Author Topic: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness  (Read 16047 times)

Offline madman32

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Spoiler for Asha:

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Skarde

"Elmadia is the one that put us in these bodies, yes. It's Asha again, I got put in this body too. We both got switched into new bodies." Asha said calmly, even though her own arousal was becoming a massive distraction, she tried to ignore it as best she could but as a vampire she was used to giving into some urges, this was not a time to do so though so she mentally slapped herself. She did not need to fuck right now, she needed to relax and figure out the situation. "I don't think I have a penis, but I've been in this body less than five minutes so having a gauge of everything is impossible." Asha said as she slithered slowly over to Skarde and made a quick observation...

"I think that body is used to strength, so if you can harness it you could probably beat Elmadia to a pulp to reverse this. However I don't think this is her power, the mansion feels... off. Either way we should move elsewhere and see what we can find. I can feel corruption and I can tell that's a demon's body, it's probably strong in some regard." Asha ignored the penis on Skarde, she seemed remarkably level headed considering their situation. "Whoever has my body might have some problems, I didn't tell you this before but I'm a vampire and with it come certain weaknesses..." Asha said with a hiss as she started to move forward towards an open door at the end of the hall, either it was a way out or it led to another victim, either way she wanted to gather allies or explore...
Spoiler for Rosluni:

Rosluni (in Christina Rahl's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Wine Cellar
Tag: Everyone, Asha, Skarde Alexander

Rosluni had a hand lightly trailing the railing as she practiced various steps and flourishes on her way up out of the cellar.  She saw the door was open at the top of the stairway, and a brighter amount of light was pouring through it.  The thought of being able to see better with these poor eyes brought an extra bounce to her step.  She hopped up and through the doorway cheerily only to wince as she landed.  Her chest pulled painfully against her as it had bounced out of sync with the rest of her body.  "Ow, that's not very well designed," she observed with a pout, a couple of fingers on her left hand poking into her breasts experimentally and finding that they at least wouldn't be hurt from a few firm pokes.

Noticing motion in the hallway ahead, her smile widened even as her eyes narrowed.  Though she couldn't see the glowing mark on the naga's forehead or the heat caused by her motion forward, she could still tell that was Persia's body slithering towards her.  The question was, who was in it?  The motions didn't look as smooth or as precise as Persia's were in any case.  "Hello," Ros called out cheerily and gave a broad, friendly wave.  "I recognize your body, but I am curious who you are.  My name is Rosluni.  I was called here to help make sure everyone stayed safe and not enslaved."  She playfully danced her fingers along the wall as she slowly approached.  "This body is not my own either.  I'm trying to use it as much as possible to get practice in case I need to do something quickly.  Down those steps is just a dim room full of wooden items, glass, and fermented juices.  You are welcome to check for yourself..."

She leaned sideways to look around Asha, "Is there someone else behind you?  Know that I mean you no harm unless you mean others harm."  Letting out a sultry chuckle, she leaned forward confidently and added, "But I am still able to make you forget about harming others if I have to."  Most people stopped trying to harm others if they became too aroused to think.  She knew the sensitive spots on Persia's body.  It wasn't like the sexual escapades of members of the Grove were private affairs.  Even in a human body, she was sure she could empty their minds with lust and pleasure if need be.  For now though, she'd wait and see what their intentions were.

Skarde Alexander (in Grawly's body)
Tag: Asha (in Persia's body) (Youkai), Rosluni (in Christina's body) (Sashanna)

"Asha Kosha B'gosh? No fooling. Oh yeahhhh...I can totally see it in your eyes, now that you mention it. That way you keep trying to look right past me. Like you can't even make eye contact. Trying to stay on task, or just afraid to fall in love? Heehee, that's so cute! ...But damn, girl! You're a vampire? No wonder I can't stop thinking of you naked.  I  must have been ensnared by one of your charming vampire glamours ...Still working, by the way. I dig the new look. But if you want some of this, then you'd better figure out your downstairs situation first. Maybe with some tape I could make do with mine, at least enough to go down on...well. First things first. I'm not the type of girl who fucks with any tail that might have secret compartments." At least not until the contents of those compartments were less secret. And maybe if she was asked politely enough (or sexily enough) to go for it. But Asha didn't seem so interested, at any rate.

"So it sounds like you already know this 'Elmadia' chick? What's her deal, what's she after? Shits and giggles? Or something worse? Either way I can't believe you let your mind get taken from your body. You're a freakin' vampire! That's supposed to be like a high tier, big boss demon! Don't you have some kinda mental shielding or something?! Some hard defenses?! Bro, do you even turn into a cat?"

It wasn't as if Skarde was any better off. Strengthened muscles or not, Skarde was barely able to keep control of this new body's shape. But even if she was able to fully master it. "All the muscles in the world won't stop Elmadia from just freezing us in place again. We'll need someone who's fast enough to catch her off guard. Magically adept enough to protect us. Or at least cute enough to distract me....her. Distract her. If we're gonna make this work, it's gonna take some serious high-level cuteness!" Was that really what it would take? As if right on cue, however, an incredibly attractive and friendly-seeming newcomer immediately came up to greet them both.

Skarde's lips curled upwards, along with the apparent upward swing of her luck. Or was this another curse in an all too adorable disguise? Rosluni said she was there to "help." By keeping everyone "not enslaved," which was suspiciously specific phrasing. Almost like she might've been there to do the opposite. Either way. She was really cute. And the presence of such a cute cutie was all Skarde needed to perk up again. She joyfully clapped her hands together, putting on her most sweetly innocent act. Even if her voice remained much deeper and louder than she'd have liked. "I'm SO happy to meet someone 'harmless'! It's a pleasure to meet you, Rosluni. Doyouhaveapenis? Don't answer that. This time, I choose to have faith. Praise the Eleventh Goddess. I'm Skarde Alexander. Solid C Student of The Circle. Scourge of Stockholm. Magisonic Swedish Warhead. Prisoner number...know what? Just call me 'Cupcake.' Repeatedly. And pet my hair, if you please?" Did this girl have any filter at all to what she was saying? Skarde tilted herself lower and closer, apparently serious about giving Rosluni the chance to pet her. "Can I be honest with you? I'll be honest with you. Let me be honest with you. Honestly? We were absolutely, totally, 100% scheming some big time major violence on someone! With spankings and everything! I'm so ashamed of myself. And yet, I'd do it again! In fact, I'd still do it! So I guess you're gonna have to do everything in your power to stop us now, hmmmm~? Make us forget all about our violent tendencies?" Was this really Skarde's way of making a new ally? What was she doing, why was she antagonizing her? I mean, I do want to see her at least try to fuck with me. After all, that was essentially Skarde's love language.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2022, 05:03:12 AM by madman32 »

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Iradil in Caitlyn's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Sybil in Mathis' Body

At the roguish smirk, and compliment Iralyn gave a sly smile back, and the red tinge to her face changed from being due to embarrassment, to pride. Or at least, changed from being totally due to embarrassment . She was still twirling some of the long red hair around her fingers, rocking too and through on the balls of her feet. "Oh I know, I like to keep tabs on your stories, such history!" She had a giddy little smile on her face, perhaps quite at odds again, with what a hardened Dominion operative might wear. She jumped ever so slightly at the mention of being found to be cute. Almost unnoticeable, to people other then a fellow Dragon. Especially a Dragon who knew Iradil. She hummed and leaned against the wall. She meant to lean against the air, as she usually did, but the new body, and lack of her usual tricks threw her off. Iradil managed to avoid frantic hand waving though, merely having her eyes widen as she fell into the wall. Almost managing to make it appear that it was her intention to begin with. "A performance yes, there's a lot here throwing me off, so flipping that onto others sounds most helpful." She tilted her head slightly, before squeaking softly, biting her lip as she realised fully the actual affect she'd had on Sybil... Shaking her head, no, no no. Nope. Nope nope, it was Elmadia and her spell. Mmhmm. That was it, no need to think further on it.

Besides she could still feel the arousal thrumming through her new body. The fact that Sybil, now had a cock, was enticing certain muscle memories in this body... and whilst Sybil was absolutely lovely, this was not a date Iradil had planned on. Thankfully, Sybil was back on focus, giving a convenient out and distraction. "Hmm, I didn't consider DRU..." She hadn't, her performance had been totally based on her lack of knowledge of Dominion forces. She looked down at the body again, before quirking an eyebrow and looking up at Sybil. "Oh yea sure, I found a couple of howitzers, ready to pop out and fire..." She tugged at the zip on the body suit for a moment, mumbling several odd sounding curses under her breath before giving up on the suit and simply letting it sit how it sit. "Wardrobe malfuction waiting to happen this." She hummed and shifted back onto her feet. "Well there's a mask, that I am most definitely not putting on, and some other equipment that I'm not sure how to use... What about you? How are you holding up? How's it... not having legs?" She gave Sybil's new form another look over, mumbling out another soft apology before gasping. "Oh, wait, I was with... er a couple of others before Elmadia appeared and froze us all. A demon, Asha and an..." She giggled playfully. "Omni-devil, Skarde, was it the same for you? Frozen with others?"

Sybil in Mathis' Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Iradil in Caitlyn's Body

"Are you calling me old? I'm glad I have a devoted fan." Sybil said with a bit of a smirk, and it looked roguish due to the body she was in. She kept that look up when Iradil got flustered as well seeming to find glee in teasing the theatrical ninja. She was cute when she was on her backfoot even if it was in a different body. Sybil continued to proceed with the subject change, trying her best to ignore the obvious arousal protruding from her lower half. "Regardless of who's body that is, we need to get a move on. I don't know what game Elmadia is playing but she's confident that we can't mess with her plans." Sybil chuckled darkly at Iradil's joke about the wardrobe and the breasts that were practically begging to explode out of that top...

"I'm surprised, I thought you liked masks? Anyway I'm not going to be able to help with equipment." She obviously didn't want Iradil fiddling around with that stuff. "Movement is... slow, but I'll manage since I'm getting used to it. I don't think I'll be as much help in a fight as I usually would, but as I said I can still cast some spells" Sybil hung her head low, feeling this powerless was something that didn't bring back pleasant memories. Last time she felt this weak was when she was a naive magical girl with a far too optimistic view of the world...

"Asha I've heard about, used to be a weak vampire. I heard she got much stronger." Sybil shook her head at Skarde's name, that one she didn't recognize. "I was stuck with a demon named Grawly, she was very hungry..." Sybil started to slither to the other end of the hallway, thinking it was best to walk and chat at the same time.

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Mathis (in Sybil's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - a 2nd Floor Lounge
Tag: Everyone, Caitlyn, Christina Rahl

"Yeah, I can do this," Matthis muttered encouragingly to himself as he tried yet again not to fall as he stood from the sofa.  He took a few steps and was feeling more stable than the other times.  Maybe he could even try moving a bit quicker.  He was picking up his pace as he circled the room and then....


The sound of Rosluni's voice shouting out in frustration completely tripped him up, and he fell forward onto the floor once more.  This time though he wasn't crawling back to the sofa.  He was scrabbling towards the door and climbing to his feet with the handle.  Throwing the door open, he almost fell again as he tried to back up unsteadily on two feet.  Leaning against the wall of the hall, he used to it to rush awkwardly forward in a roughly upright position.  It wasn't the most elegant way to walk, but it was giving him more practice and getting him closer to that voice.

It wasn't like Rosluni to be aroused without some artificial cause.  As he thought that, his own nethers throbbed and reminded him that she wasn't the only one feeling the artificial arousal that someone had induced.  His body was urging him to lay on the floor, spread his legs, and find anything or anyone to, to....  'Aeeeiiiii!'

Best not think too much about how female his body obviously was or he was going to have another panic attack.  Rosluni would be able to help.  She knew how to stay calm in the weirdest of situations.  Mathis wasn't a stranger to bad luck when exploring a cave or traveling the forest, but he'd always had his own body to rely on before.

As he was rushing along, he turned a corner and bumped into Caitlyn as she stood in front of an open doorway.  The impact caused his unfamiliar form to rebound, and he ended up on his ass.  Looking up at her, he managed, "Oh, I'm terribly sorry, miss......  Rosluni!"  He had caught sight of her out of the corner of his eye as he was speaking to the woman he'd bumped into.   Leaning his face and chest against the wall, he used his hands and the doorframe to pull himself up again as he gushed, "It's so good to find you.  I'm Mathis.  Some sorta spell gave me these awkward legs and this chest and, and...."

His face tilted in confusion, "Where are your feet?"  Considering the reasons, he turned quizzically towards Caitlyn, "Is this girl a dangerous demon?"  He hadn't seen Ros use thorny vines like those before, but if she was going to take on her monkey pitcher form and consume an evil demon, her feet would become roots for a while.  'But that is usually after the danger was over and only for totally irredeemable enemies and... doesn't she require soil to take root?  I'm so confused,' his mouth hung open, dumbfounded as he glanced back and forth between the two.

Christina Rahl in Rosluni's body
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Sashanna, Youkai

Christina was still pissed off but her temper tantrum was almost over with.  She was still annoyingly aroused and outright confused. How do you even? Thought Christina to herself looking at all the vines.  Christina tried to move a toe, a vine moved, different one that she had expected to one did.  Christina thought about moving everything and tried to move everything as if she was moving both her feet and all her toes, success everything did move.  Christina had no idea what did what though, still she had seen Rosluni earlier and then she only had legs so it was probably possible to move these out of the way, into her body or something.  Christina was still working on the vine puzzle when the first guest came.

Christina looked up to see an unfamiliar face, she did recognize the name when it was mentioned however.  "Oh! Viola, it's me Christina" responded Christina.  "Seems I'm in Rosluni's body yeaaah.  Well it probably is when I get the hang of this mess down here" said Christina glancing down and trying to move the vines.  "I'm a bit confused by this mess, still it seems to be coming a long" but Christina then faceplanted after the vines moved in a way she had not expected and she lost her balance.  "Oww" said Christina holding her green head.  "I moved the wrong one..." she explained, fixing her mistake and lifting herself from the ground.  "Moving together sounds like a good idea... Christina was saying when someone else showed up another unfamiliar face.  This time the second guest started by bumping into Viola.

"Mathis...that was the male naga wasn't it?" Christina said out loud before Mathis finished talking about getting legs.  "Oh! I'm not Rosluni by the way, I'm Christina" she explained, still working towards moving the vines.  It was working now, Christina slowly after Mathis came, started to move them away and eventually she was there standing on legs again. "AAAAA that's better!"

"Two feet again!" said Christina smiling, she wasn't sure if she had perfect control though.  Christina felt like there was way more to control in this body than her normal one.  Christina for example had no idea she was currently releasing strong Pheromones into the air.  Christina moved closer to the other two.  "We were just discussing moving together, we want to find our bodies" said Christina in Rosluni's voice.

Caitlyn in Iradil's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Christina in Rosluni's Body

"Do you need help? I don't know how to control other limbs but I can at least keep you upright." Caitlyn asked as she rushed over to help Christina with her new body, she couldn't do much but stabilize her but it appeared that wasn't necessary as Christina eventually got the hang of it. Once again she had to admit her speed had not changed, she felt fortunate that she ended up in a body that wasn't that much different than her own. She still missed her equipment and her body though. "Careful..." Caitlyn said, watching Christina carefully and ready to jump in at a moment's notice. Another voice caught her attention though...

"Mathis? Hey, it's Viola, guess it's lucky we still found each other again huh? This is..." Caitlyn stopped herself as Christina introduced herself. She went wide eyed when Christina proudly displayed herself and revealed her two legs. Caitlyn was feeling incredibly aroused, but she did her best to fend it off, she had no clue that pheromones had entered the picture though. "Yeah, we need to find our bodies... and keep our hands to ourselves. This arousal is maddening. And no, nobody is dangerous here. I just think Christina is having trouble with that body, I'm fine... I think. I have these cute ears." Caitlyn ran her finger along them with a little pout before turning to Mathis. "We should get moving, anywhere, sooner we bump into our bodies the better. Did you see anyone else Mathis?"

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Rosluni (in Christina Rahl's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Wine Cellar
Tag: Everyone, Asha, Skarde Alexander

Rosluni had a hand lightly trailing the railing as she practiced various steps and flourishes on her way up out of the cellar.  She saw the door was open at the top of the stairway, and a brighter amount of light was pouring through it.  The thought of being able to see better with these poor eyes brought an extra bounce to her step.  She hopped up and through the doorway cheerily only to wince as she landed.  Her chest pulled painfully against her as it had bounced out of sync with the rest of her body.  "Ow, that's not very well designed," she observed with a pout, a couple of fingers on her left hand poking into her breasts experimentally and finding that they at least wouldn't be hurt from a few firm pokes.

Noticing motion in the hallway ahead, her smile widened even as her eyes narrowed.  Though she couldn't see the glowing mark on the naga's forehead or the heat caused by her motion forward, she could still tell that was Persia's body slithering towards her.  The question was, who was in it?  The motions didn't look as smooth or as precise as Persia's were in any case.  "Hello," Ros called out cheerily and gave a broad, friendly wave.  "I recognize your body, but I am curious who you are.  My name is Rosluni.  I was called here to help make sure everyone stayed safe and not enslaved."  She playfully danced her fingers along the wall as she slowly approached.  "This body is not my own either.  I'm trying to use it as much as possible to get practice in case I need to do something quickly.  Down those steps is just a dim room full of wooden items, glass, and fermented juices.  You are welcome to check for yourself..."

She leaned sideways to look around Asha, "Is there someone else behind you?  Know that I mean you no harm unless you mean others harm."  Letting out a sultry chuckle, she leaned forward confidently and added, "But I am still able to make you forget about harming others if I have to."  Most people stopped trying to harm others if they became too aroused to think.  She knew the sensitive spots on Persia's body.  It wasn't like the sexual escapades of members of the Grove were private affairs.  Even in a human body, she was sure she could empty their minds with lust and pleasure if need be.  For now though, she'd wait and see what their intentions were.

Skarde Alexander (in Grawly's body)
Tag: Asha (in Persia's body) (Youkai), Rosluni (in Christina's body) (Sashanna)

"Asha Kosha B'gosh? No fooling. Oh yeahhhh...I can totally see it in your eyes, now that you mention it. That way you keep trying to look right past me. Like you can't even make eye contact. Trying to stay on task, or just afraid to fall in love? Heehee, that's so cute! ...But damn, girl! You're a vampire? No wonder I can't stop thinking of you naked.  I  must have been ensnared by one of your charming vampire glamours ...Still working, by the way. I dig the new look. But if you want some of this, then you'd better figure out your downstairs situation first. Maybe with some tape I could make do with mine, at least enough to go down on...well. First things first. I'm not the type of girl who fucks with any tail that might have secret compartments." At least not until the contents of those compartments were less secret. And maybe if she was asked politely enough (or sexily enough) to go for it. But Asha didn't seem so interested, at any rate.

"So it sounds like you already know this 'Elmadia' chick? What's her deal, what's she after? Shits and giggles? Or something worse? Either way I can't believe you let your mind get taken from your body. You're a freakin' vampire! That's supposed to be like a high tier, big boss demon! Don't you have some kinda mental shielding or something?! Some hard defenses?! Bro, do you even turn into a cat?"

It wasn't as if Skarde was any better off. Strengthened muscles or not, Skarde was barely able to keep control of this new body's shape. But even if she was able to fully master it. "All the muscles in the world won't stop Elmadia from just freezing us in place again. We'll need someone who's fast enough to catch her off guard. Magically adept enough to protect us. Or at least cute enough to distract me....her. Distract her. If we're gonna make this work, it's gonna take some serious high-level cuteness!" Was that really what it would take? As if right on cue, however, an incredibly attractive and friendly-seeming newcomer immediately came up to greet them both.

Skarde's lips curled upwards, along with the apparent upward swing of her luck. Or was this another curse in an all too adorable disguise? Rosluni said she was there to "help." By keeping everyone "not enslaved," which was suspiciously specific phrasing. Almost like she might've been there to do the opposite. Either way. She was really cute. And the presence of such a cute cutie was all Skarde needed to perk up again. She joyfully clapped her hands together, putting on her most sweetly innocent act. Even if her voice remained much deeper and louder than she'd have liked. "I'm SO happy to meet someone 'harmless'! It's a pleasure to meet you, Rosluni. Doyouhaveapenis? Don't answer that. This time, I choose to have faith. Praise the Eleventh Goddess. I'm Skarde Alexander. Solid C Student of The Circle. Scourge of Stockholm. Magisonic Swedish Warhead. Prisoner number...know what? Just call me 'Cupcake.' Repeatedly. And pet my hair, if you please?" Did this girl have any filter at all to what she was saying? Skarde tilted herself lower and closer, apparently serious about giving Rosluni the chance to pet her. "Can I be honest with you? I'll be honest with you. Let me be honest with you. Honestly? We were absolutely, totally, 100% scheming some big time major violence on someoene! With spankings and everything! I'm so ashamed of myself. And yet, I'd do it again! In fact, I'd still do it! So I guess you're gonna have to do everything in your power to stop us now, hmmmm~? Make us forget all about our violent tendencies?" Was this really Skarde's way of making a new ally? What was she doing, why was she antagonizing her? I mean, I do want to see her at least try to fuck with me. After all, that was essentially Skarde's love language.

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Skarde

Asha stopped and turned her head to listen to Skarde's angry rant, she couldn't blame the girl for being just a bit angry but that anger wasn't going to help them get their bodies back. With age came patience, and that was one of the few reasons Asha was able to keep herself in check. "Skarde, I'm not looking past you. Also I don't have a supernatural allure on humans or demons unless they're weak minded, most of my vampiric traits come from my strength. You don't appear to be weak." Asha didn't seem interested in sex luckily, and even gave a small compliment to the angry body swapped woman. Still, it was obvious Asha was struggling to battle back arousal, it was obviously part of the spell. The woman sighed and shuddered visibly as she resumed heading towards the opened door, continuing the conversation as she slithered. "I don't know her personally, I've heard rumors that she's been seen with Prince Nathaniel, but not much else. What little I know of the royal family makes me believe there is a strong connection between her and them. Also just because I'm a vampire doesn't mean I can prevent spells of this magnitude." Asha sighed and narrowed her eyes as Skarde went on the rant about what they needed, she was right that finding more allies would help, and luckily they would run into one.

"I'm Asha... Elmadia did a number on everyone I guess, when I get my body back I'm going to pulverize her." The vampire's heat grew quickly, a magical girl? That'd wet her appetite for sex really quickly but she braced herself and battled back such lewd emotions. Asha then took a back seat to Skarde as she slithered past Rosluni and checked the room. "The only person I want to hurt is Elmadia, and I believe the same applies to Skarde here. Everyone else is someone we should team up with to get our bodies back. You said you knew who this body belonged to, who's body is this?" Asha asked after Skarde's rant was done...

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Mansion of Madness
Tag: Barbati

Kuroyuri braced herself as Barbati activated Yuri's ring, she knew the ring contained the power for some kind of super mode that... huh... how did she get that ring again? How strange... it was like she'd somehow never thought about it before? But then Yuri's jaw dropped when she saw exactly what the ring did, as Barbati stood before her now dressed as some kind of perverse sexy bunny girl. "Wh... what??? That's what the ring does to me!!! Oh my god I... I had no idea! The ring had been messing with my mind and made me enjoy going about like that?!" Yasu! She was the one that did this to her! Swapping bodies had lowered the power of Yasui's post hypnotic suggestions on her mind, now she could remember what the ring did! "No I don't! Well actually yes I do like showing off, but not like that! That's something this bitch Yasu did to me!" Kuroyuri seethed in anger... maybe before she'd swap bodies back, she'd use the superior power of this raw demonic form to take revenge on Yasu for what she did?

But while Kuroyuri was thinking of that... she didn't notice Barbati walking straight up to her and locking eyes with her. Kuroyuri whimpered, but was unable to break the gaze... "I... I want you to have... as much fun in this body as possible..." Yuri repeated as the raw bunny power Barbati now possessed burned it's way into her mind. "I... enjoy watching you have your way... and enjoy everything my body has to offer... I enjoy you flaunting... your power and slutting... it up as much as you want.... and owning my body.... Barbati... deserves my sexy body..." she repeated along as her will faded, and her hand moved back up to openly stroke her hot pussy... "Barbati deserves my sexy body..." Yuri looked to be fading fast... but then she blinked, and realised what was happening!

"Barbati... deserves... my... sexy... sexy... No! NO! I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS!" Kuriyuri yelled, jump backwards as dark demonic flames shot around her in an aura of corruptive power. "That is my body! And I'm taking it back! Even if I have to hurt it a bit. It belongs to me! Now watch as I draw out all of your dark powers to take it back!!!" Kuroyuri screamed, and channelled all of Barbati's demonic power to her to resist and fight back once and for all!!!



"Barbati deserves my sexy body. Barbati deserves my sexy body. Barbati deserves my sexy body..."

Barbati in Kuroyuri's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Kuroyuri in Barbati's Body (Silverkat)

"Yasu? I see." Barbati tilted her head at the name Yasu, wasn't that one of the people on the bounty posters? Even with her newfound confidence Barbati wanted nothing to do with something like that, still once Kuroyuri was fully entranced she could definitely interrogate her on anything she liked. Barbati's smile went wide when Kuroyuri resisted and tried to tap into her power to resist, once she did that she knew it was over, the woman's will would be sapped away and the body would fail her just like it failed Barbati so many times. At this point, she had one, and now Barbati's commands were irresistible to the ninja trapped in her body.

"Good girl." Barbati rewarded Kuroyuri's vulnerable mind with a pulse of pleasure. "Continue to be a good girl, stroke your pussy, keep your mind empty and the pleasure flowing. t's important to remember that this is my body now." Barbati paused, then her eyes shimmered brilliantly blotting out everything. "Repeat this for me, in the back of your skull and aloud: Barbati owns me, Barbati is my Mistress, Barbati's new body is hers to do with as she pleases. My body is not my own, my body belongs to Barbati and I will never try to take it back. I will stay in this new body and remain an enslaved toy for Barbati." Barbati continued to rub her own pussy throughout the induction, she was getting incredibly aroused. This wasn't just the first time she had real power, it was the first time that she had actually entranced someone! Kuroyuri's mind would repeat the words in her head until it drilled in, making it fact to be obeyed...

"Now, be a darling and tell me what these tags do. If you do I'll let you take a long, deep, look at my breasts, they're just as compelling as my eyes. And they are mine, aren't they?" Barbati's evil grin grew wider as she waited for Kuroyuri to spill the details, now cupping Kuroyuri by the chin and maintaining intense eye contact to make sure she couldn't break away. In the meantime her hypnotic eyes bore into Kuroyuri's skull, leaving her in mindless bliss and empty headed servitude. Barbati stretched erotically again and moaned in happiness...

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Barbati in Kuroyuri's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Kuroyuri in Barbati's Body (Silverkat)

"Yasu? I see." Barbati tilted her head at the name Yasu, wasn't that one of the people on the bounty posters? Even with her newfound confidence Barbati wanted nothing to do with something like that, still once Kuroyuri was fully entranced she could definitely interrogate her on anything she liked. Barbati's smile went wide when Kuroyuri resisted and tried to tap into her power to resist, once she did that she knew it was over, the woman's will would be sapped away and the body would fail her just like it failed Barbati so many times. At this point, she had one, and now Barbati's commands were irresistible to the ninja trapped in her body.

"Good girl." Barbati rewarded Kuroyuri's vulnerable mind with a pulse of pleasure. "Continue to be a good girl, stroke your pussy, keep your mind empty and the pleasure flowing. t's important to remember that this is my body now." Barbati paused, then her eyes shimmered brilliantly blotting out everything. "Repeat this for me, in the back of your skull and aloud: Barbati owns me, Barbati is my Mistress, Barbati's new body is hers to do with as she pleases. My body is not my own, my body belongs to Barbati and I will never try to take it back. I will stay in this new body and remain an enslaved toy for Barbati." Barbati continued to rub her own pussy throughout the induction, she was getting incredibly aroused. This wasn't just the first time she had real power, it was the first time that she had actually entranced someone! Kuroyuri's mind would repeat the words in her head until it drilled in, making it fact to be obeyed...

"Now, be a darling and tell me what these tags do. If you do I'll let you take a long, deep, look at my breasts, they're just as compelling as my eyes. And they are mine, aren't they?" Barbati's evil grin grew wider as she waited for Kuroyuri to spill the details, now cupping Kuroyuri by the chin and maintaining intense eye contact to make sure she couldn't break away. In the meantime her hypnotic eyes bore into Kuroyuri's skull, leaving her in mindless bliss and empty headed servitude. Barbati stretched erotically again and moaned in happiness...

Mansion of Madness
Tag: Barbati

This was very strange, Kuroyuri had martialled all of her new demonic bodies might and yet at fallen under even faster when doing so! It was almost as if the body itself was sabotaging her in some way, as if it just couldn't handle the raw demonic might that all demons surely possess and got weaker over time! That was quite impossible though, as Kuroyuri was quite sure that Barbati had bought off overcome that weakness via training and experimenting with Louise. But now it was if it had come back? How odd that was. Of course as a highly trained kunochi, Kuroyuri could of course overcome the weakness herself easily enough, all she had to do was focus hard on the task, and surely it would be done. Come on Kuroyuri, focus on it.

