Author Topic: Defenders of Justice - Chapter 2 - The 2022 Beach Episode: The Mysterious Island  (Read 16655 times)

Offline Youkai

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Location: Mysterious Island
Tagging: Everyone that wants to participate!

The Auralis Invasion trudges on, both sides bolstering their forces in their back and forth battle as yet another summer came upon them. And with summer came the scorching heat, everyone wore less and thoughts shifted towards taking vacations and resting in paradise. Unfortunately war doesn't allow for such things so the beaches for the most part were left barren of the normal eye candy, beach volleyball, surfing, and chilled drinks. That is, save for one island, which mysteriously had gained a lot of attention lately. Other than Auralis Island, another island far in the distance had become the tourist attraction for this summer. It was far away from any demonic influence and defenders didn't have to worry about defending it since it had no strategic importance, it was too far out to serve as anything other than a tourist attraction.

Along with the sudden spark of activity on this island, sudden disappearances started to occur throughout Auralis City. It seemingly didn't matter who you were or what you were doing either. Demon? Human? Spirit? It didn't matter. One moment you'd fall asleep in your bed and the next you'd wake up on the island without remembering anything. There were some exceptions of course, stronger willed individuals would remember a sultry whisper in their ear, silencing their thoughts temporarily and telling them that they should take a break from their stresses and enjoy a vacation. It sounded like such a good idea too...

These individuals would wake up scattered about on the island, maybe they'd end up next to a beach volleyball field, or find themselves waking up under an umbrella with their bodies stretched out lazily, or perhaps they'd wake up sitting at a table enjoying a fruity drink. It didn't really matter. They'd find themselves dressed in sexy swimwear and find their equipment laying next to them as they blinked to alertness. Some of them might even wake up to find themselves paired up with others. How did they get here? What happened? How would they get off the island? Or maybe that wouldn't be important... either way they could take in their surroundings.

Spoiler for How long the event is:
This will keep going until Mid-September. Either the plot gets solved by then, or not, have fun~

Offline rogue-rider

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Spoiler for Hidden:

Location: Mysterious Island
Tagging: Everyone that wants to participate!

The Auralis Invasion trudges on, both sides bolstering their forces in their back and forth battle as yet another summer came upon them. And with summer came the scorching heat, everyone wore less and thoughts shifted towards taking vacations and resting in paradise. Unfortunately war doesn't allow for such things so the beaches for the most part were left barren of the normal eye candy, beach volleyball, surfing, and chilled drinks. That is, save for one island, which mysteriously had gained a lot of attention lately. Other than Auralis Island, another island far in the distance had become the tourist attraction for this summer. It was far away from any demonic influence and defenders didn't have to worry about defending it since it had no strategic importance, it was too far out to serve as anything other than a tourist attraction.

Along with the sudden spark of activity on this island, sudden disappearances started to occur throughout Auralis City. It seemingly didn't matter who you were or what you were doing either. Demon? Human? Spirit? It didn't matter. One moment you'd fall asleep in your bed and the next you'd wake up on the island without remembering anything. There were some exceptions of course, stronger willed individuals would remember a sultry whisper in their ear, silencing their thoughts temporarily and telling them that they should take a break from their stresses and enjoy a vacation. It sounded like such a good idea too...

These individuals would wake up scattered about on the island, maybe they'd end up next to a beach volleyball field, or find themselves waking up under an umbrella with their bodies stretched out lazily, or perhaps they'd wake up sitting at a table enjoying a fruity drink. It didn't really matter. They'd find themselves dressed in sexy swimwear and find their equipment laying next to them as they blinked to alertness. Some of them might even wake up to find themselves paired up with others. How did they get here? What happened? How would they get off the island? Or maybe that wouldn't be important... either way they could take in their surroundings.

Spoiler for How long the event is:
This will keep going until Mid-September. Either the plot gets solved by then, or not, have fun~

Fae Dallam
Location: Radio Station
Tagging: Everyone that wants to participate!

Fae stretched out in her chair. The radio station was fun, all the equipment for spreading her love through her songs to everyone in the city. Hell with the digital broadcasting she could get further! What fun! But that required work. And whilst she loved performing, she truly did. From the moment she'd arrived in Auralis it had been non stop. That hero, those ninjas, that heroine. She sighed and leant back in the chair. Pinching the bridge of her nose for a moment. She needed, like, a weekend or something away. Or more. Sand, water, cocktails. The works. She glanced up as she heard footsteps, one of her crew approaching with a drink, flourishing slightly before they placed it down in front of her. Taking the glass and watching the ice slowly melting back into the water. She was missing the chance for some me time. Her contemplations were interrupted when she heard a soft thud. Turning to see one of her crew falling over. Then a second! She dropped the glass, was she under attack again? Already?! She hadn't even really started re broad casting yet, and she'd figured the heroine would feel at least slightly awkward about reporting what had happened here. She went go grip her mic as another of her crew collapsed. Leaving only two left. She couldn't see anyone, was it another one of those ninjas again?

She blinked and suddenly it was just her remaining on her feet. Feeling the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, as some sort of presence moved in. Eyes flicking to the side at the promised whisper that she was right. She needed a vacation. She deserved a Vacation. She got an image of a beach for a moment, before Fae herself was finding herself sliding down to meet the carpeted floor.


Location: Mysterious Island

Fae heard the washing of waves, the crashing of the tide. The cry of sea gulls and the sway of palm trees. She shifted, finding whatever she was laying on shifting underneath her. Opening her eyes she jumped up with a start. Glancing around, seeing a particularly fruity cocktail on a nearby wooden table. Next to an book she'd been meaning to read. The hammock, she had found herself in, swaying slightly underneath her. Squinting her eyes into the middle distance for a moment, before climbing out of the fabric, plucking the drink off the table and meandering off casually towards the beach properly. Taking a sip through the straw, playing with the little umbrella in her other hand. Aware she was now dressed properly for the beach, but not wasting too much thought on it. Besides. If this was a proper beach, she wouldn't need to draw on the currents of her sound waves to transform and swim...

But was anyone else here? And where was her crew... they'd been with her hadn't they? A cheer and sounds of people running towards the beach caught her attention.

Huh... weren't they part android?

Offline madman32

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Tsuifan Hurin
Taggng: Everyone

This is NOT what I went to bed in. A black and white bikini? It was certainly Tsuifan's style, a perfect match for her (thankfully intact) pigtails and panda ear headdress. But it gave her uncomfortable chills to think of how she wound up in this place, in this garb. To think of her kidnapper dressing her up somewhere along the way. Even Mistress Serpis would've given her fair warning, if she was ever going to go to such lengths. And even if she did, she wouldn't have removed Tsuifan's training restraints. Restraints that were supposed to be difficult to who could have freed, then kidnapped Tsuifan? One of her rivals from the Iron God Tournament? She had too many to count, all very capable. So it might have been anyone.

She stretched out her legs, thankful for how limber they felt without the usual weights. While she was well aware of how dangerous this situation might be, Tsuifan felt so much stronger than before. Strong enough to not even need her iron fist. Strong enough to take on anyone, anywhere. In fact, it might even be fun to test her own limits again. So she scoured the beach, keeping an eye out for anyone suspicious. And finding a few very quickly.

"Grey men...? Oh, no. Not again! Alright, the jigs up! WHERE ARE YOU HIDING, DOC AUT?!" Tsuifan yelled as she ran barefoot around the beach. Ignoring so many others as she searched up and down for the sinful mechanic; Doctor Autto Ahtamatahnz.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2023, 07:59:43 PM by madman32 »

Offline rogue-rider

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Molly Wood
Tagging: Everyone

Molly groaned slightly. She felt tired, it was so hard to get up. Truth be told, she'd been training a lot more, inbetween studying at the nearby university, ever since coming to Auralis. She hadn't ended up on a mission or facing off against a demon yet. Natasha had buggered off somewhere. But. At least it was sunny. And hot. And she had relaxing waves to listen to... An emerald eye twitched, but remained closed. Waves? She usually listened to something when going to sleep... but she hadn't listened to waves for a while. And it was very sunny. Almost like she was outside. Especially with that heat on her...

Her eyes snapped open and she sat up. Hair a purple mess behind her. Headband sort of holding it in place. She rubbed her eyes once. Twice. And then looked around the beach. This was not good. Had she been kidnapped or abducted without realising?! By some nefarious demon who somehow had a beach somewhere? She heard yelling and looked over. Seeing a platinum blonde looking women running past. As some grey toned men nearby where rushing into the water. Ok. Nope. This was a dream. She must've had too much cheese the night before. She closed her eyes and through herself back onto the towel beneath her. Stretching out. Aware that she was wearing an bikini, instead of her usual clothes. A bit daring, but ok. This was a dream and it fit so all was good. She sighed and settled back down. Well may as well relax. Get some dream sleep. This was actually turning out to be rather ni...


She sat bolt right up again. Ok... not a dream. That was waaaay to cold. She looked around, seeing another blonde nearby, sipping at what looked like a cocktail. Glancing back around to see the other woman still charging around. Ignoring everyone who was apparently not this Doc Aut. Sighing at the reduction in peace she made to move. Trying to cover herself up slightly, now that she was starting to suspect this wasn't a dream. Well at least she still had her...


Her blade had been replaced with two, very summery looking batons.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2022, 10:17:01 PM by rogue-rider »

Offline Sashanna

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Shoolurel had finally made it to the Demon Realms!  So many wonders!  So many new potential friends and adventures to be had!  This water elemental was going to explore places her kind hadn't visited in centuries and... and... yaaaawn.   Why was she feeling so tired?

....  ....  ....

Blink blink ... blink blink

'What is this texture?'   It seemed familiar.  Her tongue licked at the fish caught between her lips before her eyes could focus on it.  It was frantically flapping until she parted her lips and let it fall into the ocean with a loud. 

'Fish?'  She gazed around at the waters she was standing in.  No, she wasn't back in Hydrus.  There were no buildings in sight.  Was this another part of the Demon Realms she'd been pulled into?  No.... something about that didn't feel right.   'Where in all the realms am I!?'  Glancing down, she noted the lack of clothes on her form, 'And why hasn't my protective coating manifested?'  She tried to will it to cover her form, but -something-  seemed to be interfering with her innate abilities.  Curious, Shoolurel lifted her right palm and summoned floating shards of ice above it.  'But my magic still seems to work fine...'

Focused on her own predicament, she was currently oblivious to the people behind her and several metres/yards closer to shore than her.  In fact, although she was 'standing' above the waves, there was only water directly below her feet.  Not that such a thing mattered to a water elemental.

Offline Sashanna

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Morgan Garcia
Palm Tree Grove
Tagging: Everyone

Doctor Morgan was up late again, pouring over the recent bloodwork of her test sub.... transformative study volunteers.   "No, no... it still isn't lasting nearly long enough!  I need something more innately mutable than Corruption.  But what is more mutable than Corruption?   Hmm, perhaps if we harvested Corruption specifically from demons skilled in transforming using their Corruption energy.  Or would that..." the muttering continued as she thought and recorded the information of her latest study into her office computer.  The dedicated researcher never felt sleepy this early.  It was only 2:00 am for crying out loud! ... yet her eyes had begun to feel heavy.  A fanatic for her pursuit of knowledge, she resisted the growing weariness through sheer stubborn willpower.  As minutes ticked by and she still refused to fall, sultry whisper teased against her ears.

"Shhh, you've worked hard enough.  The study can be continued in the morning.  You deserve a break.  A chance to release all that stress and tension that all these long hours have given you.  Don't you want to escape this stuffy lab and relax?..."

If the whispers had chosen a natural break in her feverish work... Morgan may have assumed they were a whispers from within her own mind.  But none of her thoughts would even consider resting in the middle of inputting data!  She fought the power trying to quell her thoughts, desperately filling out the table with the two final sheets of information in the pile and saving it before readying herself to face whatever was trying to manipulate her.  But without the task to keep her will focused, she could not fight the overwhelming power much longer.  As her mind was quelled, she heard a throaty chuckle before....

...she took another bite of the slice of watermelon in her hand.  She jumped in surprised and almost fell out of the coconut tree she was sitting on.  Her eyes widened as she saw the tropical plants all around her and cursed,  "¡Ya valí madre!"  Gripping the watermelon tighter, she placed her other hand against her forehead and scrunched her eyes closed,  "Okay, focus, Morgan.  You were in your lab, there were whispers and...."  She grunted in frustration as she failed to dredge up any further memories of how she ended up here.   "Okay, take stock of the situation," Morgan muttered to herself before opening her eyes and looking around.  Surrounded by coconut palms, she sat on one that had angled over a small oasis of water that allowed for more sun to reach the tree fronds.  The angle made a convenient seat for her to rest on as she surveyed the area around her.  The plants on the ground were dense enough that she couldn't see far beyond them.  There could be a short walk back to civilization of she could be stuck in forest that was kilometres/miles across.   "Mierda."  This could be bad.

Looking down at herself, she was aghast to find her unflattering midriff bared and her bony calves completely uncovered.   "Only a demon or a deranged magical girl would do something this convoluted."  She sighed and gazed dubiously at the watermelon in her hand.  She had no idea where it came from.  It might not be safe to eat, but she had no idea how long she would be there.  With a reluctant sigh she finished off her refreshing slice of watermelon before climbing down from the tree and searching her surroundings.  At least no one was around to see her half naked and she knew where a source of fresh water was if she was stuck here for a while.

Offline AliceCD

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Spoiler for Hidden:

Location: Mysterious Island
Tagging: Everyone that wants to participate!

The Auralis Invasion trudges on, both sides bolstering their forces in their back and forth battle as yet another summer came upon them. And with summer came the scorching heat, everyone wore less and thoughts shifted towards taking vacations and resting in paradise. Unfortunately war doesn't allow for such things so the beaches for the most part were left barren of the normal eye candy, beach volleyball, surfing, and chilled drinks. That is, save for one island, which mysteriously had gained a lot of attention lately. Other than Auralis Island, another island far in the distance had become the tourist attraction for this summer. It was far away from any demonic influence and defenders didn't have to worry about defending it since it had no strategic importance, it was too far out to serve as anything other than a tourist attraction.

Along with the sudden spark of activity on this island, sudden disappearances started to occur throughout Auralis City. It seemingly didn't matter who you were or what you were doing either. Demon? Human? Spirit? It didn't matter. One moment you'd fall asleep in your bed and the next you'd wake up on the island without remembering anything. There were some exceptions of course, stronger willed individuals would remember a sultry whisper in their ear, silencing their thoughts temporarily and telling them that they should take a break from their stresses and enjoy a vacation. It sounded like such a good idea too...

These individuals would wake up scattered about on the island, maybe they'd end up next to a beach volleyball field, or find themselves waking up under an umbrella with their bodies stretched out lazily, or perhaps they'd wake up sitting at a table enjoying a fruity drink. It didn't really matter. They'd find themselves dressed in sexy swimwear and find their equipment laying next to them as they blinked to alertness. Some of them might even wake up to find themselves paired up with others. How did they get here? What happened? How would they get off the island? Or maybe that wouldn't be important... either way they could take in their surroundings.

Spoiler for How long the event is:
This will keep going until Mid-September. Either the plot gets solved by then, or not, have fun~

Alice Charming
Location: Mysterious Island
Tagging: Everyone that wants to participate!

Alice woke up with a strange feeling in her head. She wouldn’t know it but this was what a good night's sleep felt like. “To bright” she grumbled as her eyes started to open slowly. After a few minutes adjusting to the light in what she thought was her room she opened her eyes to see she was in fact anywhere else that wasn’t her room. She quickly sat up in a bit of a shocked maner. She took a moment to look around at the beach. So many people were around at least what Alice would consider many. Witch were more than 2 people. She looked down at herself. Seeing that she was in a cute little bikini with a mini bikini skirt made Alice even more surprised and confused. Had she been drunk. Had she been kidnapped to a beach for unspeakable acts like holding hands.

Alice noticed that she wasn’t sunburned one bit. She sat and thought about it for a second coming to the realisation someone must have given her sunscreen on and touched her all over. That was unthinkable that she would have let anyone do that… anyone except of course Mila. Mila didn’t seem to be around but thinking of her made Alice more calm but she couldn’t tell why. Alice saw her messenger bag next to her. She opened it to find it was mostly empty except for her phone and a power bank. So she could still text Mila. Which was a great comfort for Alice but still she wasn’t sure why.

Alice touched her face to cheek for her mask. It was still there. The mask changed to a smile. With this mask everything else didn’t really matter. Her cute little kitten mask seemed to change depending on Alice's mood. She then noticed a fruity alcoholic drink standing next to her. As she looked around to see if there was anyone nearby she noticed there wasn't really anyone that was close to her so it must have either meant for her or she had gotten it herself. She started to drink it with the straw that came in the drink. Only halfway down she had a thought that maybe this drink was spiked. She continued to drink since it was really tasty. Only after finishing the drink did she give the idea of a spiked drink any real thought…. Nooo there wasn’t anyone who would try to spike a cute girls drink like this. Outside that there was not a single person that would ever try to take advantage of a drunken girl that was as needy for attention as she was. Tho not drunk yet as it was just a single drink. Alice was pretty sure not a single person in the world would ever try to use her weaknesses like that against her. Now that alice was a bit tipsy she started to look around for other people to hangout with since her shyness usually faded away with each drink until being shy would be a premium currency in a phone game. As in you come by very little of it and isn’t of much use anyways

Offline Raffa

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Mysterious Island
Tag: Beach Event

When was the last time I slept so well? Vee asked herself that exact question several times as she slowly regained consciousness. The heroine blinked repeatedly and raised her eyes as something terribly bright was shining directly at her eyes. She raised her hand to cover her face from the oppressive light and discovered that the sun was already high in the sky above her, suggesting that it was already at least noon.

In hindsight, that very same question she asked herself should’ve probably tipped her off that something was wrong. The last thing she remembered was sitting in her office, mulling over the paperwork, slamming her head against the desk in frustration and boredom, and closing her eyes. Then she heard the door open but didn’t bother looking up as she expected Homura to come by at that time. But then, shortly after, she heard a mysterious voice whispering directly into her ear. She remembered the voice telling her about needing a break, something about a vacation, and then… nothing.

Nothing until now.
The heroine groggily pulled herself up into a half sitting position, only to discover that she was lying on a large beach towel which – she was pretty sure – she didn’t own. At least not until today. Confused, she looked around and realized that she was at the beach. Not the Auralis Island, however, this was the other one – Vee thought to herself as she struggled to remember the name. Off in the distance, she could see others, wearing swimsuits of all kinds. As her head cleared from her nap, the realization dawned on her and she looked down with trepidation.

When did she get a swimsuit like that?! She didn’t own a bikini. Well, at least she couldn’t remember owning this particular piece. Sure, she had some risqué underwear she was saving for a special occasion, or put on to feel better about herself, but nothing quite like this.

”Huh.” The telepath muttered to herself as she stood up and scanned the area around her to take in her surroundings. At the very least, she had to figure out how she got here and who, or what, walked into her office last night and apparently convince her to come here…
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

Offline Silverkat

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Location: The Beach that makes you Horny (probably)
Tag: Open

The first indication that Princess Desdemona had that something wasn't quite right was when she curled her toes and felt them shift through sand. It was quite pleasant sand at least, the soft smooth kind of sand that feels so pleasant to run your hands and feet through, not like the nasty rough and coarse you get at law quality sites. Still got everywhere of course, you couldn't have everything could you? Well actually all that was academic, because no matter the quality of the sand, Desdemona had gone to bed in her nice, soft royal sized bed that shouldn't have any sand on it at all. Nor, should her grand bedroom have this lovely sea breeze blowing through it, or the golden warmth of sunshine either.

The demon princess' eyes snapped open, to see the pure azure sky above her. Yes, somehow she was on a beach. She sat up and then looked down in a very very angry mode to discover that not only had she apparently been kidnapped, but whomever did it had the sheer gall to strip her of her nightclothes and put her in this swimsuit as well while she was helplessly unconscious! Heads would roll for this. Many many heads. And they would be the lucky ones! The unlucky ones would get far far worse.

She stood up and, on instinct, called for her servants to attend her...  though naturally there were none about. It was silly to think her kidnappers would bother to bring her attendants along with them. Oh well, others would just have to serve as her attendants now until she could figure out what had happened here. "Someone attend to me this instant!" she demanded, to anyone in earshot. "Your Princess is thirsty and demands refreshments! Bring them to me at once!"

Offline Shadow72

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Location: Mysterious Island
Tagging: Everyone that wants to participate!

The Auralis Invasion trudges on, both sides bolstering their forces in their back and forth battle as yet another summer came upon them. And with summer came the scorching heat, everyone wore less and thoughts shifted towards taking vacations and resting in paradise. Unfortunately war doesn't allow for such things so the beaches for the most part were left barren of the normal eye candy, beach volleyball, surfing, and chilled drinks. That is, save for one island, which mysteriously had gained a lot of attention lately. Other than Auralis Island, another island far in the distance had become the tourist attraction for this summer. It was far away from any demonic influence and defenders didn't have to worry about defending it since it had no strategic importance, it was too far out to serve as anything other than a tourist attraction.

Along with the sudden spark of activity on this island, sudden disappearances started to occur throughout Auralis City. It seemingly didn't matter who you were or what you were doing either. Demon? Human? Spirit? It didn't matter. One moment you'd fall asleep in your bed and the next you'd wake up on the island without remembering anything. There were some exceptions of course, stronger willed individuals would remember a sultry whisper in their ear, silencing their thoughts temporarily and telling them that they should take a break from their stresses and enjoy a vacation. It sounded like such a good idea too...

These individuals would wake up scattered about on the island, maybe they'd end up next to a beach volleyball field, or find themselves waking up under an umbrella with their bodies stretched out lazily, or perhaps they'd wake up sitting at a table enjoying a fruity drink. It didn't really matter. They'd find themselves dressed in sexy swimwear and find their equipment laying next to them as they blinked to alertness. Some of them might even wake up to find themselves paired up with others. How did they get here? What happened? How would they get off the island? Or maybe that wouldn't be important... either way they could take in their surroundings.

