Author Topic: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2022 Beach Episode: The Mysterious Island  (Read 16642 times)

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Morgan Garcia
Palm Tree Grove
Tagging: Vayelia Fells

When Vayelia pointed to her sword, Morgan absently patted her own left pocket.  "Yes, it is strange they left us with any form of defenses unless they don't expect us to be able to do anything against them."  She shivered, 'That's -not- an encouraging thought.  Perhaps they are just too cocky for their own good?  Or perhaps fighting isn't how one will solve this problem? Hmmm....'

"Or at least they don't think our weapons will help and may even distract us from the proper solution?" the Doctor pondered aloud.  When the other woman suggested following behind, Morgan tensed.  It would be hard to lead her into a trap, but it would be easier to attack her from behind... and her lower back was exposed in this outfit!  She twitched uncomfortably but surveyed the area to try and consider their path.  The glow was far away and obscured by all the dense foliage, but she did a double-take on her second sweep of their surroundings as the light caught her eye.

Pointing towards it, she asked Vayelia, "Do you know anything about that light?"  Taking out an autosyringe from her pocket and resting it against her own arm, she continued, "It could be potentially dangerous but informative.  I suggest we approach it from the side and try and examine it without drawing attention to ourselves.  How are you at avoiding predators or enemies?  I can move undetected by most, but I'll need to change to do it."  And she was so ready to change.  This outfit was becoming unbearable with someone else, anyone else around... even with the alien urges to want to stay this way dulling her normal panic.

Vayelia Fells
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Morgan Garcia

Vayelia didn't know what to make of them having their weapons, but having them put her at some ease because she could protect herself at least. "Either way, we should be on guard and make sure that we don't get surprised by anything. I can't imagine we'll be alone in trying to get off of this place, we may find some others if we're lucky." Yet another strange remark, if Vayelia wanted to surprise Morgan then she just gave that up too since she told Morgan to be on guard. Perhaps the girl really was on her side? "Hmm? What light?" Vayelia looked in the direction that Morgan pointed, squinting, and then narrowing her eyes at the location. "Yeah, I see that, no clue what it does though. Do you want us to approach it from the same side or one on the left and one on the right?" Vayelia tilted her head...

"I haven't seen any predators, and nobody has attacked me, but if they did I'd have my sword with me. Anyway if you're going to change..." Vayelia waved her sword in front of Morgan's vision, the woman turned her back to Morgan to give her privacy, since she could tell the woman was tense. Dominion instincts screamed at her to take advantage but really her main goal was to get out of here, not turn people into her toys.

Vayelia would give Morgan as long as she needed to get ready.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2022, 04:19:29 AM by Youkai »

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Spoiler for Vayelia Fells:

Vayelia Fells
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Morgan Garcia

Vayelia didn't know what to make of them having their weapons, but having them put her at some ease because she could protect herself at least. "Either way, we should be on guard and make sure that we don't get surprised by anything. I can't imagine we'll be alone in trying to get off of this place, we may find some others if we're lucky." Yet another strange remark, if Vayelia wanted to surprise Morgan then she just gave that up too since she told Morgan to be on guard. Perhaps the girl really was on her side? "Hmm? What light?" Vayelia looked in the direction that Morgan pointed, squinting, and then narrowing her eyes at the location. "Yeah, I see that, no clue what it does though. Do you want us to approach it from the same side or one on the left and one on the right?" Vayelia tilted her head...

"I haven't seen any predators, and nobody has attacked me, but if they did I'd have my sword with me. Anyway if you're going to change..." Vayelia waved her sword in front of Morgan's vision, the woman turned her back to Morgan to give her privacy, since she could tell the woman was tense. Dominion instincts screamed at her to take advantage but really her main goal was to get out of here, not turn people into her toys.

Vayelia would give Morgan as long as she needed to get ready.

Morgan Garcia
Palm Tree Grove
Tagging: Vayelia Fells

"Hmm, it depends.  How stealthy do you think you are?  It might be better for you to hang back if you think you will be easily detected.  Otherwise, we could try flanking it from both sides, unless you think it might entrance us.  Then, having someone to break the trance if one of us gets caught may be safer..." Glancing at the light warily, Morgan nodded, "Perhaps you should stick close.  I'll only scout a little ways ahead if you think you'll have stealth issues.  That way you can easily get to me if things go south."

When Vayelia turned away from her, Morgan chuckled, "I appreciate the gesture.  I am a private person. but this, this particular change is something I am not bothered if you observe.  In fact, I encourage you to watch.  It might tempt you to try my products some time."  The Doctor double-checked that it was the right autosyringe, the larger one filled with the publicly tested version of her work.  It took too long for use in battle, but the transformation lasted longer.  The latest version could last a couple hours if one didn't overexert oneself, and she always had the latest version.

Stabbing herself, there was a hiss from the autoinjector and a pleased sigh from the Doctor.  Her grin grew as her hips widened, straining against the summer outfit but not bursting it.  Scales began to slowly form on her body and she arched her back as her spine began to lengthen, the nascent tail emerging and growing outward as the minutes passed.  Unlike the rapid battle transformation, this was a far from painful experience.  Knowing what she was becoming, a beautiful genetic mix that she was ever improving upon, the transformation felt even euphoric to her.   Her mind grew calmer, her body curvier yet more agile; her body temperature lowered.

As the transformation continued, her scales and skin began to mimic the hues of the jungle around her, making her fade into the background if one wasn't watching her carefully.  Only her clothes and glasses helped to give her away, but even then, one could easily miss them amongst the foliage.  Her eyes turned green and slitted, and if one looked carefully, one might notice a clear membrane that blinked sideways across the eyes that would let her see more easily underwater.  As the transformation neared its conclusion, her tail had become long and thick, and her hair had lengthened, also mimicking the hues of the jungle.  Grinning cockily, Morgan began braiding her hair.  When she had nearly finished the braid, a deeper, more feral-sounding voice came from her, "Ssssso, much better!  Now, I am ready for this.  Are you, Vayelia?"

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Spoiler for Tsuifan:

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

Anna was still acting strangely, despite the lack of fever and her apparently returning energy. She was moving fast between Tsuifan and Shoolurel, as if determined to resolve everyone's issues and generally be there for everyone at once. Her devotion to this job really was something else. Though it was strange to see how calmly Anna reacted to Shoolurel's very strange attempts at communication. Using the orb as an apparent translator, she named her swimsuit as "Jewelry?" Which of course, Tsuifan first assumed was some type of error in the translation. At least, until she began to tie that bikini bottom around her neck.....

Tsuifan practically fell over at the sight. And she might have then hopped over to help out, but with Anna around it seemed like the semi-nudist was already in good hands. Not so certain was the fate of the mer-girl, however, with the dangerous company that she seemed to so enjoy. So Tsuifan hurried over to the bar.

The trademarked Tsui-pan love sign was returned; this really was a true fan! Tsuifan giggled a light "Wuhuhu!" at the way Fae struggled to pull it off. Clearly this cutie was a little too flustered by the Tsuifan Hurin's presence for her fingers not to fumble. Rather than correct her fan's fumbling form, of course, the longtime celebrity Tsuifan kept her at ease with a charming smile and a double-pat on the arm. She didn't even consider that those pats might be too presuming, though she hoped the physical contact wouldn't overexcite her dear fan...

The magical shapeshifter was understandably a little put out, when warned to be cautious of her mechanical friends. Still Tsuifan insisted "they act like adorable dummies now. But with one flip of a switch, those dummies can cause some me, I've seen it before." The more immediate problem, of course, was the potentially demonic bombshell hanging around the corner. And fast approaching them...with a hushed warning about her, Tsuifan hoped that her precious fan would have the good sense to stay wary. And that hope would be immediately dashed, as Fae so carelessly blurted her response. "so avoid people with red eyes huh!" Fae much-too-loudly exclaimed, just as Elune came back to their table. Whether or not Elune was actually paying attention to those words (she really wasn't), one had to assume she would've heard that...

"Grk-! ...Errrrr...I didn't mean that exactly..." Tsuifan awkwardly scratched her cheek, avoiding eye contact with both Fae and Elune. "I've just heard some rumors that demons have bright red eyes. Eyes just like yours, Miss...Elune, you said?" Of course, it would be rude not to introduce herself at that point. Or not to look Elune in the eye, which Tsuifan eventually found the bravery to do. "Call me Tsuifan. And I really wasn't saying that to scare her away from From anyone with red eyes, I mean. Even if you are a demon, wuheh, it's not like that's the same as saying you're a monster. Right? I mean, sure, a lot of demons are obviously doing horrible stuff. But I know at least a few of them stay on the right side of the law...and the truth is, I actually came to Auralis just so I'd have a chance to challenge one." It was true, though since that time Tsuifan had been taught some humility by her Mistress. She knew, thanks to Mistress Serpis, that she wasn't remotely ready for a contest with a least, not before she began her training. Now she felt like she could take on a whole army of demons! And she might've been closer than she thought to her chance, at least to challenge one particular demon. If not in the way she was imagining.

"Did you say 'singing?' Singing to share your feelings, like in...!!" Just like in Tsui-pan's Pandamonium Hour! Season 3, episode 29: "Do-Over With Emotion!" After being poisoned by the seven dischordal bamboos, Tsui-pan and her Pandamonium Pals had no choice but to sing through the whole episode! I really acted my heart out for that one. Still makes me cry to think back on some of those songs! As Tsuifan suspected, her fan was truly a woman of culture. Someone who appreciated the message she was trying to send, in that most experimental of episodes!

"Wuhuhuh! Singing is the language of the heart, isn't it?" While Tsuifan  proudly nodded and reminisced about her puppet show, Fae noticed that Shoolurel was still struggling with that bikini bottom. At least with Anna's help, she almost had it in the right place...much too polite to keep staring at Shoolurel, however (or any woman in the process of getting dressed), Tsuifan once again scratched at her cheek and looked away from that scene. With a slight tinge of red showing up on her cheeks, even the one not being repeatedly scratched. "I think that Anna's got it covered, she should be the two of you aren't friends? I thought I saw you waving to each other out by the water. Which reminds me, how did you change your whole body like that? Is it some kind of spell? Or one of those hidden chakra type deals?" As a martial artist, Tsuifan had met her fair share of experts on manipulating the human body's hidden energies. Not that any approach to it ever made much sense to Tsuifan; as a fighter who relied on her good old-fashioned muscles and instincts. But if moving your Qi or whatever could change a person's whole body shape, then maybe that would be worth looking more into...
Spoiler for Shoolurel:

Mysterious Island- Beach
Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

Shoolurel had no private areas... the closest the translator could come up with in context were 'vulnerable spots'.... but there was no way the jewelry provided could cover all of those.  They obviously weren't meant for that!  Her orb was now floating in a saucer of ice, shaped to its contours, while both her hands busied themselves with the awkward jewelry.  "Heh." "Yes." the two voices said simply while being rather distracted with the current puzzle.

With the jewelry a chaotic mess about her, she gladly let Anna help her.  "Hoon'ubad, Anna."  "Thanks, Anna." the voices intoned as Shoolurel raised her arms above her head, her hair gathered up in them to give the girl better access to her neck and underarms.  She stood mostly still, beyond her head turning and tilting curiously as she watched Anna work. 

Once Anna had seemed to stop working with both bits of cloth, Shoolurel repeated, "Hoon'ubad."  "Thanks."  Her curious gaze remained on the... flimsy protective coatings?  That is what they looked like now.  She pressed into the widest parts of cloth experimentally, first both hands pointing into her breasts and then her right index finger pressing into her crotch as she leaned forward to observe.  She watched the cloth dimple but not be pierced as she pressed deeply against the outer film that lay beneath.  Hmm, they would provide some minimal protection while she couldn't generate her own protective coating.  What a strange realm.

With that seemingly taken care of, she glanced around the area to reassess where everyone was and if anyone else had shown up.  It looked as if everyone except Anna and the automata had gathered together a bit of a ways away.  She was still curious about the pink lady that had moved so elegantly in the water, even if she wasn't an elemental.  Turning towards Anne, she gave a grateful bow before leaving the girl to her work and curiously gravitating towards the little group.
Spoiler for For Elune & Anna:

Elune Farah and Anna Cochran
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

Of course, the sundae tasted great, and as Fae dug into it she would feel her mind numb pleasantly, that invitation to be alone with Elune sounded so much better now, in fact being private and intimate with others sounded like such a good idea. The more of the sundae that Fae ate, the softer her mind got and the hotter her pussy got. It was a pleasant feeling, no reason to worry about it, just enjoy her vacation and enjoy whatever she liked as long as she was here. Elune smirked at Fae and asked the obvious question. "How is it? I think it's a good way to cool off in this weather and relax." Elune then turned her attention to Tsuifan, she thought she was making some decent progress with Fae right now so now she had another 'target' in mind.

Anna in the meantime gave a bow towards Shoolurel, not at all concerned about keeping her there. "That looks much better, now keep wearing it like that and you'll be just fine. You can run along now, just make sure you enjoy yourself on the beach and don't cause problems. I'll be watching." Anna said as she flipped her sunglasses on and went back to her perch, leaving Shoolurel to head towards the group unabated. Anna only jumped into action when trouble may brew, and as far as she was concerned there wasn't any trouble happening at all even with some corrupted individuals within sprinting distance. The woman got comfortable in her seat and smiled as she looked over the beach, everything was going back to normal and that made her feel so much better...

With the group, Elune just laughed at Tsuifan before giving her reply. "Hmm, I'm not a demon though, I'm a magical girl. I was just corrupted in the past, so maybe I'm dangerous? But all I want to do is relax and have some fun here, Tsuifan. We're on vacation so why waste it?" Elune said honestly with a shrug, not taking offense to anything the other woman said. At the mention of Tsuifan also enjoying singing, Elune's lips curled into a sly smirk, she caught two of them with one net and that made her feel even better about her chances of getting at least one of them all to herself. Elune shifted her attention to Fae with a smile as Tsuifan asked her question. "I guess you could call us friends now that we've met. Fast friends! But yeah how did you transform like that, it was cool!"

At this point, Elune saw Shoolurel and started to wave her over! With her swimsuit on it was safe to look at her now.

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

The sundae was good. She'd have to find more when she was back in Auralis. Maybe ones... with less lustful thoughts inducing properties, but it tasted so good! The brain freeze was almost kind of pleasant in the sun as well. The invitation to be alone with Elune was seeming better, but honestly Fae was already pretty dubious about her to begin with. Tsuifan on the other hand? Well she seemed nice. "It's lovely!" Fae replied with, popping another spoon of frozen desert into her mouth. Humming to herself afterwards as Elune's attention moved from her back to the human. Letting her own energy counter what ever it was that was trying to get her to lower her guard. She was having a nice time, just could do without all the influences, but it was what it was.

She nodded along as Elune answered Tsuifan's question before smiling herself, leaning over to answer Tsuifan's questions herself. "Yup! Singing is totes the language of love! Not lust! The only Ba-bumps! should be of your heart! Not your bed frame!" She took another spoonful of sundae and leaned in towards Tsuifan more. "Only met her today! Seems a bit forward, but nice other then that! I wouldn't trust anything she offers you to eat though..." The spoon was still moving in the mermaids mouth as she talked, clearly not picking up on, or not bothered by, the hypocrisy in her statement. She stood back up again and looked between the two of them. "Transform! Oh, I've always been pink and adorable!" Fae nodded happily to herself. "But both the tides and music change, and it's a little difficult to live in a city when you're bright pink and often have a tail... So I learnt how to channel my music to make it more convenient away from the ocean!" She looked wistfully out at the beach again. "But it's been totes amazing to be back near water again!"

She hummed a little theme to herself again for a moment. "I mean it's a super cute theme though for an idol right! What else would I have been? A bunny idol?" Fae giggled to herself before she looked other, eyes wide and moving with surprising speed over the sand to the elemental again. "Heeeya! You got yourself sorted now? Can understand me now? How's it feel being out of the water, sucks doesn't it?" She pouted slightly. "Oh, and be careful about the food and drink here, it does some weird things to your body." One of the androids turned up, retrieving the sundae glass from Fae. Before she gasped. "Oh! I'm so sorry, I'm Fae! Nice to meet you again! What's your name?"

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Spoiler for Hidden:

Yasu Shibuya
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Molly Wood

Yasu tilted her head at Molly but remained quiet as the woman tried to get Taegan's attention, it was only from Yasu observing Molly that she realized what was going on and smiled, waving at the other Paladin. Taegan blinked a little as Molly spoke aloud and made her symbol with her batons and ribbons, in truth the woman didn't need that to recognize Molly but it was a nice gesture. "Excuse me, I changed my mind I'm not going in yet." Taegan said to the bouncer, changing her mind and walking over to Molly and Yasu. Once she approached the two she just stared at Molly and ignored Yasu for the time being.

"Molly? What are you doing here? Did you wake up here too? And who's your friend?" Taegan looked at Yasu with a tilt of her head, as if she should've seen her before. "Well, don't stop while you're ahead Molly, introduce us." Yasu said as she gave Taegan a similar observing look, plus she was teasing Molly a little by making her do all the work. "You're attractive." Taegan said bluntly. "And you're strong." Yasu concluded.

Both looked at Molly.

Molly Wood
Tagging: Yasu Shibuya

She was glad Taegan had recognised her. She hadn't been sure if she would, and she made a mental note to try and get some practice spars in once she was back in the city. Get to know more of the local Cross members. "Yea, I woke up here not too long ago, dressed like..." She shifted slightly uncomfortably. "Dressed like this, anyway, glad you at least seem to have been able to keep your weapon." She looked over at Yasu as the other paladin's attention shifted to her, seeing both of the other women observing each other carefully. "Oh, this is Yasu, from the Eternal Dragon Clan! We found each other nearer the beach. She's been transported here as well by something, or someone." She paused, Yasu had said not to introduce her as a Grandmaster so she'd left that bit out. well if Yasu wanted to correct her she could later. "Yasu, this is Taegan, she's another Paladin" She smiled. "A much more experienced then I am as well."

She turned back to address them both. "So we were trying to figure out what's happening to bring us all here" She flicked her eyes over to the bar. "We were cautious about entering the bar, seems like a good place for us to get trapped inside and, not trusting the food or drink on this island, probably not a place we need to go into." She paused and looked over at Taegan more. "Unless you had a plan there?"

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Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Shoolurel:

Mysterious Island- Beach
Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

Shoolurel had no private areas... the closest the translator could come up with in context were 'vulnerable spots'.... but there was no way the jewelry provided could cover all of those.  They obviously weren't meant for that!  Her orb was now floating in a saucer of ice, shaped to its contours, while both her hands busied themselves with the awkward jewelry.  "Heh." "Yes." the two voices said simply while being rather distracted with the current puzzle.

With the jewelry a chaotic mess about her, she gladly let Anna help her.  "Hoon'ubad, Anna."  "Thanks, Anna." the voices intoned as Shoolurel raised her arms above her head, her hair gathered up in them to give the girl better access to her neck and underarms.  She stood mostly still, beyond her head turning and tilting curiously as she watched Anna work. 

Once Anna had seemed to stop working with both bits of cloth, Shoolurel repeated, "Hoon'ubad."  "Thanks."  Her curious gaze remained on the... flimsy protective coatings?  That is what they looked like now.  She pressed into the widest parts of cloth experimentally, first both hands pointing into her breasts and then her right index finger pressing into her crotch as she leaned forward to observe.  She watched the cloth dimple but not be pierced as she pressed deeply against the outer film that lay beneath.  Hmm, they would provide some minimal protection while she couldn't generate her own protective coating.  What a strange realm.

With that seemingly taken care of, she glanced around the area to reassess where everyone was and if anyone else had shown up.  It looked as if everyone except Anna and the automata had gathered together a bit of a ways away.  She was still curious about the pink lady that had moved so elegantly in the water, even if she wasn't an elemental.  Turning towards Anne, she gave a grateful bow before leaving the girl to her work and curiously gravitating towards the little group.
Spoiler for For Elune & Anna:

Elune Farah and Anna Cochran
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

Of course, the sundae tasted great, and as Fae dug into it she would feel her mind numb pleasantly, that invitation to be alone with Elune sounded so much better now, in fact being private and intimate with others sounded like such a good idea. The more of the sundae that Fae ate, the softer her mind got and the hotter her pussy got. It was a pleasant feeling, no reason to worry about it, just enjoy her vacation and enjoy whatever she liked as long as she was here. Elune smirked at Fae and asked the obvious question. "How is it? I think it's a good way to cool off in this weather and relax." Elune then turned her attention to Tsuifan, she thought she was making some decent progress with Fae right now so now she had another 'target' in mind.

Anna in the meantime gave a bow towards Shoolurel, not at all concerned about keeping her there. "That looks much better, now keep wearing it like that and you'll be just fine. You can run along now, just make sure you enjoy yourself on the beach and don't cause problems. I'll be watching." Anna said as she flipped her sunglasses on and went back to her perch, leaving Shoolurel to head towards the group unabated. Anna only jumped into action when trouble may brew, and as far as she was concerned there wasn't any trouble happening at all even with some corrupted individuals within sprinting distance. The woman got comfortable in her seat and smiled as she looked over the beach, everything was going back to normal and that made her feel so much better...

With the group, Elune just laughed at Tsuifan before giving her reply. "Hmm, I'm not a demon though, I'm a magical girl. I was just corrupted in the past, so maybe I'm dangerous? But all I want to do is relax and have some fun here, Tsuifan. We're on vacation so why waste it?" Elune said honestly with a shrug, not taking offense to anything the other woman said. At the mention of Tsuifan also enjoying singing, Elune's lips curled into a sly smirk, she caught two of them with one net and that made her feel even better about her chances of getting at least one of them all to herself. Elune shifted her attention to Fae with a smile as Tsuifan asked her question. "I guess you could call us friends now that we've met. Fast friends! But yeah how did you transform like that, it was cool!"

At this point, Elune saw Shoolurel and started to wave her over! With her swimsuit on it was safe to look at her now.

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

The sundae was good. She'd have to find more when she was back in Auralis. Maybe ones... with less lustful thoughts inducing properties, but it tasted so good! The brain freeze was almost kind of pleasant in the sun as well. The invitation to be alone with Elune was seeming better, but honestly Fae was already pretty dubious about her to begin with. Tsuifan on the other hand? Well she seemed nice. "It's lovely!" Fae replied with, popping another spoon of frozen desert into her mouth. Humming to herself afterwards as Elune's attention moved from her back to the human. Letting her own energy counter what ever it was that was trying to get her to lower her guard. She was having a nice time, just could do without all the influences, but it was what it was.

She nodded along as Elune answered Tsuifan's question before smiling herself, leaning over to answer Tsuifan's questions herself. "Yup! Singing is totes the language of love! Not lust! The only Ba-bumps! should be of your heart! Not your bed frame!" She took another spoonful of sundae and leaned in towards Tsuifan more. "Only met her today! Seems a bit forward, but nice other then that! I wouldn't trust anything she offers you to eat though..." The spoon was still moving in the mermaids mouth as she talked, clearly not picking up on, or not bothered by, the hypocrisy in her statement. She stood back up again and looked between the two of them. "Transform! Oh, I've always been pink and adorable!" Fae nodded happily to herself. "But both the tides and music change, and it's a little difficult to live in a city when you're bright pink and often have a tail... So I learnt how to channel my music to make it more convenient away from the ocean!" She looked wistfully out at the beach again. "But it's been totes amazing to be back near water again!"

She hummed a little theme to herself again for a moment. "I mean it's a super cute theme though for an idol right! What else would I have been? A bunny idol?" Fae giggled to herself before she looked other, eyes wide and moving with surprising speed over the sand to the elemental again. "Heeeya! You got yourself sorted now? Can understand me now? How's it feel being out of the water, sucks doesn't it?" She pouted slightly. "Oh, and be careful about the food and drink here, it does some weird things to your body." One of the androids turned up, retrieving the sundae glass from Fae. Before she gasped. "Oh! I'm so sorry, I'm Fae! Nice to meet you again! What's your name?"

