Author Topic: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!  (Read 23569 times)

Offline Mind Zapper

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #40 on: August 27, 2019, 01:16:11 AM »
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Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Sara (MZ), Eleanor (MC)

Silence roiled out across the beach, broken only by the slap of elastic as the waist of Noya's beach bottoms snapped back into place. Slowly, the blonde turned, an undescribable expression on her face.

Well partly it was indescribable because she was still drinking her Frozen Lemonade, now available at Tim Hortons™, despite the cruel scourge of brain freeze. She took a moment to nestle the cup between her breasts with poise that would cause countless internet memes in days to come. Her hand dropped to the sword hanging from her waist.

Faster than sight, the gleaming metal point was poking at the base of Sara's throat. "Why shouldn't I end you?" Noya said. Or rather mumbled around the straw, while shifting awkwardly due to sand in her bathing suit. Both of those factors took some of the menace out of the situation, as did Eleanor jerking the redhead back with nails digging into scalp. Noya took a half-step forward, keeping her blade dangerously close to Sara, glaring at the interloper.

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Noya (Suna), Eleanor (MC)

Noya turned around slowly.  Sara’s satisfied grin matched the demoness’s pace in widening.  Carrot top verses blond, trashy blond at that.  They glared at one another eye to eye, well, maybe eye to eye if Noya had a step stool to boost her up to Sara’s height.  Noya would more naturally have a better view of Sara’s top shelf.  Quite magnificent orbs that defied gravity with only a tiny piece of fabric magically supporting the entire load. 

Watching Noya park her Frozen Lemonade, now available at Tim Hortons™, between her milk jugs certainly made Sara cock an eyebrow.  Suddenly a blade hovered at her throat, though the bust beach goer didn’t flinch.  She dismissively shook her head at Noya’s Challenge.

“Oh droopy tits, there is NO end to me.”  Her hand suddenly jumped up and pinched the end of the blade, holding it unmovable no matter how hard Noya tried to do so.  The uncomfortable distance between the two split with a hiss.  Sara felt Eleanor’s nails dig into her scalp, but barely took a half step back.  Her face sharpened in mean determination, though that edge was easily spoiled by her instant blush returning hearing the unsociable student’s voice.  It had to be her.  No, it wasn’t right the way she was feeling toward the white haired post grad.  She was her student no less!  I’m not moving...   

“Follow me, little serf.”

In an almost sing-song voice, “Got to go!” Sara’s face brightened into a cheesy expression as her mind clicked and shifted into a sudden mindset to follow her post grad around.  “Have fun getting the sand out of your crack.”  She hollered behind herself as Eleanor drug her away.

“That Frozen Lemonade looked so good, need to get me one of those...”

The rebuffed professor’s voice wined much like most of her undergrads.  “Why did you pull me away Eleanor?  I was about to put her face into the sand.”

Eleanor Lagan
Auralis Beach
Tag: Sara Peterson (Mind Zapper), Noya (Suna)

A sword pointed at her toy’s throat was a little further than Eleanor was expecting this to go. This calls for a more… diplomatic approach. With her well-honed people skills. “Best to keep still, serf. Wouldn’t want our favorite toy broken so soon.”

“Why shouldn’t you end her? Because she’s mine, my dear.”
She says, as if that was an incontrovertible arguement. Which it is, to Sara: the words worm into her ears, her mind. A hot cheek presses against hers in condescending affection. “Unruly little morsel she may be, but therein lies her charm.” Fingers curl around Sara’s neck, shielding her from the swordpoint—then she’s shoved behind her student, onto her back, by neck and hair. From the back, Eleanor looks taller than usual, for some reason... “She’s happy to apologize, of course. Perhaps you’d like her to lick every grain of sand from your delightful frilled suit?”

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Sara (MZ) & Eleanor (MC)

"Harrumph," Noya grumbled around the straw in her mouth as Tall, Light, and Dishevelled stepped in and tossed Cowtits behind her protectively. "Keep a tighter leash on your pets," she said. "In her case, literally, at least until you housebreak her." She twirled her sword a little, needlessly, as she returned it to its sheath.

"Not in the mood," she said bluntly to Eleanor's offer. "Almost like some unruly bitch dumped sand near my privates," she glowered over Eleanor's shoulder for a moment, then shifted uncomfortably. A deeply annoyed expression spread across her face- no wait that was just ordinary resting bitch face. With another "Harrumph!" Noya turned and stepped through a demonic portal, intent on cleaning herself up before the sand got everywhere... but she would return! Soon!

In his bedroom, Azrael was roused from his slumber by a high-pitched cry of "FUCK! BRAINFREEZE! AGAIN!" from somewhere in the Palace.

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Noya (Suna), Eleanor (MC)

“Hey!” Sara protested sharply being referred to as a toy, but for some reason her body froze in place.  Sudden her mind felt squeezed under a vice as the word, mine stamped itself into her grey matter. Cheeks flared in aroused embarrassment.

I’m Eleanor’s?  When did this happen?  I’m Eleanor’s… The words growing more true by the second.  Even as possessive fingers grasped around her soft neck. Sara could imagine as thick metal collar instead of her student’s hand. Oh how forbiddenly perfect that naughty idea felt.  But her giddy awkwardness got turned topsy turby with scolding hot sand to punctuate her dumped backside.

“Hey,” she protested Eleanor again. But be it the degrading terms of endearment or the promised servile acts to the haughty demoness, it remained unclear. 
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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #41 on: August 27, 2019, 03:19:34 AM »
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Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Leona, Vee, Everyone else?

Note to self, don't mention Golden Thread again. Yasu took in Akua's tirade with a bit of a grin, she didn't mention that she shopped there, she might get the ire of Akua if that happened. Dawn's tirade might have gotten explosive, but it seemed the powerful magical girl forgave her and she got to sigh in relief. "This isn't a gacha game, Dawn. Don't be silly, we might fight a giant bull summoned by a tsundere goddess instead." Clearly that was more believable, she let Dawn ask Akua about Golden Thread, but didn't say anything more, she really did not want to draw the ire of both Akua and Dawn at once for different reasons. Her explanation about Vee was quite complimentary, she privately wondered if Dawn sang other people's praises like this when they weren't around, but she imagined that she called Yasu a pervert to everyone.

And then a new challenger appeared, and said new challenger teleported right on top of a stack of paintings that Yasu had drawn, ripping them to shreds from the impact. Something snapped inside of the painter, and broke in half soon after. Her eyes narrowed as she faced Leona, dangerous mettle coming across her expression. Dawn had never seen Yasu angry before, so this would be a new experience, and a scary one.

"You... destroyed... my paintings..." Yasu's anger was boiling, she started to paint with a special looking brush on a blank page and Leona could see portals opening beyond Yasu and something starting to come out of them as if threatening punishment, but Dawn's excitement and happiness managed to quell her anger, so Leona wouldn't find out what exactly Yasu was going to do. "Hmph. Watch where you step next time. You're lucky those were recreational and not my prized ones and that you are Dawn's friend. If not for that, then nothing would save you..." Yasu blinked and the danger senses that Leona might have felt were now gone, for now, but a dangerous and sinister smile was on her lips instead. Shortly after that warning Yasu sat down with a scowl and the portals disappeared. "Hello Leona..." She turned away from Leona after that, saddened by the loss of her art and her tone a bit solemn. The woman was clearly into Dawn, bordering on obsessed, so she let them be. Maybe Yasu was slightly jealous as well. No, that couldn't be, that was silly...

Yasu listened to Leona and Dawn chat it up, they were clearly good friends, which made that weird feeling in her head get worse. She needed to relax, meditate, calm her senses, there was no need to get all wound up over an accident. No no no, Yasu took a deep breath to apologize and turned to Leona to say it "I'm sorr-" but then Vee showed up apparently, as Dawn got excited. "Hello, Vee." was all Yasu got to say before a drone suddenly came over and started spouting off nonsense, it looked like swimwear was the requirement here, or at least someone thought so. She didn't actually know it was and because of this, Dawn apologized. "See, I knew it, you should trust me more often." Yasu said lying through her teeth, she didn't know a damn thing. But yeah, Dawn and the drone were right, that was not a swimsuit.

What happened next though was a problem, Vee got hit with a beam from the drone and suddenly went slack which was the tell tale signs of mind control, and Yasu was going to stop it but it flew out of her range. So much for a vacation, they had to solve this. Yasu suddenly seemed to switch gears. "I think we have a mystery to solve. Dawn, let her go, she might lead us to more evidence. We're just going to follow her, we don't want everyone to know the Director has been compromised. In this state, I don't know if our culprit expects us to follow. And if they can compromise her, they can compromise any one of us so we don't want to do anything rash. We'll make sure no more harm comes to her by following her. Maybe it'll wear off after she puts on the swimsuit, if not, I could try to reverse it myself..." Yasu's cheerful and playful demeanor was now gone, she was more business like, a form that Dawn had not seen for a while other than the few times they teamed up. She was calm despite the situation, she had been around mind control many many times due to her time in the village, this wasn't exactly a new thing to her. Yasu stood up to follow Vee, just to see what was inside the changing rooms. Did she even bring a change of clothes?

Yasu looked to Akua suddenly. "Can you make her swimwear? On the spot? It actually might be wise to see if there is anything further they might do to her in the stalls and I don't think she brought anything with her." She asked out of curiosity, it might make this easier to solve. All the sudden she was more take charge than she intended to be.

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

Akua blinked as somebody suddenly popped into existence on top of Yasu's paintings, breaking them and prompting the brunette to get very obviously angry. Akua just tilted her head at the newcomer, who seemed more concerned with Dawn than either of her companions anyway. Then Dawn asked if she'd bought bad clothes from the Golden Thread.

"Only the basest of buffoons would patronize that den of incompetence," Akua hissed. "They-" she stuffed her hand in her mouth and gnashed angrily again. While she was so occupied, Vee arrived, and Dawn casually mentioned that the newcomer was Director, and that Yasu was the ninja's Grandmaster. With her hand in her mouth, Akua mumbled incoherently but with obvious surprise, glancing between Yasu and Vee- who promptly got told off by a floating drone for not wearing a swimsuit.

Finally extracting her fingers from her mouth, Akua waved her quill in Vee's direction, the Director's clothes were pulling apart into long threads even before Yasu asked if she could make a swimsuit on the spot. Vee's top broke down first, a sheet of cloth wrapping around her torso like a towel to give her some dignity while the rest of her clothes were pulled to pieces. In a few moments Akua crafted a bikini from the cloth Vee had been wearing, and floated the surplus material back towards the demon where it... vanished somewhere. That was probably fine, right?

Her job done (and Vee's clothes stolen), Akua glanced between Yasu, Vee, and Dawn. "So, uh. You two are kinda important? How about you, Dawn? Are you the Grand Poobah of Magical Girls?" the demon was slightly hurt that Yasu had left out her status, and it leaked into her voice. "Also what was up with that drone thing?" Akua looked upwards, seeking the drone. If it was still nearby, she'd throw a net at it, propelling the fabric through the sky to drag down the machine.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Vee

Leona had been so excited to be near Dawn that she hadn't realised she was on top of some paintings, and one of them was certainly not yet dry. "Agh! My feet are sticky, wait, who put these paintings on the ground!?" The magical girl felt the hair on her neck prick and turned to see Yasu with her mysterious portals. "Waaaaitm a minute! You're that pervert ninja that Dawn told me about! You're a grandmaster? Is creeping on cute, innocent, adorable girls like Dawn one of the requirements for being a ninja?" Leona tried to interpose herself between Dawn and Yasu protectively, but then Vee appeared!

"Vee! You came! You should apprehend this miscreant before she does something to Dawn! You can't have a perv runnning around the beach without proper supervision, it's dangerous!" Leona was going to continue her breathless rant until the drone showed up and zapped Vee. "Eh!? What the hell's going on now? Who brought a mind-controlling drone to the beach?" The magical girl moved over to the drone and poked it in the eye(?) while Akua changed Vee's clothes into something more beach-appropriate. "You let Vee go this instant, you weird robot thing!"

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Leona + Others?

With a blank look on her face, Vee tried to force her way past Dawn, all the while muttering to herself: ”Need to change. Need a swimsuit.” In a monotone voice. However, as soon as Dawn called her out by her name, the telepath paused and her eyes focused on the magical girl’s face for a moment.

Yes! It appeared that, due to the power of friendship, Dawn’s heartfelt plea managed to break through Vee’s brainwashing and free the telepath from the drone’s insidious mind control-

”Vee’s brain is currently unavailable. Would you like to leave a message?” The heroine asked in the same monotone voice as before as she put her hands on the redhead’s shoulders and tried shoving her aside.

Even when Akua managed to immobilize the entranced heroine, Vee’s programming forced the brunette to struggle against the towel wrapped around her body. She had to reach the changing rooms and change, no matter the cost. The heroine didn’t even react as Akua’s magic started pulling her clothes apart. However, as soon as the demoness crafted a swimsuit top for the heroine, something “clicked” inside of her brain as she stopped struggling and waited for Akua to complete the set. Once her swimsuit was complete and the towel was pulled away, Vee blinked several times until the fog that engulfed her eyes dissipated completely.

”Oh, hi everyone!” Vee said with an unusual amount of enthusiasm and energy. She flashed them all a beaming smile and picked up a volleyball that she dropped… wait, when did she drop it? Ah, it didn’t matter anyway. ”Good to get out of the Institute every once in a while and put a swimsuit, don’t you think?” She giggled and looked down at her swimsuit, completely nonplussed by her sudden change of attire.

The drone turned out to be quite elusive as it easily managed to fly out of the way of Akua's net. It flew around in circle a little bit until it finally settled down a few feet above ground. It didn’t react to Leona’s prodding, either, and simply moved to the side a little bit to continue watching the scene through its eye. What was the dastardly thing up to now?

”So! Are you guys ready for a perfectly normal fun time at the beach, and play some volleyball?” The heroine asked cheerfully as she held up the ball. ”Come on! We need to win the Tournament and everything!”

At the same time, the drone’s eye blinked in affirmation as it examined Vee’s sudden change of character, turned around, and started flying towards the other end of the beach…

Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Yasu, Akua, Vee, Leona

Hmm, a giant bull vs a giant boar... It was a tough decision to make, bulls were obviously really big strong animals with vicious horns and a fearsome charge, but boars have tusks every bit as fearsome, and are so tough they're extremely difficult to kill, boar spears tended to have these big wings on them to stop the boar just pushing its way through the spear and goring you to death anyway... but either creature would be less fearsome than Yasu looked after Leona accidentally stepped on some of her paintings. "Ah hey hey! Calm down both of you! This is supposed to be a happy event! No drama!" Dawn said nervously to both girls as she tried to calm them down.

With Vee not really listening to reason, and sounding disturbingly like an answering machine message, Dawn was prepared to just physically restrain her until someone could undo what had been done, but alas despite Dawn's incredible magical strength, her physical strength was that of a normal young woman who engaged in moderate regular exercise, and Vee's shove to the side was quite effective, knocking the magical girl to the side face first into the sand. Dawn seemed unphased though, sitting up onto her knees almost instantly and wiping the sand out of her face. "A mystery? Oh right! We need to figure out who's behind this. Sure, sounds like fun!" Dawn said getting back to her feet, but then Vee was restrained by Akua, stopping the just follow her plan.

"Huh? Oh no, I'm not important at all" Dawn said to Akua surprisingly cheerfully before the sudden change in Vee's personality attracted everyone's attention. "Erm... Vee? Are you alright?" Dawn asked in concern as Vee brought up the volleyball tournament, which was what Dawn had arrived for in the first place! "Hey I was pretty keen on that, but we should probably figure out what that thing was all about first" Dawn looked over at the Drone as it started to fly off... "Yasu... should I destroy that thing?" Dawn asked Yasu, who had apparently been accepted as the group leader.

Offline MonsieurChuchote

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #42 on: August 27, 2019, 05:03:45 AM »
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Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Sara (MZ) & Eleanor (MC)

"Harrumph," Noya grumbled around the straw in her mouth as Tall, Light, and Dishevelled stepped in and tossed Cowtits behind her protectively. "Keep a tighter leash on your pets," she said. "In her case, literally, at least until you housebreak her." She twirled her sword a little, needlessly, as she returned it to its sheath.

"Not in the mood," she said bluntly to Eleanor's offer. "Almost like some unruly bitch dumped sand near my privates," she glowered over Eleanor's shoulder for a moment, then shifted uncomfortably. A deeply annoyed expression spread across her face- no wait that was just ordinary resting bitch face. With another "Harrumph!" Noya turned and stepped through a demonic portal, intent on cleaning herself up before the sand got everywhere... but she would return! Soon!

In his bedroom, Azrael was roused from his slumber by a high-pitched cry of "FUCK! BRAINFREEZE! AGAIN!" from somewhere in the Palace.

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Noya (Suna), Eleanor (MC)

“Hey!” Sara protested sharply being referred to as a toy, but for some reason her body froze in place.  Sudden her mind felt squeezed under a vice as the word, mine stamped itself into her grey matter. Cheeks flared in aroused embarrassment.

I’m Eleanor’s?  When did this happen?  I’m Eleanor’s… The words growing more true by the second.  Even as possessive fingers grasped around her soft neck. Sara could imagine as thick metal collar instead of her student’s hand. Oh how forbiddenly perfect that naughty idea felt.  But her giddy awkwardness got turned topsy turby with scolding hot sand to punctuate her dumped backside.

“Hey,” she protested Eleanor again. But be it the degrading terms of endearment or the promised servile acts to the haughty demoness, it remained unclear.

Eleanor Lagan
Auralis Beach
Tag: Sara Peterson (Mind Zapper)

Eleanor’s teal eyes never leave Noya as she retreats to the demonrealms. When the portal closes, she seems to relax; her whole body shudders and spasms for a moment, and when she turns around whatever strange air she had about her when placating the demoness is gone.

“...How have you survived with an ego that big?”
Her hand clenches and releases, raises and lowers, debating whether to slap the hot-tempered professor. Eventually her shoulders relax.  “Well. Doesn’t really matter. If I’m here, I suppose I’d best enjoy myself. You just stay right there.” Her fingers drum against her thigh instead, thinking. She looks down at Sara, appraising the well-endowed and utterly helpless little beach toy lying on the sand. “How much would you like to see me in my swimsuit, Dr. Peterson? She lets the redhead flounder in embarassment for a few seconds before adding, “Be honest, serf...”

Offline Youkai

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #43 on: August 27, 2019, 05:33:30 AM »

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

Akua blinked as somebody suddenly popped into existence on top of Yasu's paintings, breaking them and prompting the brunette to get very obviously angry. Akua just tilted her head at the newcomer, who seemed more concerned with Dawn than either of her companions anyway. Then Dawn asked if she'd bought bad clothes from the Golden Thread.

"Only the basest of buffoons would patronize that den of incompetence," Akua hissed. "They-" she stuffed her hand in her mouth and gnashed angrily again. While she was so occupied, Vee arrived, and Dawn casually mentioned that the newcomer was Director, and that Yasu was the ninja's Grandmaster. With her hand in her mouth, Akua mumbled incoherently but with obvious surprise, glancing between Yasu and Vee- who promptly got told off by a floating drone for not wearing a swimsuit.

Finally extracting her fingers from her mouth, Akua waved her quill in Vee's direction, the Director's clothes were pulling apart into long threads even before Yasu asked if she could make a swimsuit on the spot. Vee's top broke down first, a sheet of cloth wrapping around her torso like a towel to give her some dignity while the rest of her clothes were pulled to pieces. In a few moments Akua crafted a bikini from the cloth Vee had been wearing, and floated the surplus material back towards the demon where it... vanished somewhere. That was probably fine, right?

Her job done (and Vee's clothes stolen), Akua glanced between Yasu, Vee, and Dawn. "So, uh. You two are kinda important? How about you, Dawn? Are you the Grand Poobah of Magical Girls?" the demon was slightly hurt that Yasu had left out her status, and it leaked into her voice. "Also what was up with that drone thing?" Akua looked upwards, seeking the drone. If it was still nearby, she'd throw a net at it, propelling the fabric through the sky to drag down the machine.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Vee

Leona had been so excited to be near Dawn that she hadn't realised she was on top of some paintings, and one of them was certainly not yet dry. "Agh! My feet are sticky, wait, who put these paintings on the ground!?" The magical girl felt the hair on her neck prick and turned to see Yasu with her mysterious portals. "Waaaaitm a minute! You're that pervert ninja that Dawn told me about! You're a grandmaster? Is creeping on cute, innocent, adorable girls like Dawn one of the requirements for being a ninja?" Leona tried to interpose herself between Dawn and Yasu protectively, but then Vee appeared!

"Vee! You came! You should apprehend this miscreant before she does something to Dawn! You can't have a perv runnning around the beach without proper supervision, it's dangerous!" Leona was going to continue her breathless rant until the drone showed up and zapped Vee. "Eh!? What the hell's going on now? Who brought a mind-controlling drone to the beach?" The magical girl moved over to the drone and poked it in the eye(?) while Akua changed Vee's clothes into something more beach-appropriate. "You let Vee go this instant, you weird robot thing!"

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Leona + Others?

With a blank look on her face, Vee tried to force her way past Dawn, all the while muttering to herself: ”Need to change. Need a swimsuit.” In a monotone voice. However, as soon as Dawn called her out by her name, the telepath paused and her eyes focused on the magical girl’s face for a moment.

Yes! It appeared that, due to the power of friendship, Dawn’s heartfelt plea managed to break through Vee’s brainwashing and free the telepath from the drone’s insidious mind control-

”Vee’s brain is currently unavailable. Would you like to leave a message?” The heroine asked in the same monotone voice as before as she put her hands on the redhead’s shoulders and tried shoving her aside.

Even when Akua managed to immobilize the entranced heroine, Vee’s programming forced the brunette to struggle against the towel wrapped around her body. She had to reach the changing rooms and change, no matter the cost. The heroine didn’t even react as Akua’s magic started pulling her clothes apart. However, as soon as the demoness crafted a swimsuit top for the heroine, something “clicked” inside of her brain as she stopped struggling and waited for Akua to complete the set. Once her swimsuit was complete and the towel was pulled away, Vee blinked several times until the fog that engulfed her eyes dissipated completely.

”Oh, hi everyone!” Vee said with an unusual amount of enthusiasm and energy. She flashed them all a beaming smile and picked up a volleyball that she dropped… wait, when did she drop it? Ah, it didn’t matter anyway. ”Good to get out of the Institute every once in a while and put a swimsuit, don’t you think?” She giggled and looked down at her swimsuit, completely nonplussed by her sudden change of attire.

The drone turned out to be quite elusive as it easily managed to fly out of the way of Akua's net. It flew around in circle a little bit until it finally settled down a few feet above ground. It didn’t react to Leona’s prodding, either, and simply moved to the side a little bit to continue watching the scene through its eye. What was the dastardly thing up to now?

”So! Are you guys ready for a perfectly normal fun time at the beach, and play some volleyball?” The heroine asked cheerfully as she held up the ball. ”Come on! We need to win the Tournament and everything!”

At the same time, the drone’s eye blinked in affirmation as it examined Vee’s sudden change of character, turned around, and started flying towards the other end of the beach…

Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Yasu, Akua, Vee, Leona

Hmm, a giant bull vs a giant boar... It was a tough decision to make, bulls were obviously really big strong animals with vicious horns and a fearsome charge, but boars have tusks every bit as fearsome, and are so tough they're extremely difficult to kill, boar spears tended to have these big wings on them to stop the boar just pushing its way through the spear and goring you to death anyway... but either creature would be less fearsome than Yasu looked after Leona accidentally stepped on some of her paintings. "Ah hey hey! Calm down both of you! This is supposed to be a happy event! No drama!" Dawn said nervously to both girls as she tried to calm them down.

With Vee not really listening to reason, and sounding disturbingly like an answering machine message, Dawn was prepared to just physically restrain her until someone could undo what had been done, but alas despite Dawn's incredible magical strength, her physical strength was that of a normal young woman who engaged in moderate regular exercise, and Vee's shove to the side was quite effective, knocking the magical girl to the side face first into the sand. Dawn seemed unphased though, sitting up onto her knees almost instantly and wiping the sand out of her face. "A mystery? Oh right! We need to figure out who's behind this. Sure, sounds like fun!" Dawn said getting back to her feet, but then Vee was restrained by Akua, stopping the just follow her plan.

"Huh? Oh no, I'm not important at all" Dawn said to Akua surprisingly cheerfully before the sudden change in Vee's personality attracted everyone's attention. "Erm... Vee? Are you alright?" Dawn asked in concern as Vee brought up the volleyball tournament, which was what Dawn had arrived for in the first place! "Hey I was pretty keen on that, but we should probably figure out what that thing was all about first" Dawn looked over at the Drone as it started to fly off... "Yasu... should I destroy that thing?" Dawn asked Yasu, who had apparently been accepted as the group leader.

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Leona, Vee, Everyone else?