Spoiler for How long the event is:
This will keep going until Mid-September. Either the plot gets solved by then, or not, have fun~
Mysterious Island
Tag: Beach Event

When was the last time I slept so well? Vee asked herself that exact question several times as she slowly regained consciousness. The heroine blinked repeatedly and raised her eyes as something terribly bright was shining directly at her eyes. She raised her hand to cover her face from the oppressive light and discovered that the sun was already high in the sky above her, suggesting that it was already at least noon.

In hindsight, that very same question she asked herself should’ve probably tipped her off that something was wrong. The last thing she remembered was sitting in her office, mulling over the paperwork, slamming her head against the desk in frustration and boredom, and closing her eyes. Then she heard the door open but didn’t bother looking up as she expected Homura to come by at that time. But then, shortly after, she heard a mysterious voice whispering directly into her ear. She remembered the voice telling her about needing a break, something about a vacation, and then… nothing.

Nothing until now.
The heroine groggily pulled herself up into a half sitting position, only to discover that she was lying on a large beach towel which – she was pretty sure – she didn’t own. At least not until today. Confused, she looked around and realized that she was at the beach. Not the Auralis Island, however, this was the other one – Vee thought to herself as she struggled to remember the name. Off in the distance, she could see others, wearing swimsuits of all kinds. As her head cleared from her nap, the realization dawned on her and she looked down with trepidation.

When did she get a swimsuit like that?! She didn’t own a bikini. Well, at least she couldn’t remember owning this particular piece. Sure, she had some risqué underwear she was saving for a special occasion, or put on to feel better about herself, but nothing quite like this.

”Huh.” The telepath muttered to herself as she stood up and scanned the area around her to take in her surroundings. At the very least, she had to figure out how she got here and who, or what, walked into her office last night and apparently convince her to come here…

Maria Grace, The Financial Enthusiast

Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag:Vee the Mental Monstrosity, Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord.

The telepath would find a sleeping familiar face next to her. The face of Maria Grace. A veteran heroine who was among the few who remembered and worked for a good while under the director before her. They even fought together on an occasion. Regardless, her figure was the epitome of carefree relaxation. Sprawled cutely across her own beach towel, she was adoribly sleeping firmly in the sand. However, as Vee shifted she started to stir as well. " What's the matter, V? Already stirring from slumber? " She asked, her own eyes hazy and unfocused. Not in the hypnotized kind, but the I'm still asleep kind.

Now, being a being partially living in the dimension of dreams, she remembered the whisper in her ear. And she was half-way done getting her transformation and fog ready for a fight. But then she opted not to. Why? She was freaking tired of the everyday grind. If someone wanted to gift her with a feww vecation, then by all means go ahead. She wasn't someone who would say no to that. Still, the woman slowly rose into a half sitting position as she regarded the current director. " What got your panties in a twist, V? Ah, not calling you Director by the by. " She drawled lazily.


Location: The Beach that makes you Horny (probably)
Tag: Open

The first indication that Princess Desdemona had that something wasn't quite right was when she curled her toes and felt them shift through sand. It was quite pleasant sand at least, the soft smooth kind of sand that feels so pleasant to run your hands and feet through, not like the nasty rough and coarse you get at law quality sites. Still got everywhere of course, you couldn't have everything could you? Well actually all that was academic, because no matter the quality of the sand, Desdemona had gone to bed in her nice, soft royal sized bed that shouldn't have any sand on it at all. Nor, should her grand bedroom have this lovely sea breeze blowing through it, or the golden warmth of sunshine either.

The demon princess' eyes snapped open, to see the pure azure sky above her. Yes, somehow she was on a beach. She sat up and then looked down in a very very angry mode to discover that not only had she apparently been kidnapped, but whomever did it had the sheer gall to strip her of her nightclothes and put her in this swimsuit as well while she was helplessly unconscious! Heads would roll for this. Many many heads. And they would be the lucky ones! The unlucky ones would get far far worse.

She stood up and, on instinct, called for her servants to attend her...  though naturally there were none about. It was silly to think her kidnappers would bother to bring her attendants along with them. Oh well, others would just have to serve as her attendants now until she could figure out what had happened here. "Someone attend to me this instant!" she demanded, to anyone in earshot. "Your Princess is thirsty and demands refreshments! Bring them to me at once!"

Merine The Titleless
Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag: Desdemona the Desdemonious!Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord

Merine would awaked to the beautiful sand. Absent mindedly taking a scoop in her hand and watching it flow between her fingers back to the ground. Then she blinked once, then twice. She didn't remember going here. Looking down, she didn't remember wearing a bikini. This was ... strange. Her last memories were playing with her corrupted doggo before going to bed. Having exhausted her doggo of course. The scamper could be a meanance if she didn't do just that. So much energy and so little for it to do. Raising to her feet, she started to plan. Yes, plan. She must go at this with a well though out- "Someone attend to me this instant!" Someone interrupted.

The shout carried with itself a imborn authority that just shook Merine to the core. " Your Princess is thirsty and demands refreshments! Bring them to me at once! " That was a curious claim to make. Taking a peak beyond the palm trees, her features flushed as she took in one of the Demon Bigwigs daughters. Every graduate of Succubus U knew them by face and name. Her heart started to beat faster. Looking up, she saw several cocconuts resting in the palm tree. Quick bit of light magic had them falling into her arms. She had to be fast. This particular Princess had rumors of a bad temper to herself.

Moving into the field, and Desdemona's vision, she approached within reach, before bowing and kneeling to the woman. Her curtisy and reverence just visually right to appeal to the demon royalty. " My princess, it shames me that I don't have more to offer. " She tried to be diplomatic and show humility as she offered the opened cocconut with its inherent milk on display. She couldn't quiet hide the anxious little quivers that seemed to go through her form. Oh well, two out of three?

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Spoiler for Hidden:

Fae Dallam
Location: Radio Station
Tagging: Everyone that wants to participate!

Fae stretched out in her chair. The radio station was fun, all the equipment for spreading her love through her songs to everyone in the city. Hell with the digital broadcasting she could get further! What fun! But that required work. And whilst she loved performing, she truly did. From the moment she'd arrived in Auralis it had been non stop. That hero, those ninjas, that heroine. She sighed and leant back in the chair. Pinching the bridge of her nose for a moment. She needed, like, a weekend or something away. Or more. Sand, water, cocktails. The works. She glanced up as she heard footsteps, one of her crew approaching with a drink, flourishing slightly before they placed it down in front of her. Taking the glass and watching the ice slowly melting back into the water. She was missing the chance for some me time. Her contemplations were interrupted when she heard a soft thud. Turning to see one of her crew falling over. Then a second! She dropped the glass, was she under attack again? Already?! She hadn't even really started re broad casting yet, and she'd figured the heroine would feel at least slightly awkward about reporting what had happened here. She went go grip her mic as another of her crew collapsed. Leaving only two left. She couldn't see anyone, was it another one of those ninjas again?

She blinked and suddenly it was just her remaining on her feet. Feeling the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, as some sort of presence moved in. Eyes flicking to the side at the promised whisper that she was right. She needed a vacation. She deserved a Vacation. She got an image of a beach for a moment, before Fae herself was finding herself sliding down to meet the carpeted floor.


Location: Mysterious Island

Fae heard the washing of waves, the crashing of the tide. The cry of sea gulls and the sway of palm trees. She shifted, finding whatever she was laying on shifting underneath her. Opening her eyes she jumped up with a start. Glancing around, seeing a particularly fruity cocktail on a nearby wooden table. Next to an book she'd been meaning to read. The hammock, she had found herself in, swaying slightly underneath her. Squinting her eyes into the middle distance for a moment, before climbing out of the fabric, plucking the drink off the table and meandering off casually towards the beach properly. Taking a sip through the straw, playing with the little umbrella in her other hand. Aware she was now dressed properly for the beach, but not wasting too much thought on it. Besides. If this was a proper beach, she wouldn't need to draw on the currents of her sound waves to transform and swim...

But was anyone else here? And where was her crew... they'd been with her hadn't they? A cheer and sounds of people running towards the beach caught her attention.

Huh... weren't they part android?
Spoiler for Hidden:

Tsuifan Hurin
Taggng: Everyone

This is NOT what I went to bed in. A black and white bikini? It was certainly Tsuifan's style, a perfect match for her (thankfully intact) pigtails and panda ear headdress. But it gave her uncomfortable chills to think of how she wound up in this place, in this garb. To think of her kidnapper dressing her up somewhere along the way. Even Mistress Serpis would've given her fair warning, if she was ever going to go to such lengths. And even if she did, she wouldn't have removed Tsuifan's training restraints. Restraints that were supposed to be difficult to who could have freed, then kidnapped Tsuifan? One of her rivals from the Iron God Tournament? She had too many to count, all very capable. So it might have been anyone.

She stretched out her legs, thankful for how limber they felt without the usual weights. While she was well aware of how dangerous this situation might be, Tsuifan felt so much stronger than before. Strong enough to not even need her iron fist. Strong enough to take on anyone, anywhere. In fact, it might even be fun to test her own limits again. So she scoured the beach, keeping an eye out for anyone suspicious. And finding a few very quickly.

"Grey men...? Oh, no. Not again! Alright, the jigs up! WHERE ARE YOU HIDING, DOC AUT?!" Tsuifan yelled as she ran barefoot around the beach. Ignoring so many others as she searched up and down for the sinful mechanic; Doctor Autto Ahtamatahnz.
Spoiler for Hidden:

Tagging: Everyone

Shoolurel had finally made it to the Demon Realms!  So many wonders!  So many new potential friends and adventures to be had!  This water elemental was going to explore places her kind hadn't visited in centuries and... and... yaaaawn.   Why was she feeling so tired?

....  ....  ....

Blink blink ... blink blink

'What is this texture?'   It seemed familiar.  Her tongue licked at the fish caught between her lips before her eyes could focus on it.  It was frantically flapping until she parted her lips and let it fall into the ocean with a loud. 

'Fish?'  She gazed around at the waters she was standing in.  No, she wasn't back in Hydrus.  There were no buildings in sight.  Was this another part of the Demon Realms she'd been pulled into?  No.... something about that didn't feel right.   'Where in all the realms am I!?'  Glancing down, she noted the lack of clothes on her form, 'And why hasn't my protective coating manifested?'  She tried to will it to cover her form, but -something-  seemed to be interfering with her innate abilities.  Curious, Shoolurel lifted her right palm and summoned floating shards of ice above it.  'But my magic still seems to work fine...'

Focused on her own predicament, she was currently oblivious to the people behind her and several metres/yards closer to shore than her.  In fact, although she was 'standing' above the waves, there was only water directly below her feet.  Not that such a thing mattered to a water elemental.

Elune Farah and Anna Cochran
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

Fae would feel a tingle against her sex, a phantom tongue licking lightly against her folds as she enjoyed a sip of her drink. It was light and encourage her to indulge in all the beach had to offer as it made her brain feel light and happy. Of course if she was strong willed enough she could shrug this off, but it felt so pleasant it was easy to sink into the feeling and just forget about it, she was enjoy her vacation after all, why bother worrying? A blonde woman walked up to Fae, she also was baked in corruption so Fae would be able to immediately notice the woman as someone similar to herself, she cheerfully sprinted up to Fae and giggled. "Ooh, that looks like a fun drink, can I have a sip? Name's Elune, What's your name? I have to say you look really nice in that one-piece. I've been on this island for a few days, it's so lovely!" Elune sighed and stretched to give Fae a nice view of her body, not caring one iota about who looked.

Meanwhile there was a long blue haired woman, Anna Cochran. that was currently sitting in a lifeguard seat. She smiled widely as she watched all the beach goers and made sure they were safe. However she did notice Tsuifan and Shoolurel and whistled. Tsuifan would feel a rush of pleasure run down her spine as she ran along the beach, it was good she was having fun. As for Shoolurel, she'd feel contentment settle in her mind as she enjoyed the water, she should relax on the beach some more. "Hey! Don't scare the other people, you guys aren't the only ones on vacation. Try not to make a mess of things. Settle down so others can swim and enjoy themselves. And whoever put the androids in the water please take them out, that's a danger to everyone!" Anna shouted at both of them but then leaned back and relaxed, sighing as she took a sip of her drink next to her. Ah, she needed this vacation...

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Morgan Garcia
Palm Tree Grove
Tagging: Everyone

Doctor Morgan was up late again, pouring over the recent bloodwork of her test sub.... transformative study volunteers.   "No, no... it still isn't lasting nearly long enough!  I need something more innately mutable than Corruption.  But what is more mutable than Corruption?   Hmm, perhaps if we harvested Corruption specifically from demons skilled in transforming using their Corruption energy.  Or would that..." the muttering continued as she thought and recorded the information of her latest study into her office computer.  The dedicated researcher never felt sleepy this early.  It was only 2:00 am for crying out loud! ... yet her eyes had begun to feel heavy.  A fanatic for her pursuit of knowledge, she resisted the growing weariness through sheer stubborn willpower.  As minutes ticked by and she still refused to fall, sultry whisper teased against her ears.

"Shhh, you've worked hard enough.  The study can be continued in the morning.  You deserve a break.  A chance to release all that stress and tension that all these long hours have given you.  Don't you want to escape this stuffy lab and relax?..."

If the whispers had chosen a natural break in her feverish work... Morgan may have assumed they were a whispers from within her own mind.  But none of her thoughts would even consider resting in the middle of inputting data!  She fought the power trying to quell her thoughts, desperately filling out the table with the two final sheets of information in the pile and saving it before readying herself to face whatever was trying to manipulate her.  But without the task to keep her will focused, she could not fight the overwhelming power much longer.  As her mind was quelled, she heard a throaty chuckle before....

...she took another bite of the slice of watermelon in her hand.  She jumped in surprised and almost fell out of the coconut tree she was sitting on.  Her eyes widened as she saw the tropical plants all around her and cursed,  "¡Ya valí madre!"  Gripping the watermelon tighter, she placed her other hand against her forehead and scrunched her eyes closed,  "Okay, focus, Morgan.  You were in your lab, there were whispers and...."  She grunted in frustration as she failed to dredge up any further memories of how she ended up here.   "Okay, take stock of the situation," Morgan muttered to herself before opening her eyes and looking around.  Surrounded by coconut palms, she sat on one that had angled over a small oasis of water that allowed for more sun to reach the tree fronds.  The angle made a convenient seat for her to rest on as she surveyed the area around her.  The plants on the ground were dense enough that she couldn't see far beyond them.  There could be a short walk back to civilization of she could be stuck in forest that was kilometres/miles across.   "Mierda."  This could be bad.

Looking down at herself, she was aghast to find her unflattering midriff bared and her bony calves completely uncovered.   "Only a demon or a deranged magical girl would do something this convoluted."  She sighed and gazed dubiously at the watermelon in her hand.  She had no idea where it came from.  It might not be safe to eat, but she had no idea how long she would be there.  With a reluctant sigh she finished off her refreshing slice of watermelon before climbing down from the tree and searching her surroundings.  At least no one was around to see her half naked and she knew where a source of fresh water was if she was stuck here for a while.

Vayelia Fells
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Morgan Garcia

Morgan would feel a rush of contentment come over her as she ate her watermelon, enough to calm her nerves and help her relax. She really should just enjoy taking a vacation from all her hard work. She could probably resist that contentment pushing against her mind, but why would she when it felt so nice to let it overtake her? She had other things to worry about as another woman stepped out into the open, she looked at Morgan with a bit of a frown. "Hey, I know this sounds stupid, but did you wake up here after falling asleep somewhere else? Sorry, but I haven't found anyone else here other than you. I think there are some people on the other end of the island." The woman, Vayelia, sighed. There was a part of her that wanted to remain here so she wasn't the Dominion's fuck doll, but there was another part of her that wanted to go back and serve the Dominion due to her programming. She passed out from being fucked so hard and then woke up here, thankfully not drenched in cum.

"Sorry, I should get going, maybe I can find a way off this bloody rock." Vayelia shook her head and started walking to the east, although Morgan could stop her if she wished.

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Alice Charming
Location: Mysterious Island
Tagging: Everyone that wants to participate!

Alice woke up with a strange feeling in her head. She wouldn’t know it but this was what a good night's sleep felt like. “To bright” she grumbled as her eyes started to open slowly. After a few minutes adjusting to the light in what she thought was her room she opened her eyes to see she was in fact anywhere else that wasn’t her room. She quickly sat up in a bit of a shocked maner. She took a moment to look around at the beach. So many people were around at least what Alice would consider many. Witch were more than 2 people. She looked down at herself. Seeing that she was in a cute little bikini with a mini bikini skirt made Alice even more surprised and confused. Had she been drunk. Had she been kidnapped to a beach for unspeakable acts like holding hands.

Alice noticed that she wasn’t sunburned one bit. She sat and thought about it for a second coming to the realisation someone must have given her sunscreen on and touched her all over. That was unthinkable that she would have let anyone do that… anyone except of course Mila. Mila didn’t seem to be around but thinking of her made Alice more calm but she couldn’t tell why. Alice saw her messenger bag next to her. She opened it to find it was mostly empty except for her phone and a power bank. So she could still text Mila. Which was a great comfort for Alice but still she wasn’t sure why.

Alice touched her face to cheek for her mask. It was still there. The mask changed to a smile. With this mask everything else didn’t really matter. Her cute little kitten mask seemed to change depending on Alice's mood. She then noticed a fruity alcoholic drink standing next to her. As she looked around to see if there was anyone nearby she noticed there wasn't really anyone that was close to her so it must have either meant for her or she had gotten it herself. She started to drink it with the straw that came in the drink. Only halfway down she had a thought that maybe this drink was spiked. She continued to drink since it was really tasty. Only after finishing the drink did she give the idea of a spiked drink any real thought…. Nooo there wasn’t anyone who would try to spike a cute girls drink like this. Outside that there was not a single person that would ever try to take advantage of a drunken girl that was as needy for attention as she was. Tho not drunk yet as it was just a single drink. Alice was pretty sure not a single person in the world would ever try to use her weaknesses like that against her. Now that alice was a bit tipsy she started to look around for other people to hangout with since her shyness usually faded away with each drink until being shy would be a premium currency in a phone game. As in you come by very little of it and isn’t of much use anyways

Charlotte Parker
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Alice Charming

As Alice drank, a phantom tongue would brush against her petals and numb her brain the more she drank, encouraging her to keep indulging in all the island had to offer. By the time she was finished not only was she tipsy but her pussy was pleasantly wet and her brain felt delightfully soft, but that wasn't anything to worry about, she was enjoying her vacation and enjoying herself, that was perfectly normal. Alice could resist this if she wished, but she might find it difficult after downing that entire drink. Even if she didn't resist, Alice would've been able to recover and shrug off the compulsion and the drink. But the woman she was about to meet wasn't about to give her that chance. Especially since she could read Alice's mind like an open book and saw how vulnerable it was, the pigtailed vixen walked over to Alice and introduced herself.

"Hello there, I'm Charlotte, what's your name? And how are you doing? You look a little tipsy, want some help?" The telepath had a thin smile on her face, sure Charlotte had been kidnapped like some of the others on the island but she didn't seem to mind, a vacation was something she deserved, she'd find out who brought her here later and take care of that in time, but for now she found some prey to play with.

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Molly Wood
Tagging: Everyone

Molly groaned slightly. She felt tired, it was so hard to get up. Truth be told, she'd been training a lot more, inbetween studying at the nearby university, ever since coming to Auralis. She hadn't ended up on a mission or facing off against a demon yet. Natasha had buggered off somewhere. But. At least it was sunny. And hot. And she had relaxing waves to listen to... An emerald eye twitched, but remained closed. Waves? She usually listened to something when going to sleep... but she hadn't listened to waves for a while. And it was very sunny. Almost like she was outside. Especially with that heat on her...

Her eyes snapped open and she sat up. Hair a purple mess behind her. Headband sort of holding it in place. She rubbed her eyes once. Twice. And then looked around the beach. This was not good. Had she been kidnapped or abducted without realising?! By some nefarious demon who somehow had a beach somewhere? She heard yelling and looked over. Seeing a platinum blonde looking women running past. As some grey toned men nearby where rushing into the water. Ok. Nope. This was a dream. She must've had too much cheese the night before. She closed her eyes and through herself back onto the towel beneath her. Stretching out. Aware that she was wearing an bikini, instead of her usual clothes. A bit daring, but ok. This was a dream and it fit so all was good. She sighed and settled back down. Well may as well relax. Get some dream sleep. This was actually turning out to be rather ni...


She sat bolt right up again. Ok... not a dream. That was waaaay to cold. She looked around, seeing another blonde nearby, sipping at what looked like a cocktail. Glancing back around to see the other woman still charging around. Ignoring everyone who was apparently not this Doc Aut. Sighing at the reduction in peace she made to move. Trying to cover herself up slightly, now that she was starting to suspect this wasn't a dream. Well at least she still had her...


Her blade had been replaced with two, very summery looking batons.

Yasu Shibuya
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Molly Wood

The Grandmaster of the Eternal Dragon Clan had a very busy schedule lately with trying to lock in some finer details with the Institute not to mention the trials of Kuroyuri and Sayako to boot. But what rest she did get was peaceful and relaxing since nobody disturbed her. On this night however, she shifted in her futon because she heard her door open. She closed her eyes again as she assumed it was Lotus checking in on her. The next thing she knew the Grandmaster's slumber grew deep as a soft voice whispered in her ear and helped her rest. She vaguely remembered someone suggesting she take a vacation and forget her stresses, that did sound nice...