"Barbati deserves my sexy body... Barbati deserves my sexy body... Barbati..."

Oh right yes, she can't focus on anything. Um. Opps. Kuriyuri smiled when Barbati said she was good and while repeating the mantra, obeyed what she was told to do, as she continued to stroke her demonic sex, her mind remaining empty. Yes, that was Barbati's body now. "Barbati owns me. Barbati is my Mistress. Barbati's new body is hers to do with as she pleases. My body is not my own. My body belongs to Barbati and I will never take it back. I will stay in this new body and remain an enslaved toy for Barbati" Kuroyuri repeated, both aloud and in the back of her skull as instructed.

"The tags are spiritual channels for the demonic techniques my family practices" Kuroyuri blankly explained "They make it safe to channel corruption without being corrupted ones self. Yes, your breasts are yours now Mistress Barbati" Kuroyuri continued as Barbati held her by the chin, and kept her eyes locked onto hers...

Offline Sashanna

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Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Christina Rahl:

Christina Rahl in Rosluni's body
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Sashanna, Youkai

Christina was still pissed off but her temper tantrum was almost over with.  She was still annoyingly aroused and outright confused. How do you even? Thought Christina to herself looking at all the vines.  Christina tried to move a toe, a vine moved, different one that she had expected to one did.  Christina thought about moving everything and tried to move everything as if she was moving both her feet and all her toes, success everything did move.  Christina had no idea what did what though, still she had seen Rosluni earlier and then she only had legs so it was probably possible to move these out of the way, into her body or something.  Christina was still working on the vine puzzle when the first guest came.

Christina looked up to see an unfamiliar face, she did recognize the name when it was mentioned however.  "Oh! Viola, it's me Christina" responded Christina.  "Seems I'm in Rosluni's body yeaaah.  Well it probably is when I get the hang of this mess down here" said Christina glancing down and trying to move the vines.  "I'm a bit confused by this mess, still it seems to be coming a long" but Christina then faceplanted after the vines moved in a way she had not expected and she lost her balance.  "Oww" said Christina holding her green head.  "I moved the wrong one..." she explained, fixing her mistake and lifting herself from the ground.  "Moving together sounds like a good idea... Christina was saying when someone else showed up another unfamiliar face.  This time the second guest started by bumping into Viola.

"Mathis...that was the male naga wasn't it?" Christina said out loud before Mathis finished talking about getting legs.  "Oh! I'm not Rosluni by the way, I'm Christina" she explained, still working towards moving the vines.  It was working now, Christina slowly after Mathis came, started to move them away and eventually she was there standing on legs again. "AAAAA that's better!"

"Two feet again!" said Christina smiling, she wasn't sure if she had perfect control though.  Christina felt like there was way more to control in this body than her normal one.  Christina for example had no idea she was currently releasing strong Pheromones into the air.  Christina moved closer to the other two.  "We were just discussing moving together, we want to find our bodies" said Christina in Rosluni's voice.
Spoiler for Caitlyn 'Viola':

Caitlyn in Iradil's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Christina in Rosluni's Body

"Do you need help? I don't know how to control other limbs but I can at least keep you upright." Caitlyn asked as she rushed over to help Christina with her new body, she couldn't do much but stabilize her but it appeared that wasn't necessary as Christina eventually got the hang of it. Once again she had to admit her speed had not changed, she felt fortunate that she ended up in a body that wasn't that much different than her own. She still missed her equipment and her body though. "Careful..." Caitlyn said, watching Christina carefully and ready to jump in at a moment's notice. Another voice caught her attention though...

"Mathis? Hey, it's Viola, guess it's lucky we still found each other again huh? This is..." Caitlyn stopped herself as Christina introduced herself. She went wide eyed when Christina proudly displayed herself and revealed her two legs. Caitlyn was feeling incredibly aroused, but she did her best to fend it off, she had no clue that pheromones had entered the picture though. "Yeah, we need to find our bodies... and keep our hands to ourselves. This arousal is maddening. And no, nobody is dangerous here. I just think Christina is having trouble with that body, I'm fine... I think. I have these cute ears." Caitlyn ran her finger along them with a little pout before turning to Mathis. "We should get moving, anywhere, sooner we bump into our bodies the better. Did you see anyone else Mathis?"

Mathis (in Sybil's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness
Tag: Everyone, Caitlyn, Christina Rahl

"Viola?" Mathis asked in surprise.  "Err, yeah, I'm a naga."  As he gazed at his recent exploration partner, he thought, 'My body isn't my own, it makes sense that she might not be the same either.'  Christina's revelation was a bigger shock though.  He hadn't considered people being transformed into other real people!  'Does that mean that my body looks like another real person's?  Does that mean someone else looks like me?!'

"Ya... you aren't Rosluni?  You are the... that girl that is helpin' the DoJ?"  There was a pause as he processed her words further,  "Wait, our bodies?  We weren't just transformed into these shapes?  D-does that mean ya have Rosluni's powers?"  The guy felt so overwhelmed, and what was worse, he could feel his sex positively dripping with arousal and need.

Thankfully Caitlyn spoke up and distracted him from all that was going on.  He at least had interacted with her a little bit more.  'Those ears -are- cute,' he thought as he gazed at her finger running along one of them.  It would be so nice just to run his hand over her ears, down her neck, and then perhaps help her out of all those restrictive clothes... 

Viola voice raised in a questioning tone, and he blushed, letting out a cute little, "Uh?" before his brain had a chance to replay what she'd said.  Slightly flustered he replied, "Anyone else?  Err, uh, no.  Sorry, Viola.  I was all alone figurin' out how to walk with legs instead of a tail when I heard Rosluni's... uh, Christina... no, Rosluni's voice.  It is still definitely her voice even if someone else is usin' it."

Mathis slipped the jacket off his shoulders and tucked it over his left arm.  Reaching out his right arm, he wrapped it around Caitlyn's so that the Dominion agent was between Christina and him.  Looking at Caitlyn with doe-eyed hope, he explained, "I'm not fully stable on two feet yet; so, I hope this is okay, Viola?  That way I shouldn't slow us down.  You ready to go, Viola, Ros- err, Christina?"  That face, that body.  Calling the plant woman 'Christina' was going to take some getting used to.

Offline Sashanna

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Spoiler for Skarde Alexander:

Skarde Alexander (in Grawly's body)
Tag: Asha (in Persia's body) (Youkai), Rosluni (in Christina's body) (Sashanna)

"Asha Kosha B'gosh? No fooling. Oh yeahhhh...I can totally see it in your eyes, now that you mention it. That way you keep trying to look right past me. Like you can't even make eye contact. Trying to stay on task, or just afraid to fall in love? Heehee, that's so cute! ...But damn, girl! You're a vampire? No wonder I can't stop thinking of you naked.  I  must have been ensnared by one of your charming vampire glamours ...Still working, by the way. I dig the new look. But if you want some of this, then you'd better figure out your downstairs situation first. Maybe with some tape I could make do with mine, at least enough to go down on...well. First things first. I'm not the type of girl who fucks with any tail that might have secret compartments." At least not until the contents of those compartments were less secret. And maybe if she was asked politely enough (or sexily enough) to go for it. But Asha didn't seem so interested, at any rate.

"So it sounds like you already know this 'Elmadia' chick? What's her deal, what's she after? Shits and giggles? Or something worse? Either way I can't believe you let your mind get taken from your body. You're a freakin' vampire! That's supposed to be like a high tier, big boss demon! Don't you have some kinda mental shielding or something?! Some hard defenses?! Bro, do you even turn into a cat?"

It wasn't as if Skarde was any better off. Strengthened muscles or not, Skarde was barely able to keep control of this new body's shape. But even if she was able to fully master it. "All the muscles in the world won't stop Elmadia from just freezing us in place again. We'll need someone who's fast enough to catch her off guard. Magically adept enough to protect us. Or at least cute enough to distract me....her. Distract her. If we're gonna make this work, it's gonna take some serious high-level cuteness!" Was that really what it would take? As if right on cue, however, an incredibly attractive and friendly-seeming newcomer immediately came up to greet them both.

Skarde's lips curled upwards, along with the apparent upward swing of her luck. Or was this another curse in an all too adorable disguise? Rosluni said she was there to "help." By keeping everyone "not enslaved," which was suspiciously specific phrasing. Almost like she might've been there to do the opposite. Either way. She was really cute. And the presence of such a cute cutie was all Skarde needed to perk up again. She joyfully clapped her hands together, putting on her most sweetly innocent act. Even if her voice remained much deeper and louder than she'd have liked. "I'm SO happy to meet someone 'harmless'! It's a pleasure to meet you, Rosluni. Doyouhaveapenis? Don't answer that. This time, I choose to have faith. Praise the Eleventh Goddess. I'm Skarde Alexander. Solid C Student of The Circle. Scourge of Stockholm. Magisonic Swedish Warhead. Prisoner number...know what? Just call me 'Cupcake.' Repeatedly. And pet my hair, if you please?" Did this girl have any filter at all to what she was saying? Skarde tilted herself lower and closer, apparently serious about giving Rosluni the chance to pet her. "Can I be honest with you? I'll be honest with you. Let me be honest with you. Honestly? We were absolutely, totally, 100% scheming some big time major violence on someoene! With spankings and everything! I'm so ashamed of myself. And yet, I'd do it again! In fact, I'd still do it! So I guess you're gonna have to do everything in your power to stop us now, hmmmm~? Make us forget all about our violent tendencies?" Was this really Skarde's way of making a new ally? What was she doing, why was she antagonizing her? I mean, I do want to see her at least try to fuck with me. After all, that was essentially Skarde's love language.
Spoiler for Asha:

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Skarde

Asha stopped and turned her head to listen to Skarde's angry rant, she couldn't blame the girl for being just a bit angry but that anger wasn't going to help them get their bodies back. With age came patience, and that was one of the few reasons Asha was able to keep herself in check. "Skarde, I'm not looking past you. Also I don't have a supernatural allure on humans or demons unless they're weak minded, most of my vampiric traits come from my strength. You don't appear to be weak." Asha didn't seem interested in sex luckily, and even gave a small compliment to the angry body swapped woman. Still, it was obvious Asha was struggling to battle back arousal, it was obviously part of the spell. The woman sighed and shuddered visibly as she resumed heading towards the opened door, continuing the conversation as she slithered. "I don't know her personally, I've heard rumors that she's been seen with Prince Nathaniel, but not much else. What little I know of the royal family makes me believe there is a strong connection between her and them. Also just because I'm a vampire doesn't mean I can prevent spells of this magnitude." Asha sighed and narrowed her eyes as Skarde went on the rant about what they needed, she was right that finding more allies would help, and luckily they would run into one.

"I'm Asha... Elmadia did a number on everyone I guess, when I get my body back I'm going to pulverize her." The vampire's heat grew quickly, a magical girl? That'd wet her appetite for sex really quickly but she braced herself and battled back such lewd emotions. Asha then took a back seat to Skarde as she slithered past Rosluni and checked the room. "The only person I want to hurt is Elmadia, and I believe the same applies to Skarde here. Everyone else is someone we should team up with to get our bodies back. You said you knew who this body belonged to, who's body is this?" Asha asked after Skarde's rant was done...

Rosluni (in Christina Rahl's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Wine Cellar
Tag: Everyone, Asha, Skarde Alexander

"Asha, I'll try to remember that," Rosluni said with a friendly grin.  She meant it.  It was diplomatically wise to remember others' names, but there were so many people and creatures with various names.  It was difficult to remember them all perfectly.

Her grin turned to amusement as Skarde spoke like a hyperactive imp that had just barely escaped dismemberment.  She stroked Skarde's hair because, 'Why not?  I can practice my dexterity by sifting through these strands of hair.'  Since 'Cupcake' seemed to speak at the speed of thought, the former plant woman wasn't sure if the fast talker simply wanted to be punished, or if she was someone who couldn't help but monologue her nefarious plans.

Your hand's on her head.  Just guide it down between your breasts and seduce her until she can't even consider violence anymore.  Ros was praciticed enough with sexual warfare in the Demon Realms to recognize that thought was not her own.  She ignored the heat, the urge to listen and calmly continued stroking the girl's head.

Asha soon cleared the matter up in any case.  Addressing both of them Rosluni politely explained, "Ah, well I won't punish you for wanting to teach her a lesson.  It was naughty of her to not ask before altering our bodies and minds, but it is wiser not to hurt the person who knows how to reverse this."  The whole time she spoke, she continued to stroke the pale hair of Skarde's new body.

"As for whose body you are in," Ros said as she turned her head to look straight at Asha, "You are in the body of my safety advisor.  Her name is Persia, and she moves with precision when focused on a mission.  I am not a naga, but I know some things that could help you move if you wanted any advice?"  Out of curiosity, she started to test if she was practiced enough yet to braid Skarde's hair as they spoke.

Offline Sashanna

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Spoiler for Persia:

Persia (in Asha's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Ground Floor Study
Tag: Everyone

Consciousness came slowly, and she kept her eye closed as she faked unconsciousness while listening.  Silence in the room.  There were distant shouts and noises, but nothing nearby.  Slowly she opened her eye, only to realize that the other eye was opening too since she hadn't been purposefully trying to keep it closed.  'Okay, I have two working eyes.  I've either been healed somehow, or I'm in a different body.'  She focused on sensing her body as at pressed against the wood floor where she lay.  It didn't feel like her own.  It didn't even feel naga.

Opening her eyes fully, she looked around.  She was no longer in the main hall.  This was a small room with numerous full bookcases lining the walls.  She couldn't help but gaze at them briefly with interest, 'Perhaps I can return here after this fiasco is over.'  The pessimistic part of her whispered, 'If we get out of here.'  She shook her head and looked over her body.  Human legs, but seemingly not empty of Corruption.  She practiced wiggling her toes, then bending her legs.  'Fascinating.  If it were temporary and not forced upon me, this could actually be fun.'  She needed to figure out what was going on and figure whether to cut their losses and escape or find a way to get their bodies back.  Either way, she needed to learn how to move in this body first.

She took some time to just get used to the new muscles, sensing and flexing them before twisting onto her hands and knees.  She slowly tried raising up onto her hands and feet like some sort of arch-backed feline.  As she was doing this, she sensed something odd.  It was almost like a numbness in her left arm, but she could feel the ground below her just fine.  As she pressed against the floor with that arm, she wiggled her elbow, trying to wake it up.  Shaking it didn't seem to do much, and she shook it harder as she quietly muttered, "Wake up, you stupid thing."

And then a nearby bookcase collapsed.  Or more accurately, her eyes widened in shock as her arm turned into black shadow.  Her body tensed and jerked in shock, her feet splintering the wood under her with her unexpected increased strength and the wispy arm jerking sideways and smashing into the nearest bookcase which collapsed with a rumble of books.  A dozen or so of the books were tattered with slash marks from the lines of shadow that sliced through the paper and wood and book covers.

'Ahhhh, shit!  Stop, don't damage the books!' she thought, and her left arm returned to it's humanoid form.  She gazed at it in shock and interest but quickly turned her attention back to the room and nearby noises.  Her position was too vulnerable to face an enemy yet.   No one had entered the room, and other people seemed to be making noises for their own reasons and not rushing to her location.  So, she took a couple minutes experimenting with her new power.  It seemed she could awaken the power and put it back to sleep with thought.  First, it was simply getting a feel for controlling the wispy appendage, but soon she was testing its speed, if it could block a blow from her other fist, how many tendrils of darkness it could split into, and how accurately it could manipulate objects.  For the last, she tried picking up splinters of the broken wooden bookcase and, if that worked, tried turning pages within a couple of the tattered books.

Once satisfied she'd learned all she could about her new appendage without more extensive studies that she didn't have time for, she used it to help prop herself up against one of the intact bookcases and began practicing learning to walk.  Her footing was unsteady at first, but between her shadowy support and the sturdy bookcase beside her, she was able to get the hang of not losing her balance after about ten minutes of practicing.  She was just grateful no one had found her yet.  Between her experience with resisting the aphrodisiacs in the wilds of Ventonnas, the adrenaline of her situation, and her focus on learning everything she could to survive in this body, the warmth in her loins barely registered as a need yet.  Her walking skills were adequate now, and she didn't have the space to practice faster motion in here.  She was going to have to venture out into the mansion.

Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Ground Floor
Tag: Everyone

Persia slowly opened the door of the study and peeked her head out into the hall.  Seeing no one there, she made a wobbly dash down the halls before sliding up against the wall to avert a fall.  'Gah, this is wild.  It is like sidewinding over tree branches, but with even less contact with the surface beneath you.'  She looked into a nearby empty room before practicing dashing down the hall again, using her dark arm to catch herself the next time she had trouble balancing.

She was more prepared for the boost in strength this time and managed to only scuff up the floor rather than punch holes in it.  'Oh, yes!  Much better.  When we get home, I will need to write this down, share what I have learned with our denmates, and then celebrate with a couple long, sweaty hours of...' "Grrrrraawww!" she growled out in frustration.  She did not like being manipulated.  The noise helped stave off her sexual distractions for now, but it may have drawn unwanted attention.

Time to practice moving silently.  She began moving more carefully towards some stairs in the distance, practicing different ways of setting down her feet to try and produce the least noise.  Though she started out moving extremely slowly, her motions sped up as she tested things out.  Moving silently is much more useful if you can actually move at a walking pace while doing it.  Her walking had become quieter, but her inexperience showed.  If one was listening for it and there wasn't a commotion nearby, one would likely be able to hear her approaching.

Figuring out how to climb stairs was a whole new challenge.  It was nothing like climbing with a tail and required a different motion and cadence than walking or dashing.  She fell forward on the steps twice before thinking to use the railing to help her.  After an embarrassingly long climb, she made it to the next floor and began exploring in earnest to see what she could learn about this mansion.

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Spoiler for Asha:

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Skarde

Asha stopped and turned her head to listen to Skarde's angry rant, she couldn't blame the girl for being just a bit angry but that anger wasn't going to help them get their bodies back. With age came patience, and that was one of the few reasons Asha was able to keep herself in check. "Skarde, I'm not looking past you. Also I don't have a supernatural allure on humans or demons unless they're weak minded, most of my vampiric traits come from my strength. You don't appear to be weak." Asha didn't seem interested in sex luckily, and even gave a small compliment to the angry body swapped woman. Still, it was obvious Asha was struggling to battle back arousal, it was obviously part of the spell. The woman sighed and shuddered visibly as she resumed heading towards the opened door, continuing the conversation as she slithered. "I don't know her personally, I've heard rumors that she's been seen with Prince Nathaniel, but not much else. What little I know of the royal family makes me believe there is a strong connection between her and them. Also just because I'm a vampire doesn't mean I can prevent spells of this magnitude." Asha sighed and narrowed her eyes as Skarde went on the rant about what they needed, she was right that finding more allies would help, and luckily they would run into one.

"I'm Asha... Elmadia did a number on everyone I guess, when I get my body back I'm going to pulverize her." The vampire's heat grew quickly, a magical girl? That'd wet her appetite for sex really quickly but she braced herself and battled back such lewd emotions. Asha then took a back seat to Skarde as she slithered past Rosluni and checked the room. "The only person I want to hurt is Elmadia, and I believe the same applies to Skarde here. Everyone else is someone we should team up with to get our bodies back. You said you knew who this body belonged to, who's body is this?" Asha asked after Skarde's rant was done...
Spoiler for Rosluni:

Rosluni (in Christina Rahl's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Wine Cellar
Tag: Everyone, Asha, Skarde Alexander

"Asha, I'll try to remember that," Rosluni said with a friendly grin.  She meant it.  It was diplomatically wise to remember others' names, but there were so many people and creatures with various names.  It was difficult to remember them all perfectly.

Her grin turned to amusement as Skarde spoke like a hyperactive imp that had just barely escaped dismemberment.  She stroked Skarde's hair because, 'Why not?  I can practice my dexterity by sifting through these strands of hair.'  Since 'Cupcake' seemed to speak at the speed of thought, the former plant woman wasn't sure if the fast talker simply wanted to be punished, or if she was someone who couldn't help but monologue her nefarious plans.

Your hand's on her head.  Just guide it down between your breasts and seduce her until she can't even consider violence anymore.  Ros was praciticed enough with sexual warfare in the Demon Realms to recognize that thought was not her own.  She ignored the heat, the urge to listen and calmly continued stroking the girl's head.

Asha soon cleared the matter up in any case.  Addressing both of them Rosluni politely explained, "Ah, well I won't punish you for wanting to teach her a lesson.  It was naughty of her to not ask before altering our bodies and minds, but it is wiser not to hurt the person who knows how to reverse this."  The whole time she spoke, she continued to stroke the pale hair of Skarde's new body.

"As for whose body you are in," Ros said as she turned her head to look straight at Asha, "You are in the body of my safety advisor.  Her name is Persia, and she moves with precision when focused on a mission.  I am not a naga, but I know some things that could help you move if you wanted any advice?"  Out of curiosity, she started to test if she was practiced enough yet to braid Skarde's hair as they spoke.

Skarde Alexander (in Grawly's body)
Tag: Asha (in Persia's body) (Youkai), Rosluni (in Christina's body) (Sashanna)

Prince Nathaniel. The mouth breather? Skarde had only ever seen a single sketch of him, which was enough for her to form an immediate character judgment. I get it. Can't help loving an idiot sometimes. Elmadia must want to put him in a hotter body, so he'll at least be a more fuckable fucktoy. Fuck! That's kinda clever. As long as she didn't pick MY body...hmm. But if Asha was switched out too, then maybe this is all just a test run? Or she's spreading out favors, giving all her friends new bodies to play with?

There was really too little information to go on. And Skarde couldn't stop feeling sorry for Asha, who looked extra put out (according to Skarde's keen perceptions) by the reminder of her limitations as a vampire. "I mean, its still cool to be a vampire. Even if turning into a cat would be like a million times better and more vampire-y than super strength or a disappearing arm. I mean, you're still pretty cute! That is, you were pretty cute when I saw you before...and you're still still pretty cute! Even stuck like this! So you've basically got it made. Nothing at all to be ashamed about!" Who said she was ashamed about anything? Nevertheless, Skarde was giving her rapid fire comfort pats on the shoulder. Until (thankfully) another target arrived to receive Skarde's high-energy flirtations (and put a pause to all her patting, which was frankly getting a little bit too intense).

It was Rosluni of the...she didn't actually say. Yet she seemed very cordial, despite her threats to pacify both of the others if necessary. Skarde was quick to butt in and flirtatiously challenge her to do just that, yet Rosluni seemed to be much more curious about Asha. Who was apparently in the body of her advisor? Advisor, eh? Some kinda bigwig? Maybe even a queen? She had big royalty energy. While not so much of a "pat and release" type, Rosluni was at least willing to answer Skarde's request by rubbing her hand through Skarde's hair. Playing with and enjoying it, just as Skarde seemed more than content to allow her to do. In fact, Skarde was beaming more and more like a puppy the further Rosluni got into it. So comfortable in those hands, she could just melt away and leave herself completely vulnerable. Exposed. In fact, maybe she should expose herself as encouragement? Without thinking, Skarde put a hand to her breast. Pushing so hard that the side of her top began to stretch and tear.

She understood that time was of the essence. Skarde was only ever planning to lightly tease this new arrival, but it turned out she was just so tenderly cute. And sexy to boot! Talking over Skarde, Rosluni wasn't even addressing her directly. Just so casually letting her hands speak for her. Which was so much hotter than anyhing! As she twisted and even braided Rosluni's hair, it was so easy to imagine how she could tie me up everywhere. Squeezing her own legs didn't keep Skarde's annoying tent from propping up excitedly at the prospect. No more than squeezing her own breast would keep her nipples from hardening. Her whole body was screaming for more attention, and it was getting harder to think of reasons not to embrace those needs. Give in. She was used to being horny on main, but for whatever reason that feeling was just getting stronger and stronger. "Is this braid how you mark your new pets? I wouldn't be against that....but y'know, I'm struggling with this new body too. There's no telling when I could lose control of myself. Maybe you should tie me up tight and pacify me, just in case?"  She was so responsive to Skarde's thirst cuteness before. Surely it would work this time, too!

Offline rogue-rider

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Spoiler for Hidden:

Sybil in Mathis' Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Iradil in Caitlyn's Body

"Are you calling me old? I'm glad I have a devoted fan." Sybil said with a bit of a smirk, and it looked roguish due to the body she was in. She kept that look up when Iradil got flustered as well seeming to find glee in teasing the theatrical ninja. She was cute when she was on her backfoot even if it was in a different body. Sybil continued to proceed with the subject change, trying her best to ignore the obvious arousal protruding from her lower half. "Regardless of who's body that is, we need to get a move on. I don't know what game Elmadia is playing but she's confident that we can't mess with her plans." Sybil chuckled darkly at Iradil's joke about the wardrobe and the breasts that were practically begging to explode out of that top...

"I'm surprised, I thought you liked masks? Anyway I'm not going to be able to help with equipment." She obviously didn't want Iradil fiddling around with that stuff. "Movement is... slow, but I'll manage since I'm getting used to it. I don't think I'll be as much help in a fight as I usually would, but as I said I can still cast some spells" Sybil hung her head low, feeling this powerless was something that didn't bring back pleasant memories. Last time she felt this weak was when she was a naive magical girl with a far too optimistic view of the world...

"Asha I've heard about, used to be a weak vampire. I heard she got much stronger." Sybil shook her head at Skarde's name, that one she didn't recognize. "I was stuck with a demon named Grawly, she was very hungry..." Sybil started to slither to the other end of the hallway, thinking it was best to walk and chat at the same time.

Iradil in Caitlyn's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Sybil in Mathis' Body

"Masks are good, they are perfect for theatre, for the mind, for characters." She looked into Sybil's eyes. "I like my mask!" She hummed and tapped a finger on her chin. "And cute ones I guess but this one..." She shuddered over dramatically, fishing the mask in question out gingerly. "If this is a Dominion body... I am not messing with the brainwashing tomfuckery that this might have in it." She walked alongside Sybil, springing up on the balls of her feet. Swaying back and forth, spinning around Sybil slightly. Of the two having the better deal, changed into a body that possessed a similar level of athleticism to Iradil's own. It didn't quite as much clothing support for her chest as Iradil was used to, so her temporary girls were bouncing slightly more then would be decent. Threatening to pop out of the cat suit, leaving Iradil mumbling to herself for a moment again.

"I'll do what I can when the scene calls for it, but I'm feeling a distinct lack of energy to use my abilities with..." She trailed off humming, looking slightly off put by her powerlessness. She ended up walking backwards in front of Sybil, easily able to keep pace, even walking backwards due to Sybil's slithering. She tugged at the cat suit, trying to keep it up and over the bouncing girls. Tilting her head slightly. "Grawly? Hungry... for like... just food?" She smiled slightly. "That would make a nice change, to one who just wanted to corrupt people no?" She grinned wide at Sybil again. "And you know I wanna hear your stories more and more! You've taken to the stage way more then me!" She flashed Sybil an earnest smile, nodding along happily before pouting. "Old!" She huffed and folded her arms under her chest, giving up on the cat suit again. "I've been trying to find out more of your tales for a while! What happened the last time you went to Auralis! I want to hear-" She paused, eyes flicking down for a moment, before a wry, coy, smile passed across her face. "Or do I need a costume change to grab some of your time hmm? S-y-b-i-l Senpaaaaiiii~" She drew the last word out slightly, before spinning around and moving off down the corridor. Despite the skip to her step, the fellow ninja would  know that Iradil was casting a keen eye on the surrounding area, looking out for anyone else. "Here's the million yen question though. Do we know Elmadia's casting?" She turned to look at Sybil again. "Are are we looking for the body, or mind?"
« Last Edit: October 24, 2022, 04:14:26 PM by rogue-rider »

Offline Youkai

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Rosluni (in Christina Rahl's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Wine Cellar
Tag: Everyone, Asha, Skarde Alexander

"Asha, I'll try to remember that," Rosluni said with a friendly grin.  She meant it.  It was diplomatically wise to remember others' names, but there were so many people and creatures with various names.  It was difficult to remember them all perfectly.

Her grin turned to amusement as Skarde spoke like a hyperactive imp that had just barely escaped dismemberment.  She stroked Skarde's hair because, 'Why not?  I can practice my dexterity by sifting through these strands of hair.'  Since 'Cupcake' seemed to speak at the speed of thought, the former plant woman wasn't sure if the fast talker simply wanted to be punished, or if she was someone who couldn't help but monologue her nefarious plans.

Your hand's on her head.  Just guide it down between your breasts and seduce her until she can't even consider violence anymore.  Ros was praciticed enough with sexual warfare in the Demon Realms to recognize that thought was not her own.  She ignored the heat, the urge to listen and calmly continued stroking the girl's head.

Asha soon cleared the matter up in any case.  Addressing both of them Rosluni politely explained, "Ah, well I won't punish you for wanting to teach her a lesson.  It was naughty of her to not ask before altering our bodies and minds, but it is wiser not to hurt the person who knows how to reverse this."  The whole time she spoke, she continued to stroke the pale hair of Skarde's new body.