The whirlwind of activity was quite remarkable, but Yasu managed to keep herself even for now. Akua's quick thinking brought Vee back to... what the Grandmaster thought was normal, and it appeared everything was going to settle down again her first order of business was talking to Akua. "Sorry, Akua, I just didn't want a big crowd and if everyone knew that then it'd become a problem. But now you know the truth, I won't hide anything from you now. Maybe I'll take you to the village after this is over and you can set up a shop there? I'm sure my clan would enjoy some actual proper outfits, I know we mess up our robes far too much. I do usually travel though, its just I haven't had the time, because you know. " Yasu said with a friendly smile, trying to cheer the demon up. Don't mention you shopped at the Golden Thread. Don't mention you shopped at the Golden Thread. Don't mention you shopped at the Golden Thread.

"Leona, we got off on the wrong foot, I only stole one kiss from her. It was in an arena, I was trying to win." Yasu defended herself but sighed as the woman deemed her a pervert. "Lets just figure out how to solve this issue, I'm not a pervert though. Being a ninja requires a lot of discipline and training, perhaps I could teach you some basics." Yasu sighed and rolled her eyes, thinking about two certain women in the village that went on steamy dates all the time, alas, those two would never change. "For now, lets get on the same page, I'm not going to do anything untoward towards Dawn, you can ask her, I haven't done anything to her that was that scandalous." Other than perhaps put her in the swimsuit.

To Dawn, Yasu shook her head lightly. "No, I think we should follow it instead of destroy it for now, and I don't believe Vee is acting normal. Unless this cheery demeanor is the normal her? We need to see what exactly its trying to do and why its going to the other side of the beach. We'll destroy it if it tries to do what it did to Vee again, it has to have some purpose." Yasu looked at Vee, she had no clue as to what her normal personality was, so she was relying on Dawn and Leona at this point to help her. "Director, are you alright? You got brainwashed... you're taking it rather well." Yasu confronted Vee, to see if she even remembered that or anything that had happened, regardless of what the woman would say in her current state Yasu wanted to find out more about the drone. "We'll play Volleyball in a bit okay? Right now we're following a drone, help us with that and we'll be happy to play volleyball after that." Yasu felt like she was speaking to a child, but she nodded for Akua, Dawn, and Leona to start following the drone, and waited to see if Vee would follow them or if the group would have to get a bit forceful.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #44 on: August 27, 2019, 07:31:03 PM »
Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Hidden:

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Sara (MZ) & Eleanor (MC)

"Harrumph," Noya grumbled around the straw in her mouth as Tall, Light, and Dishevelled stepped in and tossed Cowtits behind her protectively. "Keep a tighter leash on your pets," she said. "In her case, literally, at least until you housebreak her." She twirled her sword a little, needlessly, as she returned it to its sheath.

"Not in the mood," she said bluntly to Eleanor's offer. "Almost like some unruly bitch dumped sand near my privates," she glowered over Eleanor's shoulder for a moment, then shifted uncomfortably. A deeply annoyed expression spread across her face- no wait that was just ordinary resting bitch face. With another "Harrumph!" Noya turned and stepped through a demonic portal, intent on cleaning herself up before the sand got everywhere... but she would return! Soon!

In his bedroom, Azrael was roused from his slumber by a high-pitched cry of "FUCK! BRAINFREEZE! AGAIN!" from somewhere in the Palace.

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Noya (Suna), Eleanor (MC)

“Hey!” Sara protested sharply being referred to as a toy, but for some reason her body froze in place.  Sudden her mind felt squeezed under a vice as the word, mine stamped itself into her grey matter. Cheeks flared in aroused embarrassment.

I’m Eleanor’s?  When did this happen?  I’m Eleanor’s… The words growing more true by the second.  Even as possessive fingers grasped around her soft neck. Sara could imagine as thick metal collar instead of her student’s hand. Oh how forbiddenly perfect that naughty idea felt.  But her giddy awkwardness got turned topsy turby with scolding hot sand to punctuate her dumped backside.

“Hey,” she protested Eleanor again. But be it the degrading terms of endearment or the promised servile acts to the haughty demoness, it remained unclear.

Eleanor Lagan
Auralis Beach
Tag: Sara Peterson (Mind Zapper)

Eleanor’s teal eyes never leave Noya as she retreats to the demonrealms. When the portal closes, she seems to relax; her whole body shudders and spasms for a moment, and when she turns around whatever strange air she had about her when placating the demoness is gone.

“...How have you survived with an ego that big?”
Her hand clenches and releases, raises and lowers, debating whether to slap the hot-tempered professor. Eventually her shoulders relax.  “Well. Doesn’t really matter. If I’m here, I suppose I’d best enjoy myself. You just stay right there.” Her fingers drum against her thigh instead, thinking. She looks down at Sara, appraising the well-endowed and utterly helpless little beach toy lying on the sand. “How much would you like to see me in my swimsuit, Dr. Peterson? She lets the redhead flounder in embarassment for a few seconds before adding, “Be honest, serf...”

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Eleanor (MC)

The burning sand did little too quiet Sara’s trembling figure laid out like a serving platter.  Bashful eyes tracked the wiry student who paced around with her with a look not at all appropriately shared between professor and student.  A strange mixture of emotions as professional demeanor warred with forbidden fantasies.

“Ook,” she hesitantly agreed. ...why am I staying put?

A cascade of arousal answered her unasked question as soon as Eleanor began drumming against her thigh. Each digit landing like a firecracker ~pop~ between her legs; Sara buttoned down upon her lips to keep from moaning in an unprofessional manner. And just the way Eleanor kept emphasizing Dr. Peterson, oh that just sounded ultra dirty coming from her student for some reason. She squirm and shifted her face away from Eleanor’s.

“I wouldn’t,” came the quiet restrained answer.  Sara could feel her chest jiggling atop her figure that made them tingle in such torturous excitement. A small whimper finally escaped her locked down mouth.  “I want to see you out of your swimsuit.”

Shocked that taboo thought had actually lept from her now O shaped mouth, Sara slapped a hand over it, turning three shades redder.  This was so so wrong... and yet she was becoming so so wet. Maybe Eleanor didn’t hear that. Maybe she’ll keep quiet about this whole awkward situation. Maybe she’ll pull her bottoms to one side and sit upon my face. 
Click a link!

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #45 on: August 27, 2019, 10:25:15 PM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Vee

Leona had been so excited to be near Dawn that she hadn't realised she was on top of some paintings, and one of them was certainly not yet dry. "Agh! My feet are sticky, wait, who put these paintings on the ground!?" The magical girl felt the hair on her neck prick and turned to see Yasu with her mysterious portals. "Waaaaitm a minute! You're that pervert ninja that Dawn told me about! You're a grandmaster? Is creeping on cute, innocent, adorable girls like Dawn one of the requirements for being a ninja?" Leona tried to interpose herself between Dawn and Yasu protectively, but then Vee appeared!

"Vee! You came! You should apprehend this miscreant before she does something to Dawn! You can't have a perv runnning around the beach without proper supervision, it's dangerous!" Leona was going to continue her breathless rant until the drone showed up and zapped Vee. "Eh!? What the hell's going on now? Who brought a mind-controlling drone to the beach?" The magical girl moved over to the drone and poked it in the eye(?) while Akua changed Vee's clothes into something more beach-appropriate. "You let Vee go this instant, you weird robot thing!"

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Leona + Others?

With a blank look on her face, Vee tried to force her way past Dawn, all the while muttering to herself: ”Need to change. Need a swimsuit.” In a monotone voice. However, as soon as Dawn called her out by her name, the telepath paused and her eyes focused on the magical girl’s face for a moment.

Yes! It appeared that, due to the power of friendship, Dawn’s heartfelt plea managed to break through Vee’s brainwashing and free the telepath from the drone’s insidious mind control-

”Vee’s brain is currently unavailable. Would you like to leave a message?” The heroine asked in the same monotone voice as before as she put her hands on the redhead’s shoulders and tried shoving her aside.

Even when Akua managed to immobilize the entranced heroine, Vee’s programming forced the brunette to struggle against the towel wrapped around her body. She had to reach the changing rooms and change, no matter the cost. The heroine didn’t even react as Akua’s magic started pulling her clothes apart. However, as soon as the demoness crafted a swimsuit top for the heroine, something “clicked” inside of her brain as she stopped struggling and waited for Akua to complete the set. Once her swimsuit was complete and the towel was pulled away, Vee blinked several times until the fog that engulfed her eyes dissipated completely.

”Oh, hi everyone!” Vee said with an unusual amount of enthusiasm and energy. She flashed them all a beaming smile and picked up a volleyball that she dropped… wait, when did she drop it? Ah, it didn’t matter anyway. ”Good to get out of the Institute every once in a while and put a swimsuit, don’t you think?” She giggled and looked down at her swimsuit, completely nonplussed by her sudden change of attire.

The drone turned out to be quite elusive as it easily managed to fly out of the way of Akua's net. It flew around in circle a little bit until it finally settled down a few feet above ground. It didn’t react to Leona’s prodding, either, and simply moved to the side a little bit to continue watching the scene through its eye. What was the dastardly thing up to now?

”So! Are you guys ready for a perfectly normal fun time at the beach, and play some volleyball?” The heroine asked cheerfully as she held up the ball. ”Come on! We need to win the Tournament and everything!”

At the same time, the drone’s eye blinked in affirmation as it examined Vee’s sudden change of character, turned around, and started flying towards the other end of the beach…

Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Yasu, Akua, Vee, Leona

Hmm, a giant bull vs a giant boar... It was a tough decision to make, bulls were obviously really big strong animals with vicious horns and a fearsome charge, but boars have tusks every bit as fearsome, and are so tough they're extremely difficult to kill, boar spears tended to have these big wings on them to stop the boar just pushing its way through the spear and goring you to death anyway... but either creature would be less fearsome than Yasu looked after Leona accidentally stepped on some of her paintings. "Ah hey hey! Calm down both of you! This is supposed to be a happy event! No drama!" Dawn said nervously to both girls as she tried to calm them down.

With Vee not really listening to reason, and sounding disturbingly like an answering machine message, Dawn was prepared to just physically restrain her until someone could undo what had been done, but alas despite Dawn's incredible magical strength, her physical strength was that of a normal young woman who engaged in moderate regular exercise, and Vee's shove to the side was quite effective, knocking the magical girl to the side face first into the sand. Dawn seemed unphased though, sitting up onto her knees almost instantly and wiping the sand out of her face. "A mystery? Oh right! We need to figure out who's behind this. Sure, sounds like fun!" Dawn said getting back to her feet, but then Vee was restrained by Akua, stopping the just follow her plan.

"Huh? Oh no, I'm not important at all" Dawn said to Akua surprisingly cheerfully before the sudden change in Vee's personality attracted everyone's attention. "Erm... Vee? Are you alright?" Dawn asked in concern as Vee brought up the volleyball tournament, which was what Dawn had arrived for in the first place! "Hey I was pretty keen on that, but we should probably figure out what that thing was all about first" Dawn looked over at the Drone as it started to fly off... "Yasu... should I destroy that thing?" Dawn asked Yasu, who had apparently been accepted as the group leader.

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Leona, Vee, Everyone else?

The whirlwind of activity was quite remarkable, but Yasu managed to keep herself even for now. Akua's quick thinking brought Vee back to... what the Grandmaster thought was normal, and it appeared everything was going to settle down again her first order of business was talking to Akua. "Sorry, Akua, I just didn't want a big crowd and if everyone knew that then it'd become a problem. But now you know the truth, I won't hide anything from you now. Maybe I'll take you to the village after this is over and you can set up a shop there? I'm sure my clan would enjoy some actual proper outfits, I know we mess up our robes far too much. I do usually travel though, its just I haven't had the time, because you know. " Yasu said with a friendly smile, trying to cheer the demon up. Don't mention you shopped at the Golden Thread. Don't mention you shopped at the Golden Thread. Don't mention you shopped at the Golden Thread.

"Leona, we got off on the wrong foot, I only stole one kiss from her. It was in an arena, I was trying to win." Yasu defended herself but sighed as the woman deemed her a pervert. "Lets just figure out how to solve this issue, I'm not a pervert though. Being a ninja requires a lot of discipline and training, perhaps I could teach you some basics." Yasu sighed and rolled her eyes, thinking about two certain women in the village that went on steamy dates all the time, alas, those two would never change. "For now, lets get on the same page, I'm not going to do anything untoward towards Dawn, you can ask her, I haven't done anything to her that was that scandalous." Other than perhaps put her in the swimsuit.

To Dawn, Yasu shook her head lightly. "No, I think we should follow it instead of destroy it for now, and I don't believe Vee is acting normal. Unless this cheery demeanor is the normal her? We need to see what exactly its trying to do and why its going to the other side of the beach. We'll destroy it if it tries to do what it did to Vee again, it has to have some purpose." Yasu looked at Vee, she had no clue as to what her normal personality was, so she was relying on Dawn and Leona at this point to help her. "Director, are you alright? You got brainwashed... you're taking it rather well." Yasu confronted Vee, to see if she even remembered that or anything that had happened, regardless of what the woman would say in her current state Yasu wanted to find out more about the drone. "We'll play Volleyball in a bit okay? Right now we're following a drone, help us with that and we'll be happy to play volleyball after that." Yasu felt like she was speaking to a child, but she nodded for Akua, Dawn, and Leona to start following the drone, and waited to see if Vee would follow them or if the group would have to get a bit forceful.

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

"Harrumph," Akua grumped, turning her head aside at Yasu's apology and Dawn's proclamation she was completely normal. Her ears twitched as the Grandmaster went on with her offer, though. "Hmph. Maybe I'll think about it," she tsun'd.

The drone nimbly zipped through the air, avoiding Akua's net even as it flailed around in the air under the demon's control. "Wow! That's annoying! At first it was like it didn't even notice me, but... it's so agile!" She tried to set a trap by forming another net out of Vee's old clothes, but the drone took off before she could put it into effect. "Butts!"

The demon led the chase after the drone, trying to steer it around with her nets to help the others get at it. After all, she had no idea what Vee was normally like, nor did she particularly care.

Offline Kunshu

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #46 on: August 28, 2019, 03:39:56 AM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Leona + Others?

With a blank look on her face, Vee tried to force her way past Dawn, all the while muttering to herself: ”Need to change. Need a swimsuit.” In a monotone voice. However, as soon as Dawn called her out by her name, the telepath paused and her eyes focused on the magical girl’s face for a moment.

Yes! It appeared that, due to the power of friendship, Dawn’s heartfelt plea managed to break through Vee’s brainwashing and free the telepath from the drone’s insidious mind control-

”Vee’s brain is currently unavailable. Would you like to leave a message?” The heroine asked in the same monotone voice as before as she put her hands on the redhead’s shoulders and tried shoving her aside.

Even when Akua managed to immobilize the entranced heroine, Vee’s programming forced the brunette to struggle against the towel wrapped around her body. She had to reach the changing rooms and change, no matter the cost. The heroine didn’t even react as Akua’s magic started pulling her clothes apart. However, as soon as the demoness crafted a swimsuit top for the heroine, something “clicked” inside of her brain as she stopped struggling and waited for Akua to complete the set. Once her swimsuit was complete and the towel was pulled away, Vee blinked several times until the fog that engulfed her eyes dissipated completely.

”Oh, hi everyone!” Vee said with an unusual amount of enthusiasm and energy. She flashed them all a beaming smile and picked up a volleyball that she dropped… wait, when did she drop it? Ah, it didn’t matter anyway. ”Good to get out of the Institute every once in a while and put a swimsuit, don’t you think?” She giggled and looked down at her swimsuit, completely nonplussed by her sudden change of attire.

The drone turned out to be quite elusive as it easily managed to fly out of the way of Akua's net. It flew around in circle a little bit until it finally settled down a few feet above ground. It didn’t react to Leona’s prodding, either, and simply moved to the side a little bit to continue watching the scene through its eye. What was the dastardly thing up to now?

”So! Are you guys ready for a perfectly normal fun time at the beach, and play some volleyball?” The heroine asked cheerfully as she held up the ball. ”Come on! We need to win the Tournament and everything!”

At the same time, the drone’s eye blinked in affirmation as it examined Vee’s sudden change of character, turned around, and started flying towards the other end of the beach…

Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Yasu, Akua, Vee, Leona

Hmm, a giant bull vs a giant boar... It was a tough decision to make, bulls were obviously really big strong animals with vicious horns and a fearsome charge, but boars have tusks every bit as fearsome, and are so tough they're extremely difficult to kill, boar spears tended to have these big wings on them to stop the boar just pushing its way through the spear and goring you to death anyway... but either creature would be less fearsome than Yasu looked after Leona accidentally stepped on some of her paintings. "Ah hey hey! Calm down both of you! This is supposed to be a happy event! No drama!" Dawn said nervously to both girls as she tried to calm them down.

With Vee not really listening to reason, and sounding disturbingly like an answering machine message, Dawn was prepared to just physically restrain her until someone could undo what had been done, but alas despite Dawn's incredible magical strength, her physical strength was that of a normal young woman who engaged in moderate regular exercise, and Vee's shove to the side was quite effective, knocking the magical girl to the side face first into the sand. Dawn seemed unphased though, sitting up onto her knees almost instantly and wiping the sand out of her face. "A mystery? Oh right! We need to figure out who's behind this. Sure, sounds like fun!" Dawn said getting back to her feet, but then Vee was restrained by Akua, stopping the just follow her plan.

"Huh? Oh no, I'm not important at all" Dawn said to Akua surprisingly cheerfully before the sudden change in Vee's personality attracted everyone's attention. "Erm... Vee? Are you alright?" Dawn asked in concern as Vee brought up the volleyball tournament, which was what Dawn had arrived for in the first place! "Hey I was pretty keen on that, but we should probably figure out what that thing was all about first" Dawn looked over at the Drone as it started to fly off... "Yasu... should I destroy that thing?" Dawn asked Yasu, who had apparently been accepted as the group leader.

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Leona, Vee, Everyone else?

The whirlwind of activity was quite remarkable, but Yasu managed to keep herself even for now. Akua's quick thinking brought Vee back to... what the Grandmaster thought was normal, and it appeared everything was going to settle down again her first order of business was talking to Akua. "Sorry, Akua, I just didn't want a big crowd and if everyone knew that then it'd become a problem. But now you know the truth, I won't hide anything from you now. Maybe I'll take you to the village after this is over and you can set up a shop there? I'm sure my clan would enjoy some actual proper outfits, I know we mess up our robes far too much. I do usually travel though, its just I haven't had the time, because you know. " Yasu said with a friendly smile, trying to cheer the demon up. Don't mention you shopped at the Golden Thread. Don't mention you shopped at the Golden Thread. Don't mention you shopped at the Golden Thread.

"Leona, we got off on the wrong foot, I only stole one kiss from her. It was in an arena, I was trying to win." Yasu defended herself but sighed as the woman deemed her a pervert. "Lets just figure out how to solve this issue, I'm not a pervert though. Being a ninja requires a lot of discipline and training, perhaps I could teach you some basics." Yasu sighed and rolled her eyes, thinking about two certain women in the village that went on steamy dates all the time, alas, those two would never change. "For now, lets get on the same page, I'm not going to do anything untoward towards Dawn, you can ask her, I haven't done anything to her that was that scandalous." Other than perhaps put her in the swimsuit.

To Dawn, Yasu shook her head lightly. "No, I think we should follow it instead of destroy it for now, and I don't believe Vee is acting normal. Unless this cheery demeanor is the normal her? We need to see what exactly its trying to do and why its going to the other side of the beach. We'll destroy it if it tries to do what it did to Vee again, it has to have some purpose." Yasu looked at Vee, she had no clue as to what her normal personality was, so she was relying on Dawn and Leona at this point to help her. "Director, are you alright? You got brainwashed... you're taking it rather well." Yasu confronted Vee, to see if she even remembered that or anything that had happened, regardless of what the woman would say in her current state Yasu wanted to find out more about the drone. "We'll play Volleyball in a bit okay? Right now we're following a drone, help us with that and we'll be happy to play volleyball after that." Yasu felt like she was speaking to a child, but she nodded for Akua, Dawn, and Leona to start following the drone, and waited to see if Vee would follow them or if the group would have to get a bit forceful.

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

"Harrumph," Akua grumped, turning her head aside at Yasu's apology and Dawn's proclamation she was completely normal. Her ears twitched as the Grandmaster went on with her offer, though. "Hmph. Maybe I'll think about it," she tsun'd.

The drone nimbly zipped through the air, avoiding Akua's net even as it flailed around in the air under the demon's control. "Wow! That's annoying! At first it was like it didn't even notice me, but... it's so agile!" She tried to set a trap by forming another net out of Vee's old clothes, but the drone took off before she could put it into effect. "Butts!"

The demon led the chase after the drone, trying to steer it around with her nets to help the others get at it. After all, she had no idea what Vee was normally like, nor did she particularly care.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Vee

"How do you beat someone in a fight by kissing them? Ninjas fight weird." The magical girl relented when Dawn told her to calm down though: if Dawn was okay then everything was fine. "I mean, I guess, if Dawn's cool with you, then it's alright, and it would be interesting to see how ninjas do things." Leona was still doing her best to keep Yasu and Dawn on opposite sides of her, however.

"Oh! I didn't say hello to you, did I? Are you some kind of. . . fox demon or something? I guess we have a truce for the moment, but don't do anything naughty!" Leona shook her finger at Akua and eyed here suspiciously. "That was pretty cool magic though, how do you do that?"

The magical girl didn't know Vee all that well, but her attitude did seem off from her previous encounters. "Are you sure you haven't been mind-controlled, Vee? You sound suspiciously happy to be in a swim-suit, I remember you not wanting to give up your sweater when we first met!" She stared at the Director and then poked her in the belly.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #47 on: August 28, 2019, 04:39:32 AM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Yasu, Akua, Vee, Leona

Hmm, a giant bull vs a giant boar... It was a tough decision to make, bulls were obviously really big strong animals with vicious horns and a fearsome charge, but boars have tusks every bit as fearsome, and are so tough they're extremely difficult to kill, boar spears tended to have these big wings on them to stop the boar just pushing its way through the spear and goring you to death anyway... but either creature would be less fearsome than Yasu looked after Leona accidentally stepped on some of her paintings. "Ah hey hey! Calm down both of you! This is supposed to be a happy event! No drama!" Dawn said nervously to both girls as she tried to calm them down.

With Vee not really listening to reason, and sounding disturbingly like an answering machine message, Dawn was prepared to just physically restrain her until someone could undo what had been done, but alas despite Dawn's incredible magical strength, her physical strength was that of a normal young woman who engaged in moderate regular exercise, and Vee's shove to the side was quite effective, knocking the magical girl to the side face first into the sand. Dawn seemed unphased though, sitting up onto her knees almost instantly and wiping the sand out of her face. "A mystery? Oh right! We need to figure out who's behind this. Sure, sounds like fun!" Dawn said getting back to her feet, but then Vee was restrained by Akua, stopping the just follow her plan.

"Huh? Oh no, I'm not important at all" Dawn said to Akua surprisingly cheerfully before the sudden change in Vee's personality attracted everyone's attention. "Erm... Vee? Are you alright?" Dawn asked in concern as Vee brought up the volleyball tournament, which was what Dawn had arrived for in the first place! "Hey I was pretty keen on that, but we should probably figure out what that thing was all about first" Dawn looked over at the Drone as it started to fly off... "Yasu... should I destroy that thing?" Dawn asked Yasu, who had apparently been accepted as the group leader.

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Leona, Vee, Everyone else?

The whirlwind of activity was quite remarkable, but Yasu managed to keep herself even for now. Akua's quick thinking brought Vee back to... what the Grandmaster thought was normal, and it appeared everything was going to settle down again her first order of business was talking to Akua. "Sorry, Akua, I just didn't want a big crowd and if everyone knew that then it'd become a problem. But now you know the truth, I won't hide anything from you now. Maybe I'll take you to the village after this is over and you can set up a shop there? I'm sure my clan would enjoy some actual proper outfits, I know we mess up our robes far too much. I do usually travel though, its just I haven't had the time, because you know. " Yasu said with a friendly smile, trying to cheer the demon up. Don't mention you shopped at the Golden Thread. Don't mention you shopped at the Golden Thread. Don't mention you shopped at the Golden Thread.

"Leona, we got off on the wrong foot, I only stole one kiss from her. It was in an arena, I was trying to win." Yasu defended herself but sighed as the woman deemed her a pervert. "Lets just figure out how to solve this issue, I'm not a pervert though. Being a ninja requires a lot of discipline and training, perhaps I could teach you some basics." Yasu sighed and rolled her eyes, thinking about two certain women in the village that went on steamy dates all the time, alas, those two would never change. "For now, lets get on the same page, I'm not going to do anything untoward towards Dawn, you can ask her, I haven't done anything to her that was that scandalous." Other than perhaps put her in the swimsuit.