"Mmm..." Yasu lazily stretched her legs and arms out, but then realized that she wasn't in her futon, she was laid out on a beach towel with an umbrella above her protecting her from the rays of the sun, there was also a drink near her and her brushes were placed in a bag beside her. Her main brush was attached to her bikini bottom. A bikini bottom she didn't remember putting on. Her eyes shot wide as she grabbed the bag and started to rush for the nearest person she could find, who just so happened to be Molly...

"Hey, my name is Yasu, did you just wake up on this beach when you fell asleep somewhere else? Please tell me I'm not imaging things." Short and sweet, Yasu's eyes darted all over the island as she took in her surroundings, she saw the group gathered at the edge of the beach. She didn't mention her title yet, just in case, it wasn't important to her investigation right now.

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Location: The Beach that makes you Horny (probably)
Tag: Open

The first indication that Princess Desdemona had that something wasn't quite right was when she curled her toes and felt them shift through sand. It was quite pleasant sand at least, the soft smooth kind of sand that feels so pleasant to run your hands and feet through, not like the nasty rough and coarse you get at law quality sites. Still got everywhere of course, you couldn't have everything could you? Well actually all that was academic, because no matter the quality of the sand, Desdemona had gone to bed in her nice, soft royal sized bed that shouldn't have any sand on it at all. Nor, should her grand bedroom have this lovely sea breeze blowing through it, or the golden warmth of sunshine either.

The demon princess' eyes snapped open, to see the pure azure sky above her. Yes, somehow she was on a beach. She sat up and then looked down in a very very angry mode to discover that not only had she apparently been kidnapped, but whomever did it had the sheer gall to strip her of her nightclothes and put her in this swimsuit as well while she was helplessly unconscious! Heads would roll for this. Many many heads. And they would be the lucky ones! The unlucky ones would get far far worse.

She stood up and, on instinct, called for her servants to attend her...  though naturally there were none about. It was silly to think her kidnappers would bother to bring her attendants along with them. Oh well, others would just have to serve as her attendants now until she could figure out what had happened here. "Someone attend to me this instant!" she demanded, to anyone in earshot. "Your Princess is thirsty and demands refreshments! Bring them to me at once!"

Merine The Titleless
Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag: Desdemona the Desdemonious!Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord

Merine would awaked to the beautiful sand. Absent mindedly taking a scoop in her hand and watching it flow between her fingers back to the ground. Then she blinked once, then twice. She didn't remember going here. Looking down, she didn't remember wearing a bikini. This was ... strange. Her last memories were playing with her corrupted doggo before going to bed. Having exhausted her doggo of course. The scamper could be a meanance if she didn't do just that. So much energy and so little for it to do. Raising to her feet, she started to plan. Yes, plan. She must go at this with a well though out- "Someone attend to me this instant!" Someone interrupted.

The shout carried with itself a imborn authority that just shook Merine to the core. " Your Princess is thirsty and demands refreshments! Bring them to me at once! " That was a curious claim to make. Taking a peak beyond the palm trees, her features flushed as she took in one of the Demon Bigwigs daughters. Every graduate of Succubus U knew them by face and name. Her heart started to beat faster. Looking up, she saw several cocconuts resting in the palm tree. Quick bit of light magic had them falling into her arms. She had to be fast. This particular Princess had rumors of a bad temper to herself.

Moving into the field, and Desdemona's vision, she approached within reach, before bowing and kneeling to the woman. Her curtisy and reverence just visually right to appeal to the demon royalty. " My princess, it shames me that I don't have more to offer. " She tried to be diplomatic and show humility as she offered the opened cocconut with its inherent milk on display. She couldn't quiet hide the anxious little quivers that seemed to go through her form. Oh well, two out of three?

Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Merine and Desdemona

Luckily for both Merine and Desdemona, they had another demon that was nearby to help them out. Nathaniel's retainer Astrid had been transported to this island too, she had taken a break and fallen asleep in her quarters only to wake up here dressed in a skintight one piece, obviously she wanted to find out what was going on but for now she needed to gather with people she could trust and Desdemona was definitely one of them, and even though Merine wasn't as well known Astrid was more inclined to team up with her than another human. Astrid quietly approached them just as Merine was offering her opened coconut to her. Astrid cleared her through and crossed her arms under her chest which pushed it out. Nice eyecandy for both of them. The last thing the illusionist remembered was a whisper telling her that she deserved a vacation...

"Princess Desdemona, you got whisked away here too? Our kidnapper is very bold or very powerful..." Astrid bowed, and then looked at the other woman for a moment. Merine might recognize Astrid as another high ranking demon, but even if she didn't she'd probably be able to tell from her aura that the woman was powerful. Not to Desdemona's level, but enough to be a great help. "Who are you? I'm glad to see Desdemona has a servant at her beck and call even now." Astrid didn't interfere with Merine one bit, she started looking around for others but didn't see anyone.

Merine would feel a very small compulsion in her mind for giving Desdemona the coconut milk. It was good to indulge in all that the island had to offer, she should keep doing it, relax and enjoy her vacation. Whether or not she resisted or let it settle in was another matter entirely. Desdemona would feel nothing, at the moment...

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Mysterious Island
Tag: Beach Event

When was the last time I slept so well? Vee asked herself that exact question several times as she slowly regained consciousness. The heroine blinked repeatedly and raised her eyes as something terribly bright was shining directly at her eyes. She raised her hand to cover her face from the oppressive light and discovered that the sun was already high in the sky above her, suggesting that it was already at least noon.

In hindsight, that very same question she asked herself should’ve probably tipped her off that something was wrong. The last thing she remembered was sitting in her office, mulling over the paperwork, slamming her head against the desk in frustration and boredom, and closing her eyes. Then she heard the door open but didn’t bother looking up as she expected Homura to come by at that time. But then, shortly after, she heard a mysterious voice whispering directly into her ear. She remembered the voice telling her about needing a break, something about a vacation, and then… nothing.

Nothing until now.
The heroine groggily pulled herself up into a half sitting position, only to discover that she was lying on a large beach towel which – she was pretty sure – she didn’t own. At least not until today. Confused, she looked around and realized that she was at the beach. Not the Auralis Island, however, this was the other one – Vee thought to herself as she struggled to remember the name. Off in the distance, she could see others, wearing swimsuits of all kinds. As her head cleared from her nap, the realization dawned on her and she looked down with trepidation.

When did she get a swimsuit like that?! She didn’t own a bikini. Well, at least she couldn’t remember owning this particular piece. Sure, she had some risqué underwear she was saving for a special occasion, or put on to feel better about herself, but nothing quite like this.

”Huh.” The telepath muttered to herself as she stood up and scanned the area around her to take in her surroundings. At the very least, she had to figure out how she got here and who, or what, walked into her office last night and apparently convince her to come here…

Maria Grace, The Financial Enthusiast

Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag:Vee the Mental Monstrosity, Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord.

The telepath would find a sleeping familiar face next to her. The face of Maria Grace. A veteran heroine who was among the few who remembered and worked for a good while under the director before her. They even fought together on an occasion. Regardless, her figure was the epitome of carefree relaxation. Sprawled cutely across her own beach towel, she was adoribly sleeping firmly in the sand. However, as Vee shifted she started to stir as well. " What's the matter, V? Already stirring from slumber? " She asked, her own eyes hazy and unfocused. Not in the hypnotized kind, but the I'm still asleep kind.

Now, being a being partially living in the dimension of dreams, she remembered the whisper in her ear. And she was half-way done getting her transformation and fog ready for a fight. But then she opted not to. Why? She was freaking tired of the everyday grind. If someone wanted to gift her with a feww vecation, then by all means go ahead. She wasn't someone who would say no to that. Still, the woman slowly rose into a half sitting position as she regarded the current director. " What got your panties in a twist, V? Ah, not calling you Director by the by. " She drawled lazily.

Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Vee and Maria Grace

After Maria asked Vee her questions, another woman ended up joining them. "Thank goodness I found you Vee! Please tell me I'm not imaging things, I woke up here after falling asleep working on paperwork! Did you both fall asleep and end up here too?" A beautiful blonde came sprinting from across the two and stopped in her tracks huffing and puffing from exertion, which made her impressive tits bounce up and down to give both of the women a show. The assistant took a deep breath and then plopped into the sand to take a seat. She looked like she had been frantically searching the island the entire time. "I don't mind a vacation now and again, but I don't want to be kidnapped to have one. Although, this swimsuit is pretty nice, I like it. Maybe if we can find a way off we can take it easy for a little bit." It looked like not even a kidnapping could separate Vee from Homura, but at least she wasn't talking about paperwork.

"Oh, you're Maria Grace right? I've heard about you, you're really experienced too! You came back from Operation E right? Either way it's nice to see you. I guess while we're here we can relax a little, I need a break. Homura sighed as she finally gave herself that break, she found people that could help her, she hardly had the power to get off this island but with these two it was possible. She laid down and stretched out for just a moment, it was very rare that Vee got to see Homura do anything but frantically work, but for once the blonde was lounging and taking it easy.

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Anna Cochran
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

Anna Cochran was currently sitting in a lifeguard seat. She smiled widely as she watched all the beach goers and made sure they were safe. However she did notice Tsuifan and Shoolurel and whistled. Tsuifan would feel a rush of pleasure run down her spine as she ran along the beach, it was good she was having fun. As for Shoolurel, she'd feel contentment settle in her mind as she enjoyed the water, she should relax on the beach some more. "Hey! Don't scare the other people, you guys aren't the only ones on vacation. Try not to make a mess of things. Settle down so others can swim and enjoy themselves. And whoever put the androids in the water please take them out, that's a danger to everyone!" Anna shouted at both of them but then leaned back and relaxed, sighing as she took a sip of her drink next to her. Ah, she needed this vacation...

Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

The sound of Anna's voice caught the water elemental's attention even if she had no idea what the creature was saying.  Now facing the shore, Shoolurel realized that this place was not a salt water realm as far as the eye could see.  And the creatures here did not look like elementals.  Feelings of familiarity and comfort with the watery realm seemed to calm her concerns... particularly when there were fantastical aliens to meet.  She was more vulnerable without her protective coating, but these new friends... because of course they'd be friendly aliens...  would be there for her if any danger would appear, surely?  And there was always her magic.  So, she eagerly drifted toward the shore, making small ripples and waves with her approach as she curiously watched the goings on.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2022, 08:00:28 AM by Sashanna »

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Maria Grace, The Financial Enthusiast

Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag:Vee the Mental Monstrosity, Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord.

The telepath would find a sleeping familiar face next to her. The face of Maria Grace. A veteran heroine who was among the few who remembered and worked for a good while under the director before her. They even fought together on an occasion. Regardless, her figure was the epitome of carefree relaxation. Sprawled cutely across her own beach towel, she was adoribly sleeping firmly in the sand. However, as Vee shifted she started to stir as well. " What's the matter, V? Already stirring from slumber? " She asked, her own eyes hazy and unfocused. Not in the hypnotized kind, but the I'm still asleep kind.

Now, being a being partially living in the dimension of dreams, she remembered the whisper in her ear. And she was half-way done getting her transformation and fog ready for a fight. But then she opted not to. Why? She was freaking tired of the everyday grind. If someone wanted to gift her with a feww vecation, then by all means go ahead. She wasn't someone who would say no to that. Still, the woman slowly rose into a half sitting position as she regarded the current director. " What got your panties in a twist, V? Ah, not calling you Director by the by. " She drawled lazily.

Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Vee and Maria Grace

After Maria asked Vee her questions, another woman ended up joining them. "Thank goodness I found you Vee! Please tell me I'm not imaging things, I woke up here after falling asleep working on paperwork! Did you both fall asleep and end up here too?" A beautiful blonde came sprinting from across the two and stopped in her tracks huffing and puffing from exertion, which made her impressive tits bounce up and down to give both of the women a show. The assistant took a deep breath and then plopped into the sand to take a seat. She looked like she had been frantically searching the island the entire time. "I don't mind a vacation now and again, but I don't want to be kidnapped to have one. Although, this swimsuit is pretty nice, I like it. Maybe if we can find a way off we can take it easy for a little bit." It looked like not even a kidnapping could separate Vee from Homura, but at least she wasn't talking about paperwork.

"Oh, you're Maria Grace right? I've heard about you, you're really experienced too! You came back from Operation E right? Either way it's nice to see you. I guess while we're here we can relax a little, I need a break. Homura sighed as she finally gave herself that break, she found people that could help her, she hardly had the power to get off this island but with these two it was possible. She laid down and stretched out for just a moment, it was very rare that Vee got to see Homura do anything but frantically work, but for once the blonde was lounging and taking it easy.

Mysterious Island
Tag: Beach Event

Vee blinked when she recognized the girl sleeping beside her. ”Maria!?” The heroine exclaimed in surprise as she looked the girl up and down. It’s been ages since the two of them interacted in any capacity and even longer since the two of them defended the Police Station from that Dominion raid. She remembered reading reports about Maria’s involvement with Operation E, her disappearance and subsequent reappearance. Who kidnapped us? The telepath asked herself as she looked around the beach. When Maria spoke to her, she actually managed to get Vee to chuckle despite the worrisome situation.

”That’s fine with me. I don’t like it when people call me ‘Director’ anyway.” She smiled at the magical girl, but her smile faded as quickly as it appeared. ”Maria… as far you’re concerned, what just happened? The last thing I remember was sitting in my office, and then I woke up here. Wearing… well… this…” Her mouth formed a thin line as she tugged at her bikini top. Whoever kidnapped them must’ve had a lot of time to get their measurements just right. They picked her favorite color, too, which would’ve been a nice gesture if not for the whole “kidnapping” part.

”Ah, crap.” Vee held her breath when she noticed a familiar figure approach them. Of course Homura, out of people, would find her immediately once she caught a whiff that the director failed to complete her paperwork on time. She couldn’t decide which was worse: kidnapping or getting cornered by her relentless assistant. But, as she quickly found out, Homura wasn’t here to give her an earful and instead shared a story that rang familiar to Vee, and maybe Maria. ”Yeah. That’s the last thing I remember, too. Well… I remember someone telling me that I need a day off-and… Homura?” She cocked her eyebrow as she watched the blonde-haired woman lie down and stretch under the warm summer sun. The fact that Homura decided to take a day off, even while kidnapped, was incredibly worrying.
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

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Spoiler for Hidden:

Elune Farah and Anna Cochran
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

Fae would feel a tingle against her sex, a phantom tongue licking lightly against her folds as she enjoyed a sip of her drink. It was light and encourage her to indulge in all the beach had to offer as it made her brain feel light and happy. Of course if she was strong willed enough she could shrug this off, but it felt so pleasant it was easy to sink into the feeling and just forget about it, she was enjoy her vacation after all, why bother worrying? A blonde woman walked up to Fae, she also was baked in corruption so Fae would be able to immediately notice the woman as someone similar to herself, she cheerfully sprinted up to Fae and giggled. "Ooh, that looks like a fun drink, can I have a sip? Name's Elune, What's your name? I have to say you look really nice in that one-piece. I've been on this island for a few days, it's so lovely!" Elune sighed and stretched to give Fae a nice view of her body, not caring one iota about who looked.

Meanwhile there was a long blue haired woman, Anna Cochran. that was currently sitting in a lifeguard seat. She smiled widely as she watched all the beach goers and made sure they were safe. However she did notice Tsuifan and Shoolurel and whistled. Tsuifan would feel a rush of pleasure run down her spine as she ran along the beach, it was good she was having fun. As for Shoolurel, she'd feel contentment settle in her mind as she enjoyed the water, she should relax on the beach some more. "Hey! Don't scare the other people, you guys aren't the only ones on vacation. Try not to make a mess of things. Settle down so others can swim and enjoy themselves. And whoever put the androids in the water please take them out, that's a danger to everyone!" Anna shouted at both of them but then leaned back and relaxed, sighing as she took a sip of her drink next to her. Ah, she needed this vacation...

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

Fae felt something, a tongue? Licking against her private parts as she looked over at the others on the beach. There was that other woman running around like crazy. Trying to find someone who Fae didn't think she'd ever heard of before. Shivering slightly and pausing with the drink for a moment. It was nice, a really fruity and tasty beverage. And she couldn't help but smile and relax slightly more. She wasn't about to just let it influence her. Influencing others was her job! Through her music! So she set up some resistance to the phantom feeling. Holding it off and then nodding to herself. Brilliant! Now it was time to enjoy the beach. She was on vacation after all! Looking back across the beach she became aware of another woman moving towards her. Baked in corruption, much like Fae herself, tilting her head playfully as the walk turned into a sprint. "Sure cutie! No point in being selfish shellfish!" She giggled and offered the cocktail over to Elune to try. "I'm Fae Be T dubs! And thank yous! I like your bikini! Suits you!" She was getting a great look of the other woman in her bikini. It was kinda cute! But... "A Few days? Hmmm, seems fun, but do you remember how you got here?"

Along with the phantom teaser, how she got here herself was still a mystery Fae very much wanted solving. Along with why she was seemingly getting licked whilst enjoying that drink. Best to see what happened to someone else. And Elune had volunteered! Also she had another problem to deal with as she heard the blue haired woman. "I'll be right back!" Running off, down the sand, getting towards the water. "Riiiiiiin~ Y'know you guys need to be careful around the water!" She jumped up, as she did so there was a faint pink glow coming from her, before she dove under the waves. The androids quickly being brought back to shore. Or at least to the shallows. As there was now a very cute looking pink mermaid splashing the water idly with her tail

"You guys have gotta be careful!" She chastised them softly, before feeling more ripples in the water, turning around to see the approaching water elemental, not that she knew that was what it was. Waving towards her excitedly, before turning back to the beach. Seeking out Elune and grinning happily. "Sorry about that! So what's there to do here?" The men were slowly picking themselves up off the sand. Seemingly no worse for wear. In fact they were starting to work on a little sandcastle.

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Yasu Shibuya
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Molly Wood

The Grandmaster of the Eternal Dragon Clan had a very busy schedule lately with trying to lock in some finer details with the Institute not to mention the trials of Kuroyuri and Sayako to boot. But what rest she did get was peaceful and relaxing since nobody disturbed her. On this night however, she shifted in her futon because she heard her door open. She closed her eyes again as she assumed it was Lotus checking in on her. The next thing she knew the Grandmaster's slumber grew deep as a soft voice whispered in her ear and helped her rest. She vaguely remembered someone suggesting she take a vacation and forget her stresses, that did sound nice...

"Mmm..." Yasu lazily stretched her legs and arms out, but then realized that she wasn't in her futon, she was laid out on a beach towel with an umbrella above her protecting her from the rays of the sun, there was also a drink near her and her brushes were placed in a bag beside her. Her main brush was attached to her bikini bottom. A bikini bottom she didn't remember putting on. Her eyes shot wide as she grabbed the bag and started to rush for the nearest person she could find, who just so happened to be Molly...

"Hey, my name is Yasu, did you just wake up on this beach when you fell asleep somewhere else? Please tell me I'm not imaging things." Short and sweet, Yasu's eyes darted all over the island as she took in her surroundings, she saw the group gathered at the edge of the beach. She didn't mention her title yet, just in case, it wasn't important to her investigation right now.

Molly Wood
Tagging: Yasu Shibuya

She looked up upon hearing the urgency of something nearby. Her sword, apparently being replaced with two batons would have to wait. Not least because this was a beach, and not a battlefield. As the hot sand underneath her was reminding her. The woman approaching her looked stunning, and she shifted slightly to be able to greet her properly, standing up and feeling the grains shift underneath her. She was slightly taken aback by the short, sweet, fast words coming from the other woman for a moment, before replying. Still trying to figure out how to stand to limit the amount of skin she was showing off to the other woman. An impossible task given her bikini.

"Heya! I'm, er Molly, lovely to meet you Yasu! Is that Japanese?" She paused thinking for a moment "And yea same. I was asleep back in Auralis and then. just..." She went to gesture with her hands to show off the beach, but then realised that she might be showing off more of herself then intended that way. She was proud of her body sure, but.. Y'know, the bikini was more femme. She didn't usually worry about how she dressed, more for comfort then anything else. So she was feeling a little bit out of her depth. The other woman was pulling off the look flawlessly, confident to boot as well. She was slightly jealous.

She turned to look around the beach as well, taking in their surroundings. Something was trying to get them to relax, so conversely part of her was on edge. Kidnapping would do that. Also... should the other woman have seemed familiar to her? Molly didn't know, besides if she did have a title Molly needed to know about, Yasu would've used it in her greeting.

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Merine The Titleless
Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag: Desdemona the Desdemonious!Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord

Merine would awaked to the beautiful sand. Absent mindedly taking a scoop in her hand and watching it flow between her fingers back to the ground. Then she blinked once, then twice. She didn't remember going here. Looking down, she didn't remember wearing a bikini. This was ... strange. Her last memories were playing with her corrupted doggo before going to bed. Having exhausted her doggo of course. The scamper could be a meanance if she didn't do just that. So much energy and so little for it to do. Raising to her feet, she started to plan. Yes, plan. She must go at this with a well though out- "Someone attend to me this instant!" Someone interrupted.

The shout carried with itself a imborn authority that just shook Merine to the core. " Your Princess is thirsty and demands refreshments! Bring them to me at once! " That was a curious claim to make. Taking a peak beyond the palm trees, her features flushed as she took in one of the Demon Bigwigs daughters. Every graduate of Succubus U knew them by face and name. Her heart started to beat faster. Looking up, she saw several cocconuts resting in the palm tree. Quick bit of light magic had them falling into her arms. She had to be fast. This particular Princess had rumors of a bad temper to herself.

Moving into the field, and Desdemona's vision, she approached within reach, before bowing and kneeling to the woman. Her curtisy and reverence just visually right to appeal to the demon royalty. " My princess, it shames me that I don't have more to offer. " She tried to be diplomatic and show humility as she offered the opened cocconut with its inherent milk on display. She couldn't quiet hide the anxious little quivers that seemed to go through her form. Oh well, two out of three?

Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Merine and Desdemona

Luckily for both Merine and Desdemona, they had another demon that was nearby to help them out. Nathaniel's retainer Astrid had been transported to this island too, she had taken a break and fallen asleep in her quarters only to wake up here dressed in a skintight one piece, obviously she wanted to find out what was going on but for now she needed to gather with people she could trust and Desdemona was definitely one of them, and even though Merine wasn't as well known Astrid was more inclined to team up with her than another human. Astrid quietly approached them just as Merine was offering her opened coconut to her. Astrid cleared her through and crossed her arms under her chest which pushed it out. Nice eyecandy for both of them. The last thing the illusionist remembered was a whisper telling her that she deserved a vacation...

"Princess Desdemona, you got whisked away here too? Our kidnapper is very bold or very powerful..." Astrid bowed, and then looked at the other woman for a moment. Merine might recognize Astrid as another high ranking demon, but even if she didn't she'd probably be able to tell from her aura that the woman was powerful. Not to Desdemona's level, but enough to be a great help. "Who are you? I'm glad to see Desdemona has a servant at her beck and call even now." Astrid didn't interfere with Merine one bit, she started looking around for others but didn't see anyone.

Merine would feel a very small compulsion in her mind for giving Desdemona the coconut milk. It was good to indulge in all that the island had to offer, she should keep doing it, relax and enjoy her vacation. Whether or not she resisted or let it settle in was another matter entirely. Desdemona would feel nothing, at the moment...

Location: The Beach that makes you Horny (probably)
Tag: Astrid and Merine

Desdemona made no further calls or movements, she just waited for someone to come obey her command, and of course they would, there were plenty of humans on the beach who would surely trip over themselves wanting to serve the demon princess any desire she might want! That's what humans were for! Surprisingly though, it was a fellow demon who actually obeyed her call and approached with an offering of coconuts. "Hmmph!" Desdemona said haughtily as Merine apologized for not having more. "You are forgiven your failings for now! Be quicker to obey your Princess' commands next time!" she said as she took the coconut and took a sip of it's milk. "Refreshing enough, you shall not be flogged today" Desdemona praised Merine highly... eh... well it was praise by Desdemona's standards. Indeed for Desdemona, not flogging you alive the moment she laid eyes on you, was one of her warmest greetings.

Before the Princess could decide on what to do next, another demon approached her. She knew who Astrid was of course, she kept an eye on her brother's well being and knew who his own servants were. Astrid revealed she'd been kidnapped too... but of course Desdemona had a reputation to keep. "Whisked away? Nonsense! I am here only because I have allowed it! Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!" there, that made sure that Astrid knew not to imply that Desdemona could be kidnapped against her will! Err... but there was still the issue of where exactly they were...

"Astrid. I have decided that you shall serve me for the duration of my stay. Yes yes, I know, you are very honoured. And also..." Desdemona looked over to Merine who... hadn't told her her name. Huh. "You as well, shall be my pet for the moment. Now both of you. I want to hear ideas of where we are right now... Ho ho ho, I know myself of course, but I want to see if you can figure it out"

Offline Shadow72

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Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Merine and Desdemona

Luckily for both Merine and Desdemona, they had another demon that was nearby to help them out. Nathaniel's retainer Astrid had been transported to this island too, she had taken a break and fallen asleep in her quarters only to wake up here dressed in a skintight one piece, obviously she wanted to find out what was going on but for now she needed to gather with people she could trust and Desdemona was definitely one of them, and even though Merine wasn't as well known Astrid was more inclined to team up with her than another human. Astrid quietly approached them just as Merine was offering her opened coconut to her. Astrid cleared her through and crossed her arms under her chest which pushed it out. Nice eyecandy for both of them. The last thing the illusionist remembered was a whisper telling her that she deserved a vacation...

"Princess Desdemona, you got whisked away here too? Our kidnapper is very bold or very powerful..." Astrid bowed, and then looked at the other woman for a moment. Merine might recognize Astrid as another high ranking demon, but even if she didn't she'd probably be able to tell from her aura that the woman was powerful. Not to Desdemona's level, but enough to be a great help. "Who are you? I'm glad to see Desdemona has a servant at her beck and call even now." Astrid didn't interfere with Merine one bit, she started looking around for others but didn't see anyone.

Merine would feel a very small compulsion in her mind for giving Desdemona the coconut milk. It was good to indulge in all that the island had to offer, she should keep doing it, relax and enjoy her vacation. Whether or not she resisted or let it settle in was another matter entirely. Desdemona would feel nothing, at the moment...

Location: The Beach that makes you Horny (probably)
Tag: Astrid and Merine

Desdemona made no further calls or movements, she just waited for someone to come obey her command, and of course they would, there were plenty of humans on the beach who would surely trip over themselves wanting to serve the demon princess any desire she might want! That's what humans were for! Surprisingly though, it was a fellow demon who actually obeyed her call and approached with an offering of coconuts. "Hmmph!" Desdemona said haughtily as Merine apologized for not having more. "You are forgiven your failings for now! Be quicker to obey your Princess' commands next time!" she said as she took the coconut and took a sip of it's milk. "Refreshing enough, you shall not be flogged today" Desdemona praised Merine highly... eh... well it was praise by Desdemona's standards. Indeed for Desdemona, not flogging you alive the moment she laid eyes on you, was one of her warmest greetings.

Before the Princess could decide on what to do next, another demon approached her. She knew who Astrid was of course, she kept an eye on her brother's well being and knew who his own servants were. Astrid revealed she'd been kidnapped too... but of course Desdemona had a reputation to keep. "Whisked away? Nonsense! I am here only because I have allowed it! Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!" there, that made sure that Astrid knew not to imply that Desdemona could be kidnapped against her will! Err... but there was still the issue of where exactly they were...

"Astrid. I have decided that you shall serve me for the duration of my stay. Yes yes, I know, you are very honoured. And also..." Desdemona looked over to Merine who... hadn't told her her name. Huh. "You as well, shall be my pet for the moment. Now both of you. I want to hear ideas of where we are right now... Ho ho ho, I know myself of course, but I want to see if you can figure it out"

Merine The Titleless
Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag: Desdemona the Desdemonious!Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord

" Thank you for you m-mercy, My Lady. " She claimed, stuttering. Which in turn brought about a cute blush to her cheeks. It was not often that someone managed to broke the elegant older sister character she has going for her. But the sheer ... manevolent reputation of the woman with the high risk enviornment made it so. Still, the clearing throat sound and the sudden energy signature made her twich and jump just a little in her spot. Her eyes scanning the individual, eyes momentraily dropping to the accented assets but quickly moving to other features. Despite all, seduction was her forte. Falling to female wiles was outside the question. Still, the two powerhouses knew each other? At least she wouldn't have to fight this Astrid.

She kept her eyes on the floor. She was in the presence of Royalty after all. " Ah. I'm Merine my ...., your lordship? " She struggled to find right way to address the woman. " I hope I will be able to live up to my ladies expectations. " She finished, standing (well kneeling) by her Princesses side. Although, honestly, she doubts anyone can get Desmonda's seal of approval. Call it just a hunch. " Does that mean that My Lady is aware of the perpetrator of this event? " She dared to ask a question of the Princess. Hope shining in her eyes, not that the two experienced demons had a choice of seeing it, with her kneeling and everything.

Her form twitched a frown settled on her face. It may have been the high-stress situation she was in ... or the fact that she was prepetually aware of all of her own shortcomings. Regardless, the suggestion was shrugged off. " A pocket dimesnion perharps? Or a shared dream? " She offered. " More importantly, has either of you just tried to plant a suggestions into me? For demons of your callibre it felt far too weak? " She asked, daring to look at the two demons.

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Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Vee and Maria Grace

After Maria asked Vee her questions, another woman ended up joining them. "Thank goodness I found you Vee! Please tell me I'm not imaging things, I woke up here after falling asleep working on paperwork! Did you both fall asleep and end up here too?" A beautiful blonde came sprinting from across the two and stopped in her tracks huffing and puffing from exertion, which made her impressive tits bounce up and down to give both of the women a show. The assistant took a deep breath and then plopped into the sand to take a seat. She looked like she had been frantically searching the island the entire time. "I don't mind a vacation now and again, but I don't want to be kidnapped to have one. Although, this swimsuit is pretty nice, I like it. Maybe if we can find a way off we can take it easy for a little bit." It looked like not even a kidnapping could separate Vee from Homura, but at least she wasn't talking about paperwork.

"Oh, you're Maria Grace right? I've heard about you, you're really experienced too! You came back from Operation E right? Either way it's nice to see you. I guess while we're here we can relax a little, I need a break. Homura sighed as she finally gave herself that break, she found people that could help her, she hardly had the power to get off this island but with these two it was possible. She laid down and stretched out for just a moment, it was very rare that Vee got to see Homura do anything but frantically work, but for once the blonde was lounging and taking it easy.

Mysterious Island
Tag: Beach Event

Vee blinked when she recognized the girl sleeping beside her. ”Maria!?” The heroine exclaimed in surprise as she looked the girl up and down. It’s been ages since the two of them interacted in any capacity and even longer since the two of them defended the Police Station from that Dominion raid. She remembered reading reports about Maria’s involvement with Operation E, her disappearance and subsequent reappearance. Who kidnapped us? The telepath asked herself as she looked around the beach. When Maria spoke to her, she actually managed to get Vee to chuckle despite the worrisome situation.

”That’s fine with me. I don’t like it when people call me ‘Director’ anyway.” She smiled at the magical girl, but her smile faded as quickly as it appeared. ”Maria… as far you’re concerned, what just happened? The last thing I remember was sitting in my office, and then I woke up here. Wearing… well… this…” Her mouth formed a thin line as she tugged at her bikini top. Whoever kidnapped them must’ve had a lot of time to get their measurements just right. They picked her favorite color, too, which would’ve been a nice gesture if not for the whole “kidnapping” part.

”Ah, crap.” Vee held her breath when she noticed a familiar figure approach them. Of course Homura, out of people, would find her immediately once she caught a whiff that the director failed to complete her paperwork on time. She couldn’t decide which was worse: kidnapping or getting cornered by her relentless assistant. But, as she quickly found out, Homura wasn’t here to give her an earful and instead shared a story that rang familiar to Vee, and maybe Maria. ”Yeah. That’s the last thing I remember, too. Well… I remember someone telling me that I need a day off-and… Homura?” She cocked her eyebrow as she watched the blonde-haired woman lie down and stretch under the warm summer sun. The fact that Homura decided to take a day off, even while kidnapped, was incredibly worrying.

Maria Grace, The Financial Enthusiast

Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag:Vee the Mental Monstrosity, Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord.

" Geeze. Must you shout so. " Maria frowned as the heroine shouted out her name. Her head shaking as she gave Vee an unfocused-eyed glare. She sighed. She knew that they hadn't seen one another in a long while, and she was all for for having V throw herself into her arms, but that didn't really justify blowing her eardrums out. Jeez. " It's good to see you again, Vee. " She claimed, taking a moment to very overtly going over Vee's form. " And a good pick as well. " She gave her a thumbs up. ' 10/10 would smash. ' A smirk forming on her lips. " Pretty much the same. Saw someone yank me as I was falling asleep, but that was it. " She shrugged in the what can you do manner.

Only to disappear into a friendly smile at the newcomers arrival. The woman seemed to be close to Vee. And a bombshell as well. ' Look at those breasts sway. Hmmm, could I bed her? ' She couldn't help but ask herself. " Its nice to meet you. Although, you have me at a tad of a disadvantage. " She claimed as she shuffled towards the woman. She layed besides the overworked secretey, her head on the blondes shoudler. One hand drapped over the torso of the woman. " Hmmmm. " She hummed in appreciation, as her touch was surprisingly cold to Homura. " This is nice. " She simply stated.

" Well, what are you going to do, V? " She asked, ejoying the soft skin. " We could wait for a rescue, I think No way people didn't notice the Big Bad VeeTM going missing. " She offered. " Or we could start poking the surroundings. But that does bring to mind the question of if we will split the party or not. " She drawled, her eyes closing.

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Spoiler for Anna/Elune:

Elune Farah and Anna Cochran
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

Fae would feel a tingle against her sex, a phantom tongue licking lightly against her folds as she enjoyed a sip of her drink. It was light and encourage her to indulge in all the beach had to offer as it made her brain feel light and happy. Of course if she was strong willed enough she could shrug this off, but it felt so pleasant it was easy to sink into the feeling and just forget about it, she was enjoy her vacation after all, why bother worrying? A blonde woman walked up to Fae, she also was baked in corruption so Fae would be able to immediately notice the woman as someone similar to herself, she cheerfully sprinted up to Fae and giggled. "Ooh, that looks like a fun drink, can I have a sip? Name's Elune, What's your name? I have to say you look really nice in that one-piece. I've been on this island for a few days, it's so lovely!" Elune sighed and stretched to give Fae a nice view of her body, not caring one iota about who looked.

Meanwhile there was a long blue haired woman, Anna Cochran. that was currently sitting in a lifeguard seat. She smiled widely as she watched all the beach goers and made sure they were safe. However she did notice Tsuifan and Shoolurel and whistled. Tsuifan would feel a rush of pleasure run down her spine as she ran along the beach, it was good she was having fun. As for Shoolurel, she'd feel contentment settle in her mind as she enjoyed the water, she should relax on the beach some more. "Hey! Don't scare the other people, you guys aren't the only ones on vacation. Try not to make a mess of things. Settle down so others can swim and enjoy themselves. And whoever put the androids in the water please take them out, that's a danger to everyone!" Anna shouted at both of them but then leaned back and relaxed, sighing as she took a sip of her drink next to her. Ah, she needed this vacation...
Spoiler for Fae:

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

Fae felt something, a tongue? Licking against her private parts as she looked over at the others on the beach. There was that other woman running around like crazy. Trying to find someone who Fae didn't think she'd ever heard of before. Shivering slightly and pausing with the drink for a moment. It was nice, a really fruity and tasty beverage. And she couldn't help but smile and relax slightly more. She wasn't about to just let it influence her. Influencing others was her job! Through her music! So she set up some resistance to the phantom feeling. Holding it off and then nodding to herself. Brilliant! Now it was time to enjoy the beach. She was on vacation after all! Looking back across the beach she became aware of another woman moving towards her. Baked in corruption, much like Fae herself, tilting her head playfully as the walk turned into a sprint. "Sure cutie! No point in being selfish shellfish!" She giggled and offered the cocktail over to Elune to try. "I'm Fae Be T dubs! And thank yous! I like your bikini! Suits you!" She was getting a great look of the other woman in her bikini. It was kinda cute! But... "A Few days? Hmmm, seems fun, but do you remember how you got here?"

Along with the phantom teaser, how she got here herself was still a mystery Fae very much wanted solving. Along with why she was seemingly getting licked whilst enjoying that drink. Best to see what happened to someone else. And Elune had volunteered! Also she had another problem to deal with as she heard the blue haired woman. "I'll be right back!" Running off, down the sand, getting towards the water. "Riiiiiiin~ Y'know you guys need to be careful around the water!" She jumped up, as she did so there was a faint pink glow coming from her, before she dove under the waves. The androids quickly being brought back to shore. Or at least to the shallows. As there was now a very cute looking pink mermaid splashing the water idly with her tail

"You guys have gotta be careful!" She chastised them softly, before feeling more ripples in the water, turning around to see the approaching water elemental, not that she knew that was what it was. Waving towards her excitedly, before turning back to the beach. Seeking out Elune and grinning happily. "Sorry about that! So what's there to do here?" The men were slowly picking themselves up off the sand. Seemingly no worse for wear. In fact they were starting to work on a little sandcastle.
Spoiler for Shoolurel:

Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

The sound of Anna's voice caught the water elemental's attention even if she had no idea what the creature was saying.  Now facing the shore, Shoolurel realized that this place was not a salt water realm as far as the eye could see.  And the creatures here did not look like elementals.  Feelings of familiarity and comfort with the watery realm seemed to calm her concerns... particularly when there were fantastical aliens to meet.  She was more vulnerable without her protective coating, but these new friends... because of course they'd be friendly aliens...  would be there for her if any danger would appear, surely?  And there was always her magic.  So, she eagerly drifted toward the shore, making small ripples and waves with her approach as she curiously watched the goings on.

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

Tsuifan practically seemed to fly as she zipped around  the shoreline. Feeling better than ever, so incredibly delighted as she enjoyed her freedom of movement. The warmth of the sun, the sand between her toes. And most of all, the thought of absolutely clobbering her kidnapper. "I SAID WHERE ARE YOU, DOC AU-!!"

The tapping of a megaphone interrupted Tsuifan's yelling. Followed by a firm scolding from a long-haired stranger. A lifeguard, Tsuifan had to assume. "Hey! Don't scare the other people, you guys aren't the only ones on vacation."

Is she talking to me? Tsuifan blushed a little bit, taking a closer look at the people around her. If she had been scaring anyone, then it certainly wasn't by intention. All she wanted was to find Doc Aut. Who was a villain to be sure, but not one remotely worth causing a panic at the beach over...really more of a C-tier nuisance.

Thankfully, despite the lifeguard's warning, no one seemed like they were all that fearful of Tsuifan. Rather, they were all too busy enjoying themselves. Drinking, tanning, surfing...why those gray mechanical puppet men seemed to be trying for all three at once, Tsuifan had no idea. But soon enough, at the apparent lifeguard's request, someone was already hurrying to usher them back to the shore. And it wasn't the chrome commander Tsuifan was expecting; the sinister Doc Aut. But rather someone who looked like a normal (albeit very beautiful) woman...that is, normal until she started to glow pink. And then transform into a freaking mermaid!

What the butt?!! Whatever her butt was, it definitely had it a lot more scales than a few seconds prior. It was a complete and total transformation! And the first time Tsuifan had ever seen anything like it. She must be a magical girl...I mean, she couldn't be a demon, could she? She's working with Doc's puppets, but she looks so bubbly and friendly...hey, wait! Tsuifan had heard that you could always tell a demon from their shining red eyes. Even from a distance like this, the well-trained martial artist could tell that the mermaid's were a sparkling blue. Which was the exact total opposite! Does that make her an angelfish? Wuhuhuhu! Hey, that's pretty good...I should use that.

Not quite as sparkling as the mermaid's, but every bit as bright and curious were Shoolurel's teal-colored eyes. Alas, her eyes were the last thing Tsuifan noticed about her. There's a totally naked woman floating out of the water! Even in Auralis, that couldn't be an everyday situation. Waitwaitwait, maybe this is a nude beach? She's not just some random streaker, is she? Tell me there aren't any kids watching!

Tsuifan quickly double-checked the area, thankfully finding no impressionable youngsters in sight. No one she would have to shield from the M-rated vision of beauty floating towards the shore. Thank goodness. Even so.

Tsuifan looked back and forth from Shoolurel to Anna. Silently questioning the latter Is she not breaking any rules? Are you really gonna let her stride around naked? If the lifeguard wasn't worried, then she supposed that it must've been okay...
« Last Edit: May 13, 2023, 08:01:08 PM by madman32 »

Offline Sashanna

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Spoiler for Vayelia Fells:

Vayelia Fells
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Morgan Garcia

Morgan would feel a rush of contentment come over her as she ate her watermelon, enough to calm her nerves and help her relax. She really should just enjoy taking a vacation from all her hard work. She could probably resist that contentment pushing against her mind, but why would she when it felt so nice to let it overtake her? She had other things to worry about as another woman stepped out into the open, she looked at Morgan with a bit of a frown. "Hey, I know this sounds stupid, but did you wake up here after falling asleep somewhere else? Sorry, but I haven't found anyone else here other than you. I think there are some people on the other end of the island." The woman, Vayelia, sighed. There was a part of her that wanted to remain here so she wasn't the Dominion's fuck doll, but there was another part of her that wanted to go back and serve the Dominion due to her programming. She passed out from being fucked so hard and then woke up here, thankfully not drenched in cum.

"Sorry, I should get going, maybe I can find a way off this bloody rock." Vayelia shook her head and started walking to the east, although Morgan could stop her if she wished.

Morgan Garcia
Palm Tree Grove
Tagging: Vayelia Fells

The bit of fruity sustenance helped briefly calm her nerves, but Morgan was still nowhere near her lab, had no idea what had happened to her, and seemed to be stranded in the tropics.  Now was an insane time to just enjoy a vacation.  If she couldn't find civilization nearby, she'd have to construct shelter for the night.  Tropical locations had frequent rainstorms and not having a place to stay dry would be just asking for infection.  The scientist couldn't reconcile her thoughts with the discordant desire to... to what?  Waste away here and die?  The fact that even a part of her considered relaxing like this was some vacation disturbed her.

The sight of another person brought a mix of relief and consternation.  Straightening to her full height, she defensively crossed her arms over her bare midriff.  Her confident stance belied the vulnerability she felt in her outfit.  At Vayelia's words, Morgan raised one hand off her waist, using it to absently lift one corner of her glasses in a manner that pushed the lenses back up her nose. 

"Really?  You as well?  No need to apologize, you are the first person I have seen since my work was disrupted by phantom whispers that knocked me out."  She followed behind Vayelia so as not to be left alone out here and so she wasn't as easy to look at as they walked.  "The power behind the voice seems to have highjacked my consciousness until I arrived.  I have no idea how I got here or why I am wearing these clothes.  I also have no idea what purpose this serves, but would very much like off this 'bloody rock' too."  She had just parroted what the woman had said, but then little details caught up with her.  "Wait, you say we are on an island?  How can you tell?  Were there any buildings you were able to sight on this island or any land visible in the distance?  If we might be stuck here for days, building or finding a dry shelter will be important.  The source of fresh water you found me at might be important too."

