Author Topic: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness  (Read 16040 times)

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #120 on: November 21, 2022, 09:35:05 PM »
Spoiler for Sybil:

Sybil in Mathis' Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Persia in Asha's Body, Iradil in Caitlyn's Body

"I'm guessing it'd be difficult to tell me how to move better in this body?" Sybil asked, that was her main concern right now. She could still use some of her magic in the body but if they got into a fight her movements would be stifled and limited. "Viola... never heard that name before, at least in regards to any operative, for either side" Sybil stroked her chin as she tried to put some puzzle pieces together, luckily Iradil asked Persia more about Viola. Although she had to roll her eyes at the comment that she was trying to play a part, Iradil was ever the entertainer and performer. Sybil would follow Persia and Iradil all the way back to the room where the voices had come from, and once they opened the door they'd find a small room with a large couch, some cushions spread about and one woman sitting at the back of it writing at a desk, if the group squinted they'd notice some blue spirits sitting along the couches too. This seemed to be a resting area for whoever lived in the mansion...

"What do you want? Are you another one that wants to disturb our mansion and harness it's power? Leave me and my children alone. We're already shackled to those abominable blondes so we have no more power to sign away." The woman's voice was powerful, powerful enough to sift through their ears and make them feel nostalgia...
Spoiler for Persia:

Persia (in Asha's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Upstairs - Music Room
Tag: Everyone, Iradil (in Caitlyn's Body), Sybil (in Mathis' Body)

"Not too difficult to help you move a little better," Persia replied with a stiff nod before beginning to rattle off information at a steady and precise clip.  "When moving over a level surface that is not too slick, just spread your tail out in a curving pattern, like a lazily winding river,  and use your rib muscles to push yourself forward.  Do not bother lifting any part of it unless you plan on climbing or moving really quickly.  It is just a waste of energy and a loss of traction.  Both those actions require different tail motions in any case.  Unless you are climbing, do not use your stomach muscles to pull yourself forward.  It is better just to relax the rest of you muscles in you tail when pushing along with your rib muscles.  You move more smoothly and are much less likely to get cramps in your tail.  Your tail curves should spread just a little wider than one extra body width on either side of you to maximize stability and speed with this motion.  There is plenty more to learn, but it is better you get used to moving like the wandering river before you start attempting to coil around enemies and leap away from foes.  Did you get all that or need anything repeated?"

Persia's officious and measured expression softened as she considered Iradil's question.  Looking off with an unfocused gaze, she began, "I only met her for a short while, but she was willing to help others working for the DoJ and mentioned that she was suited for scouting.  She bowed in greeting when we first came up to her.  When the announcement came for everyone to meet in the main hall, she chose to sneak inside with Mathis while others went to the main hall."  Her eyes regained focus as she turned her attention back to Iradil with a shrug, "That's all I know of her."

Opening the door she'd heard the voice coming from produced an unexpected scene.  There were no obvious toys, childish or mature, nor were there obvious implements of torture, and no one seemed to be setting up or playing a game of any sort in the room.  'What had the voice meant by 'play with us'?' she wondered as she gazed curiously around the room.  It wouldn't occur to her to squint.  Squinting was bad for your eyes, and the lighting wasn't so bright or dim as to encourage her to either.  So, she didn't notice the spirits in the room.  Only when the woman at the back of the room spoke up did Persia step inside and out of the doorway before raising her hands face upward in a placating gesture.  Raising her hands like that while walking was something she wasn't sure she'd have managed gracefully.

"No, Miss.  We aren't trying to harness the mansion's power.  Someone... perhaps a child of yours beckoned me to this room.  She said she wanted to show me something?  I think I recently met one of these two blondes.  If you don't wish to be shackled to them, I would be glad to help free you of them.  The one I met seems very powerful, but if you know of some way I could aid you and your children with this, I'd only request that you undo what those women have done to the people who have come to the mansion if we manage to successfully separate the mansion's power from them."  Persia then bowed and stepped aside if the two behind her hadn't already walked in around her.  The words of this mysterious woman had made her even further dislike Elmadia, but she kept her anger in check.  It would do no good for this woman to think the anger was directed at her.

Iradil in Caitlyn's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Sybil in Mathis' Body and Persia in Asha's Body

Iralyn paid attention to the instructions Persia gave to Sybil. She didn't have a snake body no, but it was still interesting. When else would you get the opportunity to find out how to move as one! It might come up at some point! Best to be prepared to play the role, then to end up in the role without any table reading. Also, it just satiated her natural curiosity. She'd love to practice it herself, just... not in enemy territory, and not when she was unsure about being able to change back. She hoped they could change back, not only for Sybil's comfort, but having a disconnect from her own mana was. Odd.

Thankfully, there was the pleasant distraction of learning to play a new role. Completely oblivious to Sybil's eye rolling she listened intently to the instructions. Nodding slightly as she did so. "A scout huh, that's good, I can work with that." She hummed slightly. "Bowed slightly? how so? could you show me?" She looked into Persia's eyes eagerly. The name was as familiar to her as it had been to Sybil, could her assumption ahve been wrong mayhaps? She shook her head and bit her lip. No... Shirley had mentioned transformers... and this 'Viola' did not appear to have one. So she wasn't a heroine... and if she was DRU, why not simply state that?

The ninja shrugged slightly, it didn't matter much for the moment either way, but she did make a mental note to look into the DRU more at a later date. "Thank you for all your help!" She smiled politely, and bowed extravagantly to Persia before moving on. Following lightly on the balls of her feet, not making a noise, being far more used to the body she had found herself in then the others. Fashion choice notwithstanding. As the door opened, she cocked her head to the side slightly, looking curiously. The cushions and couch looked pleasantly comfortable enough, and she could see a lone figure, a woman, lounging at the back by a desk. Persia beat her to conversation, so she simply took the time to investigate the room in more detail. Smiling to herself as she saw the little will o wisp esque blue flames hovering around. Cute! She waited for Persia to enter and finish her conversation first of all, not wanting to overlord the other woman with dialogue right at the start of their scene. And also, because Persia was apparently much better at talking then she was. Her face remained pleasantly blank, not showing any anger or disdain for the raiding stage crashers of the mansion, but Iradil smiled pleasantly enough as she followed Persia in, bowing politely herself. "Indeed Miss, we seek nothing more then the ability to leave your mansion and children alone. Save mayhaps for ensuring the blondes siphoning of your power is ended, so that we may return to how we were."

Offline Youkai

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #121 on: November 22, 2022, 10:19:31 PM »

Rosluni (in Christina Rahl's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness
Tag: Everyone, Asha, Skarde Alexander

Rosluni chuckled at the interesting creatures Skarde mentioned, "A stretchy-necked youkai?  Flying paper guys?  Umbrellas with faces?  I am sure they all can be found in the Demon Realms, but I don't know what an umbrella is and I haven't seen any paper people.  I have met creatures with long and stretchy necks before, but I am not one."  Reaching out her left arm, Rosluni twisted it back and forth as she inspected it.  "I just usually have longer tendrils on my arms that can be used for probing the soil, hugging people, pointing out objects, restraining enemies or friends, that sort of thing," she concluded with an apologetic shrug.

"If you are under me for very long, I'm sure you will hear other names used for me, but we are just getting to know eachother.  Rosluni is fine," She didn't need someone else calling her 'Miss Nepentis' if she could avoid it, but figured this girl might pick up on the name or some variation at some point given her apparent interest in making the name sound grander.

The pink-haired girl smiled and indulgently listened to the impish Skarde's pleads for her to 'resist her urges'.  The size-shifting imp wasn't very subtle.  It would make her easy to please.  'And I could indulge her right now.  Tie her up and pleasure her until she screams my name in ecstasy.'  Ros shook her head as she forced aside the foreign thought.  It was easier to ignore the heat in her own loins than the obvious heat of others, but she hadn't survived in Ventonnas by foolishly giving in to urges that were not her own.