To Dawn, Yasu shook her head lightly. "No, I think we should follow it instead of destroy it for now, and I don't believe Vee is acting normal. Unless this cheery demeanor is the normal her? We need to see what exactly its trying to do and why its going to the other side of the beach. We'll destroy it if it tries to do what it did to Vee again, it has to have some purpose." Yasu looked at Vee, she had no clue as to what her normal personality was, so she was relying on Dawn and Leona at this point to help her. "Director, are you alright? You got brainwashed... you're taking it rather well." Yasu confronted Vee, to see if she even remembered that or anything that had happened, regardless of what the woman would say in her current state Yasu wanted to find out more about the drone. "We'll play Volleyball in a bit okay? Right now we're following a drone, help us with that and we'll be happy to play volleyball after that." Yasu felt like she was speaking to a child, but she nodded for Akua, Dawn, and Leona to start following the drone, and waited to see if Vee would follow them or if the group would have to get a bit forceful.

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

"Harrumph," Akua grumped, turning her head aside at Yasu's apology and Dawn's proclamation she was completely normal. Her ears twitched as the Grandmaster went on with her offer, though. "Hmph. Maybe I'll think about it," she tsun'd.

The drone nimbly zipped through the air, avoiding Akua's net even as it flailed around in the air under the demon's control. "Wow! That's annoying! At first it was like it didn't even notice me, but... it's so agile!" She tried to set a trap by forming another net out of Vee's old clothes, but the drone took off before she could put it into effect. "Butts!"

The demon led the chase after the drone, trying to steer it around with her nets to help the others get at it. After all, she had no idea what Vee was normally like, nor did she particularly care.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Vee

"How do you beat someone in a fight by kissing them? Ninjas fight weird." The magical girl relented when Dawn told her to calm down though: if Dawn was okay then everything was fine. "I mean, I guess, if Dawn's cool with you, then it's alright, and it would be interesting to see how ninjas do things." Leona was still doing her best to keep Yasu and Dawn on opposite sides of her, however.

"Oh! I didn't say hello to you, did I? Are you some kind of. . . fox demon or something? I guess we have a truce for the moment, but don't do anything naughty!" Leona shook her finger at Akua and eyed here suspiciously. "That was pretty cool magic though, how do you do that?"

The magical girl didn't know Vee all that well, but her attitude did seem off from her previous encounters. "Are you sure you haven't been mind-controlled, Vee? You sound suspiciously happy to be in a swim-suit, I remember you not wanting to give up your sweater when we first met!" She stared at the Director and then poked her in the belly.

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Leona + Others?

”Yup! I am a-okay!” Vee replied enthusiastically as she wrapped her arms around Dawn and gave her a big hug. As their boobs smooshed together, that Pervert Detector in Dawn’s brain must’ve gone into an overdrive! Thankfully, the director didn’t get too handsy with her this time and eventually released her from the hug that nearly shattered her ribs.

"Director, are you alright? You got brainwashed... you're taking it rather well."

”Brainwashed?” The telepath paused and tapped her contemplatively. After a short deliberation, she shook her head. ”No, no, I think I would remember something like that. You know, I don’t wanna brag but I’m, like, the best you know?” She smiled confidently at Yasu, and waved her hand nonchalantly.

”I mean… I think I would know if I got brainwashed. I mean, with the highest victory count and all. Just sayin’. Look, I can even look through your memories to check if what you’re saying is true!” As soon as she said that, Yasu felt a sudden pressure at the back of her head as the telepath forced her way into the ninja’s mind. She might’ve tried to fight back. Hell, she could even manage to block Vee’s influence for some time, but the heroine’s mind was incredibly powerful, and her telepathic probe eventually got through Yasu’s defenses.

Vee sifted through Yasu’s memories one after the other. The whole time, the ninja girl could practically hear the heroine hum an annoyingly cheerful tune under her breath. Eventually, Vee reached the part where Yasu witnessed the telepath get hit by the drone’s beam. However, the heroine’s reaction to the obvious truth glaring her in the face was not what she might’ve expected. She heard a voice in her head saying Oh, that won’t do! and then she felt her thoughts… shift.

A sudden dizziness threatened to overwhelm Yasu and-



-when Yasu blinked, she’d realize she was just standing on the beach as before. Oh, right! She was here to have fun at the beach, play some volleyball, relax, don’t question anything weird going on, wear swimsuit, and buy some Tim Hortons later. There was even the Director from the Institute of Justice who behaved in a perfectly normal manner and arrived in her swimsuit! TL;DR: everything was right in the world!

Vee then turned towards Leona and giggled at the magical girl’s ridiculous statement.

”I was never brainwashed, silly!” The telepath waved her hand dismissively and giggled a little more when Leona poked her belly. ”Stop! Stop! I’m super ticklish! Ah. Anyway! Guys!” She raised the volleyball over her head. ”Let’s go and play! Let’s form teams and do this thing! We all wanna have fun, don’t we, Yasu?” asked Vee as she looked at the ninja for confirmation.

Meanwhile, whoever was chasing after Butts the Drone, they would watch Butts fly over the beach, carefully monitoring every single person. Whenever there was someone not currently in a swimsuit, they would be given the same treatment as Vee did. One by one, they would all get zapped by the pink-ish beam, walk to the changing room and then walk out wearing swimming outfits. After the process was complete, they would act happy and completely oblivious to anything that happened to them.

Eventually, Butts reached the end of its patrol route. In this section of the beach, there were previous few people walking around. Butts did one more flyby over the small area until it started heading towards a dilapidated and seemingly abandoned hut located at the edge of the jungle.

It flew up to the door which opened and allowed Butts inside. What would our brave team of investigators do?

Because stopping by for some fresh ice cold latte at the local Tim Hortons sounded like a wonderful idea!

Tim Hortons.

Always Fresh.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2019, 11:09:40 PM by Raffa »
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #48 on: August 28, 2019, 05:02:55 AM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Leona, Vee, Everyone else?

The whirlwind of activity was quite remarkable, but Yasu managed to keep herself even for now. Akua's quick thinking brought Vee back to... what the Grandmaster thought was normal, and it appeared everything was going to settle down again her first order of business was talking to Akua. "Sorry, Akua, I just didn't want a big crowd and if everyone knew that then it'd become a problem. But now you know the truth, I won't hide anything from you now. Maybe I'll take you to the village after this is over and you can set up a shop there? I'm sure my clan would enjoy some actual proper outfits, I know we mess up our robes far too much. I do usually travel though, its just I haven't had the time, because you know. " Yasu said with a friendly smile, trying to cheer the demon up. Don't mention you shopped at the Golden Thread. Don't mention you shopped at the Golden Thread. Don't mention you shopped at the Golden Thread.

"Leona, we got off on the wrong foot, I only stole one kiss from her. It was in an arena, I was trying to win." Yasu defended herself but sighed as the woman deemed her a pervert. "Lets just figure out how to solve this issue, I'm not a pervert though. Being a ninja requires a lot of discipline and training, perhaps I could teach you some basics." Yasu sighed and rolled her eyes, thinking about two certain women in the village that went on steamy dates all the time, alas, those two would never change. "For now, lets get on the same page, I'm not going to do anything untoward towards Dawn, you can ask her, I haven't done anything to her that was that scandalous." Other than perhaps put her in the swimsuit.

To Dawn, Yasu shook her head lightly. "No, I think we should follow it instead of destroy it for now, and I don't believe Vee is acting normal. Unless this cheery demeanor is the normal her? We need to see what exactly its trying to do and why its going to the other side of the beach. We'll destroy it if it tries to do what it did to Vee again, it has to have some purpose." Yasu looked at Vee, she had no clue as to what her normal personality was, so she was relying on Dawn and Leona at this point to help her. "Director, are you alright? You got brainwashed... you're taking it rather well." Yasu confronted Vee, to see if she even remembered that or anything that had happened, regardless of what the woman would say in her current state Yasu wanted to find out more about the drone. "We'll play Volleyball in a bit okay? Right now we're following a drone, help us with that and we'll be happy to play volleyball after that." Yasu felt like she was speaking to a child, but she nodded for Akua, Dawn, and Leona to start following the drone, and waited to see if Vee would follow them or if the group would have to get a bit forceful.

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

"Harrumph," Akua grumped, turning her head aside at Yasu's apology and Dawn's proclamation she was completely normal. Her ears twitched as the Grandmaster went on with her offer, though. "Hmph. Maybe I'll think about it," she tsun'd.

The drone nimbly zipped through the air, avoiding Akua's net even as it flailed around in the air under the demon's control. "Wow! That's annoying! At first it was like it didn't even notice me, but... it's so agile!" She tried to set a trap by forming another net out of Vee's old clothes, but the drone took off before she could put it into effect. "Butts!"

The demon led the chase after the drone, trying to steer it around with her nets to help the others get at it. After all, she had no idea what Vee was normally like, nor did she particularly care.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Vee

"How do you beat someone in a fight by kissing them? Ninjas fight weird." The magical girl relented when Dawn told her to calm down though: if Dawn was okay then everything was fine. "I mean, I guess, if Dawn's cool with you, then it's alright, and it would be interesting to see how ninjas do things." Leona was still doing her best to keep Yasu and Dawn on opposite sides of her, however.

"Oh! I didn't say hello to you, did I? Are you some kind of. . . fox demon or something? I guess we have a truce for the moment, but don't do anything naughty!" Leona shook her finger at Akua and eyed here suspiciously. "That was pretty cool magic though, how do you do that?"

The magical girl didn't know Vee all that well, but her attitude did seem off from her previous encounters. "Are you sure you haven't been mind-controlled, Vee? You sound suspiciously happy to be in a swim-suit, I remember you not wanting to give up your sweater when we first met!" She stared at the Director and then poked her in the belly.

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Leona + Others?

”Yup! I am a-okay!” Vee replied enthusiastically as she wrapped her arms around Dawn and gave her a big hug. As their boobs smooshed together, that Pervert Detector in Dawn’s brain must’ve gone into an overdrive! Thankfully, the director didn’t get too handsy with her this time and eventually released her from the hug that nearly shattered her ribs.

”Brainwashed?” The telepath paused and tapped her contemplatively. After a short deliberation, she shook her head. ”No, no, I think I would remember something like that. You know, I don’t wanna brag but I’m, like, the best you know?” She smiled confidently at Yasu, and waved her hand nonchalantly.

”I mean… I think I would know if I got brainwashed. I mean, with the highest victory count and all. Just sayin’. Look, I can even look through your memories to check if what you’re saying is true!” As soon as she said that, Yasu felt a sudden pressure at the back of her head as the telepath forced her way into the ninja’s mind. She might’ve tried to fight back. Hell, she could even manage to block Vee’s influence for some time, but the heroine’s mind was incredibly powerful, and her telepathic probe eventually got through Yasu’s defenses.

Vee sifted through Yasu’s memories one after the other. The whole time, the ninja girl could practically hear the heroine hum an annoyingly cheerful tune under her breath. Eventually, Vee reached the part where Yasu witnessed the telepath get hit by the drone’s beam. However, the heroine’s reaction to the obvious truth glaring her in the face was not what she might’ve expected. She heard a voice in her head saying Oh, that won’t do! and then she felt her thoughts… shift.

A sudden dizziness threatened to overwhelm Yasu and-



-when Yasu blinked, she’d realize she was just standing on the beach as before. Oh, right! She was here to have fun at the beach, play some volleyball, relax, don’t question anything weird going on, wear swimsuit, and buy some Tim Hortons later. There was even the Director from the Institute of Justice who behaved in a perfectly normal manner and arrived in her swimsuit! TL;DR: everything was right in the world!

Vee then turned towards Leona and giggled at the magical girl’s ridiculous statement.

”I was never brainwashed, silly!” The telepath waved her hand dismissively and giggled a little more when Leona poked her belly. ”Stop! Stop! I’m super ticklish! Ah. Anyway! Guys!” She raised the volleyball over her head. ”Let’s go and play! Let’s form teams and do this thing! We all wanna have fun, don’t we, Yasu?” asked Vee as she looked at the ninja for confirmation.

Meanwhile, whoever was chasing after Butts the Drone, they would watch Butts fly over the beach, carefully monitoring every single person. Whenever there was someone not currently in a swimsuit, they would be given the same treatment as Vee did. One by one, they would all get zapped by the pink-ish beam, walk to the changing room and then walk out wearing swimming outfits. After the process was complete, they would act happy and completely oblivious to anything that happened to them.

Eventually, Butts reached the end of its patrol route. In this section of the beach, there were previous few people walking around. Butts did one more flyby over the small area until it started heading towards a dilapidated and seemingly abandoned hut located at the edge of the jungle.

It flew up to the door which opened and allowed Butts inside. What would our brave team of investigators do?

Because stopping by for some fresh ice cold latte at the local Tim Hortons sounded like a wonderful idea!

Tim Hortons.

Always Fresh.

Location: Auralis Island – Beach. Location of Tim Horton's Fast food restaurant company! Tim Hortons Inc. is a fast food restaurant chain, specializing in coffee and donut items. It is Canada's largest quick service restaurant chain; as of December 31, 2018, it had a total of 4,846 restaurants in 14 countries. Now including five new locations in Auralis City!
Tag: Yasu, Akua, Vee, Leona

Huh that drone was certainly butts indeed, if Yasu hadn't been holding her back, she would probably nuked it by now. That would likely disturb many beach goers and OH GOD VEE IS HUGGING ME. Dawn thought in alarm as the Institute leader wrapped her arms around her and pulled her in for a tight possible fatal soon hug, Dawn quickly becoming more embarrassed than anything though as she felt her breasts being squished up against Vee's "Eeep! Vee no! Not in public! Not in public!" she protested as she attempted to wriggle out of the rib crushing hug.

Vee protested to Yasu about being brainwashed and Dawn had to nod along "Honestly yes when it comes to telepathy she is the best, the demons call her the pandemonium psychic for nothing you know" Dawn helpfully? explained as she eased her way into breathing normally again. And then... something weird happened to Yasu. Dawn could see it just on the ninja's face as Vee was clearly telapathamalising her. Dawn got back up again and looked at Yasu concerned. "Hey ah, Yasu? You're okay right?" she asked, fearing the worst, the sexy sexy worst.

Offline Youkai

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #49 on: August 28, 2019, 08:43:55 PM »

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

"Harrumph," Akua grumped, turning her head aside at Yasu's apology and Dawn's proclamation she was completely normal. Her ears twitched as the Grandmaster went on with her offer, though. "Hmph. Maybe I'll think about it," she tsun'd.

The drone nimbly zipped through the air, avoiding Akua's net even as it flailed around in the air under the demon's control. "Wow! That's annoying! At first it was like it didn't even notice me, but... it's so agile!" She tried to set a trap by forming another net out of Vee's old clothes, but the drone took off before she could put it into effect. "Butts!"

The demon led the chase after the drone, trying to steer it around with her nets to help the others get at it. After all, she had no idea what Vee was normally like, nor did she particularly care.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Vee

"How do you beat someone in a fight by kissing them? Ninjas fight weird." The magical girl relented when Dawn told her to calm down though: if Dawn was okay then everything was fine. "I mean, I guess, if Dawn's cool with you, then it's alright, and it would be interesting to see how ninjas do things." Leona was still doing her best to keep Yasu and Dawn on opposite sides of her, however.

"Oh! I didn't say hello to you, did I? Are you some kind of. . . fox demon or something? I guess we have a truce for the moment, but don't do anything naughty!" Leona shook her finger at Akua and eyed here suspiciously. "That was pretty cool magic though, how do you do that?"

The magical girl didn't know Vee all that well, but her attitude did seem off from her previous encounters. "Are you sure you haven't been mind-controlled, Vee? You sound suspiciously happy to be in a swim-suit, I remember you not wanting to give up your sweater when we first met!" She stared at the Director and then poked her in the belly.

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Leona + Others?

”Yup! I am a-okay!” Vee replied enthusiastically as she wrapped her arms around Dawn and gave her a big hug. As their boobs smooshed together, that Pervert Detector in Dawn’s brain must’ve gone into an overdrive! Thankfully, the director didn’t get too handsy with her this time and eventually released her from the hug that nearly shattered her ribs.

”Brainwashed?” The telepath paused and tapped her contemplatively. After a short deliberation, she shook her head. ”No, no, I think I would remember something like that. You know, I don’t wanna brag but I’m, like, the best you know?” She smiled confidently at Yasu, and waved her hand nonchalantly.

”I mean… I think I would know if I got brainwashed. I mean, with the highest victory count and all. Just sayin’. Look, I can even look through your memories to check if what you’re saying is true!” As soon as she said that, Yasu felt a sudden pressure at the back of her head as the telepath forced her way into the ninja’s mind. She might’ve tried to fight back. Hell, she could even manage to block Vee’s influence for some time, but the heroine’s mind was incredibly powerful, and her telepathic probe eventually got through Yasu’s defenses.

Vee sifted through Yasu’s memories one after the other. The whole time, the ninja girl could practically hear the heroine hum an annoyingly cheerful tune under her breath. Eventually, Vee reached the part where Yasu witnessed the telepath get hit by the drone’s beam. However, the heroine’s reaction to the obvious truth glaring her in the face was not what she might’ve expected. She heard a voice in her head saying Oh, that won’t do! and then she felt her thoughts… shift.

A sudden dizziness threatened to overwhelm Yasu and-



-when Yasu blinked, she’d realize she was just standing on the beach as before. Oh, right! She was here to have fun at the beach, play some volleyball, relax, don’t question anything weird going on, wear swimsuit, and buy some Tim Hortons later. There was even the Director from the Institute of Justice who behaved in a perfectly normal manner and arrived in her swimsuit! TL;DR: everything was right in the world!

Vee then turned towards Leona and giggled at the magical girl’s ridiculous statement.

”I was never brainwashed, silly!” The telepath waved her hand dismissively and giggled a little more when Leona poked her belly. ”Stop! Stop! I’m super ticklish! Ah. Anyway! Guys!” She raised the volleyball over her head. ”Let’s go and play! Let’s form teams and do this thing! We all wanna have fun, don’t we, Yasu?” asked Vee as she looked at the ninja for confirmation.

Meanwhile, whoever was chasing after Butts the Drone, they would watch Butts fly over the beach, carefully monitoring every single person. Whenever there was someone not currently in a swimsuit, they would be given the same treatment as Vee did. One by one, they would all get zapped by the pink-ish beam, walk to the changing room and then walk out wearing swimming outfits. After the process was complete, they would act happy and completely oblivious to anything that happened to them.

Eventually, Butts reached the end of its patrol route. In this section of the beach, there were previous few people walking around. Butts did one more flyby over the small area until it started heading towards a dilapidated and seemingly abandoned hut located at the edge of the jungle.

It flew up to the door which opened and allowed Butts inside. What would our brave team of investigators do?

Because stopping by for some fresh ice cold latte at the local Tim Hortons sounded like a wonderful idea!

Tim Hortons.

Always Fresh.

Location: Auralis Island – Beach. Location of Tim Horton's Fast food restaurant company! Tim Hortons Inc. is a fast food restaurant chain, specializing in coffee and donut items. It is Canada's largest quick service restaurant chain; as of December 31, 2018, it had a total of 4,846 restaurants in 14 countries. Now including five new locations in Auralis City!
Tag: Yasu, Akua, Vee, Leona

Huh that drone was certainly butts indeed, if Yasu hadn't been holding her back, she would probably nuked it by now. That would likely disturb many beach goers and OH GOD VEE IS HUGGING ME. Dawn thought in alarm as the Institute leader wrapped her arms around her and pulled her in for a tight possible fatal soon hug, Dawn quickly becoming more embarrassed than anything though as she felt her breasts being squished up against Vee's "Eeep! Vee no! Not in public! Not in public!" she protested as she attempted to wriggle out of the rib crushing hug.

Vee protested to Yasu about being brainwashed and Dawn had to nod along "Honestly yes when it comes to telepathy she is the best, the demons call her the pandemonium psychic for nothing you know" Dawn helpfully? explained as she eased her way into breathing normally again. And then... something weird happened to Yasu. Dawn could see it just on the ninja's face as Vee was clearly telapathamalising her. Dawn got back up again and looked at Yasu concerned. "Hey ah, Yasu? You're okay right?" she asked, fearing the worst, the sexy sexy worst.

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Leona, Vee, Everyone else?

"Hold on, wait..." Yasu was going to stop Vee from probing into her memories, but it was too late, she tried to put up a shield to stop Vee from doing so but one by one her defenses got obliterated by the sheer power of Vee's telepathic might, once she found the memory in Yasu's mind the ninja was hoping that it'd make Vee stop probing her mind. What? No, Vee, stop, you're not think- Yasu's mental protest stopped there as a switch got flipped in the young ninja's mind. She suddenly felt quite dizzy and started to feel like she was going to topple over, but then in the next second she blinked and...

Everything was right in the world. She was just here to have fun at the beach, play some volleyball, relax, and not question a thing! Vee was acting completely normal, there was absolutely nothing wrong on such a nice day. Yasu even grabbed a Tim Horton's Chai Tea, for more products like this, buy at a Tim Hortons near you, and started to sip it with a grin on her face. She felt absolutely wonderful now, nothing could ruin this. "Oh yeah, I'm perfectly fine Dawn, we should play some Volleyball!" Yasu said unusually energetically as she took a sip of her drink and looked to Vee who addressed her. "I agree Vee, lets go ahead and pick teams! Why waste the sun, lets do it. It'll be alot of fun." Yasu looked over the group around them, not to tell them or lead them like she was going to do earlier, but to pick players for her team.

Yasu pointed at Dawn, Akua, and Leona. Who were probably busy following the drone, but Yasu didn't care as she rose her voice no matter their distance. "Hey you guys want to be on my team or Vee's?! Or maybe we can all be on the same team and play against a few of your other friends?" She said with a big smile, completely ignoring Butts the Drone. She had no interest in a silly thing like that.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #50 on: August 28, 2019, 09:07:17 PM »

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

Preoccupied by chasing Butts, Akua missed out on most of the confusion and chaos involving Vee and Yasu. She ran across the beach, trying to catch the round, bouncy Butts, but it kept slipping out of her grasp! Pouting, she watched it head into a shack on an abandoned corner of the beach. She approached the shack as well, waving over the other pursuers in case they'd lost track of their Butts.

Akua considered the door of the shack for a few long moments. Should she try to pick the lock with some thread? Or maybe send some cloth under the door to unlock it from the other side? Or maybe just telekinetically unscrew the doorhinges?

"Why not all of them!?" Akua muttered to herself, enacting all three plans at once with her telekinetic prowess. Hopefully one of the methods would work before Dawn arrived and blasted the shack to rubble...

As an afterthought, Akua walked up and tried the handle.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #51 on: August 30, 2019, 10:31:02 PM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Eleanor (MC)

The burning sand did little too quiet Sara’s trembling figure laid out like a serving platter.  Bashful eyes tracked the wiry student who paced around with her with a look not at all appropriately shared between professor and student.  A strange mixture of emotions as professional demeanor warred with forbidden fantasies.

“Ook,” she hesitantly agreed. ...why am I staying put?

A cascade of arousal answered her unasked question as soon as Eleanor began drumming against her thigh. Each digit landing like a firecracker ~pop~ between her legs; Sara buttoned down upon her lips to keep from moaning in an unprofessional manner. And just the way Eleanor kept emphasizing Dr. Peterson, oh that just sounded ultra dirty coming from her student for some reason. She squirm and shifted her face away from Eleanor’s.

“I wouldn’t,” came the quiet restrained answer.  Sara could feel her chest jiggling atop her figure that made them tingle in such torturous excitement. A small whimper finally escaped her locked down mouth.  “I want to see you out of your swimsuit.”

Shocked that taboo thought had actually lept from her now O shaped mouth, Sara slapped a hand over it, turning three shades redder.  This was so so wrong... and yet she was becoming so so wet. Maybe Eleanor didn’t hear that. Maybe she’ll keep quiet about this whole awkward situation. Maybe she’ll pull her bottoms to one side and sit upon my face.

Eleanor Lagan
Auralis Beach
Tag: Sara Peterson (Mind Zapper)

Eleanor claps and chuckles—more mirthful than Sara ever remembers seeing her. “How forthright! We see our little seeds have taken root in your fertile mind. It’s good for something after all.”

“But you’ll simply have to settle for now, dearest.”
Slowly, gingerly, with that unearthly dexterity that simply enthralled the poor professor, she removes her t-shirt, revealing her delicious tiny breasts cupped by a silver bikini. She savors the redhead’s embarassed, lustful, dazed staring nearly as much as Sara does the show. “Funny seeing that look all the boys in your class get on your face for once… Enjoying the view?”

Dimly, the DRU captain in her realizes that something’s being warped… But it’s quickly shushed by the horny, submissive side that’s being pulled to the fore every passing moment—of course she’s being warped, it’s so fucking hot…!

Unbeknownst to Eleanor, this teasing is the only thing saving her from Vee’s lamentable, sexy fate. She is, after a fashion, having fun at the beach. And is now adhering to the spirit of the law that requires all beachgoers to wear swimsuits. The volleyball, though… she might still be at risk, if the drones saw fit...