Offline Sashanna

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Spoiler for Fae Dallam:

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

Fae felt something, a tongue? Licking against her private parts as she looked over at the others on the beach. There was that other woman running around like crazy. Trying to find someone who Fae didn't think she'd ever heard of before. Shivering slightly and pausing with the drink for a moment. It was nice, a really fruity and tasty beverage. And she couldn't help but smile and relax slightly more. She wasn't about to just let it influence her. Influencing others was her job! Through her music! So she set up some resistance to the phantom feeling. Holding it off and then nodding to herself. Brilliant! Now it was time to enjoy the beach. She was on vacation after all! Looking back across the beach she became aware of another woman moving towards her. Baked in corruption, much like Fae herself, tilting her head playfully as the walk turned into a sprint. "Sure cutie! No point in being selfish shellfish!" She giggled and offered the cocktail over to Elune to try. "I'm Fae Be T dubs! And thank yous! I like your bikini! Suits you!" She was getting a great look of the other woman in her bikini. It was kinda cute! But... "A Few days? Hmmm, seems fun, but do you remember how you got here?"

Along with the phantom teaser, how she got here herself was still a mystery Fae very much wanted solving. Along with why she was seemingly getting licked whilst enjoying that drink. Best to see what happened to someone else. And Elune had volunteered! Also she had another problem to deal with as she heard the blue haired woman. "I'll be right back!" Running off, down the sand, getting towards the water. "Riiiiiiin~ Y'know you guys need to be careful around the water!" She jumped up, as she did so there was a faint pink glow coming from her, before she dove under the waves. The androids quickly being brought back to shore. Or at least to the shallows. As there was now a very cute looking pink mermaid splashing the water idly with her tail

"You guys have gotta be careful!" She chastised them softly, before feeling more ripples in the water, turning around to see the approaching water elemental, not that she knew that was what it was. Waving towards her excitedly, before turning back to the beach. Seeking out Elune and grinning happily. "Sorry about that! So what's there to do here?" The men were slowly picking themselves up off the sand. Seemingly no worse for wear. In fact they were starting to work on a little sandcastle.
Spoiler for Tsuifan Hurin:

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

Tsuifan practically seemed to fly as she zipped around  the shoreline. Feeling better than ever, so incredibly delighted as she enjoyed her freedom of movement. The warmth of the sun, the sand between her toes. And most of all, the thought of absolutely clobbering her kidnapper. "I SAID WHERE ARE YOU, DOC AU-!!"

The tapping of a megaphone interrupted Tsuifan's yelling. Followed by a firm scolding from a long-haired stranger. A lifeguard, Tsuifan had to assume. "Hey! Don't scare the other people, you guys aren't the only ones on vacation."

Is she talking to me? Tsuifan blushed a little bit, taking a closer look at the people around her. If she had been scaring anyone, then it certainly wasn't by intention. All she wanted was to find Doc Aut. Who was a villain to be sure, but not one remotely worth causing a panic at the beach over...really more of a C-tier nuisance.

Thankfully, despite the lifeguard's warning, no one seemed like they were all that fearful of Tsuifan. Rather, they were all too busy enjoying themselves. Drinking, tanning, surfing...why those gray mechanical puppet men seemed to be trying for all three at once, Tsuifan had no idea. But soon enough, at the apparent lifeguard's request, someone was already hurrying to usher them back to the shore. And it wasn't the chrome commander Tsuifan was expecting; the sinister Doc Aut. But rather someone who looked like a normal (albeit very beautiful) woman...that is, normal until she started to glow pink. And then transform into a freaking mermaid!

What the butt?!! Whatever her butt was, it definitely had it a lot more scales than a few seconds prior. It was a complete and total transformation! And the first time Tsuifan had ever seen anything like it. She must be a magical girl...I mean, she couldn't be a demon, could she? She's working with Doc's puppets, but she looks so bubbly and friendly...hey, wait! Tsuifan had heard that you could always tell a demon from their shining red eyes. Even from a distance like this, the well-trained martial artist could tell that the mermaid's were a sparkling blue. Which was the exact total opposite! Does that make her an angelfish? Wuhuhuhu! Hey, that's pretty good...I should use that.

Not quite as sparkling as the mermaid's, but every bit as bright and curious were Shoolurel's teal-colored eyes. Alas, her eyes were the last thing Tsuifan noticed about her. There's a totally naked woman floating out of the water! Even in Auralis, that couldn't be an everyday situation. Waitwaitwait, maybe this is a nude beach? She's not just some random streaker, is she? Tell me there aren't any kids watching!

Tsuifan quickly double-checked the area, thankfully finding no impressionable youngsters in sight. No one she would have to shield from the M-rated vision of beauty floating towards the shore. Thank goodness. Even so.

Tsuifan looked back and forth from Shoolurel to Anna. Silently questioning the latter Is she not breaking any rules? Are you really gonna let her stride around naked? If the lifeguard wasn't worried, then she supposed that it must've been okay...

Mysterious Island- Beach
Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

'The automata look very lively.   Are they sentient themselves or did someone design them that way?' Shoolurel pondered as she watched them.  Being the biggest crowd and the closest to her location off the beach, much of her attention was focused on them as she was drifting inland until another voice shouted out.  Her head turned toward the voice even as she continued to flow forward toward the land.  Her teal eyes widened in surprise and delight at the sight of another water elemental present in this strange land.  Not that she disliked this strange new land, but having another of her kind would add some stability to this bizarre situation.  A few tendrils of natural energy reached out to Fae in unseen greeting as she waved back with a happy, friendly liveliness of her own.

Fae may have felt the brush of the gentle, yet alien power as the foreign nature energy touched her own, but it did not feel like a probe or an attack or anything else invasive or harmful.  If she wasn't distracted by her minions, she may have even been able to tell where the energy had come from; the naked woman with small horns who had been approaching from out in the ocean.  When Shoolurel had turned her head towards the voice, the hair covering her chest had shifted, and it would become clear to anyone watching that her chest was unusually uniform and smooth.  If one got close enough to notice the region of her body near the waves, one might even notice that her waist had a similar uniformity and smoothness, like a Barbie doll without the joints.  Half her thighs stuck out of the water and the rest was hidden beneath.

No one seemed to be angrily approaching her, so Shoo turned her attention to the mermaid.  Fae seemed busy.  She didn't want to disturb her, but her trajectory changed to reach a more comfortable speaking distance with the kindred spirit for when there was a lull in activity.  Focused as the water elemental was, she didn't notice the fuss Tsuifan was making over her.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2022, 02:26:57 PM by Sashanna »

Offline Youkai

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Spoiler for Shoolurel:

Mysterious Island- Beach
Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

'The automata look very lively.   Are they sentient themselves or did someone design them that way?' Shoolurel pondered as she watched them.  Being the biggest crowd and the closest to her location off the beach, much of her attention was focused on them as she was drifting inland until another voice shouted out.  Her head turned toward the voice even as she continued to flow forward toward the land.  Her teal eyes widened in surprise and delight at the sight of another water elemental present in this strange land.  Not that she disliked this strange new land, but having another of her kind would add some stability to this bizarre situation.  A few tendrils of natural energy reached out to Fae in unseen greeting as she waved back with a happy, friendly liveliness of her own.

Fae may have felt the brush of the gentle, yet alien power as the foreign nature energy touched her own, but it did not feel like a probe or an attack or anything else invasive or harmful.  If she wasn't distracted by her minions, she may have even been able to tell where the energy had come from; the naked woman with small horns who had been approaching from out in the ocean.  When Shoolurel had turned her head towards the voice, the hair covering her chest had shifted, and it would become clear to anyone watching that her chest was unusually uniform and smooth.  If one got close enough to notice the region of her body near the waves, one might even notice that her waist had a similar uniformity and smoothness, like a Barbie doll without the joints.  Half her thighs stuck out of the water and the rest was hidden beneath.

No one seemed to be angrily approaching her, so Shoo turned her attention to the mermaid.  Fae seemed busy.  She didn't want to disturb her, but her trajectory changed to reach a more comfortable speaking distance with the kindred spirit for when there was a lull in activity.  Focused as the water elemental was, she didn't notice the fuss Tsuifan was making over her.
Spoiler for Fae Dallam:

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

Fae felt something, a tongue? Licking against her private parts as she looked over at the others on the beach. There was that other woman running around like crazy. Trying to find someone who Fae didn't think she'd ever heard of before. Shivering slightly and pausing with the drink for a moment. It was nice, a really fruity and tasty beverage. And she couldn't help but smile and relax slightly more. She wasn't about to just let it influence her. Influencing others was her job! Through her music! So she set up some resistance to the phantom feeling. Holding it off and then nodding to herself. Brilliant! Now it was time to enjoy the beach. She was on vacation after all! Looking back across the beach she became aware of another woman moving towards her. Baked in corruption, much like Fae herself, tilting her head playfully as the walk turned into a sprint. "Sure cutie! No point in being selfish shellfish!" She giggled and offered the cocktail over to Elune to try. "I'm Fae Be T dubs! And thank yous! I like your bikini! Suits you!" She was getting a great look of the other woman in her bikini. It was kinda cute! But... "A Few days? Hmmm, seems fun, but do you remember how you got here?"

Along with the phantom teaser, how she got here herself was still a mystery Fae very much wanted solving. Along with why she was seemingly getting licked whilst enjoying that drink. Best to see what happened to someone else. And Elune had volunteered! Also she had another problem to deal with as she heard the blue haired woman. "I'll be right back!" Running off, down the sand, getting towards the water. "Riiiiiiin~ Y'know you guys need to be careful around the water!" She jumped up, as she did so there was a faint pink glow coming from her, before she dove under the waves. The androids quickly being brought back to shore. Or at least to the shallows. As there was now a very cute looking pink mermaid splashing the water idly with her tail

"You guys have gotta be careful!" She chastised them softly, before feeling more ripples in the water, turning around to see the approaching water elemental, not that she knew that was what it was. Waving towards her excitedly, before turning back to the beach. Seeking out Elune and grinning happily. "Sorry about that! So what's there to do here?" The men were slowly picking themselves up off the sand. Seemingly no worse for wear. In fact they were starting to work on a little sandcastle.
Spoiler for Tsuifan Hurin:

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

Tsuifan practically seemed to fly as she zipped around  the shoreline. Feeling better than ever, so incredibly delighted as she enjoyed her freedom of movement. The warmth of the sun, the sand between her toes. And most of all, the thought of absolutely clobbering her kidnapper. "I SAID WHERE ARE YOU, DOC AU-!!"

The tapping of a megaphone interrupted Tsuifan's yelling. Followed by a firm scolding from a long-haired stranger. A lifeguard, Tsuifan had to assume. "Hey! Don't scare the other people, you guys aren't the only ones on vacation."

Is she talking to me? Tsuifan blushed a little bit, taking a closer look at the people around her. If she had been scaring anyone, then it certainly wasn't by intention. All she wanted was to find Doc Aut. Who was a villain to be sure, but not one remotely worth causing a panic at the beach over...really more of a C-tier nuisance.

Thankfully, despite the lifeguard's warning, no one seemed like they were all that fearful of Tsuifan. Rather, they were all too busy enjoying themselves. Drinking, tanning, surfing...why those gray mechanical puppet men seemed to be trying for all three at once, Tsuifan had no idea. But soon enough, at the apparent lifeguard's request, someone was already hurrying to usher them back to the shore. And it wasn't the chrome commander Tsuifan was expecting; the sinister Doc Aut. But rather someone who looked like a normal (albeit very beautiful) woman...that is, normal until she started to glow pink. And then transform into a freaking mermaid!

What the butt?!! Whatever her butt was, it definitely had it a lot more scales than a few seconds prior. It was a complete and total transformation! And the first time Tsuifan had ever seen anything like it. She must be a magical girl...I mean, she couldn't be a demon, could she? She's working with Doc's puppets, but she looks so bubbly and friendly...hey, wait! Tsuifan had heard that you could always tell a demon from their shining red eyes. Even from a distance like this, the well-trained martial artist could tell that the mermaid's were a sparkling blue. Which was the exact total opposite! Does that make her an angelfish? Wuhuhuhu! Hey, that's pretty good...I should use that.

Not quite as sparkling as the mermaid's, but every bit as bright and curious were Shoolurel's teal-colored eyes. Alas, her eyes were the last thing Tsuifan noticed about her. There's a totally naked woman floating out of the water! Even in Auralis, that couldn't be an everyday situation. Waitwaitwait, maybe this is a nude beach? She's not just some random streaker, is she? Tell me there aren't any kids watching!

Tsuifan quickly double-checked the area, thankfully finding no impressionable youngsters in sight. No one she would have to shield from the M-rated vision of beauty floating towards the shore. Thank goodness. Even so.

Tsuifan looked back and forth from Shoolurel to Anna. Silently questioning the latter Is she not breaking any rules? Are you really gonna let her stride around naked? If the lifeguard wasn't worried, then she supposed that it must've been okay...

Elune Farah and Anna Cochran
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

"Thank you! Oh I don't worry about that anymore, I just woke up here, and I'm glad I did! Think I was sleeping in my base and then woke up, I think it's some demonic kidnapping prank. But it's so fun I don't really care." Elune shrugged off Fae's question with a giggle and took a sip of the cocktail, she sighed happily and her legs spread instinctively. A slight moan came out of her lips afterward, but she didn't seem too bothered by it. She offered it back to Fae after that though and didn't seem bothered. However before Fae took it back she dove into the water and did her thing. Elune was surprised that the girl could transform into a mermaid but she had seen many strange powers before so it wasn't that unusual for people to have multiple forms. "Well, I mean, suntanning, swimming, massages, drinks, volleyball... you know all the normal beach stuff. And..." Elune whispered seductively in Fae's ear. After that nice swim, Fae should just relax and listen to what was going to be said next, it was her vacation, no need to stress about anything. "Some other more private escapes if you want to experiment~"

With Fae's actions, the Chained Cross Nun smiled and shouted out a very quick thanks. "Thank you!" Anna seemed to relax a little due to the commotions being taken care of, still she needed to make sure everyone was following the code and Shoolurel was certainly not doing that. Anna quickly jumped up from her seat and walked over to Shoolurel, with a pair of swimsuits in her hand apparently. She also pointed at one of the dressing huts that were to her left. "You need to dress, you're going to freak out some of the guests if they see you naked. There is a dress code and that means you need to wear swimwear at the bare minimum." It seemed that Tsuifan was right that being naked wasn't proper. What would Shoolurel do? It was such a conundrum, what swimsuit to wear! Putting on a swimsuit would make her feel better regardless. Anna in the meantime gave a look towards Tsuifan and gave her a flirty wink, admiring her outfit...

Offline Youkai

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Location: The Beach that makes you Horny (probably)
Tag: Astrid and Merine

Desdemona made no further calls or movements, she just waited for someone to come obey her command, and of course they would, there were plenty of humans on the beach who would surely trip over themselves wanting to serve the demon princess any desire she might want! That's what humans were for! Surprisingly though, it was a fellow demon who actually obeyed her call and approached with an offering of coconuts. "Hmmph!" Desdemona said haughtily as Merine apologized for not having more. "You are forgiven your failings for now! Be quicker to obey your Princess' commands next time!" she said as she took the coconut and took a sip of it's milk. "Refreshing enough, you shall not be flogged today" Desdemona praised Merine highly... eh... well it was praise by Desdemona's standards. Indeed for Desdemona, not flogging you alive the moment she laid eyes on you, was one of her warmest greetings.

Before the Princess could decide on what to do next, another demon approached her. She knew who Astrid was of course, she kept an eye on her brother's well being and knew who his own servants were. Astrid revealed she'd been kidnapped too... but of course Desdemona had a reputation to keep. "Whisked away? Nonsense! I am here only because I have allowed it! Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!" there, that made sure that Astrid knew not to imply that Desdemona could be kidnapped against her will! Err... but there was still the issue of where exactly they were...

"Astrid. I have decided that you shall serve me for the duration of my stay. Yes yes, I know, you are very honoured. And also..." Desdemona looked over to Merine who... hadn't told her her name. Huh. "You as well, shall be my pet for the moment. Now both of you. I want to hear ideas of where we are right now... Ho ho ho, I know myself of course, but I want to see if you can figure it out"

Merine The Titleless
Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag: Desdemona the Desdemonious!Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord

" Thank you for you m-mercy, My Lady. " She claimed, stuttering. Which in turn brought about a cute blush to her cheeks. It was not often that someone managed to broke the elegant older sister character she has going for her. But the sheer ... manevolent reputation of the woman with the high risk enviornment made it so. Still, the clearing throat sound and the sudden energy signature made her twich and jump just a little in her spot. Her eyes scanning the individual, eyes momentraily dropping to the accented assets but quickly moving to other features. Despite all, seduction was her forte. Falling to female wiles was outside the question. Still, the two powerhouses knew each other? At least she wouldn't have to fight this Astrid.

She kept her eyes on the floor. She was in the presence of Royalty after all. " Ah. I'm Merine my ...., your lordship? " She struggled to find right way to address the woman. " I hope I will be able to live up to my ladies expectations. " She finished, standing (well kneeling) by her Princesses side. Although, honestly, she doubts anyone can get Desmonda's seal of approval. Call it just a hunch. " Does that mean that My Lady is aware of the perpetrator of this event? " She dared to ask a question of the Princess. Hope shining in her eyes, not that the two experienced demons had a choice of seeing it, with her kneeling and everything.

Her form twitched a frown settled on her face. It may have been the high-stress situation she was in ... or the fact that she was prepetually aware of all of her own shortcomings. Regardless, the suggestion was shrugged off. " A pocket dimesnion perharps? Or a shared dream? " She offered. " More importantly, has either of you just tried to plant a suggestions into me? For demons of your callibre it felt far too weak? " She asked, daring to look at the two demons.

Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Merine and Desdemona

Nathaniel's retainer held a neutral expression as Desdemona and Merine had their exchanges, she didn't see the need in interrupting or interjecting right now since Desdemona seemed in a good mood and she wasn't being addressed. If Desdemona bothered to take a drink from the coconut that Merine had offered her she'd feel a warm contentment spread along her body, making her feel comfortable and happy. Much like Merine though, she could resist this, it was a weaker compulsion. "Astrid is fine, Merine. I'm sure you'll have fun serving Desdemona, I've heard it can bee deeply rewarding if you get in her good graces." Astrid said with a knowing smile, as if she knew what those good graces were, although it was impossible to tell...

"Of course, you merely wanted to take a vacation, my apologies." Astrid nodded to Desdemona when she made her correction, taking the hint that Desdemona didn't want any hint of weakness being spouted around. "Naturally, Lady Desdemona." Astrid listened to Desdemona's request for them to guess where they were, which Astrid had a good idea of, but more importantly she listened to Merine's statement of a compulsion and raised an eyebrow. "I haven't done anything, what kind of suggestion was it? If you remember what it was trying to suggest them you can narrow down where it came from." Astrid's eyes shifted around them cautiously after that though, trying to spot anyone hidden.

"As for your question... I think it's much more simple than anything mystical, I think we're on an island, stuck here until we find a way out. That has to be the only reason we've all wearing swimsuits." Astrid crossed her arms. Shortly after two illusions of herself formed at her sides and started to walk around the perimeter of their location. They started to search the area if Merine or Desdemona bothered to watch them.

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Mysterious Island
Tag: Beach Event

Vee blinked when she recognized the girl sleeping beside her. ”Maria!?” The heroine exclaimed in surprise as she looked the girl up and down. It’s been ages since the two of them interacted in any capacity and even longer since the two of them defended the Police Station from that Dominion raid. She remembered reading reports about Maria’s involvement with Operation E, her disappearance and subsequent reappearance. Who kidnapped us? The telepath asked herself as she looked around the beach. When Maria spoke to her, she actually managed to get Vee to chuckle despite the worrisome situation.

”That’s fine with me. I don’t like it when people call me ‘Director’ anyway.” She smiled at the magical girl, but her smile faded as quickly as it appeared. ”Maria… as far you’re concerned, what just happened? The last thing I remember was sitting in my office, and then I woke up here. Wearing… well… this…” Her mouth formed a thin line as she tugged at her bikini top. Whoever kidnapped them must’ve had a lot of time to get their measurements just right. They picked her favorite color, too, which would’ve been a nice gesture if not for the whole “kidnapping” part.

”Ah, crap.” Vee held her breath when she noticed a familiar figure approach them. Of course Homura, out of people, would find her immediately once she caught a whiff that the director failed to complete her paperwork on time. She couldn’t decide which was worse: kidnapping or getting cornered by her relentless assistant. But, as she quickly found out, Homura wasn’t here to give her an earful and instead shared a story that rang familiar to Vee, and maybe Maria. ”Yeah. That’s the last thing I remember, too. Well… I remember someone telling me that I need a day off-and… Homura?” She cocked her eyebrow as she watched the blonde-haired woman lie down and stretch under the warm summer sun. The fact that Homura decided to take a day off, even while kidnapped, was incredibly worrying.

Maria Grace, The Financial Enthusiast

Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag:Vee the Mental Monstrosity, Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord.

" Geeze. Must you shout so. " Maria frowned as the heroine shouted out her name. Her head shaking as she gave Vee an unfocused-eyed glare. She sighed. She knew that they hadn't seen one another in a long while, and she was all for for having V throw herself into her arms, but that didn't really justify blowing her eardrums out. Jeez. " It's good to see you again, Vee. " She claimed, taking a moment to very overtly going over Vee's form. " And a good pick as well. " She gave her a thumbs up. ' 10/10 would smash. ' A smirk forming on her lips. " Pretty much the same. Saw someone yank me as I was falling asleep, but that was it. " She shrugged in the what can you do manner.

Only to disappear into a friendly smile at the newcomers arrival. The woman seemed to be close to Vee. And a bombshell as well. ' Look at those breasts sway. Hmmm, could I bed her? ' She couldn't help but ask herself. " Its nice to meet you. Although, you have me at a tad of a disadvantage. " She claimed as she shuffled towards the woman. She layed besides the overworked secretey, her head on the blondes shoudler. One hand drapped over the torso of the woman. " Hmmmm. " She hummed in appreciation, as her touch was surprisingly cold to Homura. " This is nice. " She simply stated.