"Do not worry, Cupcake.  I can resist," she assured the girl, even if it was possibly not the words that Skarde truly wanted to escape her lips.  'Well, I guess she has chosen her own titles for me.  At least they are new ones.'  The fast-talking girl mentioned some more practical details, and Rosluni's focus fully returned... along with her curiosity, "The fastest person alive?  You'll have to show me sometime."

Turning her attention towards Asha as she spoke up, Rosluni gave her thoughts, "Yes, I agree that we should search for our bodies.  Touch has its uses, but lets not reveal or touch any cocks, stamens, pistils, or pussies for now.  I think Elmadia wants people to cum for some reason.  Maybe to weaken our minds and bodies.  Maybe to distract us.  Maybe to collect sexual energy.  Maybe just for her to watch."  Ros thought about how the wind elemental knew someone important was in the building and seemed to quickly find her and return.  "She seems to know what is going on in other parts of this building.  I am not sure she has to be near to 'see' what we are doing."

Rosluni proceeded to demonstrate a use of physical touch with Asha, carefully noting her reaction to the subtle tease of her tail.  'Yes, same as Persia.  These two could be subdued if they became dangerous for some reason.'  Satisfied with her assessment and with the way Asha seemed to be learning with her guidance, Ros let out a pleased, "Mmmhmmm, that is much better.  You already look more like a real naga."  A young and inexperienced real naga, but definitely more comfortable looking in her body than before.  "The names fit the shapes of the tail.  How would you name them?  By their motion?  The tail push and the tail pull?"  She wasn't criticizing, simply curious about the different perspective.

"I just left the underground room.  There seemed to be only one exit from it, and I do not know where you two have been already.  Lead the way Asha, and we will follow.  Right, Cupcake?"  Rosluni said as she smiled encouragingly toward the eager and energetic girl with freshly braided hair.

Skarde Alexander (in Grawly's body)
Tag: Asha (in Persia's body) (Youkai), Rosluni (in Christina's body) (Sashanna)

"Tendrils for hugging and restraining, you say." Skarde tapped her index fingers thoughtfully in front of her face. She had Skarde's interest before. Now she had Skarde's interest.

"Now those sound like they'd be very, very useful. And are maybe like the second-third hottest things you could possibly have attached to your body. Buuuut! ...Oh yeah, butts! Fourth hottest thing. Fourth hottest thing you could have. But since we're all stuck like this, I think we can make do with what we have! Just for now, to bind me up tight, it'll take just a little more effort...a little creativity..." Skarde spider-stepped four fingers up Rosluni's shoulder. Leading up to a gentle petting of her cheek. "Rosluni. I could be 'under you' right now."  She breathily teased. "For as long as you want me down there." Hell. If she kept on saying "Cupcake," Skarde was tempted to invite herself over to stay "under" Rosluni. And as luck would have it, she did! Over and over, she kept casually dropping her pet name. Reinforcing her super hot authority!

Hnnnng!!! Willpower eroding. She's too hot to handle. Going down fast, I'm going down fast! Avenge me! While not quite certain who she was sending her silent plea of vengeance to, Skarde could certainly feel herself falling even more in love with this out-of-body tendril queen. "My speed's not all I could show you." She promised. Licking her lips. Alas, both her Tendril-Toting Hotness and Asha The Grumpy Snekpire seemed more inclined to keep their impulses under control. Booooooring! Skarde internally whined. But with Rosluni's encouraging voice telling her to follow along, all Skarde could do was say "Rightyepforsure!" While bobbing her head obediently. God, I hope she calls me cupcake again. Oh, wait. She just did!

Riding high on that, Skarde skipped about with a whistle. "Lead the way, Nagasha!" Skarde cheered, her fists out. And lead "Nagasha" would, right to a closed door connecting out from the hallway. "If you push that handle with your tail, it might be safer than using your hands." Skarde helpfully tipped her. "Not that I have a lot of experience with trap doors." She outright lied. "Let's hope for all our sakes that we're not just walking into another mess of traps. And that a brand new car's behind there instead."

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Skarde, Rosluni

"Boy, you really want to just rut and fuck don't you? How do you know that isn't dangerous? Toying with things we don't understand is probably not the best decision we could make. Elmadia probably wants us to do just that." Asha shot a look towards Skarde, but then decided to give up, if Rosluni wasn't going to oblige her and Asha kept her own nagging voice in her head down then they could probably get through this just fine. Although Rosluni seemed all too keen to keep fanning the flames. "Under you? How many people have you had under you?" It was only out of mild curiosity, but her body preyed on that. It sent a jolt up to her brain, dazing her thoughts and making her think about all the naughty positions she could get into with Ros- She shook her head...

By the time that lustful fog cleared Rosluni was talking to her again. "I don't know, whatever works I guess, I'll just go with your names. As long as it makes me move effectively I don't really care." She grumped until Skarde used that weird name with her. "Nagasha...?" She turned to look at Skarde and gave her a wry smirk, she could get used to a name like that actually, it had a weird ring but at least it rolled off the tongue well in her head. "Not too sure about that, the tail feels sensitive in certain places, but I agree using my hands is probably not wise..." Cautiously... Asha used her tail to open the door.

It'd lead to a small kitchen, probably one of many in the mansion. There was also giggling around them that would slowly disappear as they entered. It was a dimly lit room but luckily there didn't seem to be any traps in here. The giggling lead out of the room towards the doorway at the other end. The dimly lit Kitchen however held more secrets, there was an old notebook laid out on the counter and they could always open compartments and see what was inside...

Offline Youkai

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #122 on: November 22, 2022, 10:19:45 PM »

Persia (in Asha's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Upstairs - Music Room
Tag: Everyone, Iradil (in Caitlyn's Body), Sybil (in Mathis' Body)

"Not too difficult to help you move a little better," Persia replied with a stiff nod before beginning to rattle off information at a steady and precise clip.  "When moving over a level surface that is not too slick, just spread your tail out in a curving pattern, like a lazily winding river,  and use your rib muscles to push yourself forward.  Do not bother lifting any part of it unless you plan on climbing or moving really quickly.  It is just a waste of energy and a loss of traction.  Both those actions require different tail motions in any case.  Unless you are climbing, do not use your stomach muscles to pull yourself forward.  It is better just to relax the rest of you muscles in you tail when pushing along with your rib muscles.  You move more smoothly and are much less likely to get cramps in your tail.  Your tail curves should spread just a little wider than one extra body width on either side of you to maximize stability and speed with this motion.  There is plenty more to learn, but it is better you get used to moving like the wandering river before you start attempting to coil around enemies and leap away from foes.  Did you get all that or need anything repeated?"

Persia's officious and measured expression softened as she considered Iradil's question.  Looking off with an unfocused gaze, she began, "I only met her for a short while, but she was willing to help others working for the DoJ and mentioned that she was suited for scouting.  She bowed in greeting when we first came up to her.  When the announcement came for everyone to meet in the main hall, she chose to sneak inside with Mathis while others went to the main hall."  Her eyes regained focus as she turned her attention back to Iradil with a shrug, "That's all I know of her."

Opening the door she'd heard the voice coming from produced an unexpected scene.  There were no obvious toys, childish or mature, nor were there obvious implements of torture, and no one seemed to be setting up or playing a game of any sort in the room.  'What had the voice meant by 'play with us'?' she wondered as she gazed curiously around the room.  It wouldn't occur to her to squint.  Squinting was bad for your eyes, and the lighting wasn't so bright or dim as to encourage her to either.  So, she didn't notice the spirits in the room.  Only when the woman at the back of the room spoke up did Persia step inside and out of the doorway before raising her hands face upward in a placating gesture.  Raising her hands like that while walking was something she wasn't sure she'd have managed gracefully.