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #52 on: August 31, 2019, 05:48:02 AM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

"Harrumph," Akua grumped, turning her head aside at Yasu's apology and Dawn's proclamation she was completely normal. Her ears twitched as the Grandmaster went on with her offer, though. "Hmph. Maybe I'll think about it," she tsun'd.

The drone nimbly zipped through the air, avoiding Akua's net even as it flailed around in the air under the demon's control. "Wow! That's annoying! At first it was like it didn't even notice me, but... it's so agile!" She tried to set a trap by forming another net out of Vee's old clothes, but the drone took off before she could put it into effect. "Butts!"

The demon led the chase after the drone, trying to steer it around with her nets to help the others get at it. After all, she had no idea what Vee was normally like, nor did she particularly care.

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Leona + Others?

”Yup! I am a-okay!” Vee replied enthusiastically as she wrapped her arms around Dawn and gave her a big hug. As their boobs smooshed together, that Pervert Detector in Dawn’s brain must’ve gone into an overdrive! Thankfully, the director didn’t get too handsy with her this time and eventually released her from the hug that nearly shattered her ribs.

”Brainwashed?” The telepath paused and tapped her contemplatively. After a short deliberation, she shook her head. ”No, no, I think I would remember something like that. You know, I don’t wanna brag but I’m, like, the best you know?” She smiled confidently at Yasu, and waved her hand nonchalantly.

”I mean… I think I would know if I got brainwashed. I mean, with the highest victory count and all. Just sayin’. Look, I can even look through your memories to check if what you’re saying is true!” As soon as she said that, Yasu felt a sudden pressure at the back of her head as the telepath forced her way into the ninja’s mind. She might’ve tried to fight back. Hell, she could even manage to block Vee’s influence for some time, but the heroine’s mind was incredibly powerful, and her telepathic probe eventually got through Yasu’s defenses.

Vee sifted through Yasu’s memories one after the other. The whole time, the ninja girl could practically hear the heroine hum an annoyingly cheerful tune under her breath. Eventually, Vee reached the part where Yasu witnessed the telepath get hit by the drone’s beam. However, the heroine’s reaction to the obvious truth glaring her in the face was not what she might’ve expected. She heard a voice in her head saying Oh, that won’t do! and then she felt her thoughts… shift.

A sudden dizziness threatened to overwhelm Yasu and-



-when Yasu blinked, she’d realize she was just standing on the beach as before. Oh, right! She was here to have fun at the beach, play some volleyball, relax, don’t question anything weird going on, wear swimsuit, and buy some Tim Hortons later. There was even the Director from the Institute of Justice who behaved in a perfectly normal manner and arrived in her swimsuit! TL;DR: everything was right in the world!

Vee then turned towards Leona and giggled at the magical girl’s ridiculous statement.

”I was never brainwashed, silly!” The telepath waved her hand dismissively and giggled a little more when Leona poked her belly. ”Stop! Stop! I’m super ticklish! Ah. Anyway! Guys!” She raised the volleyball over her head. ”Let’s go and play! Let’s form teams and do this thing! We all wanna have fun, don’t we, Yasu?” asked Vee as she looked at the ninja for confirmation.

Meanwhile, whoever was chasing after Butts the Drone, they would watch Butts fly over the beach, carefully monitoring every single person. Whenever there was someone not currently in a swimsuit, they would be given the same treatment as Vee did. One by one, they would all get zapped by the pink-ish beam, walk to the changing room and then walk out wearing swimming outfits. After the process was complete, they would act happy and completely oblivious to anything that happened to them.

Eventually, Butts reached the end of its patrol route. In this section of the beach, there were previous few people walking around. Butts did one more flyby over the small area until it started heading towards a dilapidated and seemingly abandoned hut located at the edge of the jungle.

It flew up to the door which opened and allowed Butts inside. What would our brave team of investigators do?

Because stopping by for some fresh ice cold latte at the local Tim Hortons sounded like a wonderful idea!

Tim Hortons.

Always Fresh.

Location: Auralis Island – Beach. Location of Tim Horton's Fast food restaurant company! Tim Hortons Inc. is a fast food restaurant chain, specializing in coffee and donut items. It is Canada's largest quick service restaurant chain; as of December 31, 2018, it had a total of 4,846 restaurants in 14 countries. Now including five new locations in Auralis City!
Tag: Yasu, Akua, Vee, Leona

Huh that drone was certainly butts indeed, if Yasu hadn't been holding her back, she would probably nuked it by now. That would likely disturb many beach goers and OH GOD VEE IS HUGGING ME. Dawn thought in alarm as the Institute leader wrapped her arms around her and pulled her in for a tight possible fatal soon hug, Dawn quickly becoming more embarrassed than anything though as she felt her breasts being squished up against Vee's "Eeep! Vee no! Not in public! Not in public!" she protested as she attempted to wriggle out of the rib crushing hug.

Vee protested to Yasu about being brainwashed and Dawn had to nod along "Honestly yes when it comes to telepathy she is the best, the demons call her the pandemonium psychic for nothing you know" Dawn helpfully? explained as she eased her way into breathing normally again. And then... something weird happened to Yasu. Dawn could see it just on the ninja's face as Vee was clearly telapathamalising her. Dawn got back up again and looked at Yasu concerned. "Hey ah, Yasu? You're okay right?" she asked, fearing the worst, the sexy sexy worst.

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Leona, Vee, Everyone else?

"Hold on, wait..." Yasu was going to stop Vee from probing into her memories, but it was too late, she tried to put up a shield to stop Vee from doing so but one by one her defenses got obliterated by the sheer power of Vee's telepathic might, once she found the memory in Yasu's mind the ninja was hoping that it'd make Vee stop probing her mind. What? No, Vee, stop, you're not think- Yasu's mental protest stopped there as a switch got flipped in the young ninja's mind. She suddenly felt quite dizzy and started to feel like she was going to topple over, but then in the next second she blinked and...

Everything was right in the world. She was just here to have fun at the beach, play some volleyball, relax, and not question a thing! Vee was acting completely normal, there was absolutely nothing wrong on such a nice day. Yasu even grabbed a Tim Horton's Chai Tea, for more products like this, buy at a Tim Hortons near you, and started to sip it with a grin on her face. She felt absolutely wonderful now, nothing could ruin this. "Oh yeah, I'm perfectly fine Dawn, we should play some Volleyball!" Yasu said unusually energetically as she took a sip of her drink and looked to Vee who addressed her. "I agree Vee, lets go ahead and pick teams! Why waste the sun, lets do it. It'll be alot of fun." Yasu looked over the group around them, not to tell them or lead them like she was going to do earlier, but to pick players for her team.

Yasu pointed at Dawn, Akua, and Leona. Who were probably busy following the drone, but Yasu didn't care as she rose her voice no matter their distance. "Hey you guys want to be on my team or Vee's?! Or maybe we can all be on the same team and play against a few of your other friends?" She said with a big smile, completely ignoring Butts the Drone. She had no interest in a silly thing like that.

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

Preoccupied by chasing Butts, Akua missed out on most of the confusion and chaos involving Vee and Yasu. She ran across the beach, trying to catch the round, bouncy Butts, but it kept slipping out of her grasp! Pouting, she watched it head into a shack on an abandoned corner of the beach. She approached the shack as well, waving over the other pursuers in case they'd lost track of their Butts.

Akua considered the door of the shack for a few long moments. Should she try to pick the lock with some thread? Or maybe send some cloth under the door to unlock it from the other side? Or maybe just telekinetically unscrew the doorhinges?

"Why not all of them!?" Akua muttered to herself, enacting all three plans at once with her telekinetic prowess. Hopefully one of the methods would work before Dawn arrived and blasted the shack to rubble...

As an afterthought, Akua walked up and tried the handle.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Vee

"Umm, Dawn? I think Vee and your friend have become beach zombies, or something. I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but they seem awfully excited by volleyball. I don't know about you, but I think it might not be a good idea to let Vee get too close to you!"

Leona was nervous now, as she had been unable to stop Vee's initial hug assault on Dawn, and moved in front of the redhead, doing her best to block possible, sexy, attacks on her chaste friend. "Don't even think about groping Dawn again! If you want to, you'll have to get through me first!" The magical girl did her best to look as confident as her words suggested, and frowned threateningly at Vee and Yasu.

Offline Raffa

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #53 on: September 01, 2019, 12:01:02 AM »

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

Preoccupied by chasing Butts, Akua missed out on most of the confusion and chaos involving Vee and Yasu. She ran across the beach, trying to catch the round, bouncy Butts, but it kept slipping out of her grasp! Pouting, she watched it head into a shack on an abandoned corner of the beach. She approached the shack as well, waving over the other pursuers in case they'd lost track of their Butts.

Akua considered the door of the shack for a few long moments. Should she try to pick the lock with some thread? Or maybe send some cloth under the door to unlock it from the other side? Or maybe just telekinetically unscrew the doorhinges?

"Why not all of them!?" Akua muttered to herself, enacting all three plans at once with her telekinetic prowess. Hopefully one of the methods would work before Dawn arrived and blasted the shack to rubble...

As an afterthought, Akua walked up and tried the handle.

Butts the Drone
Summer Event
Tag: Akua + Others?

Luckily for Akua, the door to the shack was completely unlocked and she managed to get inside with ease! Probably not a good idea since she didn’t know what would be waiting for her inside. Thankfully, there were no signs of Butts anywhere! Wait, would that be a good thing or a bad thing? Anyway, Butts the Drone was… nowhere to be seen!

The inside of the hut was messy and Akua could see old magazines, empty coffee cups, and pieces of wood scattered all over the floor. The lockers were arranged against the wall and they were all turned inside out and contained no valuables. There was truly nothing around here…


Akua could smell a very faint scent of Spanish Latte from Tim Hortons inside the hut. Someone or something has been in here quite recently. If she followed the scent of coffee, she’d notice that there were a few palm leaves covering something up in the corner. And, when she pulled the leaves away, she’d see the only other way the drone could’ve left the hut: a Butts’ hole!
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

Offline Raffa

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #54 on: September 01, 2019, 12:11:01 AM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Location: Auralis Island – Beach. Location of Tim Horton's Fast food restaurant company! Tim Hortons Inc. is a fast food restaurant chain, specializing in coffee and donut items. It is Canada's largest quick service restaurant chain; as of December 31, 2018, it had a total of 4,846 restaurants in 14 countries. Now including five new locations in Auralis City!
Tag: Yasu, Akua, Vee, Leona

Huh that drone was certainly butts indeed, if Yasu hadn't been holding her back, she would probably nuked it by now. That would likely disturb many beach goers and OH GOD VEE IS HUGGING ME. Dawn thought in alarm as the Institute leader wrapped her arms around her and pulled her in for a tight possible fatal soon hug, Dawn quickly becoming more embarrassed than anything though as she felt her breasts being squished up against Vee's "Eeep! Vee no! Not in public! Not in public!" she protested as she attempted to wriggle out of the rib crushing hug.

Vee protested to Yasu about being brainwashed and Dawn had to nod along "Honestly yes when it comes to telepathy she is the best, the demons call her the pandemonium psychic for nothing you know" Dawn helpfully? explained as she eased her way into breathing normally again. And then... something weird happened to Yasu. Dawn could see it just on the ninja's face as Vee was clearly telapathamalising her. Dawn got back up again and looked at Yasu concerned. "Hey ah, Yasu? You're okay right?" she asked, fearing the worst, the sexy sexy worst.

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Leona, Vee, Everyone else?

"Hold on, wait..." Yasu was going to stop Vee from probing into her memories, but it was too late, she tried to put up a shield to stop Vee from doing so but one by one her defenses got obliterated by the sheer power of Vee's telepathic might, once she found the memory in Yasu's mind the ninja was hoping that it'd make Vee stop probing her mind. What? No, Vee, stop, you're not think- Yasu's mental protest stopped there as a switch got flipped in the young ninja's mind. She suddenly felt quite dizzy and started to feel like she was going to topple over, but then in the next second she blinked and...

Everything was right in the world. She was just here to have fun at the beach, play some volleyball, relax, and not question a thing! Vee was acting completely normal, there was absolutely nothing wrong on such a nice day. Yasu even grabbed a Tim Horton's Chai Tea, for more products like this, buy at a Tim Hortons near you, and started to sip it with a grin on her face. She felt absolutely wonderful now, nothing could ruin this. "Oh yeah, I'm perfectly fine Dawn, we should play some Volleyball!" Yasu said unusually energetically as she took a sip of her drink and looked to Vee who addressed her. "I agree Vee, lets go ahead and pick teams! Why waste the sun, lets do it. It'll be alot of fun." Yasu looked over the group around them, not to tell them or lead them like she was going to do earlier, but to pick players for her team.

Yasu pointed at Dawn, Akua, and Leona. Who were probably busy following the drone, but Yasu didn't care as she rose her voice no matter their distance. "Hey you guys want to be on my team or Vee's?! Or maybe we can all be on the same team and play against a few of your other friends?" She said with a big smile, completely ignoring Butts the Drone. She had no interest in a silly thing like that.

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

Preoccupied by chasing Butts, Akua missed out on most of the confusion and chaos involving Vee and Yasu. She ran across the beach, trying to catch the round, bouncy Butts, but it kept slipping out of her grasp! Pouting, she watched it head into a shack on an abandoned corner of the beach. She approached the shack as well, waving over the other pursuers in case they'd lost track of their Butts.

Akua considered the door of the shack for a few long moments. Should she try to pick the lock with some thread? Or maybe send some cloth under the door to unlock it from the other side? Or maybe just telekinetically unscrew the doorhinges?

"Why not all of them!?" Akua muttered to herself, enacting all three plans at once with her telekinetic prowess. Hopefully one of the methods would work before Dawn arrived and blasted the shack to rubble...

As an afterthought, Akua walked up and tried the handle.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Vee

"Umm, Dawn? I think Vee and your friend have become beach zombies, or something. I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but they seem awfully excited by volleyball. I don't know about you, but I think it might not be a good idea to let Vee get too close to you!"

Leona was nervous now, as she had been unable to stop Vee's initial hug assault on Dawn, and moved in front of the redhead, doing her best to block possible, sexy, attacks on her chaste friend. "Don't even think about groping Dawn again! If you want to, you'll have to get through me first!" The magical girl did her best to look as confident as her words suggested, and frowned threateningly at Vee and Yasu.

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Leona + Others?

”Aw, Dawn…” Vee cooed as she hugged Yasu from behind and grinned at the magical girl over the ninja’s shoulder. ”Of course she’s all right, why do you ask? We’re just here to have fun!” She said with a somewhat confused expression as she was puzzled why would someone think that there was anything wrong going on around here.

”Hmm?” The hypnotized telepath tilted her head when Leona suddenly walked in between them and Dawn. ”Oh, don’t be ridiculous!” She waved her hand dismissively and chuckled.

”Why wouldn’t it be a good idea? We’re here to have fun, play volleyball and play in the sun! Come on, it’ll be fuuuun!” She said as she grabbed Leona’s hand and pulled her towards her and Yasu.
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

Offline Silverkat

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #55 on: September 01, 2019, 12:22:27 AM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Leona, Vee, Everyone else?

"Hold on, wait..." Yasu was going to stop Vee from probing into her memories, but it was too late, she tried to put up a shield to stop Vee from doing so but one by one her defenses got obliterated by the sheer power of Vee's telepathic might, once she found the memory in Yasu's mind the ninja was hoping that it'd make Vee stop probing her mind. What? No, Vee, stop, you're not think- Yasu's mental protest stopped there as a switch got flipped in the young ninja's mind. She suddenly felt quite dizzy and started to feel like she was going to topple over, but then in the next second she blinked and...

Everything was right in the world. She was just here to have fun at the beach, play some volleyball, relax, and not question a thing! Vee was acting completely normal, there was absolutely nothing wrong on such a nice day. Yasu even grabbed a Tim Horton's Chai Tea, for more products like this, buy at a Tim Hortons near you, and started to sip it with a grin on her face. She felt absolutely wonderful now, nothing could ruin this. "Oh yeah, I'm perfectly fine Dawn, we should play some Volleyball!" Yasu said unusually energetically as she took a sip of her drink and looked to Vee who addressed her. "I agree Vee, lets go ahead and pick teams! Why waste the sun, lets do it. It'll be alot of fun." Yasu looked over the group around them, not to tell them or lead them like she was going to do earlier, but to pick players for her team.

Yasu pointed at Dawn, Akua, and Leona. Who were probably busy following the drone, but Yasu didn't care as she rose her voice no matter their distance. "Hey you guys want to be on my team or Vee's?! Or maybe we can all be on the same team and play against a few of your other friends?" She said with a big smile, completely ignoring Butts the Drone. She had no interest in a silly thing like that.

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

Preoccupied by chasing Butts, Akua missed out on most of the confusion and chaos involving Vee and Yasu. She ran across the beach, trying to catch the round, bouncy Butts, but it kept slipping out of her grasp! Pouting, she watched it head into a shack on an abandoned corner of the beach. She approached the shack as well, waving over the other pursuers in case they'd lost track of their Butts.

Akua considered the door of the shack for a few long moments. Should she try to pick the lock with some thread? Or maybe send some cloth under the door to unlock it from the other side? Or maybe just telekinetically unscrew the doorhinges?

"Why not all of them!?" Akua muttered to herself, enacting all three plans at once with her telekinetic prowess. Hopefully one of the methods would work before Dawn arrived and blasted the shack to rubble...

As an afterthought, Akua walked up and tried the handle.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Vee

"Umm, Dawn? I think Vee and your friend have become beach zombies, or something. I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but they seem awfully excited by volleyball. I don't know about you, but I think it might not be a good idea to let Vee get too close to you!"

Leona was nervous now, as she had been unable to stop Vee's initial hug assault on Dawn, and moved in front of the redhead, doing her best to block possible, sexy, attacks on her chaste friend. "Don't even think about groping Dawn again! If you want to, you'll have to get through me first!" The magical girl did her best to look as confident as her words suggested, and frowned threateningly at Vee and Yasu.

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Leona + Others?

”Aw, Dawn…” Vee cooed as she hugged Yasu from behind and grinned at the magical girl over the ninja’s shoulder. ”Of course she’s all right, why do you ask? We’re just here to have fun!” She said with a somewhat confused expression as she was puzzled why would someone think that there was anything wrong going on around here.

”Hmm?” The hypnotized telepath tilted her head when Leona suddenly walked in between them and Dawn. ”Oh, don’t be ridiculous!” She waved her hand dismissively and chuckled.

”Why wouldn’t it be a good idea? We’re here to have fun, play volleyball and play in the sun! Come on, it’ll be fuuuun!” She said as she grabbed Leona’s hand and pulled her towards her and Yasu.

Location: Auralis Island – The Beach of Butts
Tag: Yasu, Akua, Vee, Leona, Butts

Okay yeah Yasu had been brainwashed alright. Even Dawn could easily tell that, this brainwashing didn't cover itself well. She sighed, she had so been looking forward to giving Team Dis Demons a good thrashing in volleyball but not like this, it would be easy for her to just go along with it, I mean this was the summer event it wouldn't really stain her character or anything elsewhere but "No! This is not how Summer Dawn rolls!" Dawn proclaimed out-loud for some reason. Vee was acting brainwashed as well, obviously, but then Leona stepping in between then and Dawn got a bit worried.

"Leona wait!" she said, grabbing her other hand and pulling her in the opposite direction. "It's okay, the brainwashing done to them doesn't seem dangerous, it's likely just to distract while the real plot occurs elsewhere! Volleyball is harmless so we'll leave them to it. Come on, we should get after that Drone and find out what this is all about, Akua has a lead on us!" Dawn said as she tried to pull Leona away from Vee and Yasu "It's okay, you two just have fun on the beach alright? We'll take care of you"

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #56 on: September 01, 2019, 12:47:10 AM »

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

Preoccupied by chasing Butts, Akua missed out on most of the confusion and chaos involving Vee and Yasu. She ran across the beach, trying to catch the round, bouncy Butts, but it kept slipping out of her grasp! Pouting, she watched it head into a shack on an abandoned corner of the beach. She approached the shack as well, waving over the other pursuers in case they'd lost track of their Butts.

Akua considered the door of the shack for a few long moments. Should she try to pick the lock with some thread? Or maybe send some cloth under the door to unlock it from the other side? Or maybe just telekinetically unscrew the doorhinges?

"Why not all of them!?" Akua muttered to herself, enacting all three plans at once with her telekinetic prowess. Hopefully one of the methods would work before Dawn arrived and blasted the shack to rubble...

As an afterthought, Akua walked up and tried the handle.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Vee

"Umm, Dawn? I think Vee and your friend have become beach zombies, or something. I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but they seem awfully excited by volleyball. I don't know about you, but I think it might not be a good idea to let Vee get too close to you!"

Leona was nervous now, as she had been unable to stop Vee's initial hug assault on Dawn, and moved in front of the redhead, doing her best to block possible, sexy, attacks on her chaste friend. "Don't even think about groping Dawn again! If you want to, you'll have to get through me first!" The magical girl did her best to look as confident as her words suggested, and frowned threateningly at Vee and Yasu.

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Leona + Others?

”Aw, Dawn…” Vee cooed as she hugged Yasu from behind and grinned at the magical girl over the ninja’s shoulder. ”Of course she’s all right, why do you ask? We’re just here to have fun!” She said with a somewhat confused expression as she was puzzled why would someone think that there was anything wrong going on around here.

”Hmm?” The hypnotized telepath tilted her head when Leona suddenly walked in between them and Dawn. ”Oh, don’t be ridiculous!” She waved her hand dismissively and chuckled.

”Why wouldn’t it be a good idea? We’re here to have fun, play volleyball and play in the sun! Come on, it’ll be fuuuun!” She said as she grabbed Leona’s hand and pulled her towards her and Yasu.

Location: Auralis Island – The Beach of Butts
Tag: Yasu, Akua, Vee, Leona, Butts

Okay yeah Yasu had been brainwashed alright. Even Dawn could easily tell that, this brainwashing didn't cover itself well. She sighed, she had so been looking forward to giving Team Dis Demons a good thrashing in volleyball but not like this, it would be easy for her to just go along with it, I mean this was the summer event it wouldn't really stain her character or anything elsewhere but "No! This is not how Summer Dawn rolls!" Dawn proclaimed out-loud for some reason. Vee was acting brainwashed as well, obviously, but then Leona stepping in between then and Dawn got a bit worried.

"Leona wait!" she said, grabbing her other hand and pulling her in the opposite direction. "It's okay, the brainwashing done to them doesn't seem dangerous, it's likely just to distract while the real plot occurs elsewhere! Volleyball is harmless so we'll leave them to it. Come on, we should get after that Drone and find out what this is all about, Akua has a lead on us!" Dawn said as she tried to pull Leona away from Vee and Yasu "It's okay, you two just have fun on the beach alright? We'll take care of you"

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Leona, Vee, Everyone else?

Yasu smiled as Vee hugged her from behind, and faced Dawn with Vee looking at her over her shoulder. "I'm perfectly fine, everything is great. Its fine weather to enjoy the beach, we should play something and enjoy the sun." Yasu nodded, it was silly to think otherwise. "Groping Dawn? I kissed her silly, my sister is the groper. Why are we standing around? Lets play something." Yasu stuck her tongue out, she wasn't the groper in the family. She let Vee pull and tug on Leona, Yasu wasn't very strong so she didn't help that way, instead she moved up to Leona with a soft smile and giggled in her ear. "Come on it'll be fun, I'll even give you a reward later." Yasu gave Leona a flirty wink, and then looked at Dawn. "Wait, where are you going? Stay with us Dawn. We can play 2 on 2!" Yasu pleaded and tried to grab Dawn now, with Leona being distracted by Vee, although she wasn't very physically gifted, she still tried to keep Dawn there so they could play.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #57 on: September 01, 2019, 01:02:35 AM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Butts the Drone
Summer Event
Tag: Akua + Others?

Luckily for Akua, the door to the shack was completely unlocked and she managed to get inside with ease! Probably not a good idea since she didn’t know what would be waiting for her inside. Thankfully, there were no signs of Butts anywhere! Wait, would that be a good thing or a bad thing? Anyway, Butts the Drone was… nowhere to be seen!

The inside of the hut was messy and Akua could see old magazines, empty coffee cups, and pieces of wood scattered all over the floor. The lockers were arranged against the wall and they were all turned inside out and contained no valuables. There was truly nothing around here…


Akua could smell a very faint scent of Spanish Latte from Tim Hortons inside the hut. Someone or something has been in here quite recently. If she followed the scent of coffee, she’d notice that there were a few palm leaves covering something up in the corner. And, when she pulled the leaves away, she’d see the only other way the drone could’ve left the hut: a Butts’ hole!

