognize, until it responded with the message of a well-recieved compliment. A response which did raise the edges of Tsuifan's lips, though it also raised about a hundred new questions. All of which Tsuifan temporarily set aside. Since she still had a dire emergency to share!

Despite the (admittedly fast-fading) direness of her tone, the lifeguard wasn't concerned at all by Tsuifan's warning. "Look, I'm sure its been peaceful. Its a really nice beach. I'm just saying you should maybe stay on the lookout out for....waitwaitwait. What do you mean, you've been here for days? Are they making you work consecutive all-nighters? " Seeming very concerned about that, Tsuifan instinctively raised a hand towards Anna's forehead. Pausing midair to ask "May I...?" Before checking that forehead for a fever. She does look a little spaced out. She must be so tired! And here Tsuifan thought she was winking earlier. It must've been a struggle for her to keep even one eye open! "...You're right, um. What was your name? Its gonna be a peacful day at the beach. Absolutely, 100% peaceful. So you'd better relax and get some rest. You've earned it...and if you need any help negotiating for better hours, I'm your girl." Tsuifan knew a thing or two about dealing with scumbag bosses. She gave a confident thumbs up, along with very intentional wink towards Anna.

This poor woman needed rest. It was up to Tsuifan, then, to maintian justice on the beach! Alright! I'll start with whoever looks most suspicious! Between the nearly nude woman staring at her bikini like it was an impossible riddle, the red-eyed possible demon fetching drinks, and the pink-skinned shapeshiter who was staring starry-eyed in Tsuifan's direction....well, at least she had no shortage of curious characters to investigate.

I wonder if mer-girl's a fan of mine? It wasn't like Fae was actually staring at Tsuifan specifically, much less staring with the eyes of a starstruck fan. She was more generally excited for a karaoke-based plan coming together, while also happening to be looking at everyone. Still, Tsuifan saw that potential fanhood as a possible in. And she was hanging with Doc Aut's goons. If anyone might know where he's hiding, it's her.

Jumping on her hunch, Tsuifan also jumped on over to the bar. Which would give Shoolurel plenty of time to dress up, assuming she could make sense of the bikini's perplexing riddle.

To break the ice with her pink-skinned presumed fan, Tsuifan greeted her while making the trademark double-P heart sign with her hands (a sign that any fan of Tsui-pan's Pandamonium Hour, the international hit children's program, would surely recognize). Pulling the hand sign right up to her chest as she slightly bowed her head. Tsuifan then waited a few seconds to see if the gesture would be returned, before steaming forward regardless. "I noticed you were staring at me earlier...thought I'd come up and say hi. Since you seemed like you might have something to say?" Smooth Operator Tsuifan was back in action, with her comforting smile and winning style. She was much more in her element, dealing with a fan who wasn't being overly aggressive or flirtatious with her. This one had a nice, friendly energy...even if she was also maybe the strangest-looking person Tsuifan had ever seen. "I should warn you not to hang out with those gray guys...they might seem like lovable idiots, but their inventor's a real wacko." After glancing around cautiously, Tsuifan pulled in closer to whisper her next bit of advice. "I hear there's lots of demons with red eyes, careful around that blonde."

Spoiler for Shoolurel:

Mysterious Island- Beach
Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

Shoolurel wanted to try speaking with Fae more.  Even if she wasn't a water elemental, she seemed to have a similar water affinity... unless the creature was adaptable to all elements?  Hmm....  but she had little time to think on that before others came up to her and spoke with those confusing words.  Even when she got her transdimensional assistant to translate for her, some of the messages still didn't seem to properly translate.

"Pourhitan?"  "Wear?"  "Bwauna?" "Jewelry?"  The energetic, lilting voice of the elemental mingled with the more melodic and feminine voice of her orb.   'Are these exotic materials for display?  If not, why wouldn't they expect me to exude my outer coating?'  She glanced down at her body, the act reminding her that this place seemed to be preventing her from producing her normal 'clothes'.

'I guess I should put on this jewelry if it will make the locals happy.'  She tried to tie the bikini bottom around her neck while considering where the top was supposed to go.  Looking around, she realized that the shape looked sort of like the shape of the black and white outer coating on the chest of the girl that liked her horns.  These scraps of cloth were supposed to wrap over her chest?  Did they provide that much protection?

With the bikini bottom haphazardly tied around her neck, she wrapped the bikini top around her torso, but she could get it to stay on.  Trying to mimic Tsuifan's top, she pulled parts of the bikini top behind her neck, but it was impossible to see what she was doing and the bikini bottoms were just getting in the way.  The small patches of red didn't seem to want to stay over her breasts as she struggled with the clothing either.  She was not used to something this complicated!  The loose knot of her impromptu bikini necklace loosened and fell from around her neck and onto the sand as she continued to struggle with the awkward foreign wrapping.

Spoiler for Elune & Anna:

Elune Farah and Anna Cochran
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

"Hold that thought, I'll get you one fast!" Elune smiled and jumped off the ground, flying over to the stand and getting just what Fae wanted, she flew back in a minute and handed the woman a Ice Cream Sundae! "Enjoy! You really should just enjoy the beach, it's nice here and everyone is so much fun! No stress here at all!" Elune said with a giggle, she watched Fae to see if she'd try the sundae immediately, but otherwise she pranced around invitingly showing off her curves and beauty with a grin on her face. "That sounds like it'd be a lot of fun really, I really would love to try and sing, you want to go ask if they'd join in on the fun? That lifeguard probably won't, she has a job to do, but the other two? I bet they'll have some fun." She stared at the other two...

Anna in the meantime had to contend with Shoolurel and Tsuifan while maintaining a hawk like eye on the beach to make sure everything was kosher. "No, I sleep at night, I'm okay. Also, I'm Anna. I guess if you really insist on checking on me though go ahead. And yeah, wearing it on your body like jewelry is a way to put it. But mostly you should cover your breasts and private areas. Everything else you can show off. If you want help putting it on I can help you." Anna said cheerfully, then stayed still for Tsuifan to do her inspection, the woman's temperature was normal and she didn't seem to be in poor health, but that spacy look in her eyes had to mean something, so detective Tsuifan would have to go on the case! "Okay okay, I see you're struggling, let me help you. I got it don't worry. Once this is on you we should catch up to your friend." Anna walked up to Shoolurel and started to help her put the outfit on, she was much more used to things like this than Shoolurel so assuming that the other woman didn't struggle too much, Anna would get Shoolurel into her outfit easily!

Elune would smile happily at Tsuifan coming up to them, while she wasn't going to get Fae all to herself easily now, she was more than happy to have multiple people to oogle and play with if she was lucky. "Hello! I'm Elune, and yeah I think Fae here wants us all to sing together, it'd be fun!" She unfortunately didn't hear what Tsuifan said to Fae about red eyes though, she just seemed giddy and happy to go along with whatever they were doing.

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

She blinked rapidly. She hadn't expected Elune to move with such speed. Returning quickly with an ice cream sundae. On the one hand, it was probably similar to the drink in that it would try to affect her. On the other hand. Ice cream sundae. She hadn't had one before. Maybe she should try and find one in Auralis sometime. Humming a little tune to herself as she pondered the, cool, sweet thing now in her hands. Teasing at it with the spoon before deciding to give it a go. If it was a trap, she'd spring it. If it wasn't? Well hopefully it would taste as good as it looked! She smiled cutely. But on the inside she was looking at Elune curiously, humans trying to get demons all alone, were definitely up to-

She was thrown off by another human bounding over. Doing a the double-P heart signtm If took her back for the moment, before giving a reply cutesy reply heart sign of her own. It wasn't, quite the same as Tsuifan's. But it was brimming with love! The energy was infectious as well. And unlike Elune, or most of the people she'd run into in Auralis, she didn't seem to be overly lusty, or out for herself. Seemingly just... nice? But the human was showing her colours as well! Pulling Fae in, whispering in her ear and!


Ok humans trying to get demons all alone, were probably up to something. She hummed and took a spoonful of ice cream sundae, tapping the spoon against her face afterwards. "But they're lovely!" That reminded her, she hadn't seen the inventor for quite a while. Maybe she should go check up on him at some point... She nearly laughed at the second bit of advice. There was a human hanging out with a demon, but Tsuifan had them the wrong way round! She managed to avoid laughing, instead shooting the earnest human another cutesy look. "Thank you! I'll be careful!" Honestly, with how she was, how could Fae not be touched by the concern displayed towards her. "So avoid people with red eyes huh!" She nodded and straightened up again. Nodding at Elune's comment. "MmHmm! Singing is great! It allows everyone to share their feelings with one another!" She spun around in place on the sand, before looking over towards Shoolurel and Anna. Raising her spare hand to shield her eyes. "Hey so, should one of us go help her?" She waved slightly, at the elemental, currently struggling with the enigma that was her swim wear.