"As for whose body you are in," Ros said as she turned her head to look straight at Asha, "You are in the body of my safety advisor.  Her name is Persia, and she moves with precision when focused on a mission.  I am not a naga, but I know some things that could help you move if you wanted any advice?"  Out of curiosity, she started to test if she was practiced enough yet to braid Skarde's hair as they spoke.

Skarde Alexander (in Grawly's body)
Tag: Asha (in Persia's body) (Youkai), Rosluni (in Christina's body) (Sashanna)

Prince Nathaniel. The mouth breather? Skarde had only ever seen a single sketch of him, which was enough for her to form an immediate character judgment. I get it. Can't help loving an idiot sometimes. Elmadia must want to put him in a hotter body, so he'll at least be a more fuckable fucktoy. Fuck! That's kinda clever. As long as she didn't pick MY body...hmm. But if Asha was switched out too, then maybe this is all just a test run? Or she's spreading out favors, giving all her friends new bodies to play with?

There was really too little information to go on. And Skarde couldn't stop feeling sorry for Asha, who looked extra put out (according to Skarde's keen perceptions) by the reminder of her limitations as a vampire. "I mean, its still cool to be a vampire. Even if turning into a cat would be like a million times better and more vampire-y than super strength or a disappearing arm. I mean, you're still pretty cute! That is, you were pretty cute when I saw you before...and you're still still pretty cute! Even stuck like this! So you've basically got it made. Nothing at all to be ashamed about!" Who said she was ashamed about anything? Nevertheless, Skarde was giving her rapid fire comfort pats on the shoulder. Until (thankfully) another target arrived to receive Skarde's high-energy flirtations (and put a pause to all her patting, which was frankly getting a little bit too intense).

It was Rosluni of the...she didn't actually say. Yet she seemed very cordial, despite her threats to pacify both of the others if necessary. Skarde was quick to butt in and flirtatiously challenge her to do just that, yet Rosluni seemed to be much more curious about Asha. Who was apparently in the body of her advisor? Advisor, eh? Some kinda bigwig? Maybe even a queen? She had big royalty energy. While not so much of a "pat and release" type, Rosluni was at least willing to answer Skarde's request by rubbing her hand through Skarde's hair. Playing with and enjoying it, just as Skarde seemed more than content to allow her to do. In fact, Skarde was beaming more and more like a puppy the further Rosluni got into it. So comfortable in those hands, she could just melt away and leave herself completely vulnerable. Exposed. In fact, maybe she should expose herself as encouragement? Without thinking, Skarde put a hand to her breast. Pushing so hard that the side of her top began to stretch and tear.

She understood that time was of the essence. Skarde was only ever planning to lightly tease this new arrival, but it turned out she was just so tenderly cute. And sexy to boot! Talking over Skarde, Rosluni wasn't even addressing her directly. Just so casually letting her hands speak for her. Which was so much hotter than anyhing! As she twisted and even braided Rosluni's hair, it was so easy to imagine how she could tie me up everywhere. Squeezing her own legs didn't keep Skarde's annoying tent from propping up excitedly at the prospect. No more than squeezing her own breast would keep her nipples from hardening. Her whole body was screaming for more attention, and it was getting harder to think of reasons not to embrace those needs. Give in. She was used to being horny on main, but for whatever reason that feeling was just getting stronger and stronger. "Is this braid how you mark your new pets? I wouldn't be against that....but y'know, I'm struggling with this new body too. There's no telling when I could lose control of myself. Maybe you should tie me up tight and pacify me, just in case?"  She was so responsive to Skarde's thirst cuteness before. Surely it would work this time, too!

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Skarde

Asha pouted at the pats on her shoulder, she wasn't a child, she was a vampire stuck in a naga's body. She slowly turned to Skarde and gave her a quick scan with her eye. That was another thing, she only had one eye. Hardly what she'd call ideal in a fight. "There are a lot of benefits, but also a lot of downsides, you have to realize the power that person holds could be dangerous. If they don't know what kind of body they're in, they could turn to dust in seconds. Luckily it's night time so they're not going to be in too much risk." Asha murmured to herself as Rosluni started to make her comments and introduce herself some more to the two. Asha didn't like to hold back, but in this case...

The vampire sighed and hissed at the ground, but she knew Rosluni was right, they couldn't hurt her too much due to the fact that she was the only one that knew what exactly was going on with them. "You're right, bit after she fixes this I'm giving her a punch square in the jaw. Nothing else, she's toying with our powers, minds, and bodies and that can only lead to catastrophe. What do you think the wrong person could do with our bodies? They could be a menace in the right hands, I bet someone is indulging in their new power now quite frankly." Asha sighed as she listened to Skarde tempt Rosluni to take more control over her, what was this girl's deal? She was a speedy menace already and now she was trying to cause more trouble? Asha shook her head and was thankful the attention wasn't on her this time.

"I'd like that assistance, I think I got basic movement down, but I feel pretty powerless in this body right now." Asha admitted humbly, the sooner she got her vampiric body back the better, her only target was Elmadia.

Offline Youkai

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Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Ground Floor
Tag: Everyone

Persia slowly opened the door of the study and peeked her head out into the hall.  Seeing no one there, she made a wobbly dash down the halls before sliding up against the wall to avert a fall.  'Gah, this is wild.  It is like sidewinding over tree branches, but with even less contact with the surface beneath you.'  She looked into a nearby empty room before practicing dashing down the hall again, using her dark arm to catch herself the next time she had trouble balancing.

She was more prepared for the boost in strength this time and managed to only scuff up the floor rather than punch holes in it.  'Oh, yes!  Much better.  When we get home, I will need to write this down, share what I have learned with our denmates, and then celebrate with a couple long, sweaty hours of...' "Grrrrraawww!" she growled out in frustration.  She did not like being manipulated.  The noise helped stave off her sexual distractions for now, but it may have drawn unwanted attention.

Time to practice moving silently.  She began moving more carefully towards some stairs in the distance, practicing different ways of setting down her feet to try and produce the least noise.  Though she started out moving extremely slowly, her motions sped up as she tested things out.  Moving silently is much more useful if you can actually move at a walking pace while doing it.  Her walking had become quieter, but her inexperience showed.  If one was listening for it and there wasn't a commotion nearby, one would likely be able to hear her approaching.

Figuring out how to climb stairs was a whole new challenge.  It was nothing like climbing with a tail and required a different motion and cadence than walking or dashing.  She fell forward on the steps twice before thinking to use the railing to help her.  After an embarrassingly long climb, she made it to the next floor and began exploring in earnest to see what she could learn about this mansion.

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Persia

As soon as Persia got to the 2nd floor she'd become acutely aware of some peculiar surroundings, she would be able to hear voices on this floor, but they sounded like they were all around her and she felt like her body was being caressed lovingly by soft hands all along her new body. Despite this, as soon as she turned to face them or protested the feeling and voices would disappear. Ghosts? Spirits? Someone's unique ability? It was hard to say, but after that she'd note that there were two long hallways. One on the left, and one on the right, both were well lit with lanterns and had plenty of doors to go through and explore, each hallway was symmetrical and held two doors on the left and right walls of each hallway. Additionally, each hallway had one door at the end. She swore she could hear a woman and man's voice coming from the left hallway but they were getting quieter by the second. There was nothing from the right though, other than a giggle. That got louder... and suddenly tried to summon her.

"Come closer... we have something to show you... play with us~" The voice was taking her towards the right hallway, and to the nearest door on the right...

Offline Youkai

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Iradil in Caitlyn's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Sybil in Mathis' Body

"Masks are good, they are perfect for theatre, for the mind, for characters." She looked into Sybil's eyes. "I like my mask!" She hummed and tapped a finger on her chin. "And cute ones I guess but this one..." She shuddered over dramatically, fishing the mask in question out gingerly. "If this is a Dominion body... I am not messing with the brainwashing tomfuckery that this might have in it." She walked alongside Sybil, springing up on the balls of her feet. Swaying back and forth, spinning around Sybil slightly. Of the two having the better deal, changed into a body that possessed a similar level of athleticism to Iradil's own. It didn't quite as much clothing support for her chest as Iradil was used to, so her temporary girls were bouncing slightly more then would be decent. Threatening to pop out of the cat suit, leaving Iradil mumbling to herself for a moment again.

"I'll do what I can when the scene calls for it, but I'm feeling a distinct lack of energy to use my abilities with..." She trailed off humming, looking slightly off put by her powerlessness. She ended up walking backwards in front of Sybil, easily able to keep pace, even walking backwards due to Sybil's slithering. She tugged at the cat suit, trying to keep it up and over the bouncing girls. Tilting her head slightly. "Grawly? Hungry... for like... just food?" She smiled slightly. "That would make a nice change, to one who just wanted to corrupt people no?" She grinned wide at Sybil again. "And you know I wanna hear your stories more and more! You've taken to the stage way more then me!" She flashed Sybil an earnest smile, nodding along happily before pouting. "Old!" She huffed and folded her arms under her chest, giving up on the cat suit again. "I've been trying to find out more of your tales for a while! What happened the last time you went to Auralis! I want to hear-" She paused, eyes flicking down for a moment, before a wry, coy, smile passed across her face. "Or do I need a costume change to grab some of your time hmm? S-y-b-i-l Senpaaaaiiii~" She drew the last word out slightly, before spinning around and moving off down the corridor. Despite the skip to her step, the fellow ninja would  know that Iradil was casting a keen eye on the surrounding area, looking out for anyone else. "Here's the million yen question though. Do we know Elmadia's casting?" She turned to look at Sybil again. "Are are we looking for the body, or mind?"

Sybil in Mathis' Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Iradil in Caitlyn's Body

"Probably a wise choice, don't mess with things you don't understand as it could come back to bite you in the ass." Sybil agreed with Iradil's caution, she just found her reactions and expressions amusing, it was probably due to the theater experience she had. Sybil unlike Caitlyn had to move slowly due to her still getting used to the body, it was notable though that she was finding her groove and managing to move faster as time passed, she was lucky she found an ally to cover for her so she could get used to the body safely. Unfortunately her lower half still betrayed the arousal she felt from watching Iradil earlier. "I'm not surprised, as athletic as that body is I think it's more suited for seduction and subterfuge, speaking of stealthy movements I swear I saw Kuroyuri come in here somewhere, we should be on the look out for her." Sybil stroked her chin as she thought about Grawly.

"Yeah, I kinda... used compulsions though, she didn't seem too aggressive compared to other demons I've seen in the past." Iradil's mention of charge made the old sorceress consider what had happened to Caera, she hadn't heard from her in a while but she suspected that she was probably doing okay for herself. "Did you ever meet a demon named Caera? She's also different, I think she just needed a nudge." Of course the topic moved on from that to something far more lighthearted, and that was someone asking her to regal tales from her past, she was about to open her mouth when Iradil got back into character and started to scout ahead. Sybil rolled her eyes and cleared her throat, Iradil's antics weren't sexual anymore but this body didn't seem to care...

Iradil wouldn't see anyone else yet, but she'd feel the air around her become thicker and dense, there was a weird tingling feeling in this room that she couldn't just shake off. It apparently was a musical room filled with harps, pianos, guitars, drums and any other instrument you could think of as well as a large number of chairs for people to sit in to play. There was even a conductor's stand off in the corner. A performer like Iradil would probably think she hit the jackpot as good music made any performance better. But she wasn't here for a musical number was she? The room was well lit too, candles were lit all around the room to give it a homey feel. But something just didn't sit right with the room, and Sybil was still a bit away. She did eventually catch up though...

"The last time I was in Auralis? I met the demon I mentioned earlier, Caera, she was invading a library and I decided to stop her. We had a 'chat' and I told her to try and work with humans instead of fight against us. We'll see how that pays off. I'd rather she make a name for herself helping us and gaining some trust with humans. Some demons are able to find common ground with us and find a way to settle here. I'd rather not dismiss the possibility." Sybil used air quotes, with chat, she didn't bother hiding her sexual exploits from other members. It was old hat in the clan at this point.

Sybil then paused and grumbled as she came to the entry way.

"This room... it's filled with old magic. Older than me at least." Sybil closed her eyes and answered Iradil's question in the meantime. "No, it's not a spell I'm familiar with so that means it's probably limited to this house or something unique to her. Since we've all switched bodies and minds, I'd say both at this point. It's a spell that fumbles around with both aspects so it needs elements of both to work."

Offline Youkai

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Mansion of Madness
Tag: Barbati

This was very strange, Kuroyuri had martialled all of her new demonic bodies might and yet at fallen under even faster when doing so! It was almost as if the body itself was sabotaging her in some way, as if it just couldn't handle the raw demonic might that all demons surely possess and got weaker over time! That was quite impossible though, as Kuroyuri was quite sure that Barbati had bought off overcome that weakness via training and experimenting with Louise. But now it was if it had come back? How odd that was. Of course as a highly trained kunochi, Kuroyuri could of course overcome the weakness herself easily enough, all she had to do was focus hard on the task, and surely it would be done. Come on Kuroyuri, focus on it.

"Barbati deserves my sexy body... Barbati deserves my sexy body... Barbati..."

Oh right yes, she can't focus on anything. Um. Opps. Kuriyuri smiled when Barbati said she was good and while repeating the mantra, obeyed what she was told to do, as she continued to stroke her demonic sex, her mind remaining empty. Yes, that was Barbati's body now. "Barbati owns me. Barbati is my Mistress. Barbati's new body is hers to do with as she pleases. My body is not my own. My body belongs to Barbati and I will never take it back. I will stay in this new body and remain an enslaved toy for Barbati" Kuroyuri repeated, both aloud and in the back of her skull as instructed.

"The tags are spiritual channels for the demonic techniques my family practices" Kuroyuri blankly explained "They make it safe to channel corruption without being corrupted ones self. Yes, your breasts are yours now Mistress Barbati" Kuroyuri continued as Barbati held her by the chin, and kept her eyes locked onto hers...

Barbati in Kuroyuri's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Kuroyuri in Barbati's Body (Silverkat)

Barbati's hypnotic eyes burrowed into Kuroyuri's skull and rooted their influence in there deeply, blotting out whatever resistance was left, this was the curse of having Barbati's body. Physical and mental fatigue would grip at you and leave you unable to defend yourself! "That's wonderful my little darling, I'm glad I have a slave that can follow directions. And that's all you are Kuroyuri, a slave, a good slave that does what she's told by her Mistress. A good slave that knows I get whatever I want, and I'm keeping your body. All you need is one final push." The bun bun Barbati giggled which made those breasts bounce. God she felt so horny, her hand kept tweaking at Kuroyuri's sex and eroding away her sexual resistance as well. Barbati's fingers started pumping in and out of Kuroyuri's sex, knowing just what buttons to push since it was her former body...

Barbati never broke eye contact though, intent on sinking the ninja into the deep abyss that was her beautiful eyes. "Forget your thoughts, forget your will, they don't matter here. All that matters is pleasure and obedience, that's all you ever need Kuroyuri. Silence your mind, fill it only with my words and body." Barbati ordered with her power, giving Kuroyuri's mind the push it needed to cave, if it worked she'd watch a glassy sheen come over the woman's eyes and watch Kuroyuri slump forward. Luckily that was just what she wanted, she shifted her clothing so that her breasts were more prominently on display...

"Stare and grope them. The longer you grope and stare, the more control I gain over you. Now tell me what the tags can do when I channel corruption through them. Can they control others? Do I need to do anything special with them? Tell me everything, I deserve everything." Barbati sighed, god this was the life, was this how other demons felt?! Well at least some of her horniness would be dealt with by this breast massage. Her own fingers continued to milk Kuroyuri's sex, bringing her closer and closer to the edge...

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Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Skarde Alexander:

Skarde Alexander (in Grawly's body)
Tag: Asha (in Persia's body) (Youkai), Rosluni (in Christina's body) (Sashanna)

Prince Nathaniel. The mouth breather? Skarde had only ever seen a single sketch of him, which was enough for her to form an immediate character judgment. I get it. Can't help loving an idiot sometimes. Elmadia must want to put him in a hotter body, so he'll at least be a more fuckable fucktoy. Fuck! That's kinda clever. As long as she didn't pick MY body...hmm. But if Asha was switched out too, then maybe this is all just a test run? Or she's spreading out favors, giving all her friends new bodies to play with?

There was really too little information to go on. And Skarde couldn't stop feeling sorry for Asha, who looked extra put out (according to Skarde's keen perceptions) by the reminder of her limitations as a vampire. "I mean, its still cool to be a vampire. Even if turning into a cat would be like a million times better and more vampire-y than super strength or a disappearing arm. I mean, you're still pretty cute! That is, you were pretty cute when I saw you before...and you're still still pretty cute! Even stuck like this! So you've basically got it made. Nothing at all to be ashamed about!" Who said she was ashamed about anything? Nevertheless, Skarde was giving her rapid fire comfort pats on the shoulder. Until (thankfully) another target arrived to receive Skarde's high-energy flirtations (and put a pause to all her patting, which was frankly getting a little bit too intense).

It was Rosluni of the...she didn't actually say. Yet she seemed very cordial, despite her threats to pacify both of the others if necessary. Skarde was quick to butt in and flirtatiously challenge her to do just that, yet Rosluni seemed to be much more curious about Asha. Who was apparently in the body of her advisor? Advisor, eh? Some kinda bigwig? Maybe even a queen? She had big royalty energy. While not so much of a "pat and release" type, Rosluni was at least willing to answer Skarde's request by rubbing her hand through Skarde's hair. Playing with and enjoying it, just as Skarde seemed more than content to allow her to do. In fact, Skarde was beaming more and more like a puppy the further Rosluni got into it. So comfortable in those hands, she could just melt away and leave herself completely vulnerable. Exposed. In fact, maybe she should expose herself as encouragement? Without thinking, Skarde put a hand to her breast. Pushing so hard that the side of her top began to stretch and tear.

She understood that time was of the essence. Skarde was only ever planning to lightly tease this new arrival, but it turned out she was just so tenderly cute. And sexy to boot! Talking over Skarde, Rosluni wasn't even addressing her directly. Just so casually letting her hands speak for her. Which was so much hotter than anyhing! As she twisted and even braided Rosluni's hair, it was so easy to imagine how she could tie me up everywhere. Squeezing her own legs didn't keep Skarde's annoying tent from propping up excitedly at the prospect. No more than squeezing her own breast would keep her nipples from hardening. Her whole body was screaming for more attention, and it was getting harder to think of reasons not to embrace those needs. Give in. She was used to being horny on main, but for whatever reason that feeling was just getting stronger and stronger. "Is this braid how you mark your new pets? I wouldn't be against that....but y'know, I'm struggling with this new body too. There's no telling when I could lose control of myself. Maybe you should tie me up tight and pacify me, just in case?"  She was so responsive to Skarde's thirst cuteness before. Surely it would work this time, too!
Spoiler for Asha:

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Skarde

Asha pouted at the pats on her shoulder, she wasn't a child, she was a vampire stuck in a naga's body. She slowly turned to Skarde and gave her a quick scan with her eye. That was another thing, she only had one eye. Hardly what she'd call ideal in a fight. "There are a lot of benefits, but also a lot of downsides, you have to realize the power that person holds could be dangerous. If they don't know what kind of body they're in, they could turn to dust in seconds. Luckily it's night time so they're not going to be in too much risk." Asha murmured to herself as Rosluni started to make her comments and introduce herself some more to the two. Asha didn't like to hold back, but in this case...

The vampire sighed and hissed at the ground, but she knew Rosluni was right, they couldn't hurt her too much due to the fact that she was the only one that knew what exactly was going on with them. "You're right, bit after she fixes this I'm giving her a punch square in the jaw. Nothing else, she's toying with our powers, minds, and bodies and that can only lead to catastrophe. What do you think the wrong person could do with our bodies? They could be a menace in the right hands, I bet someone is indulging in their new power now quite frankly." Asha sighed as she listened to Skarde tempt Rosluni to take more control over her, what was this girl's deal? She was a speedy menace already and now she was trying to cause more trouble? Asha shook her head and was thankful the attention wasn't on her this time.

"I'd like that assistance, I think I got basic movement down, but I feel pretty powerless in this body right now." Asha admitted humbly, the sooner she got her vampiric body back the better, her only target was Elmadia.

Rosluni (in Christina Rahl's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Wine Cellar
Tag: Everyone, Asha, Skarde Alexander

"There are better choices than physical harm, Asha, but I won't stop anyone here from punishing our host.  If someone can show her that her actions might cause her trouble too, it will help her learn to think about others.  If she is able to learn," Rosluni finished with a grin and a shrug.  Not all people in Ventonnas learned that their actions had consequences.  Some were too stupid.  Some were too set in their ways.  Others were just too powerful to see the lessons as anything more than exceptions to the rule.  But even the powerful could learn.

When their overtly submissive Skarde requested to be tied up, Ros turned her attention fully towards her.  Dexterous hands continued to play with the shapeshifting girl's hair as the former plant woman looked over Skarde's new body for an appreciative moment.  'Such an innocent girl and with such a cute bulge.  If that was her body and we had time, she'd already be tied up...  If we had the time.'

Her appreciative grin grew apologetic as she finally spoke,  "I'm sorry, Cupcake, but I don't have limbs that are long enough and flexible enough to tie you up in this new body.  This place is too uncertain to leave you tied up alone, and I can't carry you.  I need to be able to freely move in case of trouble.  But if you would like, Cupcake, you can be a servant of mine for as long as you wish.  When me and mine are safe and we all have our bodies back, I will happily tie you up.  Keep the braid if that offer sounds good to you, Cupcake."  She concluded with a friendly couple pats on the head before turning her attention back to the vampire-turned-naga.

"In that case, I'll be happy to help!"  She bounced over to the naga energetically, ignoring the discomfort of her bust as its weight fought against the confines of this form's undergarment.  Beginning to explain, her warm hands pressed against the inside edges of opposing curves of Asha's new tail, "The winding river is quicker than the rolling hills motion, but you should widen your coils a little further.  It is a longer distance to travel, but it makes you more stable and lets you find the best spots to push against.  That usually makes it quicker than a straighter motion too."  Her hand gently applied pressure against the top of the tail where it had slightly humped upward, "And you don't need to lift your tail very high at all.  It might seem odd, but more contact with the ground gives you more points to push off with.  It helps you move smoothly and confidently."  Being curious about the nature of the people living in her Groves came in handy sometimes.

Firmly stroking the scales downward towards the floor, Rosluni attempted to help the naga loosen the unnecessarily tensed muscles.  "If you are carrying something heavy, or the ground is slick, or you need to climb, then you can straighten your tail and pull your body forward in a rolling hills motion.  It is slower to pull instead of push your tail along though.  Trying to mix a little rolling hills into your winding river makes you look uncomfortable and slows you down."  As the tail tapered near the end, Rosluni let her fingers curl underneath about a hand's length up from the tail tip.  That point seemed to bring a pleasurable shiver to Persia when she was touched there by others, but Ros couldn't be sure if it was a physical or mental reaction.  Delicate fingers would only briefly brush the spot before finishing their trail to the tip, "That's looking better.  If you can get used to relaxing those muscles and spreading out more, we can try other motions.  Practice this first.  I can offer you my touch to guide you, if you think it will help correct your form."

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Spoiler for Mansion of Madness:

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Persia

As soon as Persia got to the 2nd floor she'd become acutely aware of some peculiar surroundings, she would be able to hear voices on this floor, but they sounded like they were all around her and she felt like her body was being caressed lovingly by soft hands all along her new body. Despite this, as soon as she turned to face them or protested the feeling and voices would disappear. Ghosts? Spirits? Someone's unique ability? It was hard to say, but after that she'd note that there were two long hallways. One on the left, and one on the right, both were well lit with lanterns and had plenty of doors to go through and explore, each hallway was symmetrical and held two doors on the left and right walls of each hallway. Additionally, each hallway had one door at the end. She swore she could hear a woman and man's voice coming from the left hallway but they were getting quieter by the second. There was nothing from the right though, other than a giggle. That got louder... and suddenly tried to summon her.

"Come closer... we have something to show you... play with us~" The voice was taking her towards the right hallway, and to the nearest door on the right...

Persia (in Asha's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Ground Floor
Tag: Everyone, the Mansion (Youkai)

A mixture of frustration and pride mingled as Persia made it to the second floor.  Sure it was embarrassingly difficult to get the foot-eye coordination down to predict when her foot was high enough or at what point it was going to hit the next step, 'By Ventonnas, I thought having two eyes again would make this -easier-!' but she was still proud to have finally made it up without resorting to crawling up them. 

The emotional mélange only got further muddled as her attention was drawn by phantom voices and touches.  She spun quickly to try and catch who or what was touching her and had to catch herself on the wall with a *smack* to prevent herself from falling on her ass.  "Great," she murmured sarcastically.  'Things I can't see or touch.'  But they could touch her, and it felt way better than it should.

'Damned magic hands,' she thought as her thighs pressed together.  Her focus had let her ignore the building heat in her loins so far; so, she closed her eyes and tilted her head about as she tried to focus on the voices and where specific ones might be coming from.  Honing in on a male and female voice down the left hall, she was about to rush down it when a clearer voice came from the opposite hall.

The voice made her pause, but it's words brought a shiver down her much shorter, human-like spine.  Whatever the voice was, it might be benign, but it didn't sound like one of the people invited here.  If she couldn't find any other leads or any other companions, she might have to return, but for now...  "Err, let-me-check-something-first and-then we-can-play."  Rattling off her reply, she rushed down the left hall, trying to catch up to the fading voices that could be friends or could be another trap.  Either way, the room down the right hall wasn't going anywhere.  She could return, hopefully not alone, and figure out if the voice was truly well-meaning or not.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2022, 08:38:22 PM by Sashanna »

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Caitlyn in Iradil's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Christina in Rosluni's Body

"Do you need help? I don't know how to control other limbs but I can at least keep you upright." Caitlyn asked as she rushed over to help Christina with her new body, she couldn't do much but stabilize her but it appeared that wasn't necessary as Christina eventually got the hang of it. Once again she had to admit her speed had not changed, she felt fortunate that she ended up in a body that wasn't that much different than her own. She still missed her equipment and her body though. "Careful..." Caitlyn said, watching Christina carefully and ready to jump in at a moment's notice. Another voice caught her attention though...

"Mathis? Hey, it's Viola, guess it's lucky we still found each other again huh? This is..." Caitlyn stopped herself as Christina introduced herself. She went wide eyed when Christina proudly displayed herself and revealed her two legs. Caitlyn was feeling incredibly aroused, but she did her best to fend it off, she had no clue that pheromones had entered the picture though. "Yeah, we need to find our bodies... and keep our hands to ourselves. This arousal is maddening. And no, nobody is dangerous here. I just think Christina is having trouble with that body, I'm fine... I think. I have these cute ears." Caitlyn ran her finger along them with a little pout before turning to Mathis. "We should get moving, anywhere, sooner we bump into our bodies the better. Did you see anyone else Mathis?"

Mathis (in Sybil's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness
Tag: Everyone, Caitlyn, Christina Rahl

"Viola?" Mathis asked in surprise.  "Err, yeah, I'm a naga."  As he gazed at his recent exploration partner, he thought, 'My body isn't my own, it makes sense that she might not be the same either.'  Christina's revelation was a bigger shock though.  He hadn't considered people being transformed into other real people!  'Does that mean that my body looks like another real person's?  Does that mean someone else looks like me?!'

"Ya... you aren't Rosluni?  You are the... that girl that is helpin' the DoJ?"  There was a pause as he processed her words further,  "Wait, our bodies?  We weren't just transformed into these shapes?  D-does that mean ya have Rosluni's powers?"  The guy felt so overwhelmed, and what was worse, he could feel his sex positively dripping with arousal and need.

Thankfully Caitlyn spoke up and distracted him from all that was going on.  He at least had interacted with her a little bit more.  'Those ears -are- cute,' he thought as he gazed at her finger running along one of them.  It would be so nice just to run his hand over her ears, down her neck, and then perhaps help her out of all those restrictive clothes... 

Viola voice raised in a questioning tone, and he blushed, letting out a cute little, "Uh?" before his brain had a chance to replay what she'd said.  Slightly flustered he replied, "Anyone else?  Err, uh, no.  Sorry, Viola.  I was all alone figurin' out how to walk with legs instead of a tail when I heard Rosluni's... uh, Christina... no, Rosluni's voice.  It is still definitely her voice even if someone else is usin' it."

Mathis slipped the jacket off his shoulders and tucked it over his left arm.  Reaching out his right arm, he wrapped it around Caitlyn's so that the Dominion agent was between Christina and him.  Looking at Caitlyn with doe-eyed hope, he explained, "I'm not fully stable on two feet yet; so, I hope this is okay, Viola?  That way I shouldn't slow us down.  You ready to go, Viola, Ros- err, Christina?"  That face, that body.  Calling the plant woman 'Christina' was going to take some getting used to.