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

"Aheheh! 'Ba-bumps', huh?" No one but Fae was saying anything about lust, but it was true that Tsuifan had noticed the bawdier trends of recent music videos being broadcast. She never had any strong opinions about those trends, really she barely knew anything about the music scene...but she certainly still felt that there would always be room for more family-friendly music in the world! Catchy, heart-pounding tunes especially!

There was an unfortunate bit of miscommunication, it seemed like, when it came to one of Tsuifan's questions. Tsuifan was trying to ask if her energetic superfan was actually the orb-bearer's friend, not Elune's. Though Tsuifan was every bit as curious to know about their relationship too, so she let the misunderstanding play out.

Elune must have been a very bad cook, from the sound of Fae's warning. But they only just met? How would she already know not to touch her food if...ohhh! I get it now! Tsuifan giggled as she realized the truth. The pretty pink jokester wasn't actually afraid of Elune's gifts, not even slightly. She was happily slurping down that sundae, without a single care or sign that there was anything to fear from it. Or for that matter, a sign that the sundae was anything less than delicious. Darn that cutie! She really got me good there! What a impressive scamp. She didn't seem to be the least bit put out about her skin condiion, either. Or her...tail condition...? However many conditions she'd apparently been dealing with since birth. This trooper just kept on fighting, with her spirits sky high! What a girl. She even learned magic. And was quite the poet, too, with all talk about channeling with the tide. It all sounded very profound (if confusing) to Tsuifan, quite appropriate for a musician. A singer-songwriter? "What kind of 'idol' are you talking about? I thought an idol was some kind of religious statue. So you're telling me you wanna be...statuesque?" A statuesque bunny? "You might be just a little too high-energy to pull that off now...but if you ask me, you shouldn't change a thing. Keep showing your true colors! They really suit you."

While Tsuifan gave Fae an approving thumbs up, she had to double back to Elune's very curious comment from earlier. "You said you were 'corrupted'?" What did that mean?  "Like...when you were younger, you got mixed up with some real shady crowds? Oh, man! I've been there, sister. I won't ask for the details, but seriously, don't go calling yourself dangerous over something like that. Having a troubled past doesn't make you into a villain."  Another lesson that would've definitely been learned from watching Tsuifan's show. Not that she expected everyone to be the biggest fan of it. Or to understand her show's subtle lessons, even after going through a few repeat watchings. As Elune seemed in need of emotional support, at any rate, Tsuifan gave her an all-too-friendly slap on the shoulder. "You seem nice enough to me! ...S'pose I can take those rumors with a grain of salt, huh? It's not like I believe the other ones! Like The Mayor being a secret demon. Or all cats everywhere being secret superdemons." Actually, that one sounded entirely plausible...still. Tsuifan hoped that her big dose of positivity would be enough to settle Elune's fears.

While she may have still had some issues with volume control, Fae had none of Elune's issues of self-doubt to worry about. Which was why she so readily sped off to make a new friend, the curiously approaching Shoolurel. Letting one of those mechanoid men take her empty glass. Is he working for the bar? Tsuifan wasn't sure how safe that was, but....something about this atmosphere was just so comforting, she didn't even worry about it. "I haven't sung in a while," she mused, turning back to Elune. "How about you?" While they spoke, Tsuifan would be moseying over to meet Shoolurel, too. She was as curious as anyone to learn more about the orb girl's origins, if she too was on is kind of a nice place to cut loose, isn't it? Even if Tsuifan's idea of cutting loose usually involved busting the heads of some baddies.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2023, 08:03:25 PM by madman32 »

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Chloe Von, Experiment XII (Pyro)
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Anyone

The Heroine was soon surprised to feel someone working on her restraints not long after she settled. ‘I didn’t detect her…’ Chloe mused, used to hearing an approaching mind long before it could make connect with her body. “Mmm~” Chloe moaned, her golden eyes falling to a close upon feeling the silver haired woman whisper softly in a sultry and seductive voice. The Heroine’s entire form still extremely sensitive after her years of captivity.

‘No!’ Chloe told herself, not allowing herself to be carried away by the waves of pleasure that followed. The Heroine couldn’t help but grin upon hearing the ‘chink’ of her belt buckles when the silver-haired woman succeeded at undoing them. Chloe then kindly shook her head at her rescuer after turning her head back at the neck. “Err, thank you.” She stated, testing the mobility of her ligaments after having her arms freed. “D-Don’t worry about it…” Chloe declared, waiting to see if the silver-haired woman would comply and stop or continue to test the straight-jacket that almost seemed to have fused with her flesh. “It won’t budge unless I get into a certain posture and even then, it comes back...” She explained, turning away from the kind silver-haired woman. “Much like the belts, they’ll probably refasten themselves after about an hour.” Chloe added scornfully, apparently having gone through this a number of times?

“Anyways I appreciate the effort, and my name is Chloe!” she added, again turning back towards the silver-haired woman with a slight flush to her cheeks. “I-I don’t suppose you’d be willing to put some sunscreen upon my legs given my situation?” she requested, still smiling kindly. The Heroine knowing that while she could free her arms entirely by drawing them back at her shoulder this’d be a much better way to grow closer….

Caitlyn Labelle
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Chloe

"I see, so magical bindings then? You say they come back no matter what." Caitlyn asked earnestly, it was a shame because she had a feeling Chloe would be fun to fool around with if she could get her hooks into her. Either way, Caitlyn did her best and unbound what parts of Chloe she could before taking a step back to listen to the girl. "I suppose I can do that much, it's a shame that you're so tied up. Go ahead and lay on your stomach, I'll get started." Caitlyn sighed and shook her head at Chloe's state, there didn't seem to be anything she could do so it seemed they were down to small favors. Caitlyn would get down on her knees and squirt some sunscreen in her hands and start applying it to Chloe's legs.

Chloe would feel her mind soften as Caitlyn applied the sunscreen, it really felt relaxing to enjoy the beach and enjoy the attention that she was getting. All she had to do was lay there, close her eyes, relax, and indulge in all the beach had to offer. There wasn't anymore stress, just a nice long vacation that she could indulge in. Caitlyn kept applying it slowly, seemingly unaware of how her actions were currently influencing Chloe's brain...

Chloe Von, Experiment XII (Pyro)
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Caitlyn (Youkai)

“I guess so...” Chloe answered, sounding a lot less confident than before. ‘R-Relax, that’s perfectly believable!’ she reassured herself, while trying to hide her nerves. ‘And... I mean that totally sounds better then telling her I’ll go crazy with lust if they aren’t back on within a couple hours…’ she thought, now smiling kindly at the stranger after she successfully unbound her arms and backed away.

   “Err, thanks….” Chloe replied, doing exactly as Caitlyn requested and softly laying stomach down upon a beach mat while feeling the coarse sand squashing her considerable assets into her chest. The formerly captive Heroine closing her eyes and listening to the sound of the waves in the distance before feeling the coldness of Caitlyn’s suntan lotion.

   “Wow, that’s cold!” she protested, jolting awake and shaking off Caitlyn’s hand with her thigh. “Err sorry!” Chloe declared apologetically hoping she hadn’t upset the other woman. “I-I’ll get used to it!” she added, turning away from Caitlyn, and resting her chin upon the top of the beach mat whilst returning to the sound of the waves.

   “Mmm~ that feels so good!” Chloe moaned, choosing to free her arms from the sleeves of her straight-jacket and undoing the front of her straight-jacket, exposing the flesh of breast before stretching out her arms and offering them as well as the top of her muscled back to Caitlyn’s touch; her mind being carried further and further away by the sound of the waves along with the pleasurable tingles of Caitlyn's lotion.

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Astrid and Her Two Illusions
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Merine and Desdemona

Yes, Desdemona should have sex with Astrid, not just that, but Merine as well. That was a nice slutty thought that'd swim through Desdemona's mind. She deserved that, she was a princess on a vacation. She just had to find a way to indulge and do that. A pleasant tingle would run through her mind as she let her mind wander to that thought. It was slightly stronger than the other compulsion, but still something Desdemona could shrug off if she wanted, but even if she allowed it to find purchase in her brain, it'd fade away quickly.

Merine would feel something similar tingle at her brain. At the mention of enjoying the bounties of the island and enjoying the fruits and beauties, a slight thrumming would tingle in her pussy and a warm pleasurable sensation would swim through her mind. It was, much like Desdemona's compulsion, slightly stronger than the last one that Merine warded off, but it felt so pleasant to indulge in. The feeling would fade in a few moments though regardless of whether or not she allowed herself to enjoy it.

Astrid's illusions all spawned with different swimsuits adorning their figure, this confused Astrid for a moment but she just sighed and decided to go along with it. "I think we'll cover more ground if I let the illusions wander along the rest of the island, maybe they'll find some people to talk to." Both of the illusions that had been snooping around the area just nodded to the original and scattered. One went off to the left, another went off to the right to cover different ends of the island. Hopefully that'd bear fruit and the three could get some help. After that was done, Astrid turned to Merine. For the most part Astrid let Merine speak to Desdemona and handle that until now. "I think that is wise, I've been through difficult situations like this before before, when the Overlord took over I went into hiding with Desdemona, Nathaniel, and Decarlo. It was very dangerous time."

Astrid would take the lead and walk forward, the women wouldn't have to move very far to find something unique, there was a cave entrance to their right with some people's voices coming from it. Or at least, it sounded like it...

"Do we want to go in, or keep going?" Astrid pointed out the path that went further inland, she was happy to let Desdemona call the shots if she wished though. Since Nathaniel wasn't here, Desdemona was basically in charge of her right now.

Location: The Beach that makes you Horny (probably)
Tag: Astrid and Merine

While concerned over if she would get away with pretending she was totally in control the entire time, Desdemona was very pleased with how loyal and admiring that Merine was being over her. She was surely a top notch servant. In fact, Desdemona was thinking of acquiring her in the main RP as well! That was probably a ways off though, so for now she would reward her by actually giving her a title!.. Unfortunately, she knew very little about her currently. So she'd go with the most obvious feature she could. "Merine! From now on, you shall be known as Merine of the Frilly Crimson Bikini" Desdemona suddenly declared out of nowhere for seemingly no reason.

Random 4th wall breaking things aside, Astrid led them to a cave entrance and... Wait what did she say??? "Hohohohohoho! You're so funny Astrid" Desdemona said, panicking. "But let's not misinform the power dear, no matter how funny it might be. We did not go into hiding. We led a lengthy and involved active resistance movement against the Overlord resulting in it's eventual defeat and the liberation of our father. Isn't that right. Astrid" Desdemona said, glaring daggers at Astrid and daring her to try spreading her malicious slander... that happened to be true, again!

Okay so, that aside, back to the cave. Desdemona peered down into the cave. "Well caves often are used as pathways across the realms are they not. I think we should go look and see where it goes" Desdemona said for a moment... then quickly started fanning herself again "Hoohohoho! Of course I know what's down there! But I'm very interested to see both your reactions to finding out... So come alone! Lead the way Astrid. Merine of the Frilly Crimson Bikini, you can guard our rear" Desdemona said, bravely volunteering herself for the surely most dangerous job of... making up the middle of the three of them.

Merine The Titleless
Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag: Desdemona the Desdemonious!Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord

She winced as she wardened off another assault against her mind. SHe'd have to work on her defenses, that much was certain. Still, she managed a light smile as Astrid gave her ... well not approval but ... acceptance? " Thank you, Lady Astrid. " She claimed, a genuine smile as she bowed her head in respect. Man, all this bowing, serving royalty really was good for a gymnastic routine, wasn't it? " Eh? Egm, thank you, My Princess? " She half-asked, half-thanked as she seemed to be shocked and lost. Getting a title here and now wasn't expected.... Maybe she should go with it in the Main RP. Although that was a ways off.

Seeing the daggers and accusations being thrown about, Merine did the smart things all low-class devils and demons knew how to do. Silently, she stepped back, merging with the background scenery. Nothing to see here, just an easy to miss Mob. Because, for all of Merine's potential, she had no room nor clout needed to contradict one of the many noble figures of her species. Was it a bit unfair towards her rank? Yes. Was it infuriating? Yes. Was the power they held temptingly intoxicating? Also a resounding yes. But could she do anything about it right now? The answer to that was a simple 'no'. No, she could not.

" Of course, my lady. " She claimed with a light bow, popping from her background position into their senses, filtering behind the oppresive duo mere moments later. Of course, she didn't miss what the demoness was doing, but she was no fool when it came to voicing her opinion. It could wait for a more oppertune time.

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Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Vee and Maria Grace

Homura didn't notice the struggle that Vee was having with oogling the eye candy in front of her. Homura was more focused on planning their next move than paying attention to where Vee's eyes were going. That left Vee to handle the compulsion on her own. Right before snapping out of her daze, Vee would feel another wave of calmness hit her. She could enjoy being a little voyeur here and there, nobody would notice if she let her gaze linger on the bodies of the beach goers, it was nice to let her mind wander off and enjoy what the beach had to offer. All the curves of the women and muscles of the men, the comforting heat of the beach, and the coolness of the air blowing in from the water made it so easy to let her stress melt away. In the meantime, Homura responded to Maria.

"The compulsion I had was weak, but it was deceptive, we should be on guard. I think whoever is trying to compel us is trying to test our wills or slowly erode away our defenses, that's why it's so weak." Homura nodded, then looked at Vee who seemed to echo the same thing as Maria, she seemed a bit shakier than usual though which Homura quickly picked up on, although she didn't make a big deal about it because she didn't want to draw attention to the group. "We better be careful about what we think about or speak about, it seems the beach likes certain topics more than others if your statements are anything to go by. We need to gather as much information as we can." Homura nodded.

"I'm fine, thanks, I do a ton of paperwork and then I do other's work as well. I pull a lot of overtime. I don't find it exhausting though, I find it to be necessary." Homura said with a serious expression, she had plenty of time to relax. Such as when they got off this damn island that was worrying her so much, then the mention of Vee came up and the blonde looked at Vee, then at Maria, then spoke again. Vee already admitted aloud that she manipulated Homura at times, but the blonde decided to throw the telepath a bone this time, mainly because she was in no mood to scold Vee for being lazy, and also she was focused on getting off the island. "Looking after the Director is part of my job, that's why I was assigned to her." Homura didn't elaborate further for Maria, but did offer a stray thought to Vee. Trying to cover for you, she's trying to be sneaky and get details.

Homura didn't have much to add to Maria's statements, and agreed with most of what she was saying. "I don't know how much help I'll be, but I will take the middle, I know some tricks but I'm not equipped to fight anyone like you two. This sounds fine, we should get moving as soon as possible. Lead the way Vee." Homura said with a small smile, hopefully they'd get somewhere. Before they moved too far, there were some notable people out on the beach that might stand out...

Another blonde was wandering the beach, looking around cautiously, and notably if Vee tried to read her mind she'd be able to tell that the woman was either not actually there, or an illusion.

A pinkette was currently having a tan, but one peek at her thoughts would reveal she was a partially corrupted magical girl named Juliette...

And lastly there was a young man with white hair, also looking around the beach suspiciously, peeking at his thoughts would be slightly harder than Juliette's but if Vee bothered she'd be able to tell his name was Naoki and he was from the EDC.

Mysterious Island
Tag: Beach Event

Thanks to Homura’s and Maria’s vigilance, Vee managed to resist the next set of compulsions that tried to influence her thoughts. The urge to glance over at her companions’ bodies was there, but the telepath managed to suppress her desires and smother the foreign thoughts thanks to her own strength of will. After taking a deep breath, she focused on the conversation instead, if to avoid thinking about the pleasures that the beach had to offer.

”So, just stay on your guard and don’t get distracted by stuff…” The telepath murmured with a soured expression, more than a little annoyed that she was the one who dipped her toes into the latest trap and was now suffering the consequences. ”Just keep thinking about the way outta here and we should be fine… I think.” If whoever was controlling the beach could manipulate the thoughts of those in the vicinity, that could be a lot more difficult than said. Alas, they really didn’t have any better options other than try to remain focused. The telepath looked around, expecting another mental assault to come from anywhere….

”Well, maybe a little…” Vee admitted sheepishly to Maria’s comment. ”It’s just a harmless little prank… nothing serious. A little something to help me avoid filling out boring forms.” The telepath said with a small smile before she realized that following that line of thought was probably dangerous. Laziness could inspire the presence as the beach to exploit that angle and tempt her with compulsions telling her to lie down and rest…

”Good plan. I’ll make sure to keep my mind open to make sure no one sneaks up on you, either.” She reassured the magical girl before she took point.

Walking around the beach revealed that there were a lot more people than they initially thought. Not just the Defenders, either, but magical girls, demons, and even some ninjas, too. Curious… Vee mused to herself as her eyes scanned both familiar and unfamiliar faces around the beach. No sign of the perpetrators, though, at least for now. They slowly circled around, moving in deeper into the island…

”That girl over there…?” She pointed at the blonde with her chin. ”Illusion… I think. I can’t really put a pin on her thoughts… I think we should avoid attracting her attention, just in case…” The telepath informed her companions as they continued their trek. Another girl, Juliette, didn’t seem phased by her surroundings and seemed to accept the beach’s influence almost without question. She was sunbathing with a smile on her face, not a single care in the world.

The young man after her, seemed to be looking around for something or someone. A quick peek into his thoughts revealed his name and told her that he wasn’t all that thrilled to be here, either.

”Uh-huh… I think he’s lost, too. What do you say? Should we tell him to tag along? Strength in numbers, and all that…?” Asked Vee and glanced over her shoulder to check how the other two were doing..

Maria Grace, The Financial Enthusiast

Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag:Vee the Mental Monstrosity, Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord.

" Makes sense. As much as I dislike it. " Maria nodded in acceptance of Homura's word. " Mhm~ " She hummed in agreement, untangling from the girl. " If they are covering the whole island sinutentiously, then its likely an autonomous response system of sorts. I'd find it rather dreadful if it turned out that this entire ... experience was handcrafted for each of us. The level of power needed for something of that scale ... " Maria shuddered as she left the question hanging. Not that she needed to finish it to get her meaning across. ' This is starting to feel a bit like my time with Mis- Tapela. Like my time with Tapela. ' She mused in her private sanctum of her mind.

" I'm not judging, Vee. " She claimed with a light smile of her own. " I'm kinda glad to know that you do to be honest. It makes you seem more human to us grunts. " She finished with a light joke. Then regarded Homura. " For you though, I have no words. I'm impressed really. " She claimed, and Vee would be able to feel how genuine the inspiration was. " How high is your salary, btw? " She asked all of a sudden, as her inspired admiration grew into a bottomless pit of greed. Oh yea, Maria was the true money lover, wasn't she? It may have shown a bit in her eyes and smile. But surely it was nothing but pure and innocent?

She snickered as Vee agreed. " 'Keep your mind open', eh? " She parroted. " It's alright, Hommy. Just do what you feel like you can and leave the rest to us. " She supplied. " I'd feel bad if you outpeformed me in an area I was supposed to specialize in, after all~ " She added joyfully as they set out. Maria humming a cheerful, slow, tune as they walked along the beach. Her eyes scanning about the surroundings as fog marked her footsteps. Radiating and emerging from her indents in the sand. Not that the two would note if they were actually doing their assigned tasks.

" I don't personally mind. " She claimed with a fond smile. " You're the telepath here, Miss 'I know what you will do before you think of it', so if you find him trustworthy enough, let's go on ahead and give him the pitch. " She looked at Hommy for a moment to get her opinion. Then back to Vee. " So? "

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Morgan Garcia
Palm Tree Grove
Tagging: Vayelia Fells

"Hmm, it depends.  How stealthy do you think you are?  It might be better for you to hang back if you think you will be easily detected.  Otherwise, we could try flanking it from both sides, unless you think it might entrance us.  Then, having someone to break the trance if one of us gets caught may be safer..." Glancing at the light warily, Morgan nodded, "Perhaps you should stick close.  I'll only scout a little ways ahead if you think you'll have stealth issues.  That way you can easily get to me if things go south."

When Vayelia turned away from her, Morgan chuckled, "I appreciate the gesture.  I am a private person. but this, this particular change is something I am not bothered if you observe.  In fact, I encourage you to watch.  It might tempt you to try my products some time."  The Doctor double-checked that it was the right autosyringe, the larger one filled with the publicly tested version of her work.  It took too long for use in battle, but the transformation lasted longer.  The latest version could last a couple hours if one didn't overexert oneself, and she always had the latest version.

Stabbing herself, there was a hiss from the autoinjector and a pleased sigh from the Doctor.  Her grin grew as her hips widened, straining against the summer outfit but not bursting it.  Scales began to slowly form on her body and she arched her back as her spine began to lengthen, the nascent tail emerging and growing outward as the minutes passed.  Unlike the rapid battle transformation, this was a far from painful experience.  Knowing what she was becoming, a beautiful genetic mix that she was ever improving upon, the transformation felt even euphoric to her.   Her mind grew calmer, her body curvier yet more agile; her body temperature lowered.

As the transformation continued, her scales and skin began to mimic the hues of the jungle around her, making her fade into the background if one wasn't watching her carefully.  Only her clothes and glasses helped to give her away, but even then, one could easily miss them amongst the foliage.  Her eyes turned green and slitted, and if one looked carefully, one might notice a clear membrane that blinked sideways across the eyes that would let her see more easily underwater.  As the transformation neared its conclusion, her tail had become long and thick, and her hair had lengthened, also mimicking the hues of the jungle.  Grinning cockily, Morgan began braiding her hair.  When she had nearly finished the braid, a deeper, more feral-sounding voice came from her, "Ssssso, much better!  Now, I am ready for this.  Are you, Vayelia?"

Vayelia Fells
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Morgan Garcia

Vayelia turned her head towards Morgan as she said she could watch, she had seen a lot of transformations in her time in Auralis but what she was about to experience was quite a bit different than a Justice Transformer or a Magical Girl transforming, instead the woman injected herself with a syringe and her form changed drastically, scales formed along the woman's body and her hips widened, then a tail formed along with it. Vayelia's expression was a mix between awe and curiosity, but she didn't want to change into some sort of creature so her caution took over her curiosity, better to leave the experimenting to Morgan. It didn't seem to be just her appearance that changed, but her personality as well judging by the way she spoke and the way she braided her hair. Once the transformation was finished, the Dominion woman blinked a few times and gave her appraisal.

"Impressive, but testing it on myself can wait, I can handle myself as I am right now. Stealth isn't exactly my primary method of approach, but I can manage, I've had several years of experience in multiple fields, so I can manage." Vayelia unconsciously rubbed where the syringe would go on her body as she stuck close to Morgan. "Let me come in from the side, I'll let you take point and tell us when to charge for it though." Vayelia would take whatever position Morgan felt best, at this point the woman clearly knew what she was doing and seemed more confident, no reason to shatter that confidence. It was still impossible to make out what the glow was without getting closer, but once they put their plan into action they'd find out...

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Molly Wood
Tagging: Yasu Shibuya

She was glad Taegan had recognised her. She hadn't been sure if she would, and she made a mental note to try and get some practice spars in once she was back in the city. Get to know more of the local Cross members. "Yea, I woke up here not too long ago, dressed like..." She shifted slightly uncomfortably. "Dressed like this, anyway, glad you at least seem to have been able to keep your weapon." She looked over at Yasu as the other paladin's attention shifted to her, seeing both of the other women observing each other carefully. "Oh, this is Yasu, from the Eternal Dragon Clan! We found each other nearer the beach. She's been transported here as well by something, or someone." She paused, Yasu had said not to introduce her as a Grandmaster so she'd left that bit out. well if Yasu wanted to correct her she could later. "Yasu, this is Taegan, she's another Paladin" She smiled. "A much more experienced then I am as well."

She turned back to address them both. "So we were trying to figure out what's happening to bring us all here" She flicked her eyes over to the bar. "We were cautious about entering the bar, seems like a good place for us to get trapped inside and, not trusting the food or drink on this island, probably not a place we need to go into." She paused and looked over at Taegan more. "Unless you had a plan there?"