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Eleanor Lagan
Tag: Aislinn (Youkai)

Eleanor reached out desperately and snatched the towel with both hands. Fumbling hands tried to tie it around her waist as quickly as possible, to at least cover up a little. Though still uncomfortable in her state of undress, Eleanor’s relief at at least covering her chest and hips was visible, almost palpable. There was still nervousness there, Aislinn could tell, but there wasn’t that cornered-animal look anymore that could boil over into something unpredictable and dangerous… especially when this strange, anxious girl (who still hadn’t introduced herself) demonstrated that power by accident.

With a little more composure, Eleanor looked around, sighting any magic or supernatural effects… including peeking at Aislinn. Or gawking, really. What sort of aura did she have? And were there any magical compulsions affecting her? Of course, hypnotic and subliminal detection weren't so easy, and there were always subtler ways of casting that could be hard to detect... especially if Eleanor herself was under some spell. She cast a nervous glance down at the towel too, hoping she hadn’t just put on some enchanted item.

Eleanor grimaced momentarily as Aislinn mentioned someone trying to coerce her into sex; that was one of the reasons she lived like such a hermit in modern Auralis. It wasn’t thrilling to be thrust into the same mysterious, potentially mind-melting place as a crew of nymphomaniacs… She swallowed, eyes darting across the beach to try and sight any people acting strangely.  “I—yes, we should get out of here as soon as possible...” Eleanor adjusted the towel, self-conscious at Aislinn’s emphasis of her breasts, and hugged herself with her shoulders hunched as she started on ahead in the indicated direction. Her nervous walk was brisk, unlike the confident sashay that the beach may have preferred from its victims...

Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Eleanor Lagan

Peering at Aislinn as closely as Eleanor did, she'd note that the woman had strong magical aura and was at least partially corrupted, but she wasn't trying to do anything to Eleanor at this point. And to be honest, considering how much power she felt from Eleanor earlier, she was second guessing herself on gaining a thrall in the woman. She felt much safer just teaming up with Eleanor to get off this rock instead of trying to ensnare her, it was amazing what a slight demonstration of power could do and Aislinn had a feeling she would play second fiddle in the power game with the woman in front of her if she crossed her. "You really hate showing off skin don't you? I can conjure more towels if you like, you can tie one around your waist and use the other one to cover your top. Our kidnapper probably doesn't care all that much about modesty, they just want us to show off." Aislinn offered genuinely and made a very small observation.

Aislinn's eyes suddenly darted away from Eleanor and towards something off to the right, slightly off to the side of their path inland. It seemed to be drawing Aislinn deeper in nonetheless. "There, I feel a faint magical signature, we should go that way. If nothing else the fact I can feel it from this far means it's powerful. If it's someone strong that can only help us out more, and if it's our kidnapper we can team up and end this quickly. If it's something else, well that can only help our investigation." Aislinn started going after the signature, unless Eleanor had other ideas, she could continue down the normal path and just keep going straight and tell Aislinn to just follow her instead, but there seemed to be some noise coming from the direction that Aislinn was going too if Eleanor strained her ears.

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Chloe Von, Experiment XII (Pyro)
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Anyone

Chloe stood at the waterside staring out and sinking into the slushy sand while the waves washed around her bare feet cooling her heated skin, the formerly captured Heroine looked out enviously at the various people playing in the water while struggling in futility against the restraints of her jacket. “Aww man, what I wouldn’t give to be able to swim out there with the others...” Chloe whispered quietly to herself, lowering her head upon the gleam of the beautiful clear water before turning around and strolling away.

The Heroine would then settle under a nearby umbrella that had been set up by someone. ‘Err, I hope I can get someone to put some sunscreen on my legs…’ Chloe mused, looking around nervously. “I hope that whoever owns this umbrella isn’t too mad about me borrowing it…” she ushered quietly, closing her eyes and hoping that someone would dare come and approach despite her unusual attire as she stretched out her legs beneath the umbrella with her arms still bound under her heaving bosom.

Caitlyn Labelle
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Chloe

Chloe didn't have to wait too long for someone to come along and try and take care of her problem, a silver haired woman walked up from behind Chloe and whispered in her ear. "Now that's a shame, who would restrain such a beauty on such a nice beach, let's take care of that." The woman said, not introducing herself and instead decided to work on the woman's restraints, she was undeniably beautiful to the eye and easy to stare at, plus she was helping Chloe to boot, that had to ear some bonus points right? What luck! "How long have you been here? You look like you need to relax a bit, name's Caitlyn by the way."

Offline MonsieurChuchote

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Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Eleanor Lagan

Peering at Aislinn as closely as Eleanor did, she'd note that the woman had strong magical aura and was at least partially corrupted, but she wasn't trying to do anything to Eleanor at this point. And to be honest, considering how much power she felt from Eleanor earlier, she was second guessing herself on gaining a thrall in the woman. She felt much safer just teaming up with Eleanor to get off this rock instead of trying to ensnare her, it was amazing what a slight demonstration of power could do and Aislinn had a feeling she would play second fiddle in the power game with the woman in front of her if she crossed her. "You really hate showing off skin don't you? I can conjure more towels if you like, you can tie one around your waist and use the other one to cover your top. Our kidnapper probably doesn't care all that much about modesty, they just want us to show off." Aislinn offered genuinely and made a very small observation.

Aislinn's eyes suddenly darted away from Eleanor and towards something off to the right, slightly off to the side of their path inland. It seemed to be drawing Aislinn deeper in nonetheless. "There, I feel a faint magical signature, we should go that way. If nothing else the fact I can feel it from this far means it's powerful. If it's someone strong that can only help us out more, and if it's our kidnapper we can team up and end this quickly. If it's something else, well that can only help our investigation." Aislinn started going after the signature, unless Eleanor had other ideas, she could continue down the normal path and just keep going straight and tell Aislinn to just follow her instead, but there seemed to be some noise coming from the direction that Aislinn was going too if Eleanor strained her ears.

Eleanor Lagan
Beach->Jungle Path
Tag: Aislinn (Youkai)

Fortunate for Eleanor that she’d made that little slip. If she’s known Aislinn’s thought process, she would’ve found the deterrent satisfying. A simple heirarchy of power. Aislinn’s aura was not entirely surprising, though Eleanor had to appreciate the other woman’s restraint. Still, it brought up further questions… It clearly wasn’t weak-minded civilians here. Who was kidnapping so many combatants in the conflict?

“Not much to show...” She replied nervously, hunching over further. Really, she just didn’t like attention, especially not lustful attention. Adding in sexual vulnerability with an already-uncomfortable situation was not something she was ready for. “If you’re conjuring… A baggy t-shirt and shorts would be nice. That’s still beach attire, right?” She chuckled weakly. Eleanor could do it herself with the right ritual implements, but there was neither the time nor the equipment to compensate for her magical deficit.

Reaching the jungle path was another moment of relief for Eleanor. Far fewer people, fewer leering eyes. She was used to a more northern, coniferous forests, but the smell of wet soil and pollen over sun-baked sand was still comforting. Like a hike back at home. For the first time, she felt a hint of temptation to slow down and enjoy the island, to breathe in the scents and get lost in these warm leaves… She kept walking briskly along the path, trying to stay focused.

Eleanor started peering in the direction Aislinn indicated, searching for what she sensed. Again, something prickled up in her… A sudden sensation of discomfort. She ran back to her lessons with Vee, alert for mental intrusions. As Aislinn started to run off, Eleanor’s hand shot out—surprisingly quickly. She grabbed the mage’s arm, digging her nails in if it proved necessary. “Don’t be reckless. You said this place is fucking with our heads. It could just as easily be a trap.” The sudden assertive outburst was a shock to Aislinn after being so meek. Her new partner was a strange person to say the least… though at least she had her compulsions stored away for now.

Still, Eleanor couldn’t deny the curiosity. With caution properly established, she’d pick her way toward the signature with an eye for both supernatural tricks and more banal woodland snares. “Honestly… You’ve been drinking. In this situation. Isn’t that cause enough for concern already?”

Offline madman32

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Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Shoolurel:

Mysterious Island- Beach
Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

Shoolurel wanted to try speaking with Fae more.  Even if she wasn't a water elemental, she seemed to have a similar water affinity... unless the creature was adaptable to all elements?  Hmm....  but she had little time to think on that before others came up to her and spoke with those confusing words.  Even when she got her transdimensional assistant to translate for her, some of the messages still didn't seem to properly translate.