Christina Rahl in Rosluni's body
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Sashanna, Youkai

Christina still stumbled a few times, but for the most part she was walking normal.  She tried to move her vines and slowly, but surely felt like she was starting to get the hang of it was they talked.  Still this arousal was very distracting, it had kept her attention off it by trying to use this body, but it just got worse, grabbed her attention and Christina found her eyes roaming the two other women in the room. She looked at the cute ears Viola mentioned, they were indeed cute, then ran her her eyes the body, the curves were not hidden too well with the traditional seeming eastern outfit, it was easy enough to imagine what was underneath.  Christina realized she had not said anything for a while, blinked and spoke.  "Ah yes, I think we should get moving" she said through dry lips and hot aroused breath.  It was Rosluni's voice, but Christina's mannerisms, choice of words and bodily movements.  Christina breathed a hot breath, letting out more than just words since she had no idea how to control some powers Rosluni had yet.   She probably wasn't making this situation easier for the other two.

Christina eyes roamed over Mathis next, it was an improvement for Christina.  Men were fine, but a female body for him was definitely an improvement.  Christina walked across the room towards the door, passed the two, to open the door.  "Way ahead of you!" she said smiling in response to the question "are you ready to go?" She needed to do something, to set an objective, she needed to distract herself from dripping wet problems.  "ugghh this is so distracting" she whined eventually as she waited for the others, then walked out in the hallway.  "I wonder if Rosluni always feels this uhhh aroused?" she said out loud trying to keeper her frustrations under control while asking Mathis.  Maybe this was just what life was for the flower lady.

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Spoiler for Hidden:

Sybil in Mathis' Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Iradil in Caitlyn's Body

"Probably a wise choice, don't mess with things you don't understand as it could come back to bite you in the ass." Sybil agreed with Iradil's caution, she just found her reactions and expressions amusing, it was probably due to the theater experience she had. Sybil unlike Caitlyn had to move slowly due to her still getting used to the body, it was notable though that she was finding her groove and managing to move faster as time passed, she was lucky she found an ally to cover for her so she could get used to the body safely. Unfortunately her lower half still betrayed the arousal she felt from watching Iradil earlier. "I'm not surprised, as athletic as that body is I think it's more suited for seduction and subterfuge, speaking of stealthy movements I swear I saw Kuroyuri come in here somewhere, we should be on the look out for her." Sybil stroked her chin as she thought about Grawly.

"Yeah, I kinda... used compulsions though, she didn't seem too aggressive compared to other demons I've seen in the past." Iradil's mention of charge made the old sorceress consider what had happened to Caera, she hadn't heard from her in a while but she suspected that she was probably doing okay for herself. "Did you ever meet a demon named Caera? She's also different, I think she just needed a nudge." Of course the topic moved on from that to something far more lighthearted, and that was someone asking her to regal tales from her past, she was about to open her mouth when Iradil got back into character and started to scout ahead. Sybil rolled her eyes and cleared her throat, Iradil's antics weren't sexual anymore but this body didn't seem to care...

Iradil wouldn't see anyone else yet, but she'd feel the air around her become thicker and dense, there was a weird tingling feeling in this room that she couldn't just shake off. It apparently was a musical room filled with harps, pianos, guitars, drums and any other instrument you could think of as well as a large number of chairs for people to sit in to play. There was even a conductor's stand off in the corner. A performer like Iradil would probably think she hit the jackpot as good music made any performance better. But she wasn't here for a musical number was she? The room was well lit too, candles were lit all around the room to give it a homey feel. But something just didn't sit right with the room, and Sybil was still a bit away. She did eventually catch up though...

"The last time I was in Auralis? I met the demon I mentioned earlier, Caera, she was invading a library and I decided to stop her. We had a 'chat' and I told her to try and work with humans instead of fight against us. We'll see how that pays off. I'd rather she make a name for herself helping us and gaining some trust with humans. Some demons are able to find common ground with us and find a way to settle here. I'd rather not dismiss the possibility." Sybil used air quotes, with chat, she didn't bother hiding her sexual exploits from other members. It was old hat in the clan at this point.

Sybil then paused and grumbled as she came to the entry way.

"This room... it's filled with old magic. Older than me at least." Sybil closed her eyes and answered Iradil's question in the meantime. "No, it's not a spell I'm familiar with so that means it's probably limited to this house or something unique to her. Since we've all switched bodies and minds, I'd say both at this point. It's a spell that fumbles around with both aspects so it needs elements of both to work."

Iradil in Caitlyn's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Sybil in Mathis' Body

"Seduction. Hurray!" She sounded non plussed and had a blank look on her face. Internally her mind racing. Well this was fine... she could do this. It would be good practice! She had a reference to go off of! She... actually she could maybe learn a bit from Sybil too. "Kuroyuri? Here?" She twirling around to look at Sybil fully again, contemplatively. "Well I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Seems an interesting tale going on here, so was gonna be her or Yasu! Or both!" She paused for a moment. "Though you're the first other Dragon I've seen here. So maybe Yasu isn't around." Iradil carried on moving through the mansion as Sybil carried on. Casting her gaze around the room, investigating everything, keeping on guard. Though the slight nods of her head gave away she was still paying attention to Sybil's words. Whether she caught the roll of the eyes or not, was up for debate. She was humming something under her breath faintly though, almost as if she wasn't aware of it.

The humming was maintained even as she paused ever so slightly. Eyes narrowing as the air grew thicker around her. Feeling a faint tingling in her arms and legs. A hand moving behind her neck, lightly feeling the short hairs standing up slightly. Every stage needed music, and this was certainly an impressive selection of instruments. But... But something was off. It was an odd feeling, deep inside her. She glanced behind her quickly, judging the distance between her and Sybil, checking how easily she was able to follow after her in the snake like body. She turned back to the room and bit her lip. Moving all her wait onto one leg for a moment. Why were there candles lit? Had someone just set this up and then left? That was weird. And she had enough of an interest in pranks and plays to have an intrinsic distrust of such an obvious set up.

In the mean time, Sybil had slithered up closer, and she looked back over her shoulder, still humming something slightly to her self. A little two syllable hum. Raising an eyebrow at Sybil, before a little coy grin took over her face. "Oh? The darling Kay-ra?" She giggled softly. "A chat huh? over dinner? a movie? A plaaaay~" She giggled softly, but an obvious blush was starting to take over Iradil's face, and her voice was starting to ever so increase in pitch. It was hidden well, a civilian wouldn't be able to pick up on it, and even a heroine or even succubi might have to pay particular attention to figure it out... "Finding your 'common ground' with Cae-ra~" She adjusted the way she was pronouncing the demons name, not knowing the demoness personally, but maintaining her teasing tone, for one of the rare times she might be able to have something over Sybil. "Can't say I know her, but I'm sure I'll meet her when you bring her back to the village no?" She playfully swayed on the balls of her feet, before looking back into the room. Flitting back to her professional mode as Sybil outlined the magic in the room. "Mayhaps we should leave this room be? Doesn't seem that our esteemed hostess is here in mind nor body."

She resumed her little humming as she looked back around the house. Trying to see if there were any other routes for the two of them to take, or if anyone else had shown up whilst they had been chatting. "Kay-ra, Cae-ra, May-" She stopped, eyes widening ever so slightly for a moment as if something had just occurred to her. She directed her gaze back to Sybil, having stopped mid rock on her feet and tilted her head curiously. Tapping a finger onto her chin. "-Haps did your date have green hair? Avian esque?" She tilted her head slightly more, but a look of contemplation was covering the younger ninjas face. "I was just at the Institute actually, ran into one of their magical girls and then... er" She looked a little shame faced. "Well I need more training, but my point is there was quite the commotion and gossip" She smiled slightly, admitting to shamelessly eavesdropping on some potentially occurring story whilst there. "And said commotion was about a green haired demoness. Being shown around by" Iralyn raised her hands, making quotation marks with her fingers. "that shameless inventor Lexi"

She gave Sybil another curious look, before she returned her attentions back to the house around them. Peering around again. She was starting to feel suspicious in not seeing anyone or anything else during their time here.

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Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Ground Floor
Tag: Everyone, the Mansion (Youkai)

A mixture of frustration and pride mingled as Persia made it to the second floor.  Sure it was embarrassingly difficult to get the foot-eye coordination down to predict when her foot was high enough or at what point it was going to hit the next step, 'By Ventonnas, I thought having two eyes again would make this -easier-!' but she was still proud to have finally made it up without resorting to crawling up them. 

The emotional mélange only got further muddled as her attention was drawn by phantom voices and touches.  She spun quickly to try and catch who or what was touching her and had to catch herself on the wall with a *smack* to prevent herself from falling on her ass.  "Great," she murmured sarcastically.  'Things I can't see or touch.'  But they could touch her, and it felt way better than it should.

'Damned magic hands,' she thought as her thighs pressed together.  Her focus had let her ignore the building heat in her loins so far; so, she closed her eyes and tilted her head about as she tried to focus on the voices and where specific ones might be coming from.  Honing in on a male and female voice down the left hall, she was about to rush down it when a clearer voice came from the opposite hall.

The voice made her pause, but it's words brought a shiver down her much shorter, human-like spine.  Whatever the voice was, it might be benign, but it didn't sound like one of the people invited here.  If she couldn't find any other leads or any other companions, she might have to return, but for now...  "Err, let-me-check-something-first and-then we-can-play."  Rattling off her reply, she rushed down the left hall, trying to catch up to the fading voices that could be friends or could be another trap.  Either way, the room down the right hall wasn't going anywhere.  She could return, hopefully not alone, and figure out if the voice was truly well-meaning or not.

Iradil in Caitlyn's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Sybil in Mathis' Body

"Seduction. Hurray!" She sounded non plussed and had a blank look on her face. Internally her mind racing. Well this was fine... she could do this. It would be good practice! She had a reference to go off of! She... actually she could maybe learn a bit from Sybil too. "Kuroyuri? Here?" She twirling around to look at Sybil fully again, contemplatively. "Well I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Seems an interesting tale going on here, so was gonna be her or Yasu! Or both!" She paused for a moment. "Though you're the first other Dragon I've seen here. So maybe Yasu isn't around." Iradil carried on moving through the mansion as Sybil carried on. Casting her gaze around the room, investigating everything, keeping on guard. Though the slight nods of her head gave away she was still paying attention to Sybil's words. Whether she caught the roll of the eyes or not, was up for debate. She was humming something under her breath faintly though, almost as if she wasn't aware of it.

The humming was maintained even as she paused ever so slightly. Eyes narrowing as the air grew thicker around her. Feeling a faint tingling in her arms and legs. A hand moving behind her neck, lightly feeling the short hairs standing up slightly. Every stage needed music, and this was certainly an impressive selection of instruments. But... But something was off. It was an odd feeling, deep inside her. She glanced behind her quickly, judging the distance between her and Sybil, checking how easily she was able to follow after her in the snake like body. She turned back to the room and bit her lip. Moving all her wait onto one leg for a moment. Why were there candles lit? Had someone just set this up and then left? That was weird. And she had enough of an interest in pranks and plays to have an intrinsic distrust of such an obvious set up.

In the mean time, Sybil had slithered up closer, and she looked back over her shoulder, still humming something slightly to her self. A little two syllable hum. Raising an eyebrow at Sybil, before a little coy grin took over her face. "Oh? The darling Kay-ra?" She giggled softly. "A chat huh? over dinner? a movie? A plaaaay~" She giggled softly, but an obvious blush was starting to take over Iradil's face, and her voice was starting to ever so increase in pitch. It was hidden well, a civilian wouldn't be able to pick up on it, and even a heroine or even succubi might have to pay particular attention to figure it out... "Finding your 'common ground' with Cae-ra~" She adjusted the way she was pronouncing the demons name, not knowing the demoness personally, but maintaining her teasing tone, for one of the rare times she might be able to have something over Sybil. "Can't say I know her, but I'm sure I'll meet her when you bring her back to the village no?" She playfully swayed on the balls of her feet, before looking back into the room. Flitting back to her professional mode as Sybil outlined the magic in the room. "Mayhaps we should leave this room be? Doesn't seem that our esteemed hostess is here in mind nor body."

She resumed her little humming as she looked back around the house. Trying to see if there were any other routes for the two of them to take, or if anyone else had shown up whilst they had been chatting. "Kay-ra, Cae-ra, May-" She stopped, eyes widening ever so slightly for a moment as if something had just occurred to her. She directed her gaze back to Sybil, having stopped mid rock on her feet and tilted her head curiously. Tapping a finger onto her chin. "-Haps did your date have green hair? Avian esque?" She tilted her head slightly more, but a look of contemplation was covering the younger ninjas face. "I was just at the Institute actually, ran into one of their magical girls and then... er" She looked a little shame faced. "Well I need more training, but my point is there was quite the commotion and gossip" She smiled slightly, admitting to shamelessly eavesdropping on some potentially occurring story whilst there. "And said commotion was about a green haired demoness. Being shown around by" Iralyn raised her hands, making quotation marks with her fingers. "that shameless inventor Lexi"

She gave Sybil another curious look, before she returned her attentions back to the house around them. Peering around again. She was starting to feel suspicious in not seeing anyone or anything else during their time here.

Sybil in Mathis' Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Persia in Asha's Body, Iradil in Caitlyn's Body

"The invites were sent around randomly and we weren't given a lot of time to mobilize so I'm not surprised Grandmaster Shibuya isn't here. Kuroyuri is doing her best to make an impression, I can't deny that. If she succeeds things will get even more interesting, I don't know how the politics will work in this case but usually they work together to lead the clan. Even with conflicting ideals we'll find a way. We all want the same thing, in the end." Sybil visibly groaned at the political ramifications, usually she didn't really pay attention to them since the Village had gone on a dry spell. But, she couldn't deny that the village was filled with a livelier air lately. As they continued to investigate their surroundings Sybil looked around for anyone else that might be wandering the halls but didn't see anyone of note yet...

The room itself, as Sybil mentioned, felt off but in this body she didn't really have the magic to investigate or find out anything. She also heard weird voices, barely perceptible to her ears, all around her. Other than that it was silence, and she could tell based on how Iradil was acting that she was having her suspicions about the room as well, this was hardly the time to start messing around with things they didn't understand. Sybil didn't know the magic exactly, but she did know that it was probably not wise to mess with it while in a different body, she wasn't going to be stupid about this. Caution was the name of the game until they found more allies and knew more about what was going on around them. "She was trying to attack the campus and I stopped her, then we had came to some 'common' ground, yes." Sybil counter attacked Iradil at this point, finding a weak point in her defenses by seeing that blush on her face. She let the fellow ninja continue before pouncing though...

"I'm sorry, are you jealous? Did you want to find 'common ground' with me?" Sybil had a shit eating grin on her face, in truth she didn't really mind if that was the case but she also knew it'd get Iradil flustered one way or another, only then did she finally tackle the question and battled back that annoying arousal again. Even minor teases like that got her blood flowing to dangerous places and she knew that having sex was probably a bad idea considering how hot and bothered she had been in the body previously "That's yet to be determined, I don't know, depends on how she reacts to humans. We can't just bring anyone into the village after all." Sybil looked around the room once more and nodded, she didn't want to do anything with the room without full support from Iradil and she doubted that she'd find Elmadia in this room. "I do want to keep a note of this room for later, it does feel important. Right now though I don't think we an do anything, something about it feels off. Like it's a puzzle we need to solve or it requires a spell to be cast. I'll think on it..."

"Yes, that's Caera. So she found her way to the Institute? Doesn't sound like a bad thing to me. Who is Lexi? Sounds like you have another issue with her..." Sybil would move out of the away so that Iradil could get out of the room, Sybil gave it one last look before sighing to herself. If she had her original body then this would be child's play to figure out, but the connection to magic that she felt was far weaker in this body than her usual one. "Well we need to keep moving, I see a door over there." Sybil pointed out and started walking towards it...

Only for the door in front of them to be swung open wildly as a focused and determined blonde stumbled through it in a rush. She seemed unsteady on her feet and uneased by something, also she appeared to have a shadowy arm and was far more focused on the room around her than the two individuals in front of her. Sybil went into a defensive stance and shot a look at Iradil before facing the woman again. "Who are you? Are you okay? Is that your original body or not?" Three basic questions, but necessary for Sybil to get a feel for the blonde in front of them.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #100 on: November 02, 2022, 10:25:19 PM »

Mathis (in Sybil's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness
Tag: Everyone, Caitlyn, Christina Rahl

"Viola?" Mathis asked in surprise.  "Err, yeah, I'm a naga."  As he gazed at his recent exploration partner, he thought, 'My body isn't my own, it makes sense that she might not be the same either.'  Christina's revelation was a bigger shock though.  He hadn't considered people being transformed into other real people!  'Does that mean that my body looks like another real person's?  Does that mean someone else looks like me?!'

"Ya... you aren't Rosluni?  You are the... that girl that is helpin' the DoJ?"  There was a pause as he processed her words further,  "Wait, our bodies?  We weren't just transformed into these shapes?  D-does that mean ya have Rosluni's powers?"  The guy felt so overwhelmed, and what was worse, he could feel his sex positively dripping with arousal and need.

Thankfully Caitlyn spoke up and distracted him from all that was going on.  He at least had interacted with her a little bit more.  'Those ears -are- cute,' he thought as he gazed at her finger running along one of them.  It would be so nice just to run his hand over her ears, down her neck, and then perhaps help her out of all those restrictive clothes... 

Viola voice raised in a questioning tone, and he blushed, letting out a cute little, "Uh?" before his brain had a chance to replay what she'd said.  Slightly flustered he replied, "Anyone else?  Err, uh, no.  Sorry, Viola.  I was all alone figurin' out how to walk with legs instead of a tail when I heard Rosluni's... uh, Christina... no, Rosluni's voice.  It is still definitely her voice even if someone else is usin' it."

Mathis slipped the jacket off his shoulders and tucked it over his left arm.  Reaching out his right arm, he wrapped it around Caitlyn's so that the Dominion agent was between Christina and him.  Looking at Caitlyn with doe-eyed hope, he explained, "I'm not fully stable on two feet yet; so, I hope this is okay, Viola?  That way I shouldn't slow us down.  You ready to go, Viola, Ros- err, Christina?"  That face, that body.  Calling the plant woman 'Christina' was going to take some getting used to.

Christina Rahl in Rosluni's body
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Sashanna, Youkai

Christina still stumbled a few times, but for the most part she was walking normal.  She tried to move her vines and slowly, but surely felt like she was starting to get the hang of it was they talked.  Still this arousal was very distracting, it had kept her attention off it by trying to use this body, but it just got worse, grabbed her attention and Christina found her eyes roaming the two other women in the room. She looked at the cute ears Viola mentioned, they were indeed cute, then ran her her eyes the body, the curves were not hidden too well with the traditional seeming eastern outfit, it was easy enough to imagine what was underneath.  Christina realized she had not said anything for a while, blinked and spoke.  "Ah yes, I think we should get moving" she said through dry lips and hot aroused breath.  It was Rosluni's voice, but Christina's mannerisms, choice of words and bodily movements.  Christina breathed a hot breath, letting out more than just words since she had no idea how to control some powers Rosluni had yet.   She probably wasn't making this situation easier for the other two.

Christina eyes roamed over Mathis next, it was an improvement for Christina.  Men were fine, but a female body for him was definitely an improvement.  Christina walked across the room towards the door, passed the two, to open the door.  "Way ahead of you!" she said smiling in response to the question "are you ready to go?" She needed to do something, to set an objective, she needed to distract herself from dripping wet problems.  "ugghh this is so distracting" she whined eventually as she waited for the others, then walked out in the hallway.  "I wonder if Rosluni always feels this uhhh aroused?" she said out loud trying to keeper her frustrations under control while asking Mathis.  Maybe this was just what life was for the flower lady.

Caitlyn in Iradil's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Christina in Rosluni's Body

"That's fine, I just wanted to make sure, I only ran into Christina here." Caitlyn said with a smile, she was a little surprised at how forward Mathis was being with his new body though as he openly wrapped his arm around her body to steady himself. "Is this your excuse to get close to me? You sly little fox." Caitlyn offered him a sly smirk, but didn't tease him further, he was already disoriented and affecting that further probably wasn't the wisest option. Caitlyn grimaced as she felt her own body tingle and heat up, god she needed to fuck "I doubt it, Christina. The arousal is from the spell, I don't know why or how, but switching our bodies and making us aroused and distracted seems to be part of the spell. Just try to ignore it, it seems to fade the more you don't draw attention to it. This definitely isn't a transformation, it's swapping bodies. And something that like that, I imagine, needs a powerful spell." Caitlyn couldn't think of any Dominion tech that could do this, so her mind resorted to that.

The door would open and lead to a candle lit hallway, none of them would recognize it though, but they'd start hearing voices and feel people caressing and touching their bodies. "Play with us, enjoy your new bodies, enjoy our touches. Don't think, just submit..." The voices would tease at their ears as phantom hands caressed at their breasts, ass, and curves. Nothing was safe, and no matter how much they protested or moved the touching wouldn't stop. At least for a minute. After a short while it'd stop and they'd be allowed to move and think for themselves. "God fucking dammit, spirits too? Or is that some magic that makes us think it's ghosts?!" After getting their bearings, they'd notice they were on the first floor, and to their right at the end of the hallway would be a staircase up to it. Also they could investigate the doors along the hallway. There was also a dead end at the end of the hallway, if they passed the staircase...

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #101 on: November 03, 2022, 03:34:09 PM »

Barbati in Kuroyuri's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Kuroyuri in Barbati's Body (Silverkat)

Barbati's hypnotic eyes burrowed into Kuroyuri's skull and rooted their influence in there deeply, blotting out whatever resistance was left, this was the curse of having Barbati's body. Physical and mental fatigue would grip at you and leave you unable to defend yourself! "That's wonderful my little darling, I'm glad I have a slave that can follow directions. And that's all you are Kuroyuri, a slave, a good slave that does what she's told by her Mistress. A good slave that knows I get whatever I want, and I'm keeping your body. All you need is one final push." The bun bun Barbati giggled which made those breasts bounce. God she felt so horny, her hand kept tweaking at Kuroyuri's sex and eroding away her sexual resistance as well. Barbati's fingers started pumping in and out of Kuroyuri's sex, knowing just what buttons to push since it was her former body...

Barbati never broke eye contact though, intent on sinking the ninja into the deep abyss that was her beautiful eyes. "Forget your thoughts, forget your will, they don't matter here. All that matters is pleasure and obedience, that's all you ever need Kuroyuri. Silence your mind, fill it only with my words and body." Barbati ordered with her power, giving Kuroyuri's mind the push it needed to cave, if it worked she'd watch a glassy sheen come over the woman's eyes and watch Kuroyuri slump forward. Luckily that was just what she wanted, she shifted her clothing so that her breasts were more prominently on display...

"Stare and grope them. The longer you grope and stare, the more control I gain over you. Now tell me what the tags can do when I channel corruption through them. Can they control others? Do I need to do anything special with them? Tell me everything, I deserve everything." Barbati sighed, god this was the life, was this how other demons felt?! Well at least some of her horniness would be dealt with by this breast massage. Her own fingers continued to milk Kuroyuri's sex, bringing her closer and closer to the edge...

Mansion of Madness
Tag: Barbati

Kuroyuri's eyes were blank as she stared straight ahead, her mind silent and open, her arms hung loosely at her side and her tail was draped limply on the floor, it was a shame really that Kuroyuri was so upset about having her body stolen when she first woke up in this body, and that she was now hypnotised out and unable to think, because otherwise she could dwell on how awesome it was to have a tail. Yep. Humanoids with tails was just two great things that looked great together. Everyone should have a tail if they should. Especially you Vee. Awesome appendages aside though, Kuroyuri was well under Barbati's spell by now.

The formally human demon nodded dumbly when Barbati told her that all she is is a slave, a good slave, who does what her Mistress tells her to do, but the only noise she made was slight moans of pleasure as Barbati plunged her fingers in and out of her demonic lily-pad. She continued nodded dumbly, she had to forget her thoughts, to forget her will, easily done, in fact it was very easily done. This body just seemed to have little hold on either thoughts or will. All that she needed instead was pleasure and obedience. It was all she would ever need. Barbati's new power had no trouble pushing into Yuri's mind, the former ninja's eyes had already been quite dull and blank, and the glassy sheen came over them quite easily...

...but instead of slumping forward like Barbati wanted, the mindless demon instead fell completely forward face planting directly into Barbati's generous bunny bust. Even so Kuroyuri tried to mindlessly obey, and lifted her hands up to grasp onto Barbati's breasts and grope them. She was actually trying to stare too, but with her face already half between them, that was hard to confirm. Kuroyuri started to tell Barbati what she wanted to hear, how to use her tags, and the various things, mostly corruption based, that they could do. They did require special training to use, merely being in Kuroyuri's former body wouldn't be enough...

...but how much of the kunochi's explanations were audible was uncertain, her mouth was nestled between those beautiful glorious mounds after all.

Offline Sashanna

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #102 on: November 05, 2022, 06:41:41 PM »
Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Iradil:

Iradil in Caitlyn's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Sybil in Mathis' Body

"Seduction. Hurray!" She sounded non plussed and had a blank look on her face. Internally her mind racing. Well this was fine... she could do this. It would be good practice! She had a reference to go off of! She... actually she could maybe learn a bit from Sybil too. "Kuroyuri? Here?" She twirling around to look at Sybil fully again, contemplatively. "Well I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Seems an interesting tale going on here, so was gonna be her or Yasu! Or both!" She paused for a moment. "Though you're the first other Dragon I've seen here. So maybe Yasu isn't around." Iradil carried on moving through the mansion as Sybil carried on. Casting her gaze around the room, investigating everything, keeping on guard. Though the slight nods of her head gave away she was still paying attention to Sybil's words. Whether she caught the roll of the eyes or not, was up for debate. She was humming something under her breath faintly though, almost as if she wasn't aware of it.

The humming was maintained even as she paused ever so slightly. Eyes narrowing as the air grew thicker around her. Feeling a faint tingling in her arms and legs. A hand moving behind her neck, lightly feeling the short hairs standing up slightly. Every stage needed music, and this was certainly an impressive selection of instruments. But... But something was off. It was an odd feeling, deep inside her. She glanced behind her quickly, judging the distance between her and Sybil, checking how easily she was able to follow after her in the snake like body. She turned back to the room and bit her lip. Moving all her wait onto one leg for a moment. Why were there candles lit? Had someone just set this up and then left? That was weird. And she had enough of an interest in pranks and plays to have an intrinsic distrust of such an obvious set up.

In the mean time, Sybil had slithered up closer, and she looked back over her shoulder, still humming something slightly to her self. A little two syllable hum. Raising an eyebrow at Sybil, before a little coy grin took over her face. "Oh? The darling Kay-ra?" She giggled softly. "A chat huh? over dinner? a movie? A plaaaay~" She giggled softly, but an obvious blush was starting to take over Iradil's face, and her voice was starting to ever so increase in pitch. It was hidden well, a civilian wouldn't be able to pick up on it, and even a heroine or even succubi might have to pay particular attention to figure it out... "Finding your 'common ground' with Cae-ra~" She adjusted the way she was pronouncing the demons name, not knowing the demoness personally, but maintaining her teasing tone, for one of the rare times she might be able to have something over Sybil. "Can't say I know her, but I'm sure I'll meet her when you bring her back to the village no?" She playfully swayed on the balls of her feet, before looking back into the room. Flitting back to her professional mode as Sybil outlined the magic in the room. "Mayhaps we should leave this room be? Doesn't seem that our esteemed hostess is here in mind nor body."

She resumed her little humming as she looked back around the house. Trying to see if there were any other routes for the two of them to take, or if anyone else had shown up whilst they had been chatting. "Kay-ra, Cae-ra, May-" She stopped, eyes widening ever so slightly for a moment as if something had just occurred to her. She directed her gaze back to Sybil, having stopped mid rock on her feet and tilted her head curiously. Tapping a finger onto her chin. "-Haps did your date have green hair? Avian esque?" She tilted her head slightly more, but a look of contemplation was covering the younger ninjas face. "I was just at the Institute actually, ran into one of their magical girls and then... er" She looked a little shame faced. "Well I need more training, but my point is there was quite the commotion and gossip" She smiled slightly, admitting to shamelessly eavesdropping on some potentially occurring story whilst there. "And said commotion was about a green haired demoness. Being shown around by" Iralyn raised her hands, making quotation marks with her fingers. "that shameless inventor Lexi"

She gave Sybil another curious look, before she returned her attentions back to the house around them. Peering around again. She was starting to feel suspicious in not seeing anyone or anything else during their time here.
Spoiler for Sybil:

Sybil in Mathis' Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Persia in Asha's Body, Iradil in Caitlyn's Body

"The invites were sent around randomly and we weren't given a lot of time to mobilize so I'm not surprised Grandmaster Shibuya isn't here. Kuroyuri is doing her best to make an impression, I can't deny that. If she succeeds things will get even more interesting, I don't know how the politics will work in this case but usually they work together to lead the clan. Even with conflicting ideals we'll find a way. We all want the same thing, in the end." Sybil visibly groaned at the political ramifications, usually she didn't really pay attention to them since the Village had gone on a dry spell. But, she couldn't deny that the village was filled with a livelier air lately. As they continued to investigate their surroundings Sybil looked around for anyone else that might be wandering the halls but didn't see anyone of note yet...