Yasu Shibuya Taegan Griffin
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Molly Wood

Once Molly got through introductions, Taegan looked at Yasu with a head tilt. The Cross had no real records on the Clan so her confusion was to be expected, they knew nothing about each other than some minor information and the fact that each organization existed. Yasu's reaction was more calm, she just smiled back at the silver haired girl, she seemed far more casual about this whole ordeal, but perhaps that was her normal personality. "Yes, I am Grandmaster Shibuya, you're human so I don't have a problem with telling you." Taegan raised an eyebrow, but had a much more reserved response to this information than Molly did. "If we get out of this, you should come visit the Cathedral some time, maybe Lady Aurora would like to speak to you." The woman's tone barely changed at all, there was only a minor inflection here and there as she made her recommendation.

Taegan then turned to Molly and shook her head. "I've only been here for a few hours, I thought the bar would be the most likely place to find some people, I wasn't planning on eating or drinking anything. There are a bunch of others waking up on the other two beaches, some of them are demons, some of them are heroines, but I've kept my distance because I've been trying to investigate. Anna is covering the eastern beach, she got brainwashed to be a lifeguard, she refuses to leave and if you try to convince her this is a trap she'll just ignore you. Also, she tried to brainwash me, so I've been keeping my distance from everyone. It's obvious that whoever brought us here, wants us to stay here." Yasu narrowed her eyes, so they didn't want to go to the eastern beach.

"How did you escape?" Yasu asked simply, peering at Taegan's expressions. "I overpowered her, I could've taken her hostage and snapped her out of it, but she had a magical girl help her so I had to retreat. We shouldn't stay in one place too long, you might get lucky and see another ally here and there, but we need to solve this island's mystery as soon as possible." Taegan answered bluntly, the Grandmaster opened her mouth to speak, but upon turning to Molly she stopped herself and gave the woman a chance to give her thoughts on the situation.

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Chloe Von, Experiment XII (Pyro)
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Caitlyn (Youkai)

“I guess so...” Chloe answered, sounding a lot less confident than before. ‘R-Relax, that’s perfectly believable!’ she reassured herself, while trying to hide her nerves. ‘And... I mean that totally sounds better then telling her I’ll go crazy with lust if they aren’t back on within a couple hours…’ she thought, now smiling kindly at the stranger after she successfully unbound her arms and backed away.

   “Err, thanks….” Chloe replied, doing exactly as Caitlyn requested and softly laying stomach down upon a beach mat while feeling the coarse sand squashing her considerable assets into her chest. The formerly captive Heroine closing her eyes and listening to the sound of the waves in the distance before feeling the coldness of Caitlyn’s suntan lotion.

   “Wow, that’s cold!” she protested, jolting awake and shaking off Caitlyn’s hand with her thigh. “Err sorry!” Chloe declared apologetically hoping she hadn’t upset the other woman. “I-I’ll get used to it!” she added, turning away from Caitlyn, and resting her chin upon the top of the beach mat whilst returning to the sound of the waves.

   “Mmm~ that feels so good!” Chloe moaned, choosing to free her arms from the sleeves of her straight-jacket and undoing the front of her straight-jacket, exposing the flesh of breast before stretching out her arms and offering them as well as the top of her muscled back to Caitlyn’s touch; her mind being carried further and further away by the sound of the waves along with the pleasurable tingles of Caitlyn's lotion.

Caitlyn Labelle
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Chloe

"You really aren't used to a beach are you? Don't worry about a thing, I'll take care of this for you. Relax, we need to get this lotion on all your skin so you're protected." Caitlyn's smirk twitched, this would be an easy mark if this kept up, the woman wasn't running away and letting Caitlyn call all the shots right now. Although, she wasn't aware that she was actually brainwashing Chloe right now. It was only now that she decided the captive heroine would be a nice toy to have. The woman continued to apply the lotion in the meantime though. She covered the woman's shins and calves at this point, slowly making her way up. She made a mental note that the woman was offering her arms and back as well. She'd get to those in a bit but Chloe's legs were long and needed attention first.

Every little rub and caress would silence Chloe's thoughts and help her drift away further and further. The more she enjoyed, the less she thought, the more she let Caitlyn apply the sunscreen, the less she needed to worry. And the more she let Caitlyn work on her, the more she needed to relax. The beach was so nice, Chloe could close her eyes, drift away, and sink into the sand...

Offline Youkai

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Location: The Beach that makes you Horny (probably)
Tag: Astrid and Merine

While concerned over if she would get away with pretending she was totally in control the entire time, Desdemona was very pleased with how loyal and admiring that Merine was being over her. She was surely a top notch servant. In fact, Desdemona was thinking of acquiring her in the main RP as well! That was probably a ways off though, so for now she would reward her by actually giving her a title!.. Unfortunately, she knew very little about her currently. So she'd go with the most obvious feature she could. "Merine! From now on, you shall be known as Merine of the Frilly Crimson Bikini" Desdemona suddenly declared out of nowhere for seemingly no reason.

Random 4th wall breaking things aside, Astrid led them to a cave entrance and... Wait what did she say??? "Hohohohohoho! You're so funny Astrid" Desdemona said, panicking. "But let's not misinform the power dear, no matter how funny it might be. We did not go into hiding. We led a lengthy and involved active resistance movement against the Overlord resulting in it's eventual defeat and the liberation of our father. Isn't that right. Astrid" Desdemona said, glaring daggers at Astrid and daring her to try spreading her malicious slander... that happened to be true, again!

Okay so, that aside, back to the cave. Desdemona peered down into the cave. "Well caves often are used as pathways across the realms are they not. I think we should go look and see where it goes" Desdemona said for a moment... then quickly started fanning herself again "Hoohohoho! Of course I know what's down there! But I'm very interested to see both your reactions to finding out... So come alone! Lead the way Astrid. Merine of the Frilly Crimson Bikini, you can guard our rear" Desdemona said, bravely volunteering herself for the surely most dangerous job of... making up the middle of the three of them.

Merine The Titleless
Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag: Desdemona the Desdemonious!Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord

She winced as she wardened off another assault against her mind. SHe'd have to work on her defenses, that much was certain. Still, she managed a light smile as Astrid gave her ... well not approval but ... acceptance? " Thank you, Lady Astrid. " She claimed, a genuine smile as she bowed her head in respect. Man, all this bowing, serving royalty really was good for a gymnastic routine, wasn't it? " Eh? Egm, thank you, My Princess? " She half-asked, half-thanked as she seemed to be shocked and lost. Getting a title here and now wasn't expected.... Maybe she should go with it in the Main RP. Although that was a ways off.

Seeing the daggers and accusations being thrown about, Merine did the smart things all low-class devils and demons knew how to do. Silently, she stepped back, merging with the background scenery. Nothing to see here, just an easy to miss Mob. Because, for all of Merine's potential, she had no room nor clout needed to contradict one of the many noble figures of her species. Was it a bit unfair towards her rank? Yes. Was it infuriating? Yes. Was the power they held temptingly intoxicating? Also a resounding yes. But could she do anything about it right now? The answer to that was a simple 'no'. No, she could not.

" Of course, my lady. " She claimed with a light bow, popping from her background position into their senses, filtering behind the oppresive duo mere moments later. Of course, she didn't miss what the demoness was doing, but she was no fool when it came to voicing her opinion. It could wait for a more oppertune time.

Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Merine and Desdemona

"Yes, that is true, we did strike back when the time was right, I suppose it was a resistance movement instead of all of us hiding away. That's a smart way of looking at it, Princess Desdemona." Astrid said, knowing that Desdemona was glaring daggers at her, Astrid was just telling the truth of the situation but if Desdemona wanted it corrected to something else she wasn't going to argue about it. In a way, Desdemona was correct as well, they came out of hiding at the right time and took back Dis. In the meantime, they had the cave to deal with so Astrid focused on that...

"That seems wise, I'll continue taking point. Merine watch our backs just in case, who knows who else is on the island." Astrid said, preparing herself to fight in case they found anything strange down here. As they moved into the cave, they'd find that they could go two directions. Straight ahead led to an alter that had a strange golden glow coming from it, to the left seemed to be a longer path. "We could split up, or stay together and take the paths one at a time. This cave doesn't seem that deep but it could be deceiving, I also feel some magic coming from the alter." Astrid recommended, seeing what both Merine and Desdemona thought as she turned towards them, then her eyes flickered as her head shot elsewhere...

"Nathaniel is on the island." Astrid's head shot in the direction where she felt Nathaniel's presence as she warned Desdemona and Merine of it, her connection to him was strong so if he was nearby she'd know in a heartbeat.

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Mysterious Island
Tag: Beach Event

Thanks to Homura’s and Maria’s vigilance, Vee managed to resist the next set of compulsions that tried to influence her thoughts. The urge to glance over at her companions’ bodies was there, but the telepath managed to suppress her desires and smother the foreign thoughts thanks to her own strength of will. After taking a deep breath, she focused on the conversation instead, if to avoid thinking about the pleasures that the beach had to offer.

”So, just stay on your guard and don’t get distracted by stuff…” The telepath murmured with a soured expression, more than a little annoyed that she was the one who dipped her toes into the latest trap and was now suffering the consequences. ”Just keep thinking about the way outta here and we should be fine… I think.” If whoever was controlling the beach could manipulate the thoughts of those in the vicinity, that could be a lot more difficult than said. Alas, they really didn’t have any better options other than try to remain focused. The telepath looked around, expecting another mental assault to come from anywhere….

”Well, maybe a little…” Vee admitted sheepishly to Maria’s comment. ”It’s just a harmless little prank… nothing serious. A little something to help me avoid filling out boring forms.” The telepath said with a small smile before she realized that following that line of thought was probably dangerous. Laziness could inspire the presence as the beach to exploit that angle and tempt her with compulsions telling her to lie down and rest…

”Good plan. I’ll make sure to keep my mind open to make sure no one sneaks up on you, either.” She reassured the magical girl before she took point.

Walking around the beach revealed that there were a lot more people than they initially thought. Not just the Defenders, either, but magical girls, demons, and even some ninjas, too. Curious… Vee mused to herself as her eyes scanned both familiar and unfamiliar faces around the beach. No sign of the perpetrators, though, at least for now. They slowly circled around, moving in deeper into the island…

”That girl over there…?” She pointed at the blonde with her chin. ”Illusion… I think. I can’t really put a pin on her thoughts… I think we should avoid attracting her attention, just in case…” The telepath informed her companions as they continued their trek. Another girl, Juliette, didn’t seem phased by her surroundings and seemed to accept the beach’s influence almost without question. She was sunbathing with a smile on her face, not a single care in the world.

The young man after her, seemed to be looking around for something or someone. A quick peek into his thoughts revealed his name and told her that he wasn’t all that thrilled to be here, either.

”Uh-huh… I think he’s lost, too. What do you say? Should we tell him to tag along? Strength in numbers, and all that…?” Asked Vee and glanced over her shoulder to check how the other two were doing..

Maria Grace, The Financial Enthusiast

Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag:Vee the Mental Monstrosity, Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord.

" Makes sense. As much as I dislike it. " Maria nodded in acceptance of Homura's word. " Mhm~ " She hummed in agreement, untangling from the girl. " If they are covering the whole island sinutentiously, then its likely an autonomous response system of sorts. I'd find it rather dreadful if it turned out that this entire ... experience was handcrafted for each of us. The level of power needed for something of that scale ... " Maria shuddered as she left the question hanging. Not that she needed to finish it to get her meaning across. ' This is starting to feel a bit like my time with Mis- Tapela. Like my time with Tapela. ' She mused in her private sanctum of her mind.

" I'm not judging, Vee. " She claimed with a light smile of her own. " I'm kinda glad to know that you do to be honest. It makes you seem more human to us grunts. " She finished with a light joke. Then regarded Homura. " For you though, I have no words. I'm impressed really. " She claimed, and Vee would be able to feel how genuine the inspiration was. " How high is your salary, btw? " She asked all of a sudden, as her inspired admiration grew into a bottomless pit of greed. Oh yea, Maria was the true money lover, wasn't she? It may have shown a bit in her eyes and smile. But surely it was nothing but pure and innocent?

She snickered as Vee agreed. " 'Keep your mind open', eh? " She parroted. " It's alright, Hommy. Just do what you feel like you can and leave the rest to us. " She supplied. " I'd feel bad if you outpeformed me in an area I was supposed to specialize in, after all~ " She added joyfully as they set out. Maria humming a cheerful, slow, tune as they walked along the beach. Her eyes scanning about the surroundings as fog marked her footsteps. Radiating and emerging from her indents in the sand. Not that the two would note if they were actually doing their assigned tasks.

" I don't personally mind. " She claimed with a fond smile. " You're the telepath here, Miss 'I know what you will do before you think of it', so if you find him trustworthy enough, let's go on ahead and give him the pitch. " She looked at Hommy for a moment to get her opinion. Then back to Vee. " So? "

Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Vee and Maria Grace

Vee was right in that some lines of thinking were traps, she was just off the mark on which ones. Now that she was aware of the assault on her mind though it'd probably be easier to ward them off. Still, it was a good idea to have an open mind, that'd allow Vee to enjoy a variety of activities instead of being closed off to everyone, when was the last time she really got to kick back, relax, leave all her thoughts behind her, and have some fun?

And Maria seemed to echo that sentiment, which was a good thing really. Maria deserved to have some fun too. It was good to keep an open mind, explore the beach and indulge in all the fun activities she could, and leave all her thoughts and worries behind her. There was no rush to get back to Auralis was there? She deserved a vacation.

Meanwhile, the conversation continued and Homura was on guard for Maria's money question. "It's plenty, I'll put it that way. Why do you care how much I make? I mean... I make enough to have some luxuries but I usually save what I get." Homura looked at Maria suspiciously after that question, she didn't know how much the woman before her actually loved money so her suspicion was more that Maria was trying to pry into her background more than get access to her money. "Necessary forms, Vee." Homura corrected, but with a softer tone than she would have normally, she knew it wasn't the appropriate time to start scolding Vee on how important those forms actually were considering their situation.

"You two should be careful... just thinking about resting made me get compelled, thinking about an open mind would probably be a bad idea." Homura tried to warn them as they proceeded forward, the blonde gave a glare towards Maria as soon as she heard the nickname she was given, but sighed and let it pass as she really didn't need to dwell on things like that right now. "I don't think that's gonna happen. Homura said, she was hardly a fighter in the conventional sense, the best she could do is be a distraction on a stick. She was rather attractive at least.

"So avoid the blonde, ignore the purple pinked haired vixen, and talk to the man? Got it. Go for it Vee." Homura said in agreement with Vee and Maria as she followed Vee and gave Maria an enviable view of her swaying backside without realizing it.

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Merine The Titleless
Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag: Desdemona the Desdemonious!Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord

She winced as she wardened off another assault against her mind. SHe'd have to work on her defenses, that much was certain. Still, she managed a light smile as Astrid gave her ... well not approval but ... acceptance? " Thank you, Lady Astrid. " She claimed, a genuine smile as she bowed her head in respect. Man, all this bowing, serving royalty really was good for a gymnastic routine, wasn't it? " Eh? Egm, thank you, My Princess? " She half-asked, half-thanked as she seemed to be shocked and lost. Getting a title here and now wasn't expected.... Maybe she should go with it in the Main RP. Although that was a ways off.

Seeing the daggers and accusations being thrown about, Merine did the smart things all low-class devils and demons knew how to do. Silently, she stepped back, merging with the background scenery. Nothing to see here, just an easy to miss Mob. Because, for all of Merine's potential, she had no room nor clout needed to contradict one of the many noble figures of her species. Was it a bit unfair towards her rank? Yes. Was it infuriating? Yes. Was the power they held temptingly intoxicating? Also a resounding yes. But could she do anything about it right now? The answer to that was a simple 'no'. No, she could not.

" Of course, my lady. " She claimed with a light bow, popping from her background position into their senses, filtering behind the oppresive duo mere moments later. Of course, she didn't miss what the demoness was doing, but she was no fool when it came to voicing her opinion. It could wait for a more oppertune time.

Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Merine and Desdemona

"Yes, that is true, we did strike back when the time was right, I suppose it was a resistance movement instead of all of us hiding away. That's a smart way of looking at it, Princess Desdemona." Astrid said, knowing that Desdemona was glaring daggers at her, Astrid was just telling the truth of the situation but if Desdemona wanted it corrected to something else she wasn't going to argue about it. In a way, Desdemona was correct as well, they came out of hiding at the right time and took back Dis. In the meantime, they had the cave to deal with so Astrid focused on that...

"That seems wise, I'll continue taking point. Merine watch our backs just in case, who knows who else is on the island." Astrid said, preparing herself to fight in case they found anything strange down here. As they moved into the cave, they'd find that they could go two directions. Straight ahead led to an alter that had a strange golden glow coming from it, to the left seemed to be a longer path. "We could split up, or stay together and take the paths one at a time. This cave doesn't seem that deep but it could be deceiving, I also feel some magic coming from the alter." Astrid recommended, seeing what both Merine and Desdemona thought as she turned towards them, then her eyes flickered as her head shot elsewhere...

"Nathaniel is on the island." Astrid's head shot in the direction where she felt Nathaniel's presence as she warned Desdemona and Merine of it, her connection to him was strong so if he was nearby she'd know in a heartbeat.

Location: The Beach that makes you Horny (probably)
Tag: Astrid and Merine

Good, excellent, Astrid had been corrected and neither of them had any idea that Desdemona was just winging it this entire time! Desdemona bravely took up the middle as they advanced into the scary mysterious cave that Des still had to pretend wasn't actually mysterious to her, which meant it was a real pain when they came to the fork in the path through the cave... one seemingly continuing on, and one leading to some kind of altar that seemed to be glowing and radiating with obvious power. Hmm... how to go about this. Obviously the first thing that came to mind was sacrificing Merine by making her go mess with the alter, while Astrid was sent forward to support and the Princess remaining behind to ensure they weren't snuck up on! But how to go suggesting that without losing face...

"My brother is here?" fortunately, Astrid gave her the perfect excuse to ignore the issue for now. "Well excellent! We should meet up with him immediately" good, her brother would protect her as he always would... But wait!! If she went to meet up with Nathaniel now he would know that she had been captured like this! He could hold it over her head for years to come! When ever she tried to poke fun at him at the dinner table, or steal his dates at parties, he would always be able to threaten to bring up the island incident! She had to avoid him at all costs! "On second thoughts, Astrid you go make sure he's okay, Merine and I will stay here and investigate the alter"

But wait!! What if Nathaniel was actually in danger! She couldn't very well leave him to suffer here! She had to protect her brother!.. "On third thought no, we will go and make sure Nathaniel is safe!" Desdemona suddenly had that fan out of nowhere again. "Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho! Lead the way Astrid" she commanded, sure that if she just seemed authoritive enough, Merine and Astrid would surely just somehow magically forget her indecision!

Offline Sashanna

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Spoiler for Tsuifan Hurin:
Spoiler for Fae:
Spoiler for Elune & Anna:

Elune Farah and Anna Cochran
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

Of course, the sundae tasted great, and as Fae dug into it she would feel her mind numb pleasantly, that invitation to be alone with Elune sounded so much better now, in fact being private and intimate with others sounded like such a good idea. The more of the sundae that Fae ate, the softer her mind got and the hotter her pussy got. It was a pleasant feeling, no reason to worry about it, just enjoy her vacation and enjoy whatever she liked as long as she was here. Elune smirked at Fae and asked the obvious question. "How is it? I think it's a good way to cool off in this weather and relax." Elune then turned her attention to Tsuifan, she thought she was making some decent progress with Fae right now so now she had another 'target' in mind.

Anna in the meantime gave a bow towards Shoolurel, not at all concerned about keeping her there. "That looks much better, now keep wearing it like that and you'll be just fine. You can run along now, just make sure you enjoy yourself on the beach and don't cause problems. I'll be watching." Anna said as she flipped her sunglasses on and went back to her perch, leaving Shoolurel to head towards the group unabated. Anna only jumped into action when trouble may brew, and as far as she was concerned there wasn't any trouble happening at all even with some corrupted individuals within sprinting distance. The woman got comfortable in her seat and smiled as she looked over the beach, everything was going back to normal and that made her feel so much better...

With the group, Elune just laughed at Tsuifan before giving her reply. "Hmm, I'm not a demon though, I'm a magical girl. I was just corrupted in the past, so maybe I'm dangerous? But all I want to do is relax and have some fun here, Tsuifan. We're on vacation so why waste it?" Elune said honestly with a shrug, not taking offense to anything the other woman said. At the mention of Tsuifan also enjoying singing, Elune's lips curled into a sly smirk, she caught two of them with one net and that made her feel even better about her chances of getting at least one of them all to herself. Elune shifted her attention to Fae with a smile as Tsuifan asked her question. "I guess you could call us friends now that we've met. Fast friends! But yeah how did you transform like that, it was cool!"

At this point, Elune saw Shoolurel and started to wave her over! With her swimsuit on it was safe to look at her now.

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

The sundae was good. She'd have to find more when she was back in Auralis. Maybe ones... with less lustful thoughts inducing properties, but it tasted so good! The brain freeze was almost kind of pleasant in the sun as well. The invitation to be alone with Elune was seeming better, but honestly Fae was already pretty dubious about her to begin with. Tsuifan on the other hand? Well she seemed nice. "It's lovely!" Fae replied with, popping another spoon of frozen desert into her mouth. Humming to herself afterwards as Elune's attention moved from her back to the human. Letting her own energy counter what ever it was that was trying to get her to lower her guard. She was having a nice time, just could do without all the influences, but it was what it was.

She nodded along as Elune answered Tsuifan's question before smiling herself, leaning over to answer Tsuifan's questions herself. "Yup! Singing is totes the language of love! Not lust! The only Ba-bumps! should be of your heart! Not your bed frame!" She took another spoonful of sundae and leaned in towards Tsuifan more. "Only met her today! Seems a bit forward, but nice other then that! I wouldn't trust anything she offers you to eat though..." The spoon was still moving in the mermaids mouth as she talked, clearly not picking up on, or not bothered by, the hypocrisy in her statement. She stood back up again and looked between the two of them. "Transform! Oh, I've always been pink and adorable!" Fae nodded happily to herself. "But both the tides and music change, and it's a little difficult to live in a city when you're bright pink and often have a tail... So I learnt how to channel my music to make it more convenient away from the ocean!" She looked wistfully out at the beach again. "But it's been totes amazing to be back near water again!"

She hummed a little theme to herself again for a moment. "I mean it's a super cute theme though for an idol right! What else would I have been? A bunny idol?" Fae giggled to herself before she looked other, eyes wide and moving with surprising speed over the sand to the elemental again. "Heeeya! You got yourself sorted now? Can understand me now? How's it feel being out of the water, sucks doesn't it?" She pouted slightly. "Oh, and be careful about the food and drink here, it does some weird things to your body." One of the androids turned up, retrieving the sundae glass from Fae. Before she gasped. "Oh! I'm so sorry, I'm Fae! Nice to meet you again! What's your name?"

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

"Aheheh! 'Ba-bumps', huh?" No one but Fae was saying anything about lust, but it was true that Tsuifan had noticed the bawdier trends of recent music videos being broadcast. She never had any strong opinions about those trends, really she barely knew anything about the music scene...but she certainly still felt that there would always be room for more family-friendly music in the world! Catchy, heart-pounding tunes especially!

There was an unfortunate bit of miscommunication, it seemed like, when it came to one of Tsuifan's questions. Tsuifan was trying to ask if her energetic superfan was actually the orb-bearer's friend, not Elune's. Though Tsuifan was every bit as curious to know about their relationship too, so she let the misunderstanding play out.