"Pourhitan?"  "Wear?"  "Bwauna?" "Jewelry?"  The energetic, lilting voice of the elemental mingled with the more melodic and feminine voice of her orb.   'Are these exotic materials for display?  If not, why wouldn't they expect me to exude my outer coating?'  She glanced down at her body, the act reminding her that this place seemed to be preventing her from producing her normal 'clothes'.

'I guess I should put on this jewelry if it will make the locals happy.'  She tried to tie the bikini bottom around her neck while considering where the top was supposed to go.  Looking around, she realized that the shape looked sort of like the shape of the black and white outer coating on the chest of the girl that liked her horns.  These scraps of cloth were supposed to wrap over her chest?  Did they provide that much protection?

With the bikini bottom haphazardly tied around her neck, she wrapped the bikini top around her torso, but she could get it to stay on.  Trying to mimic Tsuifan's top, she pulled parts of the bikini top behind her neck, but it was impossible to see what she was doing and the bikini bottoms were just getting in the way.  The small patches of red didn't seem to want to stay over her breasts as she struggled with the clothing either.  She was not used to something this complicated!  The loose knot of her impromptu bikini necklace loosened and fell from around her neck and onto the sand as she continued to struggle with the awkward foreign wrapping.

Spoiler for Elune & Anna:

Elune Farah and Anna Cochran
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

"Hold that thought, I'll get you one fast!" Elune smiled and jumped off the ground, flying over to the stand and getting just what Fae wanted, she flew back in a minute and handed the woman a Ice Cream Sundae! "Enjoy! You really should just enjoy the beach, it's nice here and everyone is so much fun! No stress here at all!" Elune said with a giggle, she watched Fae to see if she'd try the sundae immediately, but otherwise she pranced around invitingly showing off her curves and beauty with a grin on her face. "That sounds like it'd be a lot of fun really, I really would love to try and sing, you want to go ask if they'd join in on the fun? That lifeguard probably won't, she has a job to do, but the other two? I bet they'll have some fun." She stared at the other two...

Anna in the meantime had to contend with Shoolurel and Tsuifan while maintaining a hawk like eye on the beach to make sure everything was kosher. "No, I sleep at night, I'm okay. Also, I'm Anna. I guess if you really insist on checking on me though go ahead. And yeah, wearing it on your body like jewelry is a way to put it. But mostly you should cover your breasts and private areas. Everything else you can show off. If you want help putting it on I can help you." Anna said cheerfully, then stayed still for Tsuifan to do her inspection, the woman's temperature was normal and she didn't seem to be in poor health, but that spacy look in her eyes had to mean something, so detective Tsuifan would have to go on the case! "Okay okay, I see you're struggling, let me help you. I got it don't worry. Once this is on you we should catch up to your friend." Anna walked up to Shoolurel and started to help her put the outfit on, she was much more used to things like this than Shoolurel so assuming that the other woman didn't struggle too much, Anna would get Shoolurel into her outfit easily!

Elune would smile happily at Tsuifan coming up to them, while she wasn't going to get Fae all to herself easily now, she was more than happy to have multiple people to oogle and play with if she was lucky. "Hello! I'm Elune, and yeah I think Fae here wants us all to sing together, it'd be fun!" She unfortunately didn't hear what Tsuifan said to Fae about red eyes though, she just seemed giddy and happy to go along with whatever they were doing.

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

She blinked rapidly. She hadn't expected Elune to move with such speed. Returning quickly with an ice cream sundae. On the one hand, it was probably similar to the drink in that it would try to affect her. On the other hand. Ice cream sundae. She hadn't had one before. Maybe she should try and find one in Auralis sometime. Humming a little tune to herself as she pondered the, cool, sweet thing now in her hands. Teasing at it with the spoon before deciding to give it a go. If it was a trap, she'd spring it. If it wasn't? Well hopefully it would taste as good as it looked! She smiled cutely. But on the inside she was looking at Elune curiously, humans trying to get demons all alone, were definitely up to-

She was thrown off by another human bounding over. Doing a the double-P heart signtm If took her back for the moment, before giving a reply cutesy reply heart sign of her own. It wasn't, quite the same as Tsuifan's. But it was brimming with love! The energy was infectious as well. And unlike Elune, or most of the people she'd run into in Auralis, she didn't seem to be overly lusty, or out for herself. Seemingly just... nice? But the human was showing her colours as well! Pulling Fae in, whispering in her ear and!


Ok humans trying to get demons all alone, were probably up to something. She hummed and took a spoonful of ice cream sundae, tapping the spoon against her face afterwards. "But they're lovely!" That reminded her, she hadn't seen the inventor for quite a while. Maybe she should go check up on him at some point... She nearly laughed at the second bit of advice. There was a human hanging out with a demon, but Tsuifan had them the wrong way round! She managed to avoid laughing, instead shooting the earnest human another cutesy look. "Thank you! I'll be careful!" Honestly, with how she was, how could Fae not be touched by the concern displayed towards her. "So avoid people with red eyes huh!" She nodded and straightened up again. Nodding at Elune's comment. "MmHmm! Singing is great! It allows everyone to share their feelings with one another!" She spun around in place on the sand, before looking over towards Shoolurel and Anna. Raising her spare hand to shield her eyes. "Hey so, should one of us go help her?" She waved slightly, at the elemental, currently struggling with the enigma that was her swim wear.

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

Anna was still acting strangely, despite the lack of fever and her apparently returning energy. She was moving fast between Tsuifan and Shoolurel, as if determined to resolve everyone's issues and generally be there for everyone at once. Her devotion to this job really was something else. Though it was strange to see how calmly Anna reacted to Shoolurel's very strange attempts at communication. Using the orb as an apparent translator, she named her swimsuit as "Jewelry?" Which of course, Tsuifan first assumed was some type of error in the translation. At least, until she began to tie that bikini bottom around her neck.....

Tsuifan practically fell over at the sight. And she might have then hopped over to help out, but with Anna around it seemed like the semi-nudist was already in good hands. Not so certain was the fate of the mer-girl, however, with the dangerous company that she seemed to so enjoy. So Tsuifan hurried over to the bar.

The trademarked Tsui-pan love sign was returned; this really was a true fan! Tsuifan giggled a light "Wuhuhu!" at the way Fae struggled to pull it off. Clearly this cutie was a little too flustered by the Tsuifan Hurin's presence for her fingers not to fumble. Rather than correct her fan's fumbling form, of course, the longtime celebrity Tsuifan kept her at ease with a charming smile and a double-pat on the arm. She didn't even consider that those pats might be too presuming, though she hoped the physical contact wouldn't overexcite her dear fan...

The magical shapeshifter was understandably a little put out, when warned to be cautious of her mechanical friends. Still Tsuifan insisted "they act like adorable dummies now. But with one flip of a switch, those dummies can cause some me, I've seen it before." The more immediate problem, of course, was the potentially demonic bombshell hanging around the corner. And fast approaching them...with a hushed warning about her, Tsuifan hoped that her precious fan would have the good sense to stay wary. And that hope would be immediately dashed, as Fae so carelessly blurted her response. "so avoid people with red eyes huh!" Fae much-too-loudly exclaimed, just as Elune came back to their table. Whether or not Elune was actually paying attention to those words (she really wasn't), one had to assume she would've heard that...

"Grk-! ...Errrrr...I didn't mean that exactly..." Tsuifan awkwardly scratched her cheek, avoiding eye contact with both Fae and Elune. "I've just heard some rumors that demons have bright red eyes. Eyes just like yours, Miss...Elune, you said?" Of course, it would be rude not to introduce herself at that point. Or not to look Elune in the eye, which Tsuifan eventually found the bravery to do. "Call me Tsuifan. And I really wasn't saying that to scare her away from From anyone with red eyes, I mean. Even if you are a demon, wuheh, it's not like that's the same as saying you're a monster. Right? I mean, sure, a lot of demons are obviously doing horrible stuff. But I know at least a few of them stay on the right side of the law...and the truth is, I actually came to Auralis just so I'd have a chance to challenge one." It was true, though since that time Tsuifan had been taught some humility by her Mistress. She knew, thanks to Mistress Serpis, that she wasn't remotely ready for a contest with a least, not before she began her training. Now she felt like she could take on a whole army of demons! And she might've been closer than she thought to her chance, at least to challenge one particular demon. If not in the way she was imagining.

"Did you say 'singing?' Singing to share your feelings, like in...!!" Just like in Tsui-pan's Pandamonium Hour! Season 3, episode 29: "Do-Over With Emotion!" After being poisoned by the seven dischordal bamboos, Tsui-pan and her Pandamonium Pals had no choice but to sing through the whole episode! I really acted my heart out for that one. Still makes me cry to think back on some of those songs! As Tsuifan suspected, her fan was truly a woman of culture. Someone who appreciated the message she was trying to send, in that most experimental of episodes!