The room itself, as Sybil mentioned, felt off but in this body she didn't really have the magic to investigate or find out anything. She also heard weird voices, barely perceptible to her ears, all around her. Other than that it was silence, and she could tell based on how Iradil was acting that she was having her suspicions about the room as well, this was hardly the time to start messing around with things they didn't understand. Sybil didn't know the magic exactly, but she did know that it was probably not wise to mess with it while in a different body, she wasn't going to be stupid about this. Caution was the name of the game until they found more allies and knew more about what was going on around them. "She was trying to attack the campus and I stopped her, then we had came to some 'common' ground, yes." Sybil counter attacked Iradil at this point, finding a weak point in her defenses by seeing that blush on her face. She let the fellow ninja continue before pouncing though...

"I'm sorry, are you jealous? Did you want to find 'common ground' with me?" Sybil had a shit eating grin on her face, in truth she didn't really mind if that was the case but she also knew it'd get Iradil flustered one way or another, only then did she finally tackle the question and battled back that annoying arousal again. Even minor teases like that got her blood flowing to dangerous places and she knew that having sex was probably a bad idea considering how hot and bothered she had been in the body previously "That's yet to be determined, I don't know, depends on how she reacts to humans. We can't just bring anyone into the village after all." Sybil looked around the room once more and nodded, she didn't want to do anything with the room without full support from Iradil and she doubted that she'd find Elmadia in this room. "I do want to keep a note of this room for later, it does feel important. Right now though I don't think we an do anything, something about it feels off. Like it's a puzzle we need to solve or it requires a spell to be cast. I'll think on it..."

"Yes, that's Caera. So she found her way to the Institute? Doesn't sound like a bad thing to me. Who is Lexi? Sounds like you have another issue with her..." Sybil would move out of the away so that Iradil could get out of the room, Sybil gave it one last look before sighing to herself. If she had her original body then this would be child's play to figure out, but the connection to magic that she felt was far weaker in this body than her usual one. "Well we need to keep moving, I see a door over there." Sybil pointed out and started walking towards it...

Only for the door in front of them to be swung open wildly as a focused and determined blonde stumbled through it in a rush. She seemed unsteady on her feet and uneased by something, also she appeared to have a shadowy arm and was far more focused on the room around her than the two individuals in front of her. Sybil went into a defensive stance and shot a look at Iradil before facing the woman again. "Who are you? Are you okay? Is that your original body or not?" Three basic questions, but necessary for Sybil to get a feel for the blonde in front of them.

Persia (in Asha's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Ground Floor
Tag: Everyone, Iradil (in Caitlyn's Body), Sybil (in Mathis' Body)

The blonde frantically gazed around the room, straining her ears to hear the two phantom voices that had been fading into the distance.  Her face fell and her shoulders slumped when she failed to hear them anymore once she'd opened the door.  'It is like they disappear if you might see one,' she thought in frustration.  It took another moment for her register Sybil's words.  She recognized that voice too...

Looking up, her eyes narrowed as she saw what appeared to be Mathis and another woman who looked vaguely familiar.  She glanced around one more time to try and catch the voices again before sighing and listing off answers, "I am not in my body.  I was following two voices: a male and a female, but I am not used to this body.  Did you see them come through here?...."

"You could say I am 'okay' beyond that."  She was worried about Ros and Mathis, in a mansion with a powerful being that was messing with people's body and minds, and the mansion seemed to have other phantom... things as well, but she doubted that was the answer this person needed.  "And I am Persia."

Straightening up, she walked confidently into the room.  Simply walking on level ground, that she was getting pretty good at.  "There was a giggling voice from another nearby room that had something to show me, but I thought it could be dangerous to check it out alone.  And the voices in this direction were fading in the distance.  I told the voice I would come back, but first I would like to know who you two are.  I am guessing at least one of you is not in your body either if you are asking that question."

Persia's attention had mostly been on the one who spoke to her first, Sybil, but she finally took a long appraising look at Iradil and recognized why she seemed familiar.  The body appeared to be that of the woman she knew as Viola.  "Hmm, last time I saw these bodies they had been moving as a pair.  Do either of you know what they had been planning to do together when they left me?"
« Last Edit: November 05, 2022, 06:45:34 PM by Sashanna »

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #103 on: November 05, 2022, 10:06:52 PM »

Mansion of Madness
Tag: Barbati

Kuroyuri's eyes were blank as she stared straight ahead, her mind silent and open, her arms hung loosely at her side and her tail was draped limply on the floor, it was a shame really that Kuroyuri was so upset about having her body stolen when she first woke up in this body, and that she was now hypnotised out and unable to think, because otherwise she could dwell on how awesome it was to have a tail. Yep. Humanoids with tails was just two great things that looked great together. Everyone should have a tail if they should. Especially you Vee. Awesome appendages aside though, Kuroyuri was well under Barbati's spell by now.

The formally human demon nodded dumbly when Barbati told her that all she is is a slave, a good slave, who does what her Mistress tells her to do, but the only noise she made was slight moans of pleasure as Barbati plunged her fingers in and out of her demonic lily-pad. She continued nodded dumbly, she had to forget her thoughts, to forget her will, easily done, in fact it was very easily done. This body just seemed to have little hold on either thoughts or will. All that she needed instead was pleasure and obedience. It was all she would ever need. Barbati's new power had no trouble pushing into Yuri's mind, the former ninja's eyes had already been quite dull and blank, and the glassy sheen came over them quite easily...

...but instead of slumping forward like Barbati wanted, the mindless demon instead fell completely forward face planting directly into Barbati's generous bunny bust. Even so Kuroyuri tried to mindlessly obey, and lifted her hands up to grasp onto Barbati's breasts and grope them. She was actually trying to stare too, but with her face already half between them, that was hard to confirm. Kuroyuri started to tell Barbati what she wanted to hear, how to use her tags, and the various things, mostly corruption based, that they could do. They did require special training to use, merely being in Kuroyuri's former body wouldn't be enough...

...but how much of the kunochi's explanations were audible was uncertain, her mouth was nestled between those beautiful glorious mounds after all.

Barbati in Kuroyuri's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Kuroyuri in Barbati's Body (Silverkat)

Kuroyuri's explanation was muffled by Barbati's tits, the demon didn't seem too angry about that though, she giggled as her enslaved partner's head faceplanted right into the happy valley that was her tits. Barbati grinned and lifted Kuroyuri's head out of her tits with her slender fingers and gently pushed it back up, holding it there while jiggling her tits and giggling. "Yeah, you're far gone now aren't you? Repeat what you just said again, you were buried in my tits. Keep staring and groping though, never let your mind recover. The longer you stare, the deeper you under my control. The more you grope, the more your mind accepts this state as natural and pleasing." Barbati said with a wide and smug smile on her face. She nodded in understanding once Kuroyuri actually got her explanation out without mumbling into tit flesh.

"No matter, I'll just have you use the tags for me. You will use them on whoever I ask you to, without hesitation, and make sure they rapidly fall under my control. You are forbidden from using them on me, if you try, you'll fall into a deep unbreakable trance, hand them over, and apologize to me and beg me to use you as a footstool as punishment." Barbati didn't need the tags, but they sounded like fun tools to have at her disposal. If she kept Kuroyuri around she could learn to harness them, but for now her powerful compulsions would do. She was thankful that her mind was untarnished and her body didn't have any downsides anymore from using that power, plus this body felt like it had tampered with some demonic teachings. Barbati moaned and shivered, she was losing control. She was unbearably horny and felt needy and horny. The fire between her legs raged on like an inferno and her current partner could definitely take care of that.

She let Kuroyuri stare and grope for a while, gladly watching that glassy sheen grow thicker and the smile on Kuroyuri's face grow wider. Since she was programmed to find this state natural and pleasing the longer she groped, she expected to see that smile grow. "Stop groping, just stare at my body, no matter where you look it always deepens my control over you." Barbati's fingers kept pumping and twirling inside of Kuroyuri's sex, hitting all the right spots to leave the ninja's mind a horny fog. It was her old body, so she knew what spots to hit...

"Cum. Fall to your knees. Fall even deeper. Become truly empty." Barbati ordered with a grin, her eyes pulsing with her dominating power and overwhelming Kuroyuri's mind with the need to cum. Her fingers pushed the woman over the edge too. Cumming felt so good for Kuroyuri, it felt so good to let her pussy get what it wanted, keeping her mind empty was best for everyone. As soon as the ninja fell to her knees, she'd proceed to make this trance even deeper...

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #104 on: November 05, 2022, 11:08:14 PM »
Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Christina Rahl:

Christina Rahl in Rosluni's body
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Sashanna, Youkai

Christina still stumbled a few times, but for the most part she was walking normal.  She tried to move her vines and slowly, but surely felt like she was starting to get the hang of it as they talked.  Still, this arousal was very distracting.  She had kept her attention off it by trying to use this body, but it just got worse.  It grabbed her attention, and Christina found her eyes roaming over the two other women in the room. She looked at the cute ears Viola mentioned; they were indeed cute.  Then, her her eyes ran down that body; the curves were not hidden too well with the traditional seeming eastern outfit.  It was easy enough to imagine what was underneath.  Christina realized she had not said anything for a while, blinked and spoke.  "Ah yes, I think we should get moving" she said through dry lips and hot aroused breath.  It was Rosluni's voice, but Christina's mannerisms, choice of words and bodily movements.  Christina breathed a hot breath, letting out more than just words since she had no idea how to control some powers Rosluni had yet.   She probably wasn't making this situation easier for the other two.

Christina eyes roamed over Mathis next; it was an improvement for Christina.  Men were fine, but a female body for him was definitely an improvement.  Christina walked across the room towards the door, passing the two to open the door.  "Way ahead of you!" she said smiling in response to the question "are you ready to go?" She needed to do something, to set an objective.  She needed to distract herself from dripping wet problems.  "ugghh this is so distracting" she whined eventually as she waited for the others, then walked out in the hallway.  "I wonder if Rosluni always feels this uhhh aroused?" she said out loud trying to keeper her frustrations under control while asking Mathis.  Maybe this was just what life was for the flower lady.
Spoiler for Caitlyn 'Viola':

Caitlyn in Iradil's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Christina in Rosluni's Body

"That's fine, I just wanted to make sure.  I only ran into Christina here." Caitlyn said with a smile; she was a little surprised at how forward Mathis was being with his new body though as he openly wrapped his arm around her body to steady himself. "Is this your excuse to get close to me? You sly little fox." Caitlyn offered him a sly smirk, but didn't tease him further, he was already disoriented and affecting that further probably wasn't the wisest option. Caitlyn grimaced as she felt her own body tingle and heat up; god, she needed to fuck "I doubt it, Christina. The arousal is from the spell, I don't know why or how, but switching our bodies and making us aroused and distracted seems to be part of the spell. Just try to ignore it, it seems to fade the more you don't draw attention to it. This definitely isn't a transformation; it's swapping bodies. And something that like that, I imagine, needs a powerful spell." Caitlyn couldn't think of any Dominion tech that could do this, so her mind resorted to that.

The door would open and lead to a candle lit hallway, none of them would recognize it though, but they'd start hearing voices and feel people caressing and touching their bodies. "Play with us, enjoy your new bodies, enjoy our touches. Don't think, just submit..." The voices would tease at their ears as phantom hands caressed at their breasts, ass, and curves. Nothing was safe, and no matter how much they protested or moved the touching wouldn't stop. At least for a minute. After a short while it'd stop, and they'd be allowed to move and think for themselves. "God fucking dammit, spirits too? Or is that some magic that makes us think it's ghosts?!" After getting their bearings, they'd notice they were on the first floor, and to their right at the end of the hallway would be a staircase leading up. Also they could investigate the doors along the hallway. There was also a dead end at the end of the hallway, if they passed the staircase...

Mathis (in Sybil's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness
Tag: Everyone, Caitlyn (in Iradil's Body), Christina Rahl (in Rosluni's Body)

The guy was still uncertain on his feet, and it felt comforting and stabilizing to hold onto the arm of someone he at least somewhat knew.  Her reassurances helped calm him further, at least until Caitlyn decided to tease him.  His innocent, hopeful gaze grew flushed, and he turned his head away in embarrassment even as his armed hugged against hers more tightly, his soft breast getting pressed against her arm.  "It's really not like that, Viola.  Though if I had my body and you wanted..."  Mathis clamped his mouth shut and mentally chastised himself, 'Not tha time man!  I'm aroused enough as it is!'  If he wasn't so insecure in this body he probably would have teased her right back and moved on.  'By Ventonnas, I need to focus!'

Christina didn't help as she walk right in front of them as she passed by.  At least her breeding cups weren't out, releasing the scent of their intoxicatingly arousing nectar, but without any control, everything about her was arousing to some extent.  Even with an awkward occupant, Rosluni's body was built to ooze sensuality.  The generous curves caught the eye and naturally added a enticing roll to her hips.  Without the leaves extended that covered her sensitive nipples and sex, both could feel every tease of the open air.  The nectar the leaked from between her legs could be just as arousing when not suppressed and even the moisture from her mouth could be made to arouse to some extent if one chose.  It seemed that Christina was subconsciously increasing the aphrodesiac properties of her fluids in response to her own arousal.  When she complained about her level of arousal, Mathis considered the question seriously and thought back on his experiences around the plant woman.

Before he could provide an answer, Caitlyn chimed in and made it clear that they all were aroused right now and definitely in other people's bodies.  That wasn't good news, but the revelation made him look over RosluniChristina and then 'Viola', curious if he could detect any obvious signs of their arousal.  "No, Ro-Christina.  Rosluni would gladly pleasure anyone who asked, but I don't remember her actually seekin' out pleasure for herself at all.  If she was constantly horny, she hid it well."

As they walked out into the hall, he was still looking over Viola and enjoying the view a little more than was probably safe.  Despite the distraction, a thought finally clicked, 'Wait.  Christina is definitely in Rosluni's -real- body, and she obviously is just learning how to control it.'  He looked toward Christina and cleared his throat, "Hey, uh, Chr-"  Phantom hands started caressing he ass, his breasts, the small of his back, and even the cleft of his foreign sex that was so easily accessible in the body's skintight outfit.  Mathis let out a high pitched squeal and leaned into Caitlyn as his knees became weak and his mind reeled from the sensations.

His thighs squirmed together with a disconcerting squelch as he instinctively tried to protect the-the... "Don't think, just submit..."  His eyes fluttered and he attempted to resist the urge to do as the voices suggested.  But why?  It would feel so good to just give in to the pleasure.  His free hand reached up and started mauling at his breast, the nipple already sticking out prominently as his body relaxed into the touches of those phantom hands.   Yes, they feel so good.  Let them play.  Enjoy their touches.  Enjoy your new body.  The voice was so strong now and those touches felt so good.  It was easier just to submit.  He let out a sensual, needy moan and likely would have succumbed then and there if the hands hadn't suddenly stopped.

It was Caitlyn's voice beside him that shook him out of his sexual daze.  "Wha?" the aroused haze slowly cleared as he blinked his eyes several times.  There was an odd pressure on one of his breasts that caused him to look down and see his slender, feminine fingers still pressed tightly into the flesh.  "Ah!" he cried out and released his hand like it was about to be burned.  Putting his weight against Caitlyn's arm managed to keep him steady enough not fall flailing to the floor.  As his mind raced, he realized that there had been something he'd wanted to say and urgently turned his attention to Christina, "Ros, your body can arouse and make enemies want to mindlessly rut.  I don't know everythin' about it, but I know that ya can adjust the potency of your scent and that the most potent stuff comes from the nectar in the cups on your back.  Be careful with 'em."  He didn't know much about Christina, but he was under the impression that she was a protector of the people; so, it likely would help to inform her of the dangers.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2022, 11:10:17 PM by Sashanna »

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #105 on: November 05, 2022, 11:47:45 PM »
Spoiler for Previously on Dragon Ball DoJ:
Spoiler for Sybil:

Sybil in Mathis' Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Persia in Asha's Body, Iradil in Caitlyn's Body

"The invites were sent around randomly and we weren't given a lot of time to mobilize so I'm not surprised Grandmaster Shibuya isn't here. Kuroyuri is doing her best to make an impression, I can't deny that. If she succeeds things will get even more interesting, I don't know how the politics will work in this case but usually they work together to lead the clan. Even with conflicting ideals we'll find a way. We all want the same thing, in the end." Sybil visibly groaned at the political ramifications, usually she didn't really pay attention to them since the Village had gone on a dry spell. But, she couldn't deny that the village was filled with a livelier air lately. As they continued to investigate their surroundings Sybil looked around for anyone else that might be wandering the halls but didn't see anyone of note yet...

The room itself, as Sybil mentioned, felt off but in this body she didn't really have the magic to investigate or find out anything. She also heard weird voices, barely perceptible to her ears, all around her. Other than that it was silence, and she could tell based on how Iradil was acting that she was having her suspicions about the room as well, this was hardly the time to start messing around with things they didn't understand. Sybil didn't know the magic exactly, but she did know that it was probably not wise to mess with it while in a different body, she wasn't going to be stupid about this. Caution was the name of the game until they found more allies and knew more about what was going on around them. "She was trying to attack the campus and I stopped her, then we had came to some 'common' ground, yes." Sybil counter attacked Iradil at this point, finding a weak point in her defenses by seeing that blush on her face. She let the fellow ninja continue before pouncing though...

"I'm sorry, are you jealous? Did you want to find 'common ground' with me?" Sybil had a shit eating grin on her face, in truth she didn't really mind if that was the case but she also knew it'd get Iradil flustered one way or another, only then did she finally tackle the question and battled back that annoying arousal again. Even minor teases like that got her blood flowing to dangerous places and she knew that having sex was probably a bad idea considering how hot and bothered she had been in the body previously "That's yet to be determined, I don't know, depends on how she reacts to humans. We can't just bring anyone into the village after all." Sybil looked around the room once more and nodded, she didn't want to do anything with the room without full support from Iradil and she doubted that she'd find Elmadia in this room. "I do want to keep a note of this room for later, it does feel important. Right now though I don't think we an do anything, something about it feels off. Like it's a puzzle we need to solve or it requires a spell to be cast. I'll think on it..."

"Yes, that's Caera. So she found her way to the Institute? Doesn't sound like a bad thing to me. Who is Lexi? Sounds like you have another issue with her..." Sybil would move out of the away so that Iradil could get out of the room, Sybil gave it one last look before sighing to herself. If she had her original body then this would be child's play to figure out, but the connection to magic that she felt was far weaker in this body than her usual one. "Well we need to keep moving, I see a door over there." Sybil pointed out and started walking towards it...

Only for the door in front of them to be swung open wildly as a focused and determined blonde stumbled through it in a rush. She seemed unsteady on her feet and uneased by something, also she appeared to have a shadowy arm and was far more focused on the room around her than the two individuals in front of her. Sybil went into a defensive stance and shot a look at Iradil before facing the woman again. "Who are you? Are you okay? Is that your original body or not?" Three basic questions, but necessary for Sybil to get a feel for the blonde in front of them.
Spoiler for Persia:

Persia (in Asha's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Ground Floor
Tag: Everyone, Iradil (in Caitlyn's Body), Sybil (in Mathis' Body)

The blonde frantically gazed around the room, straining her ears to hear the two phantom voices that had been fading into the distance.  Her face fell and her shoulders slumped when she failed to hear them anymore once she'd opened the door.  'It is like they disappear if you might see one,' she thought in frustration.  It took another moment for her register Sybil's words.  She recognized that voice too...

Looking up, her eyes narrowed as she saw what appeared to be Mathis and another woman who looked vaguely familiar.  She glanced around one more time to try and catch the voices again before sighing and listing off answers, "I am not in my body.  I was following two voices: a male and a female, but I am not used to this body.  Did you see them come through here?...."

"You could say I am 'okay' beyond that."  She was worried about Ros and Mathis, in a mansion with a powerful being that was messing with people's body and minds, and the mansion seemed to have other phantom... things as well, but she doubted that was the answer this person needed.  "And I am Persia."

Straightening up, she walked confidently into the room.  Simply walking on level ground, that she was getting pretty good at.  "There was a giggling voice from another nearby room that had something to show me, but I thought it could be dangerous to check it out alone.  And the voices in this direction were fading in the distance.  I told the voice I would come back, but first I would like to know who you two are.  I am guessing at least one of you is not in your body either if you are asking that question."

Persia's attention had mostly been on the one who spoke to her first, Sybil, but she finally took a long appraising look at Iradil and recognized why she seemed familiar.  The body appeared to be that of the woman she knew as Viola.  "Hmm, last time I saw these bodies they had been moving as a pair.  Do either of you know what they had been planning to do together when they left me?"

Iradil in Caitlyn's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Sybil in Mathis' Body and Persia in Asha's Body

Iradil hummed in the right places as Sybil went over the politics of the village. Truth be told, Iradil hadn't paid a lot of attention to the actual politicking, not having interested her nearly as much as the characters themselves. She knew their motives, wants, just not really, the intricacies of what was going on behind the scenes. She could feel her face heat up as Sybil teased her back, her mind racing and easily picking up that the more experienced ninja had let her run into the trap all of herself, before pouncing back on her. Which... if the happy tingling going through her body was any sign, had been a poor choice of words. Her hormones enticing her for a moment with the idea of either version of Sybil pouncing on her and she shook her head slightly. She knew the other ninja would see through any attempt to hide the arousal, she could only hope that she chalked it up to whatever had been happening in the mansion. And not from anything else.

Thankfully, Sybil had moved back to talking about her demonic date before she could be on the receiving end of any more teasing. And Iradil could distract herself by looking around the room which had suddenly gotten a lot more interesting in the past few seconds. Maybe she should take up an instrument actually? Just not... one of these. "Mmhmm, a puzzle or riddle is there to be solved, it's going to be playing on my mind now for the rest of..." She turned and gazed at Sybil, a faint pink tinge still on her cheeks. "I don't have a problem with her! I was being shown around by Shirley! One of their magical girls! She's nice. She invited me to LARP!" The red tinge left Iralyn's face for a moment as her mind was clearly elsewhere for a moment. A faint part of Iradil hoped she wasn't oversharing. The past few days had involved her meeting and talking with more people then she had done for quite a while. "I rescued her from a demon who took over the pier!" Iradil nodded slightly, before realising that there was the faint trace of a proud smile playing at her lips and moved to go back to a more professional visage.

"I mean if you're wanting to spend more time with me then I'd like that!" Iralyn's face gained a sly smile and the professionalism was lost. "But I mean, you know how gossip travels... the more experienced ninja, taking the younger one under her wing... finding common ground, teaching her about life" She hummed and looked over towards the door. Was there a faint pounding of the floor boards coming from that direction? "We could try that new dango they've got a-" She jumped back slightly as the door slammed open. Preparing herself for whoever or whatever came through that door. She heard Sybil ask her questions, and hummed curiously as she heard the responses. "I take it yourself is not Asha then?" She moved forward slightly, mulling over the answers in her head. "and this body is not my own no" She tugged at the clothing slightly, trying to cover up somewhat. "But I can not say I have seen your two voices, nor have I seen any potential owners of said voices" She flicked her eyes to not Asha's legs, curiously wondering why she seemed to gain confidence on level ground. "In fact I was wondering when we would run into something else, bar a bizarre musical room, it has been rather quiet."

She bowed slightly, cursing under her breath as the catsuit threatened to open. "I am partly known as Iradil, by the by" The other part, she didn't know. Though it seems like this newcomer might know who owned this body.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #106 on: November 06, 2022, 05:57:13 AM »
Spoiler for Rosluni:
Spoiler for Asha:

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Skarde

Asha pouted at the pats on her shoulder, she wasn't a child, she was a vampire stuck in a naga's body. She slowly turned to Skarde and gave her a quick scan with her eye. That was another thing, she only had one eye. Hardly what she'd call ideal in a fight. "There are a lot of benefits, but also a lot of downsides, you have to realize the power that person holds could be dangerous. If they don't know what kind of body they're in, they could turn to dust in seconds. Luckily it's night time so they're not going to be in too much risk." Asha murmured to herself as Rosluni started to make her comments and introduce herself some more to the two. Asha didn't like to hold back, but in this case...

The vampire sighed and hissed at the ground, but she knew Rosluni was right, they couldn't hurt her too much due to the fact that she was the only one that knew what exactly was going on with them. "You're right, bit after she fixes this I'm giving her a punch square in the jaw. Nothing else, she's toying with our powers, minds, and bodies and that can only lead to catastrophe. What do you think the wrong person could do with our bodies? They could be a menace in the right hands, I bet someone is indulging in their new power now quite frankly." Asha sighed as she listened to Skarde tempt Rosluni to take more control over her, what was this girl's deal? She was a speedy menace already and now she was trying to cause more trouble? Asha shook her head and was thankful the attention wasn't on her this time.

"I'd like that assistance, I think I got basic movement down, but I feel pretty powerless in this body right now." Asha admitted humbly, the sooner she got her vampiric body back the better, her only target was Elmadia.

Rosluni (in Christina Rahl's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Wine Cellar
Tag: Everyone, Asha, Skarde Alexander

"There are better choices than physical harm, Asha, but I won't stop anyone here from punishing our host.  If someone can show her that her actions might cause her trouble too, it will help her learn to think about others.  If she is able to learn," Rosluni finished with a grin and a shrug.  Not all people in Ventonnas learned that their actions had consequences.  Some were too stupid.  Some were too set in their ways.  Others were just too powerful to see the lessons as anything more than exceptions to the rule.  But even the powerful could learn.

When their overtly submissive Skarde requested to be tied up, Ros turned her attention fully towards her.  Dexterous hands continued to play with the shapeshifting girl's hair as the former plant woman looked over Skarde's new body for an appreciative moment.  'Such an innocent girl and with such a cute bulge.  If that was her body and we had time, she'd already be tied up...  If we had the time.'

Her appreciative grin grew apologetic as she finally spoke,  "I'm sorry, Cupcake, but I don't have limbs that are long enough and flexible enough to tie you up in this new body.  This place is too uncertain to leave you tied up alone, and I can't carry you.  I need to be able to freely move in case of trouble.  But if you would like, Cupcake, you can be a servant of mine for as long as you wish.  When me and mine are safe and we all have our bodies back, I will happily tie you up.  Keep the braid if that offer sounds good to you, Cupcake."  She concluded with a friendly couple pats on the head before turning her attention back to the vampire-turned-naga.

"In that case, I'll be happy to help!"  She bounced over to the naga energetically, ignoring the discomfort of her bust as its weight fought against the confines of this form's undergarment.  Beginning to explain, her warm hands pressed against the inside edges of opposing curves of Asha's new tail, "The winding river is quicker than the rolling hills motion, but you should widen your coils a little further.  It is a longer distance to travel, but it makes you more stable and lets you find the best spots to push against.  That usually makes it quicker than a straighter motion too."  Her hand gently applied pressure against the top of the tail where it had slightly humped upward, "And you don't need to lift your tail very high at all.  It might seem odd, but more contact with the ground gives you more points to push off with.  It helps you move smoothly and confidently."  Being curious about the nature of the people living in her Groves came in handy sometimes.

Firmly stroking the scales downward towards the floor, Rosluni attempted to help the naga loosen the unnecessarily tensed muscles.  "If you are carrying something heavy, or the ground is slick, or you need to climb, then you can straighten your tail and pull your body forward in a rolling hills motion.  It is slower to pull instead of push your tail along though.  Trying to mix a little rolling hills into your winding river makes you look uncomfortable and slows you down."  As the tail tapered near the end, Rosluni let her fingers curl underneath about a hand's length up from the tail tip.  That point seemed to bring a pleasurable shiver to Persia when she was touched there by others, but Ros couldn't be sure if it was a physical or mental reaction.  Delicate fingers would only briefly brush the spot before finishing their trail to the tip, "That's looking better.  If you can get used to relaxing those muscles and spreading out more, we can try other motions.  Practice this first.  I can offer you my touch to guide you, if you think it will help correct your form."

Skarde Alexander (in Grawly's body)
Tag: Asha (in Persia's body) (Youkai), Rosluni (in Christina's body) (Sashanna)

Long and flexible enough to tie me up? One had to assume she meant without rope, given how perfectly capable Rosluni seemed to be at braiding. While Skarde was definitely planning to hang onto that braid, especially after hearing such tantalizing promises from her Cupcake-claiming new friend. She still had to ask. "How long and flexible are you used to your limbs being? Waaaaaaiiiitwaitwaitwait, WAIT. Are you one of those stretchy-necked youkai? Shut the fuck up! I didn't even think those were real! What about the umbrellas with the faces? And the little flying paper guys, are those out there too?!" An inquiring Skarde needed to know!