" Well, what are you going to do, V? " She asked, ejoying the soft skin. " We could wait for a rescue, I think No way people didn't notice the Big Bad VeeTM going missing. " She offered. " Or we could start poking the surroundings. But that does bring to mind the question of if we will split the party or not. " She drawled, her eyes closing.

Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Vee and Maria Grace

"I'm Homura." The assistant said to Maria with a strange calmness as she took a seat, her behavior wasn't typical of the woman that Vee knew, but maybe that was because she was exhausted from looking around for help the entire time? However, Maria's forwardness jolted Homura out of her relaxed state a bit. Although, despite Homura's best efforts, she did shudder and coo a little under Maria's touch, although she kept those reactions reserved. That, along with Vee's words, made Homura sit upright and shake it off. "Hey, we can't just relax here all day, we need to find a way out of here. And Maria, as nice as that is, we shouldn't just sit here." Gently, Homura pulled Maria's hands off of her...

Then the blonde stood up in front of both heroines and started giving a lecture, something Vee was very familiar with by now. "Okay, sorry, break over. Splitting up is a bad idea, we were already split up before I got here and I found nobody else to help. In fact I found the opposite, I found some demons at the other beach and more inland. Sure, if we split off into three separate parties we could get more ground covered, but we could also bring danger to ourselves. Instead we should move as a unit, and I think the first thing we should do get away from the beach and go somewhere more inland and see what we can find. It's far too easy to relax here, plus someone just tried to compel me, I heard a voice that wasn't mine in my head." Homura stressed to them, adding the last part to hopefully get Maria to take this seriously, she didn't expect Vee would need any further motivating after hearing that.

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Morgan Garcia
Palm Tree Grove
Tagging: Vayelia Fells

The bit of fruity sustenance helped briefly calm her nerves, but Morgan was still nowhere near her lab, had no idea what had happened to her, and seemed to be stranded in the tropics.  Now was an insane time to just enjoy a vacation.  If she couldn't find civilization nearby, she'd have to construct shelter for the night.  Tropical locations had frequent rainstorms and not having a place to stay dry would be just asking for infection.  The scientist couldn't reconcile her thoughts with the discordant desire to... to what?  Waste away here and die?  The fact that even a part of her considered relaxing like this was some vacation disturbed her.

The sight of another person brought a mix of relief and consternation.  Straightening to her full height, she defensively crossed her arms over her bare midriff.  Her confident stance belied the vulnerability she felt in her outfit.  At Vayelia's words, Morgan raised one hand off her waist, using it to absently lift one corner of her glasses in a manner that pushed the lenses back up her nose. 

"Really?  You as well?  No need to apologize, you are the first person I have seen since my work was disrupted by phantom whispers that knocked me out."  She followed behind Vayelia so as not to be left alone out here and so she wasn't as easy to look at as they walked.  "The power behind the voice seems to have highjacked my consciousness until I arrived.  I have no idea how I got here or why I am wearing these clothes.  I also have no idea what purpose this serves, but would very much like off this 'bloody rock' too."  She had just parroted what the woman had said, but then little details caught up with her.  "Wait, you say we are on an island?  How can you tell?  Were there any buildings you were able to sight on this island or any land visible in the distance?  If we might be stuck here for days, building or finding a dry shelter will be important.  The source of fresh water you found me at might be important too."

Vayelia Fells
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Morgan Garcia

"Sounds similar to what happened to me, this isn't my normal clothing of choice either." Save being fucked unconscious in a Dominion Base, Vayelia remembered everything that Morgan was talking about, except she never did make out what the whispers had said due to her weakened mental state. "Nobody else came by? There are a ton of people on the beach, I guess they got tired of dumping people on the sand and wanted to spread out some of their victims. I saw some people that were probably kidnapped like us." Vayelia stopped, turned, and raised her eyebrow at Morgan's statement. She must not have been here very long, but at least she could keep the woman informed so that they could work together to get off of this place.

"There are beaches surrounding us and from one of them I can see Auralis, we're just further inland, and I doubt we're going to be suffering as far as drinks and shelter, I've been watching people restocking drinks and food and building shelter for further guests. I think whoever our kidnapper is, has powerful friends and plans on us staying here a long time." Vayelia debated going to one of the beaches, or going further inland. "We can go to one of the beaches or go further into the island itself, take your pick, you seem to know your survival tips..."

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Molly Wood
Tagging: Yasu Shibuya

She looked up upon hearing the urgency of something nearby. Her sword, apparently being replaced with two batons would have to wait. Not least because this was a beach, and not a battlefield. As the hot sand underneath her was reminding her. The woman approaching her looked stunning, and she shifted slightly to be able to greet her properly, standing up and feeling the grains shift underneath her. She was slightly taken aback by the short, sweet, fast words coming from the other woman for a moment, before replying. Still trying to figure out how to stand to limit the amount of skin she was showing off to the other woman. An impossible task given her bikini.

"Heya! I'm, er Molly, lovely to meet you Yasu! Is that Japanese?" She paused thinking for a moment "And yea same. I was asleep back in Auralis and then. just..." She went to gesture with her hands to show off the beach, but then realised that she might be showing off more of herself then intended that way. She was proud of her body sure, but.. Y'know, the bikini was more femme. She didn't usually worry about how she dressed, more for comfort then anything else. So she was feeling a little bit out of her depth. The other woman was pulling off the look flawlessly, confident to boot as well. She was slightly jealous.

She turned to look around the beach as well, taking in their surroundings. Something was trying to get them to relax, so conversely part of her was on edge. Kidnapping would do that. Also... should the other woman have seemed familiar to her? Molly didn't know, besides if she did have a title Molly needed to know about, Yasu would've used it in her greeting.

Yasu Shibuya
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Molly Wood

"Yep." Yasu said in confirmation, and seemed to visibly grimace once Molly confirmed her fears. "That's what I thought, so we've been kidnapped and placed on this island. And put in these..." Yasu looked over her swimsuit, having to admit that whoever put her in it had some really good taste, but nothing more. The problem was where to begin with searching around. "Do you work for the Institute, Cross, or the Tower? Or am I off the mark? You seem like a fighter, plus you don't seem comfortable with those two batons. I'm from the Eternal Dragon Clan, so I know they have no problem kidnapping people from the village." Yasu pointed out with a small smile while still trying to fish for answers. "Sorry, not trying to interrogate you, but if you're one of those then I think our kidnapper is targeting people it considers important, which can help narrow down their identity." Yasu didn't realize that Molly was jealous over her figure, she was far too focused on looking around for others to ask questions or look for answers. She saw the large group gathering but thought better than to go there.

"We should get away from the beach, I feel like staying near it is a good way to get distracted." Yasu said, something about this felt off, she made a small nudge towards the island, indicating that they should walk further in than towards the beach...

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Maria Grace, The Financial Enthusiast

Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag:Vee the Mental Monstrosity, Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord.

" Geeze. Must you shout so. " Maria frowned as the heroine shouted out her name. Her head shaking as she gave Vee an unfocused-eyed glare. She sighed. She knew that they hadn't seen one another in a long while, and she was all for for having V throw herself into her arms, but that didn't really justify blowing her eardrums out. Jeez. " It's good to see you again, Vee. " She claimed, taking a moment to very overtly going over Vee's form. " And a good pick as well. " She gave her a thumbs up. ' 10/10 would smash. ' A smirk forming on her lips. " Pretty much the same. Saw someone yank me as I was falling asleep, but that was it. " She shrugged in the what can you do manner.

Only to disappear into a friendly smile at the newcomers arrival. The woman seemed to be close to Vee. And a bombshell as well. ' Look at those breasts sway. Hmmm, could I bed her? ' She couldn't help but ask herself. " Its nice to meet you. Although, you have me at a tad of a disadvantage. " She claimed as she shuffled towards the woman. She layed besides the overworked secretey, her head on the blondes shoudler. One hand drapped over the torso of the woman. " Hmmmm. " She hummed in appreciation, as her touch was surprisingly cold to Homura. " This is nice. " She simply stated.

" Well, what are you going to do, V? " She asked, ejoying the soft skin. " We could wait for a rescue, I think No way people didn't notice the Big Bad VeeTM going missing. " She offered. " Or we could start poking the surroundings. But that does bring to mind the question of if we will split the party or not. " She drawled, her eyes closing.

Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Vee and Maria Grace

"I'm Homura." The assistant said to Maria with a strange calmness as she took a seat, her behavior wasn't typical of the woman that Vee knew, but maybe that was because she was exhausted from looking around for help the entire time? However, Maria's forwardness jolted Homura out of her relaxed state a bit. Although, despite Homura's best efforts, she did shudder and coo a little under Maria's touch, although she kept those reactions reserved. That, along with Vee's words, made Homura sit upright and shake it off. "Hey, we can't just relax here all day, we need to find a way out of here. And Maria, as nice as that is, we shouldn't just sit here." Gently, Homura pulled Maria's hands off of her...

Then the blonde stood up in front of both heroines and started giving a lecture, something Vee was very familiar with by now. "Okay, sorry, break over. Splitting up is a bad idea, we were already split up before I got here and I found nobody else to help. In fact I found the opposite, I found some demons at the other beach and more inland. Sure, if we split off into three separate parties we could get more ground covered, but we could also bring danger to ourselves. Instead we should move as a unit, and I think the first thing we should do get away from the beach and go somewhere more inland and see what we can find. It's far too easy to relax here, plus someone just tried to compel me, I heard a voice that wasn't mine in my head." Homura stressed to them, adding the last part to hopefully get Maria to take this seriously, she didn't expect Vee would need any further motivating after hearing that.

Mysterious Island
Tag: Beach Event

”Uhh… thanks.” replied Vee to Maria’s compliment, not even mentioning the fact that she wasn’t the one who picked this bikini. She decided to ignore the magical girl’s mental comment about what she wanted to do to the swimsuit-clad telepath, even if the heroin was both flattered and slightly embarrassed by the other girl’s sentiment. ”Great…” She sighed heavily and folded her arms over her chest as she looked around the beach, searching for… what, exactly? Despite the mysterious circumstances on how they got here, it looked perfectly normal and innocuous.

But before she had the opportunity to investigate further and scan the minds of others, they were approached by Homura who then decided to lie down on the towel. Maria didn’t waste any time, either. Vee easily picked up the lewd thoughts in the magical girl’s head as she wrapped her arms around the blonde’s torso and stared blatantly at her heavy breasts.

”I’m not much for waiting.” Vee replied to Maria’s question about their next course of action and, despite their situation, actually snickered at the magical girl’s comment about “Big Bad Vee”. ”Well, all the more reason to poke around. Apparently I have a reputation to uphold…” She jabbed back in a playful tone, her mood somewhat improved by the current company.

She then turned towards Homura and listened to her assistant’s suggestions. When the blonde mentioned an unknown voice in her head speaking to her, the telepath raised her hands in a defensive gesture. ”Wasn’t me this time, I swear.” There might’ve been one… maybe two incidents when Vee tried to subtly nudge Homura’s mind to leave her alone when the secretary was hounding her over some missing paperwork. The attempts were unsuccessful, but that didn’t stop the telepath from trying to get away from her responsibilities every once in a while. ”Well, you’re right. We shouldn’t wander too far away from each other. Although I think we should look around the beach first to see if there are more people from the Institute who are in the same situation. They could help us. Maria, what do you think?” She asked the magical girl…
You know, I'm not a big fan of the whole "bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

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Spoiler for Shoolurel:

Mysterious Island- Beach
Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

'The automata look very lively.   Are they sentient themselves or did someone design them that way?' Shoolurel pondered as she watched them.  Being the biggest crowd and the closest to her location off the beach, much of her attention was focused on them as she was drifting inland until another voice shouted out.  Her head turned toward the voice even as she continued to flow forward toward the land.  Her teal eyes widened in surprise and delight at the sight of another water elemental present in this strange land.  Not that she disliked this strange new land, but having another of her kind would add some stability to this bizarre situation.  A few tendrils of natural energy reached out to Fae in unseen greeting as she waved back with a happy, friendly liveliness of her own.

Fae may have felt the brush of the gentle, yet alien power as the foreign nature energy touched her own, but it did not feel like a probe or an attack or anything else invasive or harmful.  If she wasn't distracted by her minions, she may have even been able to tell where the energy had come from; the naked woman with small horns who had been approaching from out in the ocean.  When Shoolurel had turned her head towards the voice, the hair covering her chest had shifted, and it would become clear to anyone watching that her chest was unusually uniform and smooth.  If one got close enough to notice the region of her body near the waves, one might even notice that her waist had a similar uniformity and smoothness, like a Barbie doll without the joints.  Half her thighs stuck out of the water and the rest was hidden beneath.

No one seemed to be angrily approaching her, so Shoo turned her attention to the mermaid.  Fae seemed busy.  She didn't want to disturb her, but her trajectory changed to reach a more comfortable speaking distance with the kindred spirit for when there was a lull in activity.  Focused as the water elemental was, she didn't notice the fuss Tsuifan was making over her.
Spoiler for Tsuifan Hurin:

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

Tsuifan practically seemed to fly as she zipped around  the shoreline. Feeling better than ever, so incredibly delighted as she enjoyed her freedom of movement. The warmth of the sun, the sand between her toes. And most of all, the thought of absolutely clobbering her kidnapper. "I SAID WHERE ARE YOU, DOC AU-!!"

The tapping of a megaphone interrupted Tsuifan's yelling. Followed by a firm scolding from a long-haired stranger. A lifeguard, Tsuifan had to assume. "Hey! Don't scare the other people, you guys aren't the only ones on vacation."

Is she talking to me? Tsuifan blushed a little bit, taking a closer look at the people around her. If she had been scaring anyone, then it certainly wasn't by intention. All she wanted was to find Doc Aut. Who was a villain to be sure, but not one remotely worth causing a panic at the beach over...really more of a C-tier nuisance.

Thankfully, despite the lifeguard's warning, no one seemed like they were all that fearful of Tsuifan. Rather, they were all too busy enjoying themselves. Drinking, tanning, surfing...why those gray mechanical puppet men seemed to be trying for all three at once, Tsuifan had no idea. But soon enough, at the apparent lifeguard's request, someone was already hurrying to usher them back to the shore. And it wasn't the chrome commander Tsuifan was expecting; the sinister Doc Aut. But rather someone who looked like a normal (albeit very beautiful) woman...that is, normal until she started to glow pink. And then transform into a freaking mermaid!

What the butt?!! Whatever her butt was, it definitely had it a lot more scales than a few seconds prior. It was a complete and total transformation! And the first time Tsuifan had ever seen anything like it. She must be a magical girl...I mean, she couldn't be a demon, could she? She's working with Doc's puppets, but she looks so bubbly and friendly...hey, wait! Tsuifan had heard that you could always tell a demon from their shining red eyes. Even from a distance like this, the well-trained martial artist could tell that the mermaid's were a sparkling blue. Which was the exact total opposite! Does that make her an angelfish? Wuhuhuhu! Hey, that's pretty good...I should use that.

Not quite as sparkling as the mermaid's, but every bit as bright and curious were Shoolurel's teal-colored eyes. Alas, her eyes were the last thing Tsuifan noticed about her. There's a totally naked woman floating out of the water! Even in Auralis, that couldn't be an everyday situation. Waitwaitwait, maybe this is a nude beach? She's not just some random streaker, is she? Tell me there aren't any kids watching!

Tsuifan quickly double-checked the area, thankfully finding no impressionable youngsters in sight. No one she would have to shield from the M-rated vision of beauty floating towards the shore. Thank goodness. Even so.

Tsuifan looked back and forth from Shoolurel to Anna. Silently questioning the latter Is she not breaking any rules? Are you really gonna let her stride around naked? If the lifeguard wasn't worried, then she supposed that it must've been okay...
Spoiler for Elune & Anna:

Elune Farah and Anna Cochran
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

"Thank you! Oh I don't worry about that anymore, I just woke up here, and I'm glad I did! Think I was sleeping in my base and then woke up, I think it's some demonic kidnapping prank. But it's so fun I don't really care." Elune shrugged off Fae's question with a giggle and took a sip of the cocktail, she sighed happily and her legs spread instinctively. A slight moan came out of her lips afterward, but she didn't seem too bothered by it. She offered it back to Fae after that though and didn't seem bothered. However before Fae took it back she dove into the water and did her thing. Elune was surprised that the girl could transform into a mermaid but she had seen many strange powers before so it wasn't that unusual for people to have multiple forms. "Well, I mean, suntanning, swimming, massages, drinks, volleyball... you know all the normal beach stuff. And..." Elune whispered seductively in Fae's ear. After that nice swim, Fae should just relax and listen to what was going to be said next, it was her vacation, no need to stress about anything. "Some other more private escapes if you want to experiment~"

With Fae's actions, the Chained Cross Nun smiled and shouted out a very quick thanks. "Thank you!" Anna seemed to relax a little due to the commotions being taken care of, still she needed to make sure everyone was following the code and Shoolurel was certainly not doing that. Anna quickly jumped up from her seat and walked over to Shoolurel, with a pair of swimsuits in her hand apparently. She also pointed at one of the dressing huts that were to her left. "You need to dress, you're going to freak out some of the guests if they see you naked. There is a dress code and that means you need to wear swimwear at the bare minimum." It seemed that Tsuifan was right that being naked wasn't proper. What would Shoolurel do? It was such a conundrum, what swimsuit to wear! Putting on a swimsuit would make her feel better regardless. Anna in the meantime gave a look towards Tsuifan and gave her a flirty wink, admiring her outfit...

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

She did listen to Elune as she outlined what was going on. Relaxing sounded great! And she'd get right on that! Once she was more certain of what exactly was going on. She liked to share the love, but that drink was definitely putting the cock in cocktail. Going by the way Elune's legs had shifted. In addition, there had been that weird voice again after she outlined all the different things they could do. Her thoughts were put to the back of her mind though as she partly went to rescue her group. And mainly get to enjoy the ocean.

After sorting that out, Fae was excitedly waving back towards the beach and the approaching elemental. It was great fun being somewhere with actual water for a change. It was one of the downsides of living in Dis, but there wasn't alot she could do about it. Other then invade, but this was a vacation! It wasn't the time to think about that. Instead she turned her head back towards the other being in the water. She could feel... something reach out to touch her. It wasn't corruption, but it didn't feel hostile to her? Gentle, it felt like the ocean almost. Putting her more at ease. She turned from her minions, now that she could see they were safely off doing their own thing, and turned back to the approaching, naked, woman. Well it was almost normal in parts of Dis, so whatever. Fae made her way over to meet her. Appearing nearby with a spray of water. "Heya! You something of the ocean as well!" She smiled wide. Her eyes did flick away from Shoolurel's face a couple of times quickly. As she became aware of the slight controversy over the other woman's lack of clothing. Noting the smoothness of her body. Now that was something new. But there were stranger things other succubi had done before. So who was Fae to judge? Besides she currently was half fish.

"I'm Fae! what's your name?" She asked excitedly, practically bobbing up and down in place, even as close to the shore they were now. If Fae wanted to keep coming back though, she'd probably have to do something about that tail. It wasn't really gonna work on land. She heard more attention from the shore. They'd attracted the attention of the other woman again. And whilst she seemed happy with Fae sorting out her group, the newcomer's clothing, or lack thereof, was apparently an issue. She pouted, but moved out of the way. Moving at speed towards the beach again, before she launched herself into the air. The pink shimmer back around her again, but this time she didn't managed to fully transform back into her blonde, fully human form.

She retained the bikini top from her mermaid form, but now she had on matching bikini bottoms, along with a little skirt. Her skin still firmly a shade of pink. She briefly looked over towards the other woman present, but she seemed pre occupied with ensuring the dress code was held up, so she simply gave her an enthusiastic wave of her own, before moving back to Elune again. Taking back the drink again, but waiting for a moment before taking a sip this time. "Sorry about that! So you mentioned a private escape? You sing too?" she raised the cocktail back to her lips, before pausing for a moment. "But wouldn't it be much better if we were with others?" She looked like she was considering something for a moment. She raised the cocktail back to her lips again, but as before, just before she was about to take a sip "Hey! Where is the bar? In case I want another one?"

She figured the offer wasn't for karaoke. But she was curious what the, very forward human, would do when questioned on it.

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Spoiler for Hidden:

Yasu Shibuya
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Molly Wood

"Yep." Yasu said in confirmation, and seemed to visibly grimace once Molly confirmed her fears. "That's what I thought, so we've been kidnapped and placed on this island. And put in these..." Yasu looked over her swimsuit, having to admit that whoever put her in it had some really good taste, but nothing more. The problem was where to begin with searching around. "Do you work for the Institute, Cross, or the Tower? Or am I off the mark? You seem like a fighter, plus you don't seem comfortable with those two batons. I'm from the Eternal Dragon Clan, so I know they have no problem kidnapping people from the village." Yasu pointed out with a small smile while still trying to fish for answers. "Sorry, not trying to interrogate you, but if you're one of those then I think our kidnapper is targeting people it considers important, which can help narrow down their identity." Yasu didn't realize that Molly was jealous over her figure, she was far too focused on looking around for others to ask questions or look for answers. She saw the large group gathering but thought better than to go there.

"We should get away from the beach, I feel like staying near it is a good way to get distracted." Yasu said, something about this felt off, she made a small nudge towards the island, indicating that they should walk further in than towards the beach...