"Wuhuhuh! Singing is the language of the heart, isn't it?" While Tsuifan  proudly nodded and reminisced about her puppet show, Fae noticed that Shoolurel was still struggling with that bikini bottom. At least with Anna's help, she almost had it in the right place...much too polite to keep staring at Shoolurel, however (or any woman in the process of getting dressed), Tsuifan once again scratched at her cheek and looked away from that scene. With a slight tinge of red showing up on her cheeks, even the one not being repeatedly scratched. "I think that Anna's got it covered, she should be the two of you aren't friends? I thought I saw you waving to each other out by the water. Which reminds me, how did you change your whole body like that? Is it some kind of spell? Or one of those hidden chakra type deals?" As a martial artist, Tsuifan had met her fair share of experts on manipulating the human body's hidden energies. Not that any approach to it ever made much sense to Tsuifan; as a fighter who relied on her good old-fashioned muscles and instincts. But if moving your Qi or whatever could change a person's whole body shape, then maybe that would be worth looking more into...
« Last Edit: May 13, 2023, 08:02:59 PM by madman32 »

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Caitlyn Labelle
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Chloe

Chloe didn't have to wait too long for someone to come along and try and take care of her problem, a silver haired woman walked up from behind Chloe and whispered in her ear. "Now that's a shame, who would restrain such a beauty on such a nice beach, let's take care of that." The woman said, not introducing herself and instead decided to work on the woman's restraints, she was undeniably beautiful to the eye and easy to stare at, plus she was helping Chloe to boot, that had to ear some bonus points right? What luck! "How long have you been here? You look like you need to relax a bit, name's Caitlyn by the way."

Chloe Von, Experiment XII (Pyro)
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Anyone

The Heroine was soon surprised to feel someone working on her restraints not long after she settled. ‘I didn’t detect her…’ Chloe mused, used to hearing an approaching mind long before it could make connect with her body. “Mmm~” Chloe moaned, her golden eyes falling to a close upon feeling the silver haired woman whisper softly in a sultry and seductive voice. The Heroine’s entire form still extremely sensitive after her years of captivity.

‘No!’ Chloe told herself, not allowing herself to be carried away by the waves of pleasure that followed. The Heroine couldn’t help but grin upon hearing the ‘chink’ of her belt buckles when the silver-haired woman succeeded at undoing them. Chloe then kindly shook her head at her rescuer after turning her head back at the neck. “Err, thank you.” She stated, testing the mobility of her ligaments after having her arms freed. “D-Don’t worry about it…” Chloe declared, waiting to see if the silver-haired woman would comply and stop or continue to test the straight-jacket that almost seemed to have fused with her flesh. “It won’t budge unless I get into a certain posture and even then, it comes back...” She explained, turning away from the kind silver-haired woman. “Much like the belts, they’ll probably refasten themselves after about an hour.” Chloe added scornfully, apparently having gone through this a number of times?

“Anyways I appreciate the effort, and my name is Chloe!” she added, again turning back towards the silver-haired woman with a slight flush to her cheeks. “I-I don’t suppose you’d be willing to put some sunscreen upon my legs given my situation?” she requested, still smiling kindly. The Heroine knowing that while she could free her arms entirely by drawing them back at her shoulder this’d be a much better way to grow closer….



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Spoiler for Hidden:

Yasu Shibuya
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Molly Wood

Yasu turned her head to think about Molly's suggestion as she mulled over their options, going inside definitely had it's risks as they'd could locked inside and have to fight out and then if they angered everyone they'd have a lot of problems, but as Molly said there could be a potential ally hanging out here that they could talk to. Staying on the outside for now probably was the wisest choice unless an opportunity arose, she could see Molly's logic here. "You look like you need to cool off, let's at least hang out in the shade if we're going to stay outside and see what the people say. Let's see what the people have to say before we decide on moving on or going inside. Let's sit, we can observe first and make a move based on that." Yasu said, not missing a beat, she started walking over to the bar and took a seat at one of the empty tables and looked out at the group gathered, nodding towards the empty seat for Molly to sit with her. Luckily there was shade, but Yasu was careful not to drink anything, even the water offered to them. She didn't trust this island.

"If you see anything or anyone that your recognize we should talk to them immediately, otherwise we should take in our surroundings." As they peered out at the group gathered on the outside there would be someone that Molly might recognize among the group, she looked lost and confused, but her large sword hanging on her back was unmistakable and her white hair was impossible to miss, she was heading inside, so if Molly wanted to stop her she had to act quickly.

It was Taegan, a fellow paladin from the Cross, she was talking to the bouncer that was guarding the entrance and he was moving aside to let her pass, Molly had to act quickly because Yasu had no idea who it was and was ignoring her out of ignorance. Yasu was looking around for other people she might recognize...

Molly Wood
Tagging: Yasu Shibuya

Molly nodded, following Yasu over to the bar, sitting down herself, keeping her batons close by just in case. Drumming the table with them slightly. Thankful for the shade, the water was tempting, but, similar to Yasu, she didn't trust it enough to actually drink it. Hopefully it wouldn't end up being something they needed to do. Putting aside any ideas on how long they might be stuck no the island for, she returned her attention to the area around her. Trying to crane her neck round, see if she could get a glimpse into the building's inners. Nodding in confirmation at Yasu's command, scanning the area before pausing. She'd seen the white haired... Taegan?!

She knew her mainly through reputation, seeing her whilst she had been training, but the point remained, it was another paladin, who looked out of place. And she was going inside...

She could probably handle herself and if she did so, it would solve the mystery of what was going on inside the building, with less risk to herself and Yasu. But the thought of leaving another paladin to fend for herself left a sour taste in her mouth. It wouldn't be fair, especially if it was something Taegan couldn't handle. Molly jumped off her seat, holding up a finger to Yasu to ask for a minute, should the ninja turn her attention over to Molly and quickly made her way towards Taegen. Calling out to her as she did so. "You really know how to accessorise! But isn't it heavy for a tropical get away?" She was trying not to be too obvious, in case anyone, or anything was watching. Praying that Taegan would recognise her from seeing her at training sometime. The one advantage of having two batons now though, instead of the one sword, was that she could position them at right angles. Almost idly making a "T" with them. Adjusting one of the flowers that her outfit change had left her with. Casually moving it so a ribbon would fall around the batons. It wasn't perfect, but she hoped that if Taegan didn't recognise her, she'd at least pick up on the approximation of a Chained Cross symbol.

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The Mysterious Jungle
Tag: Open Sesame

Nathaniel did not like this one bit.

Being at one moment preparing his counter-offensive of the human's entrenched forward encampment and the next moment hurtling toward the ground, taking branches and leaves with him before he cratered face first into a small pool of water wasn't the problem. He'd been through stranger situations before and he would go through them again. It wasn't even his attire, though his sleeveless leotard was definitely clashing with the blue flame pattern swim trunks he found himself in now; an article of clothing he definitively did not own. No, the problem lay in the air. It was thick and humid like one would expect from a jungle, but the prince's more finely tuned senses were picking up on the undeniable sensation of magic in the air. Not only that, he could practically feel what passed for his blood boiling in his veins, warning him of danger.

His fall had caused some minor scrapes to his body, which he allowed to heal before he slowing climbed to his feet. Nathaniel peered back up at the clear hole he'd left in the roof of the canopy, cricking his neck and cracking his knuckles as he took stock of his body. Everything felt intact, no sign of drugs or possession, and he couldn't smell the typical scent of ozone which accompanied powerful teleportation magic. If there had been anyone in his general vicinity, there's no way they didn't hear his rapid descent to the jungle floor. There were still various birds cawing and flapping away from the area. He turned his gaze away from the treetops and back to the area around him, his analytical eyes scanning as he turned in a full circle. It looked like a jungle, not that the prince was terribly familiar with jungles to begin with. Still, the environment was undeniably tropical, almost too serene.

Maybe I could afford to take a break, the war's been so tiring lately. Nathaniel frowned, one of his eyes twitching ever so slightly.

"Now I know something's wrong." The prince spoke aloud, as though no longer fully trusting in his internal thoughts. Nathaniel and "breaks" were not good friends. His body subsisted on corruption, fighting, and the occasional brownie if Kylana was making them. Taking breaks never entered into the picture, and he couldn't remember the last time he'd even considered the idea.

Now fully on guard, Nathaniel knelt down on one knee as he strained his senses, trying to pick out the sounds of human movement or signs of life in the dense jungle. He did not know what was going on but he also didn't want to wander aimlessly on his own. He might've typically been a lone wolf, but he knew better than to approach an unknown situation with the same bravado he took into battle.