"No, Miss.  We aren't trying to harness the mansion's power.  Someone... perhaps a child of yours beckoned me to this room.  She said she wanted to show me something?  I think I recently met one of these two blondes.  If you don't wish to be shackled to them, I would be glad to help free you of them.  The one I met seems very powerful, but if you know of some way I could aid you and your children with this, I'd only request that you undo what those women have done to the people who have come to the mansion if we manage to successfully separate the mansion's power from them."  Persia then bowed and stepped aside if the two behind her hadn't already walked in around her.  The words of this mysterious woman had made her even further dislike Elmadia, but she kept her anger in check.  It would do no good for this woman to think the anger was directed at her.

Iradil in Caitlyn's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Sybil in Mathis' Body and Persia in Asha's Body

Iralyn paid attention to the instructions Persia gave to Sybil. She didn't have a snake body no, but it was still interesting. When else would you get the opportunity to find out how to move as one! It might come up at some point! Best to be prepared to play the role, then to end up in the role without any table reading. Also, it just satiated her natural curiosity. She'd love to practice it herself, just... not in enemy territory, and not when she was unsure about being able to change back. She hoped they could change back, not only for Sybil's comfort, but having a disconnect from her own mana was. Odd.

Thankfully, there was the pleasant distraction of learning to play a new role. Completely oblivious to Sybil's eye rolling she listened intently to the instructions. Nodding slightly as she did so. "A scout huh, that's good, I can work with that." She hummed slightly. "Bowed slightly? how so? could you show me?" She looked into Persia's eyes eagerly. The name was as familiar to her as it had been to Sybil, could her assumption ahve been wrong mayhaps? She shook her head and bit her lip. No... Shirley had mentioned transformers... and this 'Viola' did not appear to have one. So she wasn't a heroine... and if she was DRU, why not simply state that?

The ninja shrugged slightly, it didn't matter much for the moment either way, but she did make a mental note to look into the DRU more at a later date. "Thank you for all your help!" She smiled politely, and bowed extravagantly to Persia before moving on. Following lightly on the balls of her feet, not making a noise, being far more used to the body she had found herself in then the others. Fashion choice notwithstanding. As the door opened, she cocked her head to the side slightly, looking curiously. The cushions and couch looked pleasantly comfortable enough, and she could see a lone figure, a woman, lounging at the back by a desk. Persia beat her to conversation, so she simply took the time to investigate the room in more detail. Smiling to herself as she saw the little will o wisp esque blue flames hovering around. Cute! She waited for Persia to enter and finish her conversation first of all, not wanting to overlord the other woman with dialogue right at the start of their scene. And also, because Persia was apparently much better at talking then she was. Her face remained pleasantly blank, not showing any anger or disdain for the raiding stage crashers of the mansion, but Iradil smiled pleasantly enough as she followed Persia in, bowing politely herself. "Indeed Miss, we seek nothing more then the ability to leave your mansion and children alone. Save mayhaps for ensuring the blondes siphoning of your power is ended, so that we may return to how we were."

Sybil in Mathis' Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Persia in Asha's Body, Iradil in Caitlyn's Body

"That's a relief." Sybil listened to Persia intently, taking in every word as gospel. She wasn't normally the person being taught since she had multiple centuries of knowledge in her head so doing something like this was refreshing to her. Physically she tried moving her tail in the motions that Persia instructed while they walked, and as she did she started to find a better understanding of how to move in the body. When she got her legs back it was going to feel really awkward. "No, I don't think so, I think I understand it as well as I can." As they moved, Sybil would put the words into practice and Persia would be able to see that Sybil was getting the hang of it. The inexperience was still there, but she was getting there at her own pace.

As they moved to the room, Sybil would listen to Persia tell them more about 'Viola', and all the alarm bells in her brain were going off at once, this didn't sound like a typical DRU or DoJ member. It was possible they were a specialized person for DRU, but IoJ was definitely out of the question now. "For now, let's assume DRU or Dominion, and I really hope it's the former. If we have a Dominion agent in your body we're going to have a lot of problems Iradil." She smiled a little at Iradil asking how she bowed, of course the woman wanted to put on the best performance or impression she could even when it wasn't necessary. "Yeah, thank you, glad we met up. Hopefully everyone else is handling their new bodies alright until we get this fixed..." Sybil dreaded to know who had her body, it was powerful and in the wrong hands it could be really bad. Once they were face to face with the spirits and the white haired woman, Sybil stared at them pensively. The blue spirits around them flickered as the woman responded to both Persia and Iradil first...

"I see, they probably just wanted you to talk to me." The woman looked at the blue spirits and one of them flickered up and down wildly before she turned back to the group. ]"I'm Kaoyen, the Mistress of the Mansion. My children and I are cursed to live out our afterlife in this mansion, there is nothing you can do to solve this. It was cast upon me by a very powerful demon back in my youth. When I woke up, I ended up here. All these spirits aren't really my children, they're just wandering spirits that call this place home due to my presence. Some of them are more naughty than others..." Sybil scowled a little as the woman continued her story. "I hold all of the mansion's power, I'm responsible for your current states. Not Elmadia or Astrid, nothing has been siphoned away from me. Other than my choice..." The woman revealed the 2nd blonde's name to them with a scowl on her face.

"Unfortunately I'm under a magical contract to keep performing this spell as Elmadia wishes. In order to break the spell, you have to convince her to release me from the contract. Then I can reverse the spell and let you guys leave, I usually deploy the spell on troublemakers that try to trash the mansion, they end up leaving and I revert them back to normal after they leave the grounds. But in this case, Elmadia made me cast this with special additions. I assume you all are experiencing some degree of unbearable arousal?" Sybil finally spoke up after that.

"Can I see this contract?" Sybil asked, Kaoyen sighed and tossed her a piece of paper. There was a faint purple glow coming from it...

Offline Sashanna

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #123 on: November 25, 2022, 08:23:54 PM »
Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Skarde Alexander:

Skarde Alexander (in Grawly's body)
Tag: Asha (in Persia's body) (Youkai), Rosluni (in Christina's body) (Sashanna)

"Tendrils for hugging and restraining, you say." Skarde tapped her index fingers thoughtfully in front of her face. She had Skarde's interest before. Now she had Skarde's interest.

"Now those sound like they'd be very, very useful. And are maybe like the second-third hottest things you could possibly have attached to your body. Buuuut! ...Oh yeah, butts! Fourth hottest thing. Fourth hottest thing you could have. But since we're all stuck like this, I think we can make do with what we have! Just for now, to bind me up tight, it'll take just a little more effort...a little creativity..." Skarde spider-stepped four fingers up Rosluni's shoulder. Leading up to a gentle petting of her cheek. "Rosluni. I could be 'under you' right now."  She breathily teased. "For as long as you want me down there." Hell. If she kept on saying "Cupcake," Skarde was tempted to invite herself over to stay "under" Rosluni. And as luck would have it, she did! Over and over, she kept casually dropping her pet name. Reinforcing her super hot authority!

Hnnnng!!! Willpower eroding. She's too hot to handle. Going down fast, I'm going down fast! Avenge me! While not quite certain who she was sending her silent plea of vengeance to, Skarde could certainly feel herself falling even more in love with this out-of-body tendril queen. "My speed's not all I could show you." She promised. Licking her lips. Alas, both her Tendril-Toting Hotness and Asha The Grumpy Snekpire seemed more inclined to keep their impulses under control. Booooooring! Skarde internally whined. But with Rosluni's encouraging voice telling her to follow along, all Skarde could do was say "Rightyepforsure!" While bobbing her head obediently. God, I hope she calls me cupcake again. Oh, wait. She just did!