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

"...oh," Akua said, feeling a little silly as the door simply opened as she turned the handle. She looked around the deserted mess curiously, tilting her head. "Is this what human homes are like? They suck!" She poked around for a few moments, then grew more suspicious of the lack of Butts and started wondering where the drone had gone. After that it only took a few moments to find the hole that was the only other exit to the shack.

Akua looked at the Butts hole. She crossed her arms and tilted her head. "Hm... For some reason this hole fills me with dread and distaste." Tentatively, she formed a dainty glove out of white fabric and tossed it into the hole, feeling around with the cloth to scout out whatever was on the other side of the dark hole.

Offline Kunshu

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #58 on: September 01, 2019, 04:43:55 AM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

Preoccupied by chasing Butts, Akua missed out on most of the confusion and chaos involving Vee and Yasu. She ran across the beach, trying to catch the round, bouncy Butts, but it kept slipping out of her grasp! Pouting, she watched it head into a shack on an abandoned corner of the beach. She approached the shack as well, waving over the other pursuers in case they'd lost track of their Butts.

Akua considered the door of the shack for a few long moments. Should she try to pick the lock with some thread? Or maybe send some cloth under the door to unlock it from the other side? Or maybe just telekinetically unscrew the doorhinges?

"Why not all of them!?" Akua muttered to herself, enacting all three plans at once with her telekinetic prowess. Hopefully one of the methods would work before Dawn arrived and blasted the shack to rubble...

As an afterthought, Akua walked up and tried the handle.

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Leona + Others?

”Aw, Dawn…” Vee cooed as she hugged Yasu from behind and grinned at the magical girl over the ninja’s shoulder. ”Of course she’s all right, why do you ask? We’re just here to have fun!” She said with a somewhat confused expression as she was puzzled why would someone think that there was anything wrong going on around here.

”Hmm?” The hypnotized telepath tilted her head when Leona suddenly walked in between them and Dawn. ”Oh, don’t be ridiculous!” She waved her hand dismissively and chuckled.

”Why wouldn’t it be a good idea? We’re here to have fun, play volleyball and play in the sun! Come on, it’ll be fuuuun!” She said as she grabbed Leona’s hand and pulled her towards her and Yasu.

Location: Auralis Island – The Beach of Butts
Tag: Yasu, Akua, Vee, Leona, Butts

Okay yeah Yasu had been brainwashed alright. Even Dawn could easily tell that, this brainwashing didn't cover itself well. She sighed, she had so been looking forward to giving Team Dis Demons a good thrashing in volleyball but not like this, it would be easy for her to just go along with it, I mean this was the summer event it wouldn't really stain her character or anything elsewhere but "No! This is not how Summer Dawn rolls!" Dawn proclaimed out-loud for some reason. Vee was acting brainwashed as well, obviously, but then Leona stepping in between then and Dawn got a bit worried.

"Leona wait!" she said, grabbing her other hand and pulling her in the opposite direction. "It's okay, the brainwashing done to them doesn't seem dangerous, it's likely just to distract while the real plot occurs elsewhere! Volleyball is harmless so we'll leave them to it. Come on, we should get after that Drone and find out what this is all about, Akua has a lead on us!" Dawn said as she tried to pull Leona away from Vee and Yasu "It's okay, you two just have fun on the beach alright? We'll take care of you"

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Leona, Vee, Everyone else?

Yasu smiled as Vee hugged her from behind, and faced Dawn with Vee looking at her over her shoulder. "I'm perfectly fine, everything is great. Its fine weather to enjoy the beach, we should play something and enjoy the sun." Yasu nodded, it was silly to think otherwise. "Groping Dawn? I kissed her silly, my sister is the groper. Why are we standing around? Lets play something." Yasu stuck her tongue out, she wasn't the groper in the family. She let Vee pull and tug on Leona, Yasu wasn't very strong so she didn't help that way, instead she moved up to Leona with a soft smile and giggled in her ear. "Come on it'll be fun, I'll even give you a reward later." Yasu gave Leona a flirty wink, and then looked at Dawn. "Wait, where are you going? Stay with us Dawn. We can play 2 on 2!" Yasu pleaded and tried to grab Dawn now, with Leona being distracted by Vee, although she wasn't very physically gifted, she still tried to keep Dawn there so they could play.

Butts the Drone
Summer Event
Tag: Akua + Others?

Luckily for Akua, the door to the shack was completely unlocked and she managed to get inside with ease! Probably not a good idea since she didn’t know what would be waiting for her inside. Thankfully, there were no signs of Butts anywhere! Wait, would that be a good thing or a bad thing? Anyway, Butts the Drone was… nowhere to be seen!

The inside of the hut was messy and Akua could see old magazines, empty coffee cups, and pieces of wood scattered all over the floor. The lockers were arranged against the wall and they were all turned inside out and contained no valuables. There was truly nothing around here…


Akua could smell a very faint scent of Spanish Latte from Tim Hortons inside the hut. Someone or something has been in here quite recently. If she followed the scent of coffee, she’d notice that there were a few palm leaves covering something up in the corner. And, when she pulled the leaves away, she’d see the only other way the drone could’ve left the hut: a Butts’ hole!

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

"...oh," Akua said, feeling a little silly as the door simply opened as she turned the handle. She looked around the deserted mess curiously, tilting her head. "Is this what human homes are like? They suck!" She poked around for a few moments, then grew more suspicious of the lack of Butts and started wondering where the drone had gone. After that it only took a few moments to find the hole that was the only other exit to the shack.

Akua looked at the Butts hole. She crossed her arms and tilted her head. "Hm... For some reason this hole fills me with dread and distaste." Tentatively, she formed a dainty glove out of white fabric and tossed it into the hole, feeling around with the cloth to scout out whatever was on the other side of the dark hole.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Vee

"Agh! It feels like I'm being used in a game of tug of war about now." Leona bemoaned her current fate, though it wasn't all that bad getting pulled about by sexy ladies in beach attire. . . . "Umm, what kind of reward?" She was surprised by Yasu's flirtatious manner and didn't realise she was going for Dawn until it was too late. "Hey! Hands off Dawn, you pervy ninja!" The magical girl had been trying to pull away from Vee, and the sudden addition of the ninja on the other side resulted in her falling backwards, toppling into Dawn and Yasu. "Owww! Are you okay, Dawn?"

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #59 on: September 01, 2019, 04:57:04 AM »

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

"...oh," Akua said, feeling a little silly as the door simply opened as she turned the handle. She looked around the deserted mess curiously, tilting her head. "Is this what human homes are like? They suck!" She poked around for a few moments, then grew more suspicious of the lack of Butts and started wondering where the drone had gone. After that it only took a few moments to find the hole that was the only other exit to the shack.

Akua looked at the Butts hole. She crossed her arms and tilted her head. "Hm... For some reason this hole fills me with dread and distaste." Tentatively, she formed a dainty glove out of white fabric and tossed it into the hole, feeling around with the cloth to scout out whatever was on the other side of the dark hole.

Butts the Drone
Summer Event
Tag: Akua + Others?

As Akura prodded Butts’ hole with her fingers, she’d discover that it ran far deeper than she initially thought. Thanks to the small amount of light that was shining through the cracks in the hut’s rooftop, she’d also see that it was also fairly tight, and she would have a hard time squeezing in if she wanted to explore the gaping hole further. A source of light would probably be needed as well…
« Last Edit: September 01, 2019, 05:30:30 PM by Raffa »
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #60 on: September 01, 2019, 12:15:50 PM »

Auralis Island - Beach
Tag: Open

Of course, with a beach filled with vacationing heroes and demons in equal measure, excitement was bound to happen. While she lounged on her beach towel and enjoyed the warmth of sunlight, showing off her figure all the while and drawing in curious and hungry gazes from the occasional passersby (though no more than that), the blonde spirit watched the other beachgoers, the altercation between the current owner of the beach and several cute heroines, the blinding flare calling out to someone with a fancy name, then… what the heck?

Like the audio version of the signal flare, there was no ignoring the sheer volume of the drone’s alert, and as if the existence of a dress code enforcing robot wasn’t weird enough, it proceeded to beam the poor brunette in the face and immediately entranced her. Sitting up in both curiosity and concern, Sunny could only watch as the hypnotized brunette started to wander off towards the changing rooms until her friends caught up with her.

Well that took a turn for the creepy real fast.” A girl’s voice suddenly spoke up behind the ghost, and turning around to look revealed a tall and busty silver-haired girl, her bikini undone as if snapped apart and draping conveniently over her massive mammaries. There was also the equally impressively sized plastic minigun she was holding in one hand like it weighed nothing, and though she had a free hand, she held her chocomint popsicle with her hair instead, the prehensile strands forming a tendril to hold the stick.

…Yeah, that was pretty weird, huh.” Sunny remarked after taking a moment to really take in the sight of this strange (but totally hot) individual, “I wasn’t even aware there was an enforced dress code. Who d’you think made it, the Auralis defender folks or a demon?

I dunno, that doesn’t look very demon-y to me.” The silver-haired girl shrugged, having little idea what was really going on. It’s not like she’s a member of the Institute herself or really followed what they were doing (even though it’s her job to be keeping tabs of the situation in Auralis), all she heard was that there’s a truce and a beach party and that’s all she needed to know! “It blurted out that girl’s name, didn’t it? That means it has a record of Auralis citizens, right? Probably Institue-made then- wait, isn’t Victoria Murphy the director of the Institute?” She mused out loud, not noticing the rather intelligent deduction she had just made which she never would’ve reached before her encounter with a certain shapeshifter had enhanced her brainpower.

Maybe? I think I heard that name before somewhere but I can’t remember where.” The ghost responded, not the kind to pay attention to details like the name of the leader of Auralis’ institute of defenders and the one that laid the Overlord low, “Speaking of names, you can call me Sunny! You?

Oh, I’m Valerie, nice to meet you!” The silver-haired girl grinned, setting down her minigun. “Mind if I sit down?

Not at all~

Auralis Island - Beach
Tag: Open, Raffa, the Butts hunting party

So are you, like, a ghost or something?” Valerie couldn’t help but ask, examining the pale beauty beside her, the wispy feet especially piquing her curiosity.

Sunny simply giggled, then ‘fell’ through the sand, reappearing behind a surprised Valerie with a playful “Boo!” that made the girl yelp and tumble forward, thankfully onto the beach towel and thus avoiding a faceful of sand. “Heehee~ You okay there?

Yeah I’m fine~” The silver-haired girl sat back up, grinning and even more starry-eyed than before as she gazed upon an actual ghostly spirit. “So you really are a ghost then? That’s so cool! Hey, can I…” She began, reaching out a hand towards the wispy part of Sunny’s feet, to which the ghost gave her the go ahead. Passing her hand through the spot, it was like there was a pocket of cold air there, and it was evidently a ticklish spot for the spirit. Moving up, the rest of Sunny’s legs felt as solid as they appeared, though smooth and soft to an almost unnatural degree for a human body, and cool to the touch. “This is so cool… literally too! Haah~” Valerie sighed in relief as she nuzzled her cheek against the spirit’s thigh, like sticking her face against a fridge, but much softer and comfier.

Giggling softly, Sunny was happy to accommodate, kneeling back down on the ground and letting the silver-haired bombshell use her as a lap pillow. “I’m glad you appreciate my ghostly traits~ People tend to be unnerved or worse when they realize what I am.” She remarked, making Valerie perk up in confusion.

Huh? Why? You’re a total hottie! A little pale maybe, but I think that just makes you more exotic~

Well, there’s the whole ‘I see dead people’ part of it.” The ghost shrugged, “Might just be an instinctual response. It’s not really a big deal though.

Relaxing under the sun and with each other’s company, the two glanced towards the still ongoing commotion with the droid and the victim’s party. The drone was speeding off now with several people chasing after it, the rest seeming to just get over the incident.

Hey, wanna go join the drone hunting? I think it’ll be fun!” Valerie suddenly suggested, getting hyped up by the excitement and wanting to do something other than lounge about now. Sunny watched them go and thought about it.

Hmm… I wouldn’t mind a little seaside adventure, I am curious where that drone came from, especially if it just hypno-beamed the Institute director in the face and got away with it. Just let me tell my friend before we wander off. Even though she wandered off in the first place.

Oh, you came here with a buddy? Is she another ghost?

Yeah, though I haven’t seen her in a while now. We have a mental link though, so this won’t take long~” Sunny explained, then focused her thoughts on their psychic bond.  ‘Hey, Haru, I’m gonna go off for a bit, can you come back and watch our stuff?’ She thought, getting a response a few seconds later.

Sure, gimme a moment. Where you off to?
There was this flying droid just now that-


A sudden loud shriek from a random beachgoer snapped Sunny out of her mental conversation as more and more people started freaking out and pointing out into the ocean, where another silver-haired girl (this one far more petite) on a surfboard of ice was currently being pursued by several shark fins sticking out of the water. Curiously, the fins are a pretty light blue rather than gray, and they were actively trying to surround the girl, moving with abnormal organization.

It was a transfixing sight to behold, as more and more both the shark pack and the magical girl seemed to be performing rather than pursuing and fleeing. Instead of making a beeline back to the beach, the girl continued the game of cat and mouse on the open waters instead, using her magic over water and ice to propel herself forward along the ocean’s surface with impossibly tight turns and air flips; all the while the sharks maneuvered with perfect synchronicity, speeding through the waters fast enough to leave clearly visible splashes in their wake while trying to cut the girl’s path. Soon they started leaping out of the water after her, revealing themselves to be clearly magical in nature with their cyan coloration and glowing purple eyes.

Then without warning, a much more humanoid shark launched herself out of the water right in front of the surfer, lunging for her target. Yelping in shock, the magical girl fell backwards off her board, but not before summoning up a wall of rapidly freezing seawater to intercept the attacker, which succeeded, freezing the shark girl in place. At least, for a few seconds, before the merfolk somehow wormed her way out of the ice and fell back into the water. Both she and the rest of the sharks didn’t emerge again.

While Valerie watched the spectacle in awe, Sunny just chuckled and shook her head. A moment later, a new voice joined the duo.

M-Might’ve spooked her a b-bit too much at the end…

Turning around, Valerie found none other than the shark girl floating there shivering from cold, her slightly translucent body and the ephemeral wisps trailing from the end of her tail revealing her nature.

Valerie, meet Harukaze, our resident prankster! Haru, Valerie, adorable beach babe~

So you found yourself a d-date, huh? Nice to meet ‘cha, Val~” The shark girl grinned, extending a hand for the still living girl to shake. The girl did so distractedly, more interested in examining the incredibly exotic being in front of her.

Whoooahh… A ghost shark girl! Hey, did you make those other sharks out there? Are they, like, your ghost shark familiars or something?

Nah, they’re just illusions, none of them were really there.” Harukaze explained, creating a much smaller version of the phantom sharks that swam through the air around them, complete with illusory wake around its fins as it travelled. “I specialize in shapeshifting and illusions. Pretty cool, huh?

SUPER cool!” Valerie beamed, reaching out to try touching the illusion only for her hand to phase right through, nothing more than a hologram. “I wish I could do stuff like that!

Glad to hear some praise for once~ So, were you two gonna go smooch somewhere or what?” Haru asked, reminding the two that they were supposed to be going somewhere. By this point the droid and its pursuers were long gone.

Aww, we lost them…

Don’t give up just yet~” The blonde ghost winked, then flew high up into the air to get a better view. It wasn’t long before she spotted her quarry around a shack in the distance, and with her pointing the way, Valerie was soon running across the beach following her spirit guide, toy minigun in hand. Haru waved after them, then took Sunny’s place upon the beach, soaking up the sunlight’s warmth with a relieved sigh. That little prank was fun but exhausting without Mistress’ power backing her up…

With Sunny’s ability to just fly, and the excited Valerie bounding across the beach in great strides with her lower body strength, it wasn’t long before the two arrived at the hut, peeking inside to find one of the first droid pursuers inspecting a hole in the ground.

Hello!” The friendly Valerie didn’t hesitate to greet, “You were looking for that weird drone thing, right? Is it here? I don’t see it.” She looked around the messy place, Sunny floating in behind her.
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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #61 on: September 01, 2019, 05:44:10 PM »
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Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

Preoccupied by chasing Butts, Akua missed out on most of the confusion and chaos involving Vee and Yasu. She ran across the beach, trying to catch the round, bouncy Butts, but it kept slipping out of her grasp! Pouting, she watched it head into a shack on an abandoned corner of the beach. She approached the shack as well, waving over the other pursuers in case they'd lost track of their Butts.

Akua considered the door of the shack for a few long moments. Should she try to pick the lock with some thread? Or maybe send some cloth under the door to unlock it from the other side? Or maybe just telekinetically unscrew the doorhinges?

"Why not all of them!?" Akua muttered to herself, enacting all three plans at once with her telekinetic prowess. Hopefully one of the methods would work before Dawn arrived and blasted the shack to rubble...

As an afterthought, Akua walked up and tried the handle.

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Leona + Others?

”Aw, Dawn…” Vee cooed as she hugged Yasu from behind and grinned at the magical girl over the ninja’s shoulder. ”Of course she’s all right, why do you ask? We’re just here to have fun!” She said with a somewhat confused expression as she was puzzled why would someone think that there was anything wrong going on around here.

”Hmm?” The hypnotized telepath tilted her head when Leona suddenly walked in between them and Dawn. ”Oh, don’t be ridiculous!” She waved her hand dismissively and chuckled.

”Why wouldn’t it be a good idea? We’re here to have fun, play volleyball and play in the sun! Come on, it’ll be fuuuun!” She said as she grabbed Leona’s hand and pulled her towards her and Yasu.

Location: Auralis Island – The Beach of Butts
Tag: Yasu, Akua, Vee, Leona, Butts

Okay yeah Yasu had been brainwashed alright. Even Dawn could easily tell that, this brainwashing didn't cover itself well. She sighed, she had so been looking forward to giving Team Dis Demons a good thrashing in volleyball but not like this, it would be easy for her to just go along with it, I mean this was the summer event it wouldn't really stain her character or anything elsewhere but "No! This is not how Summer Dawn rolls!" Dawn proclaimed out-loud for some reason. Vee was acting brainwashed as well, obviously, but then Leona stepping in between then and Dawn got a bit worried.

"Leona wait!" she said, grabbing her other hand and pulling her in the opposite direction. "It's okay, the brainwashing done to them doesn't seem dangerous, it's likely just to distract while the real plot occurs elsewhere! Volleyball is harmless so we'll leave them to it. Come on, we should get after that Drone and find out what this is all about, Akua has a lead on us!" Dawn said as she tried to pull Leona away from Vee and Yasu "It's okay, you two just have fun on the beach alright? We'll take care of you"

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Leona, Vee, Everyone else?

Yasu smiled as Vee hugged her from behind, and faced Dawn with Vee looking at her over her shoulder. "I'm perfectly fine, everything is great. Its fine weather to enjoy the beach, we should play something and enjoy the sun." Yasu nodded, it was silly to think otherwise. "Groping Dawn? I kissed her silly, my sister is the groper. Why are we standing around? Lets play something." Yasu stuck her tongue out, she wasn't the groper in the family. She let Vee pull and tug on Leona, Yasu wasn't very strong so she didn't help that way, instead she moved up to Leona with a soft smile and giggled in her ear. "Come on it'll be fun, I'll even give you a reward later." Yasu gave Leona a flirty wink, and then looked at Dawn. "Wait, where are you going? Stay with us Dawn. We can play 2 on 2!" Yasu pleaded and tried to grab Dawn now, with Leona being distracted by Vee, although she wasn't very physically gifted, she still tried to keep Dawn there so they could play.

Butts the Drone
Summer Event
Tag: Akua + Others?

Luckily for Akua, the door to the shack was completely unlocked and she managed to get inside with ease! Probably not a good idea since she didn’t know what would be waiting for her inside. Thankfully, there were no signs of Butts anywhere! Wait, would that be a good thing or a bad thing? Anyway, Butts the Drone was… nowhere to be seen!

The inside of the hut was messy and Akua could see old magazines, empty coffee cups, and pieces of wood scattered all over the floor. The lockers were arranged against the wall and they were all turned inside out and contained no valuables. There was truly nothing around here…


Akua could smell a very faint scent of Spanish Latte from Tim Hortons inside the hut. Someone or something has been in here quite recently. If she followed the scent of coffee, she’d notice that there were a few palm leaves covering something up in the corner. And, when she pulled the leaves away, she’d see the only other way the drone could’ve left the hut: a Butts’ hole!

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Yasu (Youkai) & Dawn (Kat) & Vee? (Raffa)

"...oh," Akua said, feeling a little silly as the door simply opened as she turned the handle. She looked around the deserted mess curiously, tilting her head. "Is this what human homes are like? They suck!" She poked around for a few moments, then grew more suspicious of the lack of Butts and started wondering where the drone had gone. After that it only took a few moments to find the hole that was the only other exit to the shack.

Akua looked at the Butts hole. She crossed her arms and tilted her head. "Hm... For some reason this hole fills me with dread and distaste." Tentatively, she formed a dainty glove out of white fabric and tossed it into the hole, feeling around with the cloth to scout out whatever was on the other side of the dark hole.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Vee

"Agh! It feels like I'm being used in a game of tug of war about now." Leona bemoaned her current fate, though it wasn't all that bad getting pulled about by sexy ladies in beach attire. . . . "Umm, what kind of reward?" She was surprised by Yasu's flirtatious manner and didn't realise she was going for Dawn until it was too late. "Hey! Hands off Dawn, you pervy ninja!" The magical girl had been trying to pull away from Vee, and the sudden addition of the ninja on the other side resulted in her falling backwards, toppling into Dawn and Yasu. "Owww! Are you okay, Dawn?"

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Leona + Others?

”Yeah! Two on two!” Vee nodded along with Yasu as the latter started to pull Dawn closer towards them. ”I don’t know why you guys are so stubborn. It’s just harmless fun! There’s no need to worry about anything!” The heroine said reassuringly and chuckled when Leona tried to pull away from her; what a jokester!

The telepath hummed herself and looked at her two resisting friends. They were acting incredibly silly for some strange reason, but it was nothing that a little bit mental manipulation wouldn’t fix. Maybe that would help them relax…

She stuck her tongue out and focused. However, just when she was about assault Leona’s mind to make her more agreeable to a fun volleyball game and some totally pure and innocent fun at the beach, Leona lost her balance. Surprised, Vee was pulled on top of the girl pile as well as she was still holding the busty magical girl’s hand.

The four girls fell down on the ground in a heaping pile of tangled limbs, exposed flesh and skimpy swimsuits. There was so much thrashing and flailing going on that it would be downright criminal if the Co-GM decreed there were no accidental nip-slips or wardrobe malfunctions.

Tis a fanservice event, after all.

Groaning, Vee pulled herself up first and rubbed her head. ”Ow…” She grumbled and looked around. There was something wrapped around her hand. Furrowing her brow in confusion, the heroine raised her hand. ”Wha…? Oh…” Vee murmured when she discovered one of her friends’ top wrapped around her hand. The question remained: “Whose?”.
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #62 on: September 01, 2019, 08:00:07 PM »
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Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Eleanor (MC)

The burning sand did little too quiet Sara’s trembling figure laid out like a serving platter.  Bashful eyes tracked the wiry student who paced around with her with a look not at all appropriately shared between professor and student.  A strange mixture of emotions as professional demeanor warred with forbidden fantasies.

“Ook,” she hesitantly agreed. ...why am I staying put?

A cascade of arousal answered her unasked question as soon as Eleanor began drumming against her thigh. Each digit landing like a firecracker ~pop~ between her legs; Sara buttoned down upon her lips to keep from moaning in an unprofessional manner. And just the way Eleanor kept emphasizing Dr. Peterson, oh that just sounded ultra dirty coming from her student for some reason. She squirm and shifted her face away from Eleanor’s.

“I wouldn’t,” came the quiet restrained answer.  Sara could feel her chest jiggling atop her figure that made them tingle in such torturous excitement. A small whimper finally escaped her locked down mouth.  “I want to see you out of your swimsuit.”

Shocked that taboo thought had actually lept from her now O shaped mouth, Sara slapped a hand over it, turning three shades redder.  This was so so wrong... and yet she was becoming so so wet. Maybe Eleanor didn’t hear that. Maybe she’ll keep quiet about this whole awkward situation. Maybe she’ll pull her bottoms to one side and sit upon my face.

Eleanor Lagan
Auralis Beach
Tag: Sara Peterson (Mind Zapper)

Eleanor claps and chuckles—more mirthful than Sara ever remembers seeing her. “How forthright! We see our little seeds have taken root in your fertile mind. It’s good for something after all.”

“But you’ll simply have to settle for now, dearest.”
Slowly, gingerly, with that unearthly dexterity that simply enthralled the poor professor, she removes her t-shirt, revealing her delicious tiny breasts cupped by a silver bikini. She savors the redhead’s embarassed, lustful, dazed staring nearly as much as Sara does the show. “Funny seeing that look all the boys in your class get on your face for once… Enjoying the view?”