Elune must have been a very bad cook, from the sound of Fae's warning. But they only just met? How would she already know not to touch her food if...ohhh! I get it now! Tsuifan giggled as she realized the truth. The pretty pink jokester wasn't actually afraid of Elune's gifts, not even slightly. She was happily slurping down that sundae, without a single care or sign that there was anything to fear from it. Or for that matter, a sign that the sundae was anything less than delicious. Darn that cutie! She really got me good there! What a impressive scamp. She didn't seem to be the least bit put out about her skin condiion, either. Or her...tail condition...? However many conditions she'd apparently been dealing with since birth. This trooper just kept on fighting, with her spirits sky high! What a girl. She even learned magic. And was quite the poet, too, with all talk about channeling with the tide. It all sounded very profound (if confusing) to Tsuifan, quite appropriate for a musician. A singer-songwriter? "What kind of 'idol' are you talking about? I thought an idol was some kind of religious statue. So you're telling me you wanna be...statuesque?" A statuesque bunny? "You might be just a little too high-energy to pull that off now...but if you ask me, you shouldn't change a thing. Keep showing your true colors! They really suit you."

While Tsuifan gave Fae an approving thumbs up, she had to double back to Elune's very curious comment from earlier. "You said you were 'corrupted'?" What did that mean?  "Like...when you were younger, you got mixed up with some real shady crowds? Oh, man! I've been there, sister. I won't ask for the details, but seriously, don't go calling yourself dangerous over something like that. Having a troubled past doesn't make you into a villain."  Another lesson that would've definitely been learned from watching Tsuifan's show. Not that she expected everyone to be the biggest fan of it. Or to understand her show's subtle lessons, even after going through a few repeat watchings. As Elune seemed in need of emotional support, at any rate, Tsuifan gave her an all-too-friendly slap on the shoulder. "You seem nice enough to me! ...S'pose I can take those rumors with a grain of salt, huh? It's not like I believe the other ones! Like The Mayor being a secret demon. Or all cats everywhere being secret superdemons." Actually, that one sounded entirely plausible...still. Tsuifan hoped that her big dose of positivity would be enough to settle Elune's fears.

While she may have still had some issues with volume control, Fae had none of Elune's issues of self-doubt to worry about. Which was why she so readily sped off to make a new friend, the curiously approaching Shoolurel. Letting one of those mechanoid men take her empty glass. Is he working for the bar? Tsuifan wasn't sure how safe that was, but....something about this atmosphere was just so comforting, she didn't even worry about it. "I haven't sung in a while," she mused, turning back to Elune. "How about you?" While they spoke, Tsuifan would be moseying over to meet Shoolurel, too. She was as curious as anyone to learn more about the orb girl's origins, if she too was on is kind of a nice place to cut loose, isn't it? Even if Tsuifan's idea of cutting loose usually involved busting the heads of some baddies.

Mysterious Island - Beach
Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

Fae's peppy excited voice was loud enough for some of her words to be caught by the orb floating beside the elemental.  Shoolurel was rather distracted by Anna and getting tied into her new strange clothes, but she did glance at the orb from time to time and the phrase '...back near the water again.'  caught her eyes as the translated phrase floated up for her to see.

Responding to Anna's last words, she said, "Ahmi corba."  "I will."  At least as long as she was unable to generate her protective coating, she'd happily accept any protection these bits of cloth could provide.  Turning her attention to the others, she noted just how friendly everyone seemed.  The blonde girl was waving her over and the other two were approaching with no malice in their expressions.  In fact, the pink mermaid-like girl looked especially friendly... and not just because her aquatic look gave a favorable initial impression.  Shoolurel waved back at Elune and the others with a kindly smile of her own as she approached.

Fae's barrage of questions caught her off guard, and her eyes widened as she started to read all the new text.  As she absorbed the gist of the questions and Fae's attitude though, her grin widened and she began to giggle.  It took a few seconds to reign in her laughter, "Ahmi dookitoo."  "I'm sorry."  As she continued, her words blended in under the voice of her translator, sounding like accompanying music to her 'voice'.  "I'm Shoolurel.  Nice to meet you too.  In a strange land like this, I am happy to meet another person who is more accustomed to living in the water.  I think I'm as comfortable as I can be here when I don't know where here is and can't even generate my outer covering."  She pouted and poked at her left breast with her left index finger.

"Ahmi bowlte chatsi..." "I mean... these artificial coverings don't seem to protect much.  I was exploring the Demon Realms, but..." Her attention moved away from the swimsuit and back to Fae, though her eyes seemed distant, "..something happened.  I can't remember what besides suddenly feeling sleepy and then waking up here."  Focus and her friendly smile returned as she changed the subject, "Being in the water is a comfort in this strange, unexpected place, but a friendly face is even more welcome." 

The elemental tilted her head in curiosity before adding, "Aupni Tempest taykeh na."  "You are not from the Tempest.  Even if you had trouble with my accent, you would have understood some of my words earlier.  Where do your kind come from?"  Her eyes slowly scanned over the pink body with interest as she took in the details of her aquatic companion.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2022, 04:34:38 PM by Sashanna »

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Maria Grace, The Financial Enthusiast

Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag:Vee the Mental Monstrosity, Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord.

" Makes sense. As much as I dislike it. " Maria nodded in acceptance of Homura's word. " Mhm~ " She hummed in agreement, untangling from the girl. " If they are covering the whole island sinutentiously, then its likely an autonomous response system of sorts. I'd find it rather dreadful if it turned out that this entire ... experience was handcrafted for each of us. The level of power needed for something of that scale ... " Maria shuddered as she left the question hanging. Not that she needed to finish it to get her meaning across. ' This is starting to feel a bit like my time with Mis- Tapela. Like my time with Tapela. ' She mused in her private sanctum of her mind.

" I'm not judging, Vee. " She claimed with a light smile of her own. " I'm kinda glad to know that you do to be honest. It makes you seem more human to us grunts. " She finished with a light joke. Then regarded Homura. " For you though, I have no words. I'm impressed really. " She claimed, and Vee would be able to feel how genuine the inspiration was. " How high is your salary, btw? " She asked all of a sudden, as her inspired admiration grew into a bottomless pit of greed. Oh yea, Maria was the true money lover, wasn't she? It may have shown a bit in her eyes and smile. But surely it was nothing but pure and innocent?

She snickered as Vee agreed. " 'Keep your mind open', eh? " She parroted. " It's alright, Hommy. Just do what you feel like you can and leave the rest to us. " She supplied. " I'd feel bad if you outpeformed me in an area I was supposed to specialize in, after all~ " She added joyfully as they set out. Maria humming a cheerful, slow, tune as they walked along the beach. Her eyes scanning about the surroundings as fog marked her footsteps. Radiating and emerging from her indents in the sand. Not that the two would note if they were actually doing their assigned tasks.

" I don't personally mind. " She claimed with a fond smile. " You're the telepath here, Miss 'I know what you will do before you think of it', so if you find him trustworthy enough, let's go on ahead and give him the pitch. " She looked at Hommy for a moment to get her opinion. Then back to Vee. " So? "

Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Vee and Maria Grace

Vee was right in that some lines of thinking were traps, she was just off the mark on which ones. Now that she was aware of the assault on her mind though it'd probably be easier to ward them off. Still, it was a good idea to have an open mind, that'd allow Vee to enjoy a variety of activities instead of being closed off to everyone, when was the last time she really got to kick back, relax, leave all her thoughts behind her, and have some fun?

And Maria seemed to echo that sentiment, which was a good thing really. Maria deserved to have some fun too. It was good to keep an open mind, explore the beach and indulge in all the fun activities she could, and leave all her thoughts and worries behind her. There was no rush to get back to Auralis was there? She deserved a vacation.

Meanwhile, the conversation continued and Homura was on guard for Maria's money question. "It's plenty, I'll put it that way. Why do you care how much I make? I mean... I make enough to have some luxuries but I usually save what I get." Homura looked at Maria suspiciously after that question, she didn't know how much the woman before her actually loved money so her suspicion was more that Maria was trying to pry into her background more than get access to her money. "Necessary forms, Vee." Homura corrected, but with a softer tone than she would have normally, she knew it wasn't the appropriate time to start scolding Vee on how important those forms actually were considering their situation.

"You two should be careful... just thinking about resting made me get compelled, thinking about an open mind would probably be a bad idea." Homura tried to warn them as they proceeded forward, the blonde gave a glare towards Maria as soon as she heard the nickname she was given, but sighed and let it pass as she really didn't need to dwell on things like that right now. "I don't think that's gonna happen. Homura said, she was hardly a fighter in the conventional sense, the best she could do is be a distraction on a stick. She was rather attractive at least.

"So avoid the blonde, ignore the purple pinked haired vixen, and talk to the man? Got it. Go for it Vee." Homura said in agreement with Vee and Maria as she followed Vee and gave Maria an enviable view of her swaying backside without realizing it.

Mysterious Island
Tag: Beach Event

Vee continued to scan the thoughts of people around her, searching for any signs of the individual (or individuals) responsible for kidnapping everyone. Thus far, she found nothing. Most people actually appeared to be quite content with the situation and elected to either succumb to the island’s influence or were simply blissfully unaware of it as they enjoyed the beach.

”What, I’m not human now?” The heroine smirked and looked over her shoulder to glance at Maria. ”Well, that was just a figure of speech.” She shrugged at the heroine before she turned forward again and redoubled her efforts on scanning the beach. Keeping an open mind, the heroine “listened in” on other people’s thoughts, trying to learn more about who or what brough them here together.

A few steps later, Vee suddenly felt lightheaded. Then, a thought occurred in her head about how good of an idea it was to keep an open mind. To leave her worries behind her, have fun, and enjoy a variety of activities at the beach. The seductive thought tempted her to stop for a moment. Just to glimpse at the horizon or sit down to think and maybe enjoy the warm feeling of the sun against her skin.

”I think… it’s happening again.” Vee muttered out and shook her head, shutting herself off from the outside. ”Right, so… keeping an open mind is a bad idea. Thinking about resisting is a bad idea. Thinking about keeping an open mind is a bad idea… so… hmm… I guess just ignore the beach-related stuff for now… until I come up with a better idea…” The telepath rubbed her temples, purging the last traces of that seductive influence from her mind. And, just to make sure her companions were okay, she decided to take a few quick peeks into their minds as well. If her companions were succumbing to the influence, she wanted to be ready. In the meantime, however, it seemed that the three of them finally reached a consensus.

”Right…” The director said as she walked in front of Homura. With a sour expression, she fixed her bikini to make sure it wasn’t showing too much. The bottoms were a little bit too tight and the top was flimsy enough where she was afraid it might slide to the side with one wrong move. ”Stupid… that’s why I prefer single piece…” Vee grumbled under her breath right before the three women approached the young man.

”Uh, hi. I’m Vee. Did you also just end up here without remembering how you got here?” She asked him directly…
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

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Spoiler for Vayelia Fells:

Vayelia Fells
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Morgan Garcia

Vayelia turned her head towards Morgan as she said she could watch, she had seen a lot of transformations in her time in Auralis but what she was about to experience was quite a bit different than a Justice Transformer or a Magical Girl transforming, instead the woman injected herself with a syringe and her form changed drastically, scales formed along the woman's body and her hips widened, then a tail formed along with it. Vayelia's expression was a mix between awe and curiosity, but she didn't want to change into some sort of creature so her caution took over her curiosity, better to leave the experimenting to Morgan. It didn't seem to be just her appearance that changed, but her personality as well judging by the way she spoke and the way she braided her hair. Once the transformation was finished, the Dominion woman blinked a few times and gave her appraisal.

"Impressive, but testing it on myself can wait, I can handle myself as I am right now. Stealth isn't exactly my primary method of approach, but I can manage, I've had several years of experience in multiple fields, so I can manage." Vayelia unconsciously rubbed where the syringe would go on her body as she stuck close to Morgan. "Let me come in from the side, I'll let you take point and tell us when to charge for it though." Vayelia would take whatever position Morgan felt best, at this point the woman clearly knew what she was doing and seemed more confident, no reason to shatter that confidence. It was still impossible to make out what the glow was without getting closer, but once they put their plan into action they'd find out...

Morgan Garcia
Palm Tree Grove
Tagging: Vayelia Fells

Morgan chuckled at the suggestion that Vayelia transform right now.  With a strong, confident voice she responded, "Well, good to hear you can handle yourself.  You'd probably want a custom shot anyway depending what abilities or skills you want or want to improve.  That could be provided at my lab at the University in Auralis.  We are testing these animal trait cocktails for eventual public use."  Noticing the way the other girl rubbed her arm where the shot would go, Morgan offered, "But this seems like an emergency situation.  I wouldn't be normally giving these out, but if you ever do feel it would help you sometime while we are here, I always keep a few with me just in case I need them."

After giving that a moment to sink in, the Doc waved toward the light, "Okay, let's go."  Her gaze turned predatory as she silently slipped through the underbrush, letting Vayelia follow as they approached the light from the side.  She'd go slower than if she was doing this alone so that her companion could keep track of her.  Moving undetected is fine until the person you are coordinating with can't detect you either.  She'd glance back every so often to make sure Vayelia hadn't lost sight of her and would wave her hand or tap some brush to catch her attention if needed.  As they neared the light, Morgan would close her clear eyelids that would normally be used for sight underwater... in case it might afford some protection for herself if need be.  The plan was to observe the area first from hiding before deciding if a calm, closer inspection was appropriate or an ambush to subdue or destroy what was there was needed instead.

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Spoiler for Hidden:

Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Eleanor Lagan

"I could yes, hold on." Aislinn conjured up what Eleanor requested without much effort, smirking a little as she did, once she produced the baggy t-shirt and shorts though Eleanor would feel something tug at her mind. It certainly wasn't Aislinn as she was offering the clothes willingly. No, something was telling her that covering up was wrong and showing off was a much better decision for her self-confidence, she deserved to enjoy her vacation and show off a little. "Is... something wrong?" Aislinn tilted her head a little in confusion at the pause. Regardless of whether or not Eleanor resisted or followed the compulsion, Aislinn would try to move towards the signature shortly after only to be stopped...

Aislinn's eyes went wide when Eleanor shot her hand out and grabbed her, she stopped when told to and listened to the woman out of sheer shock. The points she made were indeed pretty smart and left her a bit speechless. "That's true, I just thought with the two of us we'd be able to handle it." Aislinn blushed when Eleanor stated she was drinking and tapped her fingers to her chin as she thought about it. "A little fruit cocktail isn't going to kill me, and I didn't feel anything weird drinking one, but you're right. Let's refrain from drinking anything else on the island. Let's proceed carefully..."" Aislinn found herself following Eleanor instead, trying to show she was willing to listen to the woman and be more cautious in their approach. Aislinn's goal was to get off the island, not piss off the only person she trusted at this point, brainwashing her could come second once she found a weakness in the armor other than meekness...

There would be a large crashing sound that both women would hear, and Aislinn would look at Eleanor with wide eyes, she took a step towards the sound carefully and looked at her companion to see if she wanted to investigate it...

The Mysterious Jungle
Tag: Open Sesame

Nathaniel did not like this one bit.

Being at one moment preparing his counter-offensive of the human's entrenched forward encampment and the next moment hurtling toward the ground, taking branches and leaves with him before he cratered face first into a small pool of water wasn't the problem. He'd been through stranger situations before and he would go through them again. It wasn't even his attire, though his sleeveless leotard was definitely clashing with the blue flame pattern swim trunks he found himself in now; an article of clothing he definitively did not own. No, the problem lay in the air. It was thick and humid like one would expect from a jungle, but the prince's more finely tuned senses were picking up on the undeniable sensation of magic in the air. Not only that, he could practically feel what passed for his blood boiling in his veins, warning him of danger.

His fall had caused some minor scrapes to his body, which he allowed to heal before he slowing climbed to his feet. Nathaniel peered back up at the clear hole he'd left in the roof of the canopy, cricking his neck and cracking his knuckles as he took stock of his body. Everything felt intact, no sign of drugs or possession, and he couldn't smell the typical scent of ozone which accompanied powerful teleportation magic. If there had been anyone in his general vicinity, there's no way they didn't hear his rapid descent to the jungle floor. There were still various birds cawing and flapping away from the area. He turned his gaze away from the treetops and back to the area around him, his analytical eyes scanning as he turned in a full circle. It looked like a jungle, not that the prince was terribly familiar with jungles to begin with. Still, the environment was undeniably tropical, almost too serene.

Maybe I could afford to take a break, the war's been so tiring lately. Nathaniel frowned, one of his eyes twitching ever so slightly.

"Now I know something's wrong." The prince spoke aloud, as though no longer fully trusting in his internal thoughts. Nathaniel and "breaks" were not good friends. His body subsisted on corruption, fighting, and the occasional brownie if Kylana was making them. Taking breaks never entered into the picture, and he couldn't remember the last time he'd even considered the idea.

Now fully on guard, Nathaniel knelt down on one knee as he strained his senses, trying to pick out the sounds of human movement or signs of life in the dense jungle. He did not know what was going on but he also didn't want to wander aimlessly on his own. He might've typically been a lone wolf, but he knew better than to approach an unknown situation with the same bravado he took into battle.

Despite his bumpy arrival onto the island and the damage he had caused to to the canopy. Nathaniel's keen senses would kick in at this point and alert him to the two women coming towards him, and he'd have a chance to observe them before they noticed him too if he was careful about it. One of them was familiar, Eleanor, the other was a blue haired woman he had never seen before but there was corruption seeping off of her so it was likely that she was corrupted. He had to decide if he wanted to be found, or if he wanted to evade the two at this point. The magic in the air wasn't doing anything to Nathaniel yet, but it was undeniably powerful, the question was how powerful?

Eleanor Lagan
Tag: Aislinn (Youkai), Nathaniel (Spooky)

There was a moment of hesitation as Eleanor’s hand took the clothes. “Yeah, there’s something poking at my brain alright. ‘Show off a little’, pfah.” She grumbled as she shrugged on the baggy shirt, more aware than she’d like of the cloth resting and rubbing against her skin. They moved forward in silence for a time, keeping vigilant and staying out of sight as best as possible. After a long, tense while Eleanor let out a reluctant sigh as she picked forward, and murmured back, “Sorry. I’m just… not really a people person. I really do appreciate the clothes, and… y’know, not groping me...”

The crashing, snapping branches interrupted Eleanor’s awkward apology. The hybrid leapt instantly up a dozen feet into the air, grabbing onto a tree like an insect—more evidence of her inhuman nature, if Aislinn needed it. When her companion seemed alright on the ground, Eleanor cautiously began to climb further upward, trying to get a peek at what was there…

She covered her mouth with her hand, eyes flicking downward to Aislinn. He’s been captured? This is… really fucking bad. In a reflection of their first meeting, she wasn’t the stealthiest person: her white hair decidedly stood out against the green canopy. No use trying to hide her presence, best to let him know who he was speaking to. She was suddenly very glad she’d gotten some clothes… Eleanor called out cautiously. “P-prince Nathaniel? Do you… know what’s going on?” The situation would suggest no, but there was always hope?

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Spoiler for Hidden:

Yasu Shibuya Taegan Griffin
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Molly Wood

Once Molly got through introductions, Taegan looked at Yasu with a head tilt. The Cross had no real records on the Clan so her confusion was to be expected, they knew nothing about each other than some minor information and the fact that each organization existed. Yasu's reaction was more calm, she just smiled back at the silver haired girl, she seemed far more casual about this whole ordeal, but perhaps that was her normal personality. "Yes, I am Grandmaster Shibuya, you're human so I don't have a problem with telling you." Taegan raised an eyebrow, but had a much more reserved response to this information than Molly did. "If we get out of this, you should come visit the Cathedral some time, maybe Lady Aurora would like to speak to you." The woman's tone barely changed at all, there was only a minor inflection here and there as she made her recommendation.

Taegan then turned to Molly and shook her head. "I've only been here for a few hours, I thought the bar would be the most likely place to find some people, I wasn't planning on eating or drinking anything. There are a bunch of others waking up on the other two beaches, some of them are demons, some of them are heroines, but I've kept my distance because I've been trying to investigate. Anna is covering the eastern beach, she got brainwashed to be a lifeguard, she refuses to leave and if you try to convince her this is a trap she'll just ignore you. Also, she tried to brainwash me, so I've been keeping my distance from everyone. It's obvious that whoever brought us here, wants us to stay here." Yasu narrowed her eyes, so they didn't want to go to the eastern beach.

"How did you escape?" Yasu asked simply, peering at Taegan's expressions. "I overpowered her, I could've taken her hostage and snapped her out of it, but she had a magical girl help her so I had to retreat. We shouldn't stay in one place too long, you might get lucky and see another ally here and there, but we need to solve this island's mystery as soon as possible." Taegan answered bluntly, the Grandmaster opened her mouth to speak, but upon turning to Molly she stopped herself and gave the woman a chance to give her thoughts on the situation.

Molly Wood
Tagging: Yasu Shibuya

Molly kept looking between the more senior paladin, and the Grandmaster of the EDC. The Grandmaster who promptly carried on with the introduction. Letting Taegan know of her rank. Yasu was pretty chill about the entire situation, which Molly was starting to suspect was just Yasu's default personality. She certainly had a charming charisma, it wasn't hard to imagine other ninja's following her into battle. Taegen, on the other hand, was inviting Yasu to the Cathedral. That, was an idea with merit. The two groups didn't really know each other, so having a more formal meeting between the two groups would likely be a good idea. And also... cause Molly was now curious about the other ninjas that might be visiting Auralis.

She nodded along to Taegan's update.  "Seems they've gotten a lot of us... and demons as well?" That was... troubling. "So not only have we got, whoever it is that has set this all up and captured us. But we also have to deal with demons too? You see any big names here?" Hopefully, if any demons were here, they'd be equally distracted by the variety of beach activities. Yasu interrupted Molly's thought process.

"We need to solve this and fast. The longer we're here, the more likely we are to get caught up in something... or run into someone... or need to get something to eat or drink." She turned to look at Taegan. "And then we can help Anna as well." She looked back around the jungle. Down the path she and Yasu had come down. "We should probably talk whilst on the move as well, just so we don't spend too long in one place as well. We don't wanna get trapped at the bar do we. Best to limit potential brainwashing opportunities."

Molly made to put actions to words. Walking off back down the path, heading back into the jungle. Heading deeper into the island. Glancing back over her shoulder. "Hey, Taegan You've been across the island right? You seen anywhere else of interest? Or any other places to avoid?"

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Chloe Von, Experiment XII (Pyro)
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Caitlyn (Youkai)

“I guess so...” Chloe answered, sounding a lot less confident than before. ‘R-Relax, that’s perfectly believable!’ she reassured herself, while trying to hide her nerves. ‘And... I mean that totally sounds better then telling her I’ll go crazy with lust if they aren’t back on within a couple hours…’ she thought, now smiling kindly at the stranger after she successfully unbound her arms and backed away.

   “Err, thanks….” Chloe replied, doing exactly as Caitlyn requested and softly laying stomach down upon a beach mat while feeling the coarse sand squashing her considerable assets into her chest. The formerly captive Heroine closing her eyes and listening to the sound of the waves in the distance before feeling the coldness of Caitlyn’s suntan lotion.

   “Wow, that’s cold!” she protested, jolting awake and shaking off Caitlyn’s hand with her thigh. “Err sorry!” Chloe declared apologetically hoping she hadn’t upset the other woman. “I-I’ll get used to it!” she added, turning away from Caitlyn, and resting her chin upon the top of the beach mat whilst returning to the sound of the waves.

   “Mmm~ that feels so good!” Chloe moaned, choosing to free her arms from the sleeves of her straight-jacket and undoing the front of her straight-jacket, exposing the flesh of breast before stretching out her arms and offering them as well as the top of her muscled back to Caitlyn’s touch; her mind being carried further and further away by the sound of the waves along with the pleasurable tingles of Caitlyn's lotion.

Caitlyn Labelle
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Chloe

"You really aren't used to a beach are you? Don't worry about a thing, I'll take care of this for you. Relax, we need to get this lotion on all your skin so you're protected." Caitlyn's smirk twitched, this would be an easy mark if this kept up, the woman wasn't running away and letting Caitlyn call all the shots right now. Although, she wasn't aware that she was actually brainwashing Chloe right now. It was only now that she decided the captive heroine would be a nice toy to have. The woman continued to apply the lotion in the meantime though. She covered the woman's shins and calves at this point, slowly making her way up. She made a mental note that the woman was offering her arms and back as well. She'd get to those in a bit but Chloe's legs were long and needed attention first.

