Author Topic: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness  (Read 16046 times)

Offline Kunshu

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Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Everyone, Accomplice

Elmadia smiled and admired herself in the mirror, running fingers through her hair and her other hand down her curves. She even gave her shapely rear a firm caress before turning to her accomplice with a sharp look on her face. Everything seemed in order. By now, thanks to her power, invitations would be spread out throughout all of Auralis and Dis. The letters wouldn't pick important individuals, they'd just spread around randomly with the wind. The seal on them was extravagant, encouraging one's curiosity, and anyone that opened one would be flooded with the distinct scent of vanilla and the following message.

To Whom It May Concern,

I humbly invite you to my new abode here in Auralis City, whether you're a frail little human or an ambitious demon, I would love for you to come visit and experience the wonders I've found here. This Mansion has a mystical power that I intend to unleash, for my own amusement. So, my little humans, come stop me if you dare. And for you curious demons, feel free to drop by; I promise you'll be in for a pleasant evening.

Lady Elmadia, Heir Apparent of The Windsweep.

The signature was written in an overly elegant fashion and the address for the mansion would be on the back of the letter, it was an obvious trap for any defender that read it, but there were so many they'd surely be able to get a team together to stop her? Of course, some demons would likely receive invitations as well, to even the odds. Either way, if Elmadia was serious it sounded like this could become a problem if left alone. Elmadia smiled a little at her reflection before fully turning to her helper.

"We should probably start making arrangements, Should I greet them or would you like to do the honours?" Elmadia said as she stretched a little more and came to a rest with crossed arms....

Offline Youkai

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Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Everyone, Elmadia

"Hmmmm, surely it's better for the host to greet her first guests, is it not? " There was a hint of mirth in the demon's voice as she entered the room, giving Elmadia a twirl once she had her attention.  "How do I look? Suitable for our little party?" There was a sparkle in the demon's eyes as she showed off her outfit, clearly attempting to provoke a reaction from the elemental at the other end of the room.

She grinned and walked up to the elemental, slowly, confidently, and reached out a hand to cup her chin. "You must be enjoying this view, how often do you get to see me in such elegant attire after all?" Astrid licked her lips and raised Elmadia's face to hers, leaning in close to give her a kiss, then paused. "It would be improper for me to be so forward with the future ruler of the Windsweep, wouldn't it?" As she said this, she reached her other hand behind Elmadia to grope her shapely rear. "If you want more you'll have to ask for it...."

Offline Hollypup

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Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Everyone

There is the crackle of bonfire flames and the reek of sweat and sulfur as Grawly falls head-first out of a portal. She rolls like a cannonball, head over heels - spitting and sputtering curses as she's flung bodily towards a rather fancy looking wine rack. Her body crashes through sturdy, mahogany shelves - which quickly splinter into matchwood, raining a number of intact glass bottles in her considerably chiselled lap.

"Fuckin'... portal! Fuck, my head! Wh... this ain't my house!" She grunts, brutishly - burning yellow eyes peering around the settling dust and havoc that her appromptu arrival wrought on this poor, unsuspecting wine cellar. Picking up one of the wine bottles into her clawed mitt, she scrunches up her nose and attempts to read the label - giving it a cautious sniff, too.

"Chateau du... Pap Diablere.... 156 years. Bougie. Ooooh, are those.. grapes on the bottle? YEAH, hooch!"

The Oni flicks the cork out of the bottle with a single prize of her claw, raising the bottle to drooling lips and knocking the eye-wateringly expensive red wine down her gullet with a few greedy gulps. Chucking the bottle against the wall with a tinkling explosion of glass, she howls with cackling laughter - unable to believe her own dumb luck.


Offline Mephz

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Christina Rahl
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Everyone

Christina transformed instantly as she arrived at the scene.  Better be safe than sorry she thought, especially if whoever sent the letter would do good on her threats.  Unleashed mystical power was always bad if it was real and not a silly little lie that is.  If it was possible it was probably best to leave the mystical in it's mystical box, that being said if it wasn't she and the other defenders simply had to push it back into the box it came from.

It seemed Christina was first at the scene as far as she knew.  She certainly saw the building, a spooky building on a hill, quite fitting actually.  Christina had no doubts more would be coming, not only had she sent the information to the defenders when she received the letter, she also heard back from them that numerous people had gotten similar letters.  Christina was still carrying hers, unsure if it was needed to actually enter the building, but it would not be the first place with a bouncer.   

The culprit seemingly did name herself in it, Lady Elmadia, Heir Apparent of The Windswoop or something thought Christina to herself.  She did not know her, but other defenders probably did, might even have looked her up in files.  Christina wasn't really that prepared, but hopefully she could just enter and stop the mystical from being a problem before it was a problem, the end?  Christina walked up the hill towards the door, testing it, seeing if it was locked or not.  She did not enter instantly though, she checked for a moment if more defenders were coming, but she was just going to give them a few moments.

Offline Kunshu

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Spoiler for Hidden:

Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Everyone, Elmadia

"Hmmmm, surely it's better for the host to greet her first guests, is it not? " There was a hint of mirth in the demon's voice as she entered the room, giving Elmadia a twirl once she had her attention.  "How do I look? Suitable for our little party?" There was a sparkle in the demon's eyes as she showed off her outfit, clearly attempting to provoke a reaction from the elemental at the other end of the room.

She grinned and walked up to the elemental, slowly, confidently, and reached out a hand to cup her chin. "You must be enjoying this view, how often do you get to see me in such elegant attire after all?" Astrid licked her lips and raised Elmadia's face to hers, leaning in close to give her a kiss, then paused. "It would be improper for me to be so forward with the future ruler of the Windsweep, wouldn't it?" As she said this, she reached her other hand behind Elmadia to grope her shapely rear. "If you want more you'll have to ask for it...."

Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Astrid

"You're right, this is going to be chaotic once the magic happens." Elmadia peered at Astrid, her gaze intense, before answering. She grabbed her cloak and wrapped it around her shoulders, glancing at herself in the mirror once again. "Atypical, but an intriguing look nonetheless. Maybe I'll add something similar to my wardrobe when this is done." Astrid got a little smirk from the elemental as she continued to prepare things. Luckily she finished before the retainer made her move.

Despite Astrid grabbing her chin with her strong grip, Elmadia grinned and tilted her head. "Everyday, if I so desire, my dear." Despite Astrid's forwardness, the heiress of the Windsweep didn't flinch, she stared down the demon with playful eyes and waited for her to try and move in for the kill. Elmadia gently swayed into the hand on her ass for a moment but managed to remain in control of herself. She pulled away from the woman. "Do you feel emboldened now? It's so unlike you to be forward, what if Nate were here to see what you were doing with his beloved?" Elmadia's hand spanked Astrid's ass, knowing just where to strike to get the right reaction, instinctively, of course.

Elmadia strode towards the door before her head suddenly twitched. "I think I'll wait to take you up on that. until our little experiment starts at least. Who knows what fun can be had and who will show up." Elmadia ran a finger through her golden locks, pondering the last preparations needed before moving out to greet her guests. Only a few had shown up so far and she wanted more before the trap was sprung. The moment was rapidly approaching though. Astrid still had time to tempt and tease her before then though, if she desired....

Offline Youkai

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Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Astrid

"You're right, this is going to be chaotic once the magic happens." Elmadia peered at Astrid, her gaze intense, before answering. She grabbed her cloak and wrapped it around her shoulders, glancing at herself in the mirror once again. "Atypical, but an intriguing look nonetheless. Maybe I'll add something similar to my wardrobe when this is done." Astrid got a little smirk from the elemental as she continued to prepare things. Luckily she finished before the retainer made her move.

Despite Astrid grabbing her chin with her strong grip, Elmadia grinned and tilted her head. "Everyday, if I so desire, my dear." Despite Astrid's forwardness, the heiress of the Windsweep didn't flinch, she stared down the demon with playful eyes and waited for her to try and move in for the kill. Elmadia gently swayed into the hand on her ass for a moment but managed to remain in control of herself. She pulled away from the woman. "Do you feel emboldened now? It's so unlike you to be forward, what if Nate were here to see what you were doing with his beloved?" Elmadia's hand spanked Astrid's ass, knowing just where to strike to get the right reaction, instinctively, of course.

Elmadia strode towards the door before her head suddenly twitched. "I think I'll wait to take you up on that. until our little experiment starts at least. Who knows what fun can be had and who will show up." Elmadia ran a finger through her golden locks, pondering the last preparations needed before moving out to greet her guests. Only a few had shown up so far and she wanted more before the trap was sprung. The moment was rapidly approaching though. Astrid still had time to tempt and tease her before then though, if she desired....

Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Everyone, Elmadia

"It is, yes, I'm looking forward to the results of our... little experiment." Astrid chuckled to herself as she spoke, as if in response to a joke that only she had heard. She paused at Elmadia's response to her question about her outfit. "I suppose that is true, I would wear whatever Nathaniel, or his paramour desired, no matter how... distasteful it were, not that he would request such a thing, of course." The demoness sighed at that thought, disappointment crossing her face, however briefly.

"Ah! I suppose I do, a good thing he isn't here then, isn't it?" Astrid let out a gasp at being spanked then pouted at Elmadia. "I suspect you would exercise proper discretion so as not to hurt the good Prince's feelings, would you not, my Lady?" She gave a brief curtsy, was she teasing the elemental? "As you wish, I imagine we will have guests arriving very shortly, I'm sure they will provide some much needed entertainment."

Offline Youkai

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Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone

Asha grumbled as her demonic arm flickered and her other hand grasped at a railing that led up to the mansion. The invite had lodged itself into her home in Dis and she was particularly interested in the way it was worded. Nonetheless, once night fell the vampire had made her way here and now she was faced with the conundrum of how to approach this. She entered from a different way than the humans had, there were multiple paths up to this place after all and it was strange how well paved the path she took was. She casually walked up to the mansion and opened the door, even if it was locked her impressive strength made sure that it was open. Once inside she started to peer around for this... Elmadia. Her hand trailed along the couch next to her as she made her way through the 1st floor looking for clues. Her curiosity was piqued at what a pleasant evening entailed...

Offline Youkai

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Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Christina

Caitlyn strode up to the mansion quietly, it was hard to use stealth to approach such a place when it stuck out like a sore thumb in the first place. Luckily it seemed she could use some of her wily friend making skills on a defender in front of her, she strode up to the woman with a cautious look at her face to look like she was apprehensive and approached Christina. She looked vaguely familiar, although she couldn't put her finger on it. "I got here as soon as I could, what's the situation? Name's Viola, new heroine but I found one of the letters." Using the contents of the letter to her advantage, Caitlyn decided to pretend she was a new heroine and trick the woman. While this wasn't technically a Dominion operation she still wanted to get a feel for what was going on here. This Windsweep gal sounded really fun...

Offline Youkai

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Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Grawly

As Grawly started downing the booze, a blue haired woman walked in hearing the commotion from outside. She was investigating the house from afar when the loud noises threw her off and tugged at her curiosity. The woman, Sybil, cautiously approached the demon and then raised her voice, magic swirling from her hands. "Alright demon, tell me what you know about this Windsweep woman, Elmadia." Luckily there was only one demon to interrogate, otherwise blowing her cover like this wouldn't be wise. She could use her magic to get out of the way again but she hoped that wouldn't be necessary. "If you want to keep drinking as you answer my questions be my guest." Sybil said sweetly to get on the demon's good side while trying to subtly compel her...

Spoiler for For Holly:
Generally we don't fight in events, so don't worry about that, they're just gonna talk till the fireworks go off.

Offline Youkai

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Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Kuroyuri (Silverkat)

Barbati was one of individuals that got an invitation, normally she'd be timid about going out alone lately without Louise but this time it had her fellow demons that were probably going to be about so she felt inspired. Immediately upon approaching the mansion she noticed that a rather infamous celebrity/heroine named Christina was near the entrance. So instead she looped around to find an entrance into the back, although it wasn't easy she managed due to her appearance matching the darkness and darting between hiding places. The last thing she needed was Louise to be angry at her for coming back injured again and nursing her back to health. Although seeing the look on her face would be touching, in retrospect. Anyway, she found her way into a back entrance and slowly entered what looked to be a guest bedroom. Slowly, she looked around the room, it seemed quiet so far...

Offline Mephz

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Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Christina

Caitlyn strode up to the mansion quietly, it was hard to use stealth to approach such a place when it stuck out like a sore thumb in the first place. Luckily it seemed she could use some of her wily friend making skills on a defender in front of her, she strode up to the woman with a cautious look at her face to look like she was apprehensive and approached Christina. She looked vaguely familiar, although she couldn't put her finger on it. "I got here as soon as I could, what's the situation? Name's Viola, new heroine but I found one of the letters." Using the contents of the letter to her advantage, Caitlyn decided to pretend she was a new heroine and trick the woman. While this wasn't technically a Dominion operation she still wanted to get a feel for what was going on here. This Windsweep gal sounded really fun...

Christina Rahl
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Everyone, Youkai

Christina looked the woman up and down.  Christina wasn't completely dumb, she did not know any heroine named Viola so this she could be lying.  That being said Christina did not keep up with any roster changes or new heroine updates so it could also be true.  Christina made a mental note of actually preparing for something, sometimes and going through the defenders available database.  That day was not today though, she was at the scene and as prepared as she was going to be.  For now she needed to trust that Viola was whoever she said she was.  "Hello, Christina Rahl" she introduced herself to Viola before adding.  "I only just arrived and checked the door, it's open by the way, but was planning to wait for more defenders before heading in.  Or at least give you guys a few minutes before trying to stop whatever is going on.  That being said I don't really know more than is in the letter myself.  I assume this Elmira of the windswoop is inside, but I haven't seen her." said Christina butchering the name and title.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2022, 04:19:36 AM by Mephz »

Offline madman32

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Spoiler for Hidden:

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone

Asha grumbled as her demonic arm flickered and her other hand grasped at a railing that led up to the mansion. The invite had lodged itself into her home in Dis and she was particularly interested in the way it was worded. Nonetheless, once night fell the vampire had made her way here and now she was faced with the conundrum of how to approach this. She entered from a different way than the humans had, there were multiple paths up to this place after all and it was strange how well paved the path she took was. She casually walked up to the mansion and opened the door, even if it was locked her impressive strength made sure that it was open. Once inside she started to peer around for this... Elmadia. Her hand trailed along the couch next to her as she made her way through the 1st floor looking for clues. Her curiosity was piqued at what a pleasant evening entailed...

Skarde Alexander
Tag: Asha (youkai), Everyone

The moment Asha pulled the door open, she'd feel someone's head leaning on top of her shoulder. "So they didn't boobytrap the door. Good to know! Thanks!"

After giving Asha a well deserved double-pat on the back, the wing-headed stranger pulled away with a light giggle. She then slipped easily around the vampire, into the mansion before Asha could even say a word in response. Let alone stop her. In fact, she was moving so swiftly that Asha could barely register this woman's face. She was an absolute blur as soon as she went inside, zipping around the foyer at a crackling speed. Stopping only ever briefly, to pick up and investigate accoutrements or decorations around the furniture and walls. This pink-haired blur wasn't going into other rooms for the moment, though it certainly seemed like she was on the hunt for something. Maybe traps, or the source of power alluded to in that letter...or maybe she was just a bit hyperactive.

Offline Hollypup

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Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Grawly

As Grawly started downing the booze, a blue haired woman walked in hearing the commotion from outside. She was investigating the house from afar when the loud noises threw her off and tugged at her curiosity. The woman, Sybil, cautiously approached the demon and then raised her voice, magic swirling from her hands. "Alright demon, tell me what you know about this Windsweep woman, Elmadia." Luckily there was only one demon to interrogate, otherwise blowing her cover like this wouldn't be wise. She could use her magic to get out of the way again but she hoped that wouldn't be necessary. "If you want to keep drinking as you answer my questions be my guest." Sybil said sweetly to get on the demon's good side while trying to subtly compel her...

Spoiler for For Holly:
Generally we don't fight in events, so don't worry about that, they're just gonna talk till the fireworks go off.

Mansion of Madness: Wine Cellar
Tagging: Sybil

The Oni leers through the wreckage of the room, slumped against the cellar wall with her legs lazily folded. She picks up some of the spare scraps of wood and rolls them into a ball - cradling them in her massive hands. Then, there's an almighty crunch - like a tree branch from the world tree itself being broken into kindling - and a ripple of those intimidating shoulders. When Grawly opens her hands again, the wood has been pulped and shaped into a drinking bowl.

"Elmadia? Ellllllmadia. El... Madia."

She raises yet another dizzyingly expensive bottle of wine, and jams the cork down on one of her horns. Prizing the cork from the neck of the bottle, she leaves it on her horn, jauntily, as she pours out a good bowl of crispy, cool white. Taking a noisy sip - oblivious to the compulsion that grips her peanut sized brain, she fixes two yellow-gold, glittering eyes on Sybil.

"Huuuuuuuuh? Well... ain't that the Heir to Windsweep? My clan was... tryin' to get her to notice us, 'cause that sounds like BIG payday. Rich monsters'll always pay the primo in meat, booze an' fuckable sluts to do miscellaneous goonery! W...why, where are we?"

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Iradil Akai
The Maddening Mansion
Tagging: Everyone and Anyone

Iradil hummed slightly to herself, a stick of dango being played with between her fingers. Twirling it around skilfully before bringing it up to her mouth, pulling one of the sweet treats off the stick, chomping down on it happily, before returning the stick to it's playful journey. She felt much better after the quick visit to the Institute and was back and ready to go. Her staff hovered along behind her as she pulled the letter back out again. Checking the spindling writing again. Plopping the second dango into her mouth and chewing on the stick as she smoothed out the letter, double checking the details. Breathing in the faint scent of vanilla, adjusted the taste of her snack. She nodded to herself slightly, stowing the letter away again. It was almost certainly a trap, but if it was so nicely set up, why not spring it? The stage was set, and it was not likely that she would be the only piece in play. Also she had been promised a pleasant evening.

She looked up at the mansion as she got to the top of the hill. Playing with the dango stick in her mouth for a moment, before biting the final treat off the stick and pulling the little bunny eared stick away. Before looking down at herself, humming slightly. She was not exactly dressed for a mansion warming party... She drew a breath in, before easing it out, her clothing changing, becoming more ornate, more fitting for a mansion party. Brushing her hair behind her head as she pulled out another set of dango.

She glanced around the exterior again. Shifting her weight onto one leg, almost looking like she was leaning against an invisible wall. The front door would be the simplest, most obvious way in. So naturally, she leapt up onto one of the veranda's, jimmied one of the windows with a spare set of dango sticks, and slipped inside. Landing lightly on one of the upper floor hallways.

Offline Sashanna

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Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Caitlyn:

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Christina

Caitlyn strode up to the mansion quietly, it was hard to use stealth to approach such a place when it stuck out like a sore thumb in the first place. Luckily it seemed she could use some of her wily friend making skills on a defender in front of her, she strode up to the woman with a cautious look at her face to look like she was apprehensive and approached Christina. She looked vaguely familiar, although she couldn't put her finger on it. "I got here as soon as I could, what's the situation? Name's Viola, new heroine but I found one of the letters." Using the contents of the letter to her advantage, Caitlyn decided to pretend she was a new heroine and trick the woman. While this wasn't technically a Dominion operation she still wanted to get a feel for what was going on here. This Windsweep gal sounded really fun...
Spoiler for Christina Rahl:

Christina Rahl
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Everyone, Youkai

Christina looked the woman up and down.  Christina wasn't completely dumb, she did not know any heroine named Viola so this she could be lying.  That being said Christina did not keep up with any roster changes or new heroine updates so it could also be true.  Christina made a mental note of actually preparing for something, sometimes and going through the defenders available database.  That day was not today though, she was at the scene and as prepared as she was going to be.  For now she needed to trust that Viola was whoever she said she was.  "Hello, Christina Rahl" she introduced herself to Viola before adding.  "I only just arrived and checked the door, it's open by the way, but was planning to wait for more defenders before heading in.  Or at least give you guys a few minutes before trying to stop whatever is going on.  That being said I don't really know more than is in the letter myself.  I assume this Elmira of the windswoop is inside, but I haven't seen her." said Christina butchering the name and title.

Auralis - Body Swapping Mansion
Tag: Everyone, Christina Rahl, Caitlyn

The DoJ had contacted Rosluni and asked her and those under her to help with a threat that had been issued to Auralis city.  As her group approached the main entrance to the building, the redhead with the eyepatch was looking at a cell phone as she slithered up the hill, "This Lady Elmadia mentioned that this is her new abode, or home.  Does that mean she bought this place or has simply claimed it?  If the mystical power does not extend beyond the range of the mansion, it is likely not a real threat, but then why would she taunt everyone to come if that was the case?  Why would she taunt people at all?"  Looking up from the light of the phone towards the plant woman, she stated, "If possible, we should find out the extent of this danger and the intent of the woman instigating or causing it before assuming malicious or evil intent."

The green skinned woman smiled at the naga before replying, "Do not worry.  Talking will be be our first choice.  If she does not wish to talk or the reasons are bad and her mind cannot be changed, we should try to subdue her."  Two tendrils reached out and tapped the two naga with her before pointing them toward the entrance of the mansion and the two women already standing there.  "But first we should be sure that the well-meaning people of this city near the house are kept safe.  Do you know if those two are friendly, Persia?"

The redhead stared at her with a slightly irritated narrowing of her eyes, "Miss Nepentis, did you even look at the text I sent you about this place?"  Persia pressed a few buttons and raised the phone to the plant woman's face, where there were a few photos of people that they had received letters and were known to be helping to investigate the site.  Among those images was a photo of Christina Rahl.  Persia pointed towards Christina and said, "That woman is Christina Rahl, an ally of the Institute of Justice in this matter.  Hopefully, we can learn if there is a plan for investigating the area from her."

Since the other woman wasn't obviously attacking Christina in any way, the trio approached calmly with Rosluni 'Nepentis' calling out with an air of confidence and control.  "Christina Rahl?  What is the current situation?  How may we help in controlling any dangers here?"
« Last Edit: November 28, 2022, 03:11:39 AM by Sashanna »

Offline Youkai

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Christina Rahl
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Everyone, Youkai

Christina looked the woman up and down.  Christina wasn't completely dumb, she did not know any heroine named Viola so this she could be lying.  That being said Christina did not keep up with any roster changes or new heroine updates so it could also be true.  Christina made a mental note of actually preparing for something, sometimes and going through the defenders available database.  That day was not today though, she was at the scene and as prepared as she was going to be.  For now she needed to trust that Viola was whoever she said she was.  "Hello, Christina Rahl" she introduced herself to Viola before adding.  "I only just arrived and checked the door, it's open by the way, but was planning to wait for more defenders before heading in.  Or at least give you guys a few minutes before trying to stop whatever is going on.  That being said I don't really know more than is in the letter myself.  I assume this Elmira of the windswoop is inside, but I haven't seen her." said Christina butchering the name and title.

Auralis - Body Swapping Mansion
Tag: Everyone, Christina Rahl, Caitlyn

The DoJ had contacted Rosluni and asked her and those under her to help with a threat that had been issued to Auralis city.  As her group approached the main entrance to the building, the redhead with the eyepatch was looking at a cell phone as she slithered up the hill, "This Lady Elmadia mentioned that this is her new abode, or home.  Does that mean she bought this place or has simply claimed it?  If the mystical power does not extend beyond the range of the mansion, it is likely not a real threat, but then why would she taunt everyone to come if that was the case?  Why would she taunt people at all?"  Looking up from the light of the phone towards the plant woman, she stated, "If possible, we should find out the extent of this danger and the intent of the woman instigating or causing it before assuming malicious or evil intent."

The green skinned woman smiled at the naga before replying, "Do not worry.  Talking will be be our first choice.  If she does not wish to talk or the reasons are bad and her mind cannot be changed, we should try to subdue her."  Two tendrils reached out and tapped the two naga with her before pointing them toward the entrance of the mansion and the two women already standing there.  "But first we should be sure that the well-meaning people of this city near the house are kept safe.  Do you know if those two are friendly, Persia?"

The redhead stared at her with a slightly irritated narrowing of her eyes, "Miss Nepentis, did you even look at the text I sent you about this place?"  Persia pressed a few buttons and raised the phone to the plant woman's face, where there were a few photos of people that they had received letters and were known to be helping to investigate the site.  Among those images was a photo of Christina Rahl.  Persia pointed towards Christina and said, "That woman is Christina Rahl, an ally of the Institute of Justice in this matter.  Hopefully, we can learn if there is a plan for investigating the area from her."

Since the other woman wasn't obviously attacking Christina in any way, the trio approached calmly with Rosluni 'Nepentis' calling out with an air of confidence and control.  "Christina Rahl?  What is the current situation?  How may we help in controlling any dangers here?"

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Christina

"It's Elmadia of the Windsweep, she'll probably get angry if we get it wrong. Based on the tone of her letter she's full of herself. I guess you're being cautious about this, huh?" Caitlyn said as she reached into her suit and showed Christina her letter, pointing it out, then putting it back in her suit before looking at the mansion ahead of her, although she didn't say anything she was looking around for ways of entry or people that may have snuck inside. Unfortunately she didn't see anything, and being more intrusive would give her cover away to Christina. Her name rung some alarm bells in her head, but she couldn't place why at the moment. "Well Christina, if you want, I could scout ahead and come back, I'm pretty good about getting into places..." Caitlyn stuck her tongue out and smiled, infiltrations weren't standard in the Defenders, but that didn't mean she wasn't specialized or working for the DRU. They did work with heroines on the regular.

Caitlyn stretched, her attractive body being on display as she did, before settling into a more neutral position. She did this mostly to gauge if she could get a reaction out of her before she answered the question. However, before she could hear that answer, there was a new arrival.

"Hello, who are you? I'm Viola." She asked the demon, who looked like a plant girl, at least she thought it was a demon.

Offline Youkai

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Mansion of Madness: Wine Cellar
Tagging: Sybil

The Oni leers through the wreckage of the room, slumped against the cellar wall with her legs lazily folded. She picks up some of the spare scraps of wood and rolls them into a ball - cradling them in her massive hands. Then, there's an almighty crunch - like a tree branch from the world tree itself being broken into kindling - and a ripple of those intimidating shoulders. When Grawly opens her hands again, the wood has been pulped and shaped into a drinking bowl.

"Elmadia? Ellllllmadia. El... Madia."

She raises yet another dizzyingly expensive bottle of wine, and jams the cork down on one of her horns. Prizing the cork from the neck of the bottle, she leaves it on her horn, jauntily, as she pours out a good bowl of crispy, cool white. Taking a noisy sip - oblivious to the compulsion that grips her peanut sized brain, she fixes two yellow-gold, glittering eyes on Sybil.

"Huuuuuuuuh? Well... ain't that the Heir to Windsweep? My clan was... tryin' to get her to notice us, 'cause that sounds like BIG payday. Rich monsters'll always pay the primo in meat, booze an' fuckable sluts to do miscellaneous goonery! W...why, where are we?"

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Grawly

"Clan? Big payday? What in the world are you talking about?" Sybil was a bit dumbfounded by the demon in front of her, she didn't seemed to be aggressive and was happy to keep drinking and answering questions. The crunching of wood didn't make the woman flinch at all, she had been through her fair share of battles and intimidating foes. "You don't even remember where you are?" Sybil sighed and put her hands on her hips, she was happy to let the demon drink but if she was so delirious that she didn't know where she was she wasn't going to be of much help. "You're at a Mansion that this Elmadia person has invited everyone too, she's planning something big I think, and I don't know what she has planned for us humans. Or demons for that matter, this surprise she mentioned could be harmful to you, you know?"

With information gathering out the window and her cover now blown for the time being, she looked at Grawly with a contemplative expression. "I have an idea, why don't we work together and explore this mess?"

Offline Youkai

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Skarde Alexander
Tag: Asha (youkai), Everyone

The moment Asha pulled the door open, she'd feel someone's head leaning on top of her shoulder. "So they didn't boobytrap the door. Good to know! Thanks!"

After giving Asha a well deserved double-pat on the back, the wing-headed stranger pulled away with a light giggle. She then slipped easily around the vampire, into the mansion before Asha could even say a word in response. Let alone stop her. In fact, she was moving so swiftly that Asha could barely register this woman's face. She was an absolute blur as soon as she went inside, zipping around the foyer at a crackling speed. Stopping only ever briefly, to pick up and investigate accoutrements or decorations around the furniture and walls. This pink-haired blur wasn't going into other rooms for the moment, though it certainly seemed like she was on the hunt for something. Maybe traps, or the source of power alluded to in that letter...or maybe she was just a bit hyperactive.

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Skarde Alexander

"What?" Was the only response that Skarde got as Asha had problems even tracking the woman to begin with. She tried to give chase after the blur and as a result bypassed some things, such as the other elaborately decorated rooms that had been set up. The candles in the mansion had seemingly come to life on their own but other than that everything in the mansion was quiet. If there was someone on the upper levels they'd be able to spot the vampire as she searched for the wing-headed woman. Thankfully the woman stopped to inspect some furniture. She opened her mouth to speak, only to close it again as she thought of how to deal with this intrusion. Considering she hadn't done anything harmful and had only used her to get inside she didn't have a reason to be angry, yet.

"Asha. Who are you?" She asked, her wispy arm gaining form before Skarde's eyes...

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Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Desdemona (Kat), Everyone

"Let's check out this spooky mansion!" Sue whooped as she pushed her mech to its max speed and flew towards the address on Elmadia's letter. The pilot was excited to be going back into the field after so much time cooped up in the Institute's infirmary, not that she had had a bad time under the care of Lizbeth. Sue licked her lips thinking of the nurse and her impressive... assets, a warmth growing between her legs as she leant forward in her cockpit. It was getting harder to focus, she would have to take her medicine soon, once she landed, of course....

"Now, where's a good way to get into this place?" As she got closer and closer to the mansion she saw it had multiple floors: the front entrance would probably be guarded, or trapped, but, if she got in from a floor higher? Probably easier.... Sue eyed a reasonably large balcony and made straight for it, executing an expert landing. "Of course, the door's not big enough for my mech, tsk." The pilot dismounted carefully, making sure her sidearm was attached to the side of her skintight jumpsuit, she patted her other side for her medical pouch and paused. "Shit, I forgot my meds again, Liz is gonna kill meeeee!" The pilot looked into her cockpit to make sure she hadn't left her the pouch there, but, nope, she'd definitely left them back at the Institute.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to work fast then...." With those words, she headed towards the glass door of the conservatory and entered the mansion.

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Christina Rahl
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Everyone, Youkai, Sashanna

Christina, shrugged at the name correction. "Oh it was? Fair enough, certainly don't want to annoy her for no reason, unless she actually does this thing, then I will annoy her a bunch.  Windsweep, Windsweep, swoop is bad, it's Windsweep, I'll remember." Christina said to herself, hoping she wasn't lying.  Elmadia wasn't exactly the easiest name for her to remember.  Still she could probably remember it, she also had the letter somewhere on her.  Could refresh her memory if she really needed to.  Christina thought a bit, slightly distracted by Caitlyn's stretching her attractive body, but quickly gathering herself and focusing on the mission.  "While that would normally be good, I'm not really sure how much time we have to keep what is going to happen from happening..." Christina was going to speak more to Caitlyn regarding infiltration of the spooky house, but some newcomers took their attention, or grabbed it, entangled it even with snake tails.

"Are you friendlies?" she asked unsure, it was clearly some demons, or so thought Christina, but they did not seem hostile.  Christina wasn't aware of all human allied demons for sure, probably some were on DoJ file without Christina knowing or preparing, but it would not be the first time Christina sided with a demon.  Christina did not have hatred for them per say, but she would stop them from doing evil.  "You know my name, but I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage" said Christina glancing at the greenskin on Rosluni and the snake tails on the other two, before returning her gaze to green lady that seemed to be the leader? After hearing a response, Christina added.  "We only arrived" pointing at herself and Caitlyn.  "I checked the door, it's open, but was planning to wait for more DoJ reinforcements, or at least give them a few minutes before entering.  I'm not sure about the situation otherwise except for what was written in the letter.  Did you get one?" Christina was definitely bit on guard towards both Caitlyn and the trio, she knew neither, but if they were going to fight on the same side Christina had no problems with that.

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Spoiler for Iradil:

Iradil Akai
The Maddening Mansion
Tagging: Everyone and Anyone

Iradil hummed slightly to herself, a stick of dango being played with between her fingers. Twirling it around skilfully before bringing it up to her mouth, pulling one of the sweet treats off the stick, chomping down on it happily, before returning the stick to it's playful journey. She felt much better after the quick visit to the Institute and was back and ready to go. Her staff hovered along behind her as she pulled the letter back out again. Checking the spindling writing again. Plopping the second dango into her mouth and chewing on the stick as she smoothed out the letter, double checking the details. Breathing in the faint scent of vanilla, adjusted the taste of her snack. She nodded to herself slightly, stowing the letter away again. It was almost certainly a trap, but if it was so nicely set up, why not spring it? The stage was set, and it was not likely that she would be the only piece in play. Also she had been promised a pleasant evening.

She looked up at the mansion as she got to the top of the hill. Playing with the dango stick in her mouth for a moment, before biting the final treat off the stick and pulling the little bunny eared stick away. Before looking down at herself, humming slightly. She was not exactly dressed for a mansion warming party... She drew a breath in, before easing it out, her clothing changing, becoming more ornate, more fitting for a mansion party. Brushing her hair behind her head as she pulled out another set of dango.

She glanced around the exterior again. Shifting her weight onto one leg, almost looking like she was leaning against an invisible wall. The front door would be the simplest, most obvious way in. So naturally, she leapt up onto one of the veranda's, jimmied one of the windows with a spare set of dango sticks, and slipped inside. Landing lightly on one of the upper floor hallways.
Spoiler for Asha:

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Skarde Alexander

"What?" Was the only response that Skarde got as Asha had problems even tracking the woman to begin with. She tried to give chase after the blur and as a result bypassed some things, such as the other elaborately decorated rooms that had been set up. The candles in the mansion had seemingly come to life on their own but other than that everything in the mansion was quiet. If there was someone on the upper levels they'd be able to spot the vampire as she searched for the wing-headed woman. Thankfully the woman stopped to inspect some furniture. She opened her mouth to speak, only to close it again as she thought of how to deal with this intrusion. Considering she hadn't done anything harmful and had only used her to get inside she didn't have a reason to be angry, yet.

"Asha. Who are you?" She asked, her wispy arm gaining form before Skarde's eyes...

Skarde Alexander
Tag: Asha (Youkai), Iradil (rogue rider), everyone

The self-lighting candles were neat, if nothing that Skarde couldn't pick up at a party store. For all the mansion's grandeur, there was nothing that actually spoke to Skarde's sticky picky fingers. At least not yet. She flew up to the second floor, poking curiously at a display case. Wondering if it would trigger some enchanted defense, perhaps making it come alive and try to eat her whole. Or at least do something interesting. No such luck, unfortunately. Boooooriiiiiing! It didn't even have any cool-looking weapons inside! Just some old portraits of rich people. Blugh.

Woah. What the-?!

Just a short ways away, Skarde could see another woman sliding in legs-first through a window. She seemed very self-satisfied as she landed, pulling up that a dango stick? Shoot! Was this a "bring your own food" kind of party? Then again, from the way this woman was breaking in through the window. It seemed like she might be more of a party crasher type. In other words, Skarde's kinda girl. I should fuck with her head. That was essentially Skarde's love language, after all.

It was a perfect landing. Iradil was surely looking forward to rewarding herself with another bite from her precious dango, from her seemingly endless supply of sweets. Alas! She would find at the very last moment that her dango stick disappeared from her hand! And as its absence slowly sunk in, she would hear some very noisy chewing to her side.

"Ehhhh....what's up, Doc? *chew, chew, chew, chew!*" Skarde cruelly chomped on Iradil's stolen dango. Mirthfully enjoying her victim's certain agony. "Ya forget how doors work? Kyeheheh!" As she teased the new arrival, it didn't escape Skarde's notice that someone else had come up those stairs, too. Someone who took way too long to catch up. "Heya, Door Lady! Asha to you, too! Skarde Alexander, at your service! ...Was your arm always made of smoke?" That didn't seem right. Zipping over briefly, Skarde waved around the inside of Asha's mistified arm. Touching right up to  the point where it was coalescing into more solid matter, at the base of Asha's shoulder. It was a strange feeling (likely for both of them), if not quite strange enough to make Skarde's top ten list of strange things she'd put her hand inside. After zipping back over by Iradil, Skarde curiously felt around the dango eater's sharp ears. Too fast to ever catch, she'd pull out right away if there were any moves to stop her.

"Soooo...are you guys both demons or something? I mean, if not, you should deeeefinitely get that looked at." She pointed to Asha's misty appendage. "And probably those, too." Turning to Iradil, she used her fingers to imitate pointed ears on her head.

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Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Caitlyn:

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Christina

"It's Elmadia of the Windsweep, she'll probably get angry if we get it wrong. Based on the tone of her letter she's full of herself. I guess you're being cautious about this, huh?" Caitlyn said as she reached into her suit and showed Christina her letter, pointing it out, then putting it back in her suit before looking at the mansion ahead of her, although she didn't say anything she was looking around for ways of entry or people that may have snuck inside. Unfortunately she didn't see anything, and being more intrusive would give her cover away to Christina. Her name rung some alarm bells in her head, but she couldn't place why at the moment. "Well Christina, if you want, I could scout ahead and come back, I'm pretty good about getting into places..." Caitlyn stuck her tongue out and smiled, infiltrations weren't standard in the Defenders, but that didn't mean she wasn't specialized or working for the DRU. They did work with heroines on the regular.

Caitlyn stretched, her attractive body being on display as she did, before settling into a more neutral position. She did this mostly to gauge if she could get a reaction out of her before she answered the question. However, before she could hear that answer, there was a new arrival.

"Hello, who are you? I'm Viola." She asked the demon, who looked like a plant girl, at least she thought it was a demon.
Spoiler for Christina Rahl:

Christina Rahl
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Everyone, Youkai, Sashanna

Christina, shrugged at the name correction. "Oh it was? Fair enough, certainly don't want to annoy her for no reason, unless she actually does this thing, then I will annoy her a bunch.  Windsweep, Windsweep, swoop is bad, it's Windsweep, I'll remember." Christina said to herself, hoping she wasn't lying.  Elmadia wasn't exactly the easiest name for her to remember.  Still she could probably remember it, she also had the letter somewhere on her.  Could refresh her memory if she really needed to.  Christina thought a bit, slightly distracted by Caitlyn's stretching her attractive body, but quickly gathering herself and focusing on the mission.  "While that would normally be good, I'm not really sure how much time we have to keep what is going to happen from happening..." Christina was going to speak more to Caitlyn regarding infiltration of the spooky house, but some newcomers took their attention, or grabbed it, entangled it even with snake tails.

"Are you friendlies?" she asked unsure, it was clearly some demons, or so thought Christina, but they did not seem hostile.  Christina wasn't aware of all human allied demons for sure, probably some were on DoJ file without Christina knowing or preparing, but it would not be the first time Christina sided with a demon.  Christina did not have hatred for them per say, but she would stop them from doing evil.  "You know my name, but I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage" said Christina glancing at the greenskin on Rosluni and the snake tails on the other two, before returning her gaze to green lady that seemed to be the leader? After hearing a response, Christina added.  "We only arrived" pointing at herself and Caitlyn.  "I checked the door, it's open, but was planning to wait for more DoJ reinforcements, or at least give them a few minutes before entering.  I'm not sure about the situation otherwise except for what was written in the letter.  Did you get one?" Christina was definitely bit on guard towards both Caitlyn and the trio, she knew neither, but if they were going to fight on the same side Christina had no problems with that.

Auralis - Body Swapping Mansion - Out Front
Tag: Everyone, Christina Rahl, Caitlyn

The green skinned one bowed respectfully to Caitlyn and Christina in turn, the leaves covering her chest barely seeming to hold her breasts in as they dangled before them during her greetings.  "Viola."  "Christina."  Straightening once more, she finally answered their inquires, "I am considered Rosluni."  A tendril extended past her hand as she pointed out her redheaded companion first, "This is Persia," and then the pale, raven-haired male, "and Mathis."  The two naga copied the plant woman in bowing towards the humans and repeating their names.

"I did not receive a letter, but I was told to come help the D-o-J in their work.  The phone said you, Christina, were one of the people I might be able to help."  She gestured vaguely in Persia's direction as she mentioned 'the phone', and the redhead dutifully turned the screen towards Christina, displaying the message from DoJ officials that included a few images of DoJ members and allies that were confirmed to have receive one of the letters from the mansion.  "I would send a couple people to scout for dangers and report back to the group if there is time.  Mathis is used to exploring dens for traps and trinkets of interest.  He would be a good scout here.  I could go with him or let someone else chose to go... unless you would prefer us *all* stay and wait for others?"  Since Christina's only plan was to wait, Ros felt no qualms about offering a more productive suggestion.  After talking directly to Christina about all this, she tilted her head toward Caitlyn curiously, her eyes glowing in the evening twilight, "Or do you have another idea?"
« Last Edit: November 28, 2022, 03:12:23 AM by Sashanna »

Offline Silverkat

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Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Sue

It certainly was audacious wasn't it, to send an invitation to the Princess of Demons to come and visit her new supposedly powerful mansion in the human city. Even coming from Elmadia, it was a bit much. It was so audacious that Desdemona simply had to go and actually check it out. She was disguised of course... to an extent. Much of her demonic power was being hidden and she wasn't travelling with her full retinue that she normally would have been travelling with. Admittedly her vanity wouldn't let her change her appearance all that much so anyone who actually knew the demon princess would likely recognise her, but those who didn't would take her for a normal demon... of course actually interacting with her like you would a normal demon was likely to cause extreme retaliation from the Princess of Demons, but that was hardly her concern now was it?

Desdemona let herself into the main hall of the manor and waited a moment... Oh right, she wasn't being announced and waited on hand and foot because no one knew who she was. Ugh. UGH. How did the common people live like this every day. Was she actually going to have to go get her own drink, LIKE A PEASENT?? This was the worst. Nate's lover or not. Elmadia would surely get heavily punished for this later...

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Mansion of Madness
Tag: Barbati, everyone

Yes. She was certain of it. Kuroyuri walked down one of the many stairwells in the mansion. She'd been around the place several times now, and she was certain at last. She had been given an invitation to this manor... and Yasu had not!

She laughed to herself. Who was the mover and shaker in the clan now bitch!! Clearly is was Yuri, and the Goddess faction, that would be gaining favour from this new power play in the westerners city! Let Yasu stay in that stupid institute with that coffee obsessed loser and her equally loser friends. Kuroyuri would be going up in the world! Oh yes. Imagine the look on the others when Yuri revealed that she had scored an alliance with the great Elmadia! They'd make Yuri Grandmaster right then and there and Yasu would have to apologize to her and admit Yuri was better and also more skilled and more pretty and with nicer hair!

Okay, okay. Kuroyuri took a deep breath. She was getting ahead of herself here. She had yet to even meet this Elmadia yet... She started moving through the mansion, normally now instead of sneaking about, hoping to meet some movers and shakers in this place, most noticeably Elmadia herself of course. Yes... this was the beginning of her rise to power!

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Mansion of Madness: Wine Cellar
Tagging: Sybil

The Oni leers through the wreckage of the room, slumped against the cellar wall with her legs lazily folded. She picks up some of the spare scraps of wood and rolls them into a ball - cradling them in her massive hands. Then, there's an almighty crunch - like a tree branch from the world tree itself being broken into kindling - and a ripple of those intimidating shoulders. When Grawly opens her hands again, the wood has been pulped and shaped into a drinking bowl.

"Elmadia? Ellllllmadia. El... Madia."

She raises yet another dizzyingly expensive bottle of wine, and jams the cork down on one of her horns. Prizing the cork from the neck of the bottle, she leaves it on her horn, jauntily, as she pours out a good bowl of crispy, cool white. Taking a noisy sip - oblivious to the compulsion that grips her peanut sized brain, she fixes two yellow-gold, glittering eyes on Sybil.

"Huuuuuuuuh? Well... ain't that the Heir to Windsweep? My clan was... tryin' to get her to notice us, 'cause that sounds like BIG payday. Rich monsters'll always pay the primo in meat, booze an' fuckable sluts to do miscellaneous goonery! W...why, where are we?"

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Grawly

"Clan? Big payday? What in the world are you talking about?" Sybil was a bit dumbfounded by the demon in front of her, she didn't seemed to be aggressive and was happy to keep drinking and answering questions. The crunching of wood didn't make the woman flinch at all, she had been through her fair share of battles and intimidating foes. "You don't even remember where you are?" Sybil sighed and put her hands on her hips, she was happy to let the demon drink but if she was so delirious that she didn't know where she was she wasn't going to be of much help. "You're at a Mansion that this Elmadia person has invited everyone too, she's planning something big I think, and I don't know what she has planned for us humans. Or demons for that matter, this surprise she mentioned could be harmful to you, you know?"

With information gathering out the window and her cover now blown for the time being, she looked at Grawly with a contemplative expression. "I have an idea, why don't we work together and explore this mess?"

Mansion of Madness: Wine Cellar
Tagging: Everyone, Sybil

The Oni laughs, throwing her head back and cackling with a gravelly, base rumble.   "You want to be my subordinate, mortal? Interestin'! Sure, sure, I can lend you my strength. We'll go an' see if there's a kitchen!" " Her stomach growls, a sound like a dying car motor. "I want.. a sandwich! As tall as my head! That's a fine offerin', for keepin' your scrawny neck outta trouble - ne?" "

The climbs out of the pile of wine and wrecked furniture - filling her ramshackle bowl from the last of the bottle. Stuffing yet two more clinking glass vessels down the back of her pants, she lurches over to Sybil - looming at her considerable, ceiling-scraping height. She smiles, with the warmth and bon vivance of a particularly jacked labrador.

"Hellions, Mansion Party Division! Let's raise hell!" "

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Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Everyone, Elmadia

"It is, yes, I'm looking forward to the results of our... little experiment." Astrid chuckled to herself as she spoke, as if in response to a joke that only she had heard. She paused at Elmadia's response to her question about her outfit. "I suppose that is true, I would wear whatever Nathaniel, or his paramour desired, no matter how... distasteful it were, not that he would request such a thing, of course." The demoness sighed at that thought, disappointment crossing her face, however briefly.

"Ah! I suppose I do, a good thing he isn't here then, isn't it?" Astrid let out a gasp at being spanked then pouted at Elmadia. "I suspect you would exercise proper discretion so as not to hurt the good Prince's feelings, would you not, my Lady?" She gave a brief curtsy, was she teasing the elemental? "As you wish, I imagine we will have guests arriving very shortly, I'm sure they will provide some much needed entertainment."

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Astrid, Everyone

Elmadia narrowed her eyes at Astrid's comments, she was curious what exactly the retainer meant by that statement but she felt a little on edge anyway. She paused at the doorway and looked back at Astrid "Once it begins, we should observe and pick out our favorites to tame to our liking. It'll be very easy to pick out the ones that adapt quickly, and those are the ones we want on our side. Considering how flighty you are, I don't think you'll mind whoever you pick, will you? I'll go get us started, I think enough have arrived, late arrivals will be swept away in the second wave. I trust you'll make sure this game doesn't end quickly." Elmadia's lips had a very thin smile, the only reason she was going with this plan was to see what chaos would ensue and how people adapted to their new situation.

Elmadia stepped out and gently floated down to the main gathering hall, using her magic to reach out to everyone in the mansion. Her voice carried with the wind easily, everyone in or around the mansion would hearing the elemental's silky voice whispering in their ear and encouraging them to follow it's guidance. Elmadia would sit on a perch, crossing her long slender legs and waiting for the first people to heed her call.

"Welcome honored guests, please meet me in the main hall and we will begin the proceedings, I'm eager to meet you all. Humans and demons alike. I will reveal why I have summoned you here. I encourage you to come see me, but if you wish to explore the mansion be my guest..."

Of course there was no lingering compulsion, they did not actually have to come to the main hall to be affected by what happened next, they just had to be on the grounds of the mansion. If some of them wanted to stay hidden or linger a little longer, they had the opportunity to do so...

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Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Sue

Well, it was bad enough that Elmadia hadn't greeted her personally when she had first arrived, but now she was calling her, at a distance mind you and still not personally, to some kind of gathering of the lower classes??? This was unacceptable. Even Nate himself would have punished Elmadia for this, though Desdemona would not be satisfied with letting her brother do it, oh no, that would be letting her off far too easily. No she was going to be punished by the master, by the Princess of Demons herself. Out of respect for Nate, Des would let Elmadia still actually have a mind at the end of it, she was not cruel after all.

But, amusing thoughts of what kinds of delicious and kinky punishments she would inflict on the Elemental aside, Des wasn't about to be summoned to some common gathering like... well like a commoner. She was staying right here, in one of the mansions delightful drawing rooms, and was going to wait to be introduced properly. Des sat down and crossed her legs and folded her arms under her breasts like she was being written by Robert Jordan and waited for Elmadia to come and do this properly!!!

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Mansion of Madness
Tag: Barbati, everyone

Ah! There it was, the call to a gathering! Kuroyuri, now fully satisfied that neither Shibuya nor her annoying girlfriends/assistants/fuckbuddies were here, Kuroyuri was content to leave the shadows and let herself be seen, so once the call came, she quickly, though dignifiedly! made her way down to where she was being called. Oh yes she could imagine now. She would approach Elmadia, bow politely in the Eastern fashion and introduce herself, Elmadia would know instantly who she was of course "Oh my you're Kuroyuri" she would say, leaping up to greet the kunochi enthusiastically "I have heard all about you, how you are the one guiding light for your clan and far prettier and with nicer hair than... what's her name" And Yuri would laugh gently and agree, an alliance would be formed, and Yasu would forever be reduced to waiting on Yuri hand and foot dressed in a degrading maid outfit! Yes that was exactly how it would go.

Kuroyuri made her way into the main hall of the mansion and saw whom she assumed was Elmadia there. "Ah, greetings to you madam" she said, bowing politely. "I am Kuroyuri of the Eternal Dragon Clan. I look forward to speaking with you"

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Mansion of Madness: Wine Cellar
Tagging: Everyone, Sybil

The Oni laughs, throwing her head back and cackling with a gravelly, base rumble.   "You want to be my subordinate, mortal? Interestin'! Sure, sure, I can lend you my strength. We'll go an' see if there's a kitchen!" " Her stomach growls, a sound like a dying car motor. "I want.. a sandwich! As tall as my head! That's a fine offerin', for keepin' your scrawny neck outta trouble - ne?" "

The climbs out of the pile of wine and wrecked furniture - filling her ramshackle bowl from the last of the bottle. Stuffing yet two more clinking glass vessels down the back of her pants, she lurches over to Sybil - looming at her considerable, ceiling-scraping height. She smiles, with the warmth and bon vivance of a particularly jacked labrador.

"Hellions, Mansion Party Division! Let's raise hell!" "

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Grawly

"Sure, subordinate, partner, whatever you want to call me. But we should investigate this place together." Sybil wasn't really going to argue, she felt like she could take care of herself if Grawly decided to get a little violent with her, but that didn't appear to be the case. "That's all you want, a sandwich? That's... simple enough. I can even get it for you before we get to the kitchen." Sybil was a powerful mage, conjuring food from nothing was difficult though. Luckily they were in a place with plenty of supplies, she held out her hand, and her hand flashed for a brief moment. She summoned the components for this large sandwich from somewhere else deep in the Mansion and held it out for Grawly and they'd form the sandwich...

Although holding it in place was beyond Sybil. "Grab it, hurry, and eat." She urged, before everything fell on the ground. "This proves there is a kitchen, consider this payment for your services!" Sybil said with a smile, finding it lucky that she could convince a demon to help her this easily.

"Welcome honored guests, please meet me in the main hall and we will begin the proceedings, I'm eager to meet you all. Humans and demons alike. I will reveal why I have summoned you here. I encourage you to come see me, but if you wish to explore the mansion be my guest..."

Sybil paused briefly and looked around for the source before asking Grawly the obvious. "Did you hear that? It sounds like we're being summoned."

Offline Youkai

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Christina Rahl
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Everyone, Youkai, Sashanna

Christina, shrugged at the name correction. "Oh it was? Fair enough, certainly don't want to annoy her for no reason, unless she actually does this thing, then I will annoy her a bunch.  Windsweep, Windsweep, swoop is bad, it's Windsweep, I'll remember." Christina said to herself, hoping she wasn't lying.  Elmadia wasn't exactly the easiest name for her to remember.  Still she could probably remember it, she also had the letter somewhere on her.  Could refresh her memory if she really needed to.  Christina thought a bit, slightly distracted by Caitlyn's stretching her attractive body, but quickly gathering herself and focusing on the mission.  "While that would normally be good, I'm not really sure how much time we have to keep what is going to happen from happening..." Christina was going to speak more to Caitlyn regarding infiltration of the spooky house, but some newcomers took their attention, or grabbed it, entangled it even with snake tails.

"Are you friendlies?" she asked unsure, it was clearly some demons, or so thought Christina, but they did not seem hostile.  Christina wasn't aware of all human allied demons for sure, probably some were on DoJ file without Christina knowing or preparing, but it would not be the first time Christina sided with a demon.  Christina did not have hatred for them per say, but she would stop them from doing evil.  "You know my name, but I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage" said Christina glancing at the greenskin on Rosluni and the snake tails on the other two, before returning her gaze to green lady that seemed to be the leader? After hearing a response, Christina added.  "We only arrived" pointing at herself and Caitlyn.  "I checked the door, it's open, but was planning to wait for more DoJ reinforcements, or at least give them a few minutes before entering.  I'm not sure about the situation otherwise except for what was written in the letter.  Did you get one?" Christina was definitely bit on guard towards both Caitlyn and the trio, she knew neither, but if they were going to fight on the same side Christina had no problems with that.

Auralis - Body Swapping Mansion - Out Front
Tag: Everyone, Christina Rahl, Caitlyn

The green skinned one bowed respectfully to Caitlyn and Christina in turn, the leaves covering her chest barely seeming to hold her breasts in as they dangled before them during her greetings.  "Viola."  "Christina."  Straightening once more, she finally answered their inquires, "I am considered Rosluni."  A tendril extended past her hand as she pointed out her redheaded companion first, "This is Persia," and then the pale, raven-haired male, "and Mathis."  The two naga copied the plant woman in bowing towards the humans and repeating their names.

"I did not receive a letter, but I was told to come help the D-o-J in their work.  The phone said you, Christina, were one of the people I might be able to help."  She gestured vaguely in Persia's direction as she mentioned 'the phone', and the redhead dutifully turned the screen towards Christina, displaying the message from DoJ officials that included a few images of DoJ members and allies that were confirmed to have receive one of the letters from the mansion.  "I would send a couple people to scout for dangers and report back to the group if there is time.  Mathis is used to exploring dens for traps and trinkets of interest.  He would be a good scout here.  I could go with him or let someone else chose to go... unless you would prefer us *all* stay and wait for others?"  Since Christina's only plan was to wait, Ros felt no qualms about offering a more productive suggestion.  After talking directly to Christina about all this, she tilted her head toward Caitlyn curiously, her eyes glowing in the evening twilight, "Or do you have another idea?"

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Christina, Persia, Mathis, Rosluni

"Yeah, we probably should get a move on here quickly, I'd like more back up though, that's why I thought I'd scout quickly to give us a better chance." While Caitlyn did observe Christina gawking at her, she didn't have time to take advantage of it due to the arrival of the new people. "Looks like they are friendlies." Caitlyn didn't show it, but she was nervous now, the more people that showed up the more flimsy her story would be, but for now she kept up the charade. "Well met, Rosluni, Persia, Mathis." Caitlyn smiled and bowed to them respectfully, it never hurt to show respect as it made people trust you more. She listened to Rosluni's plan, which she didn't have a problem with, but she also wanted to scout herself to find allies to turn on the defenders. Alas that became more risky.

"I think we should scout yes, but quickly, now that you're here we can easily send two and wait to hear more. I'm suited for scouting, so if you want to send Mathis with me that's a-okay with me!" Caitlyn acted energetic now that she had backup, but before any of them could do anything the message that Elmadia sent out to everyone finally reached their ears.

"Welcome honored guests, please meet me in the main hall and we will beg the proceedings, I'm eager to meet you all. Humans and demons alike. I will reveal why I have summoned you here. I encourage you to come see me, but if you wish to explore the mansion be my guest..."

Caitlyn shot a look towards everyone suddenly, silently wondering if they heard the same just now too...

Offline Youkai

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Mansion of Madness
Tag: Barbati, everyone

Ah! There it was, the call to a gathering! Kuroyuri, now fully satisfied that neither Shibuya nor her annoying girlfriends/assistants/fuckbuddies were here, Kuroyuri was content to leave the shadows and let herself be seen, so once the call came, she quickly, though dignifiedly! made her way down to where she was being called. Oh yes she could imagine now. She would approach Elmadia, bow politely in the Eastern fashion and introduce herself, Elmadia would know instantly who she was of course "Oh my you're Kuroyuri" she would say, leaping up to greet the kunochi enthusiastically "I have heard all about you, how you are the one guiding light for your clan and far prettier and with nicer hair than... what's her name" And Yuri would laugh gently and agree, an alliance would be formed, and Yasu would forever be reduced to waiting on Yuri hand and foot dressed in a degrading maid outfit! Yes that was exactly how it would go.

Kuroyuri made her way into the main hall of the mansion and saw whom she assumed was Elmadia there. "Ah, greetings to you madam" she said, bowing politely. "I am Kuroyuri of the Eternal Dragon Clan. I look forward to speaking with you"

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Kuroyuri (Silverkat), Everyone

Barbati got the same summons as everyone else and quickly came out of hiding, her reasoning being that the demons that would come out would make up for her weakness, as she stepped into the room she saw Elmadia perched above them, but then her eyes went lower and she saw the human that introduced herself as Kuroyuri. But Barbati blanked out completely upon seeing the woman and whatever she said faded away into the background. Barbati suddenly smiled dreamily and her eyes softened into a lustful and wanton gaze. Yes, there was no doubt in her mind. She was absolutely perfect.

Her long slender back that Barbati wanted to massage lovingly, her tight waist that Barbati just wanted to wrap her arm around, springy butt that when swung could leave Barbati dazed and docile, her long curvacious legs that drew the eye and went on for miles in Barbati's eyes, her luscious lips that looked soft and inviting, her powerful eyes that made Barbati feel weak and submissive, that long luscious hair that with a single flip would make the demon swoon, lastly her breasts which were the perfect groping size for Barbati to worship. Yes, this Kuroyuri was perfect. Barbati pointedly ignored everyone else, even Elmadia and just gawked at the perfectly sculpted human in front of her...

She walked up to Kuroyuri dreamily, got on her hands and knees, and...

"Hello Kuroyuri, my name is Barbati and I humbly request to be your slave for the rest of my life. Or you can be mine, if you're into that."

Offline Mephz

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Christina Rahl
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Everyone, Youkai, Sashanna

Christina nodded to each person as they were introduced by Rosluni.  "I see, I did expect them to send someone" Christina glanced around into the darkness before adding "just expected them to send some more." Christina of course would not really know if something else important was happening elsewhere.  She wasn't really often at DoJ headquarters so it was entirely possible this wasn't the top 10 worst thing happening today.

Christina listened to "Viola" speak to Rosluni.  Christina nodded, she agreed that they probably needed to move quickly, if something was going to happen it was important to get ahead of it.  She had given the defenders plenty time already.  Christina wasn't sure she had the patience to wait while Viola scouted.  Also Christina did not really know her and how reliable she was.  She listened to the suggestions and was planning on responding, when she heard the other voice.  "Sounds like time is running out" said Christina a bit annoyed.  "I'm going in, go the sneaky route if you like" said Christina to Viola unsure if those plans had changed.  Christina waited a bit to see who was going where, then entered the building through the main entrance.  Christina upon entering  was probably already in the main hall judging by the size of it and the people and demons already gathered there.  She could at least see one demon and what seemed to be a ninja.  Well Christina was inside now, but still she did not really what she was to do yet.

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Spoiler for Asha:

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Skarde Alexander

"What?" Was the only response that Skarde got as Asha had problems even tracking the woman to begin with. She tried to give chase after the blur and as a result bypassed some things, such as the other elaborately decorated rooms that had been set up. The candles in the mansion had seemingly come to life on their own but other than that everything in the mansion was quiet. If there was someone on the upper levels they'd be able to spot the vampire as she searched for the wing-headed woman. Thankfully the woman stopped to inspect some furniture. She opened her mouth to speak, only to close it again as she thought of how to deal with this intrusion. Considering she hadn't done anything harmful and had only used her to get inside she didn't have a reason to be angry, yet.

"Asha. Who are you?" She asked, her wispy arm gaining form before Skarde's eyes...
Spoiler for Skarde:

Skarde Alexander
Tag: Asha (Youkai), Iradil (rogue rider), everyone

The self-lighting candles were neat, if nothing that Skarde couldn't pick up at a party store. For all the mansion's grandeur, there was nothing that actually spoke to Skarde's sticky picky fingers. At least not yet. She flew up to the second floor, poking curiously at a display case. Wondering if it would trigger some enchanted defense, perhaps making it come alive and try to eat her whole. Or at least do something interesting. No such luck, unfortunately. Boooooriiiiiing! It didn't even have any cool-looking weapons inside! Just some old portraits of rich people. Blugh.

Woah. What the-?!

Just a short ways away, Skarde could see another woman sliding in legs-first through a window. She seemed very self-satisfied as she landed, pulling up that a dango stick? Shoot! Was this a "bring your own food" kind of party? Then again, from the way this woman was breaking in through the window. It seemed like she might be more of a party crasher type. In other words, Skarde's kinda girl. I should fuck with her head. That was essentially Skarde's love language, after all.

It was a perfect landing. Iradil was surely looking forward to rewarding herself with another bite from her precious dango, from her seemingly endless supply of sweets. Alas! She would find at the very last moment that her dango stick disappeared from her hand! And as its absence slowly sunk in, she would hear some very noisy chewing to her side.

"Ehhhh....what's up, Doc? *chew, chew, chew, chew!*" Skarde cruelly chomped on Iradil's stolen dango. Mirthfully enjoying her victim's certain agony. "Ya forget how doors work? Kyeheheh!" As she teased the new arrival, it didn't escape Skarde's notice that someone else had come up those stairs, too. Someone who took way too long to catch up. "Heya, Door Lady! Asha to you, too! Skarde Alexander, at your service! ...Was your arm always made of smoke?" That didn't seem right. Zipping over briefly, Skarde waved around the inside of Asha's mistified arm. Touching right up to  the point where it was coalescing into more solid matter, at the base of Asha's shoulder. It was a strange feeling (likely for both of them), if not quite strange enough to make Skarde's top ten list of strange things she'd put her hand inside. After zipping back over by Iradil, Skarde curiously felt around the dango eater's sharp ears. Too fast to ever catch, she'd pull out right away if there were any moves to stop her.

"Soooo...are you guys both demons or something? I mean, if not, you should deeeefinitely get that looked at." She pointed to Asha's misty appendage. "And probably those, too." Turning to Iradil, she used her fingers to imitate pointed ears on her head.

Iradil Akai
The Maddening Mansion
Tagging: Everyone and Anyone, Skarde Alexander and Asha

She went to take a bite of her treat, before her teeth made contact with... nothing. Huh. Well that was interesting. She hadn't cast any illusions of her own, yet the whole stick was gone! What a prop malfunction! It wasn't really a mystery performance though. She could hear chewing to her side, eyes flicking over for a moment as she watched... a winged? pink haired woman chomping down on her treat. She smiled wryly and spun on the balls of her right foot. Turning to face the newcomer, "A window can be a door, much as a door can be a window? But in the event that one is left open? It is much too difficult to enter through a container." She tilted her head, ears twitching, before she brought her other hand up, tapping the bunny ears of another stick onto the newcomers nose, though whether the wing headed woman went for it or not, this set would disappearing into the faint whisper of smoke. She smiled wider. "Besides where is the showmanship in entering through a door? The window is the key, to hunting wabbits afterall." She paused and shifted her weight, learning away from the actual wall, but somehow making it look like she was leaning on an invisible wall instead. "Lest this is a trap. Making any doors a trap door, and a trap door is a staple of the stage"

Iradil nodded her head towards the speedy creature in front of her, before someone else appeared to stage right. Turning to face her, pulling out another snack as the woman, now identified as Skarde Alexander zipped off over to her. Checking out her arm, which Iradil admitted, she was also curious about. Given that it didn't appear to actually be there. She used the distraction of the newcomer, at least for her, to actually get to take a bite of this snack, before Skarde zipped back from Ashe towards her. It was an interesting experience, meeting someone so fast. She doubted her ability to keep up, truth be told, though she had no qualms about the good natured teasing of her ears. Instead using the opportunity to observe Skarde up close and personal for a moment. Though the longer the excitable thief kept feeling around her ears, the harder she'd find it to focus on the ninja.

Eventually getting to the point where her eyes would slide off of Iradil completely, giving the ninja time to jump back. Giving an over the top, flourishing bow, complete with the faint sounds of a taiko drum being played in the background. The house turning sepia shaded for the briefest of moments. Faintly glowing bubbles trailing around her. "With graceful precision... Noble, yet beguiling..." She looked up from her low bow. "Iradil, at your service" She righted herself with speed, taking another bite of her snack. "A gift, some might say, for my performance" Her ears twitched slightly, before she pointed towards the top of Skarde's head. "Though mayhaps you should get that checked out? Lest you are a demon?" She popped the last one dango of her snack into her mouth and tilted her head playfully. "No?"

Offline Sashanna

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Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Caitlyn "Viola":

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Christina, Persia, Mathis, Rosluni

"Yeah, we probably should get a move on here quickly, I'd like more back up though, that's why I thought I'd scout quickly to give us a better chance." While Caitlyn did observe Christina gawking at her, she didn't have time to take advantage of it due to the arrival of the new people. "Looks like they are friendlies." Caitlyn didn't show it, but she was nervous now, the more people that showed up the more flimsy her story would be, but for now she kept up the charade. "Well met, Rosluni, Persia, Mathis." Caitlyn smiled and bowed to them respectfully, it never hurt to show respect as it made people trust you more. She listened to Rosluni's plan, which she didn't have a problem with, but she also wanted to scout herself to find allies to turn on the defenders. Alas that became more risky.

"I think we should scout yes, but quickly, now that you're here we can easily send two and wait to hear more. I'm suited for scouting, so if you want to send Mathis with me that's a-okay with me!" Caitlyn acted energetic now that she had backup, but before any of them could do anything the message that Elmadia sent out to everyone finally reached their ears.

"Welcome honored guests, please meet me in the main hall and we will beg the proceedings, I'm eager to meet you all. Humans and demons alike. I will reveal why I have summoned you here. I encourage you to come see me, but if you wish to explore the mansion be my guest..."

Caitlyn shot a look towards everyone suddenly, silently wondering if they heard the same just now too...
Spoiler for Christina Rahl:

Christina Rahl
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Everyone, Youkai, Sashanna

Christina nodded to each person as they were introduced by Rosluni.  "I see, I did expect them to send someone" Christina glanced around into the darkness before adding "just expected them to send some more." Christina of course would not really know if something else important was happening elsewhere.  She wasn't really often at DoJ headquarters so it was entirely possible this wasn't the top 10 worst thing happening today.

Christina listened to "Viola" speak to Rosluni.  Christina nodded, she agreed that they probably needed to move quickly, if something was going to happen it was important to get ahead of it.  She had given the defenders plenty time already.  Christina wasn't sure she had the patience to wait while Viola scouted.  Also Christina did not really know her and how reliable she was.  She listened to the suggestions and was planning on responding, when she heard the other voice.  "Sounds like time is running out" said Christina a bit annoyed.  "I'm going in, go the sneaky route if you like" said Christina to Viola unsure if those plans had changed.  Christina waited a bit to see who was going where, then entered the building through the main entrance.  Christina upon entering  was probably already in the main hall judging by the size of it and the people and demons already gathered there.  She could at least see one demon and what seemed to be a ninja.  Well Christina was inside now, but still she did not really what she was to do yet.

Auralis - Body Swapping Mansion - Out Front
Tag: Everyone, Christina Rahl, Caitlyn, Kuroyuri

Rosluni turned to Mathis and silently nodded at Caitlyn's proposal.  The scouting party not all being composed of her group might help the humans trust the intel more anyway.  Before anyone left the area though, the voice of their host drifted to them over the wind, and Christina decided to take the direct path.

"I'm going in too," Rosluni declared.  The plant woman raised a hand before Persia could even began to object, "Even if it is a trap, it is a chance to talk to the one in charge.  I'd rather see if things can be done in a friendly manner."  Persia huffed, "I am coming with you, Miss."  Rosluni was already striding forward as she grinned in response, "Of course, little one.  Mathis can scout the area on his own if Viola chooses to join us, or they can search together if she'd rather not.  All eyes will be away from him if things go wrong in this 'main hall'."

Persia kept her eye open and her ears sharp for anything that could be trouble.  There would likely be a lot of activity where they were headed, and she'd need to stay alert to sift the commotion from any true dangers.  Mathis held back and glanced towards Caitlyn with a cocky grin,  "Wanna see what all might be hidden in this den with me, Viola?  I'm sure it will be more interestin' than a meeting with whoever's in charge."  He'd be unbothered if she decided not to come with, but wasn't going to object to a self-professed scout joining the reconnaissance.

Once inside the mansion, Persia held back to keep a better eye on the people as they arrived while Rosluni strode ahead until she was standing in the center of the room where she saw a demon on her hands and knees in front of another woman.  Rosluni wouldn't go so far as kneel in front of Kuroyuri, but would respectfully bow before saying, "Greetings, Lady Amalthea." 

Persia pressed the middle and index finger of one hand against her forehead in frustration, too far away to tactfully correct Rosluni on the pronunciation.  More thoroughly scanning the room, the naga noticed the woman perched above everyone and winced as she deduced that was likely Lady Elmadia.  'Hmm.  Too late now, and I would rather not draw attention to myself unless I need to,' Persia thought.  Oblivious to this, Rosluni continued, "I look forward to hearing why you summoned us all here and hope this place's power won't cause the city any harm.  It would be an honor to learn what sort of amusements you are seeking tonight."  The plant woman spoke with a smooth elegance that contrasted with her simplistic attire.  In fact, the only article on her that probably wasn't literally part of her was an ornate hairpin tucked in her hair at the back of her head.  Of course, things would probably go more smoothly if she was addressing the right person...
« Last Edit: November 28, 2022, 03:13:21 AM by Sashanna »

Offline Youkai

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Skarde Alexander
Tag: Asha (Youkai), Iradil (rogue rider), everyone

The self-lighting candles were neat, if nothing that Skarde couldn't pick up at a party store. For all the mansion's grandeur, there was nothing that actually spoke to Skarde's sticky picky fingers. At least not yet. She flew up to the second floor, poking curiously at a display case. Wondering if it would trigger some enchanted defense, perhaps making it come alive and try to eat her whole. Or at least do something interesting. No such luck, unfortunately. Boooooriiiiiing! It didn't even have any cool-looking weapons inside! Just some old portraits of rich people. Blugh.

Woah. What the-?!

Just a short ways away, Skarde could see another woman sliding in legs-first through a window. She seemed very self-satisfied as she landed, pulling up that a dango stick? Shoot! Was this a "bring your own food" kind of party? Then again, from the way this woman was breaking in through the window. It seemed like she might be more of a party crasher type. In other words, Skarde's kinda girl. I should fuck with her head. That was essentially Skarde's love language, after all.

It was a perfect landing. Iradil was surely looking forward to rewarding herself with another bite from her precious dango, from her seemingly endless supply of sweets. Alas! She would find at the very last moment that her dango stick disappeared from her hand! And as its absence slowly sunk in, she would hear some very noisy chewing to her side.

"Ehhhh....what's up, Doc? *chew, chew, chew, chew!*" Skarde cruelly chomped on Iradil's stolen dango. Mirthfully enjoying her victim's certain agony. "Ya forget how doors work? Kyeheheh!" As she teased the new arrival, it didn't escape Skarde's notice that someone else had come up those stairs, too. Someone who took way too long to catch up. "Heya, Door Lady! Asha to you, too! Skarde Alexander, at your service! ...Was your arm always made of smoke?" That didn't seem right. Zipping over briefly, Skarde waved around the inside of Asha's mistified arm. Touching right up to  the point where it was coalescing into more solid matter, at the base of Asha's shoulder. It was a strange feeling (likely for both of them), if not quite strange enough to make Skarde's top ten list of strange things she'd put her hand inside. After zipping back over by Iradil, Skarde curiously felt around the dango eater's sharp ears. Too fast to ever catch, she'd pull out right away if there were any moves to stop her.

"Soooo...are you guys both demons or something? I mean, if not, you should deeeefinitely get that looked at." She pointed to Asha's misty appendage. "And probably those, too." Turning to Iradil, she used her fingers to imitate pointed ears on her head.

Iradil Akai
The Maddening Mansion
Tagging: Everyone and Anyone, Skarde Alexander and Asha

She went to take a bite of her treat, before her teeth made contact with... nothing. Huh. Well that was interesting. She hadn't cast any illusions of her own, yet the whole stick was gone! What a prop malfunction! It wasn't really a mystery performance though. She could hear chewing to her side, eyes flicking over for a moment as she watched... a winged? pink haired woman chomping down on her treat. She smiled wryly and spun on the balls of her right foot. Turning to face the newcomer, "A window can be a door, much as a door can be a window? But in the event that one is left open? It is much too difficult to enter through a container." She tilted her head, ears twitching, before she brought her other hand up, tapping the bunny ears of another stick onto the newcomers nose, though whether the wing headed woman went for it or not, this set would disappearing into the faint whisper of smoke. She smiled wider. "Besides where is the showmanship in entering through a door? The window is the key, to hunting wabbits afterall." She paused and shifted her weight, learning away from the actual wall, but somehow making it look like she was leaning on an invisible wall instead. "Lest this is a trap. Making any doors a trap door, and a trap door is a staple of the stage"

Iradil nodded her head towards the speedy creature in front of her, before someone else appeared to stage right. Turning to face her, pulling out another snack as the woman, now identified as Skarde Alexander zipped off over to her. Checking out her arm, which Iradil admitted, she was also curious about. Given that it didn't appear to actually be there. She used the distraction of the newcomer, at least for her, to actually get to take a bite of this snack, before Skarde zipped back from Ashe towards her. It was an interesting experience, meeting someone so fast. She doubted her ability to keep up, truth be told, though she had no qualms about the good natured teasing of her ears. Instead using the opportunity to observe Skarde up close and personal for a moment. Though the longer the excitable thief kept feeling around her ears, the harder she'd find it to focus on the ninja.

Eventually getting to the point where her eyes would slide off of Iradil completely, giving the ninja time to jump back. Giving an over the top, flourishing bow, complete with the faint sounds of a taiko drum being played in the background. The house turning sepia shaded for the briefest of moments. Faintly glowing bubbles trailing around her. "With graceful precision... Noble, yet beguiling..." She looked up from her low bow. "Iradil, at your service" She righted herself with speed, taking another bite of her snack. "A gift, some might say, for my performance" Her ears twitched slightly, before she pointed towards the top of Skarde's head. "Though mayhaps you should get that checked out? Lest you are a demon?" She popped the last one dango of her snack into her mouth and tilted her head playfully. "No?"

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Skarde Alexander, Iradil Akai

"My name is Asha, it's not a greeting. So Skarde then..." Asha seemed exasperated at the speedy Skarde. Enhanced endurance due to being a vampire or not, Asha looked a little winded from trying to catch up. She scowled a little at Skarde messing with her arm but didn't pay it much heed since it didn't hurt, although it felt a little weird. "It's a condition of mine, don't worry about it, I can control it. Also I'm not a door lady." Asha said as the arm gained solid form suddenly, Asha moved it around freely to show that she had control before letting it go wispy again. Only then did Asha look at Iradil...

"I'm a demon, I'd be happy to corrupt you both normally, but I'm really not in the mood. I just want to find out what this fuss is about and then leave. So far this looks like a weird gathering..." Asha said bluntly, unsure if they could stop her, but she didn't do anything to either of them. "Iradil, Skarde, I'll remember those names." Asha looked Iradil and Skarde carefully, deep in thought, until...

"Welcome honored guests, please meet me in the main hall and we will begin the proceedings, I'm eager to meet you all. Humans and demons alike. I will reveal why I have summoned you here. I encourage you to come see me, but if you wish to explore the mansion be my guest..."

Asha's head shot towards the source of the voice and started walking in that direction, she felt wind magic, so assumed that the others would hear it too...

Offline Youkai

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Christina Rahl
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Everyone, Youkai, Sashanna

Christina nodded to each person as they were introduced by Rosluni.  "I see, I did expect them to send someone" Christina glanced around into the darkness before adding "just expected them to send some more." Christina of course would not really know if something else important was happening elsewhere.  She wasn't really often at DoJ headquarters so it was entirely possible this wasn't the top 10 worst thing happening today.

Christina listened to "Viola" speak to Rosluni.  Christina nodded, she agreed that they probably needed to move quickly, if something was going to happen it was important to get ahead of it.  She had given the defenders plenty time already.  Christina wasn't sure she had the patience to wait while Viola scouted.  Also Christina did not really know her and how reliable she was.  She listened to the suggestions and was planning on responding, when she heard the other voice.  "Sounds like time is running out" said Christina a bit annoyed.  "I'm going in, go the sneaky route if you like" said Christina to Viola unsure if those plans had changed.  Christina waited a bit to see who was going where, then entered the building through the main entrance.  Christina upon entering  was probably already in the main hall judging by the size of it and the people and demons already gathered there.  She could at least see one demon and what seemed to be a ninja.  Well Christina was inside now, but still she did not really what she was to do yet.

Auralis - Body Swapping Mansion - Out Front
Tag: Everyone, Christina Rahl, Caitlyn

Rosluni turned to Mathis and silently nodded at Caitlyn's proposal.  The scouting party not all being composed of her group might help the humans trust the intel more anyway.  Before anyone left the area though, the voice of their host drifted to them over the wind, and Christina decided to take the direct path.

"I'm going in too," Rosluni declared.  The plant woman raised a hand before Persia could even began to object, "Even if it is a trap, it is a chance to talk to the one in charge.  I'd rather see if things can be done in a friendly manner."  Persia huffed, "I am coming with you, Miss."  Rosluni was already striding forward as she grinned in response, "Of course, little one.  Mathis can scout the area on his own if Viola chooses to join us, or they can search together if she'd rather not.  All eyes will be away from him if things go wrong in this 'main hall'."

Persia kept her eye open and her ears sharp for anything that could be trouble.  There would likely be a lot of activity where they were headed, and she'd need to stay alert to sift the commotion from any true dangers.  Mathis held back and glanced towards Caitlyn with a cocky grin,  "Wanna see what all might be hidden in this den with me, Viola?  I'm sure it will be more interestin' than a meeting with whoever's in charge."  He'd be unbothered if she decided not to come with, but wasn't going to object to a self-professed scout joining the reconnaissance.

Once inside the mansion, Persia held back to keep a better eye on the people as they arrived while Rosluni strode ahead until she was standing in the center of the room where she saw a demon on her hands and knees in front of another woman.  Rosluni wouldn't go so far as kneel in front of Kuroyuri, but would respectfully bow before saying, "Greetings, Lady Amalthea." 

Persia pressed the middle and index finger of one hand against her forehead in frustration, too far away to tactfully correct Rosluni on the pronunciation.  More thoroughly scanning the room, the naga noticed the woman perched above everyone and winced as she deduced that was likely Lady Elmadia.  'Hmm.  Too late now, and I would rather not draw attention to myself unless I need to,' Persia thought.  Oblivious to this, Rosluni continued, "I look forward to hearing why you summoned us all here and hope this place's power won't cause the city any harm.  It would be an honor to learn what sort of amusements you are seeking tonight."  The plant woman spoke with a smooth elegance that contrasted with her simplistic attire.  In fact, the only article on her that probably wasn't literally part of her was an ornate hairpin tucked in her hair at the back of her head.  Of course, things would probably go more smoothly if she was addressing the right person...

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Christina, Persia, Mathis, Rosluni

Caitlyn had to admit with that announcement that there was an opening here and Rosluni's reasoning was solid. "Sure, I'll join you, I'm sure she expects a large portion to attend and see her right now so this might be an opportunity we need to snoop around. You said you're good at finding traps so I'll follow your lead. Christina, Rosluni, Persia, good luck!" Caitlyn would nod at the group confidently and follow this Mathis into sneaking in another way. Although she knew better than to take the lead on this, it was better to let the person that offered take point. Things were taking an interesting turn and Caitlyn couldn't wait to see what happened next, maybe this would prove fruitful for the Dominion after all...

For the rest of the group that entered in the normal way, once they got in they'd see the demon and the ninja in the room. The demon, Barbati, pointedly ignored the group that joined in the main hall and just stared at Kuroyuri adoringly with a lovestruck expression on her face. It didn't appear like Kuroyuri had done anything to the demon, she was just enamored with her for some reason even to the point of ignoring Elmadia entirely. It was as if the entire world around her had disappeared, she waited on her hands and knees for a reply from the woman, ignoring everything around her.

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Spoiler for Iradil:

Iradil Akai
The Maddening Mansion
Tagging: Everyone and Anyone, Skarde Alexander and Asha

She went to take a bite of her treat, before her teeth made contact with... nothing. Huh. Well that was interesting. She hadn't cast any illusions of her own, yet the whole stick was gone! What a prop malfunction! It wasn't really a mystery performance though. She could hear chewing to her side, eyes flicking over for a moment as she watched... a winged? pink haired woman chomping down on her treat. She smiled wryly and spun on the balls of her right foot. Turning to face the newcomer, "A window can be a door, much as a door can be a window? But in the event that one is left open? It is much too difficult to enter through a container." She tilted her head, ears twitching, before she brought her other hand up, tapping the bunny ears of another stick onto the newcomers nose, though whether the wing headed woman went for it or not, this set would disappearing into the faint whisper of smoke. She smiled wider. "Besides where is the showmanship in entering through a door? The window is the key, to hunting wabbits afterall." She paused and shifted her weight, learning away from the actual wall, but somehow making it look like she was leaning on an invisible wall instead. "Lest this is a trap. Making any doors a trap door, and a trap door is a staple of the stage"

Iradil nodded her head towards the speedy creature in front of her, before someone else appeared to stage right. Turning to face her, pulling out another snack as the woman, now identified as Skarde Alexander zipped off over to her. Checking out her arm, which Iradil admitted, she was also curious about. Given that it didn't appear to actually be there. She used the distraction of the newcomer, at least for her, to actually get to take a bite of this snack, before Skarde zipped back from Ashe towards her. It was an interesting experience, meeting someone so fast. She doubted her ability to keep up, truth be told, though she had no qualms about the good natured teasing of her ears. Instead using the opportunity to observe Skarde up close and personal for a moment. Though the longer the excitable thief kept feeling around her ears, the harder she'd find it to focus on the ninja.

Eventually getting to the point where her eyes would slide off of Iradil completely, giving the ninja time to jump back. Giving an over the top, flourishing bow, complete with the faint sounds of a taiko drum being played in the background. The house turning sepia shaded for the briefest of moments. Faintly glowing bubbles trailing around her. "With graceful precision... Noble, yet beguiling..." She looked up from her low bow. "Iradil, at your service" She righted herself with speed, taking another bite of her snack. "A gift, some might say, for my performance" Her ears twitched slightly, before she pointed towards the top of Skarde's head. "Though mayhaps you should get that checked out? Lest you are a demon?" She popped the last one dango of her snack into her mouth and tilted her head playfully. "No?"
Spoiler for Asha:

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Skarde Alexander, Iradil Akai

"My name is Asha, it's not a greeting. So Skarde then..." Asha seemed exasperated at the speedy Skarde. Enhanced endurance due to being a vampire or not, Asha looked a little winded from trying to catch up. She scowled a little at Skarde messing with her arm but didn't pay it much heed since it didn't hurt, although it felt a little weird. "It's a condition of mine, don't worry about it, I can control it. Also I'm not a door lady." Asha said as the arm gained solid form suddenly, Asha moved it around freely to show that she had control before letting it go wispy again. Only then did Asha look at Iradil...

"I'm a demon, I'd be happy to corrupt you both normally, but I'm really not in the mood. I just want to find out what this fuss is about and then leave. So far this looks like a weird gathering..." Asha said bluntly, unsure if they could stop her, but she didn't do anything to either of them. "Iradil, Skarde, I'll remember those names." Asha looked Iradil and Skarde carefully, deep in thought, until...

"Welcome honored guests, please meet me in the main hall and we will begin the proceedings, I'm eager to meet you all. Humans and demons alike. I will reveal why I have summoned you here. I encourage you to come see me, but if you wish to explore the mansion be my guest..."

Asha's head shot towards the source of the voice and started walking in that direction, she felt wind magic, so assumed that the others would hear it too...

Skarde Alexander
Tag: Asha (Youkai), Iradil (rogue rider), everyone

She did not just happen to have rabbit-eared dango in her pocket. How much did this woman bring to eat with her, anyway? Skarde tried to skewer the second dango with her own (stolen) chewed-bare skewer stick. Only to watch the rabbity new dango fade unexpectly into smoke. "Huh...?" She waved away the smoke while Iradil continued to speak in riddles. And also lean against an invisible wall. "Are you one of those slam poet ninja mimes I've heard so much about? The ones that speak?"

Before Iradil could answer another smoky figure, the apparently named "Asha," arrived to show Skarde an even bigger trick. A fully smoked-up arm! These girls are gonna set off some c02 alarms, Skarde thought to herself as she swiftly inspected this new smokeshow firsthand. She was as much checking out Asha as a whole, of course, as she was that smoking arm. This one's feels like she'd be quick to annoy, but try extra super hard to keep her cool. The type that gets really really mad when she's past her tipping point. In other words, a fun type to play with.

Speaking of. Skarde had some extra fun playing with Iradil's pointy ears. Though she certainly looked surprised, and very curious as the devourer of dangos somehow slipped away from her. Even conjuring her very own sound effects! "Da-dunn!" Thankfully, however cool of a customer this one seemed like as well. She took Skarde's demonic features bait hook, line, and sinker. "H'wahhhhhhhhhh?!!?!!!?!?!?!!?!!!" Skarde span in an extremely dramatic fashion after reaching up to her head wings. Acting with completely over-the-top sarcastic surprise. "By the...(how many was it?) By the six Goddesses! You're right! These precious, oh-so-adorably pettable little wings must be those of a Of the Omni-Devil herself!" The wings of the Omni-Devil flapped cutely deviously, as Skarde clutched her chest like the helpless maiden she was. A helpless maiden floating slightly off the ground, surely about to be possessed.

Asha declared her own demonhood very casually, which tracked with what Skarde was expecting from her. Red eyes  were pretty much always a dead giveaway when it came to demons. Everyone knew that. Still Asha claimed to not be interested in corrupting anyone, at least for the moment. "Oh, goodie! You must be one of those tsundemons I've heard so much about! Don't be shy now, that's a great thing! It means you can help save me from myself, from these nasty evil wings on my head! Save  me with a forbidden loving embrace! Lest I change into a monster!" Skarde posed with her arms wide, elbows almost to her hips. Around this time, a mansion-wide announcement was heard by everyone, prompting Asha to start bolting away from Skarde and Iradil. "I'd be oh so grateful to be saved! I might even reward my savior with a kiss!" Skarde shouted after her, wiggling her body as if it would somehow help to turn Asha's head. It most likely wouldn't...but turning to her second option, Skarde's smile was bright. "What about you, Double Dangos? You'll keep me from turning, won't you? I mean, it's the right thing to do!" She did just steal Iradil's food, but that was like ages ago. It was surely water under the bridge by now.

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Spoiler for Asha:

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Skarde Alexander, Iradil Akai

"My name is Asha, it's not a greeting. So Skarde then..." Asha seemed exasperated at the speedy Skarde. Enhanced endurance due to being a vampire or not, Asha looked a little winded from trying to catch up. She scowled a little at Skarde messing with her arm but didn't pay it much heed since it didn't hurt, although it felt a little weird. "It's a condition of mine, don't worry about it, I can control it. Also I'm not a door lady." Asha said as the arm gained solid form suddenly, Asha moved it around freely to show that she had control before letting it go wispy again. Only then did Asha look at Iradil...

"I'm a demon, I'd be happy to corrupt you both normally, but I'm really not in the mood. I just want to find out what this fuss is about and then leave. So far this looks like a weird gathering..." Asha said bluntly, unsure if they could stop her, but she didn't do anything to either of them. "Iradil, Skarde, I'll remember those names." Asha looked Iradil and Skarde carefully, deep in thought, until...

"Welcome honored guests, please meet me in the main hall and we will begin the proceedings, I'm eager to meet you all. Humans and demons alike. I will reveal why I have summoned you here. I encourage you to come see me, but if you wish to explore the mansion be my guest..."

Asha's head shot towards the source of the voice and started walking in that direction, she felt wind magic, so assumed that the others would hear it too...

Spoiler for for Skarde:

Skarde Alexander
Tag: Asha (Youkai), Iradil (rogue rider), everyone

She did not just happen to have rabbit-eared dango in her pocket. How much did this woman bring to eat with her, anyway? Skarde tried to skewer the second dango with her own (stolen) chewed-bare skewer stick. Only to watch the rabbity new dango fade unexpectly into smoke. "Huh...?" She waved away the smoke while Iradil continued to speak in riddles. And also lean against an invisible wall. "Are you one of those slam poet ninja mimes I've heard so much about? The ones that speak?"

Before Iradil could answer another smoky figure, the apparently named "Asha," arrived to show Skarde an even bigger trick. A fully smoked-up arm! These girls are gonna set off some c02 alarms, Skarde thought to herself as she swiftly inspected this new smokeshow firsthand. She was as much checking out Asha as a whole, of course, as she was that smoking arm. This one's feels like she'd be quick to annoy, but try extra super hard to keep her cool. The type that gets really really mad when she's past her tipping point. In other words, a fun type to play with.

Speaking of. Skarde had some extra fun playing with Iradil's pointy ears. Though she certainly looked surprised, and very curious as the devourer of dangos somehow slipped away from her. Even conjuring her very own sound effects! "Da-dunn!" Thankfully, however cool of a customer this one seemed like as well. She took Skarde's demonic features bait hook, line, and sinker. "H'wahhhhhhhhhh?!!?!!!?!?!?!!?!!!" Skarde span in an extremely dramatic fashion after reaching up to her head wings. Acting with completely over-the-top sarcastic surprise. "By the...(how many was it?) By the six Goddesses! You're right! These precious, oh-so-adorably pettable little wings must be those of a Of the Omni-Devil herself!" The wings of the Omni-Devil flapped cutely deviously, as Skarde clutched her chest like the helpless maiden she was. A helpless maiden floating slightly off the ground, surely about to be possessed.

Asha declared her own demonhood very casually, which tracked with what Skarde was expecting from her. Red eyes  were pretty much always a dead giveaway when it came to demons. Everyone knew that. Still Asha claimed to not be interested in corrupting anyone, at least for the moment. "Oh, goodie! You must be one of those tsundemons I've heard so much about! Don't be shy now, that's a great thing! It means you can help save me from myself, from these nasty evil wings on my head! Save  me with a forbidden loving embrace! Lest I change into a monster!" Skarde posed with her arms wide, elbows almost to her hips. Around this time, a mansion-wide announcement was heard by everyone, prompting Asha to start bolting away from Skarde and Iradil. "I'd be oh so grateful to be saved! I might even reward my savior with a kiss!" Skarde shouted after her, wiggling her body as if it would somehow help to turn Asha's head. It most likely wouldn't...but turning to her second option, Skarde's smile was bright. "What about you, Double Dangos? You'll keep me from turning, won't you? I mean, it's the right thing to do!" She did just steal Iradil's food, but that was like ages ago. It was surely water under the bridge by now.

Iradil Akai
The Maddening Mansion
Tagging: Everyone and Anyone, Skarde Alexander Omni-Devil and Asha the Door Lady

She tilted her slightly more in response to Skarde's question, not that she got a chance to answer it before she zoomed off again. She shrugged, focussing on her, seemingly unending amount of treats. But mimes don't talk though? The thought flickered through her mind, but she didn't pay it much mind. Maybe she should try sometime? She might enjoy it. Still she turned her attention over to the demon door lady. Who didn't seem particularly impressed by her casting. "Well I'm glad the mood hasn't taken you!" There was a faint smile playing across her features. She couldn't stop it, nor could she stop the faint flicker of amusement in her voice, but it was outclassed by an ironic honestly. She mumbling something about vessels filled with hot air and bluster quietly before smiling sweetly. "But Asha the door lady, I'll keep a note of your name and role too!"

She twitched her ears slightly  as Skarde reacted wonderfully over the top. "The Omni-Devil, mayhaps I should write that down?" There was the flicker of amused sarcasm in her tone of voice again, watching the Omni-Devil floating around, teasing Asha again. This one, the Omni-Devil was fun. Though the teasing was interrupted by the mansion wide stage call. "It seems our esteemed showmaster has called for the curtain to raise." She smiled coyly at Skarde as Asha started walking off. Feeling the faint caress of wind playing with her hair. Bowing toward Skarde with an over the top flourish. "Well if it will save such a darling cast member before her demons take over?" Iradil would move towards her, looking like she was about to hug her. Before moving around and carrying on after Asha. Moments later though Skarde would feel arms wrapping around her, should she turn, a perfect twin of Iradil would be huggign her from behind. "I think further attentions might have to wait until after the performance though?" The clone disappeared into a surge of bubbles. Leaving just the playfully smiling original ninja, waving yet another sweet treat in idly.

Offline Sashanna

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Spoiler for Caitlyn "Viola":

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Christina, Persia, Mathis, Rosluni

Caitlyn had to admit with that announcement that there was an opening here and Rosluni's reasoning was solid. "Sure, I'll join you, I'm sure she expects a large portion to attend and see her right now so this might be an opportunity we need to snoop around. You said you're good at finding traps so I'll follow your lead. Christina, Rosluni, Persia, good luck!" Caitlyn would nod at the group confidently and follow this Mathis into sneaking in another way. Although she knew better than to take the lead on this, it was better to let the person that offered take point. Things were taking an interesting turn and Caitlyn couldn't wait to see what happened next, maybe this would prove fruitful for the Dominion after all...

Auralis - Body Swapping Mansion - Out Front
Tag: Everyone, Caitlyn

Mathis shrugged with a confident smile, "Ros there was the one that actually said it, but she's right.  I'll gladly guide ya inside, Viola."  He began to slither silently toward the side of the house, his dark tail and the dark markings on his skin breaking up his form in the twilight.  He wasn't moving slowly, but he wasn't racing either as he observed his path and the windows up ahead.  Passing the first side window, he inspected the second, holding up a crystal hanging around his neck.  It gave off a faint, light-blue glow in the dim lighting and enhanced the allure of its golden casing while illuminating the window enough to inspect it for subtle signs of any traps.  Finding nothing, he slowly raised the window and checked once more through the crack before smoothly sliding it the rest of the way open.

Climbing through into what looked like a small library, his eyes scanned the details of the room quickly before waving Caitlyn in with a quiet hiss, "It's sssafe."  His eyes twinkled merrily as he waved at her, perhaps just from being in his element or from having a companion while he worked.  He'd offer a hand to help Caitlyn climb inside before turning to make a quick search of the room for anything that might help them in the mission.  This place was large; so, they couldn't linger in any one room for long if they hoped to stop any plans in motion.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2022, 06:45:16 PM by Sashanna »

Offline Silverkat

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Spoiler for Hidden:

Auralis - Body Swapping Mansion - Out Front
Tag: Everyone, Christina Rahl, Caitlyn, Kuroyuri

Rosluni turned to Mathis and silently nodded at Caitlyn's proposal.  The scouting party not all being composed of her group might help the humans trust the intel more anyway.  Before anyone left the area though, the voice of their host drifted to them over the wind, and Christina decided to take the direct path.

"I'm going in too," Rosluni declared.  The plant woman raised a hand before Persia could even began to object, "Even if it is a trap, it is a chance to talk to the one in charge.  I'd rather see if things can be done in a friendly manner."  Persia huffed, "I am coming with you, Miss."  Rosluni was already striding forward as she grinned in response, "Of course, little one.  Mathis can scout the area on his own if Viola chooses to join us, or they can search together if she'd rather not.  All eyes will be away from him if things go wrong in this 'main hall'."

Persia kept her eye open and her ears sharp for anything that could be trouble.  There would likely be a lot of activity where they were headed, and she'd need to stay alert to sift the commotion from any true dangers.  Mathis held back and glanced towards Caitlyn with a cocky grin,  "Wanna see what all might be hidden in this den with me, Viola?  I'm sure it will be more interestin' than a meeting with whoever's in charge."  He'd be unbothered if she decided not to come with, but wasn't going to object to a self-professed scout joining the reconnaissance.

Once inside the mansion, Persia held back to keep a better eye on the people as they arrived while Rosluni strode ahead until she was standing in the center of the room where she saw a demon on her hands and knees in front of another woman.  Rosluni wouldn't go so far as kneel in front of Kuroyuri, but would respectfully bow before saying, "Greetings, Lady Amalthea." 

Persia pressed the middle and index finger of one hand against her forehead in frustration, too far away to tactfully correct Rosluni on the pronunciation.  More thoroughly scanning the room, the naga noticed the woman perched above everyone and winced as she deduced that was likely Lady Elmadia.  'Hmm.  Too late now, and I would rather not draw attention to myself unless I need to,' Persia thought.  Oblivious to this, Rosluni continued, "I look forward to hearing why you summoned us all here and hope this place's power won't cause the city any harm.  It would be an honor to learn what sort of amusements you are seeking tonight."  The plant woman spoke with a smooth elegance that contrasted with her simplistic attire.  In fact, the only article on her that probably wasn't literally part of her was an ornate hairpin tucked in her hair at the back of her head.  Of course, things would probably go more smoothly if she was addressing the right person...

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Kuroyuri (Silverkat), Everyone

Barbati got the same summons as everyone else and quickly came out of hiding, her reasoning being that the demons that would come out would make up for her weakness, as she stepped into the room she saw Elmadia perched above them, but then her eyes went lower and she saw the human that introduced herself as Kuroyuri. But Barbati blanked out completely upon seeing the woman and whatever she said faded away into the background. Barbati suddenly smiled dreamily and her eyes softened into a lustful and wanton gaze. Yes, there was no doubt in her mind. She was absolutely perfect.

Her long slender back that Barbati wanted to massage lovingly, her tight waist that Barbati just wanted to wrap her arm around, springy butt that when swung could leave Barbati dazed and docile, her long curvacious legs that drew the eye and went on for miles in Barbati's eyes, her luscious lips that looked soft and inviting, her powerful eyes that made Barbati feel weak and submissive, that long luscious hair that with a single flip would make the demon swoon, lastly her breasts which were the perfect groping size for Barbati to worship. Yes, this Kuroyuri was perfect. Barbati pointedly ignored everyone else, even Elmadia and just gawked at the perfectly sculpted human in front of her...

She walked up to Kuroyuri dreamily, got on her hands and knees, and...

"Hello Kuroyuri, my name is Barbati and I humbly request to be your slave for the rest of my life. Or you can be mine, if you're into that."

Mansion of Madness
Tag: Barbati, everyone

Needless to say, Kuroyuri was not expecting this at all. She had hoped to come to some kind of accord with this Elmadia to boost her status among the clan and no sooner than she had said five words to her, another demon had walked up to her and instantly submitted. There really was only one thing for the kunochi to do now wasn't there?

"Hohohohohoho!" Kuroyuri laughed, and instantly placed a foot on the demon's back "Well of course it's only natural you would wish to become my slave!" she boasted, not questioning the situation even for a moment. "For I, Kuroyuri! Am soon to be Great Grandmaster of the Eternal Dragon Clan!" she said, inventing a rank even higher than Grandmaster for herself, surely she deserved that right? Of course she did. "Tell me your name slave! So that you might vow Eternal loyalty to your Mistress! She, lost in the grandeour of the moment, hadn't noticed that Barbati had already told her her name, and pretty much requested eternal servitude. But details like that for one who was not the High Grand Great Grandmaster of the Eternal Dragon Clan to worry about!

Of course, while much of Kuroyuri's attention had been taken up by the demon who just swore herself to eternal service, another demon approached her as well. My word, she hadn't expected this much demonic attention this quickly! Clearly they all knew a winner when they saw one and were eager to get in on the ground floor of an alliance with the newest Grand High Admiral Captain General Great Grand Master of the Eternal Dragon Clan. "Ah no, it's 'Kuro- Yuri' the ninja helpfully aided the plant girl demon in how to pronounce her name. My word though 'Amalthea' was a terrible attempt... and much to the disappointment of Kuroyuri's pride it quickly became apparent that she was actually after Elmadia.

"Oh... no. I'm not Lady Elmadia, that's her there" a visibly disappointed Kuroyuri, foot still on Barbati's back of course, said as she pointed up to the actual Lady Elmadia perched above them.

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Sue

Elsewhere in the Mansion, Desdemona was still stewing over the fact that she hadn't been greeted personally by Elmadia, when suddenly she stood up, a look of utter rage and hatred upon her beautiful divine face, as she had sensed an even greater crime had occurred...

"Someone..." The Princess of Demon spoke, her normally seductive voice now twisted by rage. "Has stolen my laugh"

The vengeance that would decent upon this house would be legendary for millennia to come.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2022, 07:49:47 PM by Silverkat »


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