Riding high on that, Skarde skipped about with a whistle. "Lead the way, Nagasha!" Skarde cheered, her fists out. And lead "Nagasha" would, right to a closed door connecting out from the hallway. "If you push that handle with your tail, it might be safer than using your hands." Skarde helpfully tipped her. "Not that I have a lot of experience with trap doors." She outright lied. "Let's hope for all our sakes that we're not just walking into another mess of traps. And that a brand new car's behind there instead."
Spoiler for Asha:

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Skarde, Rosluni

"Boy, you really want to just rut and fuck don't you? How do you know that isn't dangerous? Toying with things we don't understand is probably not the best decision we could make. Elmadia probably wants us to do just that." Asha shot a look towards Skarde, but then decided to give up, if Rosluni wasn't going to oblige her and Asha kept her own nagging voice in her head down then they could probably get through this just fine. Although Rosluni seemed all too keen to keep fanning the flames. "Under you? How many people have you had under you?" It was only out of mild curiosity, but her body preyed on that. It sent a jolt up to her brain, dazing her thoughts and making her think about all the naughty positions she could get into with Ros- She shook her head...

By the time that lustful fog cleared Rosluni was talking to her again. "I don't know, whatever works I guess, I'll just go with your names. As long as it makes me move effectively I don't really care." She grumped until Skarde used that weird name with her. "Nagasha...?" She turned to look at Skarde and gave her a wry smirk, she could get used to a name like that actually, it had a weird ring but at least it rolled off the tongue well in her head. "Not too sure about that, the tail feels sensitive in certain places, but I agree using my hands is probably not wise..." Cautiously... Asha used her tail to open the door.

It'd lead to a small kitchen, probably one of many in the mansion. There was also giggling around them that would slowly disappear as they entered. It was a dimly lit room but luckily there didn't seem to be any traps in here. The giggling lead out of the room towards the doorway at the other end. The dimly lit Kitchen however held more secrets, there was an old notebook laid out on the counter and they could always open compartments and see what was inside...

Rosluni (in Christina Rahl's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness
Tag: Everyone, Asha (in Mathis' Body), Skarde Alexander (in Caitlyn's Body)

Rosluni felt tingles along her skin wherever Skarde's fingers touched her.  She was used to more tactile people and situations, but her body had rarely felt so sensitive to it.  'Is this from being human or because of the magics upon us?' A pleasant, friendly smile remained upon her lips as she listened to Skarde talk about her interests.  Whether gardening, sword work, lewd fantasies, science, or other subjects, Ros liked to know what others enjoyed and got excited about.

"Hmm? How many?" the pink-haired woman asked as she tilted her head toward Asha.  "It changes over time.  I have twelve under me, including Cupcake here," she explained seriously as she gestured toward Skarde, "But I've had as many as thirty people working under me at one time.  There are still over sixty people from my earlier homes that are loyally tending to them."

Her eyes narrowed as she noticed Asha's unfocused look and the shake of her head.  With an understanding smile, Rosluni nodded and confidently placed her hands on her hips, "But if you mean, 'How many people have you taken the lead in sex with?'  That is around a thousand, give or take a couple hundred."  With a dainty shrug she added, "I just don't look for people who don't come to me," as if to justify why she has had so few people she's sexually topped.  And really, in her approximately eighty years of sexual experience, it averaged to only about one new topped partner a month.

Neither shy nor bragging about sexual topics, she easily transitioned between lewd information and other conversation.  After she had shown Asha how to move, they continued to explore the mansion, and she casually asked Skarde, "I am curious.  What are the first and second hottest things attached to a body?"

When Nagasha managed to open the door with her tail, Ros sincerely and politely clapped in encouragement.  "You did that very well, Asha."  Looking into the room, the pinkette's eyes landed on all the new, unfamiliar things.  Walking in, she opened the oven and leaned low to peer into it, her curvaceous ass pressing out into the room, before the old notebook caught her attention. 

Ever curious for knowledge, she straightened and approached it, trying to read the old text but leaving space for another to join her in looking at it.  "Hmm, a book missing its caretaker."
« Last Edit: November 30, 2022, 04:42:00 PM by Sashanna »

Offline Sashanna

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #124 on: November 25, 2022, 10:12:39 PM »
Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Iradil:

Iradil in Caitlyn's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Sybil in Mathis' Body and Persia in Asha's Body

Iralyn paid attention to the instructions Persia gave to Sybil. She didn't have a snake body no, but it was still interesting. When else would you get the opportunity to find out how to move as one! It might come up at some point! Best to be prepared to play the role, then to end up in the role without any table reading. Also, it just satiated her natural curiosity. She'd love to practice it herself, just... not in enemy territory, and not when she was unsure about being able to change back. She hoped they could change back, not only for Sybil's comfort, but having a disconnect from her own mana was. Odd.

Thankfully, there was the pleasant distraction of learning to play a new role. Completely oblivious to Sybil's eye rolling she listened intently to the instructions. Nodding slightly as she did so. "A scout huh, that's good, I can work with that." She hummed slightly. "Bowed slightly? how so? could you show me?" She looked into Persia's eyes eagerly. The name was as familiar to her as it had been to Sybil, could her assumption ahve been wrong mayhaps? She shook her head and bit her lip. No... Shirley had mentioned transformers... and this 'Viola' did not appear to have one. So she wasn't a heroine... and if she was DRU, why not simply state that?

The ninja shrugged slightly, it didn't matter much for the moment either way, but she did make a mental note to look into the DRU more at a later date. "Thank you for all your help!" She smiled politely, and bowed extravagantly to Persia before moving on. Following lightly on the balls of her feet, not making a noise, being far more used to the body she had found herself in then the others. Fashion choice notwithstanding. As the door opened, she cocked her head to the side slightly, looking curiously. The cushions and couch looked pleasantly comfortable enough, and she could see a lone figure, a woman, lounging at the back by a desk. Persia beat her to conversation, so she simply took the time to investigate the room in more detail. Smiling to herself as she saw the little will o wisp esque blue flames hovering around. Cute! She waited for Persia to enter and finish her conversation first of all, not wanting to overlord the other woman with dialogue right at the start of their scene. And also, because Persia was apparently much better at talking then she was. Her face remained pleasantly blank, not showing any anger or disdain for the raiding stage crashers of the mansion, but Iradil smiled pleasantly enough as she followed Persia in, bowing politely herself. "Indeed Miss, we seek nothing more then the ability to leave your mansion and children alone. Save mayhaps for ensuring the blondes siphoning of your power is ended, so that we may return to how we were."
Spoiler for Sybil:

Sybil in Mathis' Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Persia in Asha's Body, Iradil in Caitlyn's Body

"That's a relief." Sybil listened to Persia intently, taking in every word as gospel. She wasn't normally the person being taught since she had multiple centuries of knowledge in her head so doing something like this was refreshing to her. Physically she tried moving her tail in the motions that Persia instructed while they walked, and as she did she started to find a better understanding of how to move in the body. When she got her legs back it was going to feel really awkward. "No, I don't think so, I think I understand it as well as I can." As they moved, Sybil would put the words into practice and Persia would be able to see that Sybil was getting the hang of it. The inexperience was still there, but she was getting there at her own pace.