...But what was she asking about all that for? Why was she wasting time with these questions, when she wanted to fuck so badly. Uhhh. Because its interesting? What the fuck, me? Chill out! This really felt off. It must've been the penis. As with all penises, it was making the person attached to it into a temperamental jackass. Skarde considered another scolding whack at her newfound cursed appendage, but ultimately thought better of it. Since her last self-inflincted punishment was still kind of stinging. And besides. She felt worryingly full of something down there, and another sudden impact might set something off. Blech! It was absolutely disgusting. Yet maybe a little release would finally let her-nope! Hard pass! Skarde was determined to think of less worrisome distractions. Like how Rosluni was definitely a smoking hot yet super chill long-necked benevolent queen babe. Who was probably even sexier in her own body (Skarde could hear it in her voice). We're gonna have so much funnnnn~! Without saying that out loud, that same line could still be read on Skarde's face when she enthusiastically nodded and stroked her newly braided hair. Agreeing quite easily to Rosluni's suggestion of service.

"You're absolutely right, Rosluni. Lady Rosluni? 'Mistress' Rosluni? Is it too soon to call you 'Darling'? Probably too soon. Maybe too soon? Is it too soon? It kinda feels not too soon, the more I think about it. You're more of a 'too swoon' than too soon type anyway, am I right or am I right? Anyhoodle! Darling, I know it must be so so tempting to hogtie and cuddle me in bed. To pet my perfect hair and shower me with all the affectionate praise you've had stowed up from the moment you laid eyes on me. All the while subtly and hypnotically indoctrinating me into becoming your forever pet, OF COURSE. If I met me, I'd totally want to do the same. Even if right now I'm just at a fraction of my usual cuteness. But now's not the time! For you own safety, I'm begging you. You HAVE to resist those urges! It just isn't safe to indulge in them here, right now!" Wasn't Rosluni the one who was saying it wasn't safe? Still Skarde suddenly seemed very emphatic about this, even hugging Rosluni's hand and shaking herself while holding it up to her chest. "After! After, my Darling Sex Queen, AFTER is when we'll unleash our untold forbidden lusts upon each other! For now, as much as I'd like to spank our host too, I think we'd better start looking for our actual bodies. Since Asha here's your advisor, that means our own bodies are probably still in the building, too. And whoever has mine could either be a really big asset, or really big trouble. Since...well I don't like to brag, but I'm kind of the fastest person alive. Or at least I was, until....this." Skarde made a pouty face while twirling and tugging at her newly braided hair.

"Actually. Hmm. Between Elmadia and whoever's got control of my body, stopping one or the other could be pretty much impossible without a plan. Since one can literally freeze us in place, and the other might be able to move so fast that we might as well be frozen. So to have a chance, we're better off setting up a trap. Right?  Right....guys. You're welcome. Because I have a cunning plan! We're all in agreement that Elmadia's a voyeur type, right? Of course she is. We've seen her. This is a fact. So I'll bet has cameras all over the place. She won't come to us if she already knows we want a fight, buuuut...if we pretend to be doing something else. Say, some light touching and makeouts-HEARMEOUT! ....Some light touching and makeouts, but under the bedsheets! Hidden from prying cameras. That way Elmadia will get curious, forcing her to come over personally. She'd definitely show up for a lewd show like that, being the pervy perv perv that she is. Such a perv. And she'd be all perving and giggling, way too full over herself to ever notice that we've noticed her! So we'll jump out and grab her, pulling her into the punishment circle of sexy-I mean, vanilla torment! Completely regular torment!"

Skarde certainly had ideas. That much could not be denied. As Rosluni helped Asha with her tail, Skarde curiously checked on her own red tail. She'd been unconsciously swinging it around this whole time, barely aware of its movements. Despite the tail being almost as long as her leg, the way it rose up and around from her back made it easy enough to ignore. It wasn't exactly devoid of sensation, it just somehow positioned itself into more comfortable positions. Much like a pinkie toe would curl into place, or the phantom wings Skarde could still sometimes feel on her head. I keep forgetting these are horns now. Hence the lack of flapping.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2022, 06:46:51 AM by madman32 »

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #107 on: November 07, 2022, 06:09:26 PM »

Barbati in Kuroyuri's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Kuroyuri in Barbati's Body (Silverkat)

Kuroyuri's explanation was muffled by Barbati's tits, the demon didn't seem too angry about that though, she giggled as her enslaved partner's head faceplanted right into the happy valley that was her tits. Barbati grinned and lifted Kuroyuri's head out of her tits with her slender fingers and gently pushed it back up, holding it there while jiggling her tits and giggling. "Yeah, you're far gone now aren't you? Repeat what you just said again, you were buried in my tits. Keep staring and groping though, never let your mind recover. The longer you stare, the deeper you under my control. The more you grope, the more your mind accepts this state as natural and pleasing." Barbati said with a wide and smug smile on her face. She nodded in understanding once Kuroyuri actually got her explanation out without mumbling into tit flesh.

"No matter, I'll just have you use the tags for me. You will use them on whoever I ask you to, without hesitation, and make sure they rapidly fall under my control. You are forbidden from using them on me, if you try, you'll fall into a deep unbreakable trance, hand them over, and apologize to me and beg me to use you as a footstool as punishment." Barbati didn't need the tags, but they sounded like fun tools to have at her disposal. If she kept Kuroyuri around she could learn to harness them, but for now her powerful compulsions would do. She was thankful that her mind was untarnished and her body didn't have any downsides anymore from using that power, plus this body felt like it had tampered with some demonic teachings. Barbati moaned and shivered, she was losing control. She was unbearably horny and felt needy and horny. The fire between her legs raged on like an inferno and her current partner could definitely take care of that.

She let Kuroyuri stare and grope for a while, gladly watching that glassy sheen grow thicker and the smile on Kuroyuri's face grow wider. Since she was programmed to find this state natural and pleasing the longer she groped, she expected to see that smile grow. "Stop groping, just stare at my body, no matter where you look it always deepens my control over you." Barbati's fingers kept pumping and twirling inside of Kuroyuri's sex, hitting all the right spots to leave the ninja's mind a horny fog. It was her old body, so she knew what spots to hit...

"Cum. Fall to your knees. Fall even deeper. Become truly empty." Barbati ordered with a grin, her eyes pulsing with her dominating power and overwhelming Kuroyuri's mind with the need to cum. Her fingers pushed the woman over the edge too. Cumming felt so good for Kuroyuri, it felt so good to let her pussy get what it wanted, keeping her mind empty was best for everyone. As soon as the ninja fell to her knees, she'd proceed to make this trance even deeper...

Mansion of Madness
Tag: Barbati

Sadly Kuroyuri couldn't really enjoy the glorious marshmallow hell she was currently experiencing due to being so heavily entranced... and also because those were her breasts... though she'd already been hypnotised to think of them as Barbati's breasts so perhaps she could have enjoyed them... if she weren't so heavily entranced. Which she was. Ah she was probably enjoying it anyway, just not on a conscious level. Anyway, her face was buried in some breasts, stopping her very scientific and I'm sure very coherent explanation as to how her magic worked, from being heard either by Barbati, or the audience! Which was very inconvenient... for Barbati, it's extremely convenient for me.

Kuroyuri's now demonic eyes looked glassy as Barbati gently raised her head, instinctively and without conscious behind them they raised to meet Barbati's now human eyes. Kuroyuri was ordered to repeat what she had just said, which was really bad for the author, as she now had to actually explain how the magic worked. Fortunately for her, she was completely incapable of sticking to any one tense when writing, so she was able to easily slip into past tense and just narrated that Kuroyuri explained all of that. Still groping Barbati's breasts as instructed, Kuroyuri slowly and dreamily explained what she had just said about how her magic tags worked. There we go, just like that.

"Yes Mistress, I will use them on whoever you ask me too" Kuroyuri mindlessly agreed, not able to speculate on what using her tags would end up going like while in Barbati's... somewhat less than reliable body when it came to combat. "I will n ever use my tags on you. I will fall into a deep unbreakable trance and hand them over, then apologize to you and beg to be used as a footstool if I try" Yuri spoke, continuing her mindless breast massage, a dumb but happy smile growing on her lips over time... until ordered to stop and just stare, her eyes slowly roaming over Barbati's beautiful human body, her loss of control deepening with every moment, moans being the only sounds she made as Barbati continued to finger-fuck her.

She cried out in pleasure as the orgasm swept over her when she came, and oh my god, if she had been capable of thought right now, it would have amazed her how much more intensely demons experienced orgasms compared to humans. It was really no wonder that humans fell so easily to them, if that was how good they could make you feel... even if you could resist them, you wouldn't want too. Kuroyuri dropped to her knees, her tail thrashing about in pleasure as she dropped. It felt so so so AMAZING... letting her demon pussy get what it wanted... if she could experience this all the time... she would always keep her mind empty...

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #108 on: November 10, 2022, 08:59:21 PM »

Persia (in Asha's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Ground Floor
Tag: Everyone, Iradil (in Caitlyn's Body), Sybil (in Mathis' Body)

The blonde frantically gazed around the room, straining her ears to hear the two phantom voices that had been fading into the distance.  Her face fell and her shoulders slumped when she failed to hear them anymore once she'd opened the door.  'It is like they disappear if you might see one,' she thought in frustration.  It took another moment for her register Sybil's words.  She recognized that voice too...

Looking up, her eyes narrowed as she saw what appeared to be Mathis and another woman who looked vaguely familiar.  She glanced around one more time to try and catch the voices again before sighing and listing off answers, "I am not in my body.  I was following two voices: a male and a female, but I am not used to this body.  Did you see them come through here?...."

"You could say I am 'okay' beyond that."  She was worried about Ros and Mathis, in a mansion with a powerful being that was messing with people's body and minds, and the mansion seemed to have other phantom... things as well, but she doubted that was the answer this person needed.  "And I am Persia."

Straightening up, she walked confidently into the room.  Simply walking on level ground, that she was getting pretty good at.  "There was a giggling voice from another nearby room that had something to show me, but I thought it could be dangerous to check it out alone.  And the voices in this direction were fading in the distance.  I told the voice I would come back, but first I would like to know who you two are.  I am guessing at least one of you is not in your body either if you are asking that question."

Persia's attention had mostly been on the one who spoke to her first, Sybil, but she finally took a long appraising look at Iradil and recognized why she seemed familiar.  The body appeared to be that of the woman she knew as Viola.  "Hmm, last time I saw these bodies they had been moving as a pair.  Do either of you know what they had been planning to do together when they left me?"

Iradil in Caitlyn's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Sybil in Mathis' Body and Persia in Asha's Body

Iradil hummed in the right places as Sybil went over the politics of the village. Truth be told, Iradil hadn't paid a lot of attention to the actual politicking, not having interested her nearly as much as the characters themselves. She knew their motives, wants, just not really, the intricacies of what was going on behind the scenes. She could feel her face heat up as Sybil teased her back, her mind racing and easily picking up that the more experienced ninja had let her run into the trap all of herself, before pouncing back on her. Which... if the happy tingling going through her body was any sign, had been a poor choice of words. Her hormones enticing her for a moment with the idea of either version of Sybil pouncing on her and she shook her head slightly. She knew the other ninja would see through any attempt to hide the arousal, she could only hope that she chalked it up to whatever had been happening in the mansion. And not from anything else.

Thankfully, Sybil had moved back to talking about her demonic date before she could be on the receiving end of any more teasing. And Iradil could distract herself by looking around the room which had suddenly gotten a lot more interesting in the past few seconds. Maybe she should take up an instrument actually? Just not... one of these. "Mmhmm, a puzzle or riddle is there to be solved, it's going to be playing on my mind now for the rest of..." She turned and gazed at Sybil, a faint pink tinge still on her cheeks. "I don't have a problem with her! I was being shown around by Shirley! One of their magical girls! She's nice. She invited me to LARP!" The red tinge left Iralyn's face for a moment as her mind was clearly elsewhere for a moment. A faint part of Iradil hoped she wasn't oversharing. The past few days had involved her meeting and talking with more people then she had done for quite a while. "I rescued her from a demon who took over the pier!" Iradil nodded slightly, before realising that there was the faint trace of a proud smile playing at her lips and moved to go back to a more professional visage.

"I mean if you're wanting to spend more time with me then I'd like that!" Iralyn's face gained a sly smile and the professionalism was lost. "But I mean, you know how gossip travels... the more experienced ninja, taking the younger one under her wing... finding common ground, teaching her about life" She hummed and looked over towards the door. Was there a faint pounding of the floor boards coming from that direction? "We could try that new dango they've got a-" She jumped back slightly as the door slammed open. Preparing herself for whoever or whatever came through that door. She heard Sybil ask her questions, and hummed curiously as she heard the responses. "I take it yourself is not Asha then?" She moved forward slightly, mulling over the answers in her head. "and this body is not my own no" She tugged at the clothing slightly, trying to cover up somewhat. "But I can not say I have seen your two voices, nor have I seen any potential owners of said voices" She flicked her eyes to not Asha's legs, curiously wondering why she seemed to gain confidence on level ground. "In fact I was wondering when we would run into something else, bar a bizarre musical room, it has been rather quiet."

She bowed slightly, cursing under her breath as the catsuit threatened to open. "I am partly known as Iradil, by the by" The other part, she didn't know. Though it seems like this newcomer might know who owned this body.

Sybil in Mathis' Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Persia in Asha's Body, Iradil in Caitlyn's Body

"Sounds like you found a new friend, you two kiss yet or are you still restricting yourself to stage play?" Sybil said with obvious sexual undertones, which probably wasn't rise because it made blood flow to more interesting areas. She quickly stopped and looked away from Iradil, she shook her head apologetically. "Sorry, we shouldn't make sexual quips. I don't know how you feel but I'm extra sensitive due to this magic, I imagine as soon as we do anything arousing or sexual our minds will probably become too fogged with lust to think and we'll be trapped in these bodies while we're stuck focusing on what makes us feel good." Sybil knew this arousal wasn't normal, so giving into it was playing right into Elmadia's hands, at least that was what she suspected.

Of course before she could react to any of Iradil's further teasing Persia burst through the door and Sybil asked her questions. It was far more important than dealing with the playful quips at the moment. "I think you were hearing us, I haven't seen anyone else here. I did feel some odd magic in the room behind us but that's it. I'm Sybil, by the way. I don't know who's body this is but it's not mine either. It sounds like you're familiar though, do you know who they belong to?" The name Persia didn't ring any bells, Sybil hadn't been in the demon realms in a long time, outside of this current war at least. Sybil couldn't discount the reality that there were spirits inhabiting the mansion at this point and that had been what Persia heard, so she kept her guard up regardless. "I don't know, we woke up in these bodies after being put to sleep by Elmadia. I can tell you from experience magic of this magnitude isn't normal, it's either linked to the mansion itself or Elmadia has a unique power source. There are a lot of strong mages but messing with minds and bodies on this scale isn't normal. A body and mind here and there is one thing, a massive shift like this is another."

"I don't mind going to that room you mentioned, it might give us some answers. Go ahead and lead the way." Sybil said as she nodded at Persia and Iradil. "As for your... teasing, Iradil, yes you can hang out at my hut when we get home, you're always welcome."

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #109 on: November 10, 2022, 08:59:38 PM »

Rosluni (in Christina Rahl's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Wine Cellar
Tag: Everyone, Asha, Skarde Alexander

"There are better choices than physical harm, Asha, but I won't stop anyone here from punishing our host.  If someone can show her that her actions might cause her trouble too, it will help her learn to think about others.  If she is able to learn," Rosluni finished with a grin and a shrug.  Not all people in Ventonnas learned that their actions had consequences.  Some were too stupid.  Some were too set in their ways.  Others were just too powerful to see the lessons as anything more than exceptions to the rule.  But even the powerful could learn.

When their overtly submissive Skarde requested to be tied up, Ros turned her attention fully towards her.  Dexterous hands continued to play with the shapeshifting girl's hair as the former plant woman looked over Skarde's new body for an appreciative moment.  'Such an innocent girl and with such a cute bulge.  If that was her body and we had time, she'd already be tied up...  If we had the time.'

Her appreciative grin grew apologetic as she finally spoke,  "I'm sorry, Cupcake, but I don't have limbs that are long enough and flexible enough to tie you up in this new body.  This place is too uncertain to leave you tied up alone, and I can't carry you.  I need to be able to freely move in case of trouble.  But if you would like, Cupcake, you can be a servant of mine for as long as you wish.  When me and mine are safe and we all have our bodies back, I will happily tie you up.  Keep the braid if that offer sounds good to you, Cupcake."  She concluded with a friendly couple pats on the head before turning her attention back to the vampire-turned-naga.

"In that case, I'll be happy to help!"  She bounced over to the naga energetically, ignoring the discomfort of her bust as its weight fought against the confines of this form's undergarment.  Beginning to explain, her warm hands pressed against the inside edges of opposing curves of Asha's new tail, "The winding river is quicker than the rolling hills motion, but you should widen your coils a little further.  It is a longer distance to travel, but it makes you more stable and lets you find the best spots to push against.  That usually makes it quicker than a straighter motion too."  Her hand gently applied pressure against the top of the tail where it had slightly humped upward, "And you don't need to lift your tail very high at all.  It might seem odd, but more contact with the ground gives you more points to push off with.  It helps you move smoothly and confidently."  Being curious about the nature of the people living in her Groves came in handy sometimes.

Firmly stroking the scales downward towards the floor, Rosluni attempted to help the naga loosen the unnecessarily tensed muscles.  "If you are carrying something heavy, or the ground is slick, or you need to climb, then you can straighten your tail and pull your body forward in a rolling hills motion.  It is slower to pull instead of push your tail along though.  Trying to mix a little rolling hills into your winding river makes you look uncomfortable and slows you down."  As the tail tapered near the end, Rosluni let her fingers curl underneath about a hand's length up from the tail tip.  That point seemed to bring a pleasurable shiver to Persia when she was touched there by others, but Ros couldn't be sure if it was a physical or mental reaction.  Delicate fingers would only briefly brush the spot before finishing their trail to the tip, "That's looking better.  If you can get used to relaxing those muscles and spreading out more, we can try other motions.  Practice this first.  I can offer you my touch to guide you, if you think it will help correct your form."

Skarde Alexander (in Grawly's body)
Tag: Asha (in Persia's body) (Youkai), Rosluni (in Christina's body) (Sashanna)

Long and flexible enough to tie me up? One had to assume she meant without rope, given how perfectly capable Rosluni seemed to be at braiding. While Skarde was definitely planning to hang onto that braid, especially after hearing such tantalizing promises from her Cupcake-claiming new friend. She still had to ask. "How long and flexible are you used to your limbs being? Waaaaaaiiiitwaitwaitwait, WAIT. Are you one of those stretchy-necked youkai? Shut the fuck up! I didn't even think those were real! What about the umbrellas with the faces? And the little flying paper guys, are those out there too?!" An inquiring Skarde needed to know!

...But what was she asking about all that for? Why was she wasting time with these questions, when she wanted to fuck so badly. Uhhh. Because its interesting? What the fuck, me? Chill out! This really felt off. It must've been the penis. As with all penises, it was making the person attached to it into a temperamental jackass. Skarde considered another scolding whack at her newfound cursed appendage, but ultimately thought better of it. Since her last self-inflincted punishment was still kind of stinging. And besides. She felt worryingly full of something down there, and another sudden impact might set something off. Blech! It was absolutely disgusting. Yet maybe a little release would finally let her-nope! Hard pass! Skarde was determined to think of less worrisome distractions. Like how Rosluni was definitely a smoking hot yet super chill long-necked benevolent queen babe. Who was probably even sexier in her own body (Skarde could hear it in her voice). We're gonna have so much funnnnn~! Without saying that out loud, that same line could still be read on Skarde's face when she enthusiastically nodded and stroked her newly braided hair. Agreeing quite easily to Rosluni's suggestion of service.

"You're absolutely right, Rosluni. Lady Rosluni? 'Mistress' Rosluni? Is it too soon to call you 'Darling'? Probably too soon. Maybe too soon? Is it too soon? It kinda feels not too soon, the more I think about it. You're more of a 'too swoon' than too soon type anyway, am I right or am I right? Anyhoodle! Darling, I know it must be so so tempting to hogtie and cuddle me in bed. To pet my perfect hair and shower me with all the affectionate praise you've had stowed up from the moment you laid eyes on me. All the while subtly and hypnotically indoctrinating me into becoming your forever pet, OF COURSE. If I met me, I'd totally want to do the same. Even if right now I'm just at a fraction of my usual cuteness. But now's not the time! For you own safety, I'm begging you. You HAVE to resist those urges! It just isn't safe to indulge in them here, right now!" Wasn't Rosluni the one who was saying it wasn't safe? Still Skarde suddenly seemed very emphatic about this, even hugging Rosluni's hand and shaking herself while holding it up to her chest. "After! After, my Darling Sex Queen, AFTER is when we'll unleash our untold forbidden lusts upon each other! For now, as much as I'd like to spank our host too, I think we'd better start looking for our actual bodies. Since Asha here's your advisor, that means our own bodies are probably still in the building, too. And whoever has mine could either be a really big asset, or really big trouble. Since...well I don't like to brag, but I'm kind of the fastest person alive. Or at least I was, until....this." Skarde made a pouty face while twirling and tugging at her newly braided hair.

"Actually. Hmm. Between Elmadia and whoever's got control of my body, stopping one or the other could be pretty much impossible without a plan. Since one can literally freeze us in place, and the other might be able to move so fast that we might as well be frozen. So to have a chance, we're better off setting up a trap. Right?  Right....guys. You're welcome. Because I have a cunning plan! We're all in agreement that Elmadia's a voyeur type, right? Of course she is. We've seen her. This is a fact. So I'll bet has cameras all over the place. She won't come to us if she already knows we want a fight, buuuut...if we pretend to be doing something else. Say, some light touching and makeouts-HEARMEOUT! ....Some light touching and makeouts, but under the bedsheets! Hidden from prying cameras. That way Elmadia will get curious, forcing her to come over personally. She'd definitely show up for a lewd show like that, being the pervy perv perv that she is. Such a perv. And she'd be all perving and giggling, way too full over herself to ever notice that we've noticed her! So we'll jump out and grab her, pulling her into the punishment circle of sexy-I mean, vanilla torment! Completely regular torment!"

Skarde certainly had ideas. That much could not be denied. As Rosluni helped Asha with her tail, Skarde curiously checked on her own red tail. She'd been unconsciously swinging it around this whole time, barely aware of its movements. Despite the tail being almost as long as her leg, the way it rose up and around from her back made it easy enough to ignore. It wasn't exactly devoid of sensation, it just somehow positioned itself into more comfortable positions. Much like a pinkie toe would curl into place, or the phantom wings Skarde could still sometimes feel on her head. I keep forgetting these are horns now. Hence the lack of flapping.

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Skarde, Rosluni

"I think she knows exactly what she's done, and I doubt she'll feel any remorse unless she's taught it thoroughly." Asha grumbled under her breath, in her world strength was how you got ahead so being told to hold back didn't sit well with her. Luckily Rosluni didn't seem keen on stopping her from being aggressive. Asha's tail wagged behind her as her arousal spiked again, she looked away from Rosluni and Skarde to hiss at herself and tried to battle it down. No matter what, the arousal in their bodies was relentless, they needed to get off and find a way to orgasm. The vampire shook her head as Rosluni and Skarde continued to speak, ignoring that voice in the back of her head that demanded she fuck and rut as much as she could. Elmadia was going to pay for this, that much was certain...

"Uhhh... wasn't she the one telling us to be careful? I think Rosluni can feel that something is wrong. Also what was that about being a pet? Are you feeling alright?" Asha turned to Skarde, but inbetween her odd ramblings she did make a decent point that she couldn't argue with, at least Asha thought the logic was sound. "I agree with Skarde, we should be focusing on finding our bodies. Again, if the wrong person has my body they'll be in peril if they don't notice the signs of vampirism. Also there is the fact that Skarde's body is dangerous in the wrong hands too." However the plan to get Elmadia was a little silly, getting all touchy feely with each other was not on the vampire's agenda. "I don't think we should participate in anything physical with each other, I can feel compulsions tugging at my mind encouraging me to fuck, I would not recommend doing anything close to that." Asha said bluntly.

Unfortunately Rosluni made it difficult to follow that rule, she found herself blushing and trying to not to squirm as Rosluni explained how to move in Persia's body. The blush on her cheeks was evident and her body heat was growing with every second, even though Rosluni probably wasn't trying to be erotic Asha couldn't help but shiver and moan a little as the tip of her tail was stroked. The mind was a powerful thing, it could trick the body into thinking simple gestures were pleasurable, and this was one of those cases. "I... I think I get it... thanks... let's just practice this for now... you can teach me other motions on the way. I don't know why you name the movement styles that way..." Asha shivered and followed Rosluni's words, practicing both methods of movement she was told about. It wasn't easy, but Rosluni could tell Asha had been trying to pay attention past that annoying arousal. She was heading towards an unopened door, waiting for the other two to follow. She just wanted to search for others or their own bodies first. Elmadia could wait till they had more allies...

"Let's keep exploring, if we find more people maybe we'll have better odds against her."

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #110 on: November 10, 2022, 08:59:57 PM »

Mansion of Madness
Tag: Barbati

Sadly Kuroyuri couldn't really enjoy the glorious marshmallow hell she was currently experiencing due to being so heavily entranced... and also because those were her breasts... though she'd already been hypnotised to think of them as Barbati's breasts so perhaps she could have enjoyed them... if she weren't so heavily entranced. Which she was. Ah she was probably enjoying it anyway, just not on a conscious level. Anyway, her face was buried in some breasts, stopping her very scientific and I'm sure very coherent explanation as to how her magic worked, from being heard either by Barbati, or the audience! Which was very inconvenient... for Barbati, it's extremely convenient for me.

Kuroyuri's now demonic eyes looked glassy as Barbati gently raised her head, instinctively and without conscious behind them they raised to meet Barbati's now human eyes. Kuroyuri was ordered to repeat what she had just said, which was really bad for the author, as she now had to actually explain how the magic worked. Fortunately for her, she was completely incapable of sticking to any one tense when writing, so she was able to easily slip into past tense and just narrated that Kuroyuri explained all of that. Still groping Barbati's breasts as instructed, Kuroyuri slowly and dreamily explained what she had just said about how her magic tags worked. There we go, just like that.

"Yes Mistress, I will use them on whoever you ask me too" Kuroyuri mindlessly agreed, not able to speculate on what using her tags would end up going like while in Barbati's... somewhat less than reliable body when it came to combat. "I will n ever use my tags on you. I will fall into a deep unbreakable trance and hand them over, then apologize to you and beg to be used as a footstool if I try" Yuri spoke, continuing her mindless breast massage, a dumb but happy smile growing on her lips over time... until ordered to stop and just stare, her eyes slowly roaming over Barbati's beautiful human body, her loss of control deepening with every moment, moans being the only sounds she made as Barbati continued to finger-fuck her.

She cried out in pleasure as the orgasm swept over her when she came, and oh my god, if she had been capable of thought right now, it would have amazed her how much more intensely demons experienced orgasms compared to humans. It was really no wonder that humans fell so easily to them, if that was how good they could make you feel... even if you could resist them, you wouldn't want too. Kuroyuri dropped to her knees, her tail thrashing about in pleasure as she dropped. It felt so so so AMAZING... letting her demon pussy get what it wanted... if she could experience this all the time... she would always keep her mind empty...

Barbati in Kuroyuri's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Kuroyuri in Barbati's Body (Silverkat)

"That's a good slave, if I didn't know any better I'd say you always wanted this. I like that look in your eyes, no more fighting, no more thought, just blissful devotion. This must be what other demons see, well I'm not going to waste my new chance." Speculation on how the tags would work with Kuroyuri's new body wasn't any of Barbati's concern, and the reason probably because she was too horny to care much. Barbati was completely focused on enjoying her new sexy body and getting into all sorts of delicious situations with it. Once Kuroyuri was down on her knees, she'd find herself looking up at a Kuroyuri that was shaking her ass from side to side and looking over her shoulder.

"I bet you got a lot of people turning heads to look at this ass, didn't you? I was enamored with it, and you had the hips to help flaunt it too. But now, it's all mine." Barbati spanked her own ass and erotically moaned, then shook her hips from side to side right in front of Barbati's face. "I can see why you were so, influential and easy to follow, who wouldn't want to fall in line and get behind this ass. Look at you, you can't even resist your old body. You'll never resist, my body hypnotizes you, it keep you weak and docile and compliant. I can tell by how your tail is wagging, you enjoy this..." Kuroyuri's compromised mind would have no choice but to accept these new compulsions, her brain was not only compromised by Barbati's continued assault but that orgasm left her mind weakened and happy. Staying in this body and enjoying her mindlessness felt so good. Kuroyuri would be a dazed, docile, devoted toy.

"That's it, stare, get weaker. That's where you belong, staring longingly at this ass. I wonder how desperate you are to spank and fondle it..." Barbati started to strip, she was going to get her just reward. First the orgasm, then she'd gain more followers!