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Spoiler for Tsuifan Hurin:
Spoiler for Fae:
Spoiler for Elune & Anna:

Elune Farah and Anna Cochran
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

"Hold that thought, I'll get you one fast!" Elune smiled and jumped off the ground, flying over to the stand and getting just what Fae wanted, she flew back in a minute and handed the woman a Ice Cream Sundae! "Enjoy! You really should just enjoy the beach, it's nice here and everyone is so much fun! No stress here at all!" Elune said with a giggle, she watched Fae to see if she'd try the sundae immediately, but otherwise she pranced around invitingly showing off her curves and beauty with a grin on her face. "That sounds like it'd be a lot of fun really, I really would love to try and sing, you want to go ask if they'd join in on the fun? That lifeguard probably won't, she has a job to do, but the other two? I bet they'll have some fun." She stared at the other two...

Anna in the meantime had to contend with Shoolurel and Tsuifan while maintaining a hawk like eye on the beach to make sure everything was kosher. "No, I sleep at night, I'm okay. Also, I'm Anna. I guess if you really insist on checking on me though go ahead. And yeah, wearing it on your body like jewelry is a way to put it. But mostly you should cover your breasts and private areas. Everything else you can show off. If you want help putting it on I can help you." Anna said cheerfully, then stayed still for Tsuifan to do her inspection, the woman's temperature was normal and she didn't seem to be in poor health, but that spacy look in her eyes had to mean something, so detective Tsuifan would have to go on the case! "Okay okay, I see you're struggling, let me help you. I got it don't worry. Once this is on you we should catch up to your friend." Anna walked up to Shoolurel and started to help her put the outfit on, she was much more used to things like this than Shoolurel so assuming that the other woman didn't struggle too much, Anna would get Shoolurel into her outfit easily!

Elune would smile happily at Tsuifan coming up to them, while she wasn't going to get Fae all to herself easily now, she was more than happy to have multiple people to oogle and play with if she was lucky. "Hello! I'm Elune, and yeah I think Fae here wants us all to sing together, it'd be fun!" She unfortunately didn't hear what Tsuifan said to Fae about red eyes though, she just seemed giddy and happy to go along with whatever they were doing.

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

She blinked rapidly. She hadn't expected Elune to move with such speed. Returning quickly with an ice cream sundae. On the one hand, it was probably similar to the drink in that it would try to affect her. On the other hand. Ice cream sundae. She hadn't had one before. Maybe she should try and find one in Auralis sometime. Humming a little tune to herself as she pondered the, cool, sweet thing now in her hands. Teasing at it with the spoon before deciding to give it a go. If it was a trap, she'd spring it. If it wasn't? Well hopefully it would taste as good as it looked! She smiled cutely. But on the inside she was looking at Elune curiously, humans trying to get demons all alone, were definitely up to-

She was thrown off by another human bounding over. Doing a the double-P heart signtm If took her back for the moment, before giving a reply cutesy reply heart sign of her own. It wasn't, quite the same as Tsuifan's. But it was brimming with love! The energy was infectious as well. And unlike Elune, or most of the people she'd run into in Auralis, she didn't seem to be overly lusty, or out for herself. Seemingly just... nice? But the human was showing her colours as well! Pulling Fae in, whispering in her ear and!


Ok humans trying to get demons all alone, were probably up to something. She hummed and took a spoonful of ice cream sundae, tapping the spoon against her face afterwards. "But they're lovely!" That reminded her, she hadn't seen the inventor for quite a while. Maybe she should go check up on him at some point... She nearly laughed at the second bit of advice. There was a human hanging out with a demon, but Tsuifan had them the wrong way round! She managed to avoid laughing, instead shooting the earnest human another cutesy look. "Thank you! I'll be careful!" Honestly, with how she was, how could Fae not be touched by the concern displayed towards her. "So avoid people with red eyes huh!" She nodded and straightened up again. Nodding at Elune's comment. "MmHmm! Singing is great! It allows everyone to share their feelings with one another!" She spun around in place on the sand, before looking over towards Shoolurel and Anna. Raising her spare hand to shield her eyes. "Hey so, should one of us go help her?" She waved slightly, at the elemental, currently struggling with the enigma that was her swim wear.

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

Anna was still acting strangely, despite the lack of fever and her apparently returning energy. She was moving fast between Tsuifan and Shoolurel, as if determined to resolve everyone's issues and generally be there for everyone at once. Her devotion to this job really was something else. Though it was strange to see how calmly Anna reacted to Shoolurel's very strange attempts at communication. Using the orb as an apparent translator, she named her swimsuit as "Jewelry?" Which of course, Tsuifan first assumed was some type of error in the translation. At least, until she began to tie that bikini bottom around her neck.....

Tsuifan practically fell over at the sight. And she might have then hopped over to help out, but with Anna around it seemed like the semi-nudist was already in good hands. Not so certain was the fate of the mer-girl, however, with the dangerous company that she seemed to so enjoy. So Tsuifan hurried over to the bar.

The trademarked Tsui-pan love sign was returned; this really was a true fan! Tsuifan giggled a light "Wuhuhu!" at the way Fae struggled to pull it off. Clearly this cutie was a little too flustered by the Tsuifan Hurin's presence for her fingers not to fumble. Rather than correct her fan's fumbling form, of course, the longtime celebrity Tsuifan kept her at ease with a charming smile and a double-pat on the arm. She didn't even consider that those pats might be too presuming, though she hoped the physical contact wouldn't overexcite her dear fan...

The magical shapeshifter was understandably a little put out, when warned to be cautious of her mechanical friends. Still Tsuifan insisted "they act like adorable dummies now. But with one flip of a switch, those dummies can cause some me, I've seen it before." The more immediate problem, of course, was the potentially demonic bombshell hanging around the corner. And fast approaching them...with a hushed warning about her, Tsuifan hoped that her precious fan would have the good sense to stay wary. And that hope would be immediately dashed, as Fae so carelessly blurted her response. "so avoid people with red eyes huh!" Fae much-too-loudly exclaimed, just as Elune came back to their table. Whether or not Elune was actually paying attention to those words (she really wasn't), one had to assume she would've heard that...

"Grk-! ...Errrrr...I didn't mean that exactly..." Tsuifan awkwardly scratched her cheek, avoiding eye contact with both Fae and Elune. "I've just heard some rumors that demons have bright red eyes. Eyes just like yours, Miss...Elune, you said?" Of course, it would be rude not to introduce herself at that point. Or not to look Elune in the eye, which Tsuifan eventually found the bravery to do. "Call me Tsuifan. And I really wasn't saying that to scare her away from From anyone with red eyes, I mean. Even if you are a demon, wuheh, it's not like that's the same as saying you're a monster. Right? I mean, sure, a lot of demons are obviously doing horrible stuff. But I know at least a few of them stay on the right side of the law...and the truth is, I actually came to Auralis just so I'd have a chance to challenge one." It was true, though since that time Tsuifan had been taught some humility by her Mistress. She knew, thanks to Mistress Serpis, that she wasn't remotely ready for a contest with a least, not before she began her training. Now she felt like she could take on a whole army of demons! And she might've been closer than she thought to her chance, at least to challenge one particular demon. If not in the way she was imagining.

"Did you say 'singing?' Singing to share your feelings, like in...!!" Just like in Tsui-pan's Pandamonium Hour! Season 3, episode 29: "Do-Over With Emotion!" After being poisoned by the seven dischordal bamboos, Tsui-pan and her Pandamonium Pals had no choice but to sing through the whole episode! I really acted my heart out for that one. Still makes me cry to think back on some of those songs! As Tsuifan suspected, her fan was truly a woman of culture. Someone who appreciated the message she was trying to send, in that most experimental of episodes!

"Wuhuhuh! Singing is the language of the heart, isn't it?" While Tsuifan  proudly nodded and reminisced about her puppet show, Fae noticed that Shoolurel was still struggling with that bikini bottom. At least with Anna's help, she almost had it in the right place...much too polite to keep staring at Shoolurel, however (or any woman in the process of getting dressed), Tsuifan once again scratched at her cheek and looked away from that scene. With a slight tinge of red showing up on her cheeks, even the one not being repeatedly scratched. "I think that Anna's got it covered, she should be the two of you aren't friends? I thought I saw you waving to each other out by the water. Which reminds me, how did you change your whole body like that? Is it some kind of spell? Or one of those hidden chakra type deals?" As a martial artist, Tsuifan had met her fair share of experts on manipulating the human body's hidden energies. Not that any approach to it ever made much sense to Tsuifan; as a fighter who relied on her good old-fashioned muscles and instincts. But if moving your Qi or whatever could change a person's whole body shape, then maybe that would be worth looking more into...