Every little rub and caress would silence Chloe's thoughts and help her drift away further and further. The more she enjoyed, the less she thought, the more she let Caitlyn apply the sunscreen, the less she needed to worry. And the more she let Caitlyn work on her, the more she needed to relax. The beach was so nice, Chloe could close her eyes, drift away, and sink into the sand...

Chloe Von, Experiment XII (Pyro)
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Caitlyn (Youkai)

Chloe failed to respond to Caitlyn’s words, the captive Heroine briefly raising her head up and letting her hair fall about her shoulders while looking forward at the shimmer of the ocean’s waves. The captive Heroine knew her failure to respond probably seemed rude, but she had hoped the blonde would have figured out just how inexperienced she was with beaches by her clothes situation.

“Err, thanks…” Chloe muttered quietly, once again returning her head to the sand and letting her eyes fall to a close. “Mmm~” she hummed, “this really does feel absolutely amazing!” she added, her cheeks growing flushed. “Your fingers feel like magic,” Chloe stated, the Heroine’s sex thrummed feeling both Caitlyn’s hands drift up from her shins to her calves to her thighs and the pleasurable sensation of the lotion being rubbed into her silky soft skin.

Chloe then tentatively arched her back and pushed her backside higher trying to make it a more appealing target to the stranger. Chloe’s love juices had slowly begun to flow following the pleasurable tingle of Caitlyn’s cold sun lotion and her mind had already drifted so far away that beneath the cover of her eyelid’s her eyes had fogged over as she sank wantonly into the sand whilst awaiting instruction from the unknown woman...

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Morgan Garcia
Palm Tree Grove
Tagging: Vayelia Fells

Morgan chuckled at the suggestion that Vayelia transform right now.  With a strong, confident voice she responded, "Well, good to hear you can handle yourself.  You'd probably want a custom shot anyway depending what abilities or skills you want or want to improve.  That could be provided at my lab at the University in Auralis.  We are testing these animal trait cocktails for eventual public use."  Noticing the way the other girl rubbed her arm where the shot would go, Morgan offered, "But this seems like an emergency situation.  I wouldn't be normally giving these out, but if you ever do feel it would help you sometime while we are here, I always keep a few with me just in case I need them."

After giving that a moment to sink in, the Doc waved toward the light, "Okay, let's go."  Her gaze turned predatory as she silently slipped through the underbrush, letting Vayelia follow as they approached the light from the side.  She'd go slower than if she was doing this alone so that her companion could keep track of her.  Moving undetected is fine until the person you are coordinating with can't detect you either.  She'd glance back every so often to make sure Vayelia hadn't lost sight of her and would wave her hand or tap some brush to catch her attention if needed.  As they neared the light, Morgan would close her clear eyelids that would normally be used for sight underwater... in case it might afford some protection for herself if need be.  The plan was to observe the area first from hiding before deciding if a calm, closer inspection was appropriate or an ambush to subdue or destroy what was there was needed instead.

Vayelia Fells
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Morgan Garcia

"I see, well considering that you're doing self testing I guess they'd probably be safe. I'll consider it, but for now I think I'll be alright." Still, Vayelia wasn't entirely convinced that it'd be safe for her to inject, but maybe once they were back in Auralis she could get some samples and use them for herself, and perhaps share them with Rhys or something. Mainly she was worried about it becoming a permanent transformation but since Morgan didn't seem concerned about that her own concerns were muted. Plus they had more important things to deal with, such as getting off this damn island and finding a way out of here.

Taking time to observe the area would reveal some things, there were traps around what was glowing, which appeared to be a golden rose. There were two sets of traps on the left, and one set on the right, also the glow coming from the rose exuded some sort of power, but it was hard to gauge without getting closer. "That's not corruption... maybe magic?" Vayelia said in a whisper as she decided to keep following Morgan's lead. If the woman really was going to betray Morgan she had plenty of opportunities to do so and didn't take a single one. "You see anything? Other than that flower I mean."

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Spoiler for Fae:

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

The sundae was good. She'd have to find more when she was back in Auralis. Maybe ones... with less lustful thoughts inducing properties, but it tasted so good! The brain freeze was almost kind of pleasant in the sun as well. The invitation to be alone with Elune was seeming better, but honestly Fae was already pretty dubious about her to begin with. Tsuifan on the other hand? Well she seemed nice. "It's lovely!" Fae replied with, popping another spoon of frozen desert into her mouth. Humming to herself afterwards as Elune's attention moved from her back to the human. Letting her own energy counter what ever it was that was trying to get her to lower her guard. She was having a nice time, just could do without all the influences, but it was what it was.

She nodded along as Elune answered Tsuifan's question before smiling herself, leaning over to answer Tsuifan's questions herself. "Yup! Singing is totes the language of love! Not lust! The only Ba-bumps! should be of your heart! Not your bed frame!" She took another spoonful of sundae and leaned in towards Tsuifan more. "Only met her today! Seems a bit forward, but nice other then that! I wouldn't trust anything she offers you to eat though..." The spoon was still moving in the mermaids mouth as she talked, clearly not picking up on, or not bothered by, the hypocrisy in her statement. She stood back up again and looked between the two of them. "Transform! Oh, I've always been pink and adorable!" Fae nodded happily to herself. "But both the tides and music change, and it's a little difficult to live in a city when you're bright pink and often have a tail... So I learnt how to channel my music to make it more convenient away from the ocean!" She looked wistfully out at the beach again. "But it's been totes amazing to be back near water again!"

She hummed a little theme to herself again for a moment. "I mean it's a super cute theme though for an idol right! What else would I have been? A bunny idol?" Fae giggled to herself before she looked other, eyes wide and moving with surprising speed over the sand to the elemental again. "Heeeya! You got yourself sorted now? Can understand me now? How's it feel being out of the water, sucks doesn't it?" She pouted slightly. "Oh, and be careful about the food and drink here, it does some weird things to your body." One of the androids turned up, retrieving the sundae glass from Fae. Before she gasped. "Oh! I'm so sorry, I'm Fae! Nice to meet you again! What's your name?"
Spoiler for Tsuifan Hurin:

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

"Aheheh! 'Ba-bumps', huh?" No one but Fae was saying anything about lust, but it was true that Tsuifan had noticed the bawdier trends of recent music videos being broadcast. She never had any strong opinions about those trends, really she barely knew anything about the music scene...but she certainly still felt that there would always be room for more family-friendly music in the world! Catchy, heart-pounding tunes especially!

There was an unfortunate bit of miscommunication, it seemed like, when it came to one of Tsuifan's questions. Tsuifan was trying to ask if her energetic superfan was actually the orb-bearer's friend, not Elune's. Though Tsuifan was every bit as curious to know about their relationship too, so she let the misunderstanding play out.

Elune must have been a very bad cook, from the sound of Fae's warning. But they only just met? How would she already know not to touch her food if...ohhh! I get it now! Tsuifan giggled as she realized the truth. The pretty pink jokester wasn't actually afraid of Elune's gifts, not even slightly. She was happily slurping down that sundae, without a single care or sign that there was anything to fear from it. Or for that matter, a sign that the sundae was anything less than delicious. Darn that cutie! She really got me good there! What a impressive scamp. She didn't seem to be the least bit put out about her skin condiion, either. Or her...tail condition...? However many conditions she'd apparently been dealing with since birth. This trooper just kept on fighting, with her spirits sky high! What a girl. She even learned magic. And was quite the poet, too, with all talk about channeling with the tide. It all sounded very profound (if confusing) to Tsuifan, quite appropriate for a musician. A singer-songwriter? "What kind of 'idol' are you talking about? I thought an idol was some kind of religious statue. So you're telling me you wanna be...statuesque?" A statuesque bunny? "You might be just a little too high-energy to pull that off now...but if you ask me, you shouldn't change a thing. Keep showing your true colors! They really suit you."

While Tsuifan gave Fae an approving thumbs up, she had to double back to Elune's very curious comment from earlier. "You said you were 'corrupted'?" What did that mean?  "Like...when you were younger, you got mixed up with some real shady crowds? Oh, man! I've been there, sister. I won't ask for the details, but seriously, don't go calling yourself dangerous over something like that. Having a troubled past doesn't make you into a villain."  Another lesson that would've definitely been learned from watching Tsuifan's show. Not that she expected everyone to be the biggest fan of it. Or to understand her show's subtle lessons, even after going through a few repeat watchings. As Elune seemed in need of emotional support, at any rate, Tsuifan gave her an all-too-friendly slap on the shoulder. "You seem nice enough to me! ...S'pose I can take those rumors with a grain of salt, huh? It's not like I believe the other ones! Like The Mayor being a secret demon. Or all cats everywhere being secret superdemons." Actually, that one sounded entirely plausible...still. Tsuifan hoped that her big dose of positivity would be enough to settle Elune's fears.

While she may have still had some issues with volume control, Fae had none of Elune's issues of self-doubt to worry about. Which was why she so readily sped off to make a new friend, the curiously approaching Shoolurel. Letting one of those mechanoid men take her empty glass. Is he working for the bar? Tsuifan wasn't sure how safe that was, but....something about this atmosphere was just so comforting, she didn't even worry about it. "I haven't sung in a while," she mused, turning back to Elune. "How about you?" While they spoke, Tsuifan would be moseying over to meet Shoolurel, too. She was as curious as anyone to learn more about the orb girl's origins, if she too was on is kind of a nice place to cut loose, isn't it? Even if Tsuifan's idea of cutting loose usually involved busting the heads of some baddies.
Spoiler for Shoolurel:

Mysterious Island- Beach
Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

Fae's peppy excited voice was loud enough for some of her words to be caught by the orb floating beside the elemental.  Shoolurel was rather distracted by Anna and getting tied into her new strange clothes, but she did glance at the orb from time to time and the phrase '...back near the water again.'  caught her eyes as the translated phrase floated up for her to see.

Responding to Anna's last words, she said, "Ahmi corba."  "I will."  At least as long as she was unable to generate her protective coating, she'd happily accept any protection these bits of cloth could provide.  Turning her attention to the others, she noted just how friendly everyone seemed.  The blonde girl was waving her over and the other two were approaching with no malice in their expressions.  In fact, the pink mermaid-like girl looked especially friendly... and not just because her aquatic look gave a favorable initial impression.  Shoolurel waved back at Elune and the others with a kindly smile of her own as she approached.

Fae's barrage of questions caught her off guard, and her eyes widened as she started to read all the new text.  As she absorbed the gist of the questions and Fae's attitude though, her grin widened and she began to giggle.  It took a few seconds to reign in her laughter, "Ahmi dookitoo."  "I'm sorry."  As she continued, her words blended in under the voice of her translator, sounding like accompanying music to her 'voice'.  "I'm Shoolurel.  Nice to meet you too.  In a strange land like this, I am happy to meet another person who is more accustomed to living in the water.  I think I'm as comfortable as I can be here when I don't know where here is and can't even generate my outer covering."  She pouted and poked at her left breast with her left index finger.

"Ahmi bowlte chatsi..." "I mean... these artificial coverings don't seem to protect much.  I was exploring the Demon Realms, but..." Her attention moved away from the swimsuit and back to Fae, though her eyes seemed distant, "..something happened.  I can't remember what besides suddenly feeling sleepy and then waking up here."  Focus and her friendly smile returned as she changed the subject, "Being in the water is a comfort in this strange, unexpected place, but a friendly face is even more welcome." 

The elemental tilted her head in curiosity before adding, "Aupni Tempest taykeh na."  "You are not from the Tempest.  Even if you had trouble with my accent, you would have understood some of my words earlier.  Where do your kind come from?"  Her eyes slowly scanned over the pink body with interest as she took in the details of her aquatic companion.

Elune Farah
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

The sundae definitely hit the spot, and it wasn't just Fae's taste buds that continued to get a burst of joy. This compulsion was stronger than the others thanks to the erosion from accepting the other compulsions without question. In fact, thanks to the continued compulsions that Fae had been subjected to, she might find it easier to fall into a nice happy daze and go along with whatever the others wanted to do on the beach, she was enjoying herself so much and there was no reason to stop the fun. Yes, going along with everything and being a happy agreeable demon felt really nice today, there was no reason to kill her mood. She might be able to shrug it off, but it was harder to do than the others up to this point.

"Hey, you wanted a sundae! I just was trying to help." Elune pouted, but her spirits didn't seem to waver one bit, she just giggled and laughed at Fae's words. "Yeah it's been really fun here, I know we have to leave eventually but it's so fun being here." The magical girl said with a giggle as she hummed to herself and tilted her head from side to side, she didn't have a care in the world it seemed, most of the conversation seemed to be on idols which was out of Elune's knowledge base. "Idols sound cute, you both are cute anyway. Don't idols sing a long and dance a lot? I can see that both of you have a lot of energy so I can believe that."

Then Tsuifan took an interest in her which surprised the blonde, maybe she could get two of them and have some fun? "I'm... okay I think? I know I've been corrupted but I've had a lot of fun recently, I even too my pet on a walk on a leash recently! And no, I was an adult when I was corrupted, I remember how it happened but I'd rather not get into that, this is a vacation, we should enjoy ourselves!" She wasn't going to mention that pet was a corrupted heroine of course. She didn't know what Tsuifan was talking about with the cats and the mayor being a demon, but it sounded funny, so she laughed a bit.

In the meantime, as Tsuifan's mind went to cutting loose, another compulsion would try to worm into her head. Cutting loose on the beach and enjoying her time here was such a fun idea, whether it was singing, dancing, sunbathing, swimming, it didn't matter as long as she enjoyed her vacation and continued to enjoy everything that the island had to offer. Maybe not the food though, as she had been warned about that, but all that other stuff sounded really fun. "Oh I haven't sung much at all, I'd probably be bad at it, but that's okay!"

Then Shoolurel came over, at first Elune was confused and tilted her head as she didn't understand the woman, but then the translator did it's work and she could understand the cutie. "Hello Shoolurel, I'm Elune! Also we're on Earth, I don't know where you're from but here there are all sorts of beings that visit. I don't remember what this island is called, but hey, it's fun!" Although the woman seemed mostly focused on Fae, so she remained polite for now and just smiled energetically, trying to keep up the good vibes.

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Chloe Von, Experiment XII (Pyro)
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Caitlyn (Youkai)

Chloe failed to respond to Caitlyn’s words, the captive Heroine briefly raising her head up and letting her hair fall about her shoulders while looking forward at the shimmer of the ocean’s waves. The captive Heroine knew her failure to respond probably seemed rude, but she had hoped the blonde would have figured out just how inexperienced she was with beaches by her clothes situation.

“Err, thanks…” Chloe muttered quietly, once again returning her head to the sand and letting her eyes fall to a close. “Mmm~” she hummed, “this really does feel absolutely amazing!” she added, her cheeks growing flushed. “Your fingers feel like magic,” Chloe stated, the Heroine’s sex thrummed feeling both Caitlyn’s hands drift up from her shins to her calves to her thighs and the pleasurable sensation of the lotion being rubbed into her silky soft skin.

Chloe then tentatively arched her back and pushed her backside higher trying to make it a more appealing target to the stranger. Chloe’s love juices had slowly begun to flow following the pleasurable tingle of Caitlyn’s cold sun lotion and her mind had already drifted so far away that beneath the cover of her eyelid’s her eyes had fogged over as she sank wantonly into the sand whilst awaiting instruction from the unknown woman...

Caitlyn Labelle
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Chloe

Caitlyn just smiled and continued to apply the lotion, happy to oblige and make the woman feel good. "Don't squirm too much, stay still and I'll be able to get you all covered in no time." The blonde said with a sly smirk on her face that was hidden thanks to Chloe's position. She finished the woman's legs and noticed that Chloe was arching her back and trying to get the woman to focus on her ass. The Dominion agent wasn't going to deny the woman what she wanted, she started gently massaging the woman's ass and rubbing in more sunscreen as she spoke with a sultry voice into the heroine's ear, this time it was hypnotic.

"Relax, just stay still, no need to move or think. Just follow my instructions and everything will be just fine." Caitlyn's voice would penetrate the woman's mind and root itself into her head as a command to be followed. And it wasn't just that compelling her mind either, thanks to sinking to the compulsions in succession those would worm into her head too. But really, was she going to resist at all?

Especially when she felt so warm and horny, and listening to Caitlyn made her feel so dazed and happy. Her mind had drifted away, there was no reason to worry or think, just enjoy the beach and have fun on her vacation. This was just one thing the island had to offer, and she could explore so many more things as soon as this was over. She just needed to blank out for a while. Blank, Sink, Relax. Blank, Sink, Relax. No reason to think, no reason to worry, no reason to resist. All she had to do was enjoy her massage...

It was a combined assault against her mind, but with her mind's weakened state she probably wouldn't notice and just sink into a nice deep trance and enjoy this massage...

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Molly Wood
Tagging: Yasu Shibuya

Molly kept looking between the more senior paladin, and the Grandmaster of the EDC. The Grandmaster who promptly carried on with the introduction. Letting Taegan know of her rank. Yasu was pretty chill about the entire situation, which Molly was starting to suspect was just Yasu's default personality. She certainly had a charming charisma, it wasn't hard to imagine other ninja's following her into battle. Taegen, on the other hand, was inviting Yasu to the Cathedral. That, was an idea with merit. The two groups didn't really know each other, so having a more formal meeting between the two groups would likely be a good idea. And also... cause Molly was now curious about the other ninjas that might be visiting Auralis.

She nodded along to Taegan's update.  "Seems they've gotten a lot of us... and demons as well?" That was... troubling. "So not only have we got, whoever it is that has set this all up and captured us. But we also have to deal with demons too? You see any big names here?" Hopefully, if any demons were here, they'd be equally distracted by the variety of beach activities. Yasu interrupted Molly's thought process.

"We need to solve this and fast. The longer we're here, the more likely we are to get caught up in something... or run into someone... or need to get something to eat or drink." She turned to look at Taegan. "And then we can help Anna as well." She looked back around the jungle. Down the path she and Yasu had come down. "We should probably talk whilst on the move as well, just so we don't spend too long in one place as well. We don't wanna get trapped at the bar do we. Best to limit potential brainwashing opportunities."

Molly made to put actions to words. Walking off back down the path, heading back into the jungle. Heading deeper into the island. Glancing back over her shoulder. "Hey, Taegan You've been across the island right? You seen anywhere else of interest? Or any other places to avoid?"

Yasu Shibuya Taegan Griffin
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Molly Wood

Molly had two attractive women sitting with her now, it was nice to fantasize about spending more time with them on the beach and enjoy their company. Perhaps she could convince them to go back to a beach as a nice excuse to drink in their bodies with the sun emphasizing their beauty, a nice daze might settle over Molly's mind as she let her gaze linger on Yasu and Taegan's bodies. Plus there was probably more beauties too... she should just enjoy herself...

"I saw one of Astrid's illusions patrolling the beach, she looked like she was looking for someone and seemed to be in the same situation as us, and if she's around it's likely that Nathaniel is around. For once, I don't think we're necessarily enemies, it's possible that we've have all been kidnapped." Taegan said while looking out in the distance, luckily blending in with the group outside seemed to work as nobody was bothering them from having this conversation or trying to whisk them away. "I know Nathaniel a bit, let me talk to him if we bump into him, I think as long as we're on the same side I believe we can come to an agreement." At least, Yasu hoped that was the case, she felt like he'd be easy to talk to if they both had the same goals...

Taegan grimaced a bit at Yasu's statement, she had been trained to eradicate demons and not talk to them much, there were very rare circumstances that you could have a real conversation with one and the paladin could count them on one hand. "You're a risky gambler, demons are the enemy. They aren't to be trusted..." Taegan did not seem to like this idea, she glared at Yasu and then softened her gaze once it landed on Molly again, Yasu said nothing to her statement, she had met Nathaniel before and other than the first tense few minutes she thought he could at least be approached in the right circumstance. The conversation moved on from that and was back to moving on and rescuing Anna. Agreed, we need to get a move on, I think stopping here was fruitful, at least for you." Yasu winked at Molly with a sly grin, there was a flirty undertone to her voice as she started playing matchmaker in her head with Taegan and Molly for her own amusement.

As the three of them moved, Taegan relaxed her posture and told the two what she knew. "I've seen some flowers that have been glowing gold along the jungle here, but I haven't bothered to investigate them because I figured they were a trap. The last time I even got close to one vines started to try and wrap around me. And as I said, I'd try to avoid the beaches. I also saw some caves, but I didn't bother going in those alone." Taegan explained. "Kinky, but helpful. Now that you have some allies though we should try and investigate more places since we have each other's back." Taegan shot a look towards Yasu again. "You're casual about all of this..."

"It's called keeping a level head, if you panic about everything you're going to make any sound decisions. Such as which direction we should go next. Also I haven't felt any compulsions for a while so keep yourselves alert." Yasu nodded towards the path which suddenly split off into four directions. Southwest, West, East, and Northeast...

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Spoiler for Vayelia Fells:

Vayelia Fells
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Morgan Garcia

"I see, well considering that you're doing self testing I guess they'd probably be safe. I'll consider it, but for now I think I'll be alright." Still, Vayelia wasn't entirely convinced that it'd be safe for her to inject, but maybe once they were back in Auralis she could get some samples and use them for herself, and perhaps share them with Rhys or something. Mainly she was worried about it becoming a permanent transformation but since Morgan didn't seem concerned about that her own concerns were muted. Plus they had more important things to deal with, such as getting off this damn island and finding a way out of here.

Taking time to observe the area would reveal some things, there were traps around what was glowing, which appeared to be a golden rose. There were two sets of traps on the left, and one set on the right, also the glow coming from the rose exuded some sort of power, but it was hard to gauge without getting closer. "That's not corruption... maybe magic?" Vayelia said in a whisper as she decided to keep following Morgan's lead. If the woman really was going to betray Morgan she had plenty of opportunities to do so and didn't take a single one. "You see anything? Other than that flower I mean."

Morgan Garcia

Palm Tree Grove
Tagging: Vayelia Fells

The reptilian morph grinned toothily and nodded, "Oh, yes.  These official injections have been approved for human testing.  There are fairly rigorous standards that must be met to ensure general human safety before any human testing is done if one wants to eventually have a legal, USDA-approved product."  She was certainly proud and hopeful about the fruits of her research.

Trekking into the jungle, the Doc kept alert as she moved swiftly and silently through the underbrush.  She was mostly watching for other people, guards or people in trance, that could be a danger.  As they got close to the glow though, something... just felt off about her surroundings.  Standing still, Morgan narrowed her eyes as she peered around, searching for what was amiss.  She raised her left hand at a right angle, like a traffic officer telling people to stop.  It took a few seconds, but eventually she noticed what appeared to be some sort of trap between them and the rose that seemed to be the source of the golden glow.

Knowing there was one trap just made her more paranoid about the situation.  She whispered back to Vayelia, "I see a trap near the flower.  Someone really doesn't want anyone near it.  Let me make sure there aren't any other dangers around here, and then we can figure out whether it will be wiser to disarm or avoid."  If a trap is easy to disarm, then disarming it is always ideal, but if the mechanism is unknown or if it looks difficult or time consuming, the risks must be weighed against how easy it is to avoid the trap once you know the trap is there.

Watching and conserving her steps, Morgan slowly circled the area with the rose and managed to notice two other traps during her inspection.  'Three traps, or at least three I can see.  There may be more I've missed.  With two on the left side and one on the right, either the right trap is nastier or I've more likely missed a trap on that side than the other...'  Turning back to Vayelia she quietly informed her, "I found two more traps, let me show you where they all are, but we'd best be careful."  There was a soft, low rumble in the back of her throat as she considered the difficulty of the situation.  "There may be others I missed.  If we try to avoid these, we could be stepping into less obvious traps that these distract from.  If we try to disarm any of them, we need to be careful not to trip the trap or any protections the trap may have.  I don't suppose you have any experience with these sorts of things?"  The Doc didn't.  She knew about traps from TV shows and movies from when she was a kid, but she'd never had to deal with a real trap before.  It might not be difficult, but if there was someone more experienced, she'd rather listen to them than rely on her limited knowledge.