As they moved to the room, Sybil would listen to Persia tell them more about 'Viola', and all the alarm bells in her brain were going off at once, this didn't sound like a typical DRU or DoJ member. It was possible they were a specialized person for DRU, but IoJ was definitely out of the question now. "For now, let's assume DRU or Dominion, and I really hope it's the former. If we have a Dominion agent in your body we're going to have a lot of problems Iradil." She smiled a little at Iradil asking how she bowed, of course the woman wanted to put on the best performance or impression she could even when it wasn't necessary. "Yeah, thank you, glad we met up. Hopefully everyone else is handling their new bodies alright until we get this fixed..." Sybil dreaded to know who had her body, it was powerful and in the wrong hands it could be really bad. Once they were face to face with the spirits and the white haired woman, Sybil stared at them pensively. The blue spirits around them flickered as the woman responded to both Persia and Iradil first...

"I see, they probably just wanted you to talk to me." The woman looked at the blue spirits and one of them flickered up and down wildly before she turned back to the group. ]"I'm Kaoyen, the Mistress of the Mansion. My children and I are cursed to live out our afterlife in this mansion, there is nothing you can do to solve this. It was cast upon me by a very powerful demon back in my youth. When I woke up, I ended up here. All these spirits aren't really my children, they're just wandering spirits that call this place home due to my presence. Some of them are more naughty than others..." Sybil scowled a little as the woman continued her story. "I hold all of the mansion's power, I'm responsible for your current states. Not Elmadia or Astrid, nothing has been siphoned away from me. Other than my choice..." The woman revealed the 2nd blonde's name to them with a scowl on her face.

"Unfortunately I'm under a magical contract to keep performing this spell as Elmadia wishes. In order to break the spell, you have to convince her to release me from the contract. Then I can reverse the spell and let you guys leave, I usually deploy the spell on troublemakers that try to trash the mansion, they end up leaving and I revert them back to normal after they leave the grounds. But in this case, Elmadia made me cast this with special additions. I assume you all are experiencing some degree of unbearable arousal?" Sybil finally spoke up after that.

"Can I see this contract?" Sybil asked, Kaoyen sighed and tossed her a piece of paper. There was a faint purple glow coming from it...

Persia (in Asha's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Upstairs - Music Room
Tag: Everyone, Iradil (in Caitlyn's Body), Sybil (in Mathis' Body)

Watching Sybil bow, Persia replied, "Hmm, I believe is was less showy.  It was polite, yet meant not to draw attention to itself... beyond those easily distracted by cleavage.  Her movements did seem to give more opportunities to view the curves of her chest than necessary now that I consider it.  Nothing as excessive as some visitors from Dis have done, but enough to think that she wants people to notice her chest."  Pausing a moment, she demonstrated as best she could.   Her expression was serene with a slight nod of her head before she smoothly transitioning to lowering her body about 60 degrees, her arms dangling straight down and subtly pressing against the sides of her chest.  She wobbled with the shift in her center of gravity, but held the position for a full second, before straightening up.  "Something like that but more steady on her feet."

With both her companions thanking her, the blonde vampire replied matter-of-factly, "You are welcome.  I do my best to help those in search of instruction."  She nodded stoically at Sybil's hope that everyone was handling their new bodies well.  'If the trouble I had walking was anything to go by, I worry how Mathis might be coping without feet, but I am even more worried about whoever has the body of Miss Nepentis.  There is so much her body can do.  A person could easily cause trouble with full control of her body or -accidentally- cause trouble not knowing what they were doing.'  Miss Nepentis, of course, could handle herself whatever body she found herself in.  Regardless of Persia's worries, there were more immediate issues to focus on.

'Kaoyen, Astrid,' she mentally repeated as the Mistress of the Mansion provided them new information about the situation.  The blonde watched as Kaoyen tossed the paper to Sybil.  Not one to crowd others as they read, she bowed her head to the Mistress of the Mansion, "Thank you, Kaoyen.  I apologize for the mess I made of some of your books when learning how to use this new body.  If these were less trying circumstances, I would have enjoyed reading your tomes if you had allowed it.  If we can handle the immediate problems of Elmadia and Astrid..." her voice hardened at uttering Elmadia's name.  The woman had dared touch her and Miss Nepentis while they were frozen.  "...perhaps I could visit again, see if I can find someone to repair the damage I caused to your books, and be allowed a chance to read and take notes on your collection?  Either way, as the one who cast the spell, do you have any advice on making our arousal more bearable?  I am not unused to artificial arousal and have managed to keep myself distracted from it by focusing on other things, but advice would be helpful to us and anyone else we meet in the mansion."  It was a steady thrum in the back of her mind, but she kept it in the back while she focused on learning, teaching, conversation, and the tasks at hand.  When it tried to push forward, it would remind her of how annoyed she was at being manipulated, and the anger and annoyance would let her push it back once more.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2022, 10:17:56 PM by Sashanna »

Offline Kunshu

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #125 on: November 29, 2022, 12:25:01 AM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Mansion of Madness
Tag: Bimbo? Sue

It wasn't easy for the Princess of Demons to admit she was feeling fear, normally just because she was so powerful that nothing could make her feel it... but now it was because her body was having a very different reaction to this human in her body advancing on her like this. "What is, like, kicking in?" she tried asking again, trying desperately to ignore how excited her new body was getting by all of this, how it wanted nothing more than to be thrown down on the bed and used however the human wanted... She nodded meekly when the human noted she was stronger than her now. That was stupid. She should have tried to bluff around it... but instead she just dumbly admitted it outright. Why did she do that? "Oh gosh no! Daddy would like, be morti... Morti... totally freaked out to see me like this!" she giggled again. Why did she find that funny? It was a horrifying thought... wasn't it? But all she could do was find the idea of it funny.

She felt her back touch the wall, or more accurately, felt her butt hit the wall first, followed by her back. She had a big round bubbly butt now didn't she? That was funny. Big butt big butt. She giggled again. Having a big butt was sexy~ Then she only realised she should have been paying attention to what the human was saying when the human's hand slammed into the wall besides her face, pinning her against the wall... leaving her totally and completely helpless. Totally and completely helpless~ Des giggled again, god that felt good to think. Good... and hot! She was totally aroused now, even more than she had been... and now she couldn't remember very well why she had been bothered by that before... being aroused felt good! Why had she been bothered.

The human was saying something important, and Des struggled to focus her mind on what was being said. "A demon virus? And... it make you stupid" she giggled, even struggling like this was, she couldn't hold back the giggles now. "Horny~" she giggled again, so it was a virus that made you feel good huh~ "And sub... submis... submiss eve?" Des suddenly realised to her lessoning horror and growing amusement that she couldn't remember what 'submissive' meant. "Oh love them? So like, your body is gonna make me totally love this?" she asked in now genuine confusion... until the human blew on her neck.

Des squirmed, and giggled in pleasure "Oh gawd~ That felt totally good~" she squirmed again, helplessly, against the wall. Her composure was fading fast. She was squeezing her thighs together tightly to enjoy the feeling of pressure on her vag... vage... pussy! On her pussy. And another hand had crept up, Des wasn't sure when,  to her breasts? boobies? tits. To her tits. And was starting to squeeze them. She wanted to know what it is the vir... demon juice thingie had done to the human in the past... she wanted to know what things she'd done... and not really out of fear of what could happen to her now... she wanted to know because it sounded hot! "Like... what things have you done?"

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Desdemona

"You're not very good at lying, are you? Or maybe it's just because you can't resist all the fluffy, silly, bimbo thoughts running through your head?" Sue laughed at the demon inhabiting her body, clearly enjoying finally having the upper hand over someone after so long. "Mmm, I bet he would be, that just makes it more fun though, doesn't it? I wonder if he'd even be able to tell it's you? Maybe you'll be too dumb and horny by the time I give you to him...."

Sue sighed and rolled her eyes as she watched her body melting in front of her, was this really how she appeared to everyone else? "Yes, stupid, horny, submissive..." She paused, realising that Des was confused by that word. "It means you'll do whatever I want, whatever anyone wants, so long as it's sexy." Her eyes roamed her former body, seeing how the demon had started to grope herself through her skintight outfit. "I bet it did." Sue leant in closer and licked Des' neck, taking her free hand and roughly groping between her victim's legs, excited to see how she would react.