Mysterious Island- Beach
Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

Shoolurel had no private areas... the closest the translator could come up with in context were 'vulnerable spots'.... but there was no way the jewelry provided could cover all of those.  They obviously weren't meant for that!  Her orb was now floating in a saucer of ice, shaped to its contours, while both her hands busied themselves with the awkward jewelry.  "Heh." "Yes." the two voices said simply while being rather distracted with the current puzzle.

With the jewelry a chaotic mess about her, she gladly let Anna help her.  "Hoon'ubad, Anna."  "Thanks, Anna." the voices intoned as Shoolurel raised her arms above her head, her hair gathered up in them to give the girl better access to her neck and underarms.  She stood mostly still, beyond her head turning and tilting curiously as she watched Anna work. 

Once Anna had seemed to stop working with both bits of cloth, Shoolurel repeated, "Hoon'ubad."  "Thanks."  Her curious gaze remained on the... flimsy protective coatings?  That is what they looked like now.  She pressed into the widest parts of cloth experimentally, first both hands pointing into her breasts and then her right index finger pressing into her crotch as she leaned forward to observe.  She watched the cloth dimple but not be pierced as she pressed deeply against the outer film that lay beneath.  Hmm, they would provide some minimal protection while she couldn't generate her own protective coating.  What a strange realm.

With that seemingly taken care of, she glanced around the area to reassess where everyone was and if anyone else had shown up.  It looked as if everyone except Anna and the automata had gathered together a bit of a ways away.  She was still curious about the pink lady that had moved so elegantly in the water, even if she wasn't an elemental.  Turning towards Anne, she gave a grateful bow before leaving the girl to her work and curiously gravitating towards the little group.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2022, 08:44:43 PM by Sashanna »

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Spoiler for Vayelia Fells:

Vayelia Fells
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Morgan Garcia

"I'm Vayelia Fells." Vayelia took Morgan's hand and helped her down from her perch, she hoped that the woman knew nothing about her Dominion ties, because she just wanted to get off the island and get back to the base before Rhys tried to hunt her down and do something worse to her. Then again, being able to think clearly was a bonus itself. As cautious as Morgan was being, Vayelia was in a similar boat, but at least she seemed to find someone that was friendly? "I think you're right, also I think we should stay away from anyone that's been here for a few days, if people are being manipulated the longer they've been here it's more likely that they've been compromised. Although, I don't know how our kidnappers work. They let us keep our weapons..." Vayelia pointed at the sword at her side.

"I'll let you lead the way. That way if you spot anything you can warn me ahead of time, plus I really just don't want to walk into a trap at this point, who knows what's out here." If Vayelia was truly taking Morgan into a trap, she just gave up her advantage by letting Morgan dictate where they went. If Morgan peered out ahead carefully, she'd notice something glowing in the distance...

Morgan Garcia
Palm Tree Grove
Tagging: Vayelia Fells

When Vayelia pointed to her sword, Morgan absently patted her own left pocket.  "Yes, it is strange they left us with any form of defenses unless they don't expect us to be able to do anything against them."  She shivered, 'That's -not- an encouraging thought.  Perhaps they are just too cocky for their own good?  Or perhaps fighting isn't how one will solve this problem? Hmmm....'

"Or at least they don't think our weapons will help and may even distract us from the proper solution?" the Doctor pondered aloud.  When the other woman suggested following behind, Morgan tensed.  It would be hard to lead her into a trap, but it would be easier to attack her from behind... and her lower back was exposed in this outfit!  She twitched uncomfortably but surveyed the area to try and consider their path.  The glow was far away and obscured by all the dense foliage, but she did a double-take on her second sweep of their surroundings as the light caught her eye.

Pointing towards it, she asked Vayelia, "Do you know anything about that light?"  Taking out an autosyringe from her pocket and resting it against her own arm, she continued, "It could be potentially dangerous but informative.  I suggest we approach it from the side and try and examine it without drawing attention to ourselves.  How are you at avoiding predators or enemies?  I can move undetected by most, but I'll need to change to do it."  And she was so ready to change.  This outfit was becoming unbearable with someone else, anyone else around... even with the alien urges to want to stay this way dulling her normal panic.

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Eleanor Lagan
Beach->Jungle Path
Tag: Aislinn (Youkai)

Fortunate for Eleanor that she’d made that little slip. If she’s known Aislinn’s thought process, she would’ve found the deterrent satisfying. A simple heirarchy of power. Aislinn’s aura was not entirely surprising, though Eleanor had to appreciate the other woman’s restraint. Still, it brought up further questions… It clearly wasn’t weak-minded civilians here. Who was kidnapping so many combatants in the conflict?

“Not much to show...” She replied nervously, hunching over further. Really, she just didn’t like attention, especially not lustful attention. Adding in sexual vulnerability with an already-uncomfortable situation was not something she was ready for. “If you’re conjuring… A baggy t-shirt and shorts would be nice. That’s still beach attire, right?” She chuckled weakly. Eleanor could do it herself with the right ritual implements, but there was neither the time nor the equipment to compensate for her magical deficit.

Reaching the jungle path was another moment of relief for Eleanor. Far fewer people, fewer leering eyes. She was used to a more northern, coniferous forests, but the smell of wet soil and pollen over sun-baked sand was still comforting. Like a hike back at home. For the first time, she felt a hint of temptation to slow down and enjoy the island, to breathe in the scents and get lost in these warm leaves… She kept walking briskly along the path, trying to stay focused.

Eleanor started peering in the direction Aislinn indicated, searching for what she sensed. Again, something prickled up in her… A sudden sensation of discomfort. She ran back to her lessons with Vee, alert for mental intrusions. As Aislinn started to run off, Eleanor’s hand shot out—surprisingly quickly. She grabbed the mage’s arm, digging her nails in if it proved necessary. “Don’t be reckless. You said this place is fucking with our heads. It could just as easily be a trap.” The sudden assertive outburst was a shock to Aislinn after being so meek. Her new partner was a strange person to say the least… though at least she had her compulsions stored away for now.

Still, Eleanor couldn’t deny the curiosity. With caution properly established, she’d pick her way toward the signature with an eye for both supernatural tricks and more banal woodland snares. “Honestly… You’ve been drinking. In this situation. Isn’t that cause enough for concern already?”

Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Eleanor Lagan

"I could yes, hold on." Aislinn conjured up what Eleanor requested without much effort, smirking a little as she did, once she produced the baggy t-shirt and shorts though Eleanor would feel something tug at her mind. It certainly wasn't Aislinn as she was offering the clothes willingly. No, something was telling her that covering up was wrong and showing off was a much better decision for her self-confidence, she deserved to enjoy her vacation and show off a little. "Is... something wrong?" Aislinn tilted her head a little in confusion at the pause. Regardless of whether or not Eleanor resisted or followed the compulsion, Aislinn would try to move towards the signature shortly after only to be stopped...

Aislinn's eyes went wide when Eleanor shot her hand out and grabbed her, she stopped when told to and listened to the woman out of sheer shock. The points she made were indeed pretty smart and left her a bit speechless. "That's true, I just thought with the two of us we'd be able to handle it." Aislinn blushed when Eleanor stated she was drinking and tapped her fingers to her chin as she thought about it. "A little fruit cocktail isn't going to kill me, and I didn't feel anything weird drinking one, but you're right. Let's refrain from drinking anything else on the island. Let's proceed carefully..."" Aislinn found herself following Eleanor instead, trying to show she was willing to listen to the woman and be more cautious in their approach. Aislinn's goal was to get off the island, not piss off the only person she trusted at this point, brainwashing her could come second once she found a weakness in the armor other than meekness...

There would be a large crashing sound that both women would hear, and Aislinn would look at Eleanor with wide eyes, she took a step towards the sound carefully and looked at her companion to see if she wanted to investigate it...

The Mysterious Jungle
Tag: Open Sesame

Nathaniel did not like this one bit.

Being at one moment preparing his counter-offensive of the human's entrenched forward encampment and the next moment hurtling toward the ground, taking branches and leaves with him before he cratered face first into a small pool of water wasn't the problem. He'd been through stranger situations before and he would go through them again. It wasn't even his attire, though his sleeveless leotard was definitely clashing with the blue flame pattern swim trunks he found himself in now; an article of clothing he definitively did not own. No, the problem lay in the air. It was thick and humid like one would expect from a jungle, but the prince's more finely tuned senses were picking up on the undeniable sensation of magic in the air. Not only that, he could practically feel what passed for his blood boiling in his veins, warning him of danger.