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Spoiler for Tsuifan Hurin:

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

"Aheheh! 'Ba-bumps', huh?" No one but Fae was saying anything about lust, but it was true that Tsuifan had noticed the bawdier trends of recent music videos being broadcast. She never had any strong opinions about those trends, really she barely knew anything about the music scene...but she certainly still felt that there would always be room for more family-friendly music in the world! Catchy, heart-pounding tunes especially!

There was an unfortunate bit of miscommunication, it seemed like, when it came to one of Tsuifan's questions. Tsuifan was trying to ask if her energetic superfan was actually the orb-bearer's friend, not Elune's. Though Tsuifan was every bit as curious to know about their relationship too, so she let the misunderstanding play out.

Elune must have been a very bad cook, from the sound of Fae's warning. But they only just met? How would she already know not to touch her food if...ohhh! I get it now! Tsuifan giggled as she realized the truth. The pretty pink jokester wasn't actually afraid of Elune's gifts, not even slightly. She was happily slurping down that sundae, without a single care or sign that there was anything to fear from it. Or for that matter, a sign that the sundae was anything less than delicious. Darn that cutie! She really got me good there! What a impressive scamp. She didn't seem to be the least bit put out about her skin condiion, either. Or her...tail condition...? However many conditions she'd apparently been dealing with since birth. This trooper just kept on fighting, with her spirits sky high! What a girl. She even learned magic. And was quite the poet, too, with all talk about channeling with the tide. It all sounded very profound (if confusing) to Tsuifan, quite appropriate for a musician. A singer-songwriter? "What kind of 'idol' are you talking about? I thought an idol was some kind of religious statue. So you're telling me you wanna be...statuesque?" A statuesque bunny? "You might be just a little too high-energy to pull that off now...but if you ask me, you shouldn't change a thing. Keep showing your true colors! They really suit you."

While Tsuifan gave Fae an approving thumbs up, she had to double back to Elune's very curious comment from earlier. "You said you were 'corrupted'?" What did that mean?  "Like...when you were younger, you got mixed up with some real shady crowds? Oh, man! I've been there, sister. I won't ask for the details, but seriously, don't go calling yourself dangerous over something like that. Having a troubled past doesn't make you into a villain."  Another lesson that would've definitely been learned from watching Tsuifan's show. Not that she expected everyone to be the biggest fan of it. Or to understand her show's subtle lessons, even after going through a few repeat watchings. As Elune seemed in need of emotional support, at any rate, Tsuifan gave her an all-too-friendly slap on the shoulder. "You seem nice enough to me! ...S'pose I can take those rumors with a grain of salt, huh? It's not like I believe the other ones! Like The Mayor being a secret demon. Or all cats everywhere being secret superdemons." Actually, that one sounded entirely plausible...still. Tsuifan hoped that her big dose of positivity would be enough to settle Elune's fears.

While she may have still had some issues with volume control, Fae had none of Elune's issues of self-doubt to worry about. Which was why she so readily sped off to make a new friend, the curiously approaching Shoolurel. Letting one of those mechanoid men take her empty glass. Is he working for the bar? Tsuifan wasn't sure how safe that was, but....something about this atmosphere was just so comforting, she didn't even worry about it. "I haven't sung in a while," she mused, turning back to Elune. "How about you?" While they spoke, Tsuifan would be moseying over to meet Shoolurel, too. She was as curious as anyone to learn more about the orb girl's origins, if she too was on is kind of a nice place to cut loose, isn't it? Even if Tsuifan's idea of cutting loose usually involved busting the heads of some baddies.
Spoiler for Shoolurel:

Mysterious Island- Beach
Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

Fae's peppy excited voice was loud enough for some of her words to be caught by the orb floating beside the elemental.  Shoolurel was rather distracted by Anna and getting tied into her new strange clothes, but she did glance at the orb from time to time and the phrase '...back near the water again.'  caught her eyes as the translated phrase floated up for her to see.

Responding to Anna's last words, she said, "Ahmi corba."  "I will."  At least as long as she was unable to generate her protective coating, she'd happily accept any protection these bits of cloth could provide.  Turning her attention to the others, she noted just how friendly everyone seemed.  The blonde girl was waving her over and the other two were approaching with no malice in their expressions.  In fact, the pink mermaid-like girl looked especially friendly... and not just because her aquatic look gave a favorable initial impression.  Shoolurel waved back at Elune and the others with a kindly smile of her own as she approached.

Fae's barrage of questions caught her off guard, and her eyes widened as she started to read all the new text.  As she absorbed the gist of the questions and Fae's attitude though, her grin widened and she began to giggle.  It took a few seconds to reign in her laughter, "Ahmi dookitoo."  "I'm sorry."  As she continued, her words blended in under the voice of her translator, sounding like accompanying music to her 'voice'.  "I'm Shoolurel.  Nice to meet you too.  In a strange land like this, I am happy to meet another person who is more accustomed to living in the water.  I think I'm as comfortable as I can be here when I don't know where here is and can't even generate my outer covering."  She pouted and poked at her left breast with her left index finger.

"Ahmi bowlte chatsi..." "I mean... these artificial coverings don't seem to protect much.  I was exploring the Demon Realms, but..." Her attention moved away from the swimsuit and back to Fae, though her eyes seemed distant, "..something happened.  I can't remember what besides suddenly feeling sleepy and then waking up here."  Focus and her friendly smile returned as she changed the subject, "Being in the water is a comfort in this strange, unexpected place, but a friendly face is even more welcome." 

The elemental tilted her head in curiosity before adding, "Aupni Tempest taykeh na."  "You are not from the Tempest.  Even if you had trouble with my accent, you would have understood some of my words earlier.  Where do your kind come from?"  Her eyes slowly scanned over the pink body with interest as she took in the details of her aquatic companion.
Spoiler for For Elune:

Elune Farah
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

The sundae definitely hit the spot, and it wasn't just Fae's taste buds that continued to get a burst of joy. This compulsion was stronger than the others thanks to the erosion from accepting the other compulsions without question. In fact, thanks to the continued compulsions that Fae had been subjected to, she might find it easier to fall into a nice happy daze and go along with whatever the others wanted to do on the beach, she was enjoying herself so much and there was no reason to stop the fun. Yes, going along with everything and being a happy agreeable demon felt really nice today, there was no reason to kill her mood. She might be able to shrug it off, but it was harder to do than the others up to this point.

"Hey, you wanted a sundae! I just was trying to help." Elune pouted, but her spirits didn't seem to waver one bit, she just giggled and laughed at Fae's words. "Yeah it's been really fun here, I know we have to leave eventually but it's so fun being here." The magical girl said with a giggle as she hummed to herself and tilted her head from side to side, she didn't have a care in the world it seemed, most of the conversation seemed to be on idols which was out of Elune's knowledge base. "Idols sound cute, you both are cute anyway. Don't idols sing a long and dance a lot? I can see that both of you have a lot of energy so I can believe that."

Then Tsuifan took an interest in her which surprised the blonde, maybe she could get two of them and have some fun? "I'm... okay I think? I know I've been corrupted but I've had a lot of fun recently, I even too my pet on a walk on a leash recently! And no, I was an adult when I was corrupted, I remember how it happened but I'd rather not get into that, this is a vacation, we should enjoy ourselves!" She wasn't going to mention that pet was a corrupted heroine of course. She didn't know what Tsuifan was talking about with the cats and the mayor being a demon, but it sounded funny, so she laughed a bit.

In the meantime, as Tsuifan's mind went to cutting loose, another compulsion would try to worm into her head. Cutting loose on the beach and enjoying her time here was such a fun idea, whether it was singing, dancing, sunbathing, swimming, it didn't matter as long as she enjoyed her vacation and continued to enjoy everything that the island had to offer. Maybe not the food though, as she had been warned about that, but all that other stuff sounded really fun. "Oh I haven't sung much at all, I'd probably be bad at it, but that's okay!"

Then Shoolurel came over, at first Elune was confused and tilted her head as she didn't understand the woman, but then the translator did it's work and she could understand the cutie. "Hello Shoolurel, I'm Elune! Also we're on Earth, I don't know where you're from but here there are all sorts of beings that visit. I don't remember what this island is called, but hey, it's fun!" Although the woman seemed mostly focused on Fae, so she remained polite for now and just smiled energetically, trying to keep up the good vibes.

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

As the compulsions wormed their way into Fae's mind she could feel them getting stronger. Or perhaps it was more that her defences were being worn down. Either way, there was a growing distrust of Elune building up, and she hadn't had a great deal of trust in her to begin with. "MmHmm! Sing and dance a lot! It's the best way to spread my love to all of my fans around the world!" She giggled. "So no standing around! An Idol is a star who can move any and everyone with the power of her music!" She gave a thumbs up of her own back to Tsuifan, before moving over to the elemental.

Fae paused slightly as she saw the eyes of the elemental widen. Realising that she had been rattling off her questions quite quickly. Smiling as she started to get answers to them. "Generate your outer covering? She sounded quizzical, but really. After being around Auralis for some time, and Dis for far longer. It was probably not the strangest ability, or way of wording things that she'd have run into. "Yea, as cute as they are, they don't really offer much in the way of protection! It's more for decency. Can't have any slip ups when performing or anything!" Fae nodded to herself. She didn't have to worry as much when in her mermaid form, but any idol had to be aware that you couldn't just be flashing the goods when on stage. "You were in the Demon Realms?" Fae hummed out softly, to herself more then anything. Perfectly happy to wait for Shoolurel to expand on her thoughts. Fae smiled wider as she mentioned her being a friendly face, before she carried on, asking about where she was from. "Oh! Thank you! It's great to see another being of the water. Usually it's all city everywhere. Well you've seen it I guess." She paused for a moment before carrying on. "But I was in Auralis, on Earth. At a radio station before everything went fuzzy and I woke up here!"

She blinked rapidly a few times. She didn't really have much of a reference for the tempest. "Oh! I'm sorry! I'm from Akusuka! From Kura Kura Stre-" She was cut off as Tsuifan and Elune made their way over. Though the random part of the demon realms Fae had spawned in, probably wouldn't have meant much to Shoolurel anyway. Still, between Shoolurel and Tsuifan, she was having a fun time! They were so nice! She turned to look between the elemental and the others approaching. It was good to know they were on earth, as Elune introduced herself. But not knowing the island specifically was troubling. "Yup, this is Elune! She's a corrupted magical girl! And this!" She gestured excitedly to Tsuifan. "Is Tsuifan! She's really helpful! We were thinking of maybe singing some karaoke together!" She paused and looked between the group, gaze lingering on Shoolurel longer. "I mean if you'd like that of course! If not we can do something else!" She gasped loud and looked more inland. "Maybe we should go exploring? See what or who else we can find!"

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Yasu Shibuya Taegan Griffin
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Molly Wood

Molly had two attractive women sitting with her now, it was nice to fantasize about spending more time with them on the beach and enjoy their company. Perhaps she could convince them to go back to a beach as a nice excuse to drink in their bodies with the sun emphasizing their beauty, a nice daze might settle over Molly's mind as she let her gaze linger on Yasu and Taegan's bodies. Plus there was probably more beauties too... she should just enjoy herself...

"I saw one of Astrid's illusions patrolling the beach, she looked like she was looking for someone and seemed to be in the same situation as us, and if she's around it's likely that Nathaniel is around. For once, I don't think we're necessarily enemies, it's possible that we've have all been kidnapped." Taegan said while looking out in the distance, luckily blending in with the group outside seemed to work as nobody was bothering them from having this conversation or trying to whisk them away. "I know Nathaniel a bit, let me talk to him if we bump into him, I think as long as we're on the same side I believe we can come to an agreement." At least, Yasu hoped that was the case, she felt like he'd be easy to talk to if they both had the same goals...

Taegan grimaced a bit at Yasu's statement, she had been trained to eradicate demons and not talk to them much, there were very rare circumstances that you could have a real conversation with one and the paladin could count them on one hand. "You're a risky gambler, demons are the enemy. They aren't to be trusted..." Taegan did not seem to like this idea, she glared at Yasu and then softened her gaze once it landed on Molly again, Yasu said nothing to her statement, she had met Nathaniel before and other than the first tense few minutes she thought he could at least be approached in the right circumstance. The conversation moved on from that and was back to moving on and rescuing Anna. Agreed, we need to get a move on, I think stopping here was fruitful, at least for you." Yasu winked at Molly with a sly grin, there was a flirty undertone to her voice as she started playing matchmaker in her head with Taegan and Molly for her own amusement.

As the three of them moved, Taegan relaxed her posture and told the two what she knew. "I've seen some flowers that have been glowing gold along the jungle here, but I haven't bothered to investigate them because I figured they were a trap. The last time I even got close to one vines started to try and wrap around me. And as I said, I'd try to avoid the beaches. I also saw some caves, but I didn't bother going in those alone." Taegan explained. "Kinky, but helpful. Now that you have some allies though we should try and investigate more places since we have each other's back." Taegan shot a look towards Yasu again. "You're casual about all of this..."

"It's called keeping a level head, if you panic about everything you're going to make any sound decisions. Such as which direction we should go next. Also I haven't felt any compulsions for a while so keep yourselves alert." Yasu nodded towards the path which suddenly split off into four directions. Southwest, West, East, and Northeast...

Molly Wood
Tagging: Yasu Shibuya

Molly was lost in thought as she moved away from the bar. Wondering to herself what the best course of action was. Really, she was the most inexperienced of the three. Any of the other two would make for a good leader, but she needed to impress them. Especially Taegan, she didn't want to leave the other paladin unimpressed with her. As her thoughts lingered on the other two, she got lost in thought about the idea of spending more time with them on the beach and enjoying their company. Perhaps she could convince them to go back to a beach as a nice excuse to drink in their bodies with the sun emphasizing their beauty. She looked back at the two. Feeling her vision swim slightly. Both of them really did have great bodies. She would be punching well, well above her weight if she could spend any personal time with either of th-

She stopped that thought process. Shaking her head slightly. Her purple hair shimmering in the sun as she refocussed her thoughts. This was not the time. And even then, both of the other women deserved better then her becoming like a school girl with a crush on either of them. Still that was worrying. The heat hadn't gotten to her yet, so it was likely the effect of the island. But she couldn't really just go have a drink. Drink in more of these beauties maybe.


She mentally slapped herself. Using Taegan's voice as an anchor to keep her thoughts centred. Astrid... that wasn't good. She'd heard about her. And obviously Nathaniel as well. Looking back at Taegan and Yasu. Making damn sure she never strayed her gaze below either of their necks. "You... you know... Nathaniel?!" Whilst she didn't grimace like Taegan did. She was still shocked. Whilst she hadn't had enough encounters with the more evil of demonkind to change her world view. She still didn't exactly see how you could sit down and talk with them. Especially after what Azrael had announced during his arrival to Auralis City. She jumped slightly as Taegan went from scrutinizing Yasu, to looking at her, more softly. "I mean, I guess we might all be in the same boat here, if she's looking for Nathaniel, then it means whoever kidnapped us, likely kidnapped them as well. But a truce?" She was uneasy. Whoever, or whatever had grabbed them, was apparently strong enough to grab high tier demons as well. Though that should be no surprised, not with Grandmaster Yasu, and Taegan here.

She was brought back from her musings as Yasu's comment filtered into her consciousness. Looking at her surprised. "I... what... fruitful?" Completely missing Yasu's meaning for a moment, before she clocked on. Turning slightly red. She busied herself by turning around, moving back into the jungle. Silently hoping that the comment was due to Yasu's apparent playful nature. And not from any of the island's influence. Though if she'd been getting weird thoughts...

She listened to the discussion the other two were having. It was a useful way of refocussing her thoughts. And thankfully, Yasu hadn't felt any compulsions. So it seems she was just a playful person. That was good to know at least. Letting out a sigh she hadn't realised she'd been holding in. "True, we've got a bit more wriggle room to investigate different things. Though I don't know about you two, but I'm not exactly thrilled about the idea of ending up wrapped up in vines." Glancing around the different directions as they got to the split in the path. Trying to figure out which of them to go down. Ruling out trying the beaches if she could, so ignoring any of the directions that looked like they might lead back in that direction. "You two have any preference in which way to go?" She waited for a moment before looking back. "If not should we try Northeast?"

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Morgan Garcia

Palm Tree Grove
Tagging: Vayelia Fells

The reptilian morph grinned toothily and nodded, "Oh, yes.  These official injections have been approved for human testing.  There are fairly rigorous standards that must be met to ensure general human safety before any human testing is done if one wants to eventually have a legal, USDA-approved product."  She was certainly proud and hopeful about the fruits of her research.

Trekking into the jungle, the Doc kept alert as she moved swiftly and silently through the underbrush.  She was mostly watching for other people, guards or people in trance, that could be a danger.  As they got close to the glow though, something... just felt off about her surroundings.  Standing still, Morgan narrowed her eyes as she peered around, searching for what was amiss.  She raised her left hand at a right angle, like a traffic officer telling people to stop.  It took a few seconds, but eventually she noticed what appeared to be some sort of trap between them and the rose that seemed to be the source of the golden glow.

Knowing there was one trap just made her more paranoid about the situation.  She whispered back to Vayelia, "I see a trap near the flower.  Someone really doesn't want anyone near it.  Let me make sure there aren't any other dangers around here, and then we can figure out whether it will be wiser to disarm or avoid."  If a trap is easy to disarm, then disarming it is always ideal, but if the mechanism is unknown or if it looks difficult or time consuming, the risks must be weighed against how easy it is to avoid the trap once you know the trap is there.

Watching and conserving her steps, Morgan slowly circled the area with the rose and managed to notice two other traps during her inspection.  'Three traps, or at least three I can see.  There may be more I've missed.  With two on the left side and one on the right, either the right trap is nastier or I've more likely missed a trap on that side than the other...'  Turning back to Vayelia she quietly informed her, "I found two more traps, let me show you where they all are, but we'd best be careful."  There was a soft, low rumble in the back of her throat as she considered the difficulty of the situation.  "There may be others I missed.  If we try to avoid these, we could be stepping into less obvious traps that these distract from.  If we try to disarm any of them, we need to be careful not to trip the trap or any protections the trap may have.  I don't suppose you have any experience with these sorts of things?"  The Doc didn't.  She knew about traps from TV shows and movies from when she was a kid, but she'd never had to deal with a real trap before.  It might not be difficult, but if there was someone more experienced, she'd rather listen to them than rely on her limited knowledge.

Vayelia Fells
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Morgan Garcia

"Right, well if you can see these traps we should be okay, if we're going to touch the flower though we probably should be ready for something to happen since someone went through the trouble of protecting it." Vayelia warned, she still followed Morgan's lead though as her senses seemed far more reliable than her own. The traps didn't seem to be mechanical in nature at all. Every one that Morgan could see was naturally created using the area around them, there was no metal, wood, or mechanical engineering to any of these. It was like someone had used the materials around them and made makeshift traps using vines, flowers, vegetation, and foliage. But it still was dangerous, Morgan would see that every trap was linked to some sort of flower that was pulsating purple and it was probably not wise to be near those. They went through a lot of trouble just to give the glowing flower some protection... but why?

Vayelia nodded to Morgan as she escorted her through the traps. "Ah I see, isn't this a little odd though? Some of these traps look naturally made without input. I guess that one over there was made by someone though. I don't think a human could make all of them. Perhaps corruption modified the nature around us? It's just... weird." Vayelia couldn't put her finger on it, but she felt off about this whole thing, but that was a mystery they could solve later. "I'm more familiar with mechanical and technological traps, but the basics are the same, you just need to find the trigger and activate it early so that you don't get caught in it. Stand back, I'm going to activate one on purpose... see what it does at least. The problem is finding the trigger... but this one I see it."

Vayelia pointed at the ground, some of it was discolored so she knew that was the trigger for this one. She threw her sword at the point and suddenly vines shot out from above and grabbed the sword, then a purple flower sprouted from one of the vines and produced purple mist that coated the blade in a weird purple substance, then the vines released the blade and dropped it on the ground again. The discoloration on the ground had disappeared and then Vayelia walked up to her sword and studied it for a moment. "Aphrodisiacs that activate on skin contact, won't affect my sword but it would affect use if it coated us, it'd probably weaken our mental states too. This definitely has signs of corruption, as the vines had a mind of their own." Vayelia said, she kicked her sword into a nearby puddle and let it sit there for a few minutes.

After a few minutes she reached out with her hand her blade came back to her hand after a few more seconds, completely washed off. Vayelia turned to Morgan. "We should trigger the other two in the same way, long as we don't put ourselves in harms way. We can't disarm these in the traditional sense, but we can trigger them early so that they don't hit us."

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Molly Wood
Tagging: Yasu Shibuya

Molly was lost in thought as she moved away from the bar. Wondering to herself what the best course of action was. Really, she was the most inexperienced of the three. Any of the other two would make for a good leader, but she needed to impress them. Especially Taegan, she didn't want to leave the other paladin unimpressed with her. As her thoughts lingered on the other two, she got lost in thought about the idea of spending more time with them on the beach and enjoying their company. Perhaps she could convince them to go back to a beach as a nice excuse to drink in their bodies with the sun emphasizing their beauty. She looked back at the two. Feeling her vision swim slightly. Both of them really did have great bodies. She would be punching well, well above her weight if she could spend any personal time with either of th-

She stopped that thought process. Shaking her head slightly. Her purple hair shimmering in the sun as she refocussed her thoughts. This was not the time. And even then, both of the other women deserved better then her becoming like a school girl with a crush on either of them. Still that was worrying. The heat hadn't gotten to her yet, so it was likely the effect of the island. But she couldn't really just go have a drink. Drink in more of these beauties maybe.


She mentally slapped herself. Using Taegan's voice as an anchor to keep her thoughts centred. Astrid... that wasn't good. She'd heard about her. And obviously Nathaniel as well. Looking back at Taegan and Yasu. Making damn sure she never strayed her gaze below either of their necks. "You... you know... Nathaniel?!" Whilst she didn't grimace like Taegan did. She was still shocked. Whilst she hadn't had enough encounters with the more evil of demonkind to change her world view. She still didn't exactly see how you could sit down and talk with them. Especially after what Azrael had announced during his arrival to Auralis City. She jumped slightly as Taegan went from scrutinizing Yasu, to looking at her, more softly. "I mean, I guess we might all be in the same boat here, if she's looking for Nathaniel, then it means whoever kidnapped us, likely kidnapped them as well. But a truce?" She was uneasy. Whoever, or whatever had grabbed them, was apparently strong enough to grab high tier demons as well. Though that should be no surprised, not with Grandmaster Yasu, and Taegan here.

She was brought back from her musings as Yasu's comment filtered into her consciousness. Looking at her surprised. "I... what... fruitful?" Completely missing Yasu's meaning for a moment, before she clocked on. Turning slightly red. She busied herself by turning around, moving back into the jungle. Silently hoping that the comment was due to Yasu's apparent playful nature. And not from any of the island's influence. Though if she'd been getting weird thoughts...

She listened to the discussion the other two were having. It was a useful way of refocussing her thoughts. And thankfully, Yasu hadn't felt any compulsions. So it seems she was just a playful person. That was good to know at least. Letting out a sigh she hadn't realised she'd been holding in. "True, we've got a bit more wriggle room to investigate different things. Though I don't know about you two, but I'm not exactly thrilled about the idea of ending up wrapped up in vines." Glancing around the different directions as they got to the split in the path. Trying to figure out which of them to go down. Ruling out trying the beaches if she could, so ignoring any of the directions that looked like they might lead back in that direction. "You two have any preference in which way to go?" She waited for a moment before looking back. "If not should we try Northeast?"

Yasu Shibuya Taegan Griffin
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Molly Wood

Even though Molly did her best to battle against the compulsions, they found a weak spot and continued to exploit it. Even if she didn't let her gaze stray from their faces, they were two of the most beautiful faces she could imagine. Yasu was obviously a beauty, her purple hair wavered softly in the wind, her eyes were practically inviting her in with their gaze and her luscious lips were always there inviting one to kiss and indulge. Taegan was more refined and quiet, but her cascading silver hair made her look exotic and her striking eyes invited one to melt if they looked into them too long, and her lips were probably nice and delicate. Mmm... it was nice to daydream and enjoy that soft, hypnotic, pleasurable thrumming between her legs. She really should indulge in one of them... And this one was more powerful than the last few...