Offline Sashanna

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #111 on: November 12, 2022, 07:34:38 PM »
Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Iradil:

Iradil in Caitlyn's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Sybil in Mathis' Body and Persia in Asha's Body

Iradil hummed in the right places as Sybil went over the politics of the village. Truth be told, Iradil hadn't paid a lot of attention to the actual politicking, not having interested her nearly as much as the characters themselves. She knew their motives, wants, just not really, the intricacies of what was going on behind the scenes. She could feel her face heat up as Sybil teased her back, her mind racing and easily picking up that the more experienced ninja had let her run into the trap all of herself, before pouncing back on her. Which... if the happy tingling going through her body was any sign, had been a poor choice of words. Her hormones enticing her for a moment with the idea of either version of Sybil pouncing on her and she shook her head slightly. She knew the other ninja would see through any attempt to hide the arousal, she could only hope that she chalked it up to whatever had been happening in the mansion. And not from anything else.

Thankfully, Sybil had moved back to talking about her demonic date before she could be on the receiving end of any more teasing. And Iradil could distract herself by looking around the room which had suddenly gotten a lot more interesting in the past few seconds. Maybe she should take up an instrument actually? Just not... one of these. "Mmhmm, a puzzle or riddle is there to be solved, it's going to be playing on my mind now for the rest of..." She turned and gazed at Sybil, a faint pink tinge still on her cheeks. "I don't have a problem with her! I was being shown around by Shirley! One of their magical girls! She's nice. She invited me to LARP!" The red tinge left Iralyn's face for a moment as her mind was clearly elsewhere for a moment. A faint part of Iradil hoped she wasn't oversharing. The past few days had involved her meeting and talking with more people then she had done for quite a while. "I rescued her from a demon who took over the pier!" Iradil nodded slightly, before realising that there was the faint trace of a proud smile playing at her lips and moved to go back to a more professional visage.

"I mean if you're wanting to spend more time with me then I'd like that!" Iralyn's face gained a sly smile and the professionalism was lost. "But I mean, you know how gossip travels... the more experienced ninja, taking the younger one under her wing... finding common ground, teaching her about life" She hummed and looked over towards the door. Was there a faint pounding of the floor boards coming from that direction? "We could try that new dango they've got a-" She jumped back slightly as the door slammed open. Preparing herself for whoever or whatever came through that door. She heard Sybil ask her questions, and hummed curiously as she heard the responses. "I take it yourself is not Asha then?" She moved forward slightly, mulling over the answers in her head. "and this body is not my own no" She tugged at the clothing slightly, trying to cover up somewhat. "But I can not say I have seen your two voices, nor have I seen any potential owners of said voices" She flicked her eyes to not-Asha's legs, curiously wondering why she seemed to gain confidence on level ground. "In fact I was wondering when we would run into something else, bar a bizarre musical room, it has been rather quiet."

She bowed slightly, cursing under her breath as the catsuit threatened to open. "I am partly known as Iradil, by the by" The other part, she didn't know. Though it seems like this newcomer might know who owned this body.
Spoiler for Sybil:

Sybil in Mathis' Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Persia in Asha's Body, Iradil in Caitlyn's Body

"Sounds like you found a new friend, you two kiss yet or are you still restricting yourself to stage play?" Sybil said with obvious sexual undertones, which probably wasn't rise because it made blood flow to more interesting areas. She quickly stopped and looked away from Iradil, she shook her head apologetically. "Sorry, we shouldn't make sexual quips. I don't know how you feel but I'm extra sensitive due to this magic, I imagine as soon as we do anything arousing or sexual our minds will probably become too fogged with lust to think and we'll be trapped in these bodies while we're stuck focusing on what makes us feel good." Sybil knew this arousal wasn't normal, so giving into it was playing right into Elmadia's hands, at least that was what she suspected.

Of course before she could react to any of Iradil's further teasing Persia burst through the door and Sybil asked her questions. It was far more important than dealing with the playful quips at the moment. "I think you were hearing us, I haven't seen anyone else here. I did feel some odd magic in the room behind us but that's it. I'm Sybil, by the way. I don't know who's body this is but it's not mine either. It sounds like you're familiar though, do you know who they belong to?" The name Persia didn't ring any bells, Sybil hadn't been in the demon realms in a long time, outside of this current war at least. Sybil couldn't discount the reality that there were spirits inhabiting the mansion at this point and that had been what Persia heard, so she kept her guard up regardless. "I don't know, we woke up in these bodies after being put to sleep by Elmadia. I can tell you from experience magic of this magnitude isn't normal, it's either linked to the mansion itself or Elmadia has a unique power source. There are a lot of strong mages but messing with minds and bodies on this scale isn't normal. A body and mind here and there is one thing, a massive shift like this is another."

"I don't mind going to that room you mentioned, it might give us some answers. Go ahead and lead the way." Sybil said as she nodded at Persia and Iradil. "As for your... teasing, Iradil, yes you can hang out at my hut when we get home, you're always welcome."

Persia (in Asha's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Upstairs - Music Room
Tag: Everyone, Iradil (in Caitlyn's Body), Sybil (in Mathis' Body)

Had she been just hearing these two?  Persia tilted her head at the suggestion, 'A male and a female voice...  It -could- have been them.'  She resisted the urge to facepalm at the obvious suggestion.  So, focused on the supernatural-seeming aspects of the house, she hadn't even considered the option in her rush!  Addressing Sybil, she answered, "Ah, Sybil.  Nice meeting you.  Yes, I am very familiar with the person usually in your body.  He is called Mathis."

Turning her attention toward Iradil, Persia bowed in return, "Greetings, Iradil.  I only met the person in your body right outside this building, assuming we are still in the same building..."  They had all been put to sleep at one point. "...but she called herself Viola."  If she wasn't worried about the voice from earlier possibly getting bored and leaving, she would have stuck around and learned a bit more about them before moving on.  The voice, however, might reveal a clue as to what was going on; so, she didn't want to risk losing the chance... provided there were others to hopefully support her if things went wrong.

At Sybil's prompting, Persia led the way back through the hall and toward the door she'd heard the voice coming from.  Having already voiced her concerns that it might be dangerous, she'd didn't bother to mention it again before speaking up as they neared the door.  "Okay, I'm back.  I brought a couple friends.  I hope you won't mind showing all of us whatever it is." Finishing her words right before opening the door to the room with slightly unsteady footing, she looked inside with a mix of caution and curiosity.

Offline Sashanna

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #112 on: November 12, 2022, 09:27:50 PM »
Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Skarde Alexander:

Skarde Alexander (in Grawly's body)
Tag: Asha (in Persia's body) (Youkai), Rosluni (in Christina's body) (Sashanna)

Long and flexible enough to tie me up? One had to assume she meant without rope, given how perfectly capable Rosluni seemed to be at braiding. While Skarde was definitely planning to hang onto that braid, especially after hearing such tantalizing promises from her Cupcake-claiming new friend. She still had to ask. "How long and flexible are you used to your limbs being? Waaaaaaiiiitwaitwaitwait, WAIT. Are you one of those stretchy-necked youkai? Shut the fuck up! I didn't even think those were real! What about the umbrellas with the faces? And the little flying paper guys, are those out there too?!" An inquiring Skarde needed to know!

...But what was she asking about all that for? Why was she wasting time with these questions, when she wanted to fuck so badly. Uhhh. Because its interesting? What the fuck, me? Chill out! This really felt off. It must've been the penis. As with all penises, it was making the person attached to it into a temperamental jackass. Skarde considered another scolding whack at her newfound cursed appendage, but ultimately thought better of it. Since her last self-inflincted punishment was still kind of stinging. And besides. She felt worryingly full of something down there, and another sudden impact might set something off. Blech! It was absolutely disgusting. Yet maybe a little release would finally let her-nope! Hard pass! Skarde was determined to think of less worrisome distractions. Like how Rosluni was definitely a smoking hot yet super chill long-necked benevolent queen babe. Who was probably even sexier in her own body (Skarde could hear it in her voice). We're gonna have so much funnnnn~! Without saying that out loud, that same line could still be read on Skarde's face when she enthusiastically nodded and stroked her newly braided hair. Agreeing quite easily to Rosluni's suggestion of service.

"You're absolutely right, Rosluni. Lady Rosluni? 'Mistress' Rosluni? Is it too soon to call you 'Darling'? Probably too soon. Maybe too soon? Is it too soon? It kinda feels not too soon, the more I think about it. You're more of a 'too swoon' than too soon type anyway, am I right or am I right? Anyhoodle! Darling, I know it must be so so tempting to hogtie and cuddle me in bed. To pet my perfect hair and shower me with all the affectionate praise you've had stowed up from the moment you laid eyes on me. All the while subtly and hypnotically indoctrinating me into becoming your forever pet, OF COURSE. If I met me, I'd totally want to do the same. Even if right now I'm just at a fraction of my usual cuteness. But now's not the time! For you own safety, I'm begging you. You HAVE to resist those urges! It just isn't safe to indulge in them here, right now!" Wasn't Rosluni the one who was saying it wasn't safe? Still Skarde suddenly seemed very emphatic about this, even hugging Rosluni's hand and shaking herself while holding it up to her chest. "After! After, my Darling Sex Queen, AFTER is when we'll unleash our untold forbidden lusts upon each other! For now, as much as I'd like to spank our host too, I think we'd better start looking for our actual bodies. Since Asha here's your advisor, that means our own bodies are probably still in the building, too. And whoever has mine could either be a really big asset, or really big trouble. Since...well I don't like to brag, but I'm kind of the fastest person alive. Or at least I was, until....this." Skarde made a pouty face while twirling and tugging at her newly braided hair.

"Actually. Hmm. Between Elmadia and whoever's got control of my body, stopping one or the other could be pretty much impossible without a plan. Since one can literally freeze us in place, and the other might be able to move so fast that we might as well be frozen. So to have a chance, we're better off setting up a trap. Right?  Right....guys. You're welcome. Because I have a cunning plan! We're all in agreement that Elmadia's a voyeur type, right? Of course she is. We've seen her. This is a fact. So I'll bet has cameras all over the place. She won't come to us if she already knows we want a fight, buuuut...if we pretend to be doing something else. Say, some light touching and makeouts-HEARMEOUT! ....Some light touching and makeouts, but under the bedsheets! Hidden from prying cameras. That way Elmadia will get curious, forcing her to come over personally. She'd definitely show up for a lewd show like that, being the pervy perv perv that she is. Such a perv. And she'd be all perving and giggling, way too full over herself to ever notice that we've noticed her! So we'll jump out and grab her, pulling her into the punishment circle of sexy-I mean, vanilla torment! Completely regular torment!"

Skarde certainly had ideas. That much could not be denied. As Rosluni helped Asha with her tail, Skarde curiously checked on her own red tail. She'd been unconsciously swinging it around this whole time, barely aware of its movements. Despite the tail being almost as long as her leg, the way it rose up and around from her back made it easy enough to ignore. It wasn't exactly devoid of sensation, it just somehow positioned itself into more comfortable positions. Much like a pinkie toe would curl into place, or the phantom wings Skarde could still sometimes feel on her head. I keep forgetting these are horns now. Hence the lack of flapping.
Spoiler for Asha:

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Skarde, Rosluni

"I think she knows exactly what she's done, and I doubt she'll feel any remorse unless she's taught it thoroughly." Asha grumbled under her breath, in her world strength was how you got ahead so being told to hold back didn't sit well with her. Luckily Rosluni didn't seem keen on stopping her from being aggressive. Asha's tail wagged behind her as her arousal spiked again, she looked away from Rosluni and Skarde to hiss at herself and tried to battle it down. No matter what, the arousal in their bodies was relentless, they needed to get off and find a way to orgasm. The vampire shook her head as Rosluni and Skarde continued to speak, ignoring that voice in the back of her head that demanded she fuck and rut as much as she could. Elmadia was going to pay for this, that much was certain...

"Uhhh... wasn't she the one telling us to be careful? I think Rosluni can feel that something is wrong. Also what was that about being a pet? Are you feeling alright?" Asha turned to Skarde, but inbetween her odd ramblings she did make a decent point that she couldn't argue with, at least Asha thought the logic was sound. "I agree with Skarde, we should be focusing on finding our bodies. Again, if the wrong person has my body they'll be in peril if they don't notice the signs of vampirism. Also there is the fact that Skarde's body is dangerous in the wrong hands too." However the plan to get Elmadia was a little silly, getting all touchy feely with each other was not on the vampire's agenda. "I don't think we should participate in anything physical with each other, I can feel compulsions tugging at my mind encouraging me to fuck, I would not recommend doing anything close to that." Asha said bluntly.

Unfortunately Rosluni made it difficult to follow that rule, she found herself blushing and trying to not to squirm as Rosluni explained how to move in Persia's body. The blush on her cheeks was evident and her body heat was growing with every second, even though Rosluni probably wasn't trying to be erotic Asha couldn't help but shiver and moan a little as the tip of her tail was stroked. The mind was a powerful thing, it could trick the body into thinking simple gestures were pleasurable, and this was one of those cases. "I... I think I get it... thanks... let's just practice this for now... you can teach me other motions on the way. I don't know why you name the movement styles that way..." Asha shivered and followed Rosluni's words, practicing both methods of movement she was told about. It wasn't easy, but Rosluni could tell Asha had been trying to pay attention past that annoying arousal. She was heading towards an unopened door, waiting for the other two to follow. She just wanted to search for others or their own bodies first. Elmadia could wait till they had more allies...

"Let's keep exploring, if we find more people maybe we'll have better odds against her."

Rosluni (in Christina Rahl's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness
Tag: Everyone, Asha, Skarde Alexander

Rosluni chuckled at the interesting creatures Skarde mentioned, "A stretchy-necked youkai?  Flying paper guys?  Umbrellas with faces?  I am sure they all can be found in the Demon Realms, but I don't know what an umbrella is and I haven't seen any paper people.  I have met creatures with long and stretchy necks before, but I am not one."  Reaching out her left arm, Rosluni twisted it back and forth as she inspected it.  "I just usually have longer tendrils on my arms that can be used for probing the soil, hugging people, pointing out objects, restraining enemies or friends, that sort of thing," she concluded with an apologetic shrug.

"If you are under me for very long, I'm sure you will hear other names used for me, but we are just getting to know eachother.  Rosluni is fine," She didn't need someone else calling her 'Miss Nepentis' if she could avoid it, but figured this girl might pick up on the name or some variation at some point given her apparent interest in making the name sound grander.

The pink-haired girl smiled and indulgently listened to the impish Skarde's pleads for her to 'resist her urges'.  The size-shifting imp wasn't very subtle.  It would make her easy to please.  'And I could indulge her right now.  Tie her up and pleasure her until she screams my name in ecstasy.'  Ros shook her head as she forced aside the foreign thought.  It was easier to ignore the heat in her own loins than the obvious heat of others, but she hadn't survived in Ventonnas by foolishly giving in to urges that were not her own.

"Do not worry, Cupcake.  I can resist," she assured the girl, even if it was possibly not the words that Skarde truly wanted to escape her lips.  'Well, I guess she has chosen her own titles for me.  At least they are new ones.'  The fast-talking girl mentioned some more practical details, and Rosluni's focus fully returned... along with her curiosity, "The fastest person alive?  You'll have to show me sometime."

Turning her attention towards Asha as she spoke up, Rosluni gave her thoughts, "Yes, I agree that we should search for our bodies.  Touch has its uses, but lets not reveal or touch any cocks, stamens, pistils, or pussies for now.  I think Elmadia wants people to cum for some reason.  Maybe to weaken our minds and bodies.  Maybe to distract us.  Maybe to collect sexual energy.  Maybe just for her to watch."  Ros thought about how the wind elemental knew someone important was in the building and seemed to quickly find her and return.  "She seems to know what is going on in other parts of this building.  I am not sure she has to be near to 'see' what we are doing."

Rosluni proceeded to demonstrate a use of physical touch with Asha, carefully noting her reaction to the subtle tease of her tail.  'Yes, same as Persia.  These two could be subdued if they became dangerous for some reason.'  Satisfied with her assessment and with the way Asha seemed to be learning with her guidance, Ros let out a pleased, "Mmmhmmm, that is much better.  You already look more like a real naga."  A young and inexperienced real naga, but definitely more comfortable looking in her body than before.  "The names fit the shapes of the tail.  How would you name them?  By their motion?  The tail push and the tail pull?"  She wasn't criticizing, simply curious about the different perspective.

"I just left the underground room.  There seemed to be only one exit from it, and I do not know where you two have been already.  Lead the way Asha, and we will follow.  Right, Cupcake?"  Rosluni said as she smiled encouragingly toward the eager and energetic girl with freshly braided hair.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2022, 04:34:36 PM by Sashanna »

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #113 on: November 15, 2022, 02:28:25 AM »
Spoiler for Sybil:

Sybil in Mathis' Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Persia in Asha's Body, Iradil in Caitlyn's Body

"Sounds like you found a new friend, you two kiss yet or are you still restricting yourself to stage play?" Sybil said with obvious sexual undertones, which probably wasn't rise because it made blood flow to more interesting areas. She quickly stopped and looked away from Iradil, she shook her head apologetically. "Sorry, we shouldn't make sexual quips. I don't know how you feel but I'm extra sensitive due to this magic, I imagine as soon as we do anything arousing or sexual our minds will probably become too fogged with lust to think and we'll be trapped in these bodies while we're stuck focusing on what makes us feel good." Sybil knew this arousal wasn't normal, so giving into it was playing right into Elmadia's hands, at least that was what she suspected.

Of course before she could react to any of Iradil's further teasing Persia burst through the door and Sybil asked her questions. It was far more important than dealing with the playful quips at the moment. "I think you were hearing us, I haven't seen anyone else here. I did feel some odd magic in the room behind us but that's it. I'm Sybil, by the way. I don't know who's body this is but it's not mine either. It sounds like you're familiar though, do you know who they belong to?" The name Persia didn't ring any bells, Sybil hadn't been in the demon realms in a long time, outside of this current war at least. Sybil couldn't discount the reality that there were spirits inhabiting the mansion at this point and that had been what Persia heard, so she kept her guard up regardless. "I don't know, we woke up in these bodies after being put to sleep by Elmadia. I can tell you from experience magic of this magnitude isn't normal, it's either linked to the mansion itself or Elmadia has a unique power source. There are a lot of strong mages but messing with minds and bodies on this scale isn't normal. A body and mind here and there is one thing, a massive shift like this is another."

"I don't mind going to that room you mentioned, it might give us some answers. Go ahead and lead the way." Sybil said as she nodded at Persia and Iradil. "As for your... teasing, Iradil, yes you can hang out at my hut when we get home, you're always welcome."
Spoiler for for Persia:

Persia (in Asha's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Upstairs - Music Room
Tag: Everyone, Iradil (in Caitlyn's Body), Sybil (in Mathis' Body)

Had she been just hearing these two?  Persia tilted her head at the suggestion, 'A male and a female voice...  It -could- have been them.'  She resisted the urge to facepalm at the obvious suggestion.  So, focused on the supernatural-seeming aspects of the house, she hadn't even considered the option in her rush!  Addressing Sybil, she answered, "Ah, Sybil.  Nice meeting you.  Yes, I am very familiar with the person usually in your body.  He is called Mathis."

Turning her attention toward Iradil, Persia bowed in return, "Greetings, Iradil.  I only met the person in your body right outside this building, assuming we are still in the same building..."  They had all been put to sleep at one point. "...but she called herself Viola."  If she wasn't worried about the voice from earlier possibly getting bored and leaving, she would have stuck around and learned a bit more about them before moving on.  The voice, however, might reveal a clue as to what was going on; so, she didn't want to risk losing the chance... provided there were others to hopefully support her if things went wrong.

At Sybil's prompting, Persia led the way back through the hall and toward the door she'd heard the voice coming from.  Having already voiced her concerns that it might be dangerous, she'd didn't bother to mention it again before speaking up as they neared the door.  "Okay, I'm back.  I brought a couple friends.  I hope you won't mind showing all of us whatever it is." Finishing her words right before opening the door to the room with slightly unsteady footing, she looked inside with a mix of caution and curiosity.

Iradil in Caitlyn's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Sybil in Mathis' Body and Persia in Asha's Body

Iradil looked away from snake Sybil at the quip. As much fun as teasing the other ninja was, she didn't want her to see just how bright red her face had turned. It probably matched her hair! And her nipples were starting to stick out like kunai and the cat suit would not be hiding this fact! Or maybe it would? Stupid Dominion with their stupid seduction techniques. Thankfully Sybil also came to the opinion that they should be trying to calm down, rather then carry on in this manner of teasing. "Yea, best to not focus on our urges, we don't know if Elmadia has anything planned if we act on them too much!" Iradil had another witty retort about 'having a boyfriend in another village, Sybil wouldn't know them' come into her mind, but she didn't bring it up. Mainly from professionalism. But also from the appearance of Asha, but not Asha.

She let Sybil explain things to Persia. For some reason, sometimes people seemed to get more confused when Iradil explained things. No idea why, her terminology was perfectly normal! "Viola, I see, so you wouldn't happen to know much more about her? I would hate to do her body the disservice whilst I am borrowing it." The name meant nothing to her, but still it was something at least. She followed along with the others as the group made their way back to the door Persia had been telling them about. Peeking around Sybil and over Persia as the door was opened. Awaiting with heightened curiosity what might be awaiting them.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #114 on: November 17, 2022, 06:19:20 PM »

Caitlyn in Iradil's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Christina in Rosluni's Body

"That's fine, I just wanted to make sure, I only ran into Christina here." Caitlyn said with a smile, she was a little surprised at how forward Mathis was being with his new body though as he openly wrapped his arm around her body to steady himself. "Is this your excuse to get close to me? You sly little fox." Caitlyn offered him a sly smirk, but didn't tease him further, he was already disoriented and affecting that further probably wasn't the wisest option. Caitlyn grimaced as she felt her own body tingle and heat up, god she needed to fuck "I doubt it, Christina. The arousal is from the spell, I don't know why or how, but switching our bodies and making us aroused and distracted seems to be part of the spell. Just try to ignore it, it seems to fade the more you don't draw attention to it. This definitely isn't a transformation, it's swapping bodies. And something that like that, I imagine, needs a powerful spell." Caitlyn couldn't think of any Dominion tech that could do this, so her mind resorted to that.

The door would open and lead to a candle lit hallway, none of them would recognize it though, but they'd start hearing voices and feel people caressing and touching their bodies. "Play with us, enjoy your new bodies, enjoy our touches. Don't think, just submit..." The voices would tease at their ears as phantom hands caressed at their breasts, ass, and curves. Nothing was safe, and no matter how much they protested or moved the touching wouldn't stop. At least for a minute. After a short while it'd stop and they'd be allowed to move and think for themselves. "God fucking dammit, spirits too? Or is that some magic that makes us think it's ghosts?!" After getting their bearings, they'd notice they were on the first floor, and to their right at the end of the hallway would be a staircase up to it. Also they could investigate the doors along the hallway. There was also a dead end at the end of the hallway, if they passed the staircase...


Mathis (in Sybil's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness
Tag: Everyone, Caitlyn (in Iradil's Body), Christina Rahl (in Rosluni's Body)

The guy was still uncertain on his feet, and it felt comforting and stabilizing to hold onto the arm of someone he at least somewhat knew.  Her reassurances helped calm him further, at least until Caitlyn decided to tease him.  His innocent, hopeful gaze grew flushed, and he turned his head away in embarrassment even as his armed hugged against hers more tightly, his soft breast getting pressed against her arm.  "It's really not like that, Viola.  Though if I had my body and you wanted..."  Mathis clamped his mouth shut and mentally chastised himself, 'Not tha time man!  I'm aroused enough as it is!'  If he wasn't so insecure in this body he probably would have teased her right back and moved on.  'By Ventonnas, I need to focus!'

Christina didn't help as she walk right in front of them as she passed by.  At least her breeding cups weren't out, releasing the scent of their intoxicatingly arousing nectar, but without any control, everything about her was arousing to some extent.  Even with an awkward occupant, Rosluni's body was built to ooze sensuality.  The generous curves caught the eye and naturally added a enticing roll to her hips.  Without the leaves extended that covered her sensitive nipples and sex, both could feel every tease of the open air.  The nectar the leaked from between her legs could be just as arousing when not suppressed and even the moisture from her mouth could be made to arouse to some extent if one chose.  It seemed that Christina was subconsciously increasing the aphrodesiac properties of her fluids in response to her own arousal.  When she complained about her level of arousal, Mathis considered the question seriously and thought back on his experiences around the plant woman.

Before he could provide an answer, Caitlyn chimed in and made it clear that they all were aroused right now and definitely in other people's bodies.  That wasn't good news, but the revelation made him look over RosluniChristina and then 'Viola', curious if he could detect any obvious signs of their arousal.  "No, Ro-Christina.  Rosluni would gladly pleasure anyone who asked, but I don't remember her actually seekin' out pleasure for herself at all.  If she was constantly horny, she hid it well."

As they walked out into the hall, he was still looking over Viola and enjoying the view a little more than was probably safe.  Despite the distraction, a thought finally clicked, 'Wait.  Christina is definitely in Rosluni's -real- body, and she obviously is just learning how to control it.'  He looked toward Christina and cleared his throat, "Hey, uh, Chr-"  Phantom hands started caressing he ass, his breasts, the small of his back, and even the cleft of his foreign sex that was so easily accessible in the body's skintight outfit.  Mathis let out a high pitched squeal and leaned into Caitlyn as his knees became weak and his mind reeled from the sensations.

His thighs squirmed together with a disconcerting squelch as he instinctively tried to protect the-the... "Don't think, just submit..."  His eyes fluttered and he attempted to resist the urge to do as the voices suggested.  But why?  It would feel so good to just give in to the pleasure.  His free hand reached up and started mauling at his breast, the nipple already sticking out prominently as his body relaxed into the touches of those phantom hands.   Yes, they feel so good.  Let them play.  Enjoy their touches.  Enjoy your new body.  The voice was so strong now and those touches felt so good.  It was easier just to submit.  He let out a sensual, needy moan and likely would have succumbed then and there if the hands hadn't suddenly stopped.

It was Caitlyn's voice beside him that shook him out of his sexual daze.  "Wha?" the aroused haze slowly cleared as he blinked his eyes several times.  There was an odd pressure on one of his breasts that caused him to look down and see his slender, feminine fingers still pressed tightly into the flesh.  "Ah!" he cried out and released his hand like it was about to be burned.  Putting his weight against Caitlyn's arm managed to keep him steady enough not fall flailing to the floor.  As his mind raced, he realized that there had been something he'd wanted to say and urgently turned his attention to Christina, "Ros, your body can arouse and make enemies want to mindlessly rut.  I don't know everythin' about it, but I know that ya can adjust the potency of your scent and that the most potent stuff comes from the nectar in the cups on your back.  Be careful with 'em."  He didn't know much about Christina, but he was under the impression that she was a protector of the people; so, it likely would help to inform her of the dangers.

Christina Rahl in Rosluni's body
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Sashanna, Youkai

Christina listened to the others, nodding that this was probably some sort of spell and that it wasn't how Rosluni felt all the time.  Seemed like some powerful stuff certainly to move people between bodies like this on top of everything else.  Christina entered the hallway first, then heard and felt the spooky spirits.  Hearing them alone made Christina's borrowed spine send a chill down itself.  Christina did not at all like this sort of thing, she yelped and jumped slightly at the first touch.  There was another though and a third, eventually Christina shouted.  "Stop it you sonofbitch!" she said into the air in the general.  She jumped away from the touch a few times, but eventually realized she could not get away from them.  "Oh no..." she said out loud eventually when she realized, feeling a ghostly hand run across her breast, while another cupped her ass.  She tried her best to ignore the touches as she spoke to her two companions.

"Could be, I certainly don't like these spirit things much" she responded feeling their hands run down her body even more.  Christina curiously looked at Mathis in his female body.  "uuh she has something like that?" asked Christina puzzled.  "I'm afraid I have no idea how to control it if I'm doing something like that.  Maybe we really need to find Rosluni so she can tell me how?" responded Christina as she let out pheromones.  Christina might be able to figure it out eventually on her own, but that otherwise seemed like a decent enough goal.  Rosluni might even have Christina's real body for all she knew, if it was a direct exchange.

Christina looked back down the hallway, towards the staircase, then towards the rooms they could enter on the way.  Eventually her gaze returned to the staircase.  She listened to the spirits.  Christina could hear them repeat phrases.  She was blankly staring forward, one of her hand running.  She lost herself there, staring down towards the staircase.  Listening to the spirits whisper into her ears.  She found herself touching herself slightly, giving in.  She wasn't thinking as she stared forward. 

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #115 on: November 18, 2022, 08:28:14 PM »

Mathis (in Sybil's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness
Tag: Everyone, Caitlyn (in Iradil's Body), Christina Rahl (in Rosluni's Body)

The guy was still uncertain on his feet, and it felt comforting and stabilizing to hold onto the arm of someone he at least somewhat knew.  Her reassurances helped calm him further, at least until Caitlyn decided to tease him.  His innocent, hopeful gaze grew flushed, and he turned his head away in embarrassment even as his armed hugged against hers more tightly, his soft breast getting pressed against her arm.  "It's really not like that, Viola.  Though if I had my body and you wanted..."  Mathis clamped his mouth shut and mentally chastised himself, 'Not tha time man!  I'm aroused enough as it is!'  If he wasn't so insecure in this body he probably would have teased her right back and moved on.  'By Ventonnas, I need to focus!'