Molly Wood
Tagging: Yasu Shibuya

She hummed slightly to herself, letting her long hair obscure parts of her body whilst fiddling with the two batons idly. Hearing Yasu had voiced her own suspicions. That they'd been kidnapped and taken here, for whatever reason. Looking further down the beach. Shading her eyes slightly with one arm as she could make out, what looked like some sort of commotion. She was brought back to attention as Yasu kept on asking questions. "Oh! No worries! Makes sense to check!" She faltered slightly as Yasu carried on. "Really? They managed to get you from your village? That's worrying." She briefly wished she knew more about the EDC... Now was as good a time as any to find ou- oh she hadn't answered Yasu's question. A small look of shame crossed her features. "Oh, sorry I'm a Paladin of the Cross!" She smiled and raised the batons in her hands to show them off. "Yea, you're good noticing that! I'm not super used to having two at once. Usually it's just got a large one, y'know one that might take both my hands to wield!" There was a slight pause for a moment, as her brain fought through the haze of the sun bearing down on her. Figuring out how what she said might have been taken, by someone of a less then pure mind. "Blade! I mean I usually have a hand and a half sword! I've not used two daggers... batons since when I started training!"

She smiled slightly awkwardly. "And yea, I'm usually in more armour then just... this" Thankfully Yasu had offered a way out by carrying on the conversation. "I think you're onto something there. We've got EDC and Cross between the two of us... though I'm pretty new myself. What about you?" She distracted herself from being impressed by Yasu's body confidence by looking back down the beach again. Hearing Yasu put to words what she was thinking as well. "I think that's a good plan. I'd like to figure out what's going on, but we don't know who else might have been taken here. Is it just defenders? Or will demons be here as well?" Partly talking to herself, but also voicing her thoughts to the ninja. Taking a nearby trail to move slightly further inland. "Cause if they are here, I hope they're non hostile. I don't really want to encounter any succubi whilst I'm like this."
« Last Edit: June 29, 2022, 01:00:21 PM by rogue-rider »

Offline madman32

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Spoiler for Elune/Anna:

Elune Farah and Anna Cochran
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

"Thank you! Oh I don't worry about that anymore, I just woke up here, and I'm glad I did! Think I was sleeping in my base and then woke up, I think it's some demonic kidnapping prank. But it's so fun I don't really care." Elune shrugged off Fae's question with a giggle and took a sip of the cocktail, she sighed happily and her legs spread instinctively. A slight moan came out of her lips afterward, but she didn't seem too bothered by it. She offered it back to Fae after that though and didn't seem bothered. However before Fae took it back she dove into the water and did her thing. Elune was surprised that the girl could transform into a mermaid but she had seen many strange powers before so it wasn't that unusual for people to have multiple forms. "Well, I mean, suntanning, swimming, massages, drinks, volleyball... you know all the normal beach stuff. And..." Elune whispered seductively in Fae's ear. After that nice swim, Fae should just relax and listen to what was going to be said next, it was her vacation, no need to stress about anything. "Some other more private escapes if you want to experiment~"

With Fae's actions, the Chained Cross Nun smiled and shouted out a very quick thanks. "Thank you!" Anna seemed to relax a little due to the commotions being taken care of, still she needed to make sure everyone was following the code and Shoolurel was certainly not doing that. Anna quickly jumped up from her seat and walked over to Shoolurel, with a pair of swimsuits in her hand apparently. She also pointed at one of the dressing huts that were to her left. "You need to dress, you're going to freak out some of the guests if they see you naked. There is a dress code and that means you need to wear swimwear at the bare minimum." It seemed that Tsuifan was right that being naked wasn't proper. What would Shoolurel do? It was such a conundrum, what swimsuit to wear! Putting on a swimsuit would make her feel better regardless. Anna in the meantime gave a look towards Tsuifan and gave her a flirty wink, admiring her outfit...
Spoiler for Fae:

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

She did listen to Elune as she outlined what was going on. Relaxing sounded great! And she'd get right on that! Once she was more certain of what exactly was going on. She liked to share the love, but that drink was definitely putting the cock in cocktail. Going by the way Elune's legs had shifted. In addition, there had been that weird voice again after she outlined all the different things they could do. Her thoughts were put to the back of her mind though as she partly went to rescue her group. And mainly get to enjoy the ocean.

After sorting that out, Fae was excitedly waving back towards the beach and the approaching elemental. It was great fun being somewhere with actual water for a change. It was one of the downsides of living in Dis, but there wasn't alot she could do about it. Other then invade, but this was a vacation! It wasn't the time to think about that. Instead she turned her head back towards the other being in the water. She could feel... something reach out to touch her. It wasn't corruption, but it didn't feel hostile to her? Gentle, it felt like the ocean almost. Putting her more at ease. She turned from her minions, now that she could see they were safely off doing their own thing, and turned back to the approaching, naked, woman. Well it was almost normal in parts of Dis, so whatever. Fae made her way over to meet her. Appearing nearby with a spray of water. "Heya! You something of the ocean as well!" She smiled wide. Her eyes did flick away from Shoolurel's face a couple of times quickly. As she became aware of the slight controversy over the other woman's lack of clothing. Noting the smoothness of her body. Now that was something new. But there were stranger things other succubi had done before. So who was Fae to judge? Besides she currently was half fish.

"I'm Fae! what's your name?" She asked excitedly, practically bobbing up and down in place, even as close to the shore they were now. If Fae wanted to keep coming back though, she'd probably have to do something about that tail. It wasn't really gonna work on land. She heard more attention from the shore. They'd attracted the attention of the other woman again. And whilst she seemed happy with Fae sorting out her group, the newcomer's clothing, or lack thereof, was apparently an issue. She pouted, but moved out of the way. Moving at speed towards the beach again, before she launched herself into the air. The pink shimmer back around her again, but this time she didn't managed to fully transform back into her blonde, fully human form.

She retained the bikini top from her mermaid form, but now she had on matching bikini bottoms, along with a little skirt. Her skin still firmly a shade of pink. She briefly looked over towards the other woman present, but she seemed pre occupied with ensuring the dress code was held up, so she simply gave her an enthusiastic wave of her own, before moving back to Elune again. Taking back the drink again, but waiting for a moment before taking a sip this time. "Sorry about that! So you mentioned a private escape? You sing too?" she raised the cocktail back to her lips, before pausing for a moment. "But wouldn't it be much better if we were with others?" She looked like she was considering something for a moment. She raised the cocktail back to her lips again, but as before, just before she was about to take a sip "Hey! Where is the bar? In case I want another one?"

She figured the offer wasn't for karaoke. But she was curious what the, very forward human, would do when questioned on it.

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

Looking more closely (for research purposes), for as naked as she was, the pink-haired water glider didn't seem to have any nipples. Or pubic hair. Or even a...oh, I get it. She's wearing skin pasties! That explained everything, at least from an anatomical standpoint. Though it still seemed pretty risque to go out like that, as the lifeguard was quick to point out. She needed a proper swimsuit. You need a swimsuit when you're on the beach. That was common sense. And besides, I bet she'd look great in a swimsuit! With those cute little horn accessories? There was no doubt about it!

The sparkling blue-eyed shapeshifter was waving at everyone, which Tsuifan habitually reciprocated with a friendly wave and smile of her own. Though for all the questions Tsuifan wanted to ask the shapeshifter, she seemed very preoccupied with one beachgoer in particular. Red eyes, hmm...she should be careful around that one. Maybe Tsuifan should warn the friendly magical girl about the possibility she was talking to a demon....but then. What was a beach for, if not to make new friends? Even if they were mildly villainous puppets, or possibly even demons...right...What kind of thinking is that, exactly? At least it was a safe bet that a magical girl could handle herself for at least a few minutes. So prioritizing everyone's safety, Tsuifan made her way over to Anna and Shoolurel.

"Hey there...nice trick with the standing on water. And, uh...nice look. With the horns and! ...Anyway! I actually need to borrow Ms. Lifeguard for a second. 'Kay?" While she very much sympathized with the pastie pinkie's plight of dresswear, and certainly wanted to know more about her as well. Tsuifan had much more urgent matters to bring up with the lifeguard. "Hey look, I'll keep it down, alright. But you should really know that there might be a villain on the-!!"

Tsuifan's heart skipped a beat as Anna winked at her mid-warning. "...Beach....Do you, uh. Do you come here often?" Her eyes were so pretty, so blue...what was that line I had about blue eyes and angelfish? Of course she'd forget it. Wasn't it just the way? It was probably a really good one, too. "I've never beached at the beach before..." Whether or not that angelfish line was actually any good, it was almost guaranteed to have been better than that.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2023, 08:01:37 PM by madman32 »

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Merine The Titleless
Bitch Event - Mysterious Island - Bitch
Tag: Desdemona the Desdemonious!Youkai our Kind and Benevolent Overlord

" Thank you for you m-mercy, My Lady. " She claimed, stuttering. Which in turn brought about a cute blush to her cheeks. It was not often that someone managed to broke the elegant older sister character she has going for her. But the sheer ... manevolent reputation of the woman with the high risk enviornment made it so. Still, the clearing throat sound and the sudden energy signature made her twich and jump just a little in her spot. Her eyes scanning the individual, eyes momentraily dropping to the accented assets but quickly moving to other features. Despite all, seduction was her forte. Falling to female wiles was outside the question. Still, the two powerhouses knew each other? At least she wouldn't have to fight this Astrid.

She kept her eyes on the floor. She was in the presence of Royalty after all. " Ah. I'm Merine my ...., your lordship? " She struggled to find right way to address the woman. " I hope I will be able to live up to my ladies expectations. " She finished, standing (well kneeling) by her Princesses side. Although, honestly, she doubts anyone can get Desmonda's seal of approval. Call it just a hunch. " Does that mean that My Lady is aware of the perpetrator of this event? " She dared to ask a question of the Princess. Hope shining in her eyes, not that the two experienced demons had a choice of seeing it, with her kneeling and everything.

Her form twitched a frown settled on her face. It may have been the high-stress situation she was in ... or the fact that she was prepetually aware of all of her own shortcomings. Regardless, the suggestion was shrugged off. " A pocket dimesnion perharps? Or a shared dream? " She offered. " More importantly, has either of you just tried to plant a suggestions into me? For demons of your callibre it felt far too weak? " She asked, daring to look at the two demons.

Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Merine and Desdemona

Nathaniel's retainer held a neutral expression as Desdemona and Merine had their exchanges, she didn't see the need in interrupting or interjecting right now since Desdemona seemed in a good mood and she wasn't being addressed. If Desdemona bothered to take a drink from the coconut that Merine had offered her she'd feel a warm contentment spread along her body, making her feel comfortable and happy. Much like Merine though, she could resist this, it was a weaker compulsion. "Astrid is fine, Merine. I'm sure you'll have fun serving Desdemona, I've heard it can bee deeply rewarding if you get in her good graces." Astrid said with a knowing smile, as if she knew what those good graces were, although it was impossible to tell...

"Of course, you merely wanted to take a vacation, my apologies." Astrid nodded to Desdemona when she made her correction, taking the hint that Desdemona didn't want any hint of weakness being spouted around. "Naturally, Lady Desdemona." Astrid listened to Desdemona's request for them to guess where they were, which Astrid had a good idea of, but more importantly she listened to Merine's statement of a compulsion and raised an eyebrow. "I haven't done anything, what kind of suggestion was it? If you remember what it was trying to suggest them you can narrow down where it came from." Astrid's eyes shifted around them cautiously after that though, trying to spot anyone hidden.

"As for your question... I think it's much more simple than anything mystical, I think we're on an island, stuck here until we find a way out. That has to be the only reason we've all wearing swimsuits." Astrid crossed her arms. Shortly after two illusions of herself formed at her sides and started to walk around the perimeter of their location. They started to search the area if Merine or Desdemona bothered to watch them.

Location: The Beach that makes you Horny (probably)
Tag: Astrid and Merine

Yes, she was very merciful wasn't she? Desdemona had to agree with Merine's assessment of her. It was a weakness really, her niceness. It meant people could get away with things they really shouldn't, but alas, her niceness was just one of her few failings that she would just have to put up with. Ah Merine, good, that was her name, Desdemona had hoped she wouldn't have to make one up or just call her 'girl' all day or something. Merine needed some education to be a proper servant though, how lucky she was to have someone as tolerant and understanding as Desdemona to teach her. "You can call me 'My Princess' as my proper title " Desdemona suggested, feeling so nice that she decided not to flog Merine for not getting it right the first time.

Then Merine asked her if she had caused this event herself, which really did start to tempt the Princess into bringing flogging back on the table, but no... no she had to retain face for the moment. "Hohohohohohoho! No of course not! Any event I perpetrated would be much more elaborate than this! I simply... allowed it to happen yes" Desdemona said, someone acquiring a paper fan from no where as she laughed. Oh god, Astrid at least understood the situation! Now, to plan her next move. Obviously, having sex with Astrid was a must. And then she would have to think of the perfect time to rub it in Nathaniel's face! Maybe at the family diner next week? Oh wait they should probably escape the island first, yes that seemed more important.

Des took a sip of the coconut milk, though obviously it had no effect on her, she was far too mighty and Royal to be affected by such common things. Sure she was feeling comfortable and happy, that was normal! It was perfectly normal! She was on a nice beach surrounded by a pair of attractive slaves! Who wouldn't feel comfortable and happy in such circumstances? I ought to have you flogged just for suggesting the idea that the coconut milk could be affecting her.

"I expect the reason is just perverted writers" Des offered to the question from Astrid as to why they were all wearing swimsuits. Des thought Merine's suggestions were good ones but Astrid was also right in that it could be more mundane. They would just have to go look about... and since Des had already claimed she'd figured everything out...

"Right! Only one for it, since you're both not intelligent or Royal enough to have figured everything out already, you shall just have to investigate. I will accompany and observe you to see how the common folk go about doing things. I know I know. It is a great honour. It needs not be said I know my Royal Majesty can overwhelm your simple common minds. Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho" Des fanned herself again, good... now she could watch these two figure everything out without having to admit she was even more lost than they were! "Well? Carry on then!"

Offline Sashanna

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Spoiler for Tsuifan Hurin:
Spoiler for Fae:
Spoiler for Elune/Anna:

Elune Farah and Anna Cochran
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

"Thank you! Oh I don't worry about that anymore, I just woke up here, and I'm glad I did! Think I was sleeping in my base and then woke up, I think it's some demonic kidnapping prank. But it's so fun I don't really care." Elune shrugged off Fae's question with a giggle and took a sip of the cocktail, she sighed happily and her legs spread instinctively. A slight moan came out of her lips afterward, but she didn't seem too bothered by it. She offered it back to Fae after that though and didn't seem bothered. However before Fae took it back she dove into the water and did her thing. Elune was surprised that the girl could transform into a mermaid but she had seen many strange powers before so it wasn't that unusual for people to have multiple forms. "Well, I mean, suntanning, swimming, massages, drinks, volleyball... you know all the normal beach stuff. And..." Elune whispered seductively in Fae's ear. After that nice swim, Fae should just relax and listen to what was going to be said next, it was her vacation, no need to stress about anything. "Some other more private escapes if you want to experiment~"

With Fae's actions, the Chained Cross Nun smiled and shouted out a very quick thanks. "Thank you!" Anna seemed to relax a little due to the commotions being taken care of, still she needed to make sure everyone was following the code and Shoolurel was certainly not doing that. Anna quickly jumped up from her seat and walked over to Shoolurel, with a pair of swimsuits in her hand apparently. She also pointed at one of the dressing huts that were to her left. "You need to dress, you're going to freak out some of the guests if they see you naked. There is a dress code and that means you need to wear swimwear at the bare minimum." It seemed that Tsuifan was right that being naked wasn't proper. What would Shoolurel do? It was such a conundrum, what swimsuit to wear! Putting on a swimsuit would make her feel better regardless. Anna in the meantime gave a look towards Tsuifan and gave her a flirty wink, admiring her outfit...

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

She did listen to Elune as she outlined what was going on. Relaxing sounded great! And she'd get right on that! Once she was more certain of what exactly was going on. She liked to share the love, but that drink was definitely putting the cock in cocktail. Going by the way Elune's legs had shifted. In addition, there had been that weird voice again after she outlined all the different things they could do. Her thoughts were put to the back of her mind though as she partly went to rescue her group. And mainly get to enjoy the ocean.

After sorting that out, Fae was excitedly waving back towards the beach and the approaching elemental. It was great fun being somewhere with actual water for a change. It was one of the downsides of living in Dis, but there wasn't alot she could do about it. Other then invade, but this was a vacation! It wasn't the time to think about that. Instead she turned her head back towards the other being in the water. She could feel... something reach out to touch her. It wasn't corruption, but it didn't feel hostile to her? Gentle, it felt like the ocean almost. Putting her more at ease. She turned from her minions, now that she could see they were safely off doing their own thing, and turned back to the approaching, naked, woman. Well it was almost normal in parts of Dis, so whatever. Fae made her way over to meet her. Appearing nearby with a spray of water. "Heya! You something of the ocean as well!" She smiled wide. Her eyes did flick away from Shoolurel's face a couple of times quickly. As she became aware of the slight controversy over the other woman's lack of clothing. Noting the smoothness of her body. Now that was something new. But there were stranger things other succubi had done before. So who was Fae to judge? Besides she currently was half fish.

"I'm Fae! what's your name?" She asked excitedly, practically bobbing up and down in place, even as close to the shore they were now. If Fae wanted to keep coming back though, she'd probably have to do something about that tail. It wasn't really gonna work on land. She heard more attention from the shore. They'd attracted the attention of the other woman again. And whilst she seemed happy with Fae sorting out her group, the newcomer's clothing, or lack thereof, was apparently an issue. She pouted, but moved out of the way. Moving at speed towards the beach again, before she launched herself into the air. The pink shimmer back around her again, but this time she didn't managed to fully transform back into her blonde, fully human form.

She retained the bikini top from her mermaid form, but now she had on matching bikini bottoms, along with a little skirt. Her skin still firmly a shade of pink. She briefly looked over towards the other woman present, but she seemed pre occupied with ensuring the dress code was held up, so she simply gave her an enthusiastic wave of her own, before moving back to Elune again. Taking back the drink again, but waiting for a moment before taking a sip this time. "Sorry about that! So you mentioned a private escape? You sing too?" she raised the cocktail back to her lips, before pausing for a moment. "But wouldn't it be much better if we were with others?" She looked like she was considering something for a moment. She raised the cocktail back to her lips again, but as before, just before she was about to take a sip "Hey! Where is the bar? In case I want another one?"

She figured the offer wasn't for karaoke. But she was curious what the, very forward human, would do when questioned on it.

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

Looking more closely (for research purposes), for as naked as she was, the pink-haired water glider didn't seem to have any nipples. Or pubic hair. Or even a...oh, I get it. She's wearing skin pasties! That explained everything, at least from an anatomical standpoint. Though it still seemed pretty risque to go out like that, as the lifeguard was quick to point out. She needed a proper swimsuit. You need a swimsuit when you're on the beach. That was common sense. And besides, I bet she'd look great in a swimsuit! With those cute little horn accessories? There was no doubt about it!

The sparkling blue-eyed shapeshifter was waving at everyone, which Tsuifan habitually reciprocated with a friendly wave and smile of her own. Though for all the questions Tsuifan wanted to ask the shapeshifter, she seemed very preoccupied with one beachgoer in particular. Red eyes, hmm...she should be careful around that one. Maybe Tsuifan should warn the friendly magical girl about the possibility she was talking to a demon....but then. What was a beach for, if not to make new friends? Even if they were mildly villainous puppets, or possibly even demons...right...What kind of thinking is that, exactly? At least it was a safe bet that a magical girl could handle herself for at least a few minutes. So prioritizing everyone's safety, Tsuifan made her way over to Anna and Shoolurel.

"Hey there...nice trick with the standing on water. And, uh...nice look. With the horns and! ...Anyway! I actually need to borrow Ms. Lifeguard for a second. 'Kay?" While she very much sympathized with the pastie pinkie's plight of dresswear, and certainly wanted to know more about her as well. Tsuifan had much more urgent matters to bring up with the lifeguard. "Hey look, I'll keep it down, alright. But you should really know that there might be a villain on the-!!"

Tsuifan's heart skipped a beat as Anna winked at her mid-warning. "...Beach....Do you, uh. Do you come here often?" Her eyes were so pretty, so blue...what was that line I had about blue eyes and angelfish? Of course she'd forget it. Wasn't it just the way? It was probably a really good one, too. "I've never beached at the beach before..." Whether or not that angelfish line was actually any good, it was almost guaranteed to have been better than that.

Mysterious Island- Beach
Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

Shoolurel tilted her head quizzically at the greeting from the pink mermaid.  "I Shoolurel," she annunciated in the local dialect before asking Fae with eager curiosity, "Aupni key Hydrus taykeh eshootsen... na?"  When the mermaid didn't seem to understand her, she tried more hesitantly, "Aupni... eckti shaul bikti na?"  Teal eyes gazed down at the waves in disappointment as she muttered in a sarcastic, incredulous tone to herself,  "Shawtaee?"

With a sigh, she thrust her left hand into her chest as Fae moved back towards Elune.  The 'skin' wasn't torn; it merely seemed to ripple briefly from where her arm entered.  The surface dipped inward where her arm stuck out of her chest but seemed to press flush against the appendage, keeping in anything that might be inside her body.  A distant gaze came over her face as she focused and her arm rummaged around inside her chest.  Shortly, a smile came to her lips as her arm seemed to flex, and she withdrew a deep blue, watery sphere that was slightly larger than her fist.  Runes drifted across the surface of the orb while her torso seemed none the worse for wear.

Fingers on both her hands turned and pressed against the orb, oblivious to the other woman approaching.  As Anna spoke, Shoolurel spared a distracted, slightly annoyed glance at her before returning her attention to the orb.  More words she didn't understand.  She continued to press runes on the sphere until an ethereal and melodic voice suddenly came forth from the orb, "Anewbahd maud shawkoon.  Translation mode enabled."

Reaching her arm straight out towards the nearest beings (Anna and Tsuifan), the water elemental said, "Anooguha kawrae cot'tuh bowloon."  The orb chimed in shortly thereafter, "Please, speak."  The language they were speaking sounded a bit like Demonic so hopefully it was translating things into words they understood.  With the program running, Shoolurel finally had time to notice the oddly shaped red cleaning cloths and the smooth white drapery with orange stripes being presented to her.  As Tsuifan spoke, she took the the red scraps of cloth and considered them, glancing toward the hut.  'Am I expected to clean that structure with these bits of cloth?'