"You want to know what I've done?" Sue raised an eyebrow as she moved to face Des face to face, lips achingly close to the bimbo's own. "I've exposed myself in front of crowds, showing off my hot, horny, needy body to anyone who'd look, begging to be fucked. I've spread my legs just because someone smiled at me. I've been fucked so hard I couldn't walk and it all felt so wonderful." Sue's breathing was becoming heavier as she spoke, even though she was free from the virus, whatever was happening in this mansion was having an impact, it whispered in her mind, pushing her to abuse the woman in front of her, to claim her body and she was running out of reasons to say no....

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #126 on: November 30, 2022, 08:13:11 AM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Spoiler for Sybil:

Sybil in Mathis' Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Persia in Asha's Body, Iradil in Caitlyn's Body

"That's a relief." Sybil listened to Persia intently, taking in every word as gospel. She wasn't normally the person being taught since she had multiple centuries of knowledge in her head so doing something like this was refreshing to her. Physically she tried moving her tail in the motions that Persia instructed while they walked, and as she did she started to find a better understanding of how to move in the body. When she got her legs back it was going to feel really awkward. "No, I don't think so, I think I understand it as well as I can." As they moved, Sybil would put the words into practice and Persia would be able to see that Sybil was getting the hang of it. The inexperience was still there, but she was getting there at her own pace.

As they moved to the room, Sybil would listen to Persia tell them more about 'Viola', and all the alarm bells in her brain were going off at once, this didn't sound like a typical DRU or DoJ member. It was possible they were a specialized person for DRU, but IoJ was definitely out of the question now. "For now, let's assume DRU or Dominion, and I really hope it's the former. If we have a Dominion agent in your body we're going to have a lot of problems Iradil." She smiled a little at Iradil asking how she bowed, of course the woman wanted to put on the best performance or impression she could even when it wasn't necessary. "Yeah, thank you, glad we met up. Hopefully everyone else is handling their new bodies alright until we get this fixed..." Sybil dreaded to know who had her body, it was powerful and in the wrong hands it could be really bad. Once they were face to face with the spirits and the white haired woman, Sybil stared at them pensively. The blue spirits around them flickered as the woman responded to both Persia and Iradil first...

"I see, they probably just wanted you to talk to me." The woman looked at the blue spirits and one of them flickered up and down wildly before she turned back to the group. ]"I'm Kaoyen, the Mistress of the Mansion. My children and I are cursed to live out our afterlife in this mansion, there is nothing you can do to solve this. It was cast upon me by a very powerful demon back in my youth. When I woke up, I ended up here. All these spirits aren't really my children, they're just wandering spirits that call this place home due to my presence. Some of them are more naughty than others..." Sybil scowled a little as the woman continued her story. "I hold all of the mansion's power, I'm responsible for your current states. Not Elmadia or Astrid, nothing has been siphoned away from me. Other than my choice..." The woman revealed the 2nd blonde's name to them with a scowl on her face.

"Unfortunately I'm under a magical contract to keep performing this spell as Elmadia wishes. In order to break the spell, you have to convince her to release me from the contract. Then I can reverse the spell and let you guys leave, I usually deploy the spell on troublemakers that try to trash the mansion, they end up leaving and I revert them back to normal after they leave the grounds. But in this case, Elmadia made me cast this with special additions. I assume you all are experiencing some degree of unbearable arousal?" Sybil finally spoke up after that.

"Can I see this contract?" Sybil asked, Kaoyen sighed and tossed her a piece of paper. There was a faint purple glow coming from it...
Spoiler for For Persia:

Persia (in Asha's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Upstairs - Music Room
Tag: Everyone, Iradil (in Caitlyn's Body), Sybil (in Mathis' Body)

Watching Sybil bow, Persia replied, "Hmm, I believe is was less showy.  It was polite, yet meant not to draw attention to itself... beyond those easily distracted by cleavage.  Her movements did seem to give more opportunities to view the curves of her chest than necessary now that I consider it.  Nothing as excessive as some visitors from Dis have done, but enough to think that she wants people to notice her chest."  Pausing a moment, she demonstrated as best she could.   Her expression was serene with a slight nod of her head before she smoothly transitioning to lowering her body about 60 degrees, her arms dangling straight down and subtly pressing against the sides of her chest.  She wobbled with the shift in her center of gravity, but held the position for a full second, before straightening up.  "Something like that but more steady on her feet."

With both her companions thanking her, the blonde vampire replied matter-of-factly, "You are welcome.  I do my best to help those in search of instruction."  She nodded stoically at Sybil's hope that everyone was handling their new bodies well.  'If the trouble I had walking was anything to go by, I worry how Mathis might be coping without feet, but I am even more worried about whoever has the body of Miss Nepentis.  There is so much her body can do.  A person could easily cause trouble with full control of her body or -accidentally- cause trouble not knowing what they were doing.'  Miss Nepentis, of course, could handle herself whatever body she found herself in.  Regardless of Persia's worries, there were more immediate issues to focus on.

'Kaoyen, Astrid,' she mentally repeated as the Mistress of the Mansion provided them new information about the situation.  The blonde watched as Kaoyen tossed the paper to Sybil.  Not one to crowd others as they read, she bowed her head to the Mistress of the Mansion, "Thank you, Kaoyen.  I apologize for the mess I made of some of your books when learning how to use this new body.  If these were less trying circumstances, I would have enjoyed reading your tomes if you had allowed it.  If we can handle the immediate problems of Elmadia and Astrid..." her voice hardened at uttering Elmadia's name.  The woman had dared touch her and Miss Nepentis while they were frozen.  "...perhaps I could visit again, see if I can find someone to repair the damage I caused to your books, and be allowed a chance to read and take notes on your collection?  Either way, as the one who cast the spell, do you have any advice on making our arousal more bearable?  I am not unused to artificial arousal and have managed to keep myself distracted from it by focusing on other things, but advice would be helpful to us and anyone else we meet in the mansion."  It was a steady thrum in the back of her mind, but she kept it in the back while she focused on learning, teaching, conversation, and the tasks at hand.  When it tried to push forward, it would remind her of how annoyed she was at being manipulated, and the anger and annoyance would let her push it back once more.

Iradil in Caitlyn's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Sybil in Mathis' Body and Persia in Asha's Body

Iralyn nodded along in, making sure she was matching the performance of the person who's body she was temporarily borrowing as well as she could. She gave Sybil a faint smile "I do hope whoever it is doesn't mind the ears!" She seemed serene enough, but Sybil was both not a fool, and was aware of the village inhabitants and their quirks. She would easily know that her fellow dragon shared the same trepidation regarding what was probably a Dominion agent using her body.  It probably also wouldn't escape her notice, that Iradil hadn't ever been on her own with another dragon on anything that might approach a date. At least not from how Iradil might have viewed it. So as much as Iradil might try to hide it, she was clearly feeling somewhat nervous about someone more sexually liberated running around in her body. Iradil felt her stomach clench slightly, and she tried to distract herself from thinking about it, by returning to focus on playing the role of a Dominion agent.

Similar to the blonde vampire, the ninja found herself running over the names, keeping them focussed in her mind, turning the names over. they meant nothing to her, but still, it would be rude to forget the casting of this little scene. Nodding along as Kaoyen described the mansion and her place there. Along with the wandering spirits. "Your assumptions are not far off the mark." Iralyn replied back, cordially as she could. There was no point in hiding it. The body she was in was far too into exposing itself and the twin glass cutters as it was, the residual arousal would be obvious to anyone glancing at her new, temporary, features. "So our goal is to convince Elmadia to rescind her wishes? Does it have to be verbal? of her own will? Does the will have to be free?" She asked curiously, before letting out a slight "Oh", seeing the contract being passed to Sybil, glowing a faint purple, leaving a faint after image on the eyes. She moved over to her fellow dragon to look at it with her. Managing to stop herself before trying to carry out one of her usual tricks of apparently leaning against a wall that wasn't there.