Christina didn't help as she walk right in front of them as she passed by.  At least her breeding cups weren't out, releasing the scent of their intoxicatingly arousing nectar, but without any control, everything about her was arousing to some extent.  Even with an awkward occupant, Rosluni's body was built to ooze sensuality.  The generous curves caught the eye and naturally added a enticing roll to her hips.  Without the leaves extended that covered her sensitive nipples and sex, both could feel every tease of the open air.  The nectar the leaked from between her legs could be just as arousing when not suppressed and even the moisture from her mouth could be made to arouse to some extent if one chose.  It seemed that Christina was subconsciously increasing the aphrodesiac properties of her fluids in response to her own arousal.  When she complained about her level of arousal, Mathis considered the question seriously and thought back on his experiences around the plant woman.

Before he could provide an answer, Caitlyn chimed in and made it clear that they all were aroused right now and definitely in other people's bodies.  That wasn't good news, but the revelation made him look over RosluniChristina and then 'Viola', curious if he could detect any obvious signs of their arousal.  "No, Ro-Christina.  Rosluni would gladly pleasure anyone who asked, but I don't remember her actually seekin' out pleasure for herself at all.  If she was constantly horny, she hid it well."

As they walked out into the hall, he was still looking over Viola and enjoying the view a little more than was probably safe.  Despite the distraction, a thought finally clicked, 'Wait.  Christina is definitely in Rosluni's -real- body, and she obviously is just learning how to control it.'  He looked toward Christina and cleared his throat, "Hey, uh, Chr-"  Phantom hands started caressing he ass, his breasts, the small of his back, and even the cleft of his foreign sex that was so easily accessible in the body's skintight outfit.  Mathis let out a high pitched squeal and leaned into Caitlyn as his knees became weak and his mind reeled from the sensations.

His thighs squirmed together with a disconcerting squelch as he instinctively tried to protect the-the... "Don't think, just submit..."  His eyes fluttered and he attempted to resist the urge to do as the voices suggested.  But why?  It would feel so good to just give in to the pleasure.  His free hand reached up and started mauling at his breast, the nipple already sticking out prominently as his body relaxed into the touches of those phantom hands.   Yes, they feel so good.  Let them play.  Enjoy their touches.  Enjoy your new body.  The voice was so strong now and those touches felt so good.  It was easier just to submit.  He let out a sensual, needy moan and likely would have succumbed then and there if the hands hadn't suddenly stopped.

It was Caitlyn's voice beside him that shook him out of his sexual daze.  "Wha?" the aroused haze slowly cleared as he blinked his eyes several times.  There was an odd pressure on one of his breasts that caused him to look down and see his slender, feminine fingers still pressed tightly into the flesh.  "Ah!" he cried out and released his hand like it was about to be burned.  Putting his weight against Caitlyn's arm managed to keep him steady enough not fall flailing to the floor.  As his mind raced, he realized that there had been something he'd wanted to say and urgently turned his attention to Christina, "Ros, your body can arouse and make enemies want to mindlessly rut.  I don't know everythin' about it, but I know that ya can adjust the potency of your scent and that the most potent stuff comes from the nectar in the cups on your back.  Be careful with 'em."  He didn't know much about Christina, but he was under the impression that she was a protector of the people; so, it likely would help to inform her of the dangers.

Christina Rahl in Rosluni's body
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Sashanna, Youkai

Christina listened to the others, nodding that this was probably some sort of spell and that it wasn't how Rosluni felt all the time.  Seemed like some powerful stuff certainly to move people between bodies like this on top of everything else.  Christina entered the hallway first, then heard and felt the spooky spirits.  Hearing them alone made Christina's borrowed spine send a chill down itself.  Christina did not at all like this sort of thing, she yelped and jumped slightly at the first touch.  There was another though and a third, eventually Christina shouted.  "Stop it you sonofbitch!" she said into the air in the general.  She jumped away from the touch a few times, but eventually realized she could not get away from them.  "Oh no..." she said out loud eventually when she realized, feeling a ghostly hand run across her breast, while another cupped her ass.  She tried her best to ignore the touches as she spoke to her two companions.

"Could be, I certainly don't like these spirit things much" she responded feeling their hands run down her body even more.  Christina curiously looked at Mathis in his female body.  "uuh she has something like that?" asked Christina puzzled.  "I'm afraid I have no idea how to control it if I'm doing something like that.  Maybe we really need to find Rosluni so she can tell me how?" responded Christina as she let out pheromones.  Christina might be able to figure it out eventually on her own, but that otherwise seemed like a decent enough goal.  Rosluni might even have Christina's real body for all she knew, if it was a direct exchange.

Christina looked back down the hallway, towards the staircase, then towards the rooms they could enter on the way.  Eventually her gaze returned to the staircase.  She listened to the spirits.  Christina could hear them repeat phrases.  She was blankly staring forward, one of her hand running.  She lost herself there, staring down towards the staircase.  Listening to the spirits whisper into her ears.  She found herself touching herself slightly, giving in.  She wasn't thinking as she stared forward.

Caitlyn in Iradil's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Christina in Rosluni's Body

Whilst Caitlyn and Mathis had managed to resist the siren call of the spirits, it did not appear that Christina was going to escape in the same way. The blankness over her thoughts was obvious to the ghosts and they took advantage, fingers started pumping in out of her hot sex freely, this action was invisible to both Mathis and Caitlyn but the feeling for Christina wasn't. And the voices went unheard too, whispering directly in Christina's ear. "Coil them in your vines and keep pumping out your pheromones, follow our advice, you need to feel good. Our thoughts are your thoughts, keep your mind blank and obedient. Get what you need, you need to get off. Focus on sex, forget the rest of your ideas. Only our words matter, touch yourself, pleasure is all that matters. We know best, you need to listen, learn, and obey." Whilst Christina didn't have full control of her body, she suddenly knew exactly how to do that, an epiphany perhaps? Or maybe it was the magic of the mansion bestowing upon her the knowledge necessary. Regardless, her sex pulsed, it need to get off, she needed to serve her needs and forget resistance. Sex first, all the time, there was no need to use her brains anymore. Just sink deeper, fall, and enjoy her new body.

Every pump from the spirits made Christina's mind sink deeper, her pussy got what it wanted, and her mind was out of the way. Lust replaced thought, desire replaced restraint, obedience replaced resistance...

Caitlyn in the meantime looked at Mathis and Christina with an annoyed expression. "We need to ignore the touches and keep moving, up the staircase, we don't have time to mess around. You can try and teach her on the way, the sooner we find more help the better. Elmadia may have paralyzed us all but we'll figure out something..." None the wiser to what Christina was going through, Caitlyn gave Mathis an uneasy smile and tried to help him walk forward with her arm wrapped around his. Honestly, this body was pretty curvy now that she was feeling it... no, she shook her head and got that out of her mind immediately. "Don't get the wrong ideas, we're not here to have sex. Try not to release so much pheromones Christina. I know you don't have control, but I can feel it..." Caitlyn tried not to breathe in too much, but her breasts were definitely poking at her top and felt sensitive...

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #116 on: November 18, 2022, 08:28:28 PM »

Persia (in Asha's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Upstairs - Music Room
Tag: Everyone, Iradil (in Caitlyn's Body), Sybil (in Mathis' Body)

Had she been just hearing these two?  Persia tilted her head at the suggestion, 'A male and a female voice...  It -could- have been them.'  She resisted the urge to facepalm at the obvious suggestion.  So, focused on the supernatural-seeming aspects of the house, she hadn't even considered the option in her rush!  Addressing Sybil, she answered, "Ah, Sybil.  Nice meeting you.  Yes, I am very familiar with the person usually in your body.  He is called Mathis."

Turning her attention toward Iradil, Persia bowed in return, "Greetings, Iradil.  I only met the person in your body right outside this building, assuming we are still in the same building..."  They had all been put to sleep at one point. "...but she called herself Viola."  If she wasn't worried about the voice from earlier possibly getting bored and leaving, she would have stuck around and learned a bit more about them before moving on.  The voice, however, might reveal a clue as to what was going on; so, she didn't want to risk losing the chance... provided there were others to hopefully support her if things went wrong.

At Sybil's prompting, Persia led the way back through the hall and toward the door she'd heard the voice coming from.  Having already voiced her concerns that it might be dangerous, she'd didn't bother to mention it again before speaking up as they neared the door.  "Okay, I'm back.  I brought a couple friends.  I hope you won't mind showing all of us whatever it is." Finishing her words right before opening the door to the room with slightly unsteady footing, she looked inside with a mix of caution and curiosity.

Iradil in Caitlyn's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Sybil in Mathis' Body and Persia in Asha's Body

Iradil looked away from snake Sybil at the quip. As much fun as teasing the other ninja was, she didn't want her to see just how bright red her face had turned. It probably matched her hair! And her nipples were starting to stick out like kunai and the cat suit would not be hiding this fact! Or maybe it would? Stupid Dominion with their stupid seduction techniques. Thankfully Sybil also came to the opinion that they should be trying to calm down, rather then carry on in this manner of teasing. "Yea, best to not focus on our urges, we don't know if Elmadia has anything planned if we act on them too much!" Iradil had another witty retort about 'having a boyfriend in another village, Sybil wouldn't know them' come into her mind, but she didn't bring it up. Mainly from professionalism. But also from the appearance of Asha, but not Asha.

She let Sybil explain things to Persia. For some reason, sometimes people seemed to get more confused when Iradil explained things. No idea why, her terminology was perfectly normal! "Viola, I see, so you wouldn't happen to know much more about her? I would hate to do her body the disservice whilst I am borrowing it." The name meant nothing to her, but still it was something at least. She followed along with the others as the group made their way back to the door Persia had been telling them about. Peeking around Sybil and over Persia as the door was opened. Awaiting with heightened curiosity what might be awaiting them.

Sybil in Mathis' Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Persia in Asha's Body, Iradil in Caitlyn's Body

"I'm guessing it'd be difficult to tell me how to move better in this body?" Sybil asked, that was her main concern right now. She could still use some of her magic in the body but if they got into a fight her movements would be stifled and limited. "Viola... never heard that name before, at least in regards to any operative, for either side" Sybil stroked her chin as she tried to put some puzzle pieces together, luckily Iradil asked Persia more about Viola. Although she had to roll her eyes at the comment that she was trying to play a part, Iradil was ever the entertainer and performer. Sybil would follow Persia and Iradil all the way back to the room where the voices had come from, and once they opened the door they'd find a small room with a large couch, some cushions spread about and one woman sitting at the back of it writing at a desk, if the group squinted they'd notice some blue spirits sitting along the couches too. This seemed to be a resting area for whoever lived in the mansion...

"What do you want? Are you another one that wants to disturb our mansion and harness it's power? Leave me and my children alone. We're already shacked to those abominable blondes so we have no more power to sign away." The woman's voice was powerful, powerful enough to sift through their ears and make them feel nostalgia...

Offline Sashanna

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #117 on: November 19, 2022, 07:15:14 PM »
Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Christina Rahl:

Christina Rahl in Rosluni's body
Body Swapping Mansion
Tagging: Sashanna, Youkai

Christina listened to the others, nodding that this was probably some sort of spell and that it wasn't how Rosluni felt all the time.  Seemed like some powerful stuff certainly to move people between bodies like this on top of everything else.  Christina entered the hallway first, then heard and felt the spooky spirits.  Hearing them alone made Christina's borrowed spine send a chill down itself.  Christina did not at all like this sort of thing, she yelped and jumped slightly at the first touch.  There was another though and a third, eventually Christina shouted.  "Stop it you sonofbitch!" she said into the air in the general.  She jumped away from the touch a few times, but eventually realized she could not get away from them.  "Oh no..." she said out loud eventually when she realized, feeling a ghostly hand run across her breast, while another cupped her ass.  She tried her best to ignore the touches as she spoke to her two companions.

"Could be, I certainly don't like these spirit things much" she responded feeling their hands run down her body even more.  Christina curiously looked at Mathis in his female body.  "uuh she has something like that?" asked Christina puzzled.  "I'm afraid I have no idea how to control it if I'm doing something like that.  Maybe we really need to find Rosluni so she can tell me how?" responded Christina as she let out pheromones.  Christina might be able to figure it out eventually on her own, but that otherwise seemed like a decent enough goal.  Rosluni might even have Christina's real body for all she knew, if it was a direct exchange.

Christina looked back down the hallway, towards the staircase, then towards the rooms they could enter on the way.  Eventually her gaze returned to the staircase.  She listened to the spirits.  Christina could hear them repeat phrases.  She was blankly staring forward, one of her hand running.  She lost herself there, staring down towards the staircase.  Listening to the spirits whisper into her ears.  She found herself touching herself slightly, giving in.  She wasn't thinking as she stared forward.
Spoiler for Caitlyn 'Viola':

Caitlyn in Iradil's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Christina in Rosluni's Body

Whilst Caitlyn and Mathis had managed to resist the siren call of the spirits, it did not appear that Christina was going to escape in the same way. The blankness over her thoughts was obvious to the ghosts and they took advantage, fingers started pumping in out of her hot sex freely, this action was invisible to both Mathis and Caitlyn but the feeling for Christina wasn't. And the voices went unheard too, whispering directly in Christina's ear. "Coil them in your vines and keep pumping out your pheromones, follow our advice, you need to feel good. Our thoughts are your thoughts, keep your mind blank and obedient. Get what you need, you need to get off. Focus on sex, forget the rest of your ideas. Only our words matter, touch yourself, pleasure is all that matters. We know best, you need to listen, learn, and obey." Whilst Christina didn't have full control of her body, she suddenly knew exactly how to do that, an epiphany perhaps? Or maybe it was the magic of the mansion bestowing upon her the knowledge necessary. Regardless, her sex pulsed, it need to get off, she needed to serve her needs and forget resistance. Sex first, all the time, there was no need to use her brains anymore. Just sink deeper, fall, and enjoy her new body.

Every pump from the spirits made Christina's mind sink deeper, her pussy got what it wanted, and her mind was out of the way. Lust replaced thought, desire replaced restraint, obedience replaced resistance...

Caitlyn in the meantime looked at Mathis and Christina with an annoyed expression. "We need to ignore the touches and keep moving, up the staircase, we don't have time to mess around. You can try and teach her on the way, the sooner we find more help the better. Elmadia may have paralyzed us all but we'll figure out something..." None the wiser to what Christina was going through, Caitlyn gave Mathis an uneasy smile and tried to help him walk forward with her arm wrapped around his. Honestly, this body was pretty curvy now that she was feeling it... no, she shook her head and got that out of her mind immediately. "Don't get the wrong ideas, we're not here to have sex. Try not to release so much pheromones Christina. I know you don't have control, but I can feel it..." Caitlyn tried not to breathe in too much, but her breasts were definitely poking at her top and felt sensitive...

Mathis (in Sybil's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness
Tag: Everyone, Caitlyn (in Iradil's Body), Christina Rahl (in Rosluni's Body)

"Yeah, Ros would likely know what to do," Mathis nodded in agreement.  As a leader and a woman that liked to learn about others and herself, Rosluni would be one of the better people to ask.  He had never concerned himself with learning everything about her body.  She was someone with impressive talents that he trusted, and that had been good enough for him.

Caitlyn's annoyed expression, brought a determined look to his face, "Yes, ma'am!"  He straightened his back, stuck out his chest confidently and walked forward towards the stairs with her.   He would have felt steadier if he could see his feet, but his chest was frustratingly in the way.  Still, he was steady enough when not rushing that he wasn't tripping up.  The shared link with Caitlyn was a safety net and a confidence booster, but not strictly necessary unless he was startled or needed to rush.  It did in some odd way make him feel less vulnerable to those phantom hands though.

"So, Ro-Christina.  Maybe focus on your breeding cups?  If you can sense something about the liquid inside 'em you might be able to adjust that and it will help you, I don't know, figure out what 'cha need to do to adjust your pheromones in general."  Focused on walking properly and figuring out some way to help Christina get control of her body, it took him a moment to notice Christina hadn't started moving with them.  "Hey, Christina?  You coming?"

Offline Sashanna

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #118 on: November 19, 2022, 08:35:58 PM »
Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Iradil:

Iradil in Caitlyn's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Sybil in Mathis' Body and Persia in Asha's Body

Iradil looked away from snake Sybil at the quip. As much fun as teasing the other ninja was, she didn't want her to see just how bright red her face had turned. It probably matched her hair! And her nipples were starting to stick out like kunai and the cat suit would not be hiding this fact! Or maybe it would? Stupid Dominion with their stupid seduction techniques. Thankfully Sybil also came to the opinion that they should be trying to calm down, rather then carry on in this manner of teasing. "Yea, best to not focus on our urges, we don't know if Elmadia has anything planned if we act on them too much!" Iradil had another witty retort about 'having a boyfriend in another village, Sybil wouldn't know them' come into her mind, but she didn't bring it up. Mainly from professionalism. But also from the appearance of Asha, but not Asha.

She let Sybil explain things to Persia. For some reason, sometimes people seemed to get more confused when Iradil explained things. No idea why, her terminology was perfectly normal! "Viola, I see, so you wouldn't happen to know much more about her? I would hate to do her body the disservice whilst I am borrowing it." The name meant nothing to her, but still it was something at least. She followed along with the others as the group made their way back to the door Persia had been telling them about. Peeking around Sybil and over Persia as the door was opened. Awaiting with heightened curiosity what might be awaiting them.
Spoiler for Sybil:

Sybil in Mathis' Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Persia in Asha's Body, Iradil in Caitlyn's Body

"I'm guessing it'd be difficult to tell me how to move better in this body?" Sybil asked, that was her main concern right now. She could still use some of her magic in the body but if they got into a fight her movements would be stifled and limited. "Viola... never heard that name before, at least in regards to any operative, for either side" Sybil stroked her chin as she tried to put some puzzle pieces together, luckily Iradil asked Persia more about Viola. Although she had to roll her eyes at the comment that she was trying to play a part, Iradil was ever the entertainer and performer. Sybil would follow Persia and Iradil all the way back to the room where the voices had come from, and once they opened the door they'd find a small room with a large couch, some cushions spread about and one woman sitting at the back of it writing at a desk, if the group squinted they'd notice some blue spirits sitting along the couches too. This seemed to be a resting area for whoever lived in the mansion...

"What do you want? Are you another one that wants to disturb our mansion and harness it's power? Leave me and my children alone. We're already shackled to those abominable blondes so we have no more power to sign away." The woman's voice was powerful, powerful enough to sift through their ears and make them feel nostalgia...

Persia (in Asha's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Upstairs - Music Room
Tag: Everyone, Iradil (in Caitlyn's Body), Sybil (in Mathis' Body)

"Not too difficult to help you move a little better," Persia replied with a stiff nod before beginning to rattle off information at a steady and precise clip.  "When moving over a level surface that is not too slick, just spread your tail out in a curving pattern, like a lazily winding river,  and use your rib muscles to push yourself forward.  Do not bother lifting any part of it unless you plan on climbing or moving really quickly.  It is just a waste of energy and a loss of traction.  Both those actions require different tail motions in any case.  Unless you are climbing, do not use your stomach muscles to pull yourself forward.  It is better just to relax the rest of you muscles in you tail when pushing along with your rib muscles.  You move more smoothly and are much less likely to get cramps in your tail.  Your tail curves should spread just a little wider than one extra body width on either side of you to maximize stability and speed with this motion.  There is plenty more to learn, but it is better you get used to moving like the wandering river before you start attempting to coil around enemies and leap away from foes.  Did you get all that or need anything repeated?"

Persia's officious and measured expression softened as she considered Iradil's question.  Looking off with an unfocused gaze, she began, "I only met her for a short while, but she was willing to help others working for the DoJ and mentioned that she was suited for scouting.  She bowed in greeting when we first came up to her.  When the announcement came for everyone to meet in the main hall, she chose to sneak inside with Mathis while others went to the main hall."  Her eyes regained focus as she turned her attention back to Iradil with a shrug, "That's all I know of her."

Opening the door she'd heard the voice coming from produced an unexpected scene.  There were no obvious toys, childish or mature, nor were there obvious implements of torture, and no one seemed to be setting up or playing a game of any sort in the room.  'What had the voice meant by 'play with us'?' she wondered as she gazed curiously around the room.  It wouldn't occur to her to squint.  Squinting was bad for your eyes, and the lighting wasn't so bright or dim as to encourage her to either.  So, she didn't notice the spirits in the room.  Only when the woman at the back of the room spoke up did Persia step inside and out of the doorway before raising her hands face upward in a placating gesture.  Raising her hands like that while walking was something she wasn't sure she'd have managed gracefully.

"No, Miss.  We aren't trying to harness the mansion's power.  Someone... perhaps a child of yours beckoned me to this room.  She said she wanted to show me something?  I think I recently met one of these two blondes.  If you don't wish to be shackled to them, I would be glad to help free you of them.  The one I met seems very powerful, but if you know of some way I could aid you and your children with this, I'd only request that you undo what those women have done to the people who have come to the mansion if we manage to successfully separate the mansion's power from them."  Persia then bowed and stepped aside if the two behind her hadn't already walked in around her.  The words of this mysterious woman had made her even further dislike Elmadia, but she kept her anger in check.  It would do no good for this woman to think the anger was directed at her.

Offline madman32

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #119 on: November 21, 2022, 05:01:52 AM »
Spoiler for Rosluni:
Spoiler for Asha:

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Skarde, Rosluni

"I think she knows exactly what she's done, and I doubt she'll feel any remorse unless she's taught it thoroughly." Asha grumbled under her breath, in her world strength was how you got ahead so being told to hold back didn't sit well with her. Luckily Rosluni didn't seem keen on stopping her from being aggressive. Asha's tail wagged behind her as her arousal spiked again, she looked away from Rosluni and Skarde to hiss at herself and tried to battle it down. No matter what, the arousal in their bodies was relentless, they needed to get off and find a way to orgasm. The vampire shook her head as Rosluni and Skarde continued to speak, ignoring that voice in the back of her head that demanded she fuck and rut as much as she could. Elmadia was going to pay for this, that much was certain...

"Uhhh... wasn't she the one telling us to be careful? I think Rosluni can feel that something is wrong. Also what was that about being a pet? Are you feeling alright?" Asha turned to Skarde, but inbetween her odd ramblings she did make a decent point that she couldn't argue with, at least Asha thought the logic was sound. "I agree with Skarde, we should be focusing on finding our bodies. Again, if the wrong person has my body they'll be in peril if they don't notice the signs of vampirism. Also there is the fact that Skarde's body is dangerous in the wrong hands too." However the plan to get Elmadia was a little silly, getting all touchy feely with each other was not on the vampire's agenda. "I don't think we should participate in anything physical with each other, I can feel compulsions tugging at my mind encouraging me to fuck, I would not recommend doing anything close to that." Asha said bluntly.

Unfortunately Rosluni made it difficult to follow that rule, she found herself blushing and trying to not to squirm as Rosluni explained how to move in Persia's body. The blush on her cheeks was evident and her body heat was growing with every second, even though Rosluni probably wasn't trying to be erotic Asha couldn't help but shiver and moan a little as the tip of her tail was stroked. The mind was a powerful thing, it could trick the body into thinking simple gestures were pleasurable, and this was one of those cases. "I... I think I get it... thanks... let's just practice this for now... you can teach me other motions on the way. I don't know why you name the movement styles that way..." Asha shivered and followed Rosluni's words, practicing both methods of movement she was told about. It wasn't easy, but Rosluni could tell Asha had been trying to pay attention past that annoying arousal. She was heading towards an unopened door, waiting for the other two to follow. She just wanted to search for others or their own bodies first. Elmadia could wait till they had more allies...

"Let's keep exploring, if we find more people maybe we'll have better odds against her."

Rosluni (in Christina Rahl's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness
Tag: Everyone, Asha, Skarde Alexander

Rosluni chuckled at the interesting creatures Skarde mentioned, "A stretchy-necked youkai?  Flying paper guys?  Umbrellas with faces?  I am sure they all can be found in the Demon Realms, but I don't know what an umbrella is and I haven't seen any paper people.  I have met creatures with long and stretchy necks before, but I am not one."  Reaching out her left arm, Rosluni twisted it back and forth as she inspected it.  "I just usually have longer tendrils on my arms that can be used for probing the soil, hugging people, pointing out objects, restraining enemies or friends, that sort of thing," she concluded with an apologetic shrug.

"If you are under me for very long, I'm sure you will hear other names used for me, but we are just getting to know eachother.  Rosluni is fine," She didn't need someone else calling her 'Miss Nepentis' if she could avoid it, but figured this girl might pick up on the name or some variation at some point given her apparent interest in making the name sound grander.

The pink-haired girl smiled and indulgently listened to the impish Skarde's pleads for her to 'resist her urges'.  The size-shifting imp wasn't very subtle.  It would make her easy to please.  'And I could indulge her right now.  Tie her up and pleasure her until she screams my name in ecstasy.'  Ros shook her head as she forced aside the foreign thought.  It was easier to ignore the heat in her own loins than the obvious heat of others, but she hadn't survived in Ventonnas by foolishly giving in to urges that were not her own.

"Do not worry, Cupcake.  I can resist," she assured the girl, even if it was possibly not the words that Skarde truly wanted to escape her lips.  'Well, I guess she has chosen her own titles for me.  At least they are new ones.'  The fast-talking girl mentioned some more practical details, and Rosluni's focus fully returned... along with her curiosity, "The fastest person alive?  You'll have to show me sometime."

Turning her attention towards Asha as she spoke up, Rosluni gave her thoughts, "Yes, I agree that we should search for our bodies.  Touch has its uses, but lets not reveal or touch any cocks, stamens, pistils, or pussies for now.  I think Elmadia wants people to cum for some reason.  Maybe to weaken our minds and bodies.  Maybe to distract us.  Maybe to collect sexual energy.  Maybe just for her to watch."  Ros thought about how the wind elemental knew someone important was in the building and seemed to quickly find her and return.  "She seems to know what is going on in other parts of this building.  I am not sure she has to be near to 'see' what we are doing."

Rosluni proceeded to demonstrate a use of physical touch with Asha, carefully noting her reaction to the subtle tease of her tail.  'Yes, same as Persia.  These two could be subdued if they became dangerous for some reason.'  Satisfied with her assessment and with the way Asha seemed to be learning with her guidance, Ros let out a pleased, "Mmmhmmm, that is much better.  You already look more like a real naga."  A young and inexperienced real naga, but definitely more comfortable looking in her body than before.  "The names fit the shapes of the tail.  How would you name them?  By their motion?  The tail push and the tail pull?"  She wasn't criticizing, simply curious about the different perspective.

"I just left the underground room.  There seemed to be only one exit from it, and I do not know where you two have been already.  Lead the way Asha, and we will follow.  Right, Cupcake?"  Rosluni said as she smiled encouragingly toward the eager and energetic girl with freshly braided hair.

Skarde Alexander (in Grawly's body)
Tag: Asha (in Persia's body) (Youkai), Rosluni (in Christina's body) (Sashanna)

"Tendrils for hugging and restraining, you say." Skarde tapped her index fingers thoughtfully in front of her face. She had Skarde's interest before. Now she had Skarde's interest.

"Now those sound like they'd be very, very useful. And are maybe like the second-third hottest things you could possibly have attached to your body. Buuuut! ...Oh yeah, butts! Fourth hottest thing. Fourth hottest thing you could have. But since we're all stuck like this, I think we can make do with what we have! Just for now, to bind me up tight, it'll take just a little more effort...a little creativity..." Skarde spider-stepped four fingers up Rosluni's shoulder. Leading up to a gentle petting of her cheek. "Rosluni. I could be 'under you' right now."  She breathily teased. "For as long as you want me down there." Hell. If she kept on saying "Cupcake," Skarde was tempted to invite herself over to stay "under" Rosluni. And as luck would have it, she did! Over and over, she kept casually dropping her pet name. Reinforcing her super hot authority!

Hnnnng!!! Willpower eroding. She's too hot to handle. Going down fast, I'm going down fast! Avenge me! While not quite certain who she was sending her silent plea of vengeance to, Skarde could certainly feel herself falling even more in love with this out-of-body tendril queen. "My speed's not all I could show you." She promised. Licking her lips. Alas, both her Tendril-Toting Hotness and Asha The Grumpy Snekpire seemed more inclined to keep their impulses under control. Booooooring! Skarde internally whined. But with Rosluni's encouraging voice telling her to follow along, all Skarde could do was say "Rightyepforsure!" While bobbing her head obediently. God, I hope she calls me cupcake again. Oh, wait. She just did!

Riding high on that, Skarde skipped about with a whistle. "Lead the way, Nagasha!" Skarde cheered, her fists out. And lead "Nagasha" would, right to a closed door connecting out from the hallway. "If you push that handle with your tail, it might be safer than using your hands." Skarde helpfully tipped her. "Not that I have a lot of experience with trap doors." She outright lied. She had less experience with tails, but Asha's seemed sturdy and thick. In a surprisingly hot way. "Let's hope for all our sakes that we're not just walking into another mess of traps. And that a brand new car's behind that door instead."
« Last Edit: November 21, 2022, 05:11:22 AM by madman32 »


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