Dimly, the DRU captain in her realizes that something’s being warped… But it’s quickly shushed by the horny, submissive side that’s being pulled to the fore every passing moment—of course she’s being warped, it’s so fucking hot…!

Unbeknownst to Eleanor, this teasing is the only thing saving her from Vee’s lamentable, sexy fate. She is, after a fashion, having fun at the beach. And is now adhering to the spirit of the law that requires all beachgoers to wear swimsuits. The volleyball, though… she might still be at risk, if the drones saw fit...

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: Eleanor (MC)

Sara couldn’t help but mirror Eleanor‘s amusement. Putting a smile on her student’s lips with such a whimsical chuckle, made Sara’s brighten all the more.   Her eyes danced along every nook and curve of Eleanor’s body as the tantalizing teasing continued. First that pale mid riff came into sight and soon after those small silver bell delights.

“You shouldn’t be teasing me like this, I’m your professor.” Though her soft tone could only meekly add a thin veneer of authority.

The added heat from the sun room more noticeable as Eleanor finish stripping the remainder of her outerwear.  Sara felt baked from all sides.  And now that her student was practically naked, her glowing blush spread halfway down her torso.   This felt so wrong, but a slithering presence in the back of her mind slipped its way to the forefront. Her eyes twisted up as the naughtiness I’d it all began to really really excite her.

And as her expression took on a more nocturnally hungry look, she dipped her fingers below the waist of her bottoms. Sara’s satisfied grin widen as did her knees like a barn door. The movement under that small piece of fabric left no doubt as to the very intimate touching she was engaged in. 
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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #63 on: September 01, 2019, 08:37:37 PM »

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: The Butt (Raffa), and also Butts the Drone (Raffa), & Sunny & Valarie (Mortalitas)

Akua jumped a little as she heard voices behind her. She turned and took in the the white-haired girl and the floating ghost, not really surprised by either. "Yeah! I saw the robot thingy fly in here, but all that's here is this hole... I thought the others would be right behind me, but maybe they got lost?" the demon shrugged. "Anyway, I don't know how deep it goes or anything... it's hard to see when it's so gloomy in here. Do humans normally live like this?" Akua gestured at the debris scattered everywhere.

"Oh, maybe one of you can make light or something? Wait, you're all floaty, you could just fly down, right?" she pointed at Sunny.  "Are you some kind of ghost? You look pretty ghost-y. Also you're not actually wearing clothes."

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #64 on: September 02, 2019, 05:15:41 PM »

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: The Butt (Raffa), and also Butts the Drone (Raffa), & Sunny & Valarie (Mortalitas)

Akua jumped a little as she heard voices behind her. She turned and took in the the white-haired girl and the floating ghost, not really surprised by either. "Yeah! I saw the robot thingy fly in here, but all that's here is this hole... I thought the others would be right behind me, but maybe they got lost?" the demon shrugged. "Anyway, I don't know how deep it goes or anything... it's hard to see when it's so gloomy in here. Do humans normally live like this?" Akua gestured at the debris scattered everywhere.

"Oh, maybe one of you can make light or something? Wait, you're all floaty, you could just fly down, right?" she pointed at Sunny.  "Are you some kind of ghost? You look pretty ghost-y. Also you're not actually wearing clothes."

Sunny, Valerie
Auralis Island - The Butt's Hole
Tag: Raffa, Suna

A hole?” Valerie blinked, and walked over to the hole in question, peering into the darkness. “…It feels gross for some reason but I don’t know why.” She then remarked, unwilling to try sticking a hand down into it. “This whole place is a mess too, even I wouldn’t let my room get half this messy, and I’m kind of a slob by human standards. I’m not sure if anyone actually lives here or if it’s just a cover-up for some place else. No one in their right minds would bother searching through this dump without good reason.” The silver-haired girl continued, once again making another deduction that could be considered mildly intelligent.

Could be some kinda hermit, but hermits usually don’t have super high tech beachwear-enforcing drones.” Sunny chimed in as well, until Akua addressed her, “Hmm? Yeah, I can fly down there! No light though, I’d need my other buddy for that and she’s still down on the beach.” The blonde spirit nodded, then giggled at the demoness’ observation. “Eh~? How could you tell?” She asked, and when she noticed Valerie’s look of confusion, exhibited her own very mild shapeshifting ability by forming an open jacket over her bikini, wisps of fog-like substance appearing around her and weaving together in seconds; then she shifted her bikini to a one-piece, then a scandalous slingshot swimsuit, then back to her original bikini. “Being a ghost, normal clothes don’t really go with me when I go incorporeal, so I make them out of my own ectoplasm instead. I guess technically, that means I’m naked all the time~” The airheaded spirit giggled, not finding that fact embarrassing at all, “Anyway, you want me to scout ahead right? I can do that~ Just gimme a sec, I’ll be right back!

With that, the ghost girl dived into the hole, having no problems fitting as she was simply phasing through the earth. Being incorporeal will also help her avoid any hidden hazards along the way, hopefully, as she tries to find where the tunnel ends…
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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #65 on: September 02, 2019, 08:10:28 PM »
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Sunny, Valerie
Auralis Island - The Butt's Hole
Tag: Raffa, Suna

A hole?” Valerie blinked, and walked over to the hole in question, peering into the darkness. “…It feels gross for some reason but I don’t know why.” She then remarked, unwilling to try sticking a hand down into it. “This whole place is a mess too, even I wouldn’t let my room get half this messy, and I’m kind of a slob by human standards. I’m not sure if anyone actually lives here or if it’s just a cover-up for some place else. No one in their right minds would bother searching through this dump without good reason.” The silver-haired girl continued, once again making another deduction that could be considered mildly intelligent.

Could be some kinda hermit, but hermits usually don’t have super high tech beachwear-enforcing drones.” Sunny chimed in as well, until Akua addressed her, “Hmm? Yeah, I can fly down there! No light though, I’d need my other buddy for that and she’s still down on the beach.” The blonde spirit nodded, then giggled at the demoness’ observation. “Eh~? How could you tell?” She asked, and when she noticed Valerie’s look of confusion, exhibited her own very mild shapeshifting ability by forming an open jacket over her bikini, wisps of fog-like substance appearing around her and weaving together in seconds; then she shifted her bikini to a one-piece, then a scandalous slingshot swimsuit, then back to her original bikini. “Being a ghost, normal clothes don’t really go with me when I go incorporeal, so I make them out of my own ectoplasm instead. I guess technically, that means I’m naked all the time~” The airheaded spirit giggled, not finding that fact embarrassing at all, “Anyway, you want me to scout ahead right? I can do that~ Just gimme a sec, I’ll be right back!

With that, the ghost girl dived into the hole, having no problems fitting as she was simply phasing through the earth. Being incorporeal will also help her avoid any hidden hazards along the way, hopefully, as she tries to find where the tunnel ends…

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: The Butt (Raffa), and also Butts the Drone (Raffa), & Sunny & Valarie (Mortalitas)

Akua shrugged when Sunny asked how she knew the ghost wasn't actually wearing any clothes. "I couldn't sense any threads on you. So you're not wearing real clothes." Her eyes widened as Sunny showed off her ectoplasmic 'clothes'-changing, though she seemed much more interesting in the technique than in Sunny's body, which might be a little disappointing to the flirty ghost. "Wow! That's cool! You can change stuff even faster than I could!"

Soon enough Sunny sunk into the ground, going to scout, leaving the two silver-haired girls behind. Akua shuffled her feet a little awkwardly. "Um, hi. Uh... nice weather, huh? How about them... sportsmans??" she attempted to make small talk.

Offline Raffa

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #66 on: September 04, 2019, 01:57:22 AM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Sunny, Valerie
Auralis Island - The Butt's Hole
Tag: Raffa, Suna

A hole?” Valerie blinked, and walked over to the hole in question, peering into the darkness. “…It feels gross for some reason but I don’t know why.” She then remarked, unwilling to try sticking a hand down into it. “This whole place is a mess too, even I wouldn’t let my room get half this messy, and I’m kind of a slob by human standards. I’m not sure if anyone actually lives here or if it’s just a cover-up for some place else. No one in their right minds would bother searching through this dump without good reason.” The silver-haired girl continued, once again making another deduction that could be considered mildly intelligent.

Could be some kinda hermit, but hermits usually don’t have super high tech beachwear-enforcing drones.” Sunny chimed in as well, until Akua addressed her, “Hmm? Yeah, I can fly down there! No light though, I’d need my other buddy for that and she’s still down on the beach.” The blonde spirit nodded, then giggled at the demoness’ observation. “Eh~? How could you tell?” She asked, and when she noticed Valerie’s look of confusion, exhibited her own very mild shapeshifting ability by forming an open jacket over her bikini, wisps of fog-like substance appearing around her and weaving together in seconds; then she shifted her bikini to a one-piece, then a scandalous slingshot swimsuit, then back to her original bikini. “Being a ghost, normal clothes don’t really go with me when I go incorporeal, so I make them out of my own ectoplasm instead. I guess technically, that means I’m naked all the time~” The airheaded spirit giggled, not finding that fact embarrassing at all, “Anyway, you want me to scout ahead right? I can do that~ Just gimme a sec, I’ll be right back!

With that, the ghost girl dived into the hole, having no problems fitting as she was simply phasing through the earth. Being incorporeal will also help her avoid any hidden hazards along the way, hopefully, as she tries to find where the tunnel ends…

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: The Butt (Raffa), and also Butts the Drone (Raffa), & Sunny & Valarie (Mortalitas)

Akua shrugged when Sunny asked how she knew the ghost wasn't actually wearing any clothes. "I couldn't sense any threads on you. So you're not wearing real clothes." Her eyes widened as Sunny showed off her ectoplasmic 'clothes'-changing, though she seemed much more interesting in the technique than in Sunny's body, which might be a little disappointing to the flirty ghost. "Wow! That's cool! You can change stuff even faster than I could!"

Soon enough Sunny sunk into the ground, going to scout, leaving the two silver-haired girls behind. Akua shuffled her feet a little awkwardly. "Um, hi. Uh... nice weather, huh? How about them... sportsmans??" she attempted to make small talk.

Butts the Drone
Summer Event
Tag: Akua, Sunny + Valerie + Others?

Thanks to her ghostly nature, Sunny managed to easily slide into Butts’ hole. The tight crack offered no resistance against her incorporeal form. As she pushed deeper, she would see the tunnel widening until it would become comfortable enough for an average sized human to walk upright without worrying that they might bump the ceiling with their heads. And thus, she was able to continue her Journey to the Center of the Butts’ Hole without needing to resort to her ghostly tricks.

Moving forward, the natural rock walls and floor were eventually replaced by cement and, even further ahead, Sunny would see crude electric lamps arranged on both sides of the tunnel. After making a few steps forward, she could hear voices…

However, in order to maintain the mystery, these voices were completely lacking color coding, making it difficult to pinpoint which one of Raffa’s characters were behind this evil swimsuit plot!

“… and you’ve got her?” The first voice was quiet.

”Confirm.” The second voice was louder and mechanical; it couldn’t be anyone else but Butts.

“That’s… impressive. Didn’t expect that, but it’ll help accelerate our plans.”

There was a pause. A short while later, Sunny could hear footsteps walking away from her hiding spot and the voice became more distant and harder to hear. Would she risk getting closer?
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #67 on: September 04, 2019, 06:30:57 PM »

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: The Butt (Raffa), and also Butts the Drone (Raffa), & Sunny & Valarie (Mortalitas)

Akua shrugged when Sunny asked how she knew the ghost wasn't actually wearing any clothes. "I couldn't sense any threads on you. So you're not wearing real clothes." Her eyes widened as Sunny showed off her ectoplasmic 'clothes'-changing, though she seemed much more interesting in the technique than in Sunny's body, which might be a little disappointing to the flirty ghost. "Wow! That's cool! You can change stuff even faster than I could!"

Soon enough Sunny sunk into the ground, going to scout, leaving the two silver-haired girls behind. Akua shuffled her feet a little awkwardly. "Um, hi. Uh... nice weather, huh? How about them... sportsmans??" she attempted to make small talk.

Butts the Drone
Summer Event
Tag: Akua, Sunny + Valerie + Others?

Thanks to her ghostly nature, Sunny managed to easily slide into Butts’ hole. The tight crack offered no resistance against her incorporeal form. As she pushed deeper, she would see the tunnel widening until it would become comfortable enough for an average sized human to walk upright without worrying that they might bump the ceiling with their heads. And thus, she was able to continue her Journey to the Center of the Butts’ Hole without needing to resort to her ghostly tricks.

Moving forward, the natural rock walls and floor were eventually replaced by cement and, even further ahead, Sunny would see crude electric lamps arranged on both sides of the tunnel. After making a few steps forward, she could hear voices…

However, in order to maintain the mystery, these voices were completely lacking color coding, making it difficult to pinpoint which one of Raffa’s characters were behind this evil swimsuit plot!

“… and you’ve got her?” The first voice was quiet.

”Confirm.” The second voice was louder and mechanical; it couldn’t be anyone else but Butts.

“That’s… impressive. Didn’t expect that, but it’ll help accelerate our plans.”

There was a pause. A short while later, Sunny could hear footsteps walking away from her hiding spot and the voice became more distant and harder to hear. Would she risk getting closer?

Sunny, Valerie
Auralis Island - The Butt's Hole
Tag: Raffa, Suna

Sunny relished the attention from Akua nonetheless, always happy to impress, whether it be with her skills or her beauty. “It's pretty convenient, huh~? It's just ectoplasm though, I’m sure it’s a lot harder actually controlling physical fabric strand by strand.” She remarked, not wanting to be too boastful.

Once the ghost went ahead into the hole, Valerie blinked confusedly at the demoness’ attempt at small talk first, then giggled in amusement. “They’re same as they always are, last I checked~ Though speaking of, do demons have sport events? Do you guys get, like, magical football?” The girl asked, as her eyes started drifting towards Akua’s fluffy ears and stayed there. Her free non-minigun-occupied hand half lifted, the urge to pet rising. “…Can I touch your ears? They look super floofy!” She just outright asked. Nothing ventured nothing gained!

Meanwhile in the depths below, the phantom scout continued her journey into the bowels of the earth, noting that the passage widened considerably after the initial squeeze, so the others should be able to get through. With a little digging required perhaps, Valerie’s gonna have trouble squeezing her bust through otherwise.

Soon the natural rock walls were replaced with cement, proving it to be a man-made structure. Feeling a little wary, she phased down through the floor until only the top of her head stuck up, just enough to see, making herself much harder to notice. A little bit further on, and she could hear someone talking.

While there wasn’t much to go on, it’s clear someone’s talking to the droid, and there’s some kind of plan going on. She wanted to know what it was. While the prudent would retreat at this point to collect her companions for backup, if Sunny was the prudent sort who’d go get help when she should she wouldn’t be here as a ghost right now. Instead, confident in her sneakiness, Sunny pressed onwards after the footsteps, wanting to at least find out who this mysterious person was and what kind of nefarious plans they have that involved a swimsuit-enforcing brainwasher droid.
Sanity is overrated.
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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #68 on: September 05, 2019, 02:30:04 AM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Butts the Drone
Summer Event
Tag: Akua, Sunny + Valerie + Others?

Thanks to her ghostly nature, Sunny managed to easily slide into Butts’ hole. The tight crack offered no resistance against her incorporeal form. As she pushed deeper, she would see the tunnel widening until it would become comfortable enough for an average sized human to walk upright without worrying that they might bump the ceiling with their heads. And thus, she was able to continue her Journey to the Center of the Butts’ Hole without needing to resort to her ghostly tricks.

Moving forward, the natural rock walls and floor were eventually replaced by cement and, even further ahead, Sunny would see crude electric lamps arranged on both sides of the tunnel. After making a few steps forward, she could hear voices…

However, in order to maintain the mystery, these voices were completely lacking color coding, making it difficult to pinpoint which one of Raffa’s characters were behind this evil swimsuit plot!

“… and you’ve got her?” The first voice was quiet.

”Confirm.” The second voice was louder and mechanical; it couldn’t be anyone else but Butts.

“That’s… impressive. Didn’t expect that, but it’ll help accelerate our plans.”

There was a pause. A short while later, Sunny could hear footsteps walking away from her hiding spot and the voice became more distant and harder to hear. Would she risk getting closer?

Sunny, Valerie
Auralis Island - The Butt's Hole
Tag: Raffa, Suna

Sunny relished the attention from Akua nonetheless, always happy to impress, whether it be with her skills or her beauty. “It's pretty convenient, huh~? It's just ectoplasm though, I’m sure it’s a lot harder actually controlling physical fabric strand by strand.” She remarked, not wanting to be too boastful.

Once the ghost went ahead into the hole, Valerie blinked confusedly at the demoness’ attempt at small talk first, then giggled in amusement. “They’re same as they always are, last I checked~ Though speaking of, do demons have sport events? Do you guys get, like, magical football?” The girl asked, as her eyes started drifting towards Akua’s fluffy ears and stayed there. Her free non-minigun-occupied hand half lifted, the urge to pet rising. “…Can I touch your ears? They look super floofy!” She just outright asked. Nothing ventured nothing gained!

Meanwhile in the depths below, the phantom scout continued her journey into the bowels of the earth, noting that the passage widened considerably after the initial squeeze, so the others should be able to get through. With a little digging required perhaps, Valerie’s gonna have trouble squeezing her bust through otherwise.

Soon the natural rock walls were replaced with cement, proving it to be a man-made structure. Feeling a little wary, she phased down through the floor until only the top of her head stuck up, just enough to see, making herself much harder to notice. A little bit further on, and she could hear someone talking.

While there wasn’t much to go on, it’s clear someone’s talking to the droid, and there’s some kind of plan going on. She wanted to know what it was. While the prudent would retreat at this point to collect her companions for backup, if Sunny was the prudent sort who’d go get help when she should she wouldn’t be here as a ghost right now. Instead, confident in her sneakiness, Sunny pressed onwards after the footsteps, wanting to at least find out who this mysterious person was and what kind of nefarious plans they have that involved a swimsuit-enforcing brainwasher droid.

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: The Butt (Raffa), and also Butts the Drone (Raffa), & Sunny & Valarie (Mortalitas)

"Of course we have sports!" Akua said, vaguely affronted on behalf of her species. "There's Disball and Capture the Slave and tournaments all the time! I got on to commentate on one of them, you know!" the demon puffed out her chest proudly. "I'm still not really sure why they picked me, I mostly just laughed at Chad."

Akua tilted her head as Valarie asked to touch... "M-my ears?!" the demon blinked and blushed. "W-well... if you insist..." she slowly lowered her head to put her fluffy, soft ears in touching range...

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #69 on: September 05, 2019, 07:53:11 AM »

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Leona, Vee, Everyone else?

Yasu smiled as Vee hugged her from behind, and faced Dawn with Vee looking at her over her shoulder. "I'm perfectly fine, everything is great. Its fine weather to enjoy the beach, we should play something and enjoy the sun." Yasu nodded, it was silly to think otherwise. "Groping Dawn? I kissed her silly, my sister is the groper. Why are we standing around? Lets play something." Yasu stuck her tongue out, she wasn't the groper in the family. She let Vee pull and tug on Leona, Yasu wasn't very strong so she didn't help that way, instead she moved up to Leona with a soft smile and giggled in her ear. "Come on it'll be fun, I'll even give you a reward later." Yasu gave Leona a flirty wink, and then looked at Dawn. "Wait, where are you going? Stay with us Dawn. We can play 2 on 2!" Yasu pleaded and tried to grab Dawn now, with Leona being distracted by Vee, although she wasn't very physically gifted, she still tried to keep Dawn there so they could play.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Vee

"Agh! It feels like I'm being used in a game of tug of war about now." Leona bemoaned her current fate, though it wasn't all that bad getting pulled about by sexy ladies in beach attire. . . . "Umm, what kind of reward?" She was surprised by Yasu's flirtatious manner and didn't realise she was going for Dawn until it was too late. "Hey! Hands off Dawn, you pervy ninja!" The magical girl had been trying to pull away from Vee, and the sudden addition of the ninja on the other side resulted in her falling backwards, toppling into Dawn and Yasu. "Owww! Are you okay, Dawn?"

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Leona + Others?

”Yeah! Two on two!” Vee nodded along with Yasu as the latter started to pull Dawn closer towards them. ”I don’t know why you guys are so stubborn. It’s just harmless fun! There’s no need to worry about anything!” The heroine said reassuringly and chuckled when Leona tried to pull away from her; what a jokester!

The telepath hummed herself and looked at her two resisting friends. They were acting incredibly silly for some strange reason, but it was nothing that a little bit mental manipulation wouldn’t fix. Maybe that would help them relax…

She stuck her tongue out and focused. However, just when she was about assault Leona’s mind to make her more agreeable to a fun volleyball game and some totally pure and innocent fun at the beach, Leona lost her balance. Surprised, Vee was pulled on top of the girl pile as well as she was still holding the busty magical girl’s hand.

The four girls fell down on the ground in a heaping pile of tangled limbs, exposed flesh and skimpy swimsuits. There was so much thrashing and flailing going on that it would be downright criminal if the Co-GM decreed there were no accidental nip-slips or wardrobe malfunctions.

Tis a fanservice event, after all.

Groaning, Vee pulled herself up first and rubbed her head. ”Ow…” She grumbled and looked around. There was something wrapped around her hand. Furrowing her brow in confusion, the heroine raised her hand. ”Wha…? Oh…” Vee murmured when she discovered one of her friends’ top wrapped around her hand. The question remained: “Whose?”.

Location: Auralis Island – The Beach of Butts
Tag: Yasu, Vee, Leona

Dawn wasn't exactly convinced by Yasu's claim that she was perfectly fine, but she played along. "Oh I know! You go enjoy yourself okay Yasu?" Dawn said cheerfully "I just need Leona here to come look at something with me for a moment and then we'll be back to play volleyball with you" Dawn said, putting on a smile. She wasn't actually worried since the mind control seemed pretty harmless and this was just a fun summer event anyway so all mind control would probably be fine... in fact it would probably also be fine if Dawn just let herself get controlled or just played volleyball with them willingly... but then Detective Dawn(TM) wouldn't be able to show up, and that was a prise that was just too high to pay.

Dawn was a bit surprised though, when Yasu suddenly took her arm and tried to pull her along as well. "We will play I promise! We just have to go take care of some magical girl business first!" Dawn tried to protest as the former tug of war for Leona now turned into a combination tugging on the two magical girls... which lasted right until someone lost their balance and the four of them all landed on top of each other in a girl heap. "Owwie..." Dawn said, as she squirmed out from under the others and knelt up on the sand... only to see what Vee was holding in hers. "Ack! Vee no! Can't you control yourself!!!" Dawn yelled in shock, Vee's terrible instincts had taken over and she had disrobed one of the girls!

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #70 on: September 05, 2019, 08:53:17 PM »

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Vee

"Agh! It feels like I'm being used in a game of tug of war about now." Leona bemoaned her current fate, though it wasn't all that bad getting pulled about by sexy ladies in beach attire. . . . "Umm, what kind of reward?" She was surprised by Yasu's flirtatious manner and didn't realise she was going for Dawn until it was too late. "Hey! Hands off Dawn, you pervy ninja!" The magical girl had been trying to pull away from Vee, and the sudden addition of the ninja on the other side resulted in her falling backwards, toppling into Dawn and Yasu. "Owww! Are you okay, Dawn?"

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Leona + Others?

”Yeah! Two on two!” Vee nodded along with Yasu as the latter started to pull Dawn closer towards them. ”I don’t know why you guys are so stubborn. It’s just harmless fun! There’s no need to worry about anything!” The heroine said reassuringly and chuckled when Leona tried to pull away from her; what a jokester!

The telepath hummed herself and looked at her two resisting friends. They were acting incredibly silly for some strange reason, but it was nothing that a little bit mental manipulation wouldn’t fix. Maybe that would help them relax…

She stuck her tongue out and focused. However, just when she was about assault Leona’s mind to make her more agreeable to a fun volleyball game and some totally pure and innocent fun at the beach, Leona lost her balance. Surprised, Vee was pulled on top of the girl pile as well as she was still holding the busty magical girl’s hand.

The four girls fell down on the ground in a heaping pile of tangled limbs, exposed flesh and skimpy swimsuits. There was so much thrashing and flailing going on that it would be downright criminal if the Co-GM decreed there were no accidental nip-slips or wardrobe malfunctions.

Tis a fanservice event, after all.

Groaning, Vee pulled herself up first and rubbed her head. ”Ow…” She grumbled and looked around. There was something wrapped around her hand. Furrowing her brow in confusion, the heroine raised her hand. ”Wha…? Oh…” Vee murmured when she discovered one of her friends’ top wrapped around her hand. The question remained: “Whose?”.