His fall had caused some minor scrapes to his body, which he allowed to heal before he slowing climbed to his feet. Nathaniel peered back up at the clear hole he'd left in the roof of the canopy, cricking his neck and cracking his knuckles as he took stock of his body. Everything felt intact, no sign of drugs or possession, and he couldn't smell the typical scent of ozone which accompanied powerful teleportation magic. If there had been anyone in his general vicinity, there's no way they didn't hear his rapid descent to the jungle floor. There were still various birds cawing and flapping away from the area. He turned his gaze away from the treetops and back to the area around him, his analytical eyes scanning as he turned in a full circle. It looked like a jungle, not that the prince was terribly familiar with jungles to begin with. Still, the environment was undeniably tropical, almost too serene.

Maybe I could afford to take a break, the war's been so tiring lately. Nathaniel frowned, one of his eyes twitching ever so slightly.

"Now I know something's wrong." The prince spoke aloud, as though no longer fully trusting in his internal thoughts. Nathaniel and "breaks" were not good friends. His body subsisted on corruption, fighting, and the occasional brownie if Kylana was making them. Taking breaks never entered into the picture, and he couldn't remember the last time he'd even considered the idea.

Now fully on guard, Nathaniel knelt down on one knee as he strained his senses, trying to pick out the sounds of human movement or signs of life in the dense jungle. He did not know what was going on but he also didn't want to wander aimlessly on his own. He might've typically been a lone wolf, but he knew better than to approach an unknown situation with the same bravado he took into battle.

Despite his bumpy arrival onto the island and the damage he had caused to to the canopy. Nathaniel's keen senses would kick in at this point and alert him to the two women coming towards him, and he'd have a chance to observe them before they noticed him too if he was careful about it. One of them was familiar, Eleanor, the other was a blue haired woman he had never seen before but there was corruption seeping off of her so it was likely that she was corrupted. He had to decide if he wanted to be found, or if he wanted to evade the two at this point. The magic in the air wasn't doing anything to Nathaniel yet, but it was undeniably powerful, the question was how powerful?

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Molly Wood
Tagging: Yasu Shibuya

Molly nodded, following Yasu over to the bar, sitting down herself, keeping her batons close by just in case. Drumming the table with them slightly. Thankful for the shade, the water was tempting, but, similar to Yasu, she didn't trust it enough to actually drink it. Hopefully it wouldn't end up being something they needed to do. Putting aside any ideas on how long they might be stuck no the island for, she returned her attention to the area around her. Trying to crane her neck round, see if she could get a glimpse into the building's inners. Nodding in confirmation at Yasu's command, scanning the area before pausing. She'd seen the white haired... Taegan?!

She knew her mainly through reputation, seeing her whilst she had been training, but the point remained, it was another paladin, who looked out of place. And she was going inside...

She could probably handle herself and if she did so, it would solve the mystery of what was going on inside the building, with less risk to herself and Yasu. But the thought of leaving another paladin to fend for herself left a sour taste in her mouth. It wouldn't be fair, especially if it was something Taegan couldn't handle. Molly jumped off her seat, holding up a finger to Yasu to ask for a minute, should the ninja turn her attention over to Molly and quickly made her way towards Taegen. Calling out to her as she did so. "You really know how to accessorise! But isn't it heavy for a tropical get away?" She was trying not to be too obvious, in case anyone, or anything was watching. Praying that Taegan would recognise her from seeing her at training sometime. The one advantage of having two batons now though, instead of the one sword, was that she could position them at right angles. Almost idly making a "T" with them. Adjusting one of the flowers that her outfit change had left her with. Casually moving it so a ribbon would fall around the batons. It wasn't perfect, but she hoped that if Taegan didn't recognise her, she'd at least pick up on the approximation of a Chained Cross symbol.

Yasu Shibuya
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Molly Wood

Yasu tilted her head at Molly but remained quiet as the woman tried to get Taegan's attention, it was only from Yasu observing Molly that she realized what was going on and smiled, waving at the other Paladin. Taegan blinked a little as Molly spoke aloud and made her symbol with her batons and ribbons, in truth the woman didn't need that to recognize Molly but it was a nice gesture. "Excuse me, I changed my mind I'm not going in yet." Taegan said to the bouncer, changing her mind and walking over to Molly and Yasu. Once she approached the two she just stared at Molly and ignored Yasu for the time being.

"Molly? What are you doing here? Did you wake up here too? And who's your friend?" Taegan looked at Yasu with a tilt of her head, as if she should've seen her before. "Well, don't stop while you're ahead Molly, introduce us." Yasu said as she gave Taegan a similar observing look, plus she was teasing Molly a little by making her do all the work. "You're attractive." Taegan said bluntly. "And you're strong." Yasu concluded.

Both looked at Molly.

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Chloe Von, Experiment XII (Pyro)
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Anyone

The Heroine was soon surprised to feel someone working on her restraints not long after she settled. ‘I didn’t detect her…’ Chloe mused, used to hearing an approaching mind long before it could make connect with her body. “Mmm~” Chloe moaned, her golden eyes falling to a close upon feeling the silver haired woman whisper softly in a sultry and seductive voice. The Heroine’s entire form still extremely sensitive after her years of captivity.

‘No!’ Chloe told herself, not allowing herself to be carried away by the waves of pleasure that followed. The Heroine couldn’t help but grin upon hearing the ‘chink’ of her belt buckles when the silver-haired woman succeeded at undoing them. Chloe then kindly shook her head at her rescuer after turning her head back at the neck. “Err, thank you.” She stated, testing the mobility of her ligaments after having her arms freed. “D-Don’t worry about it…” Chloe declared, waiting to see if the silver-haired woman would comply and stop or continue to test the straight-jacket that almost seemed to have fused with her flesh. “It won’t budge unless I get into a certain posture and even then, it comes back...” She explained, turning away from the kind silver-haired woman. “Much like the belts, they’ll probably refasten themselves after about an hour.” Chloe added scornfully, apparently having gone through this a number of times?

“Anyways I appreciate the effort, and my name is Chloe!” she added, again turning back towards the silver-haired woman with a slight flush to her cheeks. “I-I don’t suppose you’d be willing to put some sunscreen upon my legs given my situation?” she requested, still smiling kindly. The Heroine knowing that while she could free her arms entirely by drawing them back at her shoulder this’d be a much better way to grow closer….

Caitlyn Labelle
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Chloe

"I see, so magical bindings then? You say they come back no matter what." Caitlyn asked earnestly, it was a shame because she had a feeling Chloe would be fun to fool around with if she could get her hooks into her. Either way, Caitlyn did her best and unbound what parts of Chloe she could before taking a step back to listen to the girl. "I suppose I can do that much, it's a shame that you're so tied up. Go ahead and lay on your stomach, I'll get started." Caitlyn sighed and shook her head at Chloe's state, there didn't seem to be anything she could do so it seemed they were down to small favors. Caitlyn would get down on her knees and squirt some sunscreen in her hands and start applying it to Chloe's legs.

Chloe would feel her mind soften as Caitlyn applied the sunscreen, it really felt relaxing to enjoy the beach and enjoy the attention that she was getting. All she had to do was lay there, close her eyes, relax, and indulge in all the beach had to offer. There wasn't anymore stress, just a nice long vacation that she could indulge in. Caitlyn kept applying it slowly, seemingly unaware of how her actions were currently influencing Chloe's brain...

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Spoiler for Fae:

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

She blinked rapidly. She hadn't expected Elune to move with such speed. Returning quickly with an ice cream sundae. On the one hand, it was probably similar to the drink in that it would try to affect her. On the other hand. Ice cream sundae. She hadn't had one before. Maybe she should try and find one in Auralis sometime. Humming a little tune to herself as she pondered the, cool, sweet thing now in her hands. Teasing at it with the spoon before deciding to give it a go. If it was a trap, she'd spring it. If it wasn't? Well hopefully it would taste as good as it looked! She smiled cutely. But on the inside she was looking at Elune curiously, humans trying to get demons all alone, were definitely up to-

She was thrown off by another human bounding over. Doing a the double-P heart signtm If took her back for the moment, before giving a reply cutesy reply heart sign of her own. It wasn't, quite the same as Tsuifan's. But it was brimming with love! The energy was infectious as well. And unlike Elune, or most of the people she'd run into in Auralis, she didn't seem to be overly lusty, or out for herself. Seemingly just... nice? But the human was showing her colours as well! Pulling Fae in, whispering in her ear and!