"As long as we aren't trying to harm his family, I think we can come to an agreement. If he's kidnapped he's going to want a way off." Yasu said confidently, remembering how aggressive Nathaniel was when his family was involved, she was probably being far too optimistic about her chances with him, but if she was wrong she had a way to get them away from Nathaniel if necessary. Taegan sighed and shook her head, she wasn't a fan of the idea but they were stuck with or without him. If Taegan was the one calling all the shots she'd be trying to capture Nathaniel.

At the topic of direction, Taegan spoke up again. "I think we should split up and promise to meet back here in two hours. We can cover more ground that way and probably recruit more people to help us if we're lucky." Yasu took out her brush and stared painting on the ground silently without saying a word. "What are you...?" Yasu just smirked and from the pool of paint on the ground a small black flower sprouted to life, it didn't do anything else. "This is so we don't get lost if we're going to split up, plus those that know my power will know I was here if they look at it. Kills two birds with one stone. Northeast is fine with me, if we're going to split off though I'd suggest one duo and one solo. What do you think Molly? I'll let you guys decide who pairs up with who." Taegan looked to Molly to see what she thought, if they wanted to stay together that was fine but the two did want Molly's opinion, they were still thinking as a team and making decisions based on consensus. Taegan blinked a few times and turned away for a moment...

Splitting off was a good idea, it'd give Molly alone time with one of them. She couldn't go wrong with picking either... that nice thrumming between her legs made it so easy to daydream about quality time with one of them...

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Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Eleanor Lagan

"I could yes, hold on." Aislinn conjured up what Eleanor requested without much effort, smirking a little as she did, once she produced the baggy t-shirt and shorts though Eleanor would feel something tug at her mind. It certainly wasn't Aislinn as she was offering the clothes willingly. No, something was telling her that covering up was wrong and showing off was a much better decision for her self-confidence, she deserved to enjoy her vacation and show off a little. "Is... something wrong?" Aislinn tilted her head a little in confusion at the pause. Regardless of whether or not Eleanor resisted or followed the compulsion, Aislinn would try to move towards the signature shortly after only to be stopped...

Aislinn's eyes went wide when Eleanor shot her hand out and grabbed her, she stopped when told to and listened to the woman out of sheer shock. The points she made were indeed pretty smart and left her a bit speechless. "That's true, I just thought with the two of us we'd be able to handle it." Aislinn blushed when Eleanor stated she was drinking and tapped her fingers to her chin as she thought about it. "A little fruit cocktail isn't going to kill me, and I didn't feel anything weird drinking one, but you're right. Let's refrain from drinking anything else on the island. Let's proceed carefully..."" Aislinn found herself following Eleanor instead, trying to show she was willing to listen to the woman and be more cautious in their approach. Aislinn's goal was to get off the island, not piss off the only person she trusted at this point, brainwashing her could come second once she found a weakness in the armor other than meekness...

There would be a large crashing sound that both women would hear, and Aislinn would look at Eleanor with wide eyes, she took a step towards the sound carefully and looked at her companion to see if she wanted to investigate it...

The Mysterious Jungle
Tag: Open Sesame

Nathaniel did not like this one bit.

Being at one moment preparing his counter-offensive of the human's entrenched forward encampment and the next moment hurtling toward the ground, taking branches and leaves with him before he cratered face first into a small pool of water wasn't the problem. He'd been through stranger situations before and he would go through them again. It wasn't even his attire, though his sleeveless leotard was definitely clashing with the blue flame pattern swim trunks he found himself in now; an article of clothing he definitively did not own. No, the problem lay in the air. It was thick and humid like one would expect from a jungle, but the prince's more finely tuned senses were picking up on the undeniable sensation of magic in the air. Not only that, he could practically feel what passed for his blood boiling in his veins, warning him of danger.

His fall had caused some minor scrapes to his body, which he allowed to heal before he slowing climbed to his feet. Nathaniel peered back up at the clear hole he'd left in the roof of the canopy, cricking his neck and cracking his knuckles as he took stock of his body. Everything felt intact, no sign of drugs or possession, and he couldn't smell the typical scent of ozone which accompanied powerful teleportation magic. If there had been anyone in his general vicinity, there's no way they didn't hear his rapid descent to the jungle floor. There were still various birds cawing and flapping away from the area. He turned his gaze away from the treetops and back to the area around him, his analytical eyes scanning as he turned in a full circle. It looked like a jungle, not that the prince was terribly familiar with jungles to begin with. Still, the environment was undeniably tropical, almost too serene.

Maybe I could afford to take a break, the war's been so tiring lately. Nathaniel frowned, one of his eyes twitching ever so slightly.

"Now I know something's wrong." The prince spoke aloud, as though no longer fully trusting in his internal thoughts. Nathaniel and "breaks" were not good friends. His body subsisted on corruption, fighting, and the occasional brownie if Kylana was making them. Taking breaks never entered into the picture, and he couldn't remember the last time he'd even considered the idea.

Now fully on guard, Nathaniel knelt down on one knee as he strained his senses, trying to pick out the sounds of human movement or signs of life in the dense jungle. He did not know what was going on but he also didn't want to wander aimlessly on his own. He might've typically been a lone wolf, but he knew better than to approach an unknown situation with the same bravado he took into battle.

Despite his bumpy arrival onto the island and the damage he had caused to to the canopy. Nathaniel's keen senses would kick in at this point and alert him to the two women coming towards him, and he'd have a chance to observe them before they noticed him too if he was careful about it. One of them was familiar, Eleanor, the other was a blue haired woman he had never seen before but there was corruption seeping off of her so it was likely that she was corrupted. He had to decide if he wanted to be found, or if he wanted to evade the two at this point. The magic in the air wasn't doing anything to Nathaniel yet, but it was undeniably powerful, the question was how powerful?

Eleanor Lagan
Tag: Aislinn (Youkai), Nathaniel (Spooky)

There was a moment of hesitation as Eleanor’s hand took the clothes. “Yeah, there’s something poking at my brain alright. ‘Show off a little’, pfah.” She grumbled as she shrugged on the baggy shirt, more aware than she’d like of the cloth resting and rubbing against her skin. They moved forward in silence for a time, keeping vigilant and staying out of sight as best as possible. After a long, tense while Eleanor let out a reluctant sigh as she picked forward, and murmured back, “Sorry. I’m just… not really a people person. I really do appreciate the clothes, and… y’know, not groping me...”

The crashing, snapping branches interrupted Eleanor’s awkward apology. The hybrid leapt instantly up a dozen feet into the air, grabbing onto a tree like an insect—more evidence of her inhuman nature, if Aislinn needed it. When her companion seemed alright on the ground, Eleanor cautiously began to climb further upward, trying to get a peek at what was there…

She covered her mouth with her hand, eyes flicking downward to Aislinn. He’s been captured? This is… really fucking bad. In a reflection of their first meeting, she wasn’t the stealthiest person: her white hair decidedly stood out against the green canopy. No use trying to hide her presence, best to let him know who he was speaking to. She was suddenly very glad she’d gotten some clothes… Eleanor called out cautiously. “P-prince Nathaniel? Do you… know what’s going on?” The situation would suggest no, but there was always hope?

The Mysterious Jungle
Tag: Open Sesame

The ever suspicious prince turned at the sound of approaching footfalls in the jungle, his hands raising instinctively as he stared coldly in the direction of the noise. He raised an eyebrow at the pair of figures that emerged from the brush, a look of recognition on his face as he saw Eleanor. Already knowing all he needed to about the young mage, his eyes flitted towards the woman he didn't recognize, examining her suspiciously as he slowly lowered his arms and came to a more casual stance. He couldn't suppress a slightly derisive snort at Eleanor's question, his gaze momentarily refocusing on her.

"No, I don't. Someone is going to die for this though, of that much I'm quite certain." He answered Eleanor in the familiar, perhaps even comforting nonplused timbre she had heard their previous meeting, though it was clear to the hybrid girl that he was keeping down a not insignificant amount of panic. Nathaniel wasn't used to not knowing something, especially when it came to magic that could reach even him. This defied his understanding of the limitations of the arcane to no small degree, and he was intent on getting to the bottom of it. The prince took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment, extending some of his more preternatural senses outward to see just what he could detect. It was jumbled and muddled, but the one thing he could clearly tell elicited a smirk from the astray royal as he opened his eyes again.

"My sister is here, somewhere. Whoever is behind this is very confident they won't be found if they risked bringing the both of us here. For their sake I hope I find them before she does." Nathaniel chuckled somewhat darkly to himself, though the sound was unnatural and short lived as the prince didn't have the same proclivity for the maniacal as the rest of his family.

"Who's your friend?" The blond demon returned his suspicious gaze to Eleanor's companion as he spoke, choosing to address the human he knew instead of asking this newcomer anything directly.

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Chloe Von, Experiment XII (Pyro)
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Caitlyn (Youkai)

Chloe failed to respond to Caitlyn’s words, the captive Heroine briefly raising her head up and letting her hair fall about her shoulders while looking forward at the shimmer of the ocean’s waves. The captive Heroine knew her failure to respond probably seemed rude, but she had hoped the blonde would have figured out just how inexperienced she was with beaches by her clothes situation.

“Err, thanks…” Chloe muttered quietly, once again returning her head to the sand and letting her eyes fall to a close. “Mmm~” she hummed, “this really does feel absolutely amazing!” she added, her cheeks growing flushed. “Your fingers feel like magic,” Chloe stated, the Heroine’s sex thrummed feeling both Caitlyn’s hands drift up from her shins to her calves to her thighs and the pleasurable sensation of the lotion being rubbed into her silky soft skin.

Chloe then tentatively arched her back and pushed her backside higher trying to make it a more appealing target to the stranger. Chloe’s love juices had slowly begun to flow following the pleasurable tingle of Caitlyn’s cold sun lotion and her mind had already drifted so far away that beneath the cover of her eyelid’s her eyes had fogged over as she sank wantonly into the sand whilst awaiting instruction from the unknown woman...

Caitlyn Labelle
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Chloe

Caitlyn just smiled and continued to apply the lotion, happy to oblige and make the woman feel good. "Don't squirm too much, stay still and I'll be able to get you all covered in no time." The blonde said with a sly smirk on her face that was hidden thanks to Chloe's position. She finished the woman's legs and noticed that Chloe was arching her back and trying to get the woman to focus on her ass. The Dominion agent wasn't going to deny the woman what she wanted, she started gently massaging the woman's ass and rubbing in more sunscreen as she spoke with a sultry voice into the heroine's ear, this time it was hypnotic.

"Relax, just stay still, no need to move or think. Just follow my instructions and everything will be just fine." Caitlyn's voice would penetrate the woman's mind and root itself into her head as a command to be followed. And it wasn't just that compelling her mind either, thanks to sinking to the compulsions in succession those would worm into her head too. But really, was she going to resist at all?

Especially when she felt so warm and horny, and listening to Caitlyn made her feel so dazed and happy. Her mind had drifted away, there was no reason to worry or think, just enjoy the beach and have fun on her vacation. This was just one thing the island had to offer, and she could explore so many more things as soon as this was over. She just needed to blank out for a while. Blank, Sink, Relax. Blank, Sink, Relax. No reason to think, no reason to worry, no reason to resist. All she had to do was enjoy her massage...

It was a combined assault against her mind, but with her mind's weakened state she probably wouldn't notice and just sink into a nice deep trance and enjoy this massage...

Chloe Von, Experiment XII (Pyro)
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Caitlyn (Youkai)

   Chloe nodded lackadaisically, sinking deeper into the sand while her mind drifted further and further away to the sound of the waves. “Mmm, this feels so good, Caitlyn!” Chloe voiced approvingly in a soft tone. After feeling Caitlyn’s hands drift upward to caress her desired target. The captive heroine couldn’t help but grin completely relaxed after having achieved her desire and gotten Caitlyn’s hands to fall where she’d wanted them… feeling Caitlyn rubbing the soft and cold lotion into the silky flesh of her backside was enough to invoke quiet moans of lust from the former Dominion captive who was growing more and more aroused feeling Caitlyn’s breath in her ear….

   Yet somehow this situation seemed familiar... even, if she couldn’t quite place it... the Captive Heroine blushed bashfully while her nipples grew hard beneath her straight jacket, she could feel the Goosebumps that had formed at all the excited areas where Caitlyn had previously touched. The scent of arousal lingered in the air and her body and mind had grown blank with all her sinking, and relaxing….

   She was completely under Caitlyn’s spell…. Her mind drifting back to all the times she’d previously been guided onto her back serving a Dominion Master/Mistress as their sex machines violently ravaged her holes....

Offline Sashanna

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Spoiler for Vayelia Fells:

Vayelia Fells
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Morgan Garcia

"Right, well if you can see these traps we should be okay, if we're going to touch the flower though we probably should be ready for something to happen since someone went through the trouble of protecting it." Vayelia warned, she still followed Morgan's lead though as her senses seemed far more reliable than her own. The traps didn't seem to be mechanical in nature at all. Every one that Morgan could see was naturally created using the area around them, there was no metal, wood, or mechanical engineering to any of these. It was like someone had used the materials around them and made makeshift traps using vines, flowers, vegetation, and foliage. But it still was dangerous, Morgan would see that every trap was linked to some sort of flower that was pulsating purple and it was probably not wise to be near those. They went through a lot of trouble just to give the glowing flower some protection... but why?

Vayelia nodded to Morgan as she escorted her through the traps. "Ah I see, isn't this a little odd though? Some of these traps look naturally made without input. I guess that one over there was made by someone though. I don't think a human could make all of them. Perhaps corruption modified the nature around us? It's just... weird." Vayelia couldn't put her finger on it, but she felt off about this whole thing, but that was a mystery they could solve later. "I'm more familiar with mechanical and technological traps, but the basics are the same, you just need to find the trigger and activate it early so that you don't get caught in it. Stand back, I'm going to activate one on purpose... see what it does at least. The problem is finding the trigger... but this one I see it."

Vayelia pointed at the ground, some of it was discolored so she knew that was the trigger for this one. She threw her sword at the point and suddenly vines shot out from above and grabbed the sword, then a purple flower sprouted from one of the vines and produced purple mist that coated the blade in a weird purple substance, then the vines released the blade and dropped it on the ground again. The discoloration on the ground had disappeared and then Vayelia walked up to her sword and studied it for a moment. "Aphrodisiacs that activate on skin contact, won't affect my sword but it would affect use if it coated us, it'd probably weaken our mental states too. This definitely has signs of corruption, as the vines had a mind of their own." Vayelia said, she kicked her sword into a nearby puddle and let it sit there for a few minutes.

After a few minutes she reached out with her hand her blade came back to her hand after a few more seconds, completely washed off. Vayelia turned to Morgan. "We should trigger the other two in the same way, long as we don't put ourselves in harms way. We can't disarm these in the traditional sense, but we can trigger them early so that they don't hit us."

Morgan Garcia

Palm Tree Grove
Tagging: Vayelia Fells

The transformed Doc listened with interest as her companion shared her insights about the situation.  'Was it Corruption, or perhaps some other magical energy that modified these organic traps?'  Vayelia had mentioned that the golden bloom was exuding a power that didn't seem to be Corruption energy.  'Could it be Arcane?  It certainly doesn't -seem- like Void energy, and Natural energy tends to deal with primal elements, not plant life.'

Despite the heads up, Morgan tensed when the trap was triggered, ready to dodge or push Vayelia out of the way if anything happened that came within range of them.  Thankfully the trap hit a fairly small radius, but those vines...  She wouldn't have noticed those above her, and even if she had, they moved quickly enough that she was uncertain she could have dodged them all.  The thought made her shudder.  Being heavily aroused would likely interfere with her focus, and she could only hope a dip in the water would make a difference in that case.

She cautiously approached the sword with her companion.  Absently using her index finger to push her glasses higher up her nose, she inspected the purple residue.  "Yeees, this modus operandi does seem to align with what I know of Corruption's uses.  The way it can transform plants and animals of Earth and the choice of aphrodisiacs rather than chemicals that paralyze or put the enemy to sleep make Corruption a likely actor here."  She wouldn't discount Arcane entirely, but Vayelia sounded pretty certain in her assessment.  The Doc would trust that judgement unless or until evidence came to light to contradict it.

The other two traps might be similar or might have differences, but she nodded when Vayelia suggested triggering the other two.  Confidently, she declared, "That sounds wise.  Let's trigger them first, but we should still be cautious around them.  We don't know how long they take to reset, and I'd rather not have to try dodging those vines even in this form."  She didn't have anything heavy, like a sword, on her.  The heaviest items on her were her clothes, and she wasn't taking those off to try to trigger a trap.  Glancing around, she didn't see any broken branches or other weighty vegetation she'd be able to toss onto the triggers either.  She'd have to rely on Vayelia for this.  It made her feel antsy; she'd made this form to fight or run or hide, not rely on others.  Improvements to the formula would need to be made when she returned to the lab.

If everything went well, they would approach the golden bloom and inspect it and the plant that it was a part of.  If not... well, she'd do her best to protect herself, and would protect her companion if she could.

Offline Youkai

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Morgan Garcia

Palm Tree Grove
Tagging: Vayelia Fells

The transformed Doc listened with interest as her companion shared her insights about the situation.  'Was it Corruption, or perhaps some other magical energy that modified these organic traps?'  Vayelia had mentioned that the golden bloom was exuding a power that didn't seem to be Corruption energy.  'Could it be Arcane?  It certainly doesn't -seem- like Void energy, and Natural energy tends to deal with primal elements, not plant life.'

Despite the heads up, Morgan tensed when the trap was triggered, ready to dodge or push Vayelia out of the way if anything happened that came within range of them.  Thankfully the trap hit a fairly small radius, but those vines...  She wouldn't have noticed those above her, and even if she had, they moved quickly enough that she was uncertain she could have dodged them all.  The thought made her shudder.  Being heavily aroused would likely interfere with her focus, and she could only hope a dip in the water would make a difference in that case.

She cautiously approached the sword with her companion.  Absently using her index finger to push her glasses higher up her nose, she inspected the purple residue.  "Yeees, this modus operandi does seem to align with what I know of Corruption's uses.  The way it can transform plants and animals of Earth and the choice of aphrodisiacs rather than chemicals that paralyze or put the enemy to sleep make Corruption a likely actor here."  She wouldn't discount Arcane entirely, but Vayelia sounded pretty certain in her assessment.  The Doc would trust that judgement unless or until evidence came to light to contradict it.

The other two traps might be similar or might have differences, but she nodded when Vayelia suggested triggering the other two.  Confidently, she declared, "That sounds wise.  Let's trigger them first, but we should still be cautious around them.  We don't know how long they take to reset, and I'd rather not have to try dodging those vines even in this form."  She didn't have anything heavy, like a sword, on her.  The heaviest items on her were her clothes, and she wasn't taking those off to try to trigger a trap.  Glancing around, she didn't see any broken branches or other weighty vegetation she'd be able to toss onto the triggers either.  She'd have to rely on Vayelia for this.  It made her feel antsy; she'd made this form to fight or run or hide, not rely on others.  Improvements to the formula would need to be made when she returned to the lab.

If everything went well, they would approach the golden bloom and inspect it and the plant that it was a part of.  If not... well, she'd do her best to protect herself, and would protect her companion if she could.

Vayelia Fells
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Morgan Garcia

"I think... we shouldn't rule out magic, but that's not my forte. All signs point to corruption in my experience, but that doesn't mean magic couldn't be a factor here. We'll learn more by triggering the others I think. My weapon should be able to handle corruptive effects, but if it's arcane I have no idea how it'll react. So far it seems alright. I think as long as we move forward immediately after triggering them we should get where we need to go." Vayelia said to Morgan's assessments. As Vayelia moved to the next trap, again throwing her sword at the trigger spot. This time something different happened...

A sudden burst of magic shot out at Vayelia from behind from a purple flower behind them and Vayelia didn't see it coming. Morgan would have to move to stop it from attacking her, at the same time vines were now shooting out at Vayelia, and not the sword. It seems that the traps had a mind of their own and were adapting to their method of triggering. Either way Morgan didn't have the time to worry about that, she had to save her new ally or it was likely that she was going to be changed by whatever the magic was and whatever the vines did to her. There was also a third attack, a burst of pollen was launched at Morgan herself...

Offline Youkai

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Chloe Von, Experiment XII (Pyro)
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Caitlyn (Youkai)

   Chloe nodded lackadaisically, sinking deeper into the sand while her mind drifted further and further away to the sound of the waves. “Mmm, this feels so good, Caitlyn!” Chloe voiced approvingly in a soft tone. After feeling Caitlyn’s hands drift upward to caress her desired target. The captive heroine couldn’t help but grin completely relaxed after having achieved her desire and gotten Caitlyn’s hands to fall where she’d wanted them… feeling Caitlyn rubbing the soft and cold lotion into the silky flesh of her backside was enough to invoke quiet moans of lust from the former Dominion captive who was growing more and more aroused feeling Caitlyn’s breath in her ear….

   Yet somehow this situation seemed familiar... even, if she couldn’t quite place it... the Captive Heroine blushed bashfully while her nipples grew hard beneath her straight jacket, she could feel the Goosebumps that had formed at all the excited areas where Caitlyn had previously touched. The scent of arousal lingered in the air and her body and mind had grown blank with all her sinking, and relaxing….

   She was completely under Caitlyn’s spell…. Her mind drifting back to all the times she’d previously been guided onto her back serving a Dominion Master/Mistress as their sex machines violently ravaged her holes....

Caitlyn Labelle
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Chloe

Chloe's last shred of resistance faded away as she accepted the compulsions and sunk under their sway. Her trance locked into place and she was susceptible to suggestions from all sources. She really should stay this way more often, it was so nice to relax on the beach and spend time with others. There was nothing suspicious going on at the beach, everything was nice and fun here, she should partake in as many fun beach activities as she wanted and make sure to help others indulge in them too. Chloe deserved this vacation and she was being a very good girl...

"Good girl, just spread your legs, keep your mind empty, and follow all my instructions. No need to think, just stay as you are." Caitlyn said, noticing the telltale signs of trance, however Caitlyn was incredibly suspicious because she hadn't even started any hypnotic inductions or tried to put Chloe for that long. She sunk far too easily, which made the Dominion Agent hesitant to proceed. Still, the woman was under, so taking advantage would probably be best since she could use a slave to help get her off this rock. It was far easier to trust someone under your control than someone who had free will. "Mmm, tell me Chloe, what are you you thinking right now?" Caitlyn kept applying the lotion, going higher now...

Chloe wasn't thinking at all, she should tell Caitlyn she was free to use as she pleased, she really needed to enjoy some sex on the beach. She should say that too... she really needed to cum and enjoy her vacation.

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Eleanor Lagan
Tag: Aislinn (Youkai), Nathaniel (Spooky)

There was a moment of hesitation as Eleanor’s hand took the clothes. “Yeah, there’s something poking at my brain alright. ‘Show off a little’, pfah.” She grumbled as she shrugged on the baggy shirt, more aware than she’d like of the cloth resting and rubbing against her skin. They moved forward in silence for a time, keeping vigilant and staying out of sight as best as possible. After a long, tense while Eleanor let out a reluctant sigh as she picked forward, and murmured back, “Sorry. I’m just… not really a people person. I really do appreciate the clothes, and… y’know, not groping me...”

The crashing, snapping branches interrupted Eleanor’s awkward apology. The hybrid leapt instantly up a dozen feet into the air, grabbing onto a tree like an insect—more evidence of her inhuman nature, if Aislinn needed it. When her companion seemed alright on the ground, Eleanor cautiously began to climb further upward, trying to get a peek at what was there…

She covered her mouth with her hand, eyes flicking downward to Aislinn. He’s been captured? This is… really fucking bad. In a reflection of their first meeting, she wasn’t the stealthiest person: her white hair decidedly stood out against the green canopy. No use trying to hide her presence, best to let him know who he was speaking to. She was suddenly very glad she’d gotten some clothes… Eleanor called out cautiously. “P-prince Nathaniel? Do you… know what’s going on?” The situation would suggest no, but there was always hope?