Location: Auralis Island – The Beach of Butts
Tag: Yasu, Vee, Leona

Dawn wasn't exactly convinced by Yasu's claim that she was perfectly fine, but she played along. "Oh I know! You go enjoy yourself okay Yasu?" Dawn said cheerfully "I just need Leona here to come look at something with me for a moment and then we'll be back to play volleyball with you" Dawn said, putting on a smile. She wasn't actually worried since the mind control seemed pretty harmless and this was just a fun summer event anyway so all mind control would probably be fine... in fact it would probably also be fine if Dawn just let herself get controlled or just played volleyball with them willingly... but then Detective Dawn(TM) wouldn't be able to show up, and that was a prise that was just too high to pay.

Dawn was a bit surprised though, when Yasu suddenly took her arm and tried to pull her along as well. "We will play I promise! We just have to go take care of some magical girl business first!" Dawn tried to protest as the former tug of war for Leona now turned into a combination tugging on the two magical girls... which lasted right until someone lost their balance and the four of them all landed on top of each other in a girl heap. "Owwie..." Dawn said, as she squirmed out from under the others and knelt up on the sand... only to see what Vee was holding in hers. "Ack! Vee no! Can't you control yourself!!!" Dawn yelled in shock, Vee's terrible instincts had taken over and she had disrobed one of the girls!

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Leona, Vee, Everyone else?

"You know..." Yasu's overly cheery demeanor was still present, even under the pile of women. "If you wanted to play topless, you could've just asked Vee. Can you imagine how mad Dawn or Leona would've gotten though? They both think you're a pervert." Yasu untangled herself from the pile, covering her breasts, and blushing only slightly while keeping her cheery smile. Strangely though, she didn't ask for the top back immediately, she wasn't that shy about it and smiled at Dawn and Leona. "Come on, play with us, we can get Akua and maybe another one of her friends and make it a 3 on 3!" Yasu insisted, although she narrowed her eyes at Dawn saying that she just wanted some time with Leona. "Hmph, You get one minute, but I'm not waiting any longer, you hear me? Vee and I have been very patient with you." Yasu said with a playful yet stern tone, she wanted to play, not sit here and wait.

Of course while she was giving this speech, she forgot that she was topless and had crossed her arms under her breasts, leaving them bared in front of Dawn, Leona, and Vee, only now did her blush get slightly more red, although she still didn't try to hide her breasts. "Vee, top? Unless, you know, you do want to play topless." She asked simply and held out her hand towards Vee.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #71 on: September 06, 2019, 04:03:54 AM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Leona + Others?

”Yeah! Two on two!” Vee nodded along with Yasu as the latter started to pull Dawn closer towards them. ”I don’t know why you guys are so stubborn. It’s just harmless fun! There’s no need to worry about anything!” The heroine said reassuringly and chuckled when Leona tried to pull away from her; what a jokester!

The telepath hummed herself and looked at her two resisting friends. They were acting incredibly silly for some strange reason, but it was nothing that a little bit mental manipulation wouldn’t fix. Maybe that would help them relax…

She stuck her tongue out and focused. However, just when she was about assault Leona’s mind to make her more agreeable to a fun volleyball game and some totally pure and innocent fun at the beach, Leona lost her balance. Surprised, Vee was pulled on top of the girl pile as well as she was still holding the busty magical girl’s hand.

The four girls fell down on the ground in a heaping pile of tangled limbs, exposed flesh and skimpy swimsuits. There was so much thrashing and flailing going on that it would be downright criminal if the Co-GM decreed there were no accidental nip-slips or wardrobe malfunctions.

Tis a fanservice event, after all.

Groaning, Vee pulled herself up first and rubbed her head. ”Ow…” She grumbled and looked around. There was something wrapped around her hand. Furrowing her brow in confusion, the heroine raised her hand. ”Wha…? Oh…” Vee murmured when she discovered one of her friends’ top wrapped around her hand. The question remained: “Whose?”.

Location: Auralis Island – The Beach of Butts
Tag: Yasu, Vee, Leona

Dawn wasn't exactly convinced by Yasu's claim that she was perfectly fine, but she played along. "Oh I know! You go enjoy yourself okay Yasu?" Dawn said cheerfully "I just need Leona here to come look at something with me for a moment and then we'll be back to play volleyball with you" Dawn said, putting on a smile. She wasn't actually worried since the mind control seemed pretty harmless and this was just a fun summer event anyway so all mind control would probably be fine... in fact it would probably also be fine if Dawn just let herself get controlled or just played volleyball with them willingly... but then Detective Dawn(TM) wouldn't be able to show up, and that was a prise that was just too high to pay.

Dawn was a bit surprised though, when Yasu suddenly took her arm and tried to pull her along as well. "We will play I promise! We just have to go take care of some magical girl business first!" Dawn tried to protest as the former tug of war for Leona now turned into a combination tugging on the two magical girls... which lasted right until someone lost their balance and the four of them all landed on top of each other in a girl heap. "Owwie..." Dawn said, as she squirmed out from under the others and knelt up on the sand... only to see what Vee was holding in hers. "Ack! Vee no! Can't you control yourself!!!" Dawn yelled in shock, Vee's terrible instincts had taken over and she had disrobed one of the girls!

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Leona, Vee, Everyone else?

"You know..." Yasu's overly cheery demeanor was still present, even under the pile of women. "If you wanted to play topless, you could've just asked Vee. Can you imagine how mad Dawn or Leona would've gotten though? They both think you're a pervert." Yasu untangled herself from the pile, covering her breasts, and blushing only slightly while keeping her cheery smile. Strangely though, she didn't ask for the top back immediately, she wasn't that shy about it and smiled at Dawn and Leona. "Come on, play with us, we can get Akua and maybe another one of her friends and make it a 3 on 3!" Yasu insisted, although she narrowed her eyes at Dawn saying that she just wanted some time with Leona. "Hmph, You get one minute, but I'm not waiting any longer, you hear me? Vee and I have been very patient with you." Yasu said with a playful yet stern tone, she wanted to play, not sit here and wait.

Of course while she was giving this speech, she forgot that she was topless and had crossed her arms under her breasts, leaving them bared in front of Dawn, Leona, and Vee, only now did her blush get slightly more red, although she still didn't try to hide her breasts. "Vee, top? Unless, you know, you do want to play topless." She asked simply and held out her hand towards Vee.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Vee

Leona twitched from inside the pile of lovely girls, before carefully wriggling her way out, as Dawn did the same, if her hand slipped and accidentally squeezed something in passing, well, who could prove it? Except Vee, who probably didn't care at the moment. When she got back to her feet she started to nod along to Dawn's reasoning, and then her exclamation when it was clear that the perverted telepath was up to her old tricks again. At least it was the other mind-controlled beach-drone, so not a major loss.

"Hey, Dawn, maybe we should try and sneak away before they grab us again?" Leona did her best to form a protective shield in front of her fellow magical girl. "Hey, uh, Yasu, I think topless volleyball sounds like a great idea! Why don't you, uhh, help Vee get her top off, and Dawn and I will join you in just a minute, honest!" Leona's legs tensed and she reached out to hold Dawn's hand, ready to leg it as soon as the ninja, hopefully, took the bait.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #72 on: September 06, 2019, 07:16:41 PM »
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Location: Auralis Island – The Beach of Butts
Tag: Yasu, Vee, Leona

Dawn wasn't exactly convinced by Yasu's claim that she was perfectly fine, but she played along. "Oh I know! You go enjoy yourself okay Yasu?" Dawn said cheerfully "I just need Leona here to come look at something with me for a moment and then we'll be back to play volleyball with you" Dawn said, putting on a smile. She wasn't actually worried since the mind control seemed pretty harmless and this was just a fun summer event anyway so all mind control would probably be fine... in fact it would probably also be fine if Dawn just let herself get controlled or just played volleyball with them willingly... but then Detective Dawn(TM) wouldn't be able to show up, and that was a prise that was just too high to pay.

Dawn was a bit surprised though, when Yasu suddenly took her arm and tried to pull her along as well. "We will play I promise! We just have to go take care of some magical girl business first!" Dawn tried to protest as the former tug of war for Leona now turned into a combination tugging on the two magical girls... which lasted right until someone lost their balance and the four of them all landed on top of each other in a girl heap. "Owwie..." Dawn said, as she squirmed out from under the others and knelt up on the sand... only to see what Vee was holding in hers. "Ack! Vee no! Can't you control yourself!!!" Dawn yelled in shock, Vee's terrible instincts had taken over and she had disrobed one of the girls!

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Leona, Vee, Everyone else?

"You know..." Yasu's overly cheery demeanor was still present, even under the pile of women. "If you wanted to play topless, you could've just asked Vee. Can you imagine how mad Dawn or Leona would've gotten though? They both think you're a pervert." Yasu untangled herself from the pile, covering her breasts, and blushing only slightly while keeping her cheery smile. Strangely though, she didn't ask for the top back immediately, she wasn't that shy about it and smiled at Dawn and Leona. "Come on, play with us, we can get Akua and maybe another one of her friends and make it a 3 on 3!" Yasu insisted, although she narrowed her eyes at Dawn saying that she just wanted some time with Leona. "Hmph, You get one minute, but I'm not waiting any longer, you hear me? Vee and I have been very patient with you." Yasu said with a playful yet stern tone, she wanted to play, not sit here and wait.

Of course while she was giving this speech, she forgot that she was topless and had crossed her arms under her breasts, leaving them bared in front of Dawn, Leona, and Vee, only now did her blush get slightly more red, although she still didn't try to hide her breasts. "Vee, top? Unless, you know, you do want to play topless." She asked simply and held out her hand towards Vee.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Vee

Leona twitched from inside the pile of lovely girls, before carefully wriggling her way out, as Dawn did the same, if her hand slipped and accidentally squeezed something in passing, well, who could prove it? Except Vee, who probably didn't care at the moment. When she got back to her feet she started to nod along to Dawn's reasoning, and then her exclamation when it was clear that the perverted telepath was up to her old tricks again. At least it was the other mind-controlled beach-drone, so not a major loss.

"Hey, Dawn, maybe we should try and sneak away before they grab us again?" Leona did her best to form a protective shield in front of her fellow magical girl. "Hey, uh, Yasu, I think topless volleyball sounds like a great idea! Why don't you, uhh, help Vee get her top off, and Dawn and I will join you in just a minute, honest!" Leona's legs tensed and she reached out to hold Dawn's hand, ready to leg it as soon as the ninja, hopefully, took the bait.

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Leona + Others?

”Eek!” Vee covered her ears as Dawn practically yelled directly into her ear. ”What? No! We’ve all just got tangled up, that’s all. It’s not a big deal.” She excused herself in that annoying, out-of-character cheerful tone of voice. A few people around them cast curious glances towards the girls; especially towards Yasu who as now standing topless.

Once they all got untangled, Vee stood next to Yasu, crossed her arms across her chest and looked sternly at Dawn and Leona.

”Yeah!” She agreed with Yasu as the latter’s top dangled from her fingers. ”We can play two teams! The topless team and the team with tops! It’ll be easier to differentiate!” The brainwashed telepath nodded happily at her own “logic”, although she blushed a little when Leona and Yasu both suggested she should remove her top as well. It’s not that she didn’t want to… but finding any good art on any of the -boorus websites proved to be quite challenging in the past and the author of this post had little to no artistic or photoshop skills. Still, there was the power of imagination, so…

”Hmm… well, as long as we all play volleyball, have fun, and not worry about those… silly things that you guys are talking about.” The heroine shrugged but, after repeated pleas from Leona and Dawn, she eventually conceded. Fiiiine. But only a minute! If you don’t come back soon, we’ll find you and we’ll make sure that this will be the most fun day ever for you!” Her voice, albeit cheerful, carried with it a threatening note…
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #73 on: September 06, 2019, 07:32:21 PM »
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Sunny, Valerie
Auralis Island - The Butt's Hole
Tag: Raffa, Suna

Sunny relished the attention from Akua nonetheless, always happy to impress, whether it be with her skills or her beauty. “It's pretty convenient, huh~? It's just ectoplasm though, I’m sure it’s a lot harder actually controlling physical fabric strand by strand.” She remarked, not wanting to be too boastful.

Once the ghost went ahead into the hole, Valerie blinked confusedly at the demoness’ attempt at small talk first, then giggled in amusement. “They’re same as they always are, last I checked~ Though speaking of, do demons have sport events? Do you guys get, like, magical football?” The girl asked, as her eyes started drifting towards Akua’s fluffy ears and stayed there. Her free non-minigun-occupied hand half lifted, the urge to pet rising. “…Can I touch your ears? They look super floofy!” She just outright asked. Nothing ventured nothing gained!

Meanwhile in the depths below, the phantom scout continued her journey into the bowels of the earth, noting that the passage widened considerably after the initial squeeze, so the others should be able to get through. With a little digging required perhaps, Valerie’s gonna have trouble squeezing her bust through otherwise.

Soon the natural rock walls were replaced with cement, proving it to be a man-made structure. Feeling a little wary, she phased down through the floor until only the top of her head stuck up, just enough to see, making herself much harder to notice. A little bit further on, and she could hear someone talking.

While there wasn’t much to go on, it’s clear someone’s talking to the droid, and there’s some kind of plan going on. She wanted to know what it was. While the prudent would retreat at this point to collect her companions for backup, if Sunny was the prudent sort who’d go get help when she should she wouldn’t be here as a ghost right now. Instead, confident in her sneakiness, Sunny pressed onwards after the footsteps, wanting to at least find out who this mysterious person was and what kind of nefarious plans they have that involved a swimsuit-enforcing brainwasher droid.

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: The Butt (Raffa), and also Butts the Drone (Raffa), & Sunny & Valarie (Mortalitas)

"Of course we have sports!" Akua said, vaguely affronted on behalf of her species. "There's Disball and Capture the Slave and tournaments all the time! I got on to commentate on one of them, you know!" the demon puffed out her chest proudly. "I'm still not really sure why they picked me, I mostly just laughed at Chad."

Akua tilted her head as Valarie asked to touch... "M-my ears?!" the demon blinked and blushed. "W-well... if you insist..." she slowly lowered her head to put her fluffy, soft ears in touching range...

Butts the Drone
Summer Event
Tag: Akua, Sunny + Valerie + Others?

As she followed the footsteps deep within the bowels of Butts’ hole, Sunny’s scout would soon find herself in a large cavern. There were pipes, wires and tubes of all shapes and sizes running along the walls. On the far side, she could see massive piles of discarded clothes with a few more drones sorting them out.

“And did you get the-“ The voice of the as of yet undetermined character asked but, before it could finish, the drone immediately cut it off.

”Negative. The subject was forcibly changed into the swimsuit by one of her peers.”

“Drats…” The mysterious individual sounded displeased. “I was really hoping on getting that one. It could’ve been useful. So much power… Ah, well. It doesn’t really change anything.” There was a loud sigh as the mystery perpetrator continued walking to the other end of the cavern.

As Sunny continued to examine the cavern, she’d eventually see something massive on the far wall. It had a distinct humanoid shape and stood at about eighteen or maybe even twenty feet tall. It was too dark to get a better look at what it was but, judging by all the pipes and wires leading to it, it was clear that the Butts’ owners were currently in the process of building it.

And, judging by the progress, they were nearly done.

“Butts.” The voice called out. “Did you make sure to plug your hole?”

”Negative.” Butts replied, which made the mystery person sigh in frustration again.

“Well, go and fix it! Make sure you weren’t followed!”

”Roger.” The drone simply replied and started flying towards Sunny’s general direction. She could still outrun it and make her way back before it would spot her. However, this situation presented an opportunity to get in a little closer and get a better look at the person responsible for all that mess. The latter option was risky and would probably get her captured if she wasn’t careful…
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #74 on: September 07, 2019, 05:28:46 AM »
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Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Leona, Vee, Everyone else?

"You know..." Yasu's overly cheery demeanor was still present, even under the pile of women. "If you wanted to play topless, you could've just asked Vee. Can you imagine how mad Dawn or Leona would've gotten though? They both think you're a pervert." Yasu untangled herself from the pile, covering her breasts, and blushing only slightly while keeping her cheery smile. Strangely though, she didn't ask for the top back immediately, she wasn't that shy about it and smiled at Dawn and Leona. "Come on, play with us, we can get Akua and maybe another one of her friends and make it a 3 on 3!" Yasu insisted, although she narrowed her eyes at Dawn saying that she just wanted some time with Leona. "Hmph, You get one minute, but I'm not waiting any longer, you hear me? Vee and I have been very patient with you." Yasu said with a playful yet stern tone, she wanted to play, not sit here and wait.

Of course while she was giving this speech, she forgot that she was topless and had crossed her arms under her breasts, leaving them bared in front of Dawn, Leona, and Vee, only now did her blush get slightly more red, although she still didn't try to hide her breasts. "Vee, top? Unless, you know, you do want to play topless." She asked simply and held out her hand towards Vee.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Vee

Leona twitched from inside the pile of lovely girls, before carefully wriggling her way out, as Dawn did the same, if her hand slipped and accidentally squeezed something in passing, well, who could prove it? Except Vee, who probably didn't care at the moment. When she got back to her feet she started to nod along to Dawn's reasoning, and then her exclamation when it was clear that the perverted telepath was up to her old tricks again. At least it was the other mind-controlled beach-drone, so not a major loss.

"Hey, Dawn, maybe we should try and sneak away before they grab us again?" Leona did her best to form a protective shield in front of her fellow magical girl. "Hey, uh, Yasu, I think topless volleyball sounds like a great idea! Why don't you, uhh, help Vee get her top off, and Dawn and I will join you in just a minute, honest!" Leona's legs tensed and she reached out to hold Dawn's hand, ready to leg it as soon as the ninja, hopefully, took the bait.

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Leona + Others?

”Eek!” Vee covered her ears as Dawn practically yelled directly into her ear. ”What? No! We’ve all just got tangled up, that’s all. It’s not a big deal.” She excused herself in that annoying, out-of-character cheerful tone of voice. A few people around them cast curious glances towards the girls; especially towards Yasu who as now standing topless.

Once they all got untangled, Vee stood next to Yasu, crossed her arms across her chest and looked sternly at Dawn and Leona.

”Yeah!” She agreed with Yasu as the latter’s top dangled from her fingers. ”We can play two teams! The topless team and the team with tops! It’ll be easier to differentiate!” The brainwashed telepath nodded happily at her own “logic”, although she blushed a little when Leona and Yasu both suggested she should remove her top as well. It’s not that she didn’t want to… but finding any good art on any of the -boorus websites proved to be quite challenging in the past and the author of this post had little to no artistic or photoshop skills. Still, there was the power of imagination, so…

”Hmm… well, as long as we all play volleyball, have fun, and not worry about those… silly things that you guys are talking about.” The heroine shrugged but, after repeated pleas from Leona and Dawn, she eventually conceded. Fiiiine. But only a minute! If you don’t come back soon, we’ll find you and we’ll make sure that this will be the most fun day ever for you!” Her voice, albeit cheerful, carried with it a threatening note…

Location: Auralis Island – The Beach of Butts
Tag: Yasu, Vee, Leona, Akua, Sunny, Valerie, Butts, Butt's mysterious creator

Dawn's face quickly went red when Yasu emerged from the girl pile and revealed that it was her top that Vee had stolen! Did... did that make it better or worse that Yasu was as bad as Vee when it came to taking sexual advantage of innocent young girls was now the victim of sexual advantaging herself? Dawn didn't know, it was quite the conundrum... err... or not as Yasu didn't seem to care that her goods were on full display. Thankfully though, Yasu seemed to have accepted Dawn's hasty magical girl excuse and gave them one minute... should be enough time for them to escape at least.

Dawn, who was covering her eyes with a hand, nodded in what she assumed was Leona's direction and then whispered to her "Yes lets get out of here now..." Vee naturally came up with an idea that would let her get someone's elses top off as well... but then thankfully seemed to accept the excuse as well. "Okay then! Off we go, to magical girl business... You two just stay right here then. We'll definitely be right back and won't run away or anything" Dawn said, having to peak between her fingers so she could see which way to run... and then she grabbed Leona's hand "Right let's go!" she said, before quickly running away.

Thankfully, Dawn knew which direction Akua had gone off, perhaps due to some great magical spell that Dawn have secretly weaved earlier to track the location of everyone on the island for safety's purposes... or more likely because she could see her footprints in the sand. One of the two. In any case, Dawn was soon leading Leona off in the direction. "Okay Leona, I'm sorry to tell you this, but I actually was telling a lie back then, we're not going away for just a minute at all! We're going to find that drone and hit it until it undoes what it did to the two of them!" she helpfully explained as they ran across the beach... quite a long way across the beach.. a really long way across the beach... OH GOD HOW BIG WAS THIS BEACH

After nearly collapsing into the sand several times, the girls came across a hut where the footprints led... "Right... huff huff... that seems... huff huff... to be the... huff huff oh god I'm gonna die... huff huff... where they went... let's... Blow it up... no... huff huff... wait that will probably... huff huff... kill Akua... let's up... huff huff um... huff... have a look inside... I guess... huff huff" Dawn staggered over to the front of the hutt... and opened the door...

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #75 on: September 07, 2019, 02:22:05 PM »
Spoiler for Hidden:

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Leona, Vee, Everyone else?

"You know..." Yasu's overly cheery demeanor was still present, even under the pile of women. "If you wanted to play topless, you could've just asked Vee. Can you imagine how mad Dawn or Leona would've gotten though? They both think you're a pervert." Yasu untangled herself from the pile, covering her breasts, and blushing only slightly while keeping her cheery smile. Strangely though, she didn't ask for the top back immediately, she wasn't that shy about it and smiled at Dawn and Leona. "Come on, play with us, we can get Akua and maybe another one of her friends and make it a 3 on 3!" Yasu insisted, although she narrowed her eyes at Dawn saying that she just wanted some time with Leona. "Hmph, You get one minute, but I'm not waiting any longer, you hear me? Vee and I have been very patient with you." Yasu said with a playful yet stern tone, she wanted to play, not sit here and wait.

Of course while she was giving this speech, she forgot that she was topless and had crossed her arms under her breasts, leaving them bared in front of Dawn, Leona, and Vee, only now did her blush get slightly more red, although she still didn't try to hide her breasts. "Vee, top? Unless, you know, you do want to play topless." She asked simply and held out her hand towards Vee.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Vee

Leona twitched from inside the pile of lovely girls, before carefully wriggling her way out, as Dawn did the same, if her hand slipped and accidentally squeezed something in passing, well, who could prove it? Except Vee, who probably didn't care at the moment. When she got back to her feet she started to nod along to Dawn's reasoning, and then her exclamation when it was clear that the perverted telepath was up to her old tricks again. At least it was the other mind-controlled beach-drone, so not a major loss.

"Hey, Dawn, maybe we should try and sneak away before they grab us again?" Leona did her best to form a protective shield in front of her fellow magical girl. "Hey, uh, Yasu, I think topless volleyball sounds like a great idea! Why don't you, uhh, help Vee get her top off, and Dawn and I will join you in just a minute, honest!" Leona's legs tensed and she reached out to hold Dawn's hand, ready to leg it as soon as the ninja, hopefully, took the bait.

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Leona + Others?

”Eek!” Vee covered her ears as Dawn practically yelled directly into her ear. ”What? No! We’ve all just got tangled up, that’s all. It’s not a big deal.” She excused herself in that annoying, out-of-character cheerful tone of voice. A few people around them cast curious glances towards the girls; especially towards Yasu who as now standing topless.

Once they all got untangled, Vee stood next to Yasu, crossed her arms across her chest and looked sternly at Dawn and Leona.

”Yeah!” She agreed with Yasu as the latter’s top dangled from her fingers. ”We can play two teams! The topless team and the team with tops! It’ll be easier to differentiate!” The brainwashed telepath nodded happily at her own “logic”, although she blushed a little when Leona and Yasu both suggested she should remove her top as well. It’s not that she didn’t want to… but finding any good art on any of the -boorus websites proved to be quite challenging in the past and the author of this post had little to no artistic or photoshop skills. Still, there was the power of imagination, so…

”Hmm… well, as long as we all play volleyball, have fun, and not worry about those… silly things that you guys are talking about.” The heroine shrugged but, after repeated pleas from Leona and Dawn, she eventually conceded. Fiiiine. But only a minute! If you don’t come back soon, we’ll find you and we’ll make sure that this will be the most fun day ever for you!” Her voice, albeit cheerful, carried with it a threatening note…

Location: Auralis Island – The Beach of Butts
Tag: Yasu, Vee, Leona, Akua, Sunny, Valerie, Butts, Butt's mysterious creator

Dawn's face quickly went red when Yasu emerged from the girl pile and revealed that it was her top that Vee had stolen! Did... did that make it better or worse that Yasu was as bad as Vee when it came to taking sexual advantage of innocent young girls was now the victim of sexual advantaging herself? Dawn didn't know, it was quite the conundrum... err... or not as Yasu didn't seem to care that her goods were on full display. Thankfully though, Yasu seemed to have accepted Dawn's hasty magical girl excuse and gave them one minute... should be enough time for them to escape at least.