Without her usual body, and magic supply, she realised, only just before it was slightly too late, that if she carried on, she would be liable to actually fall over. Fighting what had become a slight habit of a lifetime was difficult, but she managed to make the way she leant onto Sybil to look over at the contract more look natural enough. Unless anyone was particularly knowledgeable of muscle groups and Kinesiology.

Offline Youkai

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #127 on: December 02, 2022, 09:02:09 PM »

Persia (in Asha's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness - Upstairs - Music Room
Tag: Everyone, Iradil (in Caitlyn's Body), Sybil (in Mathis' Body)

Watching Sybil bow, Persia replied, "Hmm, I believe is was less showy.  It was polite, yet meant not to draw attention to itself... beyond those easily distracted by cleavage.  Her movements did seem to give more opportunities to view the curves of her chest than necessary now that I consider it.  Nothing as excessive as some visitors from Dis have done, but enough to think that she wants people to notice her chest."  Pausing a moment, she demonstrated as best she could.   Her expression was serene with a slight nod of her head before she smoothly transitioning to lowering her body about 60 degrees, her arms dangling straight down and subtly pressing against the sides of her chest.  She wobbled with the shift in her center of gravity, but held the position for a full second, before straightening up.  "Something like that but more steady on her feet."

With both her companions thanking her, the blonde vampire replied matter-of-factly, "You are welcome.  I do my best to help those in search of instruction."  She nodded stoically at Sybil's hope that everyone was handling their new bodies well.  'If the trouble I had walking was anything to go by, I worry how Mathis might be coping without feet, but I am even more worried about whoever has the body of Miss Nepentis.  There is so much her body can do.  A person could easily cause trouble with full control of her body or -accidentally- cause trouble not knowing what they were doing.'  Miss Nepentis, of course, could handle herself whatever body she found herself in.  Regardless of Persia's worries, there were more immediate issues to focus on.

'Kaoyen, Astrid,' she mentally repeated as the Mistress of the Mansion provided them new information about the situation.  The blonde watched as Kaoyen tossed the paper to Sybil.  Not one to crowd others as they read, she bowed her head to the Mistress of the Mansion, "Thank you, Kaoyen.  I apologize for the mess I made of some of your books when learning how to use this new body.  If these were less trying circumstances, I would have enjoyed reading your tomes if you had allowed it.  If we can handle the immediate problems of Elmadia and Astrid..." her voice hardened at uttering Elmadia's name.  The woman had dared touch her and Miss Nepentis while they were frozen.  "...perhaps I could visit again, see if I can find someone to repair the damage I caused to your books, and be allowed a chance to read and take notes on your collection?  Either way, as the one who cast the spell, do you have any advice on making our arousal more bearable?  I am not unused to artificial arousal and have managed to keep myself distracted from it by focusing on other things, but advice would be helpful to us and anyone else we meet in the mansion."  It was a steady thrum in the back of her mind, but she kept it in the back while she focused on learning, teaching, conversation, and the tasks at hand.  When it tried to push forward, it would remind her of how annoyed she was at being manipulated, and the anger and annoyance would let her push it back once more.

Iradil in Caitlyn's Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Sybil in Mathis' Body and Persia in Asha's Body

Iralyn nodded along in, making sure she was matching the performance of the person who's body she was temporarily borrowing as well as she could. She gave Sybil a faint smile "I do hope whoever it is doesn't mind the ears!" She seemed serene enough, but Sybil was both not a fool, and was aware of the village inhabitants and their quirks. She would easily know that her fellow dragon shared the same trepidation regarding what was probably a Dominion agent using her body.  It probably also wouldn't escape her notice, that Iradil hadn't ever been on her own with another dragon on anything that might approach a date. At least not from how Iradil might have viewed it. So as much as Iradil might try to hide it, she was clearly feeling somewhat nervous about someone more sexually liberated running around in her body. Iradil felt her stomach clench slightly, and she tried to distract herself from thinking about it, by returning to focus on playing the role of a Dominion agent.

Similar to the blonde vampire, the ninja found herself running over the names, keeping them focussed in her mind, turning the names over. they meant nothing to her, but still, it would be rude to forget the casting of this little scene. Nodding along as Kaoyen described the mansion and her place there. Along with the wandering spirits. "Your assumptions are not far off the mark." Iralyn replied back, cordially as she could. There was no point in hiding it. The body she was in was far too into exposing itself and the twin glass cutters as it was, the residual arousal would be obvious to anyone glancing at her new, temporary, features. "So our goal is to convince Elmadia to rescind her wishes? Does it have to be verbal? of her own will? Does the will have to be free?" She asked curiously, before letting out a slight "Oh", seeing the contract being passed to Sybil, glowing a faint purple, leaving a faint after image on the eyes. She moved over to her fellow dragon to look at it with her. Managing to stop herself before trying to carry out one of her usual tricks of apparently leaning against a wall that wasn't there.

Without her usual body, and magic supply, she realised, only just before it was slightly too late, that if she carried on, she would be liable to actually fall over. Fighting what had become a slight habit of a lifetime was difficult, but she managed to make the way she leant onto Sybil to look over at the contract more look natural enough. Unless anyone was particularly knowledgeable of muscle groups and Kinesiology.

Sybil in Mathis' Body
Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Persia in Asha's Body, Iradil in Caitlyn's Body

"Don't worry about the mess that you've made, you aren't used to your body. It happens. Besides you didn't destroy the books that could help you, you just knocked over a few that nobody bothers to read other than the children." The spirits around them bobbed up and down and giggled, Kaoyen's expression was still unreadable and emotionless but her nonplused tone told Persia all she needed to know. "As for your request, we'll see. We don't usually have this many visitors so everyone is a bit rowdy. I think I left one of my more dangerous tomes in one of the kitchens, Elmadia and Astrid never let me go back for it. If one of you were to find it, it'd be a big boon to your chances." Sybil looked up from the contract at that moment and stared at Kaoyen curiously "How so? Does it actually teach you magic." The white haired woman's expression twitched slightly into a smile. "It teaches you binding techniques that can stifle even an elemental like Elmadia, although I would not recommend heavy use of the tome. You might get addicted to it. It is a powerful tome for a reason" Sybil blushed a bit, cleared her throat, and went back to reading the contract.

"Through any means you can think of, free will, under your power, whatever you wish. But she has to be the one to say it." The contract said everything that Kaoyen described. Elmadia had signed the contract at the bottom and so had Kaoyen, it detailed that Kaoyen had to use her magic according to Elmadia's wishes and that she couldn't stop unless ordered to or the contract was terminated, it said nothing about free will though. In addition, Kaoyen couldn't directly interfere with the contract in anyway, it was probably why she was enlisting their help in the first place, and probably why the children went out of their way to get Persia, Iradil, and Sybil in here. Astrid wasn't anywhere in the contract, so taking care of her was likely a secondary objective at this juncture. "I think she left me enough leeway to toy with me. She also probably expected you guys to be so focused on sex that you wouldn't find me. She's a fickle elemental, sometimes I wonder if she wants to be caught. Everything seems to be a means of fun for her." Kaoyen sighed and looked away, going back to writing, answering Persia's previous question.