The Mysterious Jungle
Tag: Open Sesame

The ever suspicious prince turned at the sound of approaching footfalls in the jungle, his hands raising instinctively as he stared coldly in the direction of the noise. He raised an eyebrow at the pair of figures that emerged from the brush, a look of recognition on his face as he saw Eleanor. Already knowing all he needed to about the young mage, his eyes flitted towards the woman he didn't recognize, examining her suspiciously as he slowly lowered his arms and came to a more casual stance. He couldn't suppress a slightly derisive snort at Eleanor's question, his gaze momentarily refocusing on her.

"No, I don't. Someone is going to die for this though, of that much I'm quite certain." He answered Eleanor in the familiar, perhaps even comforting nonplused timbre she had heard their previous meeting, though it was clear to the hybrid girl that he was keeping down a not insignificant amount of panic. Nathaniel wasn't used to not knowing something, especially when it came to magic that could reach even him. This defied his understanding of the limitations of the arcane to no small degree, and he was intent on getting to the bottom of it. The prince took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment, extending some of his more preternatural senses outward to see just what he could detect. It was jumbled and muddled, but the one thing he could clearly tell elicited a smirk from the astray royal as he opened his eyes again.

"My sister is here, somewhere. Whoever is behind this is very confident they won't be found if they risked bringing the both of us here. For their sake I hope I find them before she does." Nathaniel chuckled somewhat darkly to himself, though the sound was unnatural and short lived as the prince didn't have the same proclivity for the maniacal as the rest of his family.

"Who's your friend?" The blond demon returned his suspicious gaze to Eleanor's companion as he spoke, choosing to address the human he knew instead of asking this newcomer anything directly.

"Now is hardly the time to be fooling around, but it's alright." Aislinn said calmly, even though minutes ago she was thinking of doing exactly that, Eleanor's burst of power earlier had already dissuaded her from that avenue. After that, Aislinn was quite taken aback by what transpired in the last few minutes, not only had they managed to find someone else within their path inland, it turned out to be Prince Nathaniel. Of course, Aislinn knew who it was just by reputation, but she had never met any of the royal family or many people from Dis in general. Most of Nathaniel's speech was towards Eleanor, but the last question caused Aislinn to step forward and give the Prince a slight bow.

"Aislinn, I'm a mage, and I just realized that our shared friend forgot to tell me her name. Things have been a bit chaotic so she probably just forgot it in the moment. Should probably warn you that the island compels you from time to time. I think she felt it earlier, I've been fine, I think. I found her sleeping a few minutes ago and we decided to team up." Aislinn eyerolled towards Eleanor, giving her the opportunity to say her name finally. If she had any lingering wish to ensnare Eleanor, it had evaporated in seconds in seeing that Eleanor and Nathaniel knew each other. She was hardly in a position to piss off royalty by messing with a friend of one.

Meanwhile, as the trio spoke, there was a brief golden shimmer that would tug at their visions, it wasn't that far away either and Aislinn made a remark as her vision darted towards the glow. "That's... a large magic source, but why is it in a flower? Also don't approach it hastily, I sense traps. Someone doesn't want it plucked or toyed with." Nathaniel and Eleanor, depending on their magical knowledge, might be able to trace the mana supply further, and if they could they'd be able to trace the flow of magic to deeper into the island...

Offline pyro32

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Chloe Von, Experiment XII (Pyro)
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Caitlyn (Youkai)

   Chloe nodded lackadaisically, sinking deeper into the sand while her mind drifted further and further away to the sound of the waves. “Mmm, this feels so good, Caitlyn!” Chloe voiced approvingly in a soft tone. After feeling Caitlyn’s hands drift upward to caress her desired target. The captive heroine couldn’t help but grin completely relaxed after having achieved her desire and gotten Caitlyn’s hands to fall where she’d wanted them… feeling Caitlyn rubbing the soft and cold lotion into the silky flesh of her backside was enough to invoke quiet moans of lust from the former Dominion captive who was growing more and more aroused feeling Caitlyn’s breath in her ear….

   Yet somehow this situation seemed familiar... even, if she couldn’t quite place it... the Captive Heroine blushed bashfully while her nipples grew hard beneath her straight jacket, she could feel the Goosebumps that had formed at all the excited areas where Caitlyn had previously touched. The scent of arousal lingered in the air and her body and mind had grown blank with all her sinking, and relaxing….

   She was completely under Caitlyn’s spell…. Her mind drifting back to all the times she’d previously been guided onto her back serving a Dominion Master/Mistress as their sex machines violently ravaged her holes....

Caitlyn Labelle
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Chloe

Chloe's last shred of resistance faded away as she accepted the compulsions and sunk under their sway. Her trance locked into place and she was susceptible to suggestions from all sources. She really should stay this way more often, it was so nice to relax on the beach and spend time with others. There was nothing suspicious going on at the beach, everything was nice and fun here, she should partake in as many fun beach activities as she wanted and make sure to help others indulge in them too. Chloe deserved this vacation and she was being a very good girl...

"Good girl, just spread your legs, keep your mind empty, and follow all my instructions. No need to think, just stay as you are." Caitlyn said, noticing the telltale signs of trance, however Caitlyn was incredibly suspicious because she hadn't even started any hypnotic inductions or tried to put Chloe for that long. She sunk far too easily, which made the Dominion Agent hesitant to proceed. Still, the woman was under, so taking advantage would probably be best since she could use a slave to help get her off this rock. It was far easier to trust someone under your control than someone who had free will. "Mmm, tell me Chloe, what are you you thinking right now?" Caitlyn kept applying the lotion, going higher now...

Chloe wasn't thinking at all, she should tell Caitlyn she was free to use as she pleased, she really needed to enjoy some sex on the beach. She should say that too... she really needed to cum and enjoy her vacation.

Chloe Von, Experiment XII (Pyro)
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Caitlyn (Youkai)

The Captive Heroine obediently spread her legs allowing Caitlyn to see the sheen of the love juices coating her inner thigh, her body perfectly relaxed despite keeping her butt lifted while Caitlyn applied the cool sunscreen lotion to her backside. “Mmm, that feels so good!” Chloe moaned softly, unable to sense the hesitation in Caitlyn’s touch; her years of programming just making it so easy for the veteran Dominion Agent…

“What am I thinking?” Chloe repeated rhetorically, speaking in a slow and seductive voice. The sensation of Caitlyn’s hands and the cold lotion bringing out goose-bumps upon her skin. “Mmm, that feels amazing!” Chloe moaned softly, now lowering her backside whilst arching her back to grant Caitlyn access to the small amount of flesh above her bosom after she’d wiggled her arms free of her constraints. “I’m thinking how you’ve done something incredible for me and how I’ve done nothing for you…”

“Unfortunately…” Chloe added. “I don’t have anything to give you…" she declared. "So, I guess I'm free to make it up to you another way, and it’s time for some good ol’ sex on the beach!” Chloe declared, rolling over onto her back and giving Caitlyn a clear look at her misty eyes. “Anyways, it’s your vacation too, right?” Chloe teased, licking her lips seductively. “You need to cum and enjoy it as well!” Chloe barked, hoping Caitlyn would understand the invitation with the enticing motions of her tongue.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2022, 05:39:48 PM by pyro32 »

Offline MonsieurChuchote

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  • The friendliest eldritch horror you'll ever meet
Spoiler for Hidden:

The Mysterious Jungle
Tag: Open Sesame

The ever suspicious prince turned at the sound of approaching footfalls in the jungle, his hands raising instinctively as he stared coldly in the direction of the noise. He raised an eyebrow at the pair of figures that emerged from the brush, a look of recognition on his face as he saw Eleanor. Already knowing all he needed to about the young mage, his eyes flitted towards the woman he didn't recognize, examining her suspiciously as he slowly lowered his arms and came to a more casual stance. He couldn't suppress a slightly derisive snort at Eleanor's question, his gaze momentarily refocusing on her.

"No, I don't. Someone is going to die for this though, of that much I'm quite certain." He answered Eleanor in the familiar, perhaps even comforting nonplused timbre she had heard their previous meeting, though it was clear to the hybrid girl that he was keeping down a not insignificant amount of panic. Nathaniel wasn't used to not knowing something, especially when it came to magic that could reach even him. This defied his understanding of the limitations of the arcane to no small degree, and he was intent on getting to the bottom of it. The prince took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment, extending some of his more preternatural senses outward to see just what he could detect. It was jumbled and muddled, but the one thing he could clearly tell elicited a smirk from the astray royal as he opened his eyes again.

"My sister is here, somewhere. Whoever is behind this is very confident they won't be found if they risked bringing the both of us here. For their sake I hope I find them before she does." Nathaniel chuckled somewhat darkly to himself, though the sound was unnatural and short lived as the prince didn't have the same proclivity for the maniacal as the rest of his family.

"Who's your friend?" The blond demon returned his suspicious gaze to Eleanor's companion as he spoke, choosing to address the human he knew instead of asking this newcomer anything directly.

"Now is hardly the time to be fooling around, but it's alright." Aislinn said calmly, even though minutes ago she was thinking of doing exactly that, Eleanor's burst of power earlier had already dissuaded her from that avenue. After that, Aislinn was quite taken aback by what transpired in the last few minutes, not only had they managed to find someone else within their path inland, it turned out to be Prince Nathaniel. Of course, Aislinn knew who it was just by reputation, but she had never met any of the royal family or many people from Dis in general. Most of Nathaniel's speech was towards Eleanor, but the last question caused Aislinn to step forward and give the Prince a slight bow.

"Aislinn, I'm a mage, and I just realized that our shared friend forgot to tell me her name. Things have been a bit chaotic so she probably just forgot it in the moment. Should probably warn you that the island compels you from time to time. I think she felt it earlier, I've been fine, I think. I found her sleeping a few minutes ago and we decided to team up." Aislinn eyerolled towards Eleanor, giving her the opportunity to say her name finally. If she had any lingering wish to ensnare Eleanor, it had evaporated in seconds in seeing that Eleanor and Nathaniel knew each other. She was hardly in a position to piss off royalty by messing with a friend of one.

Meanwhile, as the trio spoke, there was a brief golden shimmer that would tug at their visions, it wasn't that far away either and Aislinn made a remark as her vision darted towards the glow. "That's... a large magic source, but why is it in a flower? Also don't approach it hastily, I sense traps. Someone doesn't want it plucked or toyed with." Nathaniel and Eleanor, depending on their magical knowledge, might be able to trace the mana supply further, and if they could they'd be able to trace the flow of magic to deeper into the island...

Eleanor Lagan
Tag: Aislinn (Youkai), Nathaniel (Spooky)

Eleanor nodded in confirmation of Aislinn's account. "I can't say I know her well, but she gave me clothes and didn't try to molest me, so... Seems alright?" She shrugged. Not exactly a ringing endorsement. And she missed another implied prompt to introduce herself.

Eleanor's was already disturbed by Nathaniel's clear disquiet, and her eyes only got wider as the prince shared his discovery. Who the hell would kidnap the royal family? Who the hell could? Her mind started moving a mile a minute at the possibilities. The Institute didn't have the magical muscle for this, and it was too baroque for the Cross. The Tower? Some independent cabal of mages? ...Overlord loyalists, perhaps—they'd have both the motive and the means, as much as anyone had the means. And the other "guests", like herself and Aislinn? Some recruitment tool? Start with innocuous compulsions and work their way up to more substantial ones... Eleanor rubbed unhappily at her t-shirt, still feeling the tug on her mind.

She didn't share her speculation with Nathaniel, of course: he had little use for her uninformed guesses. "Should we look for her...?" Eleanor asked delicately as Nathaniel mentioned his sister. Lashing herself to the royalty could be a blessing or a curse. The power and wisdom of the ages would be invaluable, but sticking with the high-value targets would make it harder to escape this place unnoticed. And their power had already been overcome once... She was glad to see the prince again, but the circumstances could be much better. She did her best not to look too long at the bare musculature on display.

Her eyes flicked to the glimmer, quickly seeing the pulsing flow of mana through its roots. She would have noticed it sooner if the prince's arrival hadn't distracted her, but as it was... it was curious, but perhaps a little too convenient as well. But when had that ever stopped her? "Well... someone has to do it, don't they?" Eleanor scrawled a quick protective circle with her foot in the jungle earth, then turned to Aislinn. "Mind giving me some juice on this? I don't have my usual power sources and I'd rather save my blood for the moment." She leaned in, holding her breath in case of a burst of pollen, and started to examine the flower more closely. What did it do, where did it draw from, what tradition of magic was being used? She probably couldn't unmake the wards without time and equipment, but understanding their enemy would prove invaluable. She wouldn't refuse help in the investigation if offered, either; Nathaniel had ages of wisdom to contribute, and who knew what Aislinn could add...

If the examination didn't reveal any big surprises and if noone objected, she would sight and follow the vein of mana along towards its source, leading the rest along with an eye for the arcane... and perhaps not enough for the mundane.

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Yasu Shibuya Taegan Griffin
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Molly Wood

Even though Molly did her best to battle against the compulsions, they found a weak spot and continued to exploit it. Even if she didn't let her gaze stray from their faces, they were two of the most beautiful faces she could imagine. Yasu was obviously a beauty, her purple hair wavered softly in the wind, her eyes were practically inviting her in with their gaze and her luscious lips were always there inviting one to kiss and indulge. Taegan was more refined and quiet, but her cascading silver hair made her look exotic and her striking eyes invited one to melt if they looked into them too long, and her lips were probably nice and delicate. Mmm... it was nice to daydream and enjoy that soft, hypnotic, pleasurable thrumming between her legs. She really should indulge in one of them... And this one was more powerful than the last few...

"As long as we aren't trying to harm his family, I think we can come to an agreement. If he's kidnapped he's going to want a way off." Yasu said confidently, remembering how aggressive Nathaniel was when his family was involved, she was probably being far too optimistic about her chances with him, but if she was wrong she had a way to get them away from Nathaniel if necessary. Taegan sighed and shook her head, she wasn't a fan of the idea but they were stuck with or without him. If Taegan was the one calling all the shots she'd be trying to capture Nathaniel.

At the topic of direction, Taegan spoke up again. "I think we should split up and promise to meet back here in two hours. We can cover more ground that way and probably recruit more people to help us if we're lucky." Yasu took out her brush and stared painting on the ground silently without saying a word. "What are you...?" Yasu just smirked and from the pool of paint on the ground a small black flower sprouted to life, it didn't do anything else. "This is so we don't get lost if we're going to split up, plus those that know my power will know I was here if they look at it. Kills two birds with one stone. Northeast is fine with me, if we're going to split off though I'd suggest one duo and one solo. What do you think Molly? I'll let you guys decide who pairs up with who." Taegan looked to Molly to see what she thought, if they wanted to stay together that was fine but the two did want Molly's opinion, they were still thinking as a team and making decisions based on consensus. Taegan blinked a few times and turned away for a moment...

Splitting off was a good idea, it'd give Molly alone time with one of them. She couldn't go wrong with picking either... that nice thrumming between her legs made it so easy to daydream about quality time with one of them...

Molly Wood
Tagging: Yasu Shibuya

She clenched her eyes tightly. Fighting down the compulsions that were trying to worm their way into her mind and heart. Shaking her head slightly. Putting the thoughts about how gorgeous, both her potential companions where. Swallowing hard, fighting the compulsions was almost making her feel sick. Or maybe it was the heat. Or both. She tapped at her thigh a few times as Taegan and Yasu kept talking. Using it to focus her thoughts. Banishing them away from her stream of consciousness for the moment. Well done Molly you did it! She looked up again as Taegan announced they split the party. She was partly loathe to do so. Having all of them together offered them the strength of quanity, as well as quality. And having both of them with her, meant she had one for each ar-

... Shut up me. ...

Splitting up meant they could cover more ground, which would be to their benefit. Also, if they split up, maybe that would weaken the compulsions playing at her mind. To simply relax and go pearl diving. She brushed her hair back and looked between the two. Before looking down at the small flower starting to sprout up from the ground. "Sounds like a good plan, lets us know where we've been, and alerts any more potential allies that you're here."

She nodded to herself more then anything, before she realised that both Yasu and Taegan were looking at her expectantly. She opened her mouth for a moment to reply, before closing it sharply. Feeling the compulsions assail her again. Either of them, either of them would make this beach trip utterly unforgettable. But which one, the forbidden fruit of a fellow paladin perhaps? or, the tantalising prospect of a ninja grandmaster? She had to be flexible right? Super flexible, and she probably knew rope work. In fact what else could she paint to li- She bit her lip firmly. Re centring her thoughts before looking back between the two of them again. "I think, maybe if I stick with Yasu? At least that way we have a split of a paladin in each group, and if any of Yasu's friends turn up, they could go with you Taegan? Then we have a ninja and a paladin in each potential pairing?"

She felt that was a sound reasoning, and it was mainly the reason why she proposed those team ups. The other reason of course being, that if something did happen, at least if it was with Yasu she could hide her embarrassment better. She wasn't sure how she'd live down being in the same Cathedral as Taegan if the compulsions got stronger.

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Chloe Von, Experiment XII (Pyro)
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Caitlyn (Youkai)

The Captive Heroine obediently spread her legs allowing Caitlyn to see the sheen of the love juices coating her inner thigh, her body perfectly relaxed despite keeping her butt lifted while Caitlyn applied the cool sunscreen lotion to her backside. “Mmm, that feels so good!” Chloe moaned softly, unable to sense the hesitation in Caitlyn’s touch; her years of programming just making it so easy for the veteran Dominion Agent…

“What am I thinking?” Chloe repeated rhetorically, speaking in a slow and seductive voice. The sensation of Caitlyn’s hands and the cold lotion bringing out goose-bumps upon her skin. “Mmm, that feels amazing!” Chloe moaned softly, now lowering her backside whilst arching her back to grant Caitlyn access to the small amount of flesh above her bosom after she’d wiggled her arms free of her constraints. “I’m thinking how you’ve done something incredible for me and how I’ve done nothing for you…”

“Unfortunately…” Chloe added. “I don’t have anything to give you…" she declared. "So, I guess I'm free to make it up to you another way, and it’s time for some good ol’ sex on the beach!” Chloe declared, rolling over onto her back and giving Caitlyn a clear look at her misty eyes. “Anyways, it’s your vacation too, right?” Chloe teased, licking her lips seductively. “You need to cum and enjoy it as well!” Chloe barked, hoping Caitlyn would understand the invitation with the enticing motions of her tongue.

Caitlyn Labelle
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tag: Chloe

Caitlyn looked over Chloe as she rolled on her back and basically offered herself to the Dominion Agent, she was incredibly suspicious of what was going on now and hesitated even more. What would happen if she engaged in this? Well, there was one way to find out, she wasn't going to offer herself willingly to Chloe though. She was going to test her theory by using Chloe as a guinea pig. "Sex on the beach huh? Don't mind if I do, but you're far more worked up than me so it's only fair that I finish you off before I let you return the favor. That's fair right? After all I wouldn't want to leave you so heated and horny." Caitlyn licked her lips, although she was going to be cautious about this, she didn't want to fall into some trap here by letting Chloe play with her. It was obvious that some other force had a hold of Chloe now with her misty eyes looking up at her.

Without another warning, the woman leaned down and captured Chloe's lips in a searing kiss, and her fingers dipped into Chloe's pussy, expertly tweaking it with the skill that a thorough lover would give. Chloe would feel wave after wave of contentment slam against her brain at this point, encouraging her to remain passive, accept this, and enjoy her sex. She was a sexy beach toy now and it was best to just give up and stop using her head. Lay on her back, accept the kiss enjoy with, spread her legs wider to give more access, and empty her mind of all other distractions. This was a nice vacation for her to indulge in. No more thoughts, only sex on the beach, no more worries, only enjoying her vacation, no more resistance, just accepting that she belonged her. And most of all, she needed to help others engage in fun beach activities like this...

"Enjoy yourself..." Caitlyn said as she released the kiss and pushed her fingers in deeper. The dominion agent watched Chloe's eyes to see if they became more misty and vacant, she also tried to keep herself alert in case something tried to influence her too...

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Molly Wood
Tagging: Yasu Shibuya

She clenched her eyes tightly. Fighting down the compulsions that were trying to worm their way into her mind and heart. Shaking her head slightly. Putting the thoughts about how gorgeous, both her potential companions where. Swallowing hard, fighting the compulsions was almost making her feel sick. Or maybe it was the heat. Or both. She tapped at her thigh a few times as Taegan and Yasu kept talking. Using it to focus her thoughts. Banishing them away from her stream of consciousness for the moment. Well done Molly you did it! She looked up again as Taegan announced they split the party. She was partly loathe to do so. Having all of them together offered them the strength of quanity, as well as quality. And having both of them with her, meant she had one for each ar-

... Shut up me. ...

Splitting up meant they could cover more ground, which would be to their benefit. Also, if they split up, maybe that would weaken the compulsions playing at her mind. To simply relax and go pearl diving. She brushed her hair back and looked between the two. Before looking down at the small flower starting to sprout up from the ground. "Sounds like a good plan, lets us know where we've been, and alerts any more potential allies that you're here."

She nodded to herself more then anything, before she realised that both Yasu and Taegan were looking at her expectantly. She opened her mouth for a moment to reply, before closing it sharply. Feeling the compulsions assail her again. Either of them, either of them would make this beach trip utterly unforgettable. But which one, the forbidden fruit of a fellow paladin perhaps? or, the tantalising prospect of a ninja grandmaster? She had to be flexible right? Super flexible, and she probably knew rope work. In fact what else could she paint to li- She bit her lip firmly. Re centring her thoughts before looking back between the two of them again. "I think, maybe if I stick with Yasu? At least that way we have a split of a paladin in each group, and if any of Yasu's friends turn up, they could go with you Taegan? Then we have a ninja and a paladin in each potential pairing?"

She felt that was a sound reasoning, and it was mainly the reason why she proposed those team ups. The other reason of course being, that if something did happen, at least if it was with Yasu she could hide her embarrassment better. She wasn't sure how she'd live down being in the same Cathedral as Taegan if the compulsions got stronger.

Yasu Shibuya Taegan Griffin
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Molly Wood

"That sounds good, hopefully we can find out more about the island split off, but we should meet here again soon, I'd say about an hour so we aren't separated for too long. We don't have watches or clocks unfortunately so just use your best judgement." Taegan said sharply, nodding to Yasu and Molly and then thinking about the plan some more, decided to head off in her own direction. Maybe she'd meet up with someone that could help, but either way she'd keep her word and come back whether she ended up empty handed or not. Soon enough, the white-haired paladin would disappear from Molly's sight and leave the woman alone with the Grandmaster. Yasu started to head off in the opposite direction, beckoning Molly to follow her. "We have an hour, so let's make it count." They'd travel a bit and not see a soul yet, but in the meantime the compulsions didn't relent on Molly's head.

Yes, Molly could make this count, she had the Grandmaster all to herself now with nobody watching. Her embarrassment would be minimal, and she could finally tend to that thrumming between her legs that was aching for someone more experienced to take the wheel for her. Watching that swaying ass in front of her made her feel so horny and happy, getting laid on the beach would feel wonderful especially if it was with a knockout like Yasu. It was here that Yasu turned to look at Molly and narrowed her eyes, she approached the paladin and placed her hand on her forehead.

"You alright? You look heated, if you want to rest we can do that, we've been on the move for a while. While we're alone I want to say I liked Taegan, she seemed cautious." Yes, rest, sleep with Yasu, take advantage of the situation. Lean in for a kiss and pin her to the ground, she was stronger than the Grandmaster, she could-

"Don't resist..." Yasu suddenly pushed in for a kiss, that'd melt Molly's inhibitions if their lips met, and that honeyed voice wormed into her ears. That voice could silence minds with it's seductive whisper, could Molly snap out of it and realize the danger or would she sink to the ground and enjoy what came next?


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