The elemental's extended arm bent to bring the sphere closer to her as her teal eyes glanced at the orb.  Runes floated up and did their best to translate Tsuifan's words.  Shoolurel's cheeks flushed as she read the script before replying in her native tongue with the orb responding, "Okay!  I like the horns too!  Glad someone else appreciates them~!"  Since Anna and Tsuifan seemed busy, she gazed at the red cloth in her hand dubiously.  Why should she be scrubbing someone's weird hovel anyway?
« Last Edit: July 03, 2022, 07:11:03 PM by Sashanna »

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Molly Wood
Tagging: Maid

She hummed slightly to herself, letting her long hair obscure parts of her body whilst fiddling with the two batons idly. Hearing Yasu had voiced her own suspicions. That they'd been kidnapped and taken here, for whatever reason. Looking further down the beach. Shading her eyes slightly with one arm as she could make out, what looked like some sort of commotion. She was brought back to attention as Yasu kept on asking questions. "Oh! No worries! Makes sense to check!" She faltered slightly as Yasu carried on. "Really? They managed to get you from your village? That's worrying." She briefly wished she knew more about the EDC... Now was as good a time as any to find ou- oh she hadn't answered Yasu's question. A small look of shame crossed her features. "Oh, sorry I'm a Paladin of the Cross!" She smiled and raised the batons in her hands to show them off. "Yea, you're good noticing that! I'm not super used to having two at once. Usually it's just got a large one, y'know one that might take both my hands to wield!" There was a slight pause for a moment, as her brain fought through the haze of the sun bearing down on her. Figuring out how what she said might have been taken, by someone of a less then pure mind. "Blade! I mean I usually have a hand and a half sword! I've not used two daggers... batons since when I started training!"

She smiled slightly awkwardly. "And yea, I'm usually in more armour then just... this" Thankfully Yasu had offered a way out by carrying on the conversation. "I think you're onto something there. We've got EDC and Cross between the two of us... though I'm pretty new myself. What about you?" She distracted herself from being impressed by Yasu's body confidence by looking back down the beach again. Hearing Yasu put to words what she was thinking as well. "I think that's a good plan. I'd like to figure out what's going on, but we don't know who else might have been taken here. Is it just defenders? Or will demons be here as well?" Partly talking to herself, but also voicing her thoughts to the ninja. Taking a nearby trail to move slightly further inland. "Cause if they are here, I hope they're non hostile. I don't really want to encounter any succubi whilst I'm like this."

Yasu Shibuya
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Molly Wood

"You use two hands to wield a large one huh? Bet you really enjoy having that much control don't you?" Yasu's teasing side came out as she struck, a shit eating grin plastered itself on her face as she stared at Molly. Still, she got the answer she was looking for, the woman was a Chained Cross Paladin. Yasu allowed Molly to escape the conversation though, as this wasn't a time to relax and joke around, even if Yasu slipped up and did so temporarily. "I don't really know you guys all that well, but I know you know your stuff when it comes to demons. As for me, I'm... a Grandmaster of the Eternal Dragon Clan, I've been around Auralis for a little while now. I wouldn't worry about our armor situations, I think everyone has the same handicap." Yasu decided there was no harm in telling one of the Cross who she was. She let Molly chew on that information as she turned on her heel and started to move inland...

"I don't know, it's best to assume that if they can kidnap me from the village or you from Auralis they can hit anywhere, I haven't see any obvious demons yet, but they can look like humans so you never know. I know that some corrupted people are here though, I could feel some corruption coming from the beach which is why I don't want to be near it." Yasu admitted as she surveyed the area around them, she didn't notice anything strange yet, but getting away from the main beach at least made the weather feel nicer. They were approaching more plant life and there was a river running inland too, making it feel refreshing. Yasu smiled as she saw a path that they could follow up ahead. "There we go..."

"You're worried about succubi?" Yasu looked at Molly with a raised eyebrow. "A simple lesson from someone that uses some of their tactics, focus on the battle instead of their body or their voice, that's how they get you. They want you to focus on their attractive qualities so you get lost in them and lose your will to fight. Of course, the more experienced succubi are much harder to resist. Some can just purr in your ear and make you melt like this..." Yasu whispered with a sultry tone in Molly's ear, wanting to see the woman sigh in contentment before she pulled back. Although it would be nice to hear that sexy voice more often while she was on this vacation, maybe Molly could make up more excuses to hear it? Yasu pulled away from Molly and continued onward. "We should get moving, lets follow this path."

Offline Youkai

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Spoiler for Hidden:

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

She did listen to Elune as she outlined what was going on. Relaxing sounded great! And she'd get right on that! Once she was more certain of what exactly was going on. She liked to share the love, but that drink was definitely putting the cock in cocktail. Going by the way Elune's legs had shifted. In addition, there had been that weird voice again after she outlined all the different things they could do. Her thoughts were put to the back of her mind though as she partly went to rescue her group. And mainly get to enjoy the ocean.

After sorting that out, Fae was excitedly waving back towards the beach and the approaching elemental. It was great fun being somewhere with actual water for a change. It was one of the downsides of living in Dis, but there wasn't alot she could do about it. Other then invade, but this was a vacation! It wasn't the time to think about that. Instead she turned her head back towards the other being in the water. She could feel... something reach out to touch her. It wasn't corruption, but it didn't feel hostile to her? Gentle, it felt like the ocean almost. Putting her more at ease. She turned from her minions, now that she could see they were safely off doing their own thing, and turned back to the approaching, naked, woman. Well it was almost normal in parts of Dis, so whatever. Fae made her way over to meet her. Appearing nearby with a spray of water. "Heya! You something of the ocean as well!" She smiled wide. Her eyes did flick away from Shoolurel's face a couple of times quickly. As she became aware of the slight controversy over the other woman's lack of clothing. Noting the smoothness of her body. Now that was something new. But there were stranger things other succubi had done before. So who was Fae to judge? Besides she currently was half fish.

"I'm Fae! what's your name?" She asked excitedly, practically bobbing up and down in place, even as close to the shore they were now. If Fae wanted to keep coming back though, she'd probably have to do something about that tail. It wasn't really gonna work on land. She heard more attention from the shore. They'd attracted the attention of the other woman again. And whilst she seemed happy with Fae sorting out her group, the newcomer's clothing, or lack thereof, was apparently an issue. She pouted, but moved out of the way. Moving at speed towards the beach again, before she launched herself into the air. The pink shimmer back around her again, but this time she didn't managed to fully transform back into her blonde, fully human form.

She retained the bikini top from her mermaid form, but now she had on matching bikini bottoms, along with a little skirt. Her skin still firmly a shade of pink. She briefly looked over towards the other woman present, but she seemed pre occupied with ensuring the dress code was held up, so she simply gave her an enthusiastic wave of her own, before moving back to Elune again. Taking back the drink again, but waiting for a moment before taking a sip this time. "Sorry about that! So you mentioned a private escape? You sing too?" she raised the cocktail back to her lips, before pausing for a moment. "But wouldn't it be much better if we were with others?" She looked like she was considering something for a moment. She raised the cocktail back to her lips again, but as before, just before she was about to take a sip "Hey! Where is the bar? In case I want another one?"

She figured the offer wasn't for karaoke. But she was curious what the, very forward human, would do when questioned on it.
Spoiler for Hidden:

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

Looking more closely (for research purposes), for as naked as she was, the pink-haired water glider didn't seem to have any nipples. Or pubic hair. Or even a...oh, I get it. She's wearing skin pasties! That explained everything, at least from an anatomical standpoint. Though it still seemed pretty risque to go out like that, as the lifeguard was quick to point out. She needed a proper swimsuit. You need a swimsuit when you're on the beach. That was common sense. And besides, I bet she'd look great in a swimsuit! With those cute little horn accessories? There was no doubt about it!

The sparkling blue-eyed shapeshifter was waving at everyone, which Tsuifan habitually reciprocated with a friendly wave and smile of her own. Though for all the questions Tsuifan wanted to ask the shapeshifter, she seemed very preoccupied with one beachgoer in particular. Red eyes, hmm...she should be careful around that one. Maybe Tsuifan should warn the friendly magical girl about the possibility she was talking to a demon....but then. What was a beach for, if not to make new friends? Even if they were mildly villainous puppets, or possibly even demons...right...What kind of thinking is that, exactly? At least it was a safe bet that a magical girl could handle herself for at least a few minutes. So prioritizing everyone's safety, Tsuifan made her way over to Anna and Shoolurel.

"Hey there...nice trick with the standing on water. And, uh...nice look. With the horns and! ...Anyway! I actually need to borrow Ms. Lifeguard for a second. 'Kay?" While she very much sympathized with the pastie pinkie's plight of dresswear, and certainly wanted to know more about her as well. Tsuifan had much more urgent matters to bring up with the lifeguard. "Hey look, I'll keep it down, alright. But you should really know that there might be a villain on the-!!"

Tsuifan's heart skipped a beat as Anna winked at her mid-warning. "...Beach....Do you, uh. Do you come here often?" Her eyes were so pretty, so blue...what was that line I had about blue eyes and angelfish? Of course she'd forget it. Wasn't it just the way? It was probably a really good one, too. "I've never beached at the beach before..." Whether or not that angelfish line was actually any good, it was almost guaranteed to have been better than that.
Spoiler for Hidden:

Mysterious Island- Beach
Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

Shoolurel tilted her head quizzically at the greeting from the pink mermaid.  "I Shoolurel," she annunciated in the local dialect before asking Fae with eager curiosity, "Aupni ki Hydrus taykeh eshootsen... na?"  When the mermaid didn't seem to understand her, she tried more hesitantly, "Aupni... eckti shaul bikti na?"  Teal eyes gazed down at the waves in disappointment as she muttered in a sarcastic, incredulous tone to herself,  "Shawtaee?"

With a sigh, she thrust her left hand into her chest as Fae moved back towards Elune.  The 'skin' wasn't torn; it merely seemed to ripple briefly from where her arm entered.  The surface dipped inward where her arm stuck out of her chest but seemed to press flush against the appendage, keeping in anything that might be inside her body.  A distant gaze came over her face as she focused and her arm rummaged around inside her chest.  Shortly, a smile came to her lips as her arm seemed to flex, and she withdrew a deep blue, watery sphere that was slightly larger than her fist.  Runes drifted across the surface of the orb while her torso seemed none the worse for wear.

Fingers on both her hands turned and pressed against the orb, oblivious to the other woman approaching.  As Anna spoke, Shoolurel spared a distracted, slightly annoyed glance at her before returning her attention to the orb.  More words she didn't understand.  She continued to press runes on the sphere until an ethereal and melodic voice suddenly came forth from the orb, "Anewbahd maud shawkoon.  Translation mode enabled."

Reaching her arm straight out towards the nearest beings (Anna and Tsuifan), the water elemental said, "Anooguha kawrae cot'tuh bowloon."  The orb chimed in shortly thereafter, "Please, speak."  The language they were speaking sounded a bit like Demonic so hopefully it was translating things into words they understood.  With the program running, Shoolurel finally had time to notice the oddly shaped red cleaning cloths and the smooth white drapery with orange stripes being presented to her.  As Tsuifan spoke, she took the the red scraps of cloth and considered them, glancing toward the hut.  'Am I expected to clean that structure with these bits of cloth?'

The elemental's extended arm bent to bring the sphere closer to her as her teal eyes glanced at the orb.  Runes floated up and did their best to translate Tsuifan's words.  Shoolurel's cheeks flushed as she read the script before replying in her native tongue with the orb responding, "Okay!  I like the horns too!  Glad someone else appreciates them~!"  Since Anna and Tsuifan seemed busy, she gazed at the red cloth in her hand dubiously.  Why should she be scrubbing someone's weird hovel anyway?

Elune Farah and Anna Cochran
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

Elune patiently waited for Fae to return, smiling from ear to ear until she came back to her side, once she did she further elaborated on what she meant. "Sleeping with each other, silly. I know a place we can have some privacy..." Elune said with a sultry smile and licked her lips for emphasis, the pleasant throbbing between Fae's legs seemed to encourage her to go along with that idea. Especially since she had taken her fair amount of cocktail. "I can sing a bit though if that's really what you want, a beach concert might be nice." Elune giggled with an upbeat skip in her step, she circled around Fae which gave the musical woman a good view of all of Elune's curves. "The bar? It's that way, I'd try more than the cocktails though. An Ice Cream Sundae hits the spot, if you know what that is, I know you're a demon so..." Elune pointed at a large drink stand a short walk away...

Anna realized that there was a language barrier between her and Shoolurel after a moment, she paused for a moment to let Shoolurel fix that problem, and then when she seemed to get the wrong impression based on her expression Anna smiled and attempted to help her. "You seem confused, you're supposed to wear them, it's a swimsuit. I don't expect you to clean anything, nobody needs to work on the island, just relax and enjoy yourself. if you don't like that swimsuit I have plenty more I can give you that I have spare. We store some for new arrivals." Anna let Shoolurel soak that in for a moment before turning to Tsuifan, who seemed to be frantic!

"A villain?" Anna tilted her head as she considered Tsuifan's words "There aren't any villains on the island, everyone is allowed some rest and relaxation once in a while, everyone on the island is here because they've been chosen to be here and deserve to enjoy themselves." Anna said with a strangely spacey tone and happy smile, it was the unmistakable tone of someone that had been programmed to think that way, but would anyone pay attention to that? It probably wasn't important, Shoolurel and Tsuifan should just enjoy their vacation. "I haven't left this place for days, it's wonderful here. Beached at the beach? Just have fun, go swim, go make a sand castle, drink something cool, play some volleyball, as long as you're indulging in everything the island has to offer you're doing fine..."

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Spoiler for Hidden:

Tsuifan Hurin
Tagging: Elune / Anna (Youkai), Fae (rogue-rider), Shoolurel (Sashanna)

Looking more closely (for research purposes), for as naked as she was, the pink-haired water glider didn't seem to have any nipples. Or pubic hair. Or even a...oh, I get it. She's wearing skin pasties! That explained everything, at least from an anatomical standpoint. Though it still seemed pretty risque to go out like that, as the lifeguard was quick to point out. She needed a proper swimsuit. You need a swimsuit when you're on the beach. That was common sense. And besides, I bet she'd look great in a swimsuit! With those cute little horn accessories? There was no doubt about it!

The sparkling blue-eyed shapeshifter was waving at everyone, which Tsuifan habitually reciprocated with a friendly wave and smile of her own. Though for all the questions Tsuifan wanted to ask the shapeshifter, she seemed very preoccupied with one beachgoer in particular. Red eyes, hmm...she should be careful around that one. Maybe Tsuifan should warn the friendly magical girl about the possibility she was talking to a demon....but then. What was a beach for, if not to make new friends? Even if they were mildly villainous puppets, or possibly even demons...right...What kind of thinking is that, exactly? At least it was a safe bet that a magical girl could handle herself for at least a few minutes. So prioritizing everyone's safety, Tsuifan made her way over to Anna and Shoolurel.

"Hey there...nice trick with the standing on water. And, uh...nice look. With the horns and! ...Anyway! I actually need to borrow Ms. Lifeguard for a second. 'Kay?" While she very much sympathized with the pastie pinkie's plight of dresswear, and certainly wanted to know more about her as well. Tsuifan had much more urgent matters to bring up with the lifeguard. "Hey look, I'll keep it down, alright. But you should really know that there might be a villain on the-!!"

Tsuifan's heart skipped a beat as Anna winked at her mid-warning. "...Beach....Do you, uh. Do you come here often?" Her eyes were so pretty, so blue...what was that line I had about blue eyes and angelfish? Of course she'd forget it. Wasn't it just the way? It was probably a really good one, too. "I've never beached at the beach before..." Whether or not that angelfish line was actually any good, it was almost guaranteed to have been better than that.
Spoiler for Hidden:

Mysterious Island- Beach
Tagging: Anna Cochran, Elune Farah, Fae Dallam, and Tsuifan Hurin

Shoolurel tilted her head quizzically at the greeting from the pink mermaid.  "I Shoolurel," she annunciated in the local dialect before asking Fae with eager curiosity, "Aupni ki Hydrus taykeh eshootsen... na?"  When the mermaid didn't seem to understand her, she tried more hesitantly, "Aupni... eckti shaul bikti na?"  Teal eyes gazed down at the waves in disappointment as she muttered in a sarcastic, incredulous tone to herself,  "Shawtaee?"

With a sigh, she thrust her left hand into her chest as Fae moved back towards Elune.  The 'skin' wasn't torn; it merely seemed to ripple briefly from where her arm entered.  The surface dipped inward where her arm stuck out of her chest but seemed to press flush against the appendage, keeping in anything that might be inside her body.  A distant gaze came over her face as she focused and her arm rummaged around inside her chest.  Shortly, a smile came to her lips as her arm seemed to flex, and she withdrew a deep blue, watery sphere that was slightly larger than her fist.  Runes drifted across the surface of the orb while her torso seemed none the worse for wear.

Fingers on both her hands turned and pressed against the orb, oblivious to the other woman approaching.  As Anna spoke, Shoolurel spared a distracted, slightly annoyed glance at her before returning her attention to the orb.  More words she didn't understand.  She continued to press runes on the sphere until an ethereal and melodic voice suddenly came forth from the orb, "Anewbahd maud shawkoon.  Translation mode enabled."

Reaching her arm straight out towards the nearest beings (Anna and Tsuifan), the water elemental said, "Anooguha kawrae cot'tuh bowloon."  The orb chimed in shortly thereafter, "Please, speak."  The language they were speaking sounded a bit like Demonic so hopefully it was translating things into words they understood.  With the program running, Shoolurel finally had time to notice the oddly shaped red cleaning cloths and the smooth white drapery with orange stripes being presented to her.  As Tsuifan spoke, she took the the red scraps of cloth and considered them, glancing toward the hut.  'Am I expected to clean that structure with these bits of cloth?'

The elemental's extended arm bent to bring the sphere closer to her as her teal eyes glanced at the orb.  Runes floated up and did their best to translate Tsuifan's words.  Shoolurel's cheeks flushed as she read the script before replying in her native tongue with the orb responding, "Okay!  I like the horns too!  Glad someone else appreciates them~!"  Since Anna and Tsuifan seemed busy, she gazed at the red cloth in her hand dubiously.  Why should she be scrubbing someone's weird hovel anyway?
Spoiler for Hidden:

Elune Farah and Anna Cochran
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Fae Dallam, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

Elune patiently waited for Fae to return, smiling from ear to ear until she came back to her side, once she did she further elaborated on what she meant. "Sleeping with each other, silly. I know a place we can have some privacy..." Elune said with a sultry smile and licked her lips for emphasis, the pleasant throbbing between Fae's legs seemed to encourage her to go along with that idea. Especially since she had taken her fair amount of cocktail. "I can sing a bit though if that's really what you want, a beach concert might be nice." Elune giggled with an upbeat skip in her step, she circled around Fae which gave the musical woman a good view of all of Elune's curves. "The bar? It's that way, I'd try more than the cocktails though. An Ice Cream Sundae hits the spot, if you know what that is, I know you're a demon so..." Elune pointed at a large drink stand a short walk away...

Anna realized that there was a language barrier between her and Shoolurel after a moment, she paused for a moment to let Shoolurel fix that problem, and then when she seemed to get the wrong impression based on her expression Anna smiled and attempted to help her. "You seem confused, you're supposed to wear them, it's a swimsuit. I don't expect you to clean anything, nobody needs to work on the island, just relax and enjoy yourself. if you don't like that swimsuit I have plenty more I can give you that I have spare. We store some for new arrivals." Anna let Shoolurel soak that in for a moment before turning to Tsuifan, who seemed to be frantic!

"A villain?" Anna tilted her head as she considered Tsuifan's words "There aren't any villains on the island, everyone is allowed some rest and relaxation once in a while, everyone on the island is here because they've been chosen to be here and deserve to enjoy themselves." Anna said with a strangely spacey tone and happy smile, it was the unmistakable tone of someone that had been programmed to think that way, but would anyone pay attention to that? It probably wasn't important, Shoolurel and Tsuifan should just enjoy their vacation. "I haven't left this place for days, it's wonderful here. Beached at the beach? Just have fun, go swim, go make a sand castle, drink something cool, play some volleyball, as long as you're indulging in everything the island has to offer you're doing fine..."

Fae Dallam
Beach Event - Mysterious Island
Tagging: Elune Farah and Anna Cochran, Tsuifan Hurin and Shoolurel

Fae looked genuinely upset that she couldn't understand Shoolurel. Pouting slightly as she returned to shore. Humming a little tune to herself as Elune cleared up what she was asking. What she was after. She felt the throbbing pulse between her legs. Trying to reward the idea of going along with the idea. Of being somewhere, alone, secluded with the human.  The human who was currently circling around Fae. Trying to show off all of her curves. She was very, very forward with it. And after having drunk more, Fae could feel the pull to a greater extent. The promised reward was so much more tantalising. But to have a human she just met run off with her? That wasn't like. Cute at all! Not straight away! Love was the most powerful forve in the world! And Fae hadn't felt any from either of them!

"A beach concert could be super cute!" She smiled wide, pulling a cutesy pose with a little peace sign.

She looked back towards the bar humming slightly. "And an ice cream sundae sounds positively Fin-Tastic!" Fae knew of them at least. Even if she hadn't actually gotten to try one yet! So she should do! Why not whilst she was a tourist!

She looked back towards the others again. Seeing some hushed conversation coming from the others. As well as the... well whoever she was that had been trying to greet her earlier with something glowing. Briefly Fae wondered what they were talking about. Maybe they'd join in if there was singing.

They could do karaoke!


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