"I cannot directly interfere with the spell as per the contract, but there would be a spell I could cast to get rid of it. Sex itself would make it worse, your mind would weaken and your resistance would melt away. Taking the edge off also isn't wise as it'll make you more desperate. I wish I had better advice for you, but you're on your own. The only positive thing I can say is that Elmadia and Astrid are dealing with it as well. They're constantly horny, so you can use that to your advantage. The arousal will also wear off once I switch your bodies back." Kaoyen said with a monotone voice. Sybil finally spoke up after reading the contract over and over and over.

"Elmadia is an novice since she left so many holes for you to exploit, probably on purpose to see what would happen. This is the genuine article, I can feel Kaoyen's magic and Elmadia's, presumably, running through it. Sounds like we have a lot to deal with..." Sybil sighed and tossed the contract back and took a deep breath to battle back that arousal thrumming through her body.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - Halloween 2022: At the Mansion of Madness
« Reply #128 on: December 03, 2022, 04:56:39 PM »
Spoiler for Rosluni:
Spoiler for Asha:

Mansion of Madness
Tagging: Skarde, Rosluni

"Boy, you really want to just rut and fuck don't you? How do you know that isn't dangerous? Toying with things we don't understand is probably not the best decision we could make. Elmadia probably wants us to do just that." Asha shot a look towards Skarde, but then decided to give up, if Rosluni wasn't going to oblige her and Asha kept her own nagging voice in her head down then they could probably get through this just fine. Although Rosluni seemed all too keen to keep fanning the flames. "Under you? How many people have you had under you?" It was only out of mild curiosity, but her body preyed on that. It sent a jolt up to her brain, dazing her thoughts and making her think about all the naughty positions she could get into with Ros- She shook her head...

By the time that lustful fog cleared Rosluni was talking to her again. "I don't know, whatever works I guess, I'll just go with your names. As long as it makes me move effectively I don't really care." She grumped until Skarde used that weird name with her. "Nagasha...?" She turned to look at Skarde and gave her a wry smirk, she could get used to a name like that actually, it had a weird ring but at least it rolled off the tongue well in her head. "Not too sure about that, the tail feels sensitive in certain places, but I agree using my hands is probably not wise..." Cautiously... Asha used her tail to open the door.

It'd lead to a small kitchen, probably one of many in the mansion. There was also giggling around them that would slowly disappear as they entered. It was a dimly lit room but luckily there didn't seem to be any traps in here. The giggling lead out of the room towards the doorway at the other end. The dimly lit Kitchen however held more secrets, there was an old notebook laid out on the counter and they could always open compartments and see what was inside...

Rosluni (in Christina Rahl's Body)
Auralis - Mansion of Madness
Tag: Everyone, Asha (in Mathis' Body), Skarde Alexander (in Caitlyn's Body)

Rosluni felt tingles along her skin wherever Skarde's fingers touched her.  She was used to more tactile people and situations, but her body had rarely felt so sensitive to it.  'Is this from being human or because of the magics upon us?' A pleasant, friendly smile remained upon her lips as she listened to Skarde talk about her interests.  Whether gardening, sword work, lewd fantasies, science, or other subjects, Ros liked to know what others enjoyed and got excited about.

"Hmm? How many?" the pink-haired woman asked as she tilted her head toward Asha.  "It changes over time.  I have twelve under me, including Cupcake here," she explained seriously as she gestured toward Skarde, "But I've had as many as thirty people working under me at one time.  There are still over sixty people from my earlier homes that are loyally tending to them."

Her eyes narrowed as she noticed Asha's unfocused look and the shake of her head.  With an understanding smile, Rosluni nodded and confidently placed her hands on her hips, "But if you mean, 'How many people have you taken the lead in sex with?'  That is around a thousand, give or take a couple hundred."  With a dainty shrug she added, "I just don't look for people who don't come to me," as if to justify why she has had so few people she's sexually topped.  And really, in her approximately eighty years of sexual experience, it averaged to only about one new topped partner a month.

Neither shy nor bragging about sexual topics, she easily transitioned between lewd information and other conversation.  After she had shown Asha how to move, they continued to explore the mansion, and she casually asked Skarde, "I am curious.  What are the first and second hottest things attached to a body?"

When Nagasha managed to open the door with her tail, Ros sincerely and politely clapped in encouragement.  "You did that very well, Asha."  Looking into the room, the pinkette's eyes landed on all the new, unfamiliar things.  Walking in, she opened the oven and leaned low to peer into it, her curvaceous ass pressing out into the room, before the old notebook caught her attention. 

Ever curious for knowledge, she straightened and approached it, trying to read the old text but leaving space for another to join her in looking at it.  "Hmm, a book missing its caretaker."

Skarde Alexander (in Grawly's body)
Tag: Asha (in Persia's body) (Youkai), Rosluni (in Christina's body) (Sashanna)

Asha was being something of a party pooper again. Though with the way she was reacting sometimes, Skarde was beginning to wonder if that came less from a place of general poo-poopiness and more from some misguided sense of jealousy. If she was lonely, then Skarde could take care of that. Better yet, they could be "under" Rosluni together. Possibly....possibly, possibly. It was a very possible-seeming possibility. But first thing was first! "I don't 'rut,' okay? That's disgusting! I have fun. There's a difference!" Skarde twirled her ponytail proudly, before possessively glomping onto Rosluni's arm again.

So her house has been on the decline lately? But other than that, I was right on the money. My Honeybunch has so many servants! If not a queen, then she's definitely a princess. A demon princess fighting to retain her influence. Was her tendriled touch perhaps too tender and caring? Maybe to some. But never to Skarde Alexander! The human she'd fallen helplessly in love with!

The thought of such royal drama playing out was so friggin' spicy, Skarde was practically drooling over it. Whether or not she actually believed Rosluni's estimation of having over a thousand unique sexual encounters, Skarde silently promised her a thousand and one with me. That's how many times we're gonna do it, I mean! As if her own brain could have meant anything else. As Skarde made that silent oath of "its" to be done, whether or not Rosluni could tell at all what she was thinking. Rosluni did ask another pertinent question.

"I am curious.  What are the first and second hottest things attached to a body?"

Skarde grinned like a mischievous cat. She was very much hoping to be asked that. "Isn't it obvious, Darling? When we're together, it'll always be you...and me." Proving her point, Skarde grabbed her Queen gently by the waist. Hooking one of her legs over Rosluni's while pressing in with her chest, letting those long-nailed fingers start to crawl once again. Skarde did her best to ignore that jumping, throbbing thing beneath her shorts as she made this assertive move. Though it was harder and harder to ignore, in a number of ways. This is so...fine! It's fine! It's just moving out of the way for my legs now! That's all! Thinking like that, it was much easier for Skarde to start grinding the way she wanted against Rosluni's leg...for as long as she'd be allowed to, anyway.

Nagasha was really dead-set on exploring. And Rosluni wanted to humor her, too, so it wasn't long before they were off to "Kinda looks humble for a mansion, don'tcha think?" Rosluni probably had a kitchen twice this size, at least. Ever humble was Skarde's Darling, however, who kept that information to herself.

"Hey, did you guys hear that....gig-giggling?" Skarde's heart skipped a beat as she noticed Rosluni bending over. Though Skarde was quick to realize that something worrisome was happening with that scene. "Don't lean in there! It's dirty!" Skarde rushed over to keep Rosluni from exploring the oven's depths any deeper. When satisfied that it was empty, Rosluni thankfully moved on to a safer-looking book. While that was a relief, Skarde was still very curious about that giggling.

"I'm gonna check out that sound. Nagasha, I'm sure its fine, but keep an eye on my Darling to make sure that book doesn't come alive and try to eat her. And if I happen to be abducted by ghost children, avenge me." Skarde added that last bit as almost an afterthought. Already waving back and striding her way down the corridor, pulling down one sleeve to cover up her hand as she to turn the door handle.


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