Dawn, who was covering her eyes with a hand, nodded in what she assumed was Leona's direction and then whispered to her "Yes lets get out of here now..." Vee naturally came up with an idea that would let her get someone's elses top off as well... but then thankfully seemed to accept the excuse as well. "Okay then! Off we go, to magical girl business... You two just stay right here then. We'll definitely be right back and won't run away or anything" Dawn said, having to peak between her fingers so she could see which way to run... and then she grabbed Leona's hand "Right let's go!" she said, before quickly running away.

Thankfully, Dawn knew which direction Akua had gone off, perhaps due to some great magical spell that Dawn have secretly weaved earlier to track the location of everyone on the island for safety's purposes... or more likely because she could see her footprints in the sand. One of the two. In any case, Dawn was soon leading Leona off in the direction. "Okay Leona, I'm sorry to tell you this, but I actually was telling a lie back then, we're not going away for just a minute at all! We're going to find that drone and hit it until it undoes what it did to the two of them!" she helpfully explained as they ran across the beach... quite a long way across the beach.. a really long way across the beach... OH GOD HOW BIG WAS THIS BEACH

After nearly collapsing into the sand several times, the girls came across a hut where the footprints led... "Right... huff huff... that seems... huff huff... to be the... huff huff oh god I'm gonna die... huff huff... where they went... let's... Blow it up... no... huff huff... wait that will probably... huff huff... kill Akua... let's up... huff huff um... huff... have a look inside... I guess... huff huff" Dawn staggered over to the front of the hutt... and opened the door...

Sunny and Valerie
Location: Auralis Island – The Butts Beach
Tag: Butts hunting party

As cautious as her reckless curiosity would allow her to be, Sunny proceeded onward, following the source of the voice until the area opened up into a large cavern. The spirit’s eyes widened as she looked around; she wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but it sure wasn’t this! Especially strange were the huge piles of clothing that she could spy on the far side of the cavern; was all that stolen from beachgoers? How long has this place been operating to amass that much?

Sunny’s ponderings was interrupted as the mysterious voice spoke once more. Weird, they’re talking about that Director girl’s clothes like they had some kind of power… Just what were they trying to do with all these clothes? Sneaking a little closer still to get a good look at the mastermind, something in the background caught the blonde ghost’s eye, something that made her jaw drop.

That’s… what the hell is that? Is that a giant mecha? Is that a giant mecha powered by clothes? Is it made from clothes? Butts?

Sunny blinked in confusion from the sudden mention of posteriors, finally reminded that the mastermind was still around. It took her a moment to figure out that it was the name of the droid, and she had to stifle her giggles as she realized she got down here by going through a ‘Butt’s hole’, but there was alarming news. They’re gonna go block off Butt’s hole! Time is of the essence, she has to go back and warn the others!

The sense of urgency overpowered her curiosity and the ghost girl hurried back the way she came.

Back in the hut, Valerie listened with fascination as Akua named a few sports of her people. “Oooh~? What’s Disball like- wait, there was a guy called Chad? Does he look like a Chad? Did he win? It doesn’t sound like he won.” The ditzy girl asked, easily distracted from one topic to another. She’s never met a Chad before but she kinda wants to date one. They’re probably great in bed~

Positively beaming, the ecstatic Valerie reached out to pet the demoness, basking in the fluffiness of her ears and gently scratching the back of them, and that would be the comfy scene welcoming Dawn and Leona as they finally caught up and entered the hut.

Hm? Oh, hi! You’re after that flying droid too, right?” The silver-haired girl remarked, recognizing the two newcomers from earlier. The two would get to introduce themselves, but then suddenly-

I’m back~!” Sunny suddenly flew up out of the Butt’s Hole, making Valerie flinch, “We have to hurry, there’s a really big bunker with a giant clothing-powered mecha but they’re gonna seal up the Butts Hole any minute now so we have to go!


The Butts Hole. The drone is named Butts and this is its hole.” “Ooooohhh…” Sunny explained, and Valerie nodded in understanding. “Oh, and hi you two~” The friendly ghost waved at the two new girls at the door too.
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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #76 on: September 07, 2019, 09:09:12 PM »

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Leona + Others?

”Eek!” Vee covered her ears as Dawn practically yelled directly into her ear. ”What? No! We’ve all just got tangled up, that’s all. It’s not a big deal.” She excused herself in that annoying, out-of-character cheerful tone of voice. A few people around them cast curious glances towards the girls; especially towards Yasu who as now standing topless.

Once they all got untangled, Vee stood next to Yasu, crossed her arms across her chest and looked sternly at Dawn and Leona.

”Yeah!” She agreed with Yasu as the latter’s top dangled from her fingers. ”We can play two teams! The topless team and the team with tops! It’ll be easier to differentiate!” The brainwashed telepath nodded happily at her own “logic”, although she blushed a little when Leona and Yasu both suggested she should remove her top as well. It’s not that she didn’t want to… but finding any good art on any of the -boorus websites proved to be quite challenging in the past and the author of this post had little to no artistic or photoshop skills. Still, there was the power of imagination, so…

”Hmm… well, as long as we all play volleyball, have fun, and not worry about those… silly things that you guys are talking about.” The heroine shrugged but, after repeated pleas from Leona and Dawn, she eventually conceded. Fiiiine. But only a minute! If you don’t come back soon, we’ll find you and we’ll make sure that this will be the most fun day ever for you!” Her voice, albeit cheerful, carried with it a threatening note…

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag:  Vee, Sarabi, Noya(?)

The ninja scanned Dawn and Leona's statements for deception, but Yasu was in such a good mood she didn't feel like causing a problem, she could tell that they were up to something but wasn't sure what, maybe it was just magical girl stuff and that's why she wouldn't understand. "I expect you two to come back promptly. Don't make us wait or we will make sure you'll be playing till sunset. Don't make us hunt you down, trust me, I'm good at it." Yasu's tone was identical to Vee's, it had that same cheery yet menacing tone. She eventually did take her top back from Vee and put it on. "I'll take it off when they come back if we do decide to go topless, in the meantime we should go see about getting more people to join us. The more the merrier, maybe we can surprise them with extra players when they get back." Yasu said annoyingly cheerfully, her eyes scanned for more people and they landed on two demons off in the corner...

"Hey, you!" Yasu pointed at Sarabi and Noya of course if she was around. "You should join us, we're going to be playing some Volleyball soon, practice with us, it'll be fun." She said with a wide energetic smile.

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #77 on: September 08, 2019, 12:05:40 AM »

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Leona + Others?

”Eek!” Vee covered her ears as Dawn practically yelled directly into her ear. ”What? No! We’ve all just got tangled up, that’s all. It’s not a big deal.” She excused herself in that annoying, out-of-character cheerful tone of voice. A few people around them cast curious glances towards the girls; especially towards Yasu who as now standing topless.

Once they all got untangled, Vee stood next to Yasu, crossed her arms across her chest and looked sternly at Dawn and Leona.

”Yeah!” She agreed with Yasu as the latter’s top dangled from her fingers. ”We can play two teams! The topless team and the team with tops! It’ll be easier to differentiate!” The brainwashed telepath nodded happily at her own “logic”, although she blushed a little when Leona and Yasu both suggested she should remove her top as well. It’s not that she didn’t want to… but finding any good art on any of the -boorus websites proved to be quite challenging in the past and the author of this post had little to no artistic or photoshop skills. Still, there was the power of imagination, so…

”Hmm… well, as long as we all play volleyball, have fun, and not worry about those… silly things that you guys are talking about.” The heroine shrugged but, after repeated pleas from Leona and Dawn, she eventually conceded. Fiiiine. But only a minute! If you don’t come back soon, we’ll find you and we’ll make sure that this will be the most fun day ever for you!” Her voice, albeit cheerful, carried with it a threatening note…

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag:  Vee, Sarabi, Noya(?)

The ninja scanned Dawn and Leona's statements for deception, but Yasu was in such a good mood she didn't feel like causing a problem, she could tell that they were up to something but wasn't sure what, maybe it was just magical girl stuff and that's why she wouldn't understand. "I expect you two to come back promptly. Don't make us wait or we will make sure you'll be playing till sunset. Don't make us hunt you down, trust me, I'm good at it." Yasu's tone was identical to Vee's, it had that same cheery yet menacing tone. She eventually did take her top back from Vee and put it on. "I'll take it off when they come back if we do decide to go topless, in the meantime we should go see about getting more people to join us. The more the merrier, maybe we can surprise them with extra players when they get back." Yasu said annoyingly cheerfully, her eyes scanned for more people and they landed on two demons off in the corner...

"Hey, you!" Yasu pointed at Sarabi and Noya of course if she was around. "You should join us, we're going to be playing some Volleyball soon, practice with us, it'll be fun." She said with a wide energetic smile.

Noya & Sarabi
Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: 5☆ Beach Bunny Vee (Raffa), 4☆ Summer Swordsman Yasu (Youkai)

As she was addressed, Sarabi opened her eyes and peered at Yasu, lifting her sunglasses slightly. Noya was, of course, still busy getting sand out of her unmentionables and repeatedly giving herself brainfreeze. The telepathic demon had been observing all the beach's goings-ons, and perhaps dozing a little on the warm sand, until Yasu directly spoke to her.

"No," she said flatly. "I'm on vacation and playing volleyball is not my idea of fun. I believe the Director will have rather more trouble fiddling with my mind than she did with yours, so don't get any ideas, miss Murphy." She regarded Vee with a degree of caution. "...besides all that, it'd be a rather pathetic game. We all have deeply mediocre Physical scores, after all."

Offline Suna

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #78 on: September 08, 2019, 12:25:54 AM »
Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Hidden:

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Leona, Vee, Everyone else?

"You know..." Yasu's overly cheery demeanor was still present, even under the pile of women. "If you wanted to play topless, you could've just asked Vee. Can you imagine how mad Dawn or Leona would've gotten though? They both think you're a pervert." Yasu untangled herself from the pile, covering her breasts, and blushing only slightly while keeping her cheery smile. Strangely though, she didn't ask for the top back immediately, she wasn't that shy about it and smiled at Dawn and Leona. "Come on, play with us, we can get Akua and maybe another one of her friends and make it a 3 on 3!" Yasu insisted, although she narrowed her eyes at Dawn saying that she just wanted some time with Leona. "Hmph, You get one minute, but I'm not waiting any longer, you hear me? Vee and I have been very patient with you." Yasu said with a playful yet stern tone, she wanted to play, not sit here and wait.

Of course while she was giving this speech, she forgot that she was topless and had crossed her arms under her breasts, leaving them bared in front of Dawn, Leona, and Vee, only now did her blush get slightly more red, although she still didn't try to hide her breasts. "Vee, top? Unless, you know, you do want to play topless." She asked simply and held out her hand towards Vee.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Vee

Leona twitched from inside the pile of lovely girls, before carefully wriggling her way out, as Dawn did the same, if her hand slipped and accidentally squeezed something in passing, well, who could prove it? Except Vee, who probably didn't care at the moment. When she got back to her feet she started to nod along to Dawn's reasoning, and then her exclamation when it was clear that the perverted telepath was up to her old tricks again. At least it was the other mind-controlled beach-drone, so not a major loss.

"Hey, Dawn, maybe we should try and sneak away before they grab us again?" Leona did her best to form a protective shield in front of her fellow magical girl. "Hey, uh, Yasu, I think topless volleyball sounds like a great idea! Why don't you, uhh, help Vee get her top off, and Dawn and I will join you in just a minute, honest!" Leona's legs tensed and she reached out to hold Dawn's hand, ready to leg it as soon as the ninja, hopefully, took the bait.

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Leona + Others?

”Eek!” Vee covered her ears as Dawn practically yelled directly into her ear. ”What? No! We’ve all just got tangled up, that’s all. It’s not a big deal.” She excused herself in that annoying, out-of-character cheerful tone of voice. A few people around them cast curious glances towards the girls; especially towards Yasu who as now standing topless.

Once they all got untangled, Vee stood next to Yasu, crossed her arms across her chest and looked sternly at Dawn and Leona.

”Yeah!” She agreed with Yasu as the latter’s top dangled from her fingers. ”We can play two teams! The topless team and the team with tops! It’ll be easier to differentiate!” The brainwashed telepath nodded happily at her own “logic”, although she blushed a little when Leona and Yasu both suggested she should remove her top as well. It’s not that she didn’t want to… but finding any good art on any of the -boorus websites proved to be quite challenging in the past and the author of this post had little to no artistic or photoshop skills. Still, there was the power of imagination, so…

”Hmm… well, as long as we all play volleyball, have fun, and not worry about those… silly things that you guys are talking about.” The heroine shrugged but, after repeated pleas from Leona and Dawn, she eventually conceded. Fiiiine. But only a minute! If you don’t come back soon, we’ll find you and we’ll make sure that this will be the most fun day ever for you!” Her voice, albeit cheerful, carried with it a threatening note…

Location: Auralis Island – The Beach of Butts
Tag: Yasu, Vee, Leona, Akua, Sunny, Valerie, Butts, Butt's mysterious creator

Dawn's face quickly went red when Yasu emerged from the girl pile and revealed that it was her top that Vee had stolen! Did... did that make it better or worse that Yasu was as bad as Vee when it came to taking sexual advantage of innocent young girls was now the victim of sexual advantaging herself? Dawn didn't know, it was quite the conundrum... err... or not as Yasu didn't seem to care that her goods were on full display. Thankfully though, Yasu seemed to have accepted Dawn's hasty magical girl excuse and gave them one minute... should be enough time for them to escape at least.

Dawn, who was covering her eyes with a hand, nodded in what she assumed was Leona's direction and then whispered to her "Yes lets get out of here now..." Vee naturally came up with an idea that would let her get someone's elses top off as well... but then thankfully seemed to accept the excuse as well. "Okay then! Off we go, to magical girl business... You two just stay right here then. We'll definitely be right back and won't run away or anything" Dawn said, having to peak between her fingers so she could see which way to run... and then she grabbed Leona's hand "Right let's go!" she said, before quickly running away.

Thankfully, Dawn knew which direction Akua had gone off, perhaps due to some great magical spell that Dawn have secretly weaved earlier to track the location of everyone on the island for safety's purposes... or more likely because she could see her footprints in the sand. One of the two. In any case, Dawn was soon leading Leona off in the direction. "Okay Leona, I'm sorry to tell you this, but I actually was telling a lie back then, we're not going away for just a minute at all! We're going to find that drone and hit it until it undoes what it did to the two of them!" she helpfully explained as they ran across the beach... quite a long way across the beach.. a really long way across the beach... OH GOD HOW BIG WAS THIS BEACH

After nearly collapsing into the sand several times, the girls came across a hut where the footprints led... "Right... huff huff... that seems... huff huff... to be the... huff huff oh god I'm gonna die... huff huff... where they went... let's... Blow it up... no... huff huff... wait that will probably... huff huff... kill Akua... let's up... huff huff um... huff... have a look inside... I guess... huff huff" Dawn staggered over to the front of the hutt... and opened the door...

Sunny and Valerie
Location: Auralis Island – The Butts Beach
Tag: Butts hunting party

As cautious as her reckless curiosity would allow her to be, Sunny proceeded onward, following the source of the voice until the area opened up into a large cavern. The spirit’s eyes widened as she looked around; she wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but it sure wasn’t this! Especially strange were the huge piles of clothing that she could spy on the far side of the cavern; was all that stolen from beachgoers? How long has this place been operating to amass that much?

Sunny’s ponderings was interrupted as the mysterious voice spoke once more. Weird, they’re talking about that Director girl’s clothes like they had some kind of power… Just what were they trying to do with all these clothes? Sneaking a little closer still to get a good look at the mastermind, something in the background caught the blonde ghost’s eye, something that made her jaw drop.

That’s… what the hell is that? Is that a giant mecha? Is that a giant mecha powered by clothes? Is it made from clothes? Butts?

Sunny blinked in confusion from the sudden mention of posteriors, finally reminded that the mastermind was still around. It took her a moment to figure out that it was the name of the droid, and she had to stifle her giggles as she realized she got down here by going through a ‘Butt’s hole’, but there was alarming news. They’re gonna go block off Butt’s hole! Time is of the essence, she has to go back and warn the others!

The sense of urgency overpowered her curiosity and the ghost girl hurried back the way she came.

Back in the hut, Valerie listened with fascination as Akua named a few sports of her people. “Oooh~? What’s Disball like- wait, there was a guy called Chad? Does he look like a Chad? Did he win? It doesn’t sound like he won.” The ditzy girl asked, easily distracted from one topic to another. She’s never met a Chad before but she kinda wants to date one. They’re probably great in bed~

Positively beaming, the ecstatic Valerie reached out to pet the demoness, basking in the fluffiness of her ears and gently scratching the back of them, and that would be the comfy scene welcoming Dawn and Leona as they finally caught up and entered the hut.

Hm? Oh, hi! You’re after that flying droid too, right?” The silver-haired girl remarked, recognizing the two newcomers from earlier. The two would get to introduce themselves, but then suddenly-

I’m back~!” Sunny suddenly flew up out of the Butt’s Hole, making Valerie flinch, “We have to hurry, there’s a really big bunker with a giant clothing-powered mecha but they’re gonna seal up the Butts Hole any minute now so we have to go!


The Butts Hole. The drone is named Butts and this is its hole.” “Ooooohhh…” Sunny explained, and Valerie nodded in understanding. “Oh, and hi you two~” The friendly ghost waved at the two new girls at the door too.

Auralis Island - The Beach
Tag: The Butt (Raffa), and also Butts the Drone (Raffa), & Sunny & Valarie (Mortalitas)

"Nah Chad got owned in the first round by... huh... I think it was a friend of that ghost girl, actually!" Akua blinked as she suddenly remembered she actually had seen the ghost before, even if fleetingly. Then Valarie asked if she could touch her ears...

When Dawn and Leona arrived, they found the white-haired girl with the big gun rubbing and caressing Akua's ears. The demon had a dopey expression on her face, tongue lolling out to one side, eyes closed in bliss as she rubbed her cheeks against Valarie's hand. She whined pitifully as Valarie stopped to pay attention to Dawn and Leona, but quickly collected herself and folded her arms, looking away stoically. Which meant she was the first one to see Sunny fly up out of the hole!

"Uh. What?" was the demon's eloquent response to Sunny's garbled report. "Well, uh... maybe we should go down and see for ourselves." She looked to Dawn and Leona. "Can either of you, um, blow open the hole so we can get down easier? Or at least make some light?"

Offline Kunshu

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Re: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2019 Beach Episode!
« Reply #79 on: September 10, 2019, 12:38:44 AM »
Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Hidden:

Yasu Shibuya
Location: Auralis Island – Beach
Tag: Dawn, Akua, Leona, Vee, Everyone else?

"You know..." Yasu's overly cheery demeanor was still present, even under the pile of women. "If you wanted to play topless, you could've just asked Vee. Can you imagine how mad Dawn or Leona would've gotten though? They both think you're a pervert." Yasu untangled herself from the pile, covering her breasts, and blushing only slightly while keeping her cheery smile. Strangely though, she didn't ask for the top back immediately, she wasn't that shy about it and smiled at Dawn and Leona. "Come on, play with us, we can get Akua and maybe another one of her friends and make it a 3 on 3!" Yasu insisted, although she narrowed her eyes at Dawn saying that she just wanted some time with Leona. "Hmph, You get one minute, but I'm not waiting any longer, you hear me? Vee and I have been very patient with you." Yasu said with a playful yet stern tone, she wanted to play, not sit here and wait.

Of course while she was giving this speech, she forgot that she was topless and had crossed her arms under her breasts, leaving them bared in front of Dawn, Leona, and Vee, only now did her blush get slightly more red, although she still didn't try to hide her breasts. "Vee, top? Unless, you know, you do want to play topless." She asked simply and held out her hand towards Vee.

Leona Amari
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Akua, Vee

Leona twitched from inside the pile of lovely girls, before carefully wriggling her way out, as Dawn did the same, if her hand slipped and accidentally squeezed something in passing, well, who could prove it? Except Vee, who probably didn't care at the moment. When she got back to her feet she started to nod along to Dawn's reasoning, and then her exclamation when it was clear that the perverted telepath was up to her old tricks again. At least it was the other mind-controlled beach-drone, so not a major loss.

"Hey, Dawn, maybe we should try and sneak away before they grab us again?" Leona did her best to form a protective shield in front of her fellow magical girl. "Hey, uh, Yasu, I think topless volleyball sounds like a great idea! Why don't you, uhh, help Vee get her top off, and Dawn and I will join you in just a minute, honest!" Leona's legs tensed and she reached out to hold Dawn's hand, ready to leg it as soon as the ninja, hopefully, took the bait.

Summer Event
Tag: Dawn, Yasu, Leona + Others?

”Eek!” Vee covered her ears as Dawn practically yelled directly into her ear. ”What? No! We’ve all just got tangled up, that’s all. It’s not a big deal.” She excused herself in that annoying, out-of-character cheerful tone of voice. A few people around them cast curious glances towards the girls; especially towards Yasu who as now standing topless.

Once they all got untangled, Vee stood next to Yasu, crossed her arms across her chest and looked sternly at Dawn and Leona.

”Yeah!” She agreed with Yasu as the latter’s top dangled from her fingers. ”We can play two teams! The topless team and the team with tops! It’ll be easier to differentiate!” The brainwashed telepath nodded happily at her own “logic”, although she blushed a little when Leona and Yasu both suggested she should remove her top as well. It’s not that she didn’t want to… but finding any good art on any of the -boorus websites proved to be quite challenging in the past and the author of this post had little to no artistic or photoshop skills. Still, there was the power of imagination, so…

”Hmm… well, as long as we all play volleyball, have fun, and not worry about those… silly things that you guys are talking about.” The heroine shrugged but, after repeated pleas from Leona and Dawn, she eventually conceded. Fiiiine. But only a minute! If you don’t come back soon, we’ll find you and we’ll make sure that this will be the most fun day ever for you!” Her voice, albeit cheerful, carried with it a threatening note…

Location: Auralis Island – The Beach of Butts
Tag: Yasu, Vee, Leona, Akua, Sunny, Valerie, Butts, Butt's mysterious creator

Dawn's face quickly went red when Yasu emerged from the girl pile and revealed that it was her top that Vee had stolen! Did... did that make it better or worse that Yasu was as bad as Vee when it came to taking sexual advantage of innocent young girls was now the victim of sexual advantaging herself? Dawn didn't know, it was quite the conundrum... err... or not as Yasu didn't seem to care that her goods were on full display. Thankfully though, Yasu seemed to have accepted Dawn's hasty magical girl excuse and gave them one minute... should be enough time for them to escape at least.

Dawn, who was covering her eyes with a hand, nodded in what she assumed was Leona's direction and then whispered to her "Yes lets get out of here now..." Vee naturally came up with an idea that would let her get someone's elses top off as well... but then thankfully seemed to accept the excuse as well. "Okay then! Off we go, to magical girl business... You two just stay right here then. We'll definitely be right back and won't run away or anything" Dawn said, having to peak between her fingers so she could see which way to run... and then she grabbed Leona's hand "Right let's go!" she said, before quickly running away.

Thankfully, Dawn knew which direction Akua had gone off, perhaps due to some great magical spell that Dawn have secretly weaved earlier to track the location of everyone on the island for safety's purposes... or more likely because she could see her footprints in the sand. One of the two. In any case, Dawn was soon leading Leona off in the direction. "Okay Leona, I'm sorry to tell you this, but I actually was telling a lie back then, we're not going away for just a minute at all! We're going to find that drone and hit it until it undoes what it did to the two of them!" she helpfully explained as they ran across the beach... quite a long way across the beach.. a really long way across the beach... OH GOD HOW BIG WAS THIS BEACH

After nearly collapsing into the sand several times, the girls came across a hut where the footprints led... "Right... huff huff... that seems... huff huff... to be the... huff huff oh god I'm gonna die... huff huff... where they went... let's... Blow it up... no... huff huff... wait that will probably... huff huff... kill Akua... let's up... huff huff um... huff... have a look inside... I guess... huff huff" Dawn staggered over to the front of the hutt... and opened the door...

Leona Amari
Tag: Yasu, Vee, Leona, Akua, Sunny, Valerie, Butts, Butt's mysterious creator

Leona breathed a sigh of relief when it was apparent that Dawn hadn't noticed her wandering hands and trotted off with her magical friend. She nodded as Dawn explained her cunning deception to her. "A brilliant plan! We'll show that drone who's boss around here!" Leona, however, was a little concerned at how quickly Dawn got winded, but did her best to help her up whenever she got close to falling, copping an opportunistic feel whenever she saw the chance.

"Don't worry, Dawn, you'll be okay, I can give you mouth-to-mouth if you need it! I'm a qualified first-aider." She lied, blatantly. "I guess looking inside would be the best idea, but blowing things up sounds like a lot more fun. . . ." Leona followed obediently along behind Dawn, ready to strike at whatever might be inside the hut.


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