Ok humans trying to get demons all alone, were probably up to something. She hummed and took a spoonful of ice cream sundae, tapping the spoon against her face afterwards. "But they're lovely!" That reminded her, she hadn't seen the inventor for quite a while. Maybe she should go check up on him at some point... She nearly laughed at the second bit of advice. There was a human hanging out with a demon, but Tsuifan had them the wrong way round! She managed to avoid laughing, instead shooting the earnest human another cutesy look. "Thank you! I'll be careful!" Honestly, with how she was, how could Fae not be touched by the concern displayed towards her. "So avoid people with red eyes huh!" She nodded and straightened up again. Nodding at Elune's comment. "MmHmm! Singing is great! It allows everyone to share their feelings with one another!" She spun around in place on the sand, before looking over towards Shoolurel and Anna. Raising her spare hand to shield her eyes. "Hey so, should one of us go help her?" She waved slightly, at the elemental, currently struggling with the enigma that was her swim wear.
Spoiler for Tsuifan:

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

Anna was still acting strangely, despite the lack of fever and her apparently returning energy. She was moving fast between Tsuifan and Shoolurel, as if determined to resolve everyone's issues and generally be there for everyone at once. Her devotion to this job really was something else. Though it was strange to see how calmly Anna reacted to Shoolurel's very strange attempts at communication. Using the orb as an apparent translator, she named her swimsuit as "Jewelry?" Which of course, Tsuifan first assumed was some type of error in the translation. At least, until she began to tie that bikini bottom around her neck.....

Tsuifan practically fell over at the sight. And she might have then hopped over to help out, but with Anna around it seemed like the semi-nudist was already in good hands. Not so certain was the fate of the mer-girl, however, with the dangerous company that she seemed to so enjoy. So Tsuifan hurried over to the bar.

The trademarked Tsui-pan love sign was returned; this really was a true fan! Tsuifan giggled a light "Wuhuhu!" at the way Fae struggled to pull it off. Clearly this cutie was a little too flustered by the Tsuifan Hurin's presence for her fingers not to fumble. Rather than correct her fan's fumbling form, of course, the longtime celebrity Tsuifan kept her at ease with a charming smile and a double-pat on the arm. She didn't even consider that those pats might be too presuming, though she hoped the physical contact wouldn't overexcite her dear fan...

The magical shapeshifter was understandably a little put out, when warned to be cautious of her mechanical friends. Still Tsuifan insisted "they act like adorable dummies now. But with one flip of a switch, those dummies can cause some me, I've seen it before." The more immediate problem, of course, was the potentially demonic bombshell hanging around the corner. And fast approaching them...with a hushed warning about her, Tsuifan hoped that her precious fan would have the good sense to stay wary. And that hope would be immediately dashed, as Fae so carelessly blurted her response. "so avoid people with red eyes huh!" Fae much-too-loudly exclaimed, just as Elune came back to their table. Whether or not Elune was actually paying attention to those words (she really wasn't), one had to assume she would've heard that...

"Grk-! ...Errrrr...I didn't mean that exactly..." Tsuifan awkwardly scratched her cheek, avoiding eye contact with both Fae and Elune. "I've just heard some rumors that demons have bright red eyes. Eyes just like yours, Miss...Elune, you said?" Of course, it would be rude not to introduce herself at that point. Or not to look Elune in the eye, which Tsuifan eventually found the bravery to do. "Call me Tsuifan. And I really wasn't saying that to scare her away from From anyone with red eyes, I mean. Even if you are a demon, wuheh, it's not like that's the same as saying you're a monster. Right? I mean, sure, a lot of demons are obviously doing horrible stuff. But I know at least a few of them stay on the right side of the law...and the truth is, I actually came to Auralis just so I'd have a chance to challenge one." It was true, though since that time Tsuifan had been taught some humility by her Mistress. She knew, thanks to Mistress Serpis, that she wasn't remotely ready for a contest with a least, not before she began her training. Now she felt like she could take on a whole army of demons! And she might've been closer than she thought to her chance, at least to challenge one particular demon. If not in the way she was imagining.

"Did you say 'singing?' Singing to share your feelings, like in...!!" Just like in Tsui-pan's Pandamonium Hour! Season 3, episode 29: "Do-Over With Emotion!" After being poisoned by the seven dischordal bamboos, Tsui-pan and her Pandamonium Pals had no choice but to sing through the whole episode! I really acted my heart out for that one. Still makes me cry to think back on some of those songs! As Tsuifan suspected, her fan was truly a woman of culture. Someone who appreciated the message she was trying to send, in that most experimental of episodes!

"Wuhuhuh! Singing is the language of the heart, isn't it?" While Tsuifan  proudly nodded and reminisced about her puppet show, Fae noticed that Shoolurel was still struggling with that bikini bottom. At least with Anna's help, she almost had it in the right place...much too polite to keep staring at Shoolurel, however (or any woman in the process of getting dressed), Tsuifan once again scratched at her cheek and looked away from that scene. With a slight tinge of red showing up on her cheeks, even the one not being repeatedly scratched. "I think that Anna's got it covered, she should be the two of you aren't friends? I thought I saw you waving to each other out by the water. Which reminds me, how did you change your whole body like that? Is it some kind of spell? Or one of those hidden chakra type deals?" As a martial artist, Tsuifan had met her fair share of experts on manipulating the human body's hidden energies. Not that any approach to it ever made much sense to Tsuifan; as a fighter who relied on her good old-fashioned muscles and instincts. But if moving your Qi or whatever could change a person's whole body shape, then maybe that would be worth looking more into...
Spoiler for Shoolurel:

Mysterious Island- Beach
Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

Shoolurel had no private areas... the closest the translator could come up with in context were 'vulnerable spots'.... but there was no way the jewelry provided could cover all of those.  They obviously weren't meant for that!  Her orb was now floating in a saucer of ice, shaped to its contours, while both her hands busied themselves with the awkward jewelry.  "Heh." "Yes." the two voices said simply while being rather distracted with the current puzzle.

With the jewelry a chaotic mess about her, she gladly let Anna help her.  "Hoon'ubad, Anna."  "Thanks, Anna." the voices intoned as Shoolurel raised her arms above her head, her hair gathered up in them to give the girl better access to her neck and underarms.  She stood mostly still, beyond her head turning and tilting curiously as she watched Anna work. 

Once Anna had seemed to stop working with both bits of cloth, Shoolurel repeated, "Hoon'ubad."  "Thanks."  Her curious gaze remained on the... flimsy protective coatings?  That is what they looked like now.  She pressed into the widest parts of cloth experimentally, first both hands pointing into her breasts and then her right index finger pressing into her crotch as she leaned forward to observe.  She watched the cloth dimple but not be pierced as she pressed deeply against the outer film that lay beneath.  Hmm, they would provide some minimal protection while she couldn't generate her own protective coating.  What a strange realm.

With that seemingly taken care of, she glanced around the area to reassess where everyone was and if anyone else had shown up.  It looked as if everyone except Anna and the automata had gathered together a bit of a ways away.  She was still curious about the pink lady that had moved so elegantly in the water, even if she wasn't an elemental.  Turning towards Anne, she gave a grateful bow before leaving the girl to her work and curiously gravitating towards the little group.

Elune Farah and Anna Cochran
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

Of course, the sundae tasted great, and as Fae dug into it she would feel her mind numb pleasantly, that invitation to be alone with Elune sounded so much better now, in fact being private and intimate with others sounded like such a good idea. The more of the sundae that Fae ate, the softer her mind got and the hotter her pussy got. It was a pleasant feeling, no reason to worry about it, just enjoy her vacation and enjoy whatever she liked as long as she was here. Elune smirked at Fae and asked the obvious question. "How is it? I think it's a good way to cool off in this weather and relax." Elune then turned her attention to Tsuifan, she thought she was making some decent progress with Fae right now so now she had another 'target' in mind.

Anna in the meantime gave a bow towards Shoolurel, not at all concerned about keeping her there. "That looks much better, now keep wearing it like that and you'll be just fine. You can run along now, just make sure you enjoy yourself on the beach and don't cause problems. I'll be watching." Anna said as she flipped her sunglasses on and went back to her perch, leaving Shoolurel to head towards the group unabated. Anna only jumped into action when trouble may brew, and as far as she was concerned there wasn't any trouble happening at all even with some corrupted individuals within sprinting distance. The woman got comfortable in her seat and smiled as she looked over the beach, everything was going back to normal and that made her feel so much better...

With the group, Elune just laughed at Tsuifan before giving her reply. "Hmm, I'm not a demon though, I'm a magical girl. I was just corrupted in the past, so maybe I'm dangerous? But all I want to do is relax and have some fun here, Tsuifan. We're on vacation so why waste it?" Elune said honestly with a shrug, not taking offense to anything the other woman said. At the mention of Tsuifan also enjoying singing, Elune's lips curled into a sly smirk, she caught two of them with one net and that made her feel even better about her chances of getting at least one of them all to herself. Elune shifted her attention to Fae with a smile as Tsuifan asked her question. "I guess you could call us friends now that we've met. Fast friends! But yeah how did you transform like that, it was cool!"

At this point, Elune saw Shoolurel and started to wave her over! With her swimsuit on it was safe to look at her now.


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