Author Topic: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness  (Read 16044 times)

Offline Sashanna

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Spoiler for Rosluni, Persia, Mathis:

Auralis - Body Swapping Mansion - Out Front
Tag: Everyone, Christina Rahl, Caitlyn, Kuroyuri

Rosluni turned to Mathis and silently nodded at Caitlyn's proposal.  The scouting party not all being composed of her group might help the humans trust the intel more anyway.  Before anyone left the area though, the voice of their host drifted to them over the wind, and Christina decided to take the direct path.

"I'm going in too," Rosluni declared.  The plant woman raised a hand before Persia could even began to object, "Even if it is a trap, it is a chance to talk to the one in charge.  I'd rather see if things can be done in a friendly manner."  Persia huffed, "I am coming with you, Miss."  Rosluni was already striding forward as she grinned in response, "Of course, little one.  Mathis can scout the area on his own if Viola chooses to join us, or they can search together if she'd rather not.  All eyes will be away from him if things go wrong in this 'main hall'."

Persia kept her eye open and her ears sharp for anything that could be trouble.  There would likely be a lot of activity where they were headed, and she'll need to stay alert to sift the commotion from any true dangers.  Mathis held back and glanced towards Caitlyn with a cocky grin,  "Wanna see what all might be hidden in this den with me, Viola?  I'm sure it will be more interestin' than a meeting with whoever's in charge."  He'd be unbothered if she decided not to come with, but wasn't going to object to a self-professed scout joining the reconnaissance.

Once inside the mansion, Persia held back to keep a better eye on the people as they arrived while Rosluni strode ahead until she was standing in the center of the room where she saw a demon on her hands and knees in front of another woman.  Rosluni wouldn't go so far as kneel in front of Kuroyuri, but would respectfully bow before saying, "Greetings, Lady Amalthea." 

Persia pressed the middle and index finger of one hand against her forehead in frustration, too far away to tactfully correct Rosluni on the pronunciation.  More thoroughly scanning the room, the naga noticed the woman perched above everyone and winced as she deduced that was likely Lady Elmadia.  'Hmm.  Too late now, and I would rather not draw attention to myself unless I need to,' Persia thought.  Oblivious to this, Rosluni continued, "I look forward to hearing why you summoned us all here and hope this place's power won't cause the city any harm.  It would be an honor to learn what sort of amusements you are seeking tonight."  The plant woman spoke with a smooth elegance that contrasted with her simplistic attire.  In fact, the only article on her that probably wasn't literally part of her was an ornate hairpin tucked in her hair at the back of her head.  Of course, things would probably go more smoothly if she was addressing the right person...
Spoiler for Kuroyuri:

Mansion of Madness
Tag: Barbati, everyone

Needless to say, Kuroyuri was not expecting this at all. She had hoped to come to some kind of accord with this Elmadia to boost her status among the clan and no sooner than she had said five words to her, another demon had walked up to her and instantly submitted. There really was only one thing for the kunochi to do now wasn't there?

"Hohohohohoho!" Kuroyuri laughed, and instantly placed a foot on the demon's back "Well of course it's only natural you would wish to become my slave!" she boasted, not questioning the situation even for a moment. "For I, Kuroyuri! Am soon to be Great Grandmaster of the Eternal Dragon Clan!" she said, inventing a rank even higher than Grandmaster for herself, surely she deserved that right? Of course she did. "Tell me your name slave! So that you might vow Eternal loyalty to your Mistress! She, lost in the grandeour of the moment, hadn't noticed that Barbati had already told her her name, and pretty much requested eternal servitude. But details like that for one who was not the High Grand Great Grandmaster of the Eternal Dragon Clan to worry about!

Of course, while much of Kuroyuri's attention had been taken up by the demon who just swore herself to eternal service, another demon approached her as well. My word, she hadn't expected this much demonic attention this quickly! Clearly they all knew a winner when they saw one and were eager to get in on the ground floor of an alliance with the newest Grand High Admiral Captain General Great Grand Master of the Eternal Dragon Clan. "Ah no, it's 'Kuro- Yuri' the ninja helpfully aided the plant girl demon in how to pronounce her name. My word though 'Amalthea' was a terrible attempt... and much to the disappointment of Kuroyuri's pride it quickly became apparent that she was actually after Elmadia.

"Oh... no. I'm not Lady Elmadia, that's her there" a visibly disappointed Kuroyuri, foot still on Barbati's back of course, said as she pointed up to the actual Lady Elmadia perched above them.

Auralis - Body Swapping Mansion - Out Front
Tag: Everyone, Christina Rahl, Kuroyuri, Elmadia

Rosluni frowned in confusion as the woman she to bowed called herself a name that sounded nothing like Amalthea.  'Is this not the main hall?' the plant woman wondered until Kuroyuri pointed out the woman above them.

'Ah, finally,' Persia thought with a little smirk as she watched the woman she trusted to keep them safe finally glance up toward the figure perched above them.  Persia would have felt sorry for how Kuroyuri looked so disappointed at being mistaken for the host if the girl didn't seem like a delusional megalomanic.  The naga's focus returned to the person above them all. 

It would be easier to tell if she weren't so far away, but the woman Persia assumed was Elmadia appeared similar enough to the image in the dossier of people of interest that Aaron Langley had made available to Rosluni and herself.  Kuroyuri's words only seemed to confirm her supposition.  'These details are important!  Nepentis really shouldn't rely on us so much.'  Not that she ever intended to let her down when it mattered, but it was the principle of the thing.

Rosluni made an uncomfortable but brave smile at her faux pas as she gazed up at the woman above them all.  'Of course... the ruler of this domain would obviously stay in a position above us all while waiting for her audience.  She can't just look down upon one kneeling guest when others have been summoned.'  From the corner of her mouth she whispered to Kuroyuri, "I am truly sorry about my mistake, Great Grandmaster Kuroyuri."

Placing a hand just below her neck, Rosluni cleared her throat before addressing the person above them, "Ahem, my apologies.  Your high position was above my limited sight, Lady Elmadia.  It would still please me if you let us know what amusements you desire tonight and what this mansion's power is.  I would enjoy a pleasant evening meeting new people, but I understand that is not all you have planned?"
« Last Edit: November 30, 2022, 04:24:17 AM by Sashanna »

Offline Kunshu

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Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Sue

Elsewhere in the Mansion, Desdemona was still stewing over the fact that she hadn't been greeted personally by Elmadia, when suddenly she stood up, a look of utter rage and hatred upon her beautiful divine face, as she had sensed an even greater crime had occurred...

"Someone..." The Princess of Demon spoke, her normally seductive voice now twisted by rage. "Has stolen my laugh"

The vengeance that would decent upon this house would be legendary for millennia to come.

Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Desdemona (Kat), Everyone

Sue continued her careful search through the Mansion's upper floors, looking for some sign of this mysterious "Elmadia" when she heard that seductive voice slip into her mind, summoning her to the main hall. Of course, the pilot had no clue where the main hall actually was, other than "probably downstairs" so she tried her best to find a staircase. As she hunted, she heard a stern voice, one that was clearly full of rage, coming from a nearby room. It didn't sound like her target, but, perhaps it was one of her lackeys?

Cautiously, she approached the door and opened it, witnessing the beauty in the room, she looked human enough, maybe they would be able to work together against the mansion's owner? "Hi there, are you trying to find this 'Elmadia' as well? Maybe we could team up?" Sue gave a friendly smile to Desdemona as she entered the room staying close to the door in case she needed to make a quick exit however.

Offline Kunshu

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Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone

Elmadia grinned a little as Kuroyuri addressed her and three others joined her, it was a small crowd but she knew that there were others scattered around the mansion probably trying to snoop around for clues or find a way to get past her, this was irrelevant. There was an important guest that she had to attend to first. "I'll get to you all in a moment, I have to take care of something." She smirked down at Barbati, Kuroyuri, Rosluni, and Christina before disappearing rapidly, she'd appear next to Desdemona and grin to herself. Yes, this was a chance to take care of some things. She approached the blonde from behind and whispered in her ear.

"My apologies Lady Desdemona, or would you like to be called Princess?" Elmadia handed the princess a glass of water and massaged her shoulders with heavenly skill. "You'll have to excuse my rudeness but I didn't realize royalty was coming to visit my humble abode. I promise to make up for it with tonight's festivities. Do enjoy yourself for the time being, it looks like you have a guest. I need to get things moving but I'll be back to tend to you in no time, you're definitely a priority to me. You still look as beautiful as ever." Elmadia said as she winked over in the corner at the skintight clad Sue who was snooping around the Mansion. She grinned, although secretly was dreading what would happen next. Although... no, instead she smiled, this was going to be a perfect situation for her. With a sultry wink and smile, she teleported back to the main hall. It was better if she didn't say anything, Desdemona would come to her own conclusions and it'd work out well.

"Sorry about that, where were we." Elmadia scanned the room and addressed everyone one by one. "An interesting proposal, what do you have in mind Kuroyuri? I'm curious what you'll have to say when we meet privately. But please wait till these festivities are concluded, then I'll be happy to discuss anything you like." She seemed to give an approving smirk at the fact that her foot was on Barbati's back, although why she did was uncertain. She turned to Christina next, although she did chuckle a little at Rosluni's way of saying her name. "A heroine, coming to stop me I take it? Go right ahead, I'm sure you'll have plenty of allies in this mansion. With all of you here, to say I'm outmatched in power is an understatement. Elmadia then addressed the elephant in the room, since Rosluni brought it up it was only fitting that she bring up what she had in mind.

"You're all going to go through substantial changes tonight, whether you want it or not. You'll meet plenty of new people, and I promise that no harm will come to any of you that participate in the festivities." At least, physically, it wasn't a lie. She didn't care about mental changes, that was part of the fun of the night. "You'll find out the power of this mansion very soon." Elmadia snapped her fingers and tapped the railing she was sitting on.

Everyone in the Mansion or around the Mansion grounds would freeze in place, unable to move or control themselves, the only thing they could do was speak and breathe, the rest of their bodies remained immobile. No matter how powerful one was, it felt like an intense magical force was keeping them from moving and rendering them immobile. It did not appear to affect Elmadia though as she walked up to Kuroyuri.

"This dynamic is amusing, you two should definitely switch." Elmadia said as she walked behind Kuroyuri and grabbed her breasts in her hands, Kuroyuri's posture wouldn't change even with the magic, her foot would remain firmly planted in Barbati's back. The elemental's hands would move away from the ninja's breasts, shifting to fondle her ass expertly and after a minute a sharp spank, then moved up and down her back and through her long silky hair. She gave Barbati a swift swat of her ass but didn't do much else since she was bent over on her hands and knees. Then she moved to Christina. "Do you think you can stop me now, little hero? It's too bad this spell is temporary, I'd love exploring your body intimately..." Elmadia said salaciously as her hands roamed through Christina's hair, then massaged her tits much like Kuroyuri, then fondled her ass a little before squeezing her cheeks roughly.

Then she looked at Rosluni, a unique individual to be sure but she'd be fun to test the mansion's magic with nonetheless. Elmadia wasn't as sexual with her, mainly because she wasn't sure what to grope or fondle, although those tits were there so they did get an experimental massage, but the plant woman would also get a headpat and smile from the elemental. "I'll be frank with you, this body is going to be someone else's for a while. You wanted a pleasant evening right? Well I think you'll find what happens soon will be incredibly exhilarating. You wanted to know right? It's too late to stop it now" Elmadia said as she moved to Persia. "Don't worry, you're cute too." Persia got her face caressed and then a kiss on the cheek before a sudden swat on the ass. The Elemental pondered where to go next, then smiled...

She'd teleport to Sybil and Grawly, dealing with the demon first. "Such big strong muscles, you're my type of gal. I wonder who you'll switch with..." Elmadia fondled her ass lovingly, wanting to hear Grawly squirm a little before giving her a swift smack in the rear and a kiss on the cheek. "Oh you're a powerful mage, really cute too." Elmadia sighed happily as she grabbed Sybil's tits and fondled them happily, listening to the woman squirm before giving her rear a sharp and powerful smack. She gave a wink as she teleported elsewhere into the mansion...

She appeared in front of Caitlyn and Mathis next, Caitlyn had just been pulled up by Mathis when she appeared, but both were frozen in place. Elmadia rested her head on Mathis's shoulder to look over at Caitlyn for a moment, then focused on the male. "I like your form, you're sneaky too, but thanks to being in tune with the mansion I knew where you were the entire time. You guys can explore if you desire, but I'm not sure what you'll find. We'll see where the wind takes you when your bodies are someone else's to handle..." She gave Mathis a kiss and ran her hands along his muscles. Then she walked by Caitlyn and gave her a hearty spank, and then another, and then another. That ass was too fun not to spank. Then she departed once again.

Appearing behind Iradil and Skarde, she spanked the ninja to get her to gasp then gently ran her fingers along her ears, then groped the performing ninja's breasts. "Mmm, yes, someone is going to have fun with this one." Then she turned to Skarde and giggled. "Well aren't you cute?" As fast as Skarde liked to be, for once she was immobile and at someone else's mercy. She got her head pat, then a small grope of her tits, then a small fondle of her ass as Elmadia walked past her towards Asha. "A vampire? That might be a little troublesome, but I'm sure someone will enjoy the benefits and ignore the downsides..." Elmadia just grinned as she kissed the vampire and swatted her ass on the way out of the room, leaving the trio to wonder what just happened.

Finally, Elmadia came back to Desdemona. And with her was Sue. "Enjoying yourself?" Elmadia went up to Sue first though, her fingers trailing along the woman's skintight outfit and her curvy body. Her hands gladly massaged her ass and tits as she talked to Desdemona. "This is unfortunate, Lady Desdemona, but you've been caught in the crossfire. I can't help it at this point. Try to find a way to have fun with what's to come." Elmadia stepped up to the demon princess and relished in playing with her body, the perfectly sculpted demonic body. Her breasts were greedily groped and grabbed without delay, she rested her head against Desdemona's shoulder after kissing her cheek, and she happily indulged in exploring the demon's form. She even spanked her sharply and ran her fingers through that luscious hair. "I've always wanted to have my way with you, just never had the opportunity, we'll see how you fare without your body. Maybe you and that one should switch? Her body looks good." Elmadia said with a knowing smile towards Sue...

Elmadia would then teleport back to the hall and grin to herself as her voice carried through the entire mansion again. Everyone had been visited and got a taste of being helplessly groped, just as planned. But that was only a taste of what was to come. This was just priming them up for what happened next. Elmadia would clap her hands and for everyone in the mansion the world went black as they fell into a magically induced slumber, unable to resist the narcotic call of sleep...

Some time after, they'd wake up. Whether they were in the same room or not seemed entirely random. Some of them might be alone again, some of them might be with new partners or the same exact ones, regardless things had shifted. But something didn't seem quite right, like their bodies weren't the same anymore. And they felt somewhat horny, they needed to get off, to find a partner to fuck. That sounded like a lovely idea right now.

"There, it's done Elmadia, I acted as you and put on a performance just as you wanted. We'll see how your little game plays out, if Desdemona gets a hold of us the consequences will be horrible, I hope you know this." Astrid said, having been in Elmadia's body the entire time. The two had swapped before and figured out the mansions power, now they were harnessing it due to Elmadia holding Astrid's head over the fire to play around. She didn't have a choice...

"I'll go see if I can find anyone interesting, do what you want. Since I don't have to pretend anymore I might as well get some entertainment out of this and see who sticks out." Astrid said as she departed into the mansion, giving Elmadia, who was in Astrid's body, a small look over before disappearing for now...

Spoiler for Please Read:
Current Swaps:

Open Characters:
Grawly (Hollypup)
Christina (Mephz)
Asha (Youkai)
Sybil (Youkai)
Skarde (Madman)
Roluni (Sashanna)
Persia (Sashanna)
Mathis (Sashanna)

You guys can wake up in whatever type of room you like with whomever you like, even Astrid or Elmadia if that's what you wish and agree to, have fun. If you want to go solo and explore the mansion in new bodies, do so, if you want to be in a group, go for it. This is just to mix things up if people wish or keep the same groups if that's what you guys want. Trying to be flexible!

But the Swappening has Commenced.

...And yes, Youkai has been writing Elmadia the entire time, and Kunshu has been writing Astrid the entire time, we thought it'd be funny.

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Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Mathis

Caitlyn was happy to follow Mathis's lead, it did help he was attractive even if he may be an enemy in the future. She didn't have a choice but to play along at this point as she was outnumbered and if something happened to Mathis and she showed up without him they'd know she did something. She followed up him to the next side window and blinked as he brought up a glowing crystal. Apparently he used it to inspect for traps, but she expected that it could be used as a focus as well by the right person. "That's a nifty looking tool." Caitlyn said genuinely as she continued to follow him. She smiled at him, warmly, and accepted his help to lift into the mansion...

Shortly after though her body locked itself in place without her input, and so did Mathis's by the look of it. Was it a trap? It seemed to be as Elmadia showed up, or at least she thought it was Elmadia. She went over to Mathis and teased him in front of her, then she had the gall to smack Caitlyn's ass? "Who the fuck do you think you are?!" Caitlyn shouted, but she couldn't do anything, and soon after she felt sleep pulling at her mind. "Mathis... try... to..."

She never got to finish that sentence.

Caitlyn in Iradil's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Open. (Would prefer one person only, but I'll take two)

Caitlyn blinked awake in an uproar, even though her body felt horny and needed to fuck, she quickly tossed aside sheets and reached for her. No, her equipment wasn't there, she wasn't wearing her suit, she was wearing japanese clothing? Caitlyn battled back her arousal as best she could, even though her pussy was throbbing for sex Caitlyn gritted her teeth as she looked for a mirror and rubbed her thighs together to take the edge off a little. That was only a temporary solution though, luckily a bathroom was next to her and she quickly darted in there to look at herself.

"Is this real? Who's body is this...?" Apparently she was some sort of demon? No, that wasn't quite right, she didn't feel like this body was overwhelming with corruption. And the only thing that looked off were the golden eyes and the elf ears. Maybe a ninja? That'd be some luck, she did feel light on her feet and flexible at least so she didn't think her movement would be hampered, but she still wanted to know where her body was. She wasn't sure, but she had a plan at least if she found her body again. If someone was in it, like she was in this woman's, then she could use that override code. First though, taking in her surroundings.

Caitlyn looked around carefully for other people and signs of where to go first.

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Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Kuroyuri (Silverkat), Everyone

"Barbati, Mistress. Please own me and do what you want Mistress, I'm yours for life." Barbati moaned happily as Kuroyuri stepped on her back and asked for her name, yes, she was in heaven. Being this woman's slave was going to be the best choice she ever made, and she had made a lot of bad choices in her time as a demon. But finally finding the perfect human to be a slave to? Yeah, that sounded great. Unfortunately Barbati's daydreaming would be cut short by Elmadia's sudden actions and she'd yelp in arousal when she was spanked, she couldn't move, and if she dared speak up she was afraid that either Kuroyuri would disown her or Elmadia would do something to her. Unfortunately she didn't have a choice in the latter, sometime later she blacked out and everything went dark...

Barbati in Kuroyuri's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Kuroyuri in Barbati's Body (Silverkat)

Barbati would wake up sprawled out on a bed, although the first thing she'd notice in her green boots and black tights that now adorned her legs. Wait, these weren't her legs. They were someone else's. Her mind took it's time processing everything but she was pretty sure she was in Kuroyuri's body, the woman she was fawning over the entire time. Now she had her body? She had to be sure, she quickly dashed out of bed, then realized how little exertion that took as well. This woman was in incredible shape and looked like a total bombshell hottie? Plus there was the other bonus that came with it.

No more weakness, no more power decline...

"Is this real?" Barbati said, listening to that angelic voice come out of her lips, confirming she was in Kuroyuri's body. A reflection off of a glass nearby also confirmed it, she was in her body. Barbati inspected herself, squeezing her tits, flipping her hair, groping her own ass. It was hard to believe that this was actually happening but it looked like she hit the jackpot for this body swapping thing that Elmadia mentioned.

"Mmm, god I love this body. I feel so strong and look to die for~" Barbati licked her lips and sighed happily. She stretched erotically and backflipped to test her flexibility which proved to be amazing. Everything about this was intoxicating to Barbati. She turned herself towards the bed again. Wait, her old body was there, sleeping, or was it stirring? Someone was in it, she could tell that they were breathing, but who was it?

Barbati also realized she was unbearably horny, and fucking in this body sounded so good right now. She licked her lips and approached her old body with a seductive sway to her step. Barbati's hands started feeling around for tools and found some tags and other basic ninja equipment, although she wasn't sure what they did yet, she'd test them later...
« Last Edit: October 09, 2022, 03:51:53 AM by Youkai »

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Spoiler for Iradil:

Iradil Akai
The Maddening Mansion
Tagging: Everyone and Anyone, Skarde Alexander Omni-Devil and Asha the Door Lady

She tilted her slightly more in response to Skarde's question, not that she got a chance to answer it before she zoomed off again. She shrugged, focussing on her, seemingly unending amount of treats. But mimes don't talk though? The thought flickered through her mind, but she didn't pay it much mind. Maybe she should try sometime? She might enjoy it. Still she turned her attention over to the demon door lady. Who didn't seem particularly impressed by her casting. "Well I'm glad the mood hasn't taken you!" There was a faint smile playing across her features. She couldn't stop it, nor could she stop the faint flicker of amusement in her voice, but it was outclassed by an ironic honestly. She mumbling something about vessels filled with hot air and bluster quietly before smiling sweetly. "But Asha the door lady, I'll keep a note of your name and role too!"

She twitched her ears slightly  as Skarde reacted wonderfully over the top. "The Omni-Devil, mayhaps I should write that down?" There was the flicker of amused sarcasm in her tone of voice again, watching the Omni-Devil floating around, teasing Asha again. This one, the Omni-Devil was fun. Though the teasing was interrupted by the mansion wide stage call. "It seems our esteemed showmaster has called for the curtain to raise." She smiled coyly at Skarde as Asha started walking off. Feeling the faint caress of wind playing with her hair. Bowing toward Skarde with an over the top flourish. "Well if it will save such a darling cast member before her demons take over?" Iradil would move towards her, looking like she was about to hug her. Before moving around and carrying on after Asha. Moments later though Skarde would feel arms wrapping around her, should she turn, a perfect twin of Iradil would be huggign her from behind. "I think further attentions might have to wait until after the performance though?" The clone disappeared into a surge of bubbles. Leaving just the playfully smiling original ninja, waving yet another sweet treat in idly.
Spoiler for Elmadia:

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone

Elmadia grinned a little as Kuroyuri addressed her and three others joined her, it was a small crowd but she knew that there were others scattered around the mansion probably trying to snoop around for clues or find a way to get past her, this was irrelevant. There was an important guest that she had to attend to first. "I'll get to you all in a moment, I have to take care of something." She smirked down at Barbati, Kuroyuri, Rosluni, and Christina before disappearing rapidly, she'd appear next to Desdemona and grin to herself. Yes, this was a chance to take care of some things. She approached the blonde from behind and whispered in her ear.

"My apologies Lady Desdemona, or would you like to be called Princess?" Elmadia handed the princess a glass of water and massaged her shoulders with heavenly skill. "You'll have to excuse my rudeness but I didn't realize royalty was coming to visit my humble abode. I promise to make up for it with tonight's festivities. Do enjoy yourself for the time being, it looks like you have a guest. I need to get things moving but I'll be back to tend to you in no time, you're definitely a priority to me. You still look as beautiful as ever." Elmadia said as she winked over in the corner at the skintight clad Sue who was snooping around the Mansion. She grinned, although secretly was dreading what would happen next. Although... no, instead she smiled, this was going to be a perfect situation for her. With a sultry wink and smile, she teleported back to the main hall. It was better if she didn't say anything, Desdemona would come to her own conclusions and it'd work out well.

"Sorry about that, where were we." Elmadia scanned the room and addressed everyone one by one. "An interesting proposal, what do you have in mind Kuroyuri? I'm curious what you'll have to say when we meet privately. But please wait till these festivities are concluded, then I'll be happy to discuss anything you like." She seemed to give an approving smirk at the fact that her foot was on Barbati's back, although why she did was uncertain. She turned to Christina next, although she did chuckle a little at Rosluni's way of saying her name. "A heroine, coming to stop me I take it? Go right ahead, I'm sure you'll have plenty of allies in this mansion. With all of you here, to say I'm outmatched in power is an understatement. Elmadia then addressed the elephant in the room, since Rosluni brought it up it was only fitting that she bring up what she had in mind.

"You're all going to go through substantial changes tonight, whether you want it or not. You'll meet plenty of new people, and I promise that no harm will come to any of you that participate in the festivities." At least, physically, it wasn't a lie. She didn't care about mental changes, that was part of the fun of the night. "You'll find out the power of this mansion very soon." Elmadia snapped her fingers and tapped the railing she was sitting on.

Everyone in the Mansion or around the Mansion grounds would freeze in place, unable to move or control themselves, the only thing they could do was speak and breathe, the rest of their bodies remained immobile. No matter how powerful one was, it felt like an intense magical force was keeping them from moving and rendering them immobile. It did not appear to affect Elmadia though as she walked up to Kuroyuri.

"This dynamic is amusing, you two should definitely switch." Elmadia said as she walked behind Kuroyuri and grabbed her breasts in her hands, Kuroyuri's posture wouldn't change even with the magic, her foot would remain firmly planted in Barbati's back. The elemental's hands would move away from the ninja's breasts, shifting to fondle her ass expertly and after a minute a sharp spank, then moved up and down her back and through her long silky hair. She gave Barbati a swift swat of her ass but didn't do much else since she was bent over on her hands and knees. Then she moved to Christina. "Do you think you can stop me now, little hero? It's too bad this spell is temporary, I'd love exploring your body intimately..." Elmadia said salaciously as her hands roamed through Christina's hair, then massaged her tits much like Kuroyuri, then fondled her ass a little before squeezing her cheeks roughly.

Then she looked at Rosluni, a unique individual to be sure but she'd be fun to test the mansion's magic with nonetheless. Elmadia wasn't as sexual with her, mainly because she wasn't sure what to grope or fondle, although those tits were there so they did get an experimental massage, but the plant woman would also get a headpat and smile from the elemental. "I'll be frank with you, this body is going to be someone else's for a while. You wanted a pleasant evening right? Well I think you'll find what happens soon will be incredibly exhilarating. You wanted to know right? It's too late to stop it now" Elmadia said as she moved to Persia. "Don't worry, you're cute too." Persia got her face caressed and then a kiss on the cheek before a sudden swat on the ass. The Elemental pondered where to go next, then smiled...

She'd teleport to Sybil and Grawly, dealing with the demon first. "Such big strong muscles, you're my type of gal. I wonder who you'll switch with..." Elmadia fondled her ass lovingly, wanting to hear Grawly squirm a little before giving her a swift smack in the rear and a kiss on the cheek. "Oh you're a powerful mage, really cute too." Elmadia sighed happily as she grabbed Sybil's tits and fondled them happily, listening to the woman squirm before giving her rear a sharp and powerful smack. She gave a wink as she teleported elsewhere into the mansion...

She appeared in front of Caitlyn and Mathis next, Caitlyn had just been pulled up by Mathis when she appeared, but both were frozen in place. Elmadia rested her head on Mathis's shoulder to look over at Caitlyn for a moment, then focused on the male. "I like your form, you're sneaky too, but thanks to being in tune with the mansion I knew where you were the entire time. You guys can explore if you desire, but I'm not sure what you'll find. We'll see where the wind takes you when your bodies are someone else's to handle..." She gave Mathis a kiss and ran her hands along his muscles. Then she walked by Caitlyn and gave her a hearty spank, and then another, and then another. That ass was too fun not to spank. Then she departed once again.

Appearing behind Iradil and Skarde, she spanked the ninja to get her to gasp then gently ran her fingers along her ears, then groped the performing ninja's breasts. "Mmm, yes, someone is going to have fun with this one." Then she turned to Skarde and giggled. "Well aren't you cute?" As fast as Skarde liked to be, for once she was immobile and at someone else's mercy. She got her head pat, then a small grope of her tits, then a small fondle of her ass as Elmadia walked past her towards Asha. "A vampire? That might be a little troublesome, but I'm sure someone will enjoy the benefits and ignore the downsides..." Elmadia just grinned as she kissed the vampire and swatted her ass on the way out of the room, leaving the trio to wonder what just happened.

Finally, Elmadia came back to Desdemona. And with her was Sue. "Enjoying yourself?" Elmadia went up to Sue first though, her fingers trailing along the woman's skintight outfit and her curvy body. Her hands gladly massaged her ass and tits as she talked to Desdemona. "This is unfortunate, Lady Desdemona, but you've been caught in the crossfire. I can't help it at this point. Try to find a way to have fun with what's to come." Elmadia stepped up to the demon princess and relished in playing with her body, the perfectly sculpted demonic body. Her breasts were greedily groped and grabbed without delay, she rested her head against Desdemona's shoulder after kissing her cheek, and she happily indulged in exploring the demon's form. She even spanked her sharply and ran her fingers through that luscious hair. "I've always wanted to have my way with you, just never had the opportunity, we'll see how you fare without your body. Maybe you and that one should switch? Her body looks good." Elmadia said with a knowing smile towards Sue...

Elmadia would then teleport back to the hall and grin to herself as her voice carried through the entire mansion again. Everyone had been visited and got a taste of being helplessly groped, just as planned. But that was only a taste of what was to come. This was just priming them up for what happened next. Elmadia would clap her hands and for everyone in the mansion the world went black as they fell into a magically induced slumber, unable to resist the narcotic call of sleep...

Some time after, they'd wake up. Whether they were in the same room or not seemed entirely random. Some of them might be alone again, some of them might be with new partners or the same exact ones, regardless things had shifted. But something didn't seem quite right, like their bodies weren't the same anymore. And they felt somewhat horny, they needed to get off, to find a partner to fuck. That sounded like a lovely idea right now.

"There, it's done Elmadia, I acted as you and put on a performance just as you wanted. We'll see how your little game plays out, if Desdemona gets a hold of us the consequences will be horrible, I hope you know this." Astrid said, having been in Elmadia's body the entire time. The two had swapped before and figured out the mansions power, now they were harnessing it due to Elmadia holding Astrid's head over the fire to play around. She didn't have a choice...

"I'll go see if I can find anyone interesting, do what you want. Since I don't have to pretend anymore I might as well get some entertainment out of this and see who sticks out." Astrid said as she departed into the mansion, giving Elmadia, who was in Astrid's body, a small look over before disappearing for now...

Spoiler for Please Read:
Current Swaps:

Open Characters:
Grawly (Hollypup)
Christina (Mephz)
Asha (Youkai)
Sybil (Youkai)
Skarde (Madman)
Roluni (Sashanna)
Persia (Sashanna)
Mathis (Sashanna)

You guys can wake up in whatever type of room you like with whomever you like, even Astrid or Elmadia if that's what you wish and agree to, have fun. If you want to go solo and explore the mansion in new bodies, do so, if you want to be in a group, go for it. This is just to mix things up if people wish or keep the same groups if that's what you guys want. Trying to be flexible!

But the Swappening has Commenced.

...And yes, Youkai has been writing Elmadia the entire time, and Kunshu has been writing Astrid the entire time, we thought it'd be funny.

Skarde Alexander (in Grawly's body)
Tag: Everyone

It wasn't very often that Skarde was on the receiving end of a trick. Certainly not twice in a row. Iradil was one thing, her little ploy was more charming than anything else. What a maneuver, what a stinker! Skarde was gleefully considering how to pay Ms. Bubble Butt back for the fakeout hug, fluttering right behind on their merry way to catch up to Asha. When all of a sudden, this braided little cutie of a host had apparently reached the limits of her patience. Paying them all a fast visit, fast enough that Skarde could track it as definitely some form of teleportation.

"Wo-hoah! Where'd you fly in from, little birdie?" Is what Skarde wanted to say. She kind of wanted to pull on this new woman's sharp ears, too. Yet she couldn't even move, let alone speak! And so proceeded the sexual harrassment of Skarde Alexander's frozen body...who was this? How dare she! Skarde was the harrass-er, not the harass-ee! Even if she was pretty cute, and this was actually pretty hot. Which was about the last thing Skarde could think before everything went dark. And then....

??Later?? ....In a possibly secluded bedroom!

"...What the fuck is this." The moment she opened her eyes, Skarde could tell that something was wrong. She smelled like alcohol, yet she didn't feel drunk or hungover. She looked down to her red, heavily scarred-up skin. Her unfamiliar clothes. And much, much more alarmingly. "I HAVE A DICK?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!"

Nope. Nope. Nope, nopenopenopenopeNOPE! This was a prank! It had to be! Skarde swatted at the unwanted aberration between her legs, then tried to pull it off of herself. Yet she could very much feel it, Fuck! That really hurts! So it wasn't just glued on. it had to be some kind of magical attachment. But who was behind it? The haunted mansion's host? And what was that nagging voice in Skarde's head telling her to put it inside someone?! Like hell was she ever going to do THAT! The only thing I'm putting inside someone is my foot up the butt of whoever did this! Actually, footplay could be really sexy, if done with a little bit of-this isn't even my own foot! NOT NOW, HORNINESS!

She jumped out of bed, and "YAGH!"The force of her bounding cracked the wooden floor, causing Skarde to almost fall over. From the moment she jumped out of bed, for whatever reason, one of her legs turned much larger than the other. Pulling it up, it reverted...then got big again, as she thought more about it. Hmm.

As she did with so many things, Skarde began to experiment. Smaller...bigger...smaller...there we go! After taking some time to get used to her changing body, she settled into more or less the level of all-around litheness she was used to. If not the same level of lightness. Her wings and her speed might not have been there, but at least she felt less like a randomly changing blob after getting used to it.  "Now disappear!" She commanded her penis, pointing two fingers at it so the command would be taken doubly seriously. Alas, it wasn't quite so easy. "Shoot. Still least its a lot smaller now." That was...something?

If she could still move fast, or at least wasn't stuck with this embarrassing male part. Then Skarde might've just zipped off to report this to The Circle. But at this point, it was already getting too personal for that anyway. She slammed open the doors from her bedroom, shouting through the hall in her booming new voice.

"BLONDIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE! I see what you did there! SUPER cute prank, I really LOVE it! Hilarious! Hah, hah, hah. I'm LAUGHING! Are you hearing me LAUGHING?! Not having a nervous breakdown AT ALL over it! So, SO funny...!!!" Biceps bulged out, her arms growing partially as Skarde cracked her new knuckles. Looking around with a very crazed expression.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2022, 09:14:51 PM by madman32 »

Offline Hollypup

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  • When you are a hammer, the world is a nail.

Grawly (In Skarde's Body)
Tagging: Elmadia (In her new body), Everyone

Grawly wakes upside-down. Shoulders to the floor, ankles flailing in the air - her cute little butt squishing on the wall for support. Wait. WAIT. CUTE? LITTLE? She comes back to consciousness with a horrifying lurch of genuine, soulgnawing terror - reaching for a bottle of wine. No WINE? She looks over at her hand - her feminine, adorable, slender hand, which does not even crack the floor with the full force of her flail.

She leaps to her feet as if covered in spiders - feeling lighter, more agile, like she could ride upon the wind itself, admittedly - and sprints to a mirror of a nearby washbasin. Wiping her... unbearably un-swole arm across the murky surface, she first sees a curtain if fluffy, pettable pink falling in tresses around a girlish face. She tries to scream, but what comes out of her mouth is... barely gruff, or intimidating at all.  " FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! " she howls, cursing her fate to the ears of the uncaring, silent gods. Looking down at herself, her outfit is.. frilly? Cute? It bears her unbearably soft, punchable tummy?  "Nononononono.." she whines, abject horror causing her to send objects flying as her hands claw for anything to stop the madness. She appears to be in some kind of... Scullery - multiple bunk beds line the one room, the other rich with cleaning and cooking supplies. Throwing open an old tea chest in a panic, she pulls out what looks like.. a modest dress - black, white, with a frilly apron. She notes to herself, haplessly - It even has a ceremonial crown! It's owner must have been a fearsome warrior Queen.

She tears her outfit off of herself - now with depressingly blunt claws - and flings the offending prettiness to the corner. Glancing down at her naked form, she gives her hips a wiggle - and notes that... nothing swings hard enough to do bludgeoning damage. She chokes a silent hiss of existential body horror, flailing at her own loins to try and find her cock. Instead, what she does is drag a singular finger up a brand new slit, experiencing a new kind of pleasure for the very first time - a tiny, aching little tingle. She makes a considerably... un-fearsome noise, and her hands jolt up to cover her mouth. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." She pulls on the warrior-queen's battle regalia - fastening the apron and donning her crown proudly. "Now none shall mess with my might, and I can pass through this with my maidenhood un-blemished! Ha-hah!"

Offline Silverkat

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Mansion of Madness
Tag: Barbati, everyone

Though Kuroyuri was of course disappointed that she hadn't gained a second follower in Rosluni, she was still elated that she'd gotten a demon follower so quickly!.. and with how respectfully that Rosluni had responded to her, it sounded really good to hear someone else call her Great Grandmaster~ "Oh I shall. You shall be my top servant/love slave. Doesn't that sound good to you sweet Barbati?" Kuroyuri said with a smirk, feeling very very happy to have a slave, and a willing one at that! Yasu wouldn't be able to complain about this one!

"So, Barbati, have you heard about the Goddess?" Kuroyuri started to say, but then she realised she'd made an error! That Rosluni plant demon girl was trying to get Elmadia's attention before she could! That devious plant bitch! Oh if only Kuroyuri had thought ahead to tell Rosluni that some other woman was actually Elmadia so she'd be out of way, but alas, Kuroyuri was cursed with being such a nice honest person. Kuroyuri almost ordered Barbati to attack her and pin her down for a tagging... but that probably wouldn't go over well with Elmadia... so Yuri forced herself to smile sweetly and turned back to Elmadia.

...and then to Kuroyuri's horror, Elmadia just disappeared completely! Kuroyuri's face fell flat... She had missed her chance!! She could have been Great Grand Admiral General Grandmaster! She could get one over on Yasu forever! Now that chance was gone! And it was all that plant bitch's fault!! That was it! She was getting such a tagging! Kuroyuri went to turn to Barbati to order her to pounce on Rosluni... when Elmadia came back. Okay... okay good... Yuri's wrath would be withheld for now so long as she got a chance to talk to Elmadia now...  and Elmadia promised her a private conversation later! Excellent! Yes!! Well... that would get Rosluni spared from a Barbati pouncing for now. "Ah thank you Lady Elmadia. I very much look forward to our discussion" she said, quite honestly this time and gave the elemental princess a polite eastern bow... while still stepping on Barbati obviously, the demon seemed to be getting off on it anyway.

Elmadia then said something... weird, but before Yuri could really think about what it meant... she suddenly realised she could not move. Not a single muscle under conscious control would respond to her wanting to move it, with the exception of her breathing and eyes... she was completely frozen. A helpless whimper escaped from her lips... what had happened? Had that Plant Girl threatened Elmadia and inspired this?? Suddengly Yuri heard Elmadia's voice behind her. A shiver went up Kuroyuri's body... or it would have if she could move, which she couldn't. Dynamic is amusing? We should switch? What did she mean by that? But then the Elemental grabbed Yuri's breasts and squeezed them! And then to Yuri's horror, she slid her hands down to squeeze her butt instead! She was completely taking advantage of Yuri's helpless frozen body! That bitch! Okay, the alliance was now off! Elmadia was going to get a tagging too! Then Elmadia spanked her... Double Tagging! She also spanked Barbati, which was just not on, only Yuri had the right to spank that ass now! Triple Tagging.

Elmadia spent some time groping and molesting the others, while Yuri struggled hard against the paralysis inflicted on her but to no end, she was frozen fast. Elmadia then seemed to disappear for a bit, leaving Yuri very scared she was going to be left like this for some time... but then she came back and clapped and...

Yuri opened her eyes slowly. Had she fallen asleep? Impossible... she was a highly trained ninja! She must have been put to sleep magically, much like she had been frozen... But as she stirred from her sleep she could feel her body moving. She wasn't frozen anymore that was for sure! Something felt strange though... her body felt... kinda strange... Like her sense of proprioception had been messed with, likely a side effect of the paralysis spell. Her vision looked strange as well, like the colours were... new? That didn't feel possible. Ugh, that spell had really fucked her brain up hadn't it? Elmadia was getting such a tagging, alliance or no alliance. Maybe bringing back a brainwashed into stupidity Elmadia to the Village would win her grandmaster status at least... Yuri stretched out her limbs before trying to sit up, her arms, her legs, her tail...

Wait her what??

Mansion of Madness
Tag: Barbati

Kuriyuri shot upright immediately and looked down at her body. She wasn't her anymore! She was... she was a demon?? Oh god! Had the old warnings of dabbling in demon techniques turning you into a demon if you use them too much been true all along??!! Yuri started to panic... but then she heard someone ask if this was real and turned to look only to see... Herself! She could see herself standing over in the room... and herself was groping herself openly!

"HEY! GET MY HANDS OFF OF ME RIGHT NOW!" she demanded, before putting two and two together and figuring out what was wrong. "My Goddess! They have swapped our bodies!" Yuri said as she got up off of the bed and stood up, only to notice much to her horror that Barbati was not only disturbingly delighted to be in her body... but was approaching her with a very dangerous look in her eyes. "Hey! You calm down right now!" she demanded "You pledged service to me remember? I am still your Mistress! I command you to help me get us back to our rightful bodies immediately!"

Kuroyuri empathised her demand by stamping her now demonic foot on the ground and now she realised how... horny she was feeling. Ugh. UGH! This must be some aspect of the body swap spell... or maybe this was how demons felt... all the time!! Ugh, no wonder they needed taming with ninja techniques, if they were this horny always... "We don't have time for that right now! Control yourself Barbati" she demanded, drawing upon her ninja training to resist giving into the urges she was feeling... while a hand snuck down between her thighs to press there anyway...

Offline Silverkat

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Spoiler for Hidden:

Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Desdemona (Kat), Everyone

Sue continued her careful search through the Mansion's upper floors, looking for some sign of this mysterious "Elmadia" when she heard that seductive voice slip into her mind, summoning her to the main hall. Of course, the pilot had no clue where the main hall actually was, other than "probably downstairs" so she tried her best to find a staircase. As she hunted, she heard a stern voice, one that was clearly full of rage, coming from a nearby room. It didn't sound like her target, but, perhaps it was one of her lackeys?

Cautiously, she approached the door and opened it, witnessing the beauty in the room, she looked human enough, maybe they would be able to work together against the mansion's owner? "Hi there, are you trying to find this 'Elmadia' as well? Maybe we could team up?" Sue gave a friendly smile to Desdemona as she entered the room staying close to the door in case she needed to make a quick exit however.

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Sue

Desdemona was about to sit back down when someone entered the room she had chosen to wait in. It was not Elmadia. So none of Des' rage at being ignored like this subsided in anyway... and nor did the, presumably servant of Elmadia, who had opened the door speaking to her so casually. "How dare you speak to me this way peasant!" Desdemona said, not paying enough attention to what Sue had said to notice that she was looking for Elmadia and not serving her. "You will address me as Your Royal Highness! Or I shall have you flogged until you stop liking it!" she haughtily demanded/threatened... when at that moment, Elmadia teleported into the room.

"Lady Desdemona is fine for you" Desdemona responded to the Elemental as she offered her a glass of water and... presumed to have permission to touch her? Des allowed it for the moment though. "You shall have to work quite hard tonight to make up for this insult. Being my brother's consort can only shield you from so much" Des replied, though she had actually calmed down somewhat now she wasn't being ignored, though Elmadia was trying Des' patience somewhat by teleporting away and leaving her again shortly after... but Des' attention was also brought to something else...

"She called you my guest" Desdemona said to Sue, folding her arms, "Which means you don't work for her. Who are you? Speak quickly before I force you to answer" Des threatened again, and thought to zap Sue with a small amount of her magic to empathise just what she could do to her... but then found she could not move. She couldn't move a muscle. Des seethed with rage inside of her mind though little of it showed on her externally... If this was Elmadia's doing... then it was no longer an idle threat that Des would do to her in retaliation for this. Des martialled her demonic might... it surely would take little time at all for her to snap this spell holding her away and then she could retaliate... when Elmadia teleported back into the room...

Des couldn't move to speak back to her just yet, and the Princess of Demons could not believe what she was hearing, telling her to just have fun with what was to come??  But then Elmadia really crossed the line, playing with Sue's body Desdemona didn't care about, but the Elemental cow actually had the audacity to walk up and start to play with Desdemona's body!!! That was not allowed. Des got more and more angry the more Elmadia did, whether playing with her breasts, smoothing over her curves, kissing her cheek... but the worst part of all was actually spanking her! The punishment that Elmadia would face for this indignity was unimaginable by now. Oh she had always wanted her way with Desdemona had she? Well she would be getting more than she bargained for once Des snapped out of this spell.

Fare without her body? Switch with that one? Was Elmadia planning on putting her in this human sow's body? That was laughable at best. No one in the multi-verse was strong enough to do that to the Princess of Demons! Elmadia teleported away, but that wouldn't save her. Desdemona went back to focusing on snapping out of this spell but before she could succeed, she suddenly felt herself falling asleep...

Desdemona knew something was wrong as soon as she woke up, before she had even fully awoken in fact. She felt... empty. Her power... Her powers were gone. She could no longer feel the awesome might of her royal demonic bloodline. But more than that... there was something wrong with her head... Her head felt... like it was full of candy floss. Wait? What? What did that even mean? She wasn't sure. It was hard to string thoughts together properly. Desdemona slowly sat up, the skintight suit she was wearing stretching tight against her skin as she moved...

Mansion of Madness
Tag: Bimbo Sue

Yes... as impossible as it seemed, it was true. She had somehow, been put into that human sows body! The anger swelled up inside of the Demon Princess again... but only briefly. It was oddly difficult to stay angry, that didn't make much sense to her. She knew that humans could feel anger. Being in one's body shouldn't have a weird calming effect on her at all. Still, she wouldn't have to worry about weird things like that, she was going to get back into her body quickly. She stood up off of the bed and looked about where she was... to further her sense of horror, she was in what seemed to be a dungeon cell. It was fairly dark, the door was thick barred metal... there was no way out in this body...

Then she noticed something even odder... she felt... Horny... deeply aroused. Badly wanting to have sex as soon as possible... it was strange... probably just one of Elmadia's sick jokes on her... but Des was having difficulty resisting it. Certainly humans were more vulnerable to sexual feelings than demons were, but by this much? Was this really how humans felt all the time? Des shook her head. Trying to ignore the sensation, the desire... she noticed that her cell had a second bed in it... and on this one lay... Her. Her body anyway... looking so positively delightful as it lay there asleep, Des approved the sleeping body, which most likely had this human's mind in it, ugh... as if her humiliation wasn't complete enough already! Now she had to face to indignity of having a human in her body...

...and to make matters worse, that horrible honrniess this body was inflicting on her was causing her to feel... lust to her own body! Des closed her eyes and tried hard to think about something else to make that sensation go away, while she shook her body to wakefulness. "Wake up this instant you stupid whore" she said, before squirming in horror at how bubbly and dumb her voice sounded "You need to break that door down and get us out of here. Do it quickly enough, and I might not even punish you once you're back in your body"

Offline Sashanna

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Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Elmadia:

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone


Everyone in the Mansion or around the Mansion grounds would freeze in place, unable to move or control themselves, the only thing they could do was speak and breathe, the rest of their bodies remained immobile. No matter how powerful one was, it felt like an intense magical force was keeping them from moving and rendering them immobile. It did not appear to affect Elmadia though as she walked up to Kuroyuri.


She appeared in front of Caitlyn and Mathis next, Caitlyn had just been pulled up by Mathis when she appeared, but both were frozen in place. Elmadia rested her head on Mathis's shoulder to look over at Caitlyn for a moment, then focused on the male. "I like your form, you're sneaky too, but thanks to being in tune with the mansion I knew where you were the entire time. You guys can explore if you desire, but I'm not sure what you'll find. We'll see where the wind takes you when your bodies are someone else's to handle..." She gave Mathis a kiss and ran her hands along his muscles. Then she walked by Caitlyn and gave her a hearty spank, and then another, and then another. That ass was too fun not to spank. Then she departed once again.


Elmadia would then teleport back to the hall and grin to herself as her voice carried through the entire mansion again. Everyone had been visited and got a taste of being helplessly groped, just as planned. But that was only a taste of what was to come. This was just priming them up for what happened next. Elmadia would clap her hands and for everyone in the mansion the world went black as they fell into a magically induced slumber, unable to resist the narcotic call of sleep...

Some time after, they'd wake up. Whether they were in the same room or not seemed entirely random. Some of them might be alone again, some of them might be with new partners or the same exact ones, regardless things had shifted. But something didn't seem quite right, like their bodies weren't the same anymore. And they felt somewhat horny, they needed to get off, to find a partner to fuck. That sounded like a lovely idea right now.

"There, it's done Elmadia, I acted as you and put on a performance just as you wanted. We'll see how your little game plays out, if Desdemona gets a hold of us the consequences will be horrible, I hope you know this." Astrid said, having been in Elmadia's body the entire time. The two had swapped before and figured out the mansions power, now they were harnessing it due to Elmadia holding Astrid's head over the fire to play around. She didn't have a choice...

"I'll go see if I can find anyone interesting, do what you want. Since I don't have to pretend anymore I might as well get some entertainment out of this and see who sticks out." Astrid said as she departed into the mansion, giving Elmadia, who was in Astrid's body, a small look over before disappearing for now...

Spoiler for Please Read:
Current Swaps:

Open Characters:
Grawly (Hollypup)
Christina (Mephz)
Asha (Youkai)
Sybil (Youkai)
Skarde (Madman)
Roluni (Sashanna)
Persia (Sashanna)
Mathis (Sashanna)

You guys can wake up in whatever type of room you like with whomever you like, even Astrid or Elmadia if that's what you wish and agree to, have fun. If you want to go solo and explore the mansion in new bodies, do so, if you want to be in a group, go for it. This is just to mix things up if people wish or keep the same groups if that's what you guys want. Trying to be flexible!

But the Swappening has Commenced.

...And yes, Youkai has been writing Elmadia the entire time, and Kunshu has been writing Astrid the entire time, we thought it'd be funny.
Spoiler for Caitlyn "Viola":

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Mathis

Caitlyn was happy to follow Mathis's lead, it did help he was attractive even if he may be an enemy in the future. She didn't have a choice but to play along at this point as she was outnumbered and if something happened to Mathis and she showed up without him they'd know she did something. She followed up him to the next side window and blinked as he brought up a glowing crystal. Apparently he used it to inspect for traps, but she expected that it could be used as a focus as well by the right person. "That's a nifty looking tool." Caitlyn said genuinely as she continued to follow him. She smiled at him, warmly, and accepted his help to lift into the mansion...

Shortly after though her body locked itself in place without her input, and so did Mathis's by the look of it. Was it a trap? It seemed to be as Elmadia showed up, or at least she thought it was Elmadia. She went over to Mathis and teased him in front of her, then she had the gall to smack Caitlyn's ass? "Who the fuck do you think you are?!" Caitlyn shouted, but she couldn't do anything, and soon after she felt sleep pulling at her mind. "Mathis... try... to..."

She never got to finish that sentence.

Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Study
Tag: Everyone, Caitlyn, Elmadia

Mathis turned his head toward Caitlyn when he heard the genuine interest in her tone and offered a proud smile, a nod, and a "Yeah, it is," before returning to his work.  Once inside, it was only polite to help a companion climb in, particularly when she didn't even have a tail to get a good grip on the sill.  With his attention completely on her, it was the first time he fully registered how attractive she was.  An ally that was willing and able to sneak around with him and appreciated his work likely added to her current allure.

His dark amber eyes lingered on her a moment longer before returning to the quick search of the room, or at least that was the plan.  When he tried to turn his head, to twist his torso, to shift his tail... nothing moved.  He tried once more with a bit more force, and nothing happened.  As he saw Viola unmoving as well, the arousal he had been starting to feel was quelled swiftly with the realization that they were both stuck.  "I'm sorry, Viola.  There definitely were no traps in this room, but we both know somethin's going on.  This ain't good."  His lids lowered apologetically.  He didn't have the power to break this.  He was helpless to help his friends.  That always just churned up his insides.

Mathis just had enough time to take a couple calming breaths before Elmadia showed up.  'Someone with power!  Someone who can move!'  The familiarity with which she rested against him made him uneasy, but he knew his best chance was to play along.  He returned the kiss as best he could without being able to turn his head.  When her hands moved down his pecs and over his abs, he spoke up flirtatiously, "That's some impressive magic, miss.  Though if you'd wanted to feel me up, all you had to do was ask."  He knew a person with this much power likely couldn't be persuaded by someone of his level, but he had to try.

The sound of the smacks against Caitlyn's ass made the naga wince.  He thought on the air elemental's words, 'We can explore if we desire, but our bodies will be someone else's to handle...  What in all the realms does that mean?  It doesn't sound like slavery and yet I have no idea what else it could be.'  When Elmadia finally left, his visage was serious and thoughtful.  He didn't know what to say except, "I don't know what's goin' to happen now, but I hope we both get through this, Viola.  You don't deserve someone else handlin' your body."  Soon after, sleep took them. 

Mathis (in Sybil's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - a 2nd Floor Lounge
Tag: Everyone

Matthis gasped and bolted upright.  His voice sounded wrong.  There was an uncomfortable shift against his chest at his swift movement.  He couldn't feel his tail coiled beneath him.  Looking down at himself, he couldn't see anything past the red skintight top that stretched enticingly over his full breasts.  His breasts!  Small, foreign hands raised to his temples.  The distance wasn't right at first, and he had to move them lower down than he was expecting.  "Nononononononono.  This ain't happenin'," one hand slowly moved and cupped his throat.  The voice was all wrong: too feminine.  The skin was too soft.  His hands slipped lower and pulled the skintight material down enough to reveal the pale flesh and carnation pink bra underneath.  Looking down, he thought, 'They're definitely real.'  Releasing his grip, he let the top tighten back against his soft chest as his hands explored lower.

The worrying heat in his loins was not accompanied by the stirring of his members, but he was not feeling around there right now.  There was something much more worrisome on his mind.  Sliding past his voluptuous hips, his hands felt around his thighs... They were separate, not fused.  He let out a little moan of despair and tried to press his thighs and claves as tightly together as they could, hoping they might somehow fuse back into a proper tail.  Of course, it wasn't to be.  After a full thirty seconds of trying, he finally twisted his hips and tried to use his hands to help him up.  He tried to raise up with them and wiggle his joined legs to move, but the best he could manage was to prop himself up on his knees.

His hands returned to the ground, and he tried forcefully pressing off to get himself higher.  It only left him sprawled on the ground on his back.  With a husky grunt, he rolled onto his front again using his shoulders, hands, and the twist of his hips.  Reluctantly, he decided to try to move each leg separately.  It was an awkward start, and his face and chest ended up pressed into the floor with his backside up in the air more than once as he made his way to a nearby couch in the lounge he had ended up in.  Perhaps he could figure out how to stand and walk once he dragged himself up into a seat...

« Last Edit: October 17, 2022, 05:49:42 AM by Sashanna »

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Spoiler for Hidden:

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone

Elmadia grinned a little as Kuroyuri addressed her and three others joined her, it was a small crowd but she knew that there were others scattered around the mansion probably trying to snoop around for clues or find a way to get past her, this was irrelevant. There was an important guest that she had to attend to first. "I'll get to you all in a moment, I have to take care of something." She smirked down at Barbati, Kuroyuri, Rosluni, and Christina before disappearing rapidly, she'd appear next to Desdemona and grin to herself. Yes, this was a chance to take care of some things. She approached the blonde from behind and whispered in her ear.

"My apologies Lady Desdemona, or would you like to be called Princess?" Elmadia handed the princess a glass of water and massaged her shoulders with heavenly skill. "You'll have to excuse my rudeness but I didn't realize royalty was coming to visit my humble abode. I promise to make up for it with tonight's festivities. Do enjoy yourself for the time being, it looks like you have a guest. I need to get things moving but I'll be back to tend to you in no time, you're definitely a priority to me. You still look as beautiful as ever." Elmadia said as she winked over in the corner at the skintight clad Sue who was snooping around the Mansion. She grinned, although secretly was dreading what would happen next. Although... no, instead she smiled, this was going to be a perfect situation for her. With a sultry wink and smile, she teleported back to the main hall. It was better if she didn't say anything, Desdemona would come to her own conclusions and it'd work out well.

"Sorry about that, where were we." Elmadia scanned the room and addressed everyone one by one. "An interesting proposal, what do you have in mind Kuroyuri? I'm curious what you'll have to say when we meet privately. But please wait till these festivities are concluded, then I'll be happy to discuss anything you like." She seemed to give an approving smirk at the fact that her foot was on Barbati's back, although why she did was uncertain. She turned to Christina next, although she did chuckle a little at Rosluni's way of saying her name. "A heroine, coming to stop me I take it? Go right ahead, I'm sure you'll have plenty of allies in this mansion. With all of you here, to say I'm outmatched in power is an understatement. Elmadia then addressed the elephant in the room, since Rosluni brought it up it was only fitting that she bring up what she had in mind.

"You're all going to go through substantial changes tonight, whether you want it or not. You'll meet plenty of new people, and I promise that no harm will come to any of you that participate in the festivities." At least, physically, it wasn't a lie. She didn't care about mental changes, that was part of the fun of the night. "You'll find out the power of this mansion very soon." Elmadia snapped her fingers and tapped the railing she was sitting on.

Everyone in the Mansion or around the Mansion grounds would freeze in place, unable to move or control themselves, the only thing they could do was speak and breathe, the rest of their bodies remained immobile. No matter how powerful one was, it felt like an intense magical force was keeping them from moving and rendering them immobile. It did not appear to affect Elmadia though as she walked up to Kuroyuri.

"This dynamic is amusing, you two should definitely switch." Elmadia said as she walked behind Kuroyuri and grabbed her breasts in her hands, Kuroyuri's posture wouldn't change even with the magic, her foot would remain firmly planted in Barbati's back. The elemental's hands would move away from the ninja's breasts, shifting to fondle her ass expertly and after a minute a sharp spank, then moved up and down her back and through her long silky hair. She gave Barbati a swift swat of her ass but didn't do much else since she was bent over on her hands and knees. Then she moved to Christina. "Do you think you can stop me now, little hero? It's too bad this spell is temporary, I'd love exploring your body intimately..." Elmadia said salaciously as her hands roamed through Christina's hair, then massaged her tits much like Kuroyuri, then fondled her ass a little before squeezing her cheeks roughly.

Then she looked at Rosluni, a unique individual to be sure but she'd be fun to test the mansion's magic with nonetheless. Elmadia wasn't as sexual with her, mainly because she wasn't sure what to grope or fondle, although those tits were there so they did get an experimental massage, but the plant woman would also get a headpat and smile from the elemental. "I'll be frank with you, this body is going to be someone else's for a while. You wanted a pleasant evening right? Well I think you'll find what happens soon will be incredibly exhilarating. You wanted to know right? It's too late to stop it now" Elmadia said as she moved to Persia. "Don't worry, you're cute too." Persia got her face caressed and then a kiss on the cheek before a sudden swat on the ass. The Elemental pondered where to go next, then smiled...

She'd teleport to Sybil and Grawly, dealing with the demon first. "Such big strong muscles, you're my type of gal. I wonder who you'll switch with..." Elmadia fondled her ass lovingly, wanting to hear Grawly squirm a little before giving her a swift smack in the rear and a kiss on the cheek. "Oh you're a powerful mage, really cute too." Elmadia sighed happily as she grabbed Sybil's tits and fondled them happily, listening to the woman squirm before giving her rear a sharp and powerful smack. She gave a wink as she teleported elsewhere into the mansion...

She appeared in front of Caitlyn and Mathis next, Caitlyn had just been pulled up by Mathis when she appeared, but both were frozen in place. Elmadia rested her head on Mathis's shoulder to look over at Caitlyn for a moment, then focused on the male. "I like your form, you're sneaky too, but thanks to being in tune with the mansion I knew where you were the entire time. You guys can explore if you desire, but I'm not sure what you'll find. We'll see where the wind takes you when your bodies are someone else's to handle..." She gave Mathis a kiss and ran her hands along his muscles. Then she walked by Caitlyn and gave her a hearty spank, and then another, and then another. That ass was too fun not to spank. Then she departed once again.

Appearing behind Iradil and Skarde, she spanked the ninja to get her to gasp then gently ran her fingers along her ears, then groped the performing ninja's breasts. "Mmm, yes, someone is going to have fun with this one." Then she turned to Skarde and giggled. "Well aren't you cute?" As fast as Skarde liked to be, for once she was immobile and at someone else's mercy. She got her head pat, then a small grope of her tits, then a small fondle of her ass as Elmadia walked past her towards Asha. "A vampire? That might be a little troublesome, but I'm sure someone will enjoy the benefits and ignore the downsides..." Elmadia just grinned as she kissed the vampire and swatted her ass on the way out of the room, leaving the trio to wonder what just happened.

Finally, Elmadia came back to Desdemona. And with her was Sue. "Enjoying yourself?" Elmadia went up to Sue first though, her fingers trailing along the woman's skintight outfit and her curvy body. Her hands gladly massaged her ass and tits as she talked to Desdemona. "This is unfortunate, Lady Desdemona, but you've been caught in the crossfire. I can't help it at this point. Try to find a way to have fun with what's to come." Elmadia stepped up to the demon princess and relished in playing with her body, the perfectly sculpted demonic body. Her breasts were greedily groped and grabbed without delay, she rested her head against Desdemona's shoulder after kissing her cheek, and she happily indulged in exploring the demon's form. She even spanked her sharply and ran her fingers through that luscious hair. "I've always wanted to have my way with you, just never had the opportunity, we'll see how you fare without your body. Maybe you and that one should switch? Her body looks good." Elmadia said with a knowing smile towards Sue...

Elmadia would then teleport back to the hall and grin to herself as her voice carried through the entire mansion again. Everyone had been visited and got a taste of being helplessly groped, just as planned. But that was only a taste of what was to come. This was just priming them up for what happened next. Elmadia would clap her hands and for everyone in the mansion the world went black as they fell into a magically induced slumber, unable to resist the narcotic call of sleep...

Some time after, they'd wake up. Whether they were in the same room or not seemed entirely random. Some of them might be alone again, some of them might be with new partners or the same exact ones, regardless things had shifted. But something didn't seem quite right, like their bodies weren't the same anymore. And they felt somewhat horny, they needed to get off, to find a partner to fuck. That sounded like a lovely idea right now.

"There, it's done Elmadia, I acted as you and put on a performance just as you wanted. We'll see how your little game plays out, if Desdemona gets a hold of us the consequences will be horrible, I hope you know this." Astrid said, having been in Elmadia's body the entire time. The two had swapped before and figured out the mansions power, now they were harnessing it due to Elmadia holding Astrid's head over the fire to play around. She didn't have a choice...

"I'll go see if I can find anyone interesting, do what you want. Since I don't have to pretend anymore I might as well get some entertainment out of this and see who sticks out." Astrid said as she departed into the mansion, giving Elmadia, who was in Astrid's body, a small look over before disappearing for now...

Spoiler for Please Read:
Current Swaps:

Open Characters:
Grawly (Hollypup)
Christina (Mephz)
Asha (Youkai)
Sybil (Youkai)
Skarde (Madman)
Roluni (Sashanna)
Persia (Sashanna)
Mathis (Sashanna)

You guys can wake up in whatever type of room you like with whomever you like, even Astrid or Elmadia if that's what you wish and agree to, have fun. If you want to go solo and explore the mansion in new bodies, do so, if you want to be in a group, go for it. This is just to mix things up if people wish or keep the same groups if that's what you guys want. Trying to be flexible!

But the Swappening has Commenced.

...And yes, Youkai has been writing Elmadia the entire time, and Kunshu has been writing Astrid the entire time, we thought it'd be funny.

Iradil Akai
A Madness Mansion
Tagging: Everyone

Iradil hummed slightly as her body stopped moving. Well that was annoying. It was like she was a puppet, who's strings had been cut. It was the first time she was on the side of the cut'ee' though. At least she could breathe. And speak, apparently. She felt a faint rush of air coming from behind her, the tell tale sign of someone, or something, teleporting in and displacing it. A demon perhaps? The conjurer of this frozen performance. She felt the sharp rap on her backside, and the odd experience of her body wanting to rock up onto her toes to get away from the touch, though not being able to move. It all felt rather strange. She didn't have time to ponder on it though, as hands went to her ears, fingers trailing along them... Was Skarde back to her tricks? The hands moved to her breasts, groping them though her clothing. Oh it was a pervert.

"Do I not get to have fun too?" She tried to answer, mind already compartmentalising the fact that some random thing was grabbing at her chest, but she couldn't quite get the words out. Feeling her body heat up slightly, not used to the experience. If she was going to be cast in a role like this she needed some warning! Also was it normal to feel this sleeping after being groped? Her mental processes... were star-ting... to get ha-......


Secluded bedroom why not yes yes
Tagging: Anyone!

Her eyes snapped open again and she jumped up. Casting the covers off herself and landing lightly onto her feet. So far so normal, other then the whole, being knocked out thing. And the intense thrumming in her loins, almost begging for something to be pushed inside. Thankfully she was able to distract herself by trying to figure out why her chest didn't feel, quite as supported as it usually did though... and there was definitely more of a breeze around her breasts. She looked down. Huh. This... was not a costume change she had carried out. She blinked a few times, before reaching up to tug at the material of the body suit she was wearing. Nope, it definitely felt real, her now very sensitive nipples were assuring her of that. she gave the rest of her body, a look over. Reaching down to double check that whatever body she'd been cast in, actually had that much ass, and wasn't just padding it out with fillers. She blinked a few times again, before slowly looking back up around the room. Briefly glancing over the equipment nearby, deciding to look into that later, and moving off to the bathroom nearby. The green eyes and red hair of the face looking back at her weren't hers. Though she did make a note to see how she looked with red hair at a later date. Assuming this casting wasn't permanent.

Hopefully it wouldn't be at least. She leaned out of the room and looked back at the equipment. At least what ever body she was in was still acrobatic, it would have thrown her off quite a bit if it wasn't. She paid more attention to the gear, then looked back at the suit, and did her best to take stock of this very strange casting choice. "I hadn't planned on being recast?" She mumbled out. Listening to the changes in voice, the accent, the tone... Definitely an odd thing to find herself in, but body swap stories seemed to be common enough... and it seemed it was a full swap, and she wasn't just in her body that had been changed... Though sadly this meant someone was likely in her body. She fervently hoped they wouldn't be up to anything too much...

She focussed back on what she could actually figure out. Going by the looks, the clothing and the equipment... and the overall feeling, she figured she wasn't in a defenders body. And it didn't feel corrupted enough to be demonic... so probably Dominion? Could she find out something about that illusive organisation. She looked deeply into the mirror for a few moments before!

"I have no idea who this is." She sighed softly and ran a hand through the bodies hair. Well damn. How was she supposed to play this then? She couldn't emulate this Dominion operative, how should she... She tapped a finger to her chin. Well she'd just have to go off what people expected a Dominion agent to do... She'd seen some stage shows in Japan, she could do this! And she still had a mask! Dubious as she was of both it and the bodysuit she was wearing... Well if this was the role she had been given...

The stillness of the corridor outside was interrupted as a boot slammed into the door. "Elllmaaadia! I know you can hear me so lisssten~ well!" She drew out the words, pouring on the sexual charm. Purring them out with intense sexual charge. (at least she hoped she was, flirting was not something Iradil counted amongst her skills). She exited the room, swaying her hips, putting one leg across the other as she walked out. Making sure the bodysuit was, suitably unzipped to show off the Dominion agent's chest. She looked around. "Ha! no defenders in sight!" She drew a hand up to her mouth, and laughed, before drawing a finger down the opened zip of the body suit. "And here I was going to ignite~ their appetite~! I'll just have to ensure this Elmadia gets it through her thick skull not to mess with the Dominion!" She kept up the powerful strut of a walk, crossing her legs over each time to show off the long limbs. Thighs pressing together, trying to ignore the thrumming in-between them. Kuso, she really didn't know how to deal with that feeling. Hopefully it would go away... or she could otherwise find out some way of dealing with it... Maybe she should go back to the room, something about cold showers to help? But she wanted to get her actual body back. She smiled, sultry, to herself. Besides, if she was going to be given a role... she was going to do her best to ace it. Even if it was completely outside of her usual casting.

Offline Mephz

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Christina Rahl
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Everyone, Sashanna, Kunshu

Christina watched the people in the great hall, she watched the green lady Rosluni and her servant greet another lady in the hall.  Christina skimmed the room as they talked, noticing the woman perched above everyone.  Rosluni also noticed and spoke to her first, that suited Christina just fine she could watch silently and try to figure out what to do, how to stop whatever was going to happen.  Christina mostly just watched and listened as the person, this Elmadia, did her bad person monologuing.  Even when addressed she decided not to speak up at that point and just stayed silent while listening to her ramble on.  There was still no hint about what the plan was, nothing to act on.

But then she froze.  Christina was stuck before she was ready to react, she could not move a finger.  "Whaaaaat the fuck!" she voiced her mouth still working.  "Release me at once!" she demanded as she tried her best to move.  As Elmadia approached Christina, Christina stuck out a tongue at her.  "Thanks for telling me, I will temporarily be kept from kicking your ass then" she added after the somewhat not very heroic tantrum.  Christina clearly did not think Elmadia was a threat to her, or at least was putting up a brave face for the situation.  Christina did blush bright pink as she was fondled while paralyzed however.  "Stop that!" she whined but like everyone she was stuck.  Luckily for Christina the lady moved on after that, then teleported on.  Unluckily Christina blacked out shortly after.


Christina Rahl in Rosluni's body
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Everyone, Sashanna, Kunshu

Christina opened her eyes, then tried to open them again and again.  She was kinda unsure what she was seeing.  Christina's eye contacts were working too well from the looks of things.  Christina blinked again, yeah too well.  She felt like she was seeing through walls, like heat through walls.  Christina blinked again, yeah it wasn't going away.  She noticed more weird things with her vision, but quickly noticed other problems, she glanced down.  What she saw gave a bush a new meaning.  This bush had thorns, lots and lots of them.  Christina's eyes widened as she noticed her own juices dripping onto what was legs, yet not legs?  She was what, a plant? Glancing a bit up she confirmed green skin and a female body.  A dryad? Christina stretched her neck a bit forward almost falling over, but managed to glance into a watery surface near her.  That confirmed that, the face looking into it was Rosluni's not Christina's. "What the fuck!" shouted Christina in Rosluni's voice.

Christina took a moment to think, had Elmadia switched them? For what reason? Christina looked down on her "legs", she wasn't exactly sure how to untangle that mess.  How exactly did Rosluni move?  "AND WHY AM I SO GODDAMN HORNY!" she shouted again in Rosluni's voice annoyed, frustrated and confused, also horny.  If there was someone else in the room with Christina she had not noticed them.

Offline Youkai

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Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Grawly

Sybil was happy to give Grawly some food, unfortunately before the demon could take her offering the wind elemental showed up, Sybil tried to move but found herself unable to do anything as she was suddenly groped and spanked against her will. She struggled to speak, but she moaned and writhed in place as the pleasurable sensations hit her. "You... bitch." Sybil snarled, the gall on the blonde to take advantage of their paralysis to grope and fondle everyone angered her. "Ugh... I don't know... what she's planning, but don't panic..." She felt a sleeping spell hit her, or maybe it was something else, but before she could complain she found herself blacking out. Sybil's magic was left ineffective during that spell too, no matter how she struggled...

Iradil Akai
A Madness Mansion
Tagging: Everyone

Iradil hummed slightly as her body stopped moving. Well that was annoying. It was like she was a puppet, who's strings had been cut. It was the first time she was on the side of the cut'ee' though. At least she could breathe. And speak, apparently. She felt a faint rush of air coming from behind her, the tell tale sign of someone, or something, teleporting in and displacing it. A demon perhaps? The conjurer of this frozen performance. She felt the sharp rap on her backside, and the odd experience of her body wanting to rock up onto her toes to get away from the touch, though not being able to move. It all felt rather strange. She didn't have time to ponder on it though, as hands went to her ears, fingers trailing along them... Was Skarde back to her tricks? The hands moved to her breasts, groping them though her clothing. Oh it was a pervert.

"Do I not get to have fun too?" She tried to answer, mind already compartmentalising the fact that some random thing was grabbing at her chest, but she couldn't quite get the words out. Feeling her body heat up slightly, not used to the experience. If she was going to be cast in a role like this she needed some warning! Also was it normal to feel this sleeping after being groped? Her mental processes... were star-ting... to get ha-......


Secluded bedroom why not yes yes
Tagging: Anyone!

Her eyes snapped open again and she jumped up. Casting the covers off herself and landing lightly onto her feet. So far so normal, other then the whole, being knocked out thing. And the intense thrumming in her loins, almost begging for something to be pushed inside. Thankfully she was able to distract herself by trying to figure out why her chest didn't feel, quite as supported as it usually did though... and there was definitely more of a breeze around her breasts. She looked down. Huh. This... was not a costume change she had carried out. She blinked a few times, before reaching up to tug at the material of the body suit she was wearing. Nope, it definitely felt real, her now very sensitive nipples were assuring her of that. she gave the rest of her body, a look over. Reaching down to double check that whatever body she'd been cast in, actually had that much ass, and wasn't just padding it out with fillers. She blinked a few times again, before slowly looking back up around the room. Briefly glancing over the equipment nearby, deciding to look into that later, and moving off to the bathroom nearby. The green eyes and red hair of the face looking back at her weren't hers. Though she did make a note to see how she looked with red hair at a later date. Assuming this casting wasn't permanent.

Hopefully it wouldn't be at least. She leaned out of the room and looked back at the equipment. At least what ever body she was in was still acrobatic, it would have thrown her off quite a bit if it wasn't. She paid more attention to the gear, then looked back at the suit, and did her best to take stock of this very strange casting choice. "I hadn't planned on being recast?" She mumbled out. Listening to the changes in voice, the accent, the tone... Definitely an odd thing to find herself in, but body swap stories seemed to be common enough... and it seemed it was a full swap, and she wasn't just in her body that had been changed... Though sadly this meant someone was likely in her body. She fervently hoped they wouldn't be up to anything too much...

She focussed back on what she could actually figure out. Going by the looks, the clothing and the equipment... and the overall feeling, she figured she wasn't in a defenders body. And it didn't feel corrupted enough to be demonic... so probably Dominion? Could she find out something about that illusive organisation. She looked deeply into the mirror for a few moments before!

"I have no idea who this is." She sighed softly and ran a hand through the bodies hair. Well damn. How was she supposed to play this then? She couldn't emulate this Dominion operative, how should she... She tapped a finger to her chin. Well she'd just have to go off what people expected a Dominion agent to do... She'd seen some stage shows in Japan, she could do this! And she still had a mask! Dubious as she was of both it and the bodysuit she was wearing... Well if this was the role she had been given...

The stillness of the corridor outside was interrupted as a boot slammed into the door. "Elllmaaadia! I know you can hear me so lisssten~ well!" She drew out the words, pouring on the sexual charm. Purring them out with intense sexual charge. (at least she hoped she was, flirting was not something Iradil counted amongst her skills). She exited the room, swaying her hips, putting one leg across the other as she walked out. Making sure the bodysuit was, suitably unzipped to show off the Dominion agent's chest. She looked around. "Ha! no defenders in sight!" She drew a hand up to her mouth, and laughed, before drawing a finger down the opened zip of the body suit. "And here I was going to ignite~ their appetite~! I'll just have to ensure this Elmadia gets it through her thick skull not to mess with the Dominion!" She kept up the powerful strut of a walk, crossing her legs over each time to show off the long limbs. Thighs pressing together, trying to ignore the thrumming in-between them. Kuso, she really didn't know how to deal with that feeling. Hopefully it would go away... or she could otherwise find out some way of dealing with it... Maybe she should go back to the room, something about cold showers to help? But she wanted to get her actual body back. She smiled, sultry, to herself. Besides, if she was going to be given a role... she was going to do her best to ace it. Even if it was completely outside of her usual casting.

Sybil in Mathis' Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Iradil in Caitlyn's Body

Sybil grimaced and held her head, it was pounding intensely as she took in her surroundings, she woke up in a bedroom and heard shouting in the corridor. "Fucking... bitch." Sybil said, only to realize her voice wasn't her own, and it sounded decisively more masculine. She quickly tossed aside things and ran towards the bathroom next to her, only to trip and fall down as she suddenly noticed she no longer had legs. She went pale and crawled over to the bathroom using her hands as she got used to her lack of legs. Once she pulled herself up she looked herself in the face and saw what had happened, she had switched bodies with someone else. "Fuck, this kind of spell is beyond me to reverse. Least I look handsome." That was the only logical thing she could think right now. The gender swap and lack of legs was a massive adjustment, but Sybil was used to weird occurrences so she managed to keep a level head. Her magical knowledge was still intact, but she could feel that this body's reserves of mana were not nearly as potent as her own so her uses of magic would be limited. She leaned against the bathroom counter to keep her balance as inspected herself and her tools.

She had no clue what any of them did, but she kept them on her just in case she ran into the person that this body belonged to. Her current objective was learning how to move with this body, she moved at a glacial pace, taking her time and trying to keep her balance. Her hands wobbled uselessly at her side trying to maintain balance. Even though it was slow, she eventually got outside in her strange new body and saw a redhead up ahead. Deciding not to take chances, she channeled her knowledge to give the person in front of her a minor compulsion, she noted it was a struggle to do so, especially since she felt so aroused. Now that the panic had settled, Sybil's arousal had spiked in the body, she tried to keep her breathing level. It was probably part of this stupid game...

As she tried to do so though, she stopped herself, this mind's mental defenses felt fortified against compulsions. Much like clan members she had fought with in the past, and due to the fact that she had been in the clan so long she was confident that the risk she was about to take was a good one. And if it wasn't, she'd deal with the consequences later, it was possible even if they weren't a clan member that they'd want to get out of here. And if they wanted to fight, she suspected both of them wouldn't be used to their bodies completely...

"Are you from the clan? Your mind is well guarded." Sybil said, leaning her body against the wall as she struggled to move faster than a slow walking speed. "It's Sybil, I got switched too..."

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Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Skarde, Iradil, Everyone

Much like everyone else, Asha was caught off guard by the fact that she was suddenly left immobile. "The fuck is this, did one of you cast a spell...?" Asha growled as she saw Elmadia come into the picture and grope the three of them. If she could move she'd snap the blonde in two like a twig, she was confident she could do that much to the elemental. Unfortunately she never got the chance due to the spell keeping her in place and Elmadia teleporting away. "Stay calm, worst thing to do in a situation like this is panic." Asha said to the two others in the room, her vampire fangs glinting in the light as she tried to impart some wisdom. Unfortunately that wisdom wouldn't matter as the spell over their minds took over and sent them right into a slumber...

Skarde Alexander (in Grawly's body)
Tag: Everyone

It wasn't very often that Skarde was on the receiving end of a trick. Certainly not twice in a row. Iradil was one thing, her little ploy was more charming than anything else. What a maneuver, what a stinker! Skarde was gleefully considering how to pay Ms. Bubble Butt back for the fakeout hug, fluttering right behind on their merry way to catch up to Asha. When all of a sudden, this braided little cutie of a host had apparently reached the limits of her patience. Paying them all a fast visit, fast enough that Skarde could track it as definitely some form of teleportation.

"Wo-hoah! Where'd you fly in from, little birdie?" Is what Skarde wanted to say. She kind of wanted to pull on this new woman's sharp ears, too. Yet she couldn't even move, let alone speak! And so proceeded the sexual harrassment of Skarde Alexander's frozen body...who was this? How dare she! Skarde was the harrass-er, not the harass-ee! Even if she was pretty cute, and this was actually pretty hot. Which was about the last thing Skarde could think before everything went dark. And then....

??Later?? ....In a possibly secluded bedroom!

"...What the fuck is this." The moment she opened her eyes, Skarde could tell that something was wrong. She smelled like alcohol, yet she didn't feel drunk or hungover. She looked down to her red, heavily scarred-up skin. Her unfamiliar clothes. And much, much more alarmingly. "I HAVE A DICK?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!"

Nope. Nope. Nope, nopenopenopenopeNOPE! This was a prank! It had to be! Skarde swatted at the unwanted aberration between her legs, then tried to pull it off of herself. Yet she could very much feel it, Fuck! That really hurts! So it wasn't just glued on. it had to be some kind of magical attachment. But who was behind it? The haunted mansion's host? And what was that nagging voice in Skarde's head telling her to put it inside someone?! Like hell was she ever going to do THAT! The only thing I'm putting inside someone is my foot up the butt of whoever did this! Actually, footplay could be really sexy, if done with a little bit of-this isn't even my own foot! NOT NOW, HORNINESS!

She jumped out of bed, and "YAGH!"The force of her bounding cracked the wooden floor, causing Skarde to almost fall over. From the moment she jumped out of bed, for whatever reason, one of her legs turned much larger than the other. Pulling it up, it reverted...then got big again, as she thought more about it. Hmm.

As she did with so many things, Skarde began to experiment. Smaller...bigger...smaller...there we go! After taking some time to get used to her changing body, she settled into more or less the level of all-around litheness she was used to. If not the same level of lightness. Her wings and her speed might not have been there, but at least she felt less like a randomly changing blob after getting used to it.  "Now disappear!" She commanded her penis, pointing two fingers at it so the command would be taken doubly seriously. Alas, it wasn't quite so easy. "Shoot. Still least its a lot smaller now." That was...something?

If she could still move fast, or at least wasn't stuck with this embarrassing male part. Then Skarde might've just zipped off to report this to The Circle. But at this point, it was already getting too personal for that anyway. She slammed open the doors from her bedroom, shouting through the hall in her booming new voice.

"BLONDIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE! I see what you did there! SUPER cute prank, I really LOVE it! Hilarious! Hah, hah, hah. I'm LAUGHING! Are you hearing me LAUGHING?! Not having a nervous breakdown AT ALL over it! So, SO funny...!!!" Biceps bulged out, her arms growing partially as Skarde cracked her new knuckles. Looking around with a very crazed expression.

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Skarde

Asha was woken up by loud shouting and anger, something about a penis or something. Asha groaned and sat up, only to realize that she wasn't in her own body, for one she had two normal arms ,but she lacked legs. She flopped to the ground and groaned in pain as she landed on her back. Still, she stumbled up to a standing position using the bed to prop herself up. The shouting woman had left, and Asha sighed as she slowly moved outside. Much like Sybil before her, she struggled to move, although Asha was picking it up more quickly than usual due to being in the demon realms and seeing other demons with similar bodies move. She tried her best to catch up, and rose her voice so that the red skinned demon could hear her.

"Calm down, I'm angry too, but you can't let anger take over. Are you Skarde or Iradil?" Asha asked, first things first was seeing if she was paired up with anyone she knew, then she could take everything else one step at a time. She inspected her body some more, groaning at the fact that she was so aroused. She ignored it for now though, she was trying to stay calm... even though her fingers temptingly reached for her crotch to start having some fun. "If you're neither of those people, we should still team up, we both need to get to Elmadia and punish her.

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Grawly (In Skarde's Body)
Tagging: Elmadia (In her new body), Everyone

Grawly wakes upside-down. Shoulders to the floor, ankles flailing in the air - her cute little butt squishing on the wall for support. Wait. WAIT. CUTE? LITTLE? She comes back to consciousness with a horrifying lurch of genuine, soulgnawing terror - reaching for a bottle of wine. No WINE? She looks over at her hand - her feminine, adorable, slender hand, which does not even crack the floor with the full force of her flail.

She leaps to her feet as if covered in spiders - feeling lighter, more agile, like she could ride upon the wind itself, admittedly - and sprints to a mirror of a nearby washbasin. Wiping her... unbearably un-swole arm across the murky surface, she first sees a curtain if fluffy, pettable pink falling in tresses around a girlish face. She tries to scream, but what comes out of her mouth is... barely gruff, or intimidating at all.  " FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! " she howls, cursing her fate to the ears of the uncaring, silent gods. Looking down at herself, her outfit is.. frilly? Cute? It bears her unbearably soft, punchable tummy?  "Nononononono.." she whines, abject horror causing her to send objects flying as her hands claw for anything to stop the madness. She appears to be in some kind of... Scullery - multiple bunk beds line the one room, the other rich with cleaning and cooking supplies. Throwing open an old tea chest in a panic, she pulls out what looks like.. a modest dress - black, white, with a frilly apron. She notes to herself, haplessly - It even has a ceremonial crown! It's owner must have been a fearsome warrior Queen.

She tears her outfit off of herself - now with depressingly blunt claws - and flings the offending prettiness to the corner. Glancing down at her naked form, she gives her hips a wiggle - and notes that... nothing swings hard enough to do bludgeoning damage. She chokes a silent hiss of existential body horror, flailing at her own loins to try and find her cock. Instead, what she does is drag a singular finger up a brand new slit, experiencing a new kind of pleasure for the very first time - a tiny, aching little tingle. She makes a considerably... un-fearsome noise, and her hands jolt up to cover her mouth. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." She pulls on the warrior-queen's battle regalia - fastening the apron and donning her crown proudly. "Now none shall mess with my might, and I can pass through this with my maidenhood un-blemished! Ha-hah!"

Astrid in Elmadia's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Grawly in Skarde's Body

As Grawly walked out in her maid outfit, she'd be met there by the blonde that had been with her previously. "Having fun in your new body, I assure you that everyone else is. So many people want to punish me now but there are perks to having new bodies, you can start a new life or use the new body to your advantage to gain more power or gain entry to places without being detected." Astrid said, choosing not to reveal that she was actually the retainer and not the real Elmadia. The blonde walked up to Skarde and started stroking between her thighs with a grin, she teleported to do it too, giving the woman no room to resist. "I bet you're so horny right now, and if I keep this up your mind will just melt..."

And truth be told, Grawly would have trouble focusing, she still had that pleasant buzz from drinking and her arousal fogged up her thoughts the longer that Astrid stroked along her covered slit, it was so easy to lay back and accept it. If the woman snapped out of her stupor it was easy enough to disappear thanks to Elmadia's body's properties, being an elemental Astrid could make herself disappear in the blink of an eye, but she didn't expect that'd be necessary. Her voice became compelling too as she manipulated the wind around her to make it sound melodic.

"Relax, you're a good maid, a good maid follows their owner's orders... you want to be owned..." Astrid had to admit, there were perks to this little game the two were playing, but if Desdemona got her body back, they'd be in massive trouble...

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Yuri opened her eyes slowly. Had she fallen asleep? Impossible... she was a highly trained ninja! She must have been put to sleep magically, much like she had been frozen... But as she stirred from her sleep she could feel her body moving. She wasn't frozen anymore that was for sure! Something felt strange though... her body felt... kinda strange... Like her sense of proprioception had been messed with, likely a side effect of the paralysis spell. Her vision looked strange as well, like the colours were... new? That didn't feel possible. Ugh, that spell had really fucked her brain up hadn't it? Elmadia was getting such a tagging, alliance or no alliance. Maybe bringing back a brainwashed into stupidity Elmadia to the Village would win her grandmaster status at least... Yuri stretched out her limbs before trying to sit up, her arms, her legs, her tail...

Wait her what??

Mansion of Madness
Tag: Barbati

Kuriyuri shot upright immediately and looked down at her body. She wasn't her anymore! She was... she was a demon?? Oh god! Had the old warnings of dabbling in demon techniques turning you into a demon if you use them too much been true all along??!! Yuri started to panic... but then she heard someone ask if this was real and turned to look only to see... Herself! She could see herself standing over in the room... and herself was groping herself openly!

"HEY! GET MY HANDS OFF OF ME RIGHT NOW!" she demanded, before putting two and two together and figuring out what was wrong. "My Goddess! They have swapped our bodies!" Yuri said as she got up off of the bed and stood up, only to notice much to her horror that Barbati was not only disturbingly delighted to be in her body... but was approaching her with a very dangerous look in her eyes. "Hey! You calm down right now!" she demanded "You pledged service to me remember? I am still your Mistress! I command you to help me get us back to our rightful bodies immediately!"

Kuroyuri empathised her demand by stamping her now demonic foot on the ground and now she realised how... horny she was feeling. Ugh. UGH! This must be some aspect of the body swap spell... or maybe this was how demons felt... all the time!! Ugh, no wonder they needed taming with ninja techniques, if they were this horny always... "We don't have time for that right now! Control yourself Barbati" she demanded, drawing upon her ninja training to resist giving into the urges she was feeling... while a hand snuck down between her thighs to press there anyway...

Barbati in Kuroyuri's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Kuroyuri in Barbati's Body (Silverkat)

"I don't believe this is your body anymore, Kuroyuri." Barbati said with a very confident smile, she knew something that Kuroyuri didn't, that body had a critical flaw and once it went into effect as always that body would lose and betray the person inside of it. Barbati sprawled across from Kuroyuri and gave her a teasing smirk as she rubbed her thighs together and rubbed her hand along them with a dreamy sigh.. "I know, isn't it lovely? I look so sexy, and I'm so fit too, I feel so strong, I'm glad my 'Mistress' worked out so much." Barbati said as she glided her hands over her new legs with another erotic and drawn out stretch...

"I don't think I want to. I think I want to say in this body forever. I'm planning to have some fun, I bet I'd be great in bed in this body." Barbati said honestly, a wide grin on her face as her arousal took over and her imagination went wild with all the sex she could have. She rubbed her thighs together with a happy sigh, and her thighs didn't stop grinding against each other, it felt too good to stop doing that. Even the pleasure was great. "Well if you're my Mistress..."

"Make me stop then. I think I'll take back my offer, instead I'll be your Mistress..." Barbati wanted Kuroyuri to tap into her power desperately, then once the weakening started she could turn the tables, for now though she inspected her body some more. She found the rest of her tags and other ninja tools, but she had a strange ring on her finger. Barbati reached for it... Kuroyuri knew what that'd do if it was rubbed...

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Barbati in Kuroyuri's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Kuroyuri in Barbati's Body (Silverkat)

"I don't believe this is your body anymore, Kuroyuri." Barbati said with a very confident smile, she knew something that Kuroyuri didn't, that body had a critical flaw and once it went into effect as always that body would lose and betray the person inside of it. Barbati sprawled across from Kuroyuri and gave her a teasing smirk as she rubbed her thighs together and rubbed her hand along them with a dreamy sigh.. "I know, isn't it lovely? I look so sexy, and I'm so fit too, I feel so strong, I'm glad my 'Mistress' worked out so much." Barbati said as she glided her hands over her new legs with another erotic and drawn out stretch...

"I don't think I want to. I think I want to say in this body forever. I'm planning to have some fun, I bet I'd be great in bed in this body." Barbati said honestly, a wide grin on her face as her arousal took over and her imagination went wild with all the sex she could have. She rubbed her thighs together with a happy sigh, and her thighs didn't stop grinding against each other, it felt too good to stop doing that. Even the pleasure was great. "Well if you're my Mistress..."

"Make me stop then. I think I'll take back my offer, instead I'll be your Mistress..." Barbati wanted Kuroyuri to tap into her power desperately, then once the weakening started she could turn the tables, for now though she inspected her body some more. She found the rest of her tags and other ninja tools, but she had a strange ring on her finger. Barbati reached for it... Kuroyuri knew what that'd do if it was rubbed...

Mansion of Madness
Tag: Barbati

Kuroyuri quickly caught what she was doing and snapped her hand away from her extremely hot thighs immediately. Jeeze she wanted to fuck something so badly... it was almost unbearable, good thing she was so disciplined against mind controlling effects, as most in her clan where as it let her resist the effect... albeit just barely. Barbati however, had no benefit from that training at all, and was fully vulnerable to this spells hornification effects... which normal would have amused Yuri greatly if not for the fact that the demon was giving in to those urges while inside Yuri's own body! "What? No it's still my body Barbati!" Kuroyuri responded angrily to Barbati, who seemed to be far far too happy to be in Yuri's body!

And if the demon's constant touching and stretching in Yuri's body wasn't bad enough, she then said something very very dangerous. "Great in... bed??? Don't you dare try to have sex in my body!" Kuroyuri demanded, stamping her foot again in anger at what this presumptuous demon was thinking of doing! Well, if she thought that Kuroyuri would let her just walk out of here in her body she had another thing coming! Kuroyuri still had full knowledge of her own techniques, many of which were derived from demons in the first place, in this Demon body she was in now, they would surely be vastly more powerful than in her original human body!

Barbati then started openly masturbating in Kuroyuri's body... which annoyed Yuri but she'd accept her doing that if it meant she stayed put until this could be reversed... but then Barbati started speaking dangerously then... "Make you stop? Umph. Suddenly think you're big just because you're in my body do you? I'd rather not hurt myself... but I will to stop you doing what you want with it, and... Hey! No don't touch the ring!"

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Grawly (In Skarde's Body)
Tagging: Elmadia (In her new body), Everyone

Grawly wakes upside-down. Shoulders to the floor, ankles flailing in the air - her cute little butt squishing on the wall for support. Wait. WAIT. CUTE? LITTLE? She comes back to consciousness with a horrifying lurch of genuine, soulgnawing terror - reaching for a bottle of wine. No WINE? She looks over at her hand - her feminine, adorable, slender hand, which does not even crack the floor with the full force of her flail.

She leaps to her feet as if covered in spiders - feeling lighter, more agile, like she could ride upon the wind itself, admittedly - and sprints to a mirror of a nearby washbasin. Wiping her... unbearably un-swole arm across the murky surface, she first sees a curtain if fluffy, pettable pink falling in tresses around a girlish face. She tries to scream, but what comes out of her mouth is... barely gruff, or intimidating at all.  " FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! " she howls, cursing her fate to the ears of the uncaring, silent gods. Looking down at herself, her outfit is.. frilly? Cute? It bears her unbearably soft, punchable tummy?  "Nononononono.." she whines, abject horror causing her to send objects flying as her hands claw for anything to stop the madness. She appears to be in some kind of... Scullery - multiple bunk beds line the one room, the other rich with cleaning and cooking supplies. Throwing open an old tea chest in a panic, she pulls out what looks like.. a modest dress - black, white, with a frilly apron. She notes to herself, haplessly - It even has a ceremonial crown! It's owner must have been a fearsome warrior Queen.

She tears her outfit off of herself - now with depressingly blunt claws - and flings the offending prettiness to the corner. Glancing down at her naked form, she gives her hips a wiggle - and notes that... nothing swings hard enough to do bludgeoning damage. She chokes a silent hiss of existential body horror, flailing at her own loins to try and find her cock. Instead, what she does is drag a singular finger up a brand new slit, experiencing a new kind of pleasure for the very first time - a tiny, aching little tingle. She makes a considerably... un-fearsome noise, and her hands jolt up to cover her mouth. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." She pulls on the warrior-queen's battle regalia - fastening the apron and donning her crown proudly. "Now none shall mess with my might, and I can pass through this with my maidenhood un-blemished! Ha-hah!"

Astrid in Elmadia's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Grawly in Skarde's Body

As Grawly walked out in her maid outfit, she'd be met there by the blonde that had been with her previously. "Having fun in your new body, I assure you that everyone else is. So many people want to punish me now but there are perks to having new bodies, you can start a new life or use the new body to your advantage to gain more power or gain entry to places without being detected." Astrid said, choosing not to reveal that she was actually the retainer and not the real Elmadia. The blonde walked up to Skarde and started stroking between her thighs with a grin, she teleported to do it too, giving the woman no room to resist. "I bet you're so horny right now, and if I keep this up your mind will just melt..."

And truth be told, Grawly would have trouble focusing, she still had that pleasant buzz from drinking and her arousal fogged up her thoughts the longer that Astrid stroked along her covered slit, it was so easy to lay back and accept it. If the woman snapped out of her stupor it was easy enough to disappear thanks to Elmadia's body's properties, being an elemental Astrid could make herself disappear in the blink of an eye, but she didn't expect that'd be necessary. Her voice became compelling too as she manipulated the wind around her to make it sound melodic.

"Relax, you're a good maid, a good maid follows their owner's orders... you want to be owned..." Astrid had to admit, there were perks to this little game the two were playing, but if Desdemona got her body back, they'd be in massive trouble...

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Grawly

"I see someone is enjoying themselves." Elmadia grinned as she came around the corner, eyeing her erstwhile body and whomever had taken ownership of Skarde. "She certainly looks like a good little maid doesn't she?" The elemental moved gracefully towards Astrid and her prize, fully in control of her new form, having had the opportunity to practice with it long before her guests had arrived and laid her hands on Astrid's shoulders, rubbing them. "You're eager to play with this one, aren't you? I can see why, she's clearly deliciously submissive and eager to be toyed with." Elmadia's voice took a hard edge as she spoke. It may have sounded like she was asking questions, but something made them orders not to be disobeyed.

"Now, won't you be a dear little pet and show us your new body?" Could Grawly resist the orders coming from the two blondes? Did she even want to? She was there to earn Elmadia's favour after all, wasn't she?

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Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Sue

Desdemona was about to sit back down when someone entered the room she had chosen to wait in. It was not Elmadia. So none of Des' rage at being ignored like this subsided in anyway... and nor did the, presumably servant of Elmadia, who had opened the door speaking to her so casually. "How dare you speak to me this way peasant!" Desdemona said, not paying enough attention to what Sue had said to notice that she was looking for Elmadia and not serving her. "You will address me as Your Royal Highness! Or I shall have you flogged until you stop liking it!" she haughtily demanded/threatened... when at that moment, Elmadia teleported into the room.

"Lady Desdemona is fine for you" Desdemona responded to the Elemental as she offered her a glass of water and... presumed to have permission to touch her? Des allowed it for the moment though. "You shall have to work quite hard tonight to make up for this insult. Being my brother's consort can only shield you from so much" Des replied, though she had actually calmed down somewhat now she wasn't being ignored, though Elmadia was trying Des' patience somewhat by teleporting away and leaving her again shortly after... but Des' attention was also brought to something else...

"She called you my guest" Desdemona said to Sue, folding her arms, "Which means you don't work for her. Who are you? Speak quickly before I force you to answer" Des threatened again, and thought to zap Sue with a small amount of her magic to empathise just what she could do to her... but then found she could not move. She couldn't move a muscle. Des seethed with rage inside of her mind though little of it showed on her externally... If this was Elmadia's doing... then it was no longer an idle threat that Des would do to her in retaliation for this. Des martialled her demonic might... it surely would take little time at all for her to snap this spell holding her away and then she could retaliate... when Elmadia teleported back into the room...

Des couldn't move to speak back to her just yet, and the Princess of Demons could not believe what she was hearing, telling her to just have fun with what was to come??  But then Elmadia really crossed the line, playing with Sue's body Desdemona didn't care about, but the Elemental cow actually had the audacity to walk up and start to play with Desdemona's body!!! That was not allowed. Des got more and more angry the more Elmadia did, whether playing with her breasts, smoothing over her curves, kissing her cheek... but the worst part of all was actually spanking her! The punishment that Elmadia would face for this indignity was unimaginable by now. Oh she had always wanted her way with Desdemona had she? Well she would be getting more than she bargained for once Des snapped out of this spell.

Fare without her body? Switch with that one? Was Elmadia planning on putting her in this human sow's body? That was laughable at best. No one in the multi-verse was strong enough to do that to the Princess of Demons! Elmadia teleported away, but that wouldn't save her. Desdemona went back to focusing on snapping out of this spell but before she could succeed, she suddenly felt herself falling asleep...

Desdemona knew something was wrong as soon as she woke up, before she had even fully awoken in fact. She felt... empty. Her power... Her powers were gone. She could no longer feel the awesome might of her royal demonic bloodline. But more than that... there was something wrong with her head... Her head felt... like it was full of candy floss. Wait? What? What did that even mean? She wasn't sure. It was hard to string thoughts together properly. Desdemona slowly sat up, the skintight suit she was wearing stretching tight against her skin as she moved...

Mansion of Madness
Tag: Bimbo Sue

Yes... as impossible as it seemed, it was true. She had somehow, been put into that human sows body! The anger swelled up inside of the Demon Princess again... but only briefly. It was oddly difficult to stay angry, that didn't make much sense to her. She knew that humans could feel anger. Being in one's body shouldn't have a weird calming effect on her at all. Still, she wouldn't have to worry about weird things like that, she was going to get back into her body quickly. She stood up off of the bed and looked about where she was... to further her sense of horror, she was in what seemed to be a dungeon cell. It was fairly dark, the door was thick barred metal... there was no way out in this body...

Then she noticed something even odder... she felt... Horny... deeply aroused. Badly wanting to have sex as soon as possible... it was strange... probably just one of Elmadia's sick jokes on her... but Des was having difficulty resisting it. Certainly humans were more vulnerable to sexual feelings than demons were, but by this much? Was this really how humans felt all the time? Des shook her head. Trying to ignore the sensation, the desire... she noticed that her cell had a second bed in it... and on this one lay... Her. Her body anyway... looking so positively delightful as it lay there asleep, Des approved the sleeping body, which most likely had this human's mind in it, ugh... as if her humiliation wasn't complete enough already! Now she had to face to indignity of having a human in her body...

...and to make matters worse, that horrible honrniess this body was inflicting on her was causing her to feel... lust to her own body! Des closed her eyes and tried hard to think about something else to make that sensation go away, while she shook her body to wakefulness. "Wake up this instant you stupid whore" she said, before squirming in horror at how bubbly and dumb her voice sounded "You need to break that door down and get us out of here. Do it quickly enough, and I might not even punish you once you're back in your body"

Mansion of Madness
Tag: Bimbo Sue

Sue froze in surprise at the blonde woman's overwhelming aura, clearly she was someone important, or thought she was at any rate. The pilot opened her mouth to respond when another blonde appeared out of thin air and started talking to, Desdemona, it would seem her name was? "I'm Sue, and I'm here to put a stop to whatever's about to happen in this mansion!" She was going to puff out her chest with pride, but found that she could no longer move. What the hell is going on? Did that Desdemona lady do this? Wait, no, she doesn't seem like she can move either...

Then the other blonde reappeared, that must be Elmadia then, and, hey, that's assault! Not that Sue could resist the woman who had decided to grope her while talking to the other woman in the room. She would have been more indignant if the pleasure at being manhandled wasn't working to speed up the reawakening of her bimbo... condition.  Sue's breathing became heavier, her heaving chest the only movement she could manage, and then there was darkness....

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Desdemona

Sue opened her eyes to see, her own face staring down at her, a strangely haughty expression on it. It reminded her of how she looked when she first arrived in Auralis city, but it was off somehow.... "Mmmph? I'm awake! I'm, huh??" Her voice didn't sound like her own, glancing down it quickly became apparent why: she was in that strange woman's body! "What's going on? What are you doing in my body? Her tone sounded harsh, authoritative, not her usual soft voice, even when she was properly medicated. Speaking of which, she was feeling warm, down there, but it wasn't as bad as she had experienced before, was that a side-effect of changing bodies? Wait, did that mean....

"How are you feeling? Probably a little, uh... strange, right?" Sue couldn't help but smirk a little as she sat up and poked Des' stomach, curious to see if it really was her body standing in front of her. "You want my help opening the door? How am I supposed to do that then?" Sue was under the impression the body she now possessed was that of a normal woman, but something did feel... different she couldn't quite put a finger on what it was though.

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Mansion of Madness
Tag: Bimbo Sue

Sue froze in surprise at the blonde woman's overwhelming aura, clearly she was someone important, or thought she was at any rate. The pilot opened her mouth to respond when another blonde appeared out of thin air and started talking to, Desdemona, it would seem her name was? "I'm Sue, and I'm here to put a stop to whatever's about to happen in this mansion!" She was going to puff out her chest with pride, but found that she could no longer move. What the hell is going on? Did that Desdemona lady do this? Wait, no, she doesn't seem like she can move either...

Then the other blonde reappeared, that must be Elmadia then, and, hey, that's assault! Not that Sue could resist the woman who had decided to grope her while talking to the other woman in the room. She would have been more indignant if the pleasure at being manhandled wasn't working to speed up the reawakening of her bimbo... condition.  Sue's breathing became heavier, her heaving chest the only movement she could manage, and then there was darkness....

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Desdemona

Sue opened her eyes to see, her own face staring down at her, a strangely haughty expression on it. It reminded her of how she looked when she first arrived in Auralis city, but it was off somehow.... "Mmmph? I'm awake! I'm, huh??" Her voice didn't sound like her own, glancing down it quickly became apparent why: she was in that strange woman's body! "What's going on? What are you doing in my body? Her tone sounded harsh, authoritative, not her usual soft voice, even when she was properly medicated. Speaking of which, she was feeling warm, down there, but it wasn't as bad as she had experienced before, was that a side-effect of changing bodies? Wait, did that mean....

"How are you feeling? Probably a little, uh... strange, right?" Sue couldn't help but smirk a little as she sat up and poked Des' stomach, curious to see if it really was her body standing in front of her. "You want my help opening the door? How am I supposed to do that then?" Sue was under the impression the body she now possessed was that of a normal woman, but something did feel... different she couldn't quite put a finger on what it was though.

Mansion of Madness
Tag: Bimbo Sue

Desdemona impatiently folded her arms again while waiting for the, and it still sickened her to think this, human peasant that was occupying her body to wake up, she was totally unaware that she was pushing her breasts up a bit subconsciously while doing so, strange that. Des rolled her eyes at the human's confused reaction. "Yes yes I know. Oh no what happened. Oh no I'm in the wrong body. Get over it human. I need my body back forthwith and don't have time to deal with your confusion" she said impatiently, she still having some difficulty concentrating though... if she didn't keep herself focused it was very easy for her mind to wander... no doubt some sick joke on Elmadia's part. God the punishment she was going to receive once Des got her hands on her. First, she was going to spank Des' ass, and then... wait what? No, that was backwards. Des would be the one giving out the spanking, obviously...

"How am I feeling?" Des said, with genuine surprise, not expecting the human to ask her how she was. "Of course it's strange. I'm trapped in some horrid piece of meat. Now focus plea-HEY" Des cried out in alarm when the human poked her in the stomach, sending an odd electric buzz through Desdemona's body... well the body she was stuck in anyway, the body liked being touched it seemed, which annoyed Des to no end. "Do not touch me without permission peasant! Being in my body does not give you my authority!" she demanded, though she was very aware that she could hardly stop the human from doing whatever she wanted right now... she just had to hope that didn't occur to the human. "What? Are you like, stupid or something? You're in my body. Like go and like, kick it down or something Silly" Des started to giggle... but caught herself and suppressed it... what was that? The Princess of Demons might laugh. She might cruelly chuckle. She very very often Hohohohohohohoed. But the Princess of Demons does not giggle!

Offline rogue-rider

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Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone, Grawly

Sybil was happy to give Grawly some food, unfortunately before the demon could take her offering the wind elemental showed up, Sybil tried to move but found herself unable to do anything as she was suddenly groped and spanked against her will. She struggled to speak, but she moaned and writhed in place as the pleasurable sensations hit her. "You... bitch." Sybil snarled, the gall on the blonde to take advantage of their paralysis to grope and fondle everyone angered her. "Ugh... I don't know... what she's planning, but don't panic..." She felt a sleeping spell hit her, or maybe it was something else, but before she could complain she found herself blacking out. Sybil's magic was left ineffective during that spell too, no matter how she struggled...

Iradil Akai
A Madness Mansion
Tagging: Everyone

Iradil hummed slightly as her body stopped moving. Well that was annoying. It was like she was a puppet, who's strings had been cut. It was the first time she was on the side of the cut'ee' though. At least she could breathe. And speak, apparently. She felt a faint rush of air coming from behind her, the tell tale sign of someone, or something, teleporting in and displacing it. A demon perhaps? The conjurer of this frozen performance. She felt the sharp rap on her backside, and the odd experience of her body wanting to rock up onto her toes to get away from the touch, though not being able to move. It all felt rather strange. She didn't have time to ponder on it though, as hands went to her ears, fingers trailing along them... Was Skarde back to her tricks? The hands moved to her breasts, groping them though her clothing. Oh it was a pervert.

"Do I not get to have fun too?" She tried to answer, mind already compartmentalising the fact that some random thing was grabbing at her chest, but she couldn't quite get the words out. Feeling her body heat up slightly, not used to the experience. If she was going to be cast in a role like this she needed some warning! Also was it normal to feel this sleeping after being groped? Her mental processes... were star-ting... to get ha-......


Secluded bedroom why not yes yes
Tagging: Anyone!

Her eyes snapped open again and she jumped up. Casting the covers off herself and landing lightly onto her feet. So far so normal, other then the whole, being knocked out thing. And the intense thrumming in her loins, almost begging for something to be pushed inside. Thankfully she was able to distract herself by trying to figure out why her chest didn't feel, quite as supported as it usually did though... and there was definitely more of a breeze around her breasts. She looked down. Huh. This... was not a costume change she had carried out. She blinked a few times, before reaching up to tug at the material of the body suit she was wearing. Nope, it definitely felt real, her now very sensitive nipples were assuring her of that. she gave the rest of her body, a look over. Reaching down to double check that whatever body she'd been cast in, actually had that much ass, and wasn't just padding it out with fillers. She blinked a few times again, before slowly looking back up around the room. Briefly glancing over the equipment nearby, deciding to look into that later, and moving off to the bathroom nearby. The green eyes and red hair of the face looking back at her weren't hers. Though she did make a note to see how she looked with red hair at a later date. Assuming this casting wasn't permanent.

Hopefully it wouldn't be at least. She leaned out of the room and looked back at the equipment. At least what ever body she was in was still acrobatic, it would have thrown her off quite a bit if it wasn't. She paid more attention to the gear, then looked back at the suit, and did her best to take stock of this very strange casting choice. "I hadn't planned on being recast?" She mumbled out. Listening to the changes in voice, the accent, the tone... Definitely an odd thing to find herself in, but body swap stories seemed to be common enough... and it seemed it was a full swap, and she wasn't just in her body that had been changed... Though sadly this meant someone was likely in her body. She fervently hoped they wouldn't be up to anything too much...

She focussed back on what she could actually figure out. Going by the looks, the clothing and the equipment... and the overall feeling, she figured she wasn't in a defenders body. And it didn't feel corrupted enough to be demonic... so probably Dominion? Could she find out something about that illusive organisation. She looked deeply into the mirror for a few moments before!

"I have no idea who this is." She sighed softly and ran a hand through the bodies hair. Well damn. How was she supposed to play this then? She couldn't emulate this Dominion operative, how should she... She tapped a finger to her chin. Well she'd just have to go off what people expected a Dominion agent to do... She'd seen some stage shows in Japan, she could do this! And she still had a mask! Dubious as she was of both it and the bodysuit she was wearing... Well if this was the role she had been given...

The stillness of the corridor outside was interrupted as a boot slammed into the door. "Elllmaaadia! I know you can hear me so lisssten~ well!" She drew out the words, pouring on the sexual charm. Purring them out with intense sexual charge. (at least she hoped she was, flirting was not something Iradil counted amongst her skills). She exited the room, swaying her hips, putting one leg across the other as she walked out. Making sure the bodysuit was, suitably unzipped to show off the Dominion agent's chest. She looked around. "Ha! no defenders in sight!" She drew a hand up to her mouth, and laughed, before drawing a finger down the opened zip of the body suit. "And here I was going to ignite~ their appetite~! I'll just have to ensure this Elmadia gets it through her thick skull not to mess with the Dominion!" She kept up the powerful strut of a walk, crossing her legs over each time to show off the long limbs. Thighs pressing together, trying to ignore the thrumming in-between them. Kuso, she really didn't know how to deal with that feeling. Hopefully it would go away... or she could otherwise find out some way of dealing with it... Maybe she should go back to the room, something about cold showers to help? But she wanted to get her actual body back. She smiled, sultry, to herself. Besides, if she was going to be given a role... she was going to do her best to ace it. Even if it was completely outside of her usual casting.

Sybil in Mathis' Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Iradil in Caitlyn's Body

Sybil grimaced and held her head, it was pounding intensely as she took in her surroundings, she woke up in a bedroom and heard shouting in the corridor. "Fucking... bitch." Sybil said, only to realize her voice wasn't her own, and it sounded decisively more masculine. She quickly tossed aside things and ran towards the bathroom next to her, only to trip and fall down as she suddenly noticed she no longer had legs. She went pale and crawled over to the bathroom using her hands as she got used to her lack of legs. Once she pulled herself up she looked herself in the face and saw what had happened, she had switched bodies with someone else. "Fuck, this kind of spell is beyond me to reverse. Least I look handsome." That was the only logical thing she could think right now. The gender swap and lack of legs was a massive adjustment, but Sybil was used to weird occurrences so she managed to keep a level head. Her magical knowledge was still intact, but she could feel that this body's reserves of mana were not nearly as potent as her own so her uses of magic would be limited. She leaned against the bathroom counter to keep her balance as inspected herself and her tools.

She had no clue what any of them did, but she kept them on her just in case she ran into the person that this body belonged to. Her current objective was learning how to move with this body, she moved at a glacial pace, taking her time and trying to keep her balance. Her hands wobbled uselessly at her side trying to maintain balance. Even though it was slow, she eventually got outside in her strange new body and saw a redhead up ahead. Deciding not to take chances, she channeled her knowledge to give the person in front of her a minor compulsion, she noted it was a struggle to do so, especially since she felt so aroused. Now that the panic had settled, Sybil's arousal had spiked in the body, she tried to keep her breathing level. It was probably part of this stupid game...

As she tried to do so though, she stopped herself, this mind's mental defenses felt fortified against compulsions. Much like clan members she had fought with in the past, and due to the fact that she had been in the clan so long she was confident that the risk she was about to take was a good one. And if it wasn't, she'd deal with the consequences later, it was possible even if they weren't a clan member that they'd want to get out of here. And if they wanted to fight, she suspected both of them wouldn't be used to their bodies completely...

"Are you from the clan? Your mind is well guarded." Sybil said, leaning her body against the wall as she struggled to move faster than a slow walking speed. "It's Sybil, I got switched too..."

Iradil in Caitlyn's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Sybil in Mathis' Body

She looked back and forth around the corridor... it really was... quieter then she had expected. Surely she should have run into someone else by now. If not Elmadia, then one of her lackeys. Skarde maybe? Asha? Grunt A? She felt the thrum of lust going through her again, shaking her head slightly. Fuck, not now hormones! Was this a Dominion thing? It was probably a Dominion thing... She tapped at a wall nearby, leaning against it for a moment. Well it was also probably a part of whatever stage had been set here. But given the body she'd been put into... and her attire. It wouldn't surprise Iradil to find out it was a natural part of this person anyway. She pushed off the wall as the bodies needs, and her want to slip a hand down the cat suit waned. Starting to move off again, when she suddenly became aware of something teasing at her mental defences. Her natural resistance surged, the intruding thoughts almost finding a labyrinth of a stage to navigate as Iradil spun around on the balls of one of her new feet.  "A-ha! Abra-Cadabra-Cadabra!" She let out a high pitched, over the top laugh ,wagging a finger side to side slightly, before actually looking at the figure down the corridor. The one she assumed was trying to implant something into her mind.

They looked like they were struggling to breath... and remain upright... As if they weren't at all used to their snake like naga body. Iralyn's eyes narrowed. Was she like her? Body swapped? Still she had engaged, and the performer inside her figured that a Dominion agent wouldn't likely give up so easily! "Your magic has failed to enthrall me~" She swayed her hips, in what she hoped was a seductive fashion. Still keeping a finger pointed up towards the newcomer. "But you are right to appeal to me! A queen should be worshipped!" She stuck her ass out slightly to emphasise her new found curves, whilst internally. Now what?! Still, the other... being was moving slowly, slumping up against the wall. Giving her time to think. How do succubi do this... I know you should take roles that challenge you but... what would-


A-HA! That was it! "A-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-ha-ha-ha!" Iralyn laughed again, before taking advantage of the fact this new body was still acrobatic and toned in nature. Cartwheeling forwards, before flipping up into the air, spinning around and landing down majestically in front of the newcomer. "Myyy my my, does the snaaake~ have a one eyes snake he wants to introduce to me hmmm?~" She jabbed her finger into his chest. Emphasizing certain words, letting a siren like playfulness enter into her voice. "My mind is guarded indeed, but if you're lucky I might just reward you mayhaps! I'll show you why we put the Dom into Dominion!" She leant in, purring softly, missing the odd word choice as she started to get more and more into this role. "I've got a looong list of people who want me to kiss them. But I can put you. Right. To. The. Toooop~" Raising a hand up to grasp at the newcomer's face, leaning in, her lips oh so close. Surely that would awaken something primal within the snake like beast? Make his cock spring up to attention, throb plea-

"It's Sybil, I got switched too..."

The allure was broken as a high pitched girly squeak came from the red headed woman... who's face was now as bright a red as her hair. She took a few steps back, stammering slightly. "S-sy-sy-sy-sy-b-b-bil! I'm so so sorry!" Iralyn's eyes were wide as she tried to fight off the heat of sudden embarrassment, as well as the every lingering, annoying heat in her loins. She shifted her weight, leaning to the side slightly, curling some of her red hair around her fingers, trying to pull more and more in front of her face. "I.. um.. s-sorry I got carry... carried away it's um..." Green eyes flicked up to Sybil's face, then down to the floor, to the walls... Oh wow, isn't the ceiling interesting I've never noticed how interesting it is before... She could hear her voice getting quieter as she tried to choke out the words, gaze flicking back to 'Sybil' one last time. Oh fuck, no fair, why do they have to look kinda handsome.... She sighed, and fiddled with the catsuit on her wrists, pulling at it and letting it snap back into place slightly. Looking very uncomfortable, and not at all like a self assured Dominion agent should. "It's u-um um... Iradil-I'm-sorry-please-don't-judge-me"

Offline Hollypup

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Spoiler for Hidden:

Grawly (In Skarde's Body)
Tagging: Elmadia (In her new body), Everyone

Grawly wakes upside-down. Shoulders to the floor, ankles flailing in the air - her cute little butt squishing on the wall for support. Wait. WAIT. CUTE? LITTLE? She comes back to consciousness with a horrifying lurch of genuine, soulgnawing terror - reaching for a bottle of wine. No WINE? She looks over at her hand - her feminine, adorable, slender hand, which does not even crack the floor with the full force of her flail.

She leaps to her feet as if covered in spiders - feeling lighter, more agile, like she could ride upon the wind itself, admittedly - and sprints to a mirror of a nearby washbasin. Wiping her... unbearably un-swole arm across the murky surface, she first sees a curtain if fluffy, pettable pink falling in tresses around a girlish face. She tries to scream, but what comes out of her mouth is... barely gruff, or intimidating at all.  " FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! " she howls, cursing her fate to the ears of the uncaring, silent gods. Looking down at herself, her outfit is.. frilly? Cute? It bears her unbearably soft, punchable tummy?  "Nononononono.." she whines, abject horror causing her to send objects flying as her hands claw for anything to stop the madness. She appears to be in some kind of... Scullery - multiple bunk beds line the one room, the other rich with cleaning and cooking supplies. Throwing open an old tea chest in a panic, she pulls out what looks like.. a modest dress - black, white, with a frilly apron. She notes to herself, haplessly - It even has a ceremonial crown! It's owner must have been a fearsome warrior Queen.

She tears her outfit off of herself - now with depressingly blunt claws - and flings the offending prettiness to the corner. Glancing down at her naked form, she gives her hips a wiggle - and notes that... nothing swings hard enough to do bludgeoning damage. She chokes a silent hiss of existential body horror, flailing at her own loins to try and find her cock. Instead, what she does is drag a singular finger up a brand new slit, experiencing a new kind of pleasure for the very first time - a tiny, aching little tingle. She makes a considerably... un-fearsome noise, and her hands jolt up to cover her mouth. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." She pulls on the warrior-queen's battle regalia - fastening the apron and donning her crown proudly. "Now none shall mess with my might, and I can pass through this with my maidenhood un-blemished! Ha-hah!"

Astrid in Elmadia's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Grawly in Skarde's Body

As Grawly walked out in her maid outfit, she'd be met there by the blonde that had been with her previously. "Having fun in your new body, I assure you that everyone else is. So many people want to punish me now but there are perks to having new bodies, you can start a new life or use the new body to your advantage to gain more power or gain entry to places without being detected." Astrid said, choosing not to reveal that she was actually the retainer and not the real Elmadia. The blonde walked up to Skarde and started stroking between her thighs with a grin, she teleported to do it too, giving the woman no room to resist. "I bet you're so horny right now, and if I keep this up your mind will just melt..."

And truth be told, Grawly would have trouble focusing, she still had that pleasant buzz from drinking and her arousal fogged up her thoughts the longer that Astrid stroked along her covered slit, it was so easy to lay back and accept it. If the woman snapped out of her stupor it was easy enough to disappear thanks to Elmadia's body's properties, being an elemental Astrid could make herself disappear in the blink of an eye, but she didn't expect that'd be necessary. Her voice became compelling too as she manipulated the wind around her to make it sound melodic.

"Relax, you're a good maid, a good maid follows their owner's orders... you want to be owned..." Astrid had to admit, there were perks to this little game the two were playing, but if Desdemona got her body back, they'd be in massive trouble...

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Grawly

"I see someone is enjoying themselves." Elmadia grinned as she came around the corner, eyeing her erstwhile body and whomever had taken ownership of Skarde. "She certainly looks like a good little maid doesn't she?" The elemental moved gracefully towards Astrid and her prize, fully in control of her new form, having had the opportunity to practice with it long before her guests had arrived and laid her hands on Astrid's shoulders, rubbing them. "You're eager to play with this one, aren't you? I can see why, she's clearly deliciously submissive and eager to be toyed with." Elmadia's voice took a hard edge as she spoke. It may have sounded like she was asking questions, but something made them orders not to be disobeyed.

"Now, won't you be a dear little pet and show us your new body?" Could Grawly resist the orders coming from the two blondes? Did she even want to? She was there to earn Elmadia's favour after all, wasn't she?

Grawly (In Skarde's Body)
Tagging: Elmadia, Astrid, Everyone

Grawly's mind curls itself into a neat, spherical walnut from sheer terror, as her neck slowly creaks around to realise she is not alone. She is.. weak, defenseless, robbed of her physical strength. If she has magic, it is... alien in this body, and she had neither the paranoia nor the foresight to practice before she put on the dress. "Please...." she begs, weakly mewling at her plight.

It is then that the blonde strides up to her, thrusting that confident hand between her legs. "HAAAAAAH!" She shrieks a girly bitch-moan, long and high and sweet - completely unaccustomed to such nerve endings being touched, let alone grabbed. "M...Mercy! I'll be a good.. maid! I'll be good, so..." She tries to bargain, tries to plea, but her alcohol-riddled mind is an easy thing to compromise. The fear, the awkwardness, the soul-gnawing coldness of her Bane - it would all be so much easier if she just... did as she was told.

Good Girls Do As They Are Told.

Grawlymaid bows, stiffly - nervously pawing the hem of her dress. "Y...yes! Please don't eat me! I will serve." She lifts her petticoats, revealing slender,  narrow thighs. They gleam beneath the veneer of black stockings, ending in insufferably feminine, frilly garters. Grawlymaid did not bother with panties - largely not understanding how such human technology worked. Her slit is puffy, and slick with desire - the poor newlyhuman's body and lust completely out of control.

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Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Skarde

Asha was woken up by loud shouting and anger, something about a penis or something. Asha groaned and sat up, only to realize that she wasn't in her own body, for one she had two normal arms ,but she lacked legs. She flopped to the ground and groaned in pain as she landed on her back. Still, she stumbled up to a standing position using the bed to prop herself up. The shouting woman had left, and Asha sighed as she slowly moved outside. Much like Sybil before her, she struggled to move, although Asha was picking it up more quickly than usual due to being in the demon realms and seeing other demons with similar bodies move. She tried her best to catch up, and rose her voice so that the red skinned demon could hear her.

"Calm down, I'm angry too, but you can't let anger take over. Are you Skarde or Iradil?" Asha asked, first things first was seeing if she was paired up with anyone she knew, then she could take everything else one step at a time. She inspected her body some more, groaning at the fact that she was so aroused. She ignored it for now though, she was trying to stay calm... even though her fingers temptingly reached for her crotch to start having some fun. "If you're neither of those people, we should still team up, we both need to get to Elmadia and punish her.

Skarde Alexander (in Grawly's body)
Tag: Asha (in Persia's body) (Youkai), everyone

While she laughed so menacingly and growled like a woman turned completely mad, Skarde wasn't yet so distracted that she wouldn't have noticed he sound of a fully grown snake woman flopping to the floor. "Who's-?! ...Oh. Right. Finally came to, did you? It's about time." It had been less than a minute since Skarde herself woke up. Though she'd already noticed the snake woman sleeping in her room, of course. In another time and body, it would have been very tempting to tease her. Putting that tail in ice cold water, for a start. Or tying it in knots. Maybe Skarde would take off that heavy-looking chestplate while she was asleep, too. Start worshipping her body,. Just the way Skarde was meant to. Kissing that plump-looking chest, moving slowly up to her neck. To those freckled cheeks. Those plush red lips. Teasing her with more and more kisses, until even a snake's cold blood would've turned hot from Skarde's-NOT. NOW. HORNY!! Skarde pushed down the rising tent between her legs, hating more than anything that she now understood what an erection felt like. And hating even more than that it wouldn't let up. Go down already, get smaller! Better yet, just go away!

Her struggle was made just a little bit easier when Skarde noticed that she wasn't the only one awkwardly holding a hand over her crotch. At least, seeing her new companion's own awkward crotch-grabbing was a comfort until Skarde realized the implications. "Don't tell me you have one, too." she mumbled. In a voice far too loud for mumbling. Then clearing her throat, she answered "I'm perfectly, totally, absolutely calm. Calm is me. The calmest. Doyouhaveapenis. Nevermind! Doesn't mater. Right now. Maybe later. NowIneedtofindher. The blonde pervert. Telekinetic. Psychic too, probably. They're always psychic, too. Probably put my mind in this body. Elmadia, you said?" Was that her name? Or was she talking about someone else?

"I'm in the 'scarred' camp for sure, as you can see. Y'know. From the scars. And my name happens to be Skarde, if you're looking for one. Who're you and what number of dicks do you have? Is it the same as yesterday? On second thought, that would be very good to know." Both to figure out if Skarde was the only victim of this mischief, and to get the nagging question out of her head. And to know if it was safe to feel this turned on by her

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Spoiler for Elmadia:

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone

Elmadia grinned a little as Kuroyuri addressed her and three others joined her, it was a small crowd but she knew that there were others scattered around the mansion probably trying to snoop around for clues or find a way to get past her, this was irrelevant. There was an important guest that she had to attend to first. "I'll get to you all in a moment, I have to take care of something." She smirked down at Barbati, Kuroyuri, Rosluni, and Christina before disappearing rapidly, she'd appear next to Desdemona and grin to herself....

"Sorry about that, where were we." Elmadia scanned the room and addressed everyone one by one. "An interesting proposal, what do you have in mind Kuroyuri? I'm curious what you'll have to say when we meet privately. But please wait till these festivities are concluded, then I'll be happy to discuss anything you like." She seemed to give an approving smirk at the fact that her foot was on Barbati's back, although why she did was uncertain. She turned to Christina next, although she did chuckle a little at Rosluni's way of saying her name. "A heroine, coming to stop me I take it? Go right ahead, I'm sure you'll have plenty of allies in this mansion. With all of you here, to say I'm outmatched in power is an understatement. Elmadia then addressed the elephant in the room, since Rosluni brought it up it was only fitting that she bring up what she had in mind.

"You're all going to go through substantial changes tonight, whether you want it or not. You'll meet plenty of new people, and I promise that no harm will come to any of you that participate in the festivities." At least, physically, it wasn't a lie. She didn't care about mental changes, that was part of the fun of the night. "You'll find out the power of this mansion very soon." Elmadia snapped her fingers and tapped the railing she was sitting on.

Everyone in the Mansion or around the Mansion grounds would freeze in place, unable to move or control themselves, the only thing they could do was speak and breathe, the rest of their bodies remained immobile. No matter how powerful one was, it felt like an intense magical force was keeping them from moving and rendering them immobile. It did not appear to affect Elmadia though as she walked up to Kuroyuri.

"This dynamic is amusing, you two should definitely switch." Elmadia said as she walked behind Kuroyuri and grabbed her breasts in her hands, Kuroyuri's posture wouldn't change even with the magic, her foot would remain firmly planted in Barbati's back. The elemental's hands would move away from the ninja's breasts, shifting to fondle her ass expertly and after a minute a sharp spank, then moved up and down her back and through her long silky hair. She gave Barbati a swift swat of her ass but didn't do much else since she was bent over on her hands and knees. Then she moved to Christina. "Do you think you can stop me now, little hero? It's too bad this spell is temporary, I'd love exploring your body intimately..." Elmadia said salaciously as her hands roamed through Christina's hair, then massaged her tits much like Kuroyuri, then fondled her ass a little before squeezing her cheeks roughly.

Then she looked at Rosluni, a unique individual to be sure but she'd be fun to test the mansion's magic with nonetheless. Elmadia wasn't as sexual with her, mainly because she wasn't sure what to grope or fondle, although those tits were there so they did get an experimental massage, but the plant woman would also get a headpat and smile from the elemental. "I'll be frank with you, this body is going to be someone else's for a while. You wanted a pleasant evening right? Well I think you'll find what happens soon will be incredibly exhilarating. You wanted to know right? It's too late to stop it now" Elmadia said as she moved to Persia. "Don't worry, you're cute too." Persia got her face caressed and then a kiss on the cheek before a sudden swat on the ass. The Elemental pondered where to go next, then smiled...


Elmadia would then teleport back to the hall and grin to herself as her voice carried through the entire mansion again. Everyone had been visited and got a taste of being helplessly groped, just as planned. But that was only a taste of what was to come. This was just priming them up for what happened next. Elmadia would clap her hands and for everyone in the mansion the world went black as they fell into a magically induced slumber, unable to resist the narcotic call of sleep...

Some time after, they'd wake up. Whether they were in the same room or not seemed entirely random. Some of them might be alone again, some of them might be with new partners or the same exact ones, regardless things had shifted. But something didn't seem quite right, like their bodies weren't the same anymore. And they felt somewhat horny, they needed to get off, to find a partner to fuck. That sounded like a lovely idea right now.

"There, it's done Elmadia, I acted as you and put on a performance just as you wanted. We'll see how your little game plays out, if Desdemona gets a hold of us the consequences will be horrible, I hope you know this." Astrid said, having been in Elmadia's body the entire time. The two had swapped before and figured out the mansions power, now they were harnessing it due to Elmadia holding Astrid's head over the fire to play around. She didn't have a choice...

"I'll go see if I can find anyone interesting, do what you want. Since I don't have to pretend anymore I might as well get some entertainment out of this and see who sticks out." Astrid said as she departed into the mansion, giving Elmadia, who was in Astrid's body, a small look over before disappearing for now...

Spoiler for Please Read:
Current Swaps:

Open Characters:
Grawly (Hollypup)
Christina (Mephz)
Asha (Youkai)
Sybil (Youkai)
Skarde (Madman)
Roluni (Sashanna)
Persia (Sashanna)
Mathis (Sashanna)

You guys can wake up in whatever type of room you like with whomever you like, even Astrid or Elmadia if that's what you wish and agree to, have fun. If you want to go solo and explore the mansion in new bodies, do so, if you want to be in a group, go for it. This is just to mix things up if people wish or keep the same groups if that's what you guys want. Trying to be flexible!

But the Swappening has Commenced.

...And yes, Youkai has been writing Elmadia the entire time, and Kunshu has been writing Astrid the entire time, we thought it'd be funny.

Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Main Hall
Tag: Everyone

'The way Elmadia teleports around this place is going to make life a pain if we have to stop her,' Persia thought as the hostess flitted out without a trace and returned with no warning.  She rolled her shoulders as she waited for whatever information they could get out of her.  She was cocky around the human, but most powerful demons were.  It sounded like transformation magic might be involved, but no one would be 'harmed'.  The naga tried not to scoff.  You aren't 'harmed' if you are transformed into someone's dildo or brainwashed into a pet, but it sure wasn't going to be a desirable turn of events if either happened.  This was not reassuring.

Then something changed.  It wasn't obvious at first.  Everyone's attention was on Elmadia, and they weren't moving around much.  So, it took several seconds as the hostess walked up to the megalomanic before Persia realize she couldn't move!  'And likely, neither can anyone else who our 'host' doesn't want to,' the naga thought grimly.  This was powerful magic to hold them all.  She tested each muscle in turn.  Her diaphragm still worked.  Her lips, jaw, eyes, and tongue still had a full degree of motion, but nothing else was budging.  Even so, when Elmadia took liberties with Miss Nepentis, Persia struggled hard.  She wanted to slug that bitch and wrap her in her coils until she learned how to properly respect others.  Logically the naga knew that the plant woman wouldn't care about a little groping, but usually Miss Nepentis would be able to move or otherwise defend herself if she wanted to.  This, this was not right.

She frowned and set her jaw angrily, but was wise enough to keep listening.  'Somehow the body of Rosluni Nepentis will be someone else's?  How?'  Her eyes were serious and unfocused as she considered possibilities.  'Turned into a pet, implanted personalities, soul swapping, mental extraction, doppelmirrors, puppeteering, incorporeal possession.'  It was difficult to say what would be the easiest to escape of those.

Persia didn't particularly like being called cute when she was angry, but she realized back-talking while she was helpless would likely only make things worse; so, the naga remained silent beyond a discomforted grunt when Elmadia suddenly swatted her ass.  'That could have been far worse.  It will be far worse,' she corrected herself mentally when the woman disappeared again. 

With everyone frozen and their host gone for now, it no longer mattered if she drew attention to herself.  "Rosluni!  You either will not have your body or will not be in control of it!  It could be the same for all of us!  If we can still move after this, we will need a way to make sure we are who we say!  Ask something only someone from the grove would know!" she shouted out urgently.  It wasn't perfect.  There were telepaths and possessions that allowed the possessor to sift through the host's mind.  It was the best option she could think of in the spur of the moment though.

Before there was time for further deliberation on what to do about the situation, their host returned.  As Elmadia clapped, the sound reverberated in Persia's mind, knocking away all thoughts.  As the emptiness was quickly putting her to sleep, the redhead let out a slurred, "Shiiiii......."

Persia (in Asha's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Ground Floor Study
Tag: Everyone

Consciousness came slowly, and she kept her eye closed as she faked unconsciousness while listening.  Silence in the room.  There were distant shouts and noises, but nothing nearby.  Slowly she opened her eye, only to realize that the other eye was opening too since she hadn't been purposefully trying to keep it closed.  'Okay, I have two working eyes.  I've either been healed somehow, or I'm in a different body.'  She focused on sensing her body as at pressed against the wood floor where she lay.  It didn't feel like her own.  It didn't even feel naga.

Opening her eyes fully, she looked around.  She was no longer in the main hall.  This was a small room with numerous full bookcases lining the walls.  She couldn't help but gaze at them briefly with interest, 'Perhaps I can return here after this fiasco is over.'  The pessimistic part of her whispered, 'If we get out of here.'  She shook her head and looked over her body.  Human legs, but seemingly not empty of Corruption.  She practiced wiggling her toes, then bending her legs.  'Fascinating.  If it were temporary and not forced upon me, this could actually be fun.'  She needed to figure out what was going on and figure whether to cut their losses and escape or find a way to get their bodies back.  Either way, she needed to learn how to move in this body first.

She took some time to just get used to the new muscles, sensing and flexing them before twisting onto her hands and knees.  She slowly tried raising up onto her hands and feet like some sort of arch-backed feline.  As she was doing this, she sensed something odd.  It was almost like a numbness in her left arm, but she could feel the ground below her just fine.  As she pressed against the floor with that arm, she wiggled her elbow, trying to wake it up.  Shaking it didn't seem to do much, and she shook it harder as she quietly muttered, "Wake up, you stupid thing."

And then a nearby bookcase collapsed.  Or more accurately, her eyes widened in shock as her arm turned into black shadow.  Her body tensed and jerked in shock, her feet splintering the wood under her with her unexpected increased strength and the wispy arm jerking sideways and smashing into the nearest bookcase which collapsed with a rumble of books.  A dozen or so of the books were tattered with slash marks from the lines of shadow that sliced through the paper and wood and book covers.

'Ahhhh, shit!  Stop, don't damage the books!' she thought, and her left arm returned to it's humanoid form.  She gazed at it in shock and interest but quickly turned her attention back to the room and nearby noises.  Her position was too vulnerable to face an enemy yet.   No one had entered the room, and other people seemed to be making noises for their own reasons and not rushing to her location.  So, she took a couple minutes experimenting with her new power.  It seemed she could awaken the power and put it back to sleep with thought.  First, it was simply getting a feel for controlling the wispy appendage, but soon she was testing its speed, if it could block a blow from her other fist, how many tendrils of darkness it could split into, and how accurately it could manipulate objects.  For the last, she tried picking up splinters of the broken wooden bookcase and, if that worked, tried turning pages within a couple of the tattered books.

Once satisfied she'd learned all she could about her new appendage without more extensive studies that she didn't have time for, she used it to help prop herself up against one of the intact bookcases and began practicing learning to walk.  Her footing was unsteady at first, but between her shadowy support and the sturdy bookcase beside her, she was able to get the hang of not losing her balance after about ten minutes of practicing.  She was just grateful no one had found her yet.  Between her experience with resisting the aphrodisiacs in the wilds of Ventonnas, the adrenaline of her situation, and her focus on learning everything she could to survive in this body, the warmth in her loins barely registered as a need yet.  Her walking skills were adequate now, and she didn't have the space to practice faster motion in here.  She was going to have to venture out into the mansion.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2022, 06:37:52 AM by Sashanna »

Offline Sashanna

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Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Elmadia:

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Everyone

Elmadia grinned a little as Kuroyuri addressed her and three others joined her, it was a small crowd but she knew that there were others scattered around the mansion probably trying to snoop around for clues or find a way to get past her, this was irrelevant. There was an important guest that she had to attend to first. "I'll get to you all in a moment, I have to take care of something." She smirked down at Barbati, Kuroyuri, Rosluni, and Christina before disappearing rapidly, she'd appear next to Desdemona and grin to herself....

"Sorry about that, where were we." Elmadia scanned the room and addressed everyone one by one. "An interesting proposal, what do you have in mind Kuroyuri? I'm curious what you'll have to say when we meet privately. But please wait till these festivities are concluded, then I'll be happy to discuss anything you like." She seemed to give an approving smirk at the fact that her foot was on Barbati's back, although why she did was uncertain. She turned to Christina next, although she did chuckle a little at Rosluni's way of saying her name. "A heroine, coming to stop me I take it? Go right ahead, I'm sure you'll have plenty of allies in this mansion. With all of you here, to say I'm outmatched in power is an understatement. Elmadia then addressed the elephant in the room, since Rosluni brought it up it was only fitting that she bring up what she had in mind.

"You're all going to go through substantial changes tonight, whether you want it or not. You'll meet plenty of new people, and I promise that no harm will come to any of you that participate in the festivities." At least, physically, it wasn't a lie. She didn't care about mental changes, that was part of the fun of the night. "You'll find out the power of this mansion very soon." Elmadia snapped her fingers and tapped the railing she was sitting on.

Everyone in the Mansion or around the Mansion grounds would freeze in place, unable to move or control themselves, the only thing they could do was speak and breathe, the rest of their bodies remained immobile. No matter how powerful one was, it felt like an intense magical force was keeping them from moving and rendering them immobile. It did not appear to affect Elmadia though as she walked up to Kuroyuri.

"This dynamic is amusing, you two should definitely switch." Elmadia said as she walked behind Kuroyuri and grabbed her breasts in her hands, Kuroyuri's posture wouldn't change even with the magic, her foot would remain firmly planted in Barbati's back. The elemental's hands would move away from the ninja's breasts, shifting to fondle her ass expertly and after a minute a sharp spank, then moved up and down her back and through her long silky hair. She gave Barbati a swift swat of her ass but didn't do much else since she was bent over on her hands and knees. Then she moved to Christina. "Do you think you can stop me now, little hero? It's too bad this spell is temporary, I'd love exploring your body intimately..." Elmadia said salaciously as her hands roamed through Christina's hair, then massaged her tits much like Kuroyuri, then fondled her ass a little before squeezing her cheeks roughly.

Then she looked at Rosluni, a unique individual to be sure but she'd be fun to test the mansion's magic with nonetheless. Elmadia wasn't as sexual with her, mainly because she wasn't sure what to grope or fondle, although those tits were there so they did get an experimental massage, but the plant woman would also get a headpat and smile from the elemental. "I'll be frank with you, this body is going to be someone else's for a while. You wanted a pleasant evening right? Well I think you'll find what happens soon will be incredibly exhilarating. You wanted to know right? It's too late to stop it now" Elmadia said as she moved to Persia. "Don't worry, you're cute too." Persia got her face caressed and then a kiss on the cheek before a sudden swat on the ass. The Elemental pondered where to go next, then smiled...


Elmadia would then teleport back to the hall and grin to herself as her voice carried through the entire mansion again. Everyone had been visited and got a taste of being helplessly groped, just as planned. But that was only a taste of what was to come. This was just priming them up for what happened next. Elmadia would clap her hands and for everyone in the mansion the world went black as they fell into a magically induced slumber, unable to resist the narcotic call of sleep...

Some time after, they'd wake up. Whether they were in the same room or not seemed entirely random. Some of them might be alone again, some of them might be with new partners or the same exact ones, regardless things had shifted. But something didn't seem quite right, like their bodies weren't the same anymore. And they felt somewhat horny, they needed to get off, to find a partner to fuck. That sounded like a lovely idea right now.

"There, it's done Elmadia, I acted as you and put on a performance just as you wanted. We'll see how your little game plays out, if Desdemona gets a hold of us the consequences will be horrible, I hope you know this." Astrid said, having been in Elmadia's body the entire time. The two had swapped before and figured out the mansions power, now they were harnessing it due to Elmadia holding Astrid's head over the fire to play around. She didn't have a choice...

"I'll go see if I can find anyone interesting, do what you want. Since I don't have to pretend anymore I might as well get some entertainment out of this and see who sticks out." Astrid said as she departed into the mansion, giving Elmadia, who was in Astrid's body, a small look over before disappearing for now...

Spoiler for Please Read:
Current Swaps:

Open Characters:
Grawly (Hollypup)
Christina (Mephz)
Asha (Youkai)
Sybil (Youkai)
Skarde (Madman)
Roluni (Sashanna)
Persia (Sashanna)
Mathis (Sashanna)

You guys can wake up in whatever type of room you like with whomever you like, even Astrid or Elmadia if that's what you wish and agree to, have fun. If you want to go solo and explore the mansion in new bodies, do so, if you want to be in a group, go for it. This is just to mix things up if people wish or keep the same groups if that's what you guys want. Trying to be flexible!

But the Swappening has Commenced.

...And yes, Youkai has been writing Elmadia the entire time, and Kunshu has been writing Astrid the entire time, we thought it'd be funny.
Spoiler for Persia:

Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Main Hall
Tag: Everyone

'The way Elmadia teleports around this place is going to make life a pain if we have to stop her,' Persia thought as the hostess flitted out without a trace and returned with no warning.  She rolled her shoulders as she waited for whatever information they could get out of her.  She was cocky around the human, but most powerful demons were.  It sounded like transformation magic might be involved, but no one would be 'harmed'.  The naga tried not to scoff.  You aren't 'harmed' if you are transformed into someone's dildo or brainwashed into a pet, but it sure wasn't going to be a desirable turn of events if either happened.  This was not reassuring.

Then something changed.  It wasn't obvious at first.  Everyone's attention was on Elmadia, and they weren't moving around much.  So, it took several seconds as the hostess walked up to the megalomanic before Persia realize she couldn't move!  'And likely, neither can anyone else who our 'host' doesn't want to,' the naga thought grimly.  This was powerful magic to hold them all.  She tested each muscle in turn.  Her diaphragm still worked.  Her lips, jaw, eyes, and tongue still had a full degree of motion, but nothing else was budging.  Even so, when Elmadia took liberties with Miss Nepentis, Persia struggled hard.  She wanted to slug that bitch and wrap her in her coils until she learned how to properly respect others.  Logically the naga knew that the plant woman wouldn't care about a little groping, but usually Miss Nepentis would be able to move or otherwise defend herself if she wanted to.  This, this was not right.

She frowned and set her jaw angrily, but was wise enough to keep listening.  'Somehow the body of Rosluni Nepentis will be someone else's?  How?'  Her eyes were serious and unfocused as she considered possibilities.  'Turned into a pet, implanted personalities, soul swapping, mental extraction, doppelmirrors, puppeteering, incorporeal possession.'  It was difficult to say what would be the easiest to escape of those.

Persia didn't particularly like being called cute when she was angry, but she realized back-talking while she was helpless would likely only make things worse; so, the naga remained silent beyond a discomforted grunt when Elmadia suddenly swatted her ass.  'That could have been far worse.  It will be far worse,' she corrected herself mentally when the woman disappeared again. 

With everyone frozen and their host gone for now, it no longer mattered if she drew attention to herself.  "Rosluni!  You either will not have your body or will not be in control of it!  It could be the same for all of us!  If we can still move after this, we will need a way to make sure we are who we say!  Ask something only someone from the grove would know!" she shouted out urgently.  It wasn't perfect.  There were telepaths and possessions that allowed the possessor to sift through the host's mind.  It was the best option she could think of in the spur of the moment though.

Before there was time for further deliberation on what to do about the situation, their host returned.  As Elmadia clapped, the sound reverberated in Persia's mind, knocking away all thoughts.  As the emptiness was quickly putting her to sleep, the redhead let out a slurred, "Shiiiii......."

Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Main Hall
Tag: Everyone

Roluni frowned as Elmadia left them to attend to something else.  It was rude after calling them here, but at least the girl had the decency to apologize when she returned.  Rosluni smiled at Elmadia's reassurances about the party.  It was always fun meeting new people, and being reassured that no harm would come to anyone was good news.  It took her a few more seconds to realize what wasn't said, and her expression became more neutral, more studious.  'Being unharmed can be ideal for a demon that wants pristine pets.'  Though that might not be the case, it was something that needed clarifying.  'Changes could mean so many things, and people should be allowed to decline.  I hope they are temporary or beneficial changes.'

Rosluni was surprised that someone like Kuroyuri just passively let herself be touched without permission.  The submissive girl's reaction was less surprising.  It wasn't until Elmadia moved away from them and towards Christina that the plant woman realized she couldn't turn her head.  She was about to speak up when the wind spirit mentioned this condition would be temporary.  Ros could live with that; others had done much worse than make her hold still.  What was more of a concern was the mystery of what was planned after.

With her leaves in place covering her sensitive nipples, Elmadia's groping was more friendly than erotic, while the headpat was friendly too if a bit patronizing.  She preferred people asked before touching because some people care if they were touched, but it didn't really bother her.  If that was what made someone feel at ease, she could let it happen and be a good host or guest about it.  She did want to move though.  Even the little probes inside her breeding cups wouldn't budge.  It was almost a surprise when she realized she could talk.  "Hmm, that's good to know.  Are you planning to play with us for the night and let us go, or do you hope to keep us longer?"

Rosluni couldn't see the elemental or where she'd gone in the hall.  She couldn't have known that Elmadia had teleported away partway through her question.  With no response, she was about to repeat it when she heard Persia shout out her name... her preferred name.  Rosluni's amiable expression turned focused and serious, her brows lowered and her smile turned to a firm line.  'If she's not calling me Miss Nepentis, she must -really- be worried about our situation."  Rosluni strained against the spell to see if she could budge.  Not moving at all, she stopped trying.  It wouldn't do to waste energy on futile efforts.

Persia's words and tone were certainly not reassuring.  "Understood, little one.  I will do as you say.  I trust your wits will keep you safe until we figure this out.  Don't worry about me.  I know how to survive."  Before they could say more, Elmadia returned and slumber came to the plant woman.  Despite not needing it, despite her attempts to resist, the world went black.

Rosluni (in Christina Rahl's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Wine Cellar
Tag: Everyone

Roluni awoke and looked around.  Her senses were dulled and it felt like there was an extra weight upon her form.  Likely a residual of the sleep spell.  Even with her impaired sense of smell, she could detect the strong scent of fermentation in the room.  Noticing the broken bottles and traces of fluid, she extended her arm and sent out a couple tendril to inspect them, but her tendrils didn't respond.  It was then she notice her hand wasn't green, and her arm was clad in cloth.  "Oh... it seems I'm not in my body but still in control of this one," she pondered aloud.  Her voice sounded familiar, but she couldn't place whose it could be.  It didn't help that voices sound deeper when they are heard from inside one's head and that she had only briefly met the person she now inhabited.

As her drowsiness cleared, Ros realized her eyes and sense of smell were not simply magically dulled but naturally weaker and less exact in this body.... at least with her at the helm.  She searched her mind to determine if anyone else was inside it with her, but couldn't find anyone.  It would be strange not having tendrils or five vaginas or her male blooms on her head.  How would she ever even feel an orgasm with only one sexual organ?  She knew others could, but for her, it usually took skillful manipulation of at least three of hers.  This body did feel like it could use some release, but there were more than leaves blocking any such relief.

There were all sorts of clothes covering her new body, even an odd helmet over her hair and ears.  She had an urge to take most of them off so that her skin would find it easier to breath, but recalled how most humans did not travel without their clothes on.  Her skin felt thinner than it usually did as she poked at her hand.  'Perhaps human skin is more fragile and sensitive and needs the protection?'  The skin looked human anyway; her body felt empty of Corruption too... and empty in other, more familiar ways.  It wanted to be filled.  Her body was clearly aroused and wanted sex.  She wouldn't have minded giving this body the relief it desired, but she was pretty sure it was someone else's body.  It also wasn't clear how safe this mansion was.  Unless the desire became too distracting, it would be better to learn more about what was going on than to expose herself now and let herself get caught up a carnal the moment.

Rosluni stood up and started purposefully practicing touching bottles, the wall, and anything else in reach while she walked toward the exit of the room.  Her walk mixed up her stride from slow to fast to a strut to a skip and back.  She wanted to improve the proprioception of her new form as quickly as possible, but wasn't going to just sit around waiting to be found like some lost pet in the process.  A little hum escaped her lips as she enjoyed learning about the feel of this new body.  Even if she would like reassurances that everyone was safe and they would be returned to their bodies and let free at the end of this, it was just a delight to experience a new perspective.  'Is this more how Tabi and Aaron Langley sense and interact with the world?' she pondered idly as she climbed the steps towards the ground floor.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2022, 03:15:52 AM by Sashanna »

Offline Kunshu

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  • One With The Collective
Spoiler for Hidden:

Mansion of Madness
Tag: Bimbo Sue

Desdemona impatiently folded her arms again while waiting for the, and it still sickened her to think this, human peasant that was occupying her body to wake up, she was totally unaware that she was pushing her breasts up a bit subconsciously while doing so, strange that. Des rolled her eyes at the human's confused reaction. "Yes yes I know. Oh no what happened. Oh no I'm in the wrong body. Get over it human. I need my body back forthwith and don't have time to deal with your confusion" she said impatiently, she still having some difficulty concentrating though... if she didn't keep herself focused it was very easy for her mind to wander... no doubt some sick joke on Elmadia's part. God the punishment she was going to receive once Des got her hands on her. First, she was going to spank Des' ass, and then... wait what? No, that was backwards. Des would be the one giving out the spanking, obviously...

"How am I feeling?" Des said, with genuine surprise, not expecting the human to ask her how she was. "Of course it's strange. I'm trapped in some horrid piece of meat. Now focus plea-HEY" Des cried out in alarm when the human poked her in the stomach, sending an odd electric buzz through Desdemona's body... well the body she was stuck in anyway, the body liked being touched it seemed, which annoyed Des to no end. "Do not touch me without permission peasant! Being in my body does not give you my authority!" she demanded, though she was very aware that she could hardly stop the human from doing whatever she wanted right now... she just had to hope that didn't occur to the human. "What? Are you like, stupid or something? You're in my body. Like go and like, kick it down or something Silly" Des started to giggle... but caught herself and suppressed it... what was that? The Princess of Demons might laugh. She might cruelly chuckle. She very very often Hohohohohohohoed. But the Princess of Demons does not giggle!

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Desdemona

Sue's eyes were drawn to her own chest as Desdemona folded her arms in what she, presumably, thought was a haughty manner, but just emphasised her breasts. "Damn, my body looks good, doesn't it? I've not really been able to properly... appreciate it for awhile now." The warmth between her legs in this new body was an insistent hum, but, for some reason, she felt the urge to put this person in their place, the word "peasant" kept floating up in her mind, every time she heard it from her own body, she felt the urge to correct her... like the body she now inhabited possessed a certain natural authority that could not be denied.

"Yes, how are you feeling? I think you'll find my body has... some quirks, but I'm sure you'll grow to like it." Sue's expression took a cruel turn as she stood up off of the bed, stretching out and doing a slow twirl, examining her new form. "Hmmm, I could get used to this, I've not feelt so clear-headed in a long time... but, there's something about your body... you're very important, or, rather, you were very important, weren't you?" It felt right to berate the girl in front of her, yes, she was Choi Min-Seo and she was the one in charge here. "Giggling already? Oh, you're really not prepared for what's going to come next, my poor little thing, don't worry, if you ask nicely I might even help you." As she spoke, Sue walked purposefully towards Des, forcing her to either move back towards the wall, or let her get uncomfortably close....

Offline Silverkat

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Spoiler for Hidden:

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Desdemona

Sue's eyes were drawn to her own chest as Desdemona folded her arms in what she, presumably, thought was a haughty manner, but just emphasised her breasts. "Damn, my body looks good, doesn't it? I've not really been able to properly... appreciate it for awhile now." The warmth between her legs in this new body was an insistent hum, but, for some reason, she felt the urge to put this person in their place, the word "peasant" kept floating up in her mind, every time she heard it from her own body, she felt the urge to correct her... like the body she now inhabited possessed a certain natural authority that could not be denied.

"Yes, how are you feeling? I think you'll find my body has... some quirks, but I'm sure you'll grow to like it." Sue's expression took a cruel turn as she stood up off of the bed, stretching out and doing a slow twirl, examining her new form. "Hmmm, I could get used to this, I've not feelt so clear-headed in a long time... but, there's something about your body... you're very important, or, rather, you were very important, weren't you?" It felt right to berate the girl in front of her, yes, she was Choi Min-Seo and she was the one in charge here. "Giggling already? Oh, you're really not prepared for what's going to come next, my poor little thing, don't worry, if you ask nicely I might even help you." As she spoke, Sue walked purposefully towards Des, forcing her to either move back towards the wall, or let her get uncomfortably close....

Mansion of Madness
Tag: Bimbo Sue

While still somewhat confused about the strangely out of character laugh she'd just almost done, she was quickly distracted instead on the annoyance of how the human was acting in her body. Why wasn't she just doing what she was told and commanding the door to open already? Instead she just started, openly, staring at her own breasts, and commented on how good she looked!! Just how much of a narcissist was this girl? Strangely though... Des didn't interrupt her. It felt nice to be called good looking in this body. The body liked that, loved it and thrived on it even... as if looking good for it's sole reason to exist... and it forced that feeling onto Des' mind quite effectively, leaving her temporarily flustered and even pushing her boobs up a bit for the human's viewing pleasure.

"How am I feeling? Horrible! Awful! I'm trapped in like, some silly human body! With it's silly bouncy boobs, and big bouncy butt. It's like, so horrible!" Des said, seemingly earnestly though the angry edge that had been in her voice at the start of the sentence was almost gone completely by the end of it. "Well, like, I won't have time to like it because we'll totally be switching back as soon as possible! Now would you stop twirling about in my body and help us escape already?" Des said, the tone of her voice switching about seemingly randomly as she was occasionally able to focus more or not. "Of course I was important silly! I am like, the Princess of Demons! My daddy was super important and stuff. So he'll totally punish you if you don't be a good girl and like, help me escape" she giggled again, this time she didn't catch it. It felt good to giggle... but then Des caught the past tense that the human had added in her last sentence.

The anger that made her feel help her push away the growing cobwebs in her head. "How dare you! You think to usurp my position just because you're in my body! You are nothing girl! Nothing! Just a useless, un... import...ant..." Des started off angry... but then Sue had stood up and started advancing towards her as she spoke. Des was well aware of the difference in power between a demon body and a human one... she started to back away slowly. "Prep... prepare for what? Wh... what's going?" Des continued backing up... and finally managed to coconsciously notice some of the strange ways she'd been acting since waking up in this body... it wasn't something that Elmadia had done was it... it was something wrong with the body itself? "Like... what's happening to me?"

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Mansion of Madness
Tag: Bimbo Sue

While still somewhat confused about the strangely out of character laugh she'd just almost done, she was quickly distracted instead on the annoyance of how the human was acting in her body. Why wasn't she just doing what she was told and commanding the door to open already? Instead she just started, openly, staring at her own breasts, and commented on how good she looked!! Just how much of a narcissist was this girl? Strangely though... Des didn't interrupt her. It felt nice to be called good looking in this body. The body liked that, loved it and thrived on it even... as if looking good for it's sole reason to exist... and it forced that feeling onto Des' mind quite effectively, leaving her temporarily flustered and even pushing her boobs up a bit for the human's viewing pleasure.

"How am I feeling? Horrible! Awful! I'm trapped in like, some silly human body! With it's silly bouncy boobs, and big bouncy butt. It's like, so horrible!" Des said, seemingly earnestly though the angry edge that had been in her voice at the start of the sentence was almost gone completely by the end of it. "Well, like, I won't have time to like it because we'll totally be switching back as soon as possible! Now would you stop twirling about in my body and help us escape already?" Des said, the tone of her voice switching about seemingly randomly as she was occasionally able to focus more or not. "Of course I was important silly! I am like, the Princess of Demons! My daddy was super important and stuff. So he'll totally punish you if you don't be a good girl and like, help me escape" she giggled again, this time she didn't catch it. It felt good to giggle... but then Des caught the past tense that the human had added in her last sentence.

The anger that made her feel help her push away the growing cobwebs in her head. "How dare you! You think to usurp my position just because you're in my body! You are nothing girl! Nothing! Just a useless, un... import...ant..." Des started off angry... but then Sue had stood up and started advancing towards her as she spoke. Des was well aware of the difference in power between a demon body and a human one... she started to back away slowly. "Prep... prepare for what? Wh... what's going?" Des continued backing up... and finally managed to coconsciously notice some of the strange ways she'd been acting since waking up in this body... it wasn't something that Elmadia had done was it... it was something wrong with the body itself? "Like... what's happening to me?"

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Desdemona

"Mmmhmm, it really 'like' is 'totally' kicking in, isn't it?" Sue imitated the verbal quirks that Des was displaying gleefully. It was strange seeing herself the way others must have gotten used to seeing her, pathetic, really, how could anyone take her seriously when she was like that? It made Sue want to laugh.... "Ohohohoho! You really should be more respectful while I'm in your body then, little miss 'Princess of Demons'. I bet I'm a lot stronger than you right now, amn't I?" Sue ended her twirl and balled her hand into a fist, beginning to notice the strength that she now possessed. "Maybe I should bring you back to your daddy and show him how pathetic you are in a human body, wouldn't that be fun?" Sue's smile was predatory now, hearing her former body giggling like a vapid airhead triggered something primal and she wasn't sure if it was because of the body she was now in, or because she was seeing how far she had fallen, but she wanted to punish Des.

"I'm nothing, am I? Useless? Unimportant? I think you're describing yourself right now, you feel helpless, don't you? You don't know what's happening and you're scared. I bet you've not felt that way before...." Sue continued advancing on Desdemona until she was up against the wall, smacking the wall with an oustretched hand, boxing her in. "I had a run-in with some very nasty people. They injected me with some sort of... demon virus that not even the brightest minds at the Institute could figure out how to cure." Sue leant in close a she told Des her story, whispering it in her ear. "It makes you stupid. It makes you horny. It makes you submissive. Worst of all, it makes you love being those things. That's what you've got in your body right now and it's only going to get stronger." The pilot licked her lips and blew on Des' neck. "I bet that felt good, didn't it? Everything feels good once you're far enough gone. Want me to tell you the things I've done?"

Sue felt so powerful, it was intoxicating, she wanted to dominate her body. She want to fuck herself senseless. She wanted to have someone else know what it was like to be so humiliated. If Des didn't fall by herself, Sue was going to push her, and it was going to feel so good.

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Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Desdemona

"Mmmhmm, it really 'like' is 'totally' kicking in, isn't it?" Sue imitated the verbal quirks that Des was displaying gleefully. It was strange seeing herself the way others must have gotten used to seeing her, pathetic, really, how could anyone take her seriously when she was like that? It made Sue want to laugh.... "Ohohohoho! You really should be more respectful while I'm in your body then, little miss 'Princess of Demons'. I bet I'm a lot stronger than you right now, amn't I?" Sue ended her twirl and balled her hand into a fist, beginning to notice the strength that she now possessed. "Maybe I should bring you back to your daddy and show him how pathetic you are in a human body, wouldn't that be fun?" Sue's smile was predatory now, hearing her former body giggling like a vapid airhead triggered something primal and she wasn't sure if it was because of the body she was now in, or because she was seeing how far she had fallen, but she wanted to punish Des.

"I'm nothing, am I? Useless? Unimportant? I think you're describing yourself right now, you feel helpless, don't you? You don't know what's happening and you're scared. I bet you've not felt that way before...." Sue continued advancing on Desdemona until she was up against the wall, smacking the wall with an oustretched hand, boxing her in. "I had a run-in with some very nasty people. They injected me with some sort of... demon virus that not even the brightest minds at the Institute could figure out how to cure." Sue leant in close a she told Des her story, whispering it in her ear. "It makes you stupid. It makes you horny. It makes you submissive. Worst of all, it makes you love being those things. That's what you've got in your body right now and it's only going to get stronger." The pilot licked her lips and blew on Des' neck. "I bet that felt good, didn't it? Everything feels good once you're far enough gone. Want me to tell you the things I've done?"

Sue felt so powerful, it was intoxicating, she wanted to dominate her body. She want to fuck herself senseless. She wanted to have someone else know what it was like to be so humiliated. If Des didn't fall by herself, Sue was going to push her, and it was going to feel so good.

Mansion of Madness
Tag: Bimbo? Sue

It wasn't easy for the Princess of Demons to admit she was feeling fear, normally just because she was so powerful that nothing could make her feel it... but now it was because her body was having a very different reaction to this human in her body advancing on her like this. "What is, like, kicking in?" she tried asking again, trying desperately to ignore how excited her new body was getting by all of this, how it wanted nothing more than to be thrown down on the bed and used however the human wanted... She nodded meekly when the human noted she was stronger than her now. That was stupid. She should have tried to bluff around it... but instead she just dumbly admitted it outright. Why did she do that? "Oh gosh no! Daddy would like, be morti... Morti... totally freaked out to see me like this!" she giggled again. Why did she find that funny? It was a horrifying thought... wasn't it? But all she could do was find the idea of it funny.

She felt her back touch the wall, or more accurately, felt her butt hit the wall first, followed by her back. She had a big round bubbly butt now didn't she? That was funny. Big butt big butt. She giggled again. Having a big butt was sexy~ Then she only realised she should have been paying attention to what the human was saying when the human's hand slammed into the wall besides her face, pinning her against the wall... leaving her totally and completely helpless. Totally and completely helpless~ Des giggled again, god that felt good to think. Good... and hot! She was totally aroused now, even more than she had been... and now she couldn't remember very well why she had been bothered by that before... being aroused felt good! Why had she been bothered.

The human was saying something important, and Des struggled to focus her mind on what was being said. "A demon virus? And... it make you stupid" she giggled, even struggling like this was, she couldn't hold back the giggles now. "Horny~" she giggled again, so it was a virus that made you feel good huh~ "And sub... submis... submiss eve?" Des suddenly realised to her lessoning horror and growing amusement that she couldn't remember what 'submissive' meant. "Oh love them? So like, your body is gonna make me totally love this?" she asked in now genuine confusion... until the human blew on her neck.

Des squirmed, and giggled in pleasure "Oh gawd~ That felt totally good~" she squirmed again, helplessly, against the wall. Her composure was fading fast. She was squeezing her thighs together tightly to enjoy the feeling of pressure on her vag... vage... pussy! On her pussy. And another hand had crept up, Des wasn't sure when,  to her breasts? boobies? tits. To her tits. And was starting to squeeze them. She wanted to know what it is the vir... demon juice thingie had done to the human in the past... she wanted to know what things she'd done... and not really out of fear of what could happen to her now... she wanted to know because it sounded hot! "Like... what things have you done?"

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Skarde Alexander (in Grawly's body)
Tag: Asha (in Persia's body) (Youkai), everyone

While she laughed so menacingly and growled like a woman turned completely mad, Skarde wasn't yet so distracted that she wouldn't have noticed he sound of a fully grown snake woman flopping to the floor. "Who's-?! ...Oh. Right. Finally came to, did you? It's about time." It had been less than a minute since Skarde herself woke up. Though she'd already noticed the snake woman sleeping in her room, of course. In another time and body, it would have been very tempting to tease her. Putting that tail in ice cold water, for a start. Or tying it in knots. Maybe Skarde would take off that heavy-looking chestplate while she was asleep, too. Start worshipping her body,. Just the way Skarde was meant to. Kissing that plump-looking chest, moving slowly up to her neck. To those freckled cheeks. Those plush red lips. Teasing her with more and more kisses, until even a snake's cold blood would've turned hot from Skarde's-NOT. NOW. HORNY!! Skarde pushed down the rising tent between her legs, hating more than anything that she now understood what an erection felt like. And hating even more than that it wouldn't let up. Go down already, get smaller! Better yet, just go away!

Her struggle was made just a little bit easier when Skarde noticed that she wasn't the only one awkwardly holding a hand over her crotch. At least, seeing her new companion's own awkward crotch-grabbing was a comfort until Skarde realized the implications. "Don't tell me you have one, too." she mumbled. In a voice far too loud for mumbling. Then clearing her throat, she answered "I'm perfectly, totally, absolutely calm. Calm is me. The calmest. Doyouhaveapenis. Nevermind! Doesn't mater. Right now. Maybe later. NowIneedtofindher. The blonde pervert. Telekinetic. Psychic too, probably. They're always psychic, too. Probably put my mind in this body. Elmadia, you said?" Was that her name? Or was she talking about someone else?

"I'm in the 'scarred' camp for sure, as you can see. Y'know. From the scars. And my name happens to be Skarde, if you're looking for one. Who're you and what number of dicks do you have? Is it the same as yesterday? On second thought, that would be very good to know." Both to figure out if Skarde was the only victim of this mischief, and to get the nagging question out of her head. And to know if it was safe to feel this turned on by her

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Skarde

"Elmadia is the one that put us in these bodies, yes. It's Asha again, I got put in this body too. We both got switched into new bodies." Asha said calmly, even though her own arousal was becoming a massive distraction, she tried to ignore it as best she could but as a vampire she was used to giving into some urges, this was not a time to do so though so she mentally slapped herself. She did not need to fuck right now, she needed to relax and figure out the situation. "I don't think I have a penis, but I've been in this body less than five minutes so having a gauge of everything is impossible." Asha said as she slithered slowly over to Skarde and made a quick observation...

"I think that body is used to strength, so if you can harness it you could probably beat Elmadia to a pulp to reverse this. However I don't think this is her power, the mansion feels... off. Either way we should move elsewhere and see what we can find. I can feel corruption and I can tell that's a demon's body, it's probably strong in some regard." Asha ignored the penis on Skarde, she seemed remarkably level headed considering their situation. "Whoever has my body might have some problems, I didn't tell you this before but I'm a vampire and with it come certain weaknesses..." Asha said with a hiss as she started to move forward towards an open door at the end of the hall, either it was a way out or it led to another victim, either way she wanted to gather allies or explore...

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Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Grawly

"I see someone is enjoying themselves." Elmadia grinned as she came around the corner, eyeing her erstwhile body and whomever had taken ownership of Skarde. "She certainly looks like a good little maid doesn't she?" The elemental moved gracefully towards Astrid and her prize, fully in control of her new form, having had the opportunity to practice with it long before her guests had arrived and laid her hands on Astrid's shoulders, rubbing them. "You're eager to play with this one, aren't you? I can see why, she's clearly deliciously submissive and eager to be toyed with." Elmadia's voice took a hard edge as she spoke. It may have sounded like she was asking questions, but something made them orders not to be disobeyed.

"Now, won't you be a dear little pet and show us your new body?" Could Grawly resist the orders coming from the two blondes? Did she even want to? She was there to earn Elmadia's favour after all, wasn't she?

Grawly (In Skarde's Body)
Tagging: Elmadia, Astrid, Everyone

Grawly's mind curls itself into a neat, spherical walnut from sheer terror, as her neck slowly creaks around to realise she is not alone. She is.. weak, defenseless, robbed of her physical strength. If she has magic, it is... alien in this body, and she had neither the paranoia nor the foresight to practice before she put on the dress. "Please...." she begs, weakly mewling at her plight.

It is then that the blonde strides up to her, thrusting that confident hand between her legs. "HAAAAAAH!" She shrieks a girly bitch-moan, long and high and sweet - completely unaccustomed to such nerve endings being touched, let alone grabbed. "M...Mercy! I'll be a good.. maid! I'll be good, so..." She tries to bargain, tries to plea, but her alcohol-riddled mind is an easy thing to compromise. The fear, the awkwardness, the soul-gnawing coldness of her Bane - it would all be so much easier if she just... did as she was told.

Good Girls Do As They Are Told.

Grawlymaid bows, stiffly - nervously pawing the hem of her dress. "Y...yes! Please don't eat me! I will serve." She lifts her petticoats, revealing slender,  narrow thighs. They gleam beneath the veneer of black stockings, ending in insufferably feminine, frilly garters. Grawlymaid did not bother with panties - largely not understanding how such human technology worked. Her slit is puffy, and slick with desire - the poor newlyhuman's body and lust completely out of control.

Astrid in Elmadia's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Grawly in Skarde's Body

"Yes, I agree, you definitely should show us your body." Astrid's hands continued to gently rub against Grawly's slit as the hypnotic hint to her voice continued to worm through Grawly's alcohol inhibited mind. As she did the blonde shot Elmadia a small glare, she was putting on a performance but her presence could ruin it a tad if they kept this up. That wasn't her problem though, Elmadia told her to play her part so she would or suffer the consequences. Needless to say, she was terrified of what Desdemona might do when she got her body back or even encountered them. Astrid continued to play along, she battled back the compulsions that were hitting her head, she was very experienced at warding off such intrusions. Nonetheless, she played along with the game and leaned up close to Grawly...

"Undress for us, entertain us, make a show of it. Don't use your head, just follow our words, our thoughts are more important than yours. Keep your mind silent because it needs to rest, all you need to do is obey." Astrid then turned and gave Elmadia a smirk before adding more as she stopped stroking the woman's slit, she needed to undress after all. "Fold your clothes neatly, a good maid keeps her clothes in good condition."

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Iradil in Caitlyn's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Sybil in Mathis' Body

She looked back and forth around the corridor... it really was... quieter then she had expected. Surely she should have run into someone else by now. If not Elmadia, then one of her lackeys. Skarde maybe? Asha? Grunt A? She felt the thrum of lust going through her again, shaking her head slightly. Fuck, not now hormones! Was this a Dominion thing? It was probably a Dominion thing... She tapped at a wall nearby, leaning against it for a moment. Well it was also probably a part of whatever stage had been set here. But given the body she'd been put into... and her attire. It wouldn't surprise Iradil to find out it was a natural part of this person anyway. She pushed off the wall as the bodies needs, and her want to slip a hand down the cat suit waned. Starting to move off again, when she suddenly became aware of something teasing at her mental defences. Her natural resistance surged, the intruding thoughts almost finding a labyrinth of a stage to navigate as Iradil spun around on the balls of one of her new feet.  "A-ha! Abra-Cadabra-Cadabra!" She let out a high pitched, over the top laugh ,wagging a finger side to side slightly, before actually looking at the figure down the corridor. The one she assumed was trying to implant something into her mind.

They looked like they were struggling to breath... and remain upright... As if they weren't at all used to their snake like naga body. Iralyn's eyes narrowed. Was she like her? Body swapped? Still she had engaged, and the performer inside her figured that a Dominion agent wouldn't likely give up so easily! "Your magic has failed to enthrall me~" She swayed her hips, in what she hoped was a seductive fashion. Still keeping a finger pointed up towards the newcomer. "But you are right to appeal to me! A queen should be worshipped!" She stuck her ass out slightly to emphasise her new found curves, whilst internally. Now what?! Still, the other... being was moving slowly, slumping up against the wall. Giving her time to think. How do succubi do this... I know you should take roles that challenge you but... what would-


A-HA! That was it! "A-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-ha-ha-ha!" Iralyn laughed again, before taking advantage of the fact this new body was still acrobatic and toned in nature. Cartwheeling forwards, before flipping up into the air, spinning around and landing down majestically in front of the newcomer. "Myyy my my, does the snaaake~ have a one eyes snake he wants to introduce to me hmmm?~" She jabbed her finger into his chest. Emphasizing certain words, letting a siren like playfulness enter into her voice. "My mind is guarded indeed, but if you're lucky I might just reward you mayhaps! I'll show you why we put the Dom into Dominion!" She leant in, purring softly, missing the odd word choice as she started to get more and more into this role. "I've got a looong list of people who want me to kiss them. But I can put you. Right. To. The. Toooop~" Raising a hand up to grasp at the newcomer's face, leaning in, her lips oh so close. Surely that would awaken something primal within the snake like beast? Make his cock spring up to attention, throb plea-

"It's Sybil, I got switched too..."

The allure was broken as a high pitched girly squeak came from the red headed woman... who's face was now as bright a red as her hair. She took a few steps back, stammering slightly. "S-sy-sy-sy-sy-b-b-bil! I'm so so sorry!" Iralyn's eyes were wide as she tried to fight off the heat of sudden embarrassment, as well as the every lingering, annoying heat in her loins. She shifted her weight, leaning to the side slightly, curling some of her red hair around her fingers, trying to pull more and more in front of her face. "I.. um.. s-sorry I got carry... carried away it's um..." Green eyes flicked up to Sybil's face, then down to the floor, to the walls... Oh wow, isn't the ceiling interesting I've never noticed how interesting it is before... She could hear her voice getting quieter as she tried to choke out the words, gaze flicking back to 'Sybil' one last time. Oh fuck, no fair, why do they have to look kinda handsome.... She sighed, and fiddled with the catsuit on her wrists, pulling at it and letting it snap back into place slightly. Looking very uncomfortable, and not at all like a self assured Dominion agent should. "It's u-um um... Iradil-I'm-sorry-please-don't-judge-me"

Sybil in Mathis' Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Iradil in Caitlyn's Body

"Umm..." Sybil had to admit, the show she was getting from Iradil was enticing and her new body seemed to agree as she could feel her new dick starting to stiffen and pleasant thoughts flood her brain. A weaker human would submit to these desires immediately considering the bountiful ass swinging in front of her, but Sybil was quite a bit different from a typical human. Sybil suddenly gained a thin smile, she knew who this was, but she let the ninja play her little game and just grinned to the side for now as she leaned against the wall and battled off her arousal, it didn't take the edge off, in fact it did the opposite, but at least she was being given time to get used to the body. Sybil started to slither closer, slowly.

At least until Iradil landed in front of her and continued her performance. "If you keep that up you might, you might want to tone it down because of... the side effects." Sybil looked down at her new dick, even though Sybil wasn't trying to get aroused it was stiff as possible from Iradil's little seductive display. Sybil was surprised at how into it Iradil was getting and her eyes went wide when her chest was poked and the woman declared she wanted to kiss her, maybe it was Yasu instead of-?

No, it wasn't, it was Iradil.

"That was a fine performance." Sybil said with an roguish smirk, at least that's what the snake man she was in gave her to work with. "Oh no, I don't judge. I've done my own pranks and little funny performances as well. You should know that by now, Iradil. So what? You were putting on a performance and didn't know if you should trust me, I find it cute. Anyway you should keep a performance in mind in case we meet others that want to take advantage of our situation, it might throw off potential enemies. I can't imagine anyone agrees with what Elmadia has done, and if they do it's only because they have benefitted from this switch." Sybil took a deep breath and calmed down, her voice had become deeper and more primal thanks to the display by her fellow ninja, whatever arousal spell had been cast on her was powerful...

"I'd guess you're in a Dominion agent's body, or DRU, I've seen both wearing high tech gear. Hopefully it's DRU. I don't know how any of their equipment works though so I wouldn't mess around with it too much and focus on finding our original bodies. I can still cast some magic, but not much. You find anything else while snooping around in that body?"

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Christina Rahl
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Everyone, Sashanna, Kunshu

Christina watched the people in the great hall, she watched the green lady Rosluni and her servant greet another lady in the hall.  Christina skimmed the room as they talked, noticing the woman perched above everyone.  Rosluni also noticed and spoke to her first, that suited Christina just fine she could watch silently and try to figure out what to do, how to stop whatever was going to happen.  Christina mostly just watched and listened as the person, this Elmadia, did her bad person monologuing.  Even when addressed she decided not to speak up at that point and just stayed silent while listening to her ramble on.  There was still no hint about what the plan was, nothing to act on.

But then she froze.  Christina was stuck before she was ready to react, she could not move a finger.  "Whaaaaat the fuck!" she voiced her mouth still working.  "Release me at once!" she demanded as she tried her best to move.  As Elmadia approached Christina, Christina stuck out a tongue at her.  "Thanks for telling me, I will temporarily be kept from kicking your ass then" she added after the somewhat not very heroic tantrum.  Christina clearly did not think Elmadia was a threat to her, or at least was putting up a brave face for the situation.  Christina did blush bright pink as she was fondled while paralyzed however.  "Stop that!" she whined but like everyone she was stuck.  Luckily for Christina the lady moved on after that, then teleported on.  Unluckily Christina blacked out shortly after.


Christina Rahl in Rosluni's body
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Everyone, Sashanna, Kunshu

Christina opened her eyes, then tried to open them again and again.  She was kinda unsure what she was seeing.  Christina's eye contacts were working too well from the looks of things.  Christina blinked again, yeah too well.  She felt like she was seeing through walls, like heat through walls.  Christina blinked again, yeah it wasn't going away.  She noticed more weird things with her vision, but quickly noticed other problems, she glanced down.  What she saw gave a bush a new meaning.  This bush had thorns, lots and lots of them.  Christina's eyes widened as she noticed her own juices dripping onto what was legs, yet not legs?  She was what, a plant? Glancing a bit up she confirmed green skin and a female body.  A dryad? Christina stretched her neck a bit forward almost falling over, but managed to glance into a watery surface near her.  That confirmed that, the face looking into it was Rosluni's not Christina's. "What the fuck!" shouted Christina in Rosluni's voice.

Christina took a moment to think, had Elmadia switched them? For what reason? Christina looked down on her "legs", she wasn't exactly sure how to untangle that mess.  How exactly did Rosluni move?  "AND WHY AM I SO GODDAMN HORNY!" she shouted again in Rosluni's voice annoyed, frustrated and confused, also horny.  If there was someone else in the room with Christina she had not noticed them.

Caitlyn in Iradil's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Christina in Rosluni's Body

Caitlyn's head darted towards the shout, unlike others she wasn't inhibited by a strangely formed body, she still was flexible and fast thankfully. She was narrowing down this body's owner to someone from the EDC or a Demon, even with the tools she had it was impossible to narrow it down to either one. There were no defining features that narrowed it down one way or another for her other than the elf ears, but that meant little in the grand scheme of things. Caitlyn decided to eat a dango to distract herself from the aching arousal between her legs. as she walked towards the yelling. She had to admit, this body was growing on her. It was curvy, fit, and athletic, whatever this woman had been doing had her in great shape. She still wanted to be in her body, but as far as being inhibited she only had to deal with a lack of knowledge. She finished her dango and tossed the stick away before tending to the yelling.

"I'm guessing that's not your body?" Caitlyn said at the doorway, looking at the yelling woman, the voice she recognized but based on what she had encountered so far she had a good idea of what was going on with her. "This isn't mine either, that body is Rosluni's, I met her outside of the mansion. Do you remember anyone named Viola, if so, that's me. If not, we should probably stick together for now. I need to find my body too..." Idly she thought about fucking Christina in that body, but she did her best to fight that off for now, but it was a growing persistent need that would need to be tended to. It was a compulsion that never left her brain...

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Mansion of Madness
Tag: Barbati

Kuroyuri quickly caught what she was doing and snapped her hand away from her extremely hot thighs immediately. Jeeze she wanted to fuck something so badly... it was almost unbearable, good thing she was so disciplined against mind controlling effects, as most in her clan where as it let her resist the effect... albeit just barely. Barbati however, had no benefit from that training at all, and was fully vulnerable to this spells hornification effects... which normal would have amused Yuri greatly if not for the fact that the demon was giving in to those urges while inside Yuri's own body! "What? No it's still my body Barbati!" Kuroyuri responded angrily to Barbati, who seemed to be far far too happy to be in Yuri's body!

And if the demon's constant touching and stretching in Yuri's body wasn't bad enough, she then said something very very dangerous. "Great in... bed??? Don't you dare try to have sex in my body!" Kuroyuri demanded, stamping her foot again in anger at what this presumptuous demon was thinking of doing! Well, if she thought that Kuroyuri would let her just walk out of here in her body she had another thing coming! Kuroyuri still had full knowledge of her own techniques, many of which were derived from demons in the first place, in this Demon body she was in now, they would surely be vastly more powerful than in her original human body!

Barbati then started openly masturbating in Kuroyuri's body... which annoyed Yuri but she'd accept her doing that if it meant she stayed put until this could be reversed... but then Barbati started speaking dangerously then... "Make you stop? Umph. Suddenly think you're big just because you're in my body do you? I'd rather not hurt myself... but I will to stop you doing what you want with it, and... Hey! No don't touch the ring!"

Barbati in Kuroyuri's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Kuroyuri in Barbati's Body (Silverkat)

Barbati gained a wide smile as Kuroyuri told her not to touch the ring, so of course being the curious and horny demon that she was right now Barbati rubbed the ring and her form suddenly flashed. When she blinked awake her long sexy legs were covered in fishnet stockings, her feet were now in high heels too instead of long boots. She had a leotard with a little ass cape covering the rest of her body, a heart choker, and a pair of bunny ears adoring her head. She giggled madly and stretched and sauntered in the outfit with a grin on her face. "Oooh, this is even better, so sexy and form fitting! I feel so sexy. So you like showing off a bit huh?" Barbati put a hand on her hip, another flowed through her long ponytail and flipped it elegantly. "Ohohohoho, this'll be fun." She said, mimicing the tone that Kuroyuri made earlier with that same voice. Then she walked up to Kuroyuri, her sexy hips swinging from side to side before stopping, leaning forward, and locking eyes with Kuroyuri.

"You want me to have as much fun in this body as possible. You enjoy watching me have my way and enjoying everything your body has to offer. You enjoy me flaunting my power and slutting it up as much as I want and owning your body. Say it, say Barbati deseves my sexy body." Barbati channeled her knowledge of demon abilities into her new body and made her eyes compelling to stare at. It was easy to stare and get lost in them. Her brain wanted to sink, to fall, into those brilliant purple eyes, especially when she was so horny. It was easy to stroke her hot pussy and stare into those beautiful eyes and admit Barbati deserved her body.

In the meantime, Barbati stroked at her own pussy, moaning lightly in arousal as she submitted to her arousal and accepted she needed to fuck soon.

Offline Silverkat

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Barbati in Kuroyuri's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Kuroyuri in Barbati's Body (Silverkat)

Barbati gained a wide smile as Kuroyuri told her not to touch the ring, so of course being the curious and horny demon that she was right now Barbati rubbed the ring and her form suddenly flashed. When she blinked awake her long sexy legs were covered in fishnet stockings, her feet were now in high heels too instead of long boots. She had a leotard with a little ass cape covering the rest of her body, a heart choker, and a pair of bunny ears adoring her head. She giggled madly and stretched and sauntered in the outfit with a grin on her face. "Oooh, this is even better, so sexy and form fitting! I feel so sexy. So you like showing off a bit huh?" Barbati put a hand on her hip, another flowed through her long ponytail and flipped it elegantly. "Ohohohoho, this'll be fun." She said, mimicing the tone that Kuroyuri made earlier with that same voice. Then she walked up to Kuroyuri, her sexy hips swinging from side to side before stopping, leaning forward, and locking eyes with Kuroyuri.

"You want me to have as much fun in this body as possible. You enjoy watching me have my way and enjoying everything your body has to offer. You enjoy me flaunting my power and slutting it up as much as I want and owning your body. Say it, say Barbati deseves my sexy body." Barbati channeled her knowledge of demon abilities into her new body and made her eyes compelling to stare at. It was easy to stare and get lost in them. Her brain wanted to sink, to fall, into those brilliant purple eyes, especially when she was so horny. It was easy to stroke her hot pussy and stare into those beautiful eyes and admit Barbati deserved her body.

In the meantime, Barbati stroked at her own pussy, moaning lightly in arousal as she submitted to her arousal and accepted she needed to fuck soon.

Mansion of Madness
Tag: Barbati

Kuroyuri braced herself as Barbati activated Yuri's ring, she knew the ring contained the power for some kind of super mode that... huh... how did she get that ring again? How strange... it was like she'd somehow never thought about it before? But then Yuri's jaw dropped when she saw exactly what the ring did, as Barbati stood before her now dressed as some kind of perverse sexy bunny girl. "Wh... what??? That's what the ring does to me!!! Oh my god I... I had no idea! The ring had been messing with my mind and made me enjoy going about like that?!" Yasu! She was the one that did this to her! Swapping bodies had lowered the power of Yasui's post hypnotic suggestions on her mind, now she could remember what the ring did! "No I don't! Well actually yes I do like showing off, but not like that! That's something this bitch Yasu did to me!" Kuroyuri seethed in anger... maybe before she'd swap bodies back, she'd use the superior power of this raw demonic form to take revenge on Yasu for what she did?

But while Kuroyuri was thinking of that... she didn't notice Barbati walking straight up to her and locking eyes with her. Kuroyuri whimpered, but was unable to break the gaze... "I... I want you to have... as much fun in this body as possible..." Yuri repeated as the raw bunny power Barbati now possessed burned it's way into her mind. "I... enjoy watching you have your way... and enjoy everything my body has to offer... I enjoy you flaunting... your power and slutting... it up as much as you want.... and owning my body.... Barbati... deserves my sexy body..." she repeated along as her will faded, and her hand moved back up to openly stroke her hot pussy... "Barbati deserves my sexy body..." Yuri looked to be fading fast... but then she blinked, and realised what was happening!

"Barbati... deserves... my... sexy... sexy... No! NO! I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS!" Kuriyuri yelled, jump backwards as dark demonic flames shot around her in an aura of corruptive power. "That is my body! And I'm taking it back! Even if I have to hurt it a bit. It belongs to me! Now watch as I draw out all of your dark powers to take it back!!!" Kuroyuri screamed, and channelled all of Barbati's demonic power to her to resist and fight back once and for all!!!



"Barbati deserves my sexy body. Barbati deserves my sexy body. Barbati deserves my sexy body..."

Offline Sashanna

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Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Mathis:

Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Study
Tag: Everyone, Caitlyn, Elmadia

Mathis turned his head toward Caitlyn when he heard the genuine interest in her tone and offered a proud smile, a nod, and a "Yeah, it is," before returning to his work.  Once inside, it was only polite to help a companion climb in, particularly when she didn't even have a tail to get a good grip on the sill.  With his attention completely on her, it was the first time he fully registered how attractive she was.  An ally that was willing and able to sneak around with him and appreciated his work likely added to her current allure.

His dark amber eyes lingered on her a moment longer before returning to the quick search of the room, or at least that was the plan.  When he tried to turn his head, to twist his torso, to shift his tail... nothing moved.  He tried once more with a bit more force, and nothing happened.  As he saw Viola unmoving as well, the arousal he had been starting to feel was quelled swiftly with the realization that they were both stuck.  "I'm sorry, Viola.  There definitely were no traps in this room, but we both know somethin's going on.  This ain't good."  His lids lowered apologetically.  He didn't have the power to break this.  He was helpless to help his friends.  That always just churned up his insides.

Mathis just had enough time to take a couple calming breaths before Elmadia showed up.  'Someone with power!  Someone who can move!'  The familiarity with which she rested against him made him uneasy, but he knew his best chance was to play along.  He returned the kiss as best he could without being able to turn his head.  When her hands moved down his pecs and over his abs, he spoke up flirtatiously, "That's some impressive magic, miss.  Though if you'd wanted to feel me up, all you had to do was ask."  He knew a person with this much power likely couldn't be persuaded by someone of his level, but he had to try.

The sound of the smacks against Caitlyn's ass made the naga wince.  He thought on the air elemental's words, 'We can explore if we desire, but our bodies will be someone else's to handle...  What in all the realms does that mean?  It doesn't sound like slavery and yet I have no idea what else it could be.'  When Elmadia finally left, his visage was serious and thoughtful.  He didn't know what to say except, "I don't know what's goin' to happen now, but I hope we both get through this, Viola.  You don't deserve someone else handlin' your body."  Soon after, sleep took them. 

Mathis (in Sybil's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - a 2nd Floor Lounge
Tag: Everyone

Matthis gasped and bolted upright.  His voice sounded wrong.  There was an uncomfortable shift against his chest at his swift movement.  He couldn't feel his tail coiled beneath him.  Looking down at himself, he couldn't see anything past the red skintight top that stretched enticingly over his full breasts.  His breasts!  Small, foreign hands raised to his temples.  The distance wasn't right at first, and he had to move them lower down than he was expecting.  "Nononononononono.  This ain't happenin'," one hand slowly moved and cupped his throat.  The voice was all wrong: too feminine.  The skin was too soft.  His hands slipped lower and pulled the skintight material down enough to reveal the pale flesh and carnation pink bra underneath.  Looking down, he thought, 'They're definitely real.'  Releasing his grip, he let the top tighten back against his soft chest as his hands explored lower.

The worrying heat in his loins was not accompanied by the stirring of his members, but he was not feeling around there right now.  There was something much more worrisome on his mind.  Sliding past his voluptuous hips, his hands felt around his thighs... They were separate, not fused.  He let out a little moan of despair and tried to press his thighs and claves as tightly together as they could, hoping they might somehow fuse back into a proper tail.  Of course, it wasn't to be.  After a full thirty seconds of trying, he finally twisted his hips and tried to use his hands to help him up.  He tried to raise up with them and wiggle his joined legs to move, but the best he could manage was to prop himself up on his knees.

His hands returned to the ground, and he tried forcefully pressing off to get himself higher.  It only left him sprawled on the ground on his back.  With a husky grunt, he rolled onto his front again using his shoulders, hands, and the twist of his hips.  Reluctantly, he decided to try to move each leg separately.  It was an awkward start, and his face and chest ended up pressed into the floor with his backside up in the air more than once as he made his way to a nearby couch in the lounge he had ended up in.  Perhaps he could figure out how to stand and walk once he dragged himself up into a seat...

Spoiler for Christina Rahl:

Christina Rahl
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Everyone, Sashanna, Kunshu

Christina watched the people in the great hall, she watched the green lady Rosluni and her servant greet another lady in the hall.  Christina skimmed the room as they talked, noticing the woman perched above everyone.  Rosluni also noticed and spoke to her first, that suited Christina just fine she could watch silently and try to figure out what to do, how to stop whatever was going to happen.  Christina mostly just watched and listened as the person, this Elmadia, did her bad person monologuing.  Even when addressed she decided not to speak up at that point and just stayed silent while listening to her ramble on.  There was still no hint about what the plan was, nothing to act on.

But then she froze.  Christina was stuck before she was ready to react, she could not move a finger.  "Whaaaaat the fuck!" she voiced her mouth still working.  "Release me at once!" she demanded as she tried her best to move.  As Elmadia approached Christina, Christina stuck out a tongue at her.  "Thanks for telling me, I will temporarily be kept from kicking your ass then" she added after the somewhat not very heroic tantrum.  Christina clearly did not think Elmadia was a threat to her, or at least was putting up a brave face for the situation.  Christina did blush bright pink as she was fondled while paralyzed however.  "Stop that!" she whined but like everyone she was stuck.  Luckily for Christina the lady moved on after that, then teleported on.  Unluckily Christina blacked out shortly after.


Christina Rahl in Rosluni's body
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Everyone, Sashanna, Kunshu

Christina opened her eyes, then tried to open them again and again.  She was kinda unsure what she was seeing.  Christina's eye contacts were working too well from the looks of things.  Christina blinked again, yeah too well.  She felt like she was seeing through walls, like heat through walls.  Christina blinked again, yeah it wasn't going away.  She noticed more weird things with her vision, but quickly noticed other problems, she glanced down.  What she saw gave a bush a new meaning.  This bush had thorns, lots and lots of them.  Christina's eyes widened as she noticed her own juices dripping onto what was legs, yet not legs?  She was what, a plant? Glancing a bit up she confirmed green skin and a female body.  A dryad? Christina stretched her neck a bit forward almost falling over, but managed to glance into a watery surface near her.  That confirmed that, the face looking into it was Rosluni's not Christina's. "What the fuck!" shouted Christina in Rosluni's voice.

Christina took a moment to think, had Elmadia switched them? For what reason? Christina looked down on her "legs", she wasn't exactly sure how to untangle that mess.  How exactly did Rosluni move?  "AND WHY AM I SO GODDAMN HORNY!" she shouted again in Rosluni's voice annoyed, frustrated and confused, also horny.  If there was someone else in the room with Christina she had not noticed them.
Spoiler for Caitlyn 'Viola':

Caitlyn in Iradil's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Christina in Rosluni's Body

Caitlyn's head darted towards the shout, unlike others she wasn't inhibited by a strangely formed body, she still was flexible and fast thankfully. She was narrowing down this body's owner to someone from the EDC or a Demon, even with the tools she had it was impossible to narrow it down to either one. There were no defining features that narrowed it down one way or another for her other than the elf ears, but that meant little in the grand scheme of things. Caitlyn decided to eat a dango to distract herself from the aching arousal between her legs. as she walked towards the yelling. She had to admit, this body was growing on her. It was curvy, fit, and athletic, whatever this woman had been doing had her in great shape. She still wanted to be in her body, but as far as being inhibited she only had to deal with a lack of knowledge. She finished her dango and tossed the stick away before tending to the yelling.

"I'm guessing that's not your body?" Caitlyn said at the doorway, looking at the yelling woman, the voice she recognized but based on what she had encountered so far she had a good idea of what was going on with her. "This isn't mine either, that body is Rosluni's, I met her outside of the mansion. Do you remember anyone named Viola, if so, that's me. If not, we should probably stick together for now. I need to find my body too..." Idly she thought about fucking Christina in that body, but she did her best to fight that off for now, but it was a growing persistent need that would need to be tended to. It was a compulsion that never left her brain...

Mathis (in Sybil's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - a 2nd Floor Lounge
Tag: Everyone, Caitlyn, Christina Rahl

"Yeah, I can do this," Matthis muttered encouragingly to himself as he tried yet again not to fall as he stood from the sofa.  He took a few steps and was feeling more stable than the other times.  Maybe he could even try moving a bit quicker.  He was picking up his pace as he circled the room and then....


The sound of Rosluni's voice shouting out in frustration completely tripped him up, and he fell forward onto the floor once more.  This time though he wasn't crawling back to the sofa.  He was scrabbling towards the door and climbing to his feet with the handle.  Throwing the door open, he almost fell again as he tried to back up unsteadily on two feet.  Leaning against the wall of the hall, he used to it to rush awkwardly forward in a roughly upright position.  It wasn't the most elegant way to walk, but it was giving him more practice and getting him closer to that voice.

It wasn't like Rosluni to be aroused without some artificial cause.  As he thought that, his own nethers throbbed and reminded him that she wasn't the only one feeling the artificial arousal that someone had induced.  His body was urging him to lay on the floor, spread his legs, and find anything or anyone to, to....  'Aeeeiiiii!'

Best not think too much about how female his body obviously was or he was going to have another panic attack.  Rosluni would be able to help.  She knew how to stay calm in the weirdest of situations.  Mathis wasn't a stranger to bad luck when exploring a cave or traveling the forest, but he'd always had his own body to rely on before.

As he was rushing along, he turned a corner and bumped into Caitlyn as she stood in front of an open doorway.  The impact caused his unfamiliar form to rebound, and he ended up on his ass.  Looking up at her, he managed, "Oh, I'm terribly sorry, miss......  Rosluni!"  He had caught sight of her out of the corner of his eye as he was speaking to the woman he'd bumped into.   Leaning his face and chest against the wall, he used his hands and the doorframe to pull himself up again as he gushed, "It's so good to find you.  I'm Mathis.  Some sorta spell gave me these awkward legs and this chest and, and...."

His face tilted in confusion, "Where are your feet?"  Considering the reasons, he turned quizzically towards Caitlyn, "Is this girl a dangerous demon?"  He hadn't seen Ros use thorny vines like those before, but if she was going to take on her monkey pitcher form and consume an evil demon, her feet would become roots for a while.  'But that is usually after the danger was over and only for totally irredeemable enemies and... doesn't she require soil to take root?  I'm so confused,' his mouth hung open, dumbfounded as he glanced back and forth between the two.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2022, 07:58:00 AM by Sashanna »

Offline Sashanna

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Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Rosluni:

Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Main Hall
Tag: Everyone

Roluni frowned as Elmadia left them to attend to something else.  It was rude after calling them here, but at least the girl had the decency to apologize when she returned.  Rosluni smiled at Elmadia's reassurances about the party.  It was always fun meeting new people, and being reassured that no harm would come to anyone was good news.  It took her a few more seconds to realize what wasn't said, and her expression became more neutral, more studious.  'Being unharmed can be ideal for a demon that wants pristine pets.'  Though that might not be the case, it was something that needed clarifying.  'Changes could mean so many things, and people should be allowed to decline.  I hope they are temporary or beneficial changes.'

Rosluni was surprised that someone like Kuroyuri just passively let herself be touched without permission.  The submissive girl's reaction was less surprising.  It wasn't until Elmadia moved away from them and towards Christina that the plant woman realized she couldn't turn her head.  She was about to speak up when the wind spirit mentioned this condition would be temporary.  Ros could live with that; others had done much worse than make her hold still.  What was more of a concern was the mystery of what was planned after.

With her leaves in place covering her sensitive nipples, Elmadia's groping was more friendly than erotic, while the headpat was friendly too if a bit patronizing.  She preferred people asked before touching because some people care if they were touched, but it didn't really bother her.  If that was what made someone feel at ease, she could let it happen and be a good host or guest about it.  She did want to move though.  Even the little probes inside her breeding cups wouldn't budge.  It was almost a surprise when she realized she could talk.  "Hmm, that's good to know.  Are you planning to play with us for the night and let us go, or do you hope to keep us longer?"

Rosluni couldn't see the elemental or where she'd gone in the hall.  She couldn't have known that Elmadia had teleported away partway through her question.  With no response, she was about to repeat it when she heard Persia shout out her name... her preferred name.  Rosluni's amiable expression turned focused and serious, her brows lowered and her smile turned to a firm line.  'If she's not calling me Miss Nepentis, she must -really- be worried about our situation."  Rosluni strained against the spell to see if she could budge.  Not moving at all, she stopped trying.  It wouldn't do to waste energy on futile efforts.

Persia's words and tone were certainly not reassuring.  "Understood, little one.  I will do as you say.  I trust your wits will keep you safe until we figure this out.  Don't worry about me.  I know how to survive."  Before they could say more, Elmadia returned and slumber came to the plant woman.  Despite not needing it, despite her attempts to resist, the world went black.

Rosluni (in Christina Rahl's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Wine Cellar
Tag: Everyone

Roluni awoke and looked around.  Her senses were dulled and it felt like there was an extra weight upon her form.  Likely a residual of the sleep spell.  Even with her impaired sense of smell, she could detect the strong scent of fermentation in the room.  Noticing the broken bottles and traces of fluid, she extended her arm and sent out a couple tendril to inspect them, but her tendrils didn't respond.  It was then she notice her hand wasn't green, and her arm was clad in cloth.  "Oh... it seems I'm not in my body but still in control of this one," she pondered aloud.  Her voice sounded familiar, but she couldn't place whose it could be.  It didn't help that voices sound deeper when they are heard from inside one's head and that she had only briefly met the person she now inhabited.

As her drowsiness cleared, Ros realized her eyes and sense of smell were not simply magically dulled but naturally weaker and less exact in this body.... at least with her at the helm.  She searched her mind to determine if anyone else was inside it with her, but couldn't find anyone.  It would be strange not having tendrils or five vaginas or her male blooms on her head.  How would she ever even feel an orgasm with only one sexual organ?  She knew others could, but for her, it usually took skillful manipulation of at least three of hers.  This body did feel like it could use some release, but there were more than leaves blocking any such relief.

There were all sorts of clothes covering her new body, even an odd helmet over her hair and ears.  She had an urge to take most of them off so that her skin would find it easier to breath, but recalled how most humans did not travel without their clothes on.  Her skin felt thinner than it usually did as she poked at her hand.  'Perhaps human skin is more fragile and sensitive and needs the protection?'  The skin looked human anyway; her body felt empty of Corruption too... and empty in other, more familiar ways.  It wanted to be filled.  Her body was clearly aroused and wanted sex.  She wouldn't have minded giving this body the relief it desired, but she was pretty sure it was someone else's body.  It also wasn't clear how safe this mansion was.  Unless the desire became too distracting, it would be better to learn more about what was going on than to expose herself now and let herself get caught up a carnal the moment.

Rosluni stood up and started purposefully practicing touching bottles, the wall, and anything else in reach while she walked toward the exit of the room.  Her walk mixed up her stride from slow to fast to a strut to a skip and back.  She wanted to improve the proprioception of her new form as quickly as possible, but wasn't going to just sit around waiting to be found like some lost pet in the process.  A little hum escaped her lips as she enjoyed learning about the feel of this new body.  Even if she would like reassurances that everyone was safe and they would be returned to their bodies and let free at the end of this, it was just a delight to experience a new perspective.  'Is this more how Tabi and Aaron Langley sense and interact with the world?' she pondered idly as she climbed the steps towards the ground floor.
Spoiler for Skarde Alexander:

Skarde Alexander (in Grawly's body)
Tag: Asha (in Persia's body) (Youkai), everyone

While she laughed so menacingly and growled like a woman turned completely mad, Skarde wasn't yet so distracted that she wouldn't have noticed he sound of a fully grown snake woman flopping to the floor. "Who's-?! ...Oh. Right. Finally came to, did you? It's about time." It had been less than a minute since Skarde herself woke up. Though she'd already noticed the snake woman sleeping in her room, of course. In another time and body, it would have been very tempting to tease her. Putting that tail in ice cold water, for a start. Or tying it in knots. Maybe Skarde would take off that heavy-looking chestplate while she was asleep, too. Start worshipping her body,. Just the way Skarde was meant to. Kissing that plump-looking chest, moving slowly up to her neck. To those freckled cheeks. Those plush red lips. Teasing her with more and more kisses, until even a snake's cold blood would've turned hot from Skarde's-NOT. NOW. HORNY!! Skarde pushed down the rising tent between her legs, hating more than anything that she now understood what an erection felt like. And hating even more than that it wouldn't let up. Go down already, get smaller! Better yet, just go away!

Her struggle was made just a little bit easier when Skarde noticed that she wasn't the only one awkwardly holding a hand over her crotch. At least, seeing her new companion's own awkward crotch-grabbing was a comfort until Skarde realized the implications. "Don't tell me you have one, too." she mumbled. In a voice far too loud for mumbling. Then clearing her throat, she answered "I'm perfectly, totally, absolutely calm. Calm is me. The calmest. Doyouhaveapenis. Nevermind! Doesn't mater. Right now. Maybe later. NowIneedtofindher. The blonde pervert. Telekinetic. Psychic too, probably. They're always psychic, too. Probably put my mind in this body. Elmadia, you said?" Was that her name? Or was she talking about someone else?

"I'm in the 'scarred' camp for sure, as you can see. Y'know. From the scars. And my name happens to be Skarde, if you're looking for one. Who're you and what number of dicks do you have? Is it the same as yesterday? On second thought, that would be very good to know." Both to figure out if Skarde was the only victim of this mischief, and to get the nagging question out of her head. And to know if it was safe to feel this turned on by her
Spoiler for Asha:

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Skarde

"Elmadia is the one that put us in these bodies, yes. It's Asha again, I got put in this body too. We both got switched into new bodies." Asha said calmly, even though her own arousal was becoming a massive distraction, she tried to ignore it as best she could but as a vampire she was used to giving into some urges, this was not a time to do so though so she mentally slapped herself. She did not need to fuck right now, she needed to relax and figure out the situation. "I don't think I have a penis, but I've been in this body less than five minutes so having a gauge of everything is impossible." Asha said as she slithered slowly over to Skarde and made a quick observation...

"I think that body is used to strength, so if you can harness it you could probably beat Elmadia to a pulp to reverse this. However I don't think this is her power, the mansion feels... off. Either way we should move elsewhere and see what we can find. I can feel corruption and I can tell that's a demon's body, it's probably strong in some regard." Asha ignored the penis on Skarde, she seemed remarkably level headed considering their situation. "Whoever has my body might have some problems, I didn't tell you this before but I'm a vampire and with it come certain weaknesses..." Asha said with a hiss as she started to move forward towards an open door at the end of the hall, either it was a way out or it led to another victim, either way she wanted to gather allies or explore...

Rosluni (in Christina Rahl's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Wine Cellar
Tag: Everyone, Asha, Skarde Alexander

Rosluni had a hand lightly trailing the railing as she practiced various steps and flourishes on her way up out of the cellar.  She saw the door was open at the top of the stairway, and a brighter amount of light was pouring through it.  The thought of being able to see better with these poor eyes brought an extra bounce to her step.  She hopped up and through the doorway cheerily only to wince as she landed.  Her chest pulled painfully against her as it had bounced out of sync with the rest of her body.  "Ow, that's not very well designed," she observed with a pout, a couple of fingers on her left hand poking into her breasts experimentally and finding that they at least wouldn't be hurt from a few firm pokes.

Noticing motion in the hallway ahead, her smile widened even as her eyes narrowed.  Though she couldn't see the glowing mark on the naga's forehead or the heat caused by her motion forward, she could still tell that was Persia's body slithering towards her.  The question was, who was in it?  The motions didn't look as smooth or as precise as Persia's were in any case.  "Hello," Ros called out cheerily and gave a broad, friendly wave.  "I recognize your body, but I am curious who you are.  My name is Rosluni.  I was called here to help make sure everyone stayed safe and not enslaved."  She playfully danced her fingers along the wall as she slowly approached.  "This body is not my own either.  I'm trying to use it as much as possible to get practice in case I need to do something quickly.  Down those steps is just a dim room full of wooden items, glass, and fermented juices.  You are welcome to check for yourself..."

She leaned sideways to look around Asha, "Is there someone else behind you?  Know that I mean you no harm unless you mean others harm."  Letting out a sultry chuckle, she leaned forward confidently and added, "But I am still able to make you forget about harming others if I have to."  Most people stopped trying to harm others if they became too aroused to think.  She knew the sensitive spots on Persia's body.  It wasn't like the sexual escapades of members of the Grove were private affairs.  Even in a human body, she was sure she could empty their minds with lust and pleasure if need be.  For now though, she'd wait and see what their intentions were.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2022, 04:24:38 AM by Sashanna »

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Christina Rahl in Rosluni's body
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Sashanna, Youkai

Christina was still pissed off but her temper tantrum was almost over with.  She was still annoyingly aroused and outright confused. How do you even? Thought Christina to herself looking at all the vines.  Christina tried to move a toe, a vine moved, different one that she had expected to one did.  Christina thought about moving everything and tried to move everything as if she was moving both her feet and all her toes, success everything did move.  Christina had no idea what did what though, still she had seen Rosluni earlier and then she only had legs so it was probably possible to move these out of the way, into her body or something.  Christina was still working on the vine puzzle when the first guest came.

Christina looked up to see an unfamiliar face, she did recognize the name when it was mentioned however.  "Oh! Viola, it's me Christina" responded Christina.  "Seems I'm in Rosluni's body yeaaah.  Well it probably is when I get the hang of this mess down here" said Christina glancing down and trying to move the vines.  "I'm a bit confused by this mess, still it seems to be coming a long" but Christina then faceplanted after the vines moved in a way she had not expected and she lost her balance.  "Oww" said Christina holding her green head.  "I moved the wrong one..." she explained, fixing her mistake and lifting herself from the ground.  "Moving together sounds like a good idea... Christina was saying when someone else showed up another unfamiliar face.  This time the second guest started by bumping into Viola.

"Mathis...that was the male naga wasn't it?" Christina said out loud before Mathis finished talking about getting legs.  "Oh! I'm not Rosluni by the way, I'm Christina" she explained, still working towards moving the vines.  It was working now, Christina slowly after Mathis came, started to move them away and eventually she was there standing on legs again. "AAAAA that's better!"

"Two feet again!" said Christina smiling, she wasn't sure if she had perfect control though.  Christina felt like there was way more to control in this body than her normal one.  Christina for example had no idea she was currently releasing strong Pheromones into the air.  Christina moved closer to the other two.  "We were just discussing moving together, we want to find our bodies" said Christina in Rosluni's voice.

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Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Grawly

"I see someone is enjoying themselves." Elmadia grinned as she came around the corner, eyeing her erstwhile body and whomever had taken ownership of Skarde. "She certainly looks like a good little maid doesn't she?" The elemental moved gracefully towards Astrid and her prize, fully in control of her new form, having had the opportunity to practice with it long before her guests had arrived and laid her hands on Astrid's shoulders, rubbing them. "You're eager to play with this one, aren't you? I can see why, she's clearly deliciously submissive and eager to be toyed with." Elmadia's voice took a hard edge as she spoke. It may have sounded like she was asking questions, but something made them orders not to be disobeyed.

"Now, won't you be a dear little pet and show us your new body?" Could Grawly resist the orders coming from the two blondes? Did she even want to? She was there to earn Elmadia's favour after all, wasn't she?

Grawly (In Skarde's Body)
Tagging: Elmadia, Astrid, Everyone

Grawly's mind curls itself into a neat, spherical walnut from sheer terror, as her neck slowly creaks around to realise she is not alone. She is.. weak, defenseless, robbed of her physical strength. If she has magic, it is... alien in this body, and she had neither the paranoia nor the foresight to practice before she put on the dress. "Please...." she begs, weakly mewling at her plight.

It is then that the blonde strides up to her, thrusting that confident hand between her legs. "HAAAAAAH!" She shrieks a girly bitch-moan, long and high and sweet - completely unaccustomed to such nerve endings being touched, let alone grabbed. "M...Mercy! I'll be a good.. maid! I'll be good, so..." She tries to bargain, tries to plea, but her alcohol-riddled mind is an easy thing to compromise. The fear, the awkwardness, the soul-gnawing coldness of her Bane - it would all be so much easier if she just... did as she was told.

Good Girls Do As They Are Told.

Grawlymaid bows, stiffly - nervously pawing the hem of her dress. "Y...yes! Please don't eat me! I will serve." She lifts her petticoats, revealing slender,  narrow thighs. They gleam beneath the veneer of black stockings, ending in insufferably feminine, frilly garters. Grawlymaid did not bother with panties - largely not understanding how such human technology worked. Her slit is puffy, and slick with desire - the poor newlyhuman's body and lust completely out of control.

Astrid in Elmadia's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Grawly in Skarde's Body

"Yes, I agree, you definitely should show us your body." Astrid's hands continued to gently rub against Grawly's slit as the hypnotic hint to her voice continued to worm through Grawly's alcohol inhibited mind. As she did the blonde shot Elmadia a small glare, she was putting on a performance but her presence could ruin it a tad if they kept this up. That wasn't her problem though, Elmadia told her to play her part so she would or suffer the consequences. Needless to say, she was terrified of what Desdemona might do when she got her body back or even encountered them. Astrid continued to play along, she battled back the compulsions that were hitting her head, she was very experienced at warding off such intrusions. Nonetheless, she played along with the game and leaned up close to Grawly...

"Undress for us, entertain us, make a show of it. Don't use your head, just follow our words, our thoughts are more important than yours. Keep your mind silent because it needs to rest, all you need to do is obey." Astrid then turned and gave Elmadia a smirk before adding more as she stopped stroking the woman's slit, she needed to undress after all. "Fold your clothes neatly, a good maid keeps her clothes in good condition."

Grawly (In Skarde's Body)
Tagging: Elmadia, Astrid

Good Girls Do As They Are Told. - her thoughts pulse again, the mental shackles of her demonic bane ever so present, even if the bane itself is not. Her fear, her shame, her secret yet undeniable arousal, all of it serves as match to kerosene for the poor bodyswapped Oni. The compulsion, the orders - sheer, unquestioning obedience - is the path of least resistance. Body, mind and soul scream at her, with the fierceness of a cornered predator. SUBMIT!

"Yes, Mistresses." she purrs, her tone flat and polite. She shrugs the dress up over her head - unaccustomed to such clothing, and trying to do a sort of.... backwards hop, out of it. After some struggling, and losing balance twice, she is liberated from the frilly petticoats. She folds it up, as neat as she can, and then drops to her knees with a heavy thud. She bows her head, offering her clothing up to the two women - leaving only underwear and a broken mind in it's place.

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Sybil in Mathis' Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Iradil in Caitlyn's Body

"Umm..." Sybil had to admit, the show she was getting from Iradil was enticing and her new body seemed to agree as she could feel her new dick starting to stiffen and pleasant thoughts flood her brain. A weaker human would submit to these desires immediately considering the bountiful ass swinging in front of her, but Sybil was quite a bit different from a typical human. Sybil suddenly gained a thin smile, she knew who this was, but she let the ninja play her little game and just grinned to the side for now as she leaned against the wall and battled off her arousal, it didn't take the edge off, in fact it did the opposite, but at least she was being given time to get used to the body. Sybil started to slither closer, slowly.

At least until Iradil landed in front of her and continued her performance. "If you keep that up you might, you might want to tone it down because of... the side effects." Sybil looked down at her new dick, even though Sybil wasn't trying to get aroused it was stiff as possible from Iradil's little seductive display. Sybil was surprised at how into it Iradil was getting and her eyes went wide when her chest was poked and the woman declared she wanted to kiss her, maybe it was Yasu instead of-?

No, it wasn't, it was Iradil.

"That was a fine performance." Sybil said with an roguish smirk, at least that's what the snake man she was in gave her to work with. "Oh no, I don't judge. I've done my own pranks and little funny performances as well. You should know that by now, Iradil. So what? You were putting on a performance and didn't know if you should trust me, I find it cute. Anyway you should keep a performance in mind in case we meet others that want to take advantage of our situation, it might throw off potential enemies. I can't imagine anyone agrees with what Elmadia has done, and if they do it's only because they have benefitted from this switch." Sybil took a deep breath and calmed down, her voice had become deeper and more primal thanks to the display by her fellow ninja, whatever arousal spell had been cast on her was powerful...

"I'd guess you're in a Dominion agent's body, or DRU, I've seen both wearing high tech gear. Hopefully it's DRU. I don't know how any of their equipment works though so I wouldn't mess around with it too much and focus on finding our original bodies. I can still cast some magic, but not much. You find anything else while snooping around in that body?"

Iradil in Caitlyn's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Sybil in Mathis' Body

At the roguish smirk, and compliment Iralyn gave a sly smile back, and the red tinge to her face changed from being due to embarrassment, to pride. Or at least, changed from being totally due to embarrassment . She was still twirling some of the long red hair around her fingers, rocking too and through on the balls of her feet. "Oh I know, I like to keep tabs on your stories, such history!" She had a giddy little smile on her face, perhaps quite at odds again, with what a hardened Dominion operative might wear. She jumped ever so slightly at the mention of being found to be cute. Almost unnoticeable, to people other then a fellow Dragon. Especially a Dragon who knew Iradil. She hummed and leaned against the wall. She meant to lean against the air, as she usually did, but the new body, and lack of her usual tricks threw her off. Iradil managed to avoid frantic hand waving though, merely having her eyes widen as she fell into the wall. Almost managing to make it appear that it was her intention to begin with. "A performance yes, there's a lot here throwing me off, so flipping that onto others sounds most helpful." She tilted her head slightly, before squeaking softly, biting her lip as she realised fully the actual affect she'd had on Sybil... Shaking her head, no, no no. Nope. Nope nope, it was Elmadia and her spell. Mmhmm. That was it, no need to think further on it.

Besides she could still feel the arousal thrumming through her new body. The fact that Sybil, now had a cock, was enticing certain muscle memories in this body... and whilst Sybil was absolutely lovely, this was not a date Iradil had planned on. Thankfully, Sybil was back on focus, giving a convenient out and distraction. "Hmm, I didn't consider DRU..." She hadn't, her performance had been totally based on her lack of knowledge of Dominion forces. She looked down at the body again, before quirking an eyebrow and looking up at Sybil. "Oh yea sure, I found a couple of howitzers, ready to pop out and fire..." She tugged at the zip on the body suit for a moment, mumbling several odd sounding curses under her breath before giving up on the suit and simply letting it sit how it sit. "Wardrobe malfuction waiting to happen this." She hummed and shifted back onto her feet. "Well there's a mask, that I am most definitely not putting on, and some other equipment that I'm not sure how to use... What about you? How are you holding up? How's it... not having legs?" She gave Sybil's new form another look over, mumbling out another soft apology before gasping. "Oh, wait, I was with... er a couple of others before Elmadia appeared and froze us all. A demon, Asha and an..." She giggled playfully. "Omni-devil, Skarde, was it the same for you? Frozen